Noticb to Attorneys. Attorneys will We held responsible tor Prtiler BootU.'AdveftlKlinr and Job Vork,orileiediiy them nnd not paid for In advance. Bui-li bills to bo collectable oil demand. "AdvubVisemekm. Tlio'nttcutlori' of our roarlers is specially directed tu the fullow Inigatlvortisements, which appear fur the first time in our paper to-day. twNottcc fount? Commissioners. Kotice J. F. Temple, and others. -. t . Wi will eepd the Kcpciilicam to any ad dress, until after the Residential' election fur one dolUrv- ' . r . --, - Odd Fkllowsiiip. The Grand Lodge of the 8tato, of Pennsylvania. L O. 0. F., will Wild its annual session at Pittsburg, on M iy 19th. . ' Ir any one wants to know how popular seusations are crea.te.ij, let him reflect upon the fact that tha theatres of New York expended tnore than 3.o,non in advertising last year. Wet. The lateness of real Spring weather put our farmers back iu sowing outs and pre paring: Ibr corn. The trees are slow to put firth and unless (he everlasting rain cca? es to fall soon every thing will bo wtttnloed nnd at a stand stilL ilBMOVAB. The Office ofthe "Printers Cir cular" and Printers'' Furnishing Warehouse formorly loeated at 31 Hu l-wn Slrc, his been Remove 1 to 515 Minor Street. Address Ml orders for maturiil to It. 3. Mtnamtn, M5 Minor Street, PhilailclpUl i, Penna. C.iMTiit-sirtAXS The Knights of tills Order were out last Monday iiiiilit in force, rctnliu ; I.A At. M-til. 1. 1. A... I ......I.... 41... ' r.,rc mi nun iiiooim uoiiea miu louring mu sleeping populace from quiet dreams. lhy will get the, circus fever occasionally. II -Ta-afler we hopo it will c. inline th.-ni to their UeJs. , Tiirt "lVm.i: Snnir," his enteral upm Its third volu na with every evi lencj of pros perity, Its c ilunias bearing full assurance of renewed ztal and cnterprisa. It is thoroug'ily American, hiving the very best of our home literature. PuMislml at 37 Park Hjiv, New York, $1,00 per annum. If not Omk, tub Oi iikr. Tiio new Coll 'ire nt Jefferson is not c imiileted but tin largo nnd aplcndiil stock of Spring and Sa n n ;r g in Is Just receive 1 by Fordyce nnd Son, at II. II. Llmlsey's old room is. In white and dress goods you cannot fin I a b-tlcr slock in the county, all at the lowest cash prices. Tiif. I'i m.ic's Hi 'jiiii e Skuvint. Whatever you want In Dry (roods, Notions, Carpets, Wall Paper, etc , you Hill find at Fiaok M.j Gurgan's. Wh it you can t find lie will send for. Low prices have won for him the dis tinction so 11 altering of Billing more goods than any man iu town, (luiher won't be lieve it, tm! it is so. An Old Coin A coin wis shown us in Monday that was spaded up in n giidenln llllr town from llhoilt ir iut ltclow liie uitrfwe beating date 1 7lo, which wnul I mnku it 122 vcarsol.l. The characters were somewhat dimmed by rut. It was of SpanWi desK'ti nnd about the value of an English shiliin-r. Kkw Piitxi ii'Ai.. We arc Informed thai Mr, James Itinehiit, of i;iir lUion.'h takes charge olthe Lnion School Ihe present term, in place of J. Jackson Punivin, who, we be-! lieve, aspires to a profess irshio in Ihe Hip list (,'ollege about to he bui'it at Jellersou. Both ore coiupi tent educators and thu former unites a vast deal o( practice to cltl iency. The sch ) 1 opens with a lsrre attend ancr MvoNiKi. ENr Disnr.i.E'ir. 1):. E, T.Cooper, (we learn front tin Monoin iln l i H-pi'ilu-in.) has just finished A distillery, which cost Twenty -fire thotiM 1 or m ire, iV.intin ' :i ) tiret on the river, runni.ig ."-' I'.'et luck built of ltkl c dore 1 sill sti with a cipiiiyof 100 ImsheU psr day. Too li tn!,lkm Ins al most a column graphic illy desrililng it, with o lea li ig e lit oriil in den'mnhtim ot'tliaas fMirlion that tin Go id order "is a failme." Rr.otsTnvrioN Commissioni.iis We nolico by our Pennsylvania exchanges, that the Re corders in the different counties are receiving commissions for Registration Commissioners, win are being sworn in preparatory to enter ing on Ihe discharge ot their important duties. Thowoik of making a registry of Ihe voters of Pennsylvania, having never been done ba foro, will require the most reliV le and elll ciont men in each county, nn.l we trust only such will be recommended an I appointed, "Tiir Rkvolition.' Wo have on our table a copy of this Journ.vl edited by E. C.uly Stanton and Parker Pillstmry in the interest of womankind ccncrally. The paper is conduc ted with evident abilty and being neutral in polities as In gender must ntlract some atten tion. Emphatically a "woman -righter" we commend it to the "oppressed " in years of this section hoping they may find in it all that Ponce de Leon hoped for in his mythical foitn tain. Terms $.'.00 a year. Address, :(7 Park Row N. Y., Room 17. A Splendid Poccment. Tho new nnd beautifully illustrated Quarto Circular, issued . by tho proprietors of tha Iron City College, is the finest thing of the kind ever produced. It is elegantly printed on the finest of paper, and in addition to a complete outline of the sys-. temof Practical Education there so success fully pursued, it contains accurate views of the City of Pittsburgli; together with sewral epecimens of Prof. Cowley's P.cmium Pen manship, bojh plain and ornamental. Copies of this Circular can be obtained free, by ad dressing the Principals, Smith & Cowley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Cocscil Meetiso. At a late meeting of ths town council two ill ousand dollars was levi ed as sufficient to pay off the Bounty tax of the Borough. The by-laws were amended to a'Jow the Council to select one of their num ber as Burgess, in case ot absence, resigna tion or other inability of locumlienL Mr. W. E. Gapco, Who removed from the Borough west, tendered his resignation which was ac cepted, the choice of Ihe Council rcstinguiion Mr. Jno, Munnell as his successor. Jso. Monnkli, Bulge. . B. "Foxy" Flennikcn, Soc'y. Ltva Mm. We learn that Sam i. Dunlap and Harry Maple, of the farm of Tinker & Maple, who are .doing a commission business in Baltimore in the sale of live stock, have lately purchased of (tie devisees of Francu Blackihirj, dee d, tome 200 acres of land in this county, north of Greensboro, and near the Moiwngabela river. , These enterprising men are awakening to the new railroad pro ject and are fully aware of the value of time in celling to market with stock, produce, etc. We TeBture" there -wUl be a lively scramble fo( lands in the lower end when the people bacwae tamai ItMUlte tailroai must be. List op Lktieks Remaining in the Tost bfflce at Wayri'shurg, Pa., May 4, 1868. A Miss Annie M, Ackiin, Joseph Adam ion, William 0 Alton, Kate 8. Adamson.' D-William Blair, 8. P. Bayard., Slary Dradlord, Miss Sarah Br:ul Tor d, , Airs. Llz2le Bell, Million Bi'by, C. J. Burk. C-James Call, C. II. Campbell , T. M. Carroll, Jm 1L Carter, E. CUalfunt, Annla Cy.hers, J. B. Creighton, James Cage. D-Josep't Davit, P. M. Day, Miss Fliebe Doud. ' ' F--,?o. Fry. Win. C. Fry, J. 8. Foltz, Johh K VingoTjaae Fox, Eiq. ' G Qerscr, Price A Co. 2, Allred Gray, Miss SudoUjrdon. '8ah 'GiUtid, Esq., Henry Grimes. Sr., John Orovo, Sr. It-Mrs. Sinn. A. Hughs, Miss Mell Har ford, William Iteaton 3, Kamviel M. Harpe, Mary Klleu Hunt, Mrs Hannah Hartley, Muiiu Uudlua, T. I Thos. iAgraliam. . K-Jani"3 Kent Sr.. S. B. Keppel Eq , flev. 8. V. Hunt 2. , , . . L-I)anlcl Loufman, Miss Peggy Long, N. Llvlngood Esq. . , M Mavid Miller, Junes Moore Esq , Han nah McNay, Henry Myers, William Morton Dsq, F. M. McGlumphy, Anna Murfey. James Meek 2, lienor Ann Martin, Nathau Manshlp, Harry Mud, Hubert J I. Millikpn, Cliltiert Marsh ill, James Middlcton Esq. N-J. Nay 2. P Joseph Price 2. Jacob Powers.. II Mrs Holiecci Rincli trt, Win. A. Rine hart, Collins Hush, C. Richardson, care of Mr. Stevenson, Elizabeth Hush. 8 Ida Scott, Charlotte Simpson, M. C. ShctT.r, John Strawn, Samuel Strawn 2, Hubert Stevenson, J. L. Spaekman, Eplintns Skinner, J. L. Scott, J. D. Stewart Esq., John II. Smith, Join M. Hellers. T-M irrls Turner, Maria A. Tiiton. W II C. Wood, Isaac Thomas Wood, J. S. Wallace & Urn. Oricn Wheeler Esq, Homer P. Waters Esq., Johnson Wyckolf Esq , J ones Woods. Joskpii Cooks, P. M. A new stock of Colg ale'a Toilet Soaps just received at linden's Drug Store. Cist mmaiie Boots, call back anl front warranto 1 in every particular, for $0.00, at M. C. & II. Hell's! Da. SuioENrs Liver Pills, Backache Pillsaiul Cough Syrup sold at Hiadens Drug Store. GKNTi.KMts's patent, quarter Oxford ties, nt M C. & 11. Bell's, very cbcnp for cash ! (JotoG. W. Hobetts Drug Store for nn-- lli'nig in the I). ug Lino. A large stock of Wheeling Nails all siz 'S at T. Hiaden s Hard-Ware Store. Tin: Wiiisti.k Every boy lias rend Dr. Franklin's account of the whistle ho bought when ft 1m y, nnd for w hich lie paid all tils lion y. An Ingenious boy, liow ever, if lie is provided with (hat nr ultra of n hoy's nni biii' ii n potktt knife, can make one for him self out ol n piece of chestnut or willow at this "ason of I he year, Tho bovs w ill soon be nt rni1 wc fl,"n lmvtt 11,0 8l"'" ound Pktctog "llr tVl"11 tvtr' '" " B 1 pleasant to think of Ihoso things w ilb w lach we beguil ed many an hour iu happy childhood. Holmes i.l thi Ailuttir Monthly says: "Who does not love 1 1 make a w ill w whtst'e), or seo one made ? Can you not recall your lirat lesson in the art Hie ciittiiig ol the llexiblu hough, tho chooaiog a smooth part, pising the knife around it above nnd below, pounding it judi ciously, ringing It earnestly, nnd feeling Uie hollow cylinder of bark nt last slipping on Ihe sappy, ivory, white, fragrant wood ? That little pi ivlhliig grew, wil'i growth of art and civil izitiun, to be the great organ which thundered at Harlem o.' lle-tiu. Respect tho willow whis'lu " F.itiNcsTorKS I'uie White Load sold at Bradin's ( heap Drug Slnru. A MiioE i-tuck of Wool Twine and Shcep sh 'ars at T.' HT!i den's Hirda aro Store. PiiiccRii'Tiov carefully compounded at G. W. Robert's Drug Store. M.irvi.ano Snow White I J me in nny quan t ty sold nt O. W. Robert's Drug Store. 1Iki.viiom'.s Extract of Huchu by the dozen or single Bottle at liraden s Drug Store. Wilbou's Cud Liver Oil and Lime for silo at O. W. Robert's Drug Store. Tut: Oners Tuesday of last week, the day of the show, was bright an 1 bountiful as tho balmiest of Spring days. Many people were iu town, but the greater number of our farmers, with commendable good sense, stayed at homo to Improve tho fair weather for getting in oats and breaking corn ground. Our merchants and landlords reaped a good '.nr. of profit. "B;nzinj," w is in gxJ de mand and, as a seedy looking countryman complacently express.'d it, could bo "had wit lin ut dodgin' 'round a half hour for a drink "' The street display of the circus troups was much finer than anything we ever saw before in that Under the canvass it was the same stale routmo of tu;ul)liag. riling, etc., without much tint w is new. ouly ex cuse for countenancing these peripatetic hum bugs is that of a love fir exltemmt. As largo crowds of our people coul I be induced to at tend entertainments m iro biujtl.dil and in structive from cause. Oar agricul tural f ilrs exemplify this. Wiunns Cod Liver Oil and Lime sold at Braden's Drug Store. SrtwAur'a Champion Salvo wholesala and retail by D W. Bradou, agent fur Greene Co, SrnicTLT Pure White Lead, largest Hock in town for aalo at U. W. Robert's Drug Store. Oils of all kinds nnd of the fi nest quality, sold at G. W. Robert's Drug Store. Varnish of all kinds said nt Q. W. Robert's Drug Store. Bahrett's Vegetable lluir Restorative, best in use sold at G. W. Robert's Drug Store. Cocntt. Tito R :prlr of last week has the following : On last Saturday week Jake Falmer, while plowing field on Huston Paul's farm, In Wash ington county, turned up a twelve pound shell,, which from the depth of tho rust upon it must have been buried there tor long year3. Tho powder was extracted an l being thrown on the tiro cxpbded. Thereby bang3 a tale. When was it shot therof On Thursday hist, the hon30 in which Mark M'Combs, residing at Clokey villa, Washington county, was destroyed by fire, having caught from a defecUvo fluo In tho kitchen; Mr. M'Combs saved a largo part of his furniture, but loses about 8250 which was destroyed. The houss belonged to Mr." Jamas Thome j was worth $2,000 and was insured for 1 1.000 in the Washington County Mutual Insurance BAcaWABD.-rThe season is not more back ward than are our- dtizent In tho matter of cleaning up the dtbrls and filth plentiful In its abundance on the streets and iu alley-ways of the. town. -The towu Is literally reeking with mud and the hot sun it must shine som e tinro will distil such fragrant odors from de caying animal and vcgetablo matter as only salutes the nostrils when visiting the abode of swine.' The "hog jaw," if enforced would emancipate the town from Ihe curse of dirty sidewalks and the absence of ornamental surroundings. Why it is not enforced is a question of cleanliness with lliejcouncil. In i present condition our town is a reproach to the inhabitants. Pariici-lahi.t Nice. With Hid retdrn of long sultry summer days and tho balmy even ings ail so delight in, comes that most desir able, period, tin opening of refreshment sa loons. Jno. B. Parker, at his room one door west of Seotl's Grocery, has In his present ar rangetnent provided for the comfcit, external and Internal, of all who may call on him' His soda fountain sp rklcs with tho most de licious of beverages nt all times, and the cream and cake, with handsome apartments for ladies and gents, are wl'hont rivalry In our placo. If you wish to while away a pleasant hour drop into his saloon. ' The Sweetest Thino in Life" is good health and good spirit j, and if yon have them not, the next best thing is what will restore bloom to tho faded cheek and happiness to the drooping heart. The great and sure remedy is Plantation Bitters, which our physicians re commend to both niah and female patients, as a safe, reliable, agreeablo nnd cordi d stimu lant. They contain nothing to disagree with the most delicate constitution, nnd have won golden opinions from all who have tried them; nnd probaldy no article was ever tried by so many persons. They elevate the depressed and give strength to the weak. Mxonoua Water. A delightful toilet arti cles superior to Cologne and at hull tho price I. O. or G. T. Officers of "Vigilant Lodge" for ensuing quarter! W. C, T. Capt. Lycurgus Grim: W. V. T. Miss Lizzie M. Widnry W. S. Geo. W. Hoskinsnni W. A. B. Miss Liz zle Gray W. T. MIssRhoda Long; W. F. S , T. Benton Hill , W. R. II. 8. Mrs, Lizzie Bayers, W. L. H. 8. Mrs. Kate Rogers ; W. M., J. II. Carson i W. D. SI. Miss Jennie Flennikcn j W. C. Jesso P. Sprowls; W. I. G , B. Frank Flennikcn ; W. O. G., Edward Cage i P. W. C , T. A. Clark Smalley ; W. L I)., D. W. Kennedy. Proposals. By reference to our advertis ing columns it will bo seen that Ilio "Ft ur Mile Bridge" Is to bo repaired. This Is timely. Tfte West sido of tho double bridge neur Bridgeport needs Mooring badly, also. Plas tic slate instcu 1 of oak shingles would have been more economical in the long run lor roofing. .Ti'st Opknko. A new and complete stock of Boots and Shoes, at M. C. & H. Bell's cheap store, Bayert' cornor, Wayncsburg. Among their stock will bo found nil tho Bprhnr Styles, direct from the manufacturers, selected by M. C. Bell expressly for this market. Alissuji Is a pretty llttlo gurJcn 11 ower j but if you want a wliilT of tweet elisium, you will find Ihe nearest approach to It In the heavenly edorof Phalon's new per fume, "FI or de Mayo." Bold by all drug gis's. 1000 Reward ! M. O. & H. Bell will nive the above reward for a foot that does not look well in one of their new styled, tipped, oukle gaiters I flamed. EISIMIXOER-KEEXAN-Aprll li, ISfiS, at the M. E. Church, In Jollcvtown, Greene Co., Ta . by the Rev. L. I). Casto, Mr. James Elslminger, of Rlcbbill In., Ibis county, nnd Miss Sarah A. M. Keenun, of Handle tp., Jlonoogal ft Co., w. Vn. They made the right start by paying tho first drbt jointly contracted the printer's fee. For them "Let home lend all its charms To drive off all alarms ; Let joy nbound ; Let peace nnd plenty smile, And happiness beguile, As years pass round." CAMPBELL GREENLEE-Aptil 27, IRfiS, in Wa7ncsburg. Pa., by Rev. A. H. Miller, Mr. Thompson Campbell and Miss Margaret Greenlee. STEWART Of Dropsey, May 3, 18C3, Isaac Stewart aged "2 years 6 months. UMYXEsnrxa markct. Waynesboro, Muy.", u8. Corrected Wfckly for the ItEPUBUCAtf, PRODUCE. nuttor(frrhroll,) ffc Kgcs V rlo M ,H l'oliitocfty bush Ijiru v tt Tnllow y to Country Soap Y ft lr led Apples Y f .. . no .1 50 12 30 OS 6c FLOUR AND ORAIX. Flour Y bbl Wheat Y bush.... Kye V bush Corn Y bush Corn Meal Y bush IS ne 1 ,Ttl 211 : id 1 ID 1 1! GROCERIES. CotTee Y l Tt-AY lt Ilrown finar V fc .-. Iti'ilneil sunr Y Svnip't ical M .lol;is.e (N. Orleans,) Soritlmmij ual Suit llil pierj Y lb ,.,'l l m to 20 no 1 2 Nil S ii IS pirrsm ndii markets. 8ATcnDAY, Mar 2, tsu. Com Is a sharle higher ami In rtHiiert. Flour advanoeil early In the week, and prices aro well maintained. Wheat Is very scarce and wanted. Uy Is higher and receipts light. Oats are with out chanae. Groceries have been moderatlve ly active. In provisions biiBlnciw continues large, and prices 1 have an upward tendency. We quote as follows, which are the wholesale prices : QRAIJf AND Fr.OUR. Wheat. Penn'n. and Ohio, Whiter Red $2 W2 IV) Rre VI buli. ....... .... l ii.-, Oats i bush. H 787tie Corn bush la-iuiillii spring nnear, l-lour. in 7i.i,ll 2i W inter Whciit ,.. 12 rjr)jj.idiiu ntOVI.iIO.N3. Shonldr-rs ....... Huiar Cured Hams . njisite 2lrj lue l tm,w 22 40342 l.anl PnUtires, Y btish....H... M Ainilcs Y bbl (!llrWHe I Kuiri Y dos.....,.. llulter......... SEEDS. Clover Seed . Timothy Heed Flux Seed... .... T On 2 76 BALTIMORE MARKET. BAJ.TTXORI, May 2. Flour'flrm. Wheat is ins is tvr. xr.i al 11: yellow Oauij dull; wrtrn tmxS. Rye ttnll at 30. ProrUlont Arm and nnl firm and hq. ehanjed. atlift.!S. 'III1'A10 MARKET. , t'hictoo, Jlay 9, Ma, Fi-oun Dulli sale at M OU&ie 73 fur sptlni exiruri. WiiKAT FBlrly active: sules of No. 1 l 0 til Hi, Hlld No 1 at l 12r2 U, clorllug ol ti 1UU a lu fur No. 2. Coioi-.Mudoratt'ly aetlve and W e hlahen sales of No. 1 ut 8 fW ie; No. 2 at (iT.'CUe: now al twi iia",e; nnd relfetiil at l4iiiiW-, rliMlng Hrm lit Si);, jW-fce for No. I, and 7ri ft,r now lu slore. hats Active and Is hl(;nrr; nalet at avdrwu fur regular and fresh receipts, clewing with buy. ersatWJe. LiVKllnas-lngoodshlprJlnir demand and 10 ftifle hllier; shIch at $a ( ii fur medium to fulr, r lioleo liti are scares and nominal at 19 79 a 10 oa. , Hkk' Cattlb Dull at 17 307 tk for fair to gOO't. ... ; . - EXTRA L lrlVE-HTOlK MtRREf. ' " 1 May 1, 18G9." r nxE The market contained moderate supply f cuttle, but the sales wre larger than tliH previous week. Prieejr, however, were a Hliiidc lower than at the date of mir last weekly report. The fact Is the local rntea charged on Hie i vnlrul Road la driving the bulk of Hie bu sltieMM away irolu the Ceutrul VariU. Kastern buyern can purchase, at present freight charges to more advantage iu t'lileaiio. Ihe largest por tion ol the cHtlle sold were Irom ( hieiigo. 1 lout There waa a fair deinuiid for bogs with a Rood mipplyln Hie market; prices were gener-ll--t u shade higher. The extreme rto were ts .I7i.i li 40 1 civt. The largest portion of the sales were on eastern account. . NEW YORK DRY HOOD MARKET. New York, May 2, Trices for nil staple cot tonsarewetl maintain ed. All Htimdaril makes of heavy brown sheet Inus, aiieh as Atlantic and Indian Head, it Paul He extra, Aillntle H, lc; Mais J He. and I'renton C lie. illi)aehed muslins steady at to for New York Mills: lie for Wainsutta and l lleii. Alllerieall Prints 14jc. t'OIl. PENS AND ST. CLAIR 8THEET8, ri'lTSBURGH, PA. The Largest, Cheapest and mont Successful PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE IN THE UNITED STATES. OVER FIFTEEX THOUSAND STUDENTS FROM THIRTY-THREE STATES IN TEN YEARS. FOR LARGE QUARTO CIRCULAR, Containing full Information, Outline of Course of Study, samples of Cowley's PREMIUM PENMANSHIP, View of the Collcqn llnlMIng, different de partments, City of Pittsburgh, Ac., &c, address the Prlneipals, K.M1TH COWLEY, ap l,(W-ly Pitlsburgb, Pa, J J AYE A CIGAR? IP SO. f'AI.f, IN AT T. BRADEN'S NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Ho keeps on hand at all times AN EXCELLENT QUALITY OF CTOARS, Smoking & Chewing Tobacco, Pipes, Frnuff, etc., etc. PRICES DOWN! IS THE WORD I fall In. Room In the Wortey House. Waynes- burg, Pa, np. 13,'W-tf T. BRADEN, )L.STIU SLATE ROOFING I The firm of ODUERT A JONES will furnish tho PROPERTY HOLDERS! of Greene county, with the PLASTIC SLATE ROOFINQ! Introduced last Kumnicr, nnd o highly reconv ineded by those who hnvn tried It. .AII orders left with I,. W. Jones, Wayncs- unrj$, i-a., win receive prompt niieiillon. ODIIKKTAJONER, S;ll-ltm ' of Washington County, Pa. A I LEY, FAR HELL & CO. LEAD PIPE. SHEET AND BAR LEAD 31 AN L r ACTUREKS, ALSO Pig Lead, Iron ripe, Rubber Hose, Steam UtlXft. r., KMIIM-n nui, ,vi-7t, 1IOII ItllU Copper Hlnks A Iinth Tubs, Steam rumps, Farm Pumps nud Force Pumps. And EV ERY DESCRIPTION OF G90DH . FOR WATER, GAS AND STEAM. NO. 107 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBUROH, PA. np 22,'ilS.y-2c Send for a Price List. P C It N I T U It El J. AV. AVOODWELL & SONS. Manufacturers AM) WIIOLKHALE AND RETAIL DKALER4 IN F U.RNITU 11 E t OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, 87 A DO Tlilrd St., 3:l-l.r. PlTT.SnURO, rENN'A. JOHN H. HOFFMAN MOROANTOWN, WEST VIRGINIA. ATTORNEY FOR COLLECTING TENSIONS, BOfNTIKS, ARREARS OF PAT, AND ALL MILITARY CLAIMS. IlllVlnir had 17 VMN rrMrinnm In nMMiillnff sneh chilins, I have Iweoine familiar with the VMrlOUS laWS And Hip lm.i. nmni,f ,.f mmnl evidence I n my posse,!,,,, enables me to be very successful in prosecuting suspended claims, nnd ... '.- "wtiiin-r inrve proven successiiii wnen tlieeliilmant hnd long given them up in despair. N2 matter how difficult the claim so It is Just. jAZEAR BROTHERS, wiiolesals onocrns An commissiox jier- C1IAST9. No. 77. EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE. Jas. b: Lazear, wx. l. lazk.vb, ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. IjCtterSnfadrntnlstrntlnn hlnluw,n rrrnntrwl to the tinderalgneA on thu estate of Jesse Rlne hart (of John.l dee'il. lain nr r-miMpiitn,l mn. !ilp, Uroono county. Pa., uotlco Is hereby given toull pr;ron Indebted to said estate to make iniineiiiam payment, nnd those having claims against the same to present them duly authen- rus nviiieiiieill URIAH RINKHART. HIRAM RINEHA11T, Adrn'n ap 33-Ct fllO FARMERS AitD OTHERS. L A SOOd AffCnt Wanted In .dn lr.wn.hl n ,r this county to sell Weatceit'a Adinatable lnh (hnrnl the best butler milker now manufactured. We do not promise rabuloua salaries to our agents, but do guuranto good wages to good men. We are angloua to Rove this Churn Introduced, and to Uilaend will make favorable arrangements with early applicant. Auanne . inon,H. HINUHAM acu, . ,8-iy Wtfrenn St., Pittsburgh, Pa. LOW-VP ON THE MOKONG AHEjUL i STEAMERS ELECTOR AND FAYETTE! IN THEIR GREAT RACE TO SECURE THE -Tl-TJ'.ATc.T -::'Ti::iai af IMMENSE CARGO OF CLOTHING! CF N. CL AKK A'SON Which has Just been secured and SAVED FROM THE AVRECK ! The Largest, Cheapest and Beat Selection of READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS! II ATS AND CAP8I Will be found at N. CLARK 4 SON'S, FULL SUITS AT $6 00 ! That are good material nnd warranted to wear well. GOOD CASSIMERE SUITS FOR $11 SO. Good Pants as low at 41 if and l 75. We ask nothing for showing goods. Come and see us; we like to snow goods. OUR PRICES CANNOT BE BEAT! ap 15, 09 HOY! ALOFTI STAND BY, ALL! TO SEE THE GRAND OPENING OF SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING JUST RECEIVED BY .A, J. SOWERS DRESS SUITS AND BUSINESS SUITS, beautiful assortment of Cloths, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, SHIRTS READY -MADE, New Styles for Gent's Neck IVress ficarfir. Fine French Figured Percale Shifts, Collars CttA. THE DECLINE IN PRICES enables him to sell at fabulous low rules. Full suita of excel lent texture, ran he had at one half former cost. Come and get the beet while It la going. WON'T BE UNDERSOLD IX WAYNE8DURO ROOM IN ALLISON " BUILDINfl, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, ap lV8-3m. pUBUC NOTICE. . As the firm of HCanES A 1.1'CAS Is dissolved by mutual votiaent, the ivniiiiilsslon business wilt ailll be carried on at the old stand. In good order, and on the moat reasonable lernia, In the name ana etyie or i hiohm rjtr., jaenior partner.) They flatter themselves, by having be House and the beat loratlon In the nlace fur that business, that they will aacmiva a liberal share of the public patronage. - - They will a Lao Keep a aoousiwuiy 01 uifA;r.n I kh on hand to accommodate all wbo may favor them with a call. . . 4:10-tf. ' Rice's Leading, Pa. Joum Hughs. .-.XUOMAa LUCAS. ' , "T r T. LUCAS CO. FoawAJiDtno aid colsio nuwBim And dealers In Groceries, Jlardware. Leather, Shoe Findings, IrorvNaiia, "a,,. Aiao, B . I agents roe Aiiorey, , '"ull,lw vww a iruw Saan. Atonply kepi eooatanUj on handa. Rica's I Undina, Ta.. above the act, . . tVs-tf. V i aufeso'' .' ) NOTHER EXCITEMENT I nL PRICE ASSASSINATED ! -s:-:'1: I -: . .... i . .J - . 1 ; FRANK M GURGAN THE ASSASSIN I i THE DEED WAS DONE IN THE . room orpbsrra the greene house, , ... ! WAYNESUURU, PA. Ha has Irlat received and Is now offering for sale at uie lowest prices, ine nnest stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Erer before oflVml In thi market, mnMlftlhig in part, of 8prlug ami Bummer ClothlDg - f i fc : . . FOR MEN AND BOY SI A very large stock that cannot lieexceltod ; also, a very superior assortment of , LADIES' GOODS Of all kinds, consisting In mrt, of New Dress Trliumliiga, ltllibons every width and shade) . elating and silks, latest style; TRIMMINGS AND BUTTONS! ' Sash, Bonnet, Neck anil Trimming Rlblwns; lAcea real point, Appique ami Valencia. HandkerchlefeI,ace. Embroidered, Hem stitched and Plain. Hamburg work u flue as sortment. JEWELRY. A large assortment of Kid Gloves first quality for ladles and gentlemen. LADIES' HATS, bTRAW. HATS, Bonnets and Bonnet Frames; Ronnet orna ments and flowers, both French and Americaut together with any and all articles In use by la dles. Ask for anything you want and we can supply you. Also a flue assortment of CARPETS AND WALL PAPER of various kinds and patterns, all of which will be sold cheap as the cheapest. ll:lMf. FRANK MeOUROAN. c 1ARR, M'CANDLESS A CO., DRY GOODS, 01 WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh, Penna. Buyers of Dry Goods are Invited toexnmlne the raont complete mock brought to una market Many of our Most Popular Styles are not to be 1 .1 1 ...... I....II...I us. The entire atoelt having been purchased at ine juoweai rates, WE CHALLENGE COMPETITION t PRINTS, " DELAINES. ARMURF.3, COLORED ALPACAS. COLORED WOOL DELAINES, FRENCH GINGHAMS, SCOTCH GINOHAMH, DOMESTIC OINGHAMS, CLOTHS, SHIRTINGS, FANCY CASSIMERES, TWEEDH, COTTON ADF-S; " TANT LINENS, AC. HOUSEKEEPER'S GOODS, SUEETINOS", ' SHIRTINOS, TICKINGS, CHECKS, QUILTS, COVERLETS. A large and well selected stock of NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. H06IERY, filAVES, At'. CA8H BUYERS WILL FIND RARE INDUCE MENTS. ap 15-41 J. S. Niwxyrb. President. O. II. AKKKUSON, J. N. ejliALf.ETf DEROFR, Ueeretary. superintendent. I WIN CITY SLATE MINING A MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Manufacture and Deal In every variety of ROOFING SLATE, or strtnion qcalitt. GENERAL OFFICE NO. 43, 7lH ST., PITTSBURGII, PA. For particulars and prices, address J. S. NEWMYER, Prest ap 22,'SR-rlm CLIMAX! CLIMAX!! Page's Climax Salve, a Family Messing for 25 cents. It heals without a scar.- ' N6 family should be without it. We warrant it to cure Scrofula Sores, Salt Rheum, Chilblains, Tetter, Pimples, and all Eruptions of the Skin. For Sore Breast or Nipples, Cuts, Sprains,- Bruises, Bums, Scalds, Chapped Hands, 4c, it makes a perfect cure. It has been used orer fifteen years, without one failure. It has 10 parallel-rhaving per fectly eradicated disease and healed after all other remedies had failed. . It Is a compound of Arnica with many other Extracts and Balsams, and put up in larger boxes for the same price than any other Ointment ola Vf DrifirMs erarywkere. Watts Bonsai, trefilitertv 1M libertf Mrst,Vtw Tot rjuiE union PACiiria. r. , KAILBOAd COMPANY " OFFER A I.IMITEli-AMOUNT OF4 THEIR FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS . - AT PAR, . . .. PAY ABLE I NT GOLD;' Tde Great raclfle Ititlifoad Line, extending 1721 miles from Omalia, ou Ihe Missouri river, to the tide-waters of the Paeltle Ocean, 1 twin bnllt by two powerful Companies The UtnoK PActric. bcgtnnlnk at Omalia, bdllillng Weat, and the Central Paelfla of California, beginning nt Sacramento, butlding East, until tha two roads shall meet. Both Companies have prosecuted the work with groat vigor, the Union Faclflo Having al ready expended ovor THiRTV MILLION DOLLARS, nnd Ihe Central ovor Twenty Millions, upori their respective parts of the undertaking. Tha Unluu PuclRo have completed too mllefthave ron and other materials for two hundred miles more upon the ground, and one hundred addi tional miles are ready for the track. They wilt have a much larger force employed this year than ever before, and It Is expected that betweesi 800 AND 900 MILES' will be In operation during 1868. There seems to be no reasonable doubt that the distance be tween Omnha and Sacramento will be traverser! by mil In 1S70. , THE GOVERNMENT GRANTS 13,800 acres of land, and Its Bonds to the average amount of K8,uu0 per mile, to aid In the construction, of the line, nnd authorises the Issue of the first mort gage Ilonds now offered for sale, to the same amount and no more. ' Tho Government takes a second lien, and gives to the First Mortgage Bond-holders a prior lien for their security , to which a large paid-up capital Is added; Tha Ponds cannot be issued except aa each section of twenty miles Is neecpted by Government commission, so that they always represent si real property. It Is universally admitted that on tho com pletlonof the Union Paeltle Railroad, Its through business will make It one of the most profitable In the world but Us way or local business Ja already several limes the Interest on Its bonds; so that, If not another mile were built, thef would be nscenro Investment. f THE NET EARNINGS for eight months of lost year on nn average of 380 miles are officially reported nt tl.imi.tsfl, while the Interest on all the llnnds It could Issue on that length of road, for that time, redneetl to currency, waa only t:il",we. . ,. . The uinount paid by the Government tor the transportation of troops, munitions, stores and mulls has been, and doubtless will continue to be much more than the Interest on the United States Hecond Mortgage Bonds. If it Is not; the charter provides that after the road la comple ted, and until said bonds and interest are paid, nt least five per cent, of the net earnings of tha road shall be applied to such payment, , . , Tho Union Puciflo Bonds are for 11,000 each and havo coupons attached. They havs thirty yonrs to run, and bear annual Inter est, payable oh the first days of January and July at the Company's Office In the City of New York, at the rule of six per cent. In gold. The Principal Is paynblo In gold at maturity. At the present rate of gold, these bonds pay an an nual Income on their font of ti NEARLY NINE PER CENT. ... AND IT IS BELIEVED THAT THEY WILL SfX.lN HE AT A PREMIUM. The Company have but a vory limited supply of their Bonds remaining on hand, but any sub scriptions accepted to a greater amount than can be filled from Bonds now In the Company's posseiwloii, will ha supplied from the New Ilonds to be Issued on that portion of the fofid completed In the Spring, lu the order In whlcli they are received. Tho Company rcscrvo tho right to advance Uie price of their bonds to a rate above par at any time, and will not fill any orders or receive any subscriptions on which the money haa not been actually paid at the Company's office be fore the tlmo of such advnnce. Parties subnorllilug will remit the par value of the bonds and the accrued Interest In currency at the rate of six per cent, per annum, from the date on which the last coupon was paid. Bub CrlptioiKWlll lie received in Wnyneshurg, Pa.,' BY TIIEFIHHT NATIONAL BANK,' In New York. AT THE COMPANY'S OFFICE, 20 Nassau St. and by JOHN J.CISCO 4 SON, Bankers, 50 Wall H; jnd by the Company's Advertising Agents throughout the United Htntes. Remlttcnces should be had In drafts or other funds par in New York, nnd the Bonds will be sent free of charge hy return express. Parties subscribing through focal agents, will look to' Ihem for tholrsafe delivery, . A PAMPHLET AND MAP for IRrM has Just been published by Ihe Company, giving fuller Information than Is possible In an advertise ment, respecting the progress of the work, tha resources of the country traversed by the Road, the means for construction, and the value of the bonds, which will bo sent free on application at at the Company's offices or toany of the adver tised ngnt: . , . JOHN J. CIHCO, Treasurer, New York, np aVOMrt GENTS WANTED FOR THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR, I ITtt CaUHES, CHARACTER, CONDUCT ANI' By HON. 'ALEXANDER II. STEPHENS. A BOOK FOR ALL SECTIONS AND ALL' PAUTIEH. Tiiia arent work Dresents the only comotete' and impartial analysis of the Causes of the war yet published, and gives those Interior lights' and shallows of the great conflict only known to those hlBh officers who watched diet flood-tide of revolution from its fountain springs, and which were so accessible to sir. ntepnens irom his position us second officer of theConfeiieracy.' To a nubile that ban boen surfeited with AP PARKNTLY HlMll.AR PROUL'CTIONH, we promise, a change of faro, both agreeable and salutary, and nn Intellectual treat of the highest order. Tho Oreat American war oa Al lahi found a historian wortny or iu importance, ana ut uin i,miM It. will receive that moderata. candid and impartial treatment which truth and Justice so urgently demand. , ..... The Intense desire every where manifested to obtain this work, its Official character and rea dy mile, combined with an Increased commis-. slon, mnae u me ocbi, Buuri' published. j - . . One nuent In Boston. Pa., reaorta 72 subearlb- enoVn iTwUinvMajis.- 10S subscribers In four' J"')ne In Memphis, Tenn. 106" subscribers In five days. . .! . Hcnd ror t'lreniors ann see our lermn, anq a fnl ilcM-rintlon of the Worn, with Trens notice of advance Hheets, Ac. . , Address PrAtllAIWljm.llJlrjrvi. M, Mouth Seventh SI. Philadelphia. ap-4t REINEMAN, MEYRAN & 8ETDLE, XSO 3 r inn enreer, our raurrr ixunr. nvn, PITTSIIL'KOII, PA., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS P'ne Jewelrv. Watchof. illamonus, mro Oliver Trnrry llteil Wareof every description, French- Clock Tea. HM. (Spoons, Forks, Watch makers tool, Ac.,' And grney " ,.' . Cr.i.K.liivAl.u Auriiiiuicr irAiuiia ... We also keep the largest and moat varied a-' aortment o ine very oral American nmim . Cloeks, to he found In any city east or ' west. Persons In want of any article In onr ; line, either at wholesale or for thelrown tine, will always find onr prices lower . andouroiwortinent larger than any to bo found west ol New York City. WATCH REPAIRINO-j-To this branch of oni trade toeing ourselves practical waten-aiaii-ers.lwe pay very spectiil attention. We anv- l ......... . .. uun- lu.) A .11.1. I. ,V. country, ami any and all nne delicate tnri rfimnulf wnrlr Animated 1A nue care, for (he trade or Individuals, may rely on getting satisfaction. Work may be tent by express or otherwise).' REINEMAN. MEYRAN 4 SEIDLB, Wholesale A retail Jewellers ArJIlveremlths.' 42 rum Direct, Mtuoargn, rn.- patyw-iy . . BUla Card I. (Mrrulara. Poate-a Ae.. ae.. neailw executed at into Offloa, oa abort nottcay