The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, April 01, 1868, Image 1

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Tei-iuw of lutlicutlon.
Th Waymesbcrij Kkitiilicas, Office In
Bayers' bulliiinic, at of the Court lloane, It puh
linhcd every Wednctuluy morning, at 81 per
annum., m ajivanch, or 84 SO if not nald with
in the year. AIIulM.'ritton aerouiil must
be aculrd annually. No papor will be aont
mil of the HtaUi unlfw paid for is advance, anil
all uch euhscrlptlonH will Invariably be dlseon
tluucdat the cxplrution of the time for which
thpy are paid.
(.'oiniuuitiuattonBon snhjivtiiof local or general
lntori'Hi uru nnp.'iunlly Koliciteil. To ensure
nlteullon fufirx of thin kind must Invnrlniilv he
nteoiiip;tuied by the name of tin author, not for
publication, hut aw louiritiilvociilti'.l imposition.
All letter iiertalnliiK to im-diieMiiof thw olllce
must h addressed to the K-lllor
lilt AGO.
I hare been to the Xorlli, I lnvo been to the
But in trawling n mini ni iy afar go,
Toth j Jumping uir place, ere hi will find
A town to compare with Chicago.
If you never have alicrjil your name In your
JJor ever ilU up to the bar go,
Or else nil aw.iy Willi another man' J wifo,
Th?y won't Myou Yin lu Citicig'i.
Some people sc-nl on by M nm Ejtpp.-ji, -An
l soma put their f iltli In n Fargo ,
nut If tliuy w nil 1 g t i t!io ! 1 direct,
You must cutjr yiiumeU' ut Chicago.
There th inf nits aro P;J on whisky direct,
For liquor they all to lln.-ir ma go;
And the mmey-cowj giro, us a mun might
expec t,
Milk punch in tlis towu o( Chicago.
Yet itcinnot ho sti 1 tlmttli'.ir mi:l9 are bal,
Or that they too much bulow par go;
For thu iluvil a moral tli) lolki ever hat
Who livo In the town of Chicago
Oh, Sodom was "some" unit "Gomorrah was
And in Venice cnrli man's nu Iag ij
But the beautiful city that tukca them all down
lathe elegant vilk of Chicago.
rtiiLtsiihn nr rkqukst.
Delivr.'pil liefoee tlio WnynAtniiry; Teat,
pernnre Mortety. Miintlii , Mhi, .Hnreli
Ji, isis, hy Jlf. II. t . I li'iiiiiken.
Mn. Prfsidmn't, LADrns and Ok.v
TI.i:mi:n. As tlio nointel J)i:le
;ate of tills Society to rcjiresciit it nt
the Stnti! T(!iii)i'iMiico Convention,
wliich as-iiMtibloil in tlio city of Ilar-risl)iii-i
on ilir- IStli mi l lfft'l- of Fuli
rtiiiry list, would ivsicct fully rcjtoi't,
tlutt I nttni loil tilt' (Miivi'iition, that it
was largely iitlemleil, lii-inif (oiir
hundred and sixlv-liiiee deleoate.s
in ntteiHaiK'.. l tlnnl; every coun
ty in tlio Stale was ivprificiiU'd.
Several of the most eminent temper
iincc men of the Slate were in atten
(laueo such its the ilon. .Inlm tV.-siu,
of Hedford comity; D.-. S.e'.eiiin, of
Chester count v; Itev, 1 ;. Ju ikln, of
l'liiladel)hia;"li-. Jo!i,is..:i, l'r.-si.l ..;,t
of Carlisle Cnllee: II -v. Tlio-iiii-i I.
Hunt, of W'illisharre; Jaiue.-i l!ln::k,
Es(j., of Iutea!ei,) and 0. Cli:irles
Jowvtt, of Ma- 'te!i use; ts. S-ints
ulilc siveeln.-ii were made. J)r. Steli-
bill !, ot Chester conn! y, read in able
essay on the subject, "what degree of
intoxication is atte.iilc.i with the great
est amount of evil to society." The
position taken by the was
that the moderate drinker was more
dangerous to society than the driink
urd, and that he was the man that
wliould be provided for in legislation
on the subject of temperance. The
paper of William J. Mullen, prison
agent of Philadelphia, was) very inter
esting. So also was the paper of Dr.
Highland Corsen, of Montgomery
I county, on the value of alcliohol us a
iuuiiiiMii)r 1 um. Lite inn millions.
Jf possessing n disposition to deprive
' men of their "inbred rights." But if
they ask the Legislature to submit the
question to the towns, to the people
tliqmselves who are the source of all
all power, they cannot be charged with
any despotic design. Another great
advantage in this course is this: If
the Legislature passes n prohibitory
law and tho law is repealed, there is a
manifest defeat. Hut if the question
is submitted to the towns, and the
friends of temperance arc defeated in
one town, they will succeed in another,
and so the cause of temperance will re
ceive uo severe shock. This question
may conic up annually in the towns;
but if the friends of temperance suc
ceed in any one town or county by a
large majority, one trial will decide the
question forever. And, sir, tho peo
ple will much more readily submit to
a question in which they have a direct
voice. I think the plan proposed is a
liberal one. It is ah appeal to the
fountain of power, to the people them
selves. Those, then, who are in favor
of absolute prohibition can have no
real objection to this measure, as it
will prepare the public mind for other
steps; for where tho people in their
sovereignty havo .decided that no li
censes slinll be granted, and that in
toxicating drinks shall not be sold
amongst (hem, they will sustain their
Legislators in enacting penal laws
against this prescribed traffic. Let
the experiment be tried; it will show
how tlio people stand . on the subject,
and this of itself is of great importance
, to the cause, as it will enable the
1 I
tie fPaiwiifi S
friemls to determine wliat measure;
will be best adapted to put the evil
forever from nniongst Upon the
loth resolution there was quite a
lengthy debate: llesolvcd, that it is
vain to hope to secure proper lee-isla
tion or the execution of proper laws,
unless tlio friends of temperance shall
determine to cast their ballots only for
friends of such legislation; that duty.
interest and consistency plainly calls
upon temperance men to use their bal
lots lor temperance, with their politi
cal party if they can, against if they
must. I agree," Mr. President, witli
the old gentleman that once remarked,
speaking upon the suppression of the
mm traffic, that there are but three
ways of regulating the matter one
was by the cartridge box, but that
would never do in these dav. One
was by the band bax, alia smooth
words and fair speeches, moral suasion,
which the rum selier cared as little
about as diil the boy in the apple tree,
the old man's grass. Wc must eo to
the ballot-box, have the question of
license or no license brought to the
polls, and submitted to the people. If
wc are boat, try again, and keen try
ing until we bring the community to
say by a strong vote that they will be
alllieted with the curse no longer.
And, sir, when the peopio say "no li
cense," they will be very apt to say
in their subsequent action, "no unli
censed." As the licensing power is
not with them, their sympathies are
quite as much with the unlicensed
lealer us with her, who peruana from
JnimrUmm has the monopoly, as in our
town at present. J lonca no prosecu
tions for violations of law. lint let
the people put their veto upon all
rum-selling in their towns, and every
voter in the affinnative will feel n
lively interest in rriiardinir it acrainst
all violation. I hone the matter mav
not be permitted to rest here; but that
tne propriety ol prohibitory laws mav
I soon he niililii Ivdi.mmwed.
J n sneak
ing upon tins license question, I am
(iireilily reminded of a circumstance
which occurred in n sister State where
licenses are grunted by the citizens in
public meeting. "At one of these town
meetings the question came up wheth
er any persons should be licensed to
s -I! rum. The clergyman, deacon and, strange ns it may appear, all
favored it. One man only, spoke
against it because of the mischief it
did. The question was about to be
put, wnen an at once there arose a
miserable female from one corner of
I the room. Sim was thinly clad, and
her appearance indicated the utmost
wretchedness, and that her mortal ca
reer was about ended. After a mo
ment of silence, all eyes being fixed
iiptiii her, slit: stretched her attenuated
body to its utmost height, and her
long arms to their greatest length,
and raising her voice to a shrill pitch,
she railed upon all to look upon her.
'Yes,' she said, "look upon me, and
tin n hmr inc. All that the last speak
er has said relating to temperate drink
ing, as being the father of drunken
ness, is true. All practice, all expe
rience, declare its truth. All drink
ing of alcholic poison as a beverage
in health, is e.vccm. Look upon me.
You all know me, or once did. You
all know 1 was ouco the mistress of
khe best farm in the town. You all
enow too, 1 had one of the best, most
levotcd of husbands. You all know
il hail line, noble hearted, industrious
povs. here arc the' now? Doctor,
where are they now? You all know.
You all know they lie in a row in von-
lcr grave-yard; nil, everyone of them
illing the drunkard's grave. They
were all taught to believe that temper-
ite thinking was safe; crecxs alone
night to be avoided, and they never
loknowledged r.rcrt. Thev quoted
von and ,iok and jok,' pointing with
her shred of n linjrcr to the Priest,
Deacon and Doctor, as authority;
they thought themselves safe under
such teachers. lint I saw tho cradu-
:il change coming over mv family and
prospects with dismay and horror. I
telt we were all to be overwhelmed m
one common ruin. I tried to ward
oil' tho blow. I tried to break the
spell, the delusive spell in which the
idea of temperate drinking had involv
ed my husband nnd sons. I begged, I
prayed; but the odds were all against
me. The Minister said tho poison
that was destroying my husband and
boys, was a good creature of God.
The Deacon, (who was sitting under
the pulpit, and ha I taken their farm
to pay their rum bills,) sold thcra the
poison. The Doctor said that a little
was goo J, and txcens aught to be avoid
ed. My poor husband, and my dear
boys fell into the snare, and they
could not escape, anil one after anoth
er was carried to the sorrowful grave
of the drunkard. Xow look at nie
again. You probably sec mc for the
last time. I have dragged my ex
hausted frame from my present home
your Poor Jloiue to warn you all;
to warn you Deacon ; to warn you
false teacher of Cod's word. And
with her arms high tlung, and her tall,
form stretched to its utmost, and
licr voice raised to an unearthly pitch,
she exclaimed, "I shall soon stand be
fore the judgment scat of God. I
shall meet you there, you false guides,
and be a witness against you all."
The miserable female vanished a dead
silence pervaded the assembly, the
Priest, Deacon, and Physician,, hung
their heads, and when the President
of the meeting nut the Question. 6hull
any licenses be granted for the sale of
oiimioua liquors r tne response was a
unanimous "no 1"
Letter from Jny Coolie A- ('a., on their l.l
nrttriiulnn Who arc the Holder ol'tlio
. J&alional Debt.
The CorKihj JwK'Vll, publishes the
following reply ot .Messrs, Jay CooKo
X Co., to a letter addressed to them
by T. B. Howell, who inclosed to
them a copy of the resolutions ottered
in the Assembly by Judex) li.ileom
and his published "reasons" for the
payment of United States bonds in
new taxable coin bonds or ereenbacks,
in case the holders refuse to convert
them into the proposed now issue :
C'oknkr of Wall ami sts, -Naw
Yontt, Fen, 26, I si;8. )
S. ft. UovtlL fainted roil. . Y.
Dear Sin: We have your letter
of the 18th inclosing Mr. Ualcom's
resolutions. The sale of tho first
Five-Twenty loan was undertaken by
our Mr. Jay Cooke, at a time when
the Government had utterly failed to
lind a market tor the bonds through
tha ordinary channels, and tho neccs
sitics of the Treasury were immediate
and pressing. I lie bonds were ottered
directly to the people, and sold to
them at prices which could not pos
sibly have been obtained but for the
distinct understand that they were
ii i ...
payaoiy, principal ana interest, id
That this was the spirit and intent of
the authorizing act, it is only necessary
to refer to the sinking fund claiue
(Sec. 5, Act Feb. 25, 18G2), which
specifically appropriates the com du
ties on imports to first, payment of
interest on public debt ; second, to a
sinking fund lor tho payment of prin
ctpal. All the funded debt of the
united ciuues mat nas iteretoioro ma
tured has been paid in coin, notwith
standing the fact that tne authorizing
acts did not so specify in words, and
three such loans have matured and
been paid in coin since the issues of
the 5-20sof 18G2.
These bonds, then, were advertised
and sold in good faith as gold bonds:
and that they were so payable see the
letter ol heoretanes (.base. Fessenden.
and .ucUilloch, all of whom have re
peatedly alhrmeil it.
The five-twenties of 18G2, will not
mature until 1892, when they will be
due, and payable in coin. The Gov
ernment's option only has matured,
but the Government is not now ready
to paw
If) us Mr. Balcom urges, the Gov
ernment should pay in greenbacks,
what is a gcenbaek lint a promise to
pay a dollar ? and if 300,000,000 of
greenbacks should be issued to pay the
five-twenties, must, we not afterward
pay them and, if so, in what but gold?
Such an issue of paper money every
thinking man knows would totally
unsettle values, and indefinatcly re
move the resumption of specie pay
ment. But, on the other hand, with
out any increase of currency, in a
reasonable time specie payment will be
resumed, gold and greenbacks will be
in equal value, and to pay the bonds
iu gold will be no hardship.
Without entering into any labored
argument to meet Mr. Balcom's "rea
sons" for taxing bonds it is enough
to say, in answer to the idea of a
"bondholding aristocracy," that it is in
the power of any man to become a
bondholder by purchase in the market
if he regarded exemption from taxa
tion as a sufficient inducement to sell
taxable property and invest the pro
ceeds. If bondholders are a favorite
class, no man posessini; any property
is excluded from that class except of
his own choice, and no such idea ean
be made a justification for violation of
the Government of a contract w hich
at the time it was made was indispen
sable to the supply of the treasury.
It is not generally known how
large a proportion of the securities by
the United States are held by the
people of moderate means for the in
vestment of their savings. Wc have
not on hand the precise figures of the
denominations in which the several se
ries of live-twenties were issued but
the following statement shows the
number of notes of each denomination
embraced in the issue 'of the Seven
thirty Treasury notes, which arc now
being converted by the Treasury into
Five-twenty bonds. In these conver
sions the Treasury has never beeu able
to supply enough small bonds to ade
quately meet the demand :
9-',5SJ 50a $ 4,12!).fHM)
t,47t,!ii) lOllj I47,t'.M,t)li()
4:l,7!12 fiOn 2IU,8!li:,0l)i)
370,371! 1000a 370,87l!.0IO
8,821 50W 48,IUiJ,00O
3,230,509 $830,000,000
These figures will give an approxi
mate idea of the amount in which all
of the Five-twenty bonds of the Gov
ernment arc held.
They show that one half of llic loan
in amount was taken in 50s, 100s and
500s ; anil further, that, as 2,877,823,
pieces of those three denominations,
were issued against 371,107 pieces of
the large denominations, the capitalists
are in a small minority. Any legis
lation repudiating, in whole or in part
the obligation of the bondsof the Gov
ernment would fall most severely upon
widows, orphans, nnd people of small
capital, who invested their money in
perfect reliance upon tho representa
tions made to them by the Treasury
department, directly and through
its agents, at the time of their is
sue. - -- . -
More than once during the war,
resolutions were ottered in Congress
looking to the payment of tho 5-20s
in currency, but in every case they
were promptly voted down.
' Yours, Ac, Jay Cooke A Co.
T!lt: l'ltlCSinKXf AXMWr.R.
The President's answer to tho Arti
cles of Impeachment presents no new
points, but places the issues of law and
nt' t"o.7:.T ,Wtiilybcf'ore tho Senate
that hardly any reply mmi
peachment Managers can be necessary
We can now separate the questions of
fact from those ot law, nnd see upon
what points ten imony will be brought.
and what will alloril themes for anru
mcnt merely. Tho answer to tho first
article (that based upon the attempted
removal of Secretary Stanton in vio
lation of tho 1 enure-of-Onice law,
does not seem to deny any distinct
statement of fact contained in the ar
ticle, but simply raises the issue of law
whether tlio leniire-ot-Ollicc act
constitutional. If this be correct, tio
testimony can be necessary on cither
side under the first article.
Wc judge, also, that the answer to
the second ami third articles denies no
statement of fact contained in them,
and therefore calls for no testimony.
The answer to tho fourth article (charg
ing conspiracy with (ten. Thomas to
employ force in obtaining possession
of the War Department) raises
question of fiict, upon which testimony
will be necessary. But the testimony
would be confined to tho language and
acts of the President and Gen. Thom
as, and must necessarily bo brief. The
answer to the fifth, sixth, seventh, and
eighth articles presents no issue of
fact whatever. I n answer to tho ninth
article, which charges nn attempt to
indueo Gen, Emory to violate the
Tonurc-of-Ottieo law, the President
denies the fact, and states that ho
merely designed to express his private
opinion that the law is unconstitutional.
The answer to tho tenth and eleventh
articles, based on his speeches made in
"swinging around the circle," raises
no issue of fiiet except upon the cor
rectness ot the published reports, and
no very serious question ean arise on
that point. The testimony on the
trial, therefore, seems to bo narrowed
down to the President's instructions to
or interviews with Gens. Thomas and
Emory relative to the employment of
force, and to t tic correctness ot the
published reports of his speeches in
swinging around the circle. J he
speeches will be proven by tho report
ers, whose accuracy is unimpeachable.
the interviews with 1 nomas and
Emory, and the evidence of intent to
use lorce, should occupy but a few
hours. All the other issues arc of
law, and restoi argument merely, and
arc mainly comprised in the single
point ot tho constitutionality of the
lonure-ot-Ulhcc act.
The Senate having discussed the
whole question of the Tenure-of-Oflice
law far more fully and ably before
passing it than the counsel lor the
1 resident aro likely to do, it is abso
lutely impossible that any argument
on this point can bo brought before
the Senators with which they arc not
already familiar. Tho President's
point, so frequently reiterated, that he
only desired to test the constitutionali
ty of the act, has no very great force,
as this end would be as fully acconi-
ished by his conviction anil removal
from ofliee us by any other judgment.
As tho President's counsel have shown
that they could prepare an answer in
eiuiit days, lor the preparation ot
which they had asked forty, we trust
that the manifest simplicity of the
case, in all its issues of law and of fact,
will cause tho Senate to push tho trial
to a speedy conclusion. Delay can
really be of no benefit to Mr. Johnson,
and must be seriously detrimental to
the progress of public business and
the interests of the country; The
oursc of the Opposition in the House
in raising a question as to the authori
ty of the Managers to file their repli
cation without previously submitting
it to the House, is but another cllort to
obstruct the trial. But it will fail,
for nothing is clearer than that the
Managers have been clothed with full
powers in the premises. Tribune.
An nrticle in the Cincinnati Gazelle
on the early life of Benjamin Wade,
gives the following among other inci
dents :
"Wade walked six times from Ohio
to New York, and on one of these oc
casions came near losinsr his life. lie
was leading a steer as usual in front of
the drove, whon he came to a long
covered bridge. The gate-keeper, ac
cording to the rules, would only allow
a few of the herd to pass over at a
time, lest their weight should injure
the bridge. Wade started with the ad
vance guard, but the cattle iu the rear
becoming frightened, rushed into the
bridge and stampeded. Young Wnde
made haste to run, but finding he
could not reach the other end before
the frantic cattle would bo upon him
and trample him to death, he ran to
one of the posts, and, springing up,
caught hold of tho brace and drew
himself up ns high as possible. He
could barely keep his legs out of the
way of the horns of the cattle, but he
held on while the bridge swayed to
and fro, threatening every moment to
break under the great weight tliat was
put upon it. At length the last of
the frightened animals passed by, and
our dangling hero dropped from his
perch, to the astonishment of the
drover, who thought ho had been
crushed to death, and was riding
through the bridge, .expecting very
moment to find his crushed andtnAnef
edbndy." :
What is better calculated to prove
General Grant's devotion to Repub
lican principles than the present whole
sale denunciation of him by Copper
head writers and orators ? From be-
WhaVaak-i t,i.1rt nl1 nnw nrmiio fit ft
lime wnen reoeinon rocked T7T
try, ho has, in their estimation, sud
denly become nothing but an "illiter
ate tanner," unfit even for decent so
ciety, destitute of anything like mili
tary genius, and altogether unfit to be
called a man. Tho Xew York H'orW
considered one of the most respectable
opposition pallet's in the country, if
not tho oriran of the party, recently
published tho following which we will
style :
opixion no. 1
"A narrow, sluggish intellect,
whose dearth ot ideas has been called
"An nrmy leader who sacrificed
nearly twice as manu men as Oie enemu
had in the fehl, accomplished every
thing bij numbers ami nothmtj by skill;
a cold, narrow, common-place, mint
tractive man, remarkable for nothing
but a stolid force of will.
Against the above untruthful and
cowardly assault wo place the follow
ing testimony of General Sherman, who
is now as ever one Genaral Grant's
warmest friends and admirers. We
asked our readers to compare the
former opinion with
OPINION' no. 2.
"I believe you are as brave, patri
otic and just, as the great prototype,
Washington. , As unselfish, kind
hearted and honest as a man should
i . i .... .
oc ; out tne cniet characteristic is
the Bimplo faith in sweats you have
always manifested, which I ean liken
to nothing else than the faith
Christian has in the Savior. This
faith gave you victory at Shiloh and
V lcksburg.
"Also when you have completed
your best preparations, you co into
battle without hesitation, ns at Chat
tanooga, no doubts, no reserves and
I will tell you, it was this that made
us act with commence. 1 knew
wherever I was that you thought
of me; and if I cot in a tight
place, you would help me out if
Tho above was sent to General
Grant, by General Shermau after the
promotion of the former, nnd may
be set down as the testimony of one
whose great military genius is proba
bly uncqiialcd.
Color of Hie tiouila ami .Sky.
A short time ago, says Ga!inani,
the German periodical, Pogyendorf's
Annaten, contained a paper by M
Lomtncl, on "The Evening Glow
and Similar Phenomena," somewhat
mathematical for our purpose; but be
fore the appearance of that paper Mr.
Sorby had discussed the same subject
in a more popular form, extending it
to the color of the clouds, and which
he explains on the principle that the
clear, transparent vapor of water ab
sorbs more of tho retl rays of light
than of any others, while the lower
strata of the atmosphere within no
great distance from the surface of the
earth offer more resistance to tho pas
sage of tho blue rays. This is especi
ally the case at sunrise and sunset, and
very perceptible in the case of dark-
colored fogs, through which the sun
appears red. This is often due to only
a few hundred yards' thickness at such
a fog, and it is probable that the same
effect will bo produced by a thickness
of as many miles of pure air contain
ing watery particles very thinly dis
seminated. It is thus Mr. Sorby
explains nearly all the phenomena
connected with the question.
Ihe blue color of the sky is due to
the absorbtion of a considerable amount
of red light by aqueous vapor, far
from tho earth s surface; but it minute
particles of liquid water form a thin
mist, tho blue of the sky will be di
minished, as is the case in winter in
cold countries. If tho air be much
charged with transparent vapor, the
blue color will be deeper, ami thus
becomcan indicator of rain. At sun
rise and sunset the light of the sun
has to pass through about two hun
dred miles of atmosphere within, a
mile ot the surface ot the earth in
order to illuminate a cloud a mile
from the ground. In passing through
this great thickness the blue rays are
absorbed to a far greater extent thun
tho red, and much of tho yellow is
also removed. Hence, clouds thus il
luminated arc red ; but when the sun
rises higher the yellow light passes
more readily, and the clouds become
orange, then yellow, and finally white.
Clouds in tho different parts of the
sky, or at different elevations, might
show these various colors at tne same
time, as indeed is often the case.
Durixo the war a young Lieuten
ant, with a bran new shoulder strap,
took Ins seat with rather a plainly
dressed lady , in one of our railway
trains. The folllowing conversation
took place between them the shoul
der strap leading off thus : "Madam,
have you any relative in the war?"
"Yes, sir, my husband is a soldier in
tho army." "Ah, indeed? v I am an
officer in the army, Madam, and my
influence may seryeyour iiusuanu n
n . . 1 I J
I should meet him. What is his name?'
"Ulysses 8. Grant sir.'! The young
Lieutenant vamoosed at the next 8top-
Eing place,, too moaest even to wait to
e thanked.
to m
tlenernl Hplunrr as a Religion Fulltu-
General Spinner is a very popular
man, judging from the anxiety every
body shows to obtain as many copies
as possiblo of his likeness, which is
circulated over tho country on green
ernl Spinner is a aevont ami
'VSkwtAiMientious Methodist in
religion, and in politics isuiT1
It began to le whispered nround that,
und(.4 very trying and extraordinary
circumstances, General Spinner was
guilty of swearing a littlo sometimes.
The church took the matter in hands
as quietly ns possible, and appointed
a discreet sister (tho grieving mourner
of a husband and three gallant broth
ers slain in the war) to inquiro into
tho matter. Instead of gathering ev
idence at second hand, she went to
headquarters;' she posted herself
among the crowd of waiting ones in
tho General's office. The old man
was absorbed in business, nnd work
ing away like a steam engine. File
after file of men passed before him.
and he shot his decisions at them in
sharp, curt sentences as they moved
on. Filially, a tall, handsome man
approached and handed in his docu
ments for examination. 1 ho general
ran his eye down the pages, ami n
thunder cloud settled portent uisly
upon his countenance. llo threw
down the papers and shook his fi.-t
fiercely in the gentleman's face and
said :
" Ion nro come to mo with this 1
iou sneaking hound of a deserter,
lew bring a paper here, signed by tho
President of tho United Suites, setting
forth that when you deserted from the
regular army to goand fight four years
against your country, there were four
months pay coming to you from the
Government you so outraged, and or
dering mo to pay you those arrearages!
1 d see you and the President a hun
dred million miles in the hottest hole
in hell first 1"
The llnninn lloily.
While the gastrio juice has a mih
bland, sweetish taste, it possesses the
power of digesting atho hardest food
that can be swallowed. I has no in
fluence whatever on the fibres of tho
living tinimal; but in the moment of
ileath it begins to eat them nwnv with
the power of the strongest acid. There
is dust on the sea ami land there h
lust always and everywhere. Tho at
mosphere is full of it. It penetrates
the noisome dungeon, nnd visits the
deepest and darkest eaves of tho earth.
No palace, door can shut it out ; no
drawer is so secret as to csenpo its pres
ence. Jwry breath ot wind dashes
it upon the open eve, which yet is not
blinded, because there is a fountain of
the blandest fluid in nature incessant
ly emptying iself under tho the evelid
which spreads itself over the eyeball,
at every winking, nnd washes every
atom of dust away. This liquid so
well adapted to the eye itself, has some
acidity, which under certain circum
stances, becomes so dcsideil as to be
scalding to tho skin, and would rot
away the eyelids were it not that along
the edges ot them aro little oil manu
factories, which spread over the ser
face a coating as impervious to the
liquids necessary for keeping the eye
balls clean ns tho best varnish is im
pervious to water.
Qulll-Drlvlng on Time.
A rapid penman can write thirty
thirty words in a minute. To do this
ho must draw his quill through the
space of a rod sixteen feet and a half'.'
In forty minutes his pen travels a fur
long; and, in five hours and a third,
a mile. We make on nn average,
sixteen curves or turns of the pen in
writing each word. Writing thirty
words in a minute, we must make four
hundred and eighty-eight to each sec
ond ; in an hour, twenty-eight thous
and eight hundred ; in a day of only
live hours, a hundred and forty-four
thousand; and in a year of three hun
dred days, forty-three million two
hundred thousand. The man who
made a million strokes witli his pen
in a month, was not at all remarkable.
Many men make four million. Here
we have in the aggregate a mark, three
hundred miles long, to be traced on
paper by each writer' in a year. In
milking each letter of the alphabet, we
wc must make, from three to seven
strokes of the pen on an average,
three and a half to four.
Deeolleta Imalrs.
The abominablo custom of expos
ing too much of the female person now
so prevalent in fashionable society,, is
being severely ridiculed by a - portion
of tho press. It might puzzle even an
imaginary writer to concentrate in a
few words more sneering but agnrava
tcd bitterness than that expressed, nia
ny years ago, during "a temporary
reign of the diseaso now preva'ent, by
a certain husband who was accosted
with a question, while looking on at a
dunce in which his very decollete -wife
was figuring in : "What very hand
some and magnificently formed lady is
Li l i r .t - i i
mm, yuuuer, in me green auti pearis t.;
asked one .of the otbur- cujsi2lflnac-
quaintance of the husband but a stran
ger to his family, "That ? Oh that
r fp . . t i t .
is my wiie; or ai least a inougnt is
was up to Jo-day I ' But by the proph
et ? I am inclined to think, by the
way sue urusses lo-nigntt inoi sne is
the wife bf everv i-erltlemarJ .in tha as-
Aovxbti"IMPst lnrrted at l pw
twthrre ln.enlnn. ami no T2
foreaeh additional lli-erllon i lien line T'SS
comitfOHs.ii-. All trnui.lentadvertliuenl
to lie lutlrt Ijt in advance. ' , i, KoTICKSK-t under J"? ',W",?J '?T?I
news will be i harjjia Invariably 10 eeutaa Una
for e-l.-h Insertion. i
A liberal deduction to pernont yrtlj
Inubv the mmrtcr. lull-year or year. Bpeclal
notice i-lmrura uue-liali inure tliun tegniar au-
VerliseuicnlJi. m, , r-
ry colors: Haml-bllls, lUullks, Care "'"'1"""
Job I'HIX 1110 of even' Kintl in nillinnar..-
Ac, ot every uneiy ami iyn-,
aliortest noth e. Tho ltKiTiii.H AH OKFirr iiaa
Jin.t lv'n ie-ilteil,aiul every thin In the Prln
lmt line ean 1 exei titeit III the moat artutie
maniierantl al iho lowit rut1. .
Uou't ga to ParllMk , . t
"Do you ever co to evening, par
ties?" "No," stud friend Tom; "I
used to, but I nm cured." - "How so?"
said I, anxious to learn his experience.
"Why, you sec" baid Tom, feelingly,
"I went to one souio years back and
fell in love with a beautiful girl. I
courted like a trump, and thought I
had her surej when she eloped with a
tni lor ; but I sworo vengeance. 1 pn-
nblicr ot my happiness,
and ordered a lull suTt"
gardless of expense." "But your vcn-i
geauee?" said I, "1 struck the tailor in
hi i iuo.-.t vital part 1 never jmid tho
bill". But those infernal clothes wcro.
the cause of my future" misfortunes."'
"How so?" " Wearing lliein, I cap-
tivntcd mv present wife. She told mo
so, and I. havu't seen a happy duy;
Mint'. But 1 am' bound to be squaro
with that wretched tailor on 'the long'
run. I'll leave him a legacy on oon-'
ditinn tlutt ho marries my widow." "
.1 Ilorso Ntory.
A clergyman, who is in tho habit of
preaching in dillcrent parts of tho .
country, was, not long since, at a conn-,
try hotel where heobserveda horse jock- .
ty trying to (akein n simplcgeiitlenuin,
by imposing upon him a broken-win- '
ded horse for a sound one. Tho par
son knew the bad character of tho:
jockey, nnd taking the gentleman .
aside, told him to be cautious of tho
piTMin lie was dealing with. Tho
gentleman declined tlio purchase, and '
tho jockey quite nettled, observed, '
"Parson, 1 md much rather hear you '
jinaeli, than to see you privately
interfere iu bargains between man and
man in tlii:i way." "Well," replied '
the parson, "if you had liee'ii whero '
you ought to' liiivd bren last Sunday,
you might Imve heard mo preach."
I' Where was that V" inquired tho .
jockey. "In the Stalo prison," ro- '
turned the clergyman.
not tier II ity Hill,
The House Military Committee on
the 20th, decided to report tho new'
bounty bill giving to every soldier, '
siilor or murine who served iu tho
Into war eight dollars nnd one-third
per month during the time he was in
service, deducting from such time tho
amount received from State, county, 1
municipal or other sources. Averti
liiate will be j-iven fill' tho balance at
six per cent, interest, tho principal
and interest to bo paid in Govern
nient lands, to be located in tho namo
of the holder or his heirs at any timo
that he may choose to tlo so. It em
bodies nil the points in tho Schenck
bill of last year, and will bo pressed
in the lloiisoat an early day.
Ilrni; is a queer obituary which
recently appeared in a German pa
per :
"My husband is no more. He did
not wish to live longer, and if ho had,
it would have made no difference, for
gout entered tho stomach and was soon
followed by death. I shall marry tho
doctor who kindly attended my lato
husband. I learned then to trust
him. Soft rest the ashes of the de
parted one, whoso wholesale liquor
bnsinc?3 I shall continue at tho old
Tin: following is tlio substance of
the resolution, pa-scd by tho Democrat
ic State Convention, in reference to
paying the national debt:
Jii.iotieil, J hat whereas the nation
al debt is a national debt, there
for. resolved that the national
ii.i iii ... .,.. ..
tietit snouid oo paid in what it is paid
Tho resolution is very clear to those
that understand if. What say you
Greenbacks V
A mspint; bov of some six summers,
son of a gentleman in the Massachu
setts L'-gislatiiiv, recently niad-j a visit ,
to the Insane Asylum. On his return .
the fbllowingcolloqiiv en-ued :
"Where have you been this after
noon, soniiv .' -
"Over to tho I inane Hospital."
"What were they doing there?"
"Making specifies, just like tho
.y m '
Mr.. M.wo", warden of tho State
Prison in New H tinpshire, lost an
arm iu tho war. A ivmonrut uoing; :
business with him, a low days since,
inquired pttuhntly seeing Lim adix a
slump to a a document : "How long
are wc to bo compelled to use 'these
thingi?'' The warden quietly repli-
il : "Perhaps as long as 1 carry .
this empty sleeve, and lor the ttmw .
A wtsstcrn journalist, whoso wife I
lad just presented him with twins, and
who, for this reason, was compelled to ,
deei his paper lor one day, wrote
the day after, (ho following excuse: ;
"Wo were unable to issue our paper '
yesterday in consequence of the arrival i
of two extra malm," .'.'.., j
t "
Hear tlio courageous "local" of the
Danville, Y Times: "Mr. Taylor
Vass having sent ns word' that-It wo '
published tain '-Marriage he'would
shoot u,' we hops he will do; us the. i
favor to load his fuzce with greenback
to the amount of what he owes us." .
TiTERE is a whisky insurrection
raging in East Teunessee", To which
we .might jusjly adip that there Is ' ft
Tonneftseeaa 'in Washington ' Taglng -'
"tirith whisky. .- J