IShe . f2Sayuesbur0 Republican,1 febiiesi-nii; Xlay .'27,.;I80S. Noticb to Attounkvs. Attorneys will be aid responsible for Paper Books, Advertising Qd Job Work, ordered by thum and not Duid for In advuncv. demand. , 8uch bllla to be collectable on Naw Advmitiskxiiits. Tho attention of our renders li specially directed to the follow ing advertisements, which appear fur the flrHt time in our paper to-dn)-. sJTNew stand-P. Axtull Cd. flerRook srerts wanted J. B. Burr & Co. VLegal Notice Evelina Porter. Look Oct roc Oovntkbfkiters ! Money Is not the only thing that can be successlully counterfeited. For genuine Dry Goods, go to Evan & Minor's. Ghjkt Clcb. There will be a meeting of the Grant Club a, its head quarters on Sat urday evening, Mny 30tb. Turn out aud lot us have a full attendance. Good speakers Will be In attendance. Hon. J. C. Flenmkkx, Delegate to the Chicago Convention has returned and gives a most glowing account of the proceedings. He thinks there has never been anything like it on the American Continent. Akotitkb DiscovEBr-That D. SMrk has a N. I stock of Men's, Women's, Boys' and Misses' boots, shoes find slippers People would do well to examine them beforu rank ing their purchases in this line. . A Fact Votii t or Notk Opon closj exam ination by competent judges, it has been as certained thatD. Shirk has a stock of ladies' shoes unsurpassed by any in the place in point of durability, beauty of style and reas onable prices. Playino I.mhax Doctor. Some scalawag has been playing on tho credluity of honest country folks by jivln?out that the celebrated ted ''Indian Doctor" & Lady were to bo in town this week. Perhaps some counterfeit . expects thereby to turn a penny. Gratitude to this Gallant Dkad. The (people of Washington Co., propose In decor ate the graves nf their departed soldiers, at Washington, on batnrday Mtv 80lh Inst. The strewing of floW3rs is a simple but beau tiful tribute. It will be an interesting occa nion. Bad Nkws. About 200 feet of Dam No. 2 , went out on Friday evening last, which will suspend navigation ns soon as the water gets low. As we go to press, wo learn that the steam er Gallatin sunk at Lock No. 2 on Monday evaning last Mo particulars. Ijst By th& subscriber on ovcnln? of tho 24th Inst., between tho Livery Stable in Waynesburg and the tole-gate at tho west end f town a pocket book containing twenty tlve dollars. Any person finding and relum ing the same to me at tho Hamilton in Waynosburg, will by lilwnlly rewarded. Hkniiv C. Mankey. Mil Editor : Since the wholesale granting of Jjquor License it is no uncommon thing to see men who are of intemperate hibits, drunk on the streets. Who Is it that puts the law at le1snc i by selling to such pcrsoi s 1 Is it the landlords, the druggists or the distillers? Cannot tho Good Templers answer? Ohskiivlh. Honors to tub Cocstry's Di:ad. Gen. JjOgan President of Ilic Grand Army of the Republic, has designated next Saturday, ?I ay 80 for the observance of tho beautiful rite of strewing tho soldiers' graves with flower?. Wherever a soldier, s grave marks the sod of Greene county, let lint soldier's friends and the friends of tho country, decorate the spot on Saturday. Diiowsko. On Friday evening tho Iflth, Robert Rigers, son of Jtmesl. Rogers, Esq , of Brownsville, and formerly of Biallsville. was drowned in Dunlap's Creek. Ha and his brother were swiming In tho dam near that place, and in attempting to swim a cross it, he was sieged with cramp and drowned. Voting It ogers was about 18 years old, was nephew of county Commissioner M'Lsan, was highly respected, and great regret is expressed at tlio ad fate which he has met. Reporter Uountkrpostino. Alter Licenses were granted last Court, some of tho Bar Keepers, it is said posted in their bars lists ol those who signed remonstrances as persons who could not obtain Liquor. On Sabbath morning Inst printed posters ap peared in various conspicuous places bearing the names ot Ihoso who can get liquor, which has created much curiosity. This whole bus iness of "posting" is disreputable. Tho tem perance men ought to have left it all to be done by the grog fraternity. Goon Food tor tub Mind. Tho Tlireno logical Journal for June, selves up a most nu tritious bill of mental fare. Among its lead ing characters are Goorgo Hall, first Mayor of Brooklyn ; Piiineas Staunton, Artist; Gov ernor Isaac Murphy ; J. G. Holland ("Timo thy Tltcomb ;") King Theodore ; Thomas D'Arcy Magee, with portraits, biographical nd phrenological sketches. Philosophy of Dreaming and Insanity ; Mr. Beccher's Phi losnphy ; The secret of success, for Young Wen j Writing for the Press ; Abyssinia and its people, etc. End ot volumo 47. A new Tolume begins with the next number, July. .43 year or 80cts. a No. Published by S. R. 5Velli, 889 Broadway, New York, The undersigned soldcirs nf Greene county, .cherishing the memories of their comrades whose lives wore sacrificed during the late wicked rebellion, respectfully request all the soldiers of Greene county to meet in Wnyncs ;burg Saturday, May 80, for the purpose of dec . orating '.he graves of tho soldiers who were iburied in the Cemetery at Waynesburg. All citizens are invited to attend and participate in the ceremonies. An appropriate address for .the occasion will bo delivered. The soldiers in and around Waynesburg 'are .requested to meet In the Court House, May -26, Tuesday evening, to make preparation for the occasion. R. K. CAMPBELL, R, ADAMS, K. A. BAYERS, L. K. EVANS, J. B. DONLEY, U. C, 8AYERS Batiucation. On Thursday evening last isrben It had been announced by Telegraph ,that the Chicago Convention had done its" (wtk to nobly by nominating Ultsbs S. Grant for President, and Schdtler Colfax sfor Vic President, the boys brought cut their Martial music, and having mustered a large delegation, proceeded to the residence of John Bochanan, Esq, After repeated calls Mr. Buchanan appeared and spoke abjnt an boor la an able and eloquent manner, endors ing the nomination! most heartily and pre. dieting their election by overwhelming ma jorities. The audience manifested their ap preciation of Mr. Buchanan 1 remarks br re peated and enthnsiaatio cheers. The canv p ajgn was thus opened in good earnest. Sudden Death. Kev. Valentine Lucas, pas tot of the First Methodist Church, of Allegheny died suddenly between three and four o'clock yesterday morning, at the parsonage, on Union avenue. He retired to bed about twelve o'clock Monday In apparently excellent health. Shortly alter three o'clock next morning his wife was awakened by hcarlnj a groan, and on looking to ascertain the c ttiio, found her husband lying on the floor besldo the bed. $lic,lninieiliutely lighted the gas, and called for assistance, but in a moment or two death In tervened. Dr. Cooper was summoned, and responded promptly, but could render no ser vice. The Physician gave it as his opinion that death resulted from apoplexy. Tho deceased was a prominent Methodist minister, and his for years past had tha pas toral charge of the First Methodist (formeily Methodist Protestant) Church lu Allegheny. He had been in the ministry a number nf years and during Ids connection with the Pittsburgh Conference, has seivcd os President, and has held other important positions. Arj. Gazette. Mr. Lucas was a native of Dunkard town ship, this county, where ha has a large and respectable connection still residing. He is well known through nit tho County and his death will be a source of much regret among our people. ANew Game Law. The , Leg'slatttre of this State has pasted a very stringent law for tho preservation of gmic and insjetivorous birds. Th j bill provides tint it siidl not bo lawful for any persons with in tho Common wealth to shoot, kill or any way trap or de stroy any blue birds, swallows martins or oth er insectivorous bird at any season of the year that no dear, lawn or elk shall be hunted or killed between the rirst of Djcember and the first o( September In any year; that no wild turkey pliu isaut or rabbit shall be hunted or killed between I he first of January and tho first of September in any year; that no par tridge or quail shall be taken or killed between Hie twentieth of December and the twentieth of October ; no woodcock or snipe be tween tho first of March and tin first of Sep tember j that no wil 1 turkey, pheasant, par tridge, quail, woodcock or snipe shall bo trap pedor taken by any means of taking such birds other limn by shooting, at any time whatever nor sliull any trap, net or suaro be made erec ted oi set eit her wholly or in part for the pur pose of such trapping or taking ; that no eggs of any kind of birds a' ove enumerated and hereby declare I to b) gams, or any insect birds, shall bo taken or destroyed at any time. 'Poir Tom's a'eold." How warm soe'er tho gonial sun May look in kindness on the earth In Tom June's veins no cheering warmth Djspvls the gloomy sorrow of his soul. Jjjtiepna, like a goblin, hunts him down, Aiue. grim chamberlain, lights him to bed, While Dullness, Vertigo, and Headache diro Willi fiercer aches combine to make him grout). ll irken, Thorn is to instruction. For nil thy ills a remedy is found A Panacea, certain, pleasant, sure, Plantation Hitters S. T 18110 X., A wondrous tonic, made by Dr. Drake. We presume "poor Tom s" case is not worse than hundreds who are cured daily by tins wonjertul medicine. Magnolia Water. A delightful toilet arti clessuperior to Cologne and at halt the price Ji'stOi-knkd. A new and completo stock of Boots ond Shoes, at M. C. & H. Bell's cheap store, Sayeri' corner, Waynesburg. Among their stock will be found all tho Spring Styles, direct from the manufacturers, selected i by M. C. Bell expressly for this market. For Salk! A first class Xi. 3, Empire Sewing Machine; ono of Grovesteen's Piano f utes, of the best quality, and a scholarship torn course of instrucdon in Iron City Cjm merc'nil Collego. Will be sold on easy terms. For Inf orinatton enquire lit this ofllce. Cobsk people usu coarse perfumery, and viet iwot, it is safe to set down n lady who uses that spiritual pe.fume, Phalon's "Fror do Mayo," ns a person of taste nn 1 sensibility perhaps a poetess or a fioe musician. Sold by all druggists. A Fiiesii Arrival. Just received from the East nnothcr supply of goods, that will be soi l cheaper than ever, at D. Shirk's cheap store where every person goes to get good goods cheap Try mm- Good News.-Tho largest, cheapest and best stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes Trim iugs &c, in tho county is to be found nt D. Sliii k's Cheap Store. Call soon. Can't hk Bkat The large and fashionable stock of Dress Goods for ladies at D. Shirk's cheap store ; everything in that lino cheap er than tho cheapest, and more to select from. Tub reason you should buy your goods at Fordycc's Jefferson, Grccno Co., their entire stock was carefully selected with reflcrenco to quality and you are always sure of getting a eooft article. Tub Question, answered satisfactorally to every body who sells the most, best and cheapest goods? The public say D. Shirk Giro him an early call and save money. Save Time and Labor. By leaving your order for coal at the Telegraph Office Prompt delivery insured. R. A. 8 iters. Would Ton bb Rich ? Buy all your dry goods of Evans fc Minor. ''A penny saved is two pennies made." Do not fail to call at D. Shirk's Dry Store. Good Fnn good sheep shears and sheep too clippers go to Fordycc's. All of Dr Sargent's Family modicinos for sale at Bradcn's Druj store. A large stock of Drugs just received at Braden's Drug store. Gentlemkn's patent, quarter Oxford tics, at M C. & H. Bell's, very cheap for cash 1 A LanoE stock, of Wool Twine at T. Bra dcn's Hardware store. Wiieelino nails all sizes the best In use For sale at T. Braden's Hardware store. Wilkinson's Sheep Shears, a fresh fupply, best quality cheap at T. Braden's Hardware (tor. lux, Trlx, Trix, sold at Q. W. Roberts' Drag Store. Pnt Paurr, for (ale -at G. V7. Roberts' Drug Btore, SniCTtT Pur WWULead, (old at G. W. Roberts' Dni Store. Medical Dr. F. Whittlesey of Washington will be at the Hamilton House, Waynesburg, on Monday and Tuesday, 1st and 2nd days of June, where he Invites all persons utliicteu with any form df Chronic Disease, to give hlin a call. Dr. Whittlesey is no traveling Em piric but brings with him to our 'placo the best test of ability and skill id his profession the successful treatment of all forms of Chron ic Disease. For the past twelve years lu Washington his treatment effecting cures, in many cases that had battled the nvdical skill of all other svstcuis for years ; his system of Diagnosing Disease by means of the mine, never fails to detect Its nature, locality and, curability, of this patients themselve will be perfectly satisfied upon submitting to his ex amination ; his medicines are all selected from tho vegltablo kingdom aud prepared with the greatest care by his own hands, and Sel dom fail to cure; we hope he may do the good for somo of our sutTuring ones, that lie has done for the afflicted in his home practice. Dr. W. is permanently located ju Wash ington corner of Maine and Chestnut Sis. whence, he comes highly reccominended as a scientific man and thoroughly educated and- skillful physician. Within the past few years ' he has had the experience of a large hospital ' practice lu Cincinnati! whero ho was also very successful hi treatment of ad forms of diseases peculiar to malo or female, especially all dis eases and weaknesses arising from Indiscretion In youth. Remember that Dr. W. will remain in Waynesburg only two days. Remember that he will be prepared with medicine to treat any case that nny be preieuted. Re member that Dr. W. will make an honest ex amination of every case presented, and tell his patients what he thinks of their situation and not hold out flattering inducement for the hope of fees or reward. Remember the days of his visit. Tho 1st and 2nd days of June. Olllce rooms at tho Hamilton House, cousul tatlcns free and strictly confidential. Bass Ball has been inaugurated for the season. An Interesting game was played on "the hill on Saturday Students against tho Town Boys J. II. Campbell Capt. for Stu dents and G. W. Rinehart ,for Town Boys. The following Is the scora i o. R. o. n. Rinehart, Campbell, A. A. Campbell, D. C. Taylor, llunncll, Sayers, Minor, Oldwine, 5 Campbv.ll, J. II. 6'LindseV, !Silveus, 4 1 Qavis, IlL'uniinins S; Parker, 4 li H 8 2 M Myers, 1 4 2 2 I Iooper, Total, 25 8'.'Tolal, 25 26 V ou cvn sco by the above score that the Stu dents were "set up" for lha Ico Cream. Which Is a violation of tho Colleg j rules. Wb often hear tho remark made, "an old fashioned winter," aud it Is supposed to nunn a lone and severely cold one. Tho one which we hope is just past and over, wo think came up to the mark. Custom made Boots, call back and front warranted in every particular, for $0.00, at M. C. & H. Bell's! GotoG. W. Roberts' Drua Store for every thing in the Drug line. Window Glass and While Lutcl of tha very host quality at Bradcn's Drug Store. A Fine assortment of brushes, Perfumery, &fincy soap? at 0. W. Roberts Drug Store. Sre w art's Champim salve wholesale and retail 1). W. Braden agent for Greened, Dr. Burtons Infallible tobacco antidote for SalentG. W. H iberts Drugstore. Buhktt3 Hilr Restorative (best In use) sold at Uraden's Drug Store. Try It. Mrs S. A Al'ens World's Hair Restorer for sale at G. W. Roberts' Drug Store. PRKScitirnoNS Carefully compounded U. W. Robeits'.' at Iltuvvicrt. STULL-GASS May 1 4, '09, at the residence of tho bride's parents, by Rev. W. II. Winnett, Mr. Jackson C. Stull, of Washing ton Co., Pa. and Miss Mary E. Giss, of Crecno Co., Pa. BELL ROSS May fi 1808, by tho Rev. A. J. Collins, Capt. J. Fulton ITrll, ni WaMr ington County Pa., and Miss Lydia Ross, daughter of Judge Ross dee'd. ot Greene County Pa. Jttittkct;!. , no harkkt. "V A y s esb l r o , May 2fl, W. CotTfictcd Weekly for the RKrvnr.icAN. nutbnrffreshroll,) fit)... Egirs 9 doz Potatoes $ bush Ijird ft Tallow y lb Country Sonp ft Dried Apples V lb , 20 l.s ..1 30U2 AH 12'? lis c FLOUR AND OftAIN. Floury bhl Wheat V bush Kye bush is m 2 4" ..1 l.Vgl 20 ! 10 1 10 ('orn V bush Corn Meul bush ... onocErviEs. CoTeo ? ft Tea ft 2SS30 1 80 lo 20 ( 1 20 nrown isugar ? Pi ltctlned Kucnr n lb Sy nip gut .iioinsscs (.N.iiriounsj Sorghum i gal Salt t bbl pice jt It, PITTSBURGH MARKETS. Satchdav, May 23, 1868. Thore Is but little that la really now to be said In regard lo Ihegrnrrnl markets. We quote as follows, which nro the whnbuuin prices: OHAIN AND FLOUR,. Wheat. Pcnn'o. and Ohio, Winter Red $2 (MI2 (W Rye bush urn (lain bush StSSAo Corn hush lnijii Spring Wheat Flotvr II 2"ifill 7.5 Winter Wheat... . 12 50 l:l o . nsuuc 2Ic 200 lSKtl,.i 6,00&7,l lauOn 30 ?Vt82o 1 an J75 3 60 ran visions Shoulders . Sugar Cured Hants.. fjtrd PolaUies, bush...M Apples bbl Ulleese Eggs V doi... r)utter...H SEEDS. Clover Seed Timothy Seed.. Flax Heed PEJfJf. CE.VTSAL STOCK TABD9. PrrrsBcnnn, May 21, 1868. Cattle The cattle market has been a lltte more aettve during the past week, the sales In aggregate beldg somewhat larger than for sever al weeks precluding, though there ts still plenty of room for improvmenu Prices ranging from Hi for common, to b for good. ' Baur The sa eep market has been fairly ac tive daring the past week, prloes have under gone no quotable ohange. Quotations from tft 7M are mirij sieiea. Hooe-There Is bat little that la new to be said about the hog market. AboutaU that were offers ed wen taken at last weeks prioes, notwith standing the advices from the cut were unfa vorable, prloes ranging from ViWi., BALTIUORlt Ji.tnitrr. Baltimotk, May 23. flour uuehanged and Wheat dull and scurce, Corn ateudy 9l,Wa,l,ltt; yellow, Sl,.l,-'4. Oats steady wonteru 880 Ilyo dull j western !,.,,00(a2,le. Bacon quint; rib sides Ho; clear (Ides 17.4c; ulioulders MJJe. Hum21'i",. Lard dull at l'J'tfa.lOc. OF GREENE COUNTY. The undersigned, Treasurer of Greene county, hemty glv" notice that In pursunncc ol' the Act of Assembly ot the Stb of Muv, 135, lie will meet the several tux pnyers of tho sold county, In thtdr severul townships ami burouuhii at t he snld places and times hereinafter Kpocillc-d, between the buut-s of U o'clock A. M. and 5 o'clock. 1. M. of each day. for the purpose of collecting and re ceiving state und cuunty tuxea for the year tstlS, FI1WT WEKK. Morgnn township, Monday, J une IS, at the house ol Morgan Hell. Jefferson township, Tuesday, Juno IS, at the houso of Win. Kelly. Cumberland township and (tormlchuels Bo- roiiKh, Wednesday and Thursday, June 17th and 1Mb at the houso of Henry Jennings. Monongahcla township. Friday, June ISuttho houso of Wm. Mestrezatt. Oreenu township, Saturday, June 20, at the at the house of U. F. Bulley. SWJOSD WKKK. Whltcly township, Jilunday, Juno 22, at tho house or (jllinun Ilkkiimn. Dunkard towniiiip. Tueaditv, Juno 2a, at tho house or Ut orge Howard, Tnylorlovn. Porry township, Wednesday, Juno 21, at the house of William Phillips, ML. Morris. Wayne township, Thursday, June 2S, at the house of Itczlit Colvert. Qllmorc township. June 20, at the houso of E- llennen, Jolleylown. Jacl siin township, Saturday,- Juno 27, at the house of Jesse Mitchell. TII1HI) WEEK. Centre township, Monday, June 20, nt tho houso of Klnelmrt Church, Itogorsvtlle. Sprlnghlll township. June 3d at tho housu of Ferroll, I-'reepott. Aleppo township. Wednesday, July 1, at tho house of Augustus Miller. Rlchhlll township, Thursday and Friday, July 2d imd 3d. nt the houso of M. Moniger, Jacksonville, FOURTH WEEK. Morris township, Monday, July 3, at the house of A. J. Huiftcr. Washington township, Tuesday July 7, at tho house of Clinton Lewis. Franklin township, Wednesday, July 8, nt tho house of Smith Green. Mnrloti townstilp, Thursday May 9, at the Treas urer' olllce lu Wtiyneslturg. AUNEIt M. BAILEY, May 13, '08- It . Treasurer. r 1ST OF GRAND JUROItS DRAWN FOR J JCNETKRM, 1B8. William Fonner Jcsae Carpenter John G. titnsmore Samuel lams Joeob K. Hie hey liavtdCra.vno ....Morris ....('enter tp. ...ltlchhtll " ...Centre ...Cumberland" ....Morgan ' ...SpilnghlU " ....Marlon .....Morgan " ....Morris ' ....sprlnghlll " ...Springhill ' ...Cumberland" ...Morris " ....Marlon " ...Grtwoin " ....W.hltely " ...Cumberland" ...Morris " Siindlori llullmun.... Andrew ILson II. C. Hell Hamilton Penii , U.S. Whito Benjamin Evans Heslli Keynor fennls lulus T. 1'. Mitchell Benjuniiu Uliiehart.. Clearuu l.emlev John S. I''lcnnlken liigliriim Burnett urr. ...Morgan " IJodcn littnnut ....Mnrria S, A. Huston Rlfhnill ' tiVnfHt! HmTintW) Wushlniiton' Jciemluh Duvl'ison Cumberland" LIST OF PETIT JUHOH9 DRAWN FOR JUNE TEUM, IHU8. Imd flnrrlsnn Asby r. IhhiIuv tf. II. Ariutt John Wisbsti-r Jacob Riiiili, Kflfj Chnstoplu'i John Ij. U. unvorhW i'iorson Morria Aiirinh Kvnns K H Hitlh Km in it I mike Jacob Ttistm Win. Ihidirum John iinnit's k, W in. Bl in p-toii CVphus L'my A.J. Hhrlwr JoHse Ilinmell 'iit John Hl'oU Hamiifl Wooits Hh'ptH'ii uv hvM 1. IN ll Isiiao Kinney lvitr I'llom Dfimlrf Jacobs A. M. Rlrk N. MeAHlstir T. M.Tavlor H. K. funipbcll.Sr Jttmt: W. lluvs .h. K. Suvci s Jessp Wt'tN - John Fuller John Shrine Uuuh Monttfomorv, Jr.- Robcrt fathers I'll Tihm Wm. MciMniv Joseph Keener John I. W'orluv May 13-to tp ,. lVrry " ..LannteliHulH ..Centre lp. ...Jellcrttnii " . Whltoly ....lMinkitrd (.llniorti " ...Aleppo 11 ...Cumbcrlaml'1 ...Kii-hbUl " ... W nvne ' lanklln ' ...Whltnlv ...51orrl8 " ,... ashlimton" ....W'hltely " ...Marlon ' ....Jackson M enlrn ' ....Motrin 11 ...Mftrmtn " ...Glltnote " ...Alcpnn " ...HicliliHl ...1 armlebnelH" ... nrniit'haels" ...W ushliitfton" ...Marlon ....Rlohhtll ...Marlon ' ...lliehhill ,. W HVIHl ...W iivtie " ...Morcan " ...JaeUsod " ...iMinknnl " ...Dunkanl " ..I'litiltanl " ...W aynns " rniiE LATEST YET. MBS. E. S. SAYERS i 1IOSKINSON rtf.ivo Just arrived from llin East with a largo iiiieui oi inreign nnutiomesiio I) R Y GOODS, SritLXG & SUMMER STYLES, which they propose lo sell M thelowest CASH prices ! suchns Dress Goixls, Dress Trim ming, Dress ltultons, Ladies Shnwls. Hoots nncl Shoes, Hats lor men boys, grent variety nlcenrtleles, nt very low prices for GENTLEMEN AND LADIES' WEAR, Wares of nil kinds, and a complete, variety ofthe best OUOCKIUES. Allnf which they propose to sell nt the very lowest, figures, depending on the quality nnd cheapness of their goods to gain them custom. dive them acall before purchasing rlsewhor, and they will prove that the above Is correct. Itoom In Allison's building, nearly opposlto the Court House, Waynesburg. 4;l,'W-tf pEW LIVER i STABLE IN WAyNESBURO, PA. The subscribers wonld respectfully Inform the . public thai they are prepared to ACCOMMNDATE AT ALL HOURS WITII GOOD nORSES AND GOOD BUGGIES, Our Stable will be found In rear ofthe Ilamll ton i House, near the Htcam Mill. May 20, '01-ty W. A.4C. W.BANE. H AVE A CIGAR? if Rn r T.r. rv AT T. BRADEN'S NEW J2STABLISHMENT. no keeps on hand at nil times AN EXCELLENT QUALITY OF CIGARS, Smoking A ChewingTobacen, Pipes. SnnfL.-etc., etc PRICES DOWN! 13 THE WORD! Call in. Royjm In the Worley House, Waynes ap. li,'M-tf ' bUrg' P" I. BRADEN. TICE. Notloe la hereby given to all who know them selves Indebted for work done at the Planing Mill, In Waynesburg, to cell at the Hardware Store of Thomas Braden end make settlement, as there has been a ehange In the firm making It neoesury to settle op the books, Tbe busi ness will be continued ew My30-2t . BRADEN, WALTON CO, T l?f OF CACSE3 FOR TRIAL AT JUIiE Li TERM, IHU8. J Lanti John vs Elijah Morris, et at. No. 101, June term, !. nruntul lit vs Kent No. IDS Slareh terra, 18l. Morris v I.tuas. No. 71, June term, IStli Tanner vs Jluaheii Jt Kineuld, No. 7, June term, 1UI. Everhart vs Stephenson, No. 83, March term, lsitv. South & Knottg vs Long, No. 82, December torm 1j-5. Cornwell v Wilson: No, l, Deo. lam. 1800. Taylor vs l.cmley. No. 75, March term, I8li(l. Uorlon va Shrlver, No. im, March term, 1SS8. I.lnilscy'a Kxeeutors vs Bayers, No. 169, Mureh term, ISO). ' lluas K. A. et at vs Btephena, No. 181, March trni, lti. SUvcus vs .Martin, No. 70 June torm, 1). Lanls il. W. vs bhields J. U. et ul, No. Hi, June term, ism). HIhmIcs v .Messer et nt. No. lis, Juno term, tsttfl. Hook ViOilulllulllgh, No I'll, June lerm, ISUO. Hornhuke vs Heilye, No. w. isept term. IsitH. M'nlers vs Davidson, No. 156, Heptemiier term. ivm . Minor's AdmtnlstrntorBvsQnpen.NoSa Decern her tfrui, I'M. Johns vs l.uui s Administrators, No. IIS, Dec. term, l.-MI. I.e't vs Hamilton. No. 5n, Marfh term, ISITT. Williams vs Cleavenor, No. 70, June term, IN67, C'olver el al vs Kelley & Kullcy, No. 81, June term, lsti7, MeCorntRck vs Sllveus, No. 131, June ttrm, 1S07. Htlllwcll vs Thompson, No. l:il, June term. 1SU7, l.'nih'.v vs Hlephfiis, No. 147, June term, !s67. Mnnltt vs t'leuvonner. No. f, Sept. torm, IstU. McKi uM vs Hewitt i Oruy, No. 51), Sent, term, K7. 1 Porter vsOreene Co. Amber Oil Co., No. 87, Sept. Ii-rm, Im17. Woods vs llhick, No. W, April term, 1H. J. t TEMl'Li:, l'rothouotary. May 13-to u NITEDSTATESINTERNALREVENUE Heaver Falls, May II, ISiW, Notice U hereby ttlvvn that tlio Hiimial list of I'uxes on incomes, t'arrlaRes, silver l'late, Wutchrs, At, mid Hpeclul taxes, are now due, and Hint payment may be luudo to Ayers L. Myers, Dept. Collector, lit Jelt'trson, Monday, June l-s, at the flreene Houso. Carmichnuls, Tuesday, Juno lb, at the Houso ot Thomas Curl. Greensboro, Wednesday, June 17, at the Mouse ol D. H. Jones. Taylortown Thursday, Juno 19, at Taylor's Store Mt. Morris, Friday, Juno l,at the Houso of Wm rimitps. Oururd's ! ort, Saturduy, June 20, at tho Wright lloust?. Nlnevali, Monday, Juno 32, at Ponn's store. Jacksonville, Tucsduy, June it, ut the House of James Carter. New I'reeporl, Wednesday, Juno2l, nt tho houso of Ed. Kerrcll. Jolleytown, Thursday, Juno 2S, at lteiinon'i Tavern. Cull's Mill, Friday, Juno M. And nt his Olllce, opposite tho Court House, in Waynrstmrg, at all other thuos. The fornsolng taxes must ho paid on or before the date auovo named, otherwise a penalty will be Incurred. A. KOMIKTSON, "Maya)-2t I'olloctor. g 1 1 KRI FrS SaLeT Rv virtue of a writ nf atlas ven.cxp. Issued out of t lie Court of Common Picas otllreerte Count v. mid to me directed, there will be exposed lo public salent the Court Huusc lu WayneHburg, ON SATUIIDAY, THE Olit DAY OF JUNE, ncxt.nt I o'clock P. f.. the following nrnncrlv. viz: All the rlnht, title, Interest nnd claim of Jubn buns, of. In nnd lo n certtiln tract of Innd situated In Centro townslilp, Orccne Countv. Ph.. lldlo ll lie lanils of Wlltlnm Mllltkcn U'll. lliim ijoodwlii, end others, conlatiilmt about 110 acres, uliout si xty nercsof which are cleared and on which Is erected a llrlck liwollliiu House, v riune siiihieund oilier out liulldlni's. Taken lu execution us the property of John Iamsut thesult ol Thouius lams lor the use of Miuy Ann Wilson. Mayjll-.1t H. 11. 8ir.VF.UH, Sheriff. T IIH Id TO GIVE MOTICK, That on the Oth day of May. A. TV. IRffi n Wnr. rant In Hunkruplcy was Issued umilust the ck tuteof William A. Porter, of Waynesburg, In uuumj oi ureene null ?nnuf OI I'cnilRyiVaillH, who hns been ailjudifed a lliinkriipt on tils own petition; that tlie payment of itnv debtxHiid de livery ot nny property belonging to such lliinlt nipt.tohlm or for his use, mid the transfer of uny property by hlin lire lurbldden by law; that a mcetlnir ofthe Creditors of the satd'lliinltnipt, to prove their Debts mid lo cbooif one ur more .vssigneeH oi ins eslule, will be held nt a Court of llankriiiitey, In Wiiynesbiirg, Penn, before u"'-jii n, I'uniej, r.l., uegiHicl, ON 20th OF JUNE, lstts, AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M THOMAS A. ItOWLEY. May 20, 'tfl-lt U. S. Marshal, as M KssENonit. fHw wxoai veIjotE'J'; That on the (llh day of May. a. n, ltM, a War- Inteol Mnriln Smith, or Morgan township, lu UhicoiiiiI v of Orccne nnd bUilH of Prnnsvlvn lilil, who hits been lulliidiied it Icmkriipt uu Ills own petition; that the payment of imv debts und delivery ol nny property belonging to mich iiiiiiKi til in or lor his use, nn. I tho trims ler or nny property by hlin urn rf,rltl,l,l..n he law; Hint a meelliiKof I he l 'redltors ol the snld lliinkriipt, to prove tlioirilebtsnnd elioose one or more Assignees of his estiitc, will be held ut u "imi i)iuiKriiiii!y, in tviivilcslllirg, I'll, before Joseph II. Donley, Esii., Hegister, on tin 20th DAY OF JUNE, IstiS, AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M THOMAS A. rtOWl.EY, May 20,'BS-lt U.S. Marshal, us Messkiiukii, R E G 1 8 T E R ' S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to nil creditors, Icon' lees, wards and other persons Interested, thnt me iiuaersignisi mxeeuiors. AdmlnlMtrntors an iiiinroiiins luive iiied their nccounts In the Reg. Inter's (llllee. and that llicsiuiie will bn nrein. ted lo the Urplnin'H Court to be hel.lVitliln and lor tlie county of (Ireeue, cm Wednesday, June i,., iui iiiiti ion hiiii iiiiownnee. 1'Kl Klt HltOWN, Register. Final nccount or John Hunt, Aduilnistrntorof inncsTiue or Henry rlrlsler, dec d. Account off. W. Jolin.Ouiirdlniiof W. L.Evans minor son of Alfred Kvinis, deci'ased. Account of P. A. Knox, Ail in i nisi rut or upon the ' iinnTui rtiiiietii necier, uec 11. Aceinmt of Johnson Wvchoff and Iyt L. men. l.xecutors of tlio will of Duvld Rich, bi''d. Account of John Ijiiitz, Kxecator of Jacob Ijtnti nee u. Account of John Lntitz,' Executor of Dcllla l.lllllK, UCC O. Account of John Lnntz. Olinrfllnn of TinlRn. M liirrlson, a minor child of Aimer Uurrison, dee'd. Account of J. P. Morris Oimnlinn nf Mnrry and Hnrnli Roberts, minor children of Hplcer May 11-tc N T I C E . - TIip Commlsslonorn of Hrrmn County rwe-ivt h'hImI iinixinlfl tin to tht 1st f .! nf'xt,rirthfn pniiinirof thp Fonr Mitft UrllK niMir Jafih Hthfhnrt , tn Franklin township, In thf rollowlnt; manntT: Thu four Mnin i'omh thnt thenroh rnst npn to be HpUocH wllh plno um'jtrr, niim piiu- io mi kix H'l'i lonif; ft ntfw iiitor iti iwo i in 11 triiK pianK 10 no pin fiTPin, nnd to tf now motor! with cool ouk hinfili!- the contract to be let to tho InwrM and hnst bid der. MiiAHi:irr. i J. M.MOUKIM. S-Com'rn, ISAAC J. II urr, J lay 6-Jt ncBLie KOTICE. Asi the firm of HUGHES A LUCAS Is dissolved by mutuiil consent, the Commission business will still lie carried on Rt the old itanrl In ,h order, and on the most reasonable terms lu the mime nnd style of U Hl.'tillKrt A CO., (senior pnrlner.l They flatter themselves, by having tho House nnd the best location In the place for .,,,..,;.. , . Me- on, KKCKivK a liberal iNnreui me intone paironnge. ThCV Will also keen R ctvm1 .nnnlv nfnDncvn IES on hand to accommodate all who may favor L. niTGIIES A CO., Itlce's Landing, Pa, 4;I0-tf. N one e. '. A, meeting ofthe Commissioners appointed by Act or Assembly for the purpose oi orgnnlzlng an Insurance Company, will be held at the Ex change Hunk In Waynesburg, on the 21st day of May. next. Proposed Cnnlinl t -Mian. JACOB 8 WART, JOHN CLAYTON, JOHN IWWLIN, AAUON (SHELBY, JOHN LAVOHLEY, DR. J.HHRIVKK, Coramlsslonera. SIMON HINEIf ART, JOHN Ml'NNEL, J.A.J. HITCH ANAN. JOHN C. KLENNIKEX: Ml.D.W.01tAY, May -td DMLSISTRATOR'1 NOTICE. Letters ofadmtnlstratlon having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Jeese Rine hart (of John,) dee'd, late of Cnmberland town ship Urmne county, Pa, notice is hereby glyen to all persons indebted 10 said estate to malte Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authen ticated for settlement. URIAH RrNFHART. 1 ' HIRAM RINEHART, ftp e-JGt E XECUTOR'8 NOTICE. Letters tesUmenUry having been granted to uio uuticrmua m in estate of William Evmns. lete of MAnAtiiuia ,AM,hi ri county, dec n,, nollee Is hereby given lo'all per sons indebted to said estate to make Immediate payment ana tnose having claims against the seme to present them dnly sulhentlcsted tot wiuvuauM ' flEWiTT, ,. FRANKLIN BEATON. MsvylMt, Eaecators.' NOTIIEH EXCitEMENf! in. TRICE ASSASSINATED! FRANK M OUROAM THE ASSASSIN 1 THE DEED WAS DONE.1N THE ROOM OPPOSITE TflE GREENE H0U3E, WAYNE3BUKO, A. He has lust received and Is now offering for salo , at the lowest prices, the flues t stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Ever boforo olTcifHl In thin market, con fluting In part, of Hpring and Summer Clothing F O R M EN AXD BOY ! A very large slock that cannot bcexcelled ; also, Very superior assortment of LADIE ' GOOD Of all kinds, consisting In part, nf New Dress Trimmings, Ribbons every width nnd shade; Sutlus and silks, latest styles; TRIMMINGS AND BUTTONS! Snsh, Itonuet, Neck and Trimming ltibbons ; Iju'Cs nut point, Applciue und Valencia. Hioiitkerelilefs Ijice, Embroidered, Hem stitched und Plain. Hamburg work a flue as surtmcnt. JEWELRY. A largo assortment of Kid Ulovpa first quality fur tiulles and gontlemeH. LADIES' HATS, bTRAW IIAT3, Bonnets nnd Bonnet Framea; Ilonnct orna ments mid ilowers, linth French and Amerlcnn; together with any and all articles In use by la dles. Ask for anything you wont ond wu can supply you. Also u lluo onsortiuuiit of CARPETS AND WALL PAPER nf various kinds nnd patterns, nil of which will be sold cheup as the eticftpest. HMS-tf. Ell AN K McOUROAN. (Grofcriw &t. Mu H D K 111 "OVKR TUB LEfT," A MJrity of those who read newspaper; never oven give it busty ftlancHt nbuslncM aJvcrtttfc ineut mid If a MAN Actually lias a ehoW'p vnrii'tv of good a whleh ImlHHflllniiBt fheVKKY LoU'KST nrlues thnt cuu bo utfordod, it Imrdly pityn him to publish FOUND It bniit to Rlmnly Invito rvfrvbo(ly to call and examltin our sto'k Bnd prices boforn punlmtlnR flKivhtro, and Kay but little in n-t-nr-l to our ahlllty and di'teriuinatlon to make It advuuln Koouh lu thoHii whu arc nut DEAD Tothelr own Inlvrwit tiihuy their Candn, Xu in ivuiBuiis, uroL'uries unu everytiiui IN ThnHroceryllnoo. H. A.ltlnehnrt.lnfdwllh's old building, opposlto the publlcsquare, WAYNKSBURG. A FRESH SUPPLY J U S T R E C E 1 V E I) A N D FOR SALE AT THE L 0 W lOirsn-tf. EST PRICES 1 HAD AND KSOW- QUICK SALES AND 8IIORT PROFITS IMMENHK HTOCK OF FRF.SH OROCERIErl AND PROVWIONH Constant ly arriving at tho Storo of JOHN MUNXELL, W'AYNESItURfJ, PA. Consisting, In part, of OftOCKRfKw, CONFKfTIONARIES, TOBACCO, 8EOAIW, SNUFF.", CHKFJiK. StOLASSF, CARItONOII, FISH, RACON, 4h e., e., In addition to the above, a full stock of NOTIONS, HARDWARE, SPECTACLES, POCKET KNIVES nad thousands of other articles, which are be ing sola as low as the TIMES WILL PERMIT! COME AND B U Y. JOn.N 1IUNNELL, H:13tf. QIFT8 FOR THE MILLION A HUGE STOCK, Bouarrr exprfshly for the: festive l.IO A11E..11I, .11 ISAAC HOOPER'S OKOCKRV AUD COC-nCTIONCRV 1 Mr. Hooper wnnld still have his friends and pat rons bear in mind, that ho continues In thn i.r,. eery and Confectionery trade at his usual plnce of aotng ousincss, ana trial uenus just received A FRESH SUPPLY of the best quality of 4II articles In his line. TOYS NOTIONS, and a treat rartefv of a.e,i artloles always on hand. REFRESHMENTS. In connection with the above. Mr. Hooper keeps a Restaurant, where DELICIOUS OYSTERS! Wtth all the "at oateraa." are semut . able rates. The moat attractive and moat popular resort In town. acio-iy. I N E OARD AND BILL-WOnKt ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED I On the shortest notice, at this Offle , Ui;srrUttfOttjJ. miiE Union f ACiflc T RAILROAD COMPANY OFFER A LIMITED AMOUNT OF. f Hti FIRST MORTGAGE RONDS AT PAR, , , PAYABLE IN O O L D. The Groat Pacific Railroad Line, extending 1721 miles from Omuhit, on the Missouri rlter, to the tide-waters of tha Pacific Ocean, Is bolng built by two poworful Companies The Cxio Pacific, beginning at Oiuulin, building West, and the Central Pacific of California, beginning at Sacramento, building East, until the two roads shall meet. Both Companies have prosecuted the work with great vigor, tho Union Paulflo having al ready expended over thirty Million dollars, and tho Central over Twenty Millions, opon their respective- parts of tho undertaking. Tbe Union Pacific have completed SW miles hkv run and other materials for two hundred mile more upon the ground, ind otie hundred addl tlonul miles are ready for the track. They will have a much larger force employed this year than ever before, uu J It Is expected that between 800 AND 900 MILES will be In operation during 1808. There soems to bo n reasonable doubt thst the distance be twooti Omaha aud isncrnmonto will be traversed by rail In 1870. T'HK OOVF.RNMENT GRANTS 12,800 acres of land, and Its Honda to tho avorago amount of 8,1X10 per mile, to aid In t reconstruction of tho lluo, uud uuthorlscs the Issuo of the first mort gage Bonds now ofTen'd for sain, to he same niuouut and 110 moro. Tho Qovornmcnt takes a second Hen, atld "Ives to tho Flrs( Mortgage Bond-holders a prlot Hon for tholr security, to which a largo paid-up -spltal Is added. The Uonds cannot 1h Issued e.tcept us each section of twenty miles is accepted by Uovornment commission, so that the always reprossnt a reel proporty. It is universally admitted that on tho com pletion of the Union Pr-clftcRnllroadilU through business will make It ono of tho molt profitable lu tho world-but Its wat or local business is already severul times the Interest on Its bondij so thnt, If not another nillo were built, they would bo a secure Investment. THE NUT P:.HNINOS for eight months of last year on nn nvcrugcof JS6 miles are officially reported nt $1,009,180. while tbe Interest on all the Uonds it could Issue on that length of road for thut time, reduced to currency, was only 'i no amount paid by tbe Govornraont for tho transportation of troops, munitions, stores nod malls has been, and doubtless will continue to be much moro than the Interest on tho United States Secmd Mortgage llonils. If It Is not, the charter provides that niter tho road is comple ted, and until snld bonds and Interest are paid, at least five per cent, of the net earnings of tho road shall be applied to such paymont. Thu Union Pacific Uonds aro for $1,000 each nnd havo coupons uttached. They havo thirty years to run, nnd bear annual Inter est, payuble 011 the first days of January and July at the Company's OITlco In the City of Now York, nt the rate of six per cent; in gold. Tho Principal Is pnyabla In gold at maturity. At tlie present rate of gold, these bonds pay an an nual Income on their cost of NEARLY NINE PER CENT. AND IT IS HKLIKVKI) THAT THEY WILL 800N BE AT A PREMIUM. The Company havo buta very limited supply of their Ilonds remaining on hand, but any sub scriptions accepted to a greater amount than can be filled from Bonds now In the Company's possession, will be supplied from the NsW Bonds to be Issued on Hint portion of the road completed In the Spring, tn the order In whloh they are received. The Company rosorvo the right to advene tbe price of tholr bonds to a rato above par at any time, and will not fill nny orders or receive any subscriptions on which tho monoy has not been nctually paid at tho Company's offtos be fore the time of such advoneot Parties subscribing will remit the par value oi the ootids and the aeurued interest in currency at the ruto of six per cent, per annum, from the duteon which the hist oonpon was paid. Bub crlpttonswlll be received In Waynesburg, Pa., BY THK FIRST NATIONAL HANK. In Now York AT THE COMPANY'S orrtClj.aO Hassan St. nnd by JOHN J. CISCO & HON, Hankers, 60 Wall St, And by the Company's Advertising Agents throughout the United Ktates. Remlttences should bo hud In drafts or other funds par In New York, and the floods will b sent free of charge by return express. Parties subscribing through local agents, will look to thcrn for thclrsnfc delivery. A PAMPHLET AND MAP for ISM has jast been published by the Company, giving fullof Information than Is possible in an advertise ment, respecting tho progress of the work, the resources of the country traversed by the Road, the means for construction, and tho value ofih bonds, which will be sent free on application at nt the Company's offices or to any of the sdver tlsed agents. JOHN J. CMCO, Treasurer, NeW fork. apSn,'6-3m curing JttudtinW. -IIIIE WORLD RENOWNED X SINGER SEWIXGl MAC'lUXE. OUR NEW Fa"mILY MACHINE. una neon over iwo years In preparation, and which has lieon brought to iMTfcctlon regardless of time, InlKir or expense, and Is now confident ly presented totheuuhlic n Incomnsrehlv lha bestrewing Machine In existence. The Machine In question Is simple, compact, durable end beautiful. It is nnlct. Ilaht running and capable of informing a range and variety o, wiirn never IHMore BllcmnjPn upon a Single Machine using cither Silk, Twist, Linen or Cot tcn Thresd.nn.l sewing with W)lll facility tho very ilncst nnd coarsest materials, nnd anything between the two ext remes, In the most beautiful and substantial manner. Its attachments for Hemming. Braiding, Cording, Tucking, Quilt- 11, h. "imia, 1 1 (uu,,,, i4, niiming, nro ptoTnt and Practical, nnd have been Invented and ad- Justed especially for this Machine. .rw uoBigus 01 ine unique, nsemi ana popruar folding tops and cabinet, cases peculiar to tho Machines manufactured by this Company have been prepared for enclosing the new Mschlnee. These are gotten up In every variety of wood, such as Rlack Walnut, Mahogany, Rosewood, and(the like, and from the plainest to the most elnljornro pett.Tn and finish the Machines themselves being more or lees highly ornament ed, to correspond with the Tables or Cabinets for which they are Intended, A few reasons why HtNOER'S latest ImoTOV. edHKWINOMAcHLNEHaro tlie beat for ran. tiy and General Purposes. 1st. You can sew anything from I ho finest sin gle thickness of Swiss or Nansonk to several thicknesses of the heaviest Beaver eloth, Using nny kind nrslse of thread with equal facility from No. 300 Cotton up to tho heaviest patent or Linen thread. 9r1 ft ne- a li nrf afrnlffttt tnvll-i . ,, . and makes tho popular Lock Stitch alike on botn sides. 8d. It has an even self-adlrtstlnstenslnn whtoW requires no change for different thicknesses) ot mntJTlnl ordihVrent sizes of thread. sin. it is rrne mim all snr nus. wlra aiwt mw complication, anu is almost noiseless. 6th. No threads to hold or wheels to turn la starling. . e. Oth. It does not havo to be taken apart to oil and clean It. Tih. It. boss perfect feed whereby you can sew the finest materials without having to keep yoar work stretched to prevent its "puckering," and yqu never have to assist the work through as In all other machines. sth. It will hem any width, sew a straight seam, or make a tell in the most perfect manner, with less skill than Is required to sew a straight seem on nny other machine. Its nttnehments for Braiding, Cording, Quilt ing, Binding, Tncklng, An., are novel and prao tlcal, and reqnlro but llttlo Skill to no them. Careful Instructions glvon at the house of tho purchswr. Money refunded If tho mseblnas an hot SSI represented. Kvery machine warranted and kepi In rsMtr three years without charge. H. P. FNCAPtrfcR, Agent for nreetae County. Mif. Waynesbtug. lis, Iitforsnatlim. Information guaranteed a produce a luxuriant growth of heir upon halt oinslr npoaa sold a molna Sry Uia - nena or oeiwnoMi laro, aino- moval rfci of Plmplus. Blotches, KraptMna, etc.. est skin, leaving the same soft, olaar, and baoa 1, ean be obtained without charge brasW tne tiftil, ArfKilns sVVr-lyebSjll s oroaaway, l-ew lant
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers