$he WaijncjJburjj itrpublican. Hotum tn ArniwTa. Attorneys will be b.14 re-pmndhle Phimt Hooka, Advertising oil Job Work, ordered fur them ami not paid lUr III IMIVIU1C9. BUCUUHIB Ml 00 OOllUClUUlU Ull aemaud. Nw AovanTis.iuiiTH. The attention of our reiden specially directed In the foflnw In advertisements, wlilcb appear fur Die Hrnt tuua la our paHir lo-Uuy. (y Western District of Pennsylvania Simon Hinehart IBJ-Eleetlnti of Offleers-Richlilll Agricultural Bodety VRej;i.i(er'i N'lttce Peter Rrown. - wPuhlic Sale TUos. H.ikluin, N. Clurlc. rExecutor'i Bute JoIid Lewis, Jac. tixeeii lea. sjj-Eircutor's Sale Elizabeth Grim, Salomon Wise, jACKtoiiviLLK Pair. The days Tor li"l.llng the third annual exhibition will be on Sept. 16, 17 tad 18, 18CS. "A FmND.n You must send rour name in lull before your communication can bare a place in our columns. Bum MuKrixo Tluro will ba it bush ' meeting hi Hewitt's Orove, nenr Rice's I.iml Ing, comnienclus on Stturiliiy, August l.'i, 18C8. . . Mosoitoaiui.. Yallky It tl. There will ho meeting ol the friends of this cuterprlau at Monongxhel City, Washington county. Pa., August !', I8G8. Prouiit measures should be taken to bttve our lection represented as the movemeutii tn secure Litters l'utiul and orginlzo the Company. i Chseuiso l e are constantly m iking a 1 dllloni to our list of subscribers of iulii whom we are pleased 1 1 know ijek tho Truth .n:u the fountain Itself. If Ur.int ilon'l gi t a htnilsonio vote In (Ireeno it is not beniuo Jjttt are brlglit. "Hero's your Kki'L'ui.ic.in only SUcts. lor the c nop iln ! " f?i)iu. Dkath. Mr. J icob linger, An oi l rcslileilt of our town, for sometime past keep ing the toll gate on Ihe pike this a'ulu of J f ferson, fell ilea l at his post Saturday evening last. Hit body was Interred on Sunday In the cemetery here, largo concourse of cidz:ms attending. We havu no uxplanallou ol the cause ol his death. Tiik Irou City College Is now tho largest and most successful Business College, in tliu Uuion. This, douhllrfs, U utlrlbutablu to Ihe auperiorlly of lis system of practical actual . business training, by means of which it h:is bueuublo to secure to Us students a greater degree ol elll.ilency than auy o.Ii t school has yet accomplished. lis graduates tiro every where rccKgniz.'tl its the best mid moil reliable accountants to be foun 1 t luiice their services are always In deal in.l. Kir p irtlcul us, we refer our readers !o tit) Circular of th.i Col lege, tn be h til on applie. it.oa In tliu Piiuci pals, Smlili & Cowley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ou read -'is have obs.'rved that wj rarely pralso patent medicines, and that wo silver tlseouly the very best of them. lint uoiv, the remarkable recovery of Mm. Iiice, of Canas toU, from her distressing and almost helpless scrofulous disease, whl li Is known llirouli out the coiiitniiiitly, and unqu 'sil uiu'ily tho effjet of Ayer's Sarmipaillli, lends us to pub lish without runervu tho ruuiarkalib t ill :aey of . this medicine. Wo do tlis iu the interest of the afflicted. Any remedy wl lch can sn ef fectually ''ruisu nno frmn the dead," should ba universtlly kuawn j and we with it may be utiivers illy as successful as it has been i.i I'-e casu of Mrs. IVice. bulgjaunul Sjiwust Pur it Away. "Sju," sail n nitnisler to bis congrug itlon, holding a i(ol.l dollar before . tlicm, "place It closa to your eye and you abut nut all else from your vUl hi, put It from you and you are en vblj I tn s.'O the vlcesnnd virtues of tho worlJ." Unapplied It In a moral sense There l a riinlle in the apology for tliu Aircilciin flag suspended fioin the window of our "h in Isomj" neljh'.ior, in politic d sen w. Tho name of "d yoiour and Bli.lr," in loud letters, dislij ires the u-U nets and mars the harmony ol tin eiKign. Tuke away the legend ami yn.t are ut once enabled to deltuii. It's beautifjl (;iu.ikiuij of : the flag now, not tho dirt colored alTiir iillud crl to above.) oiltlideg and may vxporieueu Uiot entbuslas n whhh is Inspired by li slgliti Put it away, It Is a slums to slut t out the glo ries of the olj banner by pl.iitering it with the name of a man whom loyal baynncls alone were sulflcient to pin to the g irinent of tho Union. Huoiiks' P.vtkkt Knuit Gatiikkr. Mr. N. 0. Hughes, of our b.irotigli, Just returned from Waslihig'm D. C.tns sueceeileil In obtaining Litters Patent fir an e.ttMiii.dy useful and sltnplj cjatrivatico fir picltiaj up plea. We have examined the apparatus nud pronounce It the best thin? for the purpose, ever introduced. It consists of h staff, long or short t option, on the top of which Is a leather hemisphere, shutting valve ll'ie upon ' a canvass tube connecting with Ihe receptacle for the fruit. This sciai globular . valve is worked by a stria j running down the cati yau tube an I oier.tted by the ptck'jr. The whole work consists In moving the tube from apple to apple, the valve reluming to its place alter each pull by means of a spring. Us Advantages are numerous. With it a s mall boy can pick eveiy apple ell a tree, without bruising the fruit in the least, without fatigue, without danger from filling, no tearing of clothes. Mjsars. lljgnes & Tlios. Bra.len, are selling the Fruit Uatherer, aud all persons desirous of further Information Mi'.ul.l send fur circulars. Address Hughes & . Bradcu, Waynts'ourg. Greene Co., Pa, II b or Oi Day. A peculiar feature of Ilepuhliean Society is the rapid advanc cment pf men of talant and ability to positions of trust and responsibility. There are at this lime, many men prominently before the Amer ican people whose career is but partially known. We read eagerly the words of coun tel and cheer they single and catch glimpses of their lives, only to wish for a more inti mate' knowledge of their character, and tho steps by whioli they attained their present position. Dr. L P. Brockelt, ' the popular Biographical Editor of Appleton'a Cyclopedia hat prepared concise and interesting biogra phies of some 8fly or' more or these men, In cluding all the more prominent Statesmen, Generals, Financiers and. Pbllanthrophvi of the country. The work has Just issued from the press, and la a mo -lei of the art of book making. The position and reputation of its author, is guarantee of Its strict and Impartial accuracy. The work Is wri'tcn in a clean terse and lnteroitrog tye, and U Intcrpersed with incUentatand anecdotes wherever they can illustrate the character or peculiarities of the subject. V(e wish this book might go In to eTery farm-house, and log-cabin, and pal ace In the land. Zelgler, McCurdy ft Co., Ilblbbcrs, Philadelphia, Pa, " 1 Dkhocratic NuuixArio.i. Lt Th.ursJ.iy. at their Conrentlou In Pittsburgh, the Deuio cralic Conferee of this DUlrict nominated D. C'rawfurJ, Esq., of our town, as tlieir choice for Congress. M. Crawford U well known by tho people of (irecne County, but what his f.iiue U ouLi.le its limlls we are. not pro-i pared to state. Ho was born in Urceiislioro, on tho JloiioiigahcU U In Hie piiuio of life, perha, i, no. more than I'oily iw.i years old. lie is a sell-in ido mau of more than ordinary ability and iu ihe private walUs of life is highly esteemed by nearly everyone. Wo uro not well polled ns to bis public s jvicci b tf Ihl.ik they are comprised in llio one net of con -tiling tn hold a lu:r.itivj oill : at W nlii:ilon during liacli.in ill's admiiiUtralioii. lie was a known secessionist iu ante Ullu.u limes, mid when he cast his fusion billot in 'ii, tor' Douglas and llicckturU'gi', remarked us he turned Irom Ihe poll.-. "That is the last vote I ever exjiect to cast iu the Vuitnl Elates !" From this we 1 it'jr that be meditated on going South at Hut time. He postponed it, howev er, until the fall of 'e.'i, but it would have beell far better if Iu 'i id goue, as he was one of Greene County's Inn lest C uslilntinti ulu iekers during tliu (lark days i.f lelicllinn. He turned with his family In 'i:7, the rfl-vui of iMabaiua not agreeing with liiat. tin 1 is at this time Ai.-Umit Cas'.iier of llio Parmer's and Drovers National ItaiiU. lie lias always been a true Djinoorat of Ihe modern so ioo nid Woiks with Z ail lor "post-ullls which is the real question ut isboo." Like Aiti n.us Hard lie was willing 1 1 sncriil :e Ids alii ) h idled na tions In the unholy c ins i, b it to think of go Ingh liere people handled Die ntins us caielrsi ly us they did in tliu late "onpleasantneM" it was prepostercti". Ol cnuiso we coiigratu late Mr. I'ruwl'oul on Ids iioiiiluation, but we tliluk it ciuel Iu bis piuiy to put up such il fair target for us toidioot nt. List or Leitliis lieiiiaiuhig in the Post O.lleeat W.iyn.-sb.u, I'.t , August 3, IS 18. A A 11. Adamsoii. D Jainu M. Dell, JI ix llachmin 2, Cipt. S. lliazil. C E. S. t'.iry. I.iz'ie A. Cirier, Hetty Ann Cineel, Miry J. CVistan, Maria (e, Dun'l. Clailt. . 1) Win. D.iv.my, Benny Delniiy. E Tidiu Ely2, IHiujtEisiniujii'. T M.ir'iu Fouble, :t. G Siraii tl.irdn:!, Caleb ,t II Ji.ry Gii.nea, Will Gillies, S. 0. OeUur, Tlios. 0 leu. II. N. H.uiis, John J. llouk, WoikiuiiD llickmiii. J-J. 1) .lolins iii. J. M. J.uld. 1C .M A. Keiit, S.irali Keener. I. John happen, Solomon Leinly, B.:ik Lit lie, Leah L.lll r. M-IIarrisi iii Jllier, David M Her, It di- eit I). Mdlikeu, M ulliia Moore, Piaukue Me: Clellan. P. Stephen Pester, John Peterson. It kf.iliti Hjiiinan, Wil'lum It'ao.les ?, Daniel I.Ydmau, John Iteesil', Win. lteeau, A. P liy tn, Cassaiider Aeeaa, M irar.l Ann Ilin diart, C. C Il i ivinl, Cljinm t Kihurts E iJ! ab iili M. llusli. S I Hjiipli 3 ly ler, ;t, J. It. Sluivor, M iry A. S.uith, Junes Slurge, Win. 11. Satiii, J.t.s. Syphers, II Siiw iit. T K -zzi i Thomas, Divid Tiioaison. W J. D. Wood, Morgan Wal'.ou, Ella II. Wt'Uhter, Gjoigj Wise, Adam Weaver, W: II. Wil,o:i. Z -Eliz ili '111 Z illern, Jacob 7. diets. Josi.eu Coon, e. M. W.siitsnroN(louvrv. List week the Wash ington llrjiarter c.iuie In us ehail.ed froiu foli i tn qiiaitn form, t ill irged tn forty-eight col umns, piloted in the Inst ar: 1 -tic stylo and filled Willi a m iss of nil kinds of rending for nil kinds of people. Such a p iper i.s an orna ment to liny place, n J..y to the eyes of prin ters, a credit In the editors. I'l'iie 'Washing Lillians owe a debt of Justing frrutitude to the proprietors, Mc-sis. Moore & McWilltniiw, for tliis cxeinplilleatioii of tl.c la.-.lc uud en terprise that dwells among them. I'olttic.iilj they are radically rijlil uud possesfe 1 of !h it vim necessary In success nud which, 11 wish ing on our part would do il, they should nt tdu the highest possible. From its we!l lided Csilumus we eilrael the following llonis: Tiik IioroiKli Count II of Ciiiii nshu g have parsed mi ordinance ugain-t silling along the streets of Ihe town on Sdibath. All' per sons found silting anywhere on the brtxes or eiirb stones, or tloor-steps, w ill be arrested mill coiiiinilled to elson. It 6U.;:i a law wa eul'iHced in Wuynesliuig two-lhirds of its population, would bj sunt to piisou eve y Sab bath. A fatal case of sliu stroke occurred in )oi eiset township a few days ago. Mr, Absalom Painter, while engaged in cocking hay on th i fin in ol Peler Whilely, was suddenly stricken down aud became insensililu.i Tho uuforlu nato man lingered for gninc isix hours heioru d jalh ensued. Mr. Painter wi s uhout 0.) years of ugct nud was a sober, industrious loan, lie baa left a wife nlid live cluldien in lallier destituto cireuins'.ances. JamksS. MuNaiit, Ej:)., of North Strabano township, on Friday last presinlcd us with some twenty etallts of rye. measuring eiyht fttt J'aar inchti .', ,Tll,J lieuds are Well filled nud measure hicks in length. II was reaped with a sickle, uud whole sheaves were gather ed averaging nciuly lite length of toe stalks mentioned. Who will bent the MeNary rye ? Tim Collego topic is now engrossing tho ntleullon of botli Washington and Canon s Imrg It is loiind tn b) Inconsistent wilh the intereslj of Witshiugtou and Jetfjisou Collego to dlvldn il between the two towns. , Having to go one pi ice orthu other Washington wants It aud so does C.tnnnibitrg. '. It Is prob tulc they will get it. Tho annual commencement comes oil at C'AUonslmrg oa A'.ig. 6. Tin-: Rcvicio incntlons tlu burnl.i of a blolo Hillsb iro, belonging til Oliver Liycoclc, by lightning on 2-M ult. Oil Hie amo day one ofthe stables of Stephen Ulery, West UjIIiIo- liein township, was also struck by lightning killing a valuable homo, belonging to Mr. L'l ery, imme.Jiittely. One of Ihe farm hands was lying very close to the' homo but luckily cs enped uuharmed. 1 ' i m ' ( . ; ."Oswaiio, rliht onward, Into tho Valley of Daath, l" , , ; Undo thesjix hundred." , But larger,' by hundreds multiplied into . millions,, than Ihe dnnmod men who rode to swift destruction in Tennyson's poem, is the great cavuloade of unhappy men wlm are rushing to untimely graves followed by the gaunt spectre Dyspepsia. Tills is nit wrung,' and should cease." Plantation1 Bitters, the great Stomachic Pain Killer, cures Dyspepsia, Heartburn; ncadacho, Vertigo, Dullness, and all symptoms of kindred character, ns If by rmgle. Vr Lsivuor, Lasaitudo, Great Weak ness und Mental Dprcsslor,, they havo a most wonderful effect -1 . ! J Maoxoua WiTn A delightful toilet arti clesuperior to Cologne and at half tho price, me TlSamicsbinrg Fatiii a Stabiihu sv a 8m. Saturday last Mr. Win. O. Thomas, of Centre townsliii, a man ofiiiteinpernte habits, chastised one of Ins children unmercifully. Upon bis wife interfering bo seized her by the throat and amiscil her most outrageously. A boy, bis son, about fourteen yearn of age,, then diew a pocket knife mid stubbed his father iu the abdomen, producing a wound from which ho died on Monday i iglit. SwiNhi.r.ns Tlicro is u swindling concern till lug the colors of Komi Hi Co , Hankers, No. C.inton Hall, As'or Place, N. Y.. cngAged in si'iidiug out ciiLulars c.dcul ited. tn deceive the unwary by oirering llio lenipling bait of a i'J .11 prizj utrtulj Jr(iw and tn bu fnrtvard cd ou rttviftt of $12 oO coiHutUiiiuH. Heusltiie people need nut ho told that money sent 'them will never bo .heard from alter, an. 1 that tho prize is a myth. I. (. nv ). F. At a regular mewing of liiehliill Lodge, Jfi. 67', I. O. of l. F It was resolved t c;.dobratetli3 approaching IMlh of Aug., it belli.! Ilu otli uniyersary of tho npeniii ot our Lodg , All sister In Iges nnd all muniliers iu gno I standing la lira county urn respectfully invited ti nltenj uad per tlcipiile with us nn th) oecisiou, 1. T. IIknumisiiot, J. 11. Di;iiuik, It. L. NolILK, Cumuli lee of Invltiitloa. Is tha bouiolraul t ie dressing nioiu one purfumj reigns supreme. Pii tmu's "Fior do Mayo," the now pel fume for the handkerchief lias on rival in any home where taste presides Sold by all ill legists. Faiii Adais Last Monday the rrginizt lion of a Fair Couipniij was perfected nnd contrai ls uiven out for grading a truck tun' building fence It Is suru to go through' A nkw Post Oflli'H, Called lleistciliiirg, has been istu ilislied in Fiiyelte county. T. W. Lynch lias been appointed postmaster. ' Iwriit. Papi r put ifpin niul boxes of one qulro each with enveloies to match ut Day's U mk Store. I.akIi, Sperm, N jats foot. Fish, Sweet nnd C.iHtor oils, for sab at G. W. Ilihurls Dun: Storo. . A si'i.KNi.mdot of Paint llruahes and brushes of all kinds, for sale ut G. W. H oberts' Drug Store. Faiixrst.vk' Whim Lend, Linseed Oil, Putty unj Window Glass, ut U.nden's Drug Store, A lot nf Side-Hill & Stuel Plows on hinds nud fir salo nt llraden's Hardware Store. Pkiihv Davis' Piiinklller and Allen's Lung Ilal3oin sold ut Hraden's Drug Store. Go to G. W. IS ihertV Drug Store und getn hottlo of Mishlui'a iiilt.-rs. PiMi.iv School I! Kilts, nil kinds, fir sale Publishers prices nt Day's Hook Store. A nkw lot of Doty's celebrated washers wringer ut B: mien's Drug Store. Kvkiiytiiivu you want hi llio Hardware line ill Ih iiileu's, cheap for cash. Du HciiTos's li.fallible Tolmcco Antidote for sale at O. W. Unbelts' Drug Store. Paints ol all kinds, dry nnd In oil, for sale ut O. W. ltnl erls' Drug Stoio Tnv Sargent's Back tchu Pills, sold at Bra don's Drug Storo. A kc.1.1. lino of Wheeling nail Just received lit Biaden's Hurdwnro St ire. AvKiis'IIdr Vigor a new Prep trillion fur the Hair, for sale at 0. W. it iberts' Good spool of cotton warrnntcd 200 yards " els at Fordycu's. ' Gi.NTi.hMcN's patent, tiuiuti'r Oxford ties, nt M C. & H. Hell's, very cheap for cash 1 Wtitri'iso Paper nil sizs ut Lewis Day's Book Storo. . . - II.'.v forks i.f nil descriptions Just received at T. Oration's II ndwuro Store. Am. of Dr Sirgent's mudiclnes for s lie ut Biaden's Drug StoreA ' ' Phkntii Aiimy LnrioN, tlio best liniment in use, for sale at G. W. Roberts' Drug Store. Sr.tNiiAiiD Prints for IL'Jets at JVirdyco's, (Jeff, rutin.) FtiiiKSTiH'ii's & Achooiiiiiakcr'8Piiro Whito Lead for sale nt G W Roberto Drug Store, A nkw supply of Wall Paper just received nt Lewis Day's Book Store. , Nkw Books received every week at Lowls Day's Cook Storo. Blank Nolo Books best form now in use nt Lewis Day's Book Store. .Good Moroco Shoes at Fordycc's for $1,5.". Fok goods nt fair prices call at Fordyco's. w.iYXEsnrun market. Way.nksuuiio, Aug. I, IsdS. Correeted Wuelily for tho Kecuiilican i Ilultorffreshroll,) ?tl K'Zirs ft ilox a H PotulufH ' bush I.i ..1 50,.T,2 ini li'i :: 6e Iir.l v ll.. Tiillowi ' Country Soup v th.. UrleU Apples tti.. ' i , i ; FLOUR AND BRAIN, Flour fi lilil Wheat i hush Itye t liimli ' Com 'ft hush Corn .Moul t bush 0110CEHI12S. CoBTeO ft )............. ' Tea 1 lh Ilrnwn Himiir V 1) ltcflned tsllKar V 111 ,. H Syrupjt Rttl .lolaHBeH ( N. Or luiins,) SorKliunty gnl h H Salt 't lilil .... Uiee B Ib.,-....!..- !..(... 10 00 ..1 H0...2MI ..1 liyml i!n ! til 1 ID 1 Ml li, SO liu 1 JI 81) S5 t la PITTSai'RtJII MARKETS. Satubday, Aug. 1, 1808. During the week the stale of trnrte lias under gone no ehunge worthy ol special mention, We quote as follows, which are the wholesale prle,M" - " ciR.VIX ASD FLOUR. W'hwil, Penn'a. and Ohio, Winter Ited 12 00 J 05 ttyu n ImihIi........... . .-, (luls (t bush Mi'AV) Cornet hush .. Inoslln Spring Wheal Flout lOUKAlO.'SI Winter Wheut -.11001175 I'ltoVWlO.Na. Hhnulilnra USI.tVe HiiKiir Cured llaiun..... 21 2 - Ijiril lu'Je rutntoes, T bush........,, li.iio Apples t UW ............ . '4,00fi6,iiu CiitHwe ......m llta 18 Eitgsvdos U2 Butter ........,, "S3o Republican, e&necdan, JxcgiioT.VISOS; Uarhrti WOOLVAUHtl. Nkw Yoiik. Aug., l.-Thehusin. In n.... ha, ,,i 1h,. wry (fc-my, hoi i,,,U"nw llrnt In the lrvluwa, un.l generally il, in U1I lie Itaiw. .pti. Ni,llv.., i M,.r 1 li.Li.H-. I,u uml a.uo.. .t..-. ir Vui .1. "m rl,iii, .in.f. Il.t.c,,.. (, Mn,y ll,.w . ' ; "Tie XEW VOItK lltVJOOH MAItliKT. Nkw t iiiiK, Augiut l.-l'rlnu of l.. sl inali.w 111 hei.Soalllu f...i. in,. ,, t 4l,,., ,. liilnmnni liigiH.I re..ie t is. HeiivM.rot, n iKHiUiigslikuAiuoki'ug A are llrm uud In re- OIL MTV Al'IIlt:. I irivllirri Itiilliihtfj lltirnotl- l.oKiover on lluiidrvd iiiuiiHHiia lllillurit. Oil City July 31, ISM. A du structivo lire (ururud ut Oil City to day. Tlio tire broke out at7 a., Mt. in Parkrr ami Toit.vsoa'8 online Iioi.se in the reur of the Jones House west side of the creek. Fillv-threidmildrnvn were burned, including both Hides of Main street from MeUarvey s Imtel to Holiday run. The low is fully 100,001), and insurence light. The lire was checked ubout 10 A. M. The amount of oil burned is light, including several loaded (auk ear. Yeiv little property wad saved. Many famillicA are Tho r11UMl KIliiiitloii-Tiia Prcititlent Iu n 4iiHiilur'. Concerning the political situation, it Poems the President s somewhat puzzleil. He is by no means satisfied with the ticket or the platform of the Democracy, yet he docs not Iiato the men who agreed to them, lie has a kindly feeling for Democrats every where, but ho hntos the KepublicaiH. I'ossibly in the etui, when tho contest becomes bitter, he may thiow his in fluence ami power in favor of Seymour nnd lilair, but ho takes to them hard. Tm: "Conservatives" of Northern Virginia celebrated on Tucs.lay their victory at liull ltim seven years ago. They hud "n largo assemblage near Manassas Junction, u tournament, a dinner and speeches ; closing with a ball in the evening. ()lcoui'se,they had a good time, and sepuratcil in joyful hope that they will havea still better one after they bhall have elected Sey mour aud niair. Had n't they better elect them fieforc they celebrate any more of their old victories? Vallandioiiam, who nominated Seymour, is a convicted traitor, and Wits banished South of our lines dur ing tho war. l'reston, Hampton and Forest, who nominated -Blair, were rebel tienerals. Fall in ! Union sol diers, and support tho ticket thus nom inated by your friends. WKSTF.UX OlriTUICT Ol-1 PESNSYI YAM A, SS. At WiiyiH KliurK, I'll,, the .Lt, nf Amr. A. To Whom i i' M.w iitiNt.'Mts : i iif miil. i'-iiMi-pi litTrhy Mivt's tirti i- ol his npjuiiiiMin'iit us Awilgiift! ol Mini In Hutilh,, nf Alnruitn M., in tin' foil n i y of (irt't'im nnd tlfot I ' i 11 y t it n in w 1 1 1 1 1 it miitl IlHti'icI, who Ins hccti niljtnt:;t n Kaiikrupt iinon J l 1m own lition hy tlo- hUlHel Coiiili)iNiiltUil.iiat. tsi.!o. itlNKIIAIll', Au.V(rr, A:lti!!i', lection of oi-ncEn:1. Tho on.ri-ror- Itlflililll Aki'IcuUupiiI n-fty nu t on tho Itli duy of .loly mi l oi-khii )(! Iy tho fli't'tloii of 111' lolliiwlli-t (HIIciTh; I'rfshli'iit 1, W, lnty; MuriimtTN, ,1. W. Wtilton, A. .1. Moo litT, H, KtiiHlit, .1ohi'U lunhln nii J. (1. Imiin. iiiiiiv : K'c, St'crclniy, A. Itu.s.s ; Cor. Wtt fcUiry, H, Knight. . Aim, j-:a. p U B L I C S A I. K . Tho un Joislgtu fl iiropi so to sell ou SATUUDaY ALtC.2;, IW, At 2o't'hK-lc, p.m., tro lnt Inthw horonali of ayuoHoui'tf, i n., wiitt a uro-K iniiinmy ri-i i'tcu tlioi'oou, known um tho (' iimliot luiul I'loshyto t'hiii churuU. Tciim mudo known on day of nato. tiio4. irosiciNsox, L'LAUK. Aug. 3-ta. L'ommlltco. E 1 XE CUTOIt'3 SALE. Hy vlrl n of a nowor contnlnod In llio lant will uud tt'Kiamoiit ul .John lUwiK, lalo of Moi HHil townslilp doe'd., too undol'Mlmiotl tlln Kxoc Utorn will oxpoMu topuhliutuilu on tho jitonnvos ut It o'clocU r. u., on TIIUllSDAY, SEPT. 3, 18G3, A rcrtiihl MoKsunjro nn 1 tnu-l of lun.l Rltuiilfi III Moriiiiii tp.t u.l). lining IhiiiIk ot .lolin Ktn, itiu ucl Luwiu, tiuiuiiL'l !''uUuii iulii utti'i'ii. CONTAINING I'.t ACUEtf.MOKKOIt LUSS. Hnlil Innil Iiiik lliprmn pri'iili-l a no.nl twn Mtury IIKU'IC UWKI.l.lMi lllill.sl-:, t'niiiii' t n in . uml Mttilili. llrl.'U Siuiiku Units.' t&c.Hihl lmsticr.oii u Knii'l iiliple im-lii'.r.l, anil utlml fruit. Torino liiuilo Know a I'Milny ol' i--.l.' JOHN I.KW'IH. JACuit UKKKNI.r.i:, Aug. .1-.1t. Kx.'-.lll.ir. I) EGlSTElt'S NOTICE il Notice Is limhVBlvcn to nil rrrdltom. locn. tc. . wiii.ln iiiul mliir ih'Iwiiih liu.'i'i'li .l, Unit Hit' hii.Ii'IhIkhkI l'.x.i iin.ru, Ailiiiiiisimii.niiiii.l uml lliiitriliiins ln.vi' tlll.'il lfi.-ir ii.-i-.iiiiil In llio It. hInIi i 'b Ullii'i'. uml tlmt tho mine will In. prv-M-ntiil In llio III iiIihn'm r.nirt to Im lu l.l M'ltlllll mill fur tliu l.'nnnly ol (ir.'.'iiB. mi Wwlnwmny, H.'itt.'iiibLr uy, ltiw, fur ..iiiliriiiiitt.nl un.l ullow iiui'O. 1'HrKltltllOWN", tt.-ultt.-r, Aceotint of MItoJiiIi, ll.'nry nnd Hiiiiiii.'l Muht. n.-r, Kxeviiti .in. if til" will of Oi'iiruu I.lidit hit. iliivime.l, who win. niliiiliilstiiiior upon tho Kntllle of .oe)ill Ihuio, iliv.'ll.'.l. Accmnt or J.'A. llilsli.r, A.linlniiiriitor of tho KatntiMir Itobr-rt HrlHlor, iIkwimhiI. i Actoiiiit or Jnmtn (Iriihuiii, liuiinliiin or Ali'X iin.lcr Sl.i.riu k.'ii, n minor chll.l of John Mi;l!rucki'li,il.'.'.'nw'l. Acroiiiit or .luininliniliiiiii, Otmnllnn or lilpli nnl A. Wiilkliu.iulnorsonof William Wui klni, .I.'uuiin.'iI. " Account, or t:hnrlcs, WllUnnm A.lmlnltrnlor "Di'lKinls mm" um.u llio Kstute of Kphruiiii WillliiiiiM, ilet'ctMetl. - ...... Account of Ambnwo A. Stout. Ailmlnlstrntorof the Kstute of Ahmlmni 8tout. iI.ki'iI. JXECUTOU S SALE I Tho miilcrslRnH Kxcciitow of thy limt will aud U'Htuiiii'iit of John Orini, dit'd., will e. po.se to salo ou tlio pi fiiilHtrt. on " TUESDAY, SE. lsf, 18G8, Tho liompKlcmt of mild d.'cccd, ultuato In lTiinklln Township, ii.IJ.iIu.iuj luii.U of . tonus Klv, Judifo Hoslilnxm nnd oificrj. cniii.iliiinn TWO IIUNDHIU) AN II FIFTY A tllM mon. or Ion. ono huudri d nnd eighty "'')'!'.'' f'Ti'!.'.: itLonwIilclLnrocreclwloncllltllk l!IMI.IIU nnd ono Friiuie Toniint llouso. Hum, Htnoio, Cribnu.l othor ouibi'lldlnK"- Thero nro uleo two apple orvlumls nnd oihorfnilt on thi pnmi l. Tin. wliolo in well w.it.'rcd nnd un.lor kimkI cultlvutlon, and wilt bo sold on a whole or. In pnropln, , . , TUoubovfipropcrtvts loraitcd ono mlie of WnyncilHiru'nnil Inln tho vicinity of sovornl gOOll lllllBlld i-liur.-liM. TKKMH. titie-thlril or tho purchase monoy to lie iml.t on tho nt of OctoIxT, lmn, at which time tho deed will ho inmln nd ihhscskIoii iIv ns exceptor the tennnt houso which will he given lt of April noxt, tho biilmiee In three niiinl nnnunl piivinentn, with Intunwt from tlmt date, to beneourct bv Ju.lKcmcnt or mortgage, at Uie option of the Kxecutoni. ELIZAUCTH OltIM, Executrix, SOLOMON WMB, Kxecutor. Alljfi-3t. Special Notice. 4 -Mi I do MitrrUtfr.-YuiiUK Wm (initio to Huppv Mnrrliinoanil roniiinnl rfllcl ty, I'Uti lititO'OiM vlttwt nf LhmiI vul.int I'livtil-r-imis, on tttn t.rron unl -a)ua. lii. i.lrnt to uuiiiu:nU'aily MauIioimI. Mmtlii tkuh-l l. ilrr niveluiH, fr..-e of tihuiKo AtUh;s lluWAUU AM'.iA i If i.S, llox l'., nUltMiololiiti, V. Juuu I7,'utly Ath.ri iut lo t:i Mf rvoiiH na nblll- oiti-a, HUit'i tliKH Imvii lu n iriiU'ttrl-ml lioio hiilH iioitfH, ntul thMH vnvvm rHUlrt' inoiuj'l tivitiuifiil l rii'lr vxInlfihM tlcsini I4n : Il you uruttnitriim. or huvo nuifr'i from lnvoUiiiiKiy Uiw'huiu-1. uhul t'lli.'dl ilofult ro .1ur(. u j ..ii your . m ml hiiillhT Ik vtiu i'M't w.'tik. .I.'i.iiitiiit'.l i-isiiy tirtM? lK.,t,i a Utt ! txlru oxMrtinn tr.lnt ' imlpiiuilou ol ihi-lu-urt INv-i your li'r, or tirlimt v orifunn, or iiir kUU iny, n.-.ni.'iitly K"t out tI ift-ilflrf In your urtnuhoiiit'tliiii'H lUU'k, milky or ll.'trkr, or'u it ropy ihi M'tihnf iiriU-MH llitck wtim rN to Mm top? ur it it Rftiliut nt ut tio; b.ttioiii utior It I III" Hl'Kwl HWllllCf It.tynU htivHpkiWofNhort htvittitiiof or l M'pniii4f Arc your lowvl otm Mitp.ni''!? lo you hiiVo h)m IU of (ulntUiK, or ru-im-M of l)ltHhl iu tin hfH-1 1 t your iiMMnur Impair 4 ? m vour lolinl citiintoiilv ilw.'illni iip-ii tlilw hu Jrl 1 Ho you frel iliitl. llstltNH, inoplnu, tlr'l or comptiiiy, of llf.- Jxi yuu wImi u Int U'lt ulomi, to iiwuy (nm vvmy h'Mly t 1km- tiny lnttn tiling itiauo yuu Klutt or Juiiipt U your Klftp limkni or risili'(.4? U Uu liiHtio ol vour i',v iu lirtlllniit ? 'I ho hlooiu mi vour cluH-k ii hrluhtt lo you rnjov vour fir Iu kiMMfty ii4 WfllT Io y.Mi ihisiiiyour IxuliO'iiH wllll (tin Hiilitit cm ivy T iJo you ft mu.'li mntlili-ncit In yourself ? Am your nplntMtiull uii'l ilu tiim, Kivvn tortti of ini'ltui choly? lro lo not lny It loyonr llviror ilvst-l-psm. Hitvii you nvstl.-ns nif-ntj Your tui.-k wi'ul;. your Uiikcm Wfiik, uiil Imve Inn ltlilti Mppft lit, una von hUi Ihulu LiiU io (lystpi-psiu or livcr-conipltinii t Now ivi.,'r( A-lfoilium, vmnr'nl (Unimiv-h IiimI ly rui't u, an I ft.nuul fXi-t-sKrhis, iik iUI nipahlc ot proclu 'iii.t u wi'Ultiu-KH of iho Knioratlvn or Kutn. 'ih1 in'j'Oirt ot' it'iiMrutlou, wIh'H hi per lift loMlth in-tkit I lit mmi. 1H-I yoiivtr think Unit thiMrt h.ili). iliUunt, oih'tuotic, pnrt'vr iiiti, Hiit-rt'-Atriil lnnlin't-iiH'11 mo iilwityn lliony whfmo ni'toinitivH ormui.H uro In prtVi-t hi'tilili Vou ui-vor ItLiir ton-h ttu n etnnpliUn or lw Inu nii'liitii'holy, of mrvmsin-N, ,r pulpllsttlon of tin liMio-t. Ihi'V m'ttiiMVt'r niniia thy ran not MUtMu-t'd In htiii' ss; th y il nil lii-roniu suit ui'l iliHcoimmi'il ; Iticy nr iiiwuvh jHiUinttiil nlfiusuut In tlio conip.tnv or IuUiua. una look you uiil tU-iu liultt in Ihe ftici) nouit of youi'oowii ctnt looUrf or nny oiliit nnMiinHni lihoitt tld'in. J iht not iiit'itn ll io.ho who kvt'p tho oru'in liilhitnl hy running to rxi-tM. I lit so will not only ruin thotr HnUiulluiiBt but ulso llio. tlioy lo ttiiHliit-KN with or lor, How nmny inou, from lt;itly-currd (1iKon.SPtH fioin tlio rih'i't.1 o soli'iiliiito una t'Xi.vHHtit, Imvo hnmulit about tlmt ntnlo ot wcmIcui'hi in thoso oia ui-t thiil hH roilu jo't thy u-'ii'-rHl H.vstoni ho inui-o a lo liolm o uluiorit ov.'i'.y otht-r iHwi-ii li1lM:y, liiiiih-y. p.iralyti, Hplmil ll. t'tlotin, mil uiilo, ttii't iilnto-it' ovuty oilier form of iltnso htch hiiniaiiily Is hoir to, utiJ tho roal oiiuho ttt the lrothh n-aivf ly ovt-rMispt'cluJ, uul huvc ttfictort il fornll.lint tlo rlt:lH ouo. lkout' oi tti.n or.UKi r.iUiro tho mo nf Piituii.. i:;a.i!of,h h i i.uii i;x i'U ai; t'lll' isihot?rMt inurotko, nnl lift ortiln ouro for ilixr:iMi of tho tantl'Ior, KMncyM, (iruantc Woukiit HH, romulo CoiiiphihitM, (it'iii'iul lt-hiU-tv, and all iIIhciisph of tho Uriimry irt(aiiN, wht'tlior o:.lstln Iu Mute or Konmlo, from what evor I'uiiiu oiiinatliiK. unt no iuHUr oi ltow lull ix. It no trrnhnotit i mtlnnlttoil tof'tminriptlon or InHimlty amy ommio. Our ilotOi ami Moot! nroSupportctlfroin tho.Hn ounoH. uml I lio ht-allh ami liiipplnoNH, aiot that of 1'oHtorily, UcpomU upon piomitt uho if a lollahlo ri-mo'lv. 1 ol in hold h Kxtract llii'-hu, t-'iiMKh-M ttp wurd ol IS yours, prt pnroil hy U. T. II Kl M IHH ,l Uru-l-t. .Mil .V.'W Vork.uiol laiStnilli Mill Kl l'inla.iflphia, I'a, I'iiht. el.ii por hottlo, or t hotth'H lor j'J.'io, ilollvoro-l lo unyuJtlroM. Hold hy all li uijijMm'vory whorr, iirt-NiiNK AUK (M:n l iNK uiiloHt ilono np In ftoi'l-onm-iivotl wripi'r, w li!t fuc-slmilu of my L'liomlcal vYuivltousu, :iml miumoi) ii. r. aixiuior-u. July IVJm. cijal gilvcvtisfinctttj. ; XECCTOlt'8 NOTICE. T.ottorM totfimont.'iry Imvlnct Iwi KrnntM to tho uiolt rMiuacI on lito t'Htaio of .lolin l,'wh, Into ot Moriruii tp tit M, uotk-o In hfti'hy ulvou toall p thoiih lnh-hlo'l to Hall ONtato ti npiko liiiint 'lln'i' pMviio iil, miiiI IIiomo htivimc I'lulniH iiuuliwt IhoNiiiai'lo pnii ul Uk-ih p.opci'ly uu-tltt'Otl:il-il tor not i lotoout. .ft (I IN l(!:Vs, Wash, oo., I'a., .,.u ,l.i'. (llttllM.Kl-:, tiiooniTOo.,IM., ux l .Imp' 7,'tt"-it w 7 mows Disntioi' oi' 1'knnjvl- If V I 1 t! J At ViiyifslMiiy,rntho'AMof July a. Ii.IMH. To w iiom it may t'oNrKits: Tliouinloiitnotf horohy KiVM noih'o oi Ihh itpp'tintiiioni uh Ah Nliiot'oi William A. I'ortoroi Wnvn'hiir, In iiit'i oauiy oi (srtMMut ain miu' oi t'oniiHyivania unliio Mt.iil I hmI rit-l. uliii lui4 lifi'ii iuOiiM.'sxI n I iii iik iu pt upon hi own pet 1 1 1 m liv loo l)i-lrlt!t Court of KiUil l.Ulnel. 11. II. I'ill.fAN, J uly .'J-'jt. AMrtiimo-tfj. A D-MUNbTltAhilX NOl'irK. " A I,o:toi-s of ntlinlnUl nil loll havlnuhoon tfratitod to 1 lo uiiil't vl''it'tl on i Ik i'kIhio ot t '. I'. MoitN. ; ili'i-'il., Into or V.'hilHy lowivihip, (In ciio roiinly i iioti.f iu lu-n'hy uivru Itiall pciMni liut'lil IohmIm i?tliUo t. Iiuikt' lioitli'ilmlo pny moot aial tlio-.o having clalniH aw.it n t thonauw to pri-ent llifin propyl ly auilr-tO iftiloil lor Hottlom.'ht. I-MAlll 'I II MtUtHIH, July l.'cUt A-i'mliilrttrntrlx. c 1 n k uTFi;7s "ha t7i;T O Tty vlrtuo of a writ of von. oxp. U-iio1 mit of th.1 1 onri of Common I'lra oi tiroouo i.oiiuiy, mill lo i in illrivtcl, tin-it will ho cxpjsotl lo juililicMitoiil lltot.'oui't llotMr, In Wnynoslnirij, on S:iliinljiy, H.-pi , I.-mim, m j oVlnHc I. M llio lollowiim property, Iz : All tho riht, lltlo, In loiONi uml i tiuin ot N. i. Clcuvrn.-r, or. In nutl to a i-orliiin lot of urouii l, oonlitliilii ouo aoro it 1 1 no or le!", silitiitod In Jninkard I'owiiHhlp, Ui'f. iK 4'ouuty, I'a., ii'ljoinlnif lainin of NiohotaN Oohitll, houiitlod otrllio Kat hv land or Mr. Slot.!, on lh"S:iiilh hy MUlor. on tho Wot hy KmHy (lnoh, Norlii . Takoti In xtoodoii us tho proporly of N. T. t'tonvotmor alhw Nolsou T. t-'ii-avoiiaor lit thoHiiil of l-'tirnnT-i mikI ltrov orw liatilc or WaytioHloiru lor tlio uku oi" W. UK-hiiuui and luminl Wiliiam-i 11. ii-rtlLVKTH.fihorliT. . i uiy -'J, i-i. IXSKLL & CO.. MAM-'fA'-TLMtl UI OF OVEItSTIiUNa. GUANI) AND SQUARE haxo roirrES. ALSO irANUFACTUUKIW OV Carpcntcr'sViitcnt II trmonlum Grand Pi tnncs AVuroroi'in, 'f K-Mist 19lh fltroot. Four doors Kut of Ti.U'tl Avuiiio, Kvory ItiHlumont wnrnintod (icvon years. Hen. I lor a Circuiuruml 1'rlco Lint, July I.-:.m. AfANIIOOD: UOW lost, now Jut puhllshnd.n now etlltlon of Pit, Cclvkii WKiiia I'ki.khhatko Kssa v on tlio I (jo Heal l.'ure (wiliiout M-du'iioooi ispkikma toKHinKAorwom uml, Mental and I'ltyniiul Inoapacity, ImptU inontn to m u i inijo oio. ; t oshumi'TIon. hiMi.KP sy uud I'lrn, Induced hy st'li-lmliilgoucoor ox uul I'Xtrovuauo. tJ-i'rio, In a nonloil onvolopo, oly II ronlH. Tliocotohnitod uutlmr, In lliiHadmirahio tHuay oloarly tlonifHiHlratod from a thirty yLarn' miio (jOMilul praoliL-o, lltat tliouiarmlnK-(nM04m'iiooii oi oit'-hUho may ho mdloally ountl without the (lauuoroUH n mo oi lutornal nutlloiue or thoappll oatioii ol tito knifo ; iHdiiluiK out a modoot rare at ono siniplo, ocrlaiii and olttrtual, by nmin of which owry milloror, no inaltor what hlriooii Uiiioniuay ho, may euro hiiUJHJlf cheaply, pri vatt ly and radically. Hi it I.i'.'ttu t'HliouM ho In the hand of ev ery youih and ovory man iniholand. f-v-iit,uudrHonl In n (ilaln otiveloe, to any nddroKM Mistpaul,ou rocolpt or six oontM, or two post MtamM. AImo Dr. ( ulvorwoU'H "Marrlne Liuldo," price 2j ooii I?. AdilrosH iho uuhllKhvrH, C'il.VH. J.u. KliLKACtM I-T Flowory Now Yorl;, l'ONt-Ollh-! llox -tntf. W AVNESliUUa b'I'EA.M JIILL FOR BAI.E. Wo the ni.derxlKncil. owners of the nhov. property nttiinted iu WnyneHburK Korouith, offer ut private huIu the mill and It4 uppui'toiiiiuceii, WITH TWO I.OTSOF OltOCND. The mill occupies ono of Ihe best niton for hti HlueiM In the county. In toby Oil feet, three ntorlos lilirli. one of hi. me (two loot wull I two of brlek. (eighteen Inch wull. nnd iinrrett with gmncrlen. Holt, Mlillll Mtiellllie, -le lhreu liurili run uy a tl ixt lust cnulne ol lliltty-lucli atruke, lliirtoeu inch cylinder. AUo TWO SKT OFCARDIXO MACHINES, Now dolus bihvI worlc, Spinning machines, etc. HiUlsfiu-i.iry r.iisoim lor Bellinu. TKI..MS H..VOH tho.iHnnu live hundred dollars In Ihruo iinnuiil payniunu with Intorvnt. Apply ut once ut the mill. - . Jiilyai-ilm HUNSKLL drYEATEH. lUEk'KU ACADEMY AND NOIUIAL Vj t4Ullt)ori. t'AUMIL'lIAEIil, onr.ICNE CO., PA. Fall Term commence Auk. 17. "W, and eontln uen nlxu.cn weekn. The Domini llepnrtnient In for Ihe benefit of toucher. Tho building has been rutlttiil. Htudent huve ueeemi lo two I.t r.rarl.'H. HiK'loll.wuroln atlourUlilnucnndlllon. To the liiHtlliitlon belonini npiMirntiiii fur nil kllidn of experlmenui. Uood felineuiw, Ml eroH.'ope, t.'hnrl, Ac. It In deelrcd thnt all lioul.l hetheri.nt tlielM-KlniilnKof the terra. lloAlllilNii can bo ohtnlned In town or a short dlstnuce In tho country from fti 7.1 to S3 V) per week. For Information addron l)r. J. B. Ijildlcv, Heo.. or either of the Trunteen. JulyAw-tf W.F.ortR,Prln. U It D K HI "ovibtuk Ltrr.' MnJ"i lly of lli'o wliomul nrwupaimn, unvr awn give. Uwly Klaniat ahualura. .avenue luuut Mini II a MAN Aottially Iimi h cholon vnrlftv of rimhIii which ioNmlllmiit thoVKItV I.oW T irlclliiU nit Iw nllordH. It luinlly pay him lupublUJi thti fact. TUerofoiu wo Imve FOUND It Ii.m! Iciilinplr IuvIIk rvivylMxIy In mil mi.l fXiimlun..urMtK'k unit prl.-.n bifuri puri'l.ualiiK els.'wlirri'.nmlxiiy Inn lull. In nuurU Iu nnr ulilliiy uuil 'M riiiliiiillna Iu luuUu ll ua vunu- Htiuiia iu iiiim. wnu rv unl - DEAD Tolli.'lrnwn lnlor.'l,loluy IJiuir fnmllo, NuU v uuiaum, urocurira una vcr IUUi( IN TlioflrncorrlliKio. II'. A.ltliiduirt,lnl.U'llli's old uuikllliK, omillu llio publliijuillu, WAYNKSHUllU. A V U K 8 II SUPPLY. JUST HECEIVKl) AND FOK S.VI.b: AT TIIK LOWEST P K 1 C E 8 lOlW-lf. J E A D A N I) KNOW- QUICK 8ALE3 AND BIIORT I'UOFITSI , o IMMKNMK STOCK OK fTIKMII CIH0t:KHIK8 A Mi i'UOVlhlO.N'U Cunnlnntly arriving nt the Store of JOHN MUNNELL, WAYNEsnuna, pa. . Coiinlsllug, In part.of '' OltOfMItlKM, CON K K( TION A ItlEH, XUUAX'i, HEuAltH. H.NUFP, C'llAf'KEn.s, CIIKhXE. MOr.AMMliH, CArtnoNoiu F1BII, ' IIACON, Ac,, tc, Ac, -O- J ii addition tn the nbove, a full stock of NOTIONS, IUnDWAnE, bpectacles, rociCET KNIVES nud thousand of other art lele. which urobo lllK nold a luw 11 till) TIMES WILL PERMIT! C O M I A N I) )U Y. ' JOIIX MUNNEIX. YOY! A L0 F TI S T A N D Y, A L L t TO SF.K THE GRAND OI'K.N'INq OP SPRING & SUAIMEU CLOTHING . JUST ItKCKIVKU r.v ' A , J . S O W E Ii S DKES3 SUITS AND BUSINESS SUITS, Iluiiiitlful OKSortmcnt of L'lotlis, GErLEMEN'S FUnNISIIINQ GOODS, ' . . ' . i . SHIRTS READY-MADE, New Style for Oenl'uNerk Tren flcarft.. pine Freuch Figured lVroalv HlilrU, Collars it Ciilli, TIIK DK0I.INKIJJ I'llicm ennbles lilm to mill at f.ibuloua low rale. Full nulU of excel lent texture, can be hud at, one half former uuai. ,uiuu uuu gob uie uoa wnue il is yuiug. WON'T BR UMJKIWOl.D IS WAYNEHBUHO noOM IN ALLISON'S BUILDINfl, OPPOSITE rub wuni nuinr., ap tS,'(W-Hn. ' j- EltlDEN UlUTANNlAf CO. , ; , , , , j Miimifucturcr of the finest quality of ,. SILVER PLATED GOODS, , VEST MERIDEX, CONN. SAMPLE K00M 109 BROADWAY', NEW YORK. JulyK-nm. ABVIN'8 . tniiOME IRON SPHERICAL BURGLAR SAFES. .. Will Resist all Burglars' ImplomenU for my Length of 1 1me. ' Plenw send for Catalogue of Fir. and Buralar Proof Mafe. MARVIX A CO.. m Broadway, New York; 731 Chestnut Hi, ridldelphla; 1 Ban 8tree Ueteland, Ohio. July JS-aro. JjUlsrcttanfOn; S' TAHTLLNti 1NTEIXIUENCE ! 1 FRANK McGURGAN, 1 One of our mont motive ami oblllm( meruhanUi rwx-nny rviuinmi inm in onm, uriuKiig with hiiu a tfpl-ayiU tworuunufc ol NEW SUMMER GOODS !. Thevrny neatest and latest stylbs, of every variety ai hkahomahi.! h vtu, vuiuraoum ail kluds ot LADIES' DRESS GOODS, TntMMtNdfl AS!) Mlt.T.I Vt'ItY noons, New Styles of HI 'MM Kit IMI'I.INH: lllieat and beat Miinlllyof lilnek Hllka, ehlnuea, I'reenllen, or- riuidleH. Tnrllon. tine and ull colorii; lino qual ly of Wool Delulues, ti'iielher with a full Una ofMwlnii.il, t'HHliiiiereHnn.l Alimit-nM I'ttrnulM. A full and fiinhloiiuhln lino of Millinery Hoods ooiiMlHtlnaof llonuet KmiiieM, r runted Aiituioua, Urupe,ll eol..i, und lmdea, FINE FRENCH FLOWERS,! The very talent and flnrat q.mllty, Oll-bollrr ribbons, nil wI.IIIim. HhndeM and color; Oilored Ijcc. All ileaerlptlona of Ijutlca' lints, trim mod, and unlrliiiiiiod, full aiMortiiiont u( EMBKOIDE1UE3 Jt WHITE GOODS, New style of PnrunoU ami Kiinimer Umbrellas, Fancy Fnnn, lino Uteo Knibrulderleii, lleiii lllchod lliindkerchleM, Collaia aud Cults lu mutch. Cumpluto ASSOKTMENT OF FINE JEWELRY, IjhIIch' nnd Oents' Kid (Itoren, a complete line; alt.! l.lcll tbren.l nnd HHk Uualury tor Ladlua auu ueuin. a mil siuck. NEW STYLES OP HOOP BKIUT3 AND tOIISET-J. AlnoShiiwln I nee Curtnlns, nnd a full line of MllCHMMl iidoiih. Ho hun nn hnnd alnna plendld iiNNortment of Willi 1'iipcraud t'nrpetn: lientn' and iit.yN' riolhlnx in urent variety ami of the nn "it liishlomililo nlvlen. HATS. ('Aiti un.l THLNKm, nnd Hi nhnrt, uverythiiiir Ice id Iu a Mrxt elnm more, nil of which wilt be (old at aroutly reduced prlcoa. Julyl-tf s COTT. DICKENS, THE MASTKItl'IKf'KS OI PKTtON AT A MAllVLLUh' cUEAPNEMi, THE WAYERLY NOVELS, ' At Iho uniform pri of Twenty-five Outs per ll'OlHm. wvn .Ullioiu llliinilllli:il w.Vll Hll I'll- graved FrolltlHploco, und bulllid 111 Ull Illuuil- nnie.1 1 nrmn i over, io uo compiuieu iu in vol Ullienu l.iliuwsi 1. Wavi.Mys 18. Tho rirate. II, Fortune of Nigel. 15, IVvvrtl of thol'oMk. M. Ouoniln Ihirwuril. . 4,vmi;ttit', H, Konllworlh. 4. (lny Manuorlng. ft. AniWimry. j . Hob tuiy. 9 H 7. OldMoriiiUty. H. Tliehlurk Dwnrfimd a l.ooiid of MonlroMO. 0. Undo vt Imiumor- 17. M, ItoiiiHn'H Well. 'l.H. Koduniiiitlot. IV. Tim HokrothiHl, nnd MiKhland Widow, JO. Tho TiillKinihit. 21. Wootlitlook. inoor. Si. Ftr Mnl.l of PoTth, 10. Ilourt of Midlothian xl. Anno of (lolorstoin. 11. Tint Monuktory. Li I. 1,'ounl Uubortgl lur U The Abbot. In, 26. HurRonn'e Duushtor. Tho flifit volunio, "Wuvorly,'1 ImhuoiI on Feb rnury 2it IMS A vo!uih will lHpubllNhHl nlmut onoou lorinliflit mttU tho Hrloi In oomplotml. Any vcluuui mullod, iohI froo on ruculpt of prloo. Kor HlX nnl.r.AHH wo will cnd hy moll, propuld, nn funt uu jmhllMhed, Clin on tiro not of Wtivorlv NovoIm, midiioiipv ol a now Hlool-pltttu l'urmiil ol .-lr Wultur rtuuu, fmllublo for Irmn.-. Intf. for TV.S All wo will nond by mall, prcpuld. uMi'tof iokknh du unllnrm mylo, i lA vnlmm-H. uml Wavmm.ky, '2A voIiiiiion. Tliu ohoa(HHt ton dollar' worth to ho lonnd In the uhoio rniu'o iu tlivrntiiru, l'urLy-thruo volume for ton dolIuiHl Any K I liy Volumoii, nolootod nt ploamire, will lofiil to ono mldrMA (by oxpii wi nt the ux IH iiHooflho pnrolmrtor) ou rouvipluf IhuruUill prloo, Iohh &) poroont. Any Ono lUinditHl Volnmon, nnlootod nt pltHwi nro, will bo mo nt to ouo ikIiIionh (hy vxproMitat tho oxpoiiHu of Iho pnrohuNer) uu receipt of tho rottill jirioe, luut 'Jo por oonl. , WOKKS OV ClUHIiKS DICKENS. r ITnndHonioly prlntod, Irom clour lypo, on gooil imiMtr, mid of ooiivonlint hIko. Now coiuplulo i in vwiiniifB, ni iho Hiiiioxin pro'i-M: unvor TwiM r.-'pp., Amorloun Nolo loi . lumilioy Hn 'Jf-U ... Mnrlln chii7.lowlt !iw ' ;.. Our mutual frlond " ... CbrlMlmiiH hlnrloN ; Vti" Tuloor Two Cll os IU " ... M..3A cU, ....15 " .....'0 n.A " .... " Hard 11 moi, uud Addillouul t'hi'Ulini.H sioilca... .....SiiO . 28 " .'lu " " ....ilii " " ...At " ....111 " Nleholna Mckluby lll.'Hk lll.llHM I.lllli. D.il-rll l'lekwlek I'npeM I.iivld Copln'rlleld Iliinmlilv Itud'ie old I'ltri.mlly Hliop Klletelh-n Ill-enl Kxiieelutlolin .Ill) " , , UM " , .till ' , iVA " , :tji " , Itlfl ' ,...30 " iwi " -a ti 14 l iieitiiiiiii.-ri'iiii -iniveuor, I Inly, uto :. 300 " ...' 83 " Any voltiuie ninlled pol riee on reeotpt of price. On receipt nf M 00 w-n will mill lonny odd rem., pml-pnld, Die entire workn or t'lmrl.M Dlekeiin, un.l nlmi iiHI.vl-plutu ''orlriiltof Lilclieas, suit able for friiuiliiK. . . ( fHni':lAI.TTd7nRATFA '! Rein r..roluln nre Kent l.y exprciiH. nl the ex pense ..I I lie piirciuiHer. l-ju li not lu a club ou illle.lt.illieM.iol l'orlrnlt. Throes.'! wllli II l'ori mils of Dickons 5H M h'lve hi'Im Willi 5 ' " ., ai lHI Ten Mein with I.I " " xi IM rHen.l torn upeeluien volume and forma, chili in your town. No lookK oiler nioredellKht ful rending limn tho novels or Walter Hoollnnd I'linrlen lilekenn. TheNoedlilonN. w.ille reimirk nlily ohuiip. nre iienl nud tiiHtei'ul u ni.peanince. I). AI'PI.KI'ON A mi., i'lilillnhera. tHl, UdW Litiuid Ut., N, V. July 1, 'OS IMPORTANT TO CANVASSERS AND UliN OUT OF EMPLOYMENT. 8OMETIIIN0 FORTHE UOTJRl' ' f jrARSIIAI.L'3 LINE ENGRAVING OP QENERAL GRANT. ' ' NOW, READY. ; Thin nplendld I.lnfl Knsrnvlnj Is the result of twoyenrn Inljor on the part of the artist, SIu. Wii. v.. Mahhiiai.l, whoHtnn.lit nt tin. liendof IiIm .rofewil.iii in the t 'lilted Htnten. It In pro. nouneed n perle. tlikeii.'Msof Ueneriil Oruiitln IiIh lie.!- oxpronnluli, hy the inenilmrH of liln funi Uy nnd 111. we who huve lieen pernonnlly ao iuiiiite.l with him for many years. As a work of art It In lniuiciinuriihly tuiperlor to nil othorH, Mm, (Irunt f iiym "I nm dellulitiHt with your splendid euumvliut of luy liiiHlHiiid, Asa like tiONH I do not think It could lie lietter." Helta torHinunor nron.itini.ea lt"a rare nnd flnltdicd work, excellent an a, IlkencMN." Mr. llrynnt Miyn: ''It In really a noldo npoclmen of the nrt of cngrnvlnn; nud nM..'iirn to me to Rive tile character of tlio nriuiiuU more perfectly than nuyeiiKrnviuK which I huve neon." lien How ard coiiHldcm "the llkeiienn ntrlklng and th. picture lire-llko." Mr. Uiiutliiglon, the emi nent nrtlnt nnym !'H has a large, niBwdv ntyle, and urent foreo nnd rlolinemi. The lient thing almul It In the troth with which you have ren dered the Indomitable nplrltol tlio limn." Agontn wiinled In every township. Addrcns, , TICKNOIt KIHI.US AOENCV, UO Klfth Street, I'ltUburgh, I'a. July 15- . W OOL CARDINO ON TEN MILE CREEK! J. II. DEB0LT Would respectfully Inform the pabllo that he Is now propiuou ko CARD AVOOL on the shortest notice nnd in tho best stylo, at tb. ' TEN MILE MILLS, Two Mllcn helow Iloa-ernvllle. Ho deflen eom petltlon, and feels conlldentnf naMnfvlng and nccnniinodatlng ull who mny favor film with their patronane. Price 7 oontn por pound, tic i ninn nreonnil to grind all kinds of (train on short noi lee nnd tu the bent mnnner by both steam nnd water. JNO. It. DEUOLX June 8, os-lin. . UBUC NOTICE. As the Arm of nUGnEfl & LUCAS la dlMolved by muttinl eoimont, the Oomnilitnlon buslnona will .till be carried on at the old ntiind.ln good order, and on the moat rcnftonnhlo terms. In the name ana niyie ni i.. iiuoum s cij,, laenjor partner.) They flatter thcmnelve.. by bavin the Houne and the In-nt location In the plnce for thntbuninem. thnt they will hgckivk a liberal share of the nubile putrnnnge. ' They win nino Keep ngoousuppiy oi iimn.-rn-IM on haud to aooommodate all who may tiivor uiem wiia a can. l..rniaHK 4C0 Wtf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers