ris-i gu$incstf Cards. t; W. ROSS, PHYSICIAN AND SUUOEOH. Office In Jewell's building, Went end of Mnln St. Wayncdliurg. 4;l:'tDt-tr. 1 A. BALI Dealer In Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, etc.. eta. AT McCOY'S 01 J) BTAND, Greensboro, po. J O. OF 0. F. WAYNESBURG LODGE, NO. 0. Hull in Onnenr's Hull. line, cast Mnln Street, Wnynesburij, Fa. Time, Tuesday evening, each week. dh. T 0. OF 0. F. TfOSHIMKA LODGE, NO. SM. Ilnll In nanenr's Rnlldlug. Enst Mnln Street, Wiiyncsburg.Pa. 'ilmu, Saturday evening, -ncli week. rth. 11. IiLAC'llLY, 31. U. rnvHicux AND SURUEOX, Office nt his rcsldencn. opposite the "Wright House," Wuyneslnin, Pn. -Discuses of Female made ft kpeciallty. l:9Mlni. ' G KO. S. JLTFERY, NOTARY PrRLIC. Atl hnslnpus pertaining to the office nltciidcd to promptly, oillco with 1'. & a. Telegraph Co., -castoi ill. Court House, May hi; 'iM-lv. E. 31. SAYKKS, . (ATT011NLY AND COI.XSKLOR AT LAW, Inaddltlon toother business will attend to nil eases In Hitnkrupley nvbc en I rusted to Inn carp.- omee,oiioUt store of G. V. Rob erts A Co. IE WIS DAY, - -DKAtllll 15t BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Wall rnpvr. Window Paper, Sunday School ilooksoi nil kinds constantly on hand, room in Mrs. Rush's hiilMing, formerly occupied by Col ternii a Tnvlor, Wnynesburi;, Pu. WATCHES AND JEWELRY, VAIS STREET, OITOSITB COUHT HOI'Sk. I Weeps on hnnd nlwnvs a eholee and select t.s--sortinent of Watches nnd Jewelry. Repairing doncat the lowest, rates. I;l:'b7-ly, IRST NATIONAL BANK, or WAYSLSIICRG ripen.... Closi:,.... ffo'clnek A M. ilo'eloek I M. DISCOUNT DAY TUESDAYS. 1). IIo.vkr, I'res't. J. C. Flksmkkn, Cashier. IS. Fit ASK. Fi.knnikkx, Assistant Cudilcr. w 31. T. WEliB, JR., RADDLE AND MAIINK88 Jl.lURK, . (IN WILSON'S BUILDING, 3IAIN ST.) Middle, Tlrldles, Harness kept on hnnd and made to order. Work done in the best style, and at reasonable rates. -rinpnlrlmc ft speciality on short notlep. t Farmer friends go look at his slock. l;'l-ly. EN'TISTTtY. I hrivoloentod In Wavnehiirr nnd nm open. ryliiKtlie Into residence ol lr. s. s. Pa Hon. H.iv iiK taken ureal in ins to boenme thonaiKhlv nc " oualiitcd w'lth both thn theory mji prat-tire nf fontHlry.nnd havlntr hnd an Mxireriem'enrHPven I years In the ni'-l.-ioii, 1 fwl warranted in Hav ing (hut my patient Hhiilt have iincaiisfto enm ' ilnln (U imerlnr opmiriutis. Kxlrnrt tun will ho rendered painless, when d'-slrcd, by thn admin r lrttrattt)Uif "IiukIiIiiu imH''nrotherncHtheil-M, - rharn-'s indcrnlp,and all npprutintiH warranted as lnrp(ntpl.,' I will he nt liumi! wrrnorT vvu AnvKMTimF.o'rom tho flitfonth tntlir thirttfth ; ol 'evny (uonth. JOS. 8, IIKUTIU. V.S HERMAN IIOl'bK, jusr orLNr.n nv THOMAS BRADLEY. rwltIvoIy tho mmt cnmploto HntPl in our town. Kvorytlilnttoornhtnofi to t'tirnlHh thi'b'tiuooin--irxiutliHi uvitr yet otU'rcd to the pnl.llc. MhIh fiirnihil at nil hours, table provided With lh Iwhi of thfftpaxnn, ' Trftvcllcrs nnd tho" closironH nf refrpslimrnt willdowrll tMall."Toni"Hiill rt'talns lilts fld Toputattnnnfan ani-ontinotlHtlncaonlliMiian, Bnd hiMpltuhln landhml. llnnm, the one fnrmprly - ooeupird by tht "Mt'ssotiKft" Ollloe, o;U:'(l-lv. ; 0UERT DOUGHERTY, CAIlItlAOE UANtTFACTL'nix, WAYNESDCBO, l'A. ' Respeetflilly gives notice Hint helms located In aynebiirg, pa where h Intends to inanu. - facturo .. . CARRIAGES Of every descrlptlnn. From his experience In thebusiness lie feels enntldeiit tlmtlils work, In atyle.nnlsh niiilrtunibllltv, will ttlve entlresal Isfactlon. It Is his determination to purchase theliest material In market, and employ none but competent workmen. tf-All work warranted for one year.tft F 2;21:'tiO-tr. JARULE WORKS, SU3IMERSGILL & ERO. (Sliopln Tearofthe Ilanillton House near the Steam .Mill,) The public arcTespietrutlv Informed tlmt Sum. mersulll A Ilro. have Just received a large stuck uf ull kinds of MARBLE WORK! '. Such as Grave Stones, Monuments, Mantle . AV'ork. Ac. We are prepared to furnish work at reasonable terms on short notice, call and ex . amine our stock, styles, ami prices, befuro pur j chasing elsewhere. O S-tf. w AYNESBURG 3IAUBLE AND STONE WORKS. YEES tt- rJXEIIART. Still coiitinno to carry on tho Marhle nnd Stone enttlim husluesHiit their lorn; estaldlslied aland InuniHliato east of the Public Square, between lllvh and Greene streets, Wuvnesburg, Ha. This niUibliHlinienl lias been in constant oper. atlon since Ism, and the loiiKexiicricnce nnd i- ergyof the proprietors, linked wltli the exer cwe of sound JudumeiiiaiidRiHHl taste, have won tor them n widesprenil and enviable reputation. An extensive stock of the various varfl ties ol the beat marble kept constantly on hand. Spe cial attention paid to polishing, pressing, curv lngnud ennnwlinr. . All orders promptly Oiled. 4;21:'68-tf. - PAXSTINQ AND GLAZING. Y D. W.KENNEDY A J. W. S3IALLEY, 'IIOUSE PAINTERS, .. . GRA1NERS, GLAZIERS AND PAPER i IUNGER3, Shop, on Mechanics' Row, opposite tho M. E. - - Church, Waynosburg, l'a. VMATFRIaL FURNISHED, If required, nt -Pittsburgh Prices. ap L '88-Hm. KENNEDY 4SMALLEY-. . JPOUNDERY NOTICE. THE SUE3CRIBnn ILVVINO PURCHASED -EAGLE FOUNDER Y, m , . . With its Urge stock of r. PLOWS AND MANY OTHER CA8TXNQS, Formerlr the propertytof the late Dan lei Owens. . tc d, will continue tho business In all Ju brooches, and do all kinds of .- ;i MACHINE REPAIRING, . - At short notice and upon reasonable terms and .-. bdpw to mortt a reasonable share of patronage. . . . C. W.BOWEf Jr. ) t- 7l COR. PEXN AND ST. CLAIR STREETS, mTSBCRGH, PA. The Largest, Cheapest and moat Successful PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE IN THE UNITED STATES. OVER FIFTEEN THOUSAND STUDENTS FROM THIRTY-THREE STATES IN TEN YEARS. FOR LARGE QUARTO CIRCULAR, Coutnlnine full information. Outline of Connie of Htudy, snniples of Cowlky's PREMIUM rENMAXSHIP, View of the College Bnlldine. different de. partmentH, City of rittsburxh, Ac., Ae., address the l'rlnelpals, HMITH & COWLEY, apl,itt-ly 1'itlsburKh, Pa. J3 A1LEY", FARRELL & CO. LEAD TIPE, SHEET AND BAR LEAD JIANLFACTUKEUo, ALSO Pig Lend, Iron Plpo, Rntibcr Hose, Hteam GuiiKes, Whistles and Valves, Iron and CoiiiH-r hlnks A Bath Tulis, Hteum I'uni.s, I'lirm I'umiis mid Fonre 1'timps. And EVERY DESCRIPTION OF GOODS FOR ' WATER, GAS AND STEA3I. NO. 1C7 SMITIIFIEI.D STREET, rnTSRURon, r.. np E,'iM-ly-2c Send fora Price List. Y L' R N 1 T U UK! J. "r. WOODAVELL & SONS, 31ANUFACTURER5 AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN V U II XITUKE! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, 87 4 W Third St., 8:l-ly. riTTSIlUItO, PEXN'A. A NUERSON, PENZOI.D A CARSON, HAVE UKMOVED T1IEIK WELL KNOWN MERCHANT TAILOR. 1N0 E S T A I? L I S II M ENTI TO f.2 ST. CLAIR STREET, Tiv.idnors from tlieirold rooms. ftl.'O-ly. J)A1!KER & HASELTINE! NO. 11 FIFTH 6TKKLT, I' I T T S II 111 G II , r E N N A . WANlFACTt ltKllS AND DKA1.EIW IM PICTURE-AND PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES OF ALL KINDS. OFSr.WOOD. GILT & WALNUT MOULDINGS, PlfTIT.ES, STLitEnsrorrji and vir.ws. ti-nildlnsnnd rte.Klldlng to Order. S;4,'t-ly .1. S. i:wmti:h. President. j G. II. ANI'KKSON, J. . SHAI.I.F.MIKRnFR. ncereiury. Miperintendenl. rn win c I t y SLATE 3IINING & MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Manufacture and Deal in every variety of ROOFING SLATE, OF Sl l'KltlOH QUALITY. GENERAL OFFICE NO. 43, 7'HI ST., pirrsnuRoii, pa. For particularsand prices, address J. S. NEWJIYER, Prcst. ap 22,'OS-Cm J1EINE3IAN, 3IEYRAN & SEIDLE, No -12 Fifth Street, one door from Wood, Pirmiii'Huii, Pa., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Fine .Tcwelry, Watches, Diamonds, Pure silver Ware, Plated Wnrpof every description, French Clocks, Tea Sets, Spoons, Forks, Watch makers tools, Ac, And acenev of tho CELEIIHATED AMERICAN WATCHES. We also keep flic largest and most vnrlcd as sortment of the very best American Made Clocks, to lie found In any city east or west. Persons In want of any article lrronr line, cither at wholesale or for ttietr own use, will nlwnya find our prices lower andourasHortuient largertlinn anv to he found west ol New York City. WATCH REPA IT! ING To this branch of our trade (being ourselves practical watch-mak-crs.iwe pay very sieclal attention. We em ploy a force of the very best Artists In the country, anil niiyandnll tine delicate nnd difficult work entrusted to our care, for the trade or indivldunla, may rely on gutting satisfaction. Work may lie sent by express or otherwise. It KI NEMAN, ME YUAN SEIDLE, Wholesale A retail Jewellers ASIIversmlths, 42 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, l'a. np28,'M.ly fJIO FAR3LERS AND OTHERS. A good Agent wanted In every township of this county to sell Wentrott'a Arijnatable Kasli hum 1 the best butter maker now manufactured, li t do not promise fabulous salaries to our ageuts, hut do guarantee good wages to good nieu. We nre anxious to have this Churn introdiicrd.nnd to this end will make favorable arrangements with early applicants. Address Till w. H. UI.NGHAM ai CO l;-ly 3ot Penn St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Rills, Cards. Clrcnlnrs; Posters e.. 4c. neatly executed at tills oniee, on short iiotlco. JOHN U. HOFFMAN, MORGANTOWN, WEST HnOINIA. A TTORNEY FOR COLLECTING PEitSlONS, BOCJ1TIES, AKREAR8 Or FAT, AND ALL MILITARY CLAIMS. Having had 17 years experience In prosecuting such claims, I have become familiar with the various Laws and the large amount of record evidence In my possession enables me to be very successful in prosecuting suspended claims, and in many Instances have proved successful when the claimant hod long given them np ln,despair. No matter how dilbcull the chum so it U Just. 8;--lJ JAZEAR BROTHERS, irnoLKiALB shocks add .cosmiiuoa - CI1A5T9. No. 77. EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE. Jas. B. Lasxar, Wh. U Uuas, tU-Ur. ISEHe ISSaneabuvQ RIMTINOI "THE W AYNESBURG BEPUBLICAN' JOB PRINTING ESTABLISH MENT, Saym' Building, East of the Public Square, W AYNESBURG, PA, PAMPHLETS, PR0GRA3IMES, BILLHEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, POSTERS, BLANKS, LABELS, Ac, &c. NEATLY EXECUTED. WE HAVE J.W A GREAT VARIETY OF MATERIAL I And a more complete stock of PAPER, C A R h S, &c, Than any establishment within the limits or our business circle, AND WE ARE PREPARED To executo every description of JOB PRINTING! IN A STYLE OF NEATNESS AND BE AU-T Y! ! CANNOT BE SURPASSED ANYWnERit We employ the most competent 'printers, and propose to MEET EVERY ORDER! With which we are favored, in the SHORTEST TIME POSSIBLE! ANB IN THE MOST SATISFACTORY MANNER ! Particular attention given to FINE RULE WORK CERTIFICATES, CHECKS, Ac, TERMS REASONABLE Let w have a eaU tore going : elsewhere. J AS. E. gAT WW, WarneMMugtFa. 1M epubKcttn, UScncjebag, 3Hg ?T, 1868. Ctottitog. gLOW-UP ON THE MONONGAHELA I BTBAHEBS ELECTOR AND FAYETTE! IN THEIR GREAT RACE TO SECURE THE IMMENSE CARGO OF CLOTHING! CP N. CLARK & SON Which has Just been secured and SAVED FROM THE WRECK ! The Largest, Cheapest and Best Selection of READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS I HATS AND CAPS! Will be found at N. CLARK A SON'S, FULL SUIT AT. $6 00! That arc good material and warranted to wear well.. GOOD CASSIMERE SUITS FOR $11 60. Good Pants as low as 1 it and $1 75. We ask nothing forshowing goods. Come and see us; we like to show goods. OUR PRICES CANNOT BE REAT! ap 15, 68 H OY! ALOFT! STAND BY, A LL ! TO SEE THE GRAND OPENING OF SPRING A SUMMER CLOTHING JUST RECEIVED BY A. J. SOWERS DRESS SUITS AND BUSINESS SUITS, Beautiful assortment of Cloths, GENTLE3IEN-S FURNISHING GOODS, SHIRTS READY-MADE, New Styles for Gent's Neck Dress Scarfs, Fine French Figured Percalo Whirls, Collars 4 Cuffs. THE DECLINE IN PRICES enables him to sell at fabulous low rates. Full suits of excel lent texture, can be hail at one half former cost. Come and get the best while It is going. WON'T BE UNDERSOLD IN WAYNESBURG ROOM IN ALLISON'S iUTII.niNrl, OPPOSITE met wuai iiuuna, ap 15,'W-Bm. )LASTIC SLATE ROOFING ! The Ann of ODBERT A JONES will furnish the PROPERTY HOLDERS! of Greene county, with the PLASTIC SLATE ROOFING! Introdnoed last Summer, and so highly recom inedcd by those who hnve tried It. 1AI1 orders left with L. W. Jones, Waynes burg, Pa., will receive prompt attention. eimr.ni sjuiiLn, Sill-tim of Washington County, Pa. Johii Huohb... Tsoif a Lucas. T. LUCAS 4 CO. - roawAiDixa jjro covin wox atxacBAm. Aad dealers In Groceries, Hardware, Leather, W U1U111S-. UMII, IMMI, r ISO, SIC. A1SO, mte for Anbrev. Cromlow A flnnn'a Window Bash. A supply kepi oonstantly est bamda. Rice's Laudljuj, ra, above the bum. (uVtf. 0OD NEWS! AND NEW GOODS I D. SHIRK, Now offers to the public Thtjnoet complete assortment ot ' Every thing In the Dry Goods line ever brought to -, . This market. The Spring Styles, fresh and attractive And of every variety. t rials for Men and Boys, Ladles' and Misses. Boots And Shoes, unsurpassed in r Durability A Cheapness. Muslins, Delaines, Cloths, Bonnets A Bonnet frames Cassimcres, and In fact Everything that can be Desired, you can buy of him. A. WILSON, JR. Especially Invites a call from hi sold enntomors, bttlng sutlftfled tho prestige of former deal ing will be sustained and that now, tin of yore, the taates of till will be pleased regarding priced and quality. Km brace the first opportunity and Rive him an early call. -Room formerly oecuplwl by A, Wilson, Jr. In Wilson's building, Wuynesburg, Pa. p8,'68-ly. 1). SHIRK. c ARR, MCANDLESS & CO., DRY GOODS, 04 WOOD 8TREET, Pittsburgh, Penntt. Buyers of Dry Goods are Invited to examine the most Complete Stock brought to this market. Many of onr Most Popular Styles are not to he found elsewhere, being controlled entirely by us. The entire stock having been purchased at the Lowest rates, WE CHALLENGE COMPETITION. PRINTS, DELAINES, ARMURES, COLORED ALPACAS. COLORED WOOL DELAINES, FRENCH GINGHAMS, SCOTCH GINGHAMS, DOMESTIC GINGHAMS, CLOTHS, SHIRTINGS, FANCY CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, COTTON A DES, TANT' LINENS, AC. HOUSEKEEPER'S GOODS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, TICKINGS, CHECKS, QUILTS, COVERLETS. A large and well selected stock of NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. HOSIERY, GI.0VE8, &C. CASH BUYERS WILL FIND RARE INDUCE MENTS. aplS-lt B EATJTLFUL DISPLAY ! DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, io., EVANS' ESTABLISHMENT. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT EVERYTHING IN THE .LINE! Wishing to close oot for the rail trade, ha of fer hi. goods at astonishing low ralee far sash. The stock is as lale as the laleat and Ihe beet In (narke. Mlnor'sBuUdlng, opposite the Greene House. siM-fen , UK. K VANS. G FACT WORTHY OF NOTE ! JOHN W. WINGET Undoubtedly has the LARGEST STOCK ol HOME-MADE BOOTS A BHOES! IN WAYNESBURG. they have been tried and found to be equal (f not ' Superior to any in the place ! He has a general and well manufactured assort- lueut ot LADIES' AND MISSES, MEN BOYS' HOME MADE BOOTS, SHOES AND BLIPPERS! He keeps hands unexcelled as workmen In leniner. ills snop win tie found NEAR COTTEREL'S TANNERY, O-After returning thanks fora liberal natm nage heretofore bestowed, 1 wish to say to my old customers and others that I. warrant my work in every particular, ami will sell nt prices mat win saiisiy any reasouuiue person. Don't forget tho place, but GIVE ME A CALL SOON. ap 8, '68-ly JOHN M. WINGET. G REAT PANIC IN THE PRICES OF B-QOTS AND SHOES! WILLIAM BERRYHLLL'B, TWO DOORS WEST OK N. CLARK A SON'S ClAJTlll.MJ HIUUK, Having Just pun hnsed a heavy Stock of Boots ainr isnoes oi inn v 1N1VS1 aim 111':! lUAI.ll Y to be found in tile East, he now lias tho Best se lected and most complete assortment of these Moods cvePbcoughtto the Town. And he oilers ioscu FOR CASH Men's best, whole stock, Home-made Hoots, 17 Inch leu, at SH.iMr, rt.ii and A.IM; Meu's Kin ( all ftt$7."i0, with a uniform deduction In rates, on ull kfnds of stock. Mr. Herryhlll having an ex perience of 15 years in the manufacturing of . BOOTS AND SHOES! Is thoroughly ncqunlnted'wlth thebuslucss, nnd bus taken great care to make this a . 8UPEIIIOU RTOCK TO ANY KEPT HEI.K TOFORH. Fxncrlcnced bands nm ennntnntlv eninlnrnl In making to order and we can safely say that nt no pi are eino in inest "uikkiiikh" can the mate rial and workmanship bo aurpassctl. ALL WORK WARRANTED ! Hnnowflknhl friends nnd the nnlillc to enll and examine his stock, as he feels confident that neenn picuse tliem. WM. MKIlltVlllI,!., J2;18-tf Main Street, Wnynesburg, Pu. RETAT BARGAINS! BOOTS AND SHOES! NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE! CUSTOM-MADE WORK! CHEAPER THAN EVER, AT 31. C. tfc . BELL'S, (SUCCESSOIIS. To;nALTF.D,) SAYERS' - CORNER WAYNESBURG, PA.. t-Call and examine, and save money I GOTO M. C. A II. BELL'S FOR BARGAINS ll-iy. GENTS WJ ANTED FOR THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR, ITS CAUSES, CHARACTER, CONDUCT AND By HON. ALEXANDER U. STEPHENS. A BOOK FOR ALL SECTIONS AND ALL r A It 11 to. This great work presents the only complete on,, iimi vim uiihibih oi ne uauseH oi ine war yet nubllslied. nnd aivea tbose Intprior lltfbts and shmlows of the great con II let only known to mono iiign oincera wno waicneu ine noou-lioe of revolution from its fountain springs, and which were so accessible to Mr. Stephens from his position as second olllcerof the Confederacy. To a public that has been surlelted with AP PARENTLY SIMILAR PRODUCTIONS, wc promise a change of fare, both agreeable and salutary, and an Intellectual treat or the highest order. The Great American War baa AT LAST found a historian worthy of its Importance, and at whose hands It will receive that moderate, candid and Impartial treatment which trutn and Justice so urgently demand. " The intense desire every where manifested to obtain tills work. Its Ofllcial character and rea dy aale, combined with an Increased commis sion, make It the best subscription book ever P"me"agent In Easton, Pa reports 73, subscrlb- on.m'uoiwn'; Mass. 1M subscribers In tour dne In Memphis, Tenn. M subscribers In five d rSend for Clrcnlnrs and see onr trms, and a fill description of Ihe Work, with Press notices "'a'wSnat'ional PUBLISHING CO. 9S, South Seventh bt. Philadelphia. p-M gETTER THAN EVER! FROM NEW YORK & PHILADELPHIA THOMAS BRADEN, ' .", Has Just received a splendid new .. : SPRING STOCK OF HARDWARE! .; To which he Invites especial attention. ' n!!Ltt?1,T.?.1"'iw,,h "Tthlng In his line M,7.t.iJ: ''u'no niecnamc. ueing a praollcal firrmer he knows exactly the wait! of his farmer rrlends. Among bis varletv oi goo.ls will ije found Iron i Sills V.UkXdS 1 lanes of all varieties, Augers, Braces, Ac Tut tie-toothed, Cross-cut and Mill Sawi, Han,, baws and Tools nrtti ,iu...i.i - swuw . AdRICULTURAL DIPLEMENT8, nrnnrlnv XfnAhlnna f.lil T . ... SADDLERY HARDWARE: A general assortment of Saddlery Hardware. W which he invites the attention of purchase rs WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDS: Tubs, Buckets, Putter Bowls and all kinds of Kitchen Wooden rlxln's. Willow Baskets. Brooms, Brushes, Coal Buckets, Brass Kettles! Buggy Wht, shot Uuns, iloys's Wagons and Sleds. All of which will be sold cheaper than ever for Cash ! GIVE HIM A CALL SOON. He will take pleasure In showing his stock at all times. So give him a call when jrou come to town. Remember the place, . OPPOSITE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WAYNESBURG, TA. np 8, 'OS-tf THOMAS MR A DEN. BIPORTANT TO BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS! WAYNESBURG STEAM PLANING; MILL, It gives ns pleasure to announce lo the" pftlT the completion or this work and the readiness ot the proprietors to RECEIVE ORDERSJ AND MAKE CONTRACTS! The best improved machinery Is used. Plan ing, Ploughing nnd Grooving, Sash nnd Door Making, Piinnelling, Hipping, moulding Ac, rapidly and skilfully executed. Muling prleee paid lor , ALL KINDS OF LUMBER! Thcv nre also pre pared In do all kinds of Carpen ter Work, with the utmost promptness, ana In the most substantial mnnner. They respectfully solicit a share of. pvMIe palrounge, and flatter thcinsoives that they wll In all cases be able to GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION! , , i All orders promptly attended to, RRADEN, WALTON A SAYERS, 8;lt-tf Waynesbnrg, Pa. COPPKR AND TINWARE ESTABLISH MENT IN WAYNESBURG, PA. DON'T THROW MONEY AWAY? 1HTT IT TO BUY CHEAP AND USEFUL8T0VES Oi W. II. II E LPH ENS TINE, They have the handsomest and neatest pattern OI I COOKING, HEATING, AND PARLOR STOVES I In use, ;call and examine the different patterns before you; purchase elsewhere. They have thn IttlSKIIAI.K. for wood or coal, three sizes: and Ihe Perfection, for wood, three sixes. They are the best stoves in use.i lion t let the women scold any longer, but get them what they need. r They manufacture TIN, COrrEIt AND SHEET IRON WARZ! of all kinds. Everything In oar line will be uncalled to promptly; send In your orders soon, iur x win sen cucap lor casn or country proaucej SPOUTING AND ROOFING! done to order on the shortest notice, at the eld stand, south of the Sheriff 'a Honse, Weynes- ourg, i-a. w. H. UUiTllEIisiiist. l;ai-Hm . K. A. TINKKIt II. L MAPEL. fJIINKEK in 3IAPEL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR TnE SALE OP HOGS, CATTLE AND SHEEP, AT THEIR OWN YARDS, WEST BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. ADJOININQ MD. LIVESTOCK SCALES. Consignments respectfully solicited. A11 jeorn. 1 1 v .n.wered. Post offle. Address-Box i.Hio. 7,-W-ty. . GKOHOr. C. 8TITROI9S, Jonir C. Waos Notary Publis. OTURGISS & WAGNER, UNITED STATES CLAIM AND GENERAL as-For the sdlustment of CLAIMS, nf all klada against the United States, such as PENSIONS, INCREASE OF PENSIONS, BOUN- . , viuv luiiiwi auuari, and those of any other olasa call on or wrltet te) the Military and Naval Agency of MTUKOIHM A WAnNKH. Walnut St., 1 door below Hagans' corner flln Htalra.) 8;21,'B7-ly MORGANTOWjf, W. TA, o. of o, tr WAYNESBURO ENCAMPMENT, Ma III, Hall In Ganear's Building, east Main Street. Wayneahurg, Pa, First and second Friday's of eucn month. ....... fh,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers