Nkw Anvt:nTiaKMi!jlT3.' -liio attention of our render s spci-wlly directed to .the follow-IntfAilvitrtisumt.-nt, which appear 1'cr llic first lime in our paper to-ilsy. ' erlti-slsti-rs Hollo Pctnr Rrnwn, trrhurltr S.ilea llunry Silveus, aPTavnrn Licensvs J. K. Tuinple, , jrIK'l N' life J. P. Tcmpli CJ-Astyneu'j Xotira J. V. Temple. ( Look Out For tiik X I SubsciilicM whr.s papers sro nuirkej with nn at tho cml of llioir numo Are in arrears, and they arc requested to call and settlo immedi ately. Tkk Xotick. Persons intending lo apply to the Cotut of Grcrno county, at April or subsequent terras, for Tavern, Eatinj House, , or other License will bear in mind tint a prin ter's fee ot 50 rents for each office ninut be paid to tho Prothoiiolary, before any notice W such application will be published by the undersigned. ,W. T. II. Pai.i.kv. Jas. E Savmh. A Srisn Orr. The Contest of tin gcntlc ,iiiin Mterary Soclvtii, on Thursday evening iast, resulted ill an cipi d divide of honors. The I'hllos were nwaide.1 the Select Oration and Essay, thu L'nl m the Original Oration, ' and the D.-bilu was divided. T.ie Cmmi'it teo of Djcislm comiitod of Dr. Slian, I). I)., Umpire; Hon. Patrick Donley, of Pittsburg ; and Mr. .Miller Fuani.i'i, Waynesbitrg The uaital interest w is m uiifust, crow ling the Chapel to replttim long before tlis hour for ojH'ning tha cxanises arrived, notwith standing thu rain tint beg in to fall early in tho evening. Eich performance was received with a round of appl une. Though tho curly hours were fur wasted tho decision was anx iously awaited. All were received irood hu mored by the audience with the exception of the Debate, in announcing, which the vener able Doctor was most vindictively hissed by the champions of both debato.-s. Words of praise for the excellent music rendered by the Hand are no', wanting. Such good order is seldom on occasions of the kind biitisn-t yst deserving of commendation H inu'lit lie improved. All passed ofl" with the utmost good feeling. B.inaiTTS Hair Kcstomtiv, Warranted, Hold at U. V. Robrrls' Drug Store. Tub I'vion Sciin-u.. The cxaiui'iaM m of the lour le;rtrtiicnts of th'n S':hool on Thurs day and Friday last closed the Winter Term. We had nn reporter present and was notdis pmed to intend m it'fjifi't jifi'Mttn. Vsaally the exercises are instructive and pleasing but the rooms arc lnrely large enough to hold the schools without spectators and hence tho meagre attend nice ol'pi rsons who feel i iter csted Tiik c.'lehratcd French Army Lotion, best l.inauieiit in mo Sold ut O. W. Huberts' Di ng Storo. Tim; cv animation of thu Fe n ilo Depart m nit, ol the ('!rg i, nn T.nsdiy mil We i ll is lay, vail 1 1 by literary erfonninc.-s an I mtl sic, torn; 1 a very interesting, and liistriu'. five put of :h ; eloiing ox u'e.ii as of sc'.iool. It was universally re.nukel that the pupils tv evi lence ofrapil ndvancnvnt under tin tiitor.-li'P of ihoir nin th love I and most competent pri icip il, M,s. M. Iv. I!. Mi.ler. Dr. Miller has labored equally hard In the 51 il Depirtinont an I th 'ir j nut elTort with tint ol' their assistants, ii is utulj the iiititu ti m what i' is the prl 1 ; of all g )o 1 citiz 'ns. Si'i.f.Niuii Akkmii ') a We In 'si iv evil iu;listihi Piiilem Sici-ly irivu tlu-ir iinter taiuniant. Th;y tiequited themselv ",s in a in inner worthy of their orgmiz ilion, an I in every way pleasing to th t I irg : an Hence as seinbled tiheir theai. Tni'oiiglio it tlie entire proira nni n I'.hl lg o.'c i; iv I ti mi,' llu bjautyor detract Iroaith) ei:.;lle.ic.) of the pro luctl l is Tin closing pantonine, "Tliu Mai len in search of II i.ipines.," g ivo a lit .ting con -I'lsi iu It Wis un on: im.int thi1 well clis cdtln e.ijiy.uait of tin evening. Jtiro'y, if ever, hwj we s;en nayllili; that excelled, the b;auty an 1 grace d'upliyed bv the anion. We are pljasedt i learn that tin) S iciely H .-cured tin h in Is :n - su n of J is.oo, They jinrite.l in nuiih iiiore. The nin-ie was not tin lo.nt enjoy aMe pirt of the occisiou. A i.onif Clover seed just received nud for ile by Thos. Braden, opposite the First Xat. Dink, Wiiynesburg. Viiks parties get married an 1 tin gr nvn is y lying the parson his fee, it'll'; should forget to hand bi n fifty cents to pay for setting up the notice of the. event in tin piper, the bride .ought to interfere immediately and do thu first groat duty of her married life by Insisting "that thny commence their careor honorably, an 1 justly by paving the first bill of expense. Piiai.osavii tiik Pops. Throe new Italian bolls were baptiiud by tho Popo a short time ngo thniisan Is of American belles aro self baptized every day with Pinion's "Flor de Xiyo," the new perfum; for the handkerchief. S ild by nil druggists. Paints of all kinds, Dry and In Oil, Sold at (i. V. Huberts' Drug Store. "A Tiiisii of bri'ity is a Joy forever." An 1 nothing is si beauiiful as a picture of health lleadaclm, Nervous Pains, Sur Stoinich, Distress after Kitiug, Prostrating Weakness, Jlisincliuition fir S ubty, Mantil iJs;ion dan;y, are thts rule rather than tho ex coption with t'.n hum in family, and have stamped their cllecls iiiwu us all, Tho most oToellvo, g intle, s.l Idea and agreeable remedy is th3 PI intntion Bilters. They have prob ably cured and alleviated m iro coses the past fire years than all other medicines combined. Thy are sold throughout the length and breadth of Die Lind. Maonoua Watf.. A delightful toilet arti cles superior to Cologne and at half the price Tbclt WosiiKarcL. Already the Arabian Physician h is made hhnsolf a reputation by his m inner of treating disjasos of long stand ing, an J by the introduction of the simplest remedies. Those who havo called upon him speak of his skill in the most glowing tonus. We havo no d ju'jI he will achieve a success in some degree com nmjur.ito with his truly great merit. We hoar his euros iu the Eas tern ciUescauvassjd vary freely, and from tho list which ho has given to those who hare called upon liini f r ad"vioo and Information, , no on csa doubt his ability to perform all that lie promises. Thole who call at his 'office, 8 liberty Street, Pittsburgh, will be promptly attended to. '. ' - - ; tio. SawckC SIcFarlmo, of Washington county, reeeotly deceased, bequeathed twelve thousand dollars tortbT American lIKunnnr. Association, New York. . Tub Towjsiiii- Ei.i-ctios. FriJay lust was j the election, mule peculiarly liitercsliug just . here, liy tho warm .'contest lor Constable, Democracy strained every nervo in the strug gle and succeeded by the neagre majority of tlrea. The voto fir Constable standing, 11 l F. Campbell, Republican, 1ST j Alex. Wal I lace, Democrat, ISO. Tho following named I persons were, als'i, elected. School Direc I tors, C, A Black, J. A. J. Buchanan; Judge I of Election, Jas. Cosgray ; Inspectors, Thus. Ilmd-m, II. Clay Minor ; Auditor, Thos. IIos kinson. The po'ls was s irrounded by a crowd nil day and the challenging and points of dis pute were quietly discussed nd settled. They I sworn everything through li'.se a top, In fact ! better sweating could not bo wished for. Up ! to the reading of tho report Democracy was j glum cno.igh but wbeu their victory was an nounced entlnisl asm knew no bounds. They ' shouted long and loud, embracL'd each other, each claiming that he done it all, tried to stand on their lieadslu the mud got part way down but couldn't 'pet up, made vociferous ( speeches on the street-corners on the Im ! peaehmcnt question, (drunken speeches), jtind c inied their revels far into tho night, i Itepublicuns took it nil good nalim-dly, etis j tallied by the cheering thought that the "Cop- perheads bad to walk Spanish in New llamp ; shire I" O Thursday, Feb. .;, Mr. William Fit.- j ' Williams of Washington, Pa., had Ids hind j ! caught Netween twj rollers in his planing j mill, and but for the prompt stoppage of the j ! inashiimy would have had his mm drawn in ! ' and crushed off. His hand was badly hurt as i It was, j Misiii.kr's Herb Hitters, liobeits' DrngHtorc. Sold lit G. W.I - I A Oiust Club was org aniz .'d at California, , n .. . , ! Washington Co., Pa., last week. Our Iriends arc fully awake In that county and, we doubt not, m ill work. earnestly for the cause. I . - . ', , . M. C. fc II. lliii.i. say they have jiiit receiv ; eilat their cheap Bwt & Shoe Store, Siycr.s .corner, Waynesburg, Pa., a lot of Xew Goods consisting in part of ladies high cut glove kid Hals. the latest styles, hdiei' nnd gents' niu-:sei;s supp. rs anu any amount 01 gumovern .1.1. ...1.1..1. .1 ill n .-.,r suiiaioe 1 II CIUIM se., un i, lie j mil less money than they can he bought for else where in Hi: County. Uive them a cat', and be , convinced of what they say. I'liKseiuriioss cirefully compounded, at G. I W. Huberts Drug Store. Washington Cointy Aoiiicci.iioiai. Hi ciktv. At the late meeting of the stoc'.ihold- crs ol Ihe Washington tomity Agricultural Sieietv Ihe following resolution among othois, was adopted : Tint on tin evening of the .1 r.l... ....- I.:- An.l .,,,.,, 11, or,.- llll U l Ol 11IU IHTAV 1 .III, IHIVI ,...- ! aller, there Ue a pu lie uueimion oi mpics coimeelcd wilh the interests of the society, : tint t iplc to b) selectu 1 by fit) li i.ird of M makers, nn I of which public notice shall be given. j The time for holding the next lair was fixed ! lor We lncs 1 iy and Timrs lay, S.tptcnber 3.1 I and tilth. Ityortrr. Sled Ploic'li" lusl received nnd for sale by ' Th is. lha-leii, ojiposile First Xiitlonal Bank, J Wiiynesburg. j Tiik largest Snick f Window Glass will be ; found at (j. W. Iloherls' Drug Store. l,a, ii.Puoa:s -An cxcli ingn aptly says: of ths Democratic papers which wimU Them are in my pemtis win ci.lnr take no up by calling upon tho soul of Wash paper at nil, or els : t i'io one from a distant j ington to savo them from their shame, city, and when they wi-h to see what is trans- I c don't think that tlie soul of Wush piring iu th -if own neigli'ioilnol they eithor i ington would try to save so much cor heg or li 11 r i'.v the local pioor fio n siai s citi- niption from shame. Jitit tor cull upon -.Mil mor.j liieral 111 in tlienis elves. M my (I,.. sttl of Wilkes Uooth. or some 'one men of tio.s kiul are. uugiged in business, and frcieieully gruaitilo because people do not patroniz: "hoai in lus'ry," wlnn they pric tic.i the very sattie thing of which liny coni- pi tin. Il ; ol.,cithat i aliomepiiieristob.)!" ''si'o (Wt spiritless aiiair oi me supported, home inil u-n ee must do it. F.very j kind ever held by the party. Horatio dollar sent for a foreign paper is at the expense Seymour and Sam. J. Tililen managed ot the local journal. A town acquires a promt-1 it, Xo hint was given of preference ticnee through its paper more th m any other tor any one as a Presidential candidate, way, and to every one who has an interest in and nothing that could 1)0 twisted into bis town at heart, his home paper is a neces- j nnv positive meaning was said about slty. Never will such a mm take a paper j tlie financial question. At night the from home nnlilliels able to take a second Convention tapered off coldlv ; that paper. His first paper will be bis home sheet; ! c.10erfl 0ltl gentleman, (Jeneral Ap I.e will iil.1rt.lify Ids own interests with that ; , ...... .., ..-,,.. Mnff .mvnA. of his b line paper. r.nrsiiKS, in great Yuiiety, Sold ut (i. W. Koberts' Drug Store, Tiik "new thing under the sun" of which Solomon doubted is Pinion's "Flor de Mayo," that rare perfume for the handkerchief. It ciinnot bo described, f a there is nothing like it in the whole realm of fraprance. Sold bj Wk have been having protra.'tcl meeting in llu Court House since Saturday evening last. The Court House olll;ials were chief mourners an I assiste I th? Smtlnm mission aries in their devotional duties. We have not heard of any of them being onioned Deacons or Kl lers, or of partaking of tho sa cramout, though, no doubt, they aro all good Judges of lirpior. A good many attended nt first out of cutiosity, but towards Sundiy evening and Monday the audience dwindled down to the select few who are a.lmircrs. Coicu Copal, Japan and white Damar Varnishes, for Sale r.t G. W. ltobc tV Drug Store. Moviso Pit. In a fe-w days all our mov ing population wi 1 be pulliag up stakes and plodding through mu l and mire to their next year's ati ido. Then the general mixture and confusion of house and household will coma ; up; all things wi!l bo out of place audallthe trrvirl mitliTs trill hi. mil nf litiiiiiir-vlirirea nnn a ' " -- ' " trunks will bo full to overflowing and many a soaa J article will ba ma le un-s'anniL Sloving d iy has no comparison to any other day of the year for in our opinion, it will eoud Wash day, Bike-day, Batcher-day, and all tin uog-dnys, and unlucky days combined m ... Tiik nnsuiug term or Court, wlikh com- mcuces on Monday, th 13th prnx , wilt af ford to our frienis iu tho country a good op" portiinlty to renew their subscription. We hope to add a largo number of now names to our list, and shall do our utmost to make such a paper as they will take pridt In supporting. There is an important political campaign com. ing on and those who would see our cause win should be active in circulating tltc docu ments. Wssr Viaowu appropriated tlfl.nOO to the College at Morgautown. Flattekmo. A friend in another part of our State, whoso opinion is worth consider able, renews his subicrip'iott and adds, "we can't do without the KorceucAis. A perusal of it is like atrip home." Thank yon! It has bceif odr 'esire to win such commenda tion atid we shall more tUan ever strive to be worthy of H. ' S IAs-ia.Ki.rL-i Tire cuudition of our streets-' "In? USttjmcsburg 'Qfopublican, IScbncfibay'taVcK i8, 1808. 1'iiit streams in Litrranca and the upper counties were swollen to a foirful extent last week Urcat deitructl on of property was the result. Embankments of railroads washed out, telegraph wires thrown down, bridges swept away, cauals crcvassed, tbif-s over flowed, etc. Doli! Go at once tq Wallace's Photo graph Gallery and either get a good picture taken of yourself or purchase a handsome frame for a painting. A new stock of every thing in the line )ist received. They pride themselves especially on thtlr ability to take fine Photographs in all kinds of weather. Mono.iNTow 1ms had tho steamer Active twice at h.:r wharf, thi) S.iring. The chutes are reported filled up, so that navigation to that point will be hazardous at any thing like a regular stage ol water. A rkfhksiiinu ruin fell on Sunday right and Monday, causing vegetation to assume the bright geen color radiant of Spring, ion can fairly hear the grass grow. Tun Grand Army of the ltepublic will per fect an organization In Morgautown this week. Cm Jno. P. Glass, a prominent citizen of Pittsburgh, and list year Speakir ot the ! House at Han isburg, died ou the night of the 1 "til. aUiuitctts. w a v ys it i u n . n k :t. Waynksui'iio. Murcti 17, IrtiS, Oirrvtivl Weekly for I ho RrrcnuiAN. 1'ltOIU'tK. Holtortffivsliroll,) T B Kuxs y iIo-a rolatiwt, V txlsti 1 iu I W " : in u -,'?: JJ; 1 ; I-api v n. t allow i tit , ,)iry ,mv v lh : M'l'l ' j ri.iil'll AND UHAIN. KloitrT1 lbl , wi l v i,Usii ; lvZnZZTZ: Oon Meal Imsii!.!...!.' clloi.'KI'.IICM. j ,.,,.,.,, v r,. n. I lli'" n Mmiar', .. I 8Ti.2 HI 14 I tl. Il.-ilue.l soL-ar V It. syrupy gill .uoinses o . urieans,).... Sorullllin ir:il 1 80 Hall 1,1,1 ' ltle,!(l lh , rt rsniRftH markcts). Saickdav, March II, IstlS. lMn lnp: the past week we havo found very Ht- lie (II nlii'ri'M III ri'iii ill ineri'iiiiLiiu I'lii'ii-i., Itiisinejis u rule very quiet, nnd the vohimo of i . trii, .M,iall In nearly every brimeh. Klmir hnn , inooeii.a.i ;m ;'''i " y'1"""' there iHV.'rv little doinif tttiiraln. r ." .-. - . oiiain .wn Fr,ot;tt. uy!alm;l"n:!.;'::1!:.'"!"';.,:::!. SI ? & Oats V liilsh liH-i 7-li' l.'tii'n l hush ... sprln 11 heal l-'lour Winter Wlnnlt HtOVMIOXS. Slioiil-lers Sumir Curi'il lluais I.anl 1'ntuMes, V bush Apples Q bhl , I'llccse t-ttf'H fi iluz muter i iu esse t Hoi's tl'! .tliKI . M. -.0.., 1 1 ii nV".!- iT;.yiii7Aio ii'e tfiit.iii i.vun s Hnve I's. v nicte of noetrv issrointr tlto rotinds that is lU'ipiainteil with your party. Tiik New York Democratic yiate Convention on the 11th, at Albany, .1 . ... l ee . i ,1 ably detained in New Hampshire. Tiik Lexington (Ky.) Ohserrcr, iu a panegyric upon Vallandigham, who, it says, is "very dear to a very large part of the Kentucky Democracy," alludes to his services to tho Copper head causa during the war, and asks : "1 hiring those days of danger, how many Vallandighamsdid the Northern Democracy possess ?" Oex. (i iiant has decided that Gen. Hancock's notion in removing the col ored members of the Xcw Orleans Citv Council cannot be sustained, and he lias Ordered tllO revocation of tllC pro- scnptivc or.ler. tntn. JlnncockHrc signulion should follow at once, if be keeps his word. Texas papers rejoiceover the strong loval voto in the western counties. Thcro is scarcely a shadow of rebellion there, and tho people are demanding to-be set apart from the old State, so as to make one thoroughly loyal gov ernment in the South-West. " The revolutionarv speech of Judge Woodward on impeachment, provoked j from one of his colleagues this com- incnt : "The Judge thinks Congress is suflieicntly constitutional to vote him his salary, hut not to impeach and remove a President" A CYi.vsErtv.vnvE, at a mooting of the Democratic Club in Leavenworth, 1 a niebt or twa ago, a frothy voun " ' , . ' - . 1 orator, waxing warm on the amalga mation question, said : "If the Republicans-choose to many blacks, they can do so ; but as for myself, when I mar ry I shall marry one of my own sex." Ueti'rn'3 from the County elections in East Tennessee indicate increasad Republican majorities: The Repub licans have likewise carried Mur frecsboro and Willipmson, in Middle Tennessee. TnREE-fourths of the town of Jefferson, Texas, was burned on the 3d instant Fifty or sixty stores were destroyed, and seven liuudrcd bales of cotton. Loss $400,000 " , ; Chief Jcsticb Chase has sent to I the Senate a protest against the odoo- 0 fion of fmv rules until that body is re solved into a court" It causes little surprise-.' .nAHNlrill'MfcTTM. Itrpnbllrftn State Convention nri.nl and Itllsoii the -'ttce lor President aud Vire President. . WoncESTEit, March 12. Thure U an unusually large attendance of Re publicans at the State Convention. Hon. D. W. Goocli was elected as permanent President. Win. Claglin, Francis W. Byrtl, Henry Alexander, Jr., nnd George 1$. Loring were select ed delegatus at largo. Tlie following resolutions wcro adopted : ltcxnlved, That we approve the ac tion of the National House of Repre sentatives, which, through the im peachment of tho President, seems to relieve the coruitry of a great obstacle to a speedy restoration ot the political i and civil status of the people of the States lately in rebellion, and to tho promotion ot the industrial and com mercial interests of the country. . Jienolml, That the Republicans of Massachusetts pledge their individual 1 8,p0rt to General U. S. Grant as ! ttiei. caudate for President of the United States. Adjourned. O.n F. or two l.k'inociiitie papers out West linvino spoken favorably of Gen. Sherman as the next Pemocratic coi didato for the Presidency, The HWt- inon Jiffcraomun, a leading Pemo- cratic paper, warmly protests against all such nonsense. ' Jt insists on hav- inir a "reurcsentative man" whoatrrces with the principles of the party. The JtffiTion'tttn (closes a long article on the the sulijwt with the following honest partigrtipli : "For six years the Democracy lias felt humiliated nnd ashamed of itself, because forced into a wrong position. It has been a hypocrite and a liar through the war. The war is' IJlaek Republican property. What is (Jon. Sherman but a murdcrcr,an invader of private rights, and a cotton thief? If Ote Democrat are mean enowh to put in nomination any pup for iVtwi ilent who ever wore klioulder'titraps during the Abolition crumde, ire hope he trill be defeated, and we trill do all in i jlowvT to aceomplih thut end." "Oi'B groat chaiiee of succes?," Kaid a prominent anu siiroweil I'emocrat, recently, "lies in the depressed condi tion ol'labor, trade and business cen- eraltv. If that continues and increas- 1 the people will charge it to the lle- ptiblicans, and s'ote our ticket. Srs Jcimhw 4'linrlfr I-tlertlons. Camuk.v, N. J., March, 11. The whole Republican city ticket was elec ted yesterday bv seventy majority. A gain of 223. Special ilotkfjS. i 1 HOAD On anil after OiToloat 8, 1HM7, trains iirrlve mid ili'imi-t from th I'liiun Oe)Ht, eorner of Wuhliutiti uiul Liberty Hircctfl, iih followi : Arrive. i Depart. Mali Train 1:30 a m Pay Express aiOOnin Kiwt Line l.-Vla in' Watt's No. 1 Mam Wall'ii No. 1 H:l" a m Mull Train sejl a in llrlnton No. 1! 7:.Vi in WU No.'i 0:Minui Wall s No. 2 :ViR m t.inelnnatl Kxlbl'iam ('liielnunli K.xp.lelii a lo Wall's No. 11 ll:Wn in .lohnstown ne..lu:l."i n in JohiiHtown nc-tliin p iu Phll'n. F.xp I:HI p mi Wall's No, 4 ft.TOp in Wall's No. I:p in I'hll a. Kxp 4:10 pm Wall'i. No. 4 A.?! n 111 Wall's No. 3...' 4.-.VI l) In j WhU'h Xo. .1 .'i:'ill)i in Wall's No. U ft:ll, p in w all h No. il 7:01) p in Fust Line 7: JI p ill Altnoiiii in, and j Willi's No, 7..10:r,o ii in lOmill'l lml!i .lO:Mp m rinelnnntl Kxpress leaves dally. All other trains ilally Kxi-ept Miiiulay. Plillaili'lptila KxnreMs imd the Altootm Ae. com iiioitnt Ion and Kmtarunt Trnln arrive dully. I 'tnelnniill Kxpivus iin lves ilally exeunt Mull dnv. All other trains ilally exeept Hlimlay. For furthiirliifoniuitiiiii, iipply lo W. H. lleekwllh, Aent. ). ol(rnt A i'o'm. o i; n m A N ERA SI VK SO A 1' Is maniifvctitiTil from'l.t'ltl-t MATt-tUIAI. unil .iiinv Iu. eonsl.len-d thi'KTANDAlilluK KXl'Kt.I.KS'CK. Kor Mile ty nil ilrooerieK. . ;.viy. To 'iinillYr.-rie Krv. KDWAIll) A. WU.snX m mmd (free of rhaiateHo all who ileslr.' It, the prescription wilh thullrecllons for iiuiklimiaiiiliisliiK the simple remedy by which he was cuml ofu Iuiik Bll'c-ellon ami that dread illnntiii Consumption. lIIontyol(eet ltuNoi- ellt the Rllltcteil ami he hopes every miir.-rer will try Oils preniTlptlun, null will dwl llnon nolh- llig, and nmy prove a lil.-sslnu. I'lonse a.l.lri-M ItKV. F.liWAHIi A.WIf-sON, No. Iinsoiillisoeniiiist. WllllnmsUinv N'ewtYorlc. U;i,S7-I.vi-1i-1S Krrurn of Yomli A irentlman who suiri-red for years from Nervous Debility, t'n mature IVeny, ami all thi-rrr.i-uiof youllifnl lii. '""tin.wiii.ertiieikfofiflhriniinnmni. I far innrl fma tn nil i-Iia a..I I - .1 .1 , tlm-Uona for l.mklmr thu nlmnl,, reiniilv l.v iin-ii hit nn ,-iirH.,. .iineren wiKinpg; 10 profit hy lliea.v.o llsMr'Nfxrsrl(iiiwi, can Uo to by ad ilreiwlng, In perfect coundunre, . '. icrffjf noriKV, ;-ly 4S Cedar HtNuw York. S-Tlir 111 1 iic Pool, hii.I llousr or Mr- ry. Howanl Auonlatlon Reports for- .Yonna Men, on tlie eriiim of Rolltmlp, nn.I Hi erroin, abuses and (Uikmuiih wlilrti dnitmy the lnnnly powers, and create Impediment to mrrln(te, with sure nipnns of relief. FU'nt In seah-d letter enveiiipn. iris- or cluinr. Ailllmis I1K. J. HK 1 1 I.I NIIul .ili roN, Howard Asscs'latloii, Plilln delplila, I'a. S;J-y Inrnrmntlnn, tiirnriiintlun (tonrantpod to produce, a luxiiriuiit growth of hail ilr hi non a bald UPHO or uearuiPMH ias iiImii, riM-lix. fur llif. r.t. .-I movnl of IMmnlra, lllotctieii, Kmptliins, etc., on the Uln. lmvniK the mnw soft, clear, and beau tiful, eau be olilullied wllhout eharan by ad- ammng i iiiib, r,i-ll.H.MAN, I iiemiht, ;S.'il7-lychli;W let Hroodway, New York. B ARK E It & HASKLTINE! wo. 1 rirrir nmxr, T 1 T T B V It (i II , I' E N' X A . 5I.VSI-V.ICTVREHS AXD DriLKIU IX riCTl'UE AXD rilOTOQIUril FItAMES OP ALL KIX1M3. OSEWOOD. Ol LT & W A LNUT MOl'I. DINGS, rtcrunia, KTvitmrn-nrat asd views. JsjWnjiBdnejrnrtJnto Orter. ;l,'iw-1y pLiSTIC SLATE ROOmQ! . The Arm of ODBUHI i JuKMwItl ftirnlch the PR Q P. E R J J3L ILQ.LDERS! of Ureenarounty, with tha , r plastic siATE..n;r0i,iNa! IntrrKliieed last hummer, arrl sn hlahiy recom nwdl by thaw wlio hitvs trlrt It. - VAII onl.'in ten. with L. W. JonM, Wayne burg, Pa., will reecWe prmnirt attention. i-'.ll'r4JO.VES, Ht'l-llm of Washington C'oiiulv, thtog. keaY b a k ITa I"N B 1 G N . CLARK SON Are now offerln their aplsudld stock ol OVEU COATH AT COST, Xo imewlsblnc an over mat, should fall Intuitu Hilvuntuge of thi opportunity. Alau, anytlilug ' else Iu tliolr llnu at tlio MKIltm' TRIFI.K ABOVE cusr! In order to muko room for their S 1 R I X fi STOCK! All our uno'ls nro nnw and fn-sh ainloflh hwl i1 y ltrt nnd wcro bouglit In llio niunt fnvurublu J ViiV UVVOHIVK DAY'S BUOK STOHK, All persons know-Ins llieinirlvos Indeliteil eltti. er liv liook mv-oniil or note, will plea.) cull and w-iiir mm biivu eimi. l:.H)-tl. T 1UE LATEST SENSATION 1 T K L E (i li A 1 II I C! The PrealUeut liu? not yo.t been Inireaehcd, hut A . J . SO W E R S Has iuri'lianed an liumeniie atoek of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHINU! OVKIICOATH, 1'ASTW, VEMTH, HATS. t.Vlf", KTC., ETC of tli' Intent Btylrt Krnl lt workmanship. A choice Htui'k of XOIIOXS! Hosiery, Collurfl, ltundken-hlefa, Nei'k Tien, Biiftpendera, nte., iUo on hand, whiehwllt be mid at aitonliti iKiy LOW l'JUCESt L'all and si-e lilm lieforu you buy elaewhAtWt luvurlHbly.Matlit(leaalt , WHO WWII TO PURCHASE f . He Koom In Allison's bullillnf, Waynrahnif , Pa. A. J. SOWKIW, lO-.ti-Sm A NDEIWON, rENZOI.D A CAH140X, - liAVa mntovcD theib WELL KNOWN MEUCUANT TAILOR ESTABLI8 II M E X T 1 2 ST. CLAIR STREET, Two doors from tlielrold room. tl:l,'iw.v. UronoE. ft. Hti kom-i, Attorney at lv. Joh C H' witti notary I'Ubllc gTURQISS WAGNER, I.MTCD BTATFM tXAIM ASO UEXEItAL ' Fortliriti1otinfntofn,AtMfl,ofiillkl(ls agulnst the I'hfted Ktle, uch aa PES8IOXH. I VCKEAflE OF PEXHIOXS, HOCX r.Ti, Ilea) EXTRA BOL'STV, , . ?. , .. itfp Htlr,l ;21,'7m MOBOaXTOWJJ, W. j, TMdSQLU'ION.OF. fJARTNERSHlP! II..!. v' .- i a ,i . t.. j. . The iMrtnirthip heretnfor eilUn tw4wera - II. nnltnn nd banlrl Hhlrk If Kl. fMaft'ST , " rtlM(l-'hf MtiHtfal frnint. 1 he nooaa anu ai'oounta m sain nrm rcmatrr In tlie nana w waii nnir, wno viii continue thi bnstnom at the old aland. All parann know Ins tbemelv. Imleblnl U Mid llrn will pleaua call aoa avaiie iiieir iiecuuniM. IN!fX PHIHK S;ll-t W. II. BI TTOX, and thnwiiif any other olaaa rmllonor write! to tho Military and Nuvul Acrnev nf ' HTI-KrtlMH'A WAOXKB ' Walnut H,, I door slw llnon' coraor, i'- ' tHp Hl.lm.l , - QREENE CdL'STT FARM ! T TJ B L ICS A LE! Will ba omirad at nablta sal at th Conrt llouw, at Wayaraburj, ua SATURDAY, MARCH M, KM, at 12 o'clock. M. The farm (known 4 tlia Jaraoa Hiisiie.mltiiate oh Tn Mliteek, abouLono: Mi 10 rrom in town oi jminton i pari in jnrr flon towiwhlp, on tlin H. R. ld of tho eriink,.tld rt lit MorEiin township on th X. W. aid of ho croak. The property will b offend In Hire 8EPARATE LOTS, AS POI.WWS I . htn 'i ' All that tract In llomn tnwmhln. It. Ing X. W. of the public. ruatidlufc' from th Waynesburg Plku to Houlswortti's Mills, and between said road ud Smith's line, eontatntng ABOUT FIFTEEN ACRES I Sa X All that tract In Jeffiiraon townsbU ou the rt. E. sliio of Ten Mile Creek, containing ABOUT BIXTY-FIVE ACRES! XO. 9. All that tract In Morgan Township !. na betwt'll Ten Mlltt Itnwk olid th Dllblle road. having a good two story dweHlng house, tenant uuuae, win, anu die requmue out uousv j oua taliilngalMiut, .1 OXEHUNDIIEDASDTWENTV-FIVE ACRES. This property la ona ot the hot farm ha Umrnn rouaty, WUih tract has a fair proportion of good frtrit lanil, and also, a good iiuallly of ooalandvalUHhlettnibar. ThUUararo oppor tunity toseeurea ralaable farm. . Further nnrtlcHlHr aud terms mad known at tho tlmnof sale. ., O It SALE!.'. 1 1 1, A fl.n, nt T.,t,n fi P..nl. i. r. I. i.. mutual eouaint dliisotved, the buslnnsa wlll b carrb-d on liy J. 11, Kokovck, at Mnrdork's X Ituwls, until April 1st. IMi. I ottrr my cutlre atouk at first coat, nnd the rent of tho property for one year with the privilege of renllngfor a longer period.. Thls-ls a d,es)tble location for ni .Mercantile nnairess, a im coiiiiminltr. Convenient to Hchools. I'lllirch. Post Oltli-e. IUU -a-rotlth, etc., etc. My entire atoek was bought Ililt Mummer and Kail. . , JUHX O. FORDYCE. spflirt 3ltlvfrti$fmfntj)i, riHEENE COUNTY, 8S. In thn Court of Common IMt-aft, Dftfnl)r Ttiii, 17 : In tho iimttr of tho arcmint of Kphrnlm H. Vor1t Committee of thu mint of JiKrt' Mlt.-li.'ll. h I until If. Ami now lo wit: Ixwinbrr 3ft. 1M7, the Conrt having orrlcifNt tlie truunt Hltol. notice In hr hy Klvfii to nil itoraonn Imvrmtnl thatthnsaran will te fur conlinnntiou at th m-xt lerm of tuld Court. J. P.TKMIf.K, l-to Pruthonotnry. JJISSOLl'TION OF PARTSER8HIP ! This Is to give notice that the firm of 0". W. Robert 4 Co., Is this ilnv mutually dtiumlvod. The huslncs of the lute Arm will be conducted at tlmMime place and as heretofore, by llco. W. Itobers. O Kp. W. Itnilklt'lH r . Mrs R.H. WISH ART. February K, lwH. S;l,'-ilt . : E O A li N T 1 C I . letters of administration upon th" estate of Peter Mciiilien lute ofdiliiuire ti., dnc'il., liv Ing bwni grnntwl to Ihe underpinned, notice Is hereby given lo all persons Indebted lo said entitle to lunke jmincillute payment, and those liavlng claim against the Knniu lo present them properly authcnllcat.'d forsetUenieiit. 1 . WM. MKIOHEX, of Wayno township, Administrator, AYNESBURO COLLEGE! -AT- WAYNESBURO, OREENE COUNTY, FA. Rev. A. li M-IM.En. A.M. rn-slitent anill'niressorof MomlSrlcnco, Ac, M. E. UAItlUSON, A. M; Professor of the ireck nnd Iitlu langnagee. W. tl. HCOTT, A. M., r , Professor of Mathenint lea. CI. O. MIM.KH. !... Teuclicrof rcnmnnshlp and Ilook-keeplQg. Mrs. M. ft. 11. MIM.FR, Prlncliinl of tlm Female Department. MlBSI,Ui:V V. INUHllA.M, Teticherof Instrumental Music. Mrs. M. C. I'ARKIXMorf, Tencher of Elocution. Miss EMMA J. IIOWXKV, Teacher of the French Iiibuors, "the nejtTerm will opon on MONDAY, April 201 ll, IWJH. NORMAL DEI'ARTaMPjNT. Fgr tho diriMiUl lnpflt of th Urg number of TtiM'lirni ntii'iitllUK thi Institution, tho Prufim Horn, hmmImuiI by tm County KiinrlnUinl'nt, will conduct n Normaf ClfuM, living ft t hurt m ah conrne of hmtructlon In fill tho hrHiiuhi tAiiuiit hi tliRv-JiooUT and Ht Milch hour will not in tfrfcre with Hie rtKulur Collitge reclUttlona. Thou- dPHlrlnRromiNforctMlfhttrdlng nmy b issCconimotUitMl tiy upplyliif oon. For furth. r itftrtlculam ulilrcHf thu rrntildniit. ? U H IS I T CU E!. J. W. WOODWElX it SONS, MANLKACTI'REIH AND WHol.VWALE AND RETAIL DEALER.. IX FURNITURE! OT EVE R Y DESCRIPTION, 7 A 9 Tlih-it Nt., My. PITTjUIURO', PENX A. W'AXTED AOF.XTS TO KEI.f, DR. Wife IT l.IAM HMlTU'rt -nii-rioxiBr or thk liml.it. It contln ores' bno thousand closely printed double eoluaoBi octnvo page, from new electrotype phsfeN, on JfOTsI Ps-r, and la nppro orlHlelv Illustrated With aver two hondri-l en gravlngs on Weil aud Wuinl, and a erle of lluo aninciiiic map. ; . ,. , . . It Is highly eommeniletf -liy t learned and eminent men. and bv the tires a-enerallv throughout th country, end I the bust buokof 111c ainu in tne r:ngusri languago. 1 Da. NOT BErDECEIVED. Owing to Ihonniirceedcnted popularity nf this work, a small English abridgment adapte l to Juvenll readers, Induoillnemoform, o( about MtStuAac. has ticen mnrlnuvt hv .nirili.r Artu lit larger type and spread ver As) octavo pages, evidently by making a book larger Mutu It original to give the Ininreaalon tnut It I our edition, it contains lemtlianone-balf lli. re.! Ing matter of oir comprelienalve edition 1 but to those who ilealr tills Jovcnlla edition, we will, early In Mnruh, IW, furnish the Eugllih work, far suierlor to the American, at t'i.;., per 'V)i nenu ort.ireuiHr1 giving mil pariHriiimrs. PAK-MEI.F.k hltOH, ;ll-lt - TH Mnnsoni Ht. Philadelphia. CLIMAX! CIIMAX! i Page's Climax Salret a Family blessing for 83 cents. It heals without -a scan ; Nd family should bo wlthont it . We warrant It to cure Sfrofola Sores, Salt Bkenm, Chilblains, Tetter, Pimples, and all Eruption of the Skin. For Sore Breast or Nipples, Cntsr Sprains, Bruises, Barns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, tc, it makes a perfect eve. It has been used orer flfteeii years, withdut one failure, i . It has bo parallel hating per fqetly.? eradicated disease . and healed after all other remedies had failed. It Ua compound of Arnica with mariys other Extracts and Balsams, and put up In larger boxes for tho same price than an Other Ointment. , SoU sf Drogglst mtywasn. Wkiu at Ilawi!,' rratrulvn, ut Librt llntt, Kr TotS, URDKtHI "Tasn'tkVit.M St alnrtt af thnu wha Mad fe4MMMn. ssT Tan glr a katy glanoaat abnaln! adtsstl bmii an ii m MAN ' Antually ha a ehol variety of aeeda whlstl h I aenina at th VKIIY LOWKHf erlee that ean b arded. It hsMly pays him lo pubUaa lUV 1IHIS, 1UNH1HI W IMII FOUND I - - ft licet teslmBlr invlt TrTbad t eJl and examtn our stock and price befor pnreUaslng elsawhere, and my . but IIU1 In rasmrd to our ability and dtruilhaton 19 make It advanta geous to tho who are not DEAD 1: To their own InterMt to bay their Candle, X it Kauona, urooeriet ana vryuiin .1 IN n TheOmeeryUnsa. II. A. Itlndharl, Inlaid wlUa old building, opposlt tbpubUni, WAYNESBURO. a r.REsii e v r 'r l i JUST RECEIVED AND I FOB RAM AT.TH8 ' LOWEST PRICKS. 10:30-tf. . - , . QUICK BALES AND flnORT rR0FIT8 1 IMMKXrIK STOCK OF FIIESII ORUCBIUM axd ruoviHiorcsi Constantly arriving at th Store ot JOHN MUNNELL, WAYKSSDURO, TA. i Consisting, In part, of imotTRina,'' ' , t'OXFTlTIOXAKIEJ, TOUAII'O. KUAKH. crtACKFBfl. tUKaMll, ' ... MOIAfMbl, CAitnoxoiL, F1HU, iiaco ., o., In addition to th above, a full stock of ... i t- i NOTIONS, HARDWARE, BPECTACLK8, POCKET KNIVES aad ihousand nf other articles wlildt art b. Ing sold as low as Iti TIMES WILL P E R M I T I C O M E AND B U Y. ... JOHN WUXXELL. ltiiatf. . John Hvohb. Thomas Locjjs. - ' i T. lIjcas CO. rORWAIOISO AHD COS-MISSION MSSCHAutt And dealers In Orocerlee, Ilsrilwsre, fther, Mhoe Flli'llliga, Iron. 1 nxenta for Aubrev. Cn . riaiis, neu, r isik c. aiso, fromlow A Coon Window Hash. A sniipry' kept constantly on hands. Itlco's nasn. A snnpry aepi ounsianuy c landing, Pa., above thewuw. ;6-lf. H'BLtC NOTICK. - a- '.-"- -'-' ' t As the Arm of Hl'IIHES A LUCAS I dissolved by mutual consent, the Commission business will still be carried oil at the old aland. In good order, and on the moat reaaonable term. In tb flam and styl of J.. HL'OHKH CO., (senior partner.! They flatter themselves, by hvlns; .Uie Honse and the liest loctlon In lh plac rot that'bilshii ies, -suns rney win va n iiuerai i. nulille '' ' ' share of the pllhlie pntfirtHij Thev will also keen a good They will also keep a goodaupply of OltOCER- IKMon hand toaecoumudatf all who may favor lite,., will, h nll ' I .1 L.HUOHE8 4 CO., IUc' IiHllng, Pa. llO-tf.. fJIIla-OREAT A It A BIAS" PHYSICIANS HKIU.FULIX TIIETREATMEXTOF '.' . ' ' ' -A ' h Cbiuumption of tht Lnngi. AFFECTIONS OF THROAT LIVErt KID KEV8, VKIXAKY ASI JEX- 1TAL ORGANS, AMD WIIvl HSS CUliED THOUSANDS! Of Consumption, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Bloody Flux, IHarrlw, Fever and Ague, chole ra Morbus, Jaundice, Herofnle, Hunnlng Sore ts. Cancer (without the uaofaknlbJ Abee es. Neuralgia, Khuumatlsm, Cramps, Chronle IMarrhoiu, Pile, Tetter, lemohorrass, Aathma, Malt Kheuin, Paralysla, ruse of lira Heart, Pleurisy, Fever. Pneumonia, Hore Throat, Hplnal Afleotloni Wseases of th Bladder. Bron chitis, Datnrrb, Diabetes, Skin Plees, Dvipsy. Dl-eeiitara, Wtakpea of th rjr. AMctldns of theUrlnar nd ilenlul Orgaus, end tb Vrl ous otbat blseaer that man lasubjeot lot IroL-i.n iMroax rtratic that sfk Bas orsNco am . OFFICE AXD COXat'LTATldX ROOMHi at Xo. W3 r.ingRTT Mrarr. (Private Eit'lranoaui Oarrlson Alley,) PITTSBt'ROH, PA: . ... ! . ' . . Where be will be pleased to see alt person rei quiring medical treatment, andUoonAdMnttbat all iiersons placing themselves nnder hi rare will be , 'PERjUXTLV CiTREbi In reasonable time. As the Doctor ha bait iiHu.nal snccexa in the elite Which h ha visit eit.be reaneatlui a call; and thoee snflrrs who have used all ponlble meana tbr tho restor ation of H E A I; T It j ' ARE PARTIClTLARLt INVITED.. , "Xorhargi) for consultttlon. j t .lMm. jryLUTtdNOF PAIrTgRfMlIri . The public re hereby nArnid 411' Ik flrm heretofore existing under tb style nnd title nt T. Rrden Co. Is rhl day, (February isggv motaatly Siasorfcst ' fifififfig Tlie boots of lb firm will betofi within un dersigned, tfswhoRS all Mrson ItVlebtesI will pay their s.-c.unls. Huslnt-s will b eondoct ed at lb old stand, opposite ths First National uena, mi) uourg, I a., ty. u-w tliOS. DP.ADEX.