Won to ATTomi:rs.-Attorneys will be end Job M urk, ordered by then, and no paid for in advance: Such bills to be collectable ou demand. :'Kw ADVEMtsKiiMii's. The attention of our readers l specially directed to the follow ing advertisements, which appear for the first lime in our paper to-day. trOur New Chirt-H. II. Lloyd & Co. (tiecutors Notice Joha Lewis, Jacob Greenlee. BTBAWBEiraiti are done tor tha season. Ti" runs a coach, tri weekly, to and from Pittsburgh. Bathixq in the creek is one of the comforts of the times. Yotro persons desiring to study German or Latin, will fiud good instruction at the Nor mal School. Almost twenty columnsof new reading matter in the RtrinucAX each week. Price fifty ttntt in ajvanct from now until after the ' election. Send in the money and names. To-Monttow or to-day rather will be a big day in Waynesburg. Numerous lodges will be in attendance at the Mason walk ac companied by three or four bands of music. There will he a large crowd and a good lime 'It the weather is favorable. Tm Weathkb. Until Bwurdsy lust the weather had been dry for a spell. On Sunday night a lino shower of rain fell, refreshing veg ' etatlon, cooling the air and laying the dust. It was most opportune. Corn and grain of all kinds are looking well. lxoEcaNT.--Tlio window of the iron clad part of the Prothonotary's ofllee is nppropria- i ted to another use than that intended. I rom the looks a little chloride of whito limo would prove beneficial. Tho whole building is de generating rapidly into a Democratic cess pool. A Fbkak. Monday one of thoso strange occurrences which happen in our natural lives. Our citizens some of them were not thrown Into excitiment but throwing themaelve out Bido th.ir coats, went into tho street ami cleaned it up much nicer than we have seen it for many a day. Nobody killed, but sever al mortally lazy. Mioration. The people of New York are at present in a high state of excitement concern- Inn a colony being formed in Carmlchiels to ; move thence to Tennessee. It is snid to be of-1 fleered by heroic Bpirits, anxious to move to this new land of promise bv a knight errantry as c'ovo:cd as that of Don QuixUc. Anything about it in Greene county? 9csk.-The tow-boat "Lark," in the employ of the Old Line, sunk her flat loaded with freight near Fredcricktotvn, Baturd ty night ' about 12 o'clock. The h ss will be quite he ivy on some body as it went down in twenty feet of water. Several parties hero had goods lost or damaged. Railroad ! railroad ! ! r-a i-l-r-o-ad ill Fair at Waynesduko. Among the miny schemes at present rn foot among our eilizens that of an agiicultural fair to be held in this place is worthy of note. About one thousand dollars have been subscr.ho 1, nnd wo under stand the ground can be procured and lilted up In timo for exhibition the coming Full. When the arrangements arc complete and wa ter runs up bill Instead of down our readers shall be duly posted. Fayette Couxtt. The Simdird mentions the mysterious disappearance of Hannah Cra 0, of Davidson's Ferry. It Is supposed she drowned herself In tho Monongaho'.a River on Saturday, May tho 20th. A woman answer ing her desciiption was seen near the river that day with a bundle in hor arms, and as he has not been seen since the probablity is that the jumped into the river. She had not been in her right mind for somo time, Qbawt and Colfax. Wo have received from H. H. Lloyd & Co., 21 John Street, New York, tho well-known Map Publishers Colored Pictorial and Statistical Chart con tabling very good likenesses of our Cacdi flates, Sketches of their lives, tho Platform, Letter of Acceptance, Portraits of all the Presidents, and very interesting Statistics re lating to former Presidontial elections. This Chart is designed for the masses, and sold so cheaply that all can havo it. See advertise, ment In another column. Propose to CBLEmuTis. "Vigilant" Lodge' I. O. of Q. T., arc making preparations to ob serve the anniversary of tho Fourth by a grand Temperance picnic, in which all the Sabbath Schools, and tho citizens generally havo been invited to participate. It is intend ed to make the affair interesting by speeches appropriate to the day and occasion, by toasts, etc. It will be largely 'attended . Since the above is in type wo have received a card inviting "ell the friends of Temperance and moral reform to participate," with the addition to the programme of vocal and instru mental music and refreshments, signed by A. G. Cross, I B. F.Flminikkm, Com. A. C. Shalley, ) Oratcitocs Suooestions. Whcro thcro a Urge family wo would most respectfully sug gest the propriety of not sending over one half of them to the Post oflico for a letter at the tpme time, especially as all know that the room In which mail matter is distributed, hero Is a very small ono. Another bint : Whon you do receive a letter or a paper, pass out of the distributing room as quick as possible and do not show your want of appreciating the convenience of others by halting right in the door, oponlng your letter, an! standing there, blockading tho way all the while until you have read It through, and digested Its contents. Nonejbnt unmannerly people do tills, but it is done nevertheless quite frequently in the Post office in Waynesburg Pa. JJqewood ; or, Village life in Now England ; by Henry Ward Beecher. This story originally written for the Ltdtjtr, boa been published in book form, by the well known firm of Charles Scrlbner G., 654 Broadway, New York. The book contains nearly six hundred pages, in cloth binding, and will be sent post paid for S,60 to any ad dress. It merits ire unquestioned, as Mr. Beecher never puts in print anything but good Els picture of New England life is vivid as life, characters and sentiment are evenly drawn and tha wit and wisdom Intermingled fur nishes a never falling source of interest Mr. Beecher draws largely from Nature and his wonderful power of description added to a keen Insight and love for natural objects,. makes (he work very injunctive as well as amusing. It should be In every family circle when (here it taste tor bet and fancy in Wvfsrjpd. Mooac'f Lin or Hon. f?ciicna Colfax. T. B. Paterson 4 Bra,' No. 306 Chestnut Bt , Philadelphia, have in Press and will publish In a few days, "The Life or Hon. Bchuyler Colfax," written by Rev. A. V. Moore,' of South Bend, Indiana, who was for twelve years as pastor and friend, In the entire confi dence of Mr. Coll'ux, and hud access to the files of the paper published by Mr. Colfax for twelve years, and to fie Congretiional Globe; knows all his past history and all who have known him from boyhood. He begin hU bi ography two or thrco years ago, so that It is not one of the hurried and ephemera! publica tions so common In election years. Mr. Moore is a gentleman of flue talant and cul ture, and their U no doubt but that his biogra phy of Mr. Colfax will be worthy of its dii-' tinguished subject. The following letter from Mr. Colfax, to Rev. A. Y. Mooro will explain itself: Washington, DC, My 30, 1867. "My dtnr Mr. Moore . As your prediction of a year ago h is been resized, I have no fur ther oljectiou to your publishing any sketch more or less full, of my life, you may have prepared. As you was for a dozen years a iellow townsman of mine, and a valued friend I suppi.su you know as much about my histo ry us the public woull care about knowing ; and alibi nigh my engrossing duties here leave me no limn to reviso lliu manuscript, I have no fear that your work will not be a faith ful one." Yours, very truly, St.'lll.Yl.KR C'OI.FAX. Rev. A. Y. Moore, S ulh llend, Indian. It will bo published. In a 1 irge duodecimo volume of five bun bed pii?c9, printed from large type, and on the finest and best of white paper, with a portrait, on stud, ol Mr. Colfax exei'uted by one of the first artists In the country, from photographs taken from Mr. Colfax within the last week ; the whole hound in cloth In th'j " most substantial manner. Price $1,50 a copy. Canvassers wanted eve rywhere. Lirijc illscoun's given. Copies will be sent to any one at once, post pal I, ou re celpt of price, by tln'publishurs. Vir.ST Yiiiginia. It will soon bo a year since limy have had a death In Morgantowu. It is lurd telling whether it is owing to tho salubrity of tho climate or Ilia disgust of the devil. Whooping congh Is prevalent in Morgan town, as yut without serious results. The Chtrkshurg Tthjviph in a lengthy arti cle, warmly advocates tho cljctlon of Gen. T. M. II an is as United States Senator, to suc ceed Mr. Van Winkle. Moses B. II irter, of Monongalia county, writes us that he sheared Ids Vermont Buck purchased at tha C irniLliffils Fair last fall, and the fleece weighed twenty pounds heavy weight. This H ahead, by one half pound, of anything in this '!igin's." Peter J. Weaver killed a rittesn ke, on Monday last, upon tho farm of Mr. J. II. Hoffman, near Morgantown, that measured lour mm a Hall IjkI in length, and was sup plied with seventeen rattles. Governor Horeman of West Virginia offers onn hundred dollars reward for the. nrrest and delivery to tho authorities of Taylor county. West Vbginia, of Richard Clever, for the murder of Harmon I lesser, on the 2"th day of May. Clever is about live i"-et eight inches high, spar.'ly built, long chin, brown hair, whis'rers nnd mustache thin on his f.ice nnd lighter than hair eyes blue nnJ sunken, com plexion fail', lie is supposed to bo some where in Pi nnsylvauia, as he has friends nnd relatives in this Slate. Washington Cokstt. linn Geo- V. Law renco has announced himself as a candidate for Congressional honors. Tiio Reporter thinks "Mr. Lawrence will received the hear ty support of this county for the nomination." Hut that won't elect Mr. Lawrence in the Dis trict. The Democracy Invo put the following ticket In the field: Congress, CjI. Win. Hopkins ; Assembly, R. M Ivinley, of West Brownsville, and Alfred Crvigh of Washing ton : District Attorney, Ianthus Benllev of Monongahel v City ; Commissincr, James Kerr; of Carroll Auditor, A. K. Walker, Cross Creek ; Director ol tho Poor, .1 M. Day ol Morris. Tho editor of the M-mong-iheln RtpMimn Mr. Chill ll iz.ird, recently expressed him self very much disgusted at the course of seven Senators on Impeachment, alleging that the pcoplo were outraged and betrayed by their action. For this he was removed from tho position of Postmaster of Monongahcla City, a place ho his long and satisfactorily filled. Ot course ho is honored for sacrificing place (or principle. Coppcrhcnds are preparing to desecrate the memories of the coming anlversary of the Fourth by holding a picnic in a grove near Washing! n. "Tiiky made her a grave too cold and damp For a soul so honest and trua." If tin y had been wise, the dire necessity of opening the grave for one so lovely might havo been averted. Plantation Bitters if timely used, nre sure to rescue the young and lovely, the middle-nged, nnd the ailing, from confirmed sickness. Almost all diseases havo their begining in some tl'ujht difficulty of the Stomach, which would cventtmto in Dyspepsia. Ilendache, Liver Complaints, Night Sweats, Comsumption Death. Plantation Bitters will prevent these premonitory symptoms, nnd keep the blood pare and the health good. While they invigorate the system they en liven the mind. Maonolia Water. A t!IIglitful toilet arti cles superiur to Cologne and ut halt the price JustOpenkd. Anew an'1 complete stock of Boots and Shoes, at M. C. & II. Bull's cheap storo, Sayert' corner, Waynesburg. Among their stock will be found all tbo Spring Styles, direct from the manufacturers, selected by M. C. Bell expressly for this market. Intertropical fragrance rises in invisible clouds tbe moment that a bottlo of Phalon's "Flor do Mayo," the new perfume for the handkerchief, is opened ; one sluglo drop scents a haudkerchief. SjU by all drug gists. The State Normal School, at Edinboro, is the best place for the young people ot West ern Pennsylvania to obtain an education. Its advantages are surpassed by no similar In stitution known to us. Happy. The children are happy in antici pation of the vacation and enjoyment of a hol iday on the Fourth. Young and old are in glee over Oulher's magnificent stock of Dry Goods. For thb Summer Season. Guiher has fif teen hundred bats for ladies and gents, all of the latest styles. His straw goods cannot be surpassed. Tbs time of the completion of the Baptist College at Jefferson Is not known, but that Fordyce't sell the beet goods at the lowest prtoe is a fact generally admitted. - .'he ISSagneehuYo; Initial Paper put npln neat boxes of one quire each with envelopes to match at Day's Book Store. Tubes thousand pound of pure White Lead for sale at U. W. Roberts, Drug Store. Sunday School Books, all kinds, for sale at Publishers prices at Day's Book Store. Allen's, Barrett's and Hall's Hair Restora tives sold at G. W. Roberts' Drug Store. Wbaphno Paper all sizta at Lewis Day's Book Storo. - Tobacco Antidote destioys all ta9ta for to bacco for sale at G. W. R ibcrts' Drug Store. Gentlemen's patent, quarter Oxford ties, at 51 C. & II. Bell's, very cheap for cash ! Maryland Suow Whito Lime sold at G. W. Roberts' Drug Store. Barrett's Huir Restorative whole sale and retail at Bradeu's Drug Stare- All of Dr. Sarg.)nts Modicino sold at Hra don's Drug Store Waynesburg, Pa. A new supply of Wall Paper Just received at Lewis Day's Book Store. Varnish and Brushes of all kinds for s!e at G. W. Roberts Drug Store. New Books received every week at Lewis Day's Book Store. Farmers In want of Grain Cradles call soon ut T. liraden's Hardware Store. Call and get a bottle of Allen's Hair Re storer at Braden's Dm.; Storo. Ai l kinds of Ilord-waro In store and for sale at T. Bradeu's Hard ware Store. Pol'ltkrers friend or chicken Powdur's for sale at G. W. Roberts' Drug Storo. Blank Noto Books best form now in use at Lewis Day's Book Store. Window Glass of nil sizs for Sale at Q. W. Roberts' Drug Store. Gciiiiir has a largo stock of Ladies lints and Bonnets cheap and good. Wheeling nails nil sizs the best In use Fur sale at T. Braden's Hardware store. SrK art's Champion salve wholesalo and ret til by D. W. Braden agent for Greene Co. A i.aiiop. stock of Dru; Braden's Drug store. ;s just received at rtiiE Linseed Oil s ld st 0. W. Roberts' Drug Store. Oi.'iHEii has just laid la a new stock of goods. Glmmer has tho largest stock of goods in town. Ik you want to buy cheap goods go to Guitars. Gt'iiiKit still buys for cash nnd sells for cash. GuiiiK.it defies competition. Gl'iiier will sell cheap for cash. JWavvicdL 5lTIIEV8-5IICIlENER-on Utb 1st., by Rev. Hill, Mr. John Mathews and Miss Kate Miclicner both of Morgau tp., Greene Go., Pa. rwx.vxiTKiz.wvr: a LEWIS At his residence in Morgan town ship, Greene County Pa.. Jnno II, J Mr. John LjwU Sr.,'in Ihe 8."th year of bis age. MORRIS-On Satiirdav, the 20th of June 1MJS, Mr. V. P. Morrii, of N'ewtowc, Wbite ly tp. MORRIS On Sunday, June 21, 18C8, Mr. Ephriam Morris, of Centre tp. gtorhrte. WAYM:sm itl MARKET. WAYNKsncna. June 23, IM. Corrceted Weekly for tho Kkpi-rliian. rilODUCE. nntlertfreshroll,) Tt I'lWSfl (lu7. I'olutoes 'p bush I.iird is lb Tallow H rb Country Soap V lh Dried Apples V SO 16 m ...1 .50?! 12S Sf FIX)UIt AND GRAIN. Flour? bbl Wheat y luish.. HvaW hush 12 SO 2 In 1 15.1 ill Corn V bush.. I" Corn Meul V buh H 1 II) GROCERIES. Coffee ft Tom H It. Hrown NUHiir V I1 Itelinnl Hiisnr Tf It syrupy gal MoIuk-sck (N. Orleans,).. Sornlinm V Rat S:ilt t bid Kice-p tt 1 W) ir, SJ I.ji 1 so 3 i"i li riTTKIU'RCill MARKETS. S.vTnnriAY, June 20. lw. During the past week lliere has been a gone raf liisltude. As to commercial values there have been no very radical changes during the week. This depression in mainly due to the re stricted demand, and to the excellent crop pros poets, which latter give premonition oladeellne in the prices of food. Brc.idstuflshavc been very heavy, and the tendency of prices is unmis takably for a lower runge at no distant dity. Speculation may keep up prices ftir a few weeks but should tho crops mature well flour will be lower than It 1ms been for several years. For provisions there Is a mod crate Inquiry. We quote as follows, which ore tho wholesale prices : (1R.VIN AND FLOUR. Wheat, ronn'n. nnd Ohio, Winter Red S2 2m2 Si Kvfl?bUHl .. 14.1 (tills bush . . W.ts.k; Corn ? hush lUV.nllll Spring Wlieiil Flour 10 ot.alo ."t Winter Wheut 11 l'KUVlHlUiNS. Shoulders Sugar Cured Hams . I,nrd PoiHlocs, i bush Apple bbl -. CIOel! W . Keg V doz.... Buiu;r. HEEDS. Clover Seed Timothy Seed Flax boed Jill! 1.2S 6.00'4T,lt 10317 7 no 1 7i 2M PESXA. IX.VMIAL HTOCK YARDS. Pirrsnt'Rau, June 18, 188. Cattle The market furnished only a limited number of transactions, although the offerings were larger. The usual buyers evidently have no faith In the present prices, hence their pur chases were governed accordingly. Prices rang ed from Si 20 to 9 W. 8HEEP The market was a pretty active onn; the sules being among tho largest we have re ported for some weeks. Tbe rates however were preolsely the sams as last week. Of the num ber sold, TA were sold by tha head, at prices ranging from SI to W ? head. Hoos There was a tailing off In the demand, with a corresponding decline In prloes. Buyers took hold very sparingly. Ti heavy ship ments East have glutted aud depressed the market, although tha prices of good smooth hogs suitable for shlpmani held Ihelr own eg csedlngly 'U. , epubitcan, cfrnesbag, SSunc 24,I$0S. SEW YORK BXIY GOODS MABUET. New York, June 3.-Trado more active and the market decidedly firmer for nil fln. hm. n and pleached muslins. Certain styles of heavy u.u..u,w r uiso nrmer. Stark A. for Instance, which sold as low u lV4e by the pack use, are now firm at luc. Thene goods must advance. All UKht style, of prints are being closed out low, but dark colors aro held firmly at llljc. WOOL. Holders of the finer old clip Wools are ready to sell In anticipation of theenrly appearance of the new, und this feellmj has made prices cy and led to some transactions ; but the market for Fleeces, generally, In fiulct. Home small lotsol new clip have alrcudy come In, but It Is alleged that the whole receipt will bo later thnn usual, having been utfected, like everything else, by a Unxering winter. J-finli!e to Mnrringe. Yonng Men's fluid to Ilnppy Marriage anil Conjugal Felici ty, The humane views of benovolent l'hysl chins, on tho Errors and abuses Incident to Youth and early Manhood, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge Address HOWAHl) ASSOCIATION, Box P., Philadelphia, Pa. June 17,'iW-ly Jcrjat gdvertisemfttt, B OUNTY TAX DEPORT. Thfl Srhool Dtroctornof Washington township Greene i-oimty. In aueount with nuH.40wns.1ip fur Bounty Tax u-isutueil for tho year eudlng Jutie&M DR. To amount of tax aHsessed for said year... tyW 89 Cr. by urn on ut of duplicate for said tux in the hands of Aaron tuy, Collector of Huld township, 8097 30 Aaron Dnv, Colloetoroftho Bounty Tux ot Washington township us- Hissed for the yiar ending June tf-M, lsiw. Ur.toanioitnt of Inmlicate, fiJ97 39 L'r. bv amittmt paid Treasurer of tmii township $Si5 25 By amount of CoUei'tor'a fees lil Ol Hy unumnt of exommitions 43 Wj Bv amount outstuudtngund uncol lected 108 05-S&07 30 AiAt lay, Treasurer of said town tditp for said bounty fund for said year ndin.hine'M, imw. !r,to amount reetdvfd from Cot -l.Ttnr Anion lhiy Tux of wr-' 15.1513 (,'r. by amount paid on order to tho Fiiruvrs' A Drovers' liunlc of Wnynesbnrff 325 23 By amount paid Margaret Jewell on ord'-r for bonwt;d mon".v 200 00-5525 25 We the undersinned, Auditors of Washington township, do certify tliut we have audited the accounts of the School Directors, Collector and Treasurer of said township for the bounty taxes for the year ending June iid. 1R0S, and tlnd the saine to ue cori eci u noove siai'u. liKNJAMiN SHI UK. . ISAAC MITCHELL, y Auditors, D. W.JOilXS, ) gOUSTY STATEMENT. .Tames , Kelly In account with JelTervou Township, Duplicate No. 2. To amount levied ?007t4Q To amount received on subscription 1105 Oo Cr. by vouchers produced 73i 1W In collector's hands 448 12 DC PLICATE NO. a. Tonmount levied J)firt7 00 By vouchers produced (Miff tW Johnson Wiiyeofr In account With Jefferson township. Duplicate No, 4, Tonmount levied 82808 54 Toumouutof WaycoiTs subscription 100 00 82006 58 ... 2715 15 By vouchers produced In collector's hands 2S1 43 We tbe undersigned Auditors irtif the nbovo to be correct according to tho papers and vouchers produced. WM. P. SCOTT, 1 WM. K.UKYNUlVPa, Auditors. ISAAC F. RANDOLPH, J j-OOK AGENTS WANTED To solicit onler for KLLIOT ft New Work, HE. M AHKABLK ( 'HA It A TKltH A ND MKMOHA liLK I'LACKSUK Tilli HOLY LAND. By IIbn- HY WAKI) ItKKellKlt, T. D, WooiBY, LL. D., Pres. of Yale Col., Josfph Ct:MMiS(H, D. D. LL. D., Pres. ol Weslevan Univ., It r. Kkv. TUoh. M. CI-AHK. ltlHhiipofK. I &.,&. This is a new original work by these authors, and its subjects lire approved by elnrgymen of nil denominations. We employ no Ui:nkral Aoksts, nnd oiFer extra imlucements to Citu VMssers. At;ents will ser the advuntage of deal ing directly with the PUBLISH KKM. For do scriptivo circulars with lull particulars and terms, address Hie Publishers. J. B. UUHH & CO.. Hartford, Conn. 5:27-1 in nUBUC NOTICE. As the firm of HUOHIS A LUCAS Is dissolved by mutual consent, the Commission business will still beenrriedou at the old stand, in ood order, find on the most reasonable terms, In thf name and style of L. IIl'OHKH A CO., (senior partner.) They flatter themselves, by having tiie Houko and the best locution in tbe plat e for tbatbusiness, that they will uixElVK u liberal shxreof the public pH Inmate. They will also keep a pood supply of OUOCKR TKSon band to accommodate uli who may favor them with a cull. L.HUOHEH A CO.. 4;10-tf. Rice's Ljindlnit, Pa, EG A L NOTICE IjCtters testnmentnrv havlno been Granted to the undersigned on the estate of William B. Por ter Into or Richhlll township, Greene county, deecd., notice is hereby given to nil persons indebted to said estate to inako linniedhttu payment nnd those hnvinq clnims mminst the snme to present them dulv authenticated for setMement. LvELINA PORTKil, May 27-fit Kxecutrix. A DMlMSfRATOR'S SALE. By nn order of tho Court of Ornonc County, tltf nniltTNlgned AdinlnlHtrnlnrv 'if tli e?ituio of ThmniiM Allfrnp, deo'd., will oilfrfor sale, on the lruini9es( at Rice's Tjanding, (Jrocno co., 1'u., on P.VTUTDAY, THE 1STII PAY OF JULY, at lOn'rlook, i. tn..(lf not sold bofore by prlvnts iil',) tho lwo-thlnl of Hie followlnj? diwiTlbwl property, viz: Ona traot of land coniiilnlnu ubout 6 or G acres, on which aro erected onolurgu TWO STOHY FRAME DWELLING, One Ware house, onos.'nv mill framo.(tool per ninnent foundation, und well roofed, with nooil clilmney stack, lliesnw mill i large and new, and wall culculalcd for both Saw and I'luniug Mill. There will also be offered one ENGINE AND BOILER. The nbovo mentloucd property will be offered In lota or ana whole, us niav seem bent lor tho estate, on day of sale. It Is situate on the Mon oiiKiihelit river, about twelve milea above llrownxville. Perons wlslilnx Rooil town prop erty or a good location for a saw Mill r IManlno Mill, or both, would do well to cull mid exam ine, we think thev will pronounce thin onoof flie best frames on tho river, TERMS OF SALE: One-half on confirmation of sale, mie-lmlf In three months thereafter, with Interest fruiucon urnmtlon, when lieed will Ite made. e-The remaining one-third Is for sale, and moy ue offered ou the same dav by the owner. J. X. f'AHY, LOLIMA AI.f.FIlKK. June 17-U Administrators. STANDARD WORK. A lnmosARY or Tiir lliBt.K, ComprlslnB Hi Antlquiiles, liloaiauhv, (ipoftraphy and Na tural History, with numerous Illustrations and Maps. Edited by William Hinllll, M, I). I'libllNlied by Messrs. J. U. Hurr 4 Co., Hart fonl.C't. This work Is a tlmelv response to a wide spread and urgent necessity of all lllble readers. Helngthn only Amerleun Kdltlon of the only abridgment by the author's own hand of his vo luminous Iiletlonary, which Is too costly for tho common purse It Is at once the only perfectly reliable nnd practical one, containing all that the general reader and mudentcan wish. Tho publishers have In this given tho public a vol ume of which they may well be proud. It Is a standard work, commends Itself to all who ex amine It, and should be found In every family. He careful to got thlsedltlon, If you would have A? mn8t reliable. Dlottonary at the most reason able prloe. It Is sold by subscription only. Agents should address the publishers at ouoc. June 10-lnt TTENTIOS MECHAMCSI Sealed proposals will be received for three weeks from date, for the bullrilnir of a Htore Room and dwelling house, on Main 8t,,Waynes burg. For dimensions aud style of building en quire st the office of Esqulrs Webb. iunen-41 . RAMcOCROaX NOTDER EXCITEMENT! III. TRICE ASSASSINATED t FRANK M'GURQAN THE ASSASSIN! THE DEED WAS DONE IN THE ROOM OPPOSITE THE GREENE HOUSE, WAYNESBUnu, PA. He has Just received and Is now ofTbrln for sale at ine lowest prices, me nnoat stock or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Ever before offered In thin market. connliitlii In Iran, ui DpriiiB auu quiuuier cioiniug FOlt MEN AND BOYS! A very largo stock that cannot be excelled i also, a very superior assortment of LADIES' GOODS Of all kinds, consisting In part, of Sew Press TiliuininKS, Klbbous every width nnd shudoi bullnsuna silks, lutest styles; TRIMMINGS AND RUTTON3 ! Snsh, Bonnet, Neck and Trimming Itlblions: Lai'es real point, Applque aud Valencia. Htindkorchlefs Ijice. ktnhrotdered. Hem. stitched aud I'lulu. Hamburg wurk a fine as sortment. JEWELRY. A large assortment of Kid tlloves first quality LADIES HAT3, bTRAAV HATS. Bonnets ami Bonnet Frames; Bonnet orna ments and flowers, both French and American; together with anv ami all articles In use bv In die. Ank for anything you want and we' can supply you. Auto a line uitsortmuut of CARPETS AND WALL PAPER of vnrloui kinds nnd pat term, all of which will ue soio cneap oa me cneaiiesi. M URDKHI "OVER THE i.Krr," Matorlty of those who rend newHOflnerH. never even give a hasty ulnnennt ahuslnosiadvertlHe meul auu ll n MAN Aetunllv lias a choice variety of coods which liDlSReillnKHt theVKKY J.OWKsT prims that cau be atlorded, it hardly pays him to puhllah the fact. Therefore we have FOUND It host to simply Invito everybody to eall and exninine our stock und prices before ptirclaNlni elsewhere, and say but little In regard to our ability and deterttilnntton to mako Hudvauta p;eoutt to those who are nut DEAD Tothelrown lnte.r'Ht tobuy thelrCandles, Nuts liaisons, clrocorles and everything IN Theflroceryllneoe H. A.BInehart Inl.wlwUh's old building, opposite thupubuusuare. WAYNESBURQ. A FRESH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED AND FOR BALE AT THE A O W 10:30-tf. EST PRICES K A D A N I) K N O V QUICK SALE3 AND SHORT PROFITS ! IMMENSE 8TOf!K OF I'nff II altOC'EWES ANIi PH0VIS1ON3 Constantly arriving at tho Htore of JOHX MUNNELL, VAYNESUCnO, PA. Conslstllig, In part, of UUnrntlRS, con ! K.rr ion a runs, TOliAl I 1 1, 8BJA1IS. SNUFF, CUAf'KKIW, f'HKhXK, MOt.AHsra, CAIlllONOIL, KImU, BACON", Ac, Ac, die. In addition to the above, a full stock of NOTIONS, HARDWARE, SPECTACLES, POCKET KNIVES and thousands of other articles wliloh are be ing som us low as the TIMES WILL PERMIT! COME AND BUY. JOHN MUNNEI.L. IM.-.tf. IOL CARDING ON . TEX MILE CREEK! J. II. DEBOLT Would respectfully Inform the public that he Is now prepared to CARD WOOL on t lie shortest notice and In the best style, at Uc TEN MILE MILLS, Two Miles below RoR-orsvllle. Ho defies com petition, and feels confident of satisfying and accommodating all who may favor hint with their patronage. Trice 75 ents per pound. He Is ulso prepared to grind all kinds or drain on short notice and In the best manner by both steam and water. JNO. H. UEBOI.T June 3, s-i-ini. M ILLINERY SHOP. MIW. CAROL INE ' EDMISTON, Can be found nt her old stand west end of town, still carrying on the Millinery business. All kinds of goods In this line can be purchased here june8,7-tf. nXECUTOR S NOTICE. Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the estate ol Amos Enoch, lite of Marion township, Greene county, dee'd,, notice Is hereby given to all persons Indebted to sold estate to make Immediate payment and those having claims agninst the same, to present them duly autneutfcaied toe ssyment Jons S. '.. 5XC''-. .I M COB, PESN AND BT. CLAM 8TEEETS, Pl'lTSBURQU, PA. The Largest, Cheapest and most Successful PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE IN THE UNITED 8TATE-S. , OYER FIFTEEN THOUSAND BTUDENT3 FROM THIRTY-THRF.E STATES IX TEN YEARS. FOR LARGE QUARTO CIRCULAR, Containing mil Information, Outline of Course oi Miuuy, samples of Lowi.kY s PREMIUM PENMANSHIP, View of the College Dultdliig, different dc parlinnils, City ut Pittsburgh, Ac, Ac, address SMITH' A COWI.EV.' me rriiieipais, ap 1, tH-ly Plttsbtirgli, l'a. JAILEY, F ARHELL & CO. LEAD PIPE. SHEET AND BAH LEAD MANUFACTURERS. ALSO Pig Lend, Iron Pipe, Rubber Hose, Steam Gauges, Whistle and Valves, Iron and , Copper HI u UK A Until Tubs, Hlnain Pumps, Kurm Pumps und Force Pumps, And EVERY DESCRIPriON OFGO0P3 FOR WATER, GAS AND STEAM. NO. W flMlTIIFLELD STREET, PITTSIiUROH, PA. ap 52,'8S-ly-2c Rend for a Price 1.1st. P U R N I T U H El J. W. WOODWELL & SONS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN e F U R N I T U II E ! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, 97 A 90 Third St., PITTMUURO, PENS" A. S:l-ly. NDERSON, PENZOI.D A CAR-SON, HAVK REMOVED TUEllt WELL KNOWN MERCHANT TAILOR ING EST A Dii I 8 II M E N T ! -to C2 ST. CLAIR STREET, Two doors from their old rooms. Sll.'S-ly, B ARKER & 1IASELTINEI no. Iff riritHSZZSSSL, PITTSIIUROH, P K N N A?' MAfrACTUIIEIIS AMD DEALERS IX PICTURE AND PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES OF ALL KINDS. OI'HEWOOD. OILT A WALNUT .MOULDINGS, PIITVIIKSJ, STKREOSCOrES AMD VIEWS. SS-OlMlnguiHl Ke-gllillng to Order. 8;l,'W-ly J. ft. Ni:w.MVEn, President. Q. II. AN11KUMON, J, N. till A Lf.KNHKltfJER. Hecrelary. Huperlittendont. T WIN CITY SLATE MINING A. MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Manufacture and Deal lu every variety of ROOFING SLATE, OF SVI'ElllOH QI AI ITT. GENERAL OFFICE NO. 43, 7l XI (ST., riTOenURGH, PA. For pnrtlcularsand prices, address J. S. NEWMYER, PrcsL p 52,'0S-m JEINEMAN, MEYRAN & SEIDLE, No 12 Fifth Htreot.one door from Wood, PlTIHIIl'KUH, Pa., WHOLF.SALF. AND RETAIL UKALKP.S IN F' ne Jewel ry, Watches, Diamonds, Pure Mllver Ware, Plnted Wun-of even description, French Clocks, Tea .Heis, HMns, Forks, Watch makers tools, Ac, And agency of Ihe CKLKUHATKD AMERICAN WATCHES. We also keep tho largest nnd most varied sv sortmeut of the very liest American Made C'liK'Ics, to be found In any city east or west. Persons In want of any article in our line, either at wholesale or for their own use, will always find our prices lower andouruHsortmciit larger than anv to be found west ol New York City. WATCH REPAIRING-To this branch of our trade i lieiug ourselves practical watch-makers, )we pay very special attention. Wo em ploye force of tho vary ticst Artists In the country, and any and all fine delicate and diincult work entrusted to our care, for the trade or Individuals, muy rely on getting satisfaction. Work may be sent by express or otherwise. RKINEMAN, MEYRAN oYKKIULK, Wholcsuie A rutuil Jewellers AMIIversmitlis, ti Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, l'a. apSVOMy rJIO FARMERS AND OTHERS. A good Agent wanted In every township of this county to sell Weatralt'a Adjustable ItiMh hum I the best hutu-r maker now manufactured. We do not promise fabulous salaries to our agents, but do guarantee good wages to good men. we are unxlou to have this i burn Introduced, and to this end will muke fnvorable arrangements with early appllcauts. Addresa TIKss. H. 1IINOIIAM 4 (1)., l;s-ly Jus l'viin HK Pltuburgh, Pa. JOHN 1L HOFFMAN, MORGAXTOWN, WEST VIROINIA. A TTOIIXEY FOR COLLECTING rexsioxs, Botsnes, akukass or pat, AND ALL MILITARY CLAIMS. Having had 17 yearn experience tn proweutintr flu'h elaiims I hav iHMXMite CuniillMr wltli the various Lawn and thlarjt amount of reeord evidence hi my powwMlon enables nietoliH very aeeesful In proneeutinn upnded claims, and In many Instancea have proved ucceful vhen theclalmant had long alven them up In despair. No matter how dlfllcalt tha claim ao it la juat. fr,J-ly. John Hughes. . T. LUCAS Ss CO. roawABDixo asd coimissioa meschasts. i t And dealers In Groceries, Hardware, Leather, Shoe Findings, Iron, Nails, Salt, Fish, Ac, Also, agent for Aubrey, Cromlow Coon's Window fash. A supply kept constantly on bands. Rios'g IiilnfsabaTthsitrjr, -si 640 MILES OF TIIlV UNION PACIFIC RAILItbAD Aro now finished and In operation. Sixty mite of tho track have been laid this spring, and tha work along tho whole line between the Atlantis and Pacltli! States Is belug pushed forward morn rapidly than ever before. Mora than twenty thousand men are employed, and It Is not Im passible that the entire track, from Omaha to Sacramento, will be finished In 1869 Instead 1170. Tho incuiis provided are ample, and alt that energy, men and money can do to secure the completion of this " GREAT NATIONAL WOItE, at tho earliest kosalblo day, will be dona, Tho UNION PACIFIC MAILROAD COMPaKT ruccivo i I.-A OOVERNMENT ORANT of the rlgHtOl way, und all necessury timber and other mats' rials found along the line of Its operations. I I.-A GOVERNMENT GRANT of M,IKW aera of luud to the mile, taken In alternate sections on each sido of Its road. This Is an absolute do nation, and will bo a source of largo rorvnus la tho future. III. A OOVERNMENT GRANT of United' States Thirty-year Ilonds, amounting to frontr 116,000 to 8l8,uoii per mile, according to the diffi culties to be surmounted on the various sections to be built. Tho Government takes a second mortgage as security, aud It Is expected that not only the Interest, but the principal amount may be paid lu services rendered by tho Company In transporting troow, malls, Ac, The interest Is now more than paid In this way, besides secur ing a great s wing tit timo nnd money to tha Government. IV. A O'JVEriN.MENT GRANT of the right tolssue Its own FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, to aid In bulldlug tha road, to the same amount as the U. H.Uonds, Issued for the same purpose, and no simiE. Thk Government Permits the Trus tees fur thr First Murlgage Bondholders to dellv. er the HoiuIh to the Company only as tha road Is completed, and after it has been examined by United Hlntes Commissioners and pronounced to be In nil rospects a first-class Railroad, laid with a heavy Trail, sod completely .supplied with depots, stations, turnouts, car-shops, loco motives, ear.1, Acv V. -At'AriTALSTOCKSinBCmmOWftWhr the stockholders, of which over Eiairr Miluox IiotxAits have been paid in upon tha work al ready done, and which will bo lnoreased as tha wants of the Coinpnny require. VI. NET CAHH EARNINGS on Its Way Bus iness, Hint already amount to HOHC TIIAM TUB i.NTKHRST on tho First Mortgage Rands. These earnlm: are no Indication of the vast through train? thnt intist follow the opening of tha Una to the rncttlo, but;they certainly prove tha FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS upon such property, costing nearly three Umas their amount, . ARE SECURE BEYOND-AN YCONTINOESOY. , The Union Poclflo Bonds are fc 11KW each nnd have coupons attached. Th.r bva thirty yen to run, and bear annual Inter est, payable on the first days of January and Julv ut tho Company's Office In tha City of New York, at the rate of six por eont. lu gold. Th Principal Is payable In gold at maturity. Tho price is lO'J, and at the present rateof gold, these bonds puy a liberal Income on tuelr cost ri. (Yminiiv believe that these Bonds, at tha ........... the ehennest security In the ?ier, anil reserve lie right to advance tha price at any fi'mo. Part lis subscribing will rem It the par vol as at the bonds and the aocrued Interest In currency at the rato of six per eont. per annum, from thsr date on which the last coupon was paid. Bub arlpt Ions will bo received In Waynes barf, Fa., BY TIIE FIRHT NATIONAL BANK. In New York AT TIIE COMPANY'S OFFICE. X Naasan St and by JOHN J.CISCO A BON, Bankers. Wall Si, And by tho Company's Advertising 'Agent throughout the United States. RcmlttcncoH should be made In drafts or other fun.U par In New York, and the Bonds will bs sent free of ohnrge by return' express. Parties subscribing through local agents, wlU look to them for thnlrsafe dctlvory. A PAMPHLET AND MAP for 18M has Just been published by tbs Company, giving fuller Information than is possible In an advertise ment, respecting the progress of tha work, tha resources of the country traversed by the Road, Ihe means for construction, and tha valna of tha bonds, which will .lie sent free on application, at the Company's offices or tony;of tha adver tised agents. JOIINJJ. CISCO, Treasurer, New.York. June 3. 'U8-tf. JctvinggtaflttttW. rrUIE WORLD RENOWNED SINGER SEWING MACHINE. OCR NEW Fa"mHy MACHINE, to Has been over two years In orepnxatlon, and which has been liromt'otto perfection regardlces of time, labor or expense, and la now confident ly presented to the public as incomparably tha lie t e w I ng M och I no In ex 1 stenee. The Moelnnsi In question is simple, eompaat, durable and beautiful. It is quiet, light running and capable of performing a range and variety ot work never before attempted upon a single Mac! 1 1 ne usl nx oil her Silk. Twist, Linen or Got ten Thread, and sewing with equal facility tha very llncst and onarscst materials, and anythltuf between the two extremes, to the moat beautiful and auliatan'lHl manner. Its attachments lor Hemming, Uraldlng, Cording, Tucking, quilt ing, Felling, Trimming, Binding, etc., are Sore! and lractlcul. anil have been Invented and ad justed especially for this Machine, C.CW I1ITIIKI1 "I lll uill'Mra, iukiui ni.u Wjiim folding tops und cabinet cases peculiar to tha Machines manufactured by this Company have been prepun-d tor enclosing tho new Machines. These are gotten up in every variety of wood, such as Hbu-k Walnut, Mnnoguny, Kosewood, nnd tiie like, and (nun the plainest to the most el-.ilHtroto pattern and Ifnlsh tho Machine themselves being more or less highly Oman wit cd, to eorreapnnil with the Tables or Cabinet for which they are Intended. A tfw reasons whv SINGER'S Utaat lmnrar- edHKW'IMl MACllINMHare the best for Fam ily and General Purposi. Ut Yon fin sew nnvtblnff from the flneat sin gle thickness of Swiss ar Nansook to several thicknesses of the heaviest Beaver cloth, using any kind orstxe of threoil with equal foclllty, iroin iho. .i i.oiioa up io ine Heaviest patent or Linen thread. and makes the popular Lock SUtch alike oat balb Stiles. ail. It has aneven self.ai1jinffiigrnatoa which requlrm nochnnge fcrditferent thtckneeaes of material or u i nereut siz a of tnreaa. 4th. It Is free from all springe, wires and other complications, and la almost noiseless. 61 h. No threads to hold or wheels to turn la startimr. . . sth. It dors not have to be taken apart to ait and clean It. 7lh. It has a perfect fed whereby yon can sew the finest materials without Having (a keep your work si retched to prevent Ita "puckering and von never have to assist the work through as la all other machines. stti. It will hem any width, sew a straight sa-am, or make a ell in the most perfect manner, with iesa skill than is required to sew a.trakjat seem on anyotber machine. Its attncnmenui ior Dfaiuioa, wrum-, m ne. Binding. Tucking. Ac, arc novel and prao- tlisl. and reniilra hut little skill to use them. Careful Instructions given at the house of thw P "lionlj refunded If tha machines an not M represented. .... Every machine warrantee, ana kept in repair three yaars without eharge. Agent for Greene County. :'. Vayaeeeuxm, Pa, laffcraialle). Information gnarsntaad to G reduce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald cad or beard leas face, also a recipe for tn re moval of Pimples. Hlotohea, Eruptions, etc., an the akin, leaving the same soft, clear, and baero- . Ural, ran be obtained without charge by adV dresalna . THOS, F. CM APM AM, Cmp4 4 su ajjcnit m itcoMwaf, new lsX. 1 ., I-Sr-(F --sct'... . . t f U