Huw Advirthkmkktj. Tlia attention of our readers Is specially directed to the fallow ing advertisements, which appear for the first time in our piper to day. Sjj-Rejfisters Notice Peter Brown, MrTuvern Licenses J. F. Temple. sj-Iroa Uty College Smith Cowley. gaT Assignee NotlcgMsrv E. Hedgo -WAssignee's Notice J. I). Wood. rll. (4. let. Hev.-Jas U. nuile. ajPalnting & Glazing Kenedy 3m illey. WNotice In Bankruptcy Thus. R. Rowley. KrNotlca Bayers A Hoskinson. WExectttort Sale-E. M. Bayers, et L No Mail. Saturday blhl'i mail did not arrive from Pittsburgh until Monday night. This will account for less news matter on our 'Inside-' than tuwal Tan first thl ig you do, aftoi reading this week's Republics thoroughly, go and see Frank. McOurgan's new stock of Ooods. Mind you. you will miss sight if you don't. It would ba a gross libel Ussy that ladies use tohacco, yet If you present a bottle of Fhilon's new perfume, "Flor da Miiyo," to a pretty girl, she wlh be rety apt to opim it and lake a little snuff. Sold by all druggists. This lor. On the upper Mnnnngnhela Hie ice is still piled along the banks, yielding but slowly to the melting rays. The editor of the Morgantown oi is sorrowful over the Im mense quantities of 'julep material" going to waste. mm VVro. The Governor h is vetoed the act changing the name and officers of the Odd Fellows Association of Waynesuurg, Greene county, on the ground that the Coutls, and not the Legislature, havo power In the prem ises'. . Wantkdt Ksow. If the originator has liken out a Patent Right for the brace con nectin;? the tree-b x and tho telegraph pole, at the E lit end of the C urt II mw pavement t And whether it is intended to braco the pole or the box ? I. O or O. T.-Thls order will hold a county convention in Washington, Pa., April, the 21st pro. Each Lodge is to be repre sented by a full delegation, and several emi nent Ttmpcrancc Lectures "navo been engaged for the occasion. Washington Elkction. In Washington Pa., the election resulted in tho choice of a Democrat for Dnrgcts, a Republican Council Hehool Board and Just'ices. Local Intererests and personal popularity seemed to be the con trolling forces Godky, fir April, presents all that is new, uniq'ie and useful in the world of Fashion Nor are the literary contents of an inferior caste. It abounds in much the reading puMie will find interesting and instructive. L. A. Godey, publisher, Fliiladelphi 1, Pa. As TtiK limo is near at hand when many persons will movo, and thereby change their pnstiiincc address, we suggest to our subscri bers who mtv thus ch ingu to notify us (Here of, so that wo miy make the correction on our mail book. Washington and Faykuk. The Township elections in these counties, as in our own, show favorable returns for tho Republicans. Generally, heavy votes were polled, and where the Republicans were not victorious out right they made largo gains Paistino. Spring is tho season for pointing your h mse, b irn, or other buildings, before tho dust in the hot, dry days m ik.-s it Impos sible to secure a, smoothest. I'uii.t, applied lu the s.iting, t ikes better and lasts longer than at any other season of llu year See card of Smalley & Kennedy. Piciinki). On Sunday night a board kiln nt Pollock's, in Whiteley tp., belonging to the 1'huiing Mill firm here, was burned, with 15,000 icet of lumber, loss f-inO. This will prove an annoyance as they must disappoint many for whom work was promised. They will fill all orders however, ns rapidly as pos diblo. M. E. Appointments. The Pittsburgh M. E. Conference, sitting nt Grccnsburg. has appointed RcV. S. WnKeliel.i pastor of the church in this p'ace, viVc Iiev. J. McliUiro who has been transferred to Beallsville, Washing ton Co. The latter will leave many friends behind him in our town. Ho gave very gen eral satisfaction. Ton Atlantic, for April has been received. It would bo difficult to say anything new in praise of this Magn.ine nor is praise needed. It contains a very interesting and valuable article on '"The Poison of the Rattlesnake " in fact on venom in potior ai, and one of the best papers Parton has ever written, entitled "Our Roman Catholic Brethren." Tub April Number of the Phrenological Journal is Fresh, Racy, Vigorous. Among the Portraits nnd Characters are, Adelina Pattl; Isaac Jennings, M. D ; Allen A. Grif fith, the Western Elocul'nnlst ; Dissipation Disease; Our Congressmen, etc. Price, only 80 conts a number, or $3 a year. Address 3. K Wells, 89 Broadway, Now York. T11 k citizens arc breaking up of their lots and commenced gardening In good earnest, and should winter not again m ike its appear ance, ere long the gardens will begin to show forth their vegetable productions, and green peas, onions, radishes, lettuce, and other deli cacies will be upon th: table of ull. The new base ball rules for I8G3 require that all balls used in a m itch mus t bo stump ed with the sizj, weight and maker's name, and 11 any other is used tho game played will bo "null and vol.1. " The new ball Is smaller and lighter than the oU one, being but nine Inches In circumference, and weighing five and one quarter ounces. - M. C. A II. Bbu. say they have just recclv ed at their cheap B'JOt 3s Shoe Store, S.iyer.s corner, Waynesburg, Pa., a lot of New Goods consisting In part of ladies high cut glove kid Bals. the latest styles, ladies' and gents' Brussells slippers and any amount of gum overs suitable for either sex, which they will tell for less money than they can ba bought for else where In the County. Give them a call and be convinced of what they say. Another Ala. Something has been try ing to happea 1U "level best" the past week. Sunday last the cry of fire" hurried the town to buckets and to Gaoler's carpentor shop, at the east end or town. A pile or shaving In the alley bad tomebow caught lira and the flames when discovered bad licked np the sides of the building and partly consumed the door and weather-boarding. Fortunately Dr. Hastlnsoa'a atetUorian luogi soot op tbaaUm 'and M tbfef wm nactthed hi good foe - "Gmatwas tFLtl"i-Wednesd iy last we one rjulliling used as a cook -house at the Adams, Inn, In our town. Ml with a crash, burying beneath brick and mortar consider able "honsjhold and kitchen furniture." The west wall fell outward and upon the rear part orthe taousj of Mr. N. Clark, smashing in the roof and playing the very d euce with dishes and '-rich lika." Timely warning had ben given of the spreading of the cracks In the boose and those engaged in both places were enabled to save themselves and sundry arti clea that might h ive been damaged. As it was, Miss Emm CI irk, and a iittlogirl living with the family, had vjry narrow escaes from injury. The former got off with a lew slight bruises about the lacs and the latter was struck in the bick with a brick and fulled but was dragged out by Mr. Clark. Every building on the lot, is dingerout and will prove a source of alarm to any who occu py or arc In any way compelled t i be about tkent. We hear the owners are about to erect a kitchen to supply tho place of the une that fell. We are loth to brliuve this If ever there was a chmcn to display enterprise and confer an everlasting f tvor upon Waynesburi and her citizens, it rests with tho ownur of the Adams' Houso corner. The barn is a standing dead fall for live stock and the same can be truly said of the hotel (?) proper. The cellar will swim a man In water. S mil-try considerations, it none other, demand that the foul breeding place of pestilence and vermin should be no more. Inquest has, many times, been held over its renuius and tho universal verdict rendered "de ul on Its found'ttl mis from old ne !" Lot the ''tarnal thing'' be obliterated ! Oilier shells and shun tics on Main St. ditto ! ' Tiikt Sat" that I, K. Evans' ought to be impeached for bringing such a niagnlticient stock o I goods to town and selling them at such very low prices. Window Gl ass of nit sizes, for sale, at G. W. Holier I a' Drill' Store. Nkwspapkr Law As there seems to be not a general acquaintance by many, with tin laws governing the publication mid sale of newspapers, wo print tin following for the benefit of those it may concern! Postmasters are required to give notlco by .elter, when a subscriber does not take his paper from the omce, and give the reasons fir Us not'bebiK taken. Neglecting to do so makes the pistmisters responsible to the pub islier for the payment. Any person win takes a paper regul irly IV nn the post office, whither he has stibscr b- ed or not, is responsible for tho subscription A person ordering his paper to be discon tinued must p ay all arrearages or the publisher may contmua to send it until pa mentis made, und collect the whole amount whether it is l;i';cm out of tho nfllce or not. The courts have decided that refusing to tako newspapers nnd periodicals from the post ofllce, or removing and leaving them un called for, is prima aeit evidence of inten tional fraud. A phbttt rooT Is regarded by many as the i hid of ornaments. To this end, Evans' made the selection of his new line of shoos a speci ality. Pcbk lied Lead and Lithargo sold at G. W. Uolictts' Drug Store. limn Wati.hs. Our valley ha; notcscapel the effects ol the dreadful storm of last week. Ten Mile has been full to tho brim, nnd Tues day and Wedneslay it its.'lf far out over tho meadows and lowlands. Fences and property of different descrliiio:is fl atcd down nn its turbid bosom. Up tho cre.k wc hear of several dams swept away. Reese's siw mill and dam are both gone loss fully $111110 Down, the damage was most to fences, etc. The bridges in this vicinity arc all rigut, 11I- thnugli th y could not have stood ono loot more of a rise. The Monongahela was booming far nbovo the loeks, stopping the boats Irmii passing btidgns. However, the Waters have departed, and matters are once moro restored to their normd condition. Atiiino of beauty is a joy forever! The bard evidently siw with prophetic vision, Evans' splendid line r Carpeting. Fok anything In the Drug Line g ) W. R iberts' Dru Store. Lickssk There arc oy twenty-nine appli cants lor Kiting-Hoiisa and Tavern License n our county, "to be, or, not to be" granted next court. The friends of Tempersnco are awako and, of coursi, will strongly remon strate in tome localities. Wh it 1 licet this may have upon tho Court is vet to be seen. Here, wo learn, applicants havo experienced some difficulty in procuring signers to their pe titions. In th iso places wiierj thu sensa of the community Is against license the. Judges should carefully weigh their decisions and either grant now license or license all. The former would be preferred, for utiservation goci to prove there is 110 nbatomcnt of the evil by denving some and favo. ing others. Let there be prohibition or no prMiibilion. L. K. Evans' has just returned from Phila delphia with a full assortment of spring and summer dry goods Knox's fresh Garden Seeds, just received nnd for sale, at G. W. Roberts' Drug store. The Iron City College, whosa advertisement appears in another column, is one of the old est and most thoroughly cslanlished Business Colleges in the country, enj ijing, by far. the largest patnmago of any similar institution in tlie United States. The Prluclpils are men of 1'rgo cxoiiencc in their profession, enjoying the conft lenco and esteem of the business community, and eminent!), qualified for the distinguished positions they occupy. For the large and beautilully illustrated Circular of the College, c nit lining full particulars, address the Principals, Smith & Cowley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Varnish and bru?h n of all kinds, just re ceived and for sale, at G. W. Roberts' Drug Htore. Dniva a bargain while you may. There is a rare opportunity at Evans Store just now. Tim First. To-day is AH Fool's Day and every body Is at tho mercy of the trickster. By the large amount of household goods merchandise, etc , on wagon and cart, we are reminded that it Is the dav of "flitting." Everything is torn up so we doubt if "any body can flud where any body is." Frank. McGurgan, however, wishes it distinctly un derstood, that he remains in bis old room and whilst others have been waiting until moved to buy new-Goods, he has filled up fro.u top to bottom with a magnificent stock. Come early and you're all right. Babbbti Hair Restorative, by single bottle ordosen, for tale, at 0. W. Roberts' Drug Store. . . 100 kef, atrlctly pun White LWL, tat tat, at G. W. BobtrW Drag Btortv IShe gqgnggbmrg Mt. Editor t-W have been holding a protracted meeting at Bridgeport three fourths of a mile East of Waynesburg, result ing in the conversion of between 4b and SO persons. Wa organised a class nf 53 mem bers, dime, however came from other dennm minatlona, From the beginning to the ending of th meeting, there was marked mtteuion Elren to the preached word. We would ave been glad for Uie Editor nf th ltr.ri-Bu-can to have been an eye witness, and tnoyed the meeting 1 perhap his mind would have liecn changed. The sexton Informs us th it as fir as powder and wood were c neerne I about the stove (as st ite J by the IUi-ublican. ) be knew nothing of the kind. Yours truly, J. J. Woon. Mttmijn J.'th Inst An article in our issue of March 4, was the provoking of the above. We had occasion about that lime to go to the city and engaged a friend to clip the outside for us. For want of something belter, he inserted on the fourth pagt an article concerning the attempted blowing up nf a Methodist meeting during the progress f a revival at Doiy't Crttt, Ktn tuck). The tone of the article, nnd the coin cidence, (being about the time of the ubovn meeting) led our neighbors nf Dotysburg to take umbrage at us. We presume on their good sense for the acceptance of this apology and hope the Rev. Wi oil will miilte us proper rep artition. Thk largest, newest, most tathlonahlo and cheat est stock of dry goods lu the county, at Evans' Store. Go to Evnns' for bargniut in shoe and giiiter. "On! that will bb Jottui!" When men nn I wonv n throw "Physic to the dogs," nnd when a trill j out of Oi dor, or to iretwnf get ting out ol order, take Plant ill m Bitters. Are you Dyspeptic, Nervous, Jaundiced. Hy'pped, I.ow Spirited, Weak, or are you sick and don't know wh it nils you ? We have been and was recommended to try the I'laiitntloa Iiktcrs which we did with gteat satisfaction and entire success. Delicate Females, Clergymen, Merchants, Lawyers nnd persons of Sedentary H thlts are parti.'U. larly benefited by theso Bitters. Tho salu Is perfectly enormous Maonolia Watkr. A delightful toilet arti- cles super! ir to Cologne and at half the price "Pciik Flaxseed Oil, sold at G. W. Roberts Ding Storo. Coi'rt Wekk. Tbu roads are drying up very fast, and If good weather holds out we may expect a mrge crowd nt our next Court. Th is very gratifying, nnd it must bo gratifying to tho people to know that llu ir coming has been anticipated. Frank M'Gurgnn, tho Jovi al, gentlemanly nnd thnughtlul merchant, in the very nick of time, has bought a complete assortment of Spiing Diess Goods, a full llue ol Trimmings for tbu Ladies, Men and Boy's Clothing, Carpets, Wall Paper, No)i.ns. Mil llncry, Straw Goods nnd Paper Goods Truly, such forethought and energy cannot bo with out Its teward ! And then he sells so cheap. Uo nnd seo him. Shoks and Gaiters lu great variety nt Evans Storo. Yoc can save mouey by buying lickings nt Evans'. A Mkchanicai Aok. Science certainly ad vances with gigantic strides. There is scarcely any thing to which tho mechanical arts arc not applied From tho steam engine to "the wheel of life," machinery may bo said to rule the operations of the world Every il.iy adds some fresh marvel to the list. We have long enjoyed tho comfort of spring mattresses and spring guns, but our readers will scarcely be piepared for tho announcement that during lie last few days wc have actually been eu- Joy ing "spring weather!" All kinds of fashionable goods nt Evai:s. Jttiwicd. THOMAS KENT At Hie house of the bride's mother by Simon Rinehart Eq.t on .ii ircn -.'ti. mii, .Mr. l.tnitsey Thomas nnil .Miss Mary Kent, all of Franklin tp DUL.NY-IlUnOINOn tho 20. of Feb. I Sim, by the Rev. James L. Turner Mr. Geo. iiilnny una Mrs. Elizabeth lluilcin. nil of Greeno Co., Pa. RICH EY LAYTON At the Merchants' Hotel, Pittsburgh Thursd iv. M irc'i ID. IHiiK. bv '.lev. E. K. Squier, Mr W. A. Ricliey and Miss Lama J. !.a ton, both of Carniichtcls, Greeno county. Pa. FOUDYCE-On Wednesday Inst. Mrs Mnriali Fonlycc, wife of Mr. Benson Forilvce. of W'hitely tp., aged 51 years. TI13 deceased had been a worthy and exemplary member of the Methodist Protes tant Church about thirty-five years. During till this lime she mantalncd nil unblemished christian character. She leaves a husband and eight -children to mourn her loss. How dark and mysterious are God's providences and bis ways past finding nut. In the death of this truly christian woman the Church sus tains a great loss, the neighborhood one of its brightest ornaments, nnd tho poor one who was always ready to aid them with her means and couusil, her family one whose pi ica nono can fill. 51 ty the God win smites with ono hand and sustains with the other, comfort this striken nnd bereft family, and may wc all heed the admonition, "be ye also ready for in inch nn hour as ye think not the Son of M in Cometh!" Twelve days before bei death the deceased had her leg broken by the kick of a cow. Tho morning previous site seemed cheerful and In coil s.nrit. Although this many have contribut'id its ciusos, her demise was the direct result of strangulation from some kind of pulmonary disease. She is spoken of as an amiable woman and kind hearted mother nnd leaves a largo circle of friends to mourn her loss glitrhft. H-ATXC8Bt B MARKET. WAisHBiisa, March 3!, lusS. Corrected Weekly for the Kepubmcah. PRODUCE. Dutter (freih roll.) V ... Kirm 31 tltiK. V, 16 .1 MM M 10 12U IB C I'oliUoPs bush... Tallow It It Country Htnip y tnu Appivs fl . FLOUtt. AND GRAtX. Ftnarll bbl Whenl ,1 bush Hye l)unli. ijorn bush 1.1 OU 2 ....I 1C1 1 WI to (Jora Moal ' bush.. GROCERIES. Coffae ....... Te S- Brown Hnarit.... IteAned Huzur tl ISO IS in m IN U nyrup BI. (N.OrleansJ.. Horfhum a 1 IU0 Republican, Sebne&ba UstpvU 1, J308 IMTTSBCBGH MABUETS. Thumsdat, March tt, ISM. During the past week business bas been rath er more active, but prices of the leading arti cle are without material change. Th receipts of Various articles eonttna very light, and un less speedily Increased most en us an ad vance In several articles, at Uir 1 a decided Improvement In the demand. We quote as follows, wliloh are th Wholesale prices : ORAIN AND FLOUR. Wheat, Penn'a. and Ohio, Winter Rod ti WW DO nye p ousii 1 74 Oan bush . 72 76c Corn bush 9Syu sprlini Hhoat I'lour 10M)vil45 Wtulur Wheat U0U12 jv PROVISIONS. Shoulders UUi (Sonar Cured Hams.... lgllic Ijinl 16c Potato), liush..... 141,10 Apples V bbl 4,unil,il t'heese - - 15t r.XUH tmos... H.M.H.H. ... 23 muter . Klah-Herring per bbl 8 U0 t'HICACIO MARKET. Ciiicaoo, March , im. Klobb Less active and unchansod. WllFAT-Olllct: falcn Of No. 1 lit S3 053 fresh No, Hut It S3, closing dull at it W,tfH W lur 10. A. t'otiN fltead'; sales of new at fllias2c for reau Ian fresh receipts llruier, sales at '4U'4s.93!c; No. loUtnts.v.'.s5,ic. oatx ynlet at 57a.57!s fur winter, 49919; jo for fresh receipts. IWk steady lit SI Mfor winter; ?1 7(SI (W for fresh receipts of No. 1 In store; No. 3 uulet at l KM I &!. IIkkk catti.b Very dull and nominal at M 26 lor goou Htnootii sieera. AI.LI lillC.H f CATTLE MARKET. Orrier. or tub Pittsbcboh Pom m uncial,, ) TiluiesDAY, March iWtli, lso-s. j Catti.I! The quotations mny be set down as follows: (nlrto good butcher, cattle 4M)''(?7; ineili- m to prlmo !7Misi.8 (W: extra JlK&iDiViy cwt. HInrkcr were In ood tfeiiiiiiid, nnit sold wiihout Ulllleulty at bmtj.6 h), according to quiioiy. Iloos There was a fulllniroff In the demand for hotts. but iirlccs however were welt main tained. The extreme prices ranged from IS 60 KJrlJ w fs cwt. SEW YOIIU UHV OOO lS MARKET. Nkw York, March at. Dry Goods Tim rotton goods market Is de cidedly llrmer. under 1 lie runiu Hiivatiee in cot ton at lioine and abroad. Tlie temteney Is to ward blither rales. Heavy brown Hheetlnirs and printed eiilieoMire fully Ic higher, und leading styles are scarce even ill tne improvement, lie lal lies are depressed, selling sMowly at 19c. LIST OK CAUSES FOR TRIAL AT AfltlL TEUM, I8HS , riBST WEKK DauBlicrty vs TeagurJen, No. Ill, March Term lj. Houlsworth vs Owynn, No. Ul, March Term, I sill. Hook vs Kinney, No. SO, June Term, 1830. Uiaddock vs fields et. ul., No. 90, June Term, ll. Brunt vs Huge, No. M, June Term, 1868. l'lper vs Ktneald, No. 95, June Term, 1K50. Morris vs LucHH, No. 71, Juno term. lSH'i. K. & ti. Hank vs Hell 4 lluyary, No. 133, June term, lull. Miiriln vs fshrtver's Administrators, No. 61, .March term, lwl. Llndsey for use vs Morgan Dell, No. 99, March term, iMI. Taylor vs Lemley, No. 75, March term, 18M. Llndsey's bxeuutors vs Mayers, No. Iu9, March term, 1MM. Iliilliuun for use vs Gordon, No. 116, June term, 8tockht!e vs lloso A Stevenson, No. 209, June term, lHikl. Unfiles vsuitne, No. 2117, June term. 1819. Commonweallh or Pennsylvania vs Heals, No. 7, September torin, Istitl. Taylor vs Waynesburg Uorougli, No. 71, Sept. lerrn, l wW. MvliiKood vs Hoy, No, lfil. Heptember term, '99. I-aikln et ill vs Klgeret ul, No. KM, December term, 1.. , furl vs lllddle, No. l.VI, Jlecemlier term, ISftO. (Stewart vs (Stevens, No. 17, .March term, IHS7. IiouuIiikh' AdinltilNtrutors vs llnrtly, No. 11, March term, tsti7. Wliltinorc, w'nlf Co. vs Call A Fry, No. 97, March term, 1MH7. SniiiH vs Jolmcnll A Co., No. 98, Mnrch term, '97. Hume vh Cull, Uordoti A Co., No. oil, March term. Isii7. Land's Exesutors ys Hook, No. 80, March term, ISI17. Oordon vs tjinlr.'s Administrators, No, 132, .March term, imi, Roers vs stout s Administrators, No. 118, March term, IS97. Ilarnes A Kgv vs Hush, No. 159, Mnrch term '97. H llwell vs Thompson, No. Ml, June term. IK97, Hult'milll vs MeNeelv. No. Il:l, June term, 1407. (iniy vs (Sioux, No. ihi, June term, 1117. V. l. Hank vs Thompson, No. 5S, December term, l&UT, HKCOND WKKK, 1st ijivision. nowers' Trustee vs Hook, No. Oil, Nov. term, '59. Ileiidersou vs HiikIich, No. IK), Julie Term, IMh. Tn nner vs Hughes & Ktneald, No. 79, June -erm, ' 1. Miller vs Miller. No. 191, March term, lsTi. Lemley vs Unpen! Wharton, No. Ul.Juneterm ts,k. Maplo vs Prior, No. 37. December term, 1895. Comwell vs Wilton, No. IJd Dee. term, lnt. Hickman vs lllckmnii A Wiley, No. 9, March term, limn. Mesin-saii A Neat vs Monongahela Oil Co., No. n, March term, Ml, Taylor vs Lemley, No. 75, Mnrch term, 1H99. t lordou vs Hhrlver, No. I M, March term, " 2.NU IIIVISIUN. Rhodes vs Snyers A Kent, No. 118, June term, '99 Lnl Stephens, No. l-tll, June term, " Ciuiieet nl v Piuternon and Uuwnejr, No. 3-1, Heptember term, isiin. Ilonibake vs Hedge et al. No, 99, September term, isw Hrlsiei- v Oliver, No. 71, Dee. term, 1890. Minor's Admlnlalratois vs Uiipen, No. 89, Dec. term, Isiw. Jnlins vs 1,-ints's Admlnlstrntora, No. 145, Dec. term, IHUI. Lemly vsMtepliens, No. 1 17, June term. IK97. M Kee vs I lew IK Orav, No. 31, Kept, term, 1897. Porter vs ilreenet'oiintv Amber Oil Company, No, 87, Heptember term, !Wi7. IJndsey vs llurson, No. ;, iK-cernlx-r term, 1897. W'oods vs Uluck et al, No. XI, April icrm, iwts. i-i'-le J.K. TK.MPLIi, I'rofy D ISiOLLTlON Ol'' PARTNEHSIIIP 1 This Is toglve notice that the firm of Geo. W. HolwrtA Co., Is this day mutually dissolved. i in- uiinwien im me inns nnn wm be comuiclef at llu-name place and ns heretofore, bv Oeo. V Itobers. (JKO. W. HOliV.i'.TS. Mrs. 11.8. WIS1IAKT. Febniary 2T. 1S08. 3;i,tlv6t I EGAL NOTICE. Wetter of adinlnlHtratton upon tho estntn of nr. i-inmini iHit oitiiiniore ip., dec it., iiav ng been granted to the undersigned, notice Is hereby given to nil rrM.i. li.,u.l.t...i rt .,.1.1 CTMMt.- umiiiihb liumeoiate payment, and tl having claims against the same to present tl; ifjse them s..'!. .j nuturiiiiiTUlU lor SCU lCniellt. WM. MKK1IIFN, of W ayne township, AdniliiNlrntur, jKSOLUTION OK PAKTNEUSHIP I Partnenililp heretofore existing N-tween . II. SUttlin flllll lk,nl..l yl.l.l. I? .1.1.. .1.... (Mnri-li 3. iwi) uimiolveu by mutniil cnnM-nt. The book nnd aerounts of unlit rtrni remain In t he minis of Ihiillel Hhlrk, who will continue the liiiKliipu nt Iheol.iRian.l. All persons know J."?. '''"i""" Vr" Jjwlebteil lo snia ifrm will pleoso chII hiiiI settle tlielr aceoiim. 3i"-'it w. ii. Ht'rro.v, poUNDEBY NOTICE. " THE SURSCUIDER HAVING PURCHASED EAGLE FOUNDE11Y, With Its large stock of PLOWS AND MAST OTHER CASTINGS, Fonnery the propertyJ,f the tote Daniel Owens, Oec a, wilt continue the bulne In all lu bntnvhe, ana do all kind of MACHINE REPAIRING, At short notice ami upon rensnnnble terms, and Hopes to niorll reaaouuule share of patronage. s-Wm C. W. DOWER. P U RN 1TUKEI J. W. WOODWELL & SOXS, MANUFACTCIIER3 AMD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FUBNIT U R El OF EVXST DEtOItlPTIOir, r A M Thlrt St., . -lr- '. rmunno. penipav HERIFF'S SALE. Br virtue of writ of PI. Fa. Issued out of th Court or Common Pleas of Oroon County, and to ni dlreeted, Ibare will be exposed to publlo ula at ttta I II. I.. SATURDAY, the 11th day of April, lstts, at i o'- wa ynesburg. on elock, p. M., tue following property, vis All the right, title, Interest nd claim of the defendant, of. In and to a certain tract of land limited In Jefferson township, adjoining land ol It. C. Houlsworth, Win. Ktneald, Widow Wy coff, Oil Company, and other: containing fifty-one acre, mora or less; occupied by Meeker W. Waters, about thirty acres of which are cleared, having erected thereon a log dwell ing house, a lox stable and other bulldlm,. with a variety or fruit trees. The land Is well watered and timbered. Taken. In execution as tho proporty nf the Clifton Pcimlmn Company of Ptmu'n.. nt the suit of James Harbor. II. B. HILVKI'H. 3:is-te Hhcrirr. s UEUIFF'S SALE. Hp virtue of a writ of en. Kxu. luuml out of thlnurtof Com it ion IMeiw of lirtwim l!ouuly, and to mo directed1, there will be exposeti to nu'iltcmle nt tho Court HmiHtt lu uynHhurtc on SATL'KDAY the Uth tiny of April 1W at I o'clock r. m.. the rollnnins pnmcrtT vix All the riwht, title, InturuHt ami clulrn of Piivhl M. JotiUHnn, of, m mm to a curtain lot or ground Hltuatetl In JackHonvtllo, KlehhillTHwu- Hlilp, Uruone Co. F., IxmiKl on the North ly nn ullfy, on tho KiiHt hy nn ulley, on the South by South (orbntkl Htroi t nnd on the Went bv nil nlley, adjolulng lota of Druke Johnsoa und otli- ers. Tnken In execM Ion m the prnporty of Pavid ttlLVKUf. S;lB-to Bherlff. S11 GRIFF'S BALE! Hr virtue of a writ of Fl. Fn. Issued out of tho Court of L'omnvm PIoos of lireene Coun ty, ami tome dlruuted, there will bP OXKed to public sttie ai mo louri tiouae, tu ayueaour(, on the SATURDAY, THE 11TH DAY OF APHIL next, nt 1 o clock, p. m., tho foilowinn property, vlx: All the rinht( title, Interest nnd cditlin of Juiobltlru-hnrt of, In, nnd to a certain Tract of iMnn Miiuuie in rrunmin lowiiKnip, ureene county, lJn., ndJolnliiK lands of David Huhh. Diiniul llnner, WllllumPmtt, WillluinHcottand other, contuiiiiiiK two hundred and Klxty-tliree acres, more or lens; about twohundrwl ofwliirh are tdeurrd. nnd hna erected thereon a Inrjre brlek dwelling home, two ilorleH hluh with kitchen attached, one Indwelling house, thie bam, line Ntahle, tine waittfon-shcd. roru-crlb nnd other biilldliiKu j the land In well underlaid wltheoul ot an excellent uimlltv. with abun dance of timber : a I no, apple orchard, cherry nod other fruit treeH. Taken hi execution an the property of Jacob ninehart at the mill of the Farmers and Drovers Hunk of U uyiicHburg, It. B. BXLVFJ'H, S;tH-t4 Wherlir. IN THK DISTRICT COURT OF THK I UNITED BTATfcS, I'OR TUB WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. liewis W. Jones, n Bankrupt tinder the Act of conuresfi or Moron u. um, imvintc uppiieu mr a DlscliarKe from all bis debts, und other claims provable under said Aet, by order of the Court, Notice Is hereby given lo all Creditor who have proved their debts, mid other persons Interested to appear on the Kth day of April, IM, nt 10 ochh'k, a. si,, oeiore josenu 11. iNniey, r,q,, KfRlster, at hlsolllce lu tiynesburK, i'eiin'a., to show cause, If any the huve, why a dls cliurge should not be granted to the said Bank rupt. And further, notice Is hereby fir en, that the Second and Third Meetings of Creditors of the said Bankrupt, required by the'7th nnd th Meet ions of said Aet, will be had before said Hegister, at the same time and place. H.C.McCANDI.KftS, 3;25-2t Clerk of V. 8. D. C. fur said Disc rlct. AG ENT3 WANTED. une man In eneu countvof the Fttata of Penn sylvania wanted to dispose of Orm-ers and Druggists' rights to mauufacturo and sell tho DKODOniZKI) JJON-EXPI-nftlVF: EXCEL8I. tH ILIA'MIMATINU OIL, Whleb Is superior to nil others, eunlllng,lf not excelling in whiteness or Hume und brilliancy the Drummoiid Light. I have Keen red a trade mnru umicr an Ari ort;ongress, and would cau tion the publle iigatiist pi'etendlng patetitceH. All Infrlhgers on my rights will le pursued by Telegraph, by Murshals and Deputies on wagon roads or railroads, steamboat, lake and river, and proKecuted to the full extent ff the law. This oil can be made for but stop, that Is made known only to thoso who purchase Bights to manufacture and sell the oil. For further pur- iieuiars, uuuress n. i . i.ii.Anr., Al. U, 3-tiH-:H New V'ieiiua, Ohio. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 UNITED STATES, FOR THE WESTER DISTRtCT OF PENNSYLVANIA, Nathan Hunk run t under tho Act ot Congress of Mareh Al, isitT, hitving applied for n uiNi'inirKe irom an ins ueniN, nuu oiiiereinims provable under said Art, By order of tlie Court, notice Is lie nd ty given, to all Creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons Interest ed : toaopear mi tlie Kth day of April. 104. at J o'clock, p. M., before J. B. Donley, Ksq., Rhu- Ifiter, at his oillee lu W ay nesbiirg. IVnn'n.. to show eatise, If uny they have, why it diwlmrge ( lion Id not Im) graiitetl to the said Bankrupt. And further, notice Is hereby irlven. that the Mecond and Third Meetings of Credllorsf th said itankrupt, reiulred by the 27th ntul 2Hth Sections of suit d Act , will tic had before the snld Itexlster, ut the sunie time nnil nlai e. S. C. MrC'ANIil,K.ifl, 3;4'-2t . Clerk of U. 8. I. C. for sulci mstrlrt. WANTED AflESTH TO HKl.U DIt. Wir, I.IAM HMITII'M IUiTIONAHY OK TIIK IIIHI.K. It 1-ontillllH over one thoiinnnil flitnilv nrluled iloiihleroluniti. octavo uuui'm. from new i'liv-liitype plntei, on kihhI pnM'r, anil Is nppro prlulely llliistrnteil with over two hundred en uriivlmtnoii steel nnd Wood, nnd a scrleaorflnc Ulltllt-llllc IlllipK. It Im hlKlily commended by nil lenrncrt nnd eminent men. nml by the press K-'iiernllv throuxtiout the country, nnd is the best book of the kind In tlie KiikIIIi lun(imie. DO NOT BF. DECEIVED. Owlinr to IhniinDrecedenteil nomilnrltv of tbu work, n Hinnli KnicllHh nbrldameiit adnnted to iiivf-nile renders, ill diiodtcemo form, ol nboiit mwpniii'H, linn lMen reprinted by another llrm lu Inrm-r typo, nnd itpreud overmio oc-tnvo pngcH. evidently liv llinkllnr n biMik Inrm-r tlinn lu orlvliiiil to Kive the tmprewiion ttint it Is our edition. It eonlntliH leHlhnnono-hiitf tliorend tun nintterofotir comnri-hemilve edition; but to llione who desire tills Juvenile edition, we will, early ill Mnrch, IWW, furnish the Knullsh work, fur miprrior lo the American, nt j.7r, per copy, Kend forCirculnniKlvlniiriilipnrticuhirs. I'AKMKI.KE IUK IS. .1;ll-lt 7J2 .Snnsoin St. Philadelphia. AYNESUVRO COLLEGE: AT WAYNESUURO, OIIEEXE COUNTY, PA. Rev. A. It. MILLER, A. M. l-reNident and 1'rofeMorof Moral Sidcnec.c.. M. K. A ItlllKON, A. M. 1-rofesKor of tile Uruek nnd Lntln lnniriiiurM. .1 - 1 . ufl-f A t i'rofefHor of iMuihematics. G.U. MIM.KIt. Teacher of Penmanship and Book-keeping. Mrs. M. K. R. MILLER, Principal of the Femnle Department. . MlMl.t'i'Y V. IMiHRA.M, Tencherof InHirumentul Musle. Mrs. M. C. PAUKINhi.v, Tencher of Elocution. Ml.l EMMA J. DOWNEY, Teacher of the French Language. The next Term will open on MONDAY, April aoui.iemi. NORMAL DEPARTMENT, For the special benefit of the lnrse number of Teachers unending the Institution, the Profes sors, a-wtsieil by the County Superintendent. will conduct a Normal Clnss giving thorough courno of Instruction in nil the branches taught In tho schools, and nt such hours an will not In terfere with the regular College recitations. Those deslrlngrooms for self-boarding may be accommodated hy upplylng soon. For further particulars address the President. S-tf. piRST NATIONAL BANK, or watgKSBoga Onei e ( fcm i -Ko-eloek A . Close. a o'clock r M. DISCOUNT DAY. ...TUESDAY!!. ' D. Bos an, Pres't. J. 0. Funrifmx, Ouhttr. a Fbakk. FLSwiKir, Assistant Caihler. TMPROVF.MF.NT IN PLOWS. Ma. P. Atkiw I mm Rosa 1 the Patentee of nn lmnmvi Plow and Cultivator, by whleii Innleanri doable shovels and cultivators are readily adjnatcd for us upon IdehllUor level ground. Th design Is meretorlous, nd cannot fall to plea our farmer. Jt model win d m axnirntlon hi Wkwrnwhnn at th next term of Gourt. vKm J1 ara napaotfolly laviud to go and examlo s EOISTER'S NOTiCEi Nolle IS hersbr glTn to all eredlttfr. lega tees, wards and other person Interested; tnal the nndertlgned Eaeeutors, Administrator, ahd Uuardiau bat Hied their accounts tn th Register' OlBcc. and that th aam i will b pre scul ml to the Orphans' Court to b held within and forth County of Greene, on Wednesday, A sr II 1Mb. Utia, fur confirmation and ailowanc. April ju. "m.gH BHOWN, Register. Final account of A. A, Purman, Guardian df Hnnnab M. Ron, deceasedi whd was a minor child of lion. Benjamin Ross, deceased. Account of Maria Sutton, Executor of th last Wlilof Joel Sutton, decensed. Account of Simon Corn Executor of the will of Jac-kinyreCoendeoessed. . Final account ol Ren Dowlln A John Dowllrl Administrators of the Estate of Joslab Dow lln, Men. deceased. Account of Ell Kulght and John Hhaip, admin istrators of Uie aetata of William C'rouse, deceased. Account of Jeremiah Stewart, Guardian of Mnthlas EaUl, minor son of Hllss Eiel, de- Aceiiunlof George IIennen.dmlnltratorof tbr estnteorsabea Main, deceased. Account of Workman lllckmnii, administra tor of the estateof liavld L: Keener, dee'd. Account of John N. Waters, and Oeorg Waters, Jr., executors of the Will of Oeorg Waters, decenMsl. Account of Anron Cox, guardian of James B. flout h, minor idi ltd of Justus ISouth, dee'd. -Aeeouutnf Anron Cox, giinrdlnn of Franklin P. .Houthjiiiiior child id Justus South, deo'd. Actsiunt of Friinels Drnko, adiulnlstrator of the estate of Dnntel Burnev, deceased. Acconntof I. N.i'ary.iutmliilstratorof tlie estate of Tllemas Alfree, dec'il. Account of Marion Chiillun anil Harvey Illg- 51 us, executors of the Will ol Elijah t hallan, eceased. Account of James A. niack.ndmlnlstratorof the estnle of Wlllluiu K. lhillou, deo'd. Account of Jnines A. Hlack, administrator of th estate of C. A. lustrezntt, diH.efcsel. Account of William Moredock and George Moredock. nduiidlstrntnra of the eetat of John F. Alordoc-k. deceased. Final nixoiiiit of Mnry s. Iluirmali. and C. P. Jordnn, executors of th Will of Uenjamln Hulfliiall, deceased. Account of Jeremiah Stewart, guardian of the minor children of Hlrnin Horner, ducensed. Account of Roiilien llrown nml W. (1. Morris, Executors of the Will of Reuben lirown, dee.eased. Account of-Ar.1. Hhrlver, Adiiilnlstrntur of.the estute of Adam Hhrlver, Jr, deceased Final ni'couiil of Thomas W, Tuylor, Andrew Hughes and John Clayton, administrators of the estate of Samuel Crnyne, dee'd. Hl STOP GRAND JL'RORSURAWN FOR JJ APRIL TERM, IHU8. Tliouius M'Ctellnnd Cumherland tp. lellersoii - Morgan " ,ii,...Jerrerson Wllllnnl I, Pogue, Ki Carllon C Harry A. j Aiuriin. .Innies Miiifhes Rich htil ghes I....HICI ill v Win John Hiuit I nsningion lll,leiii Litiiu Iullkar srd Michael Price Jenersoti Kelsou lliHith Morris " Wm P Scott Jefferson " Airred Armstrong -..Cumberland " Havhl Shrover Cumbcrlaud " Win McKitima Rlchhlll " Hteplienson Oiimrd Ureene " snmuel McAllister Mnrlon " David Garrison Hunkord " 1-heneas lleailley Perry " KniK-h Helineti a Kraliklln " Bniiiliol J Ackliu Ciimlierlnnd " WmLllurge prliighlll P M Griiliaiu Juckson " Juliies Hcnilikcll Jefferson " James A King Perry ' Epinuiiu -M'Clelliind Illchhlll " LIST OF PETTIT JURORS DRAWN FOR APRIL TERM. I8MS. FIRST WEEK. David Hits Franklin ' Win Hurl Greene " J R Johns Wnshlngton " A J Uoodwin uicniiiii jnmes Hums Rlchhlll lteutien llrown Tlmiiuis Sook M'liisickli'NUiith... Thomas AdiiuiHon George 1'lants ThoiiiHS Hill... Milter Crnyne Hainuel V est Perry " Franklin " Dunknrd ' Krauklln " Aleppo " Franalin " Morgan " Aloruan Nerl Hart Cumberland M Jimies mv Centre Israel Slephelisoll Whltoly M Thomns crago Cnmlierlnnd " annuel lluyard Jeltcrson " Wm K Reynold Jefferson " Jonnli H Wood Carmlchnels Daniel Walton Illchhlll " Freeninn Lucas Dunknrd " Jacob Klce Sprlnghtll " snioiuan I) .wise morgan Wm Grove ...Centre Ilenjniiiln Way. Henry Jncobs..-..,, Kauiiiel Colver..., J 11 Viincleve I lan let Miller Norman Worley John Fordvce Win Garret Morgan Franklin ....... ... Jefferson Centre lulnkard Marlon Gllmoro Moruaii Alextinder Patton Cumberland " Josepli shitiler Monoitgnhela .jiiiiii A MlilliigHiy l-erry Jesse Andrew Morris John LoiiKhrldge Itlclihlll Sitlllllcl Luce Jefferson Willlnm H. rrvlilll Mnrion John Church Henry liowcrs Win Maple Duvld Ittichnnan James E llnrtly William II I.llcus f-hitrlra Iturrls John W Mltchel Henry cuuiinlnH Jt ill it Mcrov ; Hudson I) llrock Isaiah Faddis John Rogers Jr Jnme, Mil liken Jiieiil, fi Moore Vincent Lucas Mnnnssn Wilililiull .Hilrs-k Unison Sotiiiiion lloire H Win C'liutiiilim E P Smalley CorlilyOarard.Sr J'iIiii .Huiinel Willlnm Gordon (of Sol.).. .Ilieoh Sliitler Hubert Hristor Job n Simpson H c Hnulsworlii N II M'Clellaiid Centre " Whltely " ...... .Dunknrd " Marlon " Cumberland " IMinkard Perry " Aleppo " tireene Monongahela Wnyne ' ...Jefferson " Cvntro " Jackson 11 Akjiiio Morris " Dunkard " Morris " Wnvno " Wliitely Marlon ' Cumberlnnd " Marli Franklin " Perry ttlehlilll " Morris " Morgnn M Mnrlon ' Joshun Ackley. .Illchhlll Jiuncs nurdinn Hnrlnnliil! 14 Kills Hlepheuson MonongnlielA llenjnmtii F Denny Greene " Jolin Jennings Rlciihlil " JK Bailey , Cumberland" Jetrersnn Hurfman Centre " Timothy Phillip Wnvno " H H Llmlney lefferson P K Vernon lefferiKin Corbly Garnrd, Jr Cumberlnnd ': 8-ii APPLICANTS FOR TAVERN LICENSE AT APRIL TERM. 18H. Henry J. Jennings, Cnrmichiers Borough. Gllman Hickman. Newtown. William Kelly, Jefferson, Everly & Tuylor, llninillon House, Waynesburg. Kdwnnl lerrell, KrceiKirt. Benjamin F. Morley, Willow Tree. Jesse Mllcbetl. Jaekson Tn. Thomas llriidley, Sherman House, Waynesburg. jnmos 1-. i.osnrny, irt-ene iious-, uo II. II. Llnds-y Eating House, JefTcrsou. M. s. Greene. Morrlsvlllc. George iiwell, Davistown. Islnh Faddis, ttlco's Landing. James r. Alliliiis, Graysvlile. Marjnry Brvnn. Jacksonville. I'blllln It I lev. Jncksonvllle. Llpiiencott A lonnrd, Morrlsvllle. Pnvid R. Jones, Greensboro. Martin Moniger. Jncksonvllle; lllratu Cnrl, Carmlchads. Mrs. K. J. Hiimirariier. Jefferson. Husnn Pettlt, U aynesburg. Maria Sutton, do. Win. I'lillllnn. Ml. Morrle. Jamea I'artnr.Jaeksonvllle. S. M. Sellers. Bridgeport, Franklin Tp. Mrs. J. Ham. Greensboro. John Nlswanger, Clarksvllle. William Hennen, Jolieytown. Applicnnt must tile their petitions nnd bond Immediately. J. F. TEMPLE, 8;lt-te ProtliV.; JISSOLLTION OF PARTNERSHIP I The publle are hereby notified that the firm, tieretoforeexistlng under the style and title of T. Ilraden Go. la this day, (February 1.1, lseo l mutually dissolved. ROBERT BOYD, THOS. BRADEN. The hook of the firm will be left with theun derslgneil, to whom all persona liidebtst will pay iiieirni-counin. misinesa win ne cfiniiitci ed at the ohl aland, npiKMltethe First National Bank, Wayaueburg, by JMl-w THOS, BRADEN. t EGAL KOTICE! Notice Is hereby given to all th creditor of Morgan ueu.oi uieuniii lownsnip, that Justu F. Temple, AaslgiiMi of said Morvan Bell, bus filed his-acooiint in the Court ofcommnn pin. of Greene eounty.and will be presented on the 1st day of April Term, IHW, for allowance and oonHrmatiou J, F. TKMI'LK. ;W-to Prothonotary, SSIQJJEE'S NOTICEI Notice Is horefir elven tosll lh mukiam r Jacob A. l'ennlngtou, of Carmlohwls, Greeno ooonty. Pa., Uiat Fella H. Crago, assignee of said JneobA. Pennington, ha Died hi account In the Court of Common Plea of Green ooonty are! wllIlM presented on lb 1st day of April . . fir TE kvpi.e ;i-to Protbonotarr. riREENE COUNTY, SS. Nn ihn (krart of Common PIm. Ti-- Terni 1807 1 In th mur oC (ho neooant of r.utiiiaiiis a. tni, i mil ill 1 1 nw Oi turn amlI tm Jet MltcbU, a luaalhx mmm InilllMlAVll, IWanakMM .AM - . having ordered the account tiled notlee ulaare- wlH uy io wan psisimm nsnms snas lb at th nxt term of said R finifrrirt 8(. M URDU Hi Maiorjlf at Ihht Who rami Bwsjap, strrar Th it a basty glsnc al a bulaM advrU Bnt and If a 1 MAN ABtnal! ha a ehblee atltV WjowJ whleb he I efling at the VERY LOWEST brleej tbt cab b afforded, It bshllV r Mm lb pabllsta lh fait. Therefore w bat FOUND It beat to lfiiply thli rybody to sail aaii einiulne our stock sJid prices before purchasln elsewhere, and sa but Utile in rgard to our ability and determination to tank Tt adTaota geou to tho who at not DEAD Tothtlrown Interest tobny their Cendl, H II Raisous, Grooerl and verythlDg IN The Grocery llneo. It. A. Rinehart. In 11 with " Id building, opposit lb publltaqoar, waynesburg. A F.RSBn SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED AND l for sale at rnn LOWEST PRICES. J) E A I A N 1 K N 0 W- QUICK r?ALES AND SnOltT PrtomS I 0 l.MMF.NSH T0f.K OK FRE8TI OROCKRim AND PROV1N10NB Constantly arriving at th Stof ot t JOHN MUNNELL, WAYNESBURG, fAi Consisting, In part, of GROCPItlES, CO.sVrfTION ARIES, TOUAt'CG, B SOARS NUFF. CRACTBRnV CHEldUa, MOLAMsEtl, CARhGNOlL) FISH, PACON, ., Ae., In addition to th above, a full stock of s NOTIONS, HARDWARE, SPECtACLBi, IKET KNIVES sad thousands of other articles, which arb lug sold a low a th TIMES WILL PERMIT! COME AND BUY. li'iatf JonN Mt7'ViJI:u- JolIN IltOHU TOKA LCCA. T. LUCAS A CO. ronwaknlKo nn couaisliox ukkensgrg. And denier In Groceries, tfardwara. tsther Slioe Fin. linns, Iron. Nnlls.Salt, Flsli, 4c. Also, agents fur Aubrey. Cromluw ft Coon' Window sasli. A supply kept constantly on hands. Rice' Landing, Pn..alive tlie huh. fcS-tf. 1CULIC NOTICE. As the firm of nUGHES A LUCAB Is dissolved by iiiiitunl consent, the Commission business will still be carried on at the old stand. In good order, nnd on tlie moHt reasonable terms, in the nnmn and style of L. 1IITGHKH A Co., (senior partner.) They flatter themselves, by having the House and iheliest location In the place for Hint business, Hint they w ill Kki ElVg lllxral sluiroof (lie public patronage-. They will also keep ngiiodslipply of HltOCHl I Won bnnd to accommodute all who may favor them with a call. L. HT OIIEH A CO., 4;UMf. Rice' Lauding. 1. AYNESBURG JIARBLB AND 8TONK wdRKs; SAYETIS & RIXEIIAR T. Still contlnneto carry on the MnrMe ana ajton cutting liuslnessat their long established stand Immee4n4e east of the Publlo Hquare, between High nnd Greene streets, Wnyneaburg, Pa. This establishment tins lieen In constant oper ntion since Hem, and the long experience and en ery df the proprietors, linked with th exer cise of sound Judgment nnd good taste, have won for them a widespread nnd enviable reputation. An extensive stock of the variou varieties of the best marble kept constantly on hand. Spe cial nttention pnld to pollahlng, pressing, carv. lug and engraving. All orders promptly filled. 4;23rW-tf. PL.8TIC SLATE UOOF1NO! The Ann of ODBERT A JONES will furnish th PROPERTY HOLDERS! of Green county, with th PLASTIC SLATE nOOFINOj Introduce! last Summer, and so highly reeom-lm-ded by those who have tried It. w.All orders left with U W. Jones, Wayne burg. Pa,, will receive prompt attention, "llHKKT JONKSl. 3;tlHm of Washington County, Pa. yyANTED-1,000 3IEN AND WOMEN! To act us canvassers for a series of N E V E N GRAVING8. FIVE BEAUHFVL IDEAL AM ERICA A FACt-M. Engraved ox STOKg In Paris by the most ml. neut MtbOKrophem in the world. The faeea. wnien are inoni iaiitlrul and poetic ooneeptiuns. aredesigneil to typify the beat Ideal type of A irier can womanhuud, represent lug their char. itlea. ilMvntlnfl wmMiihl. t. . . . . rolsm , .jumwiiwiiu ne- The 'lithography I In th highest style of th art, and la such as ha rarely been quailed, and CAS.tor bo excelled. iu,wi -Tl"l'or.'.m'u have rcelved unqualified praise from the most eminent orlllo and nrnm-. Inent newspaper of the oountrr, and they should lorn every household Id the land. For particular and deacrlntlv circular, ad. . dro" ROBINSON1, Xalrf8t,8prlngllld,Maai, gLACkSMITUIAO A OUNSMlTUIHat For th Information of the public who di.i.. don in tin. important 6ranch mJ2.S? worst lea. MR; JACOB HOOVER doaaythin. In ItS'SffSSUi d.) H I an exoert and win W.?."?. ion. Shop near (b Pladlna WiiT "" !5V.'" mo FARMERS AND OTHERS, thf. nfyJ tewnjhlp Of -al kirs I the beat butiiV manuBM lured. We da o Z2,B" manuBu: lured. We do Hot V,r.T; wTeatoiedw,Tr"-?WUa rnoH L2Z. w ".li ieT K Ibr wnrrw bvshvuwin, OnarV i. r- isarLi. st-k