.Term of lullleutlou. Thi WATMSiBeao IlKl'PBLICAX, Offlce In Bayera' building, east or the Court Hoiue, l pub llttieil every Wuilnt'iiiluy morning, nt S'J pet aimam, i adtavh. or S 80 If not pnld wlth . Iuthyenr. Allitibirrltloii neeomita jicirr be nettled BHiinnlly. No pnper will be sent out of the Stute imtewi patil for i!f advance, nnil It uch ulworlptloiu will luvnrluhly lie dlncnn tlnued ut the exulmtton of the time for which they are prthl. I'oiumunletitlonson milijertanf local or Kntni1 lnt'rtt are r"pMlliiUy Kntirllt-il. 'if eiinure attention f;ivirol tlllit klnil nuil Invnrlnlilv lie ac'roptiiit'l the nam' of tlmniitlmr, not for pjhtlciitlon, hut at u trimly iwnttist iiuposltiMii. All IfttiTH Tmlllmu to Inislni'iuior the ollk-e must heaJilntAHeil to the Klltor Terms of AUvortf "JOB WOUK. " .".".'.. ' ADTTRTISHJIFSTS lnrtHl M PW fir-i.. ln'Ori. or ltm oil -V r"l-ilw qnnr thr eorh addlllimnl innortlon t (ten IUM : orl oftlim tvp counti d qure). AC tran sient vr Ue'ment . to t paid M in dtnc. mstsi-v) f.uin mmI ui. ii . iiu- li--loi h.im new will be rlinrgea invarmoiy iu rnrenfti iiiwriHin. . A lilK-nil dvilui'tln Kind to pf rwn ,!.vrt,,; limhythe quarter, linlf-yeiir or yror. Kpnl notliin -linnd one-half more than regular an Yertlsenionta. V Job Printing of rvcrrkinil In Plnlnanfl ra rvcolom: H-oiU-hMU, Hlmikii, Canl Painphlfl of ewrv varit'lv nn.l ntylr. prlntl at tna hiirtiwt noilw. The IlrWBi.iraN- Oeurf ha JAS. E. SAYEIIS, FIRMNESS IN THE RIGHT AS GOD GIVES US TO SEE THE RIGHT. Lim-oln. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. VOL. XI WAYMSHIKO, PA., WEDNESDAY, APKIL 15, 188. I0. 42. lust hwn re-4lttrd, anil i-very tlilnf In Hie Print Im line nm be executed In the moat erUalle mHtitipraml at the unrtvit fa lea. 3?octvn. A II I SO kMII'S I.F.TTE.1. r lR. C. II OtllDtTTE. Time i1im not rrthon simple dajt To amils liy nnxliins Imglng trwseil. Fur sorai tiling wailed for, or Inst I But Llfo is lengthened m tny ways. We lli'iik an hour of Joy still lirlef : :s irom 'n't wen wing e 1 throng ; Hut nl). how wtmrigMiiirl) lm We Ifhow ' roun.le.l hur ot giLf! I flml ttiese punul xrs clear s F.ir thou, who art ray heller Ufa The aun'hinu of my soul ! my wifi j lMuveil. ulna, Ihou ait nut line ! ,Tlioy any 'twits 'ml a week ago, Between eneli ixtrtlnj tear Hint fell Wo sitlil farewell, anil still, larewell ; A single week ? I do not know. The reckoning thus I h te not kept I I only know Unit, on my hr.aat, A solitary, dull linn st fto, like a ghoslly ruren slept. I pni" upon our household goods There seems no aclmil void nor change In these t hut over ull, a stmnge And luournful uiaiilutiiiu bloods. The cushioned clmlr licnrntli the lijjtit ; The Imskct oil the stand, apart, . Killed with Its diilntr woiks of art; I l'.ok upou them all to night. But ih, tho rh or no denr form fills j No d dirty -lingers deltly ply Tlielrtw-k h fore my 1 iving eye j No well loved voiuu my bosom thrills! Tlintt wirt be hero, my heller fate, In one short week agiin, I know, Upon mv henrt mid henrth to glow ; But ill, beloved I cannot wilt ! 'Tis hut a stretching of llio nick : U , fools and Am ks, who say of life '. Tlut ah'seitre coinpicrs 1 ive ! Denr wifV, 1 spunk tut these two words : Cum b uk ! ftpt:ci'ii niriiiii r wn:.si OB, How n Iturtflnr wan C'niiKlit. I will tell yon a story of how I once saved my lili, entirely through bavin.: learned t bo ileal' ami dumb alphabet. There were two little hoys who used to com;) to .stay with Frank ami me, when we were first married, ami they t'imlil noilher hear nor speak. They . were deaf and dumb; they cnild not talk, except with their lingers so only ever so nine. i tpiick cr. . Frank and I learned this foreign alphabet on purpose that we might understand what they said. They were quick and clever; they could read and wrile, a id draw and sew, and do many other things whioh most hoys would make a very had hand at. They eonld play at draughts, and baekgiinvnoii, and chess, and at fox and gees:1, as well as nay hoys. They could almost see what we said, al though tlicy could not hear, with sii.dt quick, eager eyes did they wutch every movement of our lips. We sum, however, got toUalk as easily with our ringers as witli our tongues; und some times, when tho'hvts were not with us, Frank and I used to converse in that maimer when we wej'e alone, for practice. . .. . - It happened upon one occasion thai lie had to go to Loudon on important busiuessj.he was to have gone by a.i afternoon train, but something delay ed liim, so "'Hint he was not able to leave before the night express. I was not in very good health, and retired to my bedroom" about two hours befprejijs departure; lie prom ised, ' howcrerj to come up and wish me good-by before he started, which would be betweeir"Twclve and one o' clock in the morning. The. matter which had called him away was con nected with the bank here, which had just been burned dowrr; and my hits fcindjHt seems,' lilthough I did not know it at tljotimer-so rijat a secret had lie endeavored to keep it had many thousand pounds 'belonging to the concent in his"' temjiofary posses sion, locked trpnn-tKe iron safe in our bedroom, where the plate was kept, lie was bank manasicr. and respon sible for the whole 'of It.""' "Iff'wm n cold time, Kiuf tnTr6"'w;t3 affrc in the room, so bright and comfortable that I was in-'no'-hwry to leave it to get irfto' 'imJ;i bittsat up looking into the fiery coals, and thinking about ail sorts of things; fipTrrrthe long journey Frank had t .tijue that .night, and ol how dreary thcrlaA S wori)d seem until he returned, and in particular .how 1 i r I lli' l!-! ' t jonciy l siioiiKi ieei in uiat great roo'ii ull by myself when ho- should b& away for I was a trfcarVful coward. It was a little after e!eeu o'clock when I got jnta.JieJ, but I did nit feel : -the -j least inclinctl to sleep even,then. ,1 knew that Frank would be comini to wistrnjero'(Jtl-b? tires' eatlygndbenides there Becnied to be-all sorts'Af' noise about th room, whioh my foolish ears always used to hear wbanevw-jjone at, nirlit-time. If a'lirtltf So6l'-fell trown tire cliim ney, it was, I thought, a great black crow at least, VtlCh would soon be flyinalwut tlmroom, and sitting tin lii p'il loAvTif , mUso-l5niiBaki.i1 "in jthe wainscot, it was the creakHijof tip stairs to kill me wltft a carving kaife j aqrj. jf the,yrjnd.blew the case HDt it WiMonis peraon, txyuin to tret iostgthe wiiiw, Uhbugh it was two tones nign. ..-. You my imagine, then, myhor ror, when I heard a tre nen Ions sneeze within an inch of me, just behind the he.td-lio.ird of the lud, and between that and the wall, where there was a cou-iiL-rahle space. I had, as usual, taken the precaution, before 1 put the caudle out, of looking everywhere in the room where it was ipiile impis libleany person could be hid ; but the little alcove into which the bed was iii-lie l i ii-i n"Y"'m "'i Hill"" iH U I '1.11' lll'L .1.1111 II. iw The next instant the wretch ha 1 sneeed again, mi. I piw!iini aside the bed, which rolled oil castors, I felt he was standing beside my pillow look ing nt'in:'. If he hid given only one sneeze, ha might, perhaps, linvu be lieved mo asleep, us I lay tj'rte still, breitliing as regularly as I coal I, tin I pretending to b"; but hi; iv.hoiic I very justly, that unless I was ih-afor tie 1 1 I niu-t have been awakened by the secon I. "You're1 awake, mirni," slid li", in a gru'l voice, ''and it's no use of slim ming! If you don't wait a t ip with this life-preserver, ju-t look alive!" I o;'jiii'l in.' ey.-s ex -ee liin'y wide at this, and be'iel I a ma i with crape over his face, standing by the be 1-side; he h id n clu'i, wlt'i two kn its upon it, in It's right h in I, aa I with li i -t I 'It he pointed to the sale. "Is the money there?" said Ir. "The p ate i-," st'd I, in it tremu lous voice; "priy take if, sir; I tin sure you are wry wjIuo iij ;" for hi! might have everything of va!u : in th 1 roo:n, w ith all my heart, so long as he saved my life, "The inonev the gold the notes are they theie?" cried he ugiin, in a terrible sort of whisper. "It is all there," cried I, although I knew untiling about it; "all except fif teen and sixpe.iee in my purse, on the dressing table yonder. There's silver mustard juts in the pinlry, afi 1 a couple of can llisi ieks in the study, onlv th v are plated, lor I would not - .i tl vc.ve yo i,;, ou any account. "Vo i hid better no,," observed the burglar, "or it will be all the worse liir you." 1 1. pro, luce I a key, h;c that my husband us.'d, an 1 ap.iroaolie.l the iron -afe; but us lie li I so, his guilty car e night the sound ol a fo.iNtcp upoa the stairs. "Who is that?" cried he. "My husbau I, sir," returned I; "but prav don't hurt him." "Is be not go. io to town, then?" cried the I'ulli.in, with mi oath of dis appointment. "ile is going at tw.'lve Ylo;:k," re plied I; "he is indeed." "Ifyou tell him, womr.i," sii ! the burglar hoarsely, "rl yo I bvilhe b it o.ie word ol' my prese-icc hero, it will iie tiie de.itli do i n of you both." II' then slipped into the alcove, and drew back the bed to its pla 'e again in an iustant. - My husband enteve I im n.'diately afterivar 1, an I eve I while he wis in the r..o;:i 1 heard the awful threat re pealed oni'c ic: ain through the thick curtain behind ine: "If you do butw'iispr it, woman, I will kill yon wlier-; y.iu I c. Will you promise not to teil him.'" "I will," slid I soie nnly; "I prom ise not to open my lips at all .t'l l it the m ittcr." ' Frank leaned over the pillnv to kiss nie, an. I observed ho.v terrili 1 I looked. "You have been frig'ttening. your felf about robbers again, I suppose, you sillvrliilil. "Not I, Frank," return vl T, a cheerfully as I co il.l;."! have a little healaciie." 1 it I said with iv lin gers, so that he eoul I plainly re.t 1 it in the lire-light, "For Go I sake ht.sh, there is a man behind the bedstead!" Frank was bold us a !ioii, and had nerves like iron, although he was so tender-hearted and kind. He only answered - - - " Where is your sal volatile, dear est?" and went to the iiwntle-piivc to get k I thought he ncvereould have understood me, ho spoke with such coolness and unconcern, until I saw his lingers reply, as he took up th boTtle, II right, don't be afraid !" And then I was not afraid, or tit least not miieh; for I knew I sh iuld not be left alone one instant; and I thought my Frank was a match fur -uhv two such men in such a. ca e. Only he had no weapon "He has a life-preserver," said J, with my fingers. .'-J.Ywiir, fire; U getting nitlier low, Georgey," observed heas he took tip the poker. (Ah! he hud a weapon, then I) "I must leave you a good blaie to comfort jou before f go." He poked the fire and left the poker ini without ever taking his cycaolT tue and the bedstead, t . - j.. "I will just ring the bell, and see, whether l'h oai is has got the portman teau ready. .Mary," continued he to the maid who answered the bell, "send Thomas up." Then when she had gone upon that errand, "Hy dove I never g ive him that key. Where is it, Georgey? I have not a minute to spare. If it is in your dressing case with the rest, I shall be tin age look ing for it. Might I tisk yon to get out of bed lor an iiixt-inl, mi I show me here it is? he said with his lingers, Jump!" an 1 1 jumped, you may be Iiiiiv, quick e i in ; i, an I wu i.i-i U :ie drcesing-roo n,wit!i the dour hek d, in half a second. "Come in, Thomas ," said Frank. 'come in," lor Thomas was mo Ivstly lesitutiug nt the chamber door. 'There's some blackguard got into the muse, and behind my bed there. If le makes the least resistance, I will kill i i in with this hot poker," At these words the bed was pushed klowly outward, and the burglar, with- uit his crape mask, and with a lace as ale as nshes, emerged from his hiding dace, Frank knew him at nuce as leaving been a bank messenger, who had liecn turned out of his sitiiitinn since the lire, on suspicion of dishon esty. "Oh, sir, have pity upon me," cried he, "I nm mi unlucky dog. If it had not been for a sneeze I should have had ten tlmimn I pounds in my pock et by this time." "Oil! you came after that, did you?" said my liusiund, coolly. "Well, please to give up that life-preserver which you have in your pocket before we have any more conversation." "And" di I voiir la Iv tell von that too?" eric I the villiau, in a re its of astonishment, us he deliverel up the weapon to the man servant; "and yet I stood by her yonder, an 1 never heard her utter a single syllable." ". never spoke a word," eric 1 I, through the dressing-room key hole, lor 1 did not wish tliu man to think that I had broken iny oath, nor, to say the truth, was I anxious to make a deadly cue ny of him, in case he should ever be at largea gain. " fhen it's a ju Ignient upon me!" exclaimed the miserable wretch; "and it's no goo I lor me to light against it." "It's not the least good," icplied Frank, decisively; "and we'll go to the police o lice at once." So o!f went the burglar in their cus tody, leaving me safe and sound, after all. And now don't you think there's some use in learning everything, even so small a thing as the deaf and dumb alphabet? ;IAXrS OF Ol.TiKV TIMES. In one of his recent lectures. Pro fess irS Il.in in, the younger, allu led to tluf discovery ol the skcleloii ol an enormous sized li. ird, measuring up ward ol ,) feet. Fro.n this fact the I'r.ilcssor inferred as no living spiei menof such gigantic magnitude has been foun I, that th'.1 species of which it is represt nled have greatly de generated. The verily of his posi tion he ra'.her singularly endeavors to enlbrce by an allium i 1 1 t ie well known existence of gianis in olden times. The Ib'lo.ving list furnishes the date on which this singular hy po: he-is is b ,sed : The giant exhibited at Rouen, in Ui iO.the professor says measured over eighteen feet. Giiriipins saw a girl that was ten feet high. The giant Gahtbra, brought from A rahii to Rome, under Claudius Cics ir, was near ten leet high. Fiinunm, wiio lived in the time of Eugene II., measured eleven and one third feet. The Cavalier Scrog, in his voyage to the peak Tcnerilfe, foil.) 1 inn ie of the caverns of that mountain, the head oflinuiich, which had ninet,- teeth, and it was supposed his body was not less than fifteen feet high. The giant Ferrigus slain by Orlan do, nephew of Charleiu ige, was twenty-eight feet high. In 1111, near St. Germ in, was than 1 the to nb of the giant Isor e'.i.', who was not less than tweutv feet high. In lolO, near Rouen, was found a skeleton whose head held a bus'iel of e iru, an I whose bn.ly must have been eighteen feet long. . I'iutorious stw, at L-rre, the hu min b nes of a subject nineteen feet Ion'. ' The giant Baeart was twenty-two feet high; his tnigli hones were found in 1703, near the river Modori. In 1G13, near thecastlc of Danphinc a to. ub was found thirty feet long, twenty-six wide, and eight high ; on which was cut ou a gr.iv stone the, words, "Keutoloclius Ilex." The skeleton was tbund entire twenty-five and one-half feet long, and ten feet across the shoulders and five feet from the breast bone to the back. . Near Mwarino, in Sicily, in 1516 was found the skeleton of a iriant thir ty f:ct, bis head was the size of a hogs- Head, each ot Ins teetu weiglmg five once. Near Palermo, irt Sicily, in 1548, was found the skeleton of a giant thirty feet long, and in 1550, another thirtv- three feet long. We have no doubt that there were giants in those days, and perhaps were mora prolific in nrodueinir them tlmn dt'presont. ' But the history of giants during the oldea time was not mom remarkable thaa that of dwarfs. Large men ana small are common now-a-days. IM1D3ELL V A.Vtt DOT:. Both parasol and umbrella, prosaic as they appear in their daily attri liules,' have each their romantic, and legendary nnnals. During the last insurrection in favor of Don Carlos, an attack was made upon the summer palace of the Manpiis do la S , who was absent ut the time, combat ing in the Queen's cause in another part of the country. His daughter, the widowed Countess F , was it'one with tin; servants in the elmieiu. At the lirt onset, she asse mbled all the men capible of defending her father's property ; and having barrica ded the doors and windows, prepared to meet the danger. But, taken by surprise, and ill-prepared for attack, the deleft lers were soon compelled, for want of ammunition, to surrender. Driven from room to room in search of a fitting place of conceal ment from the invaders, the poni young Coun tess at last t.-ok refuge in a small closet, which had been for years used as a lumber room, and where she hop ed to remain tin discovered while the search of the Iioiho was going on. IJnt the search, conducted with the sole view of capturing the beautiful young heiress, could scarce'y fail to prove successful, and she was soon tracked to her h'ding-l'la -e, timid tho brutal threat mil still more frightful Jests of the assailants. For a moment the poor lady stood defended by the nilc of trunks and lumber b -hin I which she ha I crept. But this fragile barrier could not be avail ible fir m ire thin n ie.v minutes longer. In her desptir, she looked around for some weapon ol defence, which should enible her to keep o f t! I tuck until she could reaeh the window, resolving at once to perish rather 'than la I into the hands of that I iwlcss ban I of mlli in. Her eye fell upon an old cast-olf umbrella belong ing to her lather, which, all dusty ami worm-eaten, had perhaps been stand ing fir vears against the wall, in the place wiiere she now beheld it. She seized it in triumph and rushed to the window, just as tho fiercest of all her pursuers had succeeded in forcing the frail barrier which stood before her. He laughed in derision ns she raised the old umbrella at his approach ; but, nevertheless, the surprise occasioned by the movement caused him to draw back. In nn instant the Countess had sprung upon the still of the open win dow, and, licloro he had recovered self-possession enough to grasp her garments, she disappeared through the casement. A cry of horror burst from the group of brigands as they rushed forward to the window, fully expecting to behold the form of tho fiir Countess dashed to pieces on the pavement of the eourl-ynrd. But the old umbrella, which she slill held in a linn grasp, hail saved her from death n:id dishonor. It had opened in her descent, ami, catching the breeze as she fell, was bearing her gently to the ground, where she alighted unharmed, und, reaching the gale before her pur suers hail even thought of descending the stairs, found ' a refuge nt. the cot tage of one of thi-peasants of the es tate. The Countess, now married, is living at the court of Isabella 1 1., where she holds one of the h gliest ap pointments. A I'nrtiinn I.imI mill a CliriU MurUi-rr l. A Lombard peasant left his home, some years ago, to try his fortune in the United States. Alter the usual up an I downs incident to the life of the einurant, he loun I himself the possessor of dO.iWO dollniv; and with this amount he determined to return to his native lard. With so larre an amount us this he could indulge in the luxury of revisiting his native hills. among which he might hope to spend the remnant ot his thtvs u.mv.? the reach of nan!. IK' was livin 'in Xartsc. uiidwliciiheh.il bartered his Xaoo- loons ni'iiviif01 thtyeill them in Up per Italy for irovernui nt inner, he laid his weal lii upon a table and sallied lorth, p naps to strike a bargain for the pur h seof a small firm in the neighborhood, leavin r a little child nt play in his room. ' When he returned home, he Ion i l hi hard earned for tune, thefi ii't of years ol anxious toil and r.s lute scll-dema . u mere soionl- dering liei.i of aso.-s uuon his o vn hearth. I'lie child, for want of some better a iiiisom mr, h id iluug thy pile of notes into the fire. In a ii.iroxvtm of blind fury, the nun stretched the in nocent offender dead ut bis feet with a single blow, and is now in jail await ing his trial for tho murder. I.v a certain family not long since a pair of twins made their appearance, and as a matter of course were shown to their little sister of four years. Now it so happened whenever u pro lific cat of the household had kittens, one of them, of course the prettiest, was saved, ami the rest drowned. When the twins were shown the child by their happy father, little M looked at them lonrr nnd and at length, putting her little finger up on ine ciicck ot one ol them, looked up, and said, with all the seriousness possible "Pana. I thlnh .' thkone.". - An illiterate man wUIif some animals, at an agricultural exhi bition, wrote as follows to the Secre tary. "Also ' enter mi CmIu Ui jackass; I am sura of getting the r irua k i.o q vex ie. The Philadelphia Post condoles the present precarious position of the President as demonstrating the dan ger of that littal girt of clotpienee which tempted His Excellency to play the peripatetio orator and to mitigate the austerities of travel by making speeches oiit of tavern windows. These ihctor ieal indulgences, the result, perhaps, of a controlling vinous voracity, do now rise up ag tinst the sneaker, and for iiuiiiv i lie words is he brought unto judgment. Perhaps it is native good sense, perhaps it is a prudence stimu lated by the President's misfortunes, which prevents the Hon. John Mor rissey from attempting the part of a talkative traveler. The other day, when this gentleman arrived at Little Ilock mid was taking his ease io his inn, the inhabitants of tho vicinage, being informed of his advent, thronged about his iti irters pluying ou trom bones and cornets, upon drums and trumpets, and blowing ibrtissimo to kens of their undying alfeetion and irreprcssibledelight. .Nine men in ten .in .Morrissey's position would, as a nutter of course, have attempted a speech without tho least regard for their anility to make a goo I one; hut our sagacious member knew hy long olrserva'don that promiscuous crowds minutely prefer lum to riietow, and toddy to tropes, nud had far rather "liiiuor than listen. heretore Mr, Murrksey requested his landlord Io deploy his decanter, und then he in vile I the lioriis outsi Io to make the acpi liiitain-e of the horns inside the house. Tho sereiiadcrs yielded id once to the thrilling cio pence of this spiritoussu ;g"stion,an I proeee led with thirsty enthusiasm to absorb those po tent ll lids which were luspitabry place I at their tlispostl. We are sat isfied that if Mr. Johns mi had pursued this judicious and hiiurioii course, he might have cse.tpiil one at least of the Articles of Impeachment, while he would have left behind him ninny, tender memories enshrined in bosoms of uncommon toughness. Admitting that it would have been morally wrong to put the bottle to tho lips of his ad mirers, instead of keeping it in the closet lor Ins own private use, it must nevertheless be allowed that by open ing the mouths ot Ins numerous cal' lers he might have succeeded in keep ing his own judiciously closed. What has become of his pursuing the lectur ing rather than tho liipioring policy is now known to all tho inhabitants of this populous llcpiiblic. A Ullllloiiiilre In tho Pcnltentlnrjr. John Develin, the Brooklyn member of the whisky ring, who was sent to our J'cnitentiury for defrauding the Government out ot dilrerent sums of money, has arrived at that institution. It is said he made upwards of half a million of dollars. I le is the richest man in the Institution. He is worth two million of dollars. This is a world 'ol' change ! L ist year Develin indulged in woodcock and cushioned nriii-ehnirs. 'I bis year he will devote to siioe-inaking und cor meal, made attractive wilh "long-sweetening" New ( r!c im m dass s. The worship pers of Ked Tape undertook to save the millionaire from the proper pun ishment fir his nisculitv, but they were no; c.ual to the task. Develin wid "eat the bread of industry" for the first time in some years. Develin's fate mid shaved head should, and we trust will, prove a warniug to other rich rascals who find in fraud and per jury mi easy road to sudden riches and the .State Prison. Develin did intend to run for Congress next liill. Having been elected to the Penitentiary, he will not be able to participate in the canvass. Albany iW. TilK permanent bridge over the Mississippi, nt Omaha is settled. It is 1 1 be erected half a mile south of the business centre, where the h:gh ground will enable the company to run on an easy grade to the foot of the mountains. The company has select ed the depot grounds, which will be appraised, aiid the owtiers paid by the city. The bridge is to lie nf granite foundation and piers, and the iron sirui'ture, it is estini tted, will cost iboutwo million. It will be nearly two years under construction. The co iipany is surveying the ground and sound. ng the river, ami will commence work in a fe-v weeks. The granite will be brought' there from the llocky Mountain. The Richmond Enjuirer says that a gentleman in that city recently pur chased some oysters from a York river boat; attached to and imbedded in the shell of one of them ho encountered a metalic substance. The oyster ho car ried homo, and there proceeded to break it to pieces with a hammer, when he found that it continued a French gold coin, known as a Louis d'or, of the value of about $1 1, bearing date 1573. It is probable, that it was lost overboard from the French fleet dur ing the siege of Yorktown; ; : i . i . i.i , - . A Wksterm orator has somewhat startled his hearers by proposing the idea of "grasping a ray ot.ligut from the great orb of .day, spinning it into threads of gold, and with them weav ing a shroud in which to, wrap the whirlwind which dies upon the bosom of our 'WeBtern prairies." ' They feaW that the machinery woull, breakbe fore the fabric was through the loom. ' iie.n Asa HAiirir.i. Those who adhere to a political par ty for some better theory which they liave associated with it are gradually compelled to acknowledge that a par ty must be judged by tho policy which its muioj'itv approves and adopts, not by the principles which a few members may assist upon asserting. It is not the traditions of a party which can save it, but its practical measures. When the Democratic! party in tlje country became a macbineby which the perpetuity and ascendency of slavery were to be secured, sincere Democrats left it. It was useless to say that it was a free trade party, and a party that asserted the strict limitations of government, anil was a State-rights and decentralizing and anti-bank par ty ; because the paramount political question was neither of those, but was the eontrollhiir nower of slavery : and the Democrats who believed tiiat the system and the extention of slavvry were fatal to free government and the national welfare joined the Opposi tion. The result was that the moral sen timent of the country deserted tho Ik'inocratic parly, which beeamo tin der the despotic leadership of the Southern chiefs a mere conspiracy against free government and human nature. Its sole object wa the mainten ance of the supremacy was of slavery, and its methods included suppression of free speech, iiioIh, vigilance com mittee, and a vast. and systematic demoralization ot the public mind naturally nnd inevitably cn!mriatiiig in n fierce and prolonged rebellion. Until the rebellion was suppressed or victorious t tie only practical question was the war ; 'and until the nation, convulsed by the war, is pacified and restored to a normal condition,' the practical measures upon which parties must divide are those immediately connected with the pacification. There arc therefore now tho party of those who inflexibly oppose the subserviency of the Democratic party to shivery, who steadfastly supported tho war against the supremacy of slavery in the government and who are resolved that the defeat of the party supporting that supremacy shall be secured in tho reconstruction of the country. This is one of the present parties. The other is tlio op position composed of all tho misccllu iteouseleuients ofhatred, ignorance and discontent the hatred ofubaflled fac tion, tho ignorance of those who are swayed liy appeals to the luisest pas sions, and the discontent of politicians out of power ; of those who pinched by the necessary consequences of a trc menduons war, hold the dominant party responsible for the suffering oc casioned by the rebellion; and of those w ho are impatient of the extravagances ofsomo of the leaders of the dominant party, and by the occasional crudity of some measures they propose. This Opposition, calling itself the Conservative or Democratic party, is the residuary legatee of all the passions and prejudices that were generated by the long slavery contest. Its present policy is contemptuous injustice to ward those whom tho war feed, in the hope that nn appeal to the jealousy of race, added to the reaction that follows any prolonged tension of public feel ing, may restore it to power. It tries to claim free-trade as one of its pass ports to public favor, although some of the ablest and most conspicuous free traders arc not less eminent Republi cans, and the subject is one upon which party lines are not, and cannot yet be, drawn. It talks about the strict limi tation of government, but not so ably as many of those who are radically op posed to it upon, the paramount ques tion. The only point which is peculiar to this Conservative or Democratic party is hostility to equal rights. That is the subject upon which alone it is fully concentrated. Upon this all its orators are equally eloquent, and its newspapers equally humorous. "Shall this not remain a white man's govern ment?" shouts the Reverend . Henry Clay Dean, and t'.e New York World gives endless columns of painful bur lesque of the "Pan African" Conven tions. It is in the extreme examples that the dcnccncy of the Democratic party must lie studied. They show tho par ty intention and drift. They reveal the sentiments and purposes which more' than plainly apiiear as the party believes' itself ascending to power. Thus if, pe rsonally Fernando Wood is distasteful to many of his political -iusot'iatcs; if he sometimes speaks a little more plainly than they think to be politic, he is only excessive in the party direction. I f Air. Wood asperses the living General Howard upon an authority "which I was very careful to say I would not guarantee," the New York World constantly insults in the coarsest manner t,he memory of , the dead President Lincoln. If Chauneey Burr says that a hundred assassins would have disposed of the Radicals, the Albany Argxu asks whether' the knot must be cut by the sword. ;v If Vallandigham derides the cowardice of thb Pomocraey, the whole Copper head fires rJdTcules ."loyalty" and i rindceJ tf'itji ; parties JPas bemre'j the war, fm.he profitably studied, in what are. "called, iheic 'fanatics ' In CoDgregs to-3ay Fernando Wood and Thaddeus Stevens nay bo considered tl.e opposing representatives. Mr. Stevens says that with free schools and universal suffrage he will trust tho futiue.. . Intelligence and equal rights, those are the objective points; of tho dominant parly. . Caste and ignorance, as its necessary condition, are the pol icy of the Opposition. Ixt any man compare tho clip.icter and scope of ' tho arguments and appeals made by the two parties. Those of the one are , io the noblest principles, the most gen- erous emotions, and in support of a policy which is off tho plainest ne cessity, and of practical utility. Those I of the otherare to the lowest passion; i and in favor of a course which all ex-: pcrionce, and our own immediate his- tory, show to be fatal to thq national , welfare. . When the condition of pub ' lio affairs allows a party to strengthen its politieal position with the', moral sentiment, it ' will . be impregnable among intelligent men. liut if it disdain that souroo of strength it will i inevitably lose power.-iarKr Weekly , BHIIH rOMEROY. Tho Elementeof Democratic Nneeeea. During the winter of 18G2-3, while tho army of General Grant was trench- . ing nway on the ill-starred-Vicksburg canal, there came to the camp of the thirteenth corps, a newsiinper editor, j partly intent ou cotton and partly iu j the character of eorresiiondeitt to the Ln Chutae J)emomtt. II is letters wern'i signed ISrick l'oincroy, nnd wore W openly in favor of (he rebel cause, sn i iilnisivc of the Union troops nud the government that thi; writer was soon I sent beyond thu lilies ut' the army. . ,i Returning homu iu desperation, thoi frcnied traitor sceuis to iiiivu made a schedule of all the vituperative, niali-f eious epithets compassed by i ho Ku-. t glisli language- nud the wide domain of slang. ' Flaying' ft reekly fan fan"' upon tiiis gamut of vitiieration, the? ' columns ut the La Cdm JJemocrat hat poured lorth n torrent of billingsgata f that has been a disgrace to the journal ism of civilized people, No species of malediction or abuse has been spared ' tho t'.'epuhlican party or its measures, no eulogy been too fulsomo for the de feated traitors of tho South, The names of honored soldiers who fell during the war have been dragged : up to be traduced and slimed with abuse by this fierce organ of Democ- racy. The martyred Lincoln hus been t branded as a villian, tyrant and fiend, , and his murderer eniionied as a saint and savior. In many cases its Ian gunge became so grossly vulgar and indecent that copies wera suppressed by subscribers who had yet self-re- spect enough to shrink from taking such a sheet into the presence of their families. What has been the result ? ' Instead of being discarded, ns it de- served, its circulation has grown until it now circulates the enormous number -of 140,000 per week, far outrenchirg . tho World, or any other Democrat). organ in the country. Xot merely in the South, where its envenomed ex-" halations are eagerly sought and read, but throughout the North, it rcia'.ve '. tho support of the representative Cop- , perhcuils of every community. We arc therefore no longer left in doubt as to who constitutes the Democratic par ty. Not tho milk-and-water minority I who read the maunderings of tho World, but the fierce, rampaut majority . to whom Brick I'omoroy's senseless drivel is law and gospel. Jt is not surprising, that havmrr struck the key-note of the party" in whose lavor there is thought to be so vigorous a '.eaction," tho La Crosse j Democrat should have waxed rich and begun to sigh for a broader field of labor. Our latostintelligenceconcern ing it is that the paper-is tolie re moved to Cincinnatr-and ( hicago, amD that its editor is canvassing the South ; ostensibly for subscriber, but really. tor the purpose ot having himself nom inated for tho next Vice Presidency -by tho party which he has done so i much to sustain. He is the man ofi all others to wear tire honors of thai Democratic party.. Up with the ticket,) Pendleton and Pouieroy! Tho nigger where io ought to belaud the Consti-?: tution forever! ..3 Dlack In the Southern lonreutlon. It may be Interesting to our read-4 ers to learn the. proportion borne byj the number of colored, to the number! of White dulcgutia intlie various con stitutional conventions. "A great deal of exaggerated talk iu relation to it has7 been the roundsof the press. ' In Vir-' ginia there are 125 delegates, of whom 1 25 are colored ; In ,NovJu-- Carolina , there were 120 delegates, of whom 13 , were, colored ; in Arkansas 78 dele- ' fates, of whom 5 were colored ; In ' lississippi 128 delegates, of whom 12 were colored ; in Florida 80 dolegatea-) of whom 20 were colored ; In Georgiav 19a delegates, of wfconi la were col- . ored ; in Alabama about one-fifth, and ' aod In South CarolWaVU o:ir.a!r of the delegates, were1 colored nien, and in Louisiana akfoj the vrgroea had s mojority-r-a majority of 10, ; : 1 Ctajutcaa af YitgUU. General llarvy H.' Wells 'of Alexia andrta, was on the 4th iflBtf appointed'' Governor of Yfrgr by 'neral ' Sehofleld.1 Hi has iea teaiiirlhe ia YJrgtnitv Vines l86aj ifptttn Jlwhi gatx aod wasaTJre'vet BrtdUies Gen- era! in'thc' TJtJted State Artar. H' eolere otrtho discharge of fcjj duties ai ' 6ace - ''.. . . .j