None to ArronNBvs. Attorneys will be held responsible lothfr ll.M,ks, Advertising end Job Work, ordered by them and not mi J Turin advauce. Such bills to b collectable on demand. Nw AovaarisKStesTS. The attention of our readers specially directed to me iuiiow lng advertisements, wlileli appear fur the Oral lirue in our paper fo-(IiiT. MrNotlc Tho. A. Rowley. rNotlce Thos. A. Rowley. fj-Iteport of Ihe Grand Jury W. L. Pain Foreman. IfU. 8. Internal Bnvenue A. Ritiiuson. gj-Uvery Stable W. A, A. U. W. Bane. trSheriiTs Biile H. B. Bil veils. ga-Nottre Ursden, Walton A Co. rThe Latest Vet Bayers A Hoskinson. Ooou News. The largest, cheapest and best stock of Dry Goods, Uoots, Bhoes Trim lugs Ac., In the county Is to be found at D. Bhiik's Cheap Store. Call soon. Cxn't bs Bbat The large and fashionable stock of Press Goods for ladies at D. Shirk's cheap store everything In that line cheap er than the cheapest, and more to suleet from. M Excitement. The impeachment excite ment at Washington City Is very Intenso and lias no parallell save that, over tho low prices at EvahsA Minoh.s store. Ekcouraor it. The Union School is said to be doing finely, under lis present efficient corps of teachers. Let parents co operate with the teachers, visit tho school frequently and encourngo both scholars, and teachers. For Baik! A first class No. 2, Empire Bowing Machine i oni) of Orovcsteen's I'iiino fortes, of Ihe best quality, and a scholarship lor a course of instruction in Iron tity t m merclal College. Will bo sold on easy terms For Information enquire at this office. Pockkts Pickki). Wo learn that Joseph Anderson of Beaver, lost a pocketbook at tlic show on Monday, containing money and pa pers of tho Tluo of about eighty dollars. Another gentleman from Ihe country, whose namo we did not learn, lost between fifty and sixty dollars at llu same place. Ikuver Lo cal. Unskasosaiilb. Tuo weather during the past week, has been very unfavoralili) for planting Die fprlna crops. The ground hai been too wet and unless farmers generally have resorted to the expedient of "pl.iuting In tho Moon," the work must be exceedingly backward. Wo believe that astronomers ar gue that there la no water up th-;re : Burial Cows. On Fiiday last a Govern ment train consisting of eight or nine mule teams ladon with baggage, lorago, Collins, Ac. with a fores of about thirty "Contrabands," passed through, this placo from Wheeling en route for Grafton. Tho unexpected appear ance of this sable cavalcadt?, with their strango cargo, created no little surprise and cui'usily. Biiicina. Mrs. Margaret Lincli committed sulcldo on Friday evening last, by throwing herself into the river Just below Eist Liver pool. Bhe was somewhat Intoxicated at the limo. Deceased, together with two small children and her husband, Mr. Owen Lynch, iwcro on their way from Allegheny to Wheel ing. Another victim of Intemperance Deliv er Local. C0HI8dI0NKH3 AWMINTKU. Ill tho Unite! States Circuit Court on hilarity, Ju li M; Candles app lnted P. A. Knox, Kv., of "Waynejburg, Greene C., and John M. D e mand, of Washington, Washington Vx, Uni ted States Commissioners for those Distilcts. ritl. Com. Mr. Knox Is a young Lawyer of prr.mishjj talent and unimpoachaolo character and will make a reliablo an I olll jlent ollbor. He is the right man . MlRRlAOKI TIIK W. VA. PeNITRSTIART. On Tuesday morning, the I'ith last., Mr. John L. Newman (a convict) was married to Miss Lue Adams of Grecno Co., Pa. . Rev, James Alexander cfflciatlng clergyman. Thisls ono of the strings occurrences that happens from time to timo in tho pathway ot our lives. What could posssibly Influence ptrtlesto assuma the marriage lelation under such circumstances, is more than we can un derstand, doubtless, there are rcason3 which they know best themselves Ex. For the RKrcnMCAJ! Equal Rioiits. Sir In a late No. of the Metnngar, I not;ce in a communication from the able pen of a prominent candidate for the Legislature, the following rcmirkablo utlcr ancs : Being a Democrat in principlo as well as in name, I believe in equal rights, and oppose any law or measure that gives one clas of the community au undue advantage over an othor." Query Would It be proper to infer any thing? Or shall we take him at his word? If the lattor, would not his unadulterated Democracy appear somewhat shaky ? "Davb" SThKL, formerly a frco and easy "Devil" of the Republican and who arose by rapid gradations to Its forcmanship, has re cently migrated, with his fathcr.s family, to Oswego, Labett Co , Kas., whero they have purchased lands and begun to build a fortune In a letter to the editor Dave says : "It is about one mile and a half from here to the jumping off place of civilization and about ten miles to the Indian Teritory." A bast 'of f.-iendshereabouts wish you well Dave, but all will entertain anxious forebodings lest your proximity to the "Red Skins" be no joking natter. Has Nature an antidote for acquired dis ease? The Plantation Bitters, prepared by Dr. Drake, of New York, havo no doubt' benefited and cured mora persons of Dyspep sia, Nervousness, Sour Stomach, Loss of Ap petite, Sinking Weakness, General Debility, nd Mental Despondency, than any other article In existence. They ore composed of the purest roots and herbs, carefully prepared, ' to be taken as a tonic and gentle stimulant. They are adapted to any ago or condition of Ufa. and are extensively popular with mothers nd persona of sedan tary habits. Maohoua Wateb. A. delightful toilet arll- ' eles superior to Cologne and at halt the price ' GoKiTOtua CoirVEsmoK. Hon. John C. Flennlken, one of the District Delegates to the Chicago Convention left home on Friday morning last to attend to the duties assigned him. J as. E. Satiu, Esq., EI. of the lie awefisu accompanied him, we presume to see the lights, hear the big guns, take notes and reeocnolter the situation. The eonventlon assembles on Wednesday Um goto. Inst Another very Important fact is that Bayers & Hoskinson are Just receiving mifnifUe-t assortment or spring Summer Qoodt bought during the decline in prices. They cannot be beat for beauty of style and durability. They ere selling them cheep u the Cheapest. Call and w them. Medical Dr. F. Whittlesey of Washington will be at the Hamilton House, Wayneshurg, on Monday and Tuesday, lit and 2nd days of June, where he luvites all persons afflicted with any form of Chronic Disease, to give hi.n a call. Dr. Whittlesey is no traveling Em piric but brings with blin to our place the best test of ability aud skill id bis profession the successful treatment of all forms of Chron ic Diseas.'. For the pant twtlvo years iu Washington his ttalmeut effocliujj cures, In many cases had baffk-d Ihe m.dical skill of all other svstems for years ; his system of Diagnosing Disease by means of the urine, never fails to detect Its nature, locality aud, curability, of this patients tliemstlre will be perfectly satiifldd up in su''mitling to his ex amination j his medicines are all selected from the vegltabl-j kingdom auJ prepired with the greatest c iro by his own handi, nnd sel dom fail to cure; we hope he may do the good for soma of our ButT.-riug ones, that he has done for the afflicted in his home practice. Dr. W. Is permanently located in Wash ington corner of Miina aud Chestnut Bts. whence, he comes highly rcccommcnded as a scientific man and thoroughly educated aud skillful physician. Within Hie past few years he has h id the experloncj of a largo h isplt it practice in Cincinnati! where he wasals) very successful in treatm.'iitof all forms of diseases peculiar to male or female, especially all dis cm-sand weaknesses arising from iudiscretion in youth. Remember that Dr. W. will remain In Wayneshurg only two days. Remember that be will be prepared with medicine to trent iiny case that may be presented. Re member tint Dr. W. will mika an honest ex amination of every cno printed, nnd toll his patients what he thinks of their situation and uol hold out fl ittenng inducement for the hope of lees or reward. Remember the days ofliU visit. Tiio 1st nnd i!ad days of June. Offl-o rooms at the Hamilton House, consul tations free aud strictly confidential. Lonokvitv Oa Fiiday the 8th day of M iv five cltiz.'iis in' lliis county met aeel luntally, on the comer of the strent whoso ag-:s iu tho aguregite amounted exactly to 4UU years, av eraging 80 years each, viz : Alex. McClean, aged 88 yoar3. dpt. J is. Wlialcy, " 83 " Joe. Johnson, Sr., " 77 " N. Jacquetto, " 77 " J. P. SUirgis, " 77 " tlniontotcn Stundiril Siiti.y and I) The demand for goods at Evass A Minor's cheap store has be come so great that they (lad it necessary to procure a new supply every week. Tnis ac counts for their const antly receiving grjdB. The. people havo found out whtra tiiey can get the largest premiums for their casii. Just Oh;nkd. A new nil'1 complete Btock of Hums nnd SIii-oj. fat M. (J. II. Hell a cheap store, Savers' corner, Wayneshurg. Among their stock will be found all the Spring Siyles, direct from the manufacturers, selected by M. C. Bell expressly fir this market. Poi.sos-iso tub Blkssko Air. This is what tho rivals of Pinion's new psrfume, "Flor da Mayo," nro doing with their atrocious com pounds. The Health Commissioners should look to It. It is il.idr duty to abato the ill smelling nuisances. S ld by atl druggists. The reason you should buy your goi li at Fordyee's Juff.'M-m, Grocnu Co., their er.tiro stock was carefully selected with rcfturencc to quality and you are always wire of getting a good article. A Futsu Arrival. Just received from the East another supply of goods, that will bo 81J cheap r than ever, at D. Shirk's cheap store whore every person goes to get good goods cheap Try liiuv FiissKsoF.N, Tuumbci.l & Co., may betray their constituents ami stultify thtir own record but Evans A Minor remain true to thir cus tomers ami centintiu to sell Dry Gooda cheap er than the cheapest. The Qcestion, answered satisfactorily to every bodf who sells the most, bc3t nnd cheapest goods? The public say D. Shirk Give him an early call and save money. A Giikene Cocntt farmer sent to New Voik Monlay, 1,300 pounds of maple sugar, all made within iu tho short space of ten days. Ax, Who was it ? 8ve Time and Linon. By leaving your orderjor coal at the Telegraph Office Prompt delivery iusure J. R A. Satehs. Goon Work. Throe coal minors at Sayers, Bros' Ten Mile Coal Works siucii last fall have dug 43,OOf bush, of coal. VVn.KjNS N's Sheep Shears, a fresh supply, best quality cheap at T. Bra.len's Hardware store. Custom mads Baots, call back and front warranted in every particular, for $0.00, at M. C. & U. Bell s! Window Glass an ! White L;ad of ths very bast quality at Bradcn's Drug Store. Stewart's Champi m salve wholesale and retail by D. W. Braden agent for Grecno Co, Barretts Hair Restorative (best in use) sold at Bradcn's Drug Store. Try it. Use Barretts' Hair Restorative, (best in uso) for sale at O. W. Roberts' Drug Store. Gextlkmen's patent, quarter Oxford tics, at SI. C. & II. Boll's, very cheap for cash I A Ltnoa stock of V ool Twine at T. Bra- den's Hardware store. Wiireliso mils all sizes the best In use For sale at T. Bradcn's Hardware store. Strictly Pure White Lead, sold at G. W. Roberts' Drugstore. Varnishes of all kinds at Q. W. Rob- erts' Dru; Store. Ali of Br Sargent's Family medicines lor sale at Bradcn's Druj store. A LARoa stock of Drugs Just received at Bradcn's Drug store. a rAis Paict, for sale at Q. W. Roberts' Drug Store. Tan, Trlx, Trix, aold at G. W. Roberts' Drug Store. Brushes of all kiuJs for sale at Q. W. Rob erta' Drug Store. . Paints of all kinds dry and In oil for salo by G. V. Roberts. Fbiiii Drugs received every week at G. W. Roberta' Drug Store. F01 good sheep shears and sheep toe clippers go to Fordyce'a. Do tot fkfl to call at D. Shirk's ' Dry Good Stow, 'he 2Sagncsbur0 Tarer's Chimhet Tops and Flues. We have Inspected this patent Improvement upon the old style ch'tnueys and are favorbly Im pressed with Ihelr utility, convenience, dura bility, adaptation and safety. To ageuts Messrs. Bhepards aud Tweedie are about canvassing our county for their introduction. It would be advisable for nil persons to see lor themselves as (hero Is nothing more con vincing than sight. From what a taa wo should think them in liipeiis ible la a house. They nroofddTertntsiZw-s, made of cast Iron The tops are constructed to (It any roof and are warranted as a panacea for smoking chlin- ueys nnd, of course, scolding wives. They do.! not gather soot, wcih nothing iu compaiisoA, with thosu In uso nnd when-once fitted to tho. roof any man can run flues through his whole house in au hour, suitable for any sized gratu or stovepipe. Draft can be regulated. They are both useful and ornamental and should adorn the bousa of every liva man In the county. Mr. C W. Biwer, of tho ''Eagle Foundery" In this place, Is tho agent for their construct! n, and will bo pleased to givo par ticulars to nil who may call on bitn SMITH At h-r tcsidence ht Oak Forest this countv. on Saturda' last, of Consumption, Mrs. Sarah Smith, widow of Sylvanus Smith dee'd. ENOCH At bis leslddire in Wayneshurg, cm Saturday I ist, of Dropsy, Mr. Amos Enoch, ajed about 50 years. The subject of tills notice h ib been a citizen of this place nearly nil his lifu and whs an in dustrious, uptight aud useful man. lie has beeiva member of tho Cumberland Preshytc rean Church for a number of years, and died iu the bright Iio.m) ot a blissful Immortality. He was taken to Washington county, to bo buried beside ills wife, who preceded him to the grave. He had no children. Ills career is closed nueaith His only representatives are his deeds. JWarUttu. WAYNMni'ltO .ttAitur.T. Wav.neshuro. May 1, 1809. Corroetod Weekly for tho IlEPunncAN. PRODUCE. Huttnr (fresh roll,) fib.. Ivj1 1 do. Potatoes fl bush I.ard lb Tallow V lb Country Soup tb ljrled Apples V 25 15 ..1 6032 W l)s Of n.our. A.N'D GRAIN. Flour V Mil 13 W wi...ut I. null 'i VI llye V busli 1 lol 20 Corn b Corn Mei bush.. 10 ul V bush ... 1 10 OIlOCEniES). Cnm 9 v man Ton Ib . 1 80 Brown sim:ir l tb Hcllne'l uar fi lb syrupy hiiI MoJusHi'S ' N. Orleans,) sorghum II ixal Halt r1 bhl fricoV lb 10 20 00 1 20 60 8 2 ') 16 riTTsarittiu Mtnunrs. SATunnAY, May 10, 136S. Tho ueneral markets havo been miner quint during the past we. k ami devoid of excitement, and wlillo the tendency uenernlly has bnou to ward lower prices, there iuivo been no remark able changes, ono way or Ihe other. . Wu quote as iolloiv.s, whloli ar.) tho wholesale prices : flltMV .ND I-TjOUR. Wheat, Penn'a. iindOiilo, Wlntor lied S2 0)2 70 Urn V bush ,2 0) Daisy, bush 80n.9..e Corn a hosb lOlmln.i Sprinn Wlicat Flour I0 7.MSUM Winter Wheat 12 00liiW l'ltuvisiu.s. Mhouldors Siiaar Cured Hams , - Potatoes, f bilih Apples l hlil , 2 to 2le iwgi,.v. 0,0.) ui7,iK) ljj.riiu "10 33510 7 0J 2 75 2 6) I 'heese Km doz Duller BEED3. Clover Reed Timothy Heed Flux Seed pex.v. t x. rr. vi. ktock yards. PiTTsBrnon, May 14, 158S. There were somo few sates during tho past week. Btock eattlo arc in fair demand at to Oe, though really good stoekers cannot he brought hero and sold much below CJe. Prime fat steers, sultinble for retailing; In the Eastern markets, may bo quoted at 0 to Ot'e, HiiKEPN'otwllhstaudlng the arrivals of. Sheep were unusually largo this week, tho market was remarkably netlvo un I firm, nnd If any thing, prices ruled higher. Quotations maybe fairly given at 5," io 7J for common to primo heavy fat 8heep; ono drove of 'scalawags' sold at.l'i Hoos Tho hog market has been moderately active this week, tho demand being fully up to the supply, though compared with last week, prices are n shade lower. Light averages, such as nro usually bought for Now York, are off from a i to . Prlmo heavy averages, such as arc bought for Philadelphia rcurkct are also a shade lnu-nr, the bulk of the sales ranging from 9?4 to Vii. nccordfng to quality and condition one bunch of extra brought 10 40. v, BALl'inolli: MARKET. BAt.TntonE, May 10. Wheat dull. Corn dull; whllo SI Lull hi; yellow HI 21. Oats steady; wostcrn 33c. Flour and Provisions unchanged. B E.VUTIFUL DISPLAY I DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, CA8SIMER3, &e EVANS' ESTABLISHMENT. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT EVERYTHING IN THE "LINE I Wishing to closn out for the Fall trade, he of fers hts goods at astonishing low rates for cash. The stock Is as late as the latest and the best In mnrKot. Mlnor'sBulldlng, opposite the Greene Ilnrwe. V.I-OIU Ij. K. IVA.19, DMLSISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters ofadmlnlstratlon having been granted iw v."i Mii'iniBiiit:.! viii tuo ninm ui jesse nino hart (of John,) dee'd, late of Cumberland lowu- b,i,w. wu.,.., . iiuiiva u uerouy given to all persons Indebted to said estate to make Immediate payment, and those bavins olaims 4fUinsb 1 1 1 a n. 1 1 1 o m ireat uivn UU1J aUloall' tliaial Cor settlement. UKIAHRISEHART. HIRAM RmEHAItT,J'A,mW p JVV cpitbticcmSctlncstlaji, Tlag 50,-1808. grgnt flrrrttef merit. TOTICK TO TUB TAX PAYEU3 OF JM GUEENE COUNTY. horeliy Mlves notice that in pursuance of the Act of Assembly ul the Mi ol Muy, lie will meet thesvveritl tlx payers ui um buiu eouiliy, in their several townships and liorouii lis at llienald ulueus and tlim-s liereinutt'T stieuuli'd, between i l.i. hours of 0 o'clock A. M. and oo'eloeki". M. of each duy. for the purpose of collecting and re ceiving atuio mm couniy inses lur me year loos. FIIIHT WI3EK. Morgan township, Mouday, June 13, at the house ..r MurL'iill tlell. Jell'iirsuii township, Tuesday, June 19, at ths House ol v in. iveny. CuiiiIi rlHii-l township and Carnilchaels Bo rough, wcuiiesciiiy ano i nursaay, June iin niil Islh at the house ot Henry Jeiinlims. MoiiudkuIihIh township. F riday, Juuo la at the house of Win. Mestrezntt. Qreenu township. Haturday, June 20, at the ttl lue uuushiii u. r. iunt-y. hKt'OND WEEK. Whltely township, Monduy, June 22, at the hour.e of Uilnmn Itiekmaii. Ouukard towushlp. Tuesday, June 23, at the house ol Ueorije liowurd, Tuylortoiu. Perry lownslilp, Wednesday, June 21, al the house of William I'hilllps, Ml. Morris. Wayne township, Thursduy, June 26, at the house of lleziu Col vert. Olliiioru township. Julie 20, at tho house of E- Jienuen, Jolloyhiwu. Jaei'suii township, Siiturday, June 97, at the nuusu ol jesse iviueneii. TIIIKIJ WEEK. Centre township, Monday, June 20, at the house of Kinetiart Church. RotterHvllle. Sprliuthlll township. June 30 at the house of rerren, r reepuri. Aleppo township, We1nesday, July 1, at the liouso OI AllKUSlUB .sillier. Itlclililtl townsliip.Tliuraduy and Friday, July 21 and 8il. at the houso of M. Moulger, Jacksonville. FOURTH WEEK. Morris township, Monday, July 6, at the house of A. .1. liurluT. Wushliiuton township, Tuesday July 7, at the house ot Clinton Lewis. Franklin township, Wednesday, July 8, at the house of Mintlli Green. Marlon townshl p, Thursday May 9, at theTreaa urur's olUee In Wayneshurg. A UN Kit M. BAILEY, May 11, '08-4t Treasurer. LIST OF Oil AND JUHOHS DHAWN FOR JUNE TEUM, 18U8. William Fonner Morris tp. Jesse Carpenter Center John U. Uinsinore lllehlilll " uiiiK l lams Cenlro .loeuli K, Klehey Cumberland" luivldcriiyno Moruan ' Handlord Iliillinuu Hurmhlll " Andrew Wilson Jfiitlon " I. C. Hell Moruan lluiulltoii l'eiin 11. H. While Itenitimin Evans lti'sln Iteynor Uenuls Ihiiis T. 1'. Mitchell llenjiiiiiili ltlnehiirt Ueurue l.euilcy John H. Kleiinllieli... lnhrtun luiruett.... H. C. Orr Ileden Ilebout H, A. Huston Morris ' Hprinillilll " Hprlimhtl! ' Cumberland" Morris " Marlon " , Oreene " Whltely " Cumberland" Morris " Mornun " .......Morris " ltlclinlll " UeorKe Uutiinan ..Wushlimton' JuremiaU Davidson Cumberland" LIST OF PETIT JURORS DRAWN FOR JUNE TERM, I88. Irnd Garrison Dankard tp Asby 1. Uonley H. II. Arnett John Webster Jacob Hush, Esq ..... Christopher John.'. Perry Cannlchaols Centre tp. Jellerson " Whltelv " 1.. u. v nnvorius .....Uunkard Pierson Morris - Ollmore Aziiriuh l-.vons AlewM) " E. II Hal ley Cumberland" Kiunels Drake Klchhill Jacob TiiNlIn Wayne " Wm. Iniihram Franklin John Harnes Whitely Win. filinpson Morris " Cephas Cury Washington" a. J. Khrlv.Tr Whltely " Jesse Hiinnell Morion " ( apt John Scott Jackson " Samuel Woods Centra Stephen Day Morris David I'. Hell Morgan Isaac Kinney Ollmore " Peter Ulloin Aleppo " Dennis Jacobs Illohhlll A. M. Rickey Cnrmlchaels" n- Me Ulster Cnrmlchaels" T. M. Taylor... Washington" H. I' . Campboll, t Jiarion James W. Hays Uichhlll Jas. E. Havers Marion Jesse Wells Ulehblll John Fuller Wayne John Hhaue Wayne HuKh Montgomery, Jr Morgan R ibort ( .uthors . Jaekson Ell Titus Dunkard Wm. MeCluro Dunkard Joseph Keener Dunkard John I. Worlcy Waynos May l l-to 1ST OF CAUSE3 FOR TRIAL AT JUNE TERM, lJi.8. Lnntr. John vs Elijah Morris, et al, No. 104, June term, lo-w. rirantct al vs Kent No. 100 March term, 1800. Morris vs Lucas. No. 71. June term. lseJ. Tanner vs Hughes a Klucaid, No. 7 i, Juno term, IwiU Everha'rt vs Stephenson, No. 83, March torm, IM. . South 4 Knotts vs Long, No. 62, December term 1S05. Cornwell vs Wilson; No, 12', Dec. term, 1S03. Tnylor vs Imley. No. 7", March term, 1300. Oordon vs shrlvor, No. no, .March torm, 1310. Llndsey's Kxecutors vs sayers, "o. io, jiarcu term, 1300. IIuss I). A. ct al vs Stephens, No. 131, March term. lsM. Sllveus vs Martin, No. 70, Juno term, 1300. Lunlz tt. w. vs Mhieius j. u. et ai, no. 112, june term, 1300. Rhodes vs Messcr et al. No. W, Juno term, 1900. Hook vs Odenhailgh, No 211, June term IHB0. tlornniiKO vs rieogo, 10. ou, isepi K-rin, iw. Waters vs Davidson, No. 100, (September term. ls. Minor's Administrators vs Oapon, No SO Decem ber ti.rn). !"tlil. Johns vs's Administrators, No. 113, Doc. term. IVrtl. I.eet vs llumilton. No. 50, March torm, 1307. Williams vs C'leaveniret. No. 70. Juno term. 1867. Colver ctal vs Kulley & Kolley, No. 81, June lerm, l-'ll . MoCormack vs Sllveus, No. Ill, Juno term, 1817. Mtlllwell vs Thompson, No. HI. June term, l30i. l.einlny vs Mlephens, ,-so. i 17, June term, isef. Maplo'vs Cleavenger, No. 40, Sept. term, 1303. MeK'ean vs Hewitt i Gray, No. 69, Sept. torm, 13i7. Porter vs Greene Co. Ambor G II Co., No. 87, Sept. term. It'iT. Woods vs Black, No. 31, April torm, 1S08. 1PLE, Prothonotary. 5Ioy 13-to I EGISTER'8 NOTICE. Li Jfollce Is horobv ilvcn to all creditors, lcgn- toes, wards nnd other persons Interested, that tho underslaned Kxocutors. Administrators una Oiinnllnns havo Died their accounts In tho Keg Ister's Ollke, nnd that the Same will be presen ted to the Orphan's Court to be held within and for tho county of Greene, on Wednesday, Juno 10, 1S08, for conllrmntlon and nllnwnncc. PETKit imuwiN, itegister. Final account or John Hunt, Administrator of the estate of Henry Krister, dee d. Account of Q. W. John, Guardian of V. L. Evans minor son of Alfred Evans, deceased. Account of P. A. Kuox, Administrator upon the estate of busannah Uceler, dee'd. Account of Johnson WycholT and Lot L. lllch. Executors of tho will of David Rich, dee'd. May 13-tc T ICE. Tho Commissioners of Greono County will receive sealed proposals tip to the 1st of June next, for the repairing of the Four Mile Bridge near Jacob Rinehort's, in Franklin township, In the following manner: Tho four Mom Posts that the arch rests upon to be spliced with pine timber, said splices to bo six lect long; a new floor of two Inch oak plank to bo put therein, and to lie new rooledwllh good oak shingles; tho contract to be let to the lowest and best bid der. ELIA SCOTT, 1 J. M.MOKKIM. ICom'rs. ISAAC J. HUPP. J May Mt N 0 T 1 C E. A meetlngof the Commissioners appointed by Act of Assembly for the purpose ol organizing an Insurance Company, will be held at the ex change Hank In Waynesburg. on the aisl day of aiay, next, rroposcu capital jj-yiw. J. r. TEMPLE. JACOU YAJJl 8IMU.N KI5KMAKI, JOHN MUNNKL, J.A.J. BITCH ANAN. JOHN C. FI.ENNIKENj DH.D.W.GUAY, MayJ-M JOHV CLAYTON, JOHN UUWI'J.'Jl, AAItON SHELBY, JOHN L-WOItLEY, DIUJ. SHItlVEK, Commissioners. JXEOUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters teetamontary having been granted to tho undersigned on the estate of W"l'n Evans, late of Monongahela township, Greene county, dee'd., nollce Is hereby given to all per sons Indebted to said estate to make Immediate payment and those having claims against tne same to present them duly authenticated lor settlement. JAi'OB HEWirr, FRANKLIN BEATON, May U-tt Executors. TTST ThannnAl mMllna nf tbn members of th6 Greene county Agricultural and Manufacturing Society will be bald In Cnrmlchaels, May 30, lijtH, for the purpose of electing oflloeri and man agers for the ensuing jtt. B. CREE, Press. O. W. Deogherty, Scy. Kay lt-n itlothing. B LOW-UP Oil THE MONOUGAFJELAI STEAMERS EICTOR AND FAYETTE I IN THEIR GREAT RACK TO SECURE THE IMMENSE CAROO OF CLOTIIINO! CF N. CLARK & SON Which has Just been secured anil SAVED FROM THE WRECK ! Tho Largest, Cheapest and Beat Selection of READY-MADE CLOTI1TNG, GENTLEMEN'9 FURNISHING GOODS I II ATS AND CAP6I Will be found at N. CLARK ft SON'S, FULL SUIT AT $6 00! That tr good nuUrlal nd wsrraaUd to wmt WM1. GOOD OA33IMERE SUITS FOR $11 80. Good Pants as low as 41 it and $1 76. We ask nothing for showing goods. Come and see us; we like to show guods. OUR PRICE3 CANNOT BE BEAT I ap IS, 63 HOYI ALOFTI STAND BY, ALL! TO SEE THE GRAND OPENING OF SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING JUST RECEIVED BY A. J. SOWERS DRESS SUITS AND BUSINESS SUITS, Beautiful assortment of Cloths, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, SHIRTS READY-MADE, New Styles for Gent's Neck Dress Bearft, Fine French Figured Percale Shirts, Collars 4 Cutta. THE DECLINE IN PRICES enables him to sell at fabulous low rales. Fall suits of excel lent texture, can be had at ono half former cost. Coma and got tho best while It Is going. WONT BE UNDERSOLD IN WATNESBURO ROOM IN ALLISON'S BUILDING, OPPOSITE TUE COUHT HOUSE, ap I5,'6S-3m. pUBUC NOTICE. As the firm of HUGHES A LUCAS la dissolved by mutual consent, the Commission business will still be carried on at the old stand. In sood order, and on the most reasonable terms, In the name and style of L. I1UOUE8 & CO., (senior partner.) They flatter themselves, by having the House and the best location In the place for thatbualness, that they will KXCXIVX a liberal share of the public patronage. They will also keep a good au UDDI ply of GROCER. IE.S on band to acoommbdate ail who may favor thorn with a Mil. L. HUGHES A CO., Rice's Landing, Pa. 4;10-tt Josts BusEn..... ..a.TBoxas Lucas. T. LUCAS 4 CO. toiwAseno asd eomiwOT aruesuirn. aalan Is Oraoarlea. Sardirara. Leather. Hhos Flndingt, Iron, Nails, BaJ t, Flao, ko. Also, agenta for Aubrey, Cromlow A Ooob1 window Been. A snpply kept constantly on heads. Rice s Lending, ra., aoove toe svf. -,. . gry (Sods. NOTnER EXCITEMENT I IH. PRICE ASSASSINATED J FRANK 3I GURGAN THE ASSAS81N I ;. TUE DEED WAS DONE IN THE ROOM OPPOSITE THE GREENE HOUSE, WAYNE3BURO, PA. lie bu Just received and Is now offering for sals at ins lowest prices, me nncsi stoca 01 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Ever before offerm! In thli market, eonntatln j to pari, oi spring aa summer Liouiing FOR MEN AND BOY I A very ltuge itook that oannot beexeeUd ; also, LADIE GOOD e ! I. u. t vi cat i niuua, L-uuniauiig in 'nrb, ui I'ow ivrcaa irimiujiiRii, luuuom-every winin ana maue; eauua anu nuts, mieai aiyies; TRIMMINGS AND BUTTONS I Saeh. Bonnet. Nck and Trlraminai Ribbons iu-ei rtmi point, Appiiue anu vain(ii. rlHndkerchlcra ijEce. Embroidered. II em- atllcUedantlJr'lalii. Hamburg work a fine aa- ortroent. JEWELRY. A large awortment of Kid Olovea first quality LADIES' HAT3, bTRAW HATS, Donuota and Bonnet Framna; Bonnet orna tnenta and Uowers, both French and American; toKOther with any and all articles In tie bv In- dies. Auk for nnythlnu you want awl we can supply you. Also a flno assortment of CARPETS AND WALL PAPER of various kinds and patterns, all of which will o sow cnoap as ine encapeu. llrlS-tr. FltANK Mc-OUROAN. MURD K Kl "ovu tu Lirr.' Majority of thoee who rend newspapers, never rrtn glva a hasty gianceat a business advertise ment and If a MAN Aotnally has a choice variety of goods which he Is selling at the VERY LOWEST prices that oan be afforded, It hardly pays him to publish tht fact. Therefore wo have FOUND It best to simply Invite everybody to call and examine ourstock and prices before purchasing leewhere, and say but little In regard to our ability and determination to maka R advanta geous 10 moio wno are not DEAD Tothslr own Interest tobuy their Candles, Nats Ralsons, Groceries and everything IN ThsGroceryllneo. H. A.RInehart InLedwIlh's old building, opposite the publlosquare, WAYNESBURO. A FR;E SH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED AND l FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST PRICES, 10:30-tf. EADAND KNOW- QUICK BALES AND SHORT PROFITS I IMMENSE STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Constantly arriving at the Store of JOHN MUNNELL, . WAYNESBURO, PA. Consisting, In part, of ROCF.RIE CONFECTION ARIES, TOBACCO, BEUARS, SNUFF. CRACKERS, CHEEsfe, MOLASSES, CARBON OIL, FISH, BACON, At., Ac, Ac, In addition to the above, a full stock of NOTIONS, HARDWARE, 8PECTACLE3, POCKET KNIVES aad thousands of other articles, which are b Ing sold as low a the TIMES WILL PERMIT! COME AND BUY. JOHN J1UNNE1X. l:13tf. G1 FT 8 FOR THE MILLION A HUGE STOCK BOUGHT EXPRESSLY FOR THE" FESTIVE DAia AU1.AU, si I 3 A A 0 HOOPER'S OBOOMT AND COSFgCtlONERT 1 Mr. nooper would still have his friends and pat rons bear In mind, that he continue in the Gro cery and Confectionery trade at his usual place of doing business, and that he has Just received A FRESH SUPPLY of the beet quality of all articles In his line. TOYS NOTIONS, and a great variety of useful article always on head. , REFRESHMENTS. In connection wltb the a bore, Mr. Hoopfr keeps Restaurant, where DELICIOUS OYSTERS! With all the 'et otroeV ar served at reason- able rates. Th most attractive and most popular resort In town. ou UctS-ly, INB CARD AND BILL-WORK! ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED I . Oa tb shortest not toe, at this Offlo. Jflfefeltowflt. fJIIIE UNION PAC1KI0 RAILROAD COMPANY . OFFER A LIMITED AMOUNT OF. THEIR FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS ' AT PAR, PAYABLE IN GOLD. The Great Paolflo Railroad Line, extending 1731 miles from Omaha, on tho Missouri river, to tbe tide-waters of the Paeina Ocean, Is being built by two powerful Companies The Umion Pacific, beginning at Omaha, building West, and the Central Pacific of California, beginning at Sacramento, bnlldlng East, until the two roads shall meet. Both Companies have prosecuted the work wltb great vigor, tho Union Faclfto having al ready expended over . . . THIUTY MILLION DOLLARS, ' and the Central over Twshty Million, upon their respective parts of the undertaking. The Union Paclflo have completed Sat miles have ron and other materials for two hundred mile mora upon the ground, and one hundred addi tional miles are ready for the track. They will have a much larger force employed this year than ever before, and It Is expected that bolweon 600 AND 00 MILES will be In operation during IMS. Thuru seems to be no reasonablo doubt that the distance) be tween Oranha and Uncrameutu will be traversed bv rail In 1870. THE GOVERNMENT GRANTS U,10 acre of land, and Its Bonds to tire average amount of $24,000 per mile, to aid In the construction of the Hue, and authorises tho Issue of tho first mort gage Bonds now offered for sale, to the same amount nnd no more. The Government take a second Hen, and glvos to the First Mortgage Bond-holders a prior Hen for tholr aoourliy, to which a large paid-up capital Is added. The Bonds cannot be Issued except as each section of twenty mile Is aoceptod by Government commission, so that they always reproaant a real proporty. It la unlveral!y admitted that on the com plotlonof tho Union PaoiOo Railroad, Its through business will make It ono of the most profitable In tho world hut Us way or local business Is already several times the Interest on Its bonds; so that, If not another mile wero built, they would bo a snenrn Investment. THE NET EARNINGS for eight months of last year on an avcragoofU'ia miles are officially roportod at 11,009,130, while tho Interest on all the Bonds It could Isatio on that length of road for Unit time, reduced tu currency, was only $345 550, Tlie amount paid by the Government for the transportation of troops, munitions, stores and malls has been, nnd donbtles will continue to be much more than the Intercut on the United State Seoond Mortgage llomls. Jf It Is not, tbe charter provide that after the-road Is comple ted, and nntll said bonds and Internet are paid, at least five per eent. of the net earning of the road shall bo applied to such payment. The Union Pacltlo Dond are for I1,0S each and have coupons attached. They have thirty year to run, and bear annual Inter est, payable on the first days of January and July at the Company's Office In the City of New York, at the rate of six per cent. In gold. Tlie Principal 1 puyabk In gold at maturity. At the present rate of gold, theso bonds pay an an nual Income on their cost of NEARLY NINE PER CENT. AND IT IH RELIEVED THAT THEY WILL HOOU HE AT A PREMIUM. The Company have but a very limited supply of tholr Jlonds remaining on hand, bntany sub scriptions accepted to a greater amount tnait can be flllpd from Bonds now In the Company's possosslon, will be supplied from me new Bonds to bo leaned on that portion or tne roaa completed In the Spring, In the order In whloh they are rocelved. The Company reserve tho right to advance the price of tholr bonds to a rata above par at any time, and will not fill any orders or receive any subscriptions on which the money ha not been actually paid at the Company's offlo be fore tho tlrno of such advance. Parties subscribing will remit the par value of the bonds and the accrued Interest In currency' at the rate of six per cent, por annum, from the dato on which the last coupon was paid. Sub- crlptlons will be received In wayneshurg, ra., BY THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. In New York AT THE COMPANY'S OFFICE, 70 Nassau St. and by JOHN J.CISCO SON, Bankeri,tVa:i8t. And by the Company's Advertising Agent throughout the United states. Romlttences should be had in drafts or other funds par In Now York, and the Bonds will be sont tree of charge by roturn express. Parties subscribing through local gents, win look to them for their safe dcllvory. A PAMPHLET AND MAP for WB ha Just been publiihcd by tho Company, giving fuller Information than 1 posslbl In an advortlse- mcnt.respectlngthe progress of the work, tn resources of the country traversed by the Road, the means for construction, and the value of the bonds, which will be sont free on application at at the Company's offices or to any of the adver tised agents. JOHN J. CI3CO, Treasurer, wew Xork. ap 29,'G8-3m fJIIIE WORLD RENOWNED 8 I jN lr U K BEWINO MACHINE. our new fa"m!ly machine, Ha been over two years In preparation, and which hesbeen brouhtto perfection regardlea of tlft.e, iubor or expense, and is now conndent- ly presented totnepiaaaic a irrcomparaoiy we best Hewing Machine In existence. The Machine Inqrtestlon la simple, eompaet, SiimhiAflnd htiiitifnl. It la aulet. Hunt running: and capable of performing a raign and variety ot work never 'k never ncrore aiiempteo, upon a nnnw ne uJnt either 811k. Twist, Linen or Cot- fore attempted upon a single Machine ulna either 811k. Twist, Linen or Cot- ten Thread, and xeWlng with equal facility the very finest and oosrjst materials, and anything: between the two extreme, In the most beautiful and substantial manner. lis attachment tor Hemming, Braiding, Cording, Tucking, Quilt ing, Felling, Trimming. Binding, etc, are Novel and Practical, and have been Invented and ad justed especially for this Machine. New design of the unique, useful and popular folding tops and cabinet casee peculiar to tb Machines manufactured by thl Company bav been prepared lor enclosing the now Machine. These are gotten up In every variety of wood, such as Black Wulnnt. Mahogany, Rosewood, and the like, and from the plainest to th moot elaborate pattern and finish the Machine thomselvcs being more or lees highly ornament ed, to correspond with the Tabic or Cabinet for which they are Intended. A few reasons srhv SINGER'S latest lmpror ed SEWING MACHINES are the best for Fam ily and Oeneral Purposes. 1st You can sew anything from the finest sin rle thickness of Swiss or Nansook to several thicknesses of the heaviest Beaver cloth, using any kind or size of thread wltb equal facility. from O. 2JU V.UIUJU up Ul Ul uvmvtcab miUk or Linen thread. . It uses fl 3d. It uses a short, straight "needle, easily set. and makes the popular Loci CKC Stlteb alike on both. sides. 9.1 rt. ham an even self-adfnstln tension which rennirea no change t.t different thicknesses ot material or diflVrentslws of thread. 4th. It la free from all springs, wires and other complications, and 1 almoet ndaeleaa. 6th. No thread to hold or wheal to turn In ttfrtrag. ,t , etn. it aoes not ave iu ue aeu apart to ou and clean it, Tth. It has a perfect feed whereby too eaa sew the finest materials without having to keep your work stretched to prevent It "puckering;1' and you newer have to aeslst tb work through a In all other machines. 8th. It win hem any width, ew a straight seam, or make a ell In tbe most perfect manner, with leas skill than 1 required to sw a straight seam on any other mecutn. It attaenmems Kir Braiuin. uoraing, Qnnt lna. Binding. Tucklne. Ac are novel and nrao- tlcal, and requira but little aklll to use them. Careful Instructions given at th bona of th purchaser. jLnnvy ranwin u wf msnniliw Bf sol M represented. Et Terr machine warranted and knt In ranali' tare years without charge. . ; n. r. u.ivarnEn, Agent tor Oresn i.'onntr. Warnasbnrt, r. H-tf. moval of Pimples, Blotch, Eruption, etc, ass the skin, leaving th m soft, !ar, aad be Ural, can be obtained without chanj fey ed- dreaalng THO. F. CHAPMAN, CBnrnrr, iau ITChfl ..Ti-iyens-.i wm Broevrwey, few Totk.