"xSfic ISawuesbiirg cpiibUcan, IScbiiesban, 3uf S0S. NciTicB to Aitokskys. Attorney will be held responsible for iiir Koolia, Adven UIiik nuil Jil Work, ordrrvd by them uii'l Hot paid for In advanee. Buch bill to bu collectable on demand. New Advkktiskmksh Tho attention of our reailera 8 specially directed tt the follow ing advertisements, which appear for the lirst time Id our paper to-day. ajyVVavcrly Novels I). Appleton & Co. W.Startling Intelligence Frank Mctlurpan. WManhoml ; How Lrjst, How H -Stored Cbaa. J. C. Kline & Co. Rk.d Him Head Nasby this week. It Is good for tho sore h-ai! or the negro-fright. ' Vacitiox, One week vacation to allow Students attending school to "celuunte," liu gan Monday. Omb of the best selected stuck of Dress 0 wds in the county will bo found at l or dyce't New Stow. Por Visit. 'Johnny' M Willi ims, Junior on tho Washington R-porttr, made us a llvinir call on Wednesday Inst. Come again "M ick." Famoi-s. The "Sherman House" is n fa- mous place to get a good dinner. "Tmn" i Bradley keeps up with tlfk times that Is, he supplies his table with the delicacies of the eson, Served in the most approved s'yl '. j I UsrntiTuxATK Fai.l.-Oii the Ifith Inst., Mrs. I M. K. B. Miller, wife of Dr. A. B Miller, of i our town, in making the descent of a precipl-! tnus stairway, with a babe sixteen months old ; 1,1 l, I'.. 11 ..-.l I..!......,! ,1.. 1 II. .1 . ... .IU. ku u nVmm uio iiinu mat its life is despaired of. The mother esctpid with slight bruises. P. 8. The child died on Sunday morning. Tat Up ! Persons knowing or suspecie themselves iudobted to the firm of A. Mildred & Co., by note or hook account, will feel themselves called upon to settle before the 1st ! of Aug. prox. Alter that date all outst in 1 lng debts will bo put into proper bands lor collection and collected if possible. A Mn unto & Co. NonM.u. School. The Normal Setiool, in connection with Waynesburg College, will be gin ltsSosslon, M imiiy J ily IHh. It will be conducted by myself ass'iMcd by the teachers of the College. Persons expecting to teach the coming winter would do well to avail themselves of this opportunity of preparing for thoir work. T. J. Tai, County Sin't. Tun Mosoxoaiiki.a T.iu repair on t'u dam at lock No. a on Ihe Monongalnda are progressing rapidly. It was the lule'iii-m of tin contractor to sink the crib ia tin break on thoi.ld, and he hopes toh ivethe. work co n pleted within Ihrea weeks. The "Active," tho only steamer running f r some weeks past made her l ist through trip Tuesday, of las week, and navigation will li closed until Ihe Jock li completed. HccoMiEvn. (Xtr Pi inters are loVti.ig f.r- ward to a day of recreation and n week of ! r1 ; k being the custom of Ibis clllee not to issue any paper the (list week iu July. We j would freely recommend our printers, the ".Ir.vll" lneb, b.,l V novr (! .nla nf ,fn 1,1 moral eba aeters n it nd lielcd to any bad b ib- 1 noni'ma'ed the following ticket : Congress, I 1;'i,lu "M'.v" ivaslhc pel of the fondly clr its,abloand anxious to wait on the young La-joeo. V. I, iwrcnce ; Assembly, II. ,1. Vankirk, ':. nnd like a (1 mw, falls from tho stem, nip dies, and alsi rally prepared to eat their share A. .1 Bulllaglon ; Di,luct Mlorney, John W. 1 11'''1 ')' '51""!5 rctl. Hilt ofaiKhecinl Ibin rs s-t before tlieni nt unv ! 1) iiinan : Com.. Ross Swecnv : Director of I "A,, to rcli uuisli, fa-les, time or at anv nlaee. ! I Tne n soluti ns endorse the action of the Chi PKPAiiTi-:n. O.i Monday A. A P.irmin, j 0.,3 Convent! n, coinpllinenl tirAnt and (lea Esq.. M of tlw Delegates from this District, j ,-y, eulogise Lawrence, thank tl.e soldiers and accompanied by several citizens ot our pla lift for tin Metropolis t.i attnl the Copper -bead C mvnti m on the 4t'i. Tlcy aluaill by all means visit Baxter Street and tho Poiuis If they hivo any curiosity to see Democratie strong-holds. But slioul 1 Mr. Puiman esay to speak his pi jcj he must he careful not t olTjnd tho "uns laped" as tlcy have au tin pleasant habit of tossin" brickbats in ste id of boqucts. We understand others of our D en ocratlc friends will, "if business mmmit, at tend the invention." Mil. John Huii-nn, President ol tho Hank ' vof Pittsburgh, says: "I had recently the ', pleasure of cximinging the working of the: Hanking Department ol the iron C ity College. nnd was suriirisct! at its thorough practical organ i.ati on. It is an important adjunct 1 1 a I Business College, and any young man wid he greatly benefited by going through it, no mat-! ter what his vocation may be." The course of study in this College is highly endorsed by the leading bankers of Pittsburg!; ; in will bo seen on examination of its circular ! copies of which Ciin be obtained by nd lress'me; tho Pri nciunls, Smith & Cowley, Pittsburgh, Pa, ErFKcrs of I.ioiiTsiso. The severe rair. nnd hail storm oflant Wcdnesdiiy was nccom pnnicd by sharp lightning and heavy reports of thunder. A locust tree was struck near Hook's mill nnd shorn ot its bark nnd branches A young lady in a hnuso near was prostrated ' senseless by tho sliock and the miller knocked ! from a burr upon which he was seated. j Mr. "Win." CurlnfCarrriichiiis, lest a fino : mro, valued, wabcUuvo, at 1J.1OO, by tht5c'.ec-, trie fluid, and a horso worth J-'0o belonging in the same family, was killed. "Win." had two races, one last Saturday nt Brownsvilb, and one at 0 ikland next Saturday, which tho death of his mare will prevent h!:n from win ning. Thk Pic-Uic Tho Temperance ric-nic to enmeoffon the Fourth tinder tlie auspices of the I. 0- ot G. T. have adopted the following programme: Tho S Jibath Schools and those outside who wish to participate, will meet nt he Court Home at niue and onu-ha! f o'clock a. u., and running will march to the Hall or the Good Templars who will join them r.nd swllh the National Brass Rand will proceed to the grovo whore tho pic nic is to be held. As many as can will provide themselves with basket of refreshments to be distributed among tlie children in addition to what tlie Committee on Refreshments may procure. At the grove music toasts nnd speeches, will ht In order. There will be a largo turnout if the day Is propitious. U. A. R. On the 'Uth Inst., a detail from Post 54, of Washington, Pa , established Post 185, of the Grand Army of the Republic at this placo. The organization begins under fayorable auspices and will Increase In numbers with ago. lt.li purely for the ad vancement of Soldiers In social and political circles, composed only of soldiers of good tandlng. The Immense good accomplished elsewhere and the great numbers belonging to this order will commend It to every honor ably discharged soldier or sailor in tho land mw ally. An election resulted la the following choice of officer P. C. Robert Adams ; 8. Vi C, Capt.'Wm. F. Scott i Junior V. C, H. A. -qioehart ; Adjt, L. K. Grim ; Q. M., Wm. - -O. D., J. H. Canon ; O. 0., A. A. miff " i I- b.:. Thk Masos Walk To-day one week a?o tltfc Masuule, fmtendty, consisting of the Lodge at tills place and detachments from those at Brownsville and Washington, celebrated the anniversary of St. John, llio Evangelist. The largest crowd of the season was present. At li o'clock a. M., t!ia 'procession formed at the Court House and ilea led by the National Brass 11 in J, of Wayousburg, marched to the Hall at tin east cnt.nf town and were there joined liy Yue Knight Templars and a Band of Music, from C'armi;lirc!s. Tne eilum:i parad ed our principal street, to fine nhs dhcourse 1 by the bauds and then proceeded It n grove neur town, known ns "Woriey's Wools," when th :y were a 1 lresse 1 by lt.'V. Wake lldld, I). 1)., of lh M. E. CliJich This ad dress Hill be published shortly in our columns and sh ill speak for itself. A'l-r 'he e.vrches in the woods th'j ass'.'in'il.ige reluniud and dispersed. During tho day there was much to bo seen some of which nik'lit be told. (J'lile a rivalry secnied to exist between the lnuniflatis of Hie two bands and after Dirade was dismissed each band played a lively air or I two on the street, both ncpiiMing themselves : ! well. The Natl ml 11. 11., in Hi ir new vel- vet caps of fie navy pattern, cut a dashing figure where th y moved in the cr m l They seeme 1 to be admired bv the lulu-a. The young men and I idles "IVom liis c:m:itrv" were out in fuvc in ,tlidr holiday snl,, find ice-cream and soda-water veud'ns gathered l uge proli's from pletlririe p icl.els. U is a pe;rcCl slll,,. t0 w,lt,.h ,he crowd as thev jos e ,,y ()r (in! uttuJ ia Rr,m.W) , tf .-s Itivs; ,licm9(.lv.-s to be elbowed ami pushed but nev. ofr,.rilll! lc) ste,, A iriarlctto of bl iom- . . )g m g.l;nng In hlg'i fjluo attract your attention. O.ie draws her band from her pocket and unrolling a bit of pap u- iliipl iys to hercoinp'ini 'in whit you Imigine isa felon or a s"'ere cut on tho hand. The fingers are salT.'on -lintod an 1 dic dored and e::c!i takes held wi'h the s .'emrig Intent of commis- -mling her misfortune when suddenly, ns if by conriv.m 1, to hands to mouths and you re liiz they are o ily ecj lyin : a quiet "dip" of Siitilf. "A'liat a fall was there I" Among the in ilcs Hit.! is a d a ) amount of "sharps" und "11 its" the li.st eiiily dis'.iiigiiished by their swaip'er atul the latier by the li ld ho lias on Sally's arm, or wal-.t. or hand, swinging caielessly along. K pvil'y silly and supetll-i-ous are the many niu l'lor-i and Augustus, but of al'. the ie tiling! we cannot and did not mean to speak. About li ill' past two a heavy "term ot'h-ii! and rain drenched earth nnd fent the crowd to "cover," as quick as ever did a pulf of smoke from an enemy's battery a fa tigue parte. S ion no appearand of activity presented i's-'ll'on IV s' recti, lint as the lain (vised feel cl itterel on the sijj walk and tho rattle of liars s ho )'s and wheels announced th departure. ).' dru'ilie'nness there was a number of of casta but no rows as a result. The Mayor was the recipient of numerous (alls during Ihe day by parties anxious to contribute their mite to sustain tho Commin wca'.i.h. About eighteen dollars were de posited In the pn'ili-; c intriouli m box by these generous sniU. Wouldn't it pay to have a jollilicuti m every other day? It wouldn't t ike long to icpi late the borough debt ? WipmvnTox t'orNrv. The IVptib'.ief.n .,.,, I ,,, ,,,.. no 'M m.l-.V nt W Wwli nnd Poor. S.im'1 Kellev : Auditor, Davi l H ut. I sailots, and pledge Washington county H-- pu'ilie.uis to supp ut the n nn'mations. lion. (iluh i A. Orow was present an 1 nude llicni a speech. The fii.'n-'.s of the Clintier's lioad were agai i in counsel at t'anoiir.bicg on the li'lh inst. ij vs, e.'.,ui me now lepoited sab scribed and still lln: good work goes on. Tiley want !j:!iin,(i(iii. Tiie editor ol tin ivpnrtrr, was wininl by j the Kit Klux lliat "lie i not safe after night 1" a short time since, lie seems to tliink ii his own business and is willing to ri,k it. "Tiilv ma. ;c her a grave too cold and damp Tor a s -ml so honest and true." II they h'o.l been wise, tlie dire necessity ot opening the crave for one s i lovely might have been nveited. Pl.int.ili in Bitters if timely used, are sure to rescue the yourg and lovely, the middlc-ngcd, nnd the ailing, from confirmed sickness Almost nil diseases have tluir bcgiulng in some si:iht dilllculty of the Stomacli, w hich would event nato in Dyspepsia, Headache, Uver Cuniplaints, T.'i.glit Sweats, Coinsuniption Death. Plantation Hitlers will prevent thes.i premoni'iry symptoms, and keep the blood pure and the health good. While they invigorate the system they cn : liven the mind. J ... l..i;..l.,r.,l i.,ilui ..it clJs-supeii.ir to Cologne anlfut hall llie pi ice . , JcSTo.:sei..-A new an.' complete stock of Hoots nnd Nice., at JI. C. & II. Eell's (.jR.a,, 8.,mii ftiyerf corner, Waynesburg. Among their stock will be found all the Spring Styles, direct from the manufacturers, selected by 31. C. nd! expressly for this market. IsTr.nTTtoricn fra;rnnco llses in invisible clouds the moment ihit n. -bnttlo of Plmlo'.i'a 1'lor de Xliyo," the new perfume for the '"'rei,iei, u openeu ; cne ting.i crop scents a iiaiuiiicietnoi. siw oy nil iirug gists. Tint tra-ie of Fordyce & Sin nt .TuflerRon Is radii il'y Increasing and tho reason U their cuall)mm tmj nl.;lVs sure cf iretiisis cood g()(1(l9 mi lmTe no troublB t0 bt,.. lhcm 3t a fair price. Tim Notrnul Sehool is well provided witli facilities for preparing teachers. It lias a su perior set ot aim mints. Text Bioksin tho common brauchea are furuuheJ free. Tiik Gumiois F.it-iiTii. Thos wisliinj to celebrate tlia day rightly gliould first buy them a good suit of clothes nt Frank McGar gnn's. - Wb advise all young poople who Intend go tut; from homo to school, to go to the Stato Normal School at Edlnboro. It U cheap, thorough and practical. Home Auxin 1 Uuihcr is proud to declare that be has the nicest stock of Summer Goods you tvor "went anv place !" Is-rriAi. Taper put up In neat boxes of one quire each with envelopes to match at Day's llook Store. ' Thbrk thousand pound of pure White Lead for tale at Q. VV. Roberta, Drug Store. Sunday School Books, all kinds, for salo at ruliltahers prices at Day'a Book Store. . Pirbctobt. Frank McGurgan keeps the latest style or all goods. Ai.i.ks'3, Barrett's and Hall's Hair Restora tives Bold at 0. W. Roberts' Drug Store. Wrappiso l'aper all sizes at Lewis Day's Book ttoro. Tobv.co Antidote destioya all taste for to bacco for sale at G. W. 11 iberU' Drug Store. Uiijm.MPs's patent, quarter Oxford ties, at M C. & II. Bell's, very cl eap for cash ! Maryland Snow While Lime sold at 0. W. Roberts' Drug Store. Bariii-.tt's Hair Restorative whole sale and retail at Bladen's Dril" Si are- Am. ofDr Hnrgenls Medicine sold at Bra den's Drug Store Waynesburg, Pa. A kkw supply of Wall Paper Just received tit Iwls Day's Book Store. Virmsii and Brushes of all kinds for sa'e at I 0. W. Roberts Drug Store. Nkw Books received every week at Lewis Dav's Book S'oro. I'ahmi-i.s iu want ol Urnla Cradles call soon4i)jc )t;oll3 j0 tj0 0f tie coln lit T. tirade u's Hardware Store. 'l1 I. l....n II I Cam. and get a bottle of Alien's Hair Re storer at linden's I)-ug Store. Am. kinds of Ilnrd-wnte in store nnd for s ilo at T. lliaden's Hard ware Storu. I'I'I.ti:iikhs filen 1 or chicken 1'iwdor'j for sale at II. W. Huberts' Drug Store. Blank Note Hooks best form now In use nt Lewis Day's B nik Store. Wi.vnnw Glass of all sizes fur S ile at 0. W. It ibcrls' Drui Store. WiiKi.i.is-o n ills all iz -s Hie best In use For sale at T. ltradcn's Il ird'iaro store. Sn:w aht's Cli inipioti salvo wholesale nnd ret ill by D- W. Bradeii agent for Cireene Co. A i-uiciK stock of Drugs just received at Braden's Drug store. Prir: Unseed Oil add at 0. W. Huberts' Drug Store. dvvid. A D A M s DUN I. A P On the Uth of dune, tsi-,8, by A. .1. llincrmam, Ksq., Mr Wash ington Adams and Mi's Mirgarct Dunlip, both of Maish iH'o. V. Va. HOSS-IIASIH-LL-May 17, W by ths iiev. ('. Tillon. Mr. lleniitnln Boss, and Mies Nancy llnshcll, botii of Urceno co., KINCAin -i;i'F.IIAl?T--Miy 27, tsi'.S, by the same. .Mr J lines Kincaid and Miss Abi gail Uinchart, both of Urecne co., Pa1 U.lsON SANDKIt- June 14. ISiss. bv tho fame, Mr. AHmrt O Wilson to Miss I.iviula A. Sanders, both of Washington co., Pa. MIf.Id'.H Sundav the '.'Htbdny of June, 1Ki;s, l.itlle "Mav," dauuliter of iiev. A. B. and Mrs M. K. H. Miller, of Waynesburg. AgOll SlMei.il HlOlllbS. As in a whocl, all sinks to rcasceud, Kuibleuis of man, who pisses, not expires." Mi'XAY On the nth day ot June. A. D.. IsOS .'-Ins 11. It .Me.N iv, in tlie jIIIi year ol her ajo. w a y v n n m et. W,vvM;sm;ii(i, June , ifvl Currci.'ted Wvfkly for th I.KiTiirjcA.v. rilODUOK. Ibittcrffresh roll,) h., l-'.LlS fl doz p., , l,h l.ui-,1 ' I'' i.;l,1!JJ'rvM!'Vp'';ri!!!l"."!i;!!r. Plied Applet V la I l.ld'Il AND (il'.AIX. Klnur T bid Wheal Y bush i:ei '.' I '. ..I I.Vil .' '. PI I le live e leisii . ,-,- ., i,US, ! l'"r" M,"al ,m'ih- ! ourec ? it. ui;oci:i:ik. 2SS.H1 1 so Veil V I''., llro A-ii s-nuar tl Ilelliied Siitfnr "rl It. Svrup'fi Kill )lnl.in (X. Orleans,).. Sorghum Y Hid Sail c bbl (.( ice's I' inn 1 3 r:Ti'siirKuu yi iiiurrs. HA'l'V roay. June 27. lifls. It Isnow ipiltecvldent tbnt there will be no Kenernl revival ill biisinenH until the le'W cereal eroim bejlill to Illuve. 1'lolir has been miMlere tlvely netivc, but the liiiiiiy eonllniMl to miinll lots, 'i be provir.len nmrl; t Is quiet nnd un ertn!ii;e'.l. (!niln nr Kcnerlly dull and ilrnop Iict. There lsa nio'lcraie tuqiilry for giocerle.s In famuli lot. We quote ns follows, v.'hi eh are the wholesale prices : c:;aix and n.our.. Wheal. Te'in'ii. and Ohio, Winter Red : live r busti lli'.ls ,S blls'i VS2 SO 1 (si ""i.r -seo Iu:'., lih 10(Vi.llir,ll 11 00 .ill 30 Ki .. 1.20 G.oea,?,, o 18 1 20 2127 " m s 7.) Corn V Inisli sprinK Client Hour Inter Wbeut l-WOVISIOSS. Shoulders Sllilill Ctul'ed llltlliM Ijlld Potatoes, V bush Apples jl bbl Feu'H Y- doi - .... Unite i' Sl'.I'.IiS. Clover Seed Timothy Seed Flux Heed IT.XXA. t'KSVMAI. STOIK riTrsnuKOti, June ir, ls6. Cattle The supply of cuttle tbid week wan larjtii, while the nali exited any week for tho past thres months. Prices, however, wore a nhiido below last week. Buyers were on hand and took hold liberally. There were several eastern buyers on hand. Tlio extreme prlein this week were 1 .Viy.S 12 nxalnst ft 7."i?S(.2 for " , . ' .. ' , . ...,i,. , the previous wee'.c. Al the closo a number or lots rem lined In pens. Amoiuthem weresoniH line Kentucky stock that were Intended for the Kastern market, nnd will be torwarded. Forty eltr loads of cattle were forwarded Foist. We no- j Heed Ihe nrrlval of Severn! lota from Orecno and Knyetto eountles. Biief.p The market may be termed an active one. rrlcrs naveaeeuneii oneaonarann iwea- ty-nve rents since the date of our last review. At the close a great many remained unsoiu. lions Tlie market waaan active one. The ales were largo at an advance of fl s hun dred. Tho sulci woro principally on exstorn account. , M !- The New York "Tribune" of the 27th has tho following: The arrivulB of new-clip Western Fleece continue fair j very little doing-the old stork goes off slowly all grades am dull, and the market somewhat heavy; byers look tor a decline; manufacturer only operate In a pri vate way. Foreign Wool Is dull and prleea nom inal. We quote aa follow! Domestic Fleece at M4M70. for Native and K Merino, 40610. for K and do., MASS for full-blooded Merino, and SMteo for Raxongr OMcee ; 8017 for No. 1 Pulled. 134.4 fiw Duptrftne do., and 13 tt for Extra da jrr.w toiik nav ttoocn market. New York, June 27. l'ry Goods with tlm xtoppniie of one-fourth of cotton maeliincry of the east, prices arc on tho rise In sympathy with the raw materiel. Standard Brown Hheet Imp are In reduced supply and firm at I7!.l8n for ben make, and second ut IStlTe. Fine Sheetlnus, like Atlantie lmve advancpd to lHe, and Hhlrtlinpi like the V hnind of the same make to IV. .Most of Hie IlKht stylos of printed lalleoes and Ivlnlnes have been entirely clused out ut the reeent low prices, and In a week or f.irtnlKbt darker styles will be put upon the market at u mil -h blaher rate. Vr. It'iini from psehanges tlmt work will bn iiiiiiiedialoly resumed en tlio ConiiplUville Kailroad. An enineor onrps goes into tho field this week lor tlio juiriso of re.sutt.iiig tho stakes, Ac, along tlm line. The cuntractor at the Sand Patch Tunnel has been instruct ed to resume, work at onee, and forty miles, comprising the licnvtMt seetions liftwecn tin; Tunnel andQ)nncllsville will he let to contract, as soon as prop er notice inviting proposals can lie ad vertised, and bids examined. Heavy . . .. panv are lieing mailent Ji:illini(i-p,mnl at other points along tlio line, and in n few days till the money necessary to in Htiro the completion ot the load within twenty months will have been obtained. The machinations of the l'etina. Cen tral, and Fort Wayne and Chicago have coma to naught, and within two years, a through line from lirotnen to (', j,..,e, mid the far west, via JJalti- more, and Pittsburg, will be an ac complished fact. pcfial Notice! f)-iihl to MiirrlaK?. Tmnitf Jlfii' GuMv tj Ilnpl'V Iurrim iiml OmjiiKul Feliei ly, Thu huiit.tim views tf beituvoliMit I'liysU riims, on t!u l-:rr'i?j an'i n'jusi-s Incitlenl to Vouiluuwl early ManhouiJ, sent In sen led Mter envelnpes, fn-n of chnnu Aillrt'ss HOWAlll) " lATION-, liox T., rhllu.U:l)hln, 1M. .Iunc 17,'HS-ly nocNTY statkmi:n r. 1) James V. Kelly in nci Townslilp, I'npliettte No. 2 outit with Jemo-soll To ninount levied.. To HllloUlll received ..ST1 -IU ,.. Ila'i lai ublLi'iptiull.. JT7TII -10 ... 7Uk S Cr. by vnuehcrs pvoilueed.... Ill collector's lintnls IU M.li ATfl.NU. a. Tontnoiint tevle.l ItV VnUelni-l pVUilllL't:'.!.... ....SHIS7 on UM7 iw Johnson W'nyeofl In eeeuunt with Jetrerson tov,'n:.blp. llilpll'-:ite No. 4. To amount le i,-tl 2tv r,s Toiiliioiiul of Vii'eoirs subseiiptl'Jli lmi (Kl Ity vouchers produced. ., ... 'iTI I I". Ill eolleetor'M Imnds ci We Ihe uiclerslifiif.it Aiclilovs eertirytbe above to be eorrcet uccordlnv to the pullers lllld vouebers prixtur'ed. vt. i'. Hfirrr, ) VM. K. ItKYNOl.tiM. Auditors. IS.VAi; HANIilll.l'ir.) DMlNISfilATOHS SALK. ttv an order nffbe rVHiiiofiiieeiioColinly, tlio IllHIei'sluneo AOIllllllKli-nlDtN ol (lie -mioc ol 'Dioiiiiih A 1 1 tree, deed., will oili-i-for fale, oil the premises, ai Ulee's l.ioi'lln, (ji-ccne eo., I'u., un HA'l'l" 1'UA Y, T!I F. lsTU PAY (!' Jfl.Y, , i0-,.. It, n. ni.,(ii' tmt snl'i ln-foni !ty prlvittn nab ,, lie wMiiiniH fir itic loiiiiM niu 'h-scniri'ii ptilii'ty, viz: Out ti'ttt't ii lHii-l i. nii itliiuiu ittiout 6j1' liucrcs, uu m hicUui'nuri cli'il out: iitrif TWO STOIiY FHAME PWI'I-UNU, One are tciiic, oic saw mill fi-Aineood per- inaoent rtMiiolotii.ii. iin-l u-.-ll i led. with yiMl eidiiiic-y slueu. T tie niw mill Is larue and new. met well taleiUao-l lor boili Shu- and I'luoiiiu .Mill. There will iiUu be ottered one LXGINK ANDHOlI.r.H. The above mentioned pteiiertv will be offered I 111 mi s or as H wnoie, lis iney Reelll iii-mi inr ine -I' esta'.e.ell on. lUMlle. It is Mtuuteoll tlie Moti le j nnt'itbeU river, about twelve liiiles above si llrmvnsvme. Pi rson wlsbinir aood town one 'a ei-ty ul- , (.'ood loetit toll l" ir n Saw .Mill or I'ln n in: '- At 01. til' lull I. Won d HO We t to I'll lllld I'XIIIII Cs : hie. Ave IblllU tlley will litotiolltico Ibis one of (i I flic best Iraincs on the river. . TERMS OF SALE: One-lintf on e,nni-tiictb n nf sale, mie-hiilf In three inont lis llieii'iiller, will, int. -rest I'l'ulil eiill lil'ltllltioli, hen ileed will lie linide. Ar-I'lie leniainlllK olle-lldld is lor Mule, nni may la: idl'ci'ed uu tile same d:iv to- ibe owner. !. N. ('M'-Y. I.OL IHA Al.r.KKKK. June 17-lt AiLiiiinlstrittoiH. )L'15I.IC OTK'li. Li' I mi ! A the firm of IU'(iIli:ri i Td'CAS Is dissolved 'JA I by llllltli.ll consent, th.' I 'otittlliiedou business 1-iiwill still be iiii ried on ut tlie old stiuid.lli ic! ot'd'-r, iin-l on Ihe most rensolietile terillrt, ill the inline and slyle of L. lll.'UlllvS CO., (senior I plirilier.l TbeV tliltter I IC'lllM'lVl s, bv biivlntt tne House and the b st Ioe"itioli 111 Ibe pbl'e lor Unit business, that they w dl hkckive ii liberal uhpreot tne leiulie palronaco. yhey ul :.!m, keep a k...kI supply of ("II!0''EH I l-.s mi hand to accommodate all who may favor Iht'in witli n call. KlirnilKS fO.. l;l'J-tf. Kiee'H ImdliiK, I'u. ECITOK'S NOTICE. Trttors tfstiunntarv having lioon cmnttHl to th niKt'Tsicncil nn tii' -"inf of .Uim ltl of Morjt in t dccM, ti'ili'1 i horelty i vii ton 1 1 p';uiifi liirt(htcl to ml eUlf to milk htimf'liute piyincnt, nnti thou hnvint; olnlm ii'itliiHt it ip km in to iin-ufnt them jTopt-rly uu tlH'nilfut'Ml f'ir HctlU'tnciit. ; rs Juno -7,(tS-iit EXEC XECUTORS NOTICE. l.tt-rs tentamcntarv having lieen ffrnntrd to the liiiderslaued on Hie e.stite of Amoi Knoch, late ol Marion townsiiip. tlreene eount.V, iIiHi'd,, not lee Is berehy uiven to Hit iwrioll llldebtwl to said estate to make Immediate payment und Heme huvinif claims eui list tliHuaniH, to present thini duly allt hem baled l,,r sell l.ineot. JO.NAS KM". June X 'fts-flt. Kxeeulor. QCR NEW CHART FOrt THE i. PIIPIDEXTIAL CAPAIGX ! IS NOW HEADY, Olvinir the best of Likenesses of GRANT AND COLFAX,. Sketches ol their livi-s, tbe Platform, Letters of iM-eeptilliee, Purtniits of nil tlie l'i eshlt-nts 1 iweeptimee, PortmiU of all the Picslilfnll , d min-h Mntistlcnl .Matter relating to prevl Otis Presidential Klis'limis. J-A K.iod aent wanted in this ennntv. Address It. H. LLOYD Hi).. Publishers. Juue 27-it 21 John Street, New York. pAIXma GLAZINii. J. V. SJIAIXET, HOUSE PA I.N TER, GRAIXER, GLAZIER AND PAPER HANGER, Shop, on Sfeehanles' Mow, opposite the M. E. Churub, Wuynesbuig, Pa. S-MATFRIaL FURXISHEDi If required, at Pltisburgh Price. npl,'8S-8m. J. W. BMAiXET. ILUNERY HHOP. MRS. CAROLINE EDMISTby, .. Can he found at her old stand wft nd of town, till earrylna on the .Millinery business. All kind or good In thu Un can b purchased her Jan iSM-U. UKDK H! ' over tub left. Miilorltvof those who read nevnnfinArfl. tiovttr evt'U (jlvtj a hwty lnintt nhiiHlneniiMilvertlst)- inuui hiiu ii a MAN Aftiinllv lini m flmlrA vnrlotv nf irrvwla thlr1i he' ta whittle nt the VERY U)tVEHT prlconthiit can bo u!lrii'il, it liurdly pnys him to publish in mot. inert' roro we nava FOUND II bet tisitni)lv invltit evervtKHlv to rail and HXKintiiH our Hi'M'k and prions hwuro purclmltiK elscwhorc, und miy lint Utile In rruiu-d to our uhllity and dt'lvriulnutlun to uiuke itaUvantu Ufuutj lv t iKMte w ho are not DEAD Tollielrnwn lnttnd toliuy thplrfimilicM, Nuts liaisons, urocertes ana uvcryuniig Thoflrorpryllnpo. II. A. Rlnohnrl In I,MwtLh' old building, opptwlto the publicfujuare, WAYNESBURG. A F E S II 8 1TPIV JUST RECEIVED AND rim SALK AT TIIK L O W lOiWdf. EST PRICES J) E A I) AN D K NO W - QL'KK SALES AND SHORT PROFITS 1 IMMKNSK STur-K OF FREMIf OllOl.'KRtES AND I'ltl) VISIONS Conslantly arriving nt the Store of JOHN MUNXELL, tVAYNF-SUUIlU, PA. Coiislstliut, In part, of tlllllCKtllK-t, C'O.N'KKI'riONAniKH, TUIIAIVO, isuuAnH, e.M:Fi', fltACKFIt", CIIKIISK, MOLASSJI;.-, C'AIinoN OIL, KIS1I, HACON, ite., e., 4c, In Hddltlon to the above, a full stock uf NOTIONS, HARDWARE, SPECTACLES', POCKET KNIVES and thotisnnds of other artlelns, whleli uro be ing sold as low us thu T I M E 8 WIL L P E H MIT! C O M i: A N I) Ii U V. JOHN" MCNNF.LL. ll:i:itf. Xlotliinij. A HOY! ALOFT! S T A X 1) B Y, A L L ! TO HUE THK O it AND OI'KNI.N'O OK sl I' II INC. A SUM M Ell CI.OTII I N( i Jl'ST HF.(.i:iVKI) BY A . J . SO W E II S PRESS SUITS AND r,USINESS SUITS, llenutirul asuorlment of Cloths, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOOD?, SniRTS READY-MADE, New Styles for (Kent's Neck Dress Ncarfs, Fine 1- renen t igurca I'ercuio eniristi.,oiiurdi uuns. THE PECLtXr: IN PRICES enable him to sell ut fabulous low rules, full suits of excel lent lexiiir-. can be bad at one half former cost.- toine and get the oesl whllo It la going, WONT BE UNDERSOLD IN WAYNESRURO ROOM IN ALLISON'S r.UII.MXf), OPPOSITE TUB (,UL'lll' MOLHK. np 15,'0s-:tm. STANDARD WORK. A Dictionary or Ttir Rihlr. Comprlsln? It AntlMiillies, llloizraphy. licsfranhy an'l Xit- tunil History, with numerous Illustration so. I Maps. tlit.Kl by William Hmltli, 1. 1,. I. l'ubllsliLHi by McaiM. J. 11. Iiurr A Co., Hart ford, Ul. Tills work Is a timely response to a wlde sprendiind undent necessity of nil lilble reader. Uelngthe only American Edition of the only nbrldmilent hv tlicautlior'own band of Ills vo luimu'iiis Dictlonnry, which l too costly for the eoiiinioli purse It Is at onee the only perfectly reliable and practical one, containing all IMnl the general reader and student can wish, me publlshen have In this given th pnbllc a vol ume of which they may yell toe pniud. It I standard work, commends Itself to all who ex amine It, and should bo found In every fiolty. lie careful to net this edition, If you would have (be meat reliable dictionary al the meet rcoton able price. It Is sold by subscription only. Anenti hoiHd addre tlie publishers at one. JunaKMio TTENTIO MECHANICS I Healed proposal will tie receUed for three week from dste,for th building of a Store Room nd dwelling hnoe. on Main SI.,Wayne bum. For dlmrnslon and tyleof building en- nulraat theofnoa oEoulr Webb. q junlT-3l FBAKK MeOClKJaW. M Pittsburgh m mat COIt. PESN AND BT. CIAIR 8TKEET3, I'MTSBURGII, PA. The targe!, Cheapest and most Succtssful ritACriCAL BUSINESS COLLEGE IN THE UNItrD STATES. OYEIl FIFTEEN THOUSAND STUDENTS FROM THIRTY-THREE STATK8 IS TEN YEARS. FOR LAI10E QUARTO CIRCULAR, C'ontnlnliiK full tuformntlon. Outline of Courso UI HtUtly, HlllllllleH of Cuwlky i PREMIUM PEXJIAXSIII P, View of Ilm TolleeA liiilldlny'.'illirerent d. imrtinptitH, t'lly of rittxburirli, Ac., c. mldress the J'iiiiel.nb, H.MIIlt ( liW l.EY. up I, lis-ly 1'ltlnburgli, l'rt. PAILEY, FARIIELI. & CO. b LEAD PIPE, SIIRET AND BAR LEAD MANUFAClX'KEltd, ALSO I'lp Lead, Iron I'lpe, Rubber I lose, Steam Onuses, Whistles nnd Valves, iron and Copper sinks A llalh Tubs, steam rumps, Farm Pumps und rureu rumps, auu EVERY DESCRIPTION OFGOODS FOR WATER, GAS AND STEAM. NO. 107 RMITIIFIELD STREET, prrrsiiUHoii, v.. np M,'(W-ly-Sa Pend for a Price List. p U R N 1 T U H E ! J. W. WOODWELL & SONS, 5IANUFACTUREH3 AND WHOLESALE AND HF.TAIL DEALERS! IN m V U K N I T U 11 E ! OF CVEIIY DESCRIPTION, 97 & M Third St., 8: My. rrrrsnuito, penn'a. A NDERSOX, PENOLD & CAHS'IN HAVK MKMOVED TURIU WELL KNOWN MERCHANT TAILOR INO i 1" ST A R L I S II M V V T ' TO VI ST. ( LAIR STREET, Twod-Kirs from tbolrold room. 0:l,'llly. J 1 A R K E R & Yf A 8 E L T I N E T no. 13 riKTii sihk:t, P IT T S II f It (I H , I'M N .V ' A . K.WCT ALTl'IIKRS AND 1U:AI.K:1 IK riCTniE AND PHOTOORAI'H FRAMES OK At. I, KINDS. OF.sr.WOOD. GILT 4 WALNUT MOULDINGS, PICTl'ltCS, STPIIROSJCOPKa ANP VIKWS. -Glldlngnnd Ro-gilillng to Order. .1;l,W-ly .1. S. Xkwmvth. president. G. H. ANliKllSn.N, J. SIIAI.I.KMIKMOFU, Secretary. .Superititeiideut, rp WIN CITY SLATE MINING MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Manufacture and Deul In every variety of ROOFING SLATE, OF Hri'KKIOK QUALITY. GK.NERAI, OITICE NO, 43, 7TH fiT., nrmmTuin, r.. Tor pnrlli'ulnran'lprlfvs, ntl'lrfs J. S. NEW MYEII, Trcst. np K,CR-Cm pTcFnem an, MEY K AASfrElDU; it No 12 riflli fttrmt, mr door from Wood, l'lTTSIIL'IKJII, Tam vnor.Ks.r.r: and hktail deai.f.iw jn Ff nn .Towrlry, Vfitr)iPd, IMnmoiHts, I'urc Mllvrr Wnrr, l'liii'l VHril'?vi.r,v Uwrlptlon, Korks, atfii niakcrf tr., Ait! ncir-y oft). C'KI.KHItATKD AMKKICAN WATCHP;.S. We nNo krrp tlm InrgtiHt nirl ntot vrir.l nt rvrtriifnt of the vi-ry IxHt AnuTlran Marl? Clocks, to t3 f.uiil In Hny oity e-t or west. F''roin In wnni of ntiy nrtlrlo In uiir linn, elth'Tftt whMnp or inr thflrown uko, will alwayi tiii'l our prlr' iower uiiilniirnsnor(rnr!iit lnrtr than nny to be found west ot N;w Vorli City. WATCH H F.VA IK I NO To thin hntnoh nf onr trwk fbelnif onrae.veii prurticnl wntch-mnlc-eri.jWM py v:iy special attttnUon. V t-ta-pluv u force of tlie very het Arllntn Iti tho country, unl unyHn'tnll flap del lento nnd uinicnlt work entriMt-d to our tare, fur the trade or tndlvlrinftl. ' may rely on getting uatii faction. Work mar Tie pent exprenn or otherwiiiP. RKINKMAN. AltVRAN A SKIM.r;, Whoknule ik rettitl ,rew(len A HIIventinitli. Fifth .ti-tet, ritUhurKh, l iu np 29,'eS-ly mo KAHMERS AD OTHERS. . A rok1 Atrenl wnntefl In every townhlp of inift L'oiuuy hi nen neffoiiN Atiitauie Dtvth 4 hnrnt the hni hntler !nikr now m:iiiufnetnred. We do not promise fiihtiloiiM nulHrit-H Ui our nifenlM, but no rHnte jt'kkI waned to i(ood nidi. We re minion to hnve this Chum tntnulured.nnd tothlwend will nnike favoruhlu urranuvinents with early applicant. Addrt'H 'iIIS. II. BIMillAM Jii J;4-ly 3JPenn Ht., I'lttabursh, To. pLVSTIC SLATE UOOFINai The firm of ODIIKUT 1 JONF-S will furnisli tlie PKOTERTY HOLDERS! of Orccne county, with the PLASTIC BLATB-nOOFIJiG! InlrrMliircrl last Summer, and n highly rcom uetleil ly thime who lmve trlcil it. .AI1 onleni Lift with U W. Jonea, Waynes burg. l'a.. will receive uminnt aitenllnn. I OIlBKHTA.IO.NFJ. il;11-in of Wai-lilniilon (Joiinly, Pa. Jous llUOUE... . TeoMAa Lccas. T. LCCASACO. rsawAKDwo ahd coraisaioK cHari. Anrlrlealer in Onwriea, Ranlwara, Laather Hhofi Flndlnf, Iron, Nail, Hall, Flh, Ac. Alw acenlaair Aubrey, Oromlow Cooo'a Window Kauri. Anpply kent constantly on handa. Rlna'a LAO(llara.,ataovUBCi. -tr MILES OK TUB UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Are now finished and In operation. Blxtsaaila ' of ths track have been laid this aprlng, and the , work ulonit the whole Hue between the Atlantie and Pacific States 1 being pushed forward mora rapidly than ever before. More than twenty thousand men are employed, and It la not tan-. possible that the entire track, from Omaha to Sacramento, will be finished In lsW tntea4 1S70. Tho moans provided a-e ample, and all that energy, men and money ean do to aaeor tlie completion of tills GREAT NATIONAL WORK, ' nt the cnrllcit possible day, will be dona. The UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMTAHT receive : ... i a I.-A GOVERNMENT GRANT of the right of. way, and all necessary timber and other mate rials found along the line of Its operations. , , It.-A GOVERNMENT GRANT of lJ.OWaora , of land to tho mile, taken In alternate aeetlon on each sldo of Its road. This Is an abaoluta do- nation, nnd will bo n source of large revenue ta Die future. . . ,. ; III. -A GOVERNMENT GRANT of TJnlled . B(atm Thirty-year Bonds, amonntlug to from . $1U,ikk) to ?iS,(K)(i per mile, according to the dim- . eultles to besnrmouiited on tlie various section , to be built. The Government takea a second mortgage a security, and It I expected that not -only the Interest, but the principal amount may . tie paid In services rendered by the Company 1 transporting truops, mulls, Ae. The Interest ! no more than paid In till way, beside eocnr- Ingn great saving In time and money to the Government. IV. -A GOVERNMENT GRANT of the rljfht ', tolssue Its own FIRST MORTGAGE HONDA, to al l In bulldliiK Din road, to tho same amount aa the y. S.llnnds, Issued for Ihesamepurpo! . so Moms. Tim Govkunmkut Pi!RMrra.tliTnu , tees forthe First Morleano llondliolders totjelit- j er the Ponds to the Company only as the road'., Is completed, nnd nfler It has boon examined by United States Commissioners and pronounced to be In all respects a llrst-otas Railroad, laic with a heavy Trail, and completely .supplied with depots, stntlons, turuouts, car-sbopa, loao' motives, cars, Ac, V. -A CAl'ITALSTOCK fiUnSCRIPTtONfTora thostuekholders, of wlilell OVKn F.IOHT MtLUoa . Doi i.aiis hnve been paid In upon ths work al- . ready done, and which will be Inctcaaed aa th wants of the Company require. VI. -NETCASsII EAJlNINGSon It Way Boa- ' Iness, that already amount to Hons thai th interest nn the First Mortgage Bonds. Them, earnliies are no Indication of the vaat thronifb', (runic that must follow the opening of Ul Una to tho I'neltle, but they certainly prov th FIRST MORTGAGE BOND3 mch ,,roporty' enfiting nwly tbrMtfrnH AIIKSIXUHE BEYOND ANYCONTINOKNCT. The Union rartflo Ponds ara for tifiHt each and have eimpon attachod. Thy bav thirty years to run, nni bear annual Inter cut, imyiible on tho rtrnt ilays of January and July nt tho Company's Office In the City of Nw York, at tho rato of six per oont. In gold. Th Principalis payable In gold at maturity. Th price In loa, aiulut the present rata of gold, thaaaV bfimU pay n Ulierul Income on their oont. The Company believe that these Bond, at th prcHcnt rale nre the cheapest secnrlfy In tha ( iniirliet, nnd reserve the right to advanoa tba price at anytime. , . rartlcH sulmeriblng will romlt the par valuaof tliebiii'l-i nii'l the accrued Intoreat tncurranoy at the rntoof Hlx p.T cent, per annum, from tb datnoii which the laat coupon waa paid. Anb- crlptlona will bo r.woive.l In WaynoHbanc Pa., IIY THKrir.HT NATIONAL BANK. In New York .rTHECOMl,ANY-OFFICE, Xauau St' and hy , , JdllN J.Crst.'O A HON, Banker, SB Wall St, And by the Company's Advertising Agent throughout the United State. IlimlMenceSKhoiild bo made In draft or other fund par In New York, and the Bonds will ba sent Iron of cliarxo by return expres. Partial ' suliHcrllilii through local agents, will look to' them for thnlrnafe delivery, A I'AMPHi.KT AND .MAP for ISM tiM jnt linen publlHhcd hy the Company, giving fuller Information than Is poenlble In an ad vert bw ment, respecting the progrim of tha work, tha resource of the conn try travnrand by tha Road tho means for eonitruotlon, and the value of to' li'imli, which will , he sent free on applleatlon1 at the Company's ofllce or toany.of tha adTr Used n(rentn. JOIITj! CIHCO, Treasurer, Now. To. June J. 'US-lf. r!IE WORLD RENOWNED1 SINGER SEWING MACHINE. OUR NEW FAMILY MACHINE. II; i been ovt-r Iwoyeani In pre para Uon, and wlii' li Imh broiiulttUi p'rfection regardloM nf tiine, lalKir or expt-nw, and Is now eon Aden t Ty pr-s-nled to the jxibtio iu Incomparably tli b'tt He wine Maehlne In exUteucn. TIh' MhoIihim in o.net ion U dimple, compftot. dunible nnd tMmtiful. It is quiet, light rannlng aiid eiitmblH of periormiiiK n range and variety oi work never before Attempted upon tnala Miiehlne uslnii cither 8ilk. Twist, Linen or Cot-l-n Tlirfud.an'luewlna with e-iual facility th verv llneHtand eoarHeHt materials, and anythlnt between tho two extremes, h tho moat beautiful and itubHlantial maimer. It attachment fof Heinmlntf, IlrMdlnff, Cordlnttr, TuekluR, Qullt lni;. Kellinsmmiriinff, Itlndlng, aw., are Norval and Praeileal. and have ben lnveuUnl anil aul' Jnftd especially forth I a Maehlna. vvt (UHit'riH oi me tungae, usemi ana popular folding tojM and cabinet t m peeuliar to th' Ma'hlnea manufactured by thl Company bav b -en prepared tor enclosing the new Mtwhlno. Theenm gotten np In every variety of wood, such aa IT luck Walnut, Mnnognny, Tlonewood. and thUUe, and from the plainest to tha moat elatoi-ate pHttfrn nnd ifniih th Maeh4nea thrmHelveft lelns more or lesa highly ornament ed.tororreHpoud with tho Table or CobUivtr ioi which they ure intended. A few re?ion whr f'lNOKR'S latest Imnrwi edHKvrN4MAf HIXEHare the beat for Fonv llv and General Ini poxea. Int. Yon can new anything from the flnftUaln gle thlcknt-HH of Hwiart or 'aniook to wvaral thlcknewaevof tn iieHVlMt Heaver cloth, tiainc nnrktnd ornlrc of thread with equal fori I Hy,' from No. (. ottou up to the heovieat patent or Jjlnen thread. and nittketf the popular Lock Stitch alike on both Ifiefl. :m. It hnn nneven neir-arthwting tension whleh1 re jtitrcft no ehnnge k t UIlIiTent Ihli-kneaaaa ot inntiTial or di Hp rent m of thread. 41 h. It la free from all sDrtnm. wirea and nt)iar' complications, and la al inont nolnelwia. filh. No threuda to hold or wheel a to turn In Starting. liin. it ioea not nave to m taken apart to olr and clean it. 7i it. It haaa perfect rert wheretvr yon ean mw the Unent material without having to keepyoar work slnthed to prevent ita 'Yurkerlnay and yrrti never have to awdat the work tarouah aa lm all other mavhinea. Mtt. It will hem any width, sew a straight aenm. ormalre a ell In the moat perfect manner with less nKiii tnan in reqmreu to tow a BiajXit imm on anyotnermaenine. It attachment for KrolfUng, Cord Inc. f wl V lng. Binding, Turk! no, c,t arenoreland prod' ' tie), and reniilra but little nklil to nao them. Careful instruction given at the hoo.ee of tW pnrrhfter. Money refnnded If tha machines ara not aa1 repreaented. - Every maehlnA warranted and kept (n repair three jean without charga. 7 H. P. rNCAPHKR. Agent for Greene Coo nay. fcl-ff. Waynasbnrg, Informatleit. Information nsmi produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon head or hen. rule ian alwa rralpaitar tha moval of Ftmuiea, Blotch, Crupuon. ata., a ' the akin, leavln the ame not, clear, ana Man.' tlful, ean be obtained wttbmtt otisnn w aaV. dreenlna THOSJ. K.CHtTVAM, rtni avV'JMyehfr.lS Ka Broadway lrw TJV G40 7 Vi .