ISheannesburtj Republican, cbngsban, 30, 1868. gusiucssi Cards. T. W. ROSS, rnmcua am iueoeoi. Omoe In Jewell's building, end of Main St. Wayneabnrg. th'tt-tf. A. BALL, Dealer In Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, to., etc. 4 AT McCOY'8 OLD BTAXD, g;Hy. Greensboro. Pa. J O. tip O. F. WAYNESBURO; LODOS, KO. J8. Ball In Senear's Building, out Main Btreet, w ayneeourg, in. Time, lueeduy evening, each w esk. an, I i. OP O. E H09HIMKA LODGE, NO. IU. Ilall In Oanear's Building East Main Street, weoli. dh. B. M. BLACULY, II. p. FHYBICT.A!f A D BfROKON, Office at his residence, opposite the "Wright House." Waynesburg, Pa. mtr Disease. 01 1 omaiea mruie a speciality. fi:i-8m. ' Gr EO. B. JEFKERY. NOTARY PUBLIC. AU business pertaining to the ofllee attended to promptly, uinoe wun, r. A. Telegraph Co. cant of tho Court House. May lo, 'fl-ly. E. M. BAYERS. liTTOn.NKT AMD COUNSELOR AT IAW. Inaddltlon to other business will attend to all earn in Bankruptcy nvbeentrustod to his ear. omce.oppositt i m Btoro of O. W. Rob ert 4 Qo, lv 'i-m I" EWB DAY, J DBALBB IV BOOHS AMD ITATIOSHT, Wall Paper. Window Paper Ac. Rnnday School Pooka of nil k I nrls constant lv on hand, room In Mrs. Rush's building, formerly occupied by Cot terell A Taylor, Waynesburg, Pa. iun,y , w-iy. W STBAlTJETr WATCHES AND JEWELRY, haim treT orrosiTE count nocst. Keeps on hand always a choice end select as sortment of Watches and Jewelry. Repairing rtono at the lowest ratos, 4;l:'67-ly. F IR9T NATIONAL BANK, or wAixr.snuna Open Close ITn'oloek a M. loses 8 o'clock r . DISCOUNT DAY : TUESDAYS. D. Boner, Pres't. J. C. Fi.kss-ikm, Cashier. B. Frakk. Plenhikex, Assistant Caihler, yit T. WEUB, JR., saddle amd mnxru makes, (IN WILSON'S BUILDING, MAIN ST.) Jad lle, Bridles, Harness kept on hand and made to order. Work dono lu tho best style, and at reasonable rntcs. WR'iprilrliiK a speciality on short notlo. Former friends go look at his stock. 4;2-ly. jyTI8TKY I have located In Wnvneshnnr, and am oecn- riylngtho lute residence of Dr. H. K. I'nllun. llnv ngtiiken grontpalns to become thoroughly ae- ?ualntcd with both the theory and practice of lentlsfry.nnd havlnubad an exprrlenreof seven ?-ears In the profession, I feel warranted In snv nil thatmy patient shall i.ive no cause to com jjlainof iiifurlurnpemtliiiis. Extraction will he Tendered pnlnless, when desired, hv tho ndmtn istrailon of "Laughing pis" orothcrancslhedcs. Char?" moderate, and nil operations warranted rk reprenonto.1. I willhe at home wtTiwrr I'er AnvuNTt'ii!! from tho fifteenth totiio thirtieth of every month. ,j JOS. 8. HERTIO. Djli-tf gUEKMAN HOUSE, JCST OPEJTED BT THOMAS ERADLET. BwlHwIy the most complete Hotel In onr town. Kverythlnffcomhltieil to furnish Ihobcst accom modation ever yet olTereil to the public. Meals furnished nt nil hours, lablo provided vlth the best of thesenson. Travellers and those desirous of refreshment will do well tocnll. "Tom "still retains his old reputation of an accommodating gentleman, and hospitable landlord. House, the one formerly "eupicil by the "MtvtseiiKor"Oiliee, 5;9:'iie-ly. 0HERT DOUGHERTY, CARituoB if AKCFACTtrnts, wATMrairrr.o, rA. RcRpcctfulh- gives notice that he has loctod In waynesbufg, Pa., whoro ho Intends to mann fncture CARRIAGES Of everr description. From his experience In tho business he feels confident that his work, in Myle.llnlsh and durability, will plvo entire sat isfaction. It Is his determination to purchase the best material In markot, and employ none bait competent workmen. MAll work warranted for one yenr."V Stfh'mvtf. .JJARliLE WORKS, 6UMMERSGILL & BKO. (JEWEIL'I OJ.D STANPCrrEB END Or TOWS.) The public are respcrtfnliv Informed that Sum mcrsgiu 4 Uro. have Just reoolved a large stock of all kinds of MARBLE WORK! Pueh as Ornvo Stones, Monuments, Mantle Work, 4n. We are prepared to furnish work at reasonable terms on short not ics. Call and ex amine our stocjt, styles jtnd prices, before pur- ehMSing elsewhere. fi;fi-tf. AYNESBUKG MARBLE AND eTONE WORKS. SAYERS L- RIXEHART. Still eontlnne to carry on the Marble and Stone . ratting business at their long established stand Immediate east of tho Public Square, between ' Hlph and Orccne streets, Waynesbnrg, P. This establishment has been In constant oper ' ntlon since lrttfl, and the longexerlence and en 1 rgyof the proprietors, linked with the exer- else of sound! Judgment and good taste.havewon for them a widespread and enviable repurnt Ion. An extensive stock of the various varieties of the best marble kept, constantly on hand. Spe ' rial attention paid to polishing, prosslng, carv - ing ana engraving. All orders promptly filled. 4;2S:'M-tf. pAINTING AND GLAZING. D, W. KENNEDY & 3. W. 8MALLEY, HOUSE PAINTERS, ORA1NERS, GLAZIERS AND HANGERS, PAPER Bhop, on Mechanics' Row, opposite the M. E. Church, Wayneeburg, Pa. ,"MATF.RIaL FURNISHED, If required, at Fltuburgh Prjoee. . 1, 88-6m. KENNEDY 4 BMALLEY. 1 jpOUHDERY NOTICE. , THE SUBSCRIBER HAVINO PURCTXASED EAGLE FOUNDERY, . . . . ... 'With 1U large atock of ' FLOWS AND MANY OTHER CASTINGS, FormwlTthepryrfthUteDnlelOwna, TtiLIxLntllia,Je builnesilnail V lutenchea,ndioaUkuido5 , r MACEOiE BXPA1RKQ, T AjWt fWf a npo reuonable terma, and . Wm uU reasonable alMkre at ntSoai: .-.C.W. COR. PENS AND 8T. CLAIR STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. The Largest, Cbeapeat anil moat Baooeaafol PRACTICAL BUSINE33 COLLEGE rS THE UNITED 8TATE3. OVER FIFTEEN THOUSAND STUDENTS FROM THIRTY-THBEE STATES IS TEN YEARS. FOR LARGE QUARTO CIRCULAR, Containing fill Information. Ontllne of Coarse of stuay, samples ofCOWLZY a PREMIUM PENMANSHIP, View of tho Collens Bnlldlnr. different de partments, City of Pittsburgh, Ac., &c, address the Principals, SMITH 4 COWLE KY. ap 1, W-ly Pittsburgh, Pa. JjAILEY, FARHFXL & CO. LEAD FIPK, RITF.ET AND BAR LEAD MANUFACTURERS, ALSO Tig Lead, Iron Pipe, Rubber nose, Steam Gauges, hlstles and Vtuves, Iron and Copper (sinks A Bath Tubs.Steam rumps, Farm Pumps and Force Pumps. And EVERY DESCRIPTION OF 000D8 FOR WATER, GA3 AND STEAM, HQ. 197 BMITflFIELD STREET, . PITTSBUROH, PA. ap22,'M-ly-2e Send for a Price List, JjiUltNll UllEl J. W. AVOODWELL & SON8, MANUFACTURERS A!IO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FURNITURE! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ' 4 M Third St., PITT3BURO, PF.NN'A. Hly. NDEnsON, PENZOLD 4 CARSON, llAVB BE.MOVED THEIK WELL KNOWN MERCHANT ING TA1L0R- ESTABLISnMENT! TO C2 ST. CLAIR STREET, Two doors from their old rooms. S:t,'-ly, BAR KER & HASELTINEI SO. 13 rtfTH BTBIET, PITTBUUROn, PENN'A, MAMtTFACTTJRrBS AMD DKALEB IM PICTURE AND niOTOGRAPn FRAMES OF ALL KINDS. OfSEWOOD. GILT 4 WALNUT MOULDINGS neirnrs", sTHBEOscorr. and views. 8-OIMIngand Re.glldlng lo Order. ;4,'6-ly J. R. NEWMYrn, President. O. n. Amkkrmon. J. N. BitAt.t.KNnrnorn. Hecielary. Superintendent rp w IN CITY SLATE MINING .V MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Manufacture and Deal In every variety of ROOFING SLATE, OT SUPERIOR QUALITY. GENERAL OTFICE NO. 43, 7lII ST., riTTSHlUROII, PA. For particulars and prices, address J. S. NEVVMYER, Prest ap 22,'3-6Tn J EINEMAN, MEYRAN 4 SEIDLE, No 42 Fifth Street, one door from Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Fine Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, lnr .silver Ware, Plated Ware of everr description, French Clocks, 'tea Seta. Spoons. Fcrks, Watch makers tools, Ac And agency of tho CliLEBKATED AMERICAN WATCHES. We nlso keep the largest and most varied sortment of the very best American Made Clocks, to be found In any ellv east or west. Persons In want of any art Icle In our line, either at wholesale or for their own use, will always rtnd our prices lower and our assortment larger than anv to bo found west ol New York City. WATCH REPAIRINO-To this branch of onr trace toeing ourselves practical wateh-mak ers.iwe pay very special attention. We em ploys force of the verv best Artists In the country, and any and all fine delicate and dnhcult work entrusted to our care, for the trade or Individuals, may rely on getting satisfaction. Work may be sent by express or otherwise. REIXKMAN, Mf.YRAN 4 SEIDLE, wnoicsaics retail Jewellers a silversmiths, , 4J Fifth tstrcot, Pittsburgh, Pi np af,'8-ljr mo FARMERS AND OTHERS. X A good Agent wanted In every townshln of mis county io Ben nniieflll a ASJUSUDIS Dnftli chnrn I the best butter maker now manufactured. We do not promise fabulous salaries to our agent, but do guarantee eood wages to good men. Wo are anxious to have this Churn Introduced, and to this end will make favorable arrangements with early applicant. Aaaress imm. ii. pi.uiiafl a iu, l;8-ly ' 360 Venn St., Pittsburgh, 1 Bills, Cards, Clrcnlars, Posters 4c, Ac,, neatly executea ai. tnis umce, on anon, notice. T01IN U. HOFFMAN, M0R0ANT0WN, WEST VIRGINIA. ATTORNEY FOP. COLLECTING TTEMStOMS, BOUMTIES, ARREARS Or FAT, AND ALL MILITARY CLAIMS, Having had 17 years experience in prosecuting sucn claims, a naver.oeeome laminar wua tne various Laws and uie large amount of record evidence in mv possession enables me to be very successful in prosecuting sus-iended claims, and in many Instances have proved successful when weciaimani naa ions mven mem uu lnaespair. wo maiwi-avw uinicui, uie luun so la juata r 6;38-ly. JAZEAB BROTHERS, W80UIAU orocirs amtj commiiax - itt, CA-n.-.j.;. .l: wi sESSaJ"-' '-ACiTaiT.-r i-Jy. printing. R I N T IN Gl THE WAYNESBURO REPUBLICAN1 JOB PRINTINO ESTABLISH- MENTr SoyeTj' Building, EadoJ tin PulKc square, WAYNES B V R 0, PA PAMPHLETS, PROGRAMMES, BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDB, POSTERS, BLANKS, LABELS, &c, Ac, NEATLY EXECUTED WE HAVE NOW A GREAT VARIETY OF MATERIAL! And a more complete stock of PAPER, C A RD S, &c Than any MtAbliM.mArit within the liralta of our DUBineM ciroie, AND WE ARE PREPARED To execute every description of JOB PRINTING! IN A STYLE OF NEATNESS BEAUTY!! AND CANNOT BE SURPASSED ANYWHERlS. We employ the moat competent 'printers, and propose to MEET EVERYORDER With which we are favored, in the SHORTEST TIME POSSIBLE ANB IN .THE MOST SATISFACTORY MANNER r-artlenlar attention glTen to FINE RULE WORK ' CERTIFICATES, ; V:;: 3 check's, "&d,"i -1 - TERMS REASONABLE! Lei'tn hava "i BalT" - fare rolng elsewhsre. t-lfartorr,;, ISSIDE A PRISTI.VO OFFICE. The composing room of a printing ofiico is about as productive of various questions, and elicits as much curiosity from visitors as any place of business we know of. The first thing a visitor does, is to step up to the case where fingers are at work and watch every motion with perfect steadfastness ; looks mysterious and questions follow about like this : "How do vou kuow where to hnd the letters? Are thev arranced in or der? How do roil know when they l.i 1 "a AVI. i r- il are nuiitsiuu up : nut is me remuii that there is more typo in some boxes than the others ? 1 should think you would mako mistakes ; you ought to have your boxe3 marked I JJon t you get the wrong letters somctimesr .Looking around he spies in a corner a lot oi "something" that calls lortli ; "what are these? Compositor ',Quacls." Visitor '.What's quads?" Compositor explains. Next finds the forra3 which another person is distributing. Visitor "1 earing era clown, enr Compositor " 1 es. "Can you do that faster than you can set ? What makes you wet the tvne? ( Looking at the form) Why it's all up side down I is that the wav it alwav3 is? You can't read it can vou ?" Next goes around the press and finds tho roller, puts his fingers on it, and gets them dyed a shade or two darker than their original color. W hat e this roller made of, mdia rub ber? Compositor "No, of glue and mo lasses." Visitor Of molasses I I should think it would melt. Compositor "It will when it gets warm enough." His next iall is upon the paper wet down, ready for press. V lsitor W hv tins paper is all wet : Do vou have to do that ? Compositor "Yes." Vistor What for? Compositor explains and wishes ho would dry up. He looks around arid finds a torm of advertisements laid aside. He runs his finger over a column and knocks a whole sqare of it into confusion. Com positor cross, and savs, 'ou vo Knock ed that into pi." Visitor whistles and goes out when compositor isn't looking. Extract from the Democratic Iiiule. The following audacious justifica tion of cold-blooded murder and trea son appears in that loading Copper head journal, theYjd (.rouse Democrat: "Do you blame us when we pay that God wii3 just in sending John Wilkes Booth on that dark Good Fri day night, three years ago, tho dark est and gloomicstin American history, to strike the traitor clown, ami liberate the white freemen of America from the yoke of a despot? God is just. lie struck tho tyrant Lincoln Irom exis tence at an hour when the country could no longer hear tho burden of him; and God, in his wisdom, cannot let the free people of America, whom he ha3 so protected and prospered, long remain chafing under the rule of any despot." A Witness. A Yankee, hrlving told an English man that he shot, on o ic particular oc casion, nine hundred and ninety-nine snipes, lus interlocutor asked him why he didn't make it a thousand at once. "No," said he, "not likely I'm go ing to tell a lie for one snipe." Whereupon the Englishman rather riled, and determined not to bo un dono, began to tell a long story of a man having swam from Liverpool to Boston. "Did you see?" said the Yankee. "Well, of course Idid. I was com ing over, and our vessel passed him a mile out ot .Boston harbor. "Well, I'm glad ye saw him, stran gcr, because yer a witness that I did it. lhat was me." The Irish Republic, speaking ot Banks' bill for tho protection of Amor- can citizens in foreigncountries, passed on tho 30th ult., says: "What Dem ocracii has failed lo do in fifty years, Republicanism hax done in seven. Let our people stand by tho men who are true to liberty. Let them respond to this action ot tho Kcpublican Con gress and cast their ballots for the next Republican candidate for the Presi dency. It matters not whether he may lie Grant, Greeley, Wade, Colfax, (to., they are all men pledged to the glowing principles ot Kcpublican lib' erty. TllE Democratsare furiousat behold ing on every hand the manifest indica tions that under Grant the country is to bo permanently restored, and the Republican principles, made dominant over every portion ol the country, They are greatly in want of comfort. They seek it morning, noon, and night; but they linrt it not. W on t somebody hold their splitting heads, cool their fevered brows, soothe their anxious hearts, and quiet their per turbed spirits? Poor fellows, with inevitable defeat staring them in the face, they are in a bad way. Star and sentinel. A Kansas Court, 187. s ' Once an attorney for the defence took his cigar from his mouth, and behind a huge puff of smoke objected to certain testimony on the other side as inadvisable. Ihc justice gravely replied: . "The Court sustains the obiection and rules that the question cannot be asked at mis stage of the qame" Tho inference was, that "the coort" played poker. - , Dry o0(l$. G 0 0 D NEW SI AND NEW GOODS! D. SHIRK, Now offers to the public The most complete assortment ol Every thing in the Dry Goods line ever brought to This market. The Spring Styles, fresh and attractive And of every variety. HaU for Men and Boys, Ladies' and Mlssee. Boots And Shoe, nniurpsistd in Durability A Cheapness. Muslins, Delaines, Cloths, Bonnets A Bonnet frames Caeslraerea, and In fact Everything that can be Dosired, yon can buy of him. A. WILSON, JR. Especially invited ft call from his old customers, belntt mittftled tho prcstlBo of formor deal ing will be sustained find that now, ns of yore, the tastes of nil will be pleased regarding prices and qtmllty. Kin brneo tho first opportunity and give him an early call. U-Ttoom formerly neon pled by A. Wilson, Jr. in Wilson's building, Waynesburg, Pa. apBVtftMy. v. etii nil. c Aita, MCANDLES3 & CO., DRY GOODS, 94 WOOD STREET, PittsburgU, Penna. Buyers of Dry Oodds are Invited toexamlno the most complete moos, orougnt 10 line jnaraet Manv of our Most Tonular Styles are not lo bo found elsewhere, belim controlled entirely by n. The entire stock having been purchased ut llio lowest rules, WE CHALLENGE COMPETITION. rniNTS, DELAINES, ARMURES, COLORED ALPACAS. COLORED WOOL DELAINES, FRENCn GINGHAMS, SCOTCH GINGHAMS, DOMESTIC GINGHAMS, CLOTHS, SHIRTINGS, FANCY CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, C0TT0NADE8, PANT LINENS, AC. HOUSEKEEPER'S GOODS, SnEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, TICKINGS, CHECKS, " QUILTS, COVERLETS. A largo and well selected stock of NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. HOSIERY, GLOVES, &C. CASH BUYERS WILL FIND RARE INDUCE MENTS. aplS-it gOMETHING NEW! MRS. E. 8. SAVERS A HOBKINSON Have Just arrived from the East with a large assortment oi loreign ana uomeetio DRY GOODS, SPRING & SUMMER STYLES, which they propofle to sell at the lowest CASH prices I BUCUiMI Lren mrw imu- mlng, Dress Buttons, Ladles Shawls, Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps ; also, a great variety of nice articles, at very low price, for GENTLEMEN AND LADIES' WEAR, Wares of all kind, and a complete variety of the best GROCERIES. AUofwnicn tney nn sell at the very lowest figures, dependlni ig on the to gain quality them ct and cheapness of their goods custom. Orve thein a call before purchasing elsewhere, nnil thev will nrove that the above la correct, Room In Allison's building, nearly opposite the Uoun nouae, w aynesourg. ui-n I. 0. OF 0. F. WATNZSBURO ENCAMPMENT, NO. 119. ffall ta Oan Building, east Bifln Street, Warneaban, Pav first each nsnth. and second rrmn oi an. FACT WORTHY OF NOTE I JOHN M. WINGET Undoubtedly has the LARGEST STOCK oi HOME-MADE B00T 4 SHOES! IN WAYNESBURO. They have been tried and found to be equal If not Superior to any in the place I He has a general and well manufactured assort- LADIES' AND MISSES, MEN & BOYS- HOME MADE BOOTS, (SHOES AND SLIPPERS! He keeps hands unexcelled r.s workmen in learner, xiis snop win uc iuuiiu NEAR COTTEREL'S TANNERY, -After returning thanks for a liberal patro nnsc heretofore Itestowed. I wish to snv lo im oldcustomers and others that I warrnnt my work In every pnrtlcular, and will sell at prices inai win suusiy any rcusunuuio purauu, Don't forget tho place, but GIVE ME. A CALL SOON. ap 8, '6S-ly JOHN M. WINGET. QREAT PANIC IN THE PRICES OF BOOTS AND SHOES! WILLIAM BERRYniLL'S, TWO DOORS WEST OF N. CLARK & SON'S nnvlnc lust purchased a heavy Rtock of Boots and Shoes of the KINKSTand BKST (JUAI.ITY to he found In the K.ost. ho now has tho Best se lected and most complete assortment of these Goods ever brought to the Town. And he oilers to sell FOR C A s n Men's best, whole stock, ITome-made Boots, 17 Inchleg, nt,.jsand S.noj Men s Fine (Ml at 87..i0, with a uniform deduction In rates, on nil kinds of stoek. Mr. Berrvhlll having an ex perience of 10 years In tho manufacturing of BOOTS AND SHOES ! Is thoroughly nfirjuainted with thcbuslnoss, and nun lanen great care to mane mis a RUPERIOn RTOCK TO ANY KKPT ITERE- Experienced hands aro constantly omnlnved In making to order and we can safely say that at no place elsh In theso "diggings" can tho mate rial and workmunslilD bo surpassed. ALL WORK WARRANTED ! Ifenow asks his friends and the nubile to call and exnmlne his stock, as he feels eonfldent that ne enii piease mem. w m. itr.iuii uii,i,, 12;ls-tf Main Street, Waynesburg, 1'a. RE AT BARGAINS! BOOTS AND SHOES! NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! CUSTOM-MADE WORK! CHEAPER TnAN EVER, AT M. C. A . BELL'S, (SUCCESSORS TO'HAiaTED.) SAYERS' CORNER WAYNESBURO, PA. tiCall and examine, and save money t GOTO M. C. A H. BELL'S FOR BARGAINS 12-,1-iy. GENTS WANTED FOR THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR, its causes, character, conduct and By HON. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. A BOOK FOR ALL SECTIONS AND ALL This great work presents the ontr complete and impartial analysis of the Causes of the war yet published, ami gives those interior lights and shadows of the great eonfl let only known to mane iiixii ouier who waicnea inn noou-iitie of revolution from its fountnln sprlnics, and wnicn were so aecessioie 10 .ir. mepnens irom his position as second nfficerof theConfedoraey. To a public that has ben surfeited with AP PARENTLY SIMILAR PRODUCTION, we promise a change of fare, both agreeable and salutary, and an intellectual treat of the highest order. The Great American War has AT LANT found a historian worthy of its Importance, and at whose hands It will receive that moderate, candid nnd Impartial treatment which truth and Justice so urgently demand. . . . . The Intense desire cverv where manifested to obtain this work, Its Ofticlnl character and rea dy sale, combined with on Increased commis sion, make It the beet subscription book ever published. , One agent In Easton, P., reports 13 subscrib ers in three days. . , One In Boston, Mass. 10S snbacriber In tbnr "cTne in Memphis, Tenn. 106 subscriber, in five nd for Circulars and seo onr terms, and a fnl description ofthe Work, with Pres. notices of advance sheets, Ac. .-, Addrea. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO, . 36, Sooth Seventh St, Philadelphia, pMt .,:.-....' . - gUttattfOUi. JETTER THAN EVER! FROM NEW YORK & PHILADELPHIA THOMAS ERADEN, . , 1 Has Just received Splendid new , , SPRING STOCK OF HARDWARE! To which he invites especial attention. Ills store Is filled with everything in bis line needed by the furmer and mechanic. Being A practical fanner, he knows exactly the wanta of his runner friends. Anions; his variety o eoods will be found iron and Mulls of all kinds, l'lunes of all varieties, Augurs, Braces, Ac Tut-tle-toollied, CroKs-eut and Mill Saws, Iland Saws and Tools uf all descriptions, . - ,.i AGRICULTURAL IMFLEMF-NTS, ( Mowing Machines, Cutting Boxes, Corn Shelters Plows. Cultivators, Suovuls, Forks, and every thing In this line. SADDLERY HARDWARES A general assortment of Saddlery Hardware, to which he Invites tho attention of purchasers. WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDS: Tubs, Buckets, Butter Bowls and all kinds of Kitchen Wooden Hxln's, Willow Baskets, Brooms, Brushes, Coal Buckets, Brass Kettles. Hunuy whips, shot duns, Uoys's Wagons and Sleds. All of which will be sold cheaper than ever for cash i GIVE HIM A CALL SOON. He trill take pleasure. In showing his stock at all times. So give him a call when you come U town. Remember the place. orrosiTE first national bank, WAYNESBURO, TA. f. ap 8,'OS-tf THOMAS BRADEN. MPORTANT TO BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS! WAYNESBURO STEAM PLANING,' MILL. It gives us pi ensure to announce to tho pnblie the completion of this work and the readiness ol the proprietors to RECEIVE ORDERS! AND MAKE CONTRACTS! Tho best improved machinery Is used, l'lan ins, Ploughing and Groovlitg, Rash and Ioor Making, I'amielllnif, Hipping, moulding e.t rapidly and skilfully executed. Muling prices paitl for , AIX KINDS OP LUMBER! Thev am also prepared to do oil kinds of Carpen ter Work, wliri tho utmost promptness, and In tho most KiihstnnMal manner. They respectfully solicit a share nf puhllo pntronagn, nnd Hatter Lheinseivea that they wtl in uu ciisejj uu niiin 10 GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION f All ocdors promptly attended la. JIRADFN, WALTON 4 SAVERS, Wayncahurg, PA OOPPFR AND TINWARE ESTABLISH. MENT IN WAYNESBURO, PA. DON'T THROW MONEY AWAY, BUT USE IT TO BUY CHEAP AND U8EFULST0VES OF W. H. IIELPHENSTINE, They have the handsomest and neatest pattern or COOKING, HEATING. AND PARLOR STOVES I In use. Call and examine the different pstterns before you; purchase olsewhere. They have tlia HOHIJIiALE, for wood or coal, three size.; and the l'erfeftion, for wood, three size.. They are the best .Stoves in use. Don't let the women scold any longer, but get them what they need. They manufacture TIN, COPTER AND SHEET IRON WARE t of all kinds. Everything In onr line will no attended to promptly; send 111 your orders soon, for 1 will sell cheap for cash or country produce SPOUTING AND R0OFINGI done to order on the shortest notice, at the old stand, south of tho Sheriff's Honse, Wayne burg. Pa. W. II. HELPHENBTINii. V.. A. TINKER. H. L. MATTEL, . rjMNKER & MA PEL, ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' FOR THE SALE OF HOGS, CATTLE AND SHEEP, AT TTIEIR OWN YARDS, ' WEST BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. ' ADJOINING MD. LIVE STOCK SCALES, Consignments respectfully solicited. All " munlcatlons promptly answered. Post times Address Box IMP. 7;M-ly. OKOROK. C. STrBBISII, Attorney at Law. - - Jons C. WAOitcn Notary Public s TURGISS fe WAGNER, UNITED STATES CLAIM AND GENERAL COLLECTING AGENTS. -T S-For the adjustment of CLAIMS, of all kind against the United States, such aa PENSIONS, INCREASE OF PENSIONS, BOCW TY, tlvO EXTRA BOUNTY, ... ... . and those of any other elaas eaU on or wrltet to the Military and Naval Agency of 8TURC.ISS A WAGNER, Walnut St., 1 door below Itagntn' corner-1 8;21,'7-ly M0ROLlOWlr,W.VA.. I wforw at I nit. Information guaranteed t Kroduce a Inxnrtant growth of hair npon a WIA ead or beantlew faon, also a netpe lot tha r movai oi nmpiea, motrnea, r.rnntiona, etc., oa Dies. Blotches. Kraft the skin, leavlne- the same soft. dear, and bea tlful, eaa be obtained without charge by a4 drewlna: TH06. F.CHAPMA5,.CHiaT, , r-Jyolul (3 Broadway, if ew tor.-.