Shc hiiucslucrg Republican,' -'(Jncbag ibttgusi 5,1868. Qww Cattle. T. w. hobs, rtnttcut ad soaosog. luce In Jowell's building, Welt end or Main St. Waynosburg. , , a-". Y A. BALL, tbt In Dry Ooefe Groceries, Tlardwurv, etc.. ena" 'AT MCCOY'S OLD STAND, tM-ir. (Jreensbom, m. J O. Off 0. F. ' WAYNESBURO LODGE, NO, tm. flail In tianear't Bulliling, nut Mnln Street, Weynesburg, Pa, Tune, Tuesday eveuing, each w eek. ilh. r o. of o. p. HOBIIIMKA LODGE, NO. &. 1111 In flancar Building, East Mnln Street, Waynesburg, Pa. Time, baturduy owning, each week. ilh. P EO. & JEFFEHY, NOTARY rUUUC. All tilnees pertaining to ih office attended to promptly. Oritee with 1'. A. Telegraph Co., ant of too Court House, Msy m 'no-ly. E. M. BAYERS, ATTOBNIT AMD COUK1ILOB AT LAW, In addition to nlhes hmriniu will iilleti.! In mil OHM In bankruptcy that nwy heenlruati-d to Ins I V ; ""oe, opposite uia more 01 u. w. Hou- M.kUtB IIMIOOM ADD sTATIOXCIT, Wll Paper. Window Paper.Ae. Sunday School Hooka of all kinds constantly on IihimI, nm In Mm. Ilusli sounding, formerly occupied liy Cut hsrall Tajr lor, Waynesburg, Prt, tyinmcEY; WATCHES AND JEWELRY, MAM STRICT, orroSITI COUBT HOUSg. Keeps on hands always a choice and select as sortment of Watches and Jewelry, llcniilrliig done at the lowest rates, 4;l; UT-ly. F IliST NATIONAL BANK, Ot WATRISIOIO. fWns. ...., .n t.Vctnrk A w. Closes ..........,..ii...!fn, l(ck r M. DISCOUNT DAY... TITKHDAYH. P, Vonbb, Pres't. J, C. Flkjikiken, Cashier. B, Fbank. Flihniksm, Assistant Cadilcr. JENTISTRY. I have located In Wavneahiirv. nmf am nec it. ti ivlne the Jtu residence of llr. H. H. Itatton. llnv. US' tuken great Dalha to become thonni(lilv ho- gualtiled with both the theory anil practice of xmiwmtt j. nuu nnving NWl UN ex icrienec Ol seven yearn In the profession, I feci wiirraiitanl In any. Itg thatmy patients shall have nocuiisotncom- rlnlnof Inferior oerBlloiis. Kxt ran Ion will In endcred painless, when drains), liy tho admin istration of "Ihuk11iIC Ka" orotheraiieathellca. Charge moderate, anil nil operation warranted as represented. I will I at home wmmi'T I'ku adventuhm from the Ml tenth totho thirtieth of every mouth, JUH. 8. HEIITIU. s HERMAN HOUSE, mi OMgED BT TU0MA3 BRADLEY. Poalllvoly the moatenmplr'tn Hotel In our town. Everything oomhlncd to ntrnlKh thrlHat ucconi moilntlon ever yet otltml to the pulilie. Mvula tarnished at ull houra, table provided With the beat of theaeiiaonl Truvellera and thoae ileHlroua of rofrentiment will do well tocnll."Tmn"atlll ri'lolna hl old reputation of an nwtmniodnttnu gent Ictiiiin, nnd hoapltahle Inndhml, lloiiHe, the one formerly oocupled by the "Mcmcukit" Ulllce, 5;!l: im-l.v. JOBEHT DOU011EHTY, 0ABBU0B HANVrACTDHIiH, WAWkguUkd, FA. TtanpecPAilly glvea notice Hull he linn locnled In Wuynottjurg, l'u., where he lntvuda to itiuiiu butuM CARRIAGES tu every deacrlptlnn. From hl experlenee In thebualneaa he fuela confident thathla atyle,nnlah and durability, will give entire miN latactlon. It la lila Ueterininatlon to mirvluiae the beat material In ninrket, and employ none but competent workmen. AI1 work wurrunU)dfuroneyenr,Ct JJARBLE WORKS, 8UMMER3GILL & BRO. fRhtmln MOrnf lim TTtimlltnn IUim ti.n tt.n rJtcaiu Mill,) Th; DaMtearerearraetfiillv Inrnrmfwi thnt anm. " i H1 A Uro. buve Juat received a large atouk of MARBLE W0 8KI 8neh as Grave Btonea, Monnmenla, Mnnlle Work, Ac. We nre prepared to funilsli work at Mirnia on anon notice, lain amt ex amine miratoek, atyle,and urloea, before pur hoeing uwwliere. &H-tf. WAYNrUWMARBINDBTONE If . WORKS. SAYERS '& MNEIIAIIT. Btlll continue to carry on (he Marble andHtone rutting buatneaa at their long eataldlalieal ainad luimedlate east of the Public Hquure, hetwveu 1 nla eatabllaliment haa been In eonntniit oper Btlou since 1KW, and the long experience and en. ergy of the pniprletora. linked with tho cxer. else or sound Judgment and good tiutto, hnve won tor them widespread and enviable reputation. Itr ,1 . . . various varieties ot the best marble kept eorwtaiitly ou Imnd. Hue- : - r,wrHMiuHi vivasiug, carV' lug and engraving. All orders promptly filled, 4;'6G-tr. jnOUMDERY NOTICE. IHB SUBSCRIBER IIAVINO rURai.VSED EAGLE FOUNDER Y, With 1U targe stock of PLOWS AND MANY OTHER CASTINGS, Formerly the proper! r;of the Inte Daniel Owens, dee d, will continue the business in all Its branches, and do all kinds of MACHINE REPAIRTNQ. At abort notice and upon reasonable terms, and topes to merit a reasonable share of patronage. Mn C. W. BOWER JJEW LIVER i BTABLE . .' ' . K WAYNESBUno, PA. Vh labscrthen wonld respectfully Inform the ( publlo thai they are prepared to A000MM0DATK AT ALL II00R8 WITH GOOD HORSES AMD GOOD BUGGIES, Onr Rtable will he found In rear of Uia Ilamll. 4oa Hoose, near the 8 team Mill. Mayau,'S-ly W. A. AC. W. BANE. H AVE A ClQARf m ttf MTt A rM T. BRA DEN'S )lSM JCSTAI1LIHHMENT. Ha kaep on band t U times AH EXCELLEXT QUALITY OF CIGARS, ajnhtng A Chawing Tobacco, ltpes, 8nuff, sic., etc. prices bowni is the word i flkOlln. Boom in theWorlo Botue, Waynes .bwg. F (p.lAtt-U X BRAfiSN. $itt$burj)U CardjJ. COU. I'ESN AND ST. CIAIIt hTKKKTS, PIlTSnURGn, PA. Tire Largost,l'heuiest and most Hucccimiul rRACriCAL BUSINESS COLLEGE INTIIEVXITEDSTATI-J;. " OVER FIFTEEN TUOUSAND STUDENTS FROM TIIIItT-TirREK STATES IN TEN , YEA US. FOR LARGE QUARTO CIRCULAR, Containing full luformntlon. Outline of Courso of Htudy, saiiiplss ott'owl.Kiajj PREMIUM PENMANSHIP, View of the College lliill.llnir, illn"erenl de partments, t'lty ol 1'ittitiMiruii, Ac, Ac.(iiililnai ilie l'rlnclls, H.M1TII A (1IWI.KY. up l.UM-ly lMIUburgb, l'u. BAILEY, FARUELL A CO. LEAD PIPE. SIIKET AND BAR LEAD MANUFACTURERS, ALSO Pig IjiiiI, Iron Ple, ItublaT Hose, Stenlil UUllscs, lllMiiis nun tmves, mill uim Coiuwr tslukstt linth 'rulM,Mi-iini Puiiiim, Fiirm Puiiiis mid Force ruui)M. Anil EVERY DKHtitllTION OFOOOIiH FOR WATER, GAS AND STEAM. SO. llij HMITIIFIEMl HTRKET, pirrHiicutnr, r.. lip .'.'iW-l.v-'Jo Heiul for a Price t,ll. Y U It N 1 T U 11 El J. W. WOODWELIa & SONS, MANUFACTURERS and WUOLEHALK AND IlKTAlh DEALEIIH IN F UBXITU-REI OF KVKRY liBrtCUIPTION, W A 00 Thlird St., feMy. I'lTrrtlll'Iid, PEXN A. ANDEIIHON, 1'ENXOI.D CAIWoN, 1IAVK RKUOVKO T1IKIII WELL KNOWN MERCHANT TAILOR INO E S T A D L I S H M E NT! TO 02 ST. CLAIR STREET, Two doors from tliclrold rooms. lil.'iHy. A H KEH& II A S E L T I N E I HO. IS riFTII HTIIKCT, PJTTSUCnuiI, r K N N ' A . MANLk-AlTflliaiS AND IIKA1.KIW IX riCTURE AND PIIOTOGIUPH FRAMES OF A I.I, KISDH. OKriEWOOD. fULT 4' WALN UT MOUI.DIXUS, l-ItTUHKM, MTKIIKOHCOrra AND VIKWS. rj-Clildlngnnd Uu-glldlng to Order. n;l,'0H-ly J. H. Nkwmvkii, 1'renlilent. O. II, Amikrson, J, N.HHAi.i.KMiF.nimil, rivcruliiry, riuiicriiitcudeiit, T WIN CITY SLATE MINING & MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Manufacture and Dcnl lu every variety of ROOFING SLATE, Or al'l'KIUOB QUALITY. GENERAL OFFICE NO. 43, 7in ST., riTTSni'ROII, PA. For partlcuhirsaiid prices, add reus J. S. NEWMYER, Prcst. op 23,'W-tlin JElNE3IAN,llEYILVN 4s?Eu5le, . No ttFIAhHtmi, one diior from Wusl, PlTTMIIl Kllll, Pa., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN F.'ne Jowclry, Watches, DhiiiioiiitH, Pure Hllver Ware, Plated Wamof every description, Frencll Clocks. Ten Hids. KniMins. Forks, Wiilcu uiakcra tools, Ac, Ami agency of the CKLEllItATED AMERICAN WATCHES. We also keep tho In mod and most vnrlcit nn sortment of tha very best American Made t.'liM'ka, to lo found In any city east or west, persons In want of any article In our line, either ut wholesale or for their own use, will nlwsye Hud our prices lower and our assortment larger ihiiu nn v to. bo found west ol New York City. WATCH REPAIllINO-To this branch of onr inuietiH'ing ourselves practical wntolwiiiik era,)we py very special attention. We em ploy a force of tho very liest Artists In tho country, and any mill nil Dun del lento and dltHcult work entrusted to our care, for the I nolo or Individuals, limy rely on getting satisfuctlun. Work nmy he sent hy express or otherwise. KKINKMAN. MKYRAN HKIDI.K, Wholcsnlo A retail Jewel Ivrs A HllversmltiiH, tl Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, lV ap 20,'OK-ly rno FARMERS AND OTHERS. L A nuul 1 . I , . s""1' WIIUI.-.I in every lowuvilin Ol this county to sell Weatroll'a Adjustable wh v.a.a.H. ,,,13 i.iiiier iiuiKer HOW miatiiiri.ntiiMMl Uu .1,. ..... ....... .... .VF ,., niT II,,F,1K salaries to our smuts, but ilommriiiilio good wnges to good men. Wo nre nnxlous to hnve thlschiirn Introduced, ami to thlscurt will make ftivornble arransenients with curly applicants. Address illUK. H. lllNltHAM A CO., l;8-ly Boh Peim Stn Pittsburgh, Pa. pLASTIO SLATE ROOFING! ' ' ; 1 The Arm of OUllKltT A JONES will furnish the PROPERTY HOLDERS! of Oroene county, with the PLASTIC BLATE ROOFING! Inlrmliipeil last Hummer, and so highly roconi. moilcil hy thoso who have tried It.. -All orders left with I. W. Jones, Woyncs burg, I'a., will receive pmrnMnllentloii. v OIlflKItTAJtlNEH, ssu-em of Wusnlugton County, Pa, Joux Hoousa...!,.. ..TlIOMAS I.UCAS. T. LUCAS A CO. rOKWAXMHO AMD OHIIIMOM MBBCHAMTI. ' And dealers In Groceries. TfstrlwsM Ia.ii... Shoe Findings, Iron, Nolls, Salt, Fish, Ac. Also' UMiltlir AnhMV nmnlm. A . ,m i. . Sash. A atrnply kept epnstantiy ou hand. Rico's Lending, PaaboveUwavK. . sj-tf. Ayor's Hair Vigor, ' For resloring Cray Hair to lis natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is ut onco agreeable, licultliy, ami ell'cctuul for prescniug the hair. Faded or gray hair it toon rettored Jo itt oriijinul color with the glost and frcthnett of youth, I'll itt hair is thick ened, falling hair m cheeked, aud bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore Ilia hair where tho folliclus are destroyed, or tha glands atrophied mid decayed. But sueli as renmiu can be saved for usefulness by this application, Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional usu will prevcut tho hair from turning gray or fulling oil', aud consequently provcut baldness. Free from those deleterious substunees which nniko sonio preparations ditngerous aud injurious to tho hair, tho Vigor can ouly bcucflt'but not harm it. If wanted merely for a . HAIR DRESSING, nothing clso can bo found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it docs not soil whito cambric, aud yet lasts long ou tho hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre aud a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr". J. C. Ayer Si Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. PRICE $L00. O. W. RnilKRTrt, Agent, Wiiyncshllnr, Pa. Ayer's Sarsaparilia, WOn PfBIFYINO TUB BLOOD. The reputation this ex cellent liicilir.ino enjoys, is derived fi'iiin its cures, many of which are truly marvellous. Inveterate cu-es of Scrofulous ilia ciujc, where tio cyatent scorned ununited with corruption, hnvo -been Kurillt d and cured by it. crolulous niTections and disorders, which were ag- Si'itY'tited by the scrofii ills cniitmitimilifm iittlll thoy were pslnhilly nmirting, hare been nullcuUy cured in such grout numbers in ulmost every sec lion of the country, that the public auarcely uued to bo informed of Its virtues or lines. Scrofulous puison is one of the most ilcttmctlvo enemies of our nice. Often, this unseen and unfeit tenant of tho nrpnnlsm iindennlues the constitution, and invites thoattnek of en lerblhiff or fatal diseases, wltliout exciting a suspicion of its imiscnce. Again, it seems to brecil infiH-tion throughout the body, unit then, ou some favorable occasion, rapidly develop Into nno or other of its hldeouB forms, olincr on tho urfneo or unions tho vitals. In tho littler, tuber cles may bo suddenly deposited lu Uio lungs or heart, or tumors formed in tho livor, or It snows Its preseneu hy eruptions on Uie skin, or find ulcer ations on sonio part of tho body. Hence the ncca eionnl use of a bottle or this Sanaparilln is nib vlsable, even when no actlvo symptoms of illacnso appear. Persons afflicted with tho fullowluK com libilnts generally and Immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by the use of tills HAIts lPAlilL MiAi Hi. Anthony' JHre, Htme or ErtilpeluB, Tetter. Salt itlttum, Bcaltt llrad, JUiivit orm, Bore Jtyrs, Sore nr, and other eruptions or visible forms of Ncrouloui disease. Also in tho mora concealed forms, as ltm)irptla, ilmytu. Heart lUneaMe, M'lt, Epilvpeif, tiruralyin, and the various f ferrous offccllouB of tho muscu lar and nervous systems. A'iphl"sor f'euerral and ilereurtal Dtteanrt are cured by it, though a long tiinu is required for subduing these obstluiile innhulics hv any medicine. Hut long continued uso of this mei'lii ine will rum tho complaint, XcHroj-t-Miea or II Aires, ticriiie VXeerailoH, and Female IMaeaee; are com monly soon relieved and ultimately cured by Its purifying and iuvlgornting elicit. Minulo Direc tions for each ense are found in our Almanac, sup plied gratis. Ji7irtinmHiu and (lout, wlien caused by accumulations of extraneous mailers In tho blood, yield quickly to II, as also f.lecr Complaint, Tttrpiattf, Vonamlton or ifirim fsusfkm or the llrrr, and imtnrf tee, when arising, as they often do, from tho rankling poisons in the blood. This HAhSAFAIULLAlii a great re storer fur the strength nnd vigor of tho system. Those who are LmiguM and lAMen, Detpan cfeMf, Hleepleta, and troubled with JVrerous A p prehentiont or Fearm, or any of the affections symptomatic of llaknr, will find Immediate relief and convincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. PltBFABtD D 7 Or. 9. C. AYKR CO., Lowell, Haas., Practical and Analytical Chtmtitt: SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. O. W. RORERTS; Agent, Wnynesbnrg, l'u, rilHE WORLD 1UJN0WNED T SINGER SEWING MACHINE. OUlt NEW FaIuLY MACIlINIn Huh Ih-ch over Iwovcura 111 nrennriilloii. nnd which IiiihIiccii bronulilto luirtcclioti ri-gtu'dlcHs in lime, miHir or expense, auu is now conllilcnt ly presented to the public us liicompurubly tho bcKtricwtllg Mneiiilio ill exlsieliee. Tiio Machine In iiieslioii is simple, eompnet, durable uiul hciiutlful. It in quiet, light running mid euiNilitii of iH'riiirmiiigu I'linge and vurlety ol work never iK'foreiittemnted upon a single Mncliliio using either Hllk, Twist, Linen or Cot ton Tlircnd, and sewing with fNiinl fiu'tltty tho very llncst nnd conrscst iiiateriuls.uiiil iiiiythlng iHdween the two extremes, in the most hcuuiltiil and stibstuntliil manner. Its attachments Tor Hemming, llrnldlng. Cording, Tucking, oulll- I.... l.'..lll.... r-rl...,..l... III. ..II.... :. vi , !., T H, l.l.llllllllK, "I H, H1 ItlU l.HVITl and I'moileul. and have been invented and ml. lusted csnccinll.v for tills Machine. new ucsigusoi me uiiiiue, useiut anil popular fnldlng loiis and cabinet cuhch peculiar to the Miflilnes mumimctiired by this Compiniv hnvo been prepared lorenclisilng tho new Ahuililiiin. TlicHonre gotten up in every vnrlety or wckmI, such on lllaek Wnlnut, Miiliogiuiv, ltosewiHsl, nnd the like, and from the pluincst tolliu most elnliorato pattern nnd Mulsh tho Machines themselves belli, more or less highly orim indit ed, to correspond with Iho Tubles or Cubllluls mr which tncy are inu-nueu. A few reasons why HINdKR'S lnlest Improv eilHKWINtl .M AI'll l.NHX ore the best for L'i.i.i. liy and General l'lti-poKcs. 1st. You cull Mw mi v till mr from Uia Anna. glo thleknets of Hwixs or NiiusiMik to severul thicknesses cf the heaviest Iteuver cloth, using any kind orslra of tlirend with eiii:d fitcility, in"'" n..uiiii upiuiuu Heaviest iiatoill or Linen thread. - t&l II. naiin n. ohnrt tnn.lta nnull and makes the populur Lock Stitch alike ou bolh allies. , i 8d. It has nn oven self-mllnstlng tension which requires no change fi rdill'erent Ihlcknessea ol mnicrini oriiiiiercntsisrsor tlirend. 4th. It Is froe from all snrliim. wires nmi nttir compllcntlons, and Is nlnuwt noiseless, ' 61 h. No threads to hold or wheels to turn lu starting. mil. It does not hnvo to bo tnken npnrt to oil and clean It, jin. it nnsn perrect reed whereby yon enn sew thotlnest mnterlnls wltliout buying to keep your work streb'hed to urev..!,). n .,.. .u... r i you never hnve to assist the work thruugu as in nil oilier mnelilnes. " sill. H will hem any width, sew a straight scuni, or mnke a tell in the most iKirrma manlier with less skill thun Is ri-iiuictHl Ighi son m ou any oilier mnchlue. ' ' iisntiiicniuenisiornmitiiiig, Cord na OnllU mr. lllndlmr. Tncklnir. c. . nfi nn.J i .S'jt'Ii'r tlcnl, nnd reiiiilr.i biitllttlo skill to use them Careful instructions given ul the house of the purchaser. Money refunded If tho machines are not as represented. Kvery machine warranted and kept In repair three years without charge. ti. i-, iim;Ai'nrcii, Ageut for flrecne County, tl-lf. . Wayuoaburg, I'a. R 00FIHG! RIElSf! ",,,rw1yviw'iiieidown. ROO INO cisillim uiueh less, aud uiore durtiblo ROOFING that can'bo applied by auy ordinary ROOFING that will not expand or contract by ROOFING that Is adapted to steep u'r Oat roofs. Send Air a Hninplo and Circular, READY ROOFING COMPANY. July t5-8m. ' " Ml"acU LaUU' tw Yurlt ?hfVapf?bur(jiUpublican. Oar Nest Preatdeat. Bo lioys a flnibumpor, Wliilo rfo all In chorus chnnt "Fur next l'tcsldeut we nnniiuitto Ou; own Ulysses Grant!'' U asked what Htute be hulls (torn, This our solo reply shall be, ' 'From ueaf Appomattox Court Hour e. Willi Its famous opplo tree !" For 'twos tliuro to our I' lyases Tlint Lee gavo up the tljlit Now boyBl "To Grunt fur rrerldcnt, Aud God defend the riht !" it'iUt 0'llitf), (Deiiuxratl) e 1 ss ssi i Looking; Tho following splry dlulnguo. comes from IhaWe't: Seymour Jiis I tell you what' sir, Dcmocra cy Is looking up. fVronf .lus Well, your bogus Democracy Uso flat ou llsbsck that it can't look any oth er wuy. C'ii'oiyo A Spcclm.'il llnraiigns I'rom Uenrrnt trunk lllalr. The IlnrlforJ Kcmlnj '.ut, one of lliu must tlignifled mid candl.l p ipers lu, makes Itself responsible fur the following sttttumuiit. Wuslinuld hesitate lung before giving such n cliargo to l'io public ou less trustworthy authority i , ' Gen. Frank ISIttir, the Democratic candi date f t Vice-President, made A Siccch lu this ctly on Monday evening, M.trch 'JU, I3u7, or wliicli tlio following Is an extract : "niilr Wr Cit'xjcs. Tlio freu'd'm of New-England tlio freo'd'm tho Cou'ccllcut Itiver's redtuh'd to 'h' workshops of Now Ei.glniid." 1 A voice 'Dry up!') Ul.ilr Tito princ'ples ofr fillicr disctlm' nnte'r g6v'ment from tbo iui)it;ir(hie)lei of r Old World, and wo have to come dowu to al 8'lule nnd 'rlgtnul prop'si'tluns of of llb'ty ond'r pursuit of iroiery ''Great on fusion la the hull. Cries of Put ultn out,' ttc 1 "lllair (smilingly) O, noj don't put m out. He'll be put out when ho let 's no that lie xvmM to bo put out. Grunt laughter. I say, don't put 'in out. Tliuro suclfh thing as pub lic 'pinion, ar.d if n mini opposes public 'rplu- ion, and If n man oppose puhltc 'rpicloa, and makes a nuisance of 'mself he'll bo abated ho will. "( Here tlio Clitilnnnn whispered to htm, and Blair smiled in a strange manner "ISln'r 'The gov'ment no longor 'lists they hare sub'stutud for it ti gov'ment of Con r,ressl(imil illscre'hun that Cor gross without rtfreueu to con'su'shun has prococded to en act laws in violation of con'su'shun, by which the con'su'shun Is llruly n'lillnted.' "&verul voices' Hah for cou'stu'shon, Lmgliter. 'Ulalr 'Fel'r citizens, I sh iy . "Hero he was Intel ruptcd by violent hisses nnd stuinjiliig in nil parts of Iho httll. l 'Tlio clitilimnn waved his Imnd in n be- secchin umuner for the crowd to be pnlleut. 'lilait ')ly fel'r cltUeus, I sh.dl not deiaiu you but a' ' LMuro stamping and hissing, and tlio cliciiruuin waved his hand nguiii. "H air '1 wish t'sny tint this thing (?) is to destroy 'r Government which has been 'r won der and admiration of tin 'r world.' ' Iiiitid hisses wero given, nnd llieie was great confusion. Tlio diulrniuu lifted up his Ion-linger, UiU lime, liosevchingly. j llluir 'Fel'r . lli.lore' "Violent npplnuso idid hisses. "lllnlr 'The Con'su'slnm.' "Cries for 'D.iolittlo,' 'Doolittlo.'J "lilair 'Until prop'silions.' "Hctiowed hissing and great disorder. "LTho Chairman 'Older, gentlemen, order! "lilair '1 1 Is not true the pcoplo of r South Long continued hissing und mock ap pluue. "The Clinirmnn 'I beg of you, gentlemen, to bo so kind as to bear llto argument of our gallant (?) filend. Ho docs uot deal in decla mation.' "lllalr-'How' "Voico 'Lo'.'der,' "Blair 'I nsk you' "Hero tlio confusion was so great that tlio meeting threatened to break up lu a row, and many left tlio hall. "Blair 'I say Iht so negroes' "A vice 'D a tlio nagerj let them go aud give us something else ' Shouts ol laughter "lllalr 'Wo cannot let them go "Simo volco 'Wo hear enuft".' Laughter 4 llluir then directed his remarks to the In dividual who had Interrupted him, nnd his smiling countenance indicated that he enjoyed tha episode. "lllalr (turning eguln to tho audience) 'I sliny' ' Great confusion, and cries of 'Sit down,' 'Dry up,' with hisses nnd stamping. Hero a gentleman on tho stage conferred with tlio chairman, Bluir meantime trying to get the attention of the crowd. "Blair 'I was going ou to siy that thesa negroes Great shouting.' fiut as yoa.llnot ' hear mo, I'll give way.' "IIo then sat down, greatly to the relief of everybody lu the hall." Tna SpritigileU (Ohio) Ibmlilie, sayst "There Is sotno curiosity to know tlio signifi cance of the lUg Uoatlug over the Willis IIoubo. It Hants for Seymour and Fred. Dougl is. Thereby hangs a talo. Duo of those suburban Democrats who come to town occasionally to bo supplied with a good stock of opinions by their loaders, applied, a day or two ago, to Mr. Willis, for Convention news. "Well," said Willis, "they have nomlnnted Seymour for President and Douglass fir Vice Presl dent." "Douglass ! what Douglassf" "Why Fred. Douglass the nlggor." "Well by G Ingorl that's putty rough, but I supposo icc'cs got to go it ! " , DispATciiKs from all poluts In tlio North West almost universally say that the nomina tions of tho Dumoenitio Convention nro re ceived by tho Democracy witli much coldness and dissatisfaction, while tho Hcpublicans seem delighted. They regard the ticket as a very weak ono, which they can beat with oasu. Tho nomination of Frank Blair, Jr.,.ls particularly niTensivo to the Democracy. Thoy regard him as an unprincipled, foul- mouiiiod traitor, with no real ivtanathv for tbo party which has nominated hint, and who wouui probably sell thorn out if he should by any chance be elected. Holla youAe- ladies foil by the severity with which tb. ls Mends atv.,,is. ted on their gay Illurres. necklaces. rln. etc wont to their pastor to learn hia opinion. 'Do you think," said thor, "thero U any Impropriety In woarhut those thingsf" ; .. 'By no means," was the prompt reply "when tho heart la full of vain and ridiculous notions, it Is well enough to hang out tho sign." JEW STANDI NEW8T0HE1 N.EW STOCKf m The put nmnft oftli ptopl of onr townmiil county in rwiwcltully BuUi'iiuii l Ut uuw tuml, 1. A XT ELL & CO., llloeliley's Comer, opposite the Wright limine, Wayuesburg. I'n.. wiiere a splendid stock has Just been received, coualstlug of DRY UoOPS, FINE WHITE UOOHS, FANCY OOtlDS. DRKMS TItlMMINtirt, HrtU.VU SHAWLS AND RAL.IORAIA . EMI)ItOIl)F.HIf, NirriONS, (ilAlVtX HiMIERY, ttlllltONis, , Velvets, rumsols, Isiutcd und plain; I.ullcs' und dent's Huts In various styles. Ac, Ac., Ac. flue assortment of everything In, our 1 1 tie always on haml'(a i-We sell ut very rcnsouuhl.t roll's and deal allku to nil at COME, EXAMINE, AND BUY ! IVAXTELL&CO. Mnyjr.'IW-ly 0 0 D NEWS! AND NEW GOODS! D. SHIRK, Now oirVrs to I tie public The most complete assortment ol , Kvory thing III tho Dry Hoods line ever brought to i Tills market. The Spring Styles, frosh and attractive ( And of every variety. Huts fur Men and lloys, sr. Indies' nnd Misses. Hoots And Shoes, uiisiirpussed lu m Dumblllty A Cheapness, Muslins, Dctalnes, Cloths, lloniiets A lloniiet flumes Ciissimere, mid III fact Kveryllilllg Hint enn be Desired, yon can buy of hlin, A. WILSON, Jit. RMpwIiiUy liivllin a cull from IiIhoM cnritrrtiii'n. bclhit HiittMltMl the pn-Mliuii ut rnrlilrr dinl Tiitc will lieMiiHlHlnt'tl inul tlmt now, iwof yorv, th timt4Hof nil will Iw plfiiwfd rt'itunlhiK iirltviMMu. quality. Km briWH the tlntt ipNrt unity himI lve him mi onrly ml). e-n(M)in ft.rin.Tly rMi-uphi by A. Wllxon, Jr. In WilrMm'ii buUtllng, Wuyiiuaburu, up Hs'iiH-iy. I. KlintK. milK LATEST YET. MILS. E. H. 8AYEUH A 1IOHKINHON Have JiiHt nrrlvcMt from tho Kant with a largo umturiuiuui oiiorvign aim uuiiivmio DRY GOODS, SPRING & SUMMER STYLES, which thoy prnpnna to w nt thelowrat OAH1I prlwH 1 Hiichiu l)nns UsmnIh, Dh-kh Ti'lm . mime, liri'NH ItiitUmN, IsHiliLit HIhuvIh, hoot itml HIkm'm. iiiitHlor 1 1 it'll iHiyn, nlHO,a Krrt variety uU'uurtlr.OH.ut vry low priw 0EOTLE3IEN AND LADIES' WEAR, Wnrofi nf nil kinds, ami n com nlet varlpt v nf th a tu'HU.UOrKltlKH. Allof wbh-li tin y nmMNM to Hfii itt w yvry iowihi. mikiiiik on me nunllty nutl vhottpuvwi of their goods to gulu tlM'in vnMtniu. (live tlu'm a ml! hoforo purrhnl;.fr l8owhre, nml they will provi tlmt th hv 1h ti wriTt. IttMMii lu AIIInoii'ii hulltlliiK, nearly oppnnlte the gEAUTIFUL DISPLAY I UltY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, &e. EVANS' ESTABLISHMENT. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT EVERYTHING! IN .THE LINE I Wishing to close out for the Fall trade, he of. tnrahlsaiHidsntantonlshina' low rates for cash. The stock la as late as the latest and the best In market. Minor'sBulldlng, opposite the Greene House. iM-am U JCVAMH. A FACT WORTUY OF NOTE! JOHN W.'wiXQET Undoubtedly haa Hit LAIKIKST STUi'K ui HOME-MADE 0OO1S A BlIOES! LN WAYNES1IURO. Thry have been tried and fouud to be rqttul If not SiiiMjrior to any lu tho place t lis has a general and well manufactured assort x meut uf LADIES' AND MISSES, MEN A BOYS' HOME MADE BOOTS, bHOES AND BLHTEHS! Ho keeps hands imescidleil ns, workmen In leullier. Ills shop will be found NEAR COTTEKELS TANNERY, s- Aftcr reliirnlng Ihnnka for a llliemt pntro llnue herelofore b.sniar,H. I wish to snv lo mv old ciisloiiiern nml otliers Hint I wurniiit my snrs in every mriicuinr, and will sell ul prices Hint will satisfy any reusoiiuble persuu. Don't forget tlio place, but GIVE ME A CALL SOON. npVW-ly ' JOHN M. WINUFX QM!T PANIC IN TilE IUUCE3 OF COOTS AND SHOES 1 WILLIAM nr.IlUYllILL'S, TWO DOORS WKHT W N.CLARK SON'S t l.Ul lil.Mt HTO Ilh, Having Just nundinsed n henvy Stock nf llivits and hIiih-s of tlin KIN KST and IIK.hT u I'AI.ITV to he found In Die Kust, he how bus the Mest so tccted und nioHt complete usnorliiieiit ut Ihese OihsIs ever brought to Hie Town. And he oilers to sen 0 It CASH Men's best, whole stock, llmne-mnite Ibsits. 17 Inch leg, at Sii.ihi, .Vii nnd il.i; Men's KINe t'nll at 97 si, with a uniform deduction in rales, on ill kinds of slock. Mr. Ilerr.vhlll having an us perlenee of lit yeiirs in the muiiiilucluriiig of BOOTS AND SHOES I ' Ih tlmroiiKhly nrquiilntrd with tin1 titiNliiefiH, and hot. Utkuu gmtt cum to iiiuku HiIn u HUrEItlOU HTOC1C TO ANY KEPT I1EUE TUVUKK. ExprrlonciM hnndc nn iMinstiuitly rniplnyotl liiii.Hkliiutoonh'riii.fl wiraii Hitb-ly way thiitat no pi mv Hm In llttwi M.Huutnuit" ran the luatu rial uuU workmanship bu nurpUMianl, ALL AVORIv WARRANTED ! IIo now ftttk bin fi-hwlrt nu1 thn public to rail and rxutiilui li Ih Mtotk,iiKhA TooIm roiHUIfiit lluit IMM'UU pilMlMU IIH'IU. M. IW'sItl.l IIIJil., r.MH-ir Mul ti HtHM-t, WaymwhurK, Va. HEAT UAH GAINS! BOOTS AND SHOES! NEW STOCK t NKW STORE I CUSTOM-MADE WORKl CIIEAI'KH THAN KVKtt, AT M. C. & II. LEWS, ' (SUtT'KHSOIlS TO .lIALSTKn,) - SAYERS' CORNER WAYNESnUHU, PA. ti-Cull and examine, nnd save money) GOTO M. C. A II. BELL'S FOR BARUAIXS lHy. - JJAINTING AND GLAZ1NU. J. W. SMALLEY, HOUSE PAINTER,, ORAINER, GLAZIER AND PAPER. IIANUER, Shop, on MfHinnlcV How, opponlte the M. E. LUUlllI, uj uudiyuisj, A j-MATKBlAl, FURNISHED, If required, at Pittsburgh Trices, . ap 1, '88-9111. J. W. SMALLEY. JOHN II. HOFFMAN, atiituAsivwn, wui' vjiiuiniA, ATTORNEY FOR COLLECTING riMSlONS, BOONTIEB, ABRIABS Or MT, . AND ALL MILITARY CLAIMS. TTavlnff hod 17 veers exnerlenee In nrnsM-ntlns such clniins, I have become familiar with the varlona Laws and the large amount of record evidence In my possession enable me to be very successful in prosecuting suspended clnlms, and In many Instances have proved snooessful when the claimant had long given them up in despair. Ho maiter sow uuucuit we claim so ii is jest. i'-y. M ILLINEUY SHOP. MRS. CAROLINE EDMISTON, Can be round at her old stand west end of town, still carrying on the t Millinery business. All k luds of goods lu tltla llue can be purchased acre glirJCfllaurousi. v jj Piid' L8TEH Yl SOMETIIINU NEW! HUGHES & MOORE. i lie ais.v- iirin nays eatatillshe.1 an Uphol stery istabllshuieul 1.N WAYNKBUURO, ' e 1 A FKWDOOIUJ WMMT Ojr CREIUII'S WIVU STORK, Where they Intend to nianiinVture out of Uid very beat uuterlal. ALL KINDS OF MATTUESSFS. Including, t STRAW, HUSK, , EXCEISIOIt. SPANISH MOSS, HAIlt And In short every ssvles of lleil In use, llav. lug established themselves permanently In Itnf business It Is their determfimtlon t do their work In such manner and at such rates as can not full to render entire aatiafuotluu tu every ease. They Invito their mends of Isith town ami country, who nmy want anything In the uptHSl-. siery line to cull In ami examine their speel. mens, IcelliiH Ilie iitmiMt eouttdeiice that they cuu suit them both luuuullly aud price. ALL WORK WARRKNTED Repairing of all kinds done with promptness nml In Ilie must subsluutlnl nuuiiicr, lleiuem- U r the place, , A FEW ISMJILS WrNT OK CIIKIOH'S DRUCf STORE. WATsaaiiuao, ra. July IMIm. HUOHKM A MOOIlr. JJETTEIl THAN EVER! FROM NEW YORK & PHILADELPHIA THOMAS BRADEN, B Hue Just received a splendid Hew SPUING STOCK OF HARDWARE! To which he Invites cspoclnl attuiitrou. 1 1 Is store Is filled Willi everything In his line needed by Iho farmer und nieeluinle. llelug a practical farmer, he kuows exactly the wauts of bis former friends. Among his vnrlety of goods will lie found Iron und Nulla of all kinds, I'lnlics of all vnrlelles. Augers, llruces, Ae, Tut-lle-lisithed, l'ros-ciit and Mill Suwa, lliind Mows und Tools of ull descriptions, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Mowing Machines, Culling Iloxes, Corn Midlers I'lows, t ultlvntors, Mlmvuls, Forks, und every thing In tills Hue. BADDLEHY HAKDWAREi A generiil sssorlmcnt of Snddlery Hunlware, (a which he invites Iho utleutlou uf purchasers, WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDSt Tubs, thickets, Hotter Howls nnd nil kinds nf Kitchen WimhIcii rlxlii's. Willow Ituakcts, liriMims, llrushes, foul lluekels, limss Kettles, llouuv U'liliiM. Hhot IJims. IIovm'm U'nuoiin ui.,1 hi. hs. All ot which will bu sold cuvupvr, Ibuu ever mr lush i GIVE HIM A CALL SOON. He will lake plcusimi III showing Ills stock nt outlines. Hoglvehiiuaenll when you ouuie to town. Remember the pluee, OPPOSITE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WAYNESlltmo, I'A. np8,'IW-lf THOMAS IIIIAIIKN. I MPOKTANT TO BUILDERS a x d CONTRACTORS! WAYNIiSllURU STEAM 'l'LANINCI, MILL, It gives ns pleasure to announce to the pnhlla the eomplel Ion or thla work and the readiness ul the proprietors to RECEIVE ORDERS! AND MAKE CONTRACTS! The best Improved machinery Is nseil. Vlan lug. Ploughing mid Grooving, Hash and Dnot Milking, Pulinclliiig, Ripping, inonlililig Ac, mpldly nnd skilfully executed. Huhng prices) fluid for, . . ALL KINDS OF LUMBER 1 They are also prepared In do all Kinds of Cnrprns tor Work, wild the utmost promptness, unit M the most substantial mnnnur. They resiecl fully solicit a share nf puhlla pntmnnge, nml flutter themselves uiat they wll lu ull cases bu uble to 01 VE ENTIRE SATISFACTION t All orders promptly attended te. BRADEN, WALTON SAYERS; - 8;ll-tf Waynesbnrg, Pa. E. A. TINKER II. L. MAPEL, flllNKEH & MAPEL, X COMMISSION, MERCHANTS FOR THE 8 ALE OP HOGS, CATTLE AND SHEEP, AT THEIR OWN YARDS, . ' west Baltimore, Maryland. : ADJOINING MD. LIVE STOCK SCALES, i Consignments resnectrnlly solicited. All cons, munlciitions promptly answered. Post Otllca Address-box MX. . . . 7;2t-ly. tikonoK. C. STOKOiaa, JohwC. WAnncai NoUry rubUc. Aiturusy nv uiw. . OTURQISS ft WAGNER, ;"" 1 UNITED BTATW CI.AIM AND GENERAL , . COLLECTINU AGENT-S. , fi1!!?!80' nrs"er!liai call on or write! to the Military and Naval Agency of - w...... . . STtlHGlHri A WAGNER, Walnut St., 1 door below Hagans' comer ' MORaATOwW.W.VA.' tt OF 0. . ' . t .: '. ...,,'f WAYNESnUItO ENCAMPMENT, NO, ilf. r . . . i ' i' .... . , J.i nan in usnenrs ualldlngv eAst Main Street,