7. Uteccn;utrint.s, Doot.4 & hoe. W. HiM I UVSIC1AS ASP SIROEOM. rjflice In Jewell's building, West end of Main St. WuynesbnrB. ;t:'m-tf. I ? A. CALL, Denier In Pry (ItoiIh, Groceries, Hardware, etc., etc. AT .Mcl'OY'S OLD STAND, Oreenshorn, Pa, J. o. of o. r. AVAYNKvDVRG LODGE, NO. JC9. ITrtll In finTionr'8 P-tilMlnsr, east Malri Htreel, Wuyriehbui", I u. Time, 1 uesdtiy evening, each . w Lt'k. Uh. j urwaT. '. IluSHIMKA LODGE, NO. 6M. Hidl !: ''anenr's Tin lid I nor, Fast Mnln Street, iiym-nlfuitf.l'a, Time, Saturday u vetting, each xv (.!. db. G v.o. & jltixuv, :;otauy PUBLIC. All hue tness rertulnlntt to tlio office attended to fust of the C'omt House, Mi.y 11; K-l; . E. M. SAYEKS, ATIOnSl'V AVD tOt SSl.LOR AT LAW, Tn addition toot Vr rmdnei xvlM rdtend to all ernes in Unnknipt'-v ttmt limy heeutnmtcd loins c:ire. VJII1CO, (JppuMUt mo more ui u. w. ituo i-ris A Co, vis"TaX DF.M.LI: DMIOOKS AND ETATIOSEitr, '1t T....... Wln.1.... I'....- J; U.. ...... .. O..I I lloohs oi nil ktn'Nroniitiitt.v on liimil, room in M.. Ru-li'sbuH tinir, formerly occupied by Cot teivll A; TNylor, Whyiii'kIiuik, In. Mil 0, '( ly. . jri!Aii.i;v, WATCH t AND JEWELRY, , , MAI.VSTKI.Kr, OriOSITE COURT HOCSK. lrrcpson hnnl nlways n choice nnd select as sortment of W.uWm'.s' mill Jewelry. Kepuiriiig domwtt th" lowest rate1. 4;l:'itf-ly. . 1 1 IS V NATION ALB A N k of MATSI:9!ICr.O Owl" fljo'clnek A l. ( loses :l o'clock r tf. DISCO! ' NT DAY TV KKl IA YS. D. liOSKIl, Pies't, ,1. (.'. ri.KSNIKKJi, Csllier. II. FKANK. I'l.F.N.NIKKN. Assistant Cuitller. J) ENTIdTUY. -... " I I' '1,1 III'i'iii;;, HUH Hill tMTMl pylnt' tlni lulu n'Mt-U'in-foi lr. S. h. Pal ton. Ilnv : i iic tak' ii uft-M pulns to Itt-foiitH ihoroiiKlily hc 'lujiiiilt il Willi Imihlli tlicm.vun.J prartirw (if rt'tttislry .nii.lhn vini; Um iiiit'xpci lcni'cnist'vi'n v.-rrt in lfi prniession, 1 tf-l warrant") tn snv-ln-( th'tt rny p ilii nt.- slmli iiave iiorunscio poiii itit or liifiTtoropcrntioii'i. lixtrai-tion will lie ?-imImt'I p-mmI,.s, whn tHin-l, ly t!n nlnttn- I il Kiltnli ;.(" "Lm Mull ill! 'TIS" nrotll(TPC.S(ln-t('. iuiru'" iuo(hTitii ,.iinl nil itnM'attniiN wiirriiiilfil n- I '-pp-. iitc-I. 1 will U at liiinit withoi t i-kr Aitvi-MTitn t'miu the IlflL-i'iith i-.thc MtlrtlHIi vt .i:vrry liiuillll. JOH. H. IIUUTIO. J;L'-lf Jlbl OI'KSLD BY tiiomas euadllx ral'tvoi tho nmt cniiii.i-'i.' If.itfl In our town. K'e( , lliln;; rnnhiir-l n i'u ni l lit'hcst at-oiu lundatimi rv-r y-t mii ii"! lu lla puiilU. iM'v.U I'uruislii"! nt iom-t table provided x ilh tin- ;,.'r.( cf In-M'JIMMI. TravclUrs mi-1 tlm . ' (h-slrrm of r'frislimtnt will i. vt'll tnnill, "Toi.i" suit nliilns It Ik old ivpiilitllotiOi'itii m -i-i nil i in Minting ui'iitlfiiiiin, and t.) phalli' l:'nllurd. Ilmtof, ilu out formerly 0;'jupit 'iky Hi-''Mrsm-iiL'ot OiH''0t 5;!: iHMy. CAiiriAGK MANIJFACTVKBR, XVAYNTSW RQ, VX. TT;wiriilty tlvrs no! that ho h lorntod In M tiyp.i'aljurt;, l'u., v. Iicrc he iutenda to manu- C A U V, I A G K S f'fpvAn l.Hniptl-"--!, Tmm lilt rvporlon'v in . IhohiiltiPsH In iW'N'ontM 'U that Ills work, In ki lo.linlsli mid duiiiKilliy, will nlvw intlrc sat-i.!-iciion. It is his (I' tcrmmation to piirchnt tin-bi'M nmtt'rliil hi miukct, and cnijdoy none . lut roinpt ii'iit worlimrn. r-All wait xvarraittod forono year'ft I . 2;-l: titt. M AimLKAVOlilCS, SC3IMERSOILL& BUO. 's'.iopin ronroftlHi ITmnlltcn House nonr the tsiciim Mill,) Th: puMIr nnTovpsct fully Informod thnt Rum-jiii-rilt A Itvo. Iiuvc jusl locelveU alai'MuntocKui' nil Uinds of K A K n L i: WORK! Pn'-!i nn (Jmvn Plonpt. Monunifnti, Mnntle " .UK, At. M nrc pivpi-rod to fiunlsh work nt Tt':iMOim)lo torniH on slior) notlrp. fall nnd ex timtiii'onr Mock, Hlylcn, and prltres, beforo pur rliusii! 1 1st' wht ti. 5-,s-tf. TAYNEsDUlW At.VUliLi; AND STONE WORKS. SAYi:ns & liixniART. Htt'I contlnnctn onrry r.n the Mftrttlo nnd Stone fiit f i Imsliii'SHUl tlii'ir loir' cHtunlisiiPd tdnna tmiiuMlntf fiist of tin IutHc Hipiart, ludween II. eh and (iri'eni1 Mvocis. x ayn'Nnnr, ra. This eMuhlKimiiMii lias ho-. tn constant opcr- n on since in til. atnl th" loim encrifnre ami n- tray of ilw propriotofK, linked wltli th oxer- eiM1 if sniin.i mi I'Miicin ano kimhi iumo. nave won .or them r xvldoHnvt'iid and envialik rennlntlon. An pxtnmlve stot l; of ttir various varietl- of t ho hem iitn,rlI' kept eonMin?o'y on hand, Mpe- clal attention p-ild to pidlHhlng, prosHlng, cwrv lni; Hitd enuniviiiff. All ord.M-s promptly HI led. 4;2ft'Hfi-tf. :TldUNDEltY NOTICE. .. THE fcifasCTJKEP. IIAVIXO rUIlCHASED EAGLE FOUNDER Y, ; ' M'ith Its large stock of , riOW3 AND UXSY OTHER CASTINGS, Formorly fho proporty'of the Into Daniel Oweni, uuc (i, will continue ino miMinoKs in au iU branches, uud do ull kinds uf MACHINE REPAIRING, At short nit loo and npon ronsonable tprm, and Eupi-ii tu uiurll ruiusiiuuble bLare of pntronntfe. S-IW C. W. IIOWEK ..EW LlYEUi STABLE " U AVAl-ESDUKG, PA. Tlio subcril)pN would iwnoctnilly Inform the public that they arc prriuiral to . ACCOMMODATE AT ALL HOURS WITH GOOD HOUSES A'D GOOD BUGGIES, , Our Stable will ho found in rear of lUe Hamil ton Hoiimi, nir the Hteain Mill. ' . i- ila- -JU, 'ii-iy W. A. 4 C. W. BANE. :h AVE A CIGAR? T. ER ADEN'S SEW ESTABLISHMENT. ? He keeps on hand at all timet 'is escelLent QUALITY OF CIGARS, Okie Chewing Tobacco, j. - i'lpae, 8uu8; etc, etc ?;r TREES OwN! 13 THE WORD1 -nttUi Room In the Wort Uotue, Weynee--KlMt-U T BRADEN, T. )KINTlNOS "THE WAYNEflnCRQ REPUBLICAN" JOB PRINTING ESTABLISII- MENT, Sageri Building, East of the Public Stputre, WAYNKSBVRG, PA. PAMPHLETS, PROGRAMMEa BILL I1EADS, EU8ISESS CAHD3, POSTERS, BLANKS, LABELS, c.,&c, NEATLY EXECUTED. WE HAVE NOW A GREAT VARIETY OF MATERIAL! And a more complete stock of P A P E 11, CARD S, lc, Thuti any etblishmnt within the lliullw of our uumucha circie, AND WE ARE PREPARED To esecute every description of J 0 L , P R lyW TING! IN A STYLE OF NEATNESS AND BEAUTY!! CANNOT BE SURPASSED ANYWHERE We employ the most competent 'printers, and propose to MEET EVERY ORDER! With which wo are favored, In the SHORTEST TIME POSSIBLE! IX TUB M06T SATISFACTORY MANX EH t Particular attention given to FINE RULE WORK CERTIFICATES, CHECKS, .&c., . . - TERMS REASONABLE! Let as have a eal) for going elsewhere. JAB. E. BAYERS, " Warmest arETa. 1MI r PATIIICK'S ATTEMPT AT OERM AJI. Fredrick tlio Great, of Prussia, had a great mania for enlisting gigantic soldiers into the Roval G uards, and paid nn enormous bounty to his recruiting officers for getting tliein. One day tlio recruiting sergeant chan ced to spy a Hibernian who was at least seven feet high ; ho accosted him in English and proposed that ho should enlist. The idea of military life ami a high bounty so delighted Patrick that ho immediately conseuteil. ' "lint, unless you can fneak Oer- man the King will not give you so much. "Oh," said the Irishman, "sure it's I that don't know a word of Ger man." "But," paid tlio sergeant, "three words will be sufficient, and these you can learn in a short time. Tlio King knows every man in the Guard. As soon as ho sees you, ho will ride up, and ask you how old you are ? You will say, 'twenty-seven.' Next how long have you been in service? You must reply, 'three weeks.' Finally, if you are provided witli clothes and ra tions ? You answer, 'both.' Pat soon learned his answers, but never dreamed of learning questions. In three weeks he appeared before the King in review. I lis majesty rode up to him. Paddy stepped lbrward with "preseut arms." "How old are you?" said the King. "Three weeks," said the Irish man. "How long have you been in ser vice?" asked his majesty. "Twenty-seven years." "Am I or you a fool?" roared the King. "Both," replied Patrick, who was instantly taken to the guard room, but pardoned by the king after ho under stood the facts of tlio case. tAHIOHMA POKritY. AVlien from my room I chance to stray, to spend an hour atcloe of day, 1 ever find a place most dear, where some friend treats to the lugcr beer. Rueramcnlo Am. Ah ! yes my friend of city life, such a treat cures such a strife, but better than such doso by fir, are pleasures of a fine cigar. Placer JL rald. Such pleasures may suit baser minds, but with the good no favor finds; we think the purest joy in life, is making love to one's own wile. Volcano Lahjev . Most wise your choice my worthy friend, in Hymen's joys your cares must end, but wo, though tired of single life, can't boast of having our own wife ; and so, when 'neath our cares wo faint, wo fly to kiss some gal that aint yet. Xapa Reporter. That lager beer will bile provoke, whilojfino Havanas' end in smoke. To court one's wile is better far, than lager beer or vile cigar. Kisses the dew of love's young morn, break on the lips as soon born. These tiro all nought to that greatest joy the first born boy ! Evening Ledger. 'Tis true a boy's a wished for bless ing, but then suppose the first's a girl ! A dear sweet child, with ways caress ing, with pouting lips and flaxen curls, with dimpled cheeks and laughing eyes, to come and bid 'papa' good bye! So whether boy or whether t'other, embrace the babe and then the mother. San Francisco Globe. HEAVY KTCI11. The Cincinnati papers arc full of the big storm that attacked that city on Wednesday night. It seems to have been of unparalleled violence. The fact that fjuito eight inches of rain fell in something over seven hours, will give an idea of the fury of the tempest. 1 he Cincinnati Ucizctte says: 1 lie thousands whose eyes were wide open during the whole of those night hours, said that they should never for get those four or five hours when it seemed as if the flood gates of heaven had been opened, and as it the cily were shaking to its very foundations with the constant peals of thunder. Men who are not apt to bo nervous, quitted their wonted places, fairly terrified by that ceaseless lightning. Prudent business men left their homes to protect Ktores which they were afraid would bo swept away. "Guests at a hading hotel sat up all night, and la dies fainted from sheer fright. Every one who listened to the tempest will remember it for life, and with reason, for it was undoubtedly tlio severest that has ever visited Cincinnati. The storm did great damages to houses, streets, sewers and bridges also inflicted considerable injury "upon the crops in the country. A Detroit paper has the following : "One of theCineiniiati newspapermen makes one suit answer for the changes of the year. Ho gets a suit of thick clothing as cold weather comes on, and by the time hot weather arives, it is worn sufficiently thin to servo for him clothes. When ho wears them out then he don't wear them out any more that is to say, he wears them out until they are so much worn on that ho had rather not gi out than wear them out any more then lie gets another suit." Narrate Keleaae. Conservatives and ex-rebels, and their sympatizers, arc creatlv pleased with Surratt's discharge under the murder indictment. He is at the house of one of his friends, and many per sons are calling on him this evening. There is not much probability that the trial on the new indictment will begin next week, as he can hardly get ready by that time. "Man wonts a good deal here below ana wanu u right a long. OIK 8TASDARD DEABER9 bt i. p. n. V p, freemen. In your inlRht and glory, I. ittle child and old man hoary, Y outli matured ami man o( ptlme, H tnnd to duty now's the tlmo. ft how the nation that yuu hate 12 very enemy of Htute. 8 hull Vfa yield todi-sputs vile T 8 hull recusant, black with guile, ! rent In nothing, without name, II obbi-'d of Menatorlnl fume, A ssert again the cause that perished f N ot while heroes live who cherished T ruth uti'l honor more than life, A lid hared their bosoms in the strife, N o, the nation now will rise, B euounce the recreants and despise. H lnce Grant, the soldier and the man, onsents to head our glorious vun. II atiff out your banners on the wall, V nl'url your guldoni, one and ull, Y on nnvor have Joined In any tight 1, Ikethls. Tin; sacred cause of right, K stuMUIied once on battle field, It emiini to us; we cannot yield. ' ome from th" mountains and the plains O f ull the land, Join your refrains, I, end all your sireii'jlh, the nation cnlls, ' or volunteers to line her walla. A n urmy springs from near afar X ei xcs ne'er led such runt's to war. "It bents nW," as llio Down-East cobbler said, ru looklu; at a shoe-making machine. Why is a miu who makes his will like a potato which is off.-rej as a sample of a lot ? Because he is a fesfufur. A mam is a mere telescope in a woman's hands ; she tlrtiws him out, looks hiiu through, shuts him up, und shelves hlai. Why is a clock the innst humble tiling in existence ? Because it always holds its hands before its f.ieo, and, however good its work may be, it i? ulwuys running itself down. 'How are you to day ?" asked a gentleman of a desponding neighbor. Tin like the rout of your luugueV' was the reply. "How so ?' "Because I'm down in the mouth." "What a coulradietioi) ik-.watuh is," said Tiinmius. "How so?" asked Mrs. Timruins. "Why, because It always keeps perfectly dry, although It constantly has a running spring inside." "How many regular, s'eady hoarders are therein this house?" nsked a census-taker of a sci vaut girl. "There's llf cen boarders sir, but not niiirt'u four of Vm ersons, sir." Tiikkk is u man li vinir in Oaiaha who. hav ing been invited to a public game iHnncr, ale so much bear meat tint he went home and hui'jed his uifi, mi act which he had never perpetrated before. "You shall always (.'.well in my meinoiy, for tills favor, sir," said a miserly old hunks to a poor limit who had saved his life. "I'd much rather dmclla one of your houses, sir," was the culling reply. A thoughtful and provident old gentleman is going to get his lite Insured, "so that when he dies he call have something to live on, and not be dependent on ll:e cold charities of the world as he once was." "Tin; (lilferenca Is lust hern, youngsters," said an illiterate Boh ml teacher in Tex ts. "when the eatlh makes a revolution it luius on ils ixe, but when the people m ikes a rev olution they turns on their bayonet. "IsY, mi," exclaimed n little minx of thirteen, "do you know what the pyroteclim eal remedy Is foi a crying Infant ?" "Gracious goodness me no; I never heard of such a tiling I' "Well, nn, it's rm ket! Tiikku is a man in Jersey City so mean that he bullous hi shirt with wafers. Ho looks at his tr.onoy through a magnifying glass. By tliis means lie says,, a ten cent stamp looks as big as a thousand dollar greenback. A coach containing n man and n woman, with one trunk on behind, is pleasingly sug gestivc of nutrimony ; but n half dozr-n -young ones, and seven band boxes. I? much more suggestive there's tin mistaking lh.it sign. Augustus, on rending nn account of the murder of a woman, declared that n man who would kill a woman must ho n vulgar fiend. "Why, G119," exel ilined his sister, "I thought you'd prided yourself on being a lulj i-iVjrever since your mustache took root." Augustus was silent. Atkac.iikb having expatiated Willi glowing rhetoric on tlio "bloody reign" of tlio nncicnt tyrants, a little girl, who had listened with Jeep interest, Innocently asked, "Please Mr. Sn ilkins, what kind of umbrellas did the peo ple use, to keep that hhoJj run ofTm them selves?" Ciiii.nnKX nro singularly hiquhitlve. For instance : "It is sil l that n nun should clout to his wife. What does ckme mean, pa?" "It means to unito together, to slick to." Does John unite wood, or stick it together, when lie cleaves it ?" "Hem ! Well, don't ask so many foolish questions, child." "Dear me!" exclaimed St'ggins, "that new surgeon gave Squantum's boy a new lip from the child's own cheek! Whit a painful op eration it must have been !" "I've hid a pair of lips taken from my cheek, more than once," replied .Mrs Siigg'ms, "and il wasn't a painful operation at all." Stiggins' eyes flashed, and his cheeks flushed, but he controlled the de mon of Jealousy which raged la his bosom. WHAT A Ml'DDI.E! General Hali'ino otherwise tho boy Miles O'Reilly who edits the New York CilUen, makes no bones about the muddle the Demo cratic party are i.i concerning a candidate. Hero is the picture he draws rather the plain statement of the situation the party are in : "If they nominate Chief Justice Chase, it is pretty generally conceded by men of both parties that their success Is certain. If they nominate Gen. IUncock.Jneir success is very fairly probable ; but if tly nominate outside of these, or nominate on a 'copperhead' plat form, the next national election may be re garded la advance as decided la favor of Giant and Colfax. In such a struggle as this latter ccntlngency contemplates, we respect fully desiro to be counted out. Wa are for Chase if we wo get him j for Ilanc ck. If he can be nominated ; for Senator Hendricks, with a sort of feeble hope tint he may possi bly carry bit own State for our ticket But outsldo of these, and wdh any candidate ob viously put up to bo knocked down, or merely to carry the Slate of New York so that Tam many Hall may have a Qjvemor of her own choosing the C'nUe It not to be reckoned on, and is clearly of the opinion that twelve yean of couunuout defeat are not for the good of th party.'" JjTEYY STAND! NEW BTOSEI, NEW STOCK! The Btttronnffo of the neocla of our town and eouuty U reboot fully solicited at the new tUnd, P. AX TELL A CO., fttacliley'a Corner, opposite the Wright House, Wttvncsbuni. Pa., where a solendld stock has Just been received, consisting of DRY OoODS, FIXE WHITE GOODS, FANCY OOOD3. DnES-S) TRIMMINGS, SPRING SHAWLS AND BALMORALS, EMBROIDERIES, NOTIONS, OI.0VF.3. HOSIERY, RIRBONS, Velvets, rarasols, beaded and plain; Ladles' and Gent's Hats In various styles. 4a, Ac., &o 9 3-A fine assortment of everything In our lino ttlWUJS Oil I1IIUU s 3-We sell at very reesonublo rates and deal alike to all' lit COME, EXAMINE, AND BUY ! P. AXTELL li CO. May 27, '6S-ly (j OOD NEWS! AND NEW GOODS! D. SHIRK, Now offers to tho public The mast complete assortment ot Every thing In the Dry Goods line over brought to This market. The Spring Styles, fresh and attractive And of every variety. lints for Men and Hoys, Indies' and Misses, Roots And Shoes, unsurpassed In Durability A C'hcrpness. Muslins, Delaines, Cloths, Donnctsd Donnet frames C'asslmeres, and In fact Everything that can bo Desired, you can buy of him. A. WILSON, JU. EpfHnlly ttivltpfi n call frnm hlsold ntstninfrn. bflnii urttlKileil tho prrstlun f former donl Inn will tt ftiiMtnlntMl nml thnt now, nnot yoro, th tiistrs of ull will Ivo pi found rexanUiifj prhvs mid ri uiillty. Km hntcM the tlrnt opportunity n ltd rI vp lil in nn ourly rnll. 3Hoom fonnprly wpupted hy A. Wilson, Jr. in W'INous building, Wayiioshurg, I 'it. npHOH-ly. I. HIIIRK. rjiu E LATEST YET. MRS. E. 8. BAYERS A IIOSKINSON Have Jut Arrived frnm tho F-nst with ft lurgo assortment, ofioreln and domestic DRY GOODS, SPRING & SUMMER STYLES, which they proponn to kpII nt thMnwpat CASH prices! kucIiiir 1-rcss OnodH, ItrPHH Trim juliitf, lire lttitlotiH, Lad let Hlwiwls, Hoots and Shoes, ilutK lor men A Imvh, at so, a grpiit variety uict;arth'l'H, ui very low prices for GEXTLEMEX AND LADIES' WEAR, Warp of all kinds, andaeomplete vnripty of the iM'it iHKK'F.KIKrt. Allnf which they propose to flpll nt the very lowest figures, depend Inn on the qimmy ana cneopness 01 meir goous 10 gain them custom. Give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. and they will prove that the n hove Is correct, Koom In Allison's building, nearly opposite the uouri nousp, uynesuurg. -i;i, o-u B EAUTIFUL DISPLAY I DKY GOODS, CLOTnS, CASSIMERS, &e.. EVANS' ESTABLISHMENT. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT" EVERYTHING Ui THE LINE I Wishing to eloaeont for the Fall trade, heof frra his roods at astonishing low rates for cash. The stock la a lat aa the latest and th bast In urn i kcv. M'uor;sBttUdlng, opposite the Greene House, ;3-im U K. EVANS. FACT WORTHY OF NOTE 1 JOHN W, WIXGET Undoubtedly has the LARGEST BTOCK ot HOME-MADE BOOT 3 & SHOES! IN WAYNESBUROv Thoyhave been tried and found to be equal if not Superior to any in the place ! Tie has a general anil well manufactured assort ment of LADIES' AND MISSES, MEN & BOYS' HOME MADE BOOTS, SHOES AND SUITERS! He keeps hands unexcelled ns workmen In leather. Ills shop will be found NEAR COTTEREL'S TANNERY, AtVv-Vftcr returning thank fora llhernl nntro- nnite heretofore bestowed. I wish to miy to my old i cUMloniers nnd others thnt I warrant my worn in every piirnrumr, ami will sen at price Hint will fcutisfy any rtHHotiuble person. Don't forget the place, but GIVE ME -A CALL BOON. ApSa'68-ly JOHN M. WINCIET. G UEAT PANIC IN THE riUCES OF BOOTS AND SHOES! WILLIAM DERRYHLLL'Si TWO DOORS WEST OF CLARK A SON'S CLUIIIINU BlOlth', lliivlnu Just purchased a heavy Slock of Roots i ii i rnor; iii i hit ri, r.r i linn nr.-'! v( u i i i i to tic found 1 n the Fast, ho now has the Rest se lected and in oh t complete assortment of these Hoods ever brought to the Town. And he oilers F 0 It CASH Men's beat, whole stock, Home-made Roots, 17 Inch leu-, nt?li.0M.r, and .V0; Men's Fine ("alt nt 7.fij, with u uniform deduction In rates, on all kinds of stock. Mr. Iter ry hill having an ex peilence of li yeuin tu the uianufacturliig of UOOTS AND SHOES ! Is thoroughly nefiintiited with thehuslnesfli and has taken great i-ai u to make this a SlTKRIOIt fiTOf'K TO ANY KEPT IIF.RK- TOFOHK. Experienced hunds are eonstiintly employed In multing to order and we cnu sufety sny thiit at no phteeelse In them, "dicutrnts" can the mate rial and workmunship besurpiiHsed, ALL WORK WARRANTED ! lie now nskshN friends and the public to roll ami exiim i tie his slock, as he feels confident that hccnn pleaso tiicm. VM. HKKUYIIILf,, 12;18-tf Main Street, WayneshurK, I'a, G REAT BARGAINS! BOOTS AND SHOES! NEW STOCK I NEW STORE I CUSTOM-MADE WORK! CHEAPER THAN EVER, AT M. C. & 11 BELL'S, (HUCCKSSORS TO;.riALSTID,) S A Y E R S' CORNER WAYNESI1URG, FA. t-Call and examine, and save money ! GOTO M. C. A II. BELL'S FOR BARGAINS 12;l-ly. w L CARDING ON TEN MILE CREEK! J. II. DEBOLT Would respectfully Inform the public that he Is uuw preporcu to CARD WOOL on the shortest notice and in the best style, at the TEN MILE MILLS, Two Miles below Rogersvllle. He dene com petition, and feels amnilent of satisfying and accommodating all who may favor him with uifir paininiiKf. i-nce in ems per poillin. Ho is also prepared to grind ail kinds of Grain on short notice and In the beat manner hy both steam and water. .INO. U. DEBOLT Juuo:i, 'tJH-lm. JOHN a. 1IOFFMAU, MQROANTOWN, WEST VIRGINIA. ATTORNEY FOR COLLECTING rixnons, bochties, aimam or pat, AND ALL MILITARY CLAIMS. TTavIng had 17 years experience In prosecuting such claim, I have become familiar with the various Lows-and the large amount of record evidence in my possession enable me to be very successful In prosecuting suspended claims, and in munv inatunce have Droved successful when the claimant hd long given tliein up In.despalr. No matter how difficult th claim to It la just. B ETTER THAN EVER! FROM NEW YORK & PHILADELPHIA THOMAS BRADEN, Ha just received a splendid new) SPRING STOCK OF HARDWARE) To which he Invites especial attention ee practical farmer he knows emaeaythe wSnt? uoods will be found iron and Kails of sit LVUSi ii:t;u ti.a..i ""'"r.v''v.r I'laucs oi uu varieties, Aimera, Uracea, Ao. Tut ttini nun CMWB, i, nana uiiu luuisuiHuuescripitoug, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENrS, Mowing Machines, Cutting Boxes Corn Sheller PIohis, Cultivators, Shovels. Forks, andvrr thiug In this line. " BADDLERY HAItDWARte A general nssortmeut of Rnddlery Hardware, t w hich he invites the attention of purchasers, WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDS! Tubs, Buckets, nutter Bowls nnd nil kinds el Kitchen yooocu rixins, wtnow uasKetsj !lroouis. Brushes, Coal Buckets, Brass Kettle, Uiukv 'littws. Shot (Inns, Hoys' Wnenns and Sled. All uf which will be sold cheaper tbaa ever lor Cash I GIVE IIIM A CALL SOOtf, Ho will take pleasure In showing hit stock at nil tlmi-s. Koglve him acull when you com to town, jteinemuor uie piuee. OPPOSITE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WAYNESBURQ, PA. . sp8,'(M-tf TUOMAS BRADEN. FirP 0 R T AN T TO ' BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS! W.VYNESBURG STEAM PLANING; MUX. II elves us nlensure to announce to the nubile the completion of this work and the readiness ol the proprietors to RECEIVE ORDERS! AND MAKE CONTRACTS! The best improved machinery is used, flan I tic. I'touptiliifF nn d Grooving, Sash nnd Door Milking, FannellliiK, RipplnK, rnoUltlinR Ac, rapidly and Hkllfully executed, Kulitig price paid for j ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. Thev nre also prepared to do all kinds of Carpen ier urn, wnn uieuiniosi promptness, ana la the most substantial manner. They respectfully solicit a share of pnblfft patronage, tind (hitter themselves that they wii In all cases be able to GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION I All orders promptly attended t." BRADEN, WALTON A BAYERS, 8;ll-tf Wayneshurg, Pa. c OI'PKR AND TINWARF, ESTABLISH MENT IN WAYNESHURG, PA. DON'T THROW MONEY AWAY, HUT PE IT TO BUY CHEAP AND USEFCL8T0VES OF W. H. IIELPH ENSTINE, They have the handsomest and neatest pattern COOKING, HEATING, AND PARLOB STOVES ! In use. Tall and examine the different pattern herore you, purchase elsewhere. They have the HOHKIiAI.K, lor wood or coal, Hire Hies ; nnd the perfection, for wood, three sizes. They are the best Htovos in use. Don't let the women scold any longer, but gat them wiiul they need. They manufacture TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE t of nil kinds. Everything In our line will be attended to promptly; send In your orders soon, for I will sell cheap for cash or country produce SPOUTING AND RO0FINGI done to order on the shortest notice, at th old stand, south of the Sheriff's House, Waynes burK. Pa. W. II, HELPHENSTINE. I;ai-Sin K. A. TINKER II. L. MATEL. (JUNKER & MAPEL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR TnE SALE OF HOGS, CATTLE AND SHEEP, AT THEIR OWN YARDS, WEST BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. ADJOINING MD. LIVE STOCK SCALES, Consignment respectfully solicited. AH eorn munlcntlons promptly answered. Post Office Address llox WW. 7;2-Iy. Gkorok. C. STl'ROIS, Attorney at Law. Jon C. WAoicea Notary PubUe. gTURGISS & WAGNER, UNITED STATES CLAIM AND GENERAL COLLECTING AGENTS. --For the adjustment of CLAIMS, of all kind. against the United Suite, such aa PENSIONS. INCREASE OF PENSIONS, BOClf TY, 1100 EXTRA BOUNTY, and those of any other class eall on or wrlKS toy Die Military and Naval Agency of , .... STUROIKB A WAGNER, Walnut St., 1 door below Hattana' comer 8;21,'r-ly moroaSjtowV.w.va.' J 5T0F 0. F. ' WAYNESBURG ENCAMPMENT, HO, 11, Halt In Oaneara Building, east Mala Street. Wavnesurg,fa, Pint and swell Friday's e each motrUx. otb, i -. . w 2C