fStHe f23fonebur0 epuMiCCTU, ebnesbctri, SSune 3, 1808, rii w. BOSS, rnrICU! AND SCROKOX. Oftee In Jewell's ItiillJlDg, West end ef Main St. yayncsburg. tftf-tf. E A. BALL, Dealer In Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, etcelo. AT McC0Y'S OLD STAND, (jrcenslioro. fn. T 0. OP 0. F. WAYNESBURO LODGE, NO. 460. Hall In Gancar's Building, oust Main Street, Waynesburg, Pa. Time, Tuesday evening, em'h week. (III. .T 0. OF 0. J;'. ' nosniMKA lodge, no. 638. Hall In Oancar's Rtilldlng, East Main fiti-ecf, Wuyuesburg.l'u. lliue,tiaturduy evening, each week. dh. , G EO. B. JEFFEHY, NOTARY PUBLIC. All business pertaining to the ofTJre Attended to promptly. Oillce Willi p. 4 A. Telegraph CoJ, Hint or the Court House, Muy 10s 'My. E. M. BAYERS, ATTOltSET A!ID COfSSKLOU AT LAW. In addition to other bnsrness will attend to all coses In Bankruptcy tlmt may he entrusted to hm care. Odlce, opposite the Store of U. W. Ilob ertaACo. w JjEWIS DAY, DEALER lnOOK AMD STATIONERY, Wall Paper. Window Paper, Ae. Rnndny School Rooks nf all kinds constnntlv on hand, room In Mr. Itnah sbulldlng, formerly occupied by Cot trell A Taylor, Wuynesburg, Pa. May 9, 'OB-lv. Yjposjrar; WATCHES AND JEWELRY, sUIS STREET, OPrOSITE COCBT ltor.Sg. Keeps on hands always a choice and select as sortment of Watches and jewelry. Ti-f I rliifr done at the lowest rate. 4;l:X7-ly. ITUTKlTIOT4f Tl t 'Tf OF WATSESnmO Opens OJoVloek A x. Closes 8o'elock P M. DISCOUNT DAY - TUESDAYS. D. IJo-fEB, Trea't. J. C, Fi.evxikkn, Cannier. H. Fhaxk, Flessikes, AsnlHlniit Ca Oiler. JEN'TISTHYi I have located In Wnvneshnnr. nw.l nm won. 15 vl nil tho, lute rcxlitanimnr !- h m fnii.n nn. nit taken -treat pains ti Iipcomih thnrmmhiv nn. ntmlntcd with both the theory and practice of fwrn in inu jinmH.on, j warranted in say n that my patients shali havo ..nemisutocnm- iuiiii)) inur-ior operations. Kxtractlon will be rendered pnlnles, when desired, by the ndmtn Juration of ''tauKhlnir ims" orothcraiiPflth.-ilifi I barHt-s moderate, ami all oncrntlnnn unrruntoH as represented. I will In nt home without run Aj'r..Ynin0 irmn uie immjiun lotho thirtieth Ol UVITV jpiUUU. JOS. 8. IIKUTIO. ;18-tf g HERMAN HOUSE, JUST OI'ENED BT THOMAS BRADLEY. Positively the mint eomplete Hotel In our town. Everything combined tofurnlHh the best aceom SKodatlon ever vet oUeri-d to tbi nubile. MeulR furnished at all hours, lalilo provided Traveller!! end those desirous of refreshment Will do well tocnll. "Tom "still retains bin old reputatlnnnfnn arcnmnindntlni; gentle-nan, rtrM hnepltablo landlord. House, tho one formerly ooeupled by I be ".Messenger" Olllre, o;!fc 'SS-iy. JODERT COUGUEUTY, CARRtAQE UASTTACTOER, Vt'ATNKBBCKO, PA. j Respeet fully gives notleethat heha loeated In M'Bynesburg, J'a., where he lutenda to mnnn fiKtwre CARRI AOES or every deserlptlnn. From hla experlenen In thahualneM ho feela eonfld, nt thnthla work, In yl.llnl8h and dnmhllltv, will Rive entire aat InraHion. It la hla deterinlnntlon to nurehane the hekt material In market, and employ none but competent workmen. -AH work warruutedforoneyear.-M C2;!h'-tf. JJARULE WORKS, 6UMMER30ILL & BRO. i (Shop In rear of Hie If am lltnnJIouu nonr the Hteom Mill,)' ThpnbU are respect fully Informed that Sum inerHKlll Hro. hove Just received alargeatockof . ntlkludBof MARBLE WORK! Sncri as Orave Rtones, Monuments, Mantle W ork, c. Wo are prepared to furnish work at reasonable termann short notice. Call and ex nmlneouratock, styles, and prices, before pur chasing olscwhero. fcS-tf. f AYNEttX'RG MARBLE AND oTOE VOBK8, SAYERS & MXEHART. 1 Ptlll eontlnne to carry on the Marble and Ntone rnttlngbustnessat their lonu: estalllshel stand Immediate cast of the Publlo Square, Iwtwctn Irlgh andjlroene streets, Wavncsburit, Vo. Tills establishment has been In constant oper ation since 1KW, and tho loncexperlence and en ergy of the proprietors, linked with the exer else of sound Judgment and good taste, have wen for them a widespread and enviable. reputation Ad extensive slock of the various varieties nf the best marble kept constantly on hand. Hoc. cial attention paid topolhihlng, pressing, can-. Ing and ejiKravinti. All orders promptly filled. 4:2fc66-tr. JjtOUNDERY NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVIXO rUKCHABED EAGLE FOUNDER Y, Willi 1U Urge stock of - TIVOWS AND MANY OTHER CASTINGS, Formerly the pmpertytof the late Daniel Owens, ... deed, will continue tho huslncaatn nil . 1U branches, and do all kinds of " machine retairinq, AtShOrt nntlee and nnon IWUnnnhU iarmm AM.t kopes to merit a reasonable ahare of patronage. ., Hum C. W. BOWER JJEVY UVERf STABLE , ' . IN WArNESBCRO, TA. The subscribers Wonld respeet fully Inform the pnouo taai tney are prepared to ACC0MMNTJATE AT ALL HOURS WITH . GOOD HORSES AND GOOD BUGGIES, Onr Stable will he found In rear of the Hamil ton House, near tne Uteam Mill. ' MayK.-SN-ly W. A.4C. W.BANE. 1 AVE A CIGAR? TP OA PiT T. TV AT T. BR ADEN'S 1SEW ESTABLISHMENT. I ' ' j ' " ' Ha keeps on hand at aU times AN-EXCELLENT QUALITY OF CIGARS, atooklnt 4 Chewln Tobacco, t t" 1 .. , i . p una; ate, etc. 'y 'PMCBS DOWNl 13 THE W0RD I ' ! Can ttk Room in theWoney Room, wavae- COR. PESN AITD BT. CLAIR 6TREET3, rmSBURGlT, TA. The Largest, Cheapest and most Succemful 1'RACriCAL BUSINESS COLLEGE I.V THE UNITED STATES. OVER FIFTEEN THOUSAND STUDENTS FROM THIETY-THREE STATES IX TEN YEARS. I ( t T : : i FOR LARGE QUARTO CIRCULAR, Containing full Information, Ontllne of Course ol mudy, samples of cowlky s PREMIUM PENMANSHIP, ; View of the College Tlulbllng, different d partmenls, city of Pittsburgh, Ac., Ac, address ine iTineipais, B.uiiu Aiuvii.rjt, upl,iW-ly PltUburgh, Pa. JJAILEY , FARRELL & CO. LEAT) PIPE. SflEET AND BAR LEAD MAN L FACT U HERS, ALSO Pig lend, Iron Pipe, Rubber Hoac, Steam uutigis, vi iiisucs nnu vnives, inin ana Copjier sinks A Iktth Tiibs,Ht4Nun l'unips, Farm Pumps and Forco I'umps. And EVERY DESCRIPTION 0FGOODS . FOR WATER, GAS AND STEAM NO. 17 SMITIIFIEI.D STREET, 1 rn-rsBt Ron, ta,.' np V(W-1y-2n Bend for a Price List. pURNlTuilE! J. W. WOODWELL & SONS, . ' I , 1 'it MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FURNITURE! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, 7 & 99 Tlilrd St., 1 riTTanURO, PENN'A. 3:l-ly. DF.HSO.V, PF.SZOLI) & CARSON, HAVE REMOVED THEIR WELL KNOWN MERCHANT TAILOR. 1NO ESTABLISHMENT -TO r.2 ST. CLAIR STREET, Two doors from their old rooms. l,'-ly. JJARKER & UABELTINE! KO. IS rtFTn STREET, riTTHUUROH, r E N N A , '" MAMlirAC-rt-RERfl AXD DEALERS Il PICTURE AND PIIOTOGRAPII FRAMES OF ALL KINDS. OFMEWOOD. GILT WALNUT MOULDINGS, ' ' i i PICTURES, STEREOS0OPES AN)) VIEWS. a-(;ildingnnd Rc-glldlng to Order. 3;l,'6-1y J. 8. N'EWMYEn, President. i . II. AXl'KHWIX, J. N. HnAI.I.KMIERDERi Secretary. rJuperlntvudent. T WIN CITY- SLATE MINING & MANUFACTURING . U03IPANY, Munufncturo and Deal In every variety of ROOFING SLATE, OP SUPERIOR QUALITY. GENERAL OFFICE NO. 43, 7lH ST., riTTSRURGIt, TA. For particulars and prices, address I J. S. NEWMYER, Trent.! ap 2j,'G3-0m JEINEMAN, MEYRAN & SEIDLE, , No 12 Fifth Rlreet, one door from Wood, Pittsuukoii, Pa., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN F!ne Jewelry, Watches, 1 Dlnmonds, Pure Hllver Ware, Plated Wareof every description, French Clocks. Tea Hets. Hnnnna. Forks, Watch makers tools, 4e., And ngency nf thiT CI-.LE1I11A1 ED AMERICAN WATCnES. e also keep the largest and most varied as sortment of the very lMst American Made ( locks, to bo found In any city east or west,' Persons In want of any article In our line, either at wholesale or for their own , use, win always nno onr prices lower . and our assortment larger than any to ' be found west oi New York City. ' WATCH REPAIRINO-To this branch of onr ....... ..... iinii-iiiiti wiiini.nini ers.lwe pay very sieelal attention. We em-, loy a force nf the very best Artists in the country, and any and nil flue delicate ! and difficult work entrusted to our care, for tho trade or Individuals, may rely on getting satisfaction. j Work may be sent fir express or otherwise RKINF.MAX. MEYRA.f BRIDtK, Wholesale 4 retail Jewellers i silversmiths. Frfth street, Pittsburgh, rit, ap29,'68-ly TO FARMERS AND OTUERS. A good Agent wnrlted I every lownslrln of task ( srnrnl tho licst butter maker now manufactured. We do not promise mbnloas salarlns to our agents, but do guarantee good wages to good men. We are anxious to have this Churn Introduced, and to this end will make favorable arrangements with early applicants. . ?Hjlfa Sl-..burgh, Pa. Rills, Cards. Cirrnlars, Posters At., e neatly exeeuted at (Ida OIHce, on short notice. 1 JOHN il. HOFFMAN, : . . ; T ; M0RGANT0WN. WEST VIRGINIA. ATTORNEY FdH COlLECTllfG r-RSMOxi, Rotwnas, arixass or pat, AND ALL MITJTARX CLAIMS. Ilavins had 17 Tears exnertenee In nniMvntin suvii uwiiwi a rmn. i tmttu i inc was ine various Iwa and the lane amoant or Mmni evioence in my pnaaesuion enaiHea uit to oe very succeasful In prosecuUrsf auspeaded daima,aad in many lnstanosa have proved sucecsalul when the claimant had long given them up Indespalr. No matter bow difScoU the claim so It la Just, , EXECUTOR'B NOTICE. 1 t ( ) .,, 1 i.t rr Letters testamentary bavdng been jrranied to the undersigned on the estate of William payaaent and those hartng claims againaMtie same ptassl Wjesa doff antawntMUatflar HOJS MKWITTi. FRANKUK SBATON, - - aUael., MnyiMt fritttwg. pRI R I N T IN 01 THE WAYRESRlTRa REPUBLICAN' JOB TRINTING ESTABLISH MENT, Saycrt' BuMlng, Ead of tlie Publlo Square, WAYNESBURO, PA, PAMPHLETS, -PROGRAMMES, BILLHEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, POSTERS, BLANKS, , ' LABELS, &C.,ovC., NEATLY EXECUTED WE HAVE NOW A GREAT VARIETY OF MATERIAL! And a more couplets stock of PAPER, CARDS, &c, Than (iny f.itfthllflhmnt within the limlu of our DUNiness circle. AND WE ARE PREPARED To execute every description of JOS PRINTING! IN A STYLE OF NEATNESS AND BEAUTY!! WHICH CANNOT BE SURPASSED ANYWnERiS, ., 1 'a employ the most competent Tprlnters, and MEET EVERY ORDER! - . . . . . . ... - With which we are favored, In the -. SHORTEST TIME POSSIBLE! '.i .! ; 1. asb : iiti . ... Mr ACTOR,Y MANXERf . . . Vll .i .1! :: . ( : f ; f -; ..I Particular attention given to , FINE RULE WORK CERTIFICATES, a; .; . f.M ,-i '' i 1 ' : , CHECKS, fcc.,.0 T E R MS KB A SON ABLE! '.Vf1 i'AJS.E.ftATBRS. . I" Waynseborf , Pa, . DEMOCRATIC GEMS. ' Ooce In k wlille we find a "Democrat" who Is a professor of religion, and tbere are rare cases of "Democralic" Methodists. Up la La Crosse, WU.. there Ue "Democrat" news paper, called, the La Croat JJemoemt, edited by one Pomeroy who claims that bis paper is read py more people titan any other "Dcinoia cratlc" paper Id the United States. It Is pure j Democratic. The Democrat) read it, and swear by it It is their biblo. They drink its weekly slang, and smack their lips for more. The Methodist Democrat reads it (if he can read) and calls it good ; and here is a speci men of what he reads "Tbere Is now In sossson in tho city of Chi cago, a nondescript black-and-tan, rurap-rad ical, political-religious mob, known as the Quadrennial Conference ot Lite Methodist Church. It is convened nominally in the terest of the Methodist denomination, but re ally in the luterest of Grant, who is the can didate of the Slethodists. It will remain in session until after the Chlcag Convention and will aid its nasal whine to the chorus of damnable discords that will ball the nomina ion of the azure-backed butcher. There never was convened on this continent so fanatical, ignorant, obstreperous a mob of renegade whites. Tho vagabond political and moral male harlots who defile the Methodist pulpits and who make night hideous with their Infernal bowlings, are further beneath the contempt o white men, than a Y'ankee singing school Is beneath an angel choir. Roost high, oh, ye feathered beasts, for the chicken caters are come up to the great city. Guard well the back doors to your gin mills, oh ye dispensers of benzine, for the throats that are enveloped in white chokers are often athirsL "Look well to your four footed beasts, ye that keep livery stables, for horse-fljsh hath s s 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 I tho Methodist cious. "Mount a two-barrel guu within range ot your old clothes line, oh ye that hare much raiment, for the colporteurs have a weokness forsquaro-tuiled shirts and embroidered under clothes. And ob, ye unsuspecting Methodist brethren of Chicago, hearken to our warning, and go mighty slow on your Itinerant brethren from the country, for they will rencogua on you thu first deal. . "Brethren, let us pray!" NEW TORK PHBH ON THE NOMINA TIO.W. New York, Mar 2,Thb nominations and platform givo great satisfaction among the Republicans and War Democrats here. One of the Grant Clubs fired a salute of one hun dred gunifc' honor of the ticket Inst night. Speaking of the nominations made at Chi cago, the Herald sajs Grant is stronger than his party, and Colfax is the most popular man of his party, and the Repnblican ticket is a strong one. Tho Timet snys the people havo faith in Grant, and tho selection of Cdlfax is emi nently judicious. Tho World says tho ticket would have been s strong one five months ago, as It is com pletely Western and wholly Radical. Grant is without a popular equal, but a successful military career covers a multltudo of defects. Colfax is perhaps the most popular mau in his party. On the -'. the ticket is strong one- The Tribune predicts Grant's electoral snd popular majorities will exceed those of Lin coin over M'ClclIan. Ho will receive more votes from reconstructed rebels than any oili er man in the country. New Y'ohk, May 22. Tho Sua says the Chicago ticket is a strong one and will receive the enthusiastic support of tne Republicans. Tho Comiiercin supports tho ticket, regard ing it as insuring victory in advance. The Pott eulogises the ticket and says tho resolutions, whatever faults a minute criticism might detect in the language or In the form of some of them, nro as a whole an explicit and satisfactory declaration of a general sense of justice as applied to the living questions of the day. At a wedding in Delaware, when all was arranged and the minister called on any ono to speak who objected to the marriage, a husky voice from the corner cried out, "I do ! " All eyes were turned in that direction, when a man emerged from tho corner, holding his handkerchief up to his eyes and blubbering, "Why do jou object?'' said tho roinistei. "Because I want lior mysolf 1" A oehti.exan asked a clergyman for the use of his pulpit for a young divino, a relation of his. "I really do not know," said tho clergy man, how to refuse you ; but if tho young man can preach better than I con, my con gregation would be dissatisfied with mo after war 1s, and if he should preach worse, I don't think he's fit to proach at all.' ' Always havo on hand, nut awav in the barn or wagon sued, pieces or hickory or oth er touzh timber. How many times in a vear docs a farmer want a niece for a nm. sinirln tree or handloi and it not at hand, ft whole board er fence rail must bs cat,1 or perhaps half a day lost gding to a wngonmaker's shop. v., ,l . ip At a mooting of the Baptist Hoaoo Mission Society in New,York, the Bouthern delegates were admitted and warmly applauded. - Sev eral of Pieni made speeches acknowledging the death oT slaTcry, and expressing a desire for the friendship and harmony and union of thcStales.; . V . . . ;..f i iTYiucn, my dear lady, do yon think the merriest place in ;he world?"- "That imme diately above the atmosphere, I should think," "And why so." ; "Bocaaso I am tola that there alt bodies Ibse their" gravity.'" .:.."" "Joint mr" said a little three year oldjistor to aa elder brofiier of six "Johnny, why. can't we see the sun go bsek whero it rises V VWby a; you. lllUe goosey,' because it wouM bo lamed to be seen going down east. " Gk. Cisar Issued an 'order removing - thir teen of flghteen'aMerineti of Charleston,' and appointed persons to fill Hie vacancies. Under tha new organization there will be seven ne groes In the board. '' . '. . Saucoa. do yon know what for we call our boy Hans r "Do not really.- "WtlL I tell you tor reason we call onr boy Hani; dat Minis name." EW STAND! NEW STORE! NEW 4 STOCK! Tht patronage of the people of onr town and to uu' " "w ". P. A XT ELL & CO., Blachlcy's Cornor, opposite the Wright llouso, Waynesburg, Pa., where a splendid stock has Just been reeclvuu, consisting uf DRY GOODS, FINK WHITE GOODS, FANCY OOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, SPRING SHAWLS AND BALMORALS, EMBROIDERIES, NOTIONS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, RIDBONS, Velvets, Parasols, beaded and plain; Ladles' and Gent's Hats In various styles. Ac., Ae., Ac, T"A fine assortment of everything in our line ulways un hnu(l"&s We sell at very rensonnbl.i rates and deal auue 10 aires COME, EXAMINE, AND BUY ! P. AXTELL & CO. May 27, '6S-ly Gr0D NEWS! AND NEW GOODS 1 D. SHIRK, Now offers to the public The most complete assortment of Every thing In the Dry Goods lino ever brought to This market. The Spring Stylos, fresh and attractive And of ovcry variety. Hats for Men and Roys, Ladies' and Misses. Roots And Shoes, unsurpassed In Durability A Cheapness. Muslins, Delaines, Cloths, Bonnets A Ilonnct frames Ciwslmeres, and In fact Everything that con be Desired, yon can buy of him. A. WILSON, JR. Especially Invites a cU from hi" old ciiMnrrtpr, DfMiiK NiuiMneu ?no prrtuisn or mrnior doix ln will he Htislnlnt'ii atifl that now, an of yore, the taut of all will ho pleased reKFtrtlinfi prices nnd quiillty. Km braro (he flntt opportunity nnrt Rive him nn onrly cull. iBItoom forinorlv occupied hv A. Wilson. Jr. in Wilson's bulldlug, Wuyuwburg, Tn. up rytwry. 11. miiitK. T HE LATEST YET. MRS. E. S. SAYERS A IIOSKINSON Have Just arrived from the East with a large assortment 01 ioreigu auuuomeatio DRY GOODS, SPRING & SUMMER STYLES, which they propose to Bell nt thHowent CASH priceMi Riicnan prefM itofNiHt j'rcHri i rirn mlnir, Ores HnttonK, JiiuHes tHIiHWlfl, llootH and Hhoen, ilntHformon A Iki.vn, bIho.a great variety nlceartielen, at vtry low prlcrn for GENTLEMEN AND LADIES WEAIl, W a rein of nil kinds, and ft complete vtirfef y of thp best GFW M'KKIKH. Allofwhlch they itropme to sen m uio very iowrhi ngurcn, nepenmiiK " miallty and cneapuesa ineir goous w biu (Hvcthemaenll before pnrchnsinsr elsewhere, omi ihaw win nmvA that thm Above is orreft. Haom In Allison s btilldiiiK. nearly opposite the (Jourt House, waynesnnrg. .( w-m jgEAL'TIFUL DISPLAY ! DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, C ASSIZERS, &6.. EVANS' ESTABLISHMENT. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT EVERYTHING LNJHEJJNEt Wishing to clone oat tor the fill trade, ha or. fera hU goods at aatonlshlna low ratea foraaah. The suajh Use late aa the Utestand the beat In market: a Hinor'auniiainf, opposite us Greene Hons. N 4iM4m L K. EVAN FACT WORTHY OF NOTE ! JOHN W. WINGET Undoubtedly bas the - LARGEST 'STOCK ot .' HOME-MADE BOOTS & SHOES! " IN WAYNESBURG. They have been tried and found to be equal If not Superior to nny in tho place ! He has a general and well manufactured assort- meui ot LADIES' AND MISSES, MEN & BOYS' HOME MADE BOOTS, KIIOE3AND SUPPERS! He keeps hands nnexeelled as workmen In icntner. it is snop win ue iouna NEAIt COTTEHEL'8 TANNERY, After returning thanks fnra llhnml patro nage heretofore iM-stowed, 1 wish to say io my olti customer and others that I warrant my work In every particular, and will sell at prices mac will snusiy any rcosijuauie person. Don't forget tho place, but GIVE ME A CALL BOON. ap 8, SS-ly JOHN M. WINGET. G HEAT PANIC IN THE PltlCES OF B'OOTS AND SHOES! WILLIAM BERRYIULL'S, TWO DOORS WEST OK N. CLARK A SON'S L'Uri HINU HTOIIE, Having Just purchased a heavy Stock of Roots anu mines 01 ine r li-l flna lir.rsi- ti'Al.l I'l leetefl ami most complete assortment of iln-se Goods ever brought to the Town. And lie oilers to seu FOR C A s n Men's best, whnta stork, Home-mnde Floats, 17 men h'h, m trn.iju, n.sn mm n.tji ; men m r ine ijui bi 9.-i", wun unnonn neouciion in rates, on nil kinds of stock. Mr, Kerry hill having an ex perience of 15 years In the iniinufiicturiiig of BOOTS AND SHOES ! fs thoroughly ncqunlnred'wlth thebnalness, and nu laseii great cure 10 niaxe mis a SUPERIOR .STOCK TO ANY KEPT IIERE . TOKO HE, Experienced hands ftr eonstnnttv emnloved In innklns to order nnd wo can safely say that nt no piaee erne in ineso "uiKauiK can me mate rial and workmanship be tturpassed. ALL WORK WARRANTED ! He now asks his friends and the ntihllr to call and examine his stock, as he feels contMi-nt that ue can please them. WM, HKfllt Y II l hit, 12;l-tf Muin Street, Waynesburg, I'a. G RE AT BARGAINS! BOOTS AND SHOES! NEW STOCK I NEW STORE I CUSTOM-MADE WORK! CHEAPER THAN EVER, AT M. C. & IL BELL'S, (SCCCE.SSORS TO-rJALSTED,) SAYERS.' CORNER WAYNESBPRO, PA. w,CalI and examine, and save money I GOTO M. C. A II. BELL'S FOR BARGAINS 12; Hy. G IFTS FOR THE MILLION A HUGE STOCK, BOUGHT EXPRESSLY FOR THET FESTIVE DAYS AHEAD, AT ISAAC HOOPER'S ... . oaociKT ako cosrcno!iEiT ! t Mr. Hooper wonld still hnve his friends and pat rons bear In mind. Hint he continues In the Gro cery and Confectionery trade at his usual place of doing business, and that he has Just received e A FRESH SUPPLY of the best qnollty of all articles In his line. TOYS NOTIONS, and a areat variety of useful articles always on hawed. - REFRESHMENTS. Tn connection with the above. Mr. Hooper keeps Restaurant, where . , LDELICIOJfS OYSTERS! With all Ch"et catena." saw aerredalreaaoa- eoie The moat attractive am) moat popular feaort la town. ajiw w-iy. pi,dlanfttu.!i. TETTEB THAN EYER1 ? FROM NEW YORK & PHILADELPHIA THOMAS BRADEN, ' Has just received a splendid new SPRING STOCK OF HARDWARE! To which he Invites especial attention. Tils store lnllcd with everything In his line- AG RICTLTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Mowing Machines, Cutting Rotes, Com Shellent Plows, l ultlviitora, Hhovekw FoVks, and everr thlng In this Hue. SADDLERY HARDWARE: A general assortment of Saddlery Hardware, to which lie luvllea the atteutlou of purcliaavrai WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDS: Tubs, Ruclcets, Butter Rowls and all kinds of tri...i...M u'.uui..h iH.i.i-. , -1 1 i, ....... niiiiini ii'".n.u riJvann, nili-'W UllSKClSl llmont. Itnishes, Ctial lluekets, llnuts Kettles; buggy Whips, shot (Inns, lloys's Wagons and MI.hIm All itrwhlKli Will llA M..1.I .luniu. M ever for Cash I GIVE HIM A CALL SOON. He will take pleasure In showing his stock at all times. Hogive bird aeall when yon eoino to town. Remember the place, OPPOSITE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WAYNESBURO, PA. ap8,'fft-tf THOMAS BRA DEtf. JMPOHTANT TO BUILDERS and CONTRACTORSt WAYNESBURG STEAM PLANING; MILL, It gives ns pleasure to annnnnee to the pnblla tho completion of this work and the readiness ot the proprietors to IRECEIVE ORDERS! AND MAKE CONTRACTS! The best Improved machinery Is used. Plan ing, i-iougniug ann uroovtng, rwn ana imor Mitklnff. raunelllna. Itlnnlitir. mnuldlne Ae.. rnpidly and skilfully exeeuted. Ruling prloes paid for , ALL KINDS OF LUMBER ! Tlipr nre nlun nwnnrfr1 tn tin ntl kltirt nf Parnate. tor Work, with the utmost promptness, and in imp immi unmiiniitii iiianiier. 'I hey resect fully solicit a shnrf of pnhllo utronatte, and flutter themsolviw (hat they wll all eases be able lo GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION I All orders promptly attended to." BRADEN, WALTON A SAYERS, ;14-tf Wsynesbnrg, Pn. COPPER AND TINWARE ESTABLISH MENT IN WAYNESBURO, PA. PONT THROW MONEY AWAY, BUT USB IT TO BUY CHEAP AND USEFCLST0VE8 OF UV. II. II E L PH ENS TINE, They have Die handsomest and neatest pattern of COOKING, HEATING, AND PARLOR .. BiUVESl i In nse.'Call nnd examine the different patterns before you; purchase elsewhere. They have the RflHHUAf K. for wood orcnal. tore irises! ftml the Perfii-tl.in, for wood, three alzua, They arc imp iH-si moves in nse. Don't let the women scold any longer, bat get them what they need. They manufacture TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARS t of all kinds. Everything In our line will be att.-ndi-dtn promptly; send In jour orders soon, iw i win sen envap tor casn or country produce SFOUTING AND ROOFING! done fo order on the shortest notloe, at the eld stand, south of the Sheriff's House, Waynes. uurg, fa. W. II. HELPHENHTlfiK. ' E. A. TIVKKK H. L MAPKL. fJUNKER & MAPEL, C03IUISSI0N MERCHANTS e , FOR THE SALE OF 1 ; : ; .'i HOGS, CATTLE AND SHEEP, ' ' ' AT TOEIR OWN YARDS, , WE8T BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. ADJOINING MD. LIVE STOCK SCALEBV ..t...t. anllclfMl All Am. miinlcatlmis promptly answered. Post Offloe Aoiiress tra issi. GroaoK. C. Stpbodib, , Joint C. Wissia Attorney at utw. nowiry ruono. s TCHGISS & WAGNER, ! UNITED STATES CLAIM AND GENERAL -For the odlnstment of nArMS.of all kinds against the United States, such aa PENSIONS. TNCREASF.OF PENSIONS, BOUN- and those of any other class call on or wrltej to the Military and Vaval Agency of silJKUiess waunr.1 . Walnnt Ht 1 door below Haaan IS" (UpHlalrsJ s-a.w-iy morqantown. w. va. I. 0. 0FO.F, WAYNESBURO NQAMFKEJUS NO. U ... . ' . . I ''I Hall In Ganear Bonding, east Ifala Street "',"5 !rl' nds. Among bis varletv of goods will be rMimi ron ttIlll Nails of all kinds! I lanes of all varh-lles. Augers, Hraces, "J. Tut ll-tM,the.l. Cross-cut aa Mill BWarHaIid 1J TV O MtA4 WIB Ui Ul'BCrifUlOtlfl. ayneaaonj, rar first ana secona r naay s oa ch month. ' ' - fh, '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers