The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, August 12, 1868, Image 1
.J- Terms or IulUoatlon, Tbi WTsstrao Hvnuu, Offlc lo hrw' banding, saslalh Court Room, I pub lIslMd svsry Wednesday morning, at S3 per on, in AiuTANca, or U nut paid with la Um yaar. All saawerlsif Im u must bOMttlod aanttalljr. No paper will ba sent out of Um HUU unless paid for i advance, and all such subscriptions will Invariably to discon tinued at Ik axplrutlon of th Umi for vulck tby ara pl4. Corarnuiiluatlonson subjects of local or general littemsi are rwtpncirully solicited. To ensure Iteallun favor of ihu kind muil Invariably lw aAcoinptnted by the name of Ihftuutlior, not for a-aiilitvtiion, but a guaranty asalnsttinpiialtlnn. All ltlra pertaining lo liutlnoasof tne urUo aiMl baaiiilrtaywd to Ilia Editor i THE tlHAJIT IIO IU IN BLIC A I it lied, While and Llue. America, land of bright freedom,, ' NolonKeraccuried byaalava, .When tyranla denounce, never heed thom(T ' But up arltb the aaR ol the brave. It hone o'er our ranks In dark danger, When mlaillea of death 'round lie flow, To skulking and tear 'tis a stranger, Whan borne by the Grant Hoys In Clue., CHOitus-Wlien borne bylhe Ornnt lloyaln Dlna. When borue by tlieOrant Boys 111 lllue. Toskulklng mid fuiir 'tuantranger, When borne bylhe Grant lloys lu Ulue. When rebels our Union to sever, Miwle war our I he land And the srsi. Not an Inch would wo yield them, no nover, But llirtw our old flag to the brersa. Arnuud It the rnllunt quli k rally, 1 Tholr feally to fremloiii renew, On the unroll. In Ihu buttle and sully, Blioiio the Hug uf the (J runt Hoys In blue. Hlione the flag &c. At Hlilloh.nt lookout, At IMnolaon, pulled by storm, W boro It o'er riimtiart nud redoubt. Oave victory a lustre and form. In the Wilderness, rouiluut In batlla, TUrouiih weeks uf dread oonlllot It dew, 'Twos seen In ! nililnt or war's rattle, Troudly borne by the Urn lit lloya In Blue. Proudly burue, 4o. No del J but as viators we bore It, When Orsiit our great lender wus there, jltlehiuond tell(unly traitors deplore II), App nil utox saw Loa lu denpulr, ' Oraut uud victory, nothing aould surer, ' Omnt and victory, the buusl of the true, ' The army ami navy forever, ' Uuuafor tueilruut Boys In Dluo. ' ' Uu.'-ia fjr tho Grunt Boys In IUuo,o. 1 Now all who have fought for the nation, I Periled life on the laud or the sen, i Strike again fur your country's salvnllon, Culluw Uruntnnil the Dug of tho Ireo ' Gather 'round them again, In your might, , Though traitors should scowl at the view, , Once more put the gniybucks to flliiht, , Throe cheers for the Uraut Hoys in Blue. Three cheers. Ac. She yncsbuvg -RrpulbUcan. "I propose to move Immediately upon your worka 1" OOAltT. n .xv (t iLM'ttnivriux. ' .' David Crawford, lias the rep ' illation of being nil inimitable story teller ami wag. Here is a specimen ' ' of the kind lie indulged iu tho early j tunyaol rebellion: "I tell you three Southerners cun whip live Northern men. Iliev arc skilled in war, we : lire not. There is only-one way to get ' ut them, let me demonstrate: A gen tlemen I. ad several children whom : ho employed a iiurseto euro for. One boy wa extremely vicious nnd caused two or three nurses to give up their places rather than endure his insults. Another new one took tho place. On ; first sight the boy interrogated, 'Are you my new nurse ?' 'Yes,' replied ; tho nurse. 'Well, you must netsurar plums uud candy, or I'll pull your linir I1 So it is with the South. They i i ii i ; imveueeii pcttoci nn.i spo.ieu ana it w better to pve tlu-m augur "'"s ; and candy let Viem naea thetr own ' way!" How does that sound to-day ? ; Ami how inuny voters is there craven1 , enough to acknowledge 'the aspersion J, tiist upon Northern soldiers by send " ing a cringing, toadying, dirt-eater of ' his stamp to tho Halls of Congress, to - be ' whipped and lashed about by j Southern rebels? Wc want a man, v-not a tool I t'Acrs roil the people. ; . It is well to remember that the j 'Government has reduced the principal of -its-debt, in addition to paying a I largo ; interest, $250,000,000. War ' claimA, bounties, &c, have been paid ; to the amount of $100,000,000, which ' is really a rctluution of the debt in that ; s'arn, making $350,000,000 of the principal paid 'in' three years. This ! is paying off at the rate of $100,000, ; 000 ryear, a low estimate, at the same time' paying every cent of interest uc . cording to contract. See Commission 1 cr Wells' report for tho correctness ot our statement. At this fcite tweuty . five years would sec us a people disen- thralled, the burden of taxation gone, , a credit preserved and our honor un ';. tarnished. How much bettcf the pol- . icy of Right contrasted with that of Ruin in repudiating our pledges. ', Crawford, the Democratic nominee . for Congress,, favors the repudiation scheme. He believes tho rebel war - debt should be paid by the citizens of the North, that wo should pension the . rebel soldiers, their widows and .or ' phans, that the soldiers of the Union 1 were a "plundering,' murdering mob , of mercenaries I" it is in your power, voters of Greene, to damp out the vile heresies ot such doctrines. Re .! member, that Democracy means Revo- 1. Jution 1 ' Frank Blair has said it, all . rebeldom 'acquiesces. They have be ' gfla it already in West Virginia. . .-; , Gold jumped 1 per cent, on the day ' after the Kentucky alection. .; A. few ' ; mora 'Democratio victoriea and green ri backs will tell cord for cord. ' Every " vott for repudiation ia registered in . , th gold market, : .... - - JAS. E. SAYERS, fumskks in the bioiit as con gives vb to bee the mo nr. Lhcoln. ' , . . EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. VOL Xir. .WAYNESHUUG, , PKNNA.. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12. ISljj. NOl?" , . 1 1 " ' i i i i i n a inn.. Mor Til 6 Till SO. Northern Coppi'i'lieui! papers pul liuli pretty m'nor.tlly tho spcecliM of I'enilk'ton, lioncy-cualetl fur the lalmr in classes, Idit ijjnuro nltogi-ther their orators of the South, Souime-t, Toointis, Hampton, Cobb ami other, who nro stirring anew with fierce giorgy the boiliiijr cauhlron of civil war. Never in the South hud (he flumu of Rovolu- tiou Iteeu funned ni'ire iBsii!tioiinlj' hy these Hcdilinnistrj. But it U eoncealeil from tho Democrats of tho North, carefully covereti lioneiith the crv of "nero loniiiiiition, radical tyranny, military,"etc. On a recent occasion Mr. Pendleton was wiehlin his rhetoric ami BojihiKtry in favor of Repudiation, licfore a Cincinnati au dience, when a oiie-arnit'd man stepped out on tho platform and tapping him oti the shoulder, said: " Tlicm's mm heiitiuieiits!" Turning quickly uliout, I't'iidleton said, "Ah! an I yon were u soldier 1" "Yes," replied the one arm ed individual, "I wu with IV.-auro-CarJ at Coiinthl" Why can't our Northern Copperlieads be u frank as they ol tho South ? Why not pat Toombs & Co., on their backs openly? S'mply because they know the North does nut want war, uud for them to publish these men's speeches would expose the w hole scheme. They mean to rule or ruin ! Remember the words of Flunk liluir: "It is idle to talk of bonds or finances. The true issut is that the Southern State govern ments must be trampled into dust, the earpot-ha conventions dispersed," and the States turned over to the rebels. Remember that Crawford's idle pratelitj about bonds is not tho thing. Ho is laborinir to sell you out, Judas-like, for olliee, ami to turn you over bound hand uud foot to th.) men whom he declared "it was impos sible for Northern men to whip!" How are you '-ugar plums and candy !' wu ittririKsr An exe'iange says, Rapha'-'l Seinines, tho cowardly pii-ato 'wlio Imrncl our unarmed ineivhant vessels on every sea, has aniioniieod his satisfaction with the nomination of Seymour nnd Hlair. So has Toombs, the traitor Senator ot 18b" 1, so has Cobb, Mr. Buchanan's faithless Secretary of tho Treasury, who deserted his post and perjured himself to t ike a position in the Rebel Government of Jon". Davis; so has Albert Pike, whoso Indians sea, , ()Ut lU,m at IVa RMjje; 80 m3 yoncst t,e Tennessee butcher ': so has B.-auregaivl, who urged the Rebel Governient to put to death bv i the (jtwrots its prisoners nf war; so h;is the Rebel Gen. Preston, who left his post as a United States Minister to Spain, canio homo umi drew his pay in gold from the Treasury that Cobb had impoverished, and then hastened to take a command in the Rebel army ; so has Vance, lato Rebel Governor of North Carolina, who declared a few daysnoin a speech delivered to the Rebels of Richmond, that what the South lost by the overthrow of the re bellion, it would grain by the election ol'Seyiiiour and Blair; so has Wutle, Hampton who prophesies that the cause for which Jackson anil Stu trt died will yet bo gained ; so has Henry A. Wise, lato a Rebel General, ami so thoroughly devoted to tho Rebellion, even iu its death,that he scorns a pardon for his treason; at) J so ha3 every Ivti K lux assassin in tho South, who plies tho trade of murder, anil illuminates the darkness of midnight by the burnt loir dwellimrs of Union men. Who shall say henceforth that the New York nominations have not bion en thusiastically received ? TUB tiOI.OK.X ni'LE. TheGrantRepublican platform pro cluims that tho public faith pledged to the Nution's creditors must be sacred ly maintained, adding in words that should bo inscribed in letters of gold over every mantel : , - "TIIAT THE BIC8T POLICY TO PIMtNIfltl OCH BURDEN OF DEI1T 18 TO 80 1MPIIOVE OUR CttliDIT TIIAT CAPITALISTS WILL 8EKK TO LOAN U8 MONKY AT LOWER BATES OK INTEREST THAN WE NOW PAY, AND MUST CONTINUE TO PAY SO LONO AS ltKPUDI ATION, PAR HAL OR TOTAL. OPE ! Oil COVERT. IU THREATENED OR SUS PECTED." , HKITUCttY. Kentucky, last Monday, elected a Democratio Governor by about fifty thousand . majority, mat is a poor sliow for 'the dark and bloody ground.' She ought to have given at least one hundred thousand. Nasby will have to migrate to Mississippi, it is evident that men of the Bigler stamp are get ting too numerous at the "X Roads," itEHouuit'ir Hem ucvutvnov. If Democracy does not mean '.'evo lution, wlmtdoes it mean? All (-(Torts to cloud tho canvass ly iotrudiiciii new issues have failed. The lines nf demai cation are drawn with wonderful (listiiicincHM. Fiiiitiiciul tiicHtioiiH, tax ation and titrids fiircign and ilomestio economy, are Milisidiitry. There will he no bcrioiia tnrulile ulciut paying the tlclit, when tho timo comes to pay it. We etui trust the common wnse of the country fur that. 'J'aritls nnd taxation will ri-lit thcmsolvcH in olHiliencu to the iintntitalilu laws of supply and tlo iniiud. Tliu issuu tliitt trausei'iids nnd iilwui'lis nil thescis hiiuply this : Shall we have a Herniation t A certain pol icy has been adopted. Whatever m ay be said iiboul reconst ruction ; whatev er may li its merits or demerits, it is now the supreme law ot the land. Thu Foui'tceuih Article places the wholeipicatiou orReeoiistructiou above tho reach of iinv political lutrtv. Even give thu De uocracy their lull est triuuip.i. isupjiiM! it elects .Mr. Seymour uud it niajjiritv of the House), the Senate is Ridical, uud strong enough to veto any uttenipt minuend or destroy the work of Congress. The whole power of lilt- Do noeratio party could not take the bar from a single Ueliel, or place a bar upon a bingle negro. Nay. even iu the small mat ter of the dispensation ot oiliu.? n Democratic President would b.t pow erless. Ho could not toiloh u U ii lira I postmaster without 1 1 it; consent of a Kudical Senate, lie would be merely the uiiiu.-lcr of laws which he disap proved, uud tin.- Servant of a Senate that ditl not tiust him. How then could the election of Seymour conduce to tne advantage of the Democratic parly? Ho could the New Adinin- (istiation tairv nut tne wisncs ot its constituents? Siiupty by licrohtfion. The I).'in i(!i'atie party iintlerslands this, uud to gain power is pre pure I to take the responsibility of revolution, even unto war. Itemeinbcr tho tleli nnco of Frank Bi.iir, which g te Is i lit the unanimous vote of the Democrat ic ('oiivenlioii. lie knew thu spirit to which he appealed. As a Union soldier and a renegade from the Union party, bo could hpeak with inure liankiie.-s uud energy than u Copper head like Vullauili-haui, or a seces sionist like Hampton. " Jeiitleiiian," lie saul, '1 kno.v what you want. 1 know the spirit that moves you. You purptiso revolution. You would like to see every carpet-bagger driven out of the Sotftli everv negro reinanded to Slaverv, everv 'traitor' to the South Imuislieil lioai Ins liome. iMuko me Vice 1'ivsidiiiit, and if it should please God to put mo iu thu Presidency I will exccutcyoiirworK. Asconnnaiid-tler-in-chief of the army and navy, you can rely upon my lulelity nml courage. 1 will issue a proclamation sustaining the Constitution nnd order ing the carpet-bag Government to dis perse.. In sixty days Wiirinoth, Bul lock nnd Recti would hi; seeking shel ter in Canada, nnd the nigger legisla tors would return to the shovel and tile hoe." This is the bid which Gen. Bluir made. 'J he Democracy accept ed it, and he ratified the acceptance by an additional letter, in which he repealed his promise. This is the pledgo of Gen. Blair ; let us see what Ins followers think. The cowardly World gives due promi nence In the t'ln pit-nee of Isaiah Ityn tlcrs nnd Richard O'Gorman, but it is silent about Toombs uud Cobb uud Hill nnd Hampton. It is not for us dwell upon this conspicuous dishones ty in journalism, this ignoring of the ablest nud most honored leaders of the Democratic parly. Gen. Hampton was better treatetl here during the Convention. Then he was an or tele. He was met, he sivs, with "cordiality and good will." Tho leaders, howev er, declared, according to Gen. Hamp ton, ''their willingness to give us (the Rebels) everything we could desire, but they beyyed vs to remember that thuy had a great light to make ut the' North, and 'thuy then-fore besought us not to hud the platform with a weight that 'they could not carry against tho predjiidices which they had to encounter, . Help tlumonoe to gain the power and then they u-ould do their uimoit to relieve the Southern Statex and rctitore to us the UnioA and the Constitution as it had existed before the War." This is the proinisu which Mi. Hampton received, nnd he added uniiil the cheers of a mb of Charles ton Rebels th it it, "is a policy that suits us, when the greil Democratic party is pledged to the declaration Vial the licconstruction acts are. unconstitu tional, revolutionary, and void. 1'Jspea tally when every member of the party, and tlte warmest are from tlte North, is ready to take it up and carry it out." Here, then, is evident that the scheme of Gen. Blnir, the revolutionary scheme to destroy the "carpet-bag gov ernments, even by military force Was planned by Democratio lenders and the secession Generals. General I lamp ton tells us there was no dissent. He found every member of tho party pledged to it, (Mr. Seymour and all), the "warmest" being "from the North," and that they only wanted success in Nofembcr to enable them "to take it up and carry it aid." Thus, then, we have the wholo Democratio party solemnly committed to revolution at a secret convention held in New York, at whioh Rebel generals attended. We call it a "con vention," but it was rather a capitu lation a surrender and . what Is worse, tho surrender of traitors. If they had surrendered openly in broad day with frauk avowal of their their purpose, no ono wuuld have com plained. They deliberately proposed to cheat the country. "Help L'lan to to gain the power" and all will go well. To gain that power, chicanery, and deceit, ami fraud are to be used ; and when a Democratio leader talks soothingly of peace and constitutional reined it's, show him this solemn con fession of Wade Hampton, ami con vict him of falsehood. The record comes out as clear us the sun, Wudo Hampton and his friends power mid wo shall have another civil war to provo "the licconstruction net un constitutional, revolutionary, and void." This is a solemn charge, but let us prciss it nnd call up tho witnesses. Wade Hampton and Frank Blair have spoken. Hero is Robert Toombs, u prominent Democrat of Georgia : Mr. Toombs what is youT under standing of tho Dem icratio xlicy ? Mr. T. "lhutttll these rjcoustruc tion nets as ' they are called, these schemes of delusion, of villiuny, and of tyranny, shall no longer torso the statute book nor oppress tho free people "f the country." Speech in At tanti, July 23. : . Frankly ' spoken, Robertl but we should like something more explicit. You have heard General Hampton's testimony. What iri your opinion of the Democratic policy ? Mr. T. "That theso .so-called Governors and Legislatures which have been established in our midst shall ut once be made to vacate. The Convention at New York appointed Frank Blair especially to oust them." Speech at Atlanta. Then, Robert, you believe in resist- ti nee, una that i' runic should bi as- sistcd in his work ? Mr. T. Rather vagtiely7"but with out-cropping, unmistakable instiling. J "i'hd principle, that justice shall rule that nil tyranny is illegal, thnt it ought to bo resisted, and that resist ance to Hii'li is obedience to God, is the the voice of nature, nnd of. nature's God, ringing through all climes, of ull countries,, proclaiming to 'mankind that wrong eau never be sanctioned by force." . Here is Howell Cobb, whose speech wo published recently, und the spirit of which wearc content with summon-' ing up in this extract : " l lio doors aro wide opon, wido enough, broad enough lo receive ev ery white limn in Georgia, unless you should discover him coming to you creeping and crawling under the Chi cago platform. Upon thl-m there should bu no iner.y. They have dis honored themselves, ami sought to dishonor you. Anathematize them. Drive them from the pale 'of social ami political society. Leave them to wallow iu their own mire and filth. Nobody will envy them, and if they ure never taken out of the gully until 1 reach forth my hand ' to take them up, they will die iu their natural ties inent. Laughter nnd upplnuse." Could language be plainer than this? Gen. Bluir proposes to destroy tho G ivei'iiuii-nt, while- G5TT. Cobb, who o imui in led the stockade of An tlersonville, is to bo aligned to the congenial work of exiei'iuliulioii. B. II. ilill is another witness, -We pro pose to detain him a little longer : "But we have a party now organ ized, a strong and a glorious party, with statesmen at its head, and with correct principles for its platform. They have taken the field, and from Maine to California the dread tramp of Democracy is growing more und more distinct, anil hy November n verdict will be pronounced by the great free men of America that shall glad den the hearts of patriots now und for ever, cheers, ami when the . people shall have pronounced that verdict, the great cowardly crowd is'ill take courage, and Hasten to their judg ment. "Then, ah, tlun, what will become of you, ye isolated-hypocrites T AU pow er to threaten gone ; treachery exhaus ted. Relief measures and Reconstruc tion measures both dead, the Radical party out of Congress, how on earth will yon time strip imkil-4-HTtT-gu;:e of the world iu all your unhidden in famy ? What . will become of you ? Ilom.will you escape the damnation of lleilf A voice: 'lucre') no ' hell bad enough for 'em,'. That's what is coming; oh, it's, coming, thank God, it's coining coming-trnTi'e cheer of patriots uud the dismay of trai tors." .-.':' "Yet the vile, tho low, the corrupt and the perjured ure seeking to be our rulers, and have seized upon our high jilaces ; but the noble, the valiant and tne true are still left to us, and throughout the ' country aro taking courage and singing tho notes of com ing triumph. Ye miserable swarms of political neeuleney, hutched, in the stentih of revolutionary corruption in to an ephemeral existcucc-lrenegadcs from the laws of God," and violators of of the laws of men, we scrviyou witli notioe thia day, that victory U coming. Qeorgiant proud Georgians, the men of the SoiUh, the men of the North-- pa triot! everywhere are tending up their VOIDS to hMimn that. Ala ia .itnd thrill 0rw'' ba a Union of tnualttaU, or o Union at alL f Wild nhpsi. Winrr several roiures.J Men Of fline, men of character, women thank Gbd with out a dissenting Voice; and nrven chil dren in thehf play-gronnd-t ara pro claiming on hill-ton and in the Vnl ley, tlutticAom God made tuperior shall never be degraded." According to Ben, therefore, "die men whom God made superior" are to have a Union thnt he fancies or "no Union at all." This is bis under standing of the Democratio platform, and nsa preparatory step he makes this proclamation s "One thing you must do for tho pro tection of your children of viiur- m-lvi-4. nnd fnrllin vin.liciitioit ol'vnur honor. I adirin it, nnd want it hcanf it is going to be the law of this coun try, and a law more irrcpealable than the laws of the Mcdcs uud Persians, Not one man that dares record his vote for the inequality ami vassalage of the Southern States, and the degra dation of his o vn we, oayht ever to be reoeioed into a decent family in Ocor' fia, or in tlte South, now or hereafter. Cries of 'Never.' If wo have not got the power to make tho laws for op r General Governient, or for societv, thank God we can at least pass law for our own homesteads. Mi mother nnd my sisters and my dcaryoung ladies for I um sure I love cvsry one of you 1 feel that I um the brother of every woman in Georgia anil the son of eve ry man I charge you this tiny ns you honor your elulilren, ami vour house hold, und your goodnnme, nnd your posterity, nuvcr sillier a single native renegade that vo es for the vassalage of these States and the disgrace of your elulilren to darken vour doors or speak to any member of your family. Cries of 'Good,' 'That's right," '11 uriiih,' etc.! You condemn the poor victim to; the penitentiary whostcals a horse or $100 and yet these miserable vagabonds, have sought to barguin away every thing that you have. You scorn the criminal the man that has violated the laws of your country. Theso mis erab e vagabonds are faithless to every law in Heaven nnd of earth, and have used every means to sell you to those that hate you." This is tho spirit that murdered Ashburiiat midnight iu his bed that led to a riot in New-Orleuns "worse 4huii the ma sa 'ie nt Foit Pillow'' that lias generated the Ku-Klux Klan that has mado Texas a hell ami compelled two years of military oc.-iipatiou ami domination in the South. It now proposes to lay vio lent hands upon the Constitution and the rccimstucted Union, todustroy tho fruits of victory, und to bring us back, Wudo Hampton expresses it, "to the Union timl the Constitution ns they existed before tho war." Could words bo plainer? Could n purpeso be more evident or more natural.' (Jen, Hamp ton fought through many bloody bat tles for this result why should he 11 -? ncecpt it from Seymotirand Blair? In 18G0 Democracy meant Um etern ity of Slavery 5 iu it meant thiitthe war nnd emancipation were failures; in 1863 it means that treachery And surrender shall undo the results of the war, and bring upon us anarchy, unrest, persecution iu the South, ban-. ishnient of the loyalists, proscription of U11 ma men, the triumph ol sluve piiwer,an.l the pjrp ottiation of the slave interest. They call it "reaction, "and assert thnt thev mean peace,- We call it Revolution. -We produce the evidence, and insist ' that it means war. .... Friends study this . record nnd then tell us, If Vie Democratio party does not mean I evolution, wml does it mtun I Tribune. A Stiuidl iiff Army of Bottels. The troops of the Ku Klux, in their peculiar uniform, which appeared upon our streets, on Saturday night is most signilicant when taken in con nection with the declarations of Gen Pike nt the Democratic Club. It assures us definitely that we have in our midst astandiug rebel army organ ized und rcdy to take the field. ' Thus hundreds of uniformed soldiery not on ly u nl; no -vii to hut in deadly Enmity with, nil .lawful authority, threatens our peace nnd liberties. It becomes the" law ubii ling men of Tcnncsec to organize nnd nrni immediately. Memphis Post, of late date. Tun Louisville Journal sounds the long roll, ami Says: "Democrats) stand to the polls. If that will not do, stand to your guns," and the spir it of these words breathes through ma I speech and raving editorial, from the Ohio to the Gulf. Tho only hope of quenching theso flames is by smoth ering them under the overwhelming ballots cist for Grant, Coh'ux, and Peace. ,.. '. ... Democratic stumpers ancl editors tell us the bonds are held by the rich while the poor pay the taxes. Seymour says tho bonds "have gone into the hands of innocent holders, who, to a vast amount, nro compulsory owners. It is u mistake to suppose thnt they are mostly held by capitalists." ; j 1 : . ! , Wiies Blair, in 1860, during the campuign in' Indiana, branded the De mocracy ns 11 " vile, miserablo . party" and abused Douglas so fiercely, Don. Voorhees called Blair the'' prince of blackguards." Blair in return brand ed Voorhees as a " hell-hound." Now the "hell-hound" supports tho "prince of blaokguards." A nice couple, truly. 1 at TT T , The Democratio party congratu late itself that it can now make an Affenaive war. : The nation will prebire to hold its nre,C!dcaffoJct. j ; jl AXIHAI. IStTCLLlUKKCB, A nC'.v champion for the intelligence of animals, M. Earnest Meuuult, tins revived the discussion in n book full of facts and inferences which, if not all new. are all-to the point. We luke an example or two of what the smallest and the dullest of them, as well as the biggest and cleverest liens and Csh as well us elephants csm do. There were industrious -fleas before our time. Baron Wulckcnacr (who died in 14012) saw with Ins own eyes, for sixpence, in the Place debt Bourse, Paris, limr learned fleas perform the manual exercise, standing- upright on their hind legs, with n splintcrof wood to-serve for a pike. Two other Ocas drugget) a golden carriage, with a third Ilea, holding a whip, on the box for coachman. . Another pair drugged a cannon. The flea-horses were ho moss ed by n golden chain lustcmd to their hind legs, w hich was nover taken 0!'. They had lived in this way two years ami a hall, without nnv mortality among them, when Walckenaer saw them. They took theirmeals on their keeper's arm. Tho feuts. Vero per formed nu a Pluto ot polished glass. When they were sulky, und refusmLto work, the man, instead of whipping them, held a nit ot lighted charcoal over their bucks, which ' very" soon brought tl.-ein to their senses. But of what use is cleverness with out a heart? Tho Ilea has strong ma ternal aU'ections. Sho lays her eggs in the cranniesof floors, in the bedding of animals, and 011 babies' night clothes. When the helpless, transpa rent lurvre appear, the mother-flea feeds then), as the dove does its young, by discharging into their months tho con tents ot her stomach. Grudge her not, therefore, oncsmiill drop of blood For. you, it is nothing but a flea-bite; for her, it is tho life of her beloved offspring I While pleading, however, for tho flea we cannot do as much for the bug, though he 13 gifted with lullcr devel oped intelligence. An inquisitive gen man, wishing to know hov the bug became aware of a human presence, trietl the following experiment. lie got into a bod suspended from tho ceiling, without any tester, in the mid dle of an iinluruishcd room. lie then placed on the floor a bug, who, guided probably by smell pondered the means ot reaching the bed. Alter fleep re flection he climbed up the wall, trav eled straight across the ceilinrr to the spot immediately over tho bed, and then dropped plump on tho observer's noe. Was this, or was it not, an act ol intelligence? Tho fish belongs to the great flathcad family. Ono fel low, with a muzzle prolonged into long narrow tube (which houses ns a popgun,) prow ls about tho bunks of tidal rivers. On spying a fly on the water-weeds he slyly swims up until ho gets within five or six feet of it. He then shoots it with water from his proboscis, never failing to bringdown his game. A governor of the hospital at lialuvia, doubting the met, tlictlgl attested by credible witnesses, proeur ed some of theso fish, to watch their pranks. He stuck a flv on n pin at the end of a stick, nud placed it so us to attract tlioir notice. Jo Ins great delight they shot it with their water guns, for which ho rewarded them with a treat of insects. The pike has proved himself not only intelligent but even capable dis believe it who will ot gratitude. ' "W ilo living at Durham," say Dr. Warwick, "I took a walk one evening in Lord Stamford s park. On reaching a pnnd in which fish were kept ready lor use, 1 observed a fine pike of some six pounds weight. At inv approach ho darted away liko an arrow, In his hurry he knocked his haul against an iron hook lixeil 111 a pot in the water, fracturing his skull and injuring tho optio nerve on out side of his head. lie appeared to suf fer terrible pain; he plunged into the mud, floundered hither and (hither, unci ut hist, lenping out of tho water, fell on the bank. On examination a po-tion of the brain was eeen pro truding through the fractured skull. "This I carefully . restored to its place, making use of a small silyer toothpick to raise tho splinters of bro ken bone.. The fish remained' quiet during the operation; when it wus over ho plunged into the pond. . At first his sufferings appeared lo be re lieved; but in the course pf a few min utes ho began rushing right and left until ho again leaped out of tho water "I called the keeper, and with his assistance applied a bandage to the fracture, that done, we restored him to the pond nnd left him to his fate. ' Next morning, as soon as I reached the -Water's edge, the pike swam to meet me quite clusl to the bank, and laid his bead upon my feet. I thought this an extraordinary pro ceeding. . Without further delay,', I examined the w ound and found It'heal ing nicely. -''I then strolled for some time by the side of the pond. The fish Mvam after mo, following roy steps, and turning ns I turned. , "The following day, I brought a few young frienc'B with mo to seo the fish. He swam toward me as before. - Little by littlo he became so tame as to come to my whistle and eat out of my hand. W'ith other persons, on the contrary) hecontinned asehyand as wildasever," This,' anecdote is averred' to have been read, in 1850. before th Liver pool Litorary and Philosophical Soei- ,'l no elephant, witn a sort ot narnor- .. ... ... . Xvrma 01'. Aavui'Uiiu( . . Jo it wo nit. ,- Immniiun Inserted at ftl B P Mil r forilirx- ui.iUon, or ijh, and (W mtj : MluaralorwMiB udjlll.sisl uiMirlieaMU'n bii" . or it-a 01 thia tyjm f'iiiu-d k niiihiui, Alllran- ,. almit a-lvertlMmsnu to be puld for In Odva&oe. 3 nsws wilpbe charged Invariably 11 euia Uti ' rureauh Inset IWm. - - ' A liberal dacluilon mado tqijomonaaavania- Ingby the quarlvr, hkit-yenr or year. BrsyleJ n -.v. milieus ohnrticd ouo-lull muf lean nutar au -t , verllseroum. 1 Joa l'HiNTmoofevrykinOiirIiidrtn. cy colors; Han l-hllta, le.unli vCyr.l l'miipnixto Ac, uf everv variety ancl aiyf, rlnt) at Mix " sliort-et notice. The Itcpuiii.n as )rti-K lias Juit Ixeii ro-atted, and evurv Milan In t!ia Print inv lino can im exf-iiMii iu iim Mtaua nt-Aiiiiaranfl at the luwrat rotrft -- ous justice, is giyfii to return injuries or instilU til kin 1. ' In Madagascar, an elephant's eornnc, happening to have a cocoa-nut in Ins liana, thought fit, out of bravado to, break it on the, animal's hcnd'7ia(jrpyint made 110 piotost sf j fcesiiir? ij'.it next day, pa?s- - r...L. r ....). - .. . .. .. ing n iiuia oiuyi, no ivuk u vuciiumius in Ills trunk and returned tho eornue'a compliment so vigorously on A( hood tnnt no killed linn on tlio spot. If vindictive, thu elephant U flli grateful. At Pondicht rry, a soldier who treated an eleplinnt to a Oram of -arrack every time he received his pay, lound In insult Ml worse tor liquor. When they were about to carry him oft' to prir-on, he took refiigo under the el ephant ami fell aslei'p. , His protector would allow no one lo approach, nnd watched him carefully nil night. In thi) morning, ufier carressin him with his trunk, ho dismissed Jum to settle with the authorities as beCTLe could. , " , Both revenge and gratitude imply intelligence; still more does the' appli cation of an unlbiVren expedient, A ..i- :il ... o' .1 11.1111 ui ut tiiieiy piung looeriiigajiutain had to cross the shingly bed of u river. A nsnn who was silting on a pnn-cur-riage, fell; in cnotlicr , second tho wheel would have passed over his body. An elephant walking Ly tho side of tho carriage saw the danger, and instantly without any 'order from his keepei, lifted tho wheel from the ground, leaving the f'ulle:! man unin iujured. . . . At Clemency on the borders of Switzerland, a wolf 'toward nightfall entered the village, 'und immediately gave tlmse to a small gray terrier br longing to 110 nno in particular. In stead however of taking shelter in tho nearest cottage, the dog rushed on to the end of the hamlet, and, entered a whccl-wrights yard, leaped safe and sound into the kennel of a Wnge ninstilT. The wolf, had followed too closely to recede, ami the mastiff, in spito of a heavy chain thnt cramped his uinvor incuts, darted out suddenly and soizod the wolf by the skin of the Lnek, The sequel wut remarkable. Tho nuvstifl', impeded by his chain, began to yield to the struggles of the wolf, which was n lull-grown powerful beast, when just at tho right moment, anoth er largo dog arrived at full speed, ac companied by the terrier, who bad cv idenHy seen his comrade's ! need of ar-slstance, and gone o.'f to procure It. This unexpected ally put nn end to the conflict, nnd the wolf v:a spcidily mastered, . -.- , Exiraota of n Mudal Lots Lattar. My dba 3 Every timo I think of you my heart fl ips up and down like a chuni-iLnhei'. As a gosling swimnicth with delight in ft mud-puddle, so swim I in a sen of glory. Visions of cealatic rapture, thicker than the hair of 11 blanking bnuh nnd brighter thnn tho l.u son a humming bird's pinion, visit 1110 iu my slumber?; nnd borno 011 their vis ible wings, your image stunds befiro me, nnd I reach out tognap it, liko an old pointer snapping ut a blue bottlo fly. When I first beheld your an gelio perfections I was bewildered, and my bruin whirled around like a bum-blo-lieo under a ghifs tumbler. Sinco the light of your face fell upon my I if- 1 sometimes feel as if I could life myself by my bootstraps to the top of a church steeple. Day and night you are tuy thought. Your hair Is like tho maneof a sorrel horse powdered with gold; and the brass pin skewered through your waterfall filled me with unbounded awe. , Your forehead is smoother than the elbow of nn old coat, and whiter then seventeen hun dred linen. .'.Your- eves arc glorious th behold. Ia their liquid depths I see legends of little Cupids battling and fighting Iikecohoi ts of ants in nn old army cracker. , Your nose is from n ehuii!c of Parian marble, nnd vour mouth puckered with sweetness, iseo tar lingers on your lips like honey on a bear's paws, nnd myriads of unfledg ed kisses are there ready to fly out and light somewhere like young bluebirds out of tho parent nest. Your laugh rina 011 my care like tho wiudharp's ' strain, or the bleat of a stray lamb on the bleak hill-side. The dimples in your checks are like flowers in beds of roses, "6r like hollow in cakes of home-made sugar. I am dying to fly lo your presence and pour out (ho burning eloquence of my love as thrifty housewives pour out the hot cofl'ce. As the song bird hungers for the light of day, the cautious mouse fur tiie ' fresh bacon in tho trap; 03 a loan pup hunkers after now milk, so I long for thee. If these few remarks will ena blo yon to sco the iiisido of my soul, and mo to win your affections, I shall bens happy as a woodpecker in a cherry-tree or a slago horse in a green pasture. If you cannot reciprocate niy thrilling passions I will pine away like a poisoned bed-bug, andfnll afay from the flourishing vine of life nn untimely brunch, nnd in 'the coming years, when the shadows grow long from the hills nnd tho philosophic frog sings his eveninghvmn, you, nappy iu another's love, can come and drop a tear and toss a clod upon tne lait rest ing place of 1 - . - - -'' "Julius Epamixosdcb Muqgixs " - t , Paddy's (lesoriutiou of a fiddle can not be beaten It was the hhana of a turkey and the size of a eoos9,he turned it over on its belly and rubbed iu back bone with a stick, and ooh by Ol. 1 ainc now iiutii squam ,; .y,