-'Hi? '7&ayucbur0 epitblican, 'jJSciJnesJSny, ifougust 1?, 1868. ShHf atjntttairg fpublican. ira to Attokn kth Atlornevs will b end J fiw lit itlMinaifiie lor i-uper lumaa, Aureniallie uu w ore, oriiertMt uy mem SIIO IM PIU advance, nucn uuis to be eotiecutuie on ud. tteiu Nw AuruTiiranm.-The attention of our rtsdrrs iwclnlly directed to the follow ing; advertisements, which appear fur the Brst lime in our paper to-day. Cf-Unt of Premiums tirecoe County Agri cultural Society. 7"IJif of Juror County CommU'lonera. vUml For. bale Ucorge Adams. I K. llolaford. W Ilnve Thought For Tlio Morrow McCsy Hrua. Tun annual reunion of the IWth Reglinjnt, P. V., h to bo held at WaJiliigtoo. Pa , on BvpU'inbcr I'Jtu. Tii I. 0. or O. F. are to have a Us time In Jacktown, Thursday. Waynesbarg sends a largo delegation. Tn Oraut Club of Waaldngton, Ta , are making arrangement for a grand ratiftavtion meeting lu Uiut borough oo Monday, August .Mb. Dusk Msarixo Tlure will be a bush meeting In Hewitt' Urovo, neat Rice's Ltnd ing, comruoacing on S thirdly, Aiijjmt S3, 1808, and nut llio lAth aa ituted last wok. Closiho our Saul For 3D d.iys I will aell my Hock of Dry O'xhIs, Hats, Caps, Roots, BImkjs, fcc. at cost and less, to make room for fill Mock. Groat bargain for cash. Call soon. Tu Btuto Normal School, at E.Vntioro, Is the btat place for the yourg people of West urn Pennsylvania lo obtain an cducall n Its advantages are surpassed by no similar Inailu tiun known to us. Just tub Tim. During ilie closing nut of our merchants' summer stock Is the best time to secure bargains. 1 D. Shirk U making room for bis new Fall Uuods and gives templing bargains to purchasers. Oo and see him. Tk aCiiahc wum it is Om-.Rnn. The dosing out sale of D. Shirk's large and splen. did assortment of Dry (Join's, &c, Is the rar cBt opportunity yet offered tho people for to buy cheap and excellent goods at low ratts. Wk nro requested to stito Unit the stock holders of llio Wayncsburg Agilculturul Soci ety, are required, by resolution of tho society to pay In filly per cent, of thn stock to the Treasurer Thomas Driulcn, c n or before the Mill day of August, Inst. TihbExtkndku. Tho lifly pur cent clause In the ll oikrupt Act has been extended to January I, I8(it). Beyond that there Is no hope. Persons wishing tho liunclU of tho law should inako immediate application to J. I). Donley. Register for ill It District. Collkou AsNivKiisvir. The Commence ment exercises of the Waynesliurg College wll' ho held on tho Dth and lillli dags of Sept , the usual ex tr Inattons proceeding, and clos ing with a publln exainlualion In the Female Department, on thn full Ckutrai. Faih. At u meeting of tho mem bers of tho "Central Greene Ountv Fair, As sociation," It was resolved to hold their first exhibition at Waynesliurg, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 7lh. 8th, nnd Olli tlnys of Oct.. next. D. W. Rhadem, Pres. 8. MoNTOiiniiiir, S;:c. Baitist Ccxfkukncb. The Minister of the Ten Mile Association nnd all others Interested In the matter, are requested lo meet hi the Baptist Meeting House at Waynesliurg, Thurs day evening Sept. Urd at candle lighting, for the purpose of forming a Ministerial Confer ence. Key. 8. Kendall will preach. Subject 'The Trinity." I 0. or 0. T. At an election held July 29, Elizabeth Lodge, No. Mil, I. 0. rG T. put In ofllcc the following persons for the coming quniier i W. C. T., John Kendall t W. V. T., Mrs. Caroline McAllister j W, T., Miss MuriaM. Lindsey W. 9., W. 0. Gardner! W. I. G Mb Mary Thomas; W. O. G., Calvin 8hnri)nock. W. 0. G viiiiNta, Sec. Tub PAnmcii). Tho boy Thomas, who killed his father recently In Centre tp., Is nineteen years old, bui very small of his age. Hols yet at home, and is said to feel deeply the sense of bis situation. Tho symputhy In tho neighborhood seems to be in his favor, the deed being the reeul', of influences by which lie was always surrouuded, and tor which alone tlio deceased parent was to blame. ' CoMPLtMBNTABY. We see by tho Marietta (0.) llviiitZr of tho 23rd ult , Col. A. W. Mc Cormick, of Washington Co., In the Congress ional Conference of tho lllth District, received, out of 124 votes cast for four competitors, 45 votes five abovo any of tho others. On third ballot ho withdrew. Tho Colonel Is a former resident of our county and we congratulate . Jjlm on bis propularlly among tho Buckeyes. LrmEviBLD's Grakt. LUtlcflold's lino en gravinn of Gon. Grant is spoken of by tho best critics as a superior work of art differing from other portraits In that It Is a perfect likf mat of the hero In every lineament. It claims superiority to Marshall's engraving, which tnust place it high In public f ivor if true. L. Harrod Bell, Caimlcluels, Grecno Co., Pa , Is sole agent for this county, and will fill all or ders left with him. Cosfirmko, Rev. Z. Rugiin, D. D, of Cunnellsvlllo, Fayette county, formerly of Bteubenvtlle, Ohio, was confirmed by the Senate on the 17th of last month, as Post .Chaplain In the United States army. The gallant and lamented Col. Shane, of the nlue . ty-elgbtli Ohio, who fell at tho storming of ' Kencsaw Mountain. Georgia was a son-in-law of Chaplalo Ragan. His many friends In this county will bo pleased to here of tho appulntmont. ; ' i What's Up? Last Friday wo' heard a young African blood, with mouth ot hngo ca- paclly, erylngfyn our street ' Ilere'i your Wayncsburg Metimjer, second 'dltlon I" Is '' this the beginning ot tho Millenium that Is to be when 'Democracy'' accepts the situation f Bui, by tlio- didn't you begin on a cream-colored ono and not on thd Ace ' of Spades hlmseirr Was it a fellow-feeling that made our neighbor so wondrous kind, at Uie ' risk of his Democracy f " , ' ', ; t ; 1 . f A Taura. It apeaks well for any town or : , place to be the centre of enterprise and It Is a enslble idea to encourage Its Influx : This may be done by proper appreciation by look ing with faM upon all new comers who bring - with then) mercantile or commercial industry ' . and a disposition to drive the particular busi ness they are engaged In. McCay & Bro., i , hATrooently oomo among ul Wo are as sured -they are rellaMe an I trustworthy. As (tea we omnmnd tbeal to our eftlsooj.. See '". Jlew Adwrtlioment '' ', ... J c ; rouaKs I Maiti'vactubiis. In an article which we published in thisjinirnal in Decem ber last, under the above caption, w refer red at some length to' the great soap manu factory of Mr. J. a Dobbins, at Sixth St .aud Ourmautown Avenue, predicting that the soap which Mb Dobblus manufactures familiarly known as Dobbins' Khclric Soap was des tiued lo attain a degree of popularity never equaled by any otber manufactured article in this tnuutry ( and stating that already the cupidity of certain envious (would be) rivals had been excited by Mr. D 'bbiu's unparallel ed success. It Is to the latter of these points that wu to-day wish briefly to direct Intention. A a great ccouom Izcr of tinio and labor, we then guvj to Mr. Dobblus' Soap the indorsement which Its merits deserve, believing that by so doing we should promote the comfort and bapplncrs of millions throughout our cities and the country at large. But wo are un willing that our endorsement of a good article shall be falsely used In order to give respecta bility and character to poor imitations of li. There are certain soap manufacturers ol the uioro unscrupulous class, who after varlly en deavoring to loist their soup upon tho mar ket under certain have simply changed their names, with ut in the least improving their washing priqivrties, and are endeavoring to delude the public Into the adoption of these miserable shims. They are pretty looking white toap, but fir washing purposes are absolutely good lor nothing. Lit the people therefore beware. One coiiojrn has even gone so far in this deception as to advertise rhiliultl,,iia Klalrie Soap, very noarly Imita ting his labels, with thu evident design of misleading buyers luto the supposition that It is i ho Dobbins' article. Of course no houor ublo, well established firm would resort to such a trick. In fact, we know of respectable firms lu tho business who denounco tho lm- I rwtnre more severely I ban does Mr. Dobbins himself We cau hardly imagine a moro disreputable mercantile procedure than theso "played cut" soap makers, after their roups have become as "played out" as themsclvet, en dcavnriug to rccusllato their dead failures by resurrecting tliem in now boxes, or rather lu the old oues w ith nm MWaud palming them on upon unsuspectiug dealeis and consumers us "Kkctilc Soap !" It Is a wonder that their audacity has uot Impelled them oven to the use of Dobbins' name to give currency to their worthless trish. Aalii, wo say, be ware of these imitations t Those who havo not yet tried tho merits of the genuine Electric Soap havo itilt a real household blessing in store for tliem, and wo recommend all our readers to avail themselves of It ; but let them bo careful trhuy no other than that manufactur- by Mr. Dobbins at bis Immense works, cor ner ol Sixth street and Germnntown avenue. Philadelphia. l'luU cyhia ttm, Jut) 11M, CiMCKRX ('nop. Our "handsome" neigh bor's sheet this week looks a If ho had been on a midnight mid and stumbled into a pol terer's yard. It will be perceived that tho chickens are "on tho crow." For what ? Because Kentucky elected a Democintlc Gov ernor. They might as well crow becnuso the Dutch hold Ho Hand. Cnn any of our read crs, or their readers, explain why theso cocks never crowed when Donelson succumbed or when Vlcksburgwas won? Why they utter ed no sound of victory and defiance when tho heights at Gettysburg rang with shouts of Joy as rebel hordes turned to leave tho State ? And when Appomatox saw tho tioso of strife why tiny gave forth not even a cluck of sat is' action? "When widows mourned their lonely lot Aud orphan children wept their dead. Who said tl.elr Just deserts they'll got ? Tlia Northern, rebel Coppei head. Crawl to your dunghill, viper, crawl! For Geu. Grunt with conquering licnd, Marches to crush the thing meu call, lu politics, a Copperhead." TllH CoNrKRBNOli. MuHongJwfo Houm, rittilargh, , ty. 0, 1 8G8. Agreeably to previous adjournment the Republican Con ferees of the '.Mill Congressional District, mot ut the Mouongahcla House, and proceeded to nominato a candidate for Congress. Al'ter sev eral ballots with no nomination, Conference adjourned to meet Aug. 7, at 9 o'clock a m. Reassembled at the appointed time, and on the inth Ballot CapL J. B. Donley receiv ed 8 votes and was declared tho nominee. On motion his nomination was Immediately made unanimous. CapL Donley, was intro duced to the Conference, and In a brief speech returned thanks for the honor conferred, and accepted tho nomination. The following res olutions were adopted by the Conference : Rcmlved, That wo recommcne tho Execu tive committee of the several couuties com poslntr.thu 2 till District to appoint three per sons from each county to meet and a lopt a system for the Government of future nomina tions. Jlrtalvetl, Tiiat tho foregoins Resolution la published in tho several Republican papers of tho 21 til District, A. Muudock, Pres't. J. W. Blakciiahd,) , Hknkt Hick, Secretaries. F. II. C'uiuo, ) Fin ! Last Wednesday, the dread sound of "fire I" inng hi our street and awny went the Bucket Brigade to tho scene of disaster Mr. Phelan's house at tho east end of town. Boforo we arrived at the place tho fire was smothered. The alarm w is caused by a pot of oil and paint boiling over on the stove and Igniting. Blazing to the ceiling, there was no way of getting It out of the kitchen ex cept by lifting it by tho bull with a poker, wMch was done by Mr. Wm. Phclan. In carrying it out It slipped off Just at the door way anil flooded the floor and porch with fire. A prompt application of water saved further damage than the bunting of a carel, Injury to furniture, etc. Maosasiuoub ! When one person by bis own Intrinsic merit gets away beyond all rivals In fame and real worth, he can afford to be magnanimous. This Is precisely the position of Frank McQurgnn. Ho Is willing as ac knowledgement of the high personal esteem In Which be holds tho citizens of Wayncsburg and the county, to sacrifice his whole stock of goods for cash. In doing this he Ignores the Cot that they nro of the best quality, of latest styles, and are to go at low rates. We hope this gushing bcnevolenco and'warm-honrted-ness on Frank's part will not injure : him in the eyes of the public, on the contrary that they will Immediately relieve him of bis goods. ' Ratification. Saturday night thd Repub lican citizens of our town accompanhd by a band of music, called npon Capi.J. B' Donley; the. Congreislonal, nominee. Cs.pt Donley, watcheered heartily and responded with thanks and a rapid review of the political situation. He, was fol'owed by Mr. John Buchanan In a fuw happy remarks, Tbe crowd .dispersed with "three time thret" for Greene county's Dtv" Congressrasn. ; ' Bo until Btcukxts, Attuitiom ! All soldiers wno nave al any time been connected with Wayncsburg College, are requested to meet hi the College Chapel, on Friday evening. August 14th, '68. The object of the meeting Is to consider a ' imposition to place In the college a "Mural llooument" bearing the names of those student who served hi the ar my of tbe Union. T.M.Carroll, Jas. N. Mii.lur, M. L. Ooiuom, Jas. E. Sayihs, J. B. Doxlkt. . L O. or O. F. At a regular meeting of Richhill Lodge, No. 7 L O. of O. F It was resolved to celebrate the approaching 13th of Aug., it being the Sth aniyersary of the opening of our Lodg& All sister lodges and all members in good standing In the county are respectfully Invited to attend and pcr ticlpato with us on tho occislon, P. T. IIknoersiiot, J. II. DuaniN, Ii L. Nome, Conimlitue of Invitiitioa. Mohoxoaiibla Vallkt R. R. There will be a meuling ol the friends of this enterprise at Monougahela City, Washington county, Pa., August lit, I8i,8. Prompt measures should bo taken to have our section represented as tht movement Is to secure Letters Patent aud orginlzo tho Company. Ciibebino. We are constadtly making ad ditions to our list of subscribers of men wbom we a pleased to kuot sock tbe Truth from tho fountain Itself. If Grant don't get a handsome voto In Grceno It Is not because signs are bright "Here's your Republican ouly SUcts. for '.lie campaign I" P. 0. Matths. Hon. Geo. V. Lawrence presented our case to the Postmaster General recently, and now tho mail on the Washing ton and Pittsburg' Hue Is run on schedule time, and we receive our dai'y mail from the city. Wo are thankful for tho change. Tu Biour.sT Boots. Selling Boots and Shoes all bIZ'js, and best quality at cost and less, at D. Shirk's for cash. . Call soon, Jacksonville Faib. The days for holding tho third annual exhibition will bo on Sept, Id, 17 aud 18, ISG8. Initial Paper put up In noal boxes of one quire each with envelopes to match at Day's Book Store. Faiincstock's While Lead, Linseed OH, Putty and Window Glass, at Bmden's Drug Store. A lot of Sido-HUl & Stool Plows on hands aud for salo at Bradeu's Hardware Store. PniRY Davis' Painkiller and Allen's Lung Bulsom sold at Braden's Drug Store. Dkfot for B. A. Fahnestocks Pure Lead at G. W. Roberts' Drug Store PiRK Sperm Oil for Bale at 0. W. Roberts' Drug Store. Siinhat School Books, all kinds, for salo at Publishers prices at Day' Book Store. A nkw lot of Duty's celebrated washers & wiiugers ut Braden's Drug Store. Ai.lcock's Porous plasters sold at G. W. Roberts' Drug Store. Winu.iw Olass of all sizes sold at 0. W. Roberts' Drug Store. SchoonmaKlr's Puro White lead for salo at G. W. Roberts' Drug Store. Vailnisiils of all kinds sold at 0. W. Rob cits' Drug Store. EvKRVTiiiMo you waul In tho Hardware line at Bradeu's, cheap for cash. Try Sargent's Backache Pills, sold at Bra den's Drug Stoiu Hair Restnrotivos of all kinds for sale at G. W. Roberts Drug Store. But your Drugs at G. W. Roberts' Drug Store. -7 - . A full line of Wheeling nails just received ut Braden's Hardware St iro. , Good spool cf cotton warranted 200 yards 5 cts at Fordyce's. - - - Gbntlrmbn's patent, quarter Oxford ties, at M C. & II. Bell's, very cheap for cash I Wrapping Paper all sizes at Lewis Day's Book Store. Hay forks of all descriptions just received at T. Braden's Hardware Store. All of Dr. Sargent's medicines for sale at Braden's Drug Storo. Standard Prints for 12j;cts at Fordyce's, (Jefferson.) ' " A nkw supply of Wall Paper just received at Lewis Day's Book Storo. Nkw Books received every week at Lewis Day's Book Storo. Blank Note Books best form now In use at Lewis Day's Book Store. Good Moroco Shoes at Fordyce's for 1,25. For goods at fair prices call at Fordyce's. gtanicd. KINNEY LEMLEY July !, 1808, by A. J. Hinorman, Esq., Mr. Corbly Kinney, and Miss Marj' Etlau Lcnily, both of Jackson . township. WAYXMIUIRU XAItltET. ' Waynesboro, Aug. 11, UW8. Corrected Weekly for the Rbpublivah. PRODUCE. Ilutter (fresh roll,) KkkV Uos. ......... Potatoes y buali Ijird V lb ....... Tallow tb Country Snap ft lb Dried Apples V r...ni to: no 38 FLOUR AND DRAIN. Flour V bill . ......, uri.. v i,i..k 10 m ...1 8OM2II0 ...t 15!l 20 ! 11) 1 10 Itye y bush. ............ Corn y bush h .......... Cornteul l bush.... 6ROCERIES. CorTeo V lb Tea ft ,.. llrnwn Huirar ft lb Kerinait Huitar fl tt Syrupy gal , Molaafws (N.Orloa lis,)..., Mornliuni y gal... ....... Unit y bbl ... Ulcey ..,.... 383.10 1 NO 1.1 ' 110 1 a so ti 15 I HEW lOIIK DRY GOODS HABKET. New York, Ansnst 8. Dry (foods In cottons (hlirle tnwle remains qu'et somewhat, owing to the recent decline tn cotton. Heavy sheeting lathe brown 1717!o; heavy brown drills lKej New York Mill hlrttng Wo, aud oaUooes WHt riTTtiBi'Bmi n.tBMrrn. Hatcuday. Ang.8 , IHtM. IHiring the post weok ihsra wa illKht lin proveuiimt to ba noticed tu trade, but till tile markets are very quint. Kvery Indication, plnUtoagnwlanlpr,nialiletmle al no dl lunt dny. our inurkou are fairly mippiiHi will, nearly ull klmUoi pr.iui-ulll. i, t g,ai,.rul ly to meet thv wnlila ut eurri'lil ralfs. Waiiiutaaaa,Uows,lileliara llio wlluhwle prices : orais Axn fMitrrt. Wht. lVnn a. uuj onto, Winter Ited 13 OtVi 3) Uye y bush... .... I .'l liauy butli.... M... HI. Corny ihisIi l.M.m Hprtng whtit Klour inaiwlti i V lulor Whxttl. n uon 74 rauviHioAH. Mhollltleni....w. Huicnr Cured lltuns..., MHM Mi& lie 21 '! 2.5) ID . !Nl.rt;ii Uir.l Potatoes, y bush Apples y bbl............. 1 I1WMJ .... Kkus y Uos.. Ilutter 1ST OF ORANp JUHOHS DIUWN KUlt NAM FA Dnvlri Cluyum ... A J HnIut H ..... H4 liulhrte Aiihm UwUhy H(l John II smith ..... Kiwi K.tU .Iwi)h Mr.MIUln.. M til lit-w (JuriuT Aiidrt w Mtmtmmu-ry iHMIlt! ThttmfiM Jtiilll IdlllU Jiiiim Uurhlii Joliu Hitm, Hr ClirUtluu UNit Kiclmnl HtiwRlna Jiu KviTly .lohh ivmn'l HfiiiHi.'lSmtlh , Mtoplu'ii llimmu W. W.Hnyen Win I.l'incitt.... John l'livUt John llt'inum JvtV Uillulu TOWNSHIP. WtuiiitiiKtim Uittihlll ... ...UhlU.y Inmkurit Mtiruuii m Mmiotihtiitif in t ui'iHichiu'U Wiuthhiittmi Itunkurit I- ranklhi (itlmore Itirhhill IVntn , Mutioiwikht'lu MorKUii iMinkunl , Ji'MtTHim , Moruuti , (Hiuture Minion Fmtikllii JftltTHDIl , iiliinri ltlclililll MKT K VKTTtT Jl1 HKnKMItKIlTKlUM, Oettrxt lliilhnun JmucH Thriirkiunrtuii..., VllU'Ullt Htrlittt'UH HOHH Pit AWN FOU IhUrt-FIltsl' WKKK. Jiu'kxon , ( 't'lltfU Whil.'ly KU'tihill IVrry Moiniiuiilii'la , t Vntro F mn kiln llliiiirt) M WhlU-ly )rHn Cunnlrhiu'lH Alfppo Aleppo Franklin WuHhihgtou .....Ulehhlll . tin-en MtirUn Huplcr J U Donley J u j tun (iurnnl, Jr Uitoru" HtlltTM John HOnrtluii Jui'oh Akt'iiH Henry UiuIhoii., Ciirhly 4irv Thonitutt'nrl Jno T Klhln Knil WiHH Itoht'rt Tuc krilHTiy John llarneH . W. Nlmlv a Krone Ih Minor .?. jHrH II MortMhiuk JiiH A lUu4'k JiiH .Mft'lur.' lmU litlumy Ari'lilliuhi Morrltion , Alfr.ul llrim , JPtlWriOll MouoiiKnlu'lii , Dinikartl A'uinberlaiul H UiHi'n Centre C'umherluiHl , Fntnkiin Moruan IVrry Centre , Aleppo Centre ,,;. L'umlierhmixl , lhinkaiil WtmhtiiKton M Mononuaheln , h'llfHhii C unit te rim ul .Marlon , IVrry , .Marlon WKI'K. Mononxahuln Jiirkotl lti( Fmnkliii " lark Hon Ollinore Fmnklin lackooii l'erry ,', IVrry MonoiiKuhol'i , Perry I'umht'rlaiKi Hprlimliiil , Way no WUMlllllKtoil Morrltt , , JaekHoii Aleppo HlrhllUI lell'erHOU Franklin TttrkMon CunnlehaeU Moran Aleppo .; Ouuherliiinl Morgan Franklin MorrlM , Fmnklin U rue n u.Monnntcahla ItU'hhlll .Whltely Wayno Whlti-ly IMinkunl Whltely Marlon t'entro Jim M HarMT...... Arinur ninrimri HU-ptifii At klln Hunuittl I.itmkv. Hr Jiimtn ('all uioa) ihinynru Win. tlwotlwln irvty Ky Wtitttliy M ('lure Ir.imr Mhhi'U ii..,. Miitlltihl , johiiHou y'iioir. Jtmcp i AriiNtriiK JuH. ph litirtltc John IwWlt.u.... Chun Uowem MKCOW Wm C Minor Wm Ctirnt'iiUr Wm Miitllh John Hinilll John H him n Thou (looilwlu Thus! lliiulii'H .lux I I ton Icy W W I'litlibw 1 X. t'rarr.ril T L II. ..,.!.... Jiiineii Klt'iinlki-ii unrvi'y inuiimoii Ixlii Mtt-oHiiiilnr Th oh lioMM John t'oiiltlln M Kll ruxtitr IVrry Monru Id .Ml Ml km Kll Umic ' Lycurun Urlui 1UH()II Huott Tints Lincoln H Hoi Ho-o th-ow lllnuerinuu John livsvU Stephen Cruynu - TIiom liiKliniin Htuihcu HamterN (of H.).,.. JomIiiI, Inrilintnt John MorriH John Minor ...... John Walker JoHcph Ptittemon JtwMu riillltpH lltuxmu IlittftMliI . Owtm MrOluro Ijtmlrify Hit'pmms JOHCptl YfHlur Cli'orKe Fry Au. 12 to fecial goticw. A-UuhlK lo Slurring. Yonng Wen'a Ouliln to ilappy Marring)' anil Conjugal Ki-llcl-ly. The huinaliii vlowa of timiovoh'iit 1'hyHi elans, on lln Krnirs ami nliows liwldent to Youlli ami I'urly .Mnnliooil, ai'iit. In simlnl lot ter envWouiw, rrco of clinrtfii AililriHs HOWARD AKMiCIA'l'Iii.V, llox 1'., I'hlliulolpliln, 1'a. June 17,'IW-ly 7-Allrewi to the Nrrvano nnl Deblll- tiitcil, wIhmo aulli'riiiga liave biwn protriwtuil from htilili'ii I'uiiKCH, anil wIiohh cnHri rtitilro irinnpt treatnu'iil to render fxialnneo ileaira ilet Ifyou aruHiillTlng, or have sull'ereil from Involuntary illiu'lnirgeK, what rnct ilmult pro duce upun your general health T Do you feel Weak, debilitated eiwlly tired T Does n little extra exertion prniluee palpltutlon oUJjr Ileal I? DoeH vour liver, oaoriuary organs ofttur kid neyH," freiiueiitly get out or order T In your urine amiietlnien tlilek, milky or llui-lty, or.'la It ropy on settling f Drdoena thick scum rise to the top T Ur 1h n Hetllmeiit at the bottom after It ha stood awhllot Doyou liaveMpellaofsliort broiitlilngoruy;:?ilaf Ar-yotir hoWels con stipated? Do you havo spell of fitllil inrf, or ruHliea of IiIikhI to the head ? Is your memory Impaired? Ik your mind conitaiitly dwelling upon this subject T Do you feel dull, llnlleHH, moping, tired of company, of life? Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from every body ? IKich any little lliinic make yon ntart or Jump? Is your xlccp broken or rentier? la the luHtre of your eye an lirllllmit ? ' Thn bloom on ymiv cheek as bright? Do you enjoy your self In society an well ? Do you peintie your bUHincMH with the aaniu energy? Do yon led aa much conlldenee 111 youi'Melf ? Are your Hplrltndullnnil llagglng, given MAIN of melan choly? ifan do not Iny It to your llveror dys pepsia. Have you restless nights I Your back weak, your knees weak, anil have but little appetite, and you attrtbutu tills tu dygpcpslu or liver-complaint? Now reader, self-abuse, venereal diseases bad ly cured, and sexual exresscss, arc all capable ofpriNluclng a weakness of the generative or gans. The organs of generation, when in per lect health make the mull. Did you ever think that those Isild, defiant, energetic, persever ing, successful business-men are always those whose generative organs aro In perfect health You never hear such men complain of Isdng melancholy?! of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in business; they dont become sad nnd discouraged ; they are nlwiiys polite and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look you and them right In the 'face none or yourdown cast looks or any other meanness uboul them. I do not menu those who keep the organs Intuited by running to execs. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those theydo business with or for. How many men, from badly-cured disennes from the effect of self-alillse and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness In those organs that has reduced the general system so much as to Induce almiwt every other disease tdliwy, lunacy, parnlysls, spinal elTcctlnns, sui cide, and almost every other form of disease which humanity Is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ovor suspected, and have doctored for all hut the right one. Diseases of these organs require the nse of Dlurelle. HKI.IIOIjD'H KLUI D EXTRACT? BU CIIU Is the great Diuretic, aud Is a certain cure for disease of tho llladder. Kidneys, Organic Weakness, Female Complaints, Ueucral Deblll t', and all diseases or the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Mnloor Female, from whnt ever cause originating, and no matter ol how long. If no treatment la submitted tnf'omsumptlnn or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blond nretupported from these sources, nnd the health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable reined v. llelmliold's Kx tract lluchu. established up ward oflS years, prepared by II. T. HKi.MHOI.D Druggist, tm New York, and KM South 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Tnic II.K per bottle, or 8 liottle for ttt.50, delivered tu any address. Hold by all Druggists everywhere. S-NONBAIIK (IKNUINK unless done np In teel-engnived wrapper, with fao-siinllu of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed . . II. T. HELMBOLD. July O-im. JjJ LECTION OF OFFICERS. Tho officers of Rlchhltl Agricultural Society met on the Ith day of July and organised by the election of the following onVera : President D. W, Gray! Managers, JW. Walton, A. J. Iloo lier. K. Knlnlit. Jnseitn Dnrhln ins J. a liin.. S! Kni 'hi0' BoerBtr'' "oes I Cor, Beoretiiry, Aug. s-3t. i gtp gtdvcrtijsfmcttt. E uecutoh'B notice: Itteni UwUimnntnrr havtnff heon Kmptiil Co the unleritii(l oil tli vnIhIa of John lwln, Uxltf of Moruun tp.. ileu'il, imtiee in hereby given to nil pomonn lnlehtiHl to milil entnte to nmko inunnUtfclH ta.viit'iil, hii) tinMM tiAVimc elaiuiH mr,alt.t thP-ioneto pn'Heiii Ihum properly u- iU"l.tt' jiu o vr en Ji'iiiem, J'lttN hKWIrt, Wtmli. ro.,n J A I . Ullf . iiUKK.NI.I-;K, l-rtkiuu co.,IU, fM KHTEItN U1STUICT OF l'ENNSYL- f YAM A, At Wnvnesburg,Pa.,thelor July a. D, IsiW. To V. lioK IT HAVlOMI ItKN: TheuuderslKiied hendiy uives notice of his appointment as As slgueeof Wlllluui A. Porter of Wavnesblirg, III thecounty ofllicHiie and Ml. uc of Pennsylvania wilblii si.ld Dlatrtet, who has tssai adjiidul a Itunkrupt upon blaowu pcililon by the Instrlcl Court of said l.lslrlct. u, II, PIIKI.AN, July i: Ol. Asslauw. fitters of ailmlntstratlnn having hmn granted totllu unilersiKluil oil the estate of C. 1. Murru, dec'i!.. late of whltely lowin.Ulpt Greene tMtiiuty notice Is hereliy given to all persona Imli bted lo said estate t-t imike linuitllate payment and tloisc liavlna claim. Hgalnst the same to present them proiM-rly aulheiiilcattHl lomettlement. i;u..uii:th .xmuitiH, July IMt Adlillnlstnilrlx. s IIEUIFF'S BALE. Ity virtue of ft writ ofven. oxp. Iwuioo! nut of the Court of Coiiimoii I'leiut of Greene Coiuily, a nil to iuh iliriH'U-!, tlieru will ho vxpoxeil to pnhlle Hiile ill the Court limine, In Wavni-xlmru, on Mutunluy, Kept ', Lnw, m 2 o'eiock V. M the lnllowhiaf property, vlx : All the rluhL title. In terest ami rlaim nf N. it. Cleaveiit r, of, In ami to evrtaln lot of khuiu'I, iontalutii)i( onu iur) ire or Ii'hm. Mltuiili't) tfV Imnkar lil'tl towtiHhlp, ir'iie 4'ouuty, Fa,, ailtiiuliin lautUof Nleholat lielMilt, tMtnmleii on the I twt lv land or Mr. Mteel.oii theHuiitli hy Milter, on the Went hy Kmlly Mneh. North . Taken tn exeeution an the projierty tif N. T. Clenveni r aiia Nelmm r. 1 lenvpiiRer 111 ine Hint or KanneiH aiitl Urov orH hunk of WayiieNlmru for tliw uhu of W. iiit'uiuau ana uunuet uiuhum H, ll-tSU.Virr.Bhorltr. July2a,4-t ' E ?XKUTOIl'S BALK. Hy vlrtm of n power contained In the InHt will ami teNlmuent ol John l.ewm, late of Mor uan townHhiiiileeM.. the umlerKluneil hht Fxee- utoin will exphm to public nulo uu tho premlhCM Ul 4 UVIWK I N. Oil tllUUSDAY, SKIT. 3, 1808, A eerlaln MewMiiamt nml tract of tnml nit unto In Moruan tp., a0oluluir IuiuIm or John Keys, Ham ut i i-Miiiiiivi r uii'ii sto uiiiein CONT.yMNO l.-d ACml,MOItKOIl I.KSH, Held land has thereon erected a good two story HUH K HWK.I.I.INO I IOIIMI.:. Frnnie III, rn. no. I 4Htahle. Hrlek Kmoke House Ae., and tills thereon a gissl apple orchard, and oilier frull. Terms mane Known on tiny or sale JOHN I.UWIM, JAC'UU UltKFXI.RK, Aug. fl-.1t. Kxeeiitor, EQISTBIl'S NOTICE Notice In hereby slvnii tn nil cmlliont. ttfa teen. wanlNiiml other ihtkoilh tnlereHteil. Unit the iimleirlKUr KxeriilorN, AdiuliiMi rulorH ami ami (hiartliiuiN have tilled their aivouulN In the !(V(iter'H (Hllee. aud that the t ame will In pro Menttnl tot lie orphan' Court to beheld within and forth County of (Ireeiie, 011 WedneHday, September i, istW, for eouilrmatlon and allow- ttnee, I'M tMt llltow KefflHter, Avcount or Mleajah. Henry nnd Samuel Uuht ner. KxeciitorHof tho will of (let true 1 .1 u 1 1 1 . lier, deceased, whf waMudmtulHtrator upon the htateof JMenh Uane.deeiiHeil. Acnmnl of J. H. MrUtor, Administrator of tho rotate or Hi.ti t HriHtor, deeeimed. Account of J amen tlruliain. (uurdlunof Alex. under MeCracken, n minor child of John fliei nii'Keil, oeceiiWMi, Account of JunieH (Jraham, (luardlati of Itleh aid A. WalklnM.mlnorHouof William Wm kliiM. tletreaned. Account, of Ctmr!t, Wllllumn AdrntntNtrntor "iK-lMtnln uon" umiii the Kuluteof Kphrulm WllIlaniN. deceiiMed. AccountofAmhroKo A. HUutt, Administrator of ine km tale or Anraham Hlout, dee d. Account ot John Cotterell luid John lluver Ail minlHtratoi-HC. T. A. of the Kututu uf John ('(dterell dee'd. Account oL-hdin Owvnn, Almlnltnitorof the KMtatttiJi Jamen (!. Neal, dee'd. t Account or Meeker W, iK-nuy and Henry Luse, AdmlnlMtrntur's uf tho Kstatu Kleaer i.nrui oee 11. A won nt of John fVott nnd .lesup Kent. Admin iKtrator'i of tlio jLutu ul Hurah Johnson, tUH)U, . JECUTOIl'S SALE! Tho undesigned Kxeeutors nf tlio hint will nnd teMtunieui of John (trim, duu'd., will ex pose lo wilu on the preiulMeu, on TUESDAY, SEPT. 1st, 18G8, Tho hum cut end of mihl deceased, nltnatrt In Franklin Townnlilp, uiijoluinu Inudti of Joruui Dly. .ludtfo HoKkliiHon and ot la-rn, containing TW O IIIINIHIKI) AND Kl ITY ACUKS moro or le.sn, one hundred and eighty of which areelear ihI.ou which are erected one HUICK lUULIH.NO and 0110 Frame Tenant House, Barn, H table, CnUxand other outbuildliiKH. There aro uImo two apple orchards and other fruit on the prom laeM. The w hole IhwoII watered and under kkI eultivatiun, and will be sold u a whole ur lu purcelH, The itliovo prowrty In located ono mlio Wot nf Vaynejiburtf, and Ih In tho vicinity of tteveral gtHKl nitllMiiud ehurehea. TF.IlMrt. tine-third of the purcliftHO money to be paid on the tlrnt of OcUther, lMtiK, at which time the deed will he made and poHHeMnlon tflv en; except oflhe tenant house which will be Klveu Ut of April next, tho Imlancn In three eual annual pay men Ih, with IntercHt from that date, to be Keen red by Judgement or mortgago, ut the uptlon of tho F-xeeutors. KUZAItKTllimiM, Fxecntrlx, HULUMOX WXHK. Kxeer.tor. Aug 5-3t. p U BMC SALE. The underpinned proposo to sell on SATUUDaY AUQ. 20, lftltt. Atao'clock, P.M., tr.o lots in tho borouRh of wrtYnpnom'K, ia., wiin a incK nuiuiinn ere.iei thereon, known im tho Cumberland i'renlyte rlan cburclh Terms made knuwu ou Uuy of 8lu. Tiioa. noaKiNsoN, N.CLARK, Aug. Commltteo. G KEFNE ACADEMY AND NOHMAL bUUOOU CAlUnCIlAKLS, QIIKKNE CO., PA. Full Term commences Auc, 17, IWH.nmleontln lien nlxte4'ii weekM. Theormal Ilenartnieut Ih for the bene lit of tone hern. The bulldliiK haa been rutltted. Mtudentn have. ieeei to two M lirarleH. Ho,et ien art In a tltmrlMhl ni condition. To tho institution Itolnmoi apiHinttUH for all kinds of experiment. Good I'elw-ope, 511 eroMeoiH. CliurtH, A-i, It la desired that all Bhould he thereat the heirinnimr; of the term. BoAKI'INU can be olitalned In town or n HhortdiHhmee in tho country from $2 7" to W AO tier week. For Information tvldrcHH Dr. J, B, Laidlcy, Sec, or either of the Trustee. July 29tW-lf ' W. F. OKU, Prin. M IXSELL & CO,, MAtroir.VCTuurKi or 0VERSTHUN0, GRAND AND EQUARE PIANO FORTES. AlJtO 0XLY SIANUFACTUItEIlS OP Carpenter's Patent Hurraonlum Qrand rinnoes Wnrernoms, aw.Eeitnt 19th Street, Four doors Eust ol Third Avenue, NEW Yonu. Every Inntnment wnrranteil seven years. Semi rorn Circular uml l'rloo List. July IMin. yooi IL CARDING ON TEN MILE CREEK! J. n. DEDOLT . ' Would respectfully Inform the public that helft now prepared to CARD WOOL on the shortest notice and In the best style, at he : TEN, MILE MILLS, Two Miles lielow Ropemvlllo. H. iledes eom petitlon, nnd feels confident nf sutlsfylnR and ueeoininndnthiR all who may favor him with thels pntroliHxu. Frlee T rents per pound. He Is also prepared to grind nil kinds orUrnln on Khort notlee and In the best mutiner by biitli tiin and water, , JNO. II. DEBOLT June.T,'UB-lm. " . .. . , (Grocrrif M U It D K Ul "ovaTnLarr." . - . A Mejorllyof thn who read newan. n er even give a luuty alHiievat aliusiiieMslvMtlw , . uient aud If a MAN , Aetunlly lm cholrr vnrlotr nf which ue i neuiuK uivr,ni wi rs r prieniiinai euu W uttordeti, It hardly ptiyn him lo publish ti.sv.rt q-i. -..- . i.u FOUND It bert to Rim ply Invito terj'uody to call nnd examine our ntoek und price lH(oro pun'haMiiof eluwhtrre(ndHi.y but llttla In recant U our ability and determination u uiuku ItnUvunt ueouj. to I how who are uot DEAD To their own ttitoreat UiTmy their rfendlNi, NuU lUtlnouK, iirouvrlea auil everything IN Tliedrnceryllnoo. II. A.Itlnehnrt,lnl4lwllli's old bulldluu, oKMlte the publli .iiiure, WAYXESRUIia. A FRESH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED AND FOK SALE AT TIIK LOWEST PRICES Hunu-ir. I 1 GAD AND If NOW- QUICK SALES AND SHORT TltOFITS! o IMMENHE STOCK OF I'ltlWH OIlOCKItlKS Aiiu niovi.uo. Constuntly orrlvlin ut the store of JOHN MUNNELL, WAYNKHHUltO.BA. ConslHtlnir, In port, of UltUTKHIKM, COSKWTKINAniES. 'i'UU Al l 'I , HEllAHH, SNUFF, C'llAfKRlW, CIIKKSU, MOI.ASHK8, , CA Hill )N OIL, FISH, HAC0N, . 4c'., tic., 4e., 0 In addition to the above, a full stock ot NOTIONS, HARDWARE, SPECTACLES, POCKET KNIVES aud thousands of other nrt leliw, which are be- lK Willi UM 1UW us me TIMES WILL PERMIT! CO ME AND BU Y. ,I1lf JOHN MUNNEIX. (tlothi0. AHO YI ALOFTI STAND P,Y, ALLI TO SEE THE QRAND 0PENIN0 OK SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING JUST RECEIVED BY A . J. SO WEES DRESS SUITS AND BUSINESS SUITS, Beautiful assortment of Cloths, GENTLEMEN'S FUKNISIIINff GOODS, SHIRTS READY-MADE, Now Styles for Gent's Neck Dress Scarfs, Fine H rencli ngureo l'ercuie Mlilrts, Collars & Culls. THE DECLINE IN PRICES enables him to sell ut fubulous low rates. Full suits of excel lent Uixture, can lie had nt one half former oom. come sua gel Hie uess white It Is goin, WONT BE UNDERSOLD IN WAYNE8BURO ROOM IN ALLISON'S BUILDING, OPP031TE ins wuHi nuusih an 15,'0S-.1ra. XITAYNESBURG STEAM MILL FOR 1 1 imujs, : We tho nr.demlgned, owners of the above property situaleu in waynesnuri; KorouKii, ones ul prlvute sale the mill aud Its appurtenances, WITH TWO LOTS OF OROUND. The mill occupies one of the best sites for bu siness in mo county, la-woy wieui,iunjeHiorii-a hlirh. one of atune (two foot wall 1 two of brick. (eliilitecu Inch wall) und srrtt with Krauerles, Holts, Hiillll ivinelline, etc., inree nurra run oy u llrsteluHa eiiaine of tlilrty-luoh stroke, thirteen tnisb oyllnder. Also . TWO SET OF CARDING MACHINES, ; Now dolnz eood work. Splnntna machine, etc. Hatlsfiictory rennona for willliia. 'I ril.ftl." rwviai iiiouauiiu uve nunann uounra In thriMj annual iMymelila with lutensL Anubr at onee ut thu mill, ... . jutyai-aiu nunnr.LL,i ir.AiEH. w ESTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYL VANIA, 6& . ( .... .. f ,-. At Wnynesbunr, Pn., the M, of Aug. A. D., To whom it mat uozicHir i Tne uiiuersigq. ed hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee ui Aiurtin nnntn, 01 morses ip., in the eounlyof Greene and State of Pennsylvania within .aid District, who has been adliulued a nnnarupi upon ins own pennon or lee iiisiriet AUg.Mt, Igui-e. DlbfrtttntnttiJ.- STARTLING INTELLIOENrti 1 1 FIUNK McGURGAn,' One of oar most aetlve and otillxln merrbsnts, reeenlly r'liirned rrom the wimI, brUiKHMI' with liliu a spluiidld asaortmeut uf NEW SUMMER GOODS) ' Thf VKHT H KATKHT tlt LATmTMTYt.lM, of OVOrV vrlty ut hkamom aiii.m hatkh, ombrolu nil LADIES' DRESS GOODS, TUlMMINtiH AND MIM.INKBY (HK)IW. NeV Mtyle-of hl'UMrli rl)il.lNH: fliunt Ku4 iuulityof IHru-k HtlkH, ChlntiuM, Prvnll, Uf- r and lm. Tarltoua, ttnu and ull culom; liun uiu t v ofNVtNil Itelalnepj, tH(ether with m tii llun ofrtwlmte. ('HHhntereHitmt Alp0tAfortulU. A full Hint fuMhloiiuhhi line ol Millinery iiuo4 conslHtlnic Hunuet Krninea, Fruatwi XJluKloil-, Ciup.all color-, mitt Hlnulen, FINE FREXCIt FLOWERS, ') Tlie very latest and finest quality, Oll-bollwt rllilKina, all wiiltli.. shudes and eoloni ( olort iMres. Ail diwrllitlolia of IjulliV IUui, trim iiu.il, and untrliuiniid, full amiurtiiieiit of ' EMBROIDERIES & WUITfi GOODS, , New style of I'amaols and Hummer Umtirellsa. b'iiv (!.,.. I ...... L'...,.-..l.l...l H...T1 ul l l.l, id l!'o.' rclil,.a,'lllli aud (,'uiai tu ASSORTMENT OF FINE JEWELRY. ladles' nnd (leiita' Kid (ilovea, a romnlele linn sImi l.lell ilir I slid Nilk lloauiry lur Ladle und tients, a full aUiek. NEVV STYLES OP noop SKIRT3 AND tOII9ET9 A.'"i,.!,a",vl"i ,A Curtains, and a full line of MiH'ltSlNtl lliiolks. inui ,, lnd alMiit siileuillil iiiwortiiient of Wall Paper and CnriHitai llentn' ami Hoys' I'lotliliiK In arunt variety ami of I lie iniwt riMlilonnlilo alyloa. HATH, CAPS mid TKt INKS, ami In short, everythlnu Kimt In a lint elioM store, all of which H ill uu sold at ureutly riiiluued urlueH, . J.ilyl-tf ' ' S' C0TT. DICKENS. THE MASTEItPIECES OP FUTION AT A MAHVl'.I.Ol'' ClilSAt'NlvSH. THE WAYEItLY NOVELS, At the uniform price nf Twenty-five Conls pur volume. t'.ii'li v.iluiiiu UliiHtratiMl with an vu Kraveii l''roiitlHpieuu, und IhiuiiiI In mi llluml ualed 'lai'tiiii t 'over. To be completed In e vol-. UllleaiM lollowsi , I. SVaverly, 1.1, The Pirate. lvuiihiHi, II, Kortune of Nigel. 5. Keiillworth, l.u I'evurll of the l eak, 4. (luy MiiniiorlUji, III, (oonllu tiiirwuril. 6. Aiill.iimry. 17, hi. Itomnn'a V,rell, . Hob Hoy. H, IfiilKii.iutlel. 7. old Moriullty. II. The lletrotlii d, and H. Thelllm k Uwarfnnil HiKliliind Widow, n l.eKenil id Mulll roeo. ), 'I he Tallslliau. U. Ilrldu u( Ijiuuuer- Jl, WtHMlNtiH-k. moor. li. Kulr Mold of Peith, III. Heart of Midlothian il. Anne of llelemtelii. II. The .Monastery. Jl. Couut lloburtof Par li Tho AUIkiI. la, ii. Surgeon s Daughter, The first volume, "Wnvarly," lasueil on Feb ruary J3, IHH. A volume will bopulillHlied nliout oneea lorlulglit until theMcrlisls eompleKHl, Any vuliimu mailed, post free on receipt of price. Kor SIX DOI.LAItS wn will send hy mall, prepaid, ns fust as published. Die entire set or Wnvei'ly Novels, nod n ropy of a new Steel-plate PortraitofStr Wulter Hcolt,suitulile for train lur. Kor TEN DOL'.AIW wo will send by mall, prepaid, a set of .ii'kkn(Iu uniform stylejlis vol u men, and vavkki.sv, 113 voliiines. Tho cheaiwal ten ilollura' worth to he round In the whole ninite of llteruturu, Forty-three volumes for ten dolhirHt Any Kilty Volumes, selected at pleaanro, will be aent to one address (hy express nt tiif. ex Hnaeofthe pnrcliaNur)ou receipt of the retail price, less 'Jl S.roent. Any ( nu lluudred Volumes, selected at pleas ure, will be sent to one aildriws (hy express at tlieexpmiHHof the piirehitHor) oil receiptor the retail price, less 6 per cent, WORKS OF CIiAiTlES DICKENS. llaiiilHoiiiely iirlntcd. from clear Ivoe. on mmd MiHir, and of convenient slxo. Now complete in IS voliimi's.nt tliBunuexcd prims: Oliver Twist IN pp. American Notes ...I'll ' . ...24 els. .10 Iiomliey A Hon aim " &i ,uirun i uuxxicwil. su ' tJSn Our mutual riteud via Jk (MirlHtiiiaa Stories ltd " ...25 Title or Two (,'lt.cs Ill " 116 Uurd Times, nud Aililltlonul ChrlHtmiiH HiorfcH "(VI " OS Nicholas Nlekleby siu " .JH iiieuK nou.ie .;m " Little llorrlt m Pickwick Paiiers :i-.n " .34 " inivni i;opiiiTllelu , Hit " .oollertlel Hlll'llllhlV Ulldire. m " m " Old I'lirloally bhop tf.'l ,..io " ,.41 " ,.! " HIletelii'N M 11HI ' (rent K.xpcctntloni Isi ' I'liioiiiiiierciiil Tmvoller, Italy, etc .tiM Ill Any volume mulled post free an Receipt or on receipt nf tx 00 we will mnllloany address, piwt-piild, the entire works or ftmrlim Dickens, iiudiilsoaHteel-plnto Portrait of Dickens, suit able for framing. bpkoial'cm'h hatkh. Sets forelulis are mnt hv vxprtw, at the ex peime oftlie puri'llliaer. tell set 111 u club en titled to the Steel Portrait. ThrecHeia with 3 Portraits of Dickens. ill BU rivinrwwmiD 'Jl W) Ten Set with 111 " " " HI UO i)Heiid for a Htieidnien volume ami fni'ini. club in your town. No honksotriir more delight- uu reiiiiuiK iiiiiu mo novels oi vf alter ncotlanil uoiiriea locKeim. I lieHeiHiiiions. Willie reniarK ably clioup, are neiil and Innteful In nppeaninou, II. APPLF.I'ON A CO., Publishers, . . no, UJAVIUmiKlHt., N.Y. July 1, '( 1JIPORTANT TO CANVASSKRS AND MEN OU T OP EMPLOYMENT. HOMETIIINa FOR TUB HOUR I , MARSHALL'S LINE ENURAVIN0 OF genEual grant. : NOW READY, Tills sol. 'hell J Linn Knirravtmr la thn reanlt nf twoyciirs labor on the part or the artist, Mil. Wm. K. Maksiiam,, whoHtaml at the hewlof his 'irofesaion In tlie United StntcM. It is pro noiinced n perfect likeness of (lenernl Grunt In his best expression, by tho memliera of his fum lly nnd thoso who have been personally ac- ipiainuMi won nun lor many yenrs. ahs worK of art It Is immeiuiurably suixirlor to ull others. Mrs. (trnnt anvs: "I nm ilellulitefl with vour splendid niiruvlnK of my husliiiiul. Asa like ness 1 oo uul lliltiK II could be heller." Hena tor Sumner pronounces It "a rare and finished work, excellent as a likeness." Mr. Hrvant says: ''It Is rraily a noble specimen of the urt of engraving and appears to me to give the chariu'tor of tlio original more perfectly thsn any engraving which I have scon." Uon How aril considers "tho likeness striking and the picture iue-iiKe."( Air, mmtinguni, me emi- nud great force and richness. The best thing alKiul It Isthe'tmlh with which yon have ren dered the Indomitable spirit of the num." Agenis wnnicu in every lownsnip. Aourcss, TIUKNOItA KIKLDM AflENCY, OS Fifth Street, 1'ltUtmrgh, Pa. July PV . AN HOOD i UOW LOST, HOW RE STORED. Jtimt niibllaliM). a new edftlon Of Dr. CirLVuH- WKi.i. H cki.kiiiiatkii I'jihav on the Itiullcal Curo (without Meillclneiof SiKiistATOBHti(A or Sem inal, Mental and Piiysical Incapacity, Impedi menta to niiirrlage etc (Jonhumitioi. EeiltKi' sr and Ki rs, Induced by self-indulgence or sex- uiu exintVHgaue. . . -Prlee, in aseaieo envelope, only . eenu. The enlchnitcd nutlior. in this admirable esaav clearly demonstrated from a thirty years' suc cessful practice, tlint tlinaliirmliiKconsequencos nraelf-itbuse may bo radically cured without tlie dangerous use of Internal medicine or the appli cation of the knife ; pointing out a mode of curo nt once simple, certain nnd eiroctunl. by means of which every sufferer, no matter what hlsoon dltlon may be, may cure himself cheaply, prl- VUteiymilti nioieuiiy. ea-Tiile lecture should be In the hands of ev ery youth and every man In the land. Kent, under si.nl In n plain envelope, to any addrosH postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two Cmt stamps. Also Dr. Cnlvnrwell's "Marriage ulde," price 3I cents. Address the publishers. CHAS.J. C. KLINE A CO., HI DUrTLT iWW I UUL, I'tXIIr-V1UUO IWK ffKlO. M AllVIN'8 . .'-k 7 ... t'UHOME IRtJjf ' r-j SPHERICAL BURGLAR SAFES. Will Resist all UurguCrs' Impknnent tbr'anv T .1 at ... . Tleaae Bend mr iVfuUM,n. nt nM .i tt- - i that i-fes. ' -7 " : r . " ' y. iiARvra i ca," ;l :;.: H .??J1?',?V1wrr N,w Yorki Jil Chetst'St Jufy'lS..' 'W tonfcln,r4Uhl I . I . ... A