The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, July 15, 1868, Image 1

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    r-r-; t - i:--r,;iMir;- v I -ir -- - ' I
- - I . wm , Ji. . Tonus
TcrmaofPublicatlon. VA .WflVH rtY L , . ' " T. Al . AY . . , ...
TB Wayrmborq Kkpubmca. Office In
Harm' bulltllM.eiwtof the Court Home, l Pl
llihed every Wednesday morning, ot i per
annum, is advascb. or S3 a If not paid with;
la Ik year. All nbMrlUlon scraum a must
fcacttll aaanalljr. No Prr w,l bo
out of the Mate unleM pnl.1 for i.t advahcb, and
all wen auhaerlptlona will InvKrtaWy he dtacon
tlnued at the expiration of the time for which
''lmmo'iri'ra'tlon.ori nhj-.. of loonl or nMral
Interest are reupm-tfiilly hoIioILM. lo ensure
attention fuvon.Wtl.lH kind umsi In.
aeeompanle.1 ly the name of the author, not f..r
nuhlloitlon, hut lu (entrant v aiininst tmnraiUion.
All letter pertaining to tni-.iiuaM.if tliu ollk-e
muat be oddroued to the Editor
Whom shall we rail our heroes,
To whom our praises alng
Tire pamporcd chllil of fortune.
The titled Lord or Kln t
They live by others' lalmr,
Take all, and nothing give
The noblest types of manhood
Are they who wouk to li vk.
Then honor to our workmen,
our hardy sons of toll
The heroes of the workshop,
And monarejis of the toil !
Who spans tho earth with Iron,
And rears the palace dome
Who ereates for the rleh man
The comforts of h Is homo ?
It is tho patient toiler
All honor to him, then ?
The true wealth of a nation
Is In her woitKixo mkn.
Then honor to our workmen, Ac.
For many barren ages,
Knrth hid her treasures deep,
And all her irlnnt force
Heemed bound as in a sleep ;
Then Labor'! Anvil chorus'
Ilroke on the startled air, ,
And lol tho earth In rapture
Laid all her riches bare !
Then honor toourworltmon, rtc
"Tl toll that over naturo
Gives man his proud control,"
And purifies and hallows,
Tho temples nr his soul,
It startles fesif disease,
With all their ghastly train
Puts tiioN in tho muscles,
And crystal In tlio brain,
Tlien lionor tooitr workmen, Ac.
The Grand Almliilily UnlMer,
Who fushlonod out tho earth,
Hath slamp"d his seal of honor
On lalmr from her birth.
In avery angel flmvnr.
That blossoms from the sod,
Uohold I lie master touches
The Hnndlwork of tioil !
Then honor to our workmen, Ac.
liRI.IVERKD AT T11K M AStOtfcfel'.I.KnilA-
tio.n i.v WAYXKsiirit;,.iixi::M, 'ok.
Wor.ih inful Mauler. Olieem and .Vomiw,
of Jjxlfe Xu. 15:1, of Free, and Awpted
In obedience to your call, I nni bore to
day, the dny which we nro wont to cel
ebrate in commemoration of our Piitnm
nint, to spreitd liefore you, ninl liclore
othoni who nro prestnt with you, some
brief remiirks resiirling wliitt is (li'iioni
inated Freemummrn.
I thnnk you for tliecordinl invitation
which you imve friven me to iierlorin
this fervicej imrtly, been use it is mi un
lnixtiiknble expression, on your pitrt, of
frrtternitl rep;iii'd; and partly, bocmise it
utrords nie 1111 opportunity of s'ivinf; ut
terance to some of my honest opinions,
resfiectinp; the merits of this benevolent
"and time-honored institution.
It is reasonable to believe, that the
present system of Freemasonry hud its
origin in architectural science. This is
clearly indicated by the very ;ioi;cof the
fraternity, and also, by the workin"; im
plements which are stilt employed by
tho craft. And as tho art of buildinir is
of vast importance in the promotion of
...! ..i.iti
human happiness, superior skill in this
art has always neen nigniy prien, nnu
liberally rewarded
It is perfectly natural for men who have
a laudable ambition for eminence in any
mechanical art, to avail themselves of
the science and experience 01 others cm
Dloved in the same craft: and when it is
necessary, in the accomplishment of
of some creat object, for a number of
liion of liko occupation to be employed
in concert, It is equally natural for them
to regard their united attainments as a
kind of common treasury, on which each
one may draw at pleasure, for the mutu
al bone-tit of all.
In every association of this kind, op
Dkii, which is "heaven's first law." is an
indispensable element; but the history
of tho world shows, that order cannot be
either established or maintained in hu
man society, without some supreme con
troling power, it is therefore reasona
ble to suppose, that this acknowledged
necessity for supreme control, in every
woll-ordefvid association, gave rise to that
superiority of station in operative ma
sonry, with which every Worshipful
Master of a Lodt;e is invested. And as
the chief magistrate of a civil govern
ment requires the aid of subordinate of
ficers, to enable him rightly to execute
the laws, so tho government of the Ma
sonic Fraternity requires the employ
ment of subordinate assistants, h.V whose
aid the principal officer is enabled to dis
charge the functions of his exalted sta
tion, with honor to himself, and with
profit to tiie brethren.
As men have always held the science
of architecture in high estimation, an a
bility to impart to others a knowledge of
the art has been regarded by many, as a
most honorable and desirable attain
ment. But in the early history of our
order, knowledge could not have been
imparted as it may be now. The art of
printing was then unknown to the world;
and men expert in writ inn were like the
visits of angels "few and fur between."
The common, and almost only way of
communicating knowledge, was by oral
instruction; a fact which lias left its sig
nature upon the craft, never to be eras
ed. While some were desirous to learn,
others were both able and willing to
teaci; and thus by a very natural and ea
sy process were established ditl'erent de
crees in the science of Free Masonry.
Another important step in the forma
tive progress of the order was, the adop
tion of a plan by which the brethren
should secure to themselves the advanta
ges ot their union, when sickness, acci
dent, or the inflrmitiesof age should ren
der them incapable of active service.
They knew that ualess they could rely
on some means beyond the proceeds of
wieir aaiiy labor, they mignt ne reuueeu
to extreme want. To secure themselves
against this evil, theyadopted the prac
tice of regular pecuniary contributions,
thus creating a common fund for the re
lief of the destitute, from which every
brother had a right to expect aid, -na his
necessities might require.
The loelc of events, however, soon eon.
vinced the Craft, that a Brother might
. toe In most pressing necessity forpecuui
nlary aid, when far removed from the
Dortlcuiar association of which hn an
member, and unable to avail himself of
its ability to relieve his wants. This,
in all probability, led to the adoption of
uie Arums in our masonic weed, that
Freemasonry is a Universal Brotherhood.
It acknowledges a common interest, un
drenmscribed by the limits of local tie
Jt bestows upon every brother, whether
.IAS. K. SAYERS, 'firmness is the woht as god oiveb c to peb tiie hitiiiT. J.hcnln.',' u '" ".' ' i -,-h
residing within tho bounds of his own
particular association, or tourneying as
a stranger in a fur oft' land, the ri.'iht to
apply for needed assistance, and the abil
ity to establish the justness of his claim.
It must not be forgotten, however,
that a Brother may sometimes need what
is of far more value to him than pecuni
ary aid. lie may be placed in circum
stances which call for the honest an
nouncements of caution, tho well-chosen
words of good advice, or the soothing ac
cents of sympathy; and If he can estab
lish his claim to tho confidence of the
craft, he may expect, though a stranger,
to realize the peculiar advantages of Ids
connection with tho fraternity, nnd to
receive the desired nld.
If wo admit the truthfulness of the
statements in this hasty sketch, we
must come to the conclusion, that
Freemasonry is, to a very great
extent, n creature of cirnnnlnnes
a kind ofnaturatnrmnlinn. Asa plant,
it unfolded first t lie blade, then the ear,
then the full rom in the ear." Asalmil-
dinsr. it hail its foundation in a few ele
mentary, eternal, and indcstructnble
principles. I ts construction was enrried
forward by the employment of such ma
terials, and tlieiulontion of such meas
ures, as tho craft, with Its progressive
skill, and ever enlarging experience, be
lieved to be conducive to its highest In
terests. In duo time it reached Its coiv
summation, and stood forth a m'7 tem
ple, which, for the symmetry of its pro.
portions, and the perfection of its parts,
challenged the attention and admiration
of the world.
Mere, some ono may ask; When did
Freemasonry take its rise? When did
this living temple arrive at its coimmi
matlon? To these questions we cannot
give a definite reply. Weknow, that as
fur back, along the pathway of time, as
me uiuiirKcring light nt Historic testimo
ny conducts us, wo recognize the exis
tence of the order; and that, assisted by
the dim taper of tradition, wo can trace
it to a period still more remote. Uut it
must be admitted by all, that there is a
point in this investigation, beyond whic h
dark aniniiiit.v forbids us to go.
"Hut whence sprung the viornl of the
order? What is tho origin of the feeling
of social affection, which belongs to the
craft? Brethren, Freemasonry is not the
author of that principle, it rmhodk
philanthropy, and makes it practically
useful; it keeps alive the feeling of mu
tual dependence and the sense of mutu
al ohligutious, which belong to true phi
lanthropy; and hence her appropriate
home is in the Lodge. She ret reals hith
er from tho cold stdlishnessof the world,
and is made welcome & active. Sordid
desires, and overi'eacliingciitiidily drove
her from the busy haunts of man; and,
wandering to lind some resting place for
tiie soles of her feet, shemakes her abode
with us; the good and the true in our
order are for her; nnd. though we invoke
(iodin our secret n'inlilies, nnd stand
in fear of ln's irreatness, yet is our love
for him best shown by tlieeviikiicvsand
fruits of our love to man. We do not
originate, we protect philanthropy. 1 fer
ilaie is beyoiid (lie foundations of social
life. She 'stands the eldest of Heaven's
attributes for our benefit." She was ac
tively employed when tho Almighty
Architect formed the world, and created
man; and her sway was acknowledged
when "tin' morning stars sang together,
and all the sons of (iod shouted forjoy."
But at this point, some one may lie in
clined to ask, W'iat h Freemasonry, as
ii exists among us nt the present day?
To this our reply is, that itisawiorrt
and Iv-un'Ofrif institution, whose mem
bers are united in the bonds of fraternal
fellowship, and whose peculiar privi
leges nre solemnly guarded by land
marks which are known only' to the
craft. The moral bearing of the institu
tion is a matter which may be "seen
and read of all men." We know that it
does not profess to be a system of relig
ion; nor lines it attempt to displace re
vealed religion, or to occupy ils room.
Nay, it acknowledges the Bible as the
inspired source of ail true religion, and
as the only perfect rule of sound morali
ty. If, therefore, tilt- Bible exerts a sal
utary moral inlluenceon those who stu
dy its sacred lessons, a fact which even
infidelity itself will haniiy deny, who
will dare to call in question the health-
an moral hearing 01 a society, whose
members are required to acknowledge
this sacred volume, as their cnlv sate
chart in life's perilous vovace!
Again, the moral bearing of our order
may bo. seen, in that system of emblem
atical instruction which is peculiar to
tho craft, ami with which even tly un
initiated may become familiar. Indeed,
every imlrmlnt employed in operative
iMflsonry is rendered subservient to
moral ends. By one we are taught so
to ill vide our time, that n portion ot it
may be devoted, 1. To the service of
iod and the relief of the nee ly; 2. To
the prosecution of worldly business; and
3. To the restoration of our exhausted
energies, by refreshments and sleep
By another, the Mason is reminded.
that he must divest himself of all the
vices nnd superfluities of life, in order to
he ntted, as a living stone, tor that spin
tual building, that house not made with
hands, eternal in the heavens. Thus we
might go on to show, that the imple
ments of the craft are so many moral
teachers. Thev inculcate the lesson.that
we should circumscribe our desires, and
Keep our passions witutn due bound:
mat in our several stations tn nie we
should ever net uprightly beforo God
and man; that we should square, our
lives by tho principles of virtue: and
that we are travelling upon the level cf
time, to " timt unknown land, "from
whoso bourne no traveller returns."
These are ouly a few of the facts which
might be presented, to prove that Free
masonary is calculated to exert a health
ful moral influence.
But that It is a lenernlcnl iimtitution is
equally susceptible of proof; or, might
we not rather assert, that the benevo
lence of the institution is so manifest to
every candid observer, that it hardly
needs to be proved. It is eminently the
business of our order to feed the hungry,
clothe the naked, and minister to the
subjects of affliction; and in the perform
ance of this benevolent work we often
realixo the truth of the declaration, that
"it is more blessed to give, than to re
ceive." Freemasonry inscribe upon its
banners "faith, hope, charity, these
three' but it everywhere declares that
"the greatest of these is charity."
The benevolence of our order man!
fests itself in a great variety , of forms; i
few of which we will notice.'
. It is seen in that fraternal feeling
and good win wincn always character
izes our private associations. Here men
of all erades In society .except the vicious
meet together, and occupy a common
platform. Here are men of different and
conflicting religious creeds; but they
have left thei religious differences lie
hind them, and are here, where the din
of polemie discussion is never heard, to
eniov an hour of fraternal fellowship
and to Implore Divine blessings upon
one anotner.
Here are men of different notitieal
views, who may have been warmly en
gaged In party warfare; but they have
east aside, for a time, nil the insignia of
embittered contest; and, having tri
umphed over personal antipathies, they
put on the garb of Innocence, employ
the hingiiflge of fraternal alfeetlon, and
learn to notmowiouge eacu outer m
brethren. Thus, the frettingexeitemeiit
of party strife is allayed; angry antago
nists are pacified und r -united; and all
are made to enjoy It sabbath of rest, in
the consciousness that they exercise un
feiiied charity toward all.
And is there no advantage no benev
olence In all this? Are'we to exnect no
benefit to result from tho cessation of
angry antagonism, nnd the promotion of
brotherly infection and good will? Sure
ly these resting places of the passions ex
ert a salutary Influence upon our moral
character. "Their direct tendency Is to
save us from that hardness of heart,
which constant rivalry nnd unmitigated
antagonism will most assuredly produce.
2. The benevolence of Freemasonry
is seen in its readyness to assist the
needy. Where Is tho Masonic associa
tion which has not, in one way or other,
vMhil ninl relieved "the fatherless and
widows In their atlliction ?" Where is
the brother who has ever disregarded
the cry of distress, or refused to lend a
.1 ... .i..-: . ..
ui'iMii) iiui.u, in iuiuim!.'! nig to tiie ne
cessities of a worthy ob eel? We know
that when Freemasonry bestows it char
ities, it tloes not sound a trumpet, or
proclaim its benevolence ny some pui -iic
demontation; but still'the benevo
lence exists, nnd the favors nre bestowed,
while the donors, who give in secret, are
often rewarded openly. Indeed, there
is n blessedness in tho very art of be
stowing a needed favor, which often ful
ly compensates the giver. And if, in
addition to this, we take Into the ac
count tho personal comfort which our
charities create, and the heart-felt crrat -
tinle which they evoke, we will have at
least an imperfect view of tho fruits and
evidences of that benevolence, which has
ever been a prominent characteristic of
our order, we will see some of the
motives which move us "to do irood and
to communicate;" especially when we
consider, that "with such sacrifices (iod
is well pleased."
Will you go with me to witness the
tears of gratitude, which the lonely wid
ow sheds over the offering you send her
in the name of Freemasonry? Will you
listen, with me, to the thanksgivings of
the orphan, whoso wants your liberality
has relieved? Will you mark, In the
man of decrepitude, the signs of grateful
emotion, when be receives into his
trembling bund the proof of your Mason
ic charity? Those, and similar eases,
may lie regarded as so many npponls to
heaven, for Divine blessings upon the
order; nor will such invocations be dis
regarded by him who has assured us,
that the bestowment of even n cup of
cold water, in a proper manner, "shall
not lose ns reward."
'Jf there is one earthly consideration
which, more than any other, can give
poignancy to the sting of death, it Is
the" tormenting thought, that tho loved
ones whom wo are about to leave behind
us must be thrown out upon the cold
hnrities of a selfish and unfeeling world.
But, on tho other hand, if the husband
and father is called todie, without being
able to secure to the objects of Ids dear
est affections the necessities of life, it is
to him a consoling thought, that he
leaves them within the range nnd ope
ration of a benevolent institution, whose
help they cannot seek in vain,
I'erhaiis we cannot better illustrate
the nature of Masonic benevolence, than
by presenting a single circumstance,
which happened in one of our eastern
cities. It comes to us well authentica
ted, and is only one case among ttious-
mils. A large property holder instruc
ted the proper officer to make attach
ment of household furniture for rent due.
Vhe tenant was a widow, with n family
of littlo children; and the attachment
would cover nearly all that the law al
lowed tn netanen. w nen tho lady was
introduced to the officer, and learned
the object of his visit, she exclaimed in
her distress, "t know not what to do. I
have neither friend nor relation to whom
I can apply. I am alone utterly alone
helpless destitute a widow."
The oiticer then inquired, "is there no
aumriaion upon which you have a
claim?" Her answer was, "none! I
am not a member of any benevolent o-
oiotv." "But I remember," said she.
mv husoand told me more than once.
that if I should ever be in distress. I
miehtmnk? available." here pre
senting a Masonic jewel "i rear, how
ever, it is now too late."
"Bet me see it," returned the ofilcer.
who was himself a Mason. On exam
ining it, ho at once recognized the stand
ing of tho deceased Brother, and said,
we will see what etiect this towel will
have; though the landlord, I know, Is
not a Mason. Who is your clergyman."
inquired the officer. Sho told Iiirn who
her clergyman was. lie also was a
When the officer made known to the
clergyman the widow's distress, nnd al
so her claim on the fraternity, he in
quired, "Who is tho layidlord?". When
informed by the officer, be said, "Ah!
does bis relicion teach him to set no bet
tor example? We must show him what
Freemasonry requires. I have spent
fie last payment of my salary; but here
is mv noft, at it short date, for the
amount due. The landlord will hardly
refuse that."
Thus, in a few minutes, the claim was
paid; and, tho benevolent officer forgiv
inir his fee, the heart of the destitute
widow was caused to sing for joy; while
her tears of gratitude, made brilliant by
the smiles of her relieved children, be
came jewels of Freemasonry, the value
of which is beyond that of silver or gold.
But if. by this act of Masonic charity,
tho afflicted widow and her weeping
children wero made to rejoice, how un
speakably great must have been the
pleasure of those, who procured for them
so great a benefit I My brethren, Free
masonry not only inspires the heart
with a feeling of tnie benevolence, but
it becomes, to a great extent. Its own re
warder, by affording its members the
rich luxury of doing good to the needy.
We might present other aspects of the
benevolence of this institution, if time
and circumstances would allow; but per
haps wo have persued this subject far
enough for the present occasion. Our
conclusion. is, that F'recmasonry is both
a moral aitH benerolcnl institution; one
whose legitimate tendency is only good,
and not evil.
We know, however, that In whatever
light we may regard Freemasonry. It al
ways has been, and still is, an object of
zeaious opposition on tne part of many.
We cannot believe that this opposition
has always been governed by moral
Honesty. In many eases, the wicked
mot ives in which it originated have been
too apparent to be misunderstood: and
hence the opposition has assumed the
I character of unmitigated persecution.
To those who oppose our order from
dishonest motives, and In a slanderous.
manner, we nave nollung to say; nor
would good men and true Masons,
thank mo for attempting to disprove
their unscrupulous slanders. We will
leave them to the consequences ortneir
own doings, knowing that in duo time
they shall be luiiy rewarded lor their
wicked work. ;
But there are some M ho are honcstiu,
though mistakenly, opposed to Frcema--sonrv.
They oppose It, not becauce they
have any svnipathy with tho organized
antimasonie movement; but because
they suppose it to lie liablo to insupera
ble objections. And as these objections
may exist in the minds of good and hon
est men, they deserve a candid Investi
gation. Our time, however, will not al
low us to tin more, than to consider a
few of the strongest. ;
1. Tho first objection which we will
notico Is, that " i-Yeematnnry isunnrnrs
.w)',iy." This objection Is urged. .
I. From a consideration of the present
Improved state of our social relations.
We rejoice to know, when we compare
the past with the present, that our social
condition Is greatly improved; and that
our civil, political, and religious rights
are now moie clearly understood, and
more generally acknowledged than
formerly. But still, hotv narrow Is the
compass of this social improvement,
compared with the entire family of man!
In many parts of tho earth social im
provement has made, for centuries, but
little progress. Hence, if Frceinainry
were entirely uncalled for In the nm.-t
rftnod portions of civilization, It, or
something liko it; mJglit nevertheless
be necessary in less favored parts, to ac
complish tlio benevolent objects which
it proposes to reach.
We can not ad m i t, however, that social
refinement rentiers Freemasonry unnec
essary. Facts declare, that in reach of
tiie highest circles of social life there is
often tinrelievefl want; calling for help,
but calling in vain, unless its voice can
reach the Masonic ear. But peeuniart
assistance is not all that Freemasonry
comers. Among its most valuable ben
efits tiro good will, social Intercourse,
and friendly advice. These nre always
necsestiry. even in tne most, refined Mate
of society; nnd though they may some
times be realized in the usual walks of
life. It Is only to the craft that they are
absolutely secured.
2. the oh ecttou lsiuriiier urged, from
the consideration, that rll men are hound
to do good to the needy, independent of
the requirements of any voluntary asso
ciation. To refute this argument it is
only necessary to observe, that it lies as
directly against every otner benevolent
institution, as it does against I'Toeina-
sonary. Jt tho common obligation resl-
ncr upon all men to minister to human
necessity is sufficient, there can be no
more call for almshouses ami public hos
pitals, tluin lor iMasonic associations.
Tlio argument proves too much, and
tnoreioreit proves notning mall.
That it is the duty of all men to tlo
Hood to sniveling humanity, no one will
deny; hut is this tho uniform rule nl hu
man action? nay verily, is it not rath
er strictly true, that
"Mnn'g inhumanity to mnn
MukoB countl9 tlioupamls mourn.'
There Is therefore not only ample
room, but nn urgent necessity) for the
benevolent offices of Freemasonry.
2. It is pleaded, moreover, that our
order is unnecessary, becasuo (lie really
destitute are snUicicntly provided for by
legislative enactments) To this wo re
ply, that wo can heartily rejoice in nil
that Is done for the relief of the desti
tute, by legislative enactments; especial
ly when weknow that the principle of
Freemasonry lie at tho foundation of all
such benevolent movements. - But we
niu.-t not overlook the fact, that these
legislative provisions, however good in
their design and tendency, are inade
quate to accomplish all the benevolent
purposes of our order. They, nt best,
nre limited in their existence and opera
tion. Freemasonry is n universal Insti
tution. They nre mainly designed to re
live the wants,, of tho body. Freema
sonry pours its blessings upon the whole
man. They are. cold and heartless In
the bestowment of their favors. Free
masonry extends ils benevolent hand,
with the sympathies of a brother.
Moreover, we Know that nil public
chanties carry with them n species of
disgrace, incompatible with tho proper
pride of man; and hence ninny would
rather submit toextreme suffering, than
to apply to any of them for aid. . But
the benevolence of Freemasonry, ns
well as its wisdom, Is seen in this.' that
in the hostowmont of its charities it does
not infringe, in the bust degree, the
conscious uignny oi tiiosu who receive
4. Again we are told, that Freema
sonry Is unnecessary, because nil Its lio.
nevolent purposes may be accomplished
by Christianity. This argument, in tho
estimation of some, has great force; but
a few remarks will show that Is easily
disposed of. -Wedo
not claim" that Freemasonry is
equal to the Christian religion, or that it
is intended to occupy its place. Christi
anity is a perfect system of Divine
truth, for which we entertain tho high
est possible veneration; nnd to whicli
we look as the only infallible directory
In our pathway toeternat life. Freema
sonry, on tho Other hand, is nf hmnnn
origin: but it acknowledges the existence
of Uod, receives the revelation which he
has given to the world, and bows before
him in acts of solemn devotion.
If all men were Christians in tho full
sense of this term, there would be some
force in the argument which wo nre
considering; but every one knows that
this is not the fact. There nre thousands
of our race, even In Christian kinds, over
whom the Christian religion has littlo or
no control; and there are thousands who
profess to he Christians, but nro desti
tute of true Christian charity. The
consequence Is; that cases of destitu
tion and suffering, unrelieved by the
hand of benevolence, may often be found
even In sight of Christian temples; not
indeed because Christianity is defective
in Its adaption to human condition, but
because men will not submit themselves
toitssavingcontrol. , .
Now, If Freemasonry exerte its benev
olent influence where Christianity hiw
no control; or if, in a Christian com
munity, it sometimes confers a needed
benefit which would not be otherwise
realized, both of which could easily be
shown, who will dare to snv that lb Is
unnecessary? As well might we predi
cate this of every benevolent inatitution
in the world.
2. The second objection which we will
nosice is, that '.'Freemasonry, being a
secret society, is dangerous to our politi
cal Institutions." . .
We will admit that a secret poliiiftal
association, wnere an tne members be
long to the same political party, may
very properly excite alarm; especially
when the members themselves, as well
as their doings and desloms, nre shrotid-
I ed in secrecy,
' It Is not- necessary 1 M say to these
brethren, that .Freemasonry ti .not ii po
li'ival association. . They know, and ev
ery mason knows, that political ques
tions are never carried into tho Lodge.
But how shall the uninitiated know this?
It is demonstrated by the fact, that men
of opposito political parties unite togeth
er, lu the sajiie Masonic association.'
There if onie remark wlllch may be
made here, In regard to tlve phrase "se
cret society." If it Is intended to Indi
cate that Freemasonry seeks to conceal
ItsexUtonce, Us principles, or Its design?,
noth'iugcau be farther from the truth.
It declares, everywnere, its existence,
principles, nnd designs) it gives to the
world the unities of its officers; it builds
Its temples In townsand cities; and It!
exhibits lta members in public proces
sions. . True, there ore sccreUielonglng
to the order; but they are only such as
are necessary to guard its privileges,
and to perpetuate Its identity. .
it. Another objection to Freemasonry
Is, that "females are excluded front Its
communion." We are told bythft'ObV
Jeetor, that "there muslj be something
wrong tn tna,t association, irom tne priv
ileges of which our wives, mothers, sla
ters, and daughters are excluded.!! I
, Objectionable as this view of tliesnbs
Ject may appear to some, a few plain
statements will place it, neiore every
candid mind, in a very -different light.
Let it then bo distinctly understood, in
tho first place, that Freemasonry orlgin
ated.with a class of working ineii; jnnd
hence, In its could no liiore
have Included women, than they could
now bo included in a society of operative
blacksmith or carpenters. And when
to this we add the fuel, that Freemason
ry, in all Its distinctive features, is like
"the law ot the Modes nnd i'erslaus,
which nltcretlii nntv1, wehavout very
natural and easy solution of the ques
tion, respecting the exclusion of women
from niembrrsfilp in the craft. j ,
But there is1 onothem fact which may
ho stnted here, as furnishing a good and
suUieient reason, for this exclusive regu
lation of the order, It is this, its se
cret meetiugs art) 'customarily held in
tiie night. Now,-' livview' or this fact,
who dors not see) that to admit i women
as well as men. would irive occasion to
tho tifiiguof of slander to circulate a
thousand evil reports, which might dis
turb the peace of society, and greatly lri
)ure tho reputation of the order. Hence
woreiau'd it as a wise and prudent ar
rangement, and ene which must bo in
perfect accordance with tho purest . dic
tates ol female delicacy, to admit none
but nun tuthe-coinrmiiiion of tret-mii-
Ronry.. it m tncreiore by tho .law. ut
propriety alone, t mt women are exclu
ded from participating In tho labor's unci
mysteries of the craft. i
But nre wo to conclude; ns tho ribjec-
tion seeitis to Imply,' that becaaso they
nro not invited to snare the secrets ol
Masonry and dispense Its mvstories.
they nrcthoref.ireexcliuled front its ben
efits? Certainly not. As well might we
argue that they aro excluded ,froni tho
benefits ol ouneivll government, because
they aro not allowed to exerclso the
elective franchise, or to occupy seats in
its sevcrnl departments. As well might
we argue that they aro excluded, from
the benefits of revealed religion, because
they were excluded mini the Jewish
priesthood, and are not employed In 'the
Christian ministry.-
Women nrenei excluded from the
benefits of Frceninspnry. Jtls utterly
impossible Hint (he dearest ear) My ob
jects of mans toudol' regard they who
aro his constant solneo in times of iilllie-
tinn the willing companions of his sor
rows, as well as his Joys, should bo for
gotten in tho prescribed duties of tlio or
der. Nny verily; It places In the front
rank ofiliose who may claim its Iwncflts
the mothers, sisters, and daughters of
1-reemasons, nnd invites, especially, tlio
widows of departed members, to lean
with confidence upon Ifcs supporting
arm. To sny, tnererore, that l-reema
snnry Is regardless of tho rights of wo
men, or that it excludes them from Its
benefits, ns a slander upon the Insjtltu
i. There Is one other objection some
times urged, which may bo worthy of a
passing notice. It is, that '.'Freemason
ry is sellisli and partial in the bestow-
meni oi ns lavors." "ir mere is nnv
real good in it," My some, "why does
it not throw open: its door, that nl ner-
sons, indrismniinately, may partake of
us peneuis."- v lew romnrKS will place
this question In a proper light, and show
that the objection is a "bnseless fabric.'1
1. Tho very idea of a benevolent In
slitutlon implies restrictions, both as to
the ends proposed, and the means to bo
emu loved: nor can any one finornrn
beyonil its prescribed sphere, without
: violating mo very principles on which
it is founded. Thus, an assylum for tho
insane lias no right to appropriate its
funds for tho relief of the blind; nor have
the inhabitants otonestate or country
any just claim upon the benevolent in
stitutions ol another.
2. Freemasonry, liko other benevolent
associations, has proposed to accomplish
certain ends; nnd forthe accomplishment
of these ends it has ndopted certain
means. The only question to be settled
is this; Have men a riirht to form nn
association, for their mutual benefit? To
sny they have not, is at once to condemn
tall partnerships lu trade. - It is to sny
solves into a Mutual Insurance Compa
ny. a BunKing lompnny, a linn now
Company, or anything of tho kind;
which is too absurd to be believed, it
follows, therefore, that men hnvo a rljht
to form any kind of association which
docs not interfere with the rights of
others; nnd this, wo believe, Is strictly
truo ot r reeina-uiiry.
3. A claim upon tlio bcnouis of Free
masonry tloes not rest alone on the be-
nevotenre of the institution. It Is a claim
which Is purrianert hy every brother,
and is therefore w hat may justly be
called a prefect right. Is it not then verv
unreasonable ror persons to ask the free
use ofa privilege for which others nava
stipulated price, while they themselves
pay notningat aur Most assuredly It
is. As well might we claim, that those
who make no deposits In a saving fund,
have as much right, ns depositors have.
to draw money from its vaults. :-
4. We would not conceal the fact,
nay, wo wUh It to be distinctly undrr-
stood, that the direct object of Freema
sonry Is, to benefit tho members of the
order, together witn tneir immediate
female relatives and children. For,
though it Inculcates the dutyxf benevo
lence ti all men, yet It requires Its mem
bers to do good especially to them who
are of Its own household.) To carry out
this benevolent object, the secret, of
Freemasonry are Indispensible. Ihey
aro the locks and keys, the bolts and
bars, bv which our common property 19
secured to the fraternity.' They are ft
kind of Masonic safe, in which, la depos
ited the precious treasure of the craft.- ,
5. How preposterous, theoJt is to say,
but it hpro Is nnir irood In Treemason-
ry, it ought to throw open Irs doors, and
idlow all o enioy its benefit. On the
very same prliuiple we may sny; If
there is any good in iiierchnntl', ev
ery merchant should throw away his
locks and liars, und permit all persons to
carry off his goods, without paying for
them.. Or might wo not go so far as to
say, -If there Is any good In the Christian
Church,, sho should throw, away all
restrictions Jn regard to the terms of
membership, and receive all men into
her communion, even the most ungodly.
The absurdity of the principle Is so ob
vious, that we leave you to make the
nmilii'iitmn. i .
nut is it indeed true, mat i reemnson
ry seeks to close Its doors nnd deprive
the world of its benefits? It certainly Is
noti We admit that it does not employ
any direet influence to add to Its num
bers, it persuades no mall It urges no
mnn to unite with the order. f!ut it Is
true, on the other Irani!, that Its doors
are ever ready to. be opened to all good
men, who tnuiK unit its benefits w in
coinpensntfi them for the cost. Those
who think otherwise should not find
fault with us, for retaining the secrets of
the craft. I hey might receive them,
but nre uuwilllng to burcliiwe them; nnd
wo will not allow the tree to he cut
town, In order that they mnv cather
the' precious fruit. ,.
And now, brethren, we must bring
our remarks to n close. ' We hnve placed
before you, in a very brief manner, some
thoughts in reguid to the origin nud na
ture of Freemasonry, and the principal
objections urged ligalnst it. Theshetch,
we admit, is a very imperfect onn; nut
we are comforted by the reflection, that
it Is addressed to those who know how
to exercise charity.
Wo have seen thnt there Is nofhintr in
Freemnsonry Incompatible, with the
teachings of Revealed lieligion; thnt It
acknowledges the IMhlo ns of Divine ori
gin; and thntlt inculcates the worship of
Uod. We have not said, nor. tlo we be
lieve, thnt it supercedes tho Gospel,
This.nlone, Is the power of Uod to sal
vation. v o nave not intimated that it
can regenerate the human soul; for (Ms
is emphatically thp work nf the Spirit.
Hut wedo most unhcMtutingly sny, that
no man can be n consistent Mason, who
does' not make tho principles of pure
morality tie rule ot hi:; nte.- i
1 1 ere wo would liKetosny ninny things
! way of wrhttBfr, ami exhortation.
and encourngemrnl; but jvp have al
ready detained you loner rhnutrh. It Is
good and pleasant for brethren, even on
earth, "to dwell together in unity." It
will be bettor, nnd Tar more dellglitrul,
for brethren, to dwoll together in the
heavenly land. May wo indulge tho
hope, that tills fraternal association shall
ultimately be conducted, by tho the
Grout Architect of the universe, liitoihiit
"house not matin with hands, eternal in
the henvens." "fio it bo."
I . 1 M .,.!
n.oii ns tlio State.? that engaged
in tlio rebellion remained under tlio
.Military supervision of tlio General
C.overiinicnt, the Democrats tlirmurli-
otit tlid whole country, mid particu
larly their representative men In tlio
two houses of Congress, were pinrvel
ously indignant, ami let no occasion
slip, in season or out of season, to
make their feeling manilcsf. They
(1 est an ted in excited phraseologies upon
tlio rights of the people of the respec
tive States to representation in the
-government exercised over them strain
ing this point to such it degree as to
render the inference inevitable, that it
was their belief that the prerogative to
participation in the government is so
inherent and vital that nn misdemean
ors or crimes can sullice to alienate it,
nnd protested that the representation
of all the States, under. any conceiva
ble condition of nlliiirsj was so essen
tial to th? just and necessary balance
of powerthat n legal nud rightful
government could not exist without it.
Well, Congress having secured all
the preliminaries it deemed requisite,
at length proceeded to re-admit Ar
kansas to representation ns of old, in
tlio two chambers. Against this
proceeding, the Democratic members
spontaneously and emphatically pro
testedand their objections arc reiter
ated and sustained by the Dcmocratfc
journals, east and west, nortli Mid
south. Why is this? Simply be
cause the Democrats regard the man
ner of re-admission as of more conse
quence than the fact of re-admission
itself. A disinterested observer wi uld
naturally suppose that the actual rep
resentation of a particular State, upon
terms eventually satisfactory to Con
gress and the local authorities, was all
that the spirit of Ik-publican institu
tions required; that Congress, in view
of the circumstances, could reasonably
stipulate lor recognition of the impor
tant; changes wrought out by the war,
nintjiiat the local government could
give such assurances as would bring
the State into harmony with the ex
isting status of the country; but ' the
Democrats do not sec this, and licncc
protest that all this is irregular nnd
miscliiovou.s. . Their obtuscness re
sults from two different causes. Let
'us elucidate.! . -
1. In 1832, when Mr. Calhoun and
his lieutenants invented the mod
ern doctrine of "State Kights,"
and proposed to exemplify it, Presi
dnt Jackson officially developed the
true theory-of tho Constitution. In
this service ho was admirably seconded
by tho genius and wisdom of Mr.
Webster and other Whig leaders.
Jackson maintained that the authority
of the national government had its
source in tho consent of tho people,
and ' not in negotiations between tho
several States, and, consequently, that
it was paramount nnd supreme. From
this .view it followed logically that no
State had a right to withdraw from the
Union; that an attempted withdrawal
was rebellion; and that such rebellion,
successfully resisted, pat the States and
the individuals concerned in it at tho
merJy of the government. This was
the popular Demoor&tio dootrine bo
long as the influence of General Jack
son prevailed.
A fter a season when Jackson had re-
of Alvertllie
AbrdcriSKMtNTS, ImrrteUat l P3,n";
fur tlirta lunurliuua. or lw, ud 50
smiHiv for eH.-H iid.lltlonnl luKertlon J ('',"
airnt ii.lvcrils.-iu.-iiU to be l.t ror lu vuVHiioe.
Hc.sinbm NoTti Ksnet niuler tiie hemlof loow
new will b eliartci'tl tavatiubly 10 cn !"
for eucli Insertion.- . .
A liiM-inlil.-.ln!ilonmilMo n d2?JS:
hiitbvili.' nvnrtrr, Imll-veor or yi-iir. Hpec-lnl
V7.'u''l''iViKTrvo of .very klnil In Plain and Fan
cy colors; llmnl-mil", nlunkn, C'arUii Pamphlet
of every vari.-ty an.l style, printed at IM
!i..rt.l nolle-. The ,,'"1" '"?
iit I n re-flltl-it, ninl fcvery thing in the Print-
Ins line ciin bo executed In the most artlatlo
manner and nt tlio low cat rates.
t'red td tho Hermitage, tlio political
heresy lie had enmbntted wa9 revived
nnd nourished with greater vigor than
before. Tho slaveholders had resolved
to revolutionize the government, so aa
to mnke its political form linrmomie
with tho "peculiar, insitution," and for
reasons sineoiemonstrnted to be co
gent, determined to make tho Demo
cratic party tho instrument for ao
complisMng this momentous revolu-.
tion. Democracy, was to bo betrayed
in the name of Democracy. No iustt
perable difficulties were found in work
ing the mass of Democrats over from
the position of Jackson to that of Cal
houn; and for the simple fact that they
were moved not by judgment but by
prejudice. I laving been coh Verted to'
the lidse theory of tho government Chi
of which the rebellion was born, and
having either justified or excused the
revolt from its inception to tho present,
hour on that busis, it is not a matter of
astonishment that the1 Democrats stick
to there falso ideas, against, tho deci
sions of Congress and the Supremo
Court, and the sterner arbitrament of
battle to which they haVd been sub-
jcetctl. . .
2. c cannot, however, admit that
no other element mingles in their op-1
portion to tlio Congressional plan of
Kecoiistrtiction, tlio consummation of
which has already bogtui. Other nnd
sciusii .considerations enter into tneir
calculations, -lleforo tlio Southern
States embniked in the revolt,' they
wijii Democratic. If they had not
been, they would have remained in tho
Union. Tho Democrats naturally do
sire that in coming back tho Demo
crat ie ascendency in them shall' not bo
shaken elso the principles for which'
the. revolt was made will, Strmd no
chance of resurrection -'
l!ut, it will . bo remembered that
those States were made Dohtncratio by
allowing only about one-half. '(f tho
population to share in the suil'rago'i
Nominally,' tlio lino of distinction ran.
on color, but really on a ctfncoption of
nristi.c.'acy, not clearly ' defined, but
operating with remarkable- certainty,
tf tlio revolted States could be restor
ed oil that basis, Mr. reiidlolon, or
whoever shall bo nominated for Pres
ident by the Dcmouratio National
Convention, would bo passably sure of
getting all the electoral votes of theso
States, and might havo at least a pos
sibility of obtaining euough more to bo
chosen. i ,
As it did not fcc:h possible to secure
iJeconstruction on this plan, the Dem
ocrats set out to "court the blacks.
They prosecuted this enterprise vigor
oiisly tor awhile, though not with the
heacy nnd sincerity essential to en
- .... . , i .,
sure .success, liiejoi) was so clumsily
immagnd that it iiiilcJ. Tho ponetra-
t'on ol the blacks proved greater thari
the Democratic, capacity for dissimula
Hereupon, the Demoa-nta rovcitol
to their former position that this was
"a white man's government;" that the'
evoked States had lost nono of their
rigli's nn:l fallen under no disabilities
by their treasonable conduct; nnd that
they should lie unconditionally restor
ed to tneir original status. . as tuo
I )i'innor;ifs saw no wav in which thev
could be sure to get the electoral votes
of these States, they preferred to still
have them held in abeyance, and no
allowed to vote at all, rather than
nctir the 1 Lizard of having them all,
or nearly all, vote for Grant and Col-
tax. . ;
Fortunately, however, they arc pow
erless in the premises, nnd the South
ern States will all bo restored upon
cmcnt and just conditions, clearly
indicating the magnanimity, ot tne
Uebublican party, in accordance with
the rights of all classes of tho inhabi
tations of, the country, and tending
powerfully to guard against the, recur
rence ot other revolts, because settling
permanently the riidits of JLho Federal
government and the r&rilrfhibilitics of
the respective States. IHltt." Gazette.
An appalling scene was presented at
Magdala after tho battle which' thrcir
the city into English hands. About
twenty ynrds fcom where the Europeans
languished incaptivity wasa high cliffs
down which Thcodorus had thrown
the bodies of three hundred and eight
slaughtered prisoners. Stopping cau
tiously upon the gory rocks to the Very
vcrgeof the cliffs, savs the correspond
ent of the New York Herald, "a sight
presented itself which has no parallel
in modern history. Not forty feet be
low.there lay a pyramid of naked hu
man bodies twenty feet high: and a
hundred feet in circumference at the
base, slashed, cut, disembowelled, shot.
stabbed, dismembered or decapitated.
Boys doubled up backward, faces half
eaten by tho hyena and jackal ; men
with their entrails stretched for twenty
feet over the bodies dismembered, with
throats cut'grinning ghastly at the hor
rified spectator ; women decapitated,
with marks of ignomiy on their bodies.
clasped with rigid hands a limb of the
nearest bouy, or stood like forked
stumps, shoulders firmly wedged in
tliemassol decomposition. .Lvcn while
we gazed on this awful sight, hyenas
shuffled upward and gorged themselvea
with the putrid human flesh.'! u
Glaring frauds, .int.. tho Second
Auditor's office, whereby the Govern
ment has been swindled out of mill
ions of dollars by dishonest - clerks
altering bounty Warrants; have been
unearthed by a Special Investigating
Committee of the House.
i . . ....... ' '