Terms of I'uUlUmtiou. rTlt WAYMBSBt'lta ItEI't. DI.ICAK, OfflCO In RnyerV ilkUlw, n.ntof tia Ourt Uoasfe, t pul Uahed every Wi.vlnMJii; mornlm;; at 8 a rmr annum, 13 advance, or 83 80 If not paid wltli lu tlioyihr. All mlwortpllon accmints ymt beaettled animnlly. No impur will be fiaut out of the Slate units inlil fur ik advance, und all u?h subscription! will Invariably bo llicou tipped at the 'cxplrntlpu or the time for, tvltlch thoy are puliK ' .. .... -, Comimiiilcatlonion subjects of local nrgxnfrnl Interrat nru respa-tnilly olli-lil. To i nsure uttentlon luvora of lii Is kliiil iiiiihI Invnrliilily be niimmp.iiilMl by Hie 11 imv of thi-niitlmr, nnf for piiliHmttiuu, but Mwuriintyninlnst imposition. All li ltrm i'-rliilnlii! to binlnwujui' llw olllio must bo uiiiuvyuil Ui yin Killtor "1 -"'whet i ,nr. TO MARRT. ' :: lit n.to. lAjr. . - " '! , - : ' ; in n.. When I nicarl In mnrrj f Wtlcti Tin lOlu to tfinputa with fate t " liut If you clinoso to hear hie tell, Tray listen wliUs 1 11.x U10 daU. M'licn Uiuiglitera iiaslo with cnger Tcvt; A mother' ilijlv toll to shine. Can make tho ptiilclltis which llioy ca', - And mend the stockings which thuy wear ! .!.. When malleus look upon n man, : As In himself whit tlii-y would marry, AnJ not ns nrmy 8"lili-:rs scan ."i. A sutler 61: A .corouil.siry. -'When gentle hu'tcs who have got The ofTcr of a lover's liaml, Cousent to sh irt l;ls "earthly lot," And do iiot mean his lot of l in I ; When young mechanics aro allowed ' ' To find and wed tho farmer's girls. Who don't expect to lie endowed " Willi rftbtt'Ri diiiinonds, jrms and pearls j When wlw, in short, shall freely givo v t Their hearts and hau ls to aid their spouses, Ami llvo as they Vrao wont to live . i'i" Within t'.i lr siru'j oue-story hous?s ; . Then, madam if I'm not too old Ilijoieed to quit thlt lonely l-fu, I'll brush my beaver, cease to s,;i.lil, And look about mo fir n wile I IMPKAt ll.MKSir T1SJ4I.. Opening Ararilltteiit of the Mnnnsrert NyuupHlM of Mr, lltitli'r'a Iteiunrlm. Mr. Riillcrcnminuiiccd Ii'h oprjuini; speecli nt a niiart'T ludorn ono o clock. Ho spoke at grcjut l-'iiy;t!i, piwcntino; to the Stiivito tltu floviTitl ro)ositioiH of fact ami law upon which tin House of Repri-soiitativtM wouhj endeavor to Biistain tlm catna of the jmople nrain-st t!ie I'rc.siJcnt. The spjalaT lvviowo l t!io iiiipoaclii'iicat trials of other eoan triea, in onler to sliow in the liht of those '.pfcceilcnU what really c.mstitti teJ inipeacliahle oHl'iHi?'. Ha dcfia jil nn iuip'.Mciiable, hi'-'lijCriino or mis.lu ineaiiot to be one in it!? nature or cou eeqiKMicca HuhvcrsivR of some (iin la inental or pj-eatlal principle of tr.iv ci'iinier.t, or highly pri'jnuk'ial to thsj jniblic interest, an 1 this milit con ,ist of a violation of the (JoiHtituiion, of law, of an ollleial oath, or ofihl'y, by nil net comaiittel, or oinittcd, r, ' without viol itino; a positive law, by tho ab'isa ofilis a'uLionai'y powers IV0111 improper motivw, or for aoy impr p cr purpose. Mr. IJutler referrnl to. tho impeach ment of Lor.l Daubv, a case, he sai.l, which went a reat way toward estab lishing the prinu:ple that no Minister eould shelter him-lf behind the throne by pleading obidience to the orders of Ills sovereign. He was answerable for the justice, the honesty, the utilit of nil measures emanating from t.ae Crown, as well as lor their legality, nnd the executive . a lininisiratioii was ' thus or ought to be .subordinate in all great matters of policy to the superin tenduneo or the virtual control of the two Houses of Parliament. . . . The speaker , tJi"ii reviewed the question whether the nigh Court of Impeachment was really the N"iiate or not, and passed on to the matter of the competency of o:io of the triers, 011 account of aPditity to the accused, sayino; : W'c believe it is, nay, his duty to the State he represents, to sit upon tho trial h's ho" would upon any other matter which should come bc- . foroslhe Senate. . His seat and voles belong to his consiituonts and not to himself, to be used according to Lis best judgment upon every grave matter that comes before the iSenate. Mr. Butler then recited the articles of impeachment and said : The Ilousa of Reprentatives and the peo ple have joined issue with Andrew Johnson as to tha right to act as he lias. This bill which he has violated received the requisite sanction of both the Senate nnd Hoiisc of Representa tives, after a full consideration of his 'objections. If he is to bo nllowed to excreise this dangerous power of re moval, where is it to end ? Does the Constitution invest n! the President with all the Executive iiower which is -enjoyed by Kings and rulers of other nations? It so, it has been liiucli more liberal to him than the Legisla tive branch"' of ' "Government. The Eseuutivo pwff -iff appointment is clearly i Jim itl by tfio words of the OoosfitiitiQriwtiJqfj,' prders the .consent of the ,Snate newssarv; '."The power which he hnsi assumed to . exercise is Jtingly 'Thc power f tem'oval- was very elalcratcly debntedin , the first Congress on the.bill to create a State Departnieutlit.wiia'deVa fyfr days, and flailly wa's bo filmed -as to imply the" ,.poei'"of omovat in ' the President" Bui 'the"triuraph of its uppoftonvwMh(!ttnlivcd.;!i;rBen : it came to the lloustf on,' taotion of Mr. Bentonjthc provision implying the Ipowsra of removal in 1 the Presideiit wm strickea oukIt wetit back tothe Senate, but as the debates tnete were in secret session, we have po means of knowing what' tiid'kke 'place. tit we leari ( frota 'the journal Miat lliis provision, J niplying the power of re: .OMval . wagi retaiucd -by itho!as't5hg ,.voW 6t JohftvAdans,ttie Tica Presj. cnt'Alai mosf all nr wks ,liave one i Irora "Vic,1 Prwidens. j; ifot .', withstanding Uii.tlie facts snow ' that ' the Presidnt made no removals' wjth .nt' BOtiing tlic Senttte. President 1 " .nwuuw.-.T,;.,,., mi)janwtB;.rcii.. t-wm-n: l-ajw M-,-.r . . .. .. - - -.. - r - r . - - - ri f --t .- "j it Adams mjiiovtd .1 Jlr. .iriefcerHiK by noniinutiriijli .silocessor toi -4ho wen 11 te. ' None oi"tr)t,arlf Presidents haij ever altcuipteil to! e.xua-u the a.'.viff-. ed power of removal now assuiu'eit-by the present occupant of that ehah Coiigrcss has idways asserted a logis- i lativo ptiwer in reii'reiioa to removals fi:om oliioe, soinetiiuos iu one way nnd floinciiuies' in another. Upon the wliolo never until now has the exclus ive control over appointments to oflice been exeroised by the Prwident. In lr)2li tha p wers of the President were canvassed in Congress, and 11 Commit tee was ttpHjiiited td the . subject) who reported that it was necessary to trim down his. power by statutory enact uiccit, and reported no less than eight dill'-i eitt bills on tho subject. One of them vacated within a certain time all olliees pertaining to a collection of revenue. Ib-ru was a tenure of olli.'e net, reported by 0110 of the greatest minds of the country. It did not seem to occur to C'oiii,'re-s, then, that it had not tho powi;r lo regiilateappointments to and removals from office. ' . ' Mr. J. cited further acts of, Con gress in support of his position, and after stating the events of February, the removal of Stanton, appointment of Thomas, ami the interview with General Emory, concluded his argu ment 11's follows : Who dm not know that from the hour the President began his usurpa tion of power he everywhere denoun ced Congivs, the legality anil cohsti tutionalitv of its action, and defied its legitimate powers, and for that pur pose announced Ins intention' nnd car ried out his purpose, as far ris he was able, of removing every true man I roin oliicc who sustained the Congress of the United States. And it is to carry out tliil plan of action that he claims the iiulimiteil power of re nioval, for the illegal exercise of which lie stands before you' this day. Who does not know that in pursuance of the s irj plan he Used his Veto power Indiscriminately to prevent the pwagn of wholesoaio laws, enacted for tlin picilieition of the country? And wh 'ii tin laws wero pased'by the constitutional 'majority over his vetoes, hu made .the most determined opposition, both open anil covert, to them, and for the purpose of making that opposition ellc"tu al, he endeavor ed to array and did array all tlio peo ple lately in rebellion to set them selves araiust Congress,' and against the tin.! and loyal men, their neigh bors, so that murders, assassinations and ma'"ii"rcs were rife all ovl'l- the Southern State, which lie encouraged bv his refu-'al to consent that a single nrtrdei'cr be liunislnd, though thou stnds of good tnen liava been slain. j.nd fiirl'icr, that h; rtt;iv,npted by ; military or l r to prevent tin execu tion ot acls of Congro-i by the mili tary Commao l!'s who were charged therewith. Thee and his eoin'iirrent ivts show conclusively' tint his at t 'niptto got (he control of th .' Gov ernment, by the seizing of the Depart ment of War, wits' done in pursuance of his general ' design, if it were pos sible, do overthrow the (Jointress of the United Stales, Ami 'he now dainis by his own will) 'lor the execu tion of this very design, tin obedience ol'evca'v yill;ei;,of tha m'niy ,nnd navy, and civil lilid'iliplo.ifaliU sCrviiJ of the United Slates. He nsks you here, Senators, by 'your H'ole;nn adju liea tion, to fonlirm him in that right, to invest in him that power, to bo used with tho iufeuts and, for tho purposes which he has already shown. Tho responsibility is wiih you. - The sale guards; of., tho Constitution' against usurpation are in your hands. The interests and hopes of free institutions wait upouiyotif decision.' The House of Representatives has idono ils duty, We have presented the facts in a Constitutional manner. Wo have brought the criminal to votir ! bar, and demand judgement at your imikis tor Ins so great crimes. jSevcr again, if Andrew Johnson go acquit and free, this day, can the people of tins or any other -country ly Consti tutional cheeks nnd guards stay the Usurpations of executive ; power; , I speak, thcref tro,' not the language of exaggeration, but the words of truth, of soberness; in 'saying that tho future political welfare and liberties of all men hang, trembling 011 dim decision of the hour. ".IOKB TIIA51 TJUBTKKX." "More thaii thirteen ncirr'o" Sohliers deserted to one killed in battle. n- diana polk I braid. " 1 "More than thirteen"' Democrats sneaked to Canada, "to ono" killed iu the Union nrmy. ' - 1 "More thnu tliirioon" Deihoerafs re- joiefcd ,at a rebel victory-"to one" who 1 TT 1 1 rcgreteu a union uelea,? 'More than thirteen". Democrats eereld and aided deserters! from the Union army "to one who delivered thorn over to the Jawful.authorities, . "'"Mfore tlian'thirfecn',Deui6crats ap- nrnvd nf; thn stiirvntion - of Umnn nrisnnura "to one" who denounced it. L' i '"More tlmn thirteen" Dnniffcrats re joiced at Ihe aasassluntion 01 President Lincoln, "fn nn!' wlto mourned it. "More than thirteen," Democrats ap- uiauil President. Johnson 'Wi nntriot h'tft one" who denbiincS him an un principled renegade.-,.- :.':,'", "More' than "4hlrteen''' mocrats would rto-day vote Tor-JeflTDavis for President of the United States "to one" who . would voto for Gen. Grant. Peru firpublican. , FIRMNESS IX THE RIGI.T TUB HOl'THEBN STATE. Ttat ioatk ai4 Vr W pnprr Cor. ( .-., PffWW .o-L.... ... ;'' 'llrl7''' ? " , Xiic rr.oite? fur, The jMctHMlt Cbi- tm-olal who has bhen Avf-vcntl weeks traveling 111 the Southern Sutef sumsf. Ul the imlustrial condition ot the Southern States I have said everything there is to say. iliat suction will tlo all that can ba ioied fur if it raises 1. ii i . p .1 li- ' ti.. euougii tins year to lecu, iiseti,. 411c new systcni' of labor , is seeliiug ps levels. Agriculture there is in a tran sient state. Ihe plantation is going out,niid the farm must cbuie iu. Ten years berio the Southerner will be cul tivating a hundred .acres instead. of stretching over a thousand on borrow ed money and unpaid-for provisions. . If any Republican discovers his silver-plating getting thin, let him take a two mouths' Southern journey, A thoughtful and observant , man will find himself newly electrotyped in the party that swept away secession- nnd slavery, und which, if true to itself, will expand and ennoblo by states manship what it so steadfastly helped to save by the sword. , In three or four letters I grumbled nt the indiscretions of Congress, but, all the while, the Southern people ami news papers were treating my mode rate Republicanism with tonics. Sit months down there, J. fear, would have made me a Radical. . " Tho Southerners conceive that they did nothing particularly wrong in the part they took in the drama of tho re bellion, lhey ieel no repentance, ami no regret, unless it be for failure. This may bo human' nature; well It is hu man nature not to let them govern the country again. They have a fond hope that, through Andrew Johnson and tho Jjemoeratio party, (both of whom they secretly dispise.) they will ba floated into, supreim power, as of old. . It is strange that they tunl so delude themselves, but such is the' fact. "Hie .North coines, said Charles bum ner before tho war. Tho North has eomo with n vengeaee. y It grows by emigration one thousand a day. How much does the South crow? In what manlier, are the new colored citizens to bo disfranchised nnd . degraded when Davis, Lee, Tombs, Breckinridge, and tho rest resumo control ot tho govern ment? Ihe Southern whip used. to have secession for d snapery. ' What will the, new be? It was formerly a fashion to let Rebels build hostile earthworks right' under the inoffensive noses of national forts. Is tho same considerate policy assured, for the fu ture? ... These queries nuiy: seem childish, but I 11111 8iieakiii2 of the childish Southern weakness to comprehend that their minority may iiot again wave the olil imperial wanu over tne toilnur and patient masses. Thev think this star is onlv in eclinse. We must be resolute, and teach them that it is set forever. ' Hint lesson well learned, thev will begin to bo desirable citizens. -Their frecdinen liavo surprised me bv their native shrewdness and cood sense, their cautious and submissive behavior, and the keen, intelligent' in terest they take in their new political .privileges.. If they were one-,tetith as vindictive and .contemptuous in their manner toward tho whites as the whiles toward them, a war of races would have, ensued long ago. Froin close observation', t believe them to be hum bler in deportment than beforo eman cipation: '. Asa class they are anxious to work and get on in the world. They areuiore industrious than their. late masters. ."And though the word has been abused, thev are as loval to the government as it is possible for luen of .iiieir capacity to uo. 1 ncy womu respond to a national summons. 'to arms willi alacrity and .enthusiasm. By their votes in their various con ventions they have show;n that'' they feel no hatred toward their, old oppressors-, nud ask nothing beyond se citrity'Tor the future. ' ',',.''"'; ' Soralch a Souf licrnei', and Voit fi nd an intoleraiff.1 Ho 13 not williitg' fo have you' vote as your conscience dic tates.'' Defy his loval despotism) nnd yaii will be' socially ostracised; font name' will ho ptiblishdd in a black list;' yott 'will-be sheered ht nnd insul fbd. If you are a Northern man; ftc rhirc citizenship by the legal period of residence, and get nominated tr office, yon will bo ridiculed as a Ynnkee ad venture? a "carpet-bagger." Vit ncss tho' Albany election in Febriiarj', witness1 the. Southerri newspaper treat ment ot nil tlits Constitutional Conven tions'. ; ' ' " ; -' W!'! ' "1 low ' abon t Southern loyalty? ' : ' ' j ' 1 ! l5oi( three-fourths of the ISoiiihcrn people are jpassivefn dkloyat." Conld it 1 be otherwise? lot four; yerirsf they rained death' on the National flag nnd tho National uniform.:; They shot al nnd chrscd them.' 1 In every thureh iii the" Confederacy they prayed and supplicated with fcrvorand with tears, toj have them'' go down in disgrace. Can ' it' be! their gorge does not rise now- tit their sight? ' f- ' :":;' . tin the boat Joininnp the Potomac frotp Aqttid chk) f heard a Bbiitli erner confess that though, hd tried "tq subdue the emotion, still felt a li'a tred ttfthe Stars and Stritics.'": He had foiiglit under Lo from' the' first td the last, arid dilripg thai time had sech the flagso oflenin battle when the Array of the Potomad s wept do vrti'npon him and Jijs companions in arms, that he would novt agW be "able to to look tyon it as his flag. ""I ?.'"" , ' The dominant class in "the Sonth AS GOD GIVE? US TO SEE THE ysKmmM vx:, vMejMy, apmi m never was republican in traits, tastes or habite. . , Tho revolution uovv going on its industries and system of labor tend to' make It so, bu,as long as' this ge.nenit'uM livHithe ohange Cannot be eoniulcUi.. The i Southeetti iurii , and woiiiuu" nYW-AS4!ieinsel m K better orttr-ot bciogs than 1uiTlrT'ihKC,Wj they will die In that CyUthe vani-l ity is iugraiu.. ' , ... , 1 1 i liavo been ustoinslied to find how generally the Southerners! believe the iNorth to uo on t lie verge of civil eoii vulsion.:; Readiug only- thoir, own newsjmpers and the most violent Cop perhead journals of the ' North,- thev are firmly conviuced thut. .nothing nutra likely is to Imppen than the em broilment of the VV Hstern with the Middle nnd ;New-Kiijland Shites. This delusion is shared with thousands of 1 the most intelligent men of the South. That they would delight in such a calamity is a certain us the fact that tho next gale that sweeps from tho North will not take to them "the clash of resounding anus," . They cannot understand tho clastic temper and wholesomo tolerance of tho North where elections come and go, crisis ripen and decline; with no thought of bloodshed, nor black lists, nor social disdain, contempt and persecution. The Southerner is generous in some, things, and honorable iu many ; but he is not yet 11 good citizen for a rc publio. , That is tho whole trouble, lie must bo made so, or stand back for his children. .. 11) needs a firm, resolute guidance not unkindly un less he will have it so hut' firm, al-. ways firm. Tha moment wo waver he was'ors. : When ho fully and final ly understands that his old iinduo po litical : importance . is irrevocably n thing of tho past, ho, will tako tin first step on the road lo valuahlu citizenship. But between Andrew Johnson and the "Democratic Reaction," ho has come to, believe iu the speedy overthrow of the Republican party, nud in the res toration of the slavo' dy hasty to reinn over a dominant partv, composed of southern extremist ami Northern doughfaces., ,, r, . 1 ' . Tho South to-day is not divided in to parties, unless it be white vs. black. Tho. whites tlo not call themselves Democrats, though thoy pray for tho success cf that party in the reasonable hope that its triumph will again com mit it and the country to their malig nant control. Such a political resolution would be a horror beside which oppressive tax ation and Congressional excess (if either exist, or Inrve been committed) count as nothing. . Weighed ngainst that contingency, impeachment is but a feather iu a scale. Tho ' South has deceived nnd well . nigh ruined us once, That was their limit. If thoy do it again, it will bo ours. Helore stin ting South I thong!. 1 1 should vote tho Republican ticket. Now I know it. Whatever the moral of this .-"Southern Journey-' has been to such of your readers as have follow ed it, tho moral to me is. ; ,ati exalted faith in the Republican iartvv.und a profound, uncompromising distrust ;of southern character anil 'Southern son .timeiit. A prominent Aluhanian as sured mo that the rebels wcro crushed because they fought ngainst , God. Yes, ami jlhey are lighting against CJod to-day. . ..., . .' ,'; ,., ) ,. . . iu;ii.iiAMr.i oct:Uu;s ' - Cincinnati, Mareh 28.-The Gn-tiitri- has a despatch saving' that the murderous Kit Klulf Klan loll" docu ments in Mr. Patrick Haney's house, near Nnverley, lenn., a few days a;;o, warning him to unit the cduntrv. lie "paid no attention to it, but kept on with his work. Subsequently, a large company of -Rebols, disguised and armed, dragged him out of his house at about 'midnight, carried him to a creek three miles distant tied a rops round his neck, and dragged him up (Hut down tho creek, pulled out his hair, ami heard, kicked and whinoed him, nnd : Toft him lying. .unconscious .1 ' 1 TT . . - . 111 cue wootis. jio was iouniJ.tlie till lowing evening by his wife. .Mr.Ha ncy is well known in -Nashville ns a lover of the Union,. The Ku KIu.x Visited the house of George Bryant, colored, last night, eight miles lrom Nnshville, and demanded admission. Not having nny faith in their ghostly professions,- the - colored man denied them admission but leveled his gun on theni) and. tLeri thev made a precip itate retreat. "Ho-eeeognized in ono of the scoundrels a noighhor named War ren, nnd has ; taken, out a warrailt for his arrest.', The Vidette (Ku Klux er gnnjhas published : an extra, warning Union men and. negroes"" not to leave their honiesintil after the election- Z'-x-r ' i ' t Thk Aimrioan Artiian, discoursing on iuiprpvements of ;building says it is now projiosed, to furnish builders with ready-made walk and ceilings, in the form of slabs, to be used as a sub stitute for lath and plaster.,,, These slabs are made of : cone fibre, a cheap material obtained from the cane of the Southern t -cane-brakes. , bv, disinteirra- tion effected by the, explosive force of steam, ana costing about ten dollars a torywhioh. i mixed. with clay, rpsin, eizeand other elieaD materials. The cane fibre is a;l, mode into paper of various KinuB.,.,:;,.; ,).,..(,,.; v. , '' The Democratic candidate for Citv AUorney,;t;tica;N.' Y., ai tho recent local election, yas a soldier In the re&d army, Jtio was elected Utica'; being a , op)ernead city. . His opixthcnt RIGHT. ZiWn HlliSitD AltK TIIKV. lllessed is li3 that walketh t-J the offica of tho printer, yea even ascend etli to the sanctum. and phycth a yi-ar's subscription in advauee. Selah ! linshttll lentil wisdom (lay by , . t. : ( dayjjwitl bt exalted above his M- iriQ feiiowi neVir lH. .all suhjers, aud . his licighbtirs' shall be astonislied at1 the inuehn!s of his learning. ' . " " He shall not contract bad dobts or (use good bargains. ' ', ' Ha, shall not pay additional per cent, on his taxes, for his eyes shall behold the notice of the collector, and he-will take warning thereby. " ! Verily, ho shall bring his produce to tha" market when the prices are- exceedingly good, nnd withhold them when the prices descend. He shall not lay hold of red hot pokers, for his knowledge of metallur gy will teach hint that red hot iron burns. His children shall not vex him, nor his wife wear the breeches. '-' He shall live to 11 good old ago, and when his dying hour is at hand his soul shall not ba troubled as to its fu ture state; -" " ' ' And it were belter fir him that doth refuse to dubseribe for his county paper that he weru bound hand nnd foot and cast upon a feather bad. 11 - If perchance ho has a moment's p.'aee, it is only that tie may nave a little rest ere tho memory of nn evil life lacerates . his mind as tho goad pricks the hide of the strong ox, so that his punishment may bo" long drawii out. " .His children shall grow up in wick ediiess, they shall put their hands to their noses, an I vex him to wrath nnd his wife shall kick linn out ot lied Selah ! ' ' How beautifully nnd truthfully ex pressed ! Oh, thnt all our delinquent subscribers could be induced to believe such pleasant truths 1 Solomon with all his wisdom, never uttered better things, or more pointed and soul con vincing axioms. Tho blessings prom isod are -verily true j nnd if their be anv doubtinz Thom.'is's.let them walk Into' our ollW, or send by mail their indebtedness, null wo vouchsafe the blessings an hundred fold. And when departed this life, we will give them obituary notices frco of charge, nnd wish them eternal happiness iu their new quarters. , .,- , AS OLU I All-lltlf.-T SLATE . Writing nbout improvements re minds 1110 that a firmer does not al ways think rof what is needful ar.d may be don when leisure times occur anil it recalls to my mind the practice- of a large and successful farmer, who at Ui3 death left his affairs in ' a prosperous condition, nnd his premis es in complete order. His neighbors often wondered at the case with which ho conducted operations; ho never hurried but the right thing was always done iit tho right time, nnd his work never lagged. Much of tho improve ment ho made was in odd spells when the routine of regular farm work yns broken' by rainy weather, or after fin ishing tho work on a crop, anil while waiting for nil other t6 get to the proper Stage;' Tie kept a largo shttc linngirig in the kitchen where nil his Workmen could see it, and whenever a job occurcd to him it was" noted on the slate. ' For irtstance, some' entries ran thns : "Make i gate for the brook lot ;" ''Clean out tho open ditch in the wheat field';" "Iay n new floor On the scallbld over the barn floor;" "Get soino whitcwood trees to mill for mak ing ganleti fence pickets ;" ''Plant shade trees along tho roadside;" "Dig the alders out of the fence corners ana look nftcr tho wild mustard that came up where, the thrashing machine stood in U10 field hist yenr." In this way his' slate was filled, and if a leisure half day occurred, his men. all had plenty of work ; and if the master hnppcnod to bo absent, the slate told the workmen what to do. AfW'a time it was his custom to lay out the day's work on tho sltito each evening previous, and when a job was finished tfic record was erased. - To get the slato -clean was the ambition of the workmen. Exchange. ,-. ; ,, , wiTXiaiSEs is coiar. ... ' Of 11 unfortunate peoplo Ju; this world,' none are more entitled to sym pathy and' commiseration than ', those whom circumstances oblige to appear upon tho witness stand in Court. , You are called to' the stand and place your hand upon a copy of tho Scriptures in' sheepskin binding, with a cross on, one side and none on the other, to accom modate either variety of the Christian faith'. You are then arraigned before two legal gentlemen, one '.of whom smiles at you blandly becanso you are on, his side, tho other ejreintj ypu savagely for. the'5' opposito , reason. The gentleman who smiles proceeds, to pump you of all you know, and hav ing squeezed all he wants out of you, hands yon over fo the other, who pro ceeds to show you that; yon are cntire ly ' tnistakcn in all your Suppositions; that you never saw anything yon have sworn to; that you never saw the de fendant in yb'dr nfcfjri short, thatyou have committed ; direct' pdrjur: 4- lie wants to know if rod haye been in the State prison, and" takes your denial with the air 6f a man who thinks you ought to have been there, asks you all the questions dver again in different JWITQJl AI I'VimSUEll. mil: wavs S3, and tells you, with u aivc-in-i-ing severity, to bo careful what soinii" severity you saw' Ho ' vants to know1 If Iu understood you to say so arid soy am! wnnts to kiiow - whether yon jmetina SMinethii)!? else.. .JIavini; bullied am It scarud yon out of your w.its und con vicieti rou inline eyes 01 tnu ury v j... iV-i b ?. .. 1 r.irtaunfff no iu vou so. - jy ami it.ii. with is pin onTWHwWAI? jwear tna - - ' . . .... tou are thebirnrest scmii(li'l tTiiH knew J'h'nd hot to, Uj . bcjicv'ciif'undvf Ulllll. illCII um 'pg COllllHO.ltl summing tip, paints your moral pho tograph to the jury, as a chhraetcr lit to bo handed down to time as thd type of infamy; as a man who had conspir ed against innocence aud virtue, mid sttxid convicted of tho attempt. The liidgpj in his charge, tells the jury it Uicy ticiieveymir icsiimony, etc., etc., indicating that there is even rt judicial doubt of your veracity, und you go lionio to vour wile and lumilv. ncnrli- bors and iiequaintanccs, a suspected man. all because of vour accidental presence on nn uiifortiinato occasion. . j t a j ' . ' , LATEST STVI.K. . In Chicagir when they ask you to driuk, tlifw say: . .' - ;i ..-,-t "dominate your family disturbance. In St. Ijouis: . , j . "Choose your cold ptzeu." " " T 1 Citicttirlnti : ' ' ' '' y' "Do you feel liko driving a nail in your cfdhii. - . I- ;. . i . r t ,...;J..:n,. . til jAiuiay iiiu ; ,i i "Let's put aiieucniyinour I'nouths." In New York ! ! "Let's reduce ourselves' bolow the level of a brute." I ' ' ' In Iloston S ' 1 . ; ' . ' ' ; "Let's violate" (the liquor law.) . In Frankfort : - : . ; i , , . "Let's ubsorb.", ,,',(!, In New Orleans i ' , " "Shall we fortify." '' ! ' '"v;?-""J In Albany ! ' ' ' 1 "Supposa w'cilrug ourselves." ' In Indianapolis ; ,,; , i , . "Let us start for the watoh-liouse." InTcrre Haute :' ,. ', ii r .i ..: '" i ijt'i o-i peijuto oiiiseivn. v In Rullalo: " ' "Let's disqualify'." ' " ,- ,;" -In MemHiist 1 ' '" ' S "' "Ilavo Voit got thirty cents." ' In Nashville: ;' ;' - -'1 '' ' ' 'Will yon tako n little old Robertson In Chattanooga : ' " 'i': "'! "Let's soak." - '" ; In Knoxville: 1 " "Shall we take some of the devour ing clement." In Reading : ' "Can you tlo it." In Griflin : ' ' "Let's takosuthin." In Columbia : ! "I?t ns take some' of Wiley's. Con traband." . ' In Pittsburgh: ! ' "Take some hinjiine." In Philatlflphia': " nr ' ,;! "" ' : ' "Let's us tako a step nearer the grave." In Wavne.sburg : ' ' 7 "' : '' ' ' "Come, pity your revenue. TirE perils of 'fishion.-iblo' shams wcro recently illustrated at a ball in Paris, when an elegantly dressed lady found herself wearing only the string of her necklace, the, wax uearls ljavipg melted ' entirely , away m. the heal. The, India-rubber beautifiers, f'palpi tators," etc., are ,yct hi'orc dangerous. At a dinner party given by a high jicrsonage of the official world,; one of the ladies was equally- remark ed for the exquisite proportions of her bust aud the animutipn of her conver sation.' 'Thosp who sat near the lady suddenly heard, iii 'the middle of ,' the dinner, and of some, witty sally on her part, a sniall, sharp detonation, such as might be produced by, tTie f cracking open of a beau-pod. No one took any notkd of thq inexplityble sound;. ujit, it was ooseryed that the fady be caiue less animated, that, she kept one arp'i raised across her bosom, and fahr ncd herself incessantly during the rest of the dinner, though the teinp'eraiVire oi ine (iining-rootn..wa3 vy no peans too high. t As 'soon as.' tlic' pompany rosa from tho. fable','-' the, lady, still finning herself, suddenly disappeared; but as certain sharp, eyes among her rivals had caught sight.'of a dlmiuish ed outline as she , retreated from the sphere of fbiorij a good dcalpf raarri-' ment followetl hcrdisappearance. "'The lady's1 absence '' was, nywc'Vel',' very short; lor she returned. to the' dlnirlg room, in the course of a few riilnulea, triuhiphant ill the.fame plastic pcrftc tion that had excited sd much 'admira tion duriogthe- earlier part J of the evening, and; djspmrcd all fhe antomb and vivacity. which ,Iih(I pittdeMier so charming, ilic sertwing of the stop per through wnich," the air is.1 blown rnto the class of "fixtures" In question1. having" been made this time sufficient ly" secure, the, charms of 'Madame D-4 -i underwent 'ho fiirther''vilis3'i tudes through' thb'cour30 of the even- rnn ''"" '-' .''II' ..!:.-., 'WAOTKn,AB'''ascriptlon!1iloeH'' monument over the late MrV Pendle ton, the untimely, and TOilch'to- bd lii rhented close' of. .whose' careerf!' its a politi'cdl candiiLattf iras 'raDed 'oiiie rbtirth of the; Peraocracy; , ia pioui'n ing! !'Mny to' bejiaVdbned for sQg gesttiig that it' would b in bacl iaste.to gcsttiig that it would be in bad (aste.to the same thing, especiriW tha gc'atterr sufTer Mr j Belmont, or 'any other of ing of ttrfT19T!?, theliqnd-barons" to' protiotihce any r- " ' oration over the remains of their jin;- .. There araonei .tuonsaiiil ine tiUi less victim. - . After Ws financial 'iretl Joiin nnuths in tho City wCNuw fever, he tlcr?s well I ' 1 - ' 'SiYork.' Tonus of -A.ilvci-tliur . - - JOB WORK. L .t-.wv.uvu run Itmiirtwl nt Ml 5A ruT MiiiarA Mtlifuo tiiMrlioiK trut M roala r-liiM f.t earh ftiblllu.liul iuserrloii ; den lOH nof lw rinie)lasiunrt'. Ail inin.iiini aiivoriiicmcuw ltw ihiIiI for In Hilviinw, -iti'siK4 NiiTicUKluudirUio hiuulpf loral twa will he rhuid limiriity N tot-ulaa Uu ir enrh luHt'rtioll. IA IIIM!rilI Ul-IIUCtlOll BiniVU (O pflWHWIHIltiOHH by tbe iiLirtivt.lmlf.mir nr yi-ur. iHclal l'C'.-.iichnr"il une-lull more tliau rmuliir U- f.Ttl-nii-t..-v -, ' . r.x.7 . Joh PMiKTiMfinf everv kfnd In r'ainann Fan iy cnl.irs- llniid-tiilla, Khinkn, runt Vapiiililvt thorn! nodi of every vaxifty ami ityle, printed at tha list tnvn r-IUted, anil evtT ililng In the Vrlnfr- lice, Hie RKPi'iiMrAX tirvicK baa u.iniiur ami ni Ilia Jirwcat nth.- na lino ntjl Tic cxriMiTcri in me miui uri(Hii 'Ui. wv.oj -k cAiiiuiaa - In reviewina tlio trade interest. of Pittsburgh wo see its eiitcrurieo- ami capital niiltliig to strrtch Its iion amis east, uortli aud tvesf, cont:ectiiy.ViUi prominent points ot tJf.lo and travcl-n-thus Securing to the Iron City'lt 1- iMtimate share ot 1 10 litis ness ot two 0 . , . ., . eotintry. '-In this there is inuchT of ! oomraercitd wisdouu Rut in the effort frniiTHaririr wiwmuii 111 to secure t largirTKirtloTT-f tile jias- A A . . L . .1 I . . .... . :..,,.., m . . t III" mmiii UUJjJi'T inipoTiam, btciiuo is left ifirelvlSc4fJwiiioh there is ' . ,u , . ,x , Mniiwvarinn , , ,1 iwi , i , , , . ,i . cs.-.-.i. r, s.. i -y-i: i tltu QOlllil. j. it in uuu liiu iiiunuiicw- ncia nver opens up a iew niiius--Hixy or seventy at somo Seasons pf,. tlo year, but it. is not ol Us , linproycment I would spt-ak, n6r to which I wbnll call the attcntioh dt cajuteliiits'. "lint It is tlio importance ot , a railroad,, along the , western sido of tho I.quralhill Mountains, connecting Pitfsbnrg with the Virginia nud Teuticsscq Railroad, uear.iNowberiic. . lo show its feasibil ity, fake nny ordinary tnapfolWy tho Monnngitheht Hver tol its soiiree; in Randolph r county,, Wist Virginia! ,a distance of ono hundred and fifty miles (air line); then across a table Jane) hf five miles- to the head waters; pfi-the 101 k river, which, iu ton miles will lii'imr vnn in n'frnii'or unrmW tho Creeiiiiner Mourila'ri: a distanco of five miles more will striae ftfr3rcen- brier river ; following it lo its junc tion with the New rivcf, fifty itiilea further, e tlion .;tuni-Southeast,. up the New river, tho same distance,, to Newberue", on tho i Virginia and Tcn iicssoo Railroad. ,' '', ' Thus vo'T have a distance 'of fwd ' hundred and seventy-five or three hundred miles, not cryss. fpoilitab, but following the channels of nature ' not through u sterile region, but ono as rich , in minerals, ns productive' fn (w.i.tfmltflit ntxf Ha tl.i.1trr ,.rirJinT.Ali I Mi iv-n mil iiii.i urt viii.iit wivi'j'lvuu with lumber a'ady 'tiow nport to Pittsburgh'-, commerce' nud (enterprise. That such a , road will pay. ypu have but to name the inain towns, already of considerable si6, sticli as ilohonM-' hela City,' RrowsVlllo,' Mrtrgaitt6Mi, - Fairmoiiiit,rivfton,Philli)pii Hevcrly, . Uuntersville, IJevisbu!rgh -undiJsaw-berne. Many of thwo places are directly dependent on I'it'sburgh, while tlio others, if supplied, JVoin Pittsburgh must ho through, very cireifitons rontes: Rut thcopei'ting ip bf a country tilrendy .tinder a good state bf cultivation,; will bo but a meagre jjiiiii iii ,cQiupiii'iiit with the advantages of tlie: States, Iji yorid. When a railroad of three h'tin dr'cd miles will connect with roads al ready built, runn'ing'lnfo seVen South ern States, we think tho prospoct suffi ciently flattering to enlist pot only tho money. of .capitalists but the cnterpno of manufacturers. Who is thcro that has not stood upon the Monbhgalieja wharf and seen the' firiincnse ldaUs 'if I'itLsbu'rinnnufactures awaiting a rise iu the Ohio river to get .into the SoMtli and Soiithwef, and lias not..?een tbs need of .immediate transportai'ior? Hereto have almost a' ftntu'rai a'do inviting tho hiyirig1 down bf th'hiifs, when ail. this hampered capital will find aii;outlut, and inuch trado that js novy'directcd to Wheeling, ChKiint ti and Baltimore would nud its' way direct t6 the manufactory 'WpT hot the icode of Southwestern ' Vemj vrt nia take, hold .of this idea and carry it into completion? ) It is. tinier, the masterly inactivity tyhich lnjs tip loag helil us, be. broken, and tho onward of progress become fair mbttb 'that whilo tho rush of etnpiro Is'ia'st 'tis ,reM nifty not be entirely Jcfi lit the tlisfaneehut securo a portion of the enterprise of .this cjicrgetic age., ... , n ( . , ,," G. W.Baviiev. rj ' 'Pilti. Cain. Cor.,'C'armichaeIs', Pa, ' ' , a "' 1 V-'- .nt t i '. tW PHOr.ASli.,- "". "Just what a tinker's (fanTis f Uvo nrmeatts1 of knowing', but T believe it to lie something 1 vory - wb.ihlem in dcd," eays Mr.-Th'ouu White, id bis "Little . Sermon,.'! , in, - Putnam's vftr March, M r.n Th'oln,' Vjtiitc's igiip rance ' caii, , perhaps, be enlightened, and his llief shown'1 tfi'ir'sonnd. The tirtfeoT5n(lsel f-T ffiunp about Kagland mending po(s .- and : kettles. . They masticated and moistened.a tutr selt of bread,, and, usod it, ,a a dasn arourid, the Jiole to be ifciiTrfe'tT to prfi.i vent 'thefeoWtfr1' front' running blR After 'thTW ; smployod what value, reotniiMHl .iti.Khb "dttm.tj' s&tn aaything be imaginei raowprhlofs'.' Herice.th roverb.I hid explana--tion, dbftnitiolij or ' cbhjijcttiro be (ibt satisfiictoryi let sbmclKirly favor ah'hi quiring world with- Ai'botlerrf-i-osttia Traiucriftlt , .uiLuii'j'.'Jl ''!wTt!T:o;'' '" ' i't -i f.v,lf.n-I ;x.Tt-- v''..I.I ae rr.t ,,Tcn prpnn'sing yqnog wen offWUi Iclicmarc anxious, (rj iprpcurrj.aifwi tions' 'dYm$&ut4au 'n some "respec faMtf families 'widim fhe'BorrKfratfoii , limits or iiwif lU 'IH rctirrn'' they 'are willing to be used for parlor orna ments, k njvpvxrrrd wkw fuj m mould ing,,, soaker, .papjin-lawgreeBbacks and make eh tiir tTantst-ls suprcaicjy nitppy-.'5 Hdrt 'is a chancd' Ibr s)tjte botly 4iriAea9o' tLlf faniilh "aid fjugljt ta be impcriied !liyi'rfirlnfci(ft . eutfjrHnlhkhen Tutmi io'.'tJ f3t Jo I'. , IVe-vbave a wiiher jsopog mim I'm our town who' wbulit be EladL ta.do- was in tne union army. - .1 - .