'X'ei-iiix of l'uhlloution. The Watxbhi'ru Hcpi'dmcam, Office In Rayer' bnllcllrur, enn( of the 'Court Houiie, U pub Halted every Wimlay morning, nt t)a per annum, im advasik, or 83 SO ir nut paid with in Illeyoar. AIInlrrltlon ar-roniitu ut-gT hr atllrd auuunll) . fo paper v. Ill be sunt out of the State unl'cM paid for in advaxck, and allaorh sulwcrlptlons will Invariably b discon tinued at the explratiou of the time for which tlu-y ar palil. - - ('imimunlcutlnnann nubjenaof local oranernl ItiU'nwt ttr ri'xpccthilly solt-lte.. 'in ensure utlwitiim mvorsurthlx kind must Invnrlnbly Im ucjiu.mled by III num. nf th- author, m.t for niilloln, Inn iw Bimranty aimtn.it liiinultliiri. All ll lli lH P'Tlllimim tO bllilllC'Miif tli olllcu inuHt be addriiutfd lu tlie Kilitor J AH. E. HA VERS, FIRMNESS IN THE ItlGIIT AS GOD GIVES US TO SEE THE KIGHT. Lincoln EDITOR AND VUIlLmiEM. VOL. I. waymisbum., pa., Wednesday, suitcri 2, isgs. no.vr LiMve rue Finn. Come, boys, I li ive something to tell you Come near. I would whisper It low . You arc thinking of leaving tliu homestead , Don't be In a hurry to go. The city !ia many attractions, Hut think of the vices and sins ; yyken onro in the vortex of fashion, Tlow soon the course downward bcjrlas. You talk of the mines of Australia , They're wealthy in jol I, without doubt ; Hut all! there is gold on the farm, boys, . It only you'll shovel it out, Tho mercantile life s a hazaid The goodjare first high, and then lowi IMtcr r sk the old farm a while longer Don't be in a hurry to go. The grcit West has Its Inducements, And so lus the bu-ilcst mart j Hut wealth is n it in i lc In it d ty, boys D in t be la a hurry to start ! Tlie bankers and brokers are wealthy They take in their thousands or so Ah ! think of the frauds anil deuentlom Don't be in a hurry to go ! The f inn is the safest and surest The orchards arc loaded to-day ; You're free as thu nir of tlie mountains, And monarch of nil you si.rvcy, lletter stay on the farm a wliilu longer, Though profits should coiuo rather slow : Iicmeiuber you've nothinj to riik, boys Don't be in a hurry to go ! mi y m;s ran the tiwei. There was a plebeian called Andy, Who sonietini;s drank sug.tr ami br ; Hut tlie law he o'er readied, So he soon g t Impeached And that's whatbecainu ol poor Andy! There w is an oi l f.igy mmed Thomai, Whom he tho War Olllcu did promise; Hut sii 1 Htinton, "I'll s!lck: " Ho out lie did kirk Tills poor old ml iiiirrim Tlnr.n n ! Select tcadinfl. ItlllMJ 1 AT MUllr. Tlio door was lo.'kod when I j;ot. liomo, Hiiiil Tom, an I how to t in without waking the governor was tlie tlilhVillty. I know )(. until, .rive mo particular lits il'lio knew I was out sifter ten, nml tin- clock had just struck out'. Tin; hack yard was nn impossi '.bilify, nnd but one chance remained. There was a poivh over the front door, the I f of which w:t- a lew feet below : he windows. On,, ofilicm 1 knew to he f tstenc 1 down, and the other opened from a lirdrooin, which illicit or inilit not i) o!v:i;ii! I. A n old niaiden sister ot tlie "'nviTnor's wile arrived on the sa ne dav, an I it was very probable that she was in that room, hut I knew the hnl was in tho corner furthermost from (h . win dow, mill I hope. I to he aide to get in and through the room without awa kening her, and then I should have a comparatively ea-y time of it. So. getting a plunk from the n, ilioor:ni biurdpile, I rested it against the o.iws of the shed, pulled oil' my shoes, put them in my pocket and "eooneil." All right so fir, hut I thought it ne wssaiy, in order not to arums suspic ion in tho morning, to remove, the plank :so dragging it up I threw it oil' tho end, and down it went with an awful clatter on a stray dog that had followed mo two or three sipiaivs, and who immediately set up the most aw ful whine a hound over cave tongue to. That started half a dozen dogs in t'te neighboilioo 1 harking; a mock ing bird in tho window above com menced as if he intended to split his .throat at it, and a woman in her nightelothes Appeared at tho window .across the street. I knew 1 was safe so far as she was concerned but if anv one sl.o.ild come to our window the candle would give light enough to liavc discovered me. Xobody came, however, and the lady after peeping up and down tho street for-a minute or rtwo popped in her head and retired. 'The mocking bird still kept up its eternal whistle, and it was full half an hour before he and the dog settled down and gave me a clinnce to move. Creeping slowly along the wall till I reached the window, I put my hands on the sill, sprang in, and with my legs dangling out, stopped to listen. Yes, she was in the room, for 1 was sure I could hear her breathing. After .waiting for a minute I cautiously drew up one leg and then the other, drew tlicm aronna, and putting them die in his liniul, and come hurrying up tho stairs. There was a wardrobe near where I stood, and I sprang be hind it. Up came tho governor, reached the door, opened it, and went in, and in the meantime there were all sorts of confusion and impiiry down stairs as to what was the matte. No body else came up, though from where I stood I heard every word of in quiry and explanation in the room. Of course they couldn't make much of it. The little darkey was too much frightened and too sound asleep at the time to tell the truth, and the upshot of the business was that they conclud ed that she had been dreaming, and tho governor, after giving her a sound shaking and explaining the matter to the aroused neighbors from the win i .it. i . uow, went wick to ins own room again. ".So far so good." I now ha 1 to go down stairs, reach tho back door, unbar it, get into the yard, make for my room, which was in the second story of the brick building that stood unconnected with, and about a dozen yards from tho main one. After giv ing everybody another halt hour to settle down again, I started. Hoys, did you ever try to get up or down a pair of stairs at midnight without without making a noise'.' You may try it all sorts of ways, but every step is sure to creak, each with a pe- ictinar noise ot its own, and loud 'enough, you are sure, to awake ever- body. 1 had got nearly to the hot I torn, when a liltle dog came trotting j up tho entry toward me, yelling fur iously. A suppressed "come here, I Zip!" silenced him, for he recognized j me, but the little fellow started the mo"king bird, and nil the dogs in the neighborhood, having learned to take the cue, of course, joined tho chorus ; for a third time. j. 1 ran along the passage, reached the door, and unlocked it just as the (lov crnor, aroused for the second time, opened his door and seeing a man com ing from til" house bv the hack wav tl neves t" . I was too opened the though ? One of them elongated himself through a half column, and headed the article "A Diabolical and Attrocions attempt at IJurglary and murder!" describing with graphic particulars the fiendish attempt to throttle Miss L and her ser vant, complimenting the coolness of It. Tonikins, Ilsip, perorating with a withering anathema on tho want of vigilance displayed by the police men. It was fun for mo to see with what wide awuke sagacity the watchman used to stop at our front door and lis ten during his rounds for a month af ter. The excitement died away, though, nfter a while. lint I'll never forget tho night I tried to get in with out malting a noise. of course cried " Thieves I and made a rush after me. iiitick tor hitn though ; I door, sprang out, made lor a door that opened into a room below mine, and had just leai'h-d it, when crash ! within a foot of my licij went u brick and a voice that I knew belonged to the ne.vt dour neighbor, 'IV ink ins, ioin.'d with the tovcrnor in the crv of thieves ! thieves ! murder! minder ! ! !l:l,'u w" shelled iny did before sound asleep I 1 was ale though. litiuuing up stairs I ' self" ipiickcr than I ever or since, and was in be I, in half a nrnute. Wasn't their a row tliemrh never hear 1 so many dogs in my life li,. I, ire the mocking bird of cmirse, was otudoing all previous efforts the chickens began to crow Toinkins next door, was hallooing "Thieves" and calling the ( iovcrnor. 1 could hear s 'reams and ail sorts of noises and talking among the neighbors un til, lit length the old gentlemen's voice was nearu 1:1 tlie yard calling ' loin : loin ! Tom f'i'tunatoly was sound asloej snoring. Jumping from in v bed 1 raised the window, rubbed my eyes and looked partially frightened (which I wasn't) and asked : "Why, lather what in the world is tho matter;' "There's thieves in the house," was the reply ; "get your gun and come down be quick." "lie's in the room below you," hal loed Tonikins; "I'm certain of it ; I saw him as be ran down and threw a lire-brick at him. 1 know he didn't pass (ho door, Mr. Jones."' I was directed to look out for my self; tho governor stood sentinel at the door below, armed with a club, while loinkins had five minutes to collect aid from the neighbors, and in less than half that time, so thoroughly was every house alarmed, there were a dozen or more men in the yard armed with guns pistols and sticks. The (Jovcrnor led the attack ; open ing the door he called: "Come out here, you house-breaking scoundrel. If yon attempt to re sist, I'll blow your brains out," Nobody came, however. "Watch the door while I go in;" and I was told to look sharp and shoot the rascal if bo came tin stairs. A momentary search was sufficient to lirm llnnmire by 1ib Mtorin-Nluciilnr f reak or lii- M linl-A nullum I ruin IlloMll Iroiil lhi Trnell-ltulllluKs t'liaUKe their Hair, dr.. At., Cixti.y.yrn, March 17. The storm in this vicinity this morning was very severe, ami caused great destruction to property in the city. Several build ings were unroofed and others blown down. At Camp Washington a new frame house was blown down. The residence of Captain Patterson, near Lollego Hull, was unroofed. At Mount Airy the roof of the church was entirely blown away. Two new frame bouses, almost completed, and located ut the head of the street on Vine street Hill, were thrown to the ground. On the farm of Dr. Wise, near Alouiit I'lcasatit, tho orchard was entirely (h'stroyed. On the premises of J. M. Noble, in the same vicinity, over one thousand trees were uproot ed, and the fences blown down in every direction. 'The bridge over the canal nt Long view Asylum was lif.ed from its fasten ings and deposited in the canal. The barn on the fiirmof William Taphoru, near Mount Pleasant, was turned com pletely around on its foundation. Tho train on the Indianapolis and Cineinatti Uoad was lifted from the track, leaving the trucks standing. John Eagan, conductor of the train, was severely hurt, and several passen gers badly bruised. At California several houses wcro unroofed. A Methodist Church at Klizabcthtowii mis blown down. A large brick mill located nt the same also completely demolished, From tho Toledo IIl.ihe. X A H B V . in turner nvmpnimzlnir with thr i it i! I., ' ?" '',lm UlKW'r PoSTOms, C'OXFKDERIT X IlOADS, ' (with is in the Stait uv Kentucky,) Fcbrooary 17, 1808. Ther is located in the Corners about 12 or 15 sons uv tho Green lie uv hnn, w Inch is called the creen ile. spose, becoz uv the ease with which the grate majority uv cm are managed by nil.- xsiuiucriar. ao lasieu li ese VO' fl.itt'n am flu. ft.mt i. "id ti.f .-. .j. .J...... . l" 1 .i , .i . . .,..o ,.-, n.i.T.iuusjsaiiMy everynoiiv tliat tlie tluet was that I had stopped on something soft not in' the room.' ' and yielding, and was withdrawing "He's up stairs then !" cried ' Tom them when (mother yell broke forth at kins, "for I'll take my bible oath be mytectjtlio old maid jumped from didn t pass the door " i i i i it, i . . i 1 her bed crying "murder 1" and the mocking bird started again. A little darkey was lying on her back under the window ; and I had stepped on her luce, and ot course, woke her up. I decided in a moment what to do. The house would be aroused, and I would be caught to a certainty unless I could get to my room before tho Governor was up ; but I hadn't a moment to lose, for the little nigger was scream ing; so I started for the door in three Btops, struck a chair, stumbled over it, of course, making the awfulest racket ou ever heard iu tho hours of night in a peaceful house. The nigger and tho old maid screamed louder than ever; the mocking bird whistled louder than a steam whistle, and they fairly made chorus as loud as Juli an's. - " ' I readied the door, however, and tyfietfyand swiftly opened it, and just got into the hall in time to see the old gentleman open the door, with a ran- So up stairs thev trooped, but I had lit a candle by that time, and there was no burglar tbcre. The strictest search, even looking under a boot did not show the faintest trace of him. Tho yard was examined, thwi the house and everybody was tolerably well satisfied that he had escaped; but I was appointed sentinel for the rest of the night , and ordered not to sleep on my post (but I did,) under the penalty of (logging. The articles missing, on a thorough investigation the next day, were two pies and the old lady's silver thimble. Thimble turned up'lii a day or two, being discovered under the carjiet. hut the pics have not been accounted fo even to this day. On oath I coul liavc given very material testimony as to tho deposit of the stolen property, bnt tho case didn't come before any court, and I remained quiet. Didn't the local editors loom eausiii": a lieavv los We also learn by passengers that a large number of houses between this place and Indianapolis were unroofed by the storm and otherwise injured, but we have heard of no accidents to the person of any one. Parties arriv ing from all sections inform us that the forests adjoining tho track of thu railroads on which they come are des poiled of their line.-t "ornaments the ...ii ... i i '. .... ... .i iuhch mm iiiicsi trees so lilac tlie damage throughout thu country must have been enormous. A brewery at Newtown, Indiana, not far from Lawreneeburg, was al most entirely destroyed. Tho barn of Rev. Dr. Williamson, at Anderson's Ferry, six miles from Cincinnati, was blown down, and a carriage which was inside broken in two. The loss wiM probably reach ,2,000. The roof of a largo stone house near An drews was carried oft', nml falling near the railroad track, and demolished all tlie tejegraph wires adjoining. None of the inmates of tho building were injured. Tho boats at the wharf were swing round in every direction, yet no serious damage was done. Several barrels of oil were upset on the texas of the Alaska, and falling on the roof, stove it in in several places, llelow the bridge the Dove No. 2 was swung round and narrowly saved from being carried away. Tlie C. T. Duiiion't came in this morning, having nar rowly escaped bcinir wrecked on the river. The storm was violent, and tlie waves were running high. All tle packets under way were tossed about unceremoniously, to the great i.:..i. l ,i: iv..." .if ... . n I iiu linn uiscoiiiioi i oi passeno'crs, I he hoston, I olograph and 11. II. Hudson were compelled to weather out above. The lady Grace, Spray and Carrie Williams being below the ater orks, were torn from their moorings by tho gale, and carried across to the Kentucky shore where they landed among a lot of coal, dam aging some seriously. The United States, though also out in the storm, escaped injury, as she was running with the wind. Tho Duniont, how ever, took it broadside and went over to the leeward on her beam ends. The waves washed and rolled over her forward deck, and one of her fire men stood waist deep in water. On the leeward side near her boiler, the foot boxes stood two feet in water. The officers describe llie gale as terri fic. At Glcndalc the residences of Wil liam Proctor and H. W. Hushes were considerably injured, and a new unoc cupied mansion belonging to Judge Morse was almost entirely demolished. The course of the storm was in two currents, from Northwest to Southeast and expending its greatest fury iu the surroundings of the city. Though not of long duration, it raged with great fierceness. O.v roadinz Gen. Geo. If. Thomas' dispatch declining the appointment of JJrevct ueneral, Grant remarked: "Just what I expected front Thomas. He is a gwd soldier. ters and hold em to us, it wtiz consid ered advisable that some nkshen be taken by the Dimoerisy uv the Corn ers, in the matter uv Irish liberty nnd lOtwrtisIl ni uierwti llll 'Plil nna m.l. v.j. ...... a ..v Ji-u ui ir niitid with Deekin Pogram; and Has. com, dipt. Mcl'elter and I, consentid e met at tho church, and I made, cz is the custom, the Icndin speech. It wtiz a snbjick that is easv to speck upon, and I flutter tnyself I did it justis. Its easy to talk uv liberty, tor tiiers sutlnn inspu in in the word That's the reason why the Ablishnists liev alluz lied the advantage uv us in the matter uv speukers. They hev all tho advantage uv sentiment; but halleloogy! uv wat avail is sentiment when yoo hurl it at a lazy man? Uv wat good is it to talk uv liberty to a man who don't like to work ; who hcz a laste for draw poker and mint gooleps, and who kin force filly or n hundred niggers to work mm: 100 nine ez well tiro paper wads at a iron-clad. Units whore the Dimoerisy hev em in Kentucky. Everybody hero hez a dislike for work, and a likin for mint gooleps, but nobody haint got no sentiment. Still, we hev no objocshun to f.tlkin uv liberty at long range. Wo hev no objoekshun to it in Ireland. In fact, we are williu to admit that in Ireland it is a pretty good thing. I spoke elokently on the stibjick. I held up sieh uv the rongs emloored by the Irish ez I cood conveniently remember; spoke feelinly uv wat they hod sullercd, wuz a snll'rin, and pro bably hod yit to suller; nnd dcnian did that the Corners unite in a exprcs hiin uv sympathy with cm, ez those most eertinlv entitled to it. I wuz iipplaiidid to the eko, nnd Ilnsconi l'iz. lie lied a series u v resolnsnens, which bo begged to submit, ez Toi lers : Wareas, We hev red in the nnose papers, or hev lied red to us, which is the same thing, solc-movin accounts uv tho horrors now nl'lictiii Ireland, on account uv the oiiiireshun and tyrany practiced upon em by the bloat ed aristocrats and pampered sons uv luxury u v ingland : and areas, 'The Corners feels for the wictims uv oppreshun, and weeps at tner woes; tlierlore, ho it . Hesolved, That tho boldin uv the Irish in bondage in Ireland bv tho English, is a reproach unto thecivil izaslnm uv the lffth century. Kesolved, That the taxiu uv the Irish without givin uv cm a voice in the government, tho forsin uv cm to support a government in the runnin uv wich they hev no voice, and the other outrages too tejtis to nienshun, which is bein continyooally inflicted onto em, stirs our blood with iniligna shun, aud we hereby extend our sympathy to cm. Pesolved, That wo demand uv the goveiTiietit uv the Yoonitcd States, that stops beimmejitly taken to releese Amcrikin sitizens uv Irish descent uow langiiishin in English prizens, and that, if needs be, to assert the dig nity uv thellopublic, wo go to war in this coz. The resolooshens wuz alout bein yoonaiiimously adopted, when that miserable cuss, Joo Biirle.r. riz. He sod he lied a remark to make. He ap proved uv tiiem resolooshens. Ho beloved in cm. Taxa.shcn without ropresentttshen wuz ejus it wuz ty rany it cood never be emloored ; and he cared not where it wuz praetist, it wuz aonorrent to every lover uv liberty. He shood cheerfully vote for them resolooshens, but he desired to make a little addishen to cm. I remarkt that amendments wuz in order. "Very good," sed Josef; "I move to add these; Ucsolved, Also, that ez taxashon without ropresentashen is nninst in Ireland, it is in Kentucky, and that wile this convenshuii lias her pocket haiiukcrchcr out n wecpiu over the woes uv the lush, it slings a teeror two over the uiiforchnnct black citi zens uv tins State, who are bein taxed like thunder, but who aint permitted to vote at all. Ivcsolved, likewise. That while moisteninup over tho Amcrikin citi zens uv Irish desent now iu prizen in England, we give down a .trifle over the four Amcrikin citizens uv Af rikin desent now in jail iu this county, who wuz imprisoned for no coz wa't- evcr,ccptin knockiu down impudent white men who alioozcd their wives. Kesolvcd, moreover. That wilo we condemn Euzlaud for imnrizinin American citizens uv Irish desent without coz, and tvraiizin over cm generally, we slid take eich steps ez shel prevent tho samo thing bciu done to alarmm extent to Amcrikin citizens uv Afrikin desent at Lome. "Hi ese resolooshens." sed Josculi. I movcez a amendment. - Uv course no one will object, Ibr the principle w the same here ez there." I replied brecfly, Ther w uz a dis tinkshen. I'feereiT Mr. Biglcr did not utidttrstniid the matter. Ther wuz a distinkshen, and it wuz not al together on akkomit uv the Afrikin's bciu a black man either. I.t ther wuz n strong eniegrashen from Afrika to Amcriktt, and tho Afrikin emigrant cood give a voto after he hod bin heer fivo yocss, tho Dimoerisy wood, hev diffikulty in gotin up sympathy furem. Hut it aint so, and hence I see no practical good iu the amendment. I mildly but firmly object to add in these resolooshens to tlie regler ones report ed by Mr. llascom. Tho nigger Uiglor scd ho expected it wood bo objected to. llut he wuz so well satis fied thct it ought to pass, thet he felt he must take extraordinary measures, lie wanted every one to vote on the amendment ez ho jdeesed ho wanted every one toexescise his own jugment but he shood take tho liberty uv put tiu the inoshen, and shood feel e.tlled upon to bunt the lied uv every man who votid agin it. Uv coarse that settled it. Wo all hev a regard for Joseph, for he duz alluz ez he sez. Every man in the room votid for it, and the Corners stands committed to nigger SulTVuge. Good Heavens! Can't this cuss be got rid uv? 1 ETliOLKL'.M . NASI1V, P. M. (W it'll is Postmaster, i iik I. Aii: wit. i'i;ii,t:ro. Mr. Pendleton, says a cotcmporary. whoa while ago, was supposed to bo a candidate for the Presidential nomi nation at tho hands of the Democratic party, is no more. Horatio Seymour, who declines to be thought of lor the Presidency, but whoso friends are doing nil they can for him, dealt the blow ; and lie did it remorselessly. Tho Pittsburgh 1'onf, which in an in considerate moment swunz out for Pendleton and his scheme of Hags and Repudiation, knows this, and therefore mingles with its grief for the defeat of its favorite, execration against the great New lorker. And they who were led into tho support of tho am bitious Ohinan, go about tho streets mourning for the late Mr. Pendleton. Some of our readers may have read what Mr. Seymour had to say of Mr. Pendleton, and his scheme of I'as and Iienudiation. Tho oreat Now Yorker tells the little Chioan that the issue will overwhelm the Democratic I party, and that too, while it has issues enough with the party in power to win a victory. Mr. Sey mour s disgust, therefore, for the new and distracting idea of Pendleton is quite beyond expression. Referring to tlie l'eiidletoiiiiin doctrine, Mr. Seymour says squarely, "it is enough that honor forbids this, even if we could stoop to aught that is less hon orable." And bo has some word:i which all parties and every class of men should remember : ."Our debt" ho says, "is not due until fifteen years from now. How few who now discuss the question will be living then? In tho meanwhile if the country is well governed, if there is economy in its nlliiirs, and tho rights and liberties of our people shall bo un impaired, cur population will be in creased from thirty-five to fifty mil lions; our wealth will be more than doubled. Then this debt will rest more lightly upon greater numbers nnd greater wealth than it does upon the depressed industry and dishearten ed spirit of the people at present." Coming to speak more directly to Mr. I 'endletou's scheme lie says : "It means we are to give the laborer for his toil a base currency. It means that the honor of our country shall be stained; that our business shall be kept in uncertainty and confusion; that the laboring man shtill suffer by tho increased cost of tho necccssaries of life; that tax-payers shall be burden ed by a Government proved to be corrupt and imbecile by this very de preciation of its money. Wo can't afford to speculate upon the nation's honor at so fearful u cost. If we come into power there will be no dis- no speculation 5 as one man, seeks to level up, not to level down. While, therefore, we may differ as to the construction of the con tract with the public creditor, wo must not confound the position of those who think it right to pay in paper, but who battle to make that paper as good as gold, with the position of those who mean to pay not only hi paper, but who ara destroying the value of that pajier. That is repudia tion. Let till lato Mr. Pendleton have a descent burial 1 .HARK THAI ON TIIK HI TV ATIO. Mark Twain writes the Chicago lii-publieaii as follows : Washington, February 23. The bull is in motion. ThoPhi'ladelpliiiins send encouraging dispatches to the President. Chicago mass meetings tell Illinois licpresenlativcs to im peach. New York city threatens blood and slaughter in behalf of the Presi dent. Gov. Geary promises another uprising lor fjnngress. And last, Mr. Gideon Welles is "standing by" with his redoubtable four hundred marines to rush to the Chief Magistrate's pro tection, it is time to tremble when Gideon's band is hitching up its trous ers, shifting its quids to starboard and preparing to repel boarders! But Con gress is iu earnest, and may bo the old salts will see service shortly. Gen. Logan says that if Congress quails this time, ho wants an appropriation made to iron-plate the thu members so that the nation can kick them from the Capitol to the White House without its wearing them out ! Sound the tocsin ! I tlon t know what a tocsin is, but I want it sounded all the same. Gideon is not to be alone. Tele grams offering support and encourage ment to the President are still arriv ing constantly. My position as Private Secretary ml inti'rim to the Chief Magistrate gives me peculiar facilities for early learning their contents : MAY8VII.I.E, Fell, 2.1. it 111 ono rcgnncui 01 insn do oi nny service to yon ? Answer. I hero is a thousand, anvhow. The case looks healthy. 1'llIMIiKl.rillA, I'd), 2.1. I can raise one tlious'iiul men to sustain yon li-oiii my becoml Distiict of New Jersey, if neccsitry. Not signed. From theCamden and Aiuboy Railroad Company, doubtless. They own tho Second District of New Jersey, and the other Districts also, I liciieve. However, it is a thousand more, in any event. This is cheering. Nkw Yohk City, Fell, 2.1. Go on ! All the decent men in tlie melrnpolis will back you. Well, that makes another thousand. We are all right now. WllKATI.ANII, lv, Fell, f ". Proceed with caution but proceed. Gar rison Fort Pumter. But do not provision it yot. Bo cautions. Do not acl with too much decision about tilings. Wait. Pen. Fcsc. I thought the old lady was dead. Put she only sleepcth. Some one must wake her up, and tell her Sum ter is battered down. Nino Yoxo, C.d., Fell., 21. Mcllican man welly good. You snbby Chinaman? No hub got, how cm catch? uiuu.iiiian welly good nun, J jun. IScml ymi J Terms of AtlvertlwlnK KI JOB WORK. AmTtRnsFSFNTti intertodal SI 80 p" nnr fnr three liwrttonii, anil SO renin per nUre for .! cl.llllinal iiiwrlloii ; (ten limn or ! counted a nqunrc). All trHUsilenluilvt'rIldeniuiiW to I1 puJtf Inr Inudvancv. . , lti-MiNhxs Noncua net muter Ibo brail or Inrai neimwill Ih-I'hHrgtHl luvarluLly 10 eul a lm fur ouch liiMTtlnii. i A lilx ril tlrilurtlon mart to rronalvertl ltiRlivtliu quarter, ball-year or yoar. Kpwlal iiuttci-i charged onc-lialf more than regular ad vcrttgAiiU'Uta. Jim Fio.s riNOi.f evcrvklnil In Plalnand Fan--y colon; llund-liltb'.Illiinkii, Cards Pamphlet Ac., of every variety mid Mylti, erlnled at til sli.Hdcat notice. The Ukpiiiii.ican 11ticb h Just oecn H'-tlttcd, and every thing In the Print ing Hoc can lc executed In thu most artUUa miinuerand at the lotvcst rates. Down with tho revolutionists ! South to demigogues ! No linking ! Let every UU8 patriot show his ear uuuku and bo known by , his voice! ., : Vw-lic ! Watrlio! waw ho ! waw-hev UtOROE Fbanck Tavftftf ' ! Now we we ale,. since the, O'rcat. Fenian Female Sufli'age Asis gomg to brav in our favor.- - 1'blnc to be llcrucmherel. i 1. .That tlfc late, rebellion, w hich cost our nation three thousand million of dollars, and hundreds of thouatd of lives, carrying mourning into al everv family in the land, wits a Demo-. cratic rebellion, got up iu the interest of shivery, became the party was do- teateil iu a I rc-sKlen'iul election, i 2. That Democratic Nuvthern poljr ticians, from ex-Presidents down to memliers of ('ongrcss and Mayors of our largest cities, encouraged their Southern friends to rebel, w ith prom ises that the Inemlsot the Union would "hare lighting enoiigg to do at homo j" that "the war should not bo South of Mason it Dixon's line, but hero in thp North," and that "blood should run in our own streets. 3. That tho war once commenced was prolonged for years by the efforts of the Democratic party in the North lo cripple the ( loverninent, to discour age enlist meats, and in every praotir olo way to encourage, the rebels lit their desperate conspiracy against the life of the J'epublic. 4. That every single Democratio State except little Delaware, went into the rebellion j mid that', was only pre vented from doing to by tho strong arm of the Government. 5. That while the Democratic Con gressmen, Governors and Generals vi olated their oaths, abandoned the flag of their country and weut into thu Congress and armies of the rebel Con federacy, not a solitary Republican from one end of the country to tho other, ever turned traitor to tho flag of the Union, or went into rebel Congress es or rebel armies. G. That while the Republican party is now laboring to restore tho Union upon tho bnsis of Impartial justice anil the equal rights of nil InyuA men, th Democratio party is arraying itself against such restoration and striving by every means in its power to post pone reconstruction, as it did postpone! for yciii's the end of thowar. 7. That 1 lie only restoration desired by the Dtimoeratie parly is its own restoration and that of its' rebel allies to place and power iu the Government and nation. T.11U .' A Til) Ml. IIOMIS. Under our National Constitution : v n - i ". i.ieu'i our national ionsiiiution nine huudrcdChiuaiiian, heap smash up 'uni not only have the States no right to CoDr0S3. lloso VoSkkVc,.. ta.t national Securities, but Congress 1 know Chinaman too well. They cannot constitutionally confer Mich a credit on our currency in paying our bonds area nation ot rub. June.?. J hev are not partisan enough in character. They would 071110 here with their tubs and take in wa-hing from both aides. Cincinnati!, Ki-b , 21. fur lh'ii b ippulritumi fun Cint iiiniilti It tnit you in ilis clorious gri-ins. S.iccl your haul for nil vol its vort. Make you thai! do vot you is holt up your ba'. up, und power upon them. 1 he power to tax national securities is one of tho attri butes of national sovereignty which I he Slate eanniiut exercise a nd Congitfs cannot delegate to them without viola ting that clause of the Constitution which makes tho National Government supreme over the States in tho exer cise ot ail its (lee-railed functions. s'mstgo rhjht along de same you never vos. The iiiguuieiits against the expediency ou shall h,f limburg, und lager, nn l ,rV f (axing national securities ,aro,.a w.l .Ul 'M1 IIIIIU1, iil in: iiinibl brice greenbacks. Oris'ises is de biinclpien vot I goes in In for! Grlsuses is de dings vol inakes do droubles lor do dam ra;ticlci! Hans Von Kiucr. Wee gates, Hans. I don't know vybat "wo gates" is, but I suppose it is the neat thing to fire the. Gcrm:l:i heart with, in times of "grisus!" ItlCllllOND, Feb. 2.1. W arc with you, heart and soul ! There are plenty of railroads leading from the South to Washington, and in yourfar-Fightcd sagac Ity you long ago put them all Into my band. strong as those ao-ain.st theconstitutioii- alitv. It would lead to their taxation at different rates in the various State und consequently would drive them out of the States in which they aro heavily taxed into which they are ta.x pl less. As the bonds held abroad cannot be (axed, it would tend to drive a still larger proportion of our national debt into the hands of foreign ers, and to increase tho drain of gold necessary to pay the interest to ouc foreign creditor. The tax-payers would save nothing, as whatever micdit - nnd under my supreme control. Messing 00 l,e the t j levied 011 the lxind.it V!0M , ' -i"n tjea(Jcj;;l to the amount of the interest only one railway rout, lo Wanton ! Count which the Government has to pay and on w.. Men. mitt?, and importation are at ' M ,...,..1,1 llItinin,,.,w hr. .lu.iil Jfr(im your service. Bhil-regard. 1 .1. . . J . , . . . ti . : . 11. lllc tax-payers, loan wn cu This 1, victory ,tsclf. mi?'lt bc efIbrtefat five pcr if T. . . , A'-,A,,K- Vub- 2r- ! subjected to a tax of one pcr cent can Thermomotor at .3 deg. below zero, but ou be effected at six per cent, and Demof ratlc pulnoUsru at a hundred and sity f ' . ; . 1 . . '. , , above. Wo arc with you t Glorious massl,!,, ., . .1 1 1 f ,...,! ,...i.,a. 1. ' c..,. ... ... . I the tax-payer. Or if the loan is al- - Ox last Friday, as three gentlemen were crossing tho Monongahcla river, at levy's Mill, in Monongalia county, in a common flat boat heavily load ed, the boat sank in the middle of the river and drowned one of the men Mr. George Carter son of Notley Carter, who, bccomingchilled through, was unable to swim to shore. The other two gentlemen, fortunately, swam to shore and escaped a Watery pjave. A youxo lady possessing more van ity than personal charms, remarked, in a Uniting tone, but with an earnest glance, "she traveled on her good looks." A rejected lover being pres ent remarked ho "could now account for her never being far away from home." ings. Hear ate the messenger. Ate the pro ceedings also. Since died, out proceeding; and messenger, so mixed up In stomach sbatl lave to send ail la s box. , . Ci 6nr.r.x IckRiiRfl. Bear-steak, masticated messenger, and, Democratic resolutions ought to make a fair enough feast in these hungry times. Proceedings generally contain "provisions," but this time the provisions contain tho proceedin'n. 1 he case is peculiar. Sr. Thomas, Feb Hurrah! hur Ifcxcusc interruption. Great storm ju?t swept away ibis portion orthe town Il.iiqraJi ! ur . F.xcvsc Interruption agin. Earthquake. Hurrah ! hur Pcrditlm j Volcauo let go under the bouse rab I . In haite, ... John Sm John Smith, I suppose. Some new disaster must have, interfered -with him, and ho could not finish his name. His part of the world has come to an end, maybe. However,' with the help of Providence he got his hurrah out, anvhow, It is about 'all that the others have accomplished, so fat, although they took more wonla to snv it iu. rr- """ Dcat.i-1, Irlaod, Feb. Ij. Ood and Qbertr I JSlar Spangted Banner ! F-rio go Bragd! OeewhiUikms I America fur white men ! - frmf,m r,mt ) Potrwow-wovi ' ready negotiated, tho taxation of the bondholder may accomplish a virtual repudiation of part of the interest, and ' a dishonest saving to the Government for tho time ; but when the Govern ment ia obliged to renew its. loans, an it constantly must, any repudiation it may have been guilty of i? charged against it by tho public creditor, ami forms an element in the terms on which ho offers tho loan. Tho experiment of sustaining tho Government by tax ing its own debt is a rcpitloij of the vagabond's policy $f living on tho interest of what he owes. It 11:1s nev-; cr yet been profitable or respectable.- Tribune. -.- .. ; "If a girl refuse?' ays a rejected ' lover, "don't give up but try it again. Bccaiisetwo negatives make an nirma tive in grammar, liowevcr, don't con sidcr yourself accepted whan a eirl jilts you twice. I asked one female forty times, and at last she got to ex pect it every time I went, nnd some-' times, wotild hallo' out 'No !' from tho. top of the'sfairs before I got fairly in. the house. . Thia is unuatural, let mo here remark.'' . , "I'll teach you to play pitch ana' toss? - I'll flog'yoa Tor an hour, I will," said a father to hi son. " Fath er 1" instantly replied, the iueorriaibia i i.c un.iancwt a pengy on hw thumb: and finger, "I'll toss tou to make It two hours on Dotbiog,4