i 4 ' fcbe Wayntf burg $f jrobltaro. ' 1 NATIONAL. ron president. GEN. ULY88E8 8. GBAKT, or Illinois, ron vicf.prehidk.nt. HOW. 8CHUYLBB COLT AX. OF INDIANA. TATE. , G,.mHN F. HAKrUANFT, Of Montgomery Coast1. rOK tlTHVITOK OKltMAL; Cot. JACOB Jt. CAMPUfcLl tIATHICT. IM eo'irtKttM, eArr. j bkston donley, Of Crermt Comtv. t.uhj'et to th action of ths ttth District Con ference. COVNTT. TO AUrMtlLT. OEOUOE 0. MILLER. ESQ., Of DmkarH Towntkip. to msmisMo-rge.. THOMAS J. TKXN, ESQ, Of If'afAinfos Toumihp. ron poor norm DiititeTon, THOMAS ROSS, ESQ., Of Morgm Townthip. ton AT-nrron, . HENRY W. TAYLOR, ESQ Of JarJeion Tovnship. urn biican roriTT committer. Aleppo townhlp-A. J. HlnprmAn,rr. Hughes. CumberlAnd tn r. 1.. Cummins, Josmh Owynn. Cnrmlchaels llnro.-.T. c. llnrnett, J. N. rrngo. Centre tjwnhlp .lamps Call, John Rogers, Jr. Jnioknrd township Cnpt. Coon, Aaron fthelbv. Franklin township S. w.ficott, Lvcnrgiisnrlm Ollmoro township .1. B. Fordyee,.. L. Sampson, flreena township J. II. Morris, B. Harrington, jankunn township P. M. lrlmos. 8. H. Uayard. Jefferson township Cha. Hughes, .Ino. Coltrel Jefferson Borough Wm. Mtirtln, B. B. Smith. Marlon township I). Adams Mnnongnhela tp. D. It. Jones, P. L. Kramer. Morgan tp.-sl. (J. llnrklnKhnm, John Oreenlre. Morris township James Dunn, M. O. Llghtner. Perry township John A. Bllllng-ly, J. V. . Long. Illchhtll township nr. Hull, J. M. Walton. Hprlnghlll township K. Ferrell , T. II. Mclghen. Washington township T. J, Penn, (leo. Kelgley. Wavna township M. Brant, .losenhaa Kent. Whltely townships-Owen Hndson, 0. P. Morrli. JNO. II. WF.LIJa, Marlon tp. Chairman. KftlTOBtAL rnHMrOXDFJICE. Chicago Ills., May 19, 1868. Dear Republican: The "Like City" is agog this morning. Politics run high and the amount of caucusing and thimble-rigging going on is un told, and will be, outside the many different "rings." But, let us not get on politics, as there will be enough of that hereafter. I will toll you how I came here, and the way-side impress ions. A rloomv, disagreeable morning was an unfortunate time to leave "Waynesburg. The road to Rice's Landing was shortened, however, by tho company of our townsmen Flcnni kcnaml Campbell, Esq., both of whom are at present in this city. Once at the Landing, tho button-holers of the Old Line of Steamers wished to trans port us and our luggage immediately on board the "Klisha Bennett," which kind wish met with no favor in the party, having 'concluded before-hand to go down on the splendid steamer of the New Line. They tried their Calliope on as, bnt it would'nt do. Its hideous noUc is enough to drive all tho birds out of the woods along the Monongahcla. On the "Chieftain" it was dull, perhaps, caused by the weather, and tho scarcity of people traveling, so I sought my state-room and forgot surroundings until aroused for supper. Six o'clock, the furnaces and fires of the Iron City glared across the water, and a comfortable bed and room in that best of Hotels the Moir- ongahela terminated tho "first day out." The following d;y at 3 J o'clock our party left on tho Tan Handle Route for Chicago via Columbus and Rich mond. I was never on this Pan Han dle road but once before and then I Lad no reason to wish seeing it again. This time the star of our luck went down with the jumping off the track of two cars just ahead of us, in the Pittsburgh tunnel. Fairly on our way wo sped right merrily along through a good country and by pic turesque landscapes. Sunset, the iron bridge, the river and city of Steuben ville, grouped by the eye in one gor geous picture from the eastern shore, will gladden the heart of any lover of the grand in nature and art. Night came down on us soon after entering Ohio and by tho time we passed Den nison and had our supper it was time to seek rest. Alas ! for us there was none. It was our fate to change cars at Columbus at 12 o'clock, 'and noth ing remained but to brave it out. In vain I wooed the "sweet restorer." The multiplication tabic would be ex hausted in an attempt to calculate the numerous attitudes struck to win her. Too tired to talk, I tried cigars. Feet up and head down and vioe versa. It mu no use,soIstiffened back inmy seat and gave attention only to the chang ing sky, the clank of the train and the erio-coruie growls and grunts of fel low miierabUe,, 12 o'clock, we reach ed Columbus, the .ley clear and the air cold. Here we changed for the through train to Chicago. During the few moments we stopped I observ ed they had no vwy elegant depot for a plaoe of its typuUd tit and im portance; but of the city proper, ay view wm limited to a long line of gilt terlng street lamps tntaking right and left. Away walbtfled and until morning dawned were oblivious to everything excepting the noise of the train. With the gray streaks of dawn betokening the retnrn of light, I brightened up to catch what I could of the kind and and quality of the country, nf the in habitant) and their peculiarities, Ncar ing the western boundaries of Ohio by this route I was surprised to find tho land so level, It resomblea much the esstem part of Virginia, the soil only being black loam instead of sand. It looks poor, and if I may judge from what I saw it is as poor as it looks. So in tho eastern part of Indiana, until you come to Lognnsport on the Wa bash, omitting some few elegant scopes and one or two flourishing "Western towns." Strctchins away from Io- gansport to tho north-west is tho real prairie land, dotted at intervals by snug-looking farm houses, rank with psturage ami covered with grazing herd. To the eye unfamiliarized by acquaintance, it presents a degree of sublimity. The streams are deep and sluggish and tortnous in their wind ings. Throughout the length and breadth of our vision, cultivation seemed mot prosperous as, indeed, it does along tho whole route. Sundav afternoon, tho steeple of Chicago loomed up on tho plain ahead liko tho royals of a fleet of men-of-wars-mcn. Rounding to on the west side of town, we came up alongside the depot plat form and set our feet down in Chicaco the famous, renowned Chicago! Soon wo were snugly ensconced in good quarters ready to "do" the city, nominate candidates for the Republi can party, or make ourselves useful in anv wav. I must acknowledge my first im pression of the place not good. My opinion is that it is the best advertised city in the United States, and from that fact it derives its prestige, llicrc is nothing at all remarkable in the ap pearance of tho city, on the contrary it is common-place. The suburbs pre sent no attractions whatever. The houses are frame, the land low and wet, and at this time, streets not paved are hub deep in black mud. True, the business part of the city is well built, but nothing extra. Fine resi dences arc scarce in comparison with cities approximating it in population. But I am not here to run the city down, these are only nvj convictions. Many of tho citizens are thorough-bred Yankees, and any one acquainted with their style know them to be energetic and go-ahead-a-tive, but most con founded "blowers." That's what they arc "on" in Chicagfi. As first intimated in this letter pol itics arc high, rampant. The city is filling up fiist and among them arc many Greene countians, some direct from Pennsylvania, others residents ot these parts. Of the former are the partv I am with, Maj. J. J?. Morris, Capt. Bent. Donley, Dr. A. B. Miller, of tho latter I have met Mr. Robt. Adams, (of Elijah,) Mr. Wm. Lindsey, B. K. Iliginbotham, J. T. Ham mers, and othera hern on business and as delegates to the different Conven tions. And of all these there are none who by Rome hook or crook will not get tickets for the great Convention by the way, rare exotics in this latitudcas not one in a thomand of the strangers in this citv will get in. You sec "Greene county" is able to take care of itself at "all times and under all cir cumstances." The weather is most propitious for the work ahead. May 21. I detained this letter beyond anticipation and by way of prerogative will add, that you already know, who are favored with daily mails and telegraphs, The National Republican Convention of 'G8 has passed into history. Grant and Col fax arc the nominees amid the wildest enthusiasm. As I write heavy guns are thunder- dering on the square and the shouts of the people minglo with the hoarse notes of rejoicing. This is a proud day for onr country. Of tho Soldiers and Sailors and tho National C'onven- vention, I'll write anon. J. E. 6. THE WORK OF THE COX VF.VTIOX. We publish elsewhere the proceed ings of tho Chicago Convention as complete as our columns will permit. The Convention was perhaps the largest ever assembled for a like pur pose. Its entire proceedings were dig nified, wise and most earnest and en thusiastic. But the distinguising and crowning feature was its perfect har mony. They did their work deliberately and did it woll. They gave us Ulys- E3 S. Gkaxt for President, which is in accordance with the universal de mand of the loyal masses, every where; and for Vice President Schcy- Leb Colfax than whom no better se lection could have been made. Suf floe it for the present to say that both are well known to every school boy in the country, and to every news reader in the civilized world, the one as a conquering hero, and the other as a typo of the most exalted American Statesmanship. The Platform is a reiteration of the time honored princi ples of the party, which are principles of eternal truth and justice. The cause we espouse, at set forth in the Resolu tions of the Convention is the cause of country, right and humanity, and hav ing choatn oar leader let oa pot onr armor on, marshal onr boats and "fight it out on that line." Qbajtt, Colfax, THE RIQBT AND VICTORY I gEhc agnostmrg; ratOCEEDINW OP THE NATIONAL vxio.n nEruaLicA cosvaiTioa. Chicago, May 20. At 12.30 p. m. Oov. Ward, Chairman of the National Republican Committee, called the Con vention to order. In a brief address ho urged the delegates to take no steps backward, to demonstranstrate that the war was no fiilure, and an emancipa ted raco lifted from slavery to-day uuites with the Republican party to lu iintain Republican liberty. Neith er armed treason nor political treach ery c.in arrest tho triumph of tHir cause. Applause. If you desig nate as leader tho great captain of tho age, the nation will greet it as a pre cursor of victory to our cause and peace to the public. Applause. Prayer by Bishop Simpson. On motion of Mr. Wnrd, General Carl Schurz, of Missouri, was made temporary Chairman, and was conduc ted to the chair amid applause. General Schurz delivered a brief address, in which he returned thanks, and sketched the history of tho Repub lican party, and its triumphs in sup port of liberty, union, humanity and equal rights. The problem of the fu ture is to secure tho fruits of the past, and adapt the country to the new or der of tilings. This required the greatest prudence and firmness. In referring to Lincoln, ho said we meas ure our loss through his death by what ho left behind him. (Laughter anil applause.) With good counsel and moral courage victory will be true to the Republican party so long as the Republican party is true to itself. Let not persons carry us bevondthe bounds of wisdom and self-respect. (Ap plause.) He counselled wisdom, jus tice to the soldier, to the Southern Union men; to the colorod race and to the National creditors. This senti ment excited great enthusiasm. Lot us be just inside of the party as well as out of it. Temporary Vice Presidents and Sec retaries were appointed. It was then ordered that the Secre taries call the roll of States, and that each delegation respectively shall name one gentleman, that those thus named shnll constitute a Committee on Cre dentials. After a lengthy controversy over the propriety of calling the unrecon structed States and the Territories, the motion was agreed to. In like manner, Committees on per manent organization, on resolutions, and.ordcr of business, were appointed. On motion it was Resolved, That all resolutions offer ed be referred without debato to the Committee on Resolutions. On motion of Gen. Sickles, the Convention took a recess until five o'clock. KVEN'IXO 8F.i5.SION. The Convention re-assembled, pur suant to adjournment, at 5 o'clock. The Committee on Credentials not being ready to report, Hamilton Har ris, Chairman of the Committee on permanent organization, reported the name of Joseph R. Ilawlcy, of Conn., for permanent President of the Con vention. This announcement was re ceived with tremendous applause. The President was conducted to tho chair by Ex-Governor Solomen of Wiscon sin, and Ex -Governor Brown of Geor gia, amid great cheering for Hawley, Brown and tho retiring Chairman, (Jen. Schurz. When the latter pre sented the permanent Chairman, the Convention received him with the heartiest outburst of enthusiasm yet manifested. Mr. Hawley addressed the Conven tion as follows: Gentlemen of the. Convention : I ten der yon my most grateful thanks for the high honor you have conferred upon mo. Deeply impressed by a sense of the responsibilities of tho po sition, I earnestly solicit your indul gence and your aid. We come togeth er charged with the momentous duty of selecting the chief rulers of the great nation which leads the world in the promotion of freddom and equd rights. (Applause.) The indications of your purposes and spirit already given as sure us that you will maintain the no ble character of the republican party. We unavoidably recall at this time the Convention of 1860 with its profound anxieties. Its fresh, pure and glow ing devotion to libcity, and its enthu siastic acceptance of the wager of bat tle tendered by slavery and secession. (Applause.) It now seems clear to us that God then ruled our counsels. He made our declaration of principles manly and sincere. He gave us Abra ham Lincoln for President. (Tremen dous cheering.) God send us like wisdom and success to-day. Ap plause He tested us in that moment and to an extent which the liveliest imagination could not have anticipa ted. Posterity, we hope, will decide that we met that test with the spirit worthy of a free people. Countless treasure and three hundred thousand lives offered were the evidence that we were solemnly in earnest. We of fered our lives and our property, but it was not enough.. We laid our pre judices of race and class upon the al tar, and the consciousness that we at least deserved success redoubled our nerve. The same high resolve rules to-day, and the honest men of this country are ready for equal and even greater, sacrifices, if they be indispen sable, to the dedication of this Conti nent to liberty and equal rights. Ap plause. We learned the first lesson when we found that we must make all men free and call them to the battle field. -We learned the fwfond lesson when we found that we must still moye and give impartially to all men a share in the Government we were en dearoring to restore. Great applause. With a clear and fearless expression on the essential and important ques Republican, 2ebncbag, Rlay 2T, 1808 tion at issue, which the people all un derstand, and no ingenious device, no wordp can obscure of avoid, passing by all personal nid temporary contro versies, working in fVrfect confidence, that the American people mean to do right and will do it, iu the end we may teel sure of trjumph. The pow er of a nation of forty millions must be behind the just claims of tho poorest working man, of whatever race, to re cover even just wages. Its majesty must bo felt wherever tho humblest loyal man appeals against jwrson al violence and oppression. Cheers. Every dollar of tho national debt tho blood of a soldier in ploged for. En thusiastic cheering. Every bond, in letter niul in spirit must be as sacred as a soldier's grave, renewed cheers. Wo must win. gentlemen, and we shall win. It is 'tlio old fight of liberty, equality and fraternity against op pression, caste and aristocracy. It is tho old fight tn make the world better, "with malice toward none and with charity for all." Loud applause. We may hault for a moment, or change direction, but tho good cause always goes steadily forward. It is related, and whether it be true or not, the in cident is well invented, that in the evening of that awful battle of the wilderness, when tho legions of the Union army had fought all day rather by 'faith than by sight, in the wild woods and tangled brush, that some man asked General Grant to step back ward a little and re-organize, and that he replied: "We have done well, gen tlemen; at half past three in the morn ing wo move forward." Long con tinued cheering. We accept his spirit and his words. Perhaps I am not anticipating in saying that wo shall accept him in person again as our leader. Loud cheering. Thanking yon again, gentlemen, very heartily for the honor conferred, I await the further pleasure of tho Convention. Applause. The remaining officers of the perma nent organization were then announced. The Chairman announced the Com mittee to receive the delegation from the Soldiers' and Sailors' Convention. Tho delegation from the Soldiers' nnd Sailors' Convention were conduct ed to the front of tho platform and were presented by General Cochrane, in the following remarks: Mr. President, I have the honor, in behalf of the Committee recently ap pointed by yourself, to announce that they have discharged the duty to which they were appointed. I introduce to the Convention, through yourself, Gen eral Fairchilds, of Wisconsin, chairman of tho Committee to which I referred. Prolonged cheers. General Fairchilds Mr. President and gentlemen of tho Convention, as instructed by the members of the Sol diers' and Sailors' Convention I appear before you on their behalf to present to you a resolution passed unanimously by them yesterday afternoon as follows: Resolved, That wo the soldiers and sailors, steadiest now as ever to the Union and flag, fully recognize the claims of General Ulysses S. Grant to tho confidence of tho American people, nnd believing that the victories won under his guidance in war will be illus trated by him in peace by such mea sures as will secure tho fruits of our exertions and restore the Union upon a loyal basis, we declare our deliberate conviction that he is tho choice of the soldiers and s:iilor3 of the Union for the office of President of tho United States. Loud Applause. Gov. Fairchilds continued: The soldiers of the United States ask the nomination of General Grant for President, because we love him, and wo love him, sir, because he is loyal to the Union, loyal to justice, loy al to freedom and loyal to right, and if you will give us our comrade as a leader in the campaign of '68, we will blow up the enemy's works as we did in the field in '61. Applause Ma. Cochrane moved that the res olutions from the Soldiers' and Sailors' Convention, as reported, be accepted, entered upon the record, and made a part of tho proceedings. Adopted. While waiting for tho report of the Committer on Credential, which it was announced would soon be readv, General Logan was called for a speecli, but declined to respond at that time. Gov. Brown of Georgia, a recon structed rebel was called out and proceeded to address the Convention at length in a speech of great power, at the close of which, Gen. Lee, of Louisiana, Chairman of the Commit tee on Credentials, reported the names of several delegates from several States. In regard to Pennsylvania, he said there appeared fifty-nine delegates, whereas that State was- entitled to only fifty-two votes. The Committc rec ommended that the fifty-nine dclejatcs be admitted to seats upon tho floor of the Convention, and that they bo authorized to cast the fifty-two votes to which the State is entitled, such being the wish of the Pennsylvania delegation. TheCommittee recommended allow ing each of the delegations from the several Territories the right to seats upon the floor, and privilege of casting each two votes. The same was ac corded to the District of Columbia. From Maryland the Committee rec ommended the admission of the Cress well delegation, but they accorded seats on the floor to the contestants without the right to vote. From California they recommended the admission of the regular delegates headed by Cocy and Steveiis. In response to a query by Mr. Warner, of Pennsylvania, the Chair man of the Committee said the dele gates from the unreconstructed States are included in this report as entitled to seats and votes. The report was then adopted. ORDEBOF BTJ8IHES8. Mr. Barker, N. Y., from the Com mittee on Order of Business, reported the following rules : First Upon all subjects before the Convention, the States shall be called iu alphabetical order. iseeond rour votes shall bo cast by the delegates ' at largo of each State, and each Congressional District shall be entitled to two votes. The vote of each delegation shall be repotted by its Chairman. Third The report of the Committee on Credentials shall be disposed of heiore the report ot the Committee on Platform and Resolutions is acted upon, and the report of the Committe on Platform and Resolutions shall be disposed of before the Convention pro ceeds to the nomination of candidates for President and Vice President. Fourth In making the nomination for President nnd Vice President in no case shall the calling of the roll be dispensed with. If it shall appear that anv candidate has received a ma jority of the votes cast, the President of tho Convention shall announce the question to be "Shall the nomination of the candidate be made unanimous;" but if no candidate shall have received a majority of the votes, the Chair shall direct the vote to be again taken, which shall bo repeated until some candidate shall have received a major ity of the votes cast. Fifth When a majority of the del egations from any two States shall demand a vote bo recorded, the same shall bo taken by States, the Secretary calling- the roll of the States in the order heretofore stated. Sixth In the record of tho vote by the States the vote of each Stato shall be announced by the Chairman, nnd in case the votes of any State shall be divided, the Chairman shall announce tho nqmber of votes cast for any can didate or against any proposition. Seventh When the previous ques tion shall be demanded by a majority of the delegation of nny State, aud tho demand is seconded by two or more States, and the call sustained by the majority of the Convention, tho ques tion shall be proceeded with and disposed of according to the rules of the House of Representatives in similar cases. Eighth No. member shall speak more than once upon the same question, nor longer thnn fivo minutes, without tho unanimous consent of the Conven tion, except that delegates presenting the name of a candidate shall bo al lowed ten to minutes "to present tho name of such candidate. inth Tho rules of tho House of Representatives shall continue to be tho rules of this Convention, so fiir as they are applicable and not inconsist ent with tho foregoing rules. Tenth A National Union Executive Committee shall be appointed, to con sist of one member from each State, Territory and District represented in this Convention. Tho roll shall be called and the delegation from each State, Territory and District shall name through their chairman a person to act as a member of such committee. THE PARTY NAME. Mr. Van Zandt moved to strikeout the words "Tho National Union Par ty," and substitute in their stead "National Republican Party." Cries of "good." Tho President In the call for this Convention tho title is "National Union Republican Party." Mr. Logan of Illinois, suggested that the name be the "National Union Republican Party." Mr. Van Zandt's amendment, as thus modified, was carried and the re port adopted. It was moved that when tho Con vention adjourn it adjourn to meet at this placo to-morrow at ten o'clock. Thereupon the Convention adjourn ed till ten o'clock to-morning morning. Chicago, May 21. The Convention was called to order at 10:15. Prayer was made by Rev. Dr. Gulliver, of Chicago. The Pres ident announced that the Committee on Resolutions had just sent word they would not be ready until eleven o'clock. After the transaction of some inci dental business Mr. Hassarack of Ohio was called out and delivered an able and eloquent speech. The President The Committee on Resolutions is now ready to report. THE PLATFORM. lion. Richard W. Thompson, of Indiana, Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions, advanced to the plat form and reported as follows: The National Republican party of the United States assembled in nation al Convention in the City of Chicago on the SWtli clay ot iuay, loop, mane the following declaration of principles. first We congratulate the country on the assured success ot the recon struction policy of Congress as evinced by the adoption, in a majority of the States lately in rebellion, of constitu tions securing equal, civil and political ritrbts to all. and resard it as the duty of the Government to sustain those institutions, and to prevent tho pcopJe of such States from being remitted to a state of anarchy. (Cheers.) Second The guarantee by Congress of equal suffrage to all loyal men at ho South wna demanded by every consideration of public safety, of grat- t. i i . . .. i. itude nnu ot justice, bhu iiiust ue maintained, while the question of suf-r-.n in nil the loval States nronerlv belongs to the people of these States. Cheersj TV.irrt We denounce all forms or repudiation as a National crime, pro longed cheers, and the National honor requires the payment of the public !nJ.knylnMa in thn lltmnfif. rrnnn faith to all creditors, at home and abroad, . , . 1 ' ' . - . 1. 1 not oniy accoruiug w iuo teuer, dui the spirit of the law, nnder which it was contracted. Applause. . foiirtA It is due to the labor of the nation that taxation should be equalized and reduced as ruptdly as the national faith will permit. Fifth The natural debt, contracted as it has been for the preservation of the Union tor all tune to come, should be extended over a fair period for redemption, and it is the duty of Congress to reduce the rato ot interest thereon wheuever it can honestly be done. Sixth That the best policy to di minish our burden of debt, is to so improve our credit that capitalists will seek to loan us money at lower rates of interest than we now pay, and must centinue to pay so long as repudiation, partial or total, open or covert, is threatened or suspected. Seventh The Government of the United States should be administered with the strictest economy, and tho corruptions, which have beeu soshame fully nursed and fostered by Andrew Johnson, call loudly for radical re form. Eighth We profoundly deplore the untimely and tragic death of Abraham Lincoln nnd regret the accession of Andrew Johnson to the Presidency, who lias acted treacherously to the peoplo who elected him and the cause lie was pledged to support, lias usurped high legislative nnd judicial functions, has refused to execute tho laws, has used his high oflico to induco other ofiicers to ignore and violate the laws, has employed his executive powers to render insecure the property, fdice, liberty and lifo of tho citizen, has abused the pardoning power, has de nounced the national legislature ns unconstitutional, has persistently and corruptly resisted, by' every measure in his power, every proper attempt at the reconstruction of tho Stites lately in rebellion, has perverted the public patronage into an engine of wholesale corruption, nnd has been justly im peached for high crimes and misde meanors, and properly pronounced guilty thereof by the vote of thirty five Senators. Ninth The doctrine of Great Bri tain nnd other European powers, that, because a man is once a subject, he is always so, must he resisted at every hazard by tho United States as a relic ot the lcudal tunes, not authorized by tho law of nations, and at war with our national honor nnd independence Naturalized citizens are entitled to be protected in nil their rights of citizen ship, as though they were native-born, and no citizen of tho United States, native or naturalized, must be liable to arrest and imprisonment by any foreign power for nets done or worth spoken in this country, and, if so arrested and imprisoned, it is the duty of the government to interfere in his behalf. Tenth Of all who were faithful in the trials of the late war, there were none entitled to more especial honor than the bravo soldiers and seamen who endured thehanUliips of the cam-i paign and the cruise, and imperiled their lives in the service of the country. The bounties and pensions provided by law for these brave defenders of the nation are Jobligations never to be forgotten. The widows and orphans of tho gallant dead are in the minds of the people a sacred legacy bequeathed to the nation's protecting care. Eleventh Foreign emigration which in the past has added so much to the wealth, development of resources and increase of power to this nation, should bo fostered and encouraged by a liberal and just policy. Twelfth This Convention declares its sympathy with all tho oppressed people which aro struggling for their rights. Unanimously adopted. Mr. Thompson, Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions, reported the following additional resolution: That when this Convention adjourns it be not sine die. but subiect to be called together al nny time by call of tho National .Executive Committee. This was adopted by the Convention Gen. Schurz I will now read what I intended to ask the Convention to adopt as an independent resolution Resolved, That we highly commend the spirit of magnanimity and forgive ness with which men who have served the rebellion, but now frankly and honestly co-operate with us in restor ing the peace of tho country and re constructing the Southern State Gov ernments upon tho basis of impartial justice and equal rights, are received hack into the communion ot tho loval people, and wo favor tho removal of the disqualifications and restrictions imposed upon the lato rebels in the same measure as theSpirit of disloyalty will direct and as may bo consistent with the safety of tho loyal people Resolved, That wo recognize the creat principles laid down in the im mortal Declaration of Independence as the true foundation of Democratic government, and we hail with gladness every effort toward making these prin ciples a living reality on every inch of American soil. Adopted and made a part of the platform. BALLOT FOIl PRESIDENT Mr. French, of North Carolina I move you, sir, that we now proceed to ballot for a candidate for President (Cheers.) Gen. Logan in the name of the loyal citizens, soldiers and sailors of this great Republic of the United States of America, in the name of loyalty, liber ty, hurnanityjustico, in the name of the National Union Republican party, I nominate as the candidate for the Chief Magistrate of this nation, Ulys ses S. Grant. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed upon the nomination of Gen. Grant. The mass arose to their feet and gave three rousing cheers for the General. Handkerchiefs were waved and the band played "Hail to the Chief."" The roll of States having been called through, the President said: . The roll is completed. Gentlemen of the Convention, you have six hun- dred and fifty votes, and you have given six hundred and fifty votes for Geo. Ulysses S. Grant Tremendous applause. The entire audience arose with three times three for Grant. Martin Seymour of Wisconsin, moved the President be authorised to telegraph General Grant his unani mous nomination, Cheers, Solo and trio campaign song, ' by George F. Root, entitled " We'll fight it out here in the old Union line ," words by Rev. John Hogarth, was here sung and received with great ap plause. The balloting for Vice President was as follows : 1 2 Wade 149 171 3 4 5 178 204 42 164 186 522 Colfax 118 148 Fenton. ..132 144 139 ..119 112101 ... 52 45 40 ..30 30 25 .. 22 144 75 Wilson... Curtin...". 87 11 Hamlin.. 25 Speed Harlan. 16 Crcsswell 14 Kellv G ' On tho fifth ballot 650 rotes being. cast, and 326 necessary t a choice the Chairman announced Sttlmyler CoJu fax ns tho nominee for Vice Presidem. The New York delegation moved that tho nomination be made unani mous which was seconded by tho Ohio delegation and adopted by the Con vention amid scenes of the wildest en thusiasm. Ex-Secessionist. A copperhead1 exchange terms Gen. John A. Logan nnd "ex-secessionist." Is it because be is an ex-democrat t Aro the terms correlative? Is there any perceptible difference ? Ixpeachment. The Court was to have re-asscrablcd yesterday noon. It is rumored that tho Managers will prefer a new Article. Wm. ni.tmiAM, Jn., 70 Fifth Street, At Imrph, it the authorized agent for the Itr.rDnuCAS. in thatcity. N EVV STAND! WEWSTOSEt NEW STOCK! Tliff pntrnnnijfl ofthw peopla of our town and county la roNpeotfuIl f loliolted at the new ttand, P. AX TELL & CO., niarhlov'a Corner, oppoalto the Wrifrht Houae, Wfivnesburu. Pa., wliure u plrndld itock hu Just been received , ooiialatlng of DRY 0oOI)3, FIN'E WHITE GOODS. FANCY GOODS. DRESS) TRIMMINGS, SPRING SHAWLS AND BALMOnALfl, EMBROIDERIES, NOTIONS, QI.OVE". HOSIERY, RinnONS, Velvets, Paraxols, banded and plain; Ladlea' anl flcnt'i I Tali In vnrloua atyloa. Ac, Ac., &Q. WAflneaanortmentof everything In oar lino always on hand'fc 4-Wa soil at vary reaaonabta ratea and deal uuko loall'd COME, EXAMINE, AND BUY ! P. AXTELL4C0. May 27, '6-ly B OOK AGENTS WANTED To irollelt order for ELLIOT'S New Work-. RE- MAKKA1ILK L'HAKACTKKSAND MEMORA HLK FLACI'.S OK THK HOLY LAND. Br HEN RY Waku Hkkthkh, T. I). WfMMncr.LU D I'rea. of Ynlii Oil., Ju.-if.ph Ccmmincm, D. D.LI. I l'rea. of Wmlfynn Unlv.,Rr. Kiev. Taos, M. ULAKK, lliHhup of It. I., A., .to. Thl la a new origliiHl work by thene anthort, and ll sulijocia are approved by clergymen of all denomination. We employ no CJkhkiiai Aoknm, and olfer extra Inducementa to Can viutwra. Agonta will aee the advnntngeof deal Inndlrectly with tho PUIILIrillKKH. Kor de scrlptlvo elreulara with full particulars and terms, aldrcss the PuliliRhers. J. II. UUItll A CO., Hartford, Conn 6:27-1 m JEQAL NOTICE Letters testamentary having been grant! to the undersigned on the estate of William B. Por ter lale of Klchhlll township, Greene county, duee d notice Is hereby given to all persons Indebted to said estate to male immerilata niwment and those having elalma attains! the same to prasont them duly authenticated for settlements Evelina pouter, Mny 27 -at Kxecumx. pwi miff. . O B It If A y qlERASIVE SOAP Is manafoetnred from PURK MATERIALS, and mar be considered the RTANDARD OF EXCELLENCE.. For sale by all uroceries. s-ly. To Consnmp lives The Ret, EDWARD. A. SVILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire It, the prescription with the directions fcr making and nslng the simple remedy by which ho was cured of a luni alfection and that dread disease Tonsumotlon. His only obleet Is to ben efit the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer will try trus prescription, as it wiu cost mam notn. lnz, and may prove a blessing. Please addreaa, ftuv. EDWARD A. WILHON. No. lffiSouthaecondSt. Williamsburg NswfYork, B;.y7-iycn-iri s 9Error of Trait). A (esUcSsaa what tuflrcred for year from Nervous Debility, Pre mature Decay, and all the effect of youthful In discretion, will, for thesukeof aaSerfng humani ty, send free to nil who need It, and receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by wuiuii uv wi uuini, ouiierera WISniDg CO prOnt, by the advertiser's exnerienoe. etui At. so hi i. dressing, In perfect confidence. ;-'y 2 Cedar St, yaw York, -The nettling PmL anal Hawse r Mer. er Howard Association Report, for Toaag. abuses and diseases which destroy the manly . wiu cruue 01 soiuuae, ana ine powers, ana create impedimenta to marriage, with sure means of relief. Bent In sealed. letUl? envelopes tree ol charge. Address DH, J, BKIL LI NHOITOHTON, Howard Assertion, Phila delphia, Pa. v-w M1Jr APPLICANTS FOR TAVERN WCKNSaj AT JUNE TERM, 8. WILLIAM PHILLIPS, Mt Morris. Perry tp. MARTIN BUPLER, VanatU'sOldSiaad. IIsyl-t J, P. TEMPLE. Clerk, r V.