gtwintw (Card. T. W. BOSS, rarucua urn "nor. on. OAet In Jewell's building, West eod of Main Rl. Wywiburt 4;l:'W-tf. J A. BALL, Desk- In pry Ooodj, Orooertes, Hardware, " AT MCCOY'S OLD STAND, tft-ly. fjrccnstiorn. Pa. I. o. of o. r. WAYNEanuua lodoe, ko. . Hatl In Cancer's Building, east Main Street, wnynesburg, I'a. Time, Tuesday evening, eneli W CVa. tUl, O. OF O. F. r nOSdlMKA LODGE, KO. ftot. Hall In Oanear'g Bnllrilng, Kant Main Street, Wayneaburg,Pa. Ttiue,baturttay evening, each wet k. on, EO. a JEFFERY, NOTARY PUBLIC. AU business pertaining to the office attended to promptly. imoe wim r. a a, aelegrepu Co., ran i iiio , ii May 16; 'W-ly. n E. M. BAYERS, ATTOINKT AXO COUHSKLOI AT LAW. Inaddltlontaother bnalnesa will attend' to all cases In Ilnnkrnptcy that mav he entrusted tn hia oare. Office, opposlto the store of O. W. Rob erta A Co. jlwis day. ; DEAMB ISHHOOKS AKD BTaTlOKtaT, Vail Paper, Window Paper. Ac, Snnday School Hooks irt all klnrls constantly on hand, room In Mrs. Rush's building, formerly occupied by C'ot Ivrell A Taylor, Va nesburg, Pa. May , 'aily. on hand, mom In w MTHAlLEY, Watches and jewelry, ain oTKfcKT, orroaiTi court nocsa. Keepa on harMta always a eholee and select aa oortnient of Watches and Jewelry. Repairing none at wo wwv raws, t;i:o-jy, piRST NATIONAL BANK, Of WaTlUBBCRO. Opens OJo'elnck A M. Closes.... -.3 o'clock r a. DISCOUNT DAY TUESDAYS. D. Bonkb, Pres'L J. 0. Flkhnike, Cashier. a Khani. Flennikkn, Assistant Caihler. ENTISTRY, I have located In Warneiihura. and am necn nvlna the late resilience of in. H. A. Pnttnn. linv. Ilia taken irrent tmlna to become thoroiwhlv an. hnalnted with both the theory and practice of ijentisiry.euu naving nau nn experience nraeven -earn in inc profession, t icei warranted in aay na tliatmy patients Shalt have nocausatji com. plain of Inferior operation. Extraction will he rendered painless, when desired, by the admin, latratlon of "Laughing gas" or other anesthetics. I 'taurgm modulate, and all operation warranted unrepresented. I will he at home without I'r.n AnVKNTUHH from Vho tiftevnth to the thirtieth ci every montn. jus, s. HKHTIU. i-i gHERMAN HOUSE, fJBt OPENED BT THOMAS BRADLEY. Poaltlvely the moat complete Hotel In onr town I'.veryiningcoinnine.i to mrnmn me hern nccom modatlon ever vet offered to the nuhllc. Meals furtilahcd at all hours, table provided With the Iteat of theaeaaon. Travellera and thoae deairons of refreshment wiimowpii iocaii."iom"atiii retains his. ol reputation of an accommodating gentleman, ami iiospiianie innaiom. iionse, tne ceiuipledby the "MeBnengcr" Office, one formerly jOBERT DOUGHERTY, CAJintAOE MANUFACTUBKR, WATKESBCRO, TX. Rcanectftlllvalvell notice that he lies IncateH In Wayncaburg, Ta., where bo intends ,to manu-J 1WUIUIU CARRIAGES Of nvory doacrlptlon. From his experience In the business he feels confident that his work, In atyle, finish and durability, will give entire sat isfaction. It la his determination to purchase the best material In market, and employ none but competent workmen. 9-Ail work warranted for one year. -SB 3;21:'D-tf. ARBLE WORKS, BUMMERSOILL ft BRO. (Shop In rear of the Hamilton House near the Steam Mill,) Thapnbllenro respectfully Informed that Rum merKlll A Hni. have Just received a large stock of Rilkludaof MARBLE W0BK1 Rnoh as Orave Rtonea. Monnmenta. Mantle work, Ac. We are prepared to fnrnlsh work at iTwHinaiun iruia on snon nonce, van nna ex amine oar stock, styles, and prices, before pnr- vjiaaing eisewnere. AYJJESBUHG MARBLE AND.DTONE WORKS. SAYERS &RIKE1IART. Btlll continue to carry on the Marble and Stone cutting mtaineas at their long established stand immediate east of the Puhlio Square, between Jllgn anu wreene sireeis, waynesnurK, l a. This establishment has heen In constant oper ation slnoe WU, and the long experience and en ergy of loo proprietors, linked with the exer cise of sou nil Judgment and good taste, have won for them a widespread and enviable renatatlon. An extensive stock of the various varieties of tne nest marnie kept constantly on band. Spe cial aiEcniion pnm 10 pouaniiig, pressing, carv ing and engraving. All orders promptly filled. i;Zt'-tf. pOUNDERY NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER HA VINO PURCHASED EAGLE FOUNDER Y, With its large stock of TLOWS AND MANY OTHER CASTINGS, Formerly the propertyjjf the late DanlelOwena, dee'd, will continue the business In all 1U branches, and do all kinds of MACHINE REPAIRING, At short notice and upon reasonable terms, and hopes to vierll a reasonable share of patronage. -! a W. BOWER LIVER i STABLE TN WAYNES BURG, PA. The subscribers wonld respectfully Inform the publle that Uiey axe prepared to ACOOMMNDATE at all hours with GOOD HORSES' AND GOOD BUGGIES, Our Stable will be found In rear of the Hamil ton House, near the Steam M1U. May ilk 'W-ly W. A. C. W. BANE. H AVE A CIGABf tin ar mtT w a m T.URADENS NEW ESTABLISHMENT. ,. ,, He keeps on hand at U Umes V AN EXCELLENT QUALITY OP CIGARS, fiowkinc ChewlngTobaoco, , Pipe. Snuff, ate, eta. .'iTAtiaCS DOWNl .U THE WOBDl''' Ql4U Boota' U sr BonU, WarW a. COR. PENN ADD BT. CLAIR STREETS, Pittsburgh, pa. The Largest, Cheapest and moat Successful PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE IN THE UNITED STATES. OYER FIFTEEN THOUSAND BTUDENT8 FROM THIRTY-THREE STATES IK TEN YEARS. FOR LARGE QUARTO CIRCULAR, Containing (nil Information, Outline of Court ci Btuay, samples onowLir s PREMIUM TEXMANSIIir, View of the Colteae Rnlldtne-. different de inrtmcnts, City of, Ac.,al1reea he l-rlnclpala, SMITH IDWI.KV, ap 1, W-ly Pittsburgh, fa. B ALLEY, FAIUIELL ft CO. LEAD PIPE, BIIEET AND BAR LEAD ilANUFACTUKEHS, ALSO Pig Lend, Iron ripe, nnblier Hose, Steam uauuee, w nisues ann uiree, jnm aua Cupper Hinkt A Rath Tutw, Kteoiu ("urnps, r'arm Pnmpa mid Force Pumps. And EVERY DESCRIPTION OF GOODS FOR WATER, GAS AND STEAM. NO. 107 8MITHFIELD STREET, PITTRBURUII, PA. apK.'M-ly-fc Rend fnra Price List. U R N I T U It E! J. W. W00DWELL & SONS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FUKNITUllE! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, W 4 W Third St., riTTSBURO, TENN A. ftt-ly. NDKHHON, PENZOLD A CAH80, HAVE nEMOVED TIIEIE WELL KNOWN MERCHANT TAILOR 1NQ ESTABLISHMENT TO 62 ST. CLAIR STREET, Two doors from their old rooms. :l,--1y. B ARKER ft HASELTINEI no. 18 nirn btbeet, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A, MAXCrACTtTRERS AKD DEALERS I If PICTURE AND PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES OF ALL KINDS. OKHEWOOD. 01LT WALNUT MOULDINGS, riCTURES, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWH. 301ldlng and Re-glldlng tn Order. 3;t,'68-ly J. S. Newhykr. President. O. H. Amr.Hso". j. s. hha i.i.Ea RERaaM. Secretary. Superlutendent rp wi N CITY SLATE MINING ft MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Mannfactnre and Deal In every Tarietyof ROOFING SLATE, Or SUPERIOR QUALITY. GENERAL OFFICE NO. 43, 7TH 8T, riTTSBURUH, r.v. For partlcularsand prices, address J. S. NEWMYER, rrert. ap 22,'68-6m JEINEMAN, MEYRAN ft SEIDLE, No 42 Fifth Street, one door from Wood, 1'ITTSBLHMH, l'A., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Fine Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, Pure Silver Ware, Plated Wareof every description, French Clocks. Tea Seta. Wixmns. Forks, Watch makers tools, Ac, And agency of the ' " CELEBRATED AMERICAN WATCHES. We also keep the largest and most varied as sortment of the very best American Made Clocks, to he found In any city east or west, i'ersona In want or any article in out line, either at wholesale or for their own use, will always find onr prices lower and our assortment larger tban any to be found west oi New York City. WATCH REPAIRING To thla branch of onr trade (being ourselvee practical watch-mak ers,)we pay verjaepeclal attention. We em ploy a force of the very best Artists In the country .and any and all line delicate and difficult work entrusted to our care, for the trade or Individuals, may rely on getting satisfaction. Work may be Rent by express or otherwise. Kc.INr.MAN. MKYRAN A BKIDl.K. 42 Fifth btrwt, rnuburgti, iV, rjio FARMERS AND OTHERS. A good Agent wanted in every town shin of thla county to sell Weatcwtt'B AdiaHMable Bmb ("harm! the beat butter maker now manufactured. We do not promise- fkbulous salaries to our agenta, but do guarantee good w lures to aooa men. we are anxiona to oa thla Churn Introduced, and to tills end will make favorable arrangements with early applicants. Address TH. H. BINGHAM ACO l;-lym SWPenn St PltubonhPa. Bills, Cards, Clrenlara, Postern Ac, e neatly executed at tbla office, no abort notice. JOHN H. HOFFMAN, MORGlKTOWS VIRGINIA.-. ATTOR. COLLECTING PEESIOMj BOUltTUCB, ABEEABS Of FAT, AND, ALL MILITARY CLAIMS. Having had 17 nan exnerlenoeln nroaocntlne such clainia, I have beeosa iaanlUar with the various Laws and the large amount of record evidence in my possession analaVnunetobe very sucoeaaful In proaeeatiaa sajapessded eialaat, and In many Instance have proved successful when the osaiiaaut had long given them up lo.aaapaar. No matter how difficult the claim suit lsjuai. E XECUTORB NOTICE. ,1 Letters tcstamentarv havlne been srrantad to the undersigned on the estate of William Evans, laSe of MMtmsns tawnanilpv Gi eooniy, uee a., notice ia nereoy given to all jaer- ona loneuwa io mh eawM IO make Unniefltata narsaaaUaadahosa basing latnte awatnat ttui gritrtfofl. PRINT INO! r HK WAYNESBURQ REPUBLICAN' JOB PRINTING ESTABLISH MENT, Bayers' BuUiing, East of the Public Isquare, WA Y NEB B U It G, PA. PAMPHLETS, PROGRAMMES, BILLHEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, POSTERS, BLANKS, LABELS, ftc.,ftc, NEATLY EXECUTED WE HAVE NOW A GREAT VARIETY OF MATERIAL! And a more complete stock of P A P E R, C A R D S, & Than any estAbluhmrnt within .bo limits of our uuBiuesa circle, AND WE ARE PREPARED To execute every description of J&R PRINTING IN A STYLE OF NEATNESS AND BEAUTY!! CANNOT BE SURPASSED ANYWHERE. W employ the most oomptnt printers, and piUJBUaK) W MEET EVERY ORDER With which ws an favored, In the SHORTEST TIME POSSIBLE ! ANB IN THE MOST ATISFACTORY MANNER .' .1 ! ' Particular attention given td : ' FINE ' RULE WORK i;... T . : . vr . CERTIFICATES, , ' CHECKS, Ac, TERMS ,oRE A.S0N ABLE ! . .... .' .l.r 'y ..-iiv-.v u. .-. i.. ;, . J. Lot a JmW; tj sal M ; km ceia alas where. jii'a J1-. y- vtiic-,HX.w j,i.vp - ..;;- j... (. r.,iie' f A8. E. BAYERS, '"' WaBborg,Ta.'' t3' CROP PROSPECTS. Last week, alone the seaboard, lbs tun shone during ona day and a part of another ; thereat of the lime the weather was misty, bat there were no heavy showers. A good deal of god was turned for corn, fur fear fiat country, and, in cUecTTTuEnTiuouui to tue growing season. The fruit prospects of the West are not encouraging. Strawberries are expected to be In small supply, and dear. From the Southern States we have favorable accounts. Wheat looks well, fruit Is likely to be abundant, cotton has a good start, the ne groes are doing better than last year, and the people generally confess that Reconstruction to be accomplished more through work than politics. On the whole, the promise of abundant harvests never was brighter. It Is true that averse conditions may arise, but sufficient for the day Is the 'oil thereof. Du ty and nopo belong to the present. At the lowest estimate, the present golden sunshine is worth a million dollars an hour. N. Y. Tr'ibwui WEST VIRGINIA REPUBLICAN TICKET. The We'st Virginia Republican Convention met at Clarksburg, on Thursday, and was largely attended, four hundred delogates be ing present. The following ticket was nom inated : Electors at Large A. W. Campbell, of Ohio, 11 S. Brown, of Jackson. District Electors First District, General N. Gofl i Second District, J. M. Hogans j Third District, W. H. Powell. Governor W. E. Stevenson, of Wood. Jgiditor Thomas Boggcs, of Roane. Attorney Oou. Thayer Melvln, of Brooke. Treasurer J. A. McCauley, of Ohio. Secretary of Stato J. M. Pipes, of Mar shall. For Congress First District, I. H. Duval, ot Brooke ; Second District) Jas. C. McGrew, of Preston ; Third District, postponed uulil the 4th lust. Resolutions were adopted indorsing the Chicago nominations and(platform, pledging the support of the party to uovernor iiore man for any position in which he may desire to serve them, and demanding economy and retrenchment in public affairs. Political and personal corruptions have won the Impeachment game, trumping In at the right moment to take the odd trick but Edwin M. Stanton carries off all the honors. He has done bis whole duty, consistently and honorably. Relinquishing the War Office as soon as the treachery of false friends bad completed Its work, tuo brevity of his official notification of retirement Is quite long enough to comprehend the whole shameful story of the nation's betrayaL Astigning for the rea son of his withdrawal a simple statement of the Senate's failure to support logically and properly its own formal voto of February 21st, he writes a complete history in his own vlndl cation, and to the everlasting dishonor of the 'ccrcants. Pittiburgh Gmttlt. Somkhodt has published the terrible myste ries of tho Ku Klux Klan. "A Full Expose of the Forma, Object and "Dens" of the Se cret Order; from the Confession of a Member. We con hardly believe that men of any age can be found who will be taken by the follow ing nonsense, said to be a refrain of the Elan "Bolll ku hubbl-ku, Helll ku hot, Bolli-ku, negrl-ku, Devlla pot. Boil black blood Of big block man, Drln-ku hottu blood Ko Klux Klan." Bah! Washikotos. D. C, June 2, '68. The official vote electa Bowcn, Republican, Mayor by 74 majority. The Council on joint ballot shows a Conservative majority of 8. The Senate, this afternoon, after debate rejected the nomination of Hon. Henry Stan berry as Attorney General It b understood his re-appointment to that office waa opposed by Senators principally on the ground of his hostilities to the Reconstruction acts. Gee. Bex. Bctleb has been accused of a great many crimes. There are as many per sons who believe that he stole Spoons Louisiana, as believe Nasby to be a veritable Postmaster and it ia a tact that the Post master General gets letter every week, ask' !o why such a fool as Nasby Is allowed to remain m office, and bring the Democratic party into ridicule and disrepute. Tut paper-hangers and paper-makers an much excited just now with news of the in vention of jrutta percha paper which, for du rability and imperviousneaa, surpasses all previous attempts at fabrication of a datnp-ro listing medium. It is to be prepared tor p' per-hanging, and will very shortly be in the marlet . Ex-Gor. Betmodb denies that be Is la favor of the nomination of Chase by the Democrats He favurs McCkllan first and Pendleton sec ond, unless soma saw sad more popular ca diaaiecaaoeseiectea.' .--, - Retorts from the gfata .crops ol California are remarkably uroraue. a ram stofd moo day- nay i soae damags to U bay, " EVY8TAND! NEW 8T0HEI NEW STOCK! The natronaon of the neonla of aur town and county Is respectfully suliclted at the new stood. P. A X T E L L & CO.. tllachley's Corner, opposite the Wright House, wayiiesuurg, ru., wnere a spieuuta stock II us usi uvea received, consiimng of dry goods, FINE WHITE GOODS, FANCY GOODS. DRESS TRIMMINGS, SPRING SHAWLS AND BALMORALS, EMBROIDERIES, NOTIONS, GLOVES. HOSIERY, RIBBONS, Velvets, Parasols, beaded and plain; Ladles' and Gent's Hats In various styles. Ac, Ac. B9-A line assortment of everything In our line always uu iinuu a J-We sell at very reasonable rales and deal alike toau-. COME, EXAMINE, AND BUY ! P. AXTELL ft CO, May 27, '8-ly G OOD NEWS! AND NEW GOODS! D. SHIRK, Now offers to the public The most complete assortment ol Every thing In the Dry Goods line ever brought to This market. The Spring Styles, fresh and attractive And of every variety. Hats for Men and Boys, Ladies' and Misses. Boots And Shoes, unsurpassed In Durability A Cheapness. Muslins, Delaines, Cloths, Bonnets A Bonnet frames Casslmeres, and In fuel Everything that can bo Desired, you can buy of him. A. WILSON, JR. Epocinlly Invito ft call from h In old onatnmprs, UtilUK HilliHiit'd inv irtuK 'i itirnitT ufiu- Iiir will bo unstained Ann that now, tut of yore, the Uwtes of all will hepleawd regard lug price aud finality. Km brncn (lie flrnt opportunity nnd Rive him on enrly call. tt-Iloom formerly nwuinled hv A. Wllnon. Jr. In Wllion's building. Wnyneaburg, Pa. ap B. tm-iy. it, miinK, LATEST VET. MRS. E. S. SAYERS A IIOSKINSON Have Just arrived from the East with a large asaortraeuv otwreiuu auuuotaesuu DRY GOODS, SPRING & SUMMER STYLES, which they propose to sell at the lowest CASH prices I such as urea uootis, urcsa Trim lnliiK, Dress Buttons, Ladles Shawls, Boots and Shoes, a Hats for men A hoys, also,a Krcat variety nice articles, at very low prices lor GENTLEMEN AND LADIES' WEAR, Wares of all kinds, and acomplete variety of the hniouiM:l'-.ltrKM. Allofwhlch tbev nroposeto sell at the very lowest figures, dependlnK on the quality and cbeapnesa of their goods to gain tn.m enatom. Olve them aeall before purchasing; elsewhere, and they will prove that the alsive la correct. Room tn Allison's holloing, nearly opposite the Court uonse, waynesnurg. ;. gEAUTIFUL DISPLAY I DKY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, &. A EVANS' ESTABLISHMENT. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT EVERYTHING IN .THE JUN.E I Wishing to eloas ont far the rail trade, ha of fers hlasooda at aatonlahina low ralea air aaah The stock la aa lata as tha latest and ths baat ia market. i Mlnor'sBulldlng, opposite the' Greene Rous,' imm as au auB, N gouts & $hM. FACT WORTHY OF NOTE ! JOHN W. WINGET Undoubtedly has the LARGEST STOCK ol HOME-MADE BOOTS ft SHOES I IN WAYNESBVRG. They have been tried and found to be equal Ifnot Superior to any ia tho place ! He has a general and well manufactured assort- ineut oi LADIES' AND MISSES, MEN ft BOYS' HOME MADE BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS! Ha keepa hands unexcelled ns workmen In learner, jussuop will oe rouuu NEAR COTTERELS TANNERY, -After returning thanks for a lllieral natro- naae nerctorore itcstoweu. I wish to snv to mv old customer and others that I warrant my work In every particular, nnd will sell at prices unit wiiisuiiHiy uuy rcuBoiilluie person. Don't forget tho place, but GIVE ME A CALL BOON. ap , '68-ly JOHN M. WINGET. QREAT FANIC IN THE PRICES OF B'OOTS AND SHOES! WILLIAM BERRYIIII.LS, TWO DOORS WEST OP N. CLARK A SON'S ULOTIHNU STOKE, Hnvlntr Just pmrhftwl a heavy Stock of Boots nnd Shoes of the FJNKST and flKST QUALITY to hf found tn the Kant, he now ha the IWM na- leeted nnd most complete lumortmeiit of thewe (ioolH ever brought to tho Xowu, Aud he oilers to sell FOR CASH Mod's best, whole Btoek, Home-made HooIh, 17 Inch leu. at NJ1). 5.VK and A.11O: Men's Fine Call at 97.W, with a uniform nedurtlon in rate, on all kind of utork. Mr. I.t-rryhlll having an ex penence or 10 years 111 the uiunuiuciuuiig 01 BOOTS AND SHOES 1 In thoroughly aquaintedith thebnHlnesn, and uas w aen great core w maae iuih a SUPERIOR BTOC'K TO ANY KKPT IIEHK- TuruitK, FiXnerleneed handn are eonntnntlv employed Innmklnnto order and we can wifely Kay that at no nlae elite In thette "dlKHlnH" ran the mate rial aud wurkniaiinhlp bo surpaHed, ALL WORK WARRANTED ! Ilenownflkrihlfl frlendnnnd the nnMlr toenll and examine hla ntoek. an he feeln cotifhlent that ne ran pieiue inrm. m, iihiuu uiiiit, ij;i5-u wain wireei, waynesuurg, rn. G" EAT BARGAINS! BOOTS AND SHOES! NEW STOCK I NEW STORE I CUSTOM-MADE WORK! CHEAPER THAN EVER, AT If. C. & II. BELL'S, (SCCCKSHOKS TO jlALKTKD,) SAYERS' CORNER WAYNESBURO, PA. 3.Call and examine, and save money! GOTO M. C. A H. BELL'S FOR BARGAINS W-iy. FTS FOR THE MILLION A HUGE. STOCK BOUOIIT EXPRESSLY FOR THE FESTIVE VAlO ASLAU, Al I 8 A A C HOOPER'S aOCEBY AKD COUCCTiOXIBT t Mr. Hooper would still have his friends nnd pat rons bear In mind, that he continue In the Oro- oeryand Confectionery trade at hla usual place of doing business, and that he ha Just received A FRESH SUPPLY of tha beat quality of all articles In his Una. TOYS NOTIONS, and a great variety of useful aruciea always on nanu. . ., : RSFRESHMKNTS. In ooqneetlon with tha above, Mr,' Hooper Keeps a jteataurant, wun DELICIOUS OT8TKR8I wnh all the. "et eetcraa," at served at reason- able rates. The moat attractive and most popular resort in (own. fciat fi Uijifranwuj!. gETTER TDAN EYER! I HUM NEW YORK & PHILADELPHIA TU0MA3 BRADEN, Has Just received at splendid new SPRING STOCK OF HARDWARE! To which he Invites especial attention. Ills store Is niled with everything In hla Una ' neeoeu oy me lartneranu lueclianic. ncina of his farmer friends. Asinnii hla variety of oihis win ue eiiiuii iron anu r.aua oi an ainua' !.,... ..,.,11 A An Tt- Ili-Iootliid. Cnws-cut and Mill Saws. Hand Saws aud Tools of all desorlptlona. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Mowing Machines, rutting Boxes, Corn Shelter Plows, C ultivators, Hliovuls, forks, and every thing In this Hue, SADDLERY HARDWARE: A general assortment of Saddlery Hardware, to which he luvltea the attvutiou of purchasers WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDS: Tubs, Ruckets, Butter Bowls and all kinds of liicneii wiKHien rixins, willow nasaeiR, ltrooms, MruHhes, Coal Huckets, ilrnss Kettles Hnuuv Whips. Shot (Inns, llovs'a Wiumns ami Sleds. All of which will be sold cheaper tban ever for Cash I GIVE HIM A CALL SOON. Ho will take plensnre In showing hla slock at nil limes. Soglve him acull when you coma So 1 town. Itemi'iuber the place, OPPOSITE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WAYNESBURO, PA. ap 8,' THOMAS RRAIIEN. I ;iro TANT TO BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS! WAYxranuua steam planing; mill. Tt gives tin pleanure tn an noun re to ttio pnbllo theeomplethm of this work and thereadlncfM of tho proprietors to RECEIVE ORDERS! ' AND MAKE CONTRACTS! The best Ii Ina, Don Mnklliu. n proved machinery la need. Flan hlng nnd Grooving, Sash and loor 'nnneiiing, ttlppinir 3, inouliling ac, . Muling prloea niplilly and skilfully execute paiu lor j ALL KINDS OF LUMBER! They are also prepared to do all kinds of rarnen tcr Work, with the utmost promptiiess,and in the most suhsttintlnl mnnner. They nnlecl fully solicit a ahare of puhlio pntroimKC, nnd tliiller themselves that they wil in all cases be able to GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION I All orders promptly attended la II It A PEN, WALTON A 8AYKR8, S;H-tf Waynesburg, Pa. COPPEK AND TINWARR ESTAOLISII. MENT IN WAYNESBURO, PA, PONT THROW MONEY AWAY, BUT FS15 IT TO BUY CHEAP AND UUEFULSTOVES Ok W. II. IIELPIIENSTINE, They have the handsomest and neatest patient COOKING, HEATING, AND BTOYES 1 PARLOR n llse. 'Cnll and exnmlnc the different nntterna before von" mirehuHA flNnmrhMra. Tliev havit the ROHKDAI.E, for wood orconl, three; and the Perfection, for wood, three sites. They are the best Mtove In use. Don't let the wnnnm scold any longer, but got them what they need. They manufacture TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE! of all kinds. Evci crythlng In onr ptly; send In you! p for eaah or eoui line will be nttenne.1 to nrom your onlera aonn. for 1 will sell cheap euunu-y produce SPOUTING AND ROOFING! done to order nn the shortest notice, at tha old stand, sou burg. Pa. stand, south of the SherlrT's House, Wuynes W. H. HELPHENSTINE. Hfl-lni E. A. TINKER ..H. L. alArEL. IJU NKER & MAPEL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS a ' FOR THE SALE OF , ' , ., HOGS, CATTLE AND SHEEP, AT THEIR OWN YARDS, WEST BALTIMORE, MARYLAND! ADJOINING MO. LIVE STOCK SCALES. . , I' M,wwfAi11v anllcttarf ATI n i munieaiiona promptly anawuseu. reas fjme Addreaa-BoiljHII. 7;24-ly. Osokok. C. STUaoisa, Attorney at Law. Jonn C. Waohsu Notary PubUe, : S' TURGISS WAGNER,, UNITEQ STATES CLAIM AND GENERAL; a9-Forthar!luatmentnfnT.AIsiiiaratl kln.w agaiuat the United States, such aaj , PENSIONS. INCREASE Or PENSIONS, BOUN Tt, 1100 1CXTRA BOUNTY, and thoae of any other claaa call on or write to, tha Military and Naval Agency of 1 HTURGIrS WAONER, ... Walnut St., 1 dour below Hagaaa' earnar (UpSU(rs,l im.'fMw,, Y. "oToToTir Waynes Hi'rta encampment, vpl lh ., . o. .a I ' . " ' ' Hall In Oanear's Building, east Main Stree. Waynes tiurg. Pa, First and second Friday s oi -'iith. fth,