The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, May 27, 1868, Image 1

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    Terms or l?ulHeatlon.
: Thb Waymesihtro Km-i-bmpa!, Office in
Buyeas' bulltll ag, nut of tlio Court House, Is pub
lished evej-y Wednesday morning, at S'4 per
annum, in advancb, orM so If not paid with
in the year. Allatibaerlpllon neeonnta iccr
ttrrstlc aaaaiilly. No psner will be sent
oat or tin) Htnte unless paid (ur in apvaki-b, and
ltucli suligcrlptlonswlll Invariably he discon
tinued at the explnitlon of the time for which
ihry are paid, i'
l.'ojiimiiiileat lonson subjects of local or general
interest urn rer-etfiilly miHHttil. To ensure
attention favor of tyls kind must Invariably lie
anyiiapanted by the nnmeof tin author, nut for
publk-atloti, but a iruiimut v against Imposition.
All letters pertulnlim to bunliiuuinf thv office
. maul lis addressed to the Editor
Hoo la that man hoo used to bee
A tailor down In Tennessee
' An sighed for popularltee?
r i Andy Juluisjsn.
tfoo was It Strassiled lonij tu rlmjj
And nil with khi.f the naihun.' lze
And niingle with thexnitu and wine?
Andy Johnson. "
Hoo wan It, when TtclieUlon roze,
And stalkt alirod with awl Us w-ozo,
Yootc sides agenst the Union's foite?
Andy Johnson.
Hoo thot Hint siteli it konrso wood send
. Ills name tu earth's remotest nd
As Freedom's most devoted friend ?
Andy Johnson.
'Hoo was It got, by means unfure,
' Into the Pruzldimslml eharo,
An shade a traitor's linnd while thaiv 1
, Andy Johnson.
1 " ,'
Hoo was It trlde a while to nho,
" That ho wan Moses,,
t Hut proved hlsself a l'lia-ru-on ?
Andy Johnson.
' liort Was It that with rebel! nde,
- The Union party has lietmde, ,
And east Jell'. Duvls In the shado?
Ainly Johnson.
II'io was It that, an President,
Of these. United Whites wits bent,
i To alio UK wastiik OoVnns.MK.NT?
Andy Johnson.
Hoo likes old Bourbon 'gist the smell ?)
' Hoor.o actions all .so clearly tell,
. He'd love to be a king so well ?
Andy Johnson,
Hoo triilo the heroOmnt to spoil,
Ad eateh fimve Stanton In his eoll,
An Hekonstniltsliun plan tu foil ?
Andy Johnson.
: Hoo finds out, when (Ullo tu late,
The i-koim.k think him Nor so ouatb,
Tlintheshood miss ulraltur'sfuto?
Andy Johnson.
Ilooze name will travel down tlirovcrlitlnie,
Threw every iiiielinit, every clime.
All dark with Ihl'am.'c nnl crime?
Andy Johnson.
?lic jiucsbuvjj il c public a .
POM:uov-iKNot'ii.i'V ix pow:n.
The goMcn apple which the minori
ty Democracy have been promising ti
the Union soldiers vjlinu they get in
power has turned to n-ilios, ami has ac
tually been proven worse than a delu
sion. Last year by some local diwif
Tcctions in the Republican ranks, the
Democracy of Ohio succeeded in elect
ing a majority in both branches of the
Legislature. This delectable body,
the especial guardians and friends of
the poor soldier; the clamorous advo
cates of paying all soldiers' claims in
gold proceeded deliberately and un
blushingly to perpetrate the outrage of
disfranchising the soldiers in the Day
ton Assylir.n, the maimed nnd crippled
veterans of the State. Here, then, is
a fair test, an unmistakable demonstra
tion of the result of Democratic rule.
We ask the soldiers of this county to
ponder over it. Let the soldiers of
the Republic consider how much Dem
ocratic pretense is worth. SoVlicrs,
make a note of it, and let the action
of the Ohio Legislature be a constant
warning against yielding to the delu
sive persuasions of this treacherous
The last Democratic Convention of
.Ohio resolved:
' "That vc are opposed both in prin
ciple and policylo Negro Suffrage."
That of South Carolina resolved:
"That we declare our willingness,
when ire have the power, to grant the
colored citizens, with the proper qual
ifications as to property and intelli
gence, the right of suftrngc."
That of Illinois resolved:
"That the right of suflragc shall be
limited to the white race in this coun
try." ' And D. II. Uill, a leading Demo
'cratic politician on tho cvo of the clcc-
tion, telegraphs from Georgia:
"A very" largo torch-light proccs- I world, executed, how dare gentlemen
jn of. Democratic Niaqcrs are inarehRomo up hero before the American
sion ot.-friwcraHo JSiaqcr
ing through the streets. IVoclaim it
throngh upper Georgia that. everything
is safe." '
" The faculty of adaptation is well
developed. They "blow hot and cold"
on the rebellion, bonds, tariff and nigger,
looj.. , . . ......tfiL-sM- :
P. S. Lct'.notfhc Republicans of
Ohio, Illinois, and Pennsylvania, be
deceived into the belief that Democrats
arc opposed to "Democratic Niggers"
- In October, 1866, Senator Trumbull,
in a public speech in the Court House
Square, at Chicago, "eloquently stated
that ho was 'in favor of immediate
'Irhpeachmcnt and removal of Andfevr
. Johnson." The Chicago Journal, citiug
"t '8i 'with his votes in January nid
; Febrnary last on the Stanton csfse
-jemarks: , - , .-
'Trumbull is like the man of
hon? fww in Sacred Writ, to
.,whon the -.lord, .replied: . 'Oh thou
wiekd sen-ant, out of thine own mouth
V'VflJjJ condemn thee.' -
,'The Ohio Legislature mav now tm
" home. The Democratic majority have
been holding off for a month to put a
true blue in Mr. Wade's place. : Thcr
haye been disappointed, and it is just
possible that their joy over the verdict
jf acquittal is slightly qualified,
mb. Bixuii.tx-n i:i,ot(ii:.iE.
One of the most effective passages in
Mr. Bingham's argument, was con
tained in these words:
Tho gentleman from Js'cw York
(Mr. EvartsJ took occasion to refer to
the fugitive slave bill of 18o0, a bill
that wus disgraceful to the Congress
which enacted it; a bill that was in
direct violation of the letter and spirit
of the constitution; a bill of which I
can say at least, although I doubt
much whether the gentleman from
New York can, that it never
found an advocate in me; a bill of
which Mr. Welwter said that in his
judgment it was unwarranted by the
Constitution, a bill which ollercil a
bribe- out of tho common treasury of
the nation to es'erv magistrate who sat
in judgment on the right of a fleeing
bondman to that liberty which belong
ed to man when God "breathed into
his nostrils the breath of life ami he
became a living soul;" a bill which
offered a reward to the ministers of
justice to sharpen the judgment of tho
poor; a bill which suiting the con
science of the American people am
the conscience of the civilized world,
made it a crime to give shelter to the
houseless or a cup of water to him who
was ready to perish; a bill enacted for
the purpose of sustaining that crime of
climes, that sum of all villanies, which
made merchandise of immortality,
which transformed a man into a chat
tel, a thing of trade ; into what, for
want of a better name, wo call a slave,
with no acknowledged right in the
present, with no hope of inheritage in
the great hereafter, and to whose dark
ened soul the universe was voiceless
and Cod himself seemed silent; a bill
under tho direct violation of which
that horrible tragedy was enacted with
in our own Commonwealth, within the
sight, Mr. Chief Justice, of your own
beautiful city, when Margaret Gard
ner, with her babe lashed upon her
breast, pursued by the oflicers of the
law, in her wild frenzy forgot her
mother's afli'ctioii in the joy she felt at
Heading before the appointed time by
her own hand tho spotless soul of her
child back to her God who gave it,
rather than allow it to be tossed back
into the hell of human bondage under
American law; n bill, nevertheless, by
the American people even on that day
when Anthony Burns walked in chains
under the shadow of Hunker Hill,
where "every turf beneath your feet is
'a soldier's sepulcher," and where
sleep tho first just martyrs in the
cause of American independence, to
be tried before a magistrate in n tem
ple surrounded itself with chains and
guarded with bayonets, anil yet the
people stood by and said: Let tho law
he executed until it be repealed. Talk
to mo about the American people rec
ognizing the right of any President to
set aside the law. Who does not
know that two years after this enact
ment of 1852, the terrible blasphemy
was littered in tho platform of the
party whose representatives to-day in
sist on the executive prerogative to set
aside your laws, anil annihilate your
government; that all discussion in
Congress and cut of Congress, touch
ing this very fugitive slave bill, should
be suppressed. 1 lie boily that nuopto I
that resolution should remember that
there is something stronger after all
than the resolution by mere partisans
in convention assembled. They ought
to have remedied that. God is not in
the earthquake or in the fire, but in
the still, small voice, speaking to the
enlightened conscience of men, and
that voice is omnipotent. God knows
that for the honor of our common
country I would take the step back
ward, and cover tho nakedness and
the shame of the American people in
that day of American'disgraee. They
nominated their candidate for Presi
dent, and he accepted their terms, and
was carried into the Presidential chair
hv tho votes of all the States in this
Union. With such a record as that
with such a law, offensive to the judg
ment and conscience of the people of
the L nited btates, and of flic civilized
Senate and tell us that it is the tradi
tional policy of the American people
to allow their laws to be defiled by
any Executive? I deny it. There
is not a line in our history that does
not give a nut denial to the assump
tion. it has never been tione, never.
Tlift Tribune on tlio t hief JiiNtlce.
The Xcw York Tribune has the fol
lowing. It is deemed significant here,
because until quite lately a number of
Mr. Chases irionds "have counted on
the Tribune for aid in any movement
looking to bringing out Chase:
"The man who has done more than
all others, unless in a pecuniary sense,
to socurc this result is Chief Justice
Chase. He decided the vote of Mr,
an V mk to. . He did his utmost,
happily in vain, to carry oil Messers,
Anthony and Sprague. We doubt
that Mr. Henderson would have
voted ns he did, but for the. Chief
Justice's exertions. Those exertions
saved Andrew Johnson from a verdict
which we feel that lie has worked hard
and successfully to deserve. Thanks
to infinite mercy there is an ordeal
before us in which a concurrence of
two-thirds is not required to insure a
righteous verdict. Let Messrs. Chase,
Fcsscndcu & Co., take care ot their
man Johnson, while we organize for
and make certain the joyful advent of
vjrant ana victory."
Jas. T. Brady & Co., Bankers cor
ner of Fourth and Wood Streets,
Pittsburgh, Pa., have placed in our
hands the following circular, which
shows the character of all loans made
to the Government during and since
the war. As a reference it will be
valuable, nnd should bo preserved by
all who chance to see it :
DnscniPTios of rnE popclar loans.
Gs of 18C1 Payable in 1881, bear
ing six per cent, (gold) interest, paya
ble January 1st and J uly 1st, in each
5-20s of 1862. Redeemable nt the
option of the Government, after April
30, 1807, and payable May 1st, 1882.
Interest, six per cent, (gold,) payable
May 1st and November.
' 5-20s of 1804. Redeemable after
October -31st, 18G9. Payable No
vember 1st, 1881. Interest, six per
cent, (gold,) payable May 1st and
November 1st.
5-20s of 18G5, (July issue- known
as "Consols.") Redeemable after Julv
1st, 1870, and payable July 1st, 188-1
Interest six per cent, (gold,) pavable
f January 1st and July 1st. These
Bonds are issued in conversions of the
1st series 7-30s.
10-10.'. Redeemable after Februa
ry 2!Uh, 1871, and payable Marefi 1st,
100-1. Interest five per cent, (gold,)
payable March 1st and September 1st,
except on $50 and $ 100 Coupon Bonds,
interest of which is pavable annually,
March 1st.
2d Series 7-30s. Payable Juno 15,
18G8 or then convertible ntthe hol
ders option, into 5-20 Bonds. Interest,
7 3-10 per cent. (Currency) payable
June 15th and December 15th.
3.1 Series 7-30s. Payable July 15th,
18G8, or then convertible at the hol
ders option into 5-20 Bonds. Interest,
7 3-10 per cent, (currency,) pavable
January 15th and July 15th. Upon
this series the Government reserves
the right to pay six per cent, (gold,)
instead of 7 3-10 per cent, currency.
The Gold bearing Bonds are issued
either Coupon or Registered, and in
buying and sellui":, the iirico includes
the interest. '
Registered Bonds aro issued in S50
6100 500, 81,000, 5,000, $10,000. 1
Interest iiiioii Registered Bonds may
be made pavabln at Washington, New
York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boa
ton, Chicago, St. Louis, Cineinnatti,
Charleston, Uuffalo, San Francisco and
lu buying and selling t tic i-30s, tiic
interest goes to the seller. An)' Cou
pon Bonds will bo exchanged by the
Government for Registered Bonds of
the samo issue.
u-20s, 1867. July issue, redeema
ble niter July 1st, 1872, and payable
July 1st, 1887. Interest, six per
cent, (gold,) pnnnble January 1st
and July 1st. Theso Bonds arc
issued in conversion of the 7-3-10
30 yearsix percent, Currency Bonds
issued by Uovcrnmcnt to racilic K.
R., payable 30 years after date. Six
per cent, (currency.)
The greal Democratic leader, Brick
Pomeroy is likely to have a formidable
rival in the person of a journalist
named Yaniee, who issues a paper at
Warsaw, Kentucky, called The Sign
of the Times. The Democratic masses
of tho country are sustaining the La
Cw-ie Democrat so liberally, and its
sentiments seem to suit-tho party so
admirably, that wo may expect fo sco
many of the same character spring up
all over thecountry. Hero is a sample
extract from the new organ, which is
clipped from nil articlo on "A monu
ment to Abralian liincoln :
Two hundred thousand dollars to
erect a monument to Abraham Lincoln !
Great God 1 Can it be possible? Is
there a white freeman so low, so de
graded, so steeped in infamy as to aid
or assist in erecting a monument to that
beast of iniquity, that father of Jaco
bins, of smutty stories ; a curse, a blot
on the pages of humanity; a political
inmi) : destroyer ot civil liberty; head
center ot a hot bed of thieves, knaves,
cowards, plunderers, murderess, house-
burners, woman murderers, spoon
thieves,; such a crew as the father of
demons would bo ashamed te associate
with ! A monument to Abe Lincoln,
the defunct, sent to his father, the
devil, on a Good Friday night, from a
play house, by that lover of liberty,
the great American Brutus, J. Wilkes
Booth, whose name will go down to
future generations ns the American
Liberator as Jlie man who had the
daring courage to destroy the first
American tyrant, to rid this unhappy
country of a monster. We can ex
claim, 'Well done, thou good nnd
faithful son of freedom !'" .
The above extract might suffice to
indicate the character aud.tone of the
paper, and to show what finds the
readiest market among Democrats, but
wo add another very brief articlo on
"Ucpudiatton or Kcvolution: '
"Americans, as God liveth, there is
but one hope for you, and that hope is
in the rising star of repudiation ; and
that star will lead you as did the star
i:i tho East lead the wisd men to their
Saviour of Bethlehem) of old."
Ose farm in Illinois has three hun
dred and twenty miles of hedge fencing
upon it. ' The owner proposes, to put
out ten thousand acres of wheat next
I year.' ' ' '
AlR "C'jme all ye Jolli SheyherJt."
The baglc has been aonndCKl,
It eotuiea throtili the glen ,
It ttlrs the loyal millions
Of brave and honest nleti,
Tney hear tho natlrtn culling
Her ions, who yet are true.
To rally for the leader
Who led the boys In blu.
Who led the boys lu blue,
Who led tho boys In bine,
For Grant, the noble leader,
Who led the boys In blue
Our souls nresprlnglug forward,
Our voice Is on.'the air;
We bring a orowu of honor.
That none but Urnnt sliull wear;
We want him yi-t for freedom,
To tight her battles through,
And we'll swell his ranks with millions.
Of loyal boys In blue. .
Of loyal boys In blue,,
Of loyal boys In blue ;
Anil xwell tho ranks with millions
Of loyal boys ill blue.
. (
The chief, whose floating; bannrrs
In victory ever shine..
Will yet restore the -Tiation,
Hy HvthtlUK "on that line:"
Hi name will chi-cr thejoyul,
Their glorious worhtoilo,
While backed by swelling armies
Of galluut buys tn blue.
Of gallant Iviys Ln4iiie.
lll'Kallant buys In blue;
While backed by strcllimt armies
oi g illuut Imys in blue.
Then, raise the Bweeplug chorus,
Tlio right must surely win ;
(.Van out tho stately man-flon,
ForUrant is going In. -Tut
down tlio head of treason,
We'll Itghttho battle through,
And back our Jmnt nuft Congress
lly millions dressed tn blue.
Ity millions dressed in blue,
Hv inllllnus dlesBmi In blue ;
And hurk oiirflrantand rungi-css
Ity millions dredsediu blue.
Mr. 1'linso a Preslileullal CniKllilnlo.
Tho Washington correspondent of
the New York Times who is little
given to sensation gives tlio follow
ing concerning the new party project
on tlio tapis, and which has been one
of the chief complications developed by
the impeachment:
The most astoundinj political in
trigue ever known to tho polities of
tins country is now on toot among tlio
prominent politicians and office hold
ers in this city and elsewhere. The
ief movers in it aro Audrcw Johnson
President of the United States, after
acquittal, and Chief Justieo Chase.
The object is the formation of a third
party and tho defeat of General Grant,
if nominated at Clrcasro. On lues-
iay last Kx-Governor Pratt, of Mary
md,said that acquittal would follow,
and before tho week was out the coun
try would be astonished by an entire
change ot Cabinet. It has since
transpired that tho President has
agreed to send in a new Cabinet of
Bepublieans, immediately after ac
quittal, and to adopt and strictly carry
outtho reconstruction measures of Con
gress. Senator Henderson last niVht
stated this agreement to be a fact, and
it is believed by shrewd pidgcs to be
one of the principal elements whereby
sufficient strength and power may bo
given to Mr. Chase s party to make it
formidable, and to throw the Presi
lential election into the House of Rep
resentatives, jf not to elect its cumu
late before the people. Ihismoveincnt,
expects to bo nblo to defeat Gen. Grant
by arraying itself against tho extreme
radical element in tho Rebublican par
ty, which, it is believed, will bo his
main support. Tho proposition that
tho President shall abandon his oppo
sition to Congress is intended to neu
tralize the power of that body long
nough to make inroads upon it in
favor of this movement. When the
Administration is fully recognized, its
power and patronago will be used to
enhance Jlr. Chases prosneets. It
is not believed he would accept the
Democratic nomination, but tho fact
that Mr. Voorhccs ami many other
prominent Democrats openly advocate
his nomination, is conclusive that a
strong Democratic support is nt bis
command. Mr. Chase is unreserved
his expressions of contempt for
Gen. Grant as a political leader, and
tor tlio impeachment movement, anil
bewails what ho terms tlio tendency of
the party to take up with small men,
and says tho party has surrendered to
Gen. Grant. His influence has been
excited from the besrinins to defeat tho
impeachment, and he is believed to
have done more than any other man to
secure the acquittal of 'Mr. Johnson.
tlence the latter is willing, it acquit
ted, to reward Mr. Chase by throwing
the influence of the Administration in
his favor. The discovery of this in
trigue has startled the political me
tropolis to its very center. All eyes
are anxiously turned on the Chicago
Convention. Tho intriguers hope and
expect to see some men in the party
in their race over acouittal commit
some foolish acts, whereby they may
reap additional profit, lheso aro the
developcroents which are in cverbody's
mouth to-day to the exclusion almost
of even the verdict., Those who
choose can take these statements cum
grano talis. But they are based on
the facts nnd names mentioned above,
and have an absolute foundation.
One thing is certain, tho Chief Justice
is still a candidate for the Presidency;
any one who donbts this deserves a
straight jacket.
0.E of the members of the Ohio
Legislature who voted for the bill dis
franchising students while traveling
abroad wrote home that he bad pur
chased a picture to adorn his 'palatial
mansion' called "An Oshun Landscip."
Yenly, of such are the elect i
MAY 37, 1S6S.
Mr. Nasby was at Pettisville when
Sergeant Bates arrived at that village
wTth his flag. Ho reports the follow r
ing speech of welcome :
"Sergeant Bates, Sir: Understand
in ns we du, that yoo fliivalrously
made a wager (wieh is a bet) with a
Wisconsin ablishnist that yoo kud
walk from Vixburg to Washington
carryin tho American flag unfurled
without bein insulted nor nothin, and
liavin received testimony from lcadiu
Democrats uv Wisconsin, wieh is en
tirely satisfactory to us, that you are
not in no sense, nor never wuz at any
time, in sympathy with tho Ablishin,
or ez they falsely stylo themselves, the
lleptiblikin party, we extend to yoo
the hospitalities of Pettisville.
Southern hospitality uv tho broad
est kind hez bin extended to yoo.
Yoo hev had n chaw off uv evry plug
yoo hev had yer suck out uv evry
bottle, your nose shows that sence yoo
entered the sunny South you hev not
been allowed to taste water, wieh is our
ideo uv hospitablo treatment. Wtit,
my deer sur, does this go to show?
Wat duz this prove? Ef Charles Sum
ner, fur instince, or Judge Kelley hod
bin so presumpshus, or nny other Rc
publikin, ez to attempt sieh a feet, the
outraged Southern hart wood hev
biled over and ho wood hev been torn
tu pieces. What duz it prove? It
proves that 'taint the Hag wo object tn
so. much ez it is the men who hev
bin in the habit uv carryin it. In the
hands uv a eonstitooshenel Dimocrat
its the same old flag it alluz wuz. In
such hands, its russlo sounds in our
eers like the crack uv the nigger whip
and the site thereof is soothin. For
when the Jlng wuz in their hands, we
hunted niggers under its folds i:i tho
streets uv Boston. Under that flag
we shot Lovejoy in Alton, nnd sunk
Bailey's press in the Ohio at Cincin
nati. Under tho shadow uv that
blessed flag we sold niggers nt miction
in Washington, and that flag, that
symbol uv freedom, would hev floated
over the deck uv every slave ship
which sailed from Africa, but for the
unjust and soisidlo laws wieh forced
the philanthropists in the biznis to
sale under other ponants. In your
hands, and the hands uv sieh ez yoo,
that flag is to us the old flag it wuz
then, and its sacred to us beeosi luider
it wo cnod do all these things. That's
why wo love it, and that's why we
tolerate yoo with it. Hod it remained
sieh wo never wood hev raised our
hands ngin it. So long cz tho flag
was sicli wo loved it. But when the
North dispnoted our control, and put
it in the hands uv A. Liukin, a Ab
lishnist, it wuz our flag no more.
Then we felt it must comedown that
its mission wuz ended nnd that to us
it wuz 'nothin. I lired onto that flag.
I raised my hand agin it, and proud
I am. But born by a Dimocrat n
old stylo Dimocrat a Dimocrat who
stuck to us bceoz bo wuz nfecred uv
nigger ckality, it is wunst more the
same old flag and wo reverence it.
Judjre tVniiitwnn! UelN a I.nsliliisr.
On a motion of Thaddeiis Stevens to
ask theSenato to send a certified copy
of the last two days of tho trial to the
House n stormy time sot in. No one
could fathom tho reasons for this re
quest. Mr. Ross, of Illinois, asked
Mr, Stevens if ho thought Senators
should perjure themselves in order to
convict Andrew Johnson'.' Mr. Ste
vens replied thnt ho was inclined to
think it would'nt hart them much.
This brought out Mr. Woodward, of
Pennsylvania, who characterized the
attempt to infbieneo Senators as inde
cent, and went on for several minutes
ingcncraldeiinnciatiou. Gen: Schonck
got a copy of tho Globe and turning to
a spcccli made by Mr. Woodward n
few months since, said tho charges lie
had just made camo with a bad grace
from the man who had declared Con
gress n fragmentary IhxJv, that the
House hail no power to impeach or
tho Senate to try, and that if he was to
advise tho President, with the nrmy
and navy nt his back, ho would f-oon
make an end of impeachment and im
peachers." Gen. Schenck then went
on in a very bitter strain and said he
had at the time prepared a resolution
for expulson,- but had been in some
way turned from bis purpose. - ;
Taxing mill ilclnjr Taxed.
It is ono thing to bo taxed, and
quite a different thing to tax one's selD
I low many people pay their Govern
ment taxes grudgingly, who ntthe
same timo needlessly squander ten
tithes tho amount? It is asserted that
nearly fifteen hundred million dollars
were spent hist year in the United
States for intoxicating drinks or half
enough to pay oil the national debt.
This money is not only squandered but
poverty, crime tnin.l untold sufTonng
are inflicted upon society. ,
BntcK Pomkuoy announces, wifh n
flourish of his brazen trumpet, that he
will have lormed by the 1st of Julv,
five thousand "Democratic" or Ki
Klux clubs, in various parts of tho
country, the object of which is, as he
aturoa it. "thfi rirrlirs nPShltM " "onnnl
taxation," and "white supremacy, or,
as it reaurTneans, reoei rule, repudia-
tinn. nnd fhn. nornotimtifin nt Mir-L-
alavamr " Triia n a antra tia will J 1aia
V uu , 0 .J -J 111,. I ... . J
"or another war," and adds, "only this,
and nothing more. , ' Well, it looks,
to a casual observer, as if "only this"
was quite enough.
NO. 48.
A correspondent of the PaW Mall
Gazette, writing from Mount Vesuvius,
April 4, civcs the lollowiiiir unusually
clear and interesting account of one
of the explosive exhibitions of that
famous mountain: We bad heard sev
eral explosions as we came up the
mountain, anil hud seen an occasional
shower of sparks thrown up above the
littlo crater; and these gradually in
creased until wo had taken our stand
as described. Then for more than two
hours tho hill .above us continued to
shoot forth an almost constant succes
sion of explosions of brilliant burli
ng stones. 1 hardly like to uso the
comparison, but l.lon t- think' J can
give n better iileir of it than by
saying that each explosion wns like a
vast girandole of rockets, only that
there was more sjecd nbotit it, and
hiore variety owing to the different
sizes of the stones shot out, nnd thnt
there was more intense light nt the first j
outburst than in tho caso of rockets.
Flame there certainly was none this
wo observed carefully; tlioudi the
trails of the shooting stones, and the
illuminated vapor, might almost ex
cuse tho word. J lie noiso of the
discharges was not a bang; it was a
pervading sound, almost exactly re-
seiubliiiir the waves on A beach and
wind blowing through shrouds. It
varied in intensity, but was nearly
ontiniious anil ot the character men
tioned. Tho mountain trembled per
ceptibly enough during tho whole of
our sfav.
It is impossible fin' mo to calculate
exactly but I judged that there were
trom to l.otH) stones in each
great discharge, and thcro were often
as many as eight or ten discharges in
u minute. 1 lie majority of the stones
were small tho largest say as largo as
two bricks end to end. Tho large
ones mostly fell back into tho crater,
but the small ones being thrown high
and more acted on by the wind, fell in
immense numbers on tlio leeward slope
of tho small crater and on tho same
sido of tlio great cone beyond. To
my mind tins was n spectacle hardly
less striking than the discharges them
selves: at any rate, it was quite now
to me. I have heard it said that the
cono becomes "red hot" under such
discharges. But this is not an nccu
ruto description of what I saw. "Red"
is not tho word, but "golden ;" and
tho cono was not covered even by these
copious showers ! Tho sight was fiir
more beautiful than it it had been so.
Tho crowd of golden spots on the
dead biacK surlaee tho small ones
generally resting where they fell, while
the large ones rolled tliroufrh them
lown the slope, and the constantchanso
as shower uftcr shower descended,
made a variegated and beautiful spec
tacle such as was of itself alone worth
the ascent. It formed a widerful
pedestal to the explosions which sur
mounted it, nml which were naturally
the great attraction. I could not cal
culate tho height to which some of the
small stones wero thrown, but it was
very great, rhero was generally one
which went far" higher than all the
rest, nnd pierced upward toward tho
moon, who looked calmly down mock
ing such vain attempts to reach her.
Tho larger pieces were, with rare ex
ception, not thrown so high; indeed
many of them only hist appeared over
the rim of the cone, above which they
came floating leisurely up to show their
brilliant forms and intense white light
for a second, and then subside again
into the abyss.
A DASinxr; young widow in Detroit
prepared a pleasant surprise for her
suitor a few evenings since.' Expect
ing a call from him. sho bid herself in
a convenient corner, nnd as ho touched
tho knot) of tho door bell, sprang out
in tho darkness of the evening, and
nearly smothered him with kisses.
His cool reception of her caresses
startled her with a" recognition of the
met that instead ot her lover she had
been lavishing her sweetness upon the
conductor of a street car, who had
come with n note cxnlainintr an un
foreseen absence. The widow, there
upon, with great propriety, fainted on
tho spot. Moral, look before vou
leap ! f - -
The llnnkrnpt tjtw.
Tho first vcar of the operation of
the bankrupt utw expires on the first
'day of Juno next, after which time all
petitioners must pay fifty per cent
of their liabilities or procure tho assent
in writing ot three fourths ot their
creditors in order to obtain discharge
from their debts. It is not true, as
many suppose, that the operation of
the fifty per cent, clause has been post
poned to the first of January.
Thk Legislature of Connecticut fi'is
chosen ' Kx-Govcrnor 'Buckingham,
United States Senator in tho place of
Hon. James Dixon, whose term ex
pires on the 4th of March next. Mr.
Dixon was elected as n Republican,
but having sold himself out to John
son, is now set aside as an out-and-out
Kadical. This is ono of the results oi
the luteei&Jon in Connecticut of which
our irjjfliead friends were so jubi
lant i atjtnjjtimci , .,
' Repnblican members of the
Connecticut Legislature have nomina
ted ex-Governor WV. A- Buckingham
for United States Senator, in the place
of Jaroee Dixon, whose terra expires
in March next. '' "The vote stood: Buck
ingham, 81 ; Hawley, 59. !
Turin or Advertt
.. JOB WORK. . . .y
'ADt-fcirrfrrfUEKTsfruieHelntll C A tr KttuM
for three iu.ei Houhi or less. alidS wall! tier
siiuure foreait Additional Insertion J (ton linos
or Iran of tlili tvpe n siiunre). All trmn
slent advert iwm.-nle Ui be IwiU tor Ut ttltmne.
ih'SINI'm run -n-mHoi uimer me iii-nu ui nm
Hewn will he ehurged invariably 10 eeataa Uni
for eaeli Insertion.. - . ....
A llbernl dedm tlon ninde to fWmrl' dTtl
Iniihvtlie inuu-tur, half-Tear or year. Special
notleea charted, one-ball mora tfean. regfcinr ad
vertisementii. ' '
Joh I'BiNrisrtof evervllnd In rlalnatta Fan
evoolorej lliiud-hillii, Illnnka. Cards Pamphlet
c. nf even- vnrlnlv anil style. Dlitlted at th
slmrtam mitten. - Tli HKFtiHMtiAit Oman lias)
Inst been nMltterl, and every tliini In the Prlh.
iiik linn ran lie executed In the tnoet artlatls
nianneranil at the lowest rateai
.1 '
Bt r. A. KEKDill, ',
Tlio Jewels dangle in her eaM, '
Her walrt U but n slender span i
And as she swings along, sh says,
"I'm going tooittoli dtndy man.''
His but Is la the jiite'st style, -, :-)
He totes bis cane with dalnly hold j
And as he stmts about, be iiyV ' '' '
. "I'm going to wad fool for gold."
They enme together at lb ball,
They dance a jig, and waits and whirl,'
Iter dress U flue, "demnlllon (blue,"
His purse Is lank, bis hair la curt
He Is "so nice," she Is ''so rich,"
He lacks Ibr cents, sho lacks for brains
He flatters her, she dazzles him.'
They call each other "protly names."
With gauty growl hapu says "yes,"
Mamma say uauglit, mamma is dead i .
Ills debts are tnrge, her purse is deep ,
Tito fni and fool together wed.
A marriage of "conyenlonca" quite. . . .'!!
'', A ivtyrtetrrch fcnW . '
"It's just tho thing," bis friends aver j
"It's Jtwt the thing," her frlenda declarer.'
...... -..I p. .:; . t
They Hvo up town, in froo -stono front, ,
Tim halls are grand, the rooms high j
Tlio beau inonde from their coaohes trip,
And enter with an envious slgu. . . . ,', : :
i ..i. i , ... ii',: -.;':
They do not love, tbey do not bat, '' r '"'
Their only bonds are those of Uv;
They Irequunt operas and plays.
And scoiu tho ''dirty rabble, awb 1." ,
lie held the cards, she held the stako.
The 4uad .wus brass, the trump was gold
A perfect match, an even pair,
For he was lidilhl, and she was sold.
tnmlrpnnlal Cirnfpreiife af that tttjiHotf
iIIkI Ertoeopal burataj , , .
.- .- ii . "II I (
(jiicAiio, May 15. At yesterdays Mtttcta
lilshop Hitnpsuu olTuied tho following fesolilf
thins, .which wero adopted, the actlod ot
Wednesday being rescinded r ' ' ' '
"Wiikrkas, There Is now pending in UM
Senate of tho United Mates' the most Impor
tant question Which has ever engaged its at
tention :, and . , , , ,
WnenKAs, Evidence and pleadings In this"
caso have been fully opened by the people;
so that all may Cirin an unllghtened epmkm
and .,' , -. -v .,'
Wiikubas Wo are'deoplr Intpfessed that dp"-'
on Unrightful decision will largely depend the
sal'. ty and prosperity of the nation, a we't as
religious privileges of our minister and mem
bers lu many parts of the South ; and i r
Wiikiikas, 1'alnfiil rumers are In circulation
that parllj by unworthy Jolousles, and partly)
by corrupt Influences, pecuniary and othtN
wise, most activly employed, efforts art boidgf
made to Influence Sanntocs improperly, andtq
prevent them from performing their hlgb du
ty i Therefore, ' ' 1 " ' ' -: u
JUiulvtd, That wa hereby appoint as hoof
of prayer, from it to 10 o'clock to-morrow, to;
i ivoho mercy from Ood upon our nation, aaa)
to bosuech him to savo our Senators from er
rors, and so Influence them that their decision
shall be in truth and- righteousness; and abalt
increase security und pronj oiity to our belov
ed Uulon.
The inhabitants' of our quiet and virtu nu 4
village have fur the past two weeks beeaoomt
pclled to behold in their midst a most dis
graceful and unpleasant scene. An old Iroary
headed Individual, who has bed stopping
here for the past throe months, and over whoesj
head tho frosts of many winters have passed (
boa been publicly seen reclining hi the lap' ana
arms of a young and blushing damsel. ' Wheth
er it has bon a matter of choice opon the part
of the maiden, or whether the attentions of tha
old gray-headed villain were forced apon her
wo cannot say. We can say,' however, that
such conduct is not looked opnn -with Tttfdt
hy our citizens ; and if tho young lady epecta
t remain in our midst king, and desire to
retrieve her character that tho first step neces
sary to tako, is to dismiss- from her' society
Iter old paramour and send him Id the arctic
regions. We believe that tills decrepit old
man usually goes by tho name of Winter,
while the blooming lass Is conlmonly called
Spring. Kx. ' ' " ' ' ' '
. - ' i ;
- A 8xLt LAKtt letter sayai .."One, of the)
chief topics of common talk now is the grass
hoppers. Tliey have hatched out In Immense
numbers, thd ground fn some places beihj
"black wi'li them.'? : In outer places there an
none as yot . Some old resident ,say they
never saw so manv in the Spring before. They
aro very small at present, mostly about a
quarter of an inch long, but very) lively, and
already giving evidence of the clauacterUUa
voracity of their race. t .. ,.H t t
It turns out tint there Is ono mora revolu
tionary hero lingering this side of the grave
Jssk Ui.AVKEirsunv who was born In Cbeav
teraeUl county, Virginia, is now one hundred
and len years of age, and served about on
year in tbo Revolution before tho close Ot
the war. He is now living in Russell eouaty
Ky. : . ' ''' ''-I
AnvicES received at Leavenworth, Kansas
Indicate, that the Southern Indiana are organ
izing for efl outbreak. Tbey recently burnt
several cars, cut the Telegraph wire and ob
structed the railroad . tracks. Numerous par
ties hare been seen going North, and tbey
appear to be organizing for general oo
breaks ' I 'f . - .'..- '.-. . , f
Mississiprt Republicans have praced In fbi
Held tlill State and Congressional tickets. Get
Eggleston. a distinguished Union officer laaoV
ipg the former,, and both tickets made up air
most entirely from natives of the State. ." '
m ' -
Tnitr talk of putting up new stgna om tb
cVie railroad om Which, instead of "Look oof
for- the locomotive," shall b "Prepare) to
'meetybWCroa.'-' " - :t 4 '
Mas. J sun Bcstoh Fiimoxt ha (MaadsO
Ignated to unveil the statu of bar bthv fa
Bt. Loul. onths J7th fast"' ' "