She 13aine&but$ cpubiican, 9geftltogbctgj fvtl .5, 1868, Kotto to ATTOHKfevs. Attorneys will be held responsible for Paper Book, Advertising end Job Work, ordered by them nd not paid (or In advance. Such bill to be collectable on demand. Haw AoriKTiicMiim. The attention of oar renderi It specially directed to the follow ing advertisement, whlcli appear for the first time in our paper to day. sjj-Ahovl Aloft I A. J. 8owen, j-Have a Cigar t T. Brntlen, saAnother Excitement Frank McGurgsn, jyWanted Cameron, W. Va. OV-Dry Goods Carr, McCanrlles & Co. SB-Blow Up 1 N. Clark & Bon, Si-Quarterly Report 1st. Nul l. Bank. Wivmcao Collxo. Th next term will open on Monday, April 20th. It will be gratifying to the Irieods of the Institution to know that its prospects are unuau tlly bright. Am Bboke!!. WillUra, soa of David Scolt, of Franklin township, on the 2nd Inst, fell from the mow of his father's ham, break ing his trm above the elbow and dislocating the shoulder. Dr.T. W. Ross splinted the hurt, and reports his patient doing well Bats 20 percent by buying your clo lusnj cashmears at Shirk's clie ip stora. Knox's fresh Garden Seeds, Jut received and for sale, at 0. Roberts' Drug Store. A rRKSH supply of Sugar, Tea, Codec, To bacco Ac. &a , at II. A. Rinehart's. Mail CosTa vcts The route from' Wav- .nosbunr to Rice's Ltndinif d illy, to VV ash laiton dully, Cameron semi-weekly, have been assigned t Timothy Duughor, as the lowest bidder. James Kennan secured the routes to R igonvvlls, and Greensboro, week ly. W. G. W. Day Hie West Alexander route weekly. Fresh Oranges and Lemons at H. A. Rlne hart's opposite Iho Cnnrt House. TamuiKo In grunt v.irtcty,of the latest sljles at Shirk's cheap store. WilWs Cod Liver Oil, and Lime, sold at O. W. Robert's Drug Store. Bosiwss Ciusor. Win. BerryhiU has re rnoved his Boot and Srno Store from Mo- chanlc's Row to one door east of Brown's 8tore, Mila St Stopping In to see bi n we Wore tivrisad to find such a largo aud well selected stock arrang; 1 on his shelves, lie fats every style to suit customers, sells cheap. Work made up in the best flit3'i and on short mtice. O.dors miybo lift at his Store on Main St. Srop in at Win. BerryiiiH's Boot & Shoe Store, a few doors west of the A 'lams House, Waynesburg, !'a. ' Pot.tok", Potatoes, Potatoes. Seed Pota tuts at H. A. Rint lnrl's, opposite the C'.mrt Tlcufe. - Tim hrgest and cheapest stock of dry goods in Wayncburg is at Shirk's die p store. Nkw Post Rotths. Hon. Q. V. Lawrence lies had the following new Pest Routes estab lished at the request of our citizens : From Waynetturg to Greensboro, via Mt. Morris, Dunkard and Wiley, and return via Mspla town, Willow Tree and Whitelny to Waynes burp. From Cnrinlchscls, tit Ceylon and Willow Treo, to Dnvlstuwn. Tl e Depart tnont will advertise for proposals to curry on these new routes as soon as the pot pic desire Brows mur-lin, pant stuff, bleached muslin tickings, tal'icoes and delaines, tit great va riety, at remarkable low prices, at Shirk's cheap store. Window Glass of nil sizes, for sale, at G. W. Roberts' Drug Store. Hi'tuNO and Summer arrival of Clothing at K Clark & Son's Nsw Firm. It affirds us ireat pleasure to announce to tho peopl.) of Urccno County the coalition of Mr. L. K. Evans and Mr. II. Clay Minor, in the Dry Goods business. Both are well known ns men of good public standing, capable, industrious, energetic, pleasing. We congratulate both, and especially "01 ly," upou the change-. We hope it may prove a new birth in prosperity, tlixt they may put much change In their pockets and that it may advance them to high places on 'Change. Per haps in this connection, It would be just as wrll to state that Evans A Minor have on hand one of the finest and most complete stocks ever offered to the people. "Clay"' will still bo the gentlemanly salesman of yore -and attend promptly to his old customers. Don't fail to go to Shirk's cheap store and bo convince! thit he has the largest cheap stock of goods in Wayncsburg it pays to go to Shirk's! Vabnisu and brurhesof nil kinds, just re ceived and for sale, at G. W. Roberts' Drug Store. Tn cheapest clothing In Wayn-.sburg will toe found at N. C'.ark & Son's. Tin Wholesale Dry Goods and Notion Bouse of Messrs. Carr, M'Cundless & Co. We would direct attention to tho announce ment of the Dry Qoods Jobbing House of Messrs. Carr, M'Candless & Co., No. 94 Wood street, Pittsburgh. This firm now of fers to merchants and dealers one of the larg est and most complete stocks of imported and domestic goods ever brought to this market. and which thoy are prepared to dispose of at low figures. Their stock embraces all the novelties and plain goods, foreign and do mestic, and Included in the assortment are many styles not to be found elsewhere. Mer chants aid dealers, and all who buy to sell again, should visit tho firm examine their goods and prices. Cnacst, Raisons, Figs, Crackers, Nuts, Candies, Can'd Fruits you will find at H. A. Rinehart's, opposite the Court Boose. 1 IimACH bik! Impeach him 1 Andy Johnson ought to be Impeached, and so ought H. A. Rinehart, for selling Groceries so cheap t Pork Rod Lead and Litharge sold at Q. W. Roberts' Drug Store. W call the attention of the public to the advertisement of Jno. M. Winget to be found on this page His Shop will be tound near Cotterell Tannery, containing a large Stock of Home made Boots tc Shoes, manufactured from the best material and at prices to suit the wants of all. John b a good workman and clever (ellow, and we would advise those wanting a good article to give him a eallfcefoTe purchasing eelsewbere. J. M. Wimbt, hat now on band the - largest tteiA Home-made Boota A Shots In town, , and we advise all persons wishing a bargain ; to gtre hint a ea, ' ; - Mk. dito: Through the medium of your paper, I desire to give a brief notice of an Ex amination and Exhibition held at the White School House on Muddy Creek, familiarly known is Scott's School House. The school during the past Winter was taught by James M. Scott. The Examination, held on Thurs day, April 2nd, was honest, thorough and practical; and the scholars exhibited marked proficiency in the common school branches. Throughout the Examination was interspersed with literary performances, consisting of De clamations and Essays The pupils presented a neat and happy appearance, and both may and their (etcher deserve especial credit for the good work they have done this Winter. Numerous questions were tiroposed to the different classes by Mr. Teal and others, to all of which the scholars gave prompt and satls- farstory answers. The Alliens, by their pres ence during the day, evinced a lively Interest in their school. On the Friday evening following, a Literary Entertainment was given by the tchoul of which we take pleasure in giving a shoit notice, since it reflected great credit on Teacher and ccholTi in regard both to the style of the performances and execution. - The exercises consisted of Belect Orations, Dialogues. Tableaux, Toasts, a ''May Qiecn Curonv tlon," Periodical, &3. The worthy Teacher, anticipating tho diversity oftnstes and ilUosi- tlons of the audience, which was s i dense that they trod one upon another in their eagerness to see an l hear, very wisely arranged the programme- to pleise all ; the grave and the gay, tho sentimental and the fivld. The exercises were introduced with aSilutatory by W. F. Waychoff which was very appro priate and very well delivered. AfterwarJj the port assigned to each was purfirmed la a mauncr which not many ol our would-ba ora lors can boast. It was astonishing to see how fnailessly and gracefully the little rosy cheeks of 9ix or eijjnt Summers appeared bsfore so many big folks. Justice dictates that each performance should be noticed In turn, but spaco demands brevity. We venture, how ever, to particularize a little. We were very much impressed with a Tableau entitled "Tho fiAir Seasons." In this, vernal Spring, smiling Summer, mellow Autumn and chilling Winter were so forcibly repressed that we almost felt we had lived a year la a moment ol time. The "Coronation" was finely executed as was also ' The Graces " The Periodical, by Miss M. E. Scott, was excellent, giving to all a portion in due season. The l ist, "Scene In a Birber shop," wo? a regular "shave ;" and "there's where the laugh came in," and it was a hearty one indeed. Tlia Muddy Creek Hand w .s present with its ofLring of cholc st music ad. ling lite nnd interest to the occasion. At the close of the regular exercises, Prof. T. J. Teal, who is always present when there's any good to be done or enjoyed, was called upon for an address and responded by a few remarks on his favorite theme, E .Ideation, urg ing Its hearty support. Hi spoke of the grand results of tho Free School System, and pre dieted a glorious future f ji the Keystone State. lie closed by congratulating the per formers on their success. It was traJy a few words filly spoken, Mr. Teal wis followed by Mr. S. S. J-hnson In a short but very inter- estlng a'idres3' It is worihy of rem irk that this Entertainment was gotten up without en croaching upon school hours, nnd the majority ofiho perf irmers were very young. As the clock struck ten, tho crowd dispersed ; all feeling well pleas! and wishing, no doubt, that such treats "would como oftencr and stay longer." Encco. 1000 Rswrd I M. C. & H. Bell will elve the above reward for a foot that docs not look well In one of their now styled, tipped, anklet g liters I Pent! Flaxseed Oil, soli at G. W. Roberts Drug Store. Puicks, down! down II down!!! at IS Clark & Sou's. "Throw physic to the dogs; 1 11 none of It. To make assurance doubly sure I'll take" Plantation BUtors, They never fail. This groat Stomachic Ilealcr Ujust what the people need It is a remedy they can rely on. For Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Hoadache, Dizziness, Aguo, Liver Complaints, Pains iu the Side and Back it has no equal ; not the least among its virtues is Us extreme pleasant ness to the taste and immrdiaf beneficial ef fect. Try it, suffering Dyspeptics, and be cured. Such arc the assertions of those situa ted to know. From the vast amount of this article sold, it must have great merit. Magnolia Watbr. A delightful toilet arti clessuperior to Cologne and at half the price Gar nun Sunns, Garden Seeds, Knox's Garden Seeds, new crop, at II. A. liineharl's. Tint latest fashion in bonnets, hats and ribbons is to be seen at Shirk's cheap store. Tesiiidls The assassiaatlon of Hi. Trice, by Frank McGurgan, an account of which will bo found elsewhere, instead of terrorizing the community will be hailed by the people as the crowning act of his life. The deceased was dominant in disposition and had over awod most of our merchants. This last en counter, however proved fatal. All honor to Frank I Wm. Berrtiull, two doors west of Adams House has on hands a splendid assortment of Ladies' and Misses' Shot of the latest styles. Fisn, Fisn. Lake herring, and white fish, for sale, at H. A Rinehart's, opposite tho Court House. Salt, Silt. Salt. If you want No. 1. Salt go to Rinehart's. Voi.crros Suprkma, the Latin phrase ex pressive of the climax of voluptuous richness, may be Justly applied to the fragrance of Phalon'sncw perfume, "Fiordo Mayo," the most luxurious and permanent of floral odors. 8old by all druggists, JcstOpesid. A new and complete stock or Boots and Shoes, at M. C. 4 H. Bell's cheap store, Sayert' cornor, Waynesburg. Among tbelr stock will be found all the Spring Styles direct from the manufacturers, selected by M. C. Bell expressly for this market. BAmsrCoLLsoB. The building committee and friends of the said College, will meet at the Baptist Church, in Jefferson, on Tues day, April 19, 186S at 10 o'clock a. m., to give out the contract for erection of sold Col lege. A. Pdshak, Chairuun. i Esjomsat. There are various wan of enjoyment for various kinds of people. To the man looking out for a suit of clothes, the place ot all others to go to is Bowers. Bee New Advertisements. ' fsm very beat always) la 4m Clothing tins at Ht Clark ion's. .Fresh Arrival. Was mxa von Cocrtt. We gleaa the fol lowing Items from the Washington, Pa., lit- porttr, of the 8th lost i ' S vm Hare, of Hare's Hotel Pittsburgh, has been awarded the contract for the mail route between Washington and Pittsburgh, for the sum of two hundred and seventy-five dollars per year. The fruit is consilerad safe si yet, and arge crops are expected. The ra!n never looked better tills time of tho year before. From all parts of the country promises are mads of heavy an l abundsnt crops. A son of Jimes R inkla of ML Pleaiant township, was shot through the head one day last week aid instantly kil ed. He was hand -ling loaded rid an 1 whila blowing Into the muzzle put his foot upon the trigger and the sun was discharged tin contents passing through bis bead. Col. Jaovs T. Ifirk, lato of the Mansion House, has retired fr n th hotel business The Col knew how to keep a hotel, had hosts of friends, an l mvl e mnnr, by bis honorable and gontloiu inly treatme it of all with whom became In contact II) his bjou appoints I a U. S. Inspector, and will also be laigely eugv.'ed In the Buckeye Muwing Midline Agency business. was tUnwi sensation on Friday evening by t!is arrival at the Mansion Houss.ofh'ts Elephant-highnuss, Tippo Salb. Ho traveled from Conncrsvillo In J,, whore he was waiter.: 1, II i Is 10 yjars old, travels about S) miles p;r day, U rather viselous, eats about seven bushels of oats per day, and is a grc it blower. His keeper ox vjcU to ar rive In Nuw York In about ten day travel. Tli j elephant Is said to have wuhed out his trunk. It was a Saratoga OaFrUiy evening tho 20th ult.. as Mr. Arthur Olocrt of Sim.'rsct township, this county, was juit about flais'.iing some repairs to a slate r of on the houu of Mr, Jos, Blaney of West Alexmdor, tho derrick by which he was supporting himself suddenly gave way precipitating him over the end of the house to the ground, a distance of about SO feet, frac turing his right thigh about the middle and his right arm noar the wrist.' At present writing he is doing as well as could be expect ed from the nature of the accident It was a mirac'.a that ho was act instantly killed. On Sin Jay evening, between the hours of 6 and 9 o'clock, as Mr. Thompson, Deputy ShoiilT, was making his rounds preparatory to closing up the jail for the night and securing the fastenings, he was assaulted by four of tho prisoner, named respectively, Wm Smith, BerJ. Arthurs, Elmer Powelson and Sut B'Hler, (the latter colored." It appears that they had a pre nrr.ingel plan laid to make an attempt to escape, as their operations wero apparently conducted Willi some system. While Smith attacked Mr, Thompson in front, Uutler came up behind and clenched him by the throat thJ othsr two, Arthurs and Powel son engaging him as circumstances would permit, but Mr. Thompson, being an active man, succeeded after herculein erTorts In throwing off his assailants, anl defeating their murderous purposes. Tin presenca of mind exhibited by the Djputy, in throwing the koys. dur ng the struggle, into one of the cells and out of the reach of the culprits, thereby fiiHtratinf their sche ni for getting away, Is certainly commendable. Ccstom si a dm Boots, call back nnd front, warranted in every particular, for $0.00, at M, C. & M, Bell's! . "Cox to Court" and go toN, Clark & Son's for your Cheap Clothing. Gextlkmkn's patent, quarter Oxford ties, at M C. & II. Bell's, very cheap for casil 1 To thh Public Sewing Machines aro too well and favorably known to require any de tailed essay on the great advantages they nre capable of renderiuK to all claim of people, but It is important that buyers should under stand the quiiliitcs of tho various machines of fered for sale, and carefully judge the merits of each, nnd thus become in tell gently prepar ed to secure the one capable of producing the most satisfactory results. The attention of the public is now most earnestly invited to the latest production ; which, from that fact alone, myht to be "the best," and it is with the most unaffjeted sincerity that the Weed Sewing Machine Co. assert that their produc lions are Mnexcelled by any machine evor presented for popular favor If they were ht all Incredulous, the approbations daily cman a ting from an appreciative public would re move their doubts. Tho merits attaching to the Weed Machines are simplicity of inven tion, thoroughness of construction, conveni ence for u.;ing, superiority of execution, and neatness of arrangements. Prices range from $G5 to $175, according to stylo and finish. For descriptive circular, address. II B Patton& Bro. Agents, Greensboro, Greene Co-Fx Barretts Hair Restorative, by single bottlo or dozen, for sale, at G. W. Roberts' Drug Store. 100 keg's, s.rictly pure White Lead, for sale, at G. W. Roberts' Drug Store. M EEKS CONKXIN At the resllenco of the bnde's lather, by Rev, J. N. Edmiston. April 2d. 1808. Mr. Cephas Meeks of Greene County, Pa , to Miss Puebe Jane Conklin, of nssniogion uo., t'a. IIOLLMAN GREGG April 7, 18(18, by Rev. A. B. Miller, Mr. Lewis Bllman, Esq., to Miss Dessie Gregg, both of Monongahela uty, ra. FORDYCE At Ancono, Livingston County Ills., April 1st, l sire, ol Dropsy ol to liraln, Joseph C. Ron of Ganard and Joanna Fordyce, aged 1 year and '2 months. ' WATIUBCSd MARKET. Wats BSBttRQAprll 14, IM. Corrected Weekly for the RirvBLicAS. PRODUCE. Butter (fresh roll,) ). Eggs do ........ Potatoes 9 buah Lara VS ......... Tallow f. Ik Country 8op is 1 60ii M 10 12 Dried Applet ) . FLOUR AND GRAIN, Flours, bat... . IS 00 wneaijt Duan., S so n.. k.h ..1 I01 19 . so VIIU 1 UWII ............ Corn steal f) bash. SO GROCERIES. OoOWs "f2 fit ....-. - Brown 8uer -... Renned 8ur 9, . Syrup t) gT.. tiolseees (K.OrleansJ. 14 10 I M ounnum m mmt , PITTSBTJ BBH MABKETB. Saturday, April 11, 18S3. ltarl&g the put week trade has Improved eonalderablr, and may be said to be now good In most branches ot basinet. Prices ot most of the leading articles are firmer, and the etulng op of the money market has earned a more Cheerful feeling among merchant. W quote as follows, which are the wholesale P""! ,w.nn Wheat. Penn a. and Ohio, Winter Red tl SOo2 SO Rve bUHh...- - - 1 7S Oats bush -... T878e Corn bush . W3W0 omi, xhul Flour 1060dlI2S Winter wneai w wu aw PROVISIONS. Shodtders .. 11! Rugiir Cured Haras Lard Potatoes, buah Apples $ bbl - Cheese I8319c 10c 1(31,90 4,uo5e,uo 15919 31 9W Ek- dos... .. .. Butler 8EED3. Clover Seed Timothy teed.... Flu tteed T 60 i 7a 165 tblcsje Market. Chicago, April 11, 18M. Flocb More active and firmer at W SO 10 SO fur spring extras. Wheat Klrmorj No. 5 higher; other grades steady ; sales of No. 1 at i 04, and No. i at tl 871; 1 00, dosing quiet at tl 8Vi$l S9 for No. a Corn Active and llKc higher; sales at 623 Ml$c for No. 1; 7980c for No. J; 77X780 for new, and 7878'o for rejected In store, closing nrm at 78; for new. Oats In fair request at S7)?6? regular, and 59 jr.Olc for fresh receipts, closing at 57397Sc for regular. Rvs lachlglior; sales at (I 6331 82 for No. I and 1 6591 57 for No. 2 In store. Live Hoos Firm, active and 1015o higher ; sales at 17 9038 85 for common to fair, and 99 75- (99 50 for medium to good. Beef Cattlk Active at J 8O7o0 for medium to fair, and $7 87438 874 for good to choice. New York Utj flood Market. New York, April 11. Dry goods rather mod erate yet cottons rule (irmly In view of the up ward tendency of cotton. Heavy sheetings ot best makes 18$19c. Cocheco prints UJ-jc; Sprague's U15c ; Merlmack D llHc; Pa cific Mills HJf3l5c; American, Richmond, Ori ental liaise; Ginghams 18c, Brow drills 17c for standard. special gotittiJ. T1F.VWSVJ.VA5IIA CCHTRAI. ItAtl. t ROAD On and after Octobub 4, 1867, trains arrive and depart from the Union Depot, corner 01 Wellington anu ijiDerty streets, ns iouow Arrlvo. I Depart. Mall Train 1:20 a m Day Express 3:00 am Kant Line I:'y a in Wall's No. 1 6:30 am Wall's No. 1 H::i) a m Mull Train SvJO a m Brinton No. a 7:50a im Wall's No.2 9:50am Wall's No. 2 ,5aa m Cincinnati Kx 11:15 am Cincinnati Exp.9:10a m Wall's No. 3 11:30 a m Jo'instnwn ac..l0:15 a m Johnstown ac...2:."i0 n m Phll a. Exp.....:.l:30p miWall s No. 4 3:Wpm Wall's No. :l l::IOp m1 Phll a. Exp -1:10 pm Wall's No. 4 2:30 p nv Wall's No. 5 4:50 p m Wall's No. 5 5:30 p ml Wall s No. 6 fcto p m witim no. 0.. 7:'jup ni'rasi Lone rv-u p m Altoona ne. and Wall s No. J.WJpm umig'i train..w!w p m Cincinnati Express leaves dally. All othor trains dally Kxceptamnoay. Philadelphia Express and the Altoona Ac commodutlon nnd Emigrant Train arrive dally Cincinnati Express arrives dallyexcept Mon day. All other trains dally except Sunday. For further information, apply to W. II. Bfokwlth, Agent, 9Colgat A Ce's. 4IIK AX 12RASIVE SOAP Is mtmufacitored from PURE UlTI?Vliru nn.l m.a !, considered the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. t or sale uy all groceries. 0;5-ly. To Consnmptlve. The Rnv. EDWARD A. WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire It, the prescription with thedlrectlons for making nnd rising the simple remedy by which he was cured of a lung alt'eetlon nnd that dread disease Consumption. Ills only object Istoben cflt the afflicted nnd he hopos every sufferer will try this prescription, ns It will cost them noth Ing, and may prove a blessing. Please address ' ItF.V. EDWARD A. WILSON. No. lmSonth Recondst. Williamsburg NewYork. o;3, o-iycnu-i3 evErrors of Youth. A ;entlcmnn who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Pre mature Decay, nnd all the effects of youthful In discretion, will, for the sake of suffering humnnh ty, send free to nil who need It, nnd receipt nnd directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured, stifforam wishlna to ororlt by the advertiser's experience, can do so by ad ureusing, la periect connuence, JOHNOODEN, ;5-ly 42 Codnr St., New York S7-The Ilcnllns; Pool, nnd House of Mer er. Howard Awociation Reports for Young Men, on the crime of solitudo, and the errors, abuses and diseases which destroy the manly powers, and create impediments to marriage, with sure means of relief. Sent In sealed letter envelopes rree or cnargn. Address UH. J. HKIL LIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Phlla dulphla, I'ft. 6;J-ly COn, PESS AN'D 8T. CLAIR STKEETS, PIITSQUROH, PA. The Largest, Cheapest and most Successful Pn.VCriCAL BUSINESS COLLEGE IN THE UNITED STATES. OVER FIFTEEN THOUSAND STUDENTS FROM THIRTY-THREE STATES IS TEX YEARS, FOR LARGE QUARTO CIRCULAR, Containing full Information, Outline of Coarse 01 siuuy, samples of cowley PREMIUM PENMANSHIP, View Of the Colleze rtnlldlnar. different An- purtmenu, City of Pittshnren, Sc., &c., n'ldress the Principals, SMITH A COWLEY, up 1, J-ly -Pittsburgh, Pa.1 jAZEAR BROTHERS, WROLESALS OSOCERS AUD COUMIJSIOM XXR- CHAirrs. No. 77, EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE. J AS. B. Lazzak, VH. L. LAZSAS, ftl-ly.. Jobs Huohx.. Thomas Lucas. fjl- LUCAS 4 CO. raswAaorxo Asp cowiisnon misoiiarts. Ad "fliers In Orocerle, ' nrdware, Leather, ., Alalia, naiu rasa, ore. Aiao, SKOntS fOr AUbnV. HrAmlnw AAvm'a Wlniln Saan. A supply kept consuntty on hand. Rice's Landing, PSk, above thaaosr, ftfj-tt TMPROVEMENT tVPrwrf u. V1 ftente of an Improved Plow and Cultivator by which aiogleandSooblt hovel and cultivator are readily adjusted for a upon (ldehlUsor level ground. Th design Is meretoriou, and cannot fall to pteaae our termer. A modal will be on exhibition In Wayneaburgat the asxt Urm of Court, where " araraepeotfuU lavlted 10 go and xamln ijtMt HJBa OOOBWiH, IiirrBU. JnlermaUon gnrsnsd to i?rSSral- "J0 rwlptrtnr mowJ. of Pimply BliSoh, EruptioiM, ata.. on th skin, Uavlni th auaa soft, ofear, aad beau tlral, can ba obtaid without oharg by ad- wuuij m tuauriAnt nawu or naip uaon & maia li.'Myeh;ll Kt Broadway, Nw fork. LIST OF CAUSES FOR TRIAL AT APRIL TERM, 1B68. baughertr vs Teogsrden, No. Ill, March Term Hou 11 worth vs Owynn, No. 144, March Term, 1S6S. Hook v Kinney, No. M, Jane Term, IMS. ursaaoest vineia et. u.,, jum icrm, lSSS. Branl va Boge, No. 86, June Term, 18SS. Piper v Klncald, No. 95, Jan Term, 1850. Morris v Lucas, No. 71, June term, I8W. F. 4 D. Bank v Bell 4 Bayary, No. 133, Jane term, 1WI4. Martin v 8hriver's Administrator, No. M, March term, 1S86. Lindsay for use vs Morgan Bell, No. 99, March term, t8d, Taylor vs Lemley, No. 75, March term, 1806. Llndsey's Executors va Haera, No. U, March term, ibod. BufTmaa for ns vs Gordon, No. US, June term, laM. Stockdale vs Rose A Stevenson, No. 209, June ittrui, 1000. Hughes vsaame, No. 907, Jon term, IMS. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs seals, No. T, ScDtember term. lHUO. Taylor vs Waynesburg Borough, No, 71, Sept ivnu, low. Llvlngood vs Hoy, No. 151, September term, '60. Eakinet al vs Kigeret al, No. 103, December term, IW. Curl vs Riddle, No. 1H, December term, 151 Stewart vs Stevens, No, 17, March term, 1S"7. uougioss' Administrators v llartly, No. ft, Wbitmoro, Wolf 4 Co. vs Call Fry, No, 67, March term, 1867, Same vs John Call 4 Co., No. 68, March term, '67. Same vs Call, Gordon 4 Co., No. to, Maruh term. Lants's Exesutors vs Rook, No. 80, March term, 1807. Gordon vs Lanti's Administrators, No, 132, March term, 18K7. Rogers vs stout's Administrators, No. 118, March term, 1867. Ttfirn.4 A Fjiv va Ruih No. ISA. Mareh term '67. Stllwell v Thompson, No. 131, June term. T$67. tiuninan vs Mc.Neeiv. no. iia, June urm, irmi, Oruy vs Stone, No. Inl. June term, 1867. F. jk D. Dank vs Thompson, No. 66, December term, 1667. SECOND WEEK, 1ST DIVISION. Bowers' Trustee vs Hook, No, W, Nov. term, '59. Henderson vs Hughes, No. 90, June Term, 1S61. Tannerv Hughes 4 Klncald, No. T9, June lerni, lsei. Miller vs Miller, No. 100, March term, 1865. Lemley vs Oapon A Wharton, No. 1M, June term Mi. Maple vs Prior, No. 37. December term, l6fc Corntrell vaWlliion. No. 128 Dee. term. 1H6.1. Hickman vs Hlekman A Wiley, No. 9, March term, Mestrezatt 4 Seal vs Monongahela Oil Co., No. 9, March term, 1606. Taylor va Lemley, No. 7S. March term, 1866. Gordon vs Sbrtver, No. 110, March term, " 2ND DIVISION. Rhodes vs Savers A Kent. No. US, June term, '68 Lantz 4 Stephens, No. 139, June term, " Crane et nl vs Patterson and Downey, No. 89, September term, 186(1. Horubako vs Hedge et al, No. 69, September term, isne. Brlster vs Oliver, No. 71, Dec. term, 1366. Minor's Administrators vs Unpen, No. 66, Dee. term, 1-iikl. ... Johns vs Lants's Administrators, No. 115, Dec. term, I86H. i.irmiy va ni'-)livnv lid, i-ii, juuo wi iu. ioui. M'Kee vs Hewit A Gray, No. 59, Bent, term, 1867. rortorvs ureeno uouniv Amner uii v.umpauy, No. 87. September term. 1SIJ7. Llndsoy vs Bunion, No. 3l, December term, 1967. Woods vs Black et al, No. 81, April term, leas. 3-i3-to J. F. TEMPLE, 1'roty s HERIFF'S SALE. nv virtue of a writ of PI. Fa. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Greene County, and to mc directed, thero will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, In Waynesburg, on SATURDAY, the 11th day of April, 1868, al 1 o' clock, p. M., the following property, viz : All the right, title, Interest and claim of the defefrdantof, In ami to e certain .truer, of Irmd situated In Jefferson township, adjoining lands ot n. i;. ii ours worm, wm. ivincaiu, wiuow v y coir. OU Company, and others: containlnt fifty-ono acres, mora or less; occupied by Meeiter w. waters, aoout tntrty aorea oi wnien are cleared, having erected thereon a log dwell- with a variety of fruit trees. The land Is well watered and timbered. Taken in execution as the Brooertv of th Clifton PetrotumCompany of Penn'., at the suit oi jamea uaroer. it. a. oii.vr.un. 3;l3-to Sheriff. s HERIFF'S BALE. Bv virtue of a writ of Yen. Rxn. leaned out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Greene County, and to ino directed, there will he exposed to punllesaieat tbeCourt House In Waynesburg on SATURDAY the 11th day of April 1883 at I uui',.,iiEiuiiui,in, piupcj It. , All the right, title, Interest and claim of naviu m. joanson, oi, in anu to a certain lot or ground siiuateu in jacKSonviiie.KicnnillTown sliip, Greene Co. Pa., bound on the North by an alley, on the East by nn alley, on the South by South (or back) Street and on the West by an nuey, aujoiiung lots oi ltuko jonnaon anu otn crs. Takon In execution ns the property of David Al. jonuHon at ine suit oi AiorgAn lien, II. B. SILVEU8, 3;l8-to Sheriff. T 1HI3 IS TO GIVE NOTICE, T It tit on the 27th of March 1909 ft warrant In bankruptcy was Isnued agatiut the euUto of ueo. urnnu oi nprinnuui luwiiMup, iu me county of Greene nnd btate of FurtiisylvnnlA, wno iiAsueen aajuugeu n nnnKrupi on nisown petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of anv nronertv belolnn to such Hank rupt, to him, or for hit use, and the transfer of any property oy mm, are lorniuuen ny law; that a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bank rupt, to prove their Debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held ata Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Regis ter's Office in wnynenburpr, Greene co, Pa,, be- rure joHepn a. uomey, nug inter, on uio 12 DAY OF MAY. 1863, AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M TilOMAS A. Rowi.icr, U. H. Marsna per Tmos. Hill, Duty, Ap Mt W ESTEKN DISTRICT OP PENNSYL VANIA, S3. At Cormichaels, Oreefie County. Pa., th Slth aay oi mnrcn lows. 10 wnom it may concern; The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ol Carmlchaels. In the County of Ureene and State of Pennsylvania, within said District, who nas veen auiutiaea a uanKrupi on uis own peti tion by the Distrlot Court of said District, ap l-3t J. It. WOOD, Assignee. rEQAL NOTICE. Letters of almlnUtrntlon npon the estate of Peter Memhen lato of Otlmore tp., rtee'd., hnv 1ns been sranted to the undersigned, notice I" hereby given to all persons Indebted to Raid estate to make Immediate payment, and those having elftims against the same to present them properly authen ticated for settlement. WM. MKIUHEV, of Wayn township, Administrator, jysaoLimbN OP PARTNERSHIP ! The partnership lveretofoi'e existing between W. II. Mutton and Daniel shirk la thl day (.March 8. Mm,) dissolved by mutual consent. The booka and account of said firm remain In the hands of Daniel Shirk, who will continue the business at the old stand. All persons know inn themselves Indebted to said nrm will plea call and settle their accounts. DANIEL sniUK. fclMIt W. II. SUTTON, A1 SSIGNEE'3 NOTICE. The Unnerslmen hefnff thA AulmiM nf A Hedce 4 Son. hereby elves notice that th Books and accounts of that firm are In her hand and will remain there until the 90th of April, ISM, wncn tney win oe leit wun Simon luncnart, lsq., lor ciiiievfciuii, ap 1 'eS-St MARY E. BEDOE. N OT1CE. All Demons Indebted to th firm of Havers A Hoskinson. are requested to make Immediate settlement, a the books of the firm must be closed up. BAYERS 4 HOSKINSON. ap Mofpat's Life Fills JkSO PHtmX BITTERS. The Most SnccessM Medicines in the World. Established In 1835 bj one oi our Most Eminent Physicians, and now Used throughout North and South America, with more pleasing results than any other Medicine in cases of diseased Lirer, Blood or Skin, Indigestion, CortiTeness, Billons Complaints, Bhenmatlsm and Ferer and Agne Thousands of carttflcates are In our possession, glring detailed accounts of perfect CtJSES effected by these invaluable ' Medicines. They regulate the System, and put all' .the funetiou of fli bedy In healthy condition. aU ayattTsniasiiSi m SMssat, rsatss. tars, Him t Or. feka KoSU aad Or. B. afasVt, Krv Tot. , Final account of A. A, Purman, Guardian off . Hannan Al. noaa,aecewou, wuo wm wiuw j,hn rf finn. Renlamln Roaa. daceased. Account of Marl Sutton, Executor Of th last Will or Joel Button, aeceaaeu. Account ofSlmonCoen Executor of th Will of Jackmyre Coon deceased. . . Final account of Rea Dowlln A John IJowllh Admintsiratora oi uiiuuimw jwuuiwuw 1 1 ti Udn ilnM.ANPd. AocouiitofEli Knlfht and John Sharp, srtmln- Islrators oi in esuti oi uiiuua wuuw, iImmiihI. Account of Jeremlh Rtewart, Guardian of OlatUla 11101, miuor aon os oiioa uici, wo- Account of George Hennen. administrator of th estate of Sabcas Main, deceased. . . . Account of Workman Hickman, administra tor of the eitataof David L. Keener, dee'd. Account of John N. Waters, and Ueorg Waters, Account of Aaron Cos, guardian of Jsma B. South, minor child of Justus South, dec's. Account of Aaron Cox, guardian of Franklin I'. Houtn, minor cnita oi jvjsiua un u. Account of Francis Drake, administrator of th tat of Daniel Barney, deceased. Account of I. N, Cary, administrator of the estate of Thomas Alfree. deo'd. Account of Marlon Chalfan and Harvey Htg- Sins, executors oi in w ill oi ciijuu cnaiuui, Account of Jnme A,Blck.dmlnlstrtorof the estate or William r, uanou, uec a. Account ot James A. Black, administrator of the state of C. A. Mestrezatt, deceased. Account of William Moredock and George MoredocK. aamiaisirutors oi mi csiaiv ui Inhn C il H'HH Final account of Mary 8. Huffman, nd O. P. Jordon, executors oi in wiu o wnjiuim Account of jecemlah Stewart, guardian of the minnr cltililren of Hiram Itornof. deceased. Account of Reuben Brown and W,.0. Morris, Fxecutors or in will oi nsuoon mow a, iliuianufil Account of A. J. Shrlver, Administrator of .th estoteof AdamBhrlver, Jr.,d(ciod Final account of Thomas W. Taylor, Andrew Hughes ana jonn uiayron, lominnimiuri of the estate of Hainuel Crayne, dee d. LIST OF GRAND JCROltS DRAWN FOR APRIL TERM, I8U0. Thomas M'Clelland Cumberland tp. William LPoguo, Esq JeHerson Carlton C Harry MorKan " A. J Martin Jettenon " James Hushes ..Rlehhlll " John Smith Washington ' Oldeonlrfng Dunkard " Michael Prleo ..Jeflenion " Nelson Booth Morris ' Wm P Scolt .Jcirerson " Alired Armstrong ....cumbrlnd David Sliroyer Cumberland " Wm MeKanna Hlchlilll " Btnphenson Oarard Oreen " Samuel MeAlllster Marlon " David Garrison ..Dunkrd " Pbenea Hcadley Perry Fnoch Hennen.. Frnuklln " Samuel 3 Acklln Wm L Durge P M Qrnham James Flennlken James A King Ephralm M'Clellund.. Cumberland " ...w.bprinthill ( Jackson " JetTerson " .... Perry niehhlll LIST OPPETTIT JURORS PRAWN FOR Al'RII F.RM, 1808. WEEK. . Franklin " fireene 11 .....Washington " UlenhlU " Hlehhill " L'rr?,,' !! Franklin " David Russ Wm Hart 1 H Juhns A J yooilwln James Burns lteubun Umwn.... Thomus Hook Win Hlt.ilesMith.. Dunkard " Thomas Adamson .Franklin Geore Flouts Aleppo Thomas Hill Franalln " Miller Crayne Morgan Samuel West Morgan Nerl Hart. Cumberland ; James Ely Si?n.tre, Israel Stephenson Whltely Thomas Crago Cumberland Hfimuel Ravurd... ...Jefl'ersou Wm K ltevnolds... Jonah K Wood Daniel Walton Freeman Lucas Jacob Klce Solomnn R Wise.., Wm Orovo Benjamin Way.... Henry Jacobs ....Jefferson " Carmlchaels Hlehhill " Dunkard " Hprlnglnll " Morgan ' Centra " Morgan " Fmnlclln ' Jetlerson ' Samuel Colvor... .1 u VanrlAve Centre Daniel Millar Dunkard Norman Worley Morion John Fordyce... ..Gllmor " wmuarret Alexander Patton.. Joseuh Hhlbler AlorRn " ,u.;..Ctimberlnrt " Monongahela Perry " jonn j Diiuu jASHtl Vndrc Morris John Louehrldee Riehhill Samuel Luce Jefferson " William llerryhlll Marlon " John Church... , Centre " Henry llowers.i...i Whltely " Wm Mnpl....i Dunkard " David lluehanan Maarlon " James E HoVtly Cumberland " Wllllnni II Lucas Dunkard Charles Bums ; Perry " John W Mltehel Aleppo " Henrv Cummins .Oreene " John McCoy Monongahela Hudson D Brock Wayn " Inalah Faddls ....Jcflerson " John Rogers Jr I.'entre " James MllUken Jackson " Jacobs Moore Aleppo " Vincent Lueas Morris " Manaasa Wildmsn. Dunkard " Zadock Batson Morris " Solomon Hoge Wayne " Wm Cummins ....Whltely ' EPSmalley Marlon ' Corbly Oarurd, Sr.... Cumberland " John Muiinnl Marlon " William Gordon (of 8ol.) Franklin " Jacob snider Prtrry " Robert Bristor Rlthhlll " John Simpson Morris " II C Houlsworth Morgan ' N II M'Clelland Marlon " Joshua Ackley Hlehhill James uuruine Kills Stephenson Benjamin F Denuy John Jennings J K Bailey Jefferson Huffman , Timothy Phillips........ II 11 Llndsoy RprltighlU " Monongahla ijreene Rlchhlll Cumberland " tentr " Wyne " Jeffiirson " Jefferson 11 r r vernon.. Corbly Oarard, Jr Cumberland "a A PPLIOANT9 FOR TAVERN LICENSE IV AT APRIL TERM. Itl. Henry J. Jennings, Carmlcluals Borough, Oilman Hickman, Newtown. William Kelly, Jefferson, Everly A Taylor, Hamilton Homo, Waynesburg, Edward Ferrell, Freeuort. Benjamin F. Morloy, Willow Trco. Jesse Mitchell. Jairkson To. Thomas Bradley, Sherman House, Waynesburg. James 1 . uosgrav, tirevne nouse, uo II. II. Llndscy, Eating House, Jefferson. M. H. Oreime. Morrlsvlllo. George Cowell, Davlstown. Islfth Faddls, RIcm's Landing, Jamea P. Alliims.Qraysvllle. Marjsry Bryan, JacksonvlllA, Phillip Riley, Jacksonville. I.lppencott 4 Leonard, Morrlsvilio. David R. Jones, Greensboro. ' Martin Monlger, Jackson villa, Hiram Cirri, carmlchasl. Mrs. R. J. Bnmsarner, Jefferson, Susan Pettlt, Waynesburg. Maria Sutton, do. Wm. Phillips, Mt, Morris, James Carter Jacksonville. S. M. Sellers, Bridgeport, Franklin Tp. J Irs. J, Harn. Greensboro, ohn Nlswanger, Clarksvtllr. Willi am Hennen. Jollevtown. Applicant must file their petitions and bond immoaiateiy. 4. r. iL.MfkjiL, J;ll-to Proth'y. TAISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP ! The public are hereby notified that the Arm heretofore existing under the style and title ol T. Hraden 4 Co. la till day, (February 18, 1848,) mutually unsolved. KUHtit 1 uu x v. TUJS. DRADEN. The books of th firm will be left with th an derslgned, to whom all persons Indebted will pay tholr accounts. Businca will be conduct ed at th old stand, opposite th First National Bank, Waynesburg, P., by ajll-Jw TH03. BRADEN. JjEO AL SOTICEI Nolle la hereby given to all th creditor of Morgan Dell,i;f ltlchhlll township, that Justus Bled hi account In the Court of Common Pleas of Greene county.and will be presented on th 1st dav of Anrll Term. 1SW. for allowance and oonflrmatlou J. F. TEMPLE, I; IS-to Prothonotary. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE! Notle I hereby lvn to all th eredl'tor of Jacob A. Pennington, of Carnstebjaisv Oreens eonnty. Pa., that Fella H.Oago.a.lgnofaald Jacob A, Pennington, ho filed hi account la th Court of Cora oion PIof Graan oouaty, and will bpratd ok th 11 day of April 1 arm, uoa, mr aaiowaoo ana oumirmniioo. J. F. TEMPLE, lilt-ta Protboaotary, -IREENB COCNTT, 88. 5 n th Cottrt of Cotnmaa rl. Ds ttttar Tana, 1SS7 1 J th tnattsr M th aaaamat of Etwalm a. Wtatd, CassualUaa of Uu ssaatt) f ya ailtsaiill, a Innati. And sm to wtji &aBbr1rl VUt. th Oaqrt kaviaa ordarast Hat sawonat Had. Boilo U Wa. by at sa all mtmsm IbsstcsmA tltat th am will b (of eanfTratatloa at Uu aon term of aaM toon. t.r. TEMTLB, t-t rrothonotary. ATNESBVRQ COLLEGE! AT WAYHMstmo. oEsasn oocwtt, iu. Prtild'."Lnd "ofcior-of Moral &!.,, at. K. GARRISON, A. M. , rrorertior 01 iua ums biw tm 1 W. QrSCOTT, A. M., Professor of Mathematlos, 3. MILLER, . , . 4- . , Teachar of penmanship and Book-Sea lag. Mrs. M. K. B. MILLER, , . ' Principal of th Female DOpartmtBI. ' Miss LUCY V. l.NOHKAM . Teacher or instrumental nasi. Mrs. M. C. PARKINSON, Teacner of Mocuuon. alias EMMA J. DOWNEY, xeacneroi ine rreuca unguaga. .. The next Term will open on MONDAY, Aarll oth, ica. NORMAL DEPARTMENT. rnvthaananlalbenefltofthalar BnmUlftf Teachers attending the Iiutltutlon, th Profta son, assisted by the County BupeHntendtav win couauct a normal uiuss. giviug a course of Instruction In all the branches taught In the schools, and at sueu hours will not IA' terfire wilh the regular College recltailoaa. Thos deslrlna- room for aslf-bmrdlng mar t accommodated by applying aoun. For further particulars address th rrssldsat. U R N I T U 1C E I j. y. v6ojowell a soxs, MANlFACTtRERJ Ain WHOLTOALr! AND RETAIL DEALERS IN V t' It N I T U ft t l n T or every DBs'cKtrf ioa. , i 91 in Third St., Irl-ly. PITTSBURtJ, Pimr 1 4 Q E N T S W A H T E D. One man In each eonntv nf the Stat of Pa tin. syteanta warned to dispose of Oroeenr Bt iruggiBta- rigni 10 innnuuwiur anu it turn DEODORIZED NON-EXPLOSIVE EXCKUU OIULLL'MINATIliUOlI., . 1 Which Is superior to all others, equalling, if not excelling in whiteness of ham and brilliancy th Drummnnd Light. I have secured a trad mark under an Act or Congress, and would ea tlon the publlo against pretending patent. All Infringers on mv rights will be pursued by Telegraph, by Marshals and Deputies on wagon roads or rallroitds, steamboat, lafe and river, and prosecuted to the full extent of th law. This oil can be made for but stop, that M mad known only to those who purchos Right to manufacture and sell the oil. Fair further par. tlculars, address a C. CHASE, M. D. S-6S-3t , New Vienna, Ohio. , joiiN 11. liomtAN, MORQANTOWN. WEST VIRGINIA. A TTORNE Y FOR COLLECTIhV ra-Msioxs, Booxrus, irsiass or rar, AND ALL MILITARY CLAIMS. Having hod IT year experience In lroetln sueh claims, I have become familiar with th various Laws And the larg amount of record evidence In my possession enables me too very successful in prosecuting suspended claims, and In many Instances bave proved successful whan theclaimant hod long given them np In despair. No matter how dlffloult th claim so it Is lust. s'J8-r., ' ni'ULIU NOTICE. As th firm of HUGHES 4 LUCAS Is dlaaolvest by mutual consent, th Commission biulnaa will still be curried on at the old stand, In good order, and on tho most reasonable Urma, In th name and style of L. HUGHES A CO (senior partner.) They flatter themselves, bV havlnk the House and the best location In th place foV that business, that they will ucsivs a liberal share of the public patronage. Thoy will alio keep a good supply of OROCKR. IESon hand to accommodate U who may favor them with a call. L. HUOnES a COu ;10-tf. Rice's Landing, Pa. . HOOK AGENTS WANTED rOH THK NKW ItOOK "MEN OF OUR TIMES" Or Leading Patriots of the Day. An elegant oe. tnvo volume, richly Illustrated with 18 beauti ful steel Engravings, aud a portrait of th au thor, Mrs, HARRIET BEfiCTIER PTOWK. Agents say It Is the best, and sells the quickest of any book thoy ever sold. Home ere taking oot BOOorders per week. It will outsell "Unci Tom s Cabin. " We employ no general agents, but pay extra commission. Old agents will ap- Firecluto this Item. Send for circulars giving ull particulars. Address UAarrosui PcaLiaii tsa Co., Hartford, Ct. p 8-4t DLSTIC SLATE ROOFlNul : Th firm of ODBRRT A JONES will furnuus th PROPERTY HOLDERS! of Qrcon county, wlthth plastic 8 Late roofing j Intrrxluerl last Bnmmer, and so highly innoi ,,y vuunt, wnu iibvo ineq 1C. 1 S).A1I order left with L. W. Jonas, Waynes burg, Pa., will receive prompt attention. ' ODBERTsYJOXCH, S;ll-0m of Washington County, P. yANTED-1,000 MEN AND WOMEN) To act as canvserfur a series of NEW ENGRAVING H. FIVE LEAUTIFUL IDEAL AMERIfA.f FACES, Engraved OK htoki in Paris by the most emi nent Ltthogrsphers in the world. The face, which are most beautiful and poetic conceptions, are designed to typify th Ileal Ideal types of A merican womanhood, representing thslr char ities, devotion, sympathies, attachment and he roism. Th lithography Is In th highest style of th art, and la such as ha rarely been squalled, anil casnot be excelled. These portraits have received unqualified f raise from the most eminent orltle and prom nent uowsoaner of th oountrv. anil thav hould adorn every household In the lead. . For particulars and descriptive elrcnlar. ad. dr U D. ROBINSON, . U Mam St., Sprlngflald, Mas. AUDITORS' REPORT OF THE BOUNTY" ACCOUNT OF FRANKLIN TP, Ann, t, last, JONAS ELY", TREAStJRER, DR. ,, - r To amount received on dupUcata of ISSA I ) S To amount of tax levied In 1847 Hi tj OR. ... lias la Bv amount of exonoratlon ! ni lowed collector I 11 U By percent! foroolleotlng...i. tt W By amount of vouclMr allowed. 1411 S4 Bv amount anld School Treoa'r. lit 1 Trenail reri per tlUKe..... TOR t.' . uaianc m iraoaurer, nanoai... , - . Tfiaa OEO. WIHCARVER, J And . ap3,M-St . 1 -'."' " ." . . . '' 1 1 as GENTS WANTED FOR . MES op ouii DAY. Orth Lives and Daarf of General, SUteameh. &Aiin l.i,l.. inM aw "' ." Sumner. Stanton, Sheridan, .Yau, . Cartlai Trumbull, Fenton.Bnoklngham, Wllaoa. Or. lay.Waa, Morton, Phlllllps, rmJ cSZ. Logan. Btjvsn. Beeoher, Snrart. Bootwll, T5u Hamlin, Fsndn, Howard, and othan. mSl ovar FortyUtVlIk Portrait of Ulia? inai Sold only by asraU. Great inducrnaS: mSi lor circulars. ZEIOLEB, McCURDT v i apMt 1 Arab St., nilastolMila: V mo FARMERS AND OTUIBa, A toot Agont wmatad Us twry taaasitlx afttotr-d tMSrVUSZ frorahl. rrnsmanis with early tuitrl? Add MM r.s-iy M rmn ., nttsbarghVfV