The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, June 17, 1868, Image 1

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    Terms of 1'uHliont Ion.
TttR "Waymimbuihi HM-i'm.lcAW. Olllre In
Rabjt.'4ulldliiff,talar Mm) CoiuUIoomi l pii(J
tlsll()very,V'eUiiiirty murii!ig. it 83. pur
milium, is ADVAHOK.orM so if hot paid with
lu thoyiAr."- Alliitrrltlon nfraunii Bust
benwUlMlnmniUlr.ii No p;-iHu-ltl be Bunt
UUUpf Uie MtnUi unless paid ir is AuyAKCR, aud
till uc) sulwrlptlons will Jnvnruiidy lio illxc-on-tlniied
at tlie expiration of tlio time for ulikh
tlioj nr 1 y " , -.-i r
I'oinmuiiliuitlonsori snuJerYiof loi-nlorgpnprril
intoit-flt wo ipe'tfnUy Hnllrlti-d. To ntmrfl
ltttUon fiivm of UiU kliul luiwt Ik
nwomimntt'd hy tln nrunp fif tM-tunii'ir, timI for
lutttctitlou, put fu tfmrnnty muluxl imtiocdt ton.
AU, li'tti'ni ptTtainliitt tofiuslm-.sit tuu oUU-u
taunt he ktaruKud to tlie Editor ::
AN OLD NOl.UltlfS onsio. , i
I'm R plain old dolillor who founlit In tlie rnnks.
title arm gone nod this ttty nir ir "' -Vi'HU
uiithlug except iny country's IhQJlits,
Not evon. cheviou or a bur )
ThonKtk 1 foUKlit as well as most of 'cm did,
Loaded aud fired with m true nil Mm ;
But then, youww.ths tint of It Is,
We are not nlj of us bom to fume.
An army of cnptulns would hardly do,
With all tocommonfl and nnniyto oliry ;
tm proud of wearing the uriny bluu
Froud of U now to this vuvy.dny,
lionith ttmeruel war toverantldoun,
And I've laid hsMe my noldler driKs,
Trust in the truth of whut ) soy,
My love for our route li nwo the lest.
'Ttylnkyon, of men who have fouitlit riil Med
On caramon ground tluit Is di ur lu uu h,
Whori foe with foe havo laid "till anl dead,
That of Itself should widen the baach ?
My notion Is, aud I thluk I m nht.
There seldom was etinso of qnoil yflt,
Hlncotnetlmoof Nirnh, hetwlxf'ViMri mid rrlnii,
That one or both of 'cm could'ul foi 'get,
I iy be wronsvflut that's not tlm point
With a little patlencol'llsoougetat;
My oiiKU,llke the times, is out ol Joint,
And wax nllttlo this way nnd that, -
The point Is this: now the country 's saved.
it Who ts the man, of nil, to-day,
Kitted tho host to take the chair T
To put tho tiling in a plain, stvalRht way.
Wo've many among us, Rood men and true,
Civilian and soldier, Unit I'll own ;
Hut tho fiu't Is plain to both you mid uio,
Thero is always on b, lut the: world bus shown -
Always one more than all tlio rest;
Some model, yon see, of the human race.
Moulded by Nnlure, the mother of all,
Fashioned and lilted for some high pluc.
There was WiwhinKlon take for example him;
And old Napoleon, the boast of France ;
Kntrland' Wellington, steru and urlm
Men not mnde by a freak of chance.
I!nt tocomo dowu to the present rtny,
Thore's Urnnt; now tell me where can you Had
A man for President litter than he?
Or so It seems at leust to my mind.
When tho war had lusted for four lour; s eal's,
W'ltli little hope of a speedy end,
And thousands of eyes Werowet with tears
For the loss ofhuslmad. brother, or friend
While the town of liichmond still held out,
I'iiIiIIkIiIuk wide onrsoredlsrace,
Krom the Klorious West he tonk ronimaiid,
And proved himself I human for the place.
Now that's the drift ofmy talk, do you re?
If I'm not iti lie clear it's i.iy fault, tbat'Mill','
For every crisis t hero needs must bo
One man, thetlRlit one, to answer the call.
Here we have hlnUii Omul, lis v.-had before,
Aud-its my opinion heean't Well miss ;
The people are for him, he's their choice,
Howlint better proof conld t hero be than this?
Tofistiraate tlio exact cl'llut of tlie
testimony taken by tlie Inijioncliiiiciil
Manager, lot us hrielly review the
miiit.s proved, merely jiromisin tliat
tlio atlvantage siistaineJ liy tlio Inves
tigating Committee in tlio 1'aet that
they arc all Republicans and have f!i
vorofl impeachment h more than otl
Kot by the ilisailvantitgo that tlie wit
nesses from whom this testimony is
reluctantly wormed are all the IVtno
cratA, nnti-inipcacliei-s, and parties to
the conspiracy which they unvail.
Moreover, this Ueport does not con
tain all the evidences of corruption
which tho Managers havo obtained,
but only those which were necessary to
prove to tho House that the witness
Wooley should lie compel led to testily. '
About a week prior to May 4 one ( ten.
Adams (as Thurlow Weed tcisti(iew)
calle 1 first on Collector Sniythe, and
then on himself,, to secure his co-operation
in a plan to buy the Presidents
ncqnital. Collector Smylhc replied
lio should consult Thurlow. AVced.
AVithin the same hour Gen. 'Adams and
Collector Sniythe consulted Thurlow
AVecd, in manner nnd form following.
We copy Weed's testimony : "A Jams
proposed, for a certain "stun of money,
to get the votes of certain Senators
against conviction." Mr. Weed "un
derstood an arrangement was to bo
made for four votes." Mr. Weed
modestly fissures us "that ho never
had no faith in it" and "advised
against 5t" and "did not like the
looks of it in any way" and "thought
it best not to have anything' to do
with it" but that "the subject was
often talked about In New-York"
and the 'ucst person who talked with
liim about it were Weljster, Wooley,
and Slihlanhookjjivhq came to his
'roolus at" the". Astor . ITousc.?. . , 'Mr.
Weed in a clear and perspicuous stylo
for which he is so noted n.s a business
man, says ' that at' tn is 'miJfcting "there
was, ajjposilion loiado lor vole ami
foriImbrrey;1' 1 viz "thirty thousand
dollars for three votes.". As this was
ttoothVa wecfe twi Weed's interview
with Smythe and Adams, it appears
that his) disinclination, to "have any
thing to aoWith ir was virtue ot an
ensv errade. and that his .advice to
'Coflcctor Smy the to let it alone was foU
IwsTcd by 4aking the job entirely out of
-Sinytlwtt htmi into 4ti -own. Mr.
Wooley, 6rie6f the trifwTo makes tls
Dronosal to Weed at tho Astor Iloifto
"Ms Kentucky laWyer and mnitfiger' of
cases, for the Whisky King, before tho
tertrertthttf fnlernaf Ietienueinost of
which grow out of frauds upon the
Government', and1 1 arfj" 'Pom promised
,and ?e4tkd by defrauding theGoyeru--fhent,
still fitrthcf. Mr. Wooicir Is In
.telcgrapUijjrcorreapondenco with Mr.
arenjAndrew Johuson's private,
5ecrotary,iidon Moudnyy May 4, lid
terCrrha1to.-jjiq'uire., "tho situAtjon.''
-Warden promptly-teplieftr-eKiHWHg
confident hopes of acquittal, hd Btit
,.iilg:tUt. lhe,oly( parous;, who. expect
loVictioii; those who know flenpl
o-tod f'irer ' Wtwking.'f liy- .''innor
,wWkuig mU?iitWald()ulflfi'uiil)ii the
' ySog jW!Mtinont- Q?.,gptnan
jrjffticCiti tlie breasts of Seaalore.-' 'Mr.
Webster, another of the trio who takes
part iu the interview at which rates
ami , terms aro stated x: "three
.Senators for ?;0,0Q0" is a confiden
tial friend of Secretary Seward and
Mr. .Weed, was in the Statu .De
partment, aud Unow Deputy Survey-i.
or in the Custoin-1 louse. Mr. Sher
idan Shook is Collector of Internal
Revenue of the best district iu the
Uni'ed Slates, ami is reputed to have
made an enormous fortune in the ser
vice of his country in this capacity.
Wooley , reached Washington ; on.
Wednesday, May C, as he had prom
ised tho 1 'resident's Secretary, and
on tho same day telegraphed the same
to Sheridan Shook, as follows ; "My
business is adjusted ; Place 10 to my
credit with (JillLs, Harney &, Co., I'o.
2 1 Drood-st. Answer." Ten thous
and dollars were placed to Wooley'a
account with (jillis, Harney & Co.
(though Shook denies that ho placed
it there), which Wooley drew at Hash
ing (the Bankers haviug an office in
both cities) in ten bills ot ?1,XKJ each.
Tho same niidit. Webster, W'ooley's
associate, telegraphed to Shook : "All
right; your answer has been received."
Webster, on tho same day, telegraphs
from Washington to Thurlow Weed,
as follows
"Ik wilt do it. Telegraph Hugh
Hastings to come here right away.
JO. D. Weiistkk, Willard s."
Mr. Weed testifies that he did not
know who "lie" was , nor what it was
promised "he" would do, but he knew
it related to impeachment, and he
telegraphed to J tastings that he was
wanted in Washington. On May
7 Wooley telegraphed from Washing-
on to Weed in JNew-i ork : " lien
will the Albany party "he on hand for
business ?"Mr. Weed states that the
Albany party referred to in this tele
gram was tho notorious Hugh J
Hastings referred to in the previous
telegram, aud thatthe business "related
to impeachment." On May 8, Wooley
at Washington telegraphs to Shook in
New-York to "tjo to tlie Astor House
and get fiojn our friend (Weed) an
answer to my dispatch to him yester
day." And on the same day Webster
telegraphs to Shook to "see Weed
immediately and ascertain, if that letter
has been delivered ; if not, have it
done at once." Mr. Weed seems to
have been too wary to trust the tele
graphic wires with his sentiments,
pi'ctci'ing to be seen at the Astor House.
Shook saw Mr. Weed at the Astor
House, as requested. Hastings soon
alter came down, anil alter seeing
Weed went, on rather reluctantly to
Washington, stayed there two or three
days, returned, and again "saw W eed
i lie ellectol Hastings s appearance
in Washington, on May 10, is shown
in a telegram liom oojey, on May
1 1 , to one Hurt in Cincinnati "Presi
dent's stock above par" and another
of the same date to one Ives in Jsew-
York "Impeachment gone higher
than a kite." But on the 12th
Woolov, who had already drawn $10,
000, telegraphs to Sheridan Shook
"Tho five should bo paid may bo
absolutely necessary
Though Shook admits receiving this
telegram and denies that ho knows
what it meant, yet on the same day
"),00t) was deposited in .New! ork
with Gillis, llarncV oc Co., and
drawn from them by Wooley nt Wash
ington. On the same 12th ot May
(the day set by the Senate for tho vote
of impeachment ,) Wooley also received
$5,001) for Impeachment purposes from
P. Clinch, at Cincinnati, as appears
by a telegram saying: "I paid your
draft how is "Andy'.'" Twenty thou
sand. dollars is thus shown to have
gone into Woolcy's possession as a bri
bery fund on the day when .Grimes,
Trumbull and Fessenden were first
publicly known to havo decided, to
vote against conviction, and wheu the
ticstion of acquittal was narrowed
down to ono or two Senators. The
vote, however, was postponed from the
12th to the IGth. On tho '13th a
screw is loose . somewhere, vt ooiey,
w J. B. Crai, telegraphs to Sheridan
Shook:' :"Conicon by first train; wry
important. ' Lest-this should- not
reach him nt his place of business, an
other was sent to Shook at tho Fifth
Avenue Hotel, as follows: ""iou'rimst
ooh'ie on hero and untangle a snarl ''be
tween friends at once." The Hon". S.
S. Cox nominee as Minister to i Aus
tria, at the same time telegraphed ts
Thurlow Weed: "If you can't come
over, ?end Slrefidrtn -'Shook. 7 Impor
tant:" Shook arrived in Washington
on the 15th, the day before the' vote,
to carry' as he says, 200 Regalia cigars;
and on the 16th, at 9:30 ni m., four
hours before tlie . Iteuators .knew now
the vote would stand, Wooley tele
graphs to "II; J. Hastings" (the'spccial
agent for whom Weed liad sent to AI
bariv,) "card 'of Sheridan Shook; 'No.
'83 Cedar st.;M ns follows:1 "We have
beat the 'Methodist Episcopal I CliuiiJi
North, hell, George Wilkes and Im
peachment. "'lbcltevcd a votc.will
bo taken ;to-day ; I doubt it." ' ', 1
. This is (lib triumph, shout of man
wiio hastened to iutbrm his atssocialxjs
nf flm result four hours before lie could
jKjssibly , have known, it, 'unless ins
IriiowledL'd resulted from the' fuel that
nt lnnstntic Senator had been bduiibt.
Shook, aiidJiiit olitajjict!Jheir4noney
wo dir Wcxnhuiwhbwhc'ot-his
positive itiforiniition brt (Irf luoriliiVg
before this vote, when the Donate itsci
' ' '' '- ... r
The only ; otner iiypotucs,,
LWoolcy bad. tlecciyeti jsucn wary.
raVn.f nfffMtimra. Wiilwtcr.
did not know the result until the vote
was taken, " So satisfied was ho of the
result that nt 8 o'clock on the same
morning he had telegraphed to Hurt:
"Wliero is Wash ? 1 will dine with
Hancock to-night, and beat Fiflh-nve,
Sunday morning. ; Andy nil right."
: itaneocR is1 the second Washington
whom Andrew Johnson siidisinterest-
edly commends. That WOofey had ao
cess to all the tneans For reaching Sen
ators will be seert from the fact that
the dinners he gave at Welcker's were
attended by B, S. Cox, W. M. Evai ts,
W. 8. Uroesbeek, Col. Cooper (the
President's 'private Secretary,) nnd the
like. Tho report states that Wooley
accounted for the $20,000 he received
by four 'talsehdods,' viz: ; liy saying,
lint, that ho expended it in his pri
vate business; second, that he had paid
it out on his client's business; third,
that he had sent it in a cheek to Cin
cinnati, forgetting that this would
have left the bills lie received still on
his person; and fourth, that ho had
given it to Shook to keen, which Shook
Ionics. 1' many, lie reltises altogether
to state what ho did with it or to whom
ho paid it.' We see no sufficient reason
for assuming that Wrooley has cheated
his confederates who paid him the mo
nffy, or that he did not actually use it
for the pnrposo intended. The only
alternative conclusion from the Mana
ger's Report is that somebody has boon
lionght. We care nothing tor Mr.
Weed's statement that Senators whom
they expected to buy voted for convie
tion. His singularly defective memo'
ry would bo likely to screen any Seir
utor whom ho had nought. JJosidcs,
tho party may very easily havestarted
up game where they did not expect it.
1 lie country has reason to believe,
however, that Andrew Johnson, whom
a single shot from one traitor placed
in the Presidential chair, remains there
by tho single vote of another. Elected
by assassination and confirmed by brt
bery.' What n constituency to make n
President! Tiihane. ' "'
iniAJtr ni:siu.ATio.. '
General Grant having been nomina
ted ns the Republican candiduto for
tho Presidency the Democratic papera
call upon him to resign his oilico of
gencral-m-clnef ot the army pending
the canvass. Grant went into tno
war a very poor num. His pecuniary
receipts during tho contest other than
his salary, and what gdts were be
stowed upon him by the people of cer
tain , loyal cities liko Philadelphia,
were nothing. He had 110 fit con
tracts out of which to make money.
He was too busy with his tremendous
task of crushing the rebellion to be
able to attend to his private fortune.
At the termination of the war a grate
ful country honored him with the
high grade and emoluments of general
and tho ollicc of chief command in tho
army. There can be no doubt that ho
is the fittest man in tho natiou for
such a position.
The Democrats nsk him to punish
himself with a deprivation of ofliuial
emoluments and to live on expecta
tions for nearly a year, at a time
when, ns a candidate "for tho Presiden
cy, his personal expense must, of ne
cessity, be much more than usual.
Did he not honorably win his grade?
Did ho not render illustrious services
for the honors awarded to him ? Has
he not faithfully performed tho duties
of his office ? Is tho country likely
to be benefitted by loosing him from
that othee during a period when he' is
not wanted for any other? . Is it not
customary in case of promotion for tho
successful party merely to givo up
the ono oilico iu time to occupy the
other -
Judge Woodward was a member of
tho Bench of the Supreme Court of
Pennsylvania during tho whole of the
excited canvass which he ran as a Dem
ocratio candidate for Governor, lie
never resigned nor did his term ex
pire for fceveral years after his defeat,
General McClollan was a Major Gen
eral in tho regular army while he was
the Democratic enmudato for. tho
Presidency... . He hold no command
and was out of service. . The govern
ment had lost confidence in him, yet
he .held on to Office, and did not re
sign it until the re-electiou of.Lirtr
coin -showed-Mm that there was no
ohance of his getting into scrvico again
Wo might cite many such cases. . But
it is not 'necessary.. Tho. country docs
not want General Grant to resign. It
lias 'fiill trust , iir him, and thinks, ho
well deserves, the oflioo . liO; holds.
Jjnerioanaw Gasdt,
i. The monthly statement of the pub-
lie debt shows an increase, during May,
of (U rudltous pi dollars, owing eh icily
to the heavy payment mado for inter
est;1 ,'Tue total,; nevertheless,, aa U0W
ijeportodj is tbout nine and a i half
uitlliousl(W8 tuaii on thQjst of March,
although ft he, iiitei yotiing jioriod has
opt been largo imports or of any
1 inin-ked activity iu the mineral bnsiucss
ot the country. 1 he lionost, aud ullj-
cient cullectiau f .the" whisky tax
would ;huve ensured a stiU grenter
stcauy.ircuucfwn iu ne unai petji,
".ffiiiB. Apfa!mtfi'lfjq(li!r gives' ! the
barticulara of Uie lute excursion trip of
a party ui jcaanrii un.ii to tno euu n
cue irucK oitiiie i iieiuu jtaiiro;ui,
BAjtiirnTng, th3 trauTri'nlted at "the
Bljmnyt,'rtltenJgitrat;pr.Tntrii thrroad;
Wherfj a UtMti' rhlg'.'teiuWa.onfjd With
tlioT haniis ' bf, Oran t1 nnd Co!fai 1 was
hoisted J(Wrri a'Jntair JWiAliohlgliest
accessible peak of the mountalii. ' -'!
l'ENNA., WEiTnWiIvY;: JtJJK 17.':. BgGSi;'?
OE.. unANl"l SI'KECHBHtij., j tt
The Democratic journals ore greatly
exercised about Gen., Glut's speeches,
nnd predict disaster to, the country in
the election of a man , who, (they say)
cannot make a glittering bmtiou. One
of these carping critics is. Gen. S, B,
Bnekiier, now the eUifoqt jtlio Iwuis
villo tburicr, tho chwf ,i'cudh;tou-
Domoc ratio organ of Kentucky, , Editor
Buckner sharply review Uen, Grant s
style uud ideas, and thinks ho.jwou'tj,
do. lint Mr. JiicunerR possibly .may
remember one little spetch, ,ou compo
sition of Gen. Grant. It wris as foli
lows j ... if.i , t ".,
. Ufadqdadters Aiimv is mil FlEf.n, ,) .
C'AHl' NKlH lj.)Sl.80N, Pel). 1(1, 'liLf. J,
T 0 Gtn. 8. B, Ilucuxuu,, &SdW! rmji ,-
Yours of this rbtu, pf uposliig Mi ti.istico. and
nppoiuUnunt of commissioners tv settle terms
of enpltulation, Is just received, No other
1119 tlein nn uxcustiiTinsir. aud ism'iintATE
auunuNutit can tie accepted. T rli'dposb to
move tmmetliiUely hpunjyour works. ' I any
Sir, very respectfully your oliculent servant,
I U. 8 JltAST.:
Iiricintlicr Gm&al, V. SAa CowmDI'fThj,
Geih Buckner called these terms
ungenerous and uncivil; Inl he mwh
hade to aeerpt thm. For once, nt
least, lio clearly comprehended Gen.
Grant's style. " '"
Some timo afterward, Gen, Grant
was visited in his camp before Vieks
burg by Gen. Peinberton',' who was
anxious to know upon what ferinsthat
city could be relieved Irom n siege just
then pending. 1 lore are the speeches
'Fkmbkiitoh. Gen. Urnnt, 1 meet yon In or
der to firrunso tcrtM for Mpltulution. What
terms do you dsmnntl f " ''
GitAXT. Unconditional mircikfcr, ' .v.
Pkmiisrtom. Uncoudlllonal mrrondorl
Never, so lona as I havo a man left me. I will
fight rather. . '." -: :i .
Ghant. Very well, i ' 1: ; 1 1
But Gen. Pembertori reflected a lit
tle, and ns soon ns the full force of
Gen. Grant s brief speech became clear
to his mind, he, too, made haste - to
comply. ' '; ' '' "' v! '
Again, on tho road to Rielimond,
after the buttle of Spottsylvania Court
House, Gen. Grant indulged in n speech
or dispatch in theso tolerably I clear
words: 1 1 , ,'i ,- -1 7 . V
"Wo have now ended the Blxth dny of vcrj'
lienvy fllillnp;. nnd the result to this 'time is
much In our furor. .'1 I hiopobbtq
MBRl" ..'I, ,l I . -1 !(; -
Wo believe Gen. Lee was in, no
doubt as to the meaning of this speech.
If he was, those doubts wero settled
iy tho next which wo shall quote ot
Gen. Grant's speeches. Tho scene this
time is nt Appomattox Court House)
"I propose to rmhc tht surrender ot the Ar
my of Northern. Virginia upon the following
terms." ' ;!! . - 1
We need not quote the terms. . It is
enough to say that Gen.' Iec very
learly understood them, and lost no
time in complying. ,'.' c.,"... , 1
Since that timo Gen. Grant, has
made few speeches; but few nnd brief
as they aro, they are by -. no means as
ambiguous as theso Democratic critics
would have us believe. I lis latest and
noblest speech reads as follows: . 1 -, ,
r. rrendtnl, and Gtntltmen of tht Nutwmi
(j'nkn CcinrniV: I will (Hldcuvor in It Tnty
short timo, to write you a Mtcr accepting; tho.;
trust you hitvo imposed on mo. (Applause.
Kxprcssing my gratltudo for Uie cuiifldeuco
you luive placed iu mo, 1 will now say but
little orally, and tkd is to thank Wr the
untiiilinily rtitli which you h ivo Delected rue
as a caudidato for the riesidentlal ollicc. i I
can say, in aJJition, I looked on. duriuj. iho
progress of the proceedings at .Chicago with! a
great deal of intoreat, nnd am grr.tifled with
the harmony and unanimity which scciucl to
have governed the deliberations of tlio Con
vention. ' IfcUoseh to fill the, hl'h olllce for
which you liwp8lecjcd mo,j I Will give to
i's duties the sarno energy, tlio same spirit, ami
the sumo ill, that I liavo given to tho perfor
mance of all dutios which have devolved tjpon
me heretofore. : Whether I ehall bo able-to
perform these duties' to your. entire., nUieie-
tinn limA nrlll ,1nlnpil,i.i V.ill kiVrf'tmlV
said, in tlio courao of your sddress, (Imt I shall
havo no policy ot my ow to euioroe &u'
tlio'wlll'of the people." , . '
Wc have, lutd four. Generals in' the
Presidential chair, not one of' whom
was brilliant as' an eralor.'- George
Washington, Yhcn giyen command of
the ltevolutionary Army, could scarce;
lv: iv.' "T. lin.Mlr.'.vhu "The" 'onfl
real speech hoover jiiraie was writden
by 'Alexander i' jramftion. ' Andrey
Jackson was no orator butvhen he'
'd: ;., i . ,, ' ,' ...j,
"Py the Eternal l.lhc I'won nmsl'aujl shall
be preserved.' ' '"?':'; ','
ho was very' fairly iiiltlirstob'T. even ui
South '''Carolina. Geni. itai'i'Tsoi nnd
Tavlor. - wcxc..jjjj;uLlilUtv6iah)rieai:
ability, yet they madetfit to use jjTtel
ueiuie Jtdist islt. JuliurJioir was-an
indilerentsieakei yet there wnfiaUd
pith in his' lVvdynV'lv'et'ii.lAapo
leoii (the first) was a i-eUihtd orator,
and still meu of vrv unitrne fnuid no
uttuciiity in geiung at ine- iiiimiioijj.v'
i-y?-..i. ...i .
tlie few briet sneeehcslie hailiiCmofl
to iuake. Tlwr aroolher noubk ex
ample thaffepeevji, b; sjjyer.n, , Vt
sileuuo ii Koltfen,",1,31teiiOi howftyer,
will sDUii'e and as toUou. lirant we
tlimH ..oui). Uemoemtp I lqcaiuw wim
oiunasq.tQ. uadersUuawhat ItOi iuy
hereafter say, in'to ,mleprly as tliiiV
ilidjiis humble tijbrft kt Vt Dvuu
son, i Yieksburgi BwiteyhWiii
A ppnmattbitv o . AIoss vii ile, ,wp Jtepora
mend thcrrr-hrlt Tnriil .irttuly- pC ''if
ycry liil!pftt effort iVrfcf imrIoVle
letter aWentinirthO' Hi
iiatldrirthe'feiLof WU
M X W'lhtjW
Jf jii siu
nuiua, ... ,
ii , ii.
i t:n nj i; j( iiii.i.i til ii.nbui. m
I iwTl
- r - XinpQ?,.,,,,,..
R-'pholiJari'fJonvchllon'Tif 'the'' 2lst' of May 1
last.; il'eienn prnper that some sfcttcmfcnt of
vlew bcyqad tlio mertf aceoptiinct of. Hie
)uiiuintioi ihouid .bo expressed., Jho p'nv
cecairig"! tUe t;onvuiuon were niarKeu wup
raii Iri,,, l'lnA.lnwillon nnd 'nMotilrii. :nfl 1
tiflUvt ex"pru9 the fcelings ot the great mass
of Utose,Jwh.J I: sustnioiid the country UirpagU
its roceut ( trials. 1 Indorse the, rcolu
tlo'iii If eie'eted t(j llnJ office of ' Trcsldeiit bf
the United States, II will be my ' endeavor1 t
administer ainilir WW'IH iy)rl -ftlth, with
economy, arid wltli'lMVieW of Mnis peace,
truiet.and protection everywhere. lu Utiles
liko tho' present it Is Imposslbitf. ' " or'''a least
eminently Impropar,' to lay flown ' a pdicy to
he atlliflred ' to, riubCt r- vrrong, : through no
aJmiuistraliou of; fqnr yenra.. . JNcry poli,1l1.
issues,, not (oraeen, are constantly arising; tlie
vioiva of tlii puhiie on eld ones are cnftstantly
olianglBg, and purely aJmlnwtrjttrve olfieor
should always be kifl IVca h execute the will
of the people, J R Iways have respected that
will and always shall. dud. universal
prnajferity its 'sequence with economy of
adininislrali6n', ! will ; lighten- i tin burdea of
Uixitiurjj while It constantly leduccs the Nit-
With great rcccVyoujcjiUti.ilieutirrvant, ;
' TVAsfiiNflTOsI, D. C, May 80, IMS. . .
Trilnuf,'f J -: r y-.vj-
Tho r'lilmeo rnnvMUIon-Mr. Tfinhy At
tt'udn It Hud Ot-IN on a IIvy IlUsu-it
: A Hfelliro oil trliiocrncy;
Pqsj: Offis Confedrit X IIoaps.
State uv Kentueky, May 21, 18(38.
1 1 wuz nt Chicago one day,1 arid that
ono day satisfied ' mo. ' My ears wur.
stunned with 'rors lor Grant j wicliev
cr way I turned my eyes I saw iiotli
iug.but Grant badges nnd medals;
the bands wuz all play in the Star
SpauL'lcd Iiiuner..aud sjcIi, nnd even
tho street organ grinders hod attooned
their lyres to the samo Ablishun mel
odies. ' ':";' ' '
)n my arrival I nskt a vishus boy
(wieh I itnowd wU- Dimerkretiej from
the laet thet ins little shirt wood nqv
i ' l 1.;. t:ul- ....i' r ' i
Kino- out uv ins nine ihuub ui iiu
ied .nny shirt), of he' kud show me
wher the Ablishml Convenshlin wim
a holdin itself. "''ii::r , i i -. ,
"Certinly ; I kin ray old buffer," sed
ic. "It's in thut ver bildin," liintin
cz ho spoke, to & ruthcr gorgus cdlfis
With a steeple to it. " 1 " '
1 entered it, and wuz surnrizetLnot
only at tlie fowncss uv tho delegates
ou the floor, but . at the pecpolycr, . ap
pearance. They .didn't look like nny
Convciislilin ' I lied ever 1 nttonded,
Ther nozea wuzn't uv the culler I lied
bin accustomed to, They wuz all sol
emn lookin chaps with gold spectik les
lack coats, high loreheds nnd white
neckci'chei's. "Is tins, thot i to my
self, "tho uniform dclegntcs wear1 at
ltenublikin Conveiishiins r.. , ?
At this pint 1 turned to a. man set-
1 - . .
tin bide iup aud in nn undertone
nskt. wieh' wuz nhed on the lust ballot,
Colfax or Wride? ' "
"Sir," sed ho, "arc you a Johnson
postmaster ?'!' ar- i '-:.? ::,tj
"1 nio, dolicntiv. "How didst tio-
termiuo thet pint ?" ,
"lsy Voor breath," sed he. "ioor
mistaken in the place, my friend
This is a Methodist conference.'
'Thet wikked and perverse boy hot
iDtetishuneUy (leeipveit me. "'. . :
Gii.uiy retun wo ,wuz a scttm. in
Marconi's a discussin tho nominashtins.
Deekin' Pogratri wuz Indignant, "Good
Hevins"!"' sed he; with horrors in bis
Stinted fiico; 'Kiff it be thet men per-
fessm views wud oner siuh an insult to
Kiutuky cz to nominate sich a niaii ez sord in hand, deyastatid her
fertile fielitiaid piled the bodies uv licr
nootrii sons wno resistm nis advance
mountains higlu'-Km' it bo thet -"
a "Iiizy Ueckin, replied .ily vtitUy
stiddy I Don't take posishen rashly
ltaui t improbable thet wc may pev
to nominate' Hancock 'of some Otlicr
soyer. ' In "diet event but 1 ve sed
ennft. '-' win . ,-s,--.i:i...t, j. ,; wn' ri
'Wellitt nil evence,J,'sed the dee-
kin, ."it8;a most jiootuiliatin thing if
icve thrown in our tacai a intainotH pay a debt inkurred In
a infamous attempt to stilyoogiite'iis
to pledge our labor to pay a debt un
oonstitushunolly inkurred,. and tin"
,jpcpnj 's,ed 'lyour real I tip ad
mire butyoorreely inttiscrcet. Itmay be
found ricceSsary lii 6rder to' cnrrNoo-
Y ork to nnniinate JSelinontB r.aian
who will be plqdged to this very, thing
GOrahttlpsIqw," r., : ,q
'",Wellx how thet may lie, it sa burn
in shamo" tp, throw ' into Klrituky's
facoa' AbKshwnest--two uv eitf in fact
and-" .unur.rt
rWDeekio,' tl spoke thh.llrao sevyjre-
Jy.) ,l'yor ,yexy ind icJp-day., tits
possible am I. may.spv jwobaijie. Uict
thet riobte "nafriot Chef P Jastis' Chase
Wiio Kei 'birtf a fritcmPAblish nisf ,mid
who cf he run, will, for obvua reasons
nirdtqii'swalkr'iitrtlwjibcgiBilfi a
jvorshoi) uv liis heresies, piay., be, our
v -r
nothin deekin. ,thct
tr I Unt tr turn tfou
'Teeritt tlict rite iicitfTrnx s i)feniim
chance for an improvin discours-i dn
the nacimrj ulijiclc, cantli anw 0 v.ue-
TMMtfud'oBUOffls nf rtdfTebcsf. cn4T Iu
Lotajmiso it. isviADiinpcrwy wijlhi
for Post-Olns. It might rftze Deckm
Pogram's jre to sijcstjllie ndhiinashiftt
nv narrooctc, on BKnonni'itr1 nw siaw
tttrhttVOc Belmoota Mndidate flb -mk
kount uv Ins insjstm ! yiq m tyt
in his dav susOected uv bein. tainted
'tf'utnflsfl.flrfsrli.!,vB it'ni'rbfethdrlii
I let it be remeATWr tWt'etlcsesr:!
- i: III'. rt-Rr't V ,: tr-T TTT
L: "Lhmoermv. , 1 .rcpwrK. -is .
tinguislieiTchiefly ITii;. its' eliisticity fts
adiiptui means to ends: "One wild Snrl-
iiiim rvs inn r, .-
' 1u-ii;iw birr!
I '
the' cfeatf obiick. 1 " Sucsess is Wat Ban'
com whtitfli tllet I belli tontinyooed in
om3, ftnii)r liev the means to pay lor
the likker I consopirt, and tu avoid the
necessity uv bein.cnntinyooelly rekes
f id tu chalk, it tldwii, wieli jiractis ho
esfemes disgustin, nnd 'onO wlt'h great
ly iiicreeses his laltors' .Capt. MclVl
tci -whhts Sncsess thet Amy conlinyoo tu
hov AssesHora, Lolleetoiu uud Uevenu
olfisers with wieh ie kin divide the
riropluts uv tho Z-s tax on whisky lie
mkesi nnd Deekin Pograni'warits fluc
sfesS th Jt lib may liev his niggors ngiii,
or nt least iliet he may liev the priv
ilege uv hii'iu cm lor 1 a month, dc
ducting 25 cents per day for each day's
absence, without no JJurow . olhser
or'othcr military- satrnp hangin about
td'mOlest or mnke him nfraiil. Snc
sess is tho mane pint, 'nnd ef Haneoek
is tlie way; walk ye" hi it ef Chase or
Seymour i the way, walk ye ditto, for
wim euiier uv tticNe men mi tiiesu
things we'll hev.'' When thev cotne
ii: i if; ii-i
tu lis they lccve ther former solves be
hind. I 1 .:. i -i i , ' t
. Cut me thinks I here one say, Han
eoek wuz. a soljer, Seymour a anti-re-
uidmtor, nnd Chaso a Ablisinni ;t I
,Vhat tiv1 thut ? They may bo wat
they liko when they go into offis as-
sosiashen With us fbtdhes cm sooner or
later. Kin yriii tech pich nud not be
defiled "( , Uoolittle, Cowan and iJmn
wuz ' .Ablishinist. ' hen tliey split
froni Ablishinisin the minit thev
fell into Our embraces thoy became
ea satisfactory Dimokrcts ez I kud
wish, iho road down is n easy one
to travel. Its caserto clime, wieh
the reson Why so ninny more are
damned than snved. 1 Dimoerisy, like
liasconvs new likker. holds a man
when it gits him. Jonson wuz n gooi
cnulf Ablishenist till ho called onto
us for help, and then he wuz lost
Let Chase stay with us a week nnd he'i
forgit nil liis old ideas, y'oo bet.'' Shood
yoo poke thet silver pichur at him the
niggers give him nt Cincinnati!, for
deteiidiu afujitive, nnd he'dswenr liko
l eter ho never saw it. And there is
no coin for the principal oueS. 'Ther
remorse kind 'o drives cm deeper nnd
deeper, till thev finally nre worse than
cz thqthey originally wuz uv us.. Dot
us, my bretlirmg, never reject nny
help we kin cit. Let it come in nny
shape nnd from nny source, it'll finally uv ns. Ke
mcmborY Johnson, Cowhn, Doolittl
and Dixon swore, when they started nt
Philadelphia, that they never kud (,
into tho ranks uv the Dimoerisy ; in
year they v uz n makin speeches for us
in Connectiknt. : ' - ' i:
.' Ez I couklutled my, reijinrks, my
circle all agreed thet it wuz safe to taki
wat ever wo kud git from tho enemy
and we retired, I feelin thet wat ever
other lochlities mite do, tho Corners
wuz safe.'' Wnt' nn outrage It is, tho,
that tho AblishiuiHfS nominated sieh
man for Vice-President ez to mal
Grant berfectly safe, from bein remov
ed ez Lincoln wuz. EfJie's elected
he'll servo out his time sure.
pETrtoLfeCM V. iV'AsitY ; P. M.
1 1 j (Wieh is Postmaster.)
what ranrr nnvn the nrrRcvcii
i 1
' Our Dcmocralic opponcnls are con
stautly" crying but for retrenchment
and reform, but when it is proposed
practically to enter on the performance
of speji. work, the Democracy aro miss
ing when their votes are needed." It
is conceded "Jhaf J Iho ' alJiiirs of the
? l l. ' ' l. .1
national no ministration are cunuucieu
entirely under the inspiration of IX'in
ocratic influence. Every Department
but tliat of the War, is controlled by
the Democracy.' The ' moment the
nr rended, '- CoiiKress benn to cut
down public expenses, whilo Gen
Grant lost no timo in mustering out
large bodies of men.- The last Congress
so retrenched ns to be nble to reduce
taxation ' some 8120,000,000. This
fact Is never allowed to see tho ligl
of the day in nnv of our Democratic
cotemporaries.,-: Another singular fact
Ls. that .the pre3cnt Congress .has rer
duced the estimates' fir appropriations
to carry on 'nil the Departments of the
Government. '!-The sum asked by ihe
State Department has been materially
reduced ;the Secretary - of tho Navy
was cormwlKed to reduce 'his estimates
$120,000 the. operations ot the treas
ury Department have been so cnrtntled
by Conpress- as to savo ?52,000K)0.
These are factH, practiilal. evidence: of
the dunositiou ot a liepubhcan Con
grcss tctreiroaeii, mn, to siien iacif ii
Democracy never allude,
mis '' ' - M -
'"' Asr ndvanoe of roi'T" two to five per
cent, has titken place in Government
Soeuritit, since, the Chicago nouliiin-
lUpus werjj nmde. . This indicates pretty
ciejiriy a conviction on tuc pan ot inu
public nortmiy tnaturantanu uoitax
will lie elected, but that the resolution
in the UruTTornT'to Wh'icirthey havi
civen their Wlfierencd ' respecting tin
publwuebt0a8sures its. payinqnt, in
faith and accordiug to the terins of the
tifractJ 11 .t-.;.-iH...i-...
m'iU !nj inot ,j ...
, .,Tng Ileptiblieans of San Francisco
on Tuesday , night Jielil, one of tho
liirff-,l' bolrtienl ineelinini ever known
Ftllere.-Hpcechcs irml -kHtere' from all
the leading ftnoa-in both factiona i of
Itist year's quarrel) wmreooiyed, heart
ily.indupviiii the .Grant
and Colfax. General Ord sent a cor
dial lettejutLai
' ,M!MI ?J 'i"':M
. Ttitip are 4hree things yre, never
hkeU'see upoii our'stree'ts a drunken
Nr(Wtan'-l-atfog with a greasy: bone, or
tftwrbf Vny mm Wf irln hismotithj
Temiii of vavortiiisaii
ion wiillt.
liinfrtnlatSI BOrctWf"
irtiia'o liis.irtloM or t,aiiu; '"IJ
iliMriffor Mii-rrarmniormi iinmi ri"-" 'TT-
r Utu ot tliW typo Louut'd i
I ft ivii
innrfl. Alltrnh-
strut actvprtlwrnt'iitii to tie pnlit for lit ndvyiiee. -
ni-wK will hp ftmtSeU lhvarlubly ! riMtriUie
forwii'h liisortlon.
Inn liy tlio iimrtir, Imlf-yi'lir or your, Bpwlnt
notlr-i clmn-ed uuu-luUl muto thai) regular al
vertUiiiiifiitM. ' to
A HiK'Tnl li-il.i'tlin mue to peraons nurau--
ry colon; Hiilid-t.Ulis llhiiil,rnmM PuinplHel
At'., of every variety nnd ttlyle, prlntwl at the
jun i'ristivci or every mna m ri"iiw.',-
Just Ihh'ii ro-IUttNand cery ttituff In the Prln-
HliortiKt notli'o. The UrpuHLH AS "mil iiiui
ni; uott i'hk on ex'uu-o io uu wow. twtiauu
initniurrnntl nt tlie lowt rutw. - -' A
TUK SOf f PI..1CE.; ,,ri
I was down to see the widow FergJ-
esoii yesieruav, unci sno give me a
ry t-'plendid dinner. I Went dowrt
rather early in the morning ; we talked
nnd laughed, rtnif chatted, nnd run on
she going out occasionally . uutil din
ner was ready, when- she helped me
graciously ' to pigeon, pie. '' Now; I'J
thought that rather tuvornblc. 1 took
it as n svinntom of personal anproba-4
tion, becituso everybody knows I love
iigeon pie, and I llatterwi myself she
lad cooked it on imrposo for mo. So
I crew particularly cheerfuL nnd I
thought I conld see it in her too. So
after dinner, while sitting close, beside
tlio window, 1 fancied we both Felt
rather coin fortablo likt 1 kiiow IdkL
I felt tliat I hud fallen over head and
ears in love with her, aud I imagined;
from the way slio had looked, she had :
fallen in lovo with hid. Bhe" nppettred
just for all tlio world like she thought
it was coming, tlmt I was going to
court her. Presently, I couldn't help1
it, I laid my hand softly on her benrl-1'
titiil shoulder, nnd I remarked when I'
laced it. there, in my blandest tonosi .
or I tried to throw my whole soul.
into tno expression, I remarked, thefV',
with my ryes pouring love, truth and !
fidelity right into hers: ' ' J
"Widow this is the nicest, nortost
pluco l ever luui my nana on in an my
fvook'nif benevolently nt me. nnd at i
the same time flushing up a little, she
snld, in, melting nnd winning tones 1 :
1 "Doctor, givo mo your hand, and
I'll put it on n much softer place.".' .'
Iu a moment, in rapture, 1 consented; -
and tniiing my nand, sue gentty, very;
gently,aii(f iiuictly laid it on my heaa,
and burst into a laugh that's ringing In"
my ears yet. : '' ' ' ' ' ' -"1'
Now, 1 haven't told this to a living" :
soul but you, nnd, by jinks 1 you must-
not ; but 1 cotildu t liold it any longert,
bo 1 tell von ; but mind, it mustn't gd
any fiir'"" " " '' ' ' "
I 17I-.1
A worthy 'deacon" hirrid a jonrney-':
man funnel' from it neighboring towtt '
for tho summer, aud induced him ol-,
though lie was unaccustomed to church
going to accompany the family to)'
church on the first Sdbbnth of his stay:
Upon their return to the deacon's'
house,hn nsked his hired man Ihiw he
liked the preaching. lie replied j , , j
"I don't like todicar any' miuieter;
preach politics.". ','' ' " ''"
"I am very siireyon heard no politics
to-day," said the dencon. : ' ' r 1 1"
"I am sure that I did," saiij the man.
"Mention tho passages,", said the,
deacon; . . '
"I will, l He said, "irtheKcpubTi'-'
cans sciirrely nre saved, ' where ; Will
the" Deinixirals appear?" "Ah,"' said
the deacon, "you mistake ihese were,
the words "If tho righteous scarcely,
aro saved, how will tho ungodly and.
wicked appear?" ' '"'"
"(), yes," said the man, "he miglrt
hnvc used thoso words, but I knew
deuced well wluit ha nn-anll". ; 'i ,
. : TOO I.4TK. . I ''r'.
A younjj couple clop' .cd froni a
neighboring town, lately, and when at
a safe distance from hmiiowerfl mar"
ried.' ' Soon nfter nn officer was sen
in pursuit,' and arriving attbt hotel
where they wero stopping he -imrafj-v
diately entered their room, ami founcT
them snug in bed. ' He explained his-
errand, wheil theyounglndy said, WifK
a ringing laugh i "lell ma it wO
latd we've been ninni id some lime;
and have ken in b d half an, hour.
Te! he! he-e-c! Don't you get out
of bed for h"nl, John !" ' ' '
Unci" nt Oafclnnd. ,( (
An exciting race took place at Oat
land Park, on the-7th,' between "Kate
MorgunMiandlod by Tom Curl, of
Grecuo, couuty, and,"Gray BUl,'jownr
ed by the MeCalliini Brothers, Sixth
ward. The race was mile heats,' best
two in three, for a purse of five' hu'ii
dred dollars. t iU'h. Greerw county
mare won ill two consecuUvc . beats.
T'iiner 1:58 and' 1:67. . .. -;.
VAf.LAXWdirAtf, who if) editing
the Day tow Ledger, says:, We are no
admirer of Ulysses Simpson Grant a a
military 'genius. But about the weak
est amt most' foolish thing the Dcnio
oratic' ' press ' or " Democratic orators
colild do) would 1k' to - depreciotp his
capnoity, bv. as.iail him tor incompeten
cy, utiles in defense of other; Gejierala
whose laurels his frieudsjnay seek to
stealaway." ' ' " ' '' -,
,.,.'', ,1,1.,, - -..i;:v-.: '
Flounve arc :uow'tli8 i .rage in
Paris. .As many as thirty-six, are to
be put; on muslin dresses, and n?orcver,
the flounces are 'to be of Valeficicniies.
Valenciennes is also fnsliionable': ou
silkv to the great dimay of husBand
and; hitlK'rs who hiye to tpot.wiw.pi
lion uctrf, hovyover, ategroty iji iwal lcr,
if possible. , - - '.....
. A. ' t m ,r' r .
The crop reiwrts from Missiiisipj,
west TeimcMee,--Arkairand other
regiutw of Jthp SoiHhrVesf,5arnofthe
most encouraging .nature, opd. more
than itnthiug else, they give hoBe'pf
the reign of prder an.I'poaec. ' Wheat
and com are excellent reconbtrucftoWj-
r i' t 1 ' ' u n i .4 rn
1 . As soon as Congress adjourBs,Speak
er Colfax will sail for the .fmBo
coast, Svhere tlie opening canvass will
recelvb r hia ' effectual co-tiperaiiofi.
Thence he will return- hbirla.overlnd.