tm 'he ajmesburcj epiibUcan, Bcbncsba 3itnc 24, 1808. 1 L ill II' "I il'l I noture I A Hi rp W. R0S3, rBTSICUN AND CKOfOX. Offics In Jewell's building. West end of Main St. Vi ayneaburg. 4;l: -tf. F. A. BALL, , Dealer In ftry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, AT Mi.COY'8 OIJ) STAND, Greensboro. Fa. J O. OF 0. F. ' " ' WAY.NESBURU LODGE, NO. . i. ' ' ' 4 ' Trail in Ganear's Building. east Main StmeL , W ayneaburg, I. Time, Tuesday evening, each " an. r 0OF O. F. HOSII1MKA LODGE, NO. 868. .Ball In Oanenr's Building, East Muln Street, w ayneaburg, ra. Tluie, Saturday evening, each dh. QEO. a JEFFEUY, NOTARY rVBLIC. All business pcrtalnln to the office attended to promptly. Omt; with p. & A. Telegraph CO., .mu ... bite: t.utll 1, IlUltflt.'. MayJ6; 'tW-ly. . E. M. SAYERS, ' ATTOn.SKT a.m CO0SSKI.O1 AT LAW. 'Inaddrtlon to other hnslncs will attend to all .caaea In Bnnlcruptey thut may beoiitrusted to hia care. OlUee, opposite tliu Store of G. W. Rob 'irts 4 Co. , JEWIS DAY," ; DEALER IX HOORS AND STATIONERY, 'Wall Paper, Window Taper, .te. Sunday School Hooka of nil kinds constantly on hand, room In Mrs. Kuan's building, formerly occupied by col- .terell A Tuylnr, Wuviicsburg, Pa, Mavl), 'fiO-lv. yOTaTrtr; WATCUES AND JEWELRY. i , MAIN STREET, OITOSITK COURT llOCSE, Keep on hands always n eholeo and aplcct as sortment of Watches and Jewelry, Repairing done at the lowest rates. 4;1: b7-ly. HIRST NATIONAL BANK, . OV WATNESBfKO. M' I Opens..... Eo'olock A . . Cloaui 3 o'clock p m. j DISCOUNT DAY TUESDAYS. , D. Boher, Prcs't. J. C. Fi.k.n.xikk, Cashier. 'B. Frank. Klessikkn, Assistant Caihter. JENTTSTRY ' I have located In Wayncsbiira, and am oeen. , pylmMho lute resident-oof Dr. H. N. I'utton. llav- otinlnted with holhthe tli..i.i-v tm.l .......ti..A I Dentistry, and having lial nn experience of seven yers In die profession, I feel warranted In say. Ins thai "' patients ahull have nocauve to coin- Slain of Inferior operations. Extraction will lie onrlered pnlnless, when desired, by the atlmln kbSratlon ol "Ijuighlnggaa' ' iirotherBtiesihetlcs, "Charges moderate, and all operations warranted aart-presented. 1 will be at home wmini t her ADVKntuur from the tlfteenlh to Hie thirtieth 0fftl"'-t7 m""Ul' J03.S. HEKTIG. UEKMAN HOUsi JUST Ol'fcNED DT : . TU0MA9- BRADLEY. S'?,MT.i:'" t1"' mn'1 "mpl.'te note In our town. rar.r -U -nroviced rao;;!',:;;;" 'pledr-ytbMe.;,,.n.r.r"'ntii,:e, Wrgiy? 'tobert uol'chehtv, " "'" , CABKUoBMAyurAnrHKi., watn-ksbiho, pa. .nespeelfully glvea n'tiee timnWSTloejMeiJ n Waynesburg,. Pa., where itti 'Inlentls to mann- carriage: ' tAk. lf frvary description. Trnm his experience the ousiiu-ss ne letMK eonnoeiti met nts woi-k, hi ittvle. tlltlall nntl tlui'iiltilily, will Kive entire sal 1 lnfutttlon. litis bis di'terMitii'itif.n to Mireliast the best material In tuiirUel, ami employ none intcoipemtt workm.i. . n iri-All work wiinautetlfoi roneyear.'i "91-' ll T AR11LE WORKr?, , i 6UMMEKSGILL &. BRO. r i(8kopln roar of flie Hamilton House neat tho t . ritenui Jllll,) .. f ,Ihe public are respietfullv Infurmnl that Sum meptKlll Bi'o.huvejiiat received a lurge stock of aUfcluiLsof MARBLE WORK! '8'teh a.s Grave Stones, Monuments, Mantle Work, Ae, We are prepared to furnish work nt Reasonable terms nit sliort notice. Call and ex amineourstoek, styles, and prices, before pur- iYl'ESHLRG il-VKCLE AND STONE w o n k s . SAYERS tl- RIXEIIART. ; SMlloT.tlnnflornrn on thoMnrhlo nnd fHonf CutttncbffsineHaut their l mi; r-..ltNlHil stand ImiaiHllnteefiHt of tho Pultllc Sqimrr, hetbeu HiKh ami Grepnp strt'rts; VHyiM?slnrR, I'u. Thin PrttabllHlimrnt litts ht't-'n tn t'omiunt 0ht atjon BiiKM! isw, nmi Un Innirfxprlfm"1 m1 n- ; erpy of Cl.flnr'', ttnkpft with uhv exor ol4 nf urfd JmlutntUt anil tuMOmw won . for thi&i ft wii.psprt'utl nmi cnvla'l'rrtnution. JW x tensive Rtork of the vm funis variftip.'-' of (Ihw bHt mnrltlp kepi fotmtnm.y on linnrt. -ftiw-rtiil Rttentloo paid to polishing, presfilnr;, carv AU brden proiuptly filled, 4;2l:,firt-tf. OtJN DEltY NOTICE. : THE SUBSCRIBE II HAVING rrRCILVSED .E , X'G L E F 0 U N D E 11 Y ' ' Wftli Its lifrge stock of ' ,sr' "W i-,- J ,PL0W ANB MANY OTHER CASTINGS, " ;.4 tt -i: iForroerlB. the hroperty-of the InteTsita lei Owens, .' ?ir'-w ,,'1,1''';imsUess,lh'nU ; t -jV aiAPHlTr DrPiimvn . . -"1:iI?Tr,oU!'.' nn4(Jipon ccaannoble terras, and" nop UJ merit a reunuuttUlo smtre of natrnnaire. ' ' C. W: BOWER EW LIVER i STABLE IS WAYESBITRG, PA. The subscribers wrntld respectmlly Inform the public that, they are prepared to . ACOOMJIODATE AT ALL HOURS WITH GOOD HORSES AND GOOD BUGGIES, Oar Stable will be found in rear of the Hamll- S Ho"e.nerthe Bteain Mill. . MayH).'te-iy W.A.4C.W.BANE. A CIGAR T. BRADEN'S SewTABUSHMENT. 0.-) , i3 He keeps on hand at aU Umes iK EXCELLENT QUALITY OF CIGARS, BtMlrlm A Chewing Tobacco, - flpw. Snuff, oto, ate. '- ; PRICES BOWN! IS THE WORD! ! ; "'nmar Boon U the Won r Boom la toe Wort Boom, Waynee- HINT INQI -TlTlt WATNE8BCRO BEPUBLICAN' JOB PRINTING ESTABLISH MENT, Saten' Building, East of the Publio Square, WAYNESBURO, PA PAMPHLETS, PROGRAMMES, BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, POSTERS, BLINKS, LABELS, NEATLY EXECUTED VK HAVE SOW A GREAT VARIETY OF MATERIAL t And a mora complete stock of PA PER, C A R DS, fc c, Than any mtahUihmonl within the limits of our buslnesa clrele, ANl'HX ARE PREPARED To nccata every deaerlption of JOB PRINTING! IS A STYLE OF NEATNESS AND BEAUTY!! wnicu CANNOT BE SURPASSED ANYWHERE We employ the most competent 'printers, and propose to MEET EVERY ORDER! With which we are favored, in the SHORTEST TIME POSSIBLE! AN IS THE MOST SATISFACTORY MANSER ! Particular attention given to FINE RULE WORK CERTIFICATES, CHECKS, &c., TERMS REASONABLE! U"ta"" going atawhe. jASXCSAYESs), , - ' ... A TALE OF THE TROPICS. We have read nothing In a long time more teaching than the following. Reader get out your pocket handkerchief: - Tlttl-Fal-Lay was a lovely maid The white of her eya was like marmalade ; Her skin was the blackest ol inky blacks. And her lips were as scarlet as sealing wax. She wore her hair In a fuzz-a-top, Llko a swab (the nautical term for a mop;) Her Ivory teeth wore two gleaming rows, And she carried a skewer in her comely nose' Klin lored a sailor (did Tlttl-Fal-Lay) Who had been on that Island cost away. Tlttl-Fal-Lay was tho child ot a king, But she loved Jack Uaadeyes like anything. She loved Jack Deadcycs: but-woo Is me! Jack Doadcyt s, he wasn't In lovo with she; For he fondly thought of his lovely Nan (Who lived at Wappln,) did that young man. And so, alas! and nlack-a-day I When an English ship sailed Into the boy, (The Lively Betty, a seventy-fuur,) He took a berth In that man-of- war ! Then Tlttl-Fal-Lay (her heart was broke) Wept but never n wonl she spoke ; Hut sheskewr'd herself, did the mournful maid On tho native weapon, a sword fish blade. They burled her under tho Bo-bo tree. With her favorite kitten along o' alio; And the purple-nosed monkeys smlly ravo, And chew their tails o'er the maiden's gravo. URAXT'H KI.OQl KYI' UHATITI UF.. The magnificent order of General Grant to his troops, after their great triumphs at Look out Mountain and Missionary liidgo, is the most eloquent of all his military writings We reprint It, not only that he mny not be forgotten, but that the loyal people of tlio South may understand how the) will be cared for when he is elected to the presidency, in despite of the of tho same trators who have been restored by Andrew Johnson to rights which they shamefully abused : HKADQUARTKItS MILITARY DIVISION, or the Missisiin, y In TUB FlKLD, C'UATTANOOGA, TeNS. ) . December 10, 1803, The General commanding takes this oppor-? (unity of returning his sincere thanks and congratulation to the brave armies of the Cum berland, Ibe Ohio, tho Tennesso and their comrades from the Potomac, for the recent splendid and decisivo success achieved ovor Die enemy. In a sliort time you have recover ed from him tiie control of the Tennessee river from Bridgport to Kuoxville. You dislodged him from his great stronghold upon Lookout Mountain drove him from Chattanooga Valley wrested from his determined grnsp the posses sion of Missionary Ridge, repelled with heavy loss to him his repeated assaults upon Kuox ville, forcing him to rnise tho sicgo there, driving htm at all points, utterly routed and discomfited,, beyond the limits of the State.' By your noblo heroism and determined cour age, yoo havo most effectually defeated the plans of the enemy for gaining possession of the States of Kentucky and Tennessee You have secured positions from which no rebellious power ctm drivo or dislodge you. For all lids the General commanding thanks you collectively and individually The loyal peoplo of the United States thank and bless you. Their hopes and prayers for your suc cess agaiiist this unholy rebellion aro with you daily. Their faith in you will! not ho in vain. Their hopts will not be blasted. Their prayers to Almighty God will bo answered. You will go to other fields of strife ; and Willi the invincible bravery and unflinching loyalty to justice and right which havo characterized you in the pa-st, you will prove that no enemy can withstand you, and that no defenses, how ever formidab'.o, can check your onward march. By order of U. S. Grant, Major Gen. TU1BI TF. TO nolUI. V. Horaco Greeley, iu his last paper to the A7. Y. Ledger, speaks thus of Mr. I). : Mr. Douglas was the readiest man I ever knew. Ho was not a hard student ; if he had been, it would havo been difficult to set limits to his power. I have seen him riso in tho Senate quito at fault with regard to essential facts in controversy, end thus to make damag ing blunders in debate ; but he really caught at and profited by any suggestion thrown out by friend or foe ; and he was never ex celled iu off-hand discussion ; so tha', . even if worsted la Its first stages, ho was apt to re gain his lost ground as he went on. Once as 1 sat with the senior Francis I'. Blair and one or two others outside the bar of the Senate in 1856, he made ns the text of an amusing dissertation on the piebald, ringstreaked and speckled materials whereof the new Repub lican party was composed ; and, passing us soon afterward, he hailed mo familiarly with the interrogation. "Did'nt 1 give you a good turn Just now ?" At a later day when the Lecompton struggle was iu progress, a mutu al friend, remembering my strictures on him in formcf years had been of a eery caus tic sort, inquired of him whether he had any objections, on their account, to meeting me on a friendly footing. "Certainly not," was his instant response ; "I always pay that sort of debts as I go along. " Our country has of ten been called to mourn severe, untimely losses ; yet I deem the death of Stephen A. Douglas, just at the outbreak of our great civ il war, and when he bad thrown bis whole soul into the cause of the country, ono of the most grievous and irreparable. KIVER CITT, The Cheyenne Arjvt of the 10th says : . A new city has been laid out on Green river, and as a result ot a "little on-pleasantness" a new cemetery has been commenced, by two graves near the same place. Of the new city and its surroundings, the Sweetwater ilinet of the 3rd says. The city of Green River Is laid out about a mile above the stage crossing, where the rail road will cross Green river ; a el'y company has been formed with II, M. Hook, Esq., fotmerly Mayor of Cheyenne, and now one of its leading business men, as President, and Frank B. Gilbert Esq . formerly of the firm of Gilbert & Son's, Salt Lake City, as Secretary. The greater number of slurc-hnlders in com pany are railroad, stage men, &c. men who have been long looking forward to this point as one where the Territories of Utah, Idaho and Montana would have to look . for their supplies tho coming season. Heavy grad ing will have to be done near tho city, at an estimated cost of $(00,000. The town site is aid to be very pleasantly tituated, and tight in this vicinity some of the heaviest grading will have to be done, and some of the deepest cut will have to be made, on the whole route. There are three gang comprising about four hundred men, now. at work on the road, at and near the city, and tome hundreds are en gaged In getting out, lumber, ties tnd build ing material. The timber for forty miles up the river, is claimed by right of pre-emption. . ' ' . ,v , Mabeyino a woman for lier beauty, is like eating a nightiugale for its singing. "Havb you read my last speech?" asked a Tain orator to a friend. "I hope so," was the reply. A fROMixaxi journalist in New York, who is perfectly bald has offered a reward of one thousand dollars for a tale that will make his hair stand cn end. "Cojii, husband," sail tho wife of a note shaving. Wall-street shark, "it Is time for us to get up ; the day 1? breaking." "Well, let It oreot j I don't hold any of its paper." Wires you pass a door after 9 o'clock at night, and see a young man and young wo man within, nud hear a smack, you may bet your bottom dollur the young man don't live there ! A rorcLAu clergyman, who was sadly an noyed by incessant coughing among his con gregation, paused, in his discourse, and re marked that "ir ladies would wear their bon nets on their heads and tlo the strings, coughs would not bo prevalent." Most enny man will concede that it loox very foolish tu see a boy drng a bevvy sled up a stepe hill fur the lleella' pleshus uv ndlu" down again, .but appears tu me that boy iz a sage bi tho sldo uv the young man hoo works hard all week and drlnx hiz stamps up Sater da night. Mb. 11. G. Hazard, who was a delegate to tho Chicago Convention, writes fiom Iowa, on bis way westward, as follows: "In my journey I find that our action at Chicago has made prominent another General, who seems now to be almost as much in tho hearts and on the tongues of the people as General Grant himself. As you have no doubt heard of him, I need hardly say I allude to General Satisfaction. A ska captain trading regularly on the Af rican coast, was invited to meet a committee of a society for the cvangUirttloa of Afilca, Among numerous questions touching the hab its and religion of tho African people, he was asked : "Do tho subjects ol the King of Dahomey keep Sunday ?" "Keep Sunday?" ho replied; "yes, and every oilier darned thing they can lay their hands on." 1IOXHI l'Ol It rtl'ftl.VKSS. Wo commend tills paragraph, from the the London Economist, to all who have a "vo catiou :" It is a good sigu when a man is proud of his work or his calling. Yut nothing is more common than to hear him finding fault con stantly with their particular business, aud deeming themselves unfortunate because fast ened to it by the necessity or gaining a livli hood. In this spirit men fret, and laboriously destroy nil Iheir comfort In tho work ; or they change teir business, and go on miserably' shifting hum one thing to another, till the grave of the poor-house gives them a fast g"P- Hut wlille, occasionally a man f ills In life because ho is not iu tho plnco fitted to his pe culiar talent, i. happens ten times oftener that failures results from neglect and even con tempt of an honest business. A man should put his heart into everA'thing that lie docs There is not a profession that bus not its po; ciliar cares and vexations. No man will es cape annoyance by changing builnoss. No mechanical business is altogether agreeable Commerce in lis endless varieties, is affected liko all other human pursuits, with trials un welcome duties, and spirit-tiring necessities. It is tlio wato nness of fi. lly for a man to search out tho frets and burdens of his calling, and give his mind every day to a consideration of them. They belous ti human life. They are Inevitable. Brooding over them rmly givos them streug'.h. On tho other hand, a man has i ocr given to him to shed beauty and pleasure upon the homeliest toil, if bo is wiso. Let a man adopt his business and iden tify it with hU life, and cover it with pleasant negotiation ; for Gjd bus given us imitation not alone to make some poets, but to enable all men it beautify homely things, Heart varnish will cover up innumerable evils and defects. Lnok at the giod things. Accept your lot as- a man docs a pclco of nigged ground, and begin to get out tho rocks and riK.ts, to deepen and mellow tho soil, to en rich and plant i'. There i3 something iu tho most forbiding avocation around which a man ni.iy twine pleasant fancies, out of which he may develop an honest pride. GESEKAI.Cin.lXT OX HIS .Hl'.SCl.E. While at West Point, Grant was "run on" by tho older scholars according to tho custom of that Institution. He endured a good deal without resentment, until ono day, being on mock p trade, he as insulted by tho Captain of tho company, wheu ho stepped from the ranks, threw off his coat, an 1 challenged the Captain to fight. Abbott tells the story as follows : Such a challenge could not be declined, all the company looked eagerly on i the Captain soon succumbed beneath the sturdy and swift falling blows of Grant, and cried for quarter. Ho had been very soundly whip- ped before hisj pride would permit him to yield. The young champion not nt all fatigued and allowing no excitement over bis victory, turn ed to tho Lieutenant, and said very blandly to bim i "It is now, Lieutenant your turn. Perhaps you would like to try to revenge the Captain. I shall be happy to meet you. " The Lieutenant, who had taken an active part in the Insolent Joke upon the young cadet, could not in honor ruiuse. i o have shown a coward's discretion would have exposed him to the endless joers of his comrades. Grant mode short work with him, and gave him a thorough thrashing. . He then with apparently as much com posure as if he hod been attending to ordi nary duties, turned to his companions in line and said i "Who comes next t I want peace, but I am willing to fl jht the whole company, ono by one, if that Is necessary to gain peace." His comrades now greeted him with three enthusiastic cheers. They came forward tu multuously, and shook him by the hand, de claring that ono possessing so much pluck should no longer bo subject to their annoy ance. It was in reference to this offer to fight the whole company that be received the nickname of "Company Grant." This name he retained until, on memorable occasion, b changed it for "Unconditional Surrender annti" ; y . .. . ' EW STANDI NEW 8T03E! NEW STOCK! Thiruitrflniim fifths twnnl of onr town find county U respectfully toll cited at Uio new ataud. P. A XT ELL & CO., Blaehlcv's Comer, opposlteh Wright House, Warnesburs. Fa., where a splendid stock has Just been received, consisting of DRY QoODS, FINE WHITE GOODS, FANCY GOODS. DKF.9S TRIMMINGS, SPRINQ SHAWLS AND BALMORALS, EMBROIDERIES, NOTIONS, GLOVES. HOSIERY, RIBBONS, Velvets, Parasols, beaded and plain; Ladles' and Gent's Hats In various styles. Ac, 4c. , Ac, O A fine assortment of everything In our line aiwaya on uauua i"Wo sell at very reasonable rates and deal anae toairas COME, EXAMINE, AND BUY ! P. AXTELL&CO. May 27, 'M-ly G OO U NEWS! AND NEW GOODS! D. SHIRK, Now otters to tho public The most complete assortment ot Every thing In the Dry Goods line ever brought to This marhot. The Spring Styles, fresh and attractive And of every variety. Hats for Men and Boys, Ladles' and Misses. Boots And Shoes, unsurpassed In Durability . Cheapness. Muslins, Dolalncs, Cloths, Bonnets A Bonnet frames Casslmeres, and In fact Everything that can bo Desired, you can buy of him. A. WILSON, JR. EMWlnlly InvitM a cnll from hisnlri customers, being ftntiHfleri the prefttlan nf former den I -ln will be MistahuMl nnd thut now, nn of yor, the tfwteH of nil will Iw plsd rcKitrdinK price and quality. Kin brnre tho fl rat opport unity nnd lve him Rn early call. iT-Room formerly occupied by A. Wilson, Jr. In WlWon's building, Wnynesburu, Pn. apVW-ly. ! HIIIRK. T HE LATEST YET. MILS. E. 8. SAYEItH A 1I08KIJWO Have Just arrived from the East with a large nasortment of foreign and domcstlo DRY GOODS, SPRING & SUMMER STYLES, which they propose to sell at the lowest CASH prices! such as Dress Goods, Dress Trlin inlna. Dress llitttons, !Adlea (shawls. Boots and nhoea. Hats for men A Ikvs, also,a great variety nice articles, nt very low prices for GENTLEMEN AND LADIES' WEAR, Wares of all kinds, and a complete variety of the best liltOCKHIKM. Allof wlileh they propose to sell at the very lowest figures, depending on the quality nnd cheapness of their goods to gain them custom. Oive them acall before purchasing elsewhere, and they will prove that the above Is correct. Koom In Allison's building, nearly opposite the Court House, Waynesburg. 4;l,'e7-tf gEAUTIFUL DISPLAY ! DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, &., EVANS' ESTABLISHMENT. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT EVERYTHING IN .THE LINE 1 Wishing lo ettseoat tor the Fall trade, he of fern his goods at astonishing low rate for cash. The slock U as late as the latest aud the beat Is market. MlDor'iBullding, orpostr tb Oram Hon Be. lM-3in U K. EVANS. N FACT WORTHY OF NOTE ! JOHN W. "WINGET Undoubtedly baa the LARGEST STOCK ol HOME-MADE BOOTS A SHOES I IN WAYNESBURO. They have been tried and found to bo equal If not Superior to any in the place I He has a general and well manufactured assort- lueiu oi LADIES' AND MISSES, MEN A BOYS' HOME MADE BOOTS, SHOES AND SUrPEHB! He keeps hands nnexeelled as workmen In leather. Ills shop will be found NEAR COTTEREL'S TANNERY, -After returning thanks for a 1 1 hern I patro nape heretofore bestowed, I wish to say to my oltl customers and others that I warrant my work In every particular, nnd will sell at price that will sutisfy any reasonable person. Don't forget tho place, but GIVE ME A CALL BOON. apK.'SS-ly JOHN M. WINCJET. QHEAT PANIC IN THE PRICES OF BOOTS AND SHOES! WILLIAM flEltnYHLI.L'S, TWO DOOH.S WEST OK N. CLARK A HON'S CLOTIIINO HTOHK, Having Just purt hnsed a heavy Stock of Moots and Hhoesof the KINKSTand lllvST QUALITY to be found In the Kast, he now hna the Best se lected and most complete assortment of these Goods ever biought to the Town. And he oilers to sell FOR CASH Men's best, whole stock, Home-made Boots, 17 Inch leg, atjil.isi, 5.JA anil 5.110; Men's Fine Call at87..r0, Willi n uniform deduction In rates, on all kinds of stock. Mr. Ilerryhlll having an ex perience of lo years lu the manufacturing of BOOTS AND SHOES ! In thoroiiKhly acquit I nted with the businefM, and bus taken ffreut aire to intike OiIh a Bt'PEIUOH BTOC'K TO ANY KKIT It KM. TO FORK, Experienced hnndft are constantly employed In nut Icing to ordi-r and we ran ttnfoly nay that nt no plnee In theno "dlgglnKK" enn the mate rial and workmanship be Hurpanscd. ALL WORK WARRANTED ! ire now ink his friends nnd the nubile to cnll and examine his tock, nt he feels enntldent that ne ran piease mem. w.m, iihiuutiiiii., 12;18-tf Main Htroet, Wayncxburg, Pa. G HEAT BARGAINS! BOOTS AND SHOES! NEW BTOCK t NEW STORE I CUSTOM-MADE WORK! CHEAPER THAN EVER, AT SI. C. & II. BELL'S, (HL'CCBIaOK TO.nAUITED,) SAYERS' CORNER WAYNEsnCRO, PA. t-Call and examine, and save money) GOTO M. C. A H. BELL'S FOR BARGAIN!) 12;Hy. G1 FTS FOR THE MILLION A HUGE STOCK, BOUGHT EXPRESSLY FOR TH EI FESTIVE nivu lie t i . to . . j niibntf, Al I 3 A A C HOOPER'S OROCEgT AMD COJirECTIOXEkT I Mr. Hooper would still have his friends and pat rons bear In mind, that he continues In the Gro cery and Confectionery trade at hi usual place of doing business, aud that be has Just received A FRESH 8UPPLY of tha beat quality of all articles In bis line. TOYS NOTIONS, and a great variety of useful articles always on hand. REFRESHMENTS. In connection with tha above, Mr. Hooper keeps a Restaurant, where DBLIOIO.UB-OYSTERS! WHb alt the cetera," aro served nf, reason- hla Ml The moat attractive and most popular resort In town. S(i iy. Palatum. IETTER THAN EVER I FROM NEW YORK & PHILADELPHIA THOMAS BRADEN, Has just received a splendid ne SPRING' STOCK OF HARDWARE! : To which he Invitee especial attention. ?il5,.rt,.'!.n wl,h everything In hU lint needed by the farmer and mechanic. Being a practical farmer, he knows eiactly the wanla 'J.'." f',Mmer. '""'ds. Among his variety o? goods will be Mind iron ami Nails of all kinds, Hahes ofBll varieties. Augers, Braces, AO. Tut" tie-toothed, Cross-cut and Mill 8awe. Hand 8w and Tools of all descriptions.- AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Mowing Machines, Cutting Boies, Cora BhelleM Plows. Cultivators, Shovels. Works, and even thing In this lluo. SADDLERY HARDWARE: A general assortment of Badtllery Hardware, Ml which lie invites the attention Of purchasers-) WOODEN WARE OF ALL KU(DS Till. Thickets, Putter Tlowls and all kinds of Kitchen Wooden Hxin's, Willow Baskets, Brooms. Brushes, Coal Bueketa, Brass Kettles, llimvy Whips, Khot duns, Boys's Wagons and Hh . is. All of which will be sold cheaper than ever for Cash I GIVE HIM A CALL SOON. He will take pleasure In showing his stock at a'.lllmes. So'tlve hliu a cull when yon come to town. Kenicmber the place, OPPOSITE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WAYNESBUKO, PA. ap M-tr TIIOMA3 DRADErf, JM PO RT ANT TO ' BUILDERS as o CONTRACTORS! WAYNESBURO STEAM PLANIXO, MILti It Rive uft plennnre to annonnc to tho pobllfl the completion of thlfl work and the readiness oi the proprietor to RECEIVE ORDERS. A SO MAKE CONTRACTS! The best linnroved machinery Is used. Plan, lug. Ploughing and (Irooving, Hash and Door Making, Paniielllrig, Kipping, moulding Ae., rapidly and skilfully executed. Killing prices paid for , ALL KINDS OF LUMBER! They are also prepared lo do all kinds of Carpen ler work, wild Ihe utmost promptness, and in tin. iinmi niiiiniiiin int itiHiiiitrr. They respectfully solicit a share of tnhllt atrnnaiie, and flatter themselves that they wll n all cases be able to GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION t All ortlers promptly attended to BRADEN, WAJ.TON A SAYERS, s:H-tf Waynesburg, Pa. COPPER AND TINWARE ESTABLISH. MENT IN WAYNESBURO, PA, POS T THROW MONEY AWAY, BUT TJSK IT TO BUY CHEAP AND USEFUL8TOVE8 OF W. II. IIELPII ENSTINE, They have the handsomest and neatest pattern of COOKINO, HEATINO, AND PARLOR STOVES I In nse. "Call ami examlnn the different pattern before you. purchase elsewhere. They havo the HOHKUA I.E. for wood or coal, three sites anil Ihe Perfection, for wood, three sizes.- They are the best .stoves in use. Don't let Hie women scold any longer, but get them what they need. They manufacture TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE f of all kind. Everything In our line will bo attended to promptly ; send In your orders soon, for I will sell cheap for cash or country produce SPOUTING AND ROOFING! done to order on the shortest notice, at the old stand, south of the Sheriff's House, Waynes burg, Pa. W. II. IIELPHENSTINE. l;-m . E. "A. TINKER II. L. MAPEU (JUNKER & MAPEL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR TIIE SALE OF HOGS, CATTLE AND SHEEP, AT TIIEIR OWN YARDS, WEST BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. ADJOININO MD. LIVE STOCK SCALES. Consignments respectfully solicited. All com. niuuleatlons promptly answered. Post OfTUs Address Uox l.'sio. 7-.M-ly. tiKOKOK. C. 8TI-ROI8S, Attorney at Law. Jon C. WAOHgB Notary Public, QjTURGISS & WAGNER, UNITED STATES CLAIM AND GENERAL COLLECTING AGENTS. j-For the adjustment of CLAIMS, of all kinds against tho United States, such as , PENSIONS INCREASEOF PENSIONS, BOUN TY, IKJO EXTRA BOUNTY, and those of any other class call on or write! to the Military and Naval Agency of us call on or ' geney of 1ISH WAOJ slow Ilagans' c (Up Stairs,) .Ga5TOWN,7 HTIIKGJSH 4 WAONER, Walnut St., t door below Ilagans' corner (tlBHtalra.) MVCT-ly MORGaJITOWN, w. ,va. I o. of.o. y. WAYNESBURO ENCAMPMENT, NO. lit. ' Rail In Oanear't Balktlng. east Main Jttrstf, Wsjnjjbujt. V. First and second Friday of &0 v.