A I' AShc ISoiincolncv Republican, "5Scbncsbaa,Sbit3isil I?, I8C8. gasincw Canto Medical ttiwdttnfoiw. w. uaa,' riTttcuK us actocoa. (Wee in JntQ'i building, Wn) cad of Mats ex, Wsymssburg. Wi-tf. I A. BALL, Deafer in Dry Oooda, Groceries, Hardware, 01&. t'tC AT KoCOYtl OLD STAND, tircenahnro. ra. I EO. & JEFFEUY, u . ' NOTARY rUULIC. All bsnlnsss pertaining to th offloe attended to, promptly. OiBoa wltli P. A A, 'Jejok-rauh Co., tut of the Court House, M7 HI; '(4-ly. M- SATUia, ATTOBNtr Ut COCKHIOB AT 14W. Ias1ltlontootrw business will eltand to nil un In Hankrupmy Mint mnr be entrusted lo his cam. tnllco, opposite the Store of G. W. Rob i,nt 4 Cn. J EWISTSaY, Dr.4l.lH IN BOOKI AttD STATIOStBV, Wsll Paper. Window Psprr, . Hnndny School llnoksof nil klndsconstntitlv on hand, room lu Urn. Itnah'ahulldliisr, formerly oocuptud by Cut Wroll A Tuylor, Waynesburg, V. May , Oe-ly. y m7itailt:y; WATCHES AND JEWELRY. mm iTittT, orrosna cocnt Hots. Keeps on hands alwna n,criolce and Mwt as orlmonl of Watches ami Jewelry. Repairing F IRST NATIONAL DANK, Or WlKtHLIIO , Open ............... ...O'clock AM. ', Closes . . Ji o'clock r M. DISCOUNT DAY.. TUESDAYS. . 1. Bokxh, Prcs't. J. V. Plimkixxx, (Junior. D, Fkank. Flkhnikks, Assistant Caihlcr. ) EN riSTRY. I have located In Warn est nirr. er-d rm oeru. r villi! Hi lulu ri Kl'k'liiv of Dr. S. H. Palton. Ilav. lis token ureal notus lo InH'tmio tlioruituhlv &i (liiulnti'il with built tlitt tlMHtty inn! prHeilre of iHjiHiMiry.Hiifi iiBvinjctuui nn (xpirirnefDit.ev(n in uie pniiiKiiiii. i iC'M u'arruiiiixi in ka)'-n-i tluit my patient! uluili huvi nomuiotncum' rn lain of lnft-rlornM.riit,ioni. l'.xtmot Inn will 1 renliTrl pahilriw, when dcslrwi, by tlin nilmln- hi rut Ion in "JiiiiKhlnij KHi"ornliurnnitli'tlf. . i;imrui'HiiioilTutiHi'l nil oprrutlun wurrantfj m ri'prtucnteil. I will In at homo witiioi'T pra advknti'kk troia IDs llfteemu lo iiih tiitrllxtn vi nvi ry nujuill. juh. h, lltlinu. ii,k:-tf JOT OPKMfD nr THOMAS I1UADLEY. , P'.llviy Hi mt oomplcto Hotel In rrnr town. Kvurytningrnmhliiort to Airnluli IhntxiAt uuoom ' mrhtatlon tvrr yet offered to this public. MoiiIh luriilKlitd Ht nil huun, Wills provMcd With Hi" l"'t f thowaKon. TravcllBrii and thosi; drr.iroui of refreshment llldownll tovall."Toln"iitlll rilulim hla old rcputittonofnniu.'cominodntlnRKentliimiin, nnd huipllnlilK landlord, llou--, th on lornuirljr r occuiltHl uy 1110 .uuuuiit;Di uiiicv, o;u: ou-iy, . JOliEllT DOVOUERTV, . " CAERIAOl IHtJrACTntr.E, WATHnut'KO, ri. .''. Rfjipect frilly ctrei tintloo that tic hai lorntedtn ! Wavmxbur, J I'm, wnoro be IpudiK to mauu- Bvouri OARRIAQ;S - ; Of every diwr-rlpllon. From lill exiierlmiM In i lhubuiilnou hu fiilseouti(lent thnt hla wnrk.ln tylo. Ilulali and dnriiblllty. will irivo vntlrvkHt- 'SfiuHlon. It In 111 dotrmlnHtlon lo piircliaiw) I no beet mutcrlul In luurket, mid employ none ' UUi (M'llllM'Iflll WUrHlllXll. e-AU work wurruoUxlforoDeyoar.li Mli'W-tf. M AltULE WOUKS, 6CMJIZ K iGILL & Er.O. Ihop In roar of the Hnmllton Ilomo near tho "be public rereapl fully Informed Diet Sum- rKiit u t fciUUB Of rKlll Uro. uuve Jut reoeivod a larnt-Aiouk ol MARBLE W01KI In eli m Ornva Rtoup MonuratnU, MHiitlo Vorlc, Ac. We (ire (irt'pttrwl lo furntoli work at fMonawo lorinR on nnun novice, uiu mm ex t, mlnomimtock, Hiylea.and priues. befoio )iur irA"NSUl'lW iUltllLE AND dTONE U WORKS. .... SAYERS & RINE1IART. HUH continue to carry on the MnrMe and Rton ruttlnn iitiatniHi at ineir ion csinnnv.rai munu lromiluto"t of the Public Hqimro, botwuuu High and drwme atreeta, WiiyneHburg. Pa, Tute uaiiiUUHiimeni nas oecn in conNinui oper ation uiniui iiiui. nd thu Inns oxDcrlonue und en. nravnf 111 nronrl4Uira. Ilnltpd with tho oxor cite oftouiiaJudKmentnnd uood tunte.hnvewon rnr thim a wliltitiiiad Hiul envlnblo rcpuuitlon. An oxlonsive ntuek of the vnrluua varictlo of mo beat murine Kepi conaiauiiy on nmi. npe l attention paid to pollalilng, preaalDg, curr. Anil Amrmvinir. , AU ordcra promptly filled. 4;Zfc'M-tf. F OUNDEllY NOTICE. iUE BUBSCRIDER HAVING PURCHASED EAGLE FOUNDER Y, With Its large itockof PLOWS AND MANY OTUEtt CASTINGS, Formerly the proporty'of tho IntoDnnlolOwani, uue J. will eouiluuo the builnexa In all lu uruueuoa, uuU do all kinda of . MACHINE REPAIRING, a At short nottco and upon ronaonnhle term, nnd hopun to merit a reosoaablo (hare of patrontiKu. S4K-81U C.W. HDWKIl EW LIVER i STABLE IN YAYNESBURG, PA. Tbubsorlborwottld respootfully inform the pultlio that lltoy aro prepared to ' ACCOMMODATE AT ALL HOURS WITH 4. :t J - (..:', ,l. ' - GOOD HORSES AND GOOD BUGGIES, unr Stable will na fonnd In rear of the Biimll ton Hoiwio, acaur the Steam Mill. ,,..-. May a), 'IM-ly W. A. AC. W.BANE. 1 TT AVE A CIGAR? 11 a 17 iiVi A a T. BRADEN S NEW ESTABLISHMENT He keep on band ftt all times in AN EXCELLENT ' QUALITY OF CIGARS, Kmoklnf A Chewing Tobacco, , ' ,,,, T7V, Pipe. Snuff, slo,, etc -v PRICES DOWN! 13 THE WORD! Cat! In; Room la theWorl Bouts, Waynea- sli'g.t - - ' tL?RTinN iUBLXCTKQTICE" t' - lihaBeaa it HlfUHM At,TJCASJ U diaaotred nrataal .aotuent, to wtuunTanlonlalnss a kuim earnsa on at in o 'ana, m gooa ,a4oo trjnpar- -rna, In the .V ftj PC A But V OUu-faaalor I It f Banet th. t V place ft? oaths bast looa,tvt) mm. v t t..v wui aWrra a iiMmi -ofOi mu rai '"ofOOCSRf 7 -k iwnlawaaisaii w( may aavor L.KTJ0HE8 A CO.. tb-H. Cuss's Laodlag, fa.' tJOH. rENN AND bT. CLAIR ETIiEETS, PnTSDlT.GII, TA. Aa Largest, Cheapest and roost Huecetsf'-il t ritAcriCAL ncBiNKa college IN THE UNI TED STATE OVER FIFTEEN T110U3AND STUDENTS FROM THIRTY-THREE STATES IS TEX YEAR3. FOR LAROE QUARTO CIRCULAR, Containing fult Information, Outline of Courts of study, sample of Cowlky s PREMIUM PENMANSHIP, View of tli Colli Itiilldln dlmrent no- purtmatila, CM the Principals, urliniit,Clty of ImlnirKn,ir..-.. nddrim bMlTII IV CHWl.lCY. p l,-ly l'lttaburu, Pa. A I LEY, FARHELL Si CO. LEAD PIPE KITF.F.T ANI1 PAR LEAD MANUFAtTUUEItS, ALSO Pig Lead, Iron Pipe, Rubber Ifono, flti-om uauace, w nisiins rnu nivea, iron ana t'ouper HnkaA llatli Tutis.xteam I'uni, l aun I'unipn and r'orce 1'uinp.i. And r.VKHY DICHCI1IPTI0K OF GOODS FOR WATER, OAS AND STEAM. KO. 137 BMITIinKLD fiTr.KET, ; PiTTunuuon, PA. p 5J,'63-ly-3o Hcnd for a I'rlco Llal. P UHN1 T U 11 El J. W. "WOODWELL & SONS, MANUFACTCUEIU WIIOLVMAI.E AND UKT.Mt, DKALKHS IN F U B K IT U B E ! ,0P EVERY DESCRIPTION, ' 07 & n Third ft., PITTiliUIKl, PKNN'A. NDEI'mSON, PEN7.0I.D & CAIISON, HAVE CEKOVCS TIIKJU WELL KNOWN MERCHANT TAILOR ISO ESI A B LI T! TO . 11 ST. CLAIR STREET, Two door from their old rooma. 8:V-ly. JJA'KKER & 1IASELTINEI . no. 18 rmit bioeet, " PITTB11UROH, PENN'A. M.isi-rACTCitr.ns a.iu deai.i.h in PICTURE AND PIIOTOORAPH FRAMES' OP ALL KIJTDH. OF8EW0OD. OILT A WAl.NLT MOULDINGS, riCTOBES, STKREOOCoriJI AND VIEWS, 3?QUdlngand Ro-glldlng to Order. S;l,'08-ly J. B. Newmyeu. Prealdenl. G. H. AyilttWUN, J. N. UUAl.LLNDFHGr.R, heeiutary. Hupeiintendent. T WIN CITY SLATE MINING A MANUFACTURING COMPANY, llauufacturo and Dnul lu every variety of ROOFING SLATE, ' or svi'union quality, GENERAL OFFICE NO. 43, 7lll BT., riTfsnunon, pa. For particulars and prices, addrcu , J. S. NEWMYEU. Ttcst. tin23,'6S-6m RE.N E1NEMAN, MEYUAN Si SE1DLE, . No 12 Fifth Street, one donr from Wood, x'trmuuKoii, rA., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN rlio Jewelry, Watches, Diamond, Pure Kllver Warn, Plated Wnreof every description, French Clocks,-'!' At Bete, Kpnons, Collin, Watch uiuUcra tools, &c, And agency of tho CELEUlUTED AMERICAN WATCHES. We alao keep tho largest nnd most varied as sortment uf the -very best American Made Clock, to be found In nny city cnHt or west. Persons In want of any art tele lu our line, ollhcr nt wholeMale or lor Ihclr own ttac, will mwaya Und our pricea lower nud fitir aAaorimcnt larger tlinu any to bo found west ol Nuw York City. WATCH REPAiniNO-o this branch of our tradetbeiug ouraclvea praetlrnl wuteh-malt-crs,)we fay very special attention. W em ploy a fore or the very best Artists In tho , country, nnd any and all lino dellcato and dlllluult work entrusted (o our vYe, for tho trade or individuals, may rely on getting satisfaction. Work may be sent by express or otherwise' .U1l,t,.llAAL aiUlKAI & Wholesale A retail Jewellers AHIIvermlths, 43 ruta street, rittaburBh, Pa. p,'C8-Iy . rpo FARMERS AiD OTHERS. A aood ARont wanted In every towmhln nf thl.. lUUHltF t It UK 1 1 ' U'MlMllla lllliu-il. Daah i'hurn I the btsl butler maker now manufactured. Wo do not promlae fabulous anlarloa to our agents, butdoKiiuiiinlco aouil wugestogooa mcur we ure anxious to nave this Churn introduced, nnd to this end will midte favorable arrangements with early applicant. Aonresa iitun, n. itiiujijni nw.. l;S-iy ww renn at., rittauurgii, ia. DLiSTIO ELATE ROOFING r , t . The firm of ODDERT A JONES will furnish the PEO PEE IY II 0 LDEES! of Orcens county, with tho PLASTIC 8LATK ROOFINGl Introduced last Rnroiner.ondao highly rooom. meded by thoso who have tried It. - JVAU orders loft with L.V. Jones, Waynes burg, I., will Jv. pro,tMyn.jon. t ttUtra of Washington County, Pa. JOHK HOOBBs......,. ......TBOaua Lucas, T. LUCAS A CO. AMMO AB flOshltattM IfSttODAlrM. And In Cfrossrlss, Ilardwars, Leather, an insrs, IronNalls. BaJt.Flsh, o. Also, mil ,ir Anbrav. oro low A Coon's window tush, Yt nnp)f k AenLy on hands. Rles a i,abvrwkvii. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Cray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is t onco nreeiililo, lieullliy, uud uiructual for pri'scrving llio hnir. Faded or gray hair it toon rcttorcd lo ill original color with tht glou and freihntu of youth. Tliia liair is lliick- oncd, falliup; hair clicckod, nud bald ness oflon, llionli not filwnys, cured by il.i ii.hq. Is'oiliius can resloro (lis htiir wlicro (ho fullit'los me destroyed, or tlio glnuiU utrnpliiud nnd dwyed. lint kiii'U ns rettmin chii Lo raved for usefulness by litis npnliialion. Instead -e r...i: .i. i . . . .1; ul """' "' '" nu n j.ndiy Belli. merit, il Will koep it clean nnd vigorous, lis ot'ciisional iiso will provcut llio liair from turning gray or lulling off, nud conscqticnlly prevent baldness. Free from thoso dolelot ions eubstitncos which mako somo prcpiigntious dniiRerons nud injurious to tlio liair, the Vigor can only benefit but not hur'm it. If wauled merely lor a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else enn ho found go desirable. Coutuiuiug ueillier oil nor dye, it does not soil wliiio cambric, nud, yet lasta loug ou the hair, giviug it a rich glossy lustre uud a grulelul purfumo. Prepared by Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co. Practical and Analytical CuEyiSTS, LOWELL, MASS. pjuob n.oo. O. W, R011EU..-,, Aeut, n .lymxbunt. Pa. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Fo.' btsoaaei of tho Throat And Lungs, suoh as Oomcb, Colda, WHoopiug CougU, Uronobitia, Aatlimik, and Coasuiuptloa. ProliMilir newr licfi.ro lu Uia w hole hWnryof inu.ii. iim.fmHHiivtliHiK HuiiunMy uud M.ly llpuil tllU I Ullilili'llt'C Ul' IliUllkUlii. u tills CM t'llfllt rtuiiuily lor uhuaiiHi i-utiipmnits. 'J Imnigh u lunx fcrtfs of i ttai'-, uml unions ihj.-1 of II 10 rmiin of mo ii it lu rLH'U . 1 1; ii r an J hiia-r in Utulr eUn.a. turn, na It Ium keamio beitt-r known, lu nullum, iit.ii aUtei ami imwer lo nne I lie vii Ioub KftiHlioiti 01' (lie lini uml I In out, have amitf H kuow u u it luliltf I'lotm-'toc mritint tlitfui. Wliuu ailiiiU'il to 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 e r to. niH of tit ;ir-euinl to young hilili tii, It ii et tini tanK' Lime tiie mui cfli'i'iuul ivntfily titutfuti bofrtveu I'M iii.'iuufiit et'iiininptiim, ami I'm ti nt L't'i't'ii") uiroi tioiiB of the tliniiitnuil lutKis Aa iro vttjinn nxiiin-t Mid.U'a attn"k4of ;rout, Itbhuuld lwko:ton hfliul in every lutuiiy, and indeed iw lt are t.omciJiiifi euijo t t uoldn aud cou((h4, ail Sliould bo if.iivi'ii;. vi-.tn uii uiiuauio mr uicm. AUIiotlKtl ii eoiuiMi t'ui.wiHiiJo.t Is IhoiiKlit In. ruralilc, -t ill greni iiiiiii1jui ol'euscs v.licic Iho dis cii-o -cmiie.l nettled, lino been iwiniiletel) cared, and tho pntient rintoicd to sound health by the tltrrr'l Vitfornl. ho completo In lu ma&lery over tho duonicrs of Urn 1.11114 aud 1 hrout, that tho most ob-ainalcoi' thiin yield to it. V ben noth ing el n could rej.-li liiwn, under too Cherry I'm torat they subilile and diKaipeitr. Mnr, u.U i'ubfle Sjwalivrs fhid'grcat pro. tectlou from it. m A'lhnm Is always relieved and oftsa vholly cured by It. Uroucliitit la fcncral! cured by taking the Cherry iv-romf in siinll nnd l'.ciUcnt duxes. 130 gr.nc.ally nvo Its virtue known that wo noerl not publish Uioeoittn-iiteol'thoni here, or do mom tli.in nn'iiio tlio pubLi) that Its qualities are fully maiutuiucd. s Ayer's Aguo Cure, Tor Frf and Atua, Tntflrmtnt Fever, Ch'll lovor, llomittn'it Tever, Dumb Atio, I'erio'POl or B i'ouu Fevw &o.t nnd iaduo t r.ll th c-TwoUoiiii which ariso from judurious, lutu'dti, gt miMUMtiO poisons. As Its name ImnllM, It rtM rr-. uml drM not fnil. t'outi'mliiir nithor ArfcnKininin, Iii-inulh, Zliif.ii'tr 11 nv oilioi- miuvriil nr i)linoii Mibutnnro wltMoi'cr, It" tn nowise Inhircf niiv pntlnnt. The tinitibr nnd l.imortfnu'e of ctirei In theninirdli trtcts, nve litomli v hcvond nrrount, nd we lifhove without a pniftllfl n tho history of Ainie uipdlclno. Our pildr In pratitli'd by the ftoknowlrdfininntn we rcc.ctvo of thft rHdi''il fines ctrericd In nlitinnte cnp, and where other reinedlf had wholly failed. ITnnrrlfrintrd person, cither resident' in, or trnvetlinR tin nmrli mlQuninti lornlltlM, will be pro tested bv tukirnr the AfiVB CVltK datlr. For J.ivfv rompMn. ari! from torpidity of the liver, It im nn excellent remedy, Btimulatlag the Liver Into hrnlthv nctivitv. For Uillous Disorders nnd t.trer Conmlnlnt", It ! tin exeellent remedv, prndwinff nmnv tnily ro Oinrknhlc cures, where oilier medlfine'hftd fnlled. Prepared hy Ik. .1. C. Avfu t Co., praetlrnl and An.ih tlcal ClhemiiU, trOtvell, Waan., ftnd toM uil round the world. MICE, $1.00 VEIt BOTTLE, ' G. W. llwlUUua, Ay i, Wuj luhuurir, Tn, glichincjs. rIIE WORLD RENOWNED SINGER SEWING MACHINE.. OUR NEW FAMILY MACHINE, Una been over tyv years tn preparation, nnd which has been brouulit l p- rleoilon n iiiirdli ss of time, Inlior or cxM'iie, and la now conttili'lit ly presented tolbe public as Incomparably the best hewin Machine in exls.enco. The .Mach'iie lu quei-ilon Is aimplo, compact, durablcalid lioaulilul. It m quiet, lii;lil riinnlnit ninl ejilnime ol periorminga raiiKe. an;i variciy o1 work never neinreuiieniiiuii upon a a nun; Miu-lilne lu iliK Cither Hllk, Twist. Linen or l ot ton 'I'hreud.niid sewlnix with equal facility the very Idlest aud coarsest niaterinU.anilntivthlne between thctwoextrenics,! themit bniuiirul and mibstnmlal manner. lis nlliiehmenta lor IlinmttiK, lirnlilinu, CouIIiik. TiicIiIhk, gulll IliB, Kel.iliK, Triliiiillua, Itludlnu. etc., are Novel ami Praeili'iil. and have been Invented and ad- JiiHledt'speelally for this .Machine. folillnc tops and cabinet ne peculiar to the Ms bines inaniifnelnrrd by this Company huve been prepared lor enetmlim the new Alaclilues. These arc Rotten up 111 every variety of wnl, such ns lllack Walnut, Slahoaiiny, Rosewood, and Hie like, and from the plainest tollia most cluhnmte at tern and UiiIhIiIIio Maeblnes themselves liclux more 01 less blifbl' oriinmeiii el,tnciirresp,iiid with the Tables or Cabinets for which they uro Intended. A few reasnnawhv RINGER'S latest Improv ed HKWINU MAtiilN'Krtare the beat for Fam ily nnd 'lenenil lui poses, 1st. You "an sew iinvthlng from 'he finest sin ale thlckmiH of Swiss or Nnusook to several thicknesses of the heaviest Heaver cloth, uslim anvkliid orslzo of thread with equal fael.lty, rro'm No. ii C'otlo.. up to the heaviest patent or Linen thread. ltd. It uses a short, straight needlo. easily set, and makes the popular Lock Stitch alllt- on both sides. :id. It hnsnnwenself-adlnstlngtension which requires uochiinue U r dllli-tent tlilekuesses ol toatcrlnl nr different six. s nrtlirend. 1th. It Is free from nil springs, wires and other complications, nnn.is nimost n iseiess, fi'.h. vSo threads to hold or wheels to tarn In starting. wn. iiuoesnot ruvoio do taken apart to on nnd clean It. 71 h. It hnsa nerfeet feed wherebv von ran sew the finest mnteclnlswlibout linvln'g to keep your work stretched to prevent Ita "puekerlnn, anil you never nave to assist the work through as in ail miiei iiiTii'iiiuen. htll. It Will hem nnv Wldtll. sew a strnlfrbl a.nm. nrtnnlA a 11 In tha mnii mArttm. .n..nn with less skill than Is required to sew a stralghl okiu ,., uit.ei iiiiu-uiiie. Its nlineiimenis ror lira dinar, cord nir Qnin. Inn, Blndlntr, Tucklnrt. e nre novel and prac tical, and renulM bnl Utile skill lo use then. lu re i iw insiruciions givon at tne louse of the purchaser. Oiuil- inuiiuru ij tiiv juwviiUIfJsJ OTB DOl U rs-nr(fnt,n. KvAry itincume wnrranieu ana Kept in roped r lurCO J CUi WlWUUs ajuiiiKi:. . ,,." II. P. VNCAPHER, ...v' " ., Agent for Greene i ountT. 3M f. Waynesbiinc, 'Pa. R OOFIHQI ROOFINO In rolls ready to be nailed down. ROOh'INO rostliK much less, and more durable than Tin. ROOFING that can be applied by any ordinary workmen. ROOFINO that will not expand or contract by the action of tho weather. ROOFINO that Is adapted to steep or flat roofs, Smd for a Sample and Ctrenlar. l( , , READY ROOmO COMPANY. " is jiaiaen jjuio, flow Yflrjt Jnly U-Sm. TUB BUYS) 131 Itl.l f! FOS) UBAST AID CULIAX. Aia Ifais s TUU tki Tihr. Comojolly romradna,uOoya In Rlos." i nero's work on hand for us tn do Wcare going to have agran 1 Itevlew This full, we must all remember. Our (Jallaut Chief, whose dag we bore To victory, In the field before, la marshalling his vut'run corps. And lie must have every nieruberl Then, hip. Hurrah for U. 8. GiiaktI And Coi.va tnol-tha men we want; Tlielr llanner we shall proudly plant, lu Vlotory, next November I To toll you of thelrglorloui fame, Oar foeble pen Is fir to lame, Dut history records the same The History of our Nation: . Tho first is Tna Hsao or the Kiki.d, Who never yet was known loyleld; Thuaecond-a utatwkan, ably skilled In every qualification. Thon. hip, llurmh for this noble palrl On the'-lih of March'' each tnkea hla Chair; While vr salt ItivKiiboih Hi'ymourand lliulr Will go. for recuperation. This Seymour and Ulalrnrethe two Colifed'a .Who are arrayed as Hie fitting heads Of all the rob -la and t'oppurlumls Prom Maine to the Hiolirande, Dut, todufeul Hits vauntlngerew, A tnlglity host, both tried and time, Join with a nillllun boys lu blue. And we'll do It up neat and handy. Then, lit p. IIiiriiaiiI we'll sing and shout, For Urant and L'oLfAX, good and stout I And Seymour and lllalr we'll put to rout, Along with the traitor Andy I FRANK nt.iH'.Nt:'mii iii:uf.li,io- At riAi.i.v . ci:ot ;v. Tho M.iranul..wn ( W. Va.) I'ml of July 2:. an) s : Wu ru iiil'nrnied l int on S.ilih itli last, July I8ih lust , u p.irly ol the rebel Du Inocra.'V In Clay townsliip, in till-' cnuuly, went to a church ou Day's Itun, wlicro a con jjremiiioii was asiuiubled nud I'Utrascd in ru 1'ylnus worship, and nftcr strip; Inj- themselves ol their iinlt'rclullitng burst ipen the clour and cursed all Union meii and Soldiers win weie there, nai dared mi l ilrflU tiiem to come out mid enno lu couU.ul Tuey were all armed, aud swure III it I her were prepared tn lijiht for' the 9ii"tliuiu)CuufuiUrary. They Woiu this ruliul ba. It'u ul red, white, and red, and ilei.Iirud llutt It was tliu budgu ol'tlicir pil icicles." Tuty entiled llier ilcmniistrii I loin so I ir that the n inislcr, the R iv. J. II. Uciidersiin, was compelled to discontinue Ihe an vie s, and with pail ol' the coirciiuiln retired t the wooiU und concluded lliu tuect itij Tliu rebels nssiited libit lliuv intended to c irry nut their purHiscs of woniing Ribcl b.tdjr s. and Hint Ihey could h.ivj t.vo r'0'i ssuuts nf triu id in.'n, on snort n illcj, to as sist llem Wu le.iru thai there :ire two lodges nf Ku Klux, nr utliur sicrct socilles, org iul zed uudcr the au-piccs of the lLdiel Democra cy nl this county, whi.1i meet ngtilaily near tliu place where this nlfdr occurred This is tlio legitimate fiuitiif tliu teachings of siiclt convocation; as met at U.irrucUs villc, In M il ion CouMy, on thu 4lh uCJuly, and' of such leaclilnj'sas that Die Union soldiers are mtir lerera In Iced, It was openly charged by these liuhelsut this church, that tliu fid mi eohll is were huriui tlileves and murdi rors. Tnis, we presmni, is the begin inir nf Hint R v dilllui sp k..u of by the nomi nee of tliu Nv-York Convuntloii fur Vice Prehidctlt Can it he poa'slblo tout tliu Rebel Democracy mean to ng.iin Im uuratu civil war through 'lit the length and i rcndlll o this land? Wu aten t prepmed lo think tli.tt nny party was an far l"sl In every sentiment nt hum mity us to :g ain s tek to 11,'lit tliu fir. 8 of civil ttril'u alter the bloody expuiiencu il Ihe past few vinrs. lint It si cms Ibal the Unloiviitcu mud bo prepared I'm the wors ? Hint ll they would pn s tvu their Gnyerntnetit from the iinnrchy nnd tutu whlcli thu parly headed hy Seymour nnd Kulr would bilng uboul, thev must return tn the charge. We counsel peuco und iiibinisslon tn law. The input) was forced o;on the country by (he nd vniatrs of secession in 1801, nnd the cnun ry met It with homlc v.dor. Once mure they mit meet It with n determination that ibis Government mujt aud will be maintained thmigh it coil a sacrifice nf case, nnd pleasure and wenltli, nud lil'o itself. We s:iy to all men who love tlielr countiy, and who would avert the siilT. lilies nn I toil and bloodshed of anoth er war, tn raniro themselves under the banner uf thu g ill mt O.ant, whoso words of accept ance are thu anxious fiopo of all pntrl ds 'Lei us have peace." To Uni n men wo say, be oa mmr imrtli lit wilri'ij ; viiilinl. Gilo win It f onej tn nrgaiilz-'yiiir townships mnre closely. Soo that every m in is at his post We tell you that uil you value, cither lu per sonal happiness or the enj lyincnt of property, depends on tliceomplet" ovetlhrow uf this Inst effort of trultois to rulu a country which lliey have proved themselves unworthy to iinvern, and which Ihey liavo openly sought to destroy. 1'EJicii.ciu.iriiH. Chase suppoitt Graut. Alaska money paid- Ji7,500, 000. Piitsbuboii has several walkiefs. Notki lawyer, C. W. Buckwaltcrt of Phil adelphia, dead. tr.vfs persons drowned at Atlanlio city tills season. Remedy keep out of water. Fiae In New York on the 3rd one fireman hurt and one cilizer killed. Ciilpax meets w'lh hearty reeeptluns at ev ery railway station, going west. , Evtar member of Johnson's caldcet favor the election of Giaut. Cops want Ihtfm re moved. Gkx. BcTLxn was prosecuted by Eitnberly Bios. Bait., for ollec: liitf sutlers rent, for the use uf the Government during Ihe war. Ixmaks are kicking up Ihe d 1 on the plains. A rATiisa practicing the sabre exercise cut his son's head off -recently tn Connecticut, accidentally. California yielded $r, 000,000, in gold iastyear. Deatb of Miles O'Bollly. The country wi'J be pained at the death of General t barbs 0 Halplno, of Ihe New York Lidns, better knowc ns 1 rivato .Miles O'Rcity. While using chloroform to relieve the pain of neuralgia, betook an over dose aud perished, A Boey Comparlaoo. ' If lovely maidens will display Their cbanns so freely to beholders, ' What wonder iponlng men sliould say, ' They're winning hy a neck and shoulders f nI ctos'T like onr minUltr'g sermon hut -Sunday," said a deacon. Who bad slept all sirmott-tlme, to brother deacon. - "Didn't like It, brother Af Why, I saw yoa oddig wmf to every proposition of the speaker I jEVY STANDI NEW STORE! ' ' 1 ! ....', N E 8 T O C K I Tli pftt mnat-f of the peinplo of our town end eouuly u rutipeotfully atoUon-wJ t tliu uw eutud, P. A XT ELL & CO., Plaeh lev's Corner, opixwlie the Wrlht House, W'uvnniliurv. fa., where a SDleudld SlOOk huS Just beuu ruoolVisi, cwualatlug of DRY OoODS, FINE WHITE OO0D3, FANCY OOOLV1 DRHSS TRIMMINGS, HPItINO SHAWLS AND BALMORALS, FMimOIUEUIKS, NOTIONS, OLOVBS. 110-ilEItY, RinOONS, Velvets, rarasols, beaded and plain; ladles' and Oent's Hats la various styles. ' do., An,, Ao. sA fine assortment of everything In cJ8r lino aiwas ou Iiauu-a e-Vo sell at very reoannabla rates and deal silks louil'as COME, EXAMINE, AND BUY ! P. AX TELL. & CO. May 27, '08-ly n uud n e w ai AND NEW 0001)31 D. SHIRK, Now offers to tbepublio The most complete assortment ol Every thing In the Dry Goods line evor brought to This market. Tho Spring Styles, fresh and attractive ' And of every variety. Hats for Men nnd Roys, Ladles' and Misses. Boots And Shoes, unsurpassed In Durability A Cheapness. Muslins, Dolnlnes, Cloths, llou nets A Bonnet flames Casslineres, and tn foot Everything that ean bo Desired, you enn buy of him. A. WILSON. Jit. F."peelnlly Inrlten n cull from hlnold rMHtomers, ueinu; miiukiumi inu pn'Miiui) oi umiiui 'umi lni( will he mistiilncd nnd Hint now, nnof yore, the timteH of all will be plenJtud reuiirillnit: rliMH and quntliy. Km . brnen the 11rnt opporlunlty und ul vp 111 ul ani'iirly cull. AaWtoom formrlv cMViioled by A. Wilson. Jr. In WIIhoii h building, WaynuHburg, I'n. llp,Wi-jy. i. fiiuui, 1 111 E L A T E 8 T Y T. UIIS. K, B. BAYEUH dc 1I031CIXS0N Huve Junt nnivetl from the Ent wltli a large HSHoruneiii 01 luruign auuuuiiiuviiu D It Y GOODS, SPRING & SUMMER STYLES, wlibditliey proprwo tn eell nt the lowest CASH price ! hucuiih uress wckkis, iinms lnui uilng, lieM llutlotiH, Jjidle HhnwlH, HootN aud Hhoea, UiitHfor men & hoy, alHo.u (trout vurlety . , uleeurtirlcN.nt very low prlees for GENTLEMEN AaND L.DIE3' WEAR, Ware of ell kind, and n eomnlete variety of the bnstttltOCKKIi'.S. Allofwhieh thny propose to ell itt tne vt;ry loweni iitturcH, oepuninuu on uie riiuillty nnd cnettpnvaa 01 moir gooos 10 gain tliem custom. , Olve tliem acnll before rmrchiMlnK elsewhere, nnd thpv will nrove thntrtlie above In eorreet. Koom In AIIIhoii'n lailldliig, nearly opposite the Court llouso, waynoauurg. ;it -w-u B E tUTIFUL DISPLAY 1 DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, CAS3IMER3, 4e.. a;t EVANS' ESTABLISHMENT. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT EVERYTHING IN, THE LINE I Wishing to close out for the Fall trade, he of. fsrshlagoods at astonishing low rates for cash. Ths stock Uaa late as the litest aud ths bsstla Minor'suuuaing, opposite swi ursenenonse. stat-Sm ... U EVANS. FACT WORTHY OF NOTE I JOHN W. WINQET Undoubtedly has the LARGEST STOCK ol HOME-MADE BOO! 8 & 8UOE3I IN WAYNUHUURO. They have beau trlod and found to be squal If not Suei'ior to any iu tlio place 1 Ho has a gsnoral and well mnnufactured assort- lUBUi w LADIES' AND MISSES, MEN & BOYS' HOME MADE BOOTS. bHOES AND BLI1 PERSI " Ilo keeps banda nnexcellnl aa workmen In leuiner. xiis suop win ue iuuiiu NEAU COTTEltEL'8 TANNERY, ftsfAfter return! mr thnnke for a Hlieml patro- li Hite lii'retofnre lt'towtMl, I wInii to wiy to iny old ciiHUniutn and otbfni tliut I WHrraitt mv work In every iMirtlimlur. and will mil ut priooH Dial wiu Hutuiy any rituonauio pentou. Don't forget tho pluce, but GIVE ME A op, 'on-ly CALL BOON. JOHN M. WINGET. ' 1 HEAT PANIC IN THE PRICES OF BOOTS AND SHOES! WILLIAM DERRYIIII.L'S, TWO DOORS WKST OP N. CLARK A SON'S UI.Uilll.NU SIUHC, Having Just purchased a liea-y Stock of Hoots and Hh.cs ol the l- INI WI'imd IIKST ijlTAI.ITY to he found In Ihe F.aat, lie now bus the llest ao lecteil and most complete assortment of these floods over brought to IheTowu, Aud lie oilers to sell FOR CASH Men's best, whole stock, Home-made Roots. 17 Inch lea, ut M.uo, 6.25 and 5.(10; Men's Fine Call at S7.,'i0, with a uniform de.loel Ion In rales, on all kinds or stock. Mr. Herryhill havlim an ex psrlenue of lo yours lu the nianufaoturlug of BOOTS AND SHOES I Is thornnahly ncnnalnted with the buslnoss. and baa taken great care to make this a SUPERIOR STOCK TO ANY KEPT HERE- luruiiii Experienced hands are constantly employed In muKliitf to order Bnd wo can safely say tbiitnt no place else In these "dliruluuH" can tho mate rial and workmniiahlp be surpassed. ALL WORK WARRANTED I He now asks his friends and tho public to enll nnd examine hla slock, as he feels cnnllrielit thul lie can please tneni, w.o. nr.iiiii iiu.i,, l-':ls-it Main Street, ayuusburit, I'n. G RE AT UAROAINS! BOOTS AND SHOES! NEW STOCK I NEW STORE! CUSTOM-MADE WORK CHEAPER THAN EVER, AT 21. C. & II. BELL'S, (9UCCES30IU TO UALSTED,) S A Y E It S" C O R N E R WAYNEHDURO, PA. tJLCall and examine, and save money I GOTO M. C, A H. DELL'S FOR BARGAINS is-iy. pAINTlNQ AND GLAZING. J. W. SMALLEY, HOUSE PAINTER, GRAINER, GLAZIER AND PAPER HANUEH, Sbop, on Mechanics' Row, opposite the M. E. vjuurcu, vraynesDurg, ra. U-MATERlALFURNISnED, If required, at rituiuurgii rricea. 1 .op 1, '88-6m. J. W. SMALLEY. JOHN 11. HOFFMAN, MORGANTOWN, WEST VIRGINIA. ' ATTORNEY FOR COLLECTING . roXSlOXS, BOOKTIKS, AaRSARS OT PAT, ' AND ALL MILITARY CLAIMS, Having had 17 years experience In prosecuting suen claims, i nave oecome laminar wim m,v varloua Laws and the large amount of record evidence in my possession enables me to be very successlbl In prosecuting suspended outline, and In many Instances have proved sueeessrul when weoiaimani nau long given uibih '"""ir" No matter how difficult the claim so it la Just. Ve-ly. - .. . VI ILUNERY 8HOP. MRS. CAROtraB DMI8T0I, Can be found at her old stand west end of town, still carrying on the. Millinery beainoaa AU klndsof goods Id this line ean be purchased, bare JsmeVes-ttV ' TJ PUOL8TERYI 80UETHINQ NEW I HUGHES Si M' ORE. The atftvit firm hnwn tvitAbllaittMl an llnHAl wivij MUtUiUMilUCIU IP! V AiaNsLAllUliWi a few dooiih wtwr nr cuEian djiuq . . . . Wborsthey Intend to manufacture out of the vury boat louUuiaU ,i ALL KLNDa OF MATTUEbSFS. .. lacluding, STRAW, rncsK, ' 1 . KXCKIAIOR. .1 .''' SPANISH MOHS, HAIR And In short every species of Ped In usn. Ha, lug estahlishe.1 lheius,vea perinalieiilly In tlio business It Is their determination to do their work iusiieh manner und ntsiieb rates as can not tail to render entire aotiaiucllon in every case. . They Invito their friends of Imth town and country, who may waul anything in tha uphol stery line lo cull In uud examine their sutHji lllelis, feeling the tllnustt eunlldeliea that Ihey oau suit tliem both luuuullly and price. ALL WORK WAI1RENTF.D, ' . . , .' j Repairing of all kinds done Willi promptness and In the must subslautlul manner. Remem ber the place, A FEW DOORS WEST OF CREiaH'8 DRUG STORE. , . WITNKSBUKO, rA. ( I1UOIIRS A MOORE July lS-llin. B ETTER THAN EVER! FROM NEW YORK & PHILADELPHIA, THOMAS BRA DEN, Has Just rocolvcd a splendid new i SPRING STOCK IF IIARDWAREI - To which he Invites especial attention. . 11 Is store Is filled with everything In his Hoe'. ueede.1 by the Inriiier and mccliaiik'. ' Itelnsj a praeileul farmer, be knows exactly the wauls of his farmer friends. Among his variety 'of finals will he found iron and Nails nf tall kinds, 'lanes iil all varieties, Aimers, i races, Ac Tut-llo-toottlfd. Cross-cut nud Mill Haws, llaud Suws and Tools uf ull descriptions. , AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS,- Mowlni Machines. Ciittlna Iloxes. Corn Shelters Plows, t'ulll vnlors, shovels, Forks, and every thing lu this lino. . . , SADDLERY HARDWARE! A general assortment of Saddlery Hardware, to Mh loll he invito the attention of purchasers. WOODEN WARE OF A LL KINDS! Tuba, Ruoketa, flutter Ttowls and all kinds of Kitchen viooiion i1 lxins, willow iiiiskiks. Ilrooms, llruslies. Coal Huekots, lirass Kettles, llusify WIiIihi. Hliot Uuiis. liovs's W'auoiis nnu sleds. All oi which will be sold ehaupvr than ... ever for Cash I ' .v GIVE HIM A CALL SOON. Hu will tnke ntensiire In alinwtna Ills alnek at all tonus. Ho aivo til in a call when you eoius U town. Kemembvr tlis place, . . , OPPOSITE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, . WAYNESUURO.PA, , nps.'oi-tf THOMAS RR ADEN: pi P O It T A N T Tb BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS! WAYNESUUHU STEAM PLANING M!M, It a Ives us nlensure In announce to t'm eubllo the eompletlon of ibis work and the readiness ol the proprietors to RECEIVE ORDER.S'l AND MAKE CONTRACTS! The best Improved limehlncry Is used. l'lan-V lng. 'S. iwuK.iiiis min ii,n,vnia, rpisu itnu xnnn Malclnu, 1'annelllng, Rlpidng, moulding Ac., ling nnn t.riMivini Mai run rapidly and skilfully executed, paid for Huinig prices ALL KINDS OF LUMBER I They are also prepared to do nil kinds of Crirpcn ler Work, with the utmost promptness, Midi In in we luosi siiosiniiiiui iiiailiior. 'i'ho.v resisK'i fully solicit a share nf publls puirooniie, aim nailer luomsulvus that lliur wu iu i ait eases be uble to GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION I ' - ' S- . . AU ordors promptly attended, to.'- BR ADEN, WALTON A BAYERS, 8;ll-tf Wnynesbnrg, Pa, E. A. TINKERS H. L. MAPEL. JUNKER Si MAPEL, - COMMISSION MERCHANTS , FOR THE SALE OF , . . ( HOGS, CATTLE AND SHEEP AT THEIR OWN YARDS, ' ; ' WEST BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. ADJOINING MD. LIVE STOCK SCALES. Consignments respectfully solicited;- -All com niunleatioiia promptly answered. Post onto Addroaa-Unx MM. 7;W-ly. GKonoR. C. Stuboiss, Attorney at Law. Jonif C. Waoheb Notary Paklsc, . I ' 1 OTURGISS A WAGNER, UNITED STATES CLAIM AND GENERAL COLLECTING AGENTS. 7-For the adjustment ef CLAIMS, of all kind against the U lifted States, such as PENSIONS, INCREASE OF PENSIONS, BOUN TY, 1100 EXTRA B0UNTY.7 nnd those of any other elase nail on or write' to. the Military and Naval Agency of 8TURGIHS A WAGNER, Walnut St., I door below Hasans' corner WW-ly MOnOrTowir.W.VA. 1. OF O. F. ; , ..o '.( .',.r-s!. WAYNESBTJRG KNCAMTUKNT, KtX l. Halt In Gnnear's Batldinc, east Main Street, Wsynessurg, Pa. First, and second. Friday) ee sect) moath, ,7,i,:.;. . .. J- f. ' vr .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers