The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, July 29, 1868, Image 3

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    IShe l2nehuvc Republican, ebnes&ag, 35ulg 29, 1808.
Nona to Attobhxts. Attorneys will be
held responsible for lupr Books, Advertising
nl Job Work, ordered by them and no! paid
form advance. Such bills to be collectable on
Nw AoTEkTisninm. The attention of
our readers Is specially directed to the follow
ing advertisements, which appear for the first
nme in our paper to day.
IB-Steam Mill-ITunnel A Yeater.
WUreene Academy and Normal School W.
F. Orr.
Good Lot. A splendid lot of new carpets,
floor oil cloths, window blinds, very cheap,
at Frank McGurgan's.
Pantos desiring a sound and systematic
education, are advised to go to Edinboro.
In many respects Its advantages are unsur
passed. Pansnxs Intending to teach School, should
If possible, spend one term at the Normal
School, at Edinboro. It will prove of great
value to them.
Closiso Oct. Frank McGurgan Is closing
out his entire stock of Summer Dress Goods
ladies' trimmings, bats and mljjlaery goods,
clothing Jfcc. Give him a call !
To SrunESTs. For cheap boarding with
supctior educational advantages, we Invite
attention to the card of Greene Academy un
der new advertisements.
Sun stroke. Two of our young married
copples, last week, were prostrated by son
stroke. They are flno spec'mens welshing
about eight ponnds each.
Si'diirx Dbatii. Wo learn of tin sudden
demise of one Al7;ne Rice, of Whitely town
ship, on Sunday morning last. lie had work
ed the day before, In good health, harvesting.
I tho bou lnir and tlio dressing-room one
purfume reigns supremo. Pinion's ''Flor de
Mayo," the new perfume fur tli hsndkerchlef
has no rival in any home where taste presides.
Bold by all druggists.
Good Liwnrn For Sale. Sirs. Elizuboth
M rris, of Newtown, Whitely tp., has a large
quantity of the best sawed lumber for sale. Itis
mostly seasoned and well adaptel to furni
ture making.
The School Casket. Is the name of a
livoly sixteen pago monthly edited by J. A.
Haodgrass A M. I). Sloan, at No. 1 1 Fifth
Bt Pittsburgh, P.. It Is a paper for the
school anil family. Send fur a specimen copy.
The Atlantic. This monthly fur August
is filled with interesting math. Parton con
tributes a good article on the question, "will
the Coming Man Drink Wine?" Send for a
copy to Tiekncr & Fields, Pubs., Boston,
Mn.i. Property fob Sale. Attention Is
called to tlio advertisement of the sale of the
Waynesburg Steam Mill. Tho mill has earn
ed moro mnny in the l ist two years than is
now asked for it. It is n splendid investment
lot somebody, just at this time in the year.
Cami' Mkktixg Mt. Morris circuit and sur
rounding charges undcrthe pastorship of Rev.
M. M. Knton, will hold their annual camp
meeting on the ground occupied last year one
and a half miles east of Mt Morris, beginning
Hept 10, 1 HUM. A general invitation Is extended
to all.
The Uniform. It has been (l"cideil by the
National Executive Committee of tlio Hoys in
Jilua, tliut tho Uniform of tho organization
shall consist of a blue forage cap, a blue cape
and a torch. This will be a neat uniform,
and we hope soon to sue a club organized In
IJi'hnkd nr Lioiitnino. Last week during
tho prevalence of a thunder-shower, the
lightning struck two grain stacks belonging
to Mr. Ed. Smi'h, who lives near the Poor
IIiuso, and entirely consumed them. We lenrn
Hint the gentleman lias been unwell and un-
nblo to work for sonio time, and as a conse
quence the lops will fall heavily on him.
The stacks contained two hundred dozen of
Scott asp Dickens. Special uttcntion Is
directed to the advertisement elsewhere of D
Appleton & Co., Publishers. Tliey offer the
best of literature at rates astonishingly low.
The complete works of both the above authors
with a portrait of each, suitable for fi ameing
for $IO,oo t The books are printed h good
style, and of equal sizd pages tint they may
be bound two or more volu nesin on 3. It is a
prize for the lover of excellent reading.
Fair Fever. Fifteen hundred nnd fifty
dollars have been tubscribtd to getting up
our Waynesburg Fair. At a meeting of stock
helders last week, Committees were appointed
for leasing the grounds snd putting things in
shape. The grounds, we are informed, will
be east of Slaters lane, and adjoining, one ol
the finest locations to be found anywhere.
You may bet high on the Fair being a fact.
Greene county will then have four Agricultu
ral Fairs, but the one at Waynesburg is to
.eclipse all.
Summer Vacation. The school of soldiers'
orphans, at Unloctown numbers about three
hundred scholars, and under the charge of
Mr. Waters, is said to be in a flourishing con
flitlon. They left for their homes on Thurs
day last having vacation of six weeks grant
ed them. Before dispersing tbey gave three
rousing cheers for Giant and Colfax. The
boys recognize in them the leaders of the
cause for which their fathers fell the nation's
legacy of freedom "bequeathed from bleeding
sire to son 1"
The CuARriEHs Vallkt R .R. Two hun
dred and fifty -five thousand dollars are sub
scribed toward the completion of Ibis road
between Washington, Pa., and Pittsburgh.
Three hundred thousand was the amount to
be raised before work was commenced,
but the Fenna. Central R. R. Co., express
themselves ready to gc on with Ibe project
with the present subscription, if releases ofl
way can be obtained, and the matter put in
such shape as to secure them from litigation.
Fart of the road Is already being engineered
for letting.
Democratic Cortbrkhci. The Democratic
Conferees, of this District met at the St.
Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, last Thursday, but
adjourned over to await the action of the Re
publicans. We hear that David Crawford,
Esq., of onr town, received six votes in a little
skirmish balloting that was done. This may
argue nothing but wo had Just as leave tee
. "Davu" get the compliment of the nomination
aa "any other man" who has made up hit
mind to be a martyr for Democracy. Each
of the four counties presented a candidate,
Tic t Washington, Col. Wm. Hopkins i Law
ranee, Mr. Montis ; Bearer, Mr. Kuhn ; Greene
p. Crawford, Esq,
Tai CoaTiatxca Aoaik. On Tuesday of
last week our Conferees met agttla at the
Honongahela House in Pittsburgh and ballot
ed for two dafs without a choice. The see
ond day Washington county voted several
times fir Wallace, and Beaver voted steadily
in the afternoon for Donley.' Tbey adjourn
ed to meet next Thursday week. The com
plexion put upon Congressional matters Is
extremely embarassing. Now when it h too
late, the remedy is clearly discerned. It ha
been frequently remarked In onr bearing that
had Greene county presented a so' id front at
the Conference there would have been no dif
ficulty in securing for her the nomination.
This we fcresaw and deplored weeks ago.
Immediately after the nomination of oar candi
date. Judging from the disapprobation ex
pressed on all sides at the manner in which
the nomination was brought about, we sug
gested the calling of another convention com
posed of delegates elected and Instructed by
the party in the county with a full understand
ing. This was done in perfect candor, not
from spite as has been charged by tome, for
why shouM It concern us wha the coonty
nominates, if only a sturdy, straight forward
Republican t Tbt good of the county was
uppermost in our mind, and we should liked
to have teen the matter fairly contested
which would as certainly have contributed to
our success in the District Conference.
Blame may be charged where you choose, but
It seems patent to the observer that if Greene
County must yet bide her time, we have no
need to go outside cf the county for the
Patents. The following sensible item is
from the Agriculturalist, for August. The ad
vice should be acted on by our farmers every
where :"9. D. A.," Ohio, sends us specimens
of a bent up wire for supporting plants, says
he is negotiating for a 'patent, and asks our
opinion. We think for many things the pat
ent will work well. But why patent it r It
is strange that men who are freely using alt
of the contrivances of thoso who have pre
ceded them, are unwilling to add to the com
mon stock of knowledge, but the moment
they hit upon a simple expedient must go and
patent it. II a thing has cost time and in
ventive thought, we think It should be patent
ed, but when one his something as simple as
a bow knot a mero twist la a wire, we think
U folly to patent it. If one has a wire and
chooses to twist up In the way our friend has
done, we don't think there are twelve men In
the country who, on a Jury, wou'd award
him damages. This patent business has been
to use a vulgarism, "run into the ground,''
and unless something like sense can prevail
at the patent office, the people will insist upon
its abolishment. Persons claiming patents fot
the simplest contrivances given in the journals
are constantly anoying farmers with threat
of prosecution. Have a Farmer's Club in ev
er neighborhood ; tell these fellows to pros
ecute, and make a common cause for the de
fence Very few suits, will ever come to trial
when It is found that the game of "blufl" will
not work.
A Oooo School. We have received the
Catalogue or the Slate Normal School at Ed
inboro. On the front side is a Classified
Table of Contents, snd on tho bhek over a
Students' Guide, which, if followed will make
good scholars of all who attend there. On
the Second page is a Railroad Map, engraved
fur this work and showing their routes to Ed
inboro'. Wo like the fullness, clearness, and
conciseness of the Cat ilogue, and the plans
nnd methods of instrucli mi di-sfiibod therein
Among the advantages "f the Schiol wo no
tice nnd commend "a well supplic 1 nnd well
conducted Reading Room," an extensive set
of Apparatus, nnd a recognition of the neccssl
ty of study. The School deserves and has re
ceived extensive patronage, and is destined to
still greater success. It is highly recom
mended by all the School officers acquainted
witli it. All our readers should send for its
"Onward, right onward.
Into the Valley of Death,
Rodo the six hundred."
Rut larger, by hundreds multiplied into
millions, than the doomed men who rodo to
swift destruction in Tennyson's poem, is the
great cavalcade of unhappy men who are
rushing to untimely graves, followed by the
gaunt spectro Dyspepsls. This is all wrong,
and should cease. Plantation Bitters, the
great Stomachic Pain Killer, cures Dyspepsia,
Heartburn, lleadacho, Vertigo, Dullness, and
all symptoms of kindred character, is if by
magic For Languor, Lassitude, Great Weak
ness and Mental Depression, they have a most
wondirful effect
Magnolia Water. A delightful toilet arti
clesuperior to Cologne and at half tho price.
I. O. or O. F. At a regular meeting of
Ricbhill Lodge, No. 571, L O. of O. F It
was resolved to celebrate the approaching 13th
of Aug., it being the 5th anivrsary of the
opening of our Lodge. All sister lodges and
all members In good standing in the county
are respectfully invited to attend and per
ticlpato with us on the occ udon.1
P. T. Uendebshot,
R. L. Norlb,
Committee of Invitation .
Initial Paper put up in neat boxes of one
quire each with envelopes to match at Day's
Lard, Sperm, Neats-foot Fish, Sweet and
Castor oils, for sals at G. W. Roberts Drag
Store. .
A srLENDiloi of Paint Brushes and brashet
of all kinds, for sale at G. W. Roberta' Drug
Go to G. W. Roberts' Drug Store and get a
bottle of Misbler't Bitten.
Schdat School BoqtjeV, all kinds, for sale at
Publishers prices at Day'i Book Store.
Da Burtor's infallible Tobacco Antidote for
tale at G. W. Roberts' Drug Store.
Faints of all kinds, dry and in ofl, for tale
at G. W. Roberts' Drag Store
Avers' Hair Vigor a new Preparation for
the Hair, for tale at G. W. R berts'
Good spool of cotton warranted 300 yards
6 cts at Fordyce's.
French Abut Lonoit, the best liniment in
use, for sale at G. W. Roberts' Drug Store.
Standard Prints for 12jcts at Fordyce's,
Fahnestock's & Bchoonmakar'tPuro While
Lead for tale at G. W. Roberta' Brag Store,
Chick u Powdiis, Chicken Powder, for
sale at Braden's Drag Store.
A lams aatortmtat of Mowtog Scythes
Juet rtceivtd at TBra oc it Hard ware Store,
Btiwart's Champ lorn Salve wholesale and
retail by D. W. Braden, agent for Greene Co.
Barret', Allen's and Hall's Hair Restorer
told at Bradtn't Drag Store.
Fahsxstocks Pore Whhe Lead, for tale at
Braden's Crng Store.
GiirrtEMER't patent, quarter Oxford ties, at
M. C 4 H. Bell s, very cheap for cash 1
WaArmo Paper all tlxet at Lewis Day'i
Book Store. ' '
Hat fork of all descriptions just received at
T. Brsden'l Hardware Store.
All of Dr. Sargent's medicine for tile at
Braden's Drug Store. .
A Rtw supply or Wall Paper Just received
at Lewis Day'i Book Store.
New Books received every week at Lewis
Day 's Book Store.
' .
Blank Note Books nest form now in uso at
Lewis Day's Book Store.
Goon Moroco Shoes at Fordyce's for $1,23.
Foa goods at fair prices call at Fordyce's.
June if 7, 186. by Corblv Omduff, Xsq , Mr.
Geo W. Lemley and Miss Mary Jane Uer
rington, both 01 Whitely township, Greene
Co., Pa.
BEAR LEMLEY On Thursday July 9,
18H8, by the same, Mr. Baker Bear and
Miss Catherine Lemley, all of Whitely tp ,
Greene Co., Pa.
SUTTON At her residence in Men is town
ship, Greene Co., Pa., July to, Mrs Llzi.
beth Button, aged 74 years, 11 months and
18 dtys.
BLAEER On July 24. 1868, Mr- Jno. Bla
ker, of Ureene township, of heart diseiso,
aged about fifty yean.
Wayhesrcbo. July Sfl, Wo.
Corrected Weekly for the Republican.
Butter (fresh roll,) Vlb....
eggs T av.
Potatoes fl bush
Lard ) -
..1 50(32 50
Country Honp V lb .....
vneu Appin v u...
Flour bhl
13 00
11 00
..1 15ai 20
! 10
1 10
wneai t Dunn
Rim 91 hnah
Cora a bush
Corn Meal t bush..
Coffee V t
Hrown Huvar V lb
Kelliied Mutpir fl lb H.
syrup ruI
.MohisseH tX.Orleans,)....
sm-Khum fl gal
.-tatt H bbl
Rlcefl lb
1 80
l )
rirrsni Ron markets.
Saturday, July 25. 1W,
Durlim tho post week business has been very
nil nrlri. without material chanuo from
thoso rcporteil ut the eioso or the previous
We quote as follows, which ore the wholesale
prlCL'' riniiv a VD FI.OIMI
Wheat, Vonn a. and Ohio, Winter Red 12 232 30
OaraftbuH.. 73'a)c
liVH 1)1111........ i
numiK i uii riuui -:t .
Winter Wlient 11 OOaill 7o
suipir Cured Hums......
Potatoes, fl bush....-....-
Apples V. bbl .......
Cheese .. .
Kmrs do.... .............
Buller........ ....,. ...
WOOL The N. Y. Tribune of Rntnrdny says
Within thefpast week adeollne of from KMc,
f, ti has been submitted to; this attracted tho
attention of buyers, and wtthln a few days a
large business was done ; the general tone of the
market throughout the week has been heavy.
We still note liberal arrivals of New Clip and
stocks are accumulating. Manufacturers have
owavery good supply on hand, and they look
for a further decline. The cash quotations for
to-dy are as follows : Domestic Fleeces at 1S
43o. fur Native nnd Merinos, SSQtSo for 'A and
yt do., 4S30c for full-blood Merinos, and 50a.Uc
for .Saxony flcec? ; ec for No. 1 Putted 4i45c
for Superfine do.: and 4iii7c for extra do.
New York, July M. Dry goods The market
for cotton goods is Inactive yet steady at 17c
for standard brown sheeting of popular brands ;
1411)0 for best makes of dark prints; Doctor
prlhtlng cloths; 9 to for new styles of delaines;
28c for New York muslins ; 25c for Wamsutta.
We the undersigned, owners of the almve
property situated in Waymnbuni Borotmh. oner
at private sale the mill and Its appurtenances,
The milt oeeAples one of the best sites for bu
siness In the county. Is 46 by 00 feet, three stories
high, one of stone tlwo foot wall ) two of brick,
(eighteen Inch wall) and garrett with ginneries.
doiw, didui .noenmc, 'ic, iiiree nam run oy a
flrstvuws engine of thirty-Inch stroke, thirteen
Inch cylinder. Also
Now doing good work, Spinning machines, eto.
Satisfactory reasons for nulling.
TE1.MS Seven thousand Ave hundred dollars
In three annual payments with Interest. Apply
at once at the mill.
Fall Term commences Aug. 17, ISM, and contin
ues sixteen weeks. The Normal Department
Is for the benefit of teachers. The building baa
been reHtted. Students have acceae to two Li
braries. Hocletlea are In a flourishing eondl tlon.
To the Institution belongs apparatus for all
kinds of x pertinents. Uond Telescope, Mi
croscope, Cliarta, Ac It Is desired that all
should: be thereat the beginning of the term.
BOARDINU can be obtained In town or a
short distance In the country from S3 lb to Si 60
Cirweek. For Information address Dr. J. B.
sldley, Sec. or either of the Trustees.
.JulyaV,'-tr W.F.ORR,Prln.
Just published, a new edition of Da. Cri.VTca
well'b Uklkbhateu EftSAY on the Radical Cure
(without Medlclneior UPxajtATouHau or Sem
inal, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedi
menta to marriage etc ; CoksUMPTion, Epilep
sy and Fits, Induced by self-indulgence or sex
ual extravognne.
scs-Prloe, in a sealed envelope, only f cents.
The oelehrated author, In this admirable essay
clearly demonstrated from a thirty years' sue
ceaaful prooUoe, that thealarmlngconsrqaences
of self-abuse may be radically eared without the
dangerous use of Internal medicine or the appli
cation of the knife ; pointing oat a mod of curt
at once simple, certain and effectual, by means
of which evury auffurer, ao matter what hlsouo
ditlon may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri
vately and railoally. ' '
aThls Lecture should bs In the hands of er
ary youth and evarr man In Um land.
Sent, andar seal in a alalai ssadmia In an
address puaipaid, on receipt of six eents, or two
post sumps. Also Dr. ColwweU'a "tUrrlac
fialds," prlca 16 osnU. Address the mbllebers,
4siBowwy ?aw iura, rost-mnos Dot tsi.
Beasl aad ReSleet.
The following is an extract from the
B A wi w-v 111 I SJ UT
sneecn ol r . 1 . xiiair acitvereti in new
York, on the evening of the 10th inst.
We recommend its careful perusal to
our soldier friends:
"What civilized people on the earth
would refuse to associate with them
selves in all tho rights and honors
and dignities of their country such
men ns Lee and Johnston? Voice
"none," "none." What civilized
country would failto do honor to those
who, fighting for an erroneous cause,
yet distinguished themselves by gal
lantry never surpassed (applause in
that contest, for which they are sought
to be disfranchised and exiled from
their homes? In that contest they
proved themselves to be our peers."
The Philadelphia Presa says the
Democrats have taken care to nominate
a candidate lor President who was in
favor of the last rebellion against the
Government, and a candidate for Vice
President Avho has pledged himself in
favor of the next rebellion against the
When neoDle are drowned, cannon
are sometimes fired for the purpose of
rising their bodies, me jjemocrais
a a .a a at rra 1v i
have been firing cannon over cey
mour nnd Blair, hut there is no hone
of getting their heads above water.
It tliey do, the heads win certainly c
in hot water.
special .
3-Gnlde t Marriage. Teimg Men's
Guide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felici
ty. Tho humane views of benevolent Physl
clans, on the Errors and nhnscs Incident to
Youth nnd early Manhood, Bent In sealed letter
envelopes, free of clmrgo Address HOWARD
A?Wi: ai IU?(, box r., ruuutieipuiu, iu.
June 17,'iB-ly
-Addr-s to the Nervous and licblll
tatud, whose sufferings have been protracted
from hidden causes, and whoso cases require
prompt treatment to render exlstonco dnslra
ble I If you are suffering, or have suffered from
Involuntary discharges, what effect does It pro
duce upon your general health t Do you feel
weik, debilitated easily tired f Does a Utile
extra exortlon produce palpitation of the heart :
Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kid
neys, frequently get out of order f Is your
ropy on settling f or does a thick scum rise tol
the top? Or Is a sediment at the bottom ulte
it hasstool awhile? noyou iiavespeiiauiaiuiri
breathing or dyspeps'a ? Are your bowels con
sttputcd ? Do you havo spells of fnlntlni?, or
rushes of blood to the heudf Is your memory
impaired? Is your mind constantly dwelling
UpOn IlllS RllMJCClT J JVU l.-jr,
moping, tired of company, of life? Do you
vili iT he left alone, to get nwny from every
body ? Does any little thing make you start or
Jump? Is your sleep broken or rustless? Is
llie lUStrO OI your rjHiininmmm j
on vour cheek as brliiht ? Do you enjoy your
self In society as well ? Do you persue your
business with the some energy ? Do you feel
as much confidence in yourself? Arn your
spirits dun nnd nagging, giveu i "i" inemir
nfinlvS Ifanrin not lev It to VOIir liver Or (IVS.
pepsla. Have you restless nights! Vour back
weak, your knees weak, and have but little
appetite, and vou attribute tills lo dyspepsia or
Now reader, self-abuse, venereal diseases tinrt.
ly cured, and sexual oxcessi-as, are all capalilt
,,r nr,lm.h.u a weakness of the generative op
gnns. The organs of generation, when In per-iT-et
health malic llie man. Did yon ever lliltilc
that thoso hold, dertnnt, energetic, persever
ing, successful DusinesH-inen are niwnys muse
whose generallve organs are In pertcet henllll
You never hear such men complain of helnu
melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation ol
the heart. They are never afraid they cannot
succeed In business; they dont become sn.l
and diseouruKed ; tliey are always polite and
pleasant In the company of ladies, unl look
vnii anil tliam rluht In tlio faeo none of
your down cast looks or any other meniinnss
about them. 1 do not mean those who keep the InO.ite.l hv rmilltllir tO CXCUSS. 'I lU'Me
will not only ruin their eniiHtltntlons, but nl
those they do business wiinor lor.
How nianv men, from liartly-eurod cllseaseii
from the elleets of self-nlmse anil exeessi, have
l.rmmhi iiliont that state ol weakness In tlliixe
organs that has reduced the general system so
mtlcli as to llliltiee aimosi every utm-r ,nrot
l,li,wv Imiaev. naralvwls. Ktiinal ett'eetions. Hill
cldo, nnd almost every other form of disease
which Immunity Is heir to, and llie real cause
of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have
Hn..ff.r...l f.tmll hut the rieht one.
Diseases of lliese organs require the use of
VHU Is the great Diuretic, and Is a certain cure
ror disease 01 ine manner, riunr,i, wiiuh.
Weaaness, Female Coniplslnts, (lenernl Dehili
tv, and nil diseases of the Urinary Organs,
whether existing In Mnleor Keinale, front what
ever cause originating, aim noiiiuiier m uu
If no treatment Issnhnilltnl toromsnmptlon
or Insanity may ensue, nur Hesh anil IiIiksI
nreSupporti'd from these sources, and Ihe health
and happiness, and that of Posterity, dermis
upon prompt useoi areiuune reint-n...
Itnlmlu.lif-s t'vtrnet. ltnehll. estnhilslled un
ward of IS years, prepared by H.T. HK.I.MHi'l.D
Druggist, mt New York, and Ml Month Kith HI.,
Phlladelplila, Pa. Pkii k tUS perboille, or
nollles lor wt..iu, uenvereti 10 ud; iwurraa, cnm
by all Druggists everywhere.
W-NONB A HI' OKNII1NK unless done up In
steel-engraved wrapper, with fue-siniuc 01 my
Chemical Warehouse, ntul signed
July l.V2m.
July , 18B8.
Ixxinsand dlscounls II0,I5I Wl
Furniture and rlxtures..'.. I JI 1,1
Kxpenses - a'fl' 75
Cash Items 1 . " 1
Due from banks and bankers HI
IT.H. Bonds KM-?! f
Oilier stocks and bonds J,3
Cosh I.".,s:i2 m
Taxes paid - i
tiVl.lM XI
..-..Jion.onn on
ill, mm tn
TO.flio m
rnpltal stock
Dep. for increase
8urplus fund
Due hanks ,
Prollt and loss
Dividends unpaid.
rl.sioi 111
i.fii 117
1)10 UK
Assistant Cashier,
Jnly lS-tt
MAsrrACTi'RFHi or
Carpenter's Patent Harmonium Grand Planocs
Ware moms, WAjEeost 19th Street, Four doors
iMiatoi iiuru Avsnofl,
Every Inatnment warranted seven' years.
aena wri i.ircuiarana rriee iisk
July I5-8m.
W1U Resist all Burglars' Implements for any
Length 0f ') line.
Please send for Catalogue of Fire and Burglar
JM Broadway, New York: 721 Chestnut St.,
Phlldelphla; 1M Bank Street. CleleUnd, Ohio.
To Wwow it May Cohct. The nndor
signed hereby gives notice of bis appointment
as Assignee of George Grant, of Bpringhlll tp.,
in the county or Ureene and State of Pennsyl
vania, within said District, who has been ad
judged a Bankrupt on his own petition by the
Dialrlo Court of said District.
. , SIMON KINEHART, Esq., Assignee.
Jnly 16-st
Can and should obtain a goo-i education.
For particulars, addrrw J. A . Coomr. Prin.iinal
of the Stale Normal Buiiool, Edinboro, Pa.
Letters testamentarv havlnv tieen aranted to
the undersigned on the estate of John Lewis,
lute of Morgan tp., dee d, notice is hereby given
to all persons Indebted to aold estate to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
against the same to present them properly au-
John I.K WIS, Wash. Co., Ps,, 1 ,,
J AC. IlKKbNLEK, Ureene co.,Pa.J tx
June '7,'dK-6t
VANIA, 83.
At Waynesbnrg, Pa., the 22d of Jnly A. D, 1868.
To VV llou it may Comukuh : The undersigned
hereby sives nutica of Ilia amwkliitiiieiit as As
signee ol William A. Porter of Waynesburg, In
ine county oi ureene ana maia oi rennsvivania
within said Dlstriat. who lias been adiudzed a
Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District
Court of said Llstrlct. It. II. PH KLAN,
juiyu-ou Assignee. .
The Commissioners of Oreene County will re
ceive sealed proposals up to the first Monduy of
August next lor a uouoie ivtng i-osi jirmge
across Whitely creek at Garrard's Fort; said
bridge to be Hi feet wide, l'J feet high 111 the
clear, and the span to be 60 feet between the
abutments abutments to commence on the
rock If found within live feet of the bed of
the creek; If no rock touud In that depth, to be
set on timber, to lie ten feet thick at Ihe base,
four feet thick at the Hip, unu lo no nuseu iimr
t'....t iihnvi h,w u-illernlurk. the WlIlK walls
on the north side of the ertsrk to be Vt feet long
from the race or the ntmimeni ana 10 ue coiu
ineneed 1 feet under ground; the wing walls on
the south side to be M leol long toou commenced
n r. A UlnphnanluivA tha
b J ol the road; tiiewllig walls on both sides to
be mushed with coping on ine ion s iin-nea
thick: the whole to bo mnde of good material,
and the work to be done in a good substantial
aud wormilullIlKO manner.
J. M, MOURIS, Com.
July 15-3t
The Commissioners of Greene eountv will re
eelve sealed nroDosals no lo the First Monday
of August next, for the building of a Double
Kins Post Bridge across Fish creek, near New
Kreeport in Sprinuhill township, said bridge to
be 111 lent wide, I.' feet high In the clear, anil tlio
span tifeet between the ubutmcnts; abutments
to oe coiiliueuceu on ine roca ii louuu wiinin
four feet of tlio bed of tho creek; If no rock In
that dentil, lobe set on tlmlier to be eight feet
thick ut the buse, 4 feet thick at the top. and to
be raised 7 feet above low water murk. The
upper wing walls on both sides of the creek to
ho ii root long, the lower ones on notn sines ai
feet long, all lo be commenced 8 feet tindar
1 ... l. 1.., ,A lw, I, ..Una.
uuu uestuiuuer,
J. M. MtJllltlH, y Com.
July 15-81.
By virtue of a writ of vcn. exp. issued out of
motourior uoininou 1'io w or ureeuo county,
mill to mn dtroctoil. there will be exposed to
public mile nt tlio Court tlotisu, In Wayiicshurx,
on ntuunitiy, nepi o, ioa, ut a o ciock r. iuu
fitllowltm property, viz : All tlio rluht, title, In
tenist nnd chum of N. ii. Cleuvenirer. of. In mid
to ti certain lot of ground, uontuinlnn no ncre
more or loss, Hltuuted In Dunknnl Township,
Or who County, 1'a., ndjotnlnic lands of Nltdiolas
ueiHJit, oouni'u on ine imwi oy iiuiu oi Mr,
tel,on tlieHuuth b Miller, on the Wont by
Kinlly MiiLh, North . Taken In execution
as tlie property of X, T. (.'lenvetmt'r ullaa NelHou
l. ujea vender tume sun oi runner auu irov
eift Hank of W'aynusburu for tho use of W,
Hlclunaii and Dunuel WUIIuiuh
II, H-WILVETfl, RherlfT.
July 23, M. fc.
Hair Vigor,
For restoring Cray Hair to
its natural Vitality and Color.
A dressing wliloh
is at onco ngrecnblo,
liealtliy, nnd eflectiml
for preserving the
linir. Faded or gray
hair it toon tutored
io tVs original color
with the glow and
frehneu of youth.
Tliiu linir is lliick-
cnotl, Tiilliug linir clicckcd, and buld
ness oflon, tliongh not nlwnys, cured
by its use. Nuiliing can restore the
hair where tho follicles ore destroyed,
or tlio glands nlropliicd nnd decayed.
Hut finch as remain can be saved for
usefulness by this application. Instead
of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi
ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous.
Its occasional use will prevent the hair
frdrn turning gray or falling off, and
consequently prevent baldness. Free
from thoso deleterious substances which
make some preparations dangerous aud
injurious to the hair, the Vigor can
only benefit but not harm it. If wanted
merely for a
nothing else can be found so desirable.
Containing neither oil nor dye, it docs
not soil white cambric, and yst lasts
long ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy
lustre and a grateful perfume, .
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists,
PBICB $1.00.
O. V. noilEIYrs, Aont; WnynWiur3, Pa.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
ion rrnirvimo 11111 blood.
The reputation this ex.
rellcnt medicine enjoys,
is derived from Its cures,
many of which are truly
niarrcllou. Inveterate
raws nt Scrofulous dis
ease, where the system
seemed saturated with
corruption, have been
E mined and cured by It,
I'rofulotis affections and
dlaordera, which were sg-
Cvated by Ihe scrnfu-
CnntamlfiHltnn itnfll
they were palnftally sfflictlng, hsve been radically
cured In such great numbers In almost every aeo
lioa of the country, that the public scarcely need to
be informed or Us virtues or uses.
8crohilous poiaoa is one of the most destructive
enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt
tenant of Ibe organism undermines the constitution,
and invites the attack or enfeebling or fatal diseases,
without exciting a suspicion of Its presence. A gain,
It seems to breed Infection throughout the body, and
then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop
into on or other of Its hideous forms, either on the
surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tuber
cles may be suddenly deposited in the lungn or
heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it shows
its presence by ernprions on the skin, or foul ulcer
ations on some part of the body. Hence the occa
sional use of a bottle of this Dnnnparilla is ad
visable, even when no active symptoms of disease
appear. Persons afflicted with the following com
filalnta generally And immediate relief, and, at
ength, cure, by the use of this BARBAPAHIL
'LA: nr. Anthmif'i Fire, Rout or KryrtptUU,
Temr.SaU Jtheum, 0eaM Unrd, JNata-m,
Sort Epeu, bore Eare, and other eruptions or
visible forms of Derasifms disease. Also In Ins
more concealed forms, as Duepepeta, Mtrovott,
Heart IMeemf.tiU. Epilrney, Xnmiitfm,
and the various cfeerows affections of the muscu
lar and nervous systems.
Brphillt or renerenl and JTrreurlat JUtmeo
are cured by it, though a long time is required for
subduing these obstinate malaillea by anv medicine.
But long continued use of Una medicine will cure
the complaint. Lntrorrlteem or WkUet, Vtertnt
Vltemtiono, and trwuUo IXssamw, are com
monly soon relieved and ultimately cured by Ha
Burtfylng and invigorating effect. Minata Wrec
ons for each ease are found la onr Almanac sup
plied gratis. JiAetMSHstUm snd Om, when
caused by accumulations of extraneous matters
la the blood, yield quickly to it, aa also
Complaint, TorpUitp, CoHOiHon or nfama.
sHm of toe IArrr, and Jmnndir, when arising,
as they often do, from the rankling poisons fca tha
blood. This BAMSAPARMLLA u a great re
storer for Ihe strength and vigor of toe system.
Those who are Lmnauit and LUUne, Dmmmon
eteat, MeepJeaa, and troubled with Arvos iaw
mvehonrlont or fomrt, or aay of tha aVerttmis
symptomaUo of Wtnkntn, will find immediate
relief and convtncmg evidenca of Its raalorativa
power upon trial.
Or. t. C. ATM CO., Lowell, Mmmi,
PrmctUmJ amat Anmlytlrml CAtmittt.
G. W. ROnHRTs; Agent, Waynasburf, Pa,
. frank McGurgan,
One of our mont aotlveantf obliging merchants,
rcueiiiiy mtutuou irviu tu nil, uiiiikiiih
with him a splendid assortment of
The vkiit kratest and iatjst STrr.m, of every
variety ai ukahonaulk ha rus, eiuuraeing an
Kiuua u.
irnttitiiwun i vn uti t iitPDV nrvTia DJosa
Slvleitof HUM M EH POPUNH: nnest and best
quulityof Block Hllkfl, Chlnlzen, Precalles, Or
Uy of Wool Delalnen, together with a full Une
Uivlaauu t V. mU msros atlll A I MUTt'SkM flr Bill Lit. A
fnii ana ftiNhiminhifi II tie or Mllllnerv Uood
cnnalMtinRor ltiinnet Frames, Frosted Allusions,
Crupe, au colors, ana suauen.
The very Utest and finest quality, Oll-bolled
riUUtfUl, 111 wiuuis. nsitiui , . , ii . a i
H(eH. All UesrripilOlin Ul numra .intn, whip
med, and untrlmiaeil, full assortment of
Naw atvloa of Psrosols and Rummer Umbrellas.
Kuncv FitiiM. flue I .ace F.uthrolderiHI. IIhiii-
stitched Hand kerchiefs. Collars and Cults to
uiaicu. uoni)ieie
ignites nnd Oents' Kid OIovm. n chmntpte linn
ftlrtol.lell thread and Hilk Hosiery for Ladles
uuu uunis, n imi nm-K.
Also Rhawls. Lace Cnrtntns, and a full lino of
.MUl'HMi.NU uuudh. no linn on nnnd nisoa
stileiKlld assortment of Wall Pupor and l'uretH;
tlrnta' and lluyti' nothing In great variety and
of the iniMt tiuhlonnblu stylus. HA IX, (JAPS
nnd THI'NKH, and In short, ovcrythlnx Kept In
a lint cluss atom, all of which will be sold nt
greitiiy reuueeu prices.
July 1-tf
At the uniform price of Twenty-five Cents per
volume, eiicn voiumo iiitistrHtou Willi nil en.
graved Frontispiece, und hound in un llluml
uated Tnrtnn t'over. To be coiupletod In ii vol
uiiicH as lonowa:
1. Wuvorly,
2. I vim I km),
3. Kenllworth.
4. Uuy Munnuring.
s. Aniiiiuury.
0. ltoll ll"V.
7. Obi Mortality.
8. Tim llluclc llwurfnnil
IS. The Pirate.
11. Fortunes of Nigel,
15. Puverll of the i'eulc,
HI. (tuentln Durwnril.
17. Hi. ltomnn's Well.
14. Itediiutllitlet.
111. The lletnithed, nnd
JUKIUUIlU wiuow.
X. TileTiilisuiun.
It. Woodstoek.
a Legend of MontriMe.
U. Ilriuu or Iniiuier
moor. 10. Ilt-urt or Midlothian
11. The Monastery.
Ii The Abbot.
ruir amid or I'crtn.
:i. Anne of (lelerMteln.
il. Count Robert of Pur
. Niirgeon'
a Ilnttt-liter.
The first volumii. "Waverlv." Iwnied on Feb-
runry ti, mw. A volume will licpiibliNhiHl nluiut
oneea forlnlght until the Merles is completed.
Any voluiuu iniiilvd, poet fruo on receipt ol
i.',.p ntv nnr.r.a ns a nfiii i... mnii
lirepnlil, us fust ns published, the entire set of
WHverty woveis, Hlinacopy OI a new Mluel-piate
Porlrult of Hir Walter Hcott.siiltaljlu for frinli
lug. ror TEN HOI.' ATM we will send by mall,
prepaid, a set of .ickkn (111 uniform style.) 1
voluiuen, nnd, 23 voluniei'. The
ehenpeat tell ilullant' worth to lie found In the
whole ningeof literature. Forty-three volumes
for ten dollnrsl
Any Fifty Volumes, selected nt pleasure, will
be sent to one address (by expreas ut the ex
pemie of the purcliaxcrj on receipt of the retail
price, lens 'M per cent.
Any One Hundred Volumes, selected at plens
nre, will be sent to mm uddresH (by express at
the expense of tho purelmserj on receipt of the
retail price, less j per cent.
Ilnndsomely printed, from clear typa, on good
pnper, and of convenient size. Now complole
In ID volumes, at the nlliiuxod prices:
Oliver Twist 172 pp 23 ets.
American Notes lilt " I,', "
iKimliey A Hon am " ii "
.Murlln I'lmr.zleivU ,1I' " V, "
Our mutual friend ,110" li "
l-'hrlstmiis Rlurles Mi " St "
Tuleof i'wo I'll e HI " 'Jij "
liurd 'i'lines, mid Addltlonul
t'lirlstliias HtorieH 500 25 "
NleholKH Niekleby ItlO " Wi
HleuK House :I0 " :ti
Mule Dorrlt .110 ' :u
I'leltwlek Papers J-.H " .Ii
llavld Cnppcrlleld
llarnuldv Itudae 'i',7 " Sd
Old furiosity Hliop J.'l '' ltd "
Sketches 1IW " il "
Oreilt KxMetlltlotll 14t " 25 "
Uneommerelul Traveller,
Itnly, etc .. Son .15 "
Any volume iniilled post free on receipt of
On receipt of $i (si we will mall loony address,
post-puld, tho entire works nl I'lmrlos i'lekeim,
and also bHIim, I. plate Portrait of Dickcne, suit
able for fniinlng.
ftPEf'IAI.t l.Vll IIATEa.
Rets for clubs are sent by express, nt the ex
pense oflbe purchaser. Each set In a club en
titled to the Mtee! Portrait.
Thn-eKets with 1 Portraits of Dickens. J12 60
Five sets with li ' 20 (s)
Ten Hots with HI " "' " 31 m
ffScnd forn specimen volume and fnrmn
chili In your town. No booksnnVr more delight
ful rending Mian the novels of Waller Hcuttimd
Charles Dickens. These editions, wlille remark
ably cheap, are neat and tastclul lit apnenniiice.
1. APPLETON on., JhiIiIIbIhts,
Tltis NplMiiHd Line Engravlfig In tlie rsnU of
tw.iy.Hi" IrJlHtr ofi th ynr of the artist, Mh.
Wm. K. MAtMiMi.r. wlM.ntnnrlit nt tlie head uf
his -inkfessldrl 1M thi! U lilted MnU'. It Id pro
niMinwil prf!t llkonew of (icnernl Orntit In
his ImhI expresttlon, by the nipinhfrfi of h In fam
ily and thw who have Inn pentnjiHlly tw,
iiinlntMl with hi in for matty.ypnrM. An a work
of rt It in IminpfiMurnhly othrn.
Mra. Hnnt nnyn; "1 am dHlRhud with your
uplt-niHd Pimmvlnn of my htmimnd.- A like
ntun I do not think It could be (toiler." H'na
torHiininpr nronouncen It "a rare and fin lulled
work, excellent an a llkene.'?. Mr. Hryant
nay: It In really a noble dpeelmrn of the art
of engraving and appear to nln to clve (he
chnrarti-r of th orlK'Oal more perfmly than
any engraving which I have awn," (ton How
ard eoiiMidprit Mthe IlkenMn striking ntid the
picture lif.ike.' Mr. HufiHimton; the emi
nent art I t aayn: ,-tt Jim a larffinaHlve Mylet
and great force and rlchnefln. The hnt thing
aliouL It In Ihe truth with which you have ren
dered the IndomlUible aplrlt of the mint."
A gcnU wanted In every townnhlp. Addreaa,
. 68 Fifth Htreet, rituhurifli. Pa.
July I.V
Would respectfully Inform the public that ha Is
now preparcu to
on the shortest notice and In the best style, at the
Two Miles below Rngersrllle. He dene com
pel" inn, ana reels cnnnuenl of wttlsfvlng and
accommodating ail who may favor him with
their patronage. Price 7 cents per pound.
He I also prepared toarindall kinds of nrain
on short notice and In tha beat manner by botb
trm sun wiwi. tl .S U, 11. UEMVUt
June 3, os-lm.
As the firm of HUGHES LUCAB la dissolved
by mutual consent, the Commission business
will still he carried on at the old stand, in good
order, and on the moaWeaaonable terms. In the
" j" njncjs m ti;,, (senior
nartner.i They flatter themselves, by having
the House and the beat location In the place tor
thathunlneaa, that they will uriivi a liberal
share of the public patronage.
jinx .-'"'-pasrori,nrrolTOfOROCW.R-
lenon nann tnaccnmmiiriataail
IhwnalthsMll "j
n-t" lllce'aUnding.Pa,
tr'NioN Pacific
Are now flnlihedand In operation.! Sixty miles
of the track have been laid this spring, and the
work along the whole line between the Atlantic
and Pacific States Is being pushed forward mora
rapidly than ever before. Mora than twenty
thousand men are employed, and II Is not Im
possible that the entire track,' from Omaha to
Hacrnmento, will be finished In IHttt Instead o
IS70. The means provided are .ample, and all
that energy, men and money can do to secure
the completion of this
at the earliest possible day, will be done. .
I. A OOVEItNMENT GRANT of the rlglitof
wny, and all necessary tlmlier and St her mate
rials found along the lino of its operations. -
of land tothemllo, taken In alternate socttotis
on each side of Its road. This Is an absolute do-
nattontniid will be a sotlrce df large reveuuo 111
the future.
States Thirty-yenr BolUlS.'ilinonhlititHo fW
$lS,IKIOtoIS,lillpermllc,accordlng to tlio dllli
cultles toliesurinottnted on the various sections
to be built. The Government takes a second
mortgage as security, and It Is expected that not
only the Interest, but the principal amount Inny
be paid in services rendered dy the Company in
transporting troops, malls, Ac. The Interest Is
now more than paid In this wny, besides secur
ing a great saving In time and money to tho
IV, A GOVERNMENT QRANT of tlio right
to Issue Us own FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, to
aid in building the road, to the same amount ns
the V. S.Ubtlils, IssilcdOit the same purpose.'aml
NOMOltK. Tl!F.(IOVKRNSIKt Prhsii'ts the Trtis
tees Ibr tile First Mortgage Bondholders (o iftjliv
cr the Bonds to the Company only as the road
Is completed, and alter It has been examined by
United States Commissioners and pronounced
to be lit all respects n flrst-oliiss Railroad, laid
with a honvy Trail, and completely supplied
with depots, stations, turnouts, ritr-shops, loco
motives, cars, Ac,
the stockholders, of which ovkh Eiuiit Million'
Dom.ahs liavo been paid in upon tlio work nl?
reudy done, ami whtoti will be increased as thn
wants of the Company require.
Iness, that already amount to more TiiAit Tun
INTKHKsron the First Mortgage Hands. Tlieso
earnings are no Indication of thuvust tlirougli
trnltle that must follow the opening of the Unit
to tho Pacltle, but they certainly provo tho
upon such property, costing nearly three times)
Tho Itnlon 'rnelrlc Bonds are for 8I,ont
each nnd have eoupons attached. They havo
thirty years to run, nnd hear annual inter
est, payable on the find days of January -unit
July nt tip! Cdmpntiys milco lit the City of New
York, at tho rate of Six por cent, hi gold. Tim
Principalis payable In gold nt maturity. 'Iho
price In 104, nnd nt the present niteof gold, Iheso
bonds pny n llhernl Income nti tlielrcnat.
Tho Company believe that these llonds, at Ihn
present rate bis the cheapest seenrily In Iho
market, and leserve the right to advance tho
price nl nny tlnie.
Ihirtles subscribing will remit tho par vnlueof
Ihe bonds Slid the accrued Interest In currency
nt the rate of six per cent, per annum, from tho
date on which, the last coupon w is pud. Huh.
eriptirinswlll he received In Wavncslmrg, Pa
In New York
and hy
JOHN J. CISCO A SON, Bankers,: Wall St j
And by the Company's Advertising Agents
throughout tlio United states.
R 'tnltlencessHould ho made In drafts nr other
funds par In Now York, nnd the Bonds will bo
sent lreeofhKrKo by.retitrii express. Parties)
subscribing through local agents, will look to
thetrl for tbelrSnfe delivery.
A PAMPHLET AND MAP for im has Just
been published by thSX'ompnny, giving fuller
information than Is possible In nn advertise
ment, respecting tlio progress of the work, tho
resources ofthecountry travcrsod by the Rood,
the means for construction, nnd the value of tho
bonds, wliloh will, tie sent free on application
at tho Company's offices or tosny of the adver
tised OjjentH.
JOIIN'J. CISCO, Treasurer, New.York.
June a. '8-tf.
Miivixd UaChink
OUR flEWi-AlrfilY MACIlitffi,
llns. Iieen over twoynnrs In preparation, anil
which has Iieen bvmiithtt:) periectlon regnnllesM
uf time, labor or expense, nnd Is now confident
ly presented tothe public as Incomparably tha
bestHewing Machine In existence.
The Machine In question Is simple, compact,
iliimlileand beautiful. It is rpilet, light running
and cnpthlo of iMrforinlng n range nnd variety
ot work never before attempted upon a sinile
Much I nc nsi K el ther HI I k. Twist, I.I nen or Cot
ten Thread, mid sewing with eonnl facility the
very finest ami conrwst materials, and anythlria
between the two extremes, In the most beautim
and substantial manner. Its attachments for
Hemming, Braiding, Cording, Tucking, Ojillt,
Ing. Felling, Trimming, lllndltig, eUmite Novol
and Practical, and have Iieen lnveoir.i .n.i
Justed especially for this Machine.
iew aesiKosoi the rifura Useful snd popnlnr
folding toim and cabln.-t cases peculiar to the
Machl nej manufactured by this fJompany havo
been breHartm idr enclna nu th . V..u..r"
These are gotten np In every variety of wood
such as Bick Walnut, MBsrany, fenmWoml'
aiul the Ike. and from the r,iin.7'.Y!?fwl'?.,l
elaborate pattern and finish-the Maehlnen
,-mm ,,m,ii,, iiKiniiii inns nign y ornament
for which they are Intended. wu
lly and General Purposes. ,u
'"Vi.T?1 'Wnvthlnfrom (He finest sin .'
sle thlcknets ofMw ss nr Nnnsook tiv uw i
thicknesses of tho heavu-t uiLL -J. seveml
any kind or site of thread wltra a aVm.? .
Lr"nnNthreadCott:' "P,0,he hItenlo7
an-ri'l .Jf.rfn,. aef.
aides oniiuuiiKc on Dvtu
Sd. It has en even self-adlastlrtg tension which'
pent , I tm rif
7 ,T.nt "'Ickneasea uf
mnterlnl np ,110., runt .(-. ... ., ,
compli,",or.7 rnl Is" ai, Wn,lseirs.and ther,
starting ,hre11 loUuW or wheels to tnrn lo'
uid eleaiT 64 taken "rart t0'"
7lh. It haa'a perfect feed whereby yon can sew
the flnest. materials wlihnnt havlni to k p ymJr
work stretched to prevent Its "puckering," s?n.l
KTneT"'81 11,0 W"rk
tn. It will hem any width, sew a stmhrht
mrn.cirmaKeaeu in the must per fee C msnnxr
with less skill than is r.-qred tSmew isulahe
seam on any other machine. gnc
purelTaaer ' 'Ven l the
represented. . ax. not sw
bverymacnine warranted and kept In repair
three years without charge. v repsur
ii. y. UXCAPHER,
- , . Agent for Oreene County.
dee'd nr uVkiT.i. , or r- Morrle.
, i, rir ;iia'"' againai i ne name to preaeno
them properly authenticated for settlementT
.tiitl. wnaassi-nguBais,
JM "r Admtnlstratri.