' ' 1- - - r I- . Terms of Publication. Tag, WATaaaacaa Hbpubucaw, Offlee 1b Rayera' bullJiBK, aaat of the Court Houae, Is pub lished every Wednlay awtmlng, at la per annum, I advac, or S. S If not paid with' latbayear. Allaiascrlptloa immu new be Mrttlext Msavemllyr Ma paper will be tent out of the Htate anleaa paid for is aovamcb, and 'jtQ oek eubaeripiioiie will Invariably be dlaeon g Uaaad at expiration uf the Una tor which -thej ere paid. N Oommanleailoaeon subjects of local nr funeral Interest are reapectfully aollctted. To ensure V.aUunUvB fa TOM of tlila kind moat Invariably le accompanied by the name of the author, not for publication, bat aa guarantraifalris Imposition TKRMS OF COURT. Firat Terra, 44 Monday of April; Second term, 2d Monday of June; Third term, 3d Monday' of Septembers Fourth hirui, 3 J Monday of December. COUNTY OFFICERS. MYuulmt Jul:$. A. Gilroore. ' Atutiatt JudjfUt L Craft. : - ; , ' Ooorjje lluakinson. iJVeeAonorary J. T. Temple. Sheriff H. B, Silvena. Jicyiittr & U ojorJw Peter Drown. Vieeuurerk. M. Bailr. CommitiioiKrtJ. M. Norrit, .. 4 I.J. Hupp, ,. t. M. McC'Iellnnd. Ctar-tiF Comnthnnnm- Jesse Hill. VormtrVim. 6tewart. Auditor A. 0. Croa, r- -. i J, Allmn, ' ''' 'Simon Kineliart. DutrU Allwnty-D. K P. Haas.. . . .... frV aKMMa ttltr,- '. ! n ft lit W Henry Morria, - WAXNESBUUO BOUOUGH OFFICERS. 0. VeaMle.. Ceiutfii Jiib. T. Hook, ....... ,'i '' ' . J. 0. IliUiUia, Sec. N. Clark, ' '' , , :-; 1). Haas, : . ',:" ' , A. B. Mildred. Juitictl of the l'tactVl. T. E. Wehb, ; JLl ! 1 K" mo ltutaltart. . ;i , CHURCHES. . ' JtVWiV-Rev.J.D.Powney. V Jidhodut t'pitenpul lley. S Wakcaold, d.d. . v Prubyltrian No Pastor. . iVM-BCT. 1L K. CraiK. . . . Cartiad frtw Rer. A. B. Mil- ' '' . 'r0B' ''"! - ' SCHOOLS " Waynnburff Cvtttp Re. A. B.Miller, . . Prae.) Prof. M..E. Oarriaon, Teacher of '; - ' LMiuaxen; Prof, J S. Hughe. Teacherof MaUienaao Mra. M. K. B. Miller, frin. i , , alpal of Feaiala Dapartmet.t; Nita tuoy V, ' V In)thraii Teacher of Inetj omtnUil Musio. ' 'i '... Iiai 8A-VtQ& Ja,.lUaalMrl, Priav '' Mtv0 l.'VH .. ' t "I .1'.. . v. ;Et' f2A8.8WtVr,ION8,.:.v Tton tadfra, I. O. of Q. T. wmta eTery Hnadai avanln in AViUon'i Hall. I, 0. of 0. F. Uoahimka Lodna meets eve . - ty Saturday '"renin; WaynfieburR Lod)?e tn.u everv.Taonlav aveninii. . A. Y. M. LidRe maetaiyory Mondny be fore ew Moon. , , , ., . , ' Foitmasttr Joneph Cooke. tUaltlv " -Caraawlll boliisernsl In thla column nt from K' M to 15 00, according to size. Tills U the beat poaltloa lit Ufl'r- . 1 IRA ACIIOOPKR. d1r In Orocprloa, l'nxluco, Con('tli'"erc. t lKiirn, Tolwevo, 4o., op- Murdi3,0D-1y ,rv. n w Xinwc hmnriotor. 'klnct kpt and nuwle ti of the wlebrnted Vfll- . order. " A tun auppll burg plowa. G ENBHAL INMUR.VNCE AGENCY. ' Fja, Iwlasd, Mauine akd Life ImuuAacR. " ' Appllaalioliii'for Inanraaea In the leading and . rotwl rollnlile lnnuriinue Unmpnulea in tltu tast, ' r vP.',V'"''' "''Tl.'t'.'t'Iil.'.NNIKKN, fefrtoe In the Flrat Niitiouul Hunk llullillni, gmu-ly Wayueaburg. l'u. T H. HKI.PH KNHTI N R, Mpchnnlca' How IT . , above M. K. Church, Wuyucnbiva, Pa.. DKALKK IN TIN, COPPKR ANOKIIEKT IRON WARE; Htovoa of every aire nnd kind, pouting kept and put up. ltnpnlnng done at auy tlinnnml ul Low Huti'ii. Beniemour the plueo. March V"-1y J AS. N. MlIl.Klt, AOEST FOB Tnn NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. All ktlldiof Pollclea Issued, llnttia low. Ilt)i tlw Uaah, and the Cosh aud Note Kystcma EtVANS ft MINOR. ' .."'.1)RY GOODS. m iluln Street, Opposite tho Grcuo House, Foreign and Domestlo O mmIh, IlnoU nnd Hhoci), tueenwaro, , Country l'roduce taken. aWFrl eci to null tho tlmca. a liec.U-tf. TVANIEL ANDERSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, On Main street, near Ilraden'a. Itvcry kind of Men ami Hova' Clothing. Mnterlnl kept tind made up on abort notice and reasonable terms. -Cuttlng dono.-t Uoo. VUS-ly. M. T. VKBD, ADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, Harness, Raddlea, Bridles and everything In lila line kept and made to order. Muln street, opposite the Worley House. .r Prices low.-aa DeaJVes-ly... W. ROIlERTii, DRUOOI8T, on' Block, Main Street, Wuyncsburg Ta. Fvery kirid f -bye 'muffs. Faterft MeillVlnea, ' OHa, ralnta. Brushes, Spengea, Lamps, ftc.itc. ftVPresorlptlona carefully aompouadcd.'fct Deo.a,tl-ly yrr-, NOTARY FCBLIC. Bttslncai, islnew, pertnlnlng to th itptly, Ulltoe with P. or the Court House. the ofllea attended to pront aato A. 'I elegrapn Co., May lfc '60-ly. .'BAItT, ;'-"... ", ".' " WATCHES AND JEWELRY, An araggT, orrouTi cooat bousb. ' i'J7,i ' :t ' T"- YTaana on ' hafiAs nfwava a choice and aeleetna. aortment of Watehea'and Jewelry. Repnlring done at the lowest rutca. ;i:ei-iy. T BWIHIXAY. 1 1 ' " 1 . . biALaam books' akd atAfiomr, Wall Paper. Window Paper. Ao. nnolcenr at) aliat stli constant) Bundny Hohool Mra. Rush'abullillng, former! v on bund, room In lyoooupled by Cot ,Pa. terell A Tavtor, waynosburg. . juay v, 'OD-iy. , I piRST NATIONAL BANK. yMnj,W'Wir V. t-'J..d ' Opens. o'clock A M. Closes ...,.J o'clock P K. DIrKDlTI)AY,1.....v....J.. TUESDAys. D. Boaaa, tWt, 1 - J.C. FLnRiau.iaabler, It, Fbaiik, riaumixaw, Awlstant Oaihlar. ' OAJUURDt FORT, QREENE CO, VA. TbUtHfim, heeelplr; refurnished and tUcrteM itngeoaavynt -i m rmpmHir u mnn a i or ing ail wsoisu. vnaigve nwtme, : : : J AS. X. MILLER, - ' ' a fkie.nd or tir whoi.e itcmax race. vol. xir. ' :?trsf.. THE KUICOH IlliAMD I'HUN. A wretch whoalopt In an Edltor'a bed one night during hla ahaenca, gut off the following: I alept In ar adltorltiwl laat nlihl. And oiIihm may aay what they pleoee; I any thrre'a quo editor In the world Thut ourtaluiy taki'S hla oaae, Wlii-n I thought of my bumble cot awuy, could not tnpiw'H a algb; ' But I llmualit, aa I rolled In the fo.ilhcry noali lluw euilly editon lib. The c.l I tor came back, picked up hla "atiok," and ahargtMl back as fnllowa :. The chap whc rou him rutted here. And kit hli corY bidalnd. Fur a bud imphuwioh ahuuld be Lorgr.D up, Ai the cut la most unkind. Ih'hold a pruuf of how ha lit Ju tko uiiirntng he wont away, And llkemuny tlmt iwean Kdltur'a ihent, Jliuforgottun hlablll to pity. '' ' TH FaStk.' J' ' ',.'; ''.ri'Wr.. M :', !: llauyaycarliilnlUaravai- ,, einre I eroaaud ttiri reatlcu wave ( ' A nd the evening, fair aa aver, ; .-' .Bhlnoa ou ruin, rook and rlvar. ' Then, In thlt nme boat, bealde,. , ', Httttwo suiurudwi, old nod tried ( , , i " One with all a futuur'e truth, '. One with all theflreof youth. .' Onoon earth Imllcncd wrought, ' , And hi grave In lllmtoe nuglit; . i But Hit youngur, brighter form I'liucd In buttle und In llorm. .' 8, when'er I lurn in ey H Hack upon tlieditya koae by, J ' L Huldculng Ihoughta of frlenda eomeo'erme, Krlonda who closed their ooiine befora ma. Yet what blnda ua,' friend to friend, Hut thut soul wHhaoul can blend t ; Hotil-llkeworethuiiedayiofyoret . . ' Lot ua walk In aonl onee morel y- '. "' Take, O boatman, thrloe luy"taa, .k" Taka I give It willingly; -. , For, Invlalbly totheo, , , . ' , .,',' ' Bplrita twain liavoorouod,Wttt ma, j,V ,. "iJ-Tir coiumunlcntloua Ui thla f&iwrtmeiil nuiMt in. itdilniwed a follow t. "(.klurattloiuai dpartiuiAt llcpublliian, WuyncsbuiK, l'a." HpLi-.Knilt'ATIOXOPTCACHEKM. ";Totc!tei for thri'o or four years will probably prove beneficial to any com petent person, , Tha novelty of phore will retain its frtgrinou comparatively well, for the length of tinio, The an cient saying, disdmus ducendo, will continue to have force. Suggestions of new iileiw will not fail to meet the teacher in tho yearly round. Pupil development will not, in that time, come to be the fixed standard from wli'eiv tojjidgeVfrrHM4Hj,MpflcUyr The childlike will not; by tho law of imitativencss, mako tho teacher's char acter childish. Iusiirht into the needs of pupil-character, for its regulation, will not settle upon lifeless and arbi trary truisms to be doled out, well or ill-stated as "wiso saws and modem instances" to "young teachers" in pri vate talk, or from the lecture-stand. It will do any young person good, wc say, to. teauh few year after gradu ating. The process will opportunity for agrnd review of at tidies, and coin niuiiic.ition will open up viivas never before within ken. IJtit beyond this brief period lies the imminent risk ot becoming stiiltilied and mcciiauiifed. mo leat-ner is mu to move in a circle. Year lifter year he is drawn into the same round of Attention toacirciiimcribed variety of duties which at length lose their uov- lty-nnd life, and produce a rellex ae- tiouupon liim to make him lifeless and tale. We deal in facts. Our object is not to smooth over, but (ind relief. Some thing ought to be dono to change the linoof the teacher's tread, out ot tho circle into directness. Ho needs to goon, ever on, through regions ever new, toward the unreachable horizon. rVnd not for his sake alone, but for the sake of thcyoiing generation that coine. under his direction. Where men tread ever in a circle, we may be sure that thero is something wrong which may be righted. J n the caso of tho teacher, wo bo- lieve that the righting will bo found to consist in the study of tho laws of the mind in relation to its receptivity and development, the laws which de termine thegrowth of, the. body, the right' (raining of the' bodily' powers a'vd senses, and finally, the needs of the world of men. Tliesejmist bo recog nized, and systcmized and regarded in teaching, as they never have "been by the mass of teachers, jior even wifl be until teachers, as a class, cease to con sider themselves competent to teach as soon as,thcy know what it is in the text-books they expect to use ; and are no longer satisfied with plodding their little round, year ofter year, asthougt htsslynsa mill-horse turning a mill. ' It is in Vain to Iook , to Normal Schools for the needed reform at least, at present. Their true work they have scarcely yet ' began. ' They must be academics, consequently can not be true ''Normal Schools. ' Thoy cannot develop and teaoh the philoso phy of education, so long as their time fa taken up with theaohing text-book WAYNESBUIIG, Nor would puiiils, ignorant of the el ements of instruction and the simplest mcthotUof teachings (and of such a class aro Normal students usually), be competent to consider the philosophy of human development, if the Normal professors were competent to teach it. Tho time will como, we trust, when Normal Schools will be able to do this their truo work; meanwhile the young teacher (and tho old too, for that matter) who aspires to bo a true teacher, must work out his own inves tigations. As a contributor to a late number of the MioMgnn Teacher ro marks; ' , ."Teachers must read more, think LiijuM iieMiita nifr. Eduotiena44 should I eVn. ..t C ...... and theif thoughts cre,V.!y v tested, and appropriated. . Noor, , be a respectable teacher unlssa to a growing teacher) he can hot unless be Winifc and Mudy i and ' very best thought food for the tea: , especially theinoxpericnoea one, L C: printed experienocd, observation, aril reflection of his aouiora io th prof. . ion just as in law, njedicltipyilloolc, and everything pise, that lias eiior.'. worth and merit to be respectful and respected, It Is a shame to any teach er tot to reaf.1 several educational pe riodieala r it U a greater' sliame to - lit beginner hot to begin with lajirtj ia a store of educational supplie In the nature of educations tV.cn.T! to live; (professionally) and grow ; ,t is a shame to every toaohor not to be gathering aroniid him an educational library as a kind of professional treasure-house whence he may on occasion bring forth treasures uew and old. Educational Monthly, 1 ;,' ; i ' t Fur the KsfCBMCAK. . '., FK01I TUB WEST. Town of Viy Itonlep Polities Vrlnrl. petlonianin sunn p-"iiai weai aud "I be M eat " Emigration, e. ' ' Vevay, Ind., 1 ' March 3, 18G0. ; This place on the Ohio, seventy-five miles below Cincinnati, is of Swiss origin, as its nairle implies. Among it4Kulv'-t)4cminUf tvlrALQiim ttv t0 Mississippi and Opio and dotted their shores with settlements.' there, were many from tho little Republic of Switzerland, sonio of whom found their way to this locality, thinking it well adopted to vino culture. They tt , .. ... .. 1 i mi called it Picw DWiizcrianu. ine country still bears a part of the name. Thriftily grow the village to almost its .present size at thu date of the admis sion of Indiana as a State in 1816. Like many other towns it has been exposed to the never resting waves of civilization, but their dcjiasils liave not increased it to any great extent. Its present population is fifteen hundred, perhaps, but the western style of buil ding gives much more compxss to their towns than ulticcs of like size in the cast. It is the capital of Switzerland county, and as such, has the necessary appendages, Court IIouso &e. A rcatcr part of tho hay grown on the surrounding couutry is shipped at this point for Now Orleans, nnd, (what may seem strange,) to Pittsburgh and. intermediate places. ITay, for case of Transportation, is "baled," compressed into square bulks of 350 to 400 pounds weight. Every farmer of means owus his own hay press by which they add materially to' tho price per ton. shall describe a press, perils, at some futuro time. . ' ... I'outica liore on the bonfeir is somewhat in favor of tljju. Republicans and the contiguity of Kentucky offers every facility for importation during election times. Kentucky seems to be a never failing well of Democracy, from which adjacent States can draw at pleasure. - The Republican candi date for Congress in this District,' Lamb, was defeated iu this way lost October, by Ilolman, Democrat, not withstanding the District was largely Republican at the election previous, With the baldness of tho thing so ap parent, there is justice in the indigna tion of her citizens, that , their defeat by fraud should go out to the nation as a Democratio victory. Lverythin is so still now yon would hardly know two political parties are in existence, Very llttlo is said one way or the oth er; whether all havo resolved to be benefitted by the example of the chain pion of silence remains to be develop ed by the' next' contest.' : Some are pleased that tho 4th of' M.iriJi is near at nana, because, as Uicy soy, "Unau will have to say. twnriAfn ttc7i''ond as conjecture, is, pleasant, -foro thought, they haye doubtls canvassed the in auguratioa 'paeohl'.wiUi 'reepeot to khtota aid' aridity; ' Aside PKNNAf WEDNESDAY, MAKCIl 17.1SG9. from Lincoln's tyi. installation, the nation haa no vers 'tiled tho inaugu ration of any Fitment with such gen- erul anxiety as th pof Ulysses Grant. Good citizens, of I parlies, hope for 3r national difficul- the unraveling ofj ties, by diplomacy if possible, if not, let the sword be n lied to the Gordian knot. A cerLiinl class exists who would rather the 4 (Acuities' of the past eight years shouhl remain unhealed and a second nature between the Executive and lyslat! ve powers of the nation be tlicjpulraination of last November's victory and tha destruc tion of the nobleparty that saved us a Union. . Jt tfioin hope their worst, t'-a It 'Hot T Iu. Butlor, the ' tcy,'and other bottled 4 c ..rry. - '' 3ubject,slightly have r r peuomaniar it is a long standing in .our J recently been import j, The contagion has i; tills every hamlet in 1 the latoness of its in 1 14 caused by the sight tandem with an in novel suspended over for a seat, and an i-und two cranks on The first symptom is yanr.self on the scoop, he cranks, grasp the Jro'l- t:.e: ; .j I lt1 yur "nud. Xhitfti fullmfud try a convulsive n7;.T.-- -,!flcg8 and a desire to do soraBthing with the iron arrange ment. I You do aoHKiiinjp and imme diately loMjnattcortsclousncss of ever having dono anything, i If upon the application of saj volatile, you are re stored to a nornitl condition, and de sire to taste the 'Isweet deliverance" of another roomeht,'youra i a severe case of vekicopcdomai (ia, and tho best thing to be dona is to tiake application for admission tosoiio asylum yet to be established for tho special benefit of such unfortunate. Thero aro many however who, enjight np by inspira tion without triliulation, wield a great Influence over thrf'maohine' directing it carcfully and Skillfully along the hfac ..tVt! crowds and roiiwt angles witn a jrrnoe unapproachable, ff we may except tho steel-shod skater.) An epidemic real in effect, ami fear ful to many, has for some months boon ravaging Cincinnati and tho adjacent listricts. I speak of the small-pox. The city press has been so silent on the subject that it is impossible to ap proximate an estimate of the extent of its ravages. That many havo perish ed and many nioro been prostrated there can bo no denial. It is about ubilued at the present, and trado and travel seem to be stimulated in propor tion. Had tho truo state ot affairs been known when the discaso was at its height, Cincinnati might have ex perienced an exodus and isolation extremely detrimental to her paople aud her interests. ' For this iVwa"s carefully and silently trea,terv2-and shall we not sav mcscIv It is a fact, noticeable to every ob server tlmt the limit whoro "out West" ends arid." the West begins is not ue- fincable by nqy geographical outline. it is analogous in subtlety to the qucs- tiiV$liere shall we fix the period of ma'ifs rcsrwigfbility as ;a free agent? Tho jury that rendered the memorable verdict, "sane the mqment before pressi ing the trigger, insane the moment of pressing the trigger, sane th'toment after the shot was fired," itiat-ho CoW J Hiscock murder castfMast winter, raiguVj determine the exactlongitude and de gree matbing the two confines of the two sections, but I cannot think of any one el8eahor,v .of Omnipotence, w cbuldvQoing out West" is usedHs patent here as in Western Pennsylva nia, and, indeed, there seems to be the same restlessness amnng the people. The great diorama of the West allures by its grand aess and by tho beautiful colors and rich tints given it by the tongues and pens and. pencils of those feet have pressed her luxuriance ud whose eyes have beheld the vast sub liinity of her prairies . and mouutains. The Opening of theEacifio railroad the coming Summer, will set a enrrent of emigration toward the Gem of the Slope that will make live her fastness es and waste placea. Where, nsxt? When the looocootivennd train rattles among tho cliffs of the Sierras, and village church spires point heavenward by Oregon's and Idaho's mountain strerims; when the vjogbf the lumber man is heard fur, up on, '.the fellow- stone aud tha bead watars-of tha Co. lumbiaj where, then, shall . tha : vr. lasting ' spirit ' of American' 1 ImHifoto ptal - ahape jtt ' way? " Viriry, Oh, Yankee I we are led to exclaim of thee as of tho Athcniaiis of old, "per Ur- arum orban tui Jactu pro vutximis - tiranf ur " Q- - For the Kkpublican. raosTni irui, It Ntret II Maawa Vrmn Mi4imtn ta Inillnnapolia A Talkatlva lHaaMger '(sm." llaitdrteha iMftlailapiolU, Us Depot, TtlKniitblsmsiiil flan l.egl. Inlaro "Uuau-l"lhe New t'raaMesit, eVe, Indianapolis, Ind., V March 8, 18C9. Tho weather clerk is distwsed to give us another installment of winter, although' the time is past when it should have been. Rnow full in con siderable quantities last week and again wo had the merry jingle of the bells for a short time oniy.-ifuw the ground is baro. and looks sterile enough to suit the most melancholy. The city of Madison, on the Ohio in this State, wore a sepulchral polor and stillness at 5 o'clock A. M., on Tuesday last, as the train for Idianap olis mounted the steep blufls that over look tho town and river. So wrapt and profound whs tho silence it was easy to imagine the clank of tho cars the protest of gnomes whoso domain we invaded. Four or five miles from the river the country assumes iu prop er level, and wo tlash on through snow-laden forests nnd wide reaches of prairie land. Tho sun rolls up grandly above the horrizon, and dart ing his quivers of light across wood and field, tints all with a raollow lustre. Our conductor, long, lunk and awkward, a perfect specimen of tho genus ' West, observes , to a lady possonger that "it is a nice morning 1" Slio knows it, of course, and follows up this hint for a chat until she ex hausts the subject and flics oft onto her family relations and was going on to tell when the entrapped conductor imagines "a station just ahead !" That was a talking machine he sprang and must run down before she could stop, so tho ear had tho benefit of the ro maiudcr of her conversation, addressed apparently to , a fellow traveler. Things unimportant to enter here and which I should havo mado no note of, said she "always liked Dill, but he was high tempered 1" At Greenwood, twenty miles from Indianapolis, a Western Pennsylva nitui got on the train, aud sitting be side him I plied my questions concern big the country, ho having lived in Hoosicrdom since '39. Land in his part was worth $100 per . acre. Far-. mers raise stock of all kinda.rainr-' largo and small, fruit nor "so good. Soil from eighteen inches to three feet thick, black loam. Fever nnd ague scarce TluB last, however may be fondly pporYophizcd ns that famJkis myth who is 'Jt " So far nnd jot so near." On? mile and a half Out from In. diaunpolis on the road is the late U. S, Senator Hcndruik's residence, look ing, through' fhe'rif'ts Iu the smoke from tho locomotive, to bo a comforta bio place ; not nirish, in tho hifalutin sense, but nestled away among a clump of trees presenting in its face the home of refinement. I cannot tell you the secret of, "Tom" Hendrick's favor among Indianians, but ho has an en viable popularity with all pnr&jtjjticrc, that, as a Democrat, is unoxpHinable any other way tl'iau. abutting him as an ' i! 1- lU.'l!. 1 . escepiiou iu uie general wau- 4 The suburbs of IndianatisiTs , uninviting in appearance, .biiildfngs mall and of wood. I aliSiilciU from i the train in, a depot that is alflionor to anvpjty, capacious, clean, with every mofferh convenience and but a short walk to the business centre. Nine railroads centre here. The first thins that strikes the attention of the stran ger ou tho sidewalks of the city is the width of, its thoroughfares and the beauty in its plan of construction. The centre of the city is a circle, des tined to be a park at some future day. Street terminate at and pass this circle at right angles to each other, extend ing to the outskirts at all points of the compass, and at the nrglea of the four central blocks four avenues radiate diagonally to tho perimeter of an out er Circle, imaginable any wlicre iin tha suburbs. . Street tramways run down each avenue and along the four sides of tho quadrilateral they converge up on, makiiig tho transit easy and heap to any section of the city, u When .the war broke out Indianapolis had about twenty thousand iuhabitnnts; now its population numbers bcaelaitty.thour sand" Business blocks oouunue to go np, fine in eTWappartenance. All irr aillalihav premt StaUi" CapiUl if Indiana. is, pkbapa ' iie handwmest mland city la'ths Uoittd States. EDITOR AND rUOPRIETORT. NO. 3S). The Capitol building, howovor, is looking badly; the cement with which an appearance of frecntoue has been given it, is Ciljiug off, making it ex ternally vory. shabby. Tho large square upon which it stand's would be pretty in summer dress. I noticed tho State arras, a canvass painting put in rtlievo nbovo the entablature of tho Tuscan poly stylo that forms one front of tho building, was failed and torn, a very good type of tho rest!iit dis ordered condition of tho Indiana Leg islature. ' Your renders have already, doubt - less, been apprised of tho resignation of the Democratio members of that bo dy to su ch extent as to deprive each of a imirnm, - Iimnw th. IItew. 1J made tho Suffrage Amenilment to the Federal Constitution tho order of the aftornoon ol thu 4th inst. They (the Democrats) snuffed tho African in the breeze, caucused the night of the 3rd and in tho morning took their place in the lobby instead of on the floor, thus stopping tho legislative machinery of tho State government, nnd leaving ev erything that depends upon appropri ations, publio asylums, educational in stitutions, etc., in chaotic confusion. This will result iu an extra expense to tho Suite of about $150,000 00, and to tho counties whoso' representatives resigned each an extra sum of $1,000 00 for special elections, which the Gov ernor has already ordered for the 23d inst. Three Democrats in the Senate and iivo in tho House held their scats. The secret of this is that they came thero with small majorities and were afraid to throw up for fear they could not bo re elected. I was on tho floor of the Scnato shortly after the fihaeo occurred and, through the courtesy of a friend, was presented-to several of the members of both parties, with whom 1 conversed on tile subject. The resigned members wem confident of coming back with increased major ities, but Hon. W ill. Cuinback, Lieu tenant Governor, and President of the Senate, says just as confidently that some of them will not como back nt alt. If they had any .other motive than Trrmwing'-tlllligs. U. ooufusioii, why did notjill resign ? It is impossible for inc, in this letter, to etitargo upon this rebellious act of u rclicllious minority to tho full extent I should like. Iu it wo can see. aaoUiicr ebullition of Dem ocratic hatrJH to representative govern ment, profligate expenditure ot public money by their reckless leaders, with out any other cause but that the Leg islature proposed to consider,',tho prop osition of extruding suffrage to nil citizenajjf tuotato. . Griifp' irirrWgiiral address is well received here. His Cabinet appoint ments are generally liked. From the favor the new administration is accord ed in all parts flfltho Union, may we not nugur well Sfits future? Thr correspondents have ascertain ed something ' reliable' as well as decidedly interesting nbout general Grant. , Thc,following is wabundantly vouched fort'; Senator Patterson Wsjjt to sea General Gpint' during tho hours in winch visitors are received, lieu- eral Grant looked at him without speakinjx a word of recognition. When Mr. Patterson came nearer ho turtiI away with the utmost iudiuorehcJ.i Senator Patterson of course left very eooii. lo our in uVnant inquiries, it was only replied that it was tho great ox, General Grant, which tho Sena tor went to see. ' We should accustom, ourselves to view thoso above ut -without admira tion or envy, and never look upon those httlow us with contempt. Little souls worship grandeur i without re flecting that admiration is due only to virtue and croodness. 'Let not the pomp which surrounds the great mis lead your understaudingr The prince so magnificent in the splendor of his Court, appears behind the curtain but a common man. .Irresolution and care hunt him as well aa others, and fears lay hold of him, though surrounded by his guards, ;! ) .i ni 'i i ,j m m '. ' h ; Tub supreme court has . decided against the celebrated acceptances of John B. Floyd, Secretary of ar un der James BuchsnariVadmirilstration twoW tliij Justices dissenting." It will be recollected that 'these acceptances ,wcr'e isstterjf literally by the 'ream, and. were iair.eu v tuuusuuua ui kibuub. .'i(M tyi' coiiri'dcclded tbom'fo(Wvjal-, id, 'there woiild, Save been Vo ' erioV to the rnsfi'upon flie'Treasurytt is esti mated that very many niillions oij dot lars have thus been aved. Xervnas of Advertla(aE . . -. ASO . - , - jos Hoaa .. AovrwrrWntTUia-teatM Mpr-Aara for three Insertions, or lean, and SO resile pa qnara tor each additional roaerUon ftea naeg ar lessof tklaryp dtmntod a avuw)' i t . BnnNi4 Nonets Mil under UelieVul6f local newawlllbaehargad lnvartabtg lOenstaallaa for each rnsrrtlask . A Utiensl daditatkin made parWma adrertla. Ing by We , eerier, balf-yaar or year., aporlal noUcaa caargMi one-bu mure than regular ad varUaamenta. . . . . . Jon PkintixO of every kind In Plain and Fan cy colors; Rand-hllla, tUonka, Cards -Faatphleta 4c, ot every varlily and stylo, printed at Ua shortest notice. . WUAT WK MAY KXPBCT OF OBAXf. : . - .) ii.vT"!' ) i -iv" -,: UY CUAKIS it. t'AMH, . .. , ,'. Fiint, (tcncml Grant will be Pros!- , dent in fact as well, ns in aaia. ':. is we have won, he never was a man to hesitate about exproining any amount of power that might be ootifided to him. ; In Jackson's plui ho might not havo suid, VI take tho res(oiMibiI ity;" but ho would have taken U,nov crthuluss, and said nothing kbotit if Kvcu ouo of his associates in tho Ga leua hnttlier store understood bis w culiarity well enough to give flowa or Yates of Illinois, who had confcsacd his inability to get at tlw special m paeitie c,r "thU"iCiiptaiu Grant, the following good advices "The wa,ro deal with him is to ask him no ques tions, but simply w&n htm to duty, Ho will obpy promptly"' The jmo plo -have now summoned this, saiuo prompt ofilcer lo bo President of the United Slates, and that, ho will be If any individuala high in poBiUtjou orprono to intriguu indulge thu hope of managing or improperly influene- ing Mr. Johnson's successor, If only remains for them; seeing how blind they have been to tho plainest pogea of . recent history, to take a lesson or. two in tha school of experience nnd pay their tuition. ' ' ;. 1 I',1 Secondly, it is but a rcosonalo cal" dilation that Gen, Grant, in the iis clnirge of tho duties of the Presidency will win a substantial success not tirj- suited to his martial rcpowniV lndceJi .' .1 m ., . , ' . ' iiiiio-iciiciis oi uiodo, who iiavejxtaap uboyc the folly of confounding the gift popular oratory with executive talent conoodo already (hat lie : has all 'thtf main requisites for administering (ho affairs' of the country nt this fifuc, cept,' possibly1, 'tho Informatioil'deflYetl from long civil experience.' Ills ger eralshlp reveals grfvcrnlng ability of tho highest order, circumspection only matched by energy ,' and an unerring faculty for selecting the right mon fojr subordinates.' As to tho imssible de ficiency alluded to-ni'i J we must wavs bear in mliid thai there ia no - -1-... -ffk ir--. sijccint iiauiniir w;ntiui ior rue I real- - iionny ucncrai untnr, is me, sou ot itis time, and, tlionglt he may not lid learned iu the statesmanship of books, ho comprehends his own age. Startjnj with that political frttfta., rtwaijitj' mind of an army ( officer having real ly voled but once betura tho warrior iucliananj) and having always rcgrct- ed that, he enjoyed tho excellent priv ilege ol having, nothing to unlearn. Tho crisis found .him without preju dices, and betook .in all its 0100100117 lispassionnlely as comprising the true situation with which he was to deal. Even that conservative bias, of . which' a few good Republican supporters are' still absurdly suspicious,, was fai hi favor, for while it has been obscived, that) the descent from youthful liberalism,' has often been as swift and extreme aft' the npostacy of u Strafford, the contra-' ry tendency, us illustrated in the lives' of men like Peel and Gladstone, give the finest fruits of gcuuino, progress , Hence it happened, that, while auti- slavery men of many years' standing. were worryingovcr the future relations . of tho institution they had bo Joug fought and feared, Grant calmly foro-; saw and announced its extinction; and', more than thaf, every stage of tho ex; tingtiishiiig process can now bo traood in bis military orders, iu, advance of. the action of Congress and of tJic.Exec-t ii ti vc. The same reniurk may be made . respecting the reconstruction piillcy oT ." tha Government; its germs" are all ty, be found iu the record - of Jiis fiekt , measures, while toward the maturing ( of that policy he gave his vaued ppua; sols and his piofouudest sympatltjcflri Of all the great questions which appear'; to demand sctllenientuuriug ,the (ini coming administrationit may bft Uu-, ly said athat none are older .thau Gcnfj eral Grant's public life, : whjle most have already .touclicd him at many points in his career, and engaged, his,,, earnest attention. ; For the last three , years in particular, he has reflected, up., , on 'the political juncture, pcrhapt with prescience that he would be call-, ed to deal with it practicably; he, has conferred with the acutest statesmen of A the day, and. has, mingled wUh ,hjt countryioan in every part of the Union. -t It would not be straoge, therefore, if the whole situation, bearing upoftj tne Presidency, romprisirj policies, tem , and raeasbrasj .sbpulobe at this mo- ment as accurately mapped put b,jf et mind as' were his great) campaign! fee-i, fore be fought' them the, Jtd,"n4,,; should be followed, by tiatiooa. rtsolai :, harfjly ' ieeqiKl '. in ,, nlatA&miie 4 kohlhly for Mareh. " 'A r I ' A ' : 1