The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, June 03, 1868, Image 3
S!icWuinc.oburg Republican. Nonce to Attorneys will bn h,",l ri-1..nsll.le fr lup-r Hook, A.lverinili iiiilJob Work, onl.-r.-d by tii.-iil nnd lid P il l f!!i I In advance! Such bill to be collectable on dt-hlnlld. Nkw AnvunTHKUBSTs. TIio attention of our renders la specially directed to the follow ing advertisements, which apiiutr fur the tirsl time in our paper to-day. (RT Union r:ic!(lc Hull road. (-American Ciicini 1 lemmings. Cooper, nnj Whit'iy. (jrWool C'unlini; Juo. H. DeliolL arF.eciitor's Notice Joins E'y. (yJUlliuery Shop Mrs. Caroline Edruiston. What arc thy beat United States securities ? Votes for Ucneral Umut. Fukeoom of Ilia presj Snitching a kiss from a pretty woman in a crowd. A Sl-i'kmor articlo of flno Family Flour, manufactured nt Oak Forest Mills, from No. 1 Wheat now on bant and for Sale at N. II. Mot'lellund's Grocery Store. Ocit citizens can now have a five months opportunity to see how mush nucdjJ is a rail roiJ u; llio vtlley. Taoy hull have n strong motive to pusU tlio matter locomo tive. A Novel 5Ivmii:st. On Thursday last Uie denizens of IIi;'!i Street were nil agog as tlie Dnliny Boys and Tom Kent drovu their IM30 train nbn, dr.uviui; a lull.llcdcd frame dwelling. Asotiiku PiscovKitr-That I). Shirk lias a No 1 stock of Men's, Women's, Boys' and Misses' boots, clioes and slippers. People would do well to examino thein before malt ing tliclr purchases in line. Annivr.n Tins Wi.kk A tlno assortment of nitllneiy goods, ladies' ilrets curs, hats and bonnet, Children s lints Ac., &e. 1'rompt attention to all kinds of millinery work by Mrs Caroline Kdudnton. Wk 1. ivo on our table tlio Monthly June Copy of "Arthur's Homo Magazine." Tills is one of the choice specimens of literature lor a family circle. No better can ho for a mother whof e chief dcslro is tho proper training her children. of CiVKu is. Tlio old liedwllli St ilK a frnmo structuro of lini timbers that lias weathered the storms of full fifty winters, Kiivo in to tlio prcsstra of time, one day last week and is now a completa but llithy wreclt Let its remains bo speedily removed Loom. IIistoiiv. It U recently coming to light '.hat Solomon SpaulJinir, who lived and died nt Amity, Washington Co., i'n., nli-nit a half century ago, wrote a romance lor his own amuscmeut which Joo Smilh secured and per verted iuto Ihc Mormon Bible ; Hence the or igin of Mormauism Is no longer a myth A Rki.ic or Autiquity. Says the Pint. (In utile : yeslerd ly wlillo workmen were iliir gins an excavation fir a new cellar a cut mono foundation of lino workmanship was struck, which puzzled the oldest natives t.) ae couut for. Tnis was sixty feet fro u. surface, the hill which stood there having been traded away. ' Now FOB IUlllllISS TlIK ltutllSl cii.vsei: Ykt For the next ten days, Evans & Misoit propose to sell to cash buyers, their splendid assortment of goods at extremely low prices preparatory to it'iini; Kist I'or an entire new stock. 1'iints Delaines and many other arti cles will bo sold at original cost. They mean exactly what they say. Call and sec. Democratic Nominees. Two townships arc tmolllcinl, but ollleial ami reported majoriies give Sedgwick two of a majority over MeCon null. Yet it is thought by many that the un official townships will yet bo manipulated by a certain old Stager so in to nominate MeC'on Hell by about three votes 1 Asskhiii.t Joseph Sedgwick. Com. Micluel MuOllan. T. II. DniccToii Alpheus M. Temple. - Auditor Simon Klilnehart. WiSRt.Y Oriikrkd. Tho Dry Good, Cloth ing and Hoot & Shoo Stores of Wayncsburg liave mutually agreed to closo their respective places of business at 8 o'clock ea ch evening (Saturday excepted) during Iho sumnior. Tills is, doubtless a wiso arrang mcnt. Mer chants and their employees need recreation . and it will effect nobody's interest except tlia constitutional loafer, who, if it send him to spend the evenings in tlio boao.n of his family will bo much benefited. . EimwAY. On Saturday lust just as the decorating procession was forming in front.of tlio Public S pure, an infuriated mule, at tached to a vehicle in which tho driver lay prostrate, Mazcppa-liko, dashed up street through tlio crowd with all tho vengeance at liia command. An attempt was made to stop bis wild career but lie charged madly on, bouncing Ills driver into tho street and smash ing tilings generally. Sequel, nobody hurt, but somebody desporatoly frightened and a tittle how-comc-you-so ! llo ought to have been "scut up." "Poor Tom's a'cold." IIow warm soe'er tlio genial sun May look in kindness on tho earth In Tom Jone's veins no cheering warmth I)l.pls theloomy sorrow of his soul, tyjxpa'a, like a goblin, hunts him down, A'.), grim chamberlain, lights him to bed, While Dullness, Vertigo, and lleadacha dim With fiercer aches combmo to niako liim -X' Worn. yv.; ' Ilarken, Thomas to instruction. For all thy Ills a remedy Is found A, Panacea, certain, pleasant, sure, l'lOTTIOB!TTHIt8-'8.-T. 186ft X., ' A wondrous tonic, mado by Dr. Drake. We prcsumo "poor Tom's" ca30 is not worse than hundreds who ore cured daily by this wonderful medicine. ..-1 , v. ; , ' Maoitolu Watrr.A delightful toilet arti clessuperior to Cologne and at halt the price Tmim.t Fatautt. We learn With deep regret that Vacui, a youth about 1 4 years old, son or EU long, Ueq, or Muddy Creek, camo to his death under tho followin g Hocking circumstances ' . ; : i - . .i On Thursdw morning last ho got on a colt, totido tb KdiooL a short time after, be was found about thrco fourths of a mile from bonio lyiog Ip the road "doodV baving bU tlilgti broken and fatal internal uijnries. The infer ence is that be wu thrown violently Irom the colt , Ha wa an only aon, we beUevo, and Utorcfurettc beteavontcnt of tho parents is jiMMt aadly bjtomilied. . . .. ; This aadoyont will bring to the minds' of many the fact that a few years ago' Mr. pi Long's brother Vincent had . son, about the aamo age killed In much the saino jn Miner Whose panto was Qj. " V" . . ) ir Hie Hma' A.s. Honors Paid to tub Cjuntrt's Dead. SIu. Eoitob i Will you gmnt mo a small space In your paper, for a short sketch of tho ceremonies attending tlio decoration of the graves of tho patriotic dead of our town and vicinity, which occurred on Saturday, 30th ultimo ? Prompted by tha sacred f ielings of nfljctiou, .springing from personal friendship patriotism and gratitude combined, nnd laying a4 le alt (inferences of pliti?al opinions, the surviving soldi' is of the war, tho ladies and citizens of our to .vu nul vlein ige, united In tliis labor of lovo. Having assembled at the Court House, at 2 o'clock, P. M., each one bringing his or her Hireling of flowers, taste fully formed into bixpiets, wreaths, crosses, heart-!, sliiidl-i, the pr lcession wis form ed by Hie marshals, J. Jackson Puniian. Itobcrt Adams and William Hays, lis fol. Iowa : 1. National lirass Hand. 2. Ch iplain and Speaker. 3 Soldiers prececded by color-bearer, Jus cph C.ioke, with dig nt half -mast. 4. Citizens, preceded by ladies with fliw ers. On arriving nt "Oreen Mount Cemetery" thu lollowlng exercises were had : 1. Dirge by Urass Hand. Prayer liy lle-v. V. A. Hampton. 3. Vocal ntmic. 4. A ldrevaby H:v. A. I). Hail. 5. Music liy lira-is Hand. C. Decoration of graves avhicli wa3 p r lormed liy tin proces (ion moving In regular order, from grave to grave, and strewing them with borplets U3 thi-y passed. As we stood on this beautiful Mount, over looking our town, with the winding Ten Jllle cltd'ui;! around it, ami castword tho valley stcrtching away amid thu hills, wo felt that tho secno transpiring around ua, was sadly beautiful and beautifully sad. We felt thai nnd n", that thoao soldier-patriot, beneath the sod, "sleeping tho sleep that knows no waking," well deserve all the tribute of respect and of nll'.-ctioii we oulJ bestow upon them. And thou ;h no epaol ta they won Nor star, nor bar, nor golden lau-e. Yet they who once the musket bore, Shall iu our liearts u'er find a place. . And tlioilih their bones in unknown grayes, Or blenching on Southern soil do lie, The memory of our fallen braves, Can iu this nation never die. As long as the Allechenies stand, As long as the Potomac flow", Or oceans splash their pebbly strands, Or sun hit daily journey goes; So long the patriots name shall shine, Among the list of honored dead, And wreaths of glory ever t ino, In circling halos round ids head. Ceremonies being over at tho Cemetery, the procession again took up its lino of inarch, lirst proceeding 1 llookslown, aud thencu to Moriisvillc, nnd at tho graveyards of each, substantially the si me ceremonies were per formed i Iho procession then returning to Wajncsburg, nnd dispersing to their homes, lleforo closing our sketch wo cannot forbear speaking a word of praise of the excellent de corum manifested by all througout the whole of die nxeicises ; and, hero everything wrs becniiiiiily pet formed, to specially mention the Ihio and appropria'o music, both vocal nnd Instrumental, discoursed upon this occas ion. ''The Dirge" and the composition call ed "No. II," played when re-entering Waynes burg, were strikingly beautiful aud appropri ate. P. Tun T.vj Mekciiani's. Wain tralj giew slack nnd m tcs fell due, the merchant's face grew long .mil bine ; his dreams were troub led through tho ni ght with slieriil' s bailiffs all in sight. At last his wife unto him suid , "Itisii up at once, mid get out ol bed, nnd get your.paperiuk nnd pen and these words write unto all men : "My goods I wish to sell to you iindto your wives and daughters loo ; my prices they shall be bo low, that each will buy bctore they go." He did ns his good wife ad vised, nnd in the paper advertised. Crowds came and bought of all ho had ; his notes were paid his dreams made glad, nnd ho will tell you to tills day, how well did printer's ink repay, lie told lis this With a knowing wink how lie was saved by printer's ink. The other in a place as tight, contented was the press to slight, and did not let the people know of what lie had or where to go : a levy on his goods was made ; thu store was closed until tho sale, and for some time he was iu jail. A bankrupt now without a cent, nt leisure he does deep repent, that very foolish and unwise ho did not freely advertise. Temcerance. A correspondent of tlio Ca st tic writing from Washington, (Pa) says "We begin to feel a little proud of our record on tho subject of Temperance in lliia county Within its entire bounds only two houses sell liijuor under the sanction of n license- In this bor nigh there ij not one. Five years ag wo had no leas than fifteen. This wonderful prog ress in tho light direction is attributable to two tilings, the untiring etforts of the friends cf temperance nnd tho righteous decisions of an boucst Court. Jcsr Oi'r.xr:i. A new and complete stock of Boots and Shoes, nt M. C. & II. - Hell's cheap store, Sayert' .corner, Wayncsburg Among their slock will be fotiud nil the Sprin: Styles, direct from the manufacturers, selected by M. C. llell expressly for this market. For Sv-e! A Hist class No. 2, Empire Sewing, Machine ; one of Gruvustccn's Piano til tcs, cf Ilia best quality, and a scholarship lor a course of iiistriicdou in iron City Com mercial College. Will ha sold on easy terms. For information enquiro at this office. "A Fact Wontnv'OT Not--Upod closjcxara inatjon by competent, judges, it bus been as certained that D. Shirk lias a stock of ladies' shoes uusurpasscd by any in tlio place in polut of durability, beauty of stylo and reas onable prices. ; ' ' ' Coarse pcoplo usj coarsj perfumery, and ties verm, it is safe to set down A lady who uses that spiritual poifuine, Phalon's "Fror dc Mayo," as a person of tastu aul sensibility perhaps a poetess or a flno musician. Sold by all drnggists." ' " ' ' " ' - A Fhksu Arrival. Just received from the East another supply of goods, that will be soli cheaper than ever, at D. Shirks cheap storo where every person goes to got good goods cheap Try hlnv ' ' ' ' ' Cak'thr Beat Tho large aud fashionable stock of Dress Goods furladiejnt D. Shirk's cheap store j everything iu that lino chcap or Ihan the cheapest, and more to select from. i 1 '' ' - - " " Tub Question, arswercd satisfactorily to every body who sells the most ' best and choapest goods? Tho publio say D. Shirk uivo nun an early can andsavo money.. .. : : ; Good Raws. Tha lariresL cltRnnml tui',1 best stock of Dry Goods? Boots, Bhocs Trim- rags at, in nit county is to be found at D. Sldik'a Cheap Store., .Call soon. .;;.', W,h " 'he .agncsburg Jl'ST Itr.Tl'B.NKU FhOJI PlIlLAUKieill. Frank SIcOurgan wlt'i a new and extensive stock or ladies' Hals, Sundowns, Donncls, Hihons, Flowersi Laces, fine Fans, now stylo of Parasols, a lull lino of Dress Ooods, Trim mings, Sashes, a new stylo of eilk Sarpics, a flue assortment of floe Dress Goods nnd Silks &Q., full line of Millinery trimmings, Nr Pi mittiin A 1.,,.-. nnil nrnll ,...,-lli,l at.wlr nP fi....lal T. .nA.l.. r'UJL.Vu IV 1,119 ieitUJT lll'illU IB'Tfli at Frank M Gurgan's, which will be sld u very loy puces, Ipsa Vi-ihitas is what a Latin Scholar ac quainted with Evans & Minor's prices, would say, when told that they had Iho cheapest goods in tho Market. The Lawrence county Hepubilcan Conven tion meets at New Castle on Monday, June 1st The Fayette county ditto at Uulontown ou Juno 8tli. Look Oct for Countkkpkitkimi ! Money is not tho only thing that can bo Btiecesslully counterfeited. For genuine Dry Ooods, go to Etvaus it Minor's. Woi.i.n Y'on he Hicu ? I5uy nil your dry goods of Evans & Minor. "A penny saved is two pennies made." Tiiev Want M inuv and therefore customers can buy almost at their own prices of Evans ii Minor. Jlita. S. A. Ai.i.Vs's World's Hair Hestoror sold nt Uraden's Drug Storo. Gmxo Like Hor Cakes. Evans & Minor's g )oda at the late reduction iu prices. Plantation, Mislilera' and Hostetters' bitters sold at Uraden's Drug Storo. A hew lino of prints at Fordyces new storo in Jelfcrson for 121c. ' If youliavo baek-achu call at .Bradens nnd get a box of Sargent's back-ncho Pills. A Lvr of Double Shovel Plows for salo at T. liradens's Hardware Storo. Do not fail to call at 1). Shirk's Dry Store. ' Oooi Gentlemen's patent, quarter Oxford ties, nW .u u. ov it. Hell s, very cheap tor cash ! Tiux, Trix, Tiix, sold at 0. W. Roberts' Drug Store. Pais Paint, for sale at 0. W. Huberts' Drug Store. Sum ti.t Pure White Load, Bold at 0. W. Huberts' Drug Storo. Wilkinson's Sheep Shears, a fresh supply, beat quality cheap at T. Uraden's Hardware store. Wiikli.ino nails nil sizes tho best In uso For sale'nt T. Uraden's Hardware store. SrKw art's Champion salvo wholesale nnd retail by D. W. llradcn agent for Orccuc Co. i I A i.antiE stock of Drugs just received nt Uraden's Drug s toro. Custom madk Moots, c lit back nnd front warranted in every particular, for $0.00, nt M. C.&1I. ncll'd! Oo to (I. W ltobcits' Drugstore for every thing iu the Drug line. " A Fink assortment of brushes, Perfumery, & fancy soap? at (1. W. Huberts Drug Store. Dr. liurtona Inl'alliblo tobacco antldoto for sala nt 0. W. 1! oberts Drug Store. Mas S. A Al'ens World's Hair Hcstorer for sale at 0. W. Huberts' Drug Storo. PitisciuiTioNs Carefully compounded nt U. W. Huberts'. Go to N II. McClellaud's Grocery for No 1 Fund ly Flour. Family Flour, manufactured . from While Wheat, atN. II McClcllar.d's Grocery. GH.VY GLAMON May 2S, M nt Iho house of the bride's father, by Hev. J. W. Hamilton, Mr, David Gray, of Oreenu Co. Pa., and Misa Jennie Gamou of Washing ton Co, Pa. WAYXESBl'RM MARKET. WAYNKsnenn, Jluyejl, isim. Corrected Weekly for the ItEruni.icAS. ritOUULI-:. ltuttertfrenh roll,) Hlb Ill KlMS ( dor I ' I'utiltin'H'jS lllisll 1 UUW2 ;V1 It 4 Tallow - ft UK Country Simp Ih 05 Dlle.l Apple l It) ,. Ik- I'LIIUIt AND CillAIX. Kionr t Mil r, (hi Win-ill it liosli lii Kyi! V Imsll I.VI -II Corn luisli ! i Coi n .Meal $ lmt,li.. I 111 (lltlllJKUIKH. cofri'e v n . ssiian Ten "rt Hi 1 Sll llriiH-li Sitifur ? Ifr I.', Ki'Ono l suunr y Hi I'll syrnpv Kal , (i Aluliuws (X. Orleans,) ' 1 Siii'i.nitii ji yul wi Suit f bill 3 i", plio i B...w ; M.ri ij riTT.Slll'KUSI n.vRucrs. i Saturday, May .H), IfW. ' The general mnrkots hnvo boon very quiet during the pant week, being .ilinmt ptitlrrly ile vulil of iiMvlhlinlIke nspcruliitlve feellnii not w illistiiiultiiK iiioucy mutters., havo become liuicli ensler. ' 1 ' ' ' . i Wo quota as follows, which aro tho wholesale prlt-es: nit.VIX AXI) li'I.HUIt. Wlient. return, una oiiio, Winter lied t-' Z)32 ra Hyo ft iiiinIi w .fc.. 1 lii (IlllKrl llllsll .. . R,iil! Corn it hush Mi.i iiii Sprlnir I'loiir ..... M7.V.MI rm Winter Wheat .. UWyll M . . . . t'UOVLsluXS. 8I10llliltr.l... ,...i.....,.......i ' lOllUVe KiiKnr cured llauu..... -An f;a,rl 1'iJlntiies, V iiiikIi .... la I Apples bill .. ..... U,lW d7,ll C'loese m. . J.i.jin I'.u'ns rl (lui ...... "J llutier ISiiii Hlii;iiS. Clover S-. ... TIM TimoHiySeeU... i.... , ., in Wax Meeil .'. " 3 01 11IIC1UO CATTLE MARKET. Ch icaou, May 31, Heef oit lie; better gradm of hipping active nnd lial'ie lil.uhor; sales nt !S 12 (is ii for fair b Kiiod, and itt iu fur tlxrra olmlee. llotjs good sinontli tots steady and um linimiil; eoliinloimnidi .siui.lile lower; mien nt SSnS l.'ifor medium to fair, nnd !) 10 forKnnd loeholw. KeeclpU, S,'.7U o head hugs. HIilpmrntH-J.IKI JJoad hoirs. Special oticc.!J. ; To s'oosmliliftifW.-TIm ItEV. FIIWAHIl A. WU lUN win nenHfr.Hj of clianje) to nil wild d(Iro It, (he prenorlpllT with tliedinetlo( for makliiK and imIiir tlio minriilp mineilyby whloh hu wnN (Hired ofrt I111112 illl'eel ion nnd that drpnd dtspitso ivmsiiiuptlon. II In only object Ih tohen prtt the nlllleU-d nnd lin hopes (ivpry snllerer will try tlilHpreftpirlpllon, MH willeoiitithin nntii Ink, nnd uuiy prove a bliwilna. . l'lraxn tvldrew ; ': Hv. KliWAltU A.WIMON. -Nalit'iiulhs.s'iiudHl, Wllluiinal,virirSew;York. fr.Virr-lycIilM' . .c. 1 1 : 3vcpubUcauv.'1J2ccJncstlg, ..3$mviq tt99 (308. LIST OF Git AND JUH011S DItAWN FOH JL'NETKHM, 1SU8. ' Wllllnm Fonlier J'sso cariM'iilur John u. liiiiMiiiurc S:imtel hltllH .1, h-.iI V. Uleliiy Iiiivl.lCrnyne sai'i'lt' in) II ml umn H Anilii'W Wilson H.C. Hamilton l'eiiii II. M. While Ilcnliiliiiil Kvalis Ilt-sln Kt-ynur lleiiiils inula T. I'. Mlli-lii'II lI'Miianilll il'licllurt (ii-are l.eml.-y 4,. .liihn S. 1 l.-i i u II; i ll Iii'jlimni Burncll ,....torri In. l.'euter lllehlilll ......Centre Ciitnberlnnu" MnrKan V riprini-llill " jnirfnti . .Mnruuu ' Morris SpriiiKhlll " Sprlimliili Ciunlierhiiul" ..MorrU " Marlon " , (Ireetirt " Wliilely " CiiiiiIh rlaiul" ...... MnrrlH " Mormm Morris " Illelililll Wnshlnt'tnn'. Cumberland" DRAWN FOIl SliS. s. c. hit Ilrili u Helmut S, A. Ilil-ti.n (ieitl-e Mtllliiutll Jerelltlil LHlviilson LIST OF PETIT JUllOHS JUNK TEHM, I Iniil Onrrlsim Ashy I. Ihiiiley M S. II. Arni'tt John Webster .laeob Itush, Vji Clirfsiopher .liihn , I, . II. Vuiivorlil.s .. Her-iim Mnrris Aznrlali r-A'iuis I-!. II lluiley l-'rmii-N hriiku .laeob TuHtln Win, Iii'tinini .lolm Hiiriies Win. Kliiipsoii...., Ccplms Curv ; A.. I. Hllltvi Ji-sse llllllilell..,.'. I'MJit Jullll Si-ott .S:ilillli.-1 WnoitH Stephen liny llaviil I', llell I: nue Kinney Peter L'llolll' lleliniH .lilenbs A. M. lttrki-y X. JleAUiiler T. M. Taylor II. V. Ciiinpbetl.Sr SrimeH W. Hays .las. K. Havers Icsse Wells .lolin Fuller John stump Ihmli .Mniituiiiiiery, Jr Itnliert l 'alhers 1)11 '1 If us Win. .Mi l lure J'isepll Keene- linnltarit tn I'erry Ciirinlchncls ..-..Cenlru lp. JelleTNOU " Wliltely " .....lliinkard ' V (jllmoru " Alepni, " t-'iimberinnil Ittehlltll " AViiyno Friiukltll ' Whllely Morris " Wasliimrton" Wliilely " Marlon " liiekson " Centre " MurrW " Morgan . ' (illinoro ' Al"pu'i " Hlellhlll CiirmleblielH" Ciiriiilclincls" Wastilugtoii" Marlon Hiehhlll " Marlon Itlehhllt " Wayiw WnyiiM " MnrKiiu " Itieksmi 14 liiitiknrit 11 iMiiikiinl " lHilikanl " Waynes " joiini. nrie"7 .May M-to Al' .nil III ill I . ..lOlill. I,U. I Mill III U , I,, 1.VUI1X lulliormin of Alll-eil Kvnns, di.ensed. Aceoimt of 1'. A. Knox, Ailinliiistriitoriipoii the estiileol tSlfuniiah Heeler dee'd. Acemiiit of Joliiisiin Wyelinir nnd Tt I,. KM-li,i:xetutois ul lhe will of UhvIU lticli, dee'd. Aceoimt of John rjinlz, Kxeciitor of Jacob Ijintr. dii-'d. Aeeount of. John r.nnlz, Kxeciitor of Dellln LiiliU, dee'd. Aeeoiiiil nr.lnli fjllllz riitnrillnn nt Louisa M. (Iiiri lsnii, a liilnor child or Abner (InrriHiiii, dee'd. Acenimt nf J. I. M.orrls Otinrdlroi of Marr' nnd Sarnh Hubert, minor children i,r Hplte'r Itolicrl's d'cc'il. .May JS-lii riMIIS IS TO GIVE JSGTICJ; Jl Tlmt nn tlio (1th dm of Muv, A. n, m, a War nmt tn Hmikniptcy wns 1hmuc nlnt thoc (titoof .MiuMn tmUtitnf Mnrumt township, In tliiimuntv i r (iivcnc hikSImIi of IVunsylvti nhi, whit liaH hi'i'ti tiilluiined u llnukmpt on his own i"titin; 1 lut t llii' pnyiiM'ti.t tiT Jitiy tlnlilH iiihl rli llvciy of nny rnpcrty liclnnuhmr to hiicIi liiinki tipt, to liim or ior IiIm ihv, nnil tlie tm lis ter of nny innpi'ity ly liim urn forhfildi-n by uiw; uiiiL u iiii-i'uiiuni ino rcMinviKoi uitiflniii llaiikrunt. to nruvi-lln-ir ilfhts iml choose otic or inon; AsmIuih'cs of Ikls i-stntf. will Im luM iU it t'oiirt ol' Jlniikinpti y, In Wuyimsliui-K, I'ii., iH-foro Jos.-ph U. lionl.-y, Ks., Kcister, on the -Mth PAY Ol-' .fUNHJ, 1IW, AT MOVUM'IC, A. M. THOMAS A. ItOWLKY, May JiV(H-U lr.R, Mui'mIhiI, um Mkshkhukh. B' OOK AC1EHT3 WANTED Tosotlelt order rnrl-'.M.roT'H Xew Work, ItR. M A 1 1 1 A 1 1 1 . 1 ) C 1 1 1 1 A ( ' T I-: I IS A X 1 1 M K .Ml III A- lii.r; I iiAi i-.s ( ii 1 1 1 1-. ill ii, V XI. liy IIun it v Waiiii l'.t:i:eiii:it. T. Ii. Woih.mky. 1,1.. n I'l-es. Ill' Vllle C'll., JilSKIMI CTMMINIH, II. 11. 1,1,, I ., I'l-es. 01 esieyan uiuv., itr, hev. I ikks. .M, CLAItK. Illslnip nl It. I ,Vr., Ae. 'J'hls Is ii new nrhtliiiil work by these nulliors. nil-l lis suhjeets lire lipproved by eleruyineii nf nil ileiiiiiniiinlioiis. We employ no Oi-imkkai. ackn is, nun nner (ixirit iiiuueeuielilH to 1.1111. vnssers. Altenls will Sep Hie nilvatltinje (if denl Mil! directly Willi tlio ri'llldSllHIIH. Kor de seriptlve elreiilms with lull partleiihun nnd (ernis, annress ine i-noiisners, J, II. DL'KKCO., Hartford, Ciitiii. i":-7-l m N o r 1 c e. A inecl imrof llieCiilnuiisslolierM nppoltited by -i-i in .eiiiinv inr ine fiiirgKise 111 iirenniy.init mi IiiHiiranee Ciimpitnv, held at lite Kx eliiinne Hunk 1(1 Wnvnesliiin,', oil tile lilst (Illy of May, next. I'l-npDSfd Capllal S JKi.inm. J. I-'. TKMI'LK. JACdll SWAHT, ' HIMHN Itl.NKIIAUT, .K1IIX CI.AYTuS, .1 1 j 1 1 v Mir wi.'t. 11 111 v in ivi-i .1 v J.A. J. lllM'ilAN'AN, AAlt'lIN Hlll-:l,MV, ,1 1 11 1 ( . r I , l',.i 1 J .IIMI.I I. t ( ilvljr, lilt. 1). W. IjKAY, lilt.. I., ConuiiissloiK-rs. Mayfl-ld . , UJILS'lSTll,VTOU"i NOTICK T.Pttprvofiidniliilslrntlon liavlnelippn ernnlpd tot he undersigned on Hip, rnlnUMif Jesse Hlnp tmrl lor.lohn.ldee'il, bileor Culillicrtallil lowll. ship . (ireenpeniuily, I'ii,, imtlee Is hereby ftlveil liinll persons InilehtL'd to onld estiile to innke Innui'diiite pnyinent, mid tlioso havln clnlins HKaliist IIii-miiii,. present them duly uutlien tlcnted forHetllement. UlllAll r.INF.MAHT. I .,,,, np si-nt O T 1 C E . Tho Cnintnlssliiiierx of (Irpptip County will r( IVPHented nriilmsiilM mill. Hip 1st of June next, fur the rejnlii Inn irf tho Knur Jllle Itridgp near .liienn lillielinrt s, III Krilllkllll tnwnsllln, III the following lllllllller! The fnlir Mntn Piwis tliiittlienreb rests tiK m to bo Hplieed with pln tllulier. said sjillees lo bo MX leet lolnx: a HOW iiiinroriwolnelKmk plank lo bo pnt tlipreln, 11ml tn be new psiledwitli ijihkI imk shinnies; tho eontrnet to be let to I hp lowest and bent bid der. F, I, I AS kcott, ) J. M. Minims. VCom'm.' ISAAC J. II 111,) Mayll-U j EOAL NOTICE I'tters trstnnirntnry hnvlmr been uninled lo , .1,- .a, .,1.-1 mitnf-i in inn pstnipoi w iiimiii i, n tr ier Inlii of Kirlililli inwnslilp. (Ircenc eounlyi deee d., Inil h-e Is hereby itiveil In nil pprsnn Indebted in wihl eslali- to nmkn InlinPilliile pnynienl uml Uiosp linvintr eltilniM nirainst Hip Hiunp to present them dnlv nullipiitlented for mil lenient. KvKLlNA lHUTKIt, .Mayl'7-ot Exerntrlx. Moppat's Life Pills PHtEIOX BITTEBS. TI10 Most Successful Medicines in tlio TVorld. Established in 1835 by one of our Most Eminent Hiysiclans, and now used thronghont North and South America, with more pleasing results than any other Medicine in cases of diseased Liver, Blood or Skin, . Indigestion, - CostiTeness, Billons Complaints, Bhcnmatism and Feycr and Ague.' ' ' Thousands of certificates are in our possession, giving detailed accounts of perfect Cl'RES effected by these invalnablo Medicines. They regulate the System and put all ' .the functions of the body in a healthy condition. ' Bull byUDrggtiU. Vhita ILjUal. Propri etor!, 8tuocuort to Dr. John Ko4 ai Dc V. fl. MolBt,irwYotk. ' -- i- - APPMCANT.S Ff ill TAVERN UCIiNsSE .ATJUNETEiiilUiW. - i .MAIU'IN HlU'l.EK, Vnnuttnilildstand. . N. r,. HIiItNCTr, Eating Uoum llecnw, Crml- UlUMllM, , . f , ,.--t ,r ny 13-lc -' J.r, TEMrLE. Cleik.; NOTIIEH EXCITEMENT I .. III. l'RICE ASSASSINATED I FllANK M CURGAN THE ASSASSIN! THK I)EEU WAS DONE IN TflE IIOOM OPPOSITE THE GHEENE HOUSE, WAYNESIIUKU, VA, Itclinslust rppplyeil nnd In nnwon'erlnij fnruilo ill the lowest prices, thu II lies t mock of SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS . ( : ' Ever before oTItpiI In this market, consisting n pari, of riprliiK and Bummer Clothing FOR MEN AND 'BOYS! A very law "lock Hint oinnol lieexpplliHl ; also, a very nH-rlor tuuiortiuciit of LADIES' GOODS nf nil ltlliiln, rnnslKllnij In part, of New Hrem Trlmmliius, ItlhlKiim every width mid allude; Hallimuiid silks, latest Blylts; THIMMING8 AND BUTTONS ! Sash, ltonnet, Neelt nnd Trimming rtlbhons; Ijices real point, Apphiiu nnd Vnlenclu. Ilnnilkaii'hlels Ijioo, . Einlimldcml, Hem slluhedaiid I'laln. Hnmbiirg work n Htiuiu sorineiit. JEWELHY. A large nnsortnipiit of Kid tllovoR first quality for liulles und geiitleinea. LADIES' HATS, bTlUW nATS, ' PnnnoU nml Bonnet Frnmwij Ilonnpi orna im'titM nnM Howtrn, botli French ami Atucrlciui; tit;t't)ifr with nny nnd utl artieles In uho tiy Ih dlt'H. Ak for anythtug ynti wnnt tincl wo cuu supply you. Also a ilno a&surt incut of CARPETS AND WALL TAPER of various kinds nnd pnttpnw,nll of which will be Hold ehenp IlH tho ehenpesl. ll:l.t-tf. FltA.NK MoOUROAN. vwcvifji Sit. jJ-UHDEMl ' . "OVKB TIIR LEIT." .Majority nf Uiokp who rend nowHpnpors, npver even given busty uhiucent iiliiisliieHHudvcrliKO lueiitaud If n MAN Actually linn n ctmlcn variety of gondii -whleli llplHMcllllignt HleVKItY MIWI-XT prlcpx Hint cuu be iill'orded, It linrdly pays blm lo publish the fait. Therefuio Wu have FOUND Uhrat tonlmply Invito overybotly lo mil nnd it.x:imlnt our HUtck nnd nrlroN he In re niirfhitNinv elsewhere, mid say hut littlo In regard to onr nhllity and detertiilnatloii to iiutko itudvaulu- gi!0UH to tllONU WllO CUO Hot DEAD . . i v i ' Tolhclrown Intprpst tobny lliclr f'nnillpn, Nntii ioiisoiih, uriK-encH nnu everyiiiing m IN Thcdrnpprylliipo. II. A. Itlnehnrl.lnTslwIHi's old bullilliig, opiHisite tlit'piiblle(iiinre, WAYNESIjURG. A P R E 8 II SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED AND ;-r ! ,'FOU 8MB AT THE . ; LOWEST PRICES, lftw-ir. JEADAND KNO QUICK SA1 -E3 AND SHORT PROFITS ! o I.MMENHK S'PV'K OF FItEMlf OIKXjEItlES A.XD l'UIJVirilONH CoiiHtniilly nrrlvlng nt tho Storo of JOHN MUNNELL, WAYNEHHURO, PA. '. . ConslRtlhg, In part, of ' OltOf'KIJIKH, , .. CONKEfTrONA'niEH. -TOHAfcri, . 8EUAIIH. SNUFF, i tKArKEttS, l-IIKEHE, Mor.AUHrX, CATtnoNOlL, '.!.- ' : r FWH, . , TIACON, At1., e., Ae., In addition to tlio nbove, a full Mock of NOTIONS, HARDWARE, SPECTACLES, POCKET KNIVES and tlioiitind of other nrt!rle, which are be ing sold as low ns me T 1 M E S W I L L P E R M t tl CO M E iAiN D b u y;; Mii.itr. pAINTING AND GLAZING. t -v tu 1.":'!"' 'M" ' D. W. KENNEDY J. W. 8MALLEY, II OUSE:PA INTERS, GRAIXERg. .GLAZIERS AND., TAPER HAJNUKU3, i Shop, on Ipchnnlcn' Row, oppoHlto the M. E. t iiuren, nuyiiesourg, t'a. i 4-M ATKRUI. KUnNISIIED, If required, at Pitlxburgh rriec. ... . np I, '88-ni. KENNEDY 8MAM.F.Y. T. WEBB, JR., AIIDLK AXD NAKKEM MAKER, (IN WILWNWBUILDINO, MAIN 8T.)t Saddhil, riHilbn. lTutne .kept oa Kand and nimle toiinler. Work done In llie beat atyle, and at rpiiwinnblp rnUfi. a-lteHilrlnie a Niwinmr nnatiort notice. Kuriner trig mlifOooc t hlatirk. 4;i4-ly. 1) M. 15LACULY, M. D. p ii yPi o i'a it ' aS br V R O E O 5, nm nt hi" rpsidenpp, oppoalu the "Wright HoiiKP," Wnynesburg, Pa. F.l f) A. R D,: AND . . j ! B I L L - W O'tfkj , , , ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED I On I he short fit notice, at thia Offleel I'l !. '- i . ' . . , Clothing. gLOW-UP ON. THE MONONGAIIELa STEAMERS ELECTOR AND FAYETTE! IN TIIEIIt UREAT RACE TO SECURE THE IMMENSE CARGO OF CLOTIIINO! CP N. CLARK & SON Which liim Just been secured nnd SAVED FIJOM THE WRECK! The Largctt, Clienpnnt and Real Selection of READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS I HATS AND CA P8I Will be fonnd nt N. CLARK 4 SON'S, FULL SUITS AT $G 00 ! That nro good matorlul nnd warranted to wear well, GOOD CASSIMERE SUITS FOR $11 CO. Good Pants as low m $1 2" and $1 V. Wc nothing fornhowtng goodfl. Cumennd ate iih; wo uko tu niiow gmHiH. OUR PRICES CANNOT BE BEAT! np 1.1,0 HOY! ALOFT! STAND B Y, ALL! TO SEE THE (IRANI! OPENING OF SPRING & SUM M ER CLOTI I INC JUST RF.CEIVEn RY A . J. SO WE R S DRESS SUITS AND BUSINESS SUITS, Deaallfnl awwrtmpnt of I'lotlm, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISIIINO GOODS, SBIRT8 READY-MADE, New Stylei for Oent'n Neck Draw Scnrft, Fine r renen r igureu A'ercaie rjuirw, voiiara 1(iiik, THE DECLINE IN PRICKS cnnlilc him tn aell at fMbiilona low rates. Fall aalu of pxpoI lnt lxtlir. ran be had at one half H-mpr coat uiue ana got me ueat wlillo it u going. WONT BR UNlHJItHOLD IN WAYNraRUIlO room in Au.rao.vs nnuirxn, oprasiTE pMSTlC SLATE KOOriXQ! , The firm of OI)BKRT A JONES will nimiKtt the . . .-. . ,- .... , PKOPERTY HOLDERS! 1 '' 1 ' , t, j-t i- of reneoounty, vltbthe Pi ABtl'a SlAf E ROOTING! Irrtrtw1iippl na aiiimnicr, anil o highly reeom- aiPded hy tlHM who have tried It. - .AIIornWKjpft with 1 W. Jnnpa. Warnea- hurg, pa., win rereMt) armnfit atieiiiwwi. OKBERTAJONfX, ;ll-4m- : i i nf WaahiugUin CViunly, Pa. JOHX IIVUUril.,.... f HOXA Ld'Aik t i f T ;i 'i : .'. ' i ' m LUCAS & CO. i I I -. ii'-J 'ii' I i r roaWAactra conMuarca' irnciiiirrs. Aavf dealcra hi OnerHm. Hard ware. LaathpV. Mei'llMlBca, Iron, NalKOtH, riali, c, AIm, aarala air Aufcrey. Oromlow A Coon'i Window Maah. Aanaply apt eontnUy on handa. fUcVa VanUlag, ra.,abore the sva. , tt NOTICE TO THE TAX PAYERS OF GREENE COUNTY. The nmlpr!d!!npil. Trm'ttrer nf fHwne eonnl hereby given uolice Unit In piirauHnceof the Act Of AniM'liilily ot thu rith of liiy, IUU, lie will mout meHeverui mx pnycrw or ino wu coiiiuy, 111 Ihelr aevernl townnhltiamid Jioronnhn nt the anht pliiena itiid tliiieH lierctiutfter liprollledltetweeu the lidiini of 9 o'clock A. M. nnd II o'clock, 1. M. of ettcli dny. for the ptirpoHo or collecting imkI ro celvlng Mtutu und eomily tuxen fur thu yenr lbUD. Flits a. WKKK. Morgnn townKlilp, Moiuluy , J un IS, at the hatha of Moruuti Hell. JeJIermin township, Tucndny, Juno 19, at the house of Win. Kollr. Cniiibertiind toiciishlp and Cnnnlchaela Bo rough, ,itnpsiuiy linn iniirKiiny,.iuiie 17m nml isib nt the ItoliHonf llelirv Jcliiilinra. MoiioiiKiibehi townxlilp. Krldny.Jiine lUuttho hiiiiue of Win. Mcxtrczntt. Urcene township, rliiturdny June DO, nt Iho ut tho uou.icui 11. r. iiiiuey. , KP.I'ONI) WKfehT. Whltelv township, Moiuluy, June 21, at the lumsc of i.,IIiuiiii lllekiuaii, nuiilturd township. Tuesdiiy, Jnun B, nt tho liiuiHuof (.leiirga llowur(l,Tnylorlnii. I'erry township. wedneKclny, Juno at, n tha upline 01 lllllllll flllliipii, -ni. (norrin. Wnyiin township, Tbiirwlny, Juno ft, at the honiipor ItcKln ('divert. Ulliiiorc Uiwnshlp. Juno Jt),at tho house of E- tlenilen, .lollevtown. Juclisoii township, Mntiirdny, June 71, at the liouseoi j(ifse 3iiieueii. tu 1 11 11 wKtav Centre township, loinlnv, Juno 211, nt thohonfMI of Itlnelinrti.'luireh. (togersvllld. rtprlrrnlilll township. June 8U At the tieOne of Kerrell, Freeiort.. ' Atciipo towiislnp, Wcdnpfolay, Jnly I, at tho RIclihllllowiisliln.Thiirsdiiy and Frldny, July inuse 01 AilKllHins .-miii. 'm nnu i, ui Jucksonvillp. 10 house of M. Moulger, 1,-niTt'Tir WFfcir. Morris township, Moudny, July 5, at the honso of A. .1. lliirker. WasblBijtoii towiiahrp, Tnewlay JnlyT, at the llouso of ('Union l.cwl-1. Frnnklln Inwiishlp, WcdtieHdiiy, JulyH, at tha house 01 Mintll (ireii. Marlon township, Thurs.lnv Mny 9, nt thoTreaS' ttrer'a olllce In Wuyneidiiint. AIINKlt M. IIAILF.Y, Mny 1.1, '08-11 Truiuror LIST OF CAUSES FOR TRIAL AT JUNE TERM, 18ii8. Ijuit John vh F.HJnJi Morrln, et nl, No. lot, Jimo term, ls'iii. Umut ct nl vs Kent No. inn Mnrcti term. 1800. Morrlri vs l.iiens. No.71, June term, lsfia. Tinnier vs Hughes & Klnciild, -N'o.711, Juno term, Mil. Eviirburt v Htcpheuaon, No. SI, March term, ISJIt. South A Knntta vs Iing, No. 62, December term l. Coriiwell va Wllsom No, I, Doc. term, 1865. i.ijiirr ,s i.eiiui-j', nu. , ..iiiien i',ii,, hwi, Uordou vs Khrlvoi', No. 1 III, March torm, 1856, Miidscy'n Kxecutoni va buyers, No. loll, March term, lswi. IIiikh K. A. ct al vs Stephens, No. 181, March term. Iitl. 4 SllveiiH vs Mnrtln, No. 70, Juno term, 18IW. uuiiaii. v. vs Hiiieiim j. u. el ill, iu. 111, Juno term, isim. ItlHalmtva .Messer pt nl. No. 118, Juno term, 1806. llisik vs (lileiihiiiiL'h, No .'ll,.lune term, ISM). Ilornlmke vs IIcIkc, No. (ill Kept term, IStKI. Wntcrs va Davidson, No. Till, Heptemiier term. Minor's Adiiiliiisti'atornv8(liipeii,Ko80 Decem ber term, Hill. Johns vh 1,011, s Ailnilnlstrntors, No, 115, Dec. term, INitl. f.pct vs llanilllon. Nn. m March term, I8H7. Wllllnmu vu I 'li-iiventrer. Nil. 711. .limn rprin. I8h7- Colverctnl vu Kelley A Kelley, No. 81, Juno term, imii, Mrfonnnpk vs Mllvclll. No. III. .Tnno form. IW. stlllwell vh Thiiuiiwoii No. I'll, June IranU 87. Millliev vs Miepnens, nu. i tt, .nine teriii, in,, Mnple'va ( lenvinircr, No. 16, Sept. term, 18H2. McKcnii va Hewitt (Irny, No. 69, Sept. torm, K"i7. t'orler vs nrccno Co. Amlior Oil Co., No. 87, Sept. term, 11,7. Wooda vh Muck, No. SI, A prll term, IHW. J. K.TIO.Ml'LK, I'rothotiolary. Mny lJ-lo SHERIFF'S SALE, Ry vtrttlo or a writ nf n1 inn von. np. lRnw1 ottt of tho Court ofCoimmm IMotm ofdrmnin ('ouiity. nml to mo dlrpctcd, thoro will ho expoHwl U public nl nt tlio Court llouno in WtiyncMhury, OS HATlTltDAV, THE (ITIl PAY OF JUNE, ncxt.nt 1 o'clrtrk P. tho Mlottina property, vlx: All tho rlKht, title. Interest nml elnlm of John IniriM, of, hi nnd to n ocrtutn trnet of lnml fllhmlcd In rvntro townHhln, Orcono Oitinry, 'ft-.n-ijolnliiff InndHof Williimi Mllllken, Wil Hum (foodwlii. and othpr. i'(mtalnliiix about 110 uicrfM.abjutHixty(U'ri'Hof which nrceh'Jirod ami on whleli iA vw.U il n llrlrk Pwriiing iioiwr, KriiritA HtnblttiiiMl oUit-ront bulldliiH. Tukfn In cxi-ciiMfm iih tho proiMTty of Joh rnniH ut thomilt of Thomiw limit for tlio uho .Miiry Ann Wilnon, Mny ao-lt H. II. HILVEUH, BhwllT. T IHW IS TO OIVE NOTICE, Ttint nn the Dtli dny of May, A. D 188 n War rnitl In Itntikriiptey w:ih IhsuisI intnlnHt tho pa late of Willlmn A. I'orter, of WayinnbiirK, In I he poiinly oriiri.'enpiiniisintpor PcniiHylvniilH, who Iiiih iM'cn niljudifpil a lliiiikriipton hla own petition; thnttho ptiymelit of nny debtttimd de livery of any priierty beloniliiK tosneli llank nipt, to hliii or forhlR use, nnd the transfer of any property by him nre forbidden by laws that a nipetlnir nf tin; (.'redlioi-H of tho said llaiikrupt, to prove their liebla mid to ehiMisiioiio or morn Asslifliccs of bis PMtnte. will lie held ut a Omrt of Uniikruptcy, In Wayneslinrir, lVun, before Joseph II, lionley, l'Mt,, UcKistcr, . - ON M h Of JUNE, im, AT 11) O'CfKIT, X. M THOMAS A. KOWI.EY. May 3), 'IK-lt U. H. Marshal. n.s Mk.isk.M(iii. pi'BUO IjOTIC'E. An Hip flrttl of HtVlItnfl A I.irCAR la dissolved by iiiuliinl eoiiseiit, the ('outmlsslon huslniKa will mill Im- carried on nt the old 1111111, In Rood order, und on the moHt reasonable ternia, In tho 11111110 und atyle of 1 1IUOIIK8 A CO., (senior iiartiipr.) They rlntter IIipiiispIvph. by havlmi Ihp llousp and the best liK-iillon In tho place for IhitthiislnesH, that they will kkceive u liberal Hhureof the public, patronage. 'I'liey will also keep 11 kikkI supply of OROTKH I FX 1 m bund tnaixoiiunodauiull wlioniny favor them with u cull. U IUIUHE8 A CO.. l;IO-tf. - KlvJ Lnndliig, Pa. curing gtacttintj rniiE would HE.NOWNE1J T SINGER SEWING MACHINE. OUR NEW FAMILY MACHINE, Huti hon ovimt I wo yintm m i-Tmm! Ion, nt which hnhfcn hronhtto prrlV'rtlon rpffBrdlonji of thno, Inhor or oxpwnsi, and In now confident ly pr'wnt'-d lotlu pnblin nn Incomparably th bc7U8owlnn Mac bint In oxlHicnc. Tim Muchina In 'jncntlon In simple, compnct, durable urul ItttiiiMfiil. Jt mfniot, Ilxht nuinlnif nnd riinttble of iHTformlnica rung nnd variety ol work ntovorfrofornaltniptwl upon a nula Miwrhlne nstntt cither silk, Twist, lilncn or Cot tn Thread, rtnd Rowing with Afiml facility th very finest and ciwrncKt DiiiterhilH, ftnd aorUilnur tHtWteo Gv twoextrcnWH, In tlie moat beautiful nnd fliibHtantlitl nitinncr. Tiff athichrnentH for Hcnimlni. timidhnr, Cordlnif, Turklnjf. Quilt- 1 .... Ii.lll.. Th...nlM UI...M .. -a. iih. rriiiiw, iiiiiiiuiii, Dijiitiii, "M3., nin mirri nnd PracricaLnrifl havo been InvcntMl and ad justed especially for thl Machine. iNcwucHinaoi me anniuc, aiwrui nnn popular folding topn nnd cabinet canon peculiar to the MiM-hiiien mnntifacturel by this Company have lwen prepare! for en- lnn the new- Afaehlnen. Th(n AM irnticn nn In nvorv vnriotv nf wrad nueh an Black Walnu . Mahogany, Roaewood, and the like, and from the ululneMt to tha mout eliibornte pattern and. naittb tJto MachineN theinwslvejibelr4noreoT Un hlglily ornament ed. to correMwmd with the T.ible or Cubloeui ior wnicn nicy (ire lmenoeu. , . , A few iVMonswhyHrNOEri'aiiirccit fmnrn- liy and (ienenU Purpoww, Int. Yon can wwanythlna from I he 9wn nn irlrt ihlekneM of Swikh or Niuutonk to iwrftk thlckncMeaof the heaviest heaver cloth, iiwlnir anyklntl orniae of ;n read with equnl tocillty, from No. ajnt'othia up to the luavleat Daunt or. Llnn thread. 9, 1 It ntu - a uKnpt atHiUl.t .llM u ami inukua the poular Lock rttlKhallke ou 0oth BI'UI, m. It haa an even Helf.atlirwilnetcnMnn whlchi rernifren nochunuo ft-r tlllfervnt thlckutawea Ot material or ililh rentNlarit of thread.. It h. It in free frotu all aprl"KS wlrea nnd other complication, nnd l almoHt ndHcefla. 51 h. No threiMbt tohuk tir whttrtl to torn tm utartlntr. mli. It doea not have to be taken apart to oil ejiit clean 11. 7th. It hnaa jvrfrct ffrf wHeivny too can sew theflnext material without ImvInK to keepyuur W1WR niirn ii"! ' pi"" " t'WKtm:m miWh you never tv to ohm tot the Work through-a In all other marhinj. ... Mb. Jt will hum njr wfjftlH aew m atrmrht Meant, or nuke a ell In the moat peifect nrnnner. with leM Hkill than In rcqutrud Urw etrBighfr Beam on any other mucfifn. Itanttachmcnta for Hraldlne;, Ormilnr. Qnllt In. Itlndtrwr, Tuf kinir. Ar., arc novet ami nrae tleal,anl rtUir. hot liMtnuklll tounu them. ( nreliil liiHtrutaiutin given at the houee uf tbe pun-haaer. Mnnv ivfuutlMl if tha mfkaltlnM repreMenhl. Kvery machine warranted ami kepi In repair Uurw yean without chane. ri. r. iTCAPTtKR, Agent for Orene ownty. "-,f ( WayncUwrfcvra. J i r . "'J?"" aaarnnieeil to moval of Pimple, Illotchea, KruntTone, ete'en . LLr "" ""wnn wnii,rienr, ami oeiui tlfoU ran bh olraineil without vharx by drMMlnir Till i V I'lliDu t u ...T ' " 82) iiruutway, Mew Xuk. 7