' IShc HSd-gnczbuvQ Republican, c&.Tes&arj, 'Hlarch 18, 1868. Msfrlfcincims. M EXJiCA L. Ult. WlHTTLESY, DR. T. WHITTI tY. Fhvslcian t,r Chronic Tiisease. hMM permanent oitleeln v aching-ton, I'ennsylvaiuu, wliero lie. ho been engaged tor ilia taut iwolvt ) it iu the sucoessfol Uoatiueal i all DI3EASE3 OF A CHRONIC NATURE Tua Doctor might present volume of eartlrl 1 tstes of cures, complimentary notice. Ac, but the most nii4iuctoiy testimonial will be g ivcn tl. public in a trial ot hi skill. Dr. W. devoid xaiiuiva attention to chronlo Ailments, in wluc.i lim practice bin been uniformly success ful, eiTuctnig cures In uifiny cimcs that have tiflW ull oilier systems 01 treatment. Paralysis, Rheumatism, Bronchitis. Calarrah, iiuutness. Diseases of lliertpinv, istomsoh, , . lic&ri, luvur, iiowuia, iviuuuys, i.mt;;., Fuiualc Disease, (V-iiuvui Debll U) , iu., Ac, Xrs all proiiptly aft I perir.aricr.tly cr.re I by the lmctor's system oi treatment, liitrlnK Ihe Pit lew years, (he Doctor ha registered hundreds of cures to which he will In! phased to give those retcreicssa who may eull np'in hun. Ho Invites till ufllleied with ny H'tm oi Chrome, disease uud having fulled to obtain rollet, to GIVC IU3 MEDICINES A TRIAL Ills principal gen'8 are se!eep.i entirely from tlio vuijemble kingdom, anil these nro no com bined 10 eo.u,iilo tins vital forces of the boiv and thnrebv rctorn n to perfect health. The Doctor him been enpi'tlally auccejaful la th treatment. of all i . . . F E M A L E I) I S E A S V. S . Xfomny the score ft 11 vlctlfes to niiOiuhffc po vulinr to thoir t:x, mnny ci whom miylit t)C uvikI fruni livtViOl' wn-Trlw'1iirtft.-uinl iniiimtiirft Ijcrnvi'fi liy alyii.K In liine to W. 'Uih rt'in dmIIim ouipiov. fi In tin pnitttiftt ot Dr. W. un: 1uannrm'(iin''l tx hinvlv hv him (mmif own Mt'ilidl liJibomtory itn t n.o alu'ityn unr In quulity nul 8ptH-Ul; in ullVvi. lr. , iUhkhoh ilHiti hy nu-HiiH nf thfl l'rltii, Ul'' only irmllt bl u-i of nAvr tuiliux to .Ijhj'ovit it riittmv, locality aa 1 canttiiltty, Uir.s cnabUug him to employ h NATIONAL, fiCTrvTlFIC AND CURATIVE rftEATMElST. i)f th AbnolutA cert tin ty of hla mode of (ttaRtrv n ho can utify evury putifiiit wlio giwo him btrlKl, from tlin iiruu'iiloiMr h will toll mvurutt: ly all thnt can h1 known ff any (lipwaso. In rho examination of thissecrotluii, li omploya opti cil( churuiu il nu t mit-ru-icopicai U:is. hocmw; tM.ng prrwtitM m which (ntj o thoso towrw Is tiot suflicl.'iit to un ru'i'urntc fiianoscs. This iJixHonloo nut cUiim to be a "cun all, "nor yet "the riKhtarm of tho Almltrhtv ntnN;liet forth to Hiivn the world (mm pruiaaturu ctluolutton," yi he doca pioksn fi-oiaMcicntiiic aomrcimfuts and YEARS OF EXPL'RIEXCi:, t; v?f. id exclusive.! v o th i friwti-ner.t cf chronic llln, with hin infiiUii-lp t.-Htrfii ititi' -w tohtalhh to r-l five and p-rmiincntly furi nil tiio.se ca-scs which a to nuLiiirejvJy btiyoud thur p-ch ui rem ndics. v OFFICE CORN'ER Or MAIN' & CHESTNUT S 13 , opposite thi; s.vHlON houhf. WAPniSGl'Oif, PA. t'OoSULTATlOMd REE AND C O N T 1 D E N T I A L . ;4-tf. P. WII1TTLE3Y. G IF T B FOI1 THE JIILLIONI A HUGE STOCK KF.oTIVL llOUaUT EXPRFfSI.Y Vt'R THE bAla AUE.VU, AT ISAAC IIOOrtR'S OKOCLHY AND CO.NrtCTlOMltY .' Mr. Haopar wonM fi'ill have llln frion'ln and pat rons bmir in niiml, thr.t he imntlnues In the tro rar'anl Coiiiei'tinnnry trmleut bin usual place of tloiug buainesa, aud that heliau just ruoofved A FHESII SL'Fl'LY of tlia beat quality of all articles lu his Ulc. TOYS NOTIONS, ami a great variety of useful artk'!ualirayou baud. REFRESH 31 ESTS. Tft connnollon with the above, Mr. Tlooper ' kucpaa Heatauraiit, whore tn e l i c i o u b oysters: With all tbo"ot cetcraa," are served at reaoo- nbla rate.'. The tuoiit utlractlvc and most popular resort in town. ii;H:'iri-ly. gEACTIFUL DM FLAY 1 DRY Q00D3, CLOTHS, CAaSL'JEFuS, ie. EVANS' ESTABLISHMENT. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT EVERYTHING IN THE LINE! 0 . Wishing to close ont for the Fall trade, he of- Ten hisoixHls at ftjitouuhinn low rules foronfih. The stock la as late as the latest and lha bast Id taarkeU ... Minor'sBulldlng, opposito the Greene Ttouw. i:iH-3m . L. K. EVANS. JAZEAR BROTHERS, wnoLtiALi " noctns attn couhibsiox CUAKTS. N. 11, IXCnANGEFLACE, BALTIMORE. 2M..'lAtau, rttio iitll-if MUf.r fl D M. BLACHLY. M, P. . . t V itCtcietAV add aoKocoM, Offloa at hit rasld.ncs, opposite the "Wrlaht ' TSia maoe a ipaolallty. Cards. piR.-JT NATIONAL BANK. or wtst5orpo Opel On Sfj'elwk A SC. - Jl O'clock P M. - TCteiDAlli, J. C. I LXVMK K!, Of.'S Zjliii'uL'Vr DAV... D. BO.NHU, 1'lVA'l. QEO. a JLTFEHY, NOTARY PUBLIC. AH business tvrtalrilTig to tr-.a ciPee attended to promp'.ly. u:!lco w!;h p. A A. Telegraph Co., oast of thi! Court Houjo, My in; 'K-ly, E. M-SAVER. (n KM.Y iSD coijrioa at iaw. Ina.Ullton to oilier butlnmis vlllaoUcnil to all cuaoe In nnakruti'V thut muv tr piruHUHt to bit chiu. omc.i,oii)ooitt) l)rus BUire of O. W. Rob eruACo. " gUEUJlANUOm; THOMAS r-R.VI)LET(. Piitve1y1lienirtr'tnr'i! Ifotrl In our town. I F.vwrythiiipmMnM to funilfth thebwit acconv niti tatlun iveryet ortiroi i. tlu- jmliltir. , Jlenh furniahi'tl ut ull hourn, table proVled with tho U'hl uf tlii'WH.'iti. . I TruvilU-M iiml thosi llrlrnn of mfrAhrlient will'luwi'll toiill."TpnP'mill retulm hw old riiiutiitiitnnfau a'oK.fcrt'MlHtiiiK KI'lit'nini. nnu ir'UlHtiliK gi'litlfimiM, h.viw. thi- bHi fprpi l4rV.omv; 5n-f,.i hontttiMij Inii'lltinl. rl- ocnuptC'l by the "Men; I watches rtiEwrjJiiAV :.w tULiT, orro.iiTi 't8ct? ipoi Tfrtcps rn h:ir..l.i alwayi a choicn and nolw tw nortmnitt 1 H';it--h"ft W9ttV-' K:hiring KWIS DAY, 7 i lio'iHuof all klnlsV' I'untly on lmnl, room In Mr-. U.ih'il.ui 1 4 1 1 j nneny o';"Uiuit by Col tori'llATnvIi.r.WaC ,jui, j a. Til T. WEilWJH., v.5 llt'HC IMl l.'ARNLFJ MAIILK, (IS WILCOX'S IiUILDISvi, MAIS ST.) S.-.rMIrs, l'.rMlfR I'trnoMi kept on hrnvt nnd iimiti' to upl. r. Work tluiie In the beat ntylu, unil ut r'iifiiifiirln r(tcs, irUi'p.nriti'r ri MTcifiMtv onuliort tiutlee. I'-iriMi-i fi icjj-b c." UkiJv ut law nto:k. 't-ly. IX U. HUl'l'MAN, MOHOANTwWN, WEST VIROINIA. ATTORXKY FOR COLLKCTIXG rtxrto.sd, liauNiita, AtrLAi.s or rY, AND ALL MILITARY CLAIMS. TTavlhn hnd 17 yer.rs rxprtiinft In prosweiitlng micli cl;unif. I hnve l-e.(iu faitillnir wi'.n th varh'iifi L iws-uiid theliuj'" 'unotint of record .v ,il re".1 iii ttiv p i.-ssi. -ii nnii! urn ti"ho vry p-uc',',..-.iiii in pro. ei'tuim' "ii-pfii'ic I i;diiis, himI lit iri'tny iniLnncs hnve proveil Hl),tr'lll wln:ii tli'omiiuf(t:t l.at loin Kivcn them up inJcspalr. No nta'ti-r liuw t.iitieuit. tuo ciuuu hu it i )uit, 3;j-ly. It nn;nv itDCtjiih.r.1 V, faiiRUdi. kvjci .vctub: r., v.-.vvsi:rc, r. fti'fipp.'t'iil'yrjrfifl nnI,r tlmt he hns loiitcl tn VViivu, ft.'iu:, IV.., wc.ii Uo ii'toiiUis to niiinu- C A Tl II I A 0 1'. H Cf evt-ry ill th.1 1 UnllM -tvi.'.r.:..:! I M t C ( .)!,. II..' !'.':-: 11 r: t'r'p'.lon. rmni hi oxv-oriocco fn s he t.'tMs "'jnn-icnt tint lu.i w.-rlc, in , l .1 .!K.' I'.Inv, : .i j.lve tnttlresat It i..r .h'f '; ia:n.t'in t.i pun'h.w tri'ini in :.ru .v!t, tin I eiii.i jy nunc fi' uor'tiTie1.!. but i:'.'-tf. )!i! I U'ivo Ic.'itp.-l iij WavTirshurc. nni am ou- riynii. the laU: i-okiuoti ie ot bt. b. . Pat ton. Hav ing tiik'iu i"i -u t p.ilup. to ho-somo th'jroiM,'hly ac iiiinini. il with both the tboory nml friotice of jent! tiy try, iiivl having Tin 1 iinT'A'i.ont'ni'nf'ipVrtn yenrh in ino iirnfi-.i'.nin, I feel tvju'ran'en la any. hiK tlint iny iatu-nta -ihull i:ive) nocjmM'toenm p'.-'.iiM.i iii't.r:"ri....runoii'. i .xiniet ion w ill be i.:U'J.av.l i-air.ii'Ar-. tvriun itt';r-rl. Jjy Hflinlu l.'.tr.uii.n ui "L i'i'Mn" t!i 't,r iit'iri iitii'ithrtiffi. Ch'irr,',i iiii'l''!';th uii't fill '.(rt'ii.i tiths varrantM i r.-j'-cH-ntfri. I will h" p: tinnn' wmiorr ikk i aiivk.vil'ki: f'-uiu the flfteonth ti.th" t'.ilrtn'th lol cMTv uioiilh. J0.1. h. HF.RTIO. C;I J-tt ARHIE WOUKM, l'" EUMMElSSGILIJtlJIiO.' I 'jewkll's oli BTAvr, rnr.n td ot town.) i I Tue pubMr are r'T-V'tfulIy Informed that 8um- nn'ri iii 4 r.ro. ni ha.'ojuat rL'.clvcd a la5g stock of ail it in da uf 51 A K 3JLE V 0 H K I Such n Grav Rtonw, Monuments, Man-tie Work, Src, c arc iirep irD.1 to furnish worlc at ruamjaablo tenub on short notkv. Call and ex amine our Mock, mylca, and pruffl, beforn rur clianUi!? finwlier. fi;3-tf. T. w. nods, riivair um Ati ai'Bouo. Oflioo In Jewell' WuynpKburi;. . building, Veei tad of Main Bt. l;l:'lW-tf. F. A. BALL, Dealer lu tiry Oooda, Oroeerlee, llnrdw&ro. etc., elo. AT MCCOY'S OLD HTANP, (rroi ii.ihom. Pi. fUE WORLD RESOWIXD SINGER SEWIXG XAC1IIXK OUR NEW FAMILY MACHINE, Had been over Iwo years In preparation, and wiiieb ham been brousht't.i re-rieciioii recardleai of time, lubor or expense, and if n w eoaiidenl- ij- preaenieo lomopuouo aa meoiupariuiiy tue boat .Suwin Muuhiue InexUieuee. The Miicnino luquuetlouls aiinu'.o, compact, durable uud beautiful. It la quiet, light running and cuuable of performing a rane and variety oi work never liefore attempted upon a a ngle .naeaune umiii; eiiuernua. xwiHi,i.inen or aji ten iuri a'l,andsewiutf..Vilb.cuuiii JiieiUty the et and coardeAimaLerluls.anaanythli'g Uie iwo extremes, li- ti.e most beautiful very tlnecit between Lh and ttubstantial manner, Ita fttUichruenta for llenimlnR, Uraldlns, Corrtlne, Tucking, Quilt InR, Keliing, 1 rimming, UlndlnR. eta, uro Novel and Praei leiil, and nave been invented and ad justed especially lor this Machine. iew utjeignaoi tno unique, UHetaiauu popular foldniK lopn and cabinet eatw fieeuliar lo lue Ma' hiite9 luaunfaetured by this Company have been prepared tor enoloeins; the new Aiaubinea, TbeQeare Hotlen up iu every variety u wood, such aa lllack Walnut, Mahogany, llosewood, uud the Uko, and from the piulueit toth. moat elaborate i.atteru told tliush tba Maebinea toeui.eivea beins more ot lea bichlv ornamenu &1, to correspond with the Tblea ur Cabinets for wuick luey are inienaea. A few reanous why SIXOER'rt latest Iraprov ed HEWING ilACHlNt.Sare the beat forTam. dly ana ueuenu imrponea. . ,1st. TouctuiKwarythlLg from iLaflnetta'n- g.e la.eauss oi owisj or .auoui( to several tniolinetebua of tho bcarioflt Boaver cloth, using any kind oralzo of thread wi!h eau! faei.ltv. from No. iK Cotton up to the hoavltiat pauat or ijliicn tureaa. 2d. It tues a abort, straight tMadla, easily set, and niakus tltepopuiar Look ollWh alike en both sides. ud. It hna an aven Self-adluatine tAnalon which roo,' lren no linnr;e f rdltlerent thlckneaaea of material or diKureutalz of thread. 1th. It la Xray frorr. ar. iirr;ng, wires and other OjompuoittioD, auc is aimou u iaieaa. 5:u. No thi'eaxibi to hold or wheels to turn tn starting. wji. fi does not hava, t be token apart to otl and clean It. 7th. ft haaa nerfect feed wberehv Ton an aaw theftntfat ina4.orlnlswlthottt havinn to keep your sou never have to osasi th work thxeugh aa la all mhor muehlnea. ( e'.n. it wmI Hem any Futm, sew a straight tcajn,rmnlco a 'ell in the most perfect tonnner. wilh Maa skill IfiftQ Is reauired to sew antraluht team on KnyotherTnaekine. 1 itstattaoomenta tor urniturnr, uarainf, qniit Ing.Bindlng, Turklnc, c, are novol and proo Uoal. anA reaalra bat ILtUs skill to naa tkam. . C Atenu UMvi-uofiont given ftt the huiu of the purckaiiar. . , . ..",.. wusjrjrnaea (ue jnaauioea art act at Ivi?inhiri warranted anlkapt fa repair throe ytare without chanjo. '. - f ' i i. i . a. r. vnarnm, " . Acent for oranue Countr. '.-If. . i .Wagrnsabura, Ta. THE WAYSESBVRO KKPVBUCAN JOB PRINTING ESTABLISH MENT, ''arcrt' Building, Ea&. tf the Public W A Y X E8 B V It 0, P A. rAMPHLETS, FR0GRAMME9, " BILL HEADS, AIRINESS CARDS FOSTERS, BLiVXKS, LABELS, Sx., Ac NEATLY EXECUTED WE HAVE NOW A GREAT VARIETY OF MATERIAL! And a more complete stock of P A P EP, CARD S, .., Than any Mtablinhra-nt within th ItmiU of our ouainww uircte, AND WE ARE ritEFAREI) To caccute every deeertptlon of JOB PRIXTiyGl IS A STYLE OF NEATNESS BE.AUT Y!I AND CANNOT BE SURPASSED ANYWHERE We employ the meat oompetent "printers, and yiuyvaq vo MEET EVEEYORDER! T With which' we are favored, In the SHORTEST TIME POSSIBLE 1 A XNiTHEJIOar aATISFACTOXY MANNER 1 Partkular atteaUoa glvesi U . FINE RULE WORK CERTIFICATES, CHECKS, Ac, TERMS HE ASON ABLE ! Let tt 1T a tali atiire (oUf Itvwhars. V . " 'AfXCaUYBIta, "' I IOi ' WTBsbttTf , Pa. OfU'tL iiiEUKvaivu iut; uuvchk. BT TRaxk C0MM1H. Tho devil came up lo the tartti ne dr, And into the court liouw ho wcsiled hit way, Jusl as the attorney, with very grave face, Wai proceeding to argue the points la the case. Now a lawyer hli majesty never had seen, For In bti dominions uono ever bad been, And he felt very curl.im tlio reason to know, Why none had been sent to the rcgioabeliw. T wat the fault of hit agents hit majesty thought. Why none of these lawyers had ever been CauglA, And for his own plossuro be had a desire To come to tuo earth and the reason Inquire Well tho Uwyer who roso with vUtge sj grave. Made onl his opponent a eonawinte knave, And the devil wa really greatly mmised, To hear the attorney so greatly almsed. As toon as tlio speaker h id co ne t a Aoio, The counsel oppotlng him fiercely aroae, And lieaped such uliune ou the head oftliu fintt. And made liim a villi m of all lueu the wurat. Thus they quarrelled and argued so long, "Twm hsrd to determine the one lliat was wrong, And concluding he'd hoard gnite cn'rugh of the I'uss, Old Nick turned away aud solUnqulz;d thus i If all thuv have siii'. of each oilier be true, The Devil has suicly been robbed of his due, I'm satisfied now 'tit all very well, Fortlia lawyers would ruin the morttls of hell. They have puzzled the court with their Villaiiiouk rnVil, And I am freo to confess they puzzled tho devil, My agents are ri?ht to let the lawyers alono. H i had thoin they'd swindle mo out of niy throne. ' gHiscclUiifouis. Au IrlHliiiinu'i Wilt. "Iu tlio name of Oml, amen ; I, Timothy Dooinn, of Bullydowiiilciry Snlliu cot'.ntyof Clare, firmer, bcinc; tick und 'Wake In my h'S", hut of touiul head and warm Iwart glory he to God ! do innko thi, mo first and last will, and ould and new testament ; and first, I givo mo soul to God, when it pfazes him to lake it sluiro no thanks to me, for 1 can't help It thin, and my body to ha burled in the grouurt in Billydowuderry Chapel, whero all my kitli and klulhnt lnvo bonc before me and tho:tn that livo after me belonging to me srebuiiod. Face to to thoir uslus, and may llu tod nst liihily ou their bones. Uurry mc near mu gudfathcr, Felix O'Flalurly, lictwuxt and bciwuno liim and me father and uiother w ho lie separated ail together, at to oilier side ut Ihe chapel yard. I i.ive the bit d' ground, containing Ion acres rule o!,l Iri-.li acres to my eldest son Tim, after tho death of l.ia molhur, if she sin v ves him. Jly daui'liter Mary und her hnslmnd, Fmldv O'Regnn, aie to get the white sow Dial's going; to have 12 Mack piss. Taiiy, mc second boy, that wits killed in Hie I war in AmeriUay, might hnvo got bis pick of thepowltry ; but ts ho is gone. 1 11 lavu them to his wife who died a wc k a'bro 1dm. 1 bequeath to ull mankind tho fresh air of Heaven, all lha fishes of tho sea they can take, and nil tho I irds of the air they can shoot. I lavo to Pi ter Ralfcrty a pint ot polhcun I can't finish, and may Go I be mcicil'ul 'o liim. How Ale MlreiiKllinuea lllru. A student c-f one our colleges had a barrel of ale dcHi?itcd in his rows, contniry, of cou lo rulo ami usige. lie riceived h aunmiouslo appear before the president, who aiiid: "Sir. I it in informed th it you hive n barrel of ale in y mir room, " "Yes, si:.' ' ' . Woll, what explanation can. you make?" "Why, the f id in, Mr, my hjsician advised mo to try a litlla each day as a tonic, and not wishing to stop at the various placet where the beverage hi retailed. I concluded to have a barrel taken lo iny room. 'indeed. Ann nave you derived any benefit from tho nso of it ?" I Ah, yes, fir. When first taken to irly roorr, two weeks since, I could scarcely lilt it. Now I ciin carry it with the irreato ease." Wo believe the witty student was discharg ed without a special reprimand. A ucntleman of color working on one of the boats on fhe Alabama river was asked, the oilier day, whether ho was best off now or before ho was free? Ho scratched his wool and said: "Wall, when I tumbled overboard before the Captain ho stopped tho boat aud .. i i , , .. put use ana picneu mc up, ana then they gave mo a plat of hot wfrikey and iwater, irnd then they gave ins twenty laelct lor falling overboa.L 'But now If I'd tumble ovcrhoad do Captain he'd say, "what's dat? Qh, only dat dam nigger ; go ahead !" AcAiri.B BAissaand feeder of Kentucky Tcccnlly remarked that he considered a thou sand dolhrt made with, catilo equal to two thousand mado with mules, or grain grown and told from the ftrm. . The great beauty iu bandlior cattle is the condition they leave the farm in : pasture all clean, funce-comers all dressed out, and the land becoming more fortile your by year. A aan-gosED, brnndy-faccd loper asked a gentleman it be l elitved in spirits j "Yes, sir," be repliod, looking hit questioner full in the face, "I tea too much evidence bturt me to doubt them." "Mr doar," tail an anxious m tiouto hor daughter, "it it very wrong for young people lo throw kitsrtat one another," "Wliy to, mamma f I'm turo 'iliey don't hurt, even when they hit." Hion School ExuacisB "First clnas In phytioloty, ttond up. Now, then When is a man not a man?" "When he's a bolt lu Oiltlng) the dor.u "Right. Now, when la a white man an Africau ) "When he's a black iu (blacking) bit shoes." Tiia Boston -Waal says of Mr. Wcllet t letter, In the Orant Johnson correspondence, thai it Is like the Duti hmau't answer to a man't question ts to hit opiuinu on a certain mailer i "I tiuk vat you link vat doyou Uuk?" A out "with a ringing laugh," can3cd a alarm of firs hi Peoria. The took her fofibelia. The Republican ticket was victori ous in the city election at Omaha by 472, a gain of 700. QHEAT TAN1C IS TUE FRICE3 OF BOOTS AND SHOES! WII.I.IAM IlKltHYlIU.I.'S, MECHANtCn' KOW, WAYNESnURO, rcMH'l. Kavina lust purrhateda heAvv Htock of Poota andMhoiof the UNKxTand BEsTiJUAIJTY to be fouii'l iu ihe Knat, he now baa the Heft se lected anl mow! ci ntpleto piMitrtiiient of these Goods ever brougl.t lo the Town. Add lie oilers to sell FOR CASH Nfen's heat, whole stock. Home-made Poota. 17 kS' li leu, ni Sti.eo, S.?S and MO: Men's Kin Call at ST.'in. wiih a uniform deduction In rules, on all klmlHof Block. Mr. Herrybill buvkiiK nn ex perience of 15 years in the iinuiufacturlng oi BOOTS AND SHOES ! I thoroughly aef)ttulnted with thfrhuslncsn, and iia.-i luiien ureal i'uru to ntK iiuu a SITEHIOK BTOCK TV) ANY KEPT HKllK- Kvnerlenecd hand ar conHtnuttv fmnlnvcd In mattitiLi lu onlrr and we can Haftdy vrv ttmt at no pine In Ihewa "dlgxlnaa" ran the mate rial ami wutUinanithip be atiirpu-HHt-d. ALL WORK WARRANTED ! IJo now ak hln fritrndH and th"1 public to call and examine bin stock, fi h' feels ronlldent that hevan plcu.t them. WM. HKUUY 11 1 1 A,, l-VH-if MechrtiiicH' K iw, WaynoburK, I'a, G 1 R E A T BARGAINS! BOOT S AND S II O E S! NLV STOCK NEW- KT0U13 ! GUSTOM-MADE WORK! cr:tAri:it than even, at M. C. II. BELL'S, (aUCCftWOIkl TO HALM!!,) s a y i: us' c o u n i: r WAYNESIJCK'I, PA. 4.Call and oxaiuluo, aud save money I aoTi m. c. Si ii. nixi.'s ron iuroains i;;i-iy. rnilF. BEST AND CHEAPEST FAMILY 1 MAUAZI.NE. HOURS AT HOME: A POPULAR MONTHLY OF tNHTKl'CTION ANDKl'.CRF.ATION. With the number for November, HOl'11.4 AT HOMKuiitcrcd boo llH'Hixtb Volume. Imriiia the two yearn ami a half of Its pnbltcn lion It hnn grown steadily III (mblie lavor, drawiliK around it n coiiKinnlly liicrensiiiLt (?irclo of ri'iider. Avnldlna ovcrythlug seusutlonal, It has aimed lo furnish HEALT1ITUL, INSTia'CTIVE, ANDETElt TAININO UEAUINO FOR THE FAMILY, and the remarkable deiireeof niiccesa which It bus reached la the must satisfactory proof thai could beglven of the popular need nf mich a nc rioilical. The siiine Kcnernl principles whlen have controlled it heretofore will continue to auido it ; and, iih proof thut It;, couductorii menn to spare no effort to sceure tho production of the best talent, nutive mid foreiKii, for the amusement anil profit of It renders, they an nounce the following spoclul ottnutllons for the dcw volume : IN THE DECEMBER NUMBER appear the opening charters of a now serial, en titled "The Chnplle of Pearls," by MISS YOXGE, The Popular Author of "THE HEIR OF REDCLYI FE." Thlsstory, Vhlch Is oneof tho time of the Ituueuots, Is, us iutroiluetorv eliaplaia show, written In Miss Yonge's most attrmilve and pleasing style, uud it prouilstis to be of irreiit llllerest. it will appear III HlM'llM ft HOME simultaneously with Us piibllititlonan London, from advance sheets secured for that purpose. The conductors of HOCKS AT HOME have also engaged a scries of original papers from MR. JAMES GREENWOOD, aumrr m "i un lh mucin i Lrouiothoi ketchcs.portrayinuwith remarkable E rnphlc power the condlttoiHif the lower classes lu Entduud. Mr. Greenwood will prepare lhes opera specially for Hoi W AT Home, aud HOC KM AT Home, their pubucalion will be commenced in un early number. DR. HORACE BUSIINELIj, Whose discussions of "The Slornl Uses of Iiark Thliurs" have been rei?clveil with so aiticli favor by IheTOore llioughlful readers of the inaeazlnc, will continue ts contribute regularly Ui Ita Mig ta, but upon a dlD'erciit range of subjects. EMaya, Hketchea, short stories, ioem, txe., Ac., may be anticipated from the numerous populur writers whoareulreadyfuvuritcswlthllie read ers Of H0U1W AT HOME. " PPECTAT.'PKKMTCMS : ' "Prayers from Plymouth Pulpit" by Tlenry Ward liceeher For one new subscriber S3, and IB ecu ta additional when the book la sent at our expense. "Kathrina" Timothy Tltcomb't New Poem For nno new sulwerllierand J.1. "Queens of American society" By frs. E. F. Ellel 'Containing 13 nteol Engravings,) for two siiiisuribers and M. "Wiorm-Cllir " Uy Miss B. J. Prltchurd For one subscriber i't, und 26 Mnla additional when the book la sent at our expense. RtiU'i.AK I'liKMH'MS: For two snluerlhers or one subscriber for two years, t-Se.) Curpenter's splendid portrait ot Lincoln. For twenty suli aorlbers, (140.) Wheeler A Wilson's best too saw ing niaehlns. Tkums : s.1 a year. Cluh prices fnralx or more, 12 W. To OlerKymen and Teachers, S 60. Hound Volcmbm: The work oompleus totbe present time la elegunlly bound In tlva vols., and will b nam free (or 110. Klngla volumes, ft 50. For either volume nnd a year's sub script Ion. . C. SCUIBNER A CO., I;i.', iW.lf No. C-M Broadway. w AYNESBL'RU MARBLE AND STONE WO R KB A SAYEBS & RIXEIIABT. fltltl continue to carry mi th Mnrbl hnA fit one cutting business at their kni t-vtaULUhed ntaad liiiiuudlatotiaNtuf the Ptiblffl Htinnre. 1etwu lllifh and Uremic treetM, Way neh burg. I'll. Thin vnUirilUhiiatfiit hatt ljeen In conMtant oncr- atluti inco anl the Ions; experience tutd vn- ry or mo proprieiors, iiukou wuu mo exvr else of wjund JuUnmentand kooI iate, havu won for them a. wldt.i.reud and enviable reputation. An MXtciulve ntoek uf the vartoua vanHc of tho ixu ninroia nept ootiiTanuy 09) nana, npe olal atlpntlon palj to poliahiiLg, piwulng, carv inc ud engravinir. All onlwrw promptly 1lrA. . Wlltf, I. a OF 0. F. WAYVESDURO ENCAMPMENT, MO. 119. null In Gsnenr'i Building, east Main Btreet, Wayneakurg, Pa. Flrct ana second Friday's oi eMh.aaoata, an. RANK McQUKGAN A.NNOUNCK.H HIMSKI.F AH A I'ANDID VTP F0 THE P.VTUONAOK OP TIIF. l'EOPLK IM THK HCBINKM8 OP 8KLLINQ DUY GOODS. ROOM orrOSITE THE GREENE HOt'SK, WAYNEWIl'ItO, PA. He has lust received and la now orrcrlng for sale at lac rewel (trieua. me uueai aioea OI FALL AND WINTER GOODS Ever bpftar ntflwl intlilnmnrket ponnlatlng In pari,oi run uuu n lumr utmuiiig FOR MEN A ND BOYS! A Try lanrP stock that cannot bcexcellcd i also. m vury aiupuriur luuniEiiiiviii oi LADIES' GOODS Of all kind. poniHtlnR In imrt, pf Sew Drew ad t'louk TriinintiiKH, Vvlvt t HtbtHtnn cverv iikh M'dhultf ; Hat and nilks, latcat Htylt'H; KUOLE TU1MMING.S AND UUTTONS ! Niiah, Ponnet, Ne-k and TrliiimltiK Hlbbonft; Ijieea real M)lnt, Appl(m and Valeiiciu. llandUerehhfK Lace, KmhroldtTnl, llt-m-HliU itcd and 1'laln. llambiirK work u tine us ortment, JET AND HOGWOOD JEWELHY. A Uwge tUMortmnnt of Kid (Movoa ftrat quality fur Udies and ontleniun. bTUAW, YELVCT AND I'LCSII HATS Bonnet and ltonnrt rrnines; Hon net orna ment and llowen. both French niict Amnrlciiu : toKHthtirwlth any und all a r tic leu In ue by la dle. A?U for auythhiK yoii want and we can upply you. Also a (lnu ansonim nt of CARPETS AND WALL PAPER of virion klnilo and pulterns, all of w hich will u Wiiti eneup oa lue cueapHNi. IhW-lf. FRANK MefiritOAN. 0METII1SG NEW I MH3. E. B. SAYEIW A HOHKINSON Havo Just arrived from tho East with a large aasorlniont of foreign anddomesllo DRY GOODS, FALL AND WINTER STYLES ! which they prnprw.f to ell at the lowest ('Aft ll prior.! mieliat Divs .imm1m, Im-i-nm Trlm mlntf, ItreH Huttoiif-, I.inllt'4 blmwln, Hoi f a nnl HIioch, Huts and ('huh; hIhg. a gnat variely of nicenni..'H,at very low price fur ' GENTLEMEN AND LADIES' WEAK, W'nren nf nil kind, and a ei.mpipte vnrletv nf the bent OHOCKUrilS. AHofwhieh thev propose to ell at the vt'iy loweM tlurif-, dejiruillnK on thn rinulity and cheapness of their mnxln to Kalu Oi"tn custom. iivi- thrnt acall hrforn ptirchnslntr clsewherr, nnd they will prov limt tlie n'-,vc In corn-ct. ltMim luAlllPnn'H tmfldliifr, nearly opponito tiC Court House, WttynvaimrK, l;l,'07-tf Y GOODS AT ir II 0 L E S A L E , M'ELROY, DICKSON & CO. NO. U WOOD STREET, I rrrrsBunr.u, pa. Now offer to dealers their FALL STOCK, AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. BUY GOODS AXD XOTIOXH, IN GREAT VARIETY. !ll-3lB. COPPER AND TINWARE ESTABLISH MENT IN WAYSEHBURG, PA. PONT THROW MONEY AWAY, PUT USE IT TO BUY CHEAP AND UMiFUL.STOVE.SOF W. II. HELPIIENSTINE, They have the handsomest and neatest pattern COOKING, HEATING, AND STOVES I PARLOR inns. Call and exanlnethsdlfferent patterns ueiore you purcuuae eisewncre. iney nave the ROHKOALE. for wood or coal, three slzeat aud the Perfection, for wood, Ihree tlsea. They are the best stoves in use. Don't let the women aoold any longer, but get them what they need. They manufacture TIN, COrPEB AND SHEET IRON WARE ! of all kinds. Everytbln In or line will be attende loll wl attended to promptly ; send m your orders soon. 'ill sell elMStp for cash or nouulry produce. SPOUTING AND ROOFINGI dona to order on the shortest notice, at the old ulnnd, aouiti of the Hbertll 's House, Wuynca- burg. Pa. W. II. HEI.PHEN9TINE. l;om gLXcWMTTUING GUNSMITUING: For l Information of the public who desire work dona Hi tins Importaut branch of Mccuan. los. MR. JACOB HOOVER, Announces himself competent ana willing to do anything In the Hue, 'shoeing horses except ed.) IfotasraexperlandwlllwarraatasUafac- iws. oaop near use i laning smi, , u-.n tf gitjcntsi Wmtd, EN ERG ETIO M EN A NDLA Dl tSSvANT" ED TO CANVASS FOR THE OHKltN AXD.1H8T0IIYI0F THK BOOKS OF.TIIE BIBLE. by ruor. cilvixJe. stows, n. n.) KhOWlnV U'htkl ll llll.ln ..... . -.1 I.I. . !!',',!.,,V.!.'"".1,: ' bUloryof raehlaiulc upto ltaorininwiih ilie in.-piretl aulhoni. and II la needed In ,v..rv. i....,n a... " T7 ;JT! h..i ... ii . J . ii.-ni uih iiiint ia Ilu ; ?,t 1, "? ''y "'""""th H'h..l leat her. S! I ?..! i ll?,J'".'nd bnllin tho only l)k Conn rv ?.b,T.:.l."vvr "'"'"-''ed or noldinthia e viSlnJ r J,,",'1 "" ' """ "", aUvanlajcu uf ?.!! i " ''""'Is work. Kend for rlrrulan eimliiilnK not ecu nn.l ln.l.,...,.7...V. . r. ?.. in mliilaiors nf nil dennmlnailoni.. Addreaa. teiSO-lm!'?" Ar,'l,Mlr,M!. Phlladelplila, tV j) AINT8 FOR FARMERS AND OTHERS TlMflMlffn.. fl. I (.. ... fuel nring lbs Rest, i rami uo. are 1101 rnini in usei n. i "; . ""isi.imriibla cod oi I will Inst III or If, years . 6'fa A il or beautiful chocoini A.lor. i . ,lS pure linseed :ni i.row i, or neuntiiui choi'i.lau' color. and eni oeeoiiiieo 1.1 given, ,,, stolie. .Irnl, oil ,i cieai.i losult tl.,t , ', eo ,., . """t ii viiluiible Inr lliai.cK, liarrm, I'dic.,, Currlagssnd lir-liuikers, fails ,,i,. W.s l-wuie, Ayr" ! Iinid Implements. I tonal H., VesseTa und Ships' l oiioins, Ciiiimis, Moiul' and w,i,,i I iK.js, lit being lire USd water pro.jr.1 Floor rill lot bs, (one iiiaiiuiaeiurcr having used f.oi bbia. the past ,veiir,i and us n paint loruni nnnioel uiisiii liassed lor body iliiiubllllv, eliistleUv and ndheslvenoss. I'l Ice ill per bid, of :.lt Willi b will supply a fui incr tor years to eonie ' Vt ar" rantetl in all eases us shove. Ht ml for a circular w hich gives full parllculais. None genuine un. lesi branded In utrado mark (iniiion Mineral Piilnl. Address PANil'I, HlDM'FLl, IMs.'117-ain 211 pearl Hlreet. New YorV OLUTION IS TRADE ! Lsdles. you enn rpwlvn forljic mm of ONK I r.l I.AU ! H.IU, Moiino and Alpacca Iiress,' ShnwlM Halninnils lan-ii (lo.l l','ml.swl Table l overs, Walehes, .lewelrv, Silver Plated lire, Sewlm; MU' lllnes, Bend clubs of ten or more, with ten cents for each deserliitlvn check, and the tetter iiimt the club will receive a present worth Sa to Mm, according lo number Sent. AuelltS Wanted evervwllen. rirnnlnn. nt free, I'ARKI.R ,V CO., HI A OK l'ederul .Street. HiMton. l'i;2lVlin, t) FARMERS AM) OTHERS. A good Agent wnnlcd In every township of Ibis county tii sell Uesleoll'. Ail,islal,le Hush linrii I the h.-st butler maker now niniiiifiictured. Wo do not promise fabulous KulurtcH lo our agents, but do guarantee good wages lo gisxl nu n. We are anxious lo Iihva tins l hni ii Introduced, and to mis end w ill luakn ravorablu arrangements with curly applicants. Address in. in. II. MNUllA.U Ai:o., l;"-ly aiu l'ciiu HI., IMtlsbiirgb, Pa, y M V O R T A N T T O BUILDERS an t) CONTRACTORS! WAYNlAliUIKi hIKAM 1'I.ANINll JIII.U It give, us plf ftsnre to announce lo t'i. fublie II mpleilon of this work und tliercmliurM ot Hie proprieties pi R ECEI V 1) ORD E R S ! AMd M A K i: (.' 0 N T R ACTS I The tie.l hoproved maelilncry Is used. Plan In?, Ploughing and Omhiiiik, Hisb und lioor Mulling, l'aiinellliig, Hipping, inoiilillng Ac, rapldlv nnd skilfully executed. Ruling price puld lor ALL KINDS OF LUMBER ! Thev are also prepared to do all klnilsof frp.n ler Work, with tin; utmost prompincas, and In ilie most snlistiiiitiul uutoner. They respectfully solicit a slinre of public patronage, and ilai'cr Ihciiikclvca lliat the) wil J lu ull ciea be tihlii lu GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION I All orders promptly attended to,' BIIADEN, WALTON A AYEIUM, ;ll-tf Warnesburg, Pa. s 1 O M E T II I N G N E W IN WAYNESnfRO. PENN'A. TII OS. BRA DEN 'At the store room formerly occupied bv Andrew Wilson, Sr., next door to ltraden's Drug Hturr.) Respectfully Informs the good people of Urccno county, that they have opened a II A RD WARE S TORE! And invites a cill from their friends and the pul lleeenenilly. Their store is rtlled with everything Inthelr line needed by the farmernnd mechanic, lielng practical farmers, they know exactly tbn wants of their farmer friends. Among their var iety ofgoiMls will lie found Iron, Nails, of all kind., l'luuos of all varieties. Augers, Braces. c. Tuttle tisitheil, croi-s cut und mill saws. hand suws uud tools of all descriptions, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Mowing Machines. Cuttlni Boxes. Com Shsllen, Plows , Cultivatora, bliovols. Forks, and evsry tlilnn In their Hue. 8ADDLERY HARDWARE. A general Assortment of ssddlery hardware, ta which they Invite Ilie alteullon of purchaswrs. WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDS. Tub., Buckets, Butter Bowls and all kinds of Kltelieu wontleu Klxln s. Willow Hasaeta. IlriHima. Bnishes. Conl ltockcta. ltrau IChIUm. liturgy Whll. 8hot auua. Bova Waaona' and Sleds. All persons desirous of purchasing any of ths almve articles and many othera Dot mentioned. win cvuauu men: mierest Dy CALLING SOON. They will take pleasure In showing their stock mm nines, rsouive mem aeaii w nen yosa coins o town. Remember the pluee,opposlle the First Nntlonal Bank. l IjMT T BR ADEN K. A. TINKER ....1I. L. MArtU rpiNKER & MAFEL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE BALE OF HOGS, CATTLE AND SHEET, AT THEIR OWN YARDS, WEST BALTIMORE MARYLAND. , ADJ01MX0 JJD. LIVESTOCK SCALES. Consignments respectfully solicited. All com munications promptly amrwenxl. Post Onto Address Box lano. 7M-ly. I. 0. OF O. F. HOSHIMKA LODGE. NO. S68. Rail In Caneart Build Wnyneaburg,Pa. Time, I rag, East Main Btraal' unlay avsnlng.eaclt wees. un. - I, O. OF 0. F. . WAYNEBBtnta LODGE, NO. . nail in Oanear'e Building, as at Mala aHree, Wayneaburg, Pa, Tlait, Tuesday rvcalac eacK week. da. W Jv r, Ii, o" "''I'"'"'. H ' an ordinary II. I H 7ii," '"''" "'"'y 'n aalnale volume, er,.ih ! ' nelul. and hlKl,l In- lereicllllll. A !llu.-4ter-liieiM i,r ...n,...V 'Ps-- ' X A.