Nkw Ai)Vkktirmk.it9 The attention of our renders ' spueuuiy directed 10 tne tounw silverltaenients, which appear for Hie Ural lime In our piper to-tlay. CjrI)'-;ulutiou of Partnership G. Y. Huberts ii t o. Wlecnl Notice Ym. Ii lulim. ea-Kurnhnre J. W. Wood well Funs. ST'Clothlng Anderson fc Co. tsrlleturs linker A llnzeltlno. arFurm for S.ile Jas. V. Wiley. WXotioe J. V. Temi'lJ- Tioiits The odious fashion of tijht pintj loons Is again coiling inroguo. A contem porary remark j i One good thing the Cushion docs it advertises the number of sniticllc eljini, kuoch-kilces and bow legs. AV hut (Knt of a posterity aro w likely to have, with a'n ancestry of ucU pipe stein, proportions in the legs? Wau, Patiiomizku. The concert, on Tues day evening of last week, given by the Chal- .mer's allte Society, was a great success. The performancei wero decidedly creditable ' and the receipts netted the handsome sum of j about $78. Wc regret to note, however, tint j 'the behavior of soma of the small bay, and j the conduct of some others who wear men's c lothing, Were highly, boorish and disgraceful. We need a House of Correction in this com munity. The Exhibition at the liitlgeport tViiool ; House, In Franklin township on Wednesday j evening lt, refleetml much credit on teachers ' and fclvd irs, but the exorcises were shame- i fully interrupted by som i noisy and lawless j seamns who alwavs alb-ml aocli nlices f,,r no ! good purpose and rowdiism for wit. who mistake wicked i , J M. C. Hkm. say they have Inst recci'.1- cd at their cheap Hoot & Shoe Store, S lytr s ' corner, Waj nesburg, Pa , a lot of Xew (loods , tonslstinn In part of ladies h!'h cut iilove kid ! Hals. the latest styles, l.vlies' ' and gents'! llrussclls slippers and any amount of gum overs 1 suitable for cither sex. which Ihcv will sell for t less money than they can be bought for else- where in the County, (live them a culand be ! convinced of wh it they s iy. I Tiir Peci'lh Cosviuk.nt. .Nojwitiisl'in'linjr tho little "unpleasantneHs" down at Washing ton City and the preat rise in prii'es dow it ant, the tpnllli' nrn utilt nmiti lent In lln. at-tli,litv fif i n -i it nti i ... -i :,.,. ... ...I .i . i',...-i".i, imiim.a i- cell ('(This lar;;e and elegant ftoclt ol'g inds ut his usu.il low price s. A (iaAvr Ci.i ii was rirganied in Wail.In' Ion, Pa., on the evening of the L'lth li'.l. Corar-HoirsK Wonsmi-. It appears tint a rotipie uf Mi-sionaries from the M-'liotiM Church .S.'i are to h ,ld religious" services hi ' , the Court lions- on Saturday and Sunday M ii'ch 1 1, and l.", inst. Anxious that nil the Heathen hereabouts who si seldom liavo p-' portunlly tohn-ir the ('! pel, sliall Improve ' tliisrare (dtancc, wo eii-, tin. ciOerp:!.' the licncflt of thisuollce Kratls Ihoul. unsoliiited liy the .Missionary Divines on their apostles ; the Court IIou?e ofllcials ! .lis H. Ht.'in, a ri-in' younj 1 iwycr nnd demticraiic politicii.n, in W a-iliiicton ! I'., V..I I,,!, r ,i, t" 'I A -Mi.-i.i!.ir.;.i: Oi.t I'iuciiok Hei iu;n.--Il j lias been a lotu; time fince the peaceful nnd- ! nisjhuliitnhers ol' ur town have been disturb- j edliythe t-.l!b,' of the Court lloiihcbeU,: uniil la-t Wednesd iy n IlC 1 1 1 when the very i iiiiir,,fi;al,l,) and wretchedly silly Joke was; ftlin perpel rated, miicli to the annoyance ol j the peaceably disposed, yuery; Who hs clmre ol the Public Iluil.'i iSs! I Tom WuiTTiKi.n, imliett d for the robbery of Miss Sprouls al tbe Cine of Him iiiunlcr ol her father, was lii.-d and acqnitt-.d at ihe last aession i.l Ilie Washington Co , Court We have had very cold Tin: Wi:Tin;ii "snap" during Ilie jus', week, of which, clountless, most ot our readers are aware ( What kind of weather we shall have dining j the week to come, wc like our readers, are i not aware ! Si'im:x Dkatii. On Wednesday, Intli ult , Mrs. Wells wile of Mr. J. Wells, of Jacktown, in tliis county was found dead In her bed. It is supposed shedied of Appnplcxy. Her bus baud was from home, and tho shock to him was terrible on his return. The deceased was aaid to have been a most excellent woman a true wife and devoted mother. Tub "new thini? under thn mm" of -vliiel. Molomon doubted is Phalon's "Flor de Mayo," tint rare perfume for the handkerchief. It cannot be described, for there is nothing like it in the whole rea'in of frngi ance . Sold bj 1 .1 . i . nuuiuguisis , . , . . , ,; i which no doubt will not only prove pleasant . -CAsaTth.wtwtmluisiet i..Bn.'n1.!iscai.,t.;,m. h,.mfi.-iU Ksoecially if we are to have i And, wlih smue sw.et, niiiivioiis eniiiioie. ', ' ,' . ' '' '' , , , I fneanse the foul bosom of the perilous stnir xuui weiKiu, upon loe neuri? Hypochondria, Insaniiv, all spring, more or less, from a diseased stomach, and Ibis, Pian- tation Hitlers is a sure cure for. There is no mistake about It j IVspcpsla, Headache, Dull- ness. Ague, and Low Spirits must yield to the i t. .... " iieaiiii-uiimg anu geiiial Inthiencc ol Ihe P antalion Hitters If ,...!, t- one trial and be convinced. Thus say those ' who know. Maosolia YVatkr. A dcllihtful toilet arli clcs superior to Coloxnc and at half the price I. O. or 0. T. This orderso widely known fcr IUj beneficial results Is fast extending Its numbers in our County. A Lodge has lieen for some time in working order in Jacks m villc, and recently n 'detachment" of the "Vigilant," of our town, organized the "Eliza beth Ixlgo," in Jefferson, of which the fol lowing persons are officers : W. C. T., A. J. Collins V,, V. T. Miss Slinerva Lindsey; W. 4 Milton Tiailey; W, A. 8., Mrs. Sarah Lindsey ; W. F. 8. P. B. Hill; B II. 8, Miss Jiellie Uudsey; L. II. 8., Miss Rachel Crayne j W. T., Miss Bell F. McCullough, W. M.J. V. Parkinson j W. D..M. X'w Haohel Lindsey i W. C, Mrs. E. B. Collins j W. LO. Mrs.' Caroliuo McCal listor; W. 0. 0 Jauie T. ParuhaU; P. V. C. Gjorjo Ingbram. Tliero Is a wide field for usefulness and the Lodge newly organized has the material lor good work. Takks to Dixiwt Phillip Clendanael an insane man, for a time confined in our Poor Home, was tiken to Dixmont Hospital for treatment last week. He Was Tlalent and dangerous at times. Fabmcrs PaoTEcr tocb Fruit l-Fisher's Patent for rctnidlr.g tlio bloom of fruit tree and destroying the borer and ujlior injurious insects has been tested and proved successful Tho procesa Is simple and inexpensive aol can be kppllod by any person. Farm and township rirbu for aal by & Bracltney, at lc Worley Hoasc, Agent for Orccne County. Huw l.w'. Mr, Llilor: The puhlie ex ercises in the college chapJl are almost uni versally entertaining and often highly instruc tive, as witness the entertainment given there oo lust week by the Chalmers Mile Society. Vet with fow exceptions then U more or less rufllinlsnt mntiltesteJ on thra cccnslons, much to the annoyance of that part who go there to be benttlteil. 1 speak not of the de testable practice of stamping and whlsihjing, which is conllne.l principally to the small hove, nor to the silly simpering and uk'nl'my of a few I'oelUh girls and tln-lr slulbw brained beaux, but of down right drunken rtudgunt. At the onteitalnment referred to several persons wlioin it would bo a winow to call jounf) men acted as only s".ch rwdl can act Happily for tho performers as well as those who had paid Office. In this : that whilst the Senate was in to hear the irnulc, thero was one inac of in -! session, lie made, signed nd issued a cors tlncnce In the house who h id the nerve to I misin tolhestid L irnnr. Tll'iinus, confer sllenee what at one time bid lair to end in a j ing on hlin tbe office of Secretary of War, regular J.-k7. How much longer Is this de- j whilst tlio II on. E Iwin M. btinton, who was testable rnfflini'm t bo tolerated? The I appoint d to s;ul olllce prior to Die 2nd div papers of our town lnro all spoken out man-1 of Mireh, lfltt, was holding ssH olllee and fully aiainst it and every good citizen has felt 1 discharging tbe duties of the stmo. There chagrined at, this unabated nuis ince. The of- j fore, fleers of the law have been appealed to, stern I HmW Tint we approve the notion cf Hie .i.r..,ial, .t n lw cii made and all seemlntrtv to f of Repres,.ntativcs nl the United Btat.es ' ; no pm-po-e. A drunken rowdy Is still per- milted to stand within the building and s date ' the ears of the retiring audience with horrid I ojtlis and p'alig iant threats hurled at tlm&v who oppose the l:igh lnnded blackguardism j attempted to be earned on during tho cxer-j ci't s. Wlut mockery to tbank an audiem-e j for i;s "kin 1 iittmrt tnec and coo l order'' that will tolerate such indecencies an I visit no j oilier punishment upon tlio olttiiders than to : wish 'Wif l, h nnnll iml thou Ul torn fit '." : It h is been a-ked lime aim again, is mere ; I no law? We all kno.v that th-rn is -law" j le.it who ?hall see that il is enforced? Y hen : ,.... ....,.. ,1,1,, ,,,.., ,,nd woman In the Iiousd ' ,K , . !, ,. Imsine.,s is it to see that the . tr .. 1 ... .... . 1, .1.1 ( n nt-l. t nr-mnl I.-t na.uitu.1 ji'. ..... -...w. . those answer who cut. I It is n ).v n.'iir tho end of the present trm 1 an j (,llTi; ,VU i,r()lMldy bo several public ex-1 .....! :.,,... t. i.t,.-.., n ihU ami its ,.lMr, . ,..,,rd one of tha ruMi ms alluded l(l(m the evening ot tlio last cnteitalr.ment, :iyting w hat he WouM do th.: next lime and swelling that when lie paid his admittance fee hew mil do as hi-iliuJ. Let us hope that soineairamjement may he made by which , V Vr .'. i 0 , Senatorial Dclcttatu, fravetto and Hcstmor tl.e icsoccla lie part ot tho audience may he . . ,.,1,,ii,.(, r,,n,.nn.o Hil I, K Kv.in permitted to do us l.'e ;i'.."M whether there ; .... 1. oe an aoiiusiion lee ornoi, iiroviocu me ,.nij . i . , It It 1 ... In ..llnnca I 10 wll:11 is "M ftlul m' " n ',n-M I any more such cowardly nililmistn. C'lT. , ,ri,;n. IVrsiiu iuteiidin to apply He Court of (Irecne county, nl April or J subsequent terms, for Tav.Tii, Hitiie; Il-uHo, j or other Ln willbvtr In mind tint a prin- j ... . r i ut t i. ters lee ol ...l cents for each olllce must be pniil to tho I'rothonotory, biforu any notice of such nppli'-ition will be published by the , tmder-lned. W T II Th ikv 1 . ' ' ' jAS- j l.isrovl..ir,;i1s-K'Miiiioin-iathe Post Of- . ,,. , ,. , .. (Ice at jn.ubarjf, I a. M irch ., loa. . A t'lcnienline Anhrom, Carrie Adamson. j ll-doliu A. UrocU '-'. Ur. V. llrown. c !..!,., r,i .Wmial. Comoton. Abner I Ci.i'kroal, John Cole, , Carl U. Clmse. D-Mouson Doud, IUmoiid Dewey, i) K. D at 1, Kmmu Dcliny. j K Iklle Kly. Liurella KWulluger, lille , l'.ly, decree Kly. P-Siml. W. Fellon, Wcstley Freeland, J. C. Ford, Jame.i Fonncr. G-Auna ti.irner, -M S. Greene, Lucy Uinln -r. I! -Mi.u K licit r, Knofli H mncn, Simuel M. Harp, II Kllwi.rlh H"s!.in-on. -J Margery Jolly. Oeonre Jones. K Mi-s Nancy Kent. L Maria Lucas, 1). Luilmian. M Mnrriv & Chalfanl, Samuel MeNay 2, v,,.,,.. u jtimkin. D.tni. 1 II. Moore. Jamts MrCotlum. William Moore. T. 11 Moiuheii. p.Taim s Putcrson, Thomas Pater-ion, John . r,iwlm;. i nv'.,,. i Tiim-lisri. John H. Kutinc. ! I M.iguy Rush, II. P. liin -hait, Sarnli Ami ; Kedinar, lleon;e llusli. ! 8-C. ('- Suiitli, DaVid Scott, Margaret Thomas' Sinilh, ). Shelfer, Henry Slmll, Strom J. A. Shough, Esii , T-Sarn'i J. Tharp', Samuel Todd, Esq, ! : hmc Thomas. 1 W-Kato Workman, Oeorgo Wiight, It. C. ; Wo'v1' I-lit'belli J. Wilson. JOSKl'll LOOKB, 1J. 41. j X " Ok- Ci.fB.-Our Oranl Onb ' is progressing finely. Many are swelling tho , "ll,ks' ,4ml 'l"'"'1'?t ia MnS ft,ll,,;'1' Tllc ' "ins of the times not only promise us success, K.it- n-.a ni-a im nnf iCMn'l! ftililrpaHOfl such as wo had on Saturday evening, last ! 7' " "s .' ' I I IV.- p.,i:A i.l kii.in.ui C.,1 .Ttw, ! . . '''''""1"n w ""bin-ton's b.rtli .lay, it. this VUcv " 'l,e "n 1 in' 1" lUaX ' "nc Rru ''ca';l"1 "r bcin a i,W'e,' '"r,y Bri"li''ll1 ry and will be till we i 9,11,11 Pul down lHU Mvmi l,lrlt fnnr i nmiAtMiniii I Pinilil nnt lnivi tlip Inviil nartv l " " " . . , '. ' ,' when "llltc n"n.V l,ll,k ol"u', '""'eloped : In referring to amendment of j i our country. the constitution, among many other rcmnrks, hesaid, that "wc desire S'icli amendments t.' i the Constitution os fliall keep pace with the progressive age of our country." lie closed by saying that ; "A. J. had swung around the circle for the last time and I not tjnljT wish to see Congress impeach hi:n but that impeach ment to be sustained. Now let 'the Repub licans fires be kindled In your breasts, and our motto be that of a once noble ship captain "imi aina do bis duty!" Thcrjonptanancos of the members and the occasional applause told resiuenco in "-yn " wijuon ei ...,,'... , , , ', , I tho lung on the limb ult. Mr. Asa McClel that he had, in lus address, plcteO-td. the,. t . ' ri ... . Club adj.mrned to meet the 1 lib of March. ....... .1.. , 1,1. ...M..r,.l, WhuietoGo. With tho return of Spring and house-cleaning comes the moro plcaimit part of a-lornlnj nnd beautifying drawing room and boudoir. To accomplish lliU nothing tends further than handsome Paintings or Engravings, of which Mei-sra. Barker & Ilazelllne, Piltsburg, always keep a supply. tustouicrsiroBi the country will find them at tentive, agreeable and ablo to please. 8eo card under New Advertisements. Tub Winter term of VVayncsburg College closet with tho Contest between (be Literary Societlts, Thursday evening March 12. Tho Ladles' Literary Societies will give art enter tainment Wednesday cvenbrg, tho llth. Ex ercises In the College chapel. HoMt F.trtKitnusn.- We lee that the Hortse of Representatives at Harrisburg, have passer! an arH 1ncoriomting the General Insurance Company of Vv'aynesburg. Capital, 300,000. Wi'have had innshino, snow, slush, tret, wind, watar, cold, cougha, eUllls, miit and marl ia Ihe last six usya. " ', '' Mkktinu ur Ton HtrruLicvN (V.srnAL Cohmittkk. PurtiHiit to the call of Its Chair man, Col. Juo. H. Welli, the ItcpubHeau County Cmiitfiitee, mat ut Waynesburg on '.he 2'Jtli ult. The Committee was called to order by Its Chairman, anl J. B. Doulcy ap pointed Secretary. Oa motion, the moving resoltitlotui were adopted : Wiibkkaj, Andrew Johnson, the acting President of tho United fsratirt, fcavtat wilful ly violated the Coiis'.ltu'.l-jn of the United States, In this : Unit he appointed Lorenzo Thomas. Secretary of War whilst tho Senate of the United States w.is in session vi jtlnuit the advice and consent of the Senate ; nnd has violated the law rcirulatlng the Tenure of in i niieiiehini? Andrew Johnson, I'l'eshlent h iu.d Slale, for Mmvt mi a,sle ui.eiuors. That. Wiikrkas, In our opinion, tlio law prod aini"d by the Aliniuhty from tho top of .Mount Sinai, amid thunder and lightning 'Tiiou sliait not steal," Is binding as well on Democrats an on Hepu'ilic ms and that the laws of man require that wh it wo have promised our hour of need should be fulfilled in the days of our prosperity. Therefore, UmoU'A, That tin United Slates having ""n.j."i ..i-nry n iiiv inwn tiicitrmr T opmt to mpuduiion. and are j j.iror f p iying sill bonds according to the ternn andcoie.litions. the Idler and snirit ; of the I issued. Ijwj under which faid bunds were ',..,, ... . i -rtily appr ivo and en ivi"ii"r tie iry an I tho of the I'.'iiiwvlvatiia Iltlii eve. -laity ill Cell on the l ice ft dlro i 1 if nixes from real and dorse the coui s i of (J Hemiblicm wjinb-rs Ii-islalurc gcneiahy, tton to tlieir ccmr.-i Law and the removal personal properly. HiKolv d, That we approve and etldo' so the course of our member in t'onnress, lion. U. V. Lawrence, that he has talrly won tile plaudit, "well done good and falthlul servant." our Hcpri'R. ntiilive dc!iral'! to the Keptihli ,!,.., C, l ,. ( ,, vi.nl Inn I,. Iw. In. 1,1 mil,,, flu. " '.' ' " I 1 IIIU'I I I It '.'11 Hie. nil IlltV III .1 next, and we, lor tho people ol tbeene t of l'hiladelpliia on the llth dav of March intii- ty, Instruct them, by all lawful and honnraMe : means, to support iiencral l. r. (trunt lor ! I 'ri'sldeut, and Andrew (i. Curtin for Vice 1 1'resideiit of Hie I'nitc d States. Tint Or, H. Culver, .1. It. Donley and O. L. Wyly he conferees to meet those of the other LV.inties of th District, to select DtitL'atcsto the Kepuhlican Convention, to be Mym a,i(.ng0 u'n Ul0 2oU d,,y r Mliv nrxt. ;,.,-,,,, That we yll.l the liomau'e o' our be:uts to Ilie .Soldiers who made sacrifices in ine cauicoi incir couiury in me lenieu n"iu and that we will, to all places of honor and profit, Rive Hie preference to the Soldier. , lt"l-"l, That we rtcoinnieilil to our friends Ilie patron il'c ol the U avsksiiikh Kkimmi i .... ... ,. s,,..,i ex.,om,. , lt!.t.i1ilU--aii i.rln. ,.jpt.9. That we recommend the formation ol (inint (.'lulu, and the distribution of docu- '"ents annni; the people. H'nlrf.l, That on the Saturday before the Annll'nurt t !.. 1 1 tl ,,f A mil , .'. t un. l, , ,t 1,.. time previous ns inav suit the couvuiiiencu of the township, two ileuaMles from each luwn- "e cno-!u in a wonvemion 10 lie nmii in v avin.'M nii ij ou me nut uoj ol .April, icun. ll-.iolerd. That the proceedings be publish ed lu the KcpuBi.tcAN. On motion, adjourned. .1. II, WELLS, Chairman. . J. H. Dot.KY, Bee. .mmn t Tun river is now open from Geneva to Pittsburgh. It is in good boating order. PiiosoimiriiY. We have receivod the firs'. No. of a new periodical, ca'led " lh Monthly Phonographic M ijazine," edited by Jas. E. Munsoii, 41 Park Mow, N. Y., lit t'J.OO per nmiuni. Its utiiects aro to luruisu inloima- Hon. and Instnielion in short-lmnd writing and tn provilIl. r(,aaing miltcr for ,loae engaged !.. o. Bi.,,t,. t'...,!,. l,,t..ru.tn,l .l,,,,,i,i .n,l for sjiccimeu copy. Tlis utility of tho work commends It. '"N r lT So? Nothing conduces moro to appearancc,ln aid of geod manners, than good "'''"S' ,Bh1 11 li " lhi,f le liuiiiv mill auubiivi lu uitfutiiuni nui-iuunu. To have both is fir nctttenct of feeling and comfoTt. Anderson, Pen.ol 1 & Carson. Pitts burgh, wo recommend to all who wish to go to heaven without tins of commission, arising from had tits or 'shoddy material, resting on their souls See card ttnder New Advertise ments. A LinoB EsTAHi.isHMBsr Upon liouse- holders, or other parties, who contemplate , . . ' . , , ., llurcl"'3,nl! Furniture ol any description, we would impress tho Importance ofavisittoJ. YY. Wooilwell & Son's, Plitsburgh. They are larire manufacturers, ami, if tlio possi- nay article called for, arc ready to fill the order in a short timo. Tbe two lower stories of their House are packed w ith furniture, some of which would grace a ducal pnlsce, or impart an air of retlueiccut to a cottage. This imnien.su stock is of tho best mitter! I and make up and sold al such reasonable rates as , ' 10 luiu eT9r' Pe" wjWn u l" P'"- chase. See card nnder New Ailvertifemen'.s. KomitiiT. We learn that a Mr. Jacob Ruble lost about $1,000 on tlio nlsltt of the 311th nit., at the house of .L ane-Province in New Geneva. Ruble 'ys bo wag druggel. Province is reported in lor arrett. 3l;-CLKIX.ND-Vcry at hit ' . . . Mr. McClelland was bore and raised in this town and has lived a long and 'peaceable life with bis fcllow-mcn. Thoigh somewhat ! Infirm,- up to the morning of his death, he waa able to be about and attend to ids house-hold affiirs. He was on his feet when the "fell destroyer" stnusk h!m down, and in a few short hours, thereafter he breathed his Issl. A;ain the admonition h&s come to the living : "He ye alwaya roady." ADAMSON On Ihe 29th, ult., at hia resi dence in 1'ranUlln tp , of CKHisumption, Mr. J;is. Adarrfson, aged about 28 yewrs ADAMSON On the 24lh. ult., at the borne of James and Catherine Adamson, In Frank lin tp.. their son Henry h. Adauiaon, aged about 8 year. Samded HrjLty the ' murderer of (Jouiluctor I'arker, lias been ten tenoed to eight years iinprisoriruent in tho Western Penitentiary. ' " '' j The Pittsburg Annual Conference, of the Method igt Episcopal Church, will epMrnblein. GresBaburg earlv; is March,' Bishop Kingsley presiding. vtralal luneiitlaa, ,t RiciiMOxiv Fehruarjr' 27. The meiiibors of the Convention ami a forgf audience were atlilt'essetl iii th capital to-night by Governor Pierpont, Judg liivere nml Hon. John U. , Bottj. Governor Pieront adilressuJ tliem .on universal sul!i-go. and tho advanced ideas of the Republienn parfv. Ha Jenonnnod tho University of Virriia as tlie hot bed f'rtun wltence sprung the idea.' that carried Virginia into the rebellion. ' iThde llivcra advocated property and cduoaticiial qn:Ui(iejtticfn for sutf vi at the aatue timo in the future. Ifo opposed the flection of tlm petty ollicnrs of the Slate by the peoplo. The 8uito Corirvativo" Convention was denounced aj tletruetivo instead oi conservative. " , P -r Mr. UottS mid it the Trwildont bad been impeached, a year ago, there would be no necessity for a convention iinvy . lie advocated disfranchisement. and especially ol tlie lcadera of theBe I ; elusion moventenc. . i .,,., I In regard t'i tho few Jlampjhire election, wiucntftKes place ou the lUth of March, tho Boston Traveler aavi : Our nw3 IViitn 2iw Ilumpshire in of an encoiintgiug anaracler. ilie Jve publiixins are uonddcut uf carrying the State by three thousand majority, and the iiniinoss of Congress may make it even larger. . . A rr.iv ate telegram from Raleigh (Xnrth Cafolin:t, dated Wcduesday I night, states that tho StatR Convcn I tion which a.-.scinbletl their that day wns very.liannoiiious, and rimid much . etitlitiisiiia'nnomiimted Iloldert fur Gov I ernor, General Grant for Pi'enldent and lien Wade for Vice President. A dippa'I'CH (Votn Indianapolis stutes that at the Hepublienn State ('(invention, held there On the 20th inst., General Grant mid Suhuyler C'oll'tix were utmninimwly n;reed upon na t he choice of the liepuhlicans of liidintia for the next President and Vice President. The Mount Union Herald hofnts the nnrne of Andy Jonhson for Presi dent. The editor of that paper was ap pointed n Postmaster, a litllo while (tiro, nt a salary of nliont two hundred dollars a year. Gdi.d did not jump rnneli when the 'resident was impeached, and it has thllen and will fall lower. 1 his evidence of tho confidence lilittor (fresh roll,) Ei... r BBS V doz Potatoes V bush I.urd V lb Tallow n It) Country Hoap V t , 85 . 20 1 CO 10 DC I'ricu Apples n m FLOUR ANU GRAIN. Flour T hid Wheat y hush Hye H bush Corn i hush i.'orn Meal f bush.. n oo 3 10 ,.t 1091 15 76 60 ORQCERIER. ColTen T l Teafi It. llrown siuiarVth.. , Keilneil Mtiaar Da Kyitit gal Mohisstts (X. Orleans,!. i Soruhnm t gal salt It hbl i Hicov Ik ..1 8mj on ... ' 18 20 110 1 SO t 2fi IS piTTftni'itnir n vuu irrs. Patcbdat, February 29, 1883. Trade durini; the week has generally been oon fined toa very small clrcle.a.n'l tho asntrcgato of tlie transactions In nearly all articles of produce nnd general merchandise foot up small In amount. Wo quoto as follows, which aro tho vttolcssle prices : Oli.UN AND FLOUR. Wlioiit, renn'a: and Ohio, Winter Red S2 liias .V) live f otish 1 tHl i Oalsfl bush S Cum . luish HniitWi Knrliii! wimni Flour 10 Willis Winter Wheat . liOO,4IJ 1'KOVWtOXS. Shoulders... ll'J'iHe wiuiiir Cureii Hatus - - KJylTc I.tinl - lee I'c.hltoeK. hush 1111,10 Apples n bbl ,l:C,,ui) Cheese - 1641S KKKX'ttdos 2 muter va.f.1 Iiressetl Uouk, 9 .As 54 AIJ.EtJIU;XV tATTtK M 4KUET. riiTHBL'Rif, TnuiuDAY, MurcJi 2, If"?. Catti-e Tho market cuntainbd but a light supply on nnle, uiid whs a One one for holders, owtii;, no du'uht in a grot raeasuro to tho tnrrl bio c(ni'lit.uii of th? roi.ds and tho limited de inrtntt fnr cattlo; bpsldea, most buyoni havo maile up tluir rulndii Ihut prion ur too hieti. HiIf.kp-Tho market wiia wotl AtippliM with fhoop thiR w(h)Il. Thero ww, hnwov.-tr, a fnllliiH otrtn the demand. The extreme pricn were 6 00 cwi. Tho number UUpowd of wu yew York .nnrkct w Vohw, Fehrnnrr '. Pry p-x mArk! Ktejuly. I'rinUi of hvnt- ma km l.r-loc ; extra pedal gotten. QIRXAH ERASIVE SOAP la manufactured from PUIIE Viri'lllllll mv.A rrt.W h. constilercd tlie STAS UA1U) Olf jixtliLLEN'CE. Kor sale by all Groceries. 815-ly. To ConanmpilTca. Tha Key. EDWARD A. WILSON wlU send freo of ohargc) to all who desire It, the prescription with tha directions for making and using tho simple remedy by which ha was cured of a lung afreetloa and that dread disease Consumption. Uia only objeot U to bon eflt the alQloted and he hopos every sutTerer wlU try this proscription, as It win cost thorn noth Ing, and irray pro-e ablmaln'g. Plnweaddrcaa ItKT. EDWAKD A. WlliSOl, Ko. 105 Spiith Second St. WUlUmsliurg NawOTortt. Sa-r.rrara of Vonth.-A imIImsi wk suffered for yeara front Nervous Debility, Pra matura Decay, and all tb ffeota of yontbrol In dlsoratlon.wtil, ferthtaakeof suffkrlnabamaot- tv, aend fro to all who naad U, and receipt and dlrortiona for making tha simple remedy by wbioh Im waa siirtd.. gafrenas wtahlni to pcoifft by tha ad vert isr' eXperiMoa, caa de ap by ad- ftraasa n. I partagt eg 1W06DIK, ' r St., NewTer. ! .Vly ' f a KOAO Dindallerl)cToBisH.i IhT. trmlni Rrrlv an t dnpiirt from th t'nlon Unpot. eornor uf Washington and Liberty innu, u fullowa ; ArrlTH. Uopart. Mtl Train 1:31a ml Day Express.... 00 a m Fast Lina .l:Wa m Wnll'i So. 1 6:30 am Walt's No. 1 -.yj a m Mall Tratu a 'JU a m Brlutou No. 1 Mt raj Wall's 5o.S.... IfcWa ui Wall's No. K fcftla m Cincinnati ExlltWam Jlnalnnntl Kx).H0a m.W.ll No. J....U.-S0 m jhnstown au-lUtla mijotinslowa ae...lfcuflu tn mil a. txp i:wp mi w ana No. t s aoum W all a Nu.J IM p m riill'a. Exp 4:10 p ru Wall's No. S ..i:W p hi Walls Mo. i....4:60 u n wall'a .o.o ....... aw p m W'stit No. H Man Wall s No. 8 -7:00 p n AUoona ae. and Eniig't man. lit JO p m Put I.lnn T-Sil n m Wall' No. MthM p m Cincinnati Fxprfaa leavra dally, AU other crams aatiy exepi aunaa.T. Phtlailnlnhla Kxpren ami thn AUoona Ac- eommodstlm and Emlrant Train arrlvndallv: Clnelnnatt Fxprfaa arrive ilally exempt Mon day. Allathor trains dally axcrpt Sunday. tot further Information, apply to - - ,1 "J'"; ," ts-1 ka lieallna f avl, mmt nn af Her. y. Itoward AasoolaUon ru porta tot Tonne tsn, on the erima of aotltnde, and the errors, abuaaa and dtaeaeea which dfatroy the manly powara, and croata InaedlnrVinU to marrlaaa, with aurs mans of rellot Bant In sealrd lsttvr anvalop frMi o( eharfia. Addniaa UK J. 8KU. 1 INllOl.'OUrON.Uoward AaaoetaUon, 1'hlla jolphla.Pa. ly Inforwatlan tnterniatloh laarantani to produce a luxuriant arowth of hair upon a aald bead or beiinllmd fusa, alap a roelpa for the re moval of rimules. Ulotohes, Kruptlons, etc., on tun skin, leaving the same soft, clear, and beau tiful, can be ontaitied without charve by ad drwsini TltOH. F.I.'HAl'.MAN, CHEMIST, &6.'o7-lych9;U 833 Broadway, New York. n RE AT U BARGAINS! 2f. CLARK d SON Ara now brrVrtng their splendid stock ol OVKIl COATS AT C08f, No nni wishing an ovar post, should fall to talc ailvantaaa uf tills OPIWI In thai else iittlr Hun at th MKR1WT TRIFLE ABOVE COST I lri order H wtltD room for their SPRING STOCK! All our (toods are now nnd frnah andjef the best styles, and wero bcught In the most favorable nine in inn ran. JUST OPPCsITE PAY'S nOOIC BT0KE. a. All persons knowlne thim)ve lndiMM clth er by hook account or note, will please call and seme and save cost. 10:3'Mr. IHE LATEST SENSATION I TELEOltAPHIC! The President has nolyetbn Impeaobrd.bat A . J . SOWERS Uni pn'rcriaaod an lmm en so stock of FALL AJfD WINTKU CLOTHING ! OVERCOATS. VANTS, VESTS, HATS, CAPS. ETC., ETC. of the latest ityl amt heat WorK&S&trlip. A OIIOICQ IUKH m NdTIONS! a Hosiery, Collars, Handkarohlefs, Neck Ties, 8 us ponders, etc,, also on hand, which will ba told at aatooiah lnlj. . ., . LOW , PRICES ! , Call and sea him before yon buy elsewhere. Invariably aaUsflea all ' i i ' J - I ' i - - -' WHO W18U TO PtTtCnASE! 11 Room (ft Alllaoa's kulktlnfl., WaynesbnTg, Pa, leaj' ' 1 OWElia, B M. BLACUL?,, JX DHTRtOT COURT OF. THE 1 C.NITD lD STATED, oa intwarrcnN ftaraimror ratrmiLTAaiA. tVXJtMAV ?1'A"PE! !irupt undar Ik Ae of Congrwa of Mareii ad, l', having applied fof a dls'-hora, from all his dibu, and oilier claims nrnvahle under aaid Aul. f)T or.ler of the Court. faotlee is hiirebr ilven, in all Crlllon whoruva prof ed their debu, and Uier ixirscns inieraax- tea ineir aeets, anu incr iwrrom nimm. toanpearon the lPthday of March, lsDS. at ea ; wappear on me ipm lHlfr at thulYurl itiiufie fn UavneNUura. Pa, uiock. A, M., oioro j r, at the Court House v cauKo, If any they aid not be irantea I m., bulore J. B. lamley, Kaq., Rea- ii anv limy nave, a ut a mi;iiarn ntfhave'liVa dlsciial should not be (ranted til the suld Bankru a (ranted US ma suld jianaruui. notieo Is berebr alven. that uia Seeoadand 'Third Maatlnaanf Creilllomof the anld llanLcruitL rmulml hv Ilia S7II aAd IKth enctlouaorsaid Act, will be had befure the said Itaglsier, upon the same day, at tlio samo p.aea. 8. C. McCANI)LFi3. t-.X-tt Clark of V. 8. D. 0. for said District. niSTHifrr c:oitrt op the S-nF.t F.ta States for th k w esterm DI31KICT Or I rJiNSYLVAi'lIA. IN THE MATT EH OF.. LEWIS W. JOXEfl, BANKHCFT, IN BAN KRUPTOY. To Who it mat Coacras i The undersigned hereby glvea notice of bit appointment an Assignee of Lewie w. Jones, of Wayneeburg, In the county of tiraone and State of Pennsylvania, within aald DUlriot, wao has been adjudged a Hankrtipt anon this own pelt Uon.hy tho Ulstrlet Court of said blstrlct. , baud at Wej'ucsUiuv, Pa., the ITtU day df February, A. 1)., 1MB. HIMoN IU.NEI1 ArtT, 4 Itl-at Assignee. 1)EPORT P f UK AUDITORS OF , CUMBEHLAND TOWNSHIP t Ou settlnmunt with tha School IHrnctora of said township lor Bounty lax, iluga Barclay, Collector and Treasurar. To money from F. D. Bank To money faom First Nat. Hank To amount of Lupllcata,.....- Total. ,.m u ',8'!': Bchoot Uoarfl.. rii. axon's by Bchoot TJoarfl . I 1187 10 Hy lol's. A Treasurer s ,!..... 7S9 M Hv ensb paid V. i. I). Hunk tKSS so ly caih (j.il.l Int Nat: Baik : fr va 90 lly discount U) Ranks M Hvcashpaidfor'SBtiOstitut'jB lr) W. llv eash paid Iturwell and llUKt'iu for two substitutes... (WOO . Fly Interest or same 61 04 liy cash paid r Williams lor nulistlititn IW 00 By sundry orders and receipts. 130 40 By sundry rM:iiiits ahlch tha AuilltorM fulli'd to know fcr , ahat thoy wi ro paid lit M-.W,M tn In favor of Treasurer I I W ThM alvjva is tforrfct from Hie boat Information wecangot. ('. A. I.I'C'AS, Tltit. fTtAHO. WM, AKMHTIWINO, 5;10 3t Auditors. IN TIIH DHTKICT COUItl' OF TIIK 1 UN'ITUD fiTATM, roa THK WESTEBM DISTBICT OT TUtHHtttAHl A. OTHO tVAIlE, a Itanknipt under the Aet of ConureiH of March 'id. Kib7, having applied fur a lilscntirKi from all his debts, and oilier claims Rrovuble under siiiil Aet, by order of the Court, otlee Is hai eliy given tu nil Creditors who hava tirovwl ttialr rlehis, auilothiir persons lntarested oappnnrou tho I'm duy of Miireli. IsiiK, at 10 o'ulo-'k, A. M.. Ifi.r JiiKiph n. Imnley, yjir., Ib'glster, at tlie iiurt House in Wnvnusburg, Tn.. to show enuse. ifnnv they have, wily n dia ehiirK should nit beartitnl to the snlil Hank rupt. And fiirtlifr, notli a is hereby Kivcri, that theSnennd and Third Mimlnm of Creditors of thesnhl llankrtiul, ri'niilie.l liy the '.Mil andlisth Hectlolts of aald Aet, will Ih had iHiforu said IbfiNtnr; upon ilia saminlnv, nt his ofTke, at same time and plaor. H. C. lli'CANHI.KHH, -t,M-n Clerk ut V. H. 11. C. for said lilalrlct. w E8TERM DISTRICT OF PEXtt'A. To Whom it mav rinrsrRBS : The uiidersiiiiied hentby glvs nolle of his appointment HS AlKll" of NATHAN HIM Mf.ItM AN, of the Countv ofOrm-no and Htntn of lVnnsylviuiiu, within mild dtHtrlrt, who hasboan oIJiHlaiKt a biinkntpt upon bis own petition, by the Mslrh l Court of said district. " "liiihwle February 10, lntis. . . J. it. wrion. !Ui.0ccUitncou0. CtOHPKR AND TINWARK E9TAHLI9U . MEST IN VVAYJSESUCRU, P.A. novT Tnrton' monry away, titt vhz IT TO llL'Y CUEAl- AND fSEFTt BTOVES OF W. It. IIELPII ENSTlJiE, Tliey hava the handsomest and nealast pattern of COOKING, llEATING, AND PaULOR 8TOVK8 ! In us. (Ml and riamlna the dlfTeront patterns beforrt you; purchase elsewhere. They have the KOHKUAJ.E, for wood or cool, inreo smsi j and the I'nrfecllon, for wood, three slsoe. , They arp the hiut Ktnvtm In USA. Don't let the women scold any longor, but got mem wnat iney uau. They manufaetUfo tin, corrrn asd wieet iron waiie! of all kln'ls Everything In our tine will be attomled tt o promptly; send In your orders soon, fori III sell cheap fur cash or cj'jntry produce. SPOUTING AND ROOFINOI done to order on the shortest notice, at the old slsnd.soulh of the Sheriffs Honse. Wayne, burs, I'a. IV, II. Ilr.Lf HErTSTlS'E. l;3-6m rArE3Ul'l0 COLLEGE! -AT fi AYNESnURfJ, OREFNE COUNTY, TA. Rev. A. B. MILLER, A. M. Freeldnntanil Profeaeor of Moral Scloneo, Ac.. M. E. UARKIriON, A. M: l'rofeur of the oreek and Latin language. W. G. SCUTT, A. M., , Proieeiior of Malhematlc. O.U. MILLER, Teacher of riinm&nshlp and Dook-kaeping. Mrs. M. K. 1. MILLER-- I'rlnotpalof the emalo Department. MlssLCCY V. INUHII.VM, Teaehr of Instrumental Muale. . Mrs. M. C. PARKINSON, - Teher of F.lonrtlrfn., ' MlasKMMAJ IKJWNEY, Teacher of Ihe Frenen Langu'n. Th next Term will opoa on KiOSDAT, April 30th, lsse. NOR.MAI DEPARTMENT: For the apvlal beneit of the largV Tinniber of Teacheraatlonillnglhe InsUtnt'nn, the Pmfee sora, aaatauMt by the .County Buperlntenilent, will eoadnet a Normal Claaa, giving a thorough eouraaof Instruction In a!l the brancho taugnt to the schools, and at such hour a will not Ui. terfer with, the regular OoUega racltaiton. Those deatrtng rooms for salf-hoardtnf may be accommodated by applying aooa. . . For fnrthar partloolan address th Fraaldent. a;3B-tf.. . . , glIBRIFr'8BALE Brvtrtoaofawrltof VladL Exp. knuad out of th Court of Common Plea of Greene Conn y,and toraedlreetert, thare will aeexpe4 to pnblieaalaal tha praailaea la Morion cabala tp., OnauaCooaty.on THUMDAY, TEDRUART, J7, : - - i .- mat,,'att cfelnnk p. nt., th fotlowtar pronart. via : All ttwnnhutme.lnwreetapd claim "if the pit Spring Company of PennayWapla and vtnrlnuvof. lri, and to aonalrifot oa ground situatld MoMnrMkto-rashtp.O-acnaOoan. iy. Pa., aootalnlnjr bne and ona-LaQ aorea, mor oe-leaa, artjotnlni land of ',riTia'Niuii.nn Thomas OKier, Dr.Burobail otlMM. on whlob oTcTrid two hewed iq house : eottl fMMt 6wfriw Ikt. 'i D K HI A- - "ov nr ittt.'. Majority of thoat who read nawspapan, nsrar tvao laa hasty xlaacsat aliualaasaadrarua mant aal if a MAN Aetttalkr has anotee variety pf ioodi whteh halaaantnfat theVBHY LOWEKT ptleaalbat east ba aUordod, It hardly pays klnt to puMlak ...thafaev Tliarefcra wa hava -I It txwt to simply Invito everybody to 'call and examine our stock and prloas torepuralieiit elafiwliera.audasy but little In regant to our sbiuty ud determination to make UaAvaak. loiu toUtose vbo arenat : dead ',!: - i .... .. .. . j. ...l:ii i Tothelr ov-n Interest to buy their Candies, Nt, RalsoAS, Oroeertea and everylhln - IN ,,r thaOmeeryllneo; fl. A.RInshart.lnLadwJth's old building, oppoelte theubllosquar . WAYNESBURO.'; V.':.:' i A FR I 8.H.! 8 tf F P L T '. .':., J U SJR.E C E I VED AND ,pob sale Af.raa HO V7t E 3 T P.R IOE8. t0:3.tr. 1M4 B A L A N I K N O IV QflCK BALES ANU-BUORTPROPITIjI IMMENSE. STOCK Or;.rRESH:OBOCERIR AND rilOVWIONi : : Constantly;arrlvlng at .the Htoro of JOIN MUNNELL, , WAYNESUVRO, FA. 1 i . , , , C'onsUtlria, In part, of eRomiiEs, ' CONl--rrvTIONARIE8, b to Arts, " NtTP, CRACKKTUl ' cilEwni M0l.AfiSj, CAitnoN nib, Mill, BACON, Ae., Ac, Ad., In addition to the above, a full slock of Nrrf irwc: ' .-, . T0CKET KNIVES sad thousands of other artlelee, which are be ing sold as low as tho T I M E B WILL I'KRMITl C O M E AND B U Y. JOHV MUNNELt. 11:1st f. JOUM IlCOHES TBOXjIS I.VCiA. T: LUCAS k co. .: ;. rosw.iini'0 xno cowmssioK Miaetttirt. And dealers In Oroeerlna, Tfardwara, Leather, Hho rimllnits, Iron, NhIIs, Salt, Fish, A. Alan, egonts for Aubrey, Cromlow A Coon's Wlndo-w Haan. A supply kept constantly on bands. Riea'f Landing, Pa., above the u. f.s-tf. nCBUC NOTICE. As the firm cf HUOHES A LUCAS U dlseolved by mutual consent, thn CordWISSIon buslneaa will mill be carried on at the old etand,ln gol order, and on the most reaaonable terms. In th name and style of L. HL 'lHl A CO., (senior partner.) They Hatter themselves, by having th House end the bt location In lha plac for thatbuslnnas, that they will aacirva a llbml slmre of the public patronage. They will also keep a gofl supply of OROCF.R I EH on hand to aocommodaU! all who may favor tiinui wiiu a can. ;10-tr Rice's Landing, i'a. P OR SALE! Aftthe firm of Jhn O. Fordvra if. 1 v. mutual consent dissolved, the business will be carried on by J. G. FoRnrcc, at Mordock'a X lUwln, until April 1st, lrteS. I offer my entire stock at first enst, and thi rent of tho property for one year witn mo pr'.vlleg of renting for a lomeer Derlod. Thlste, a deairahla lonaLInn for the Mercantile Itusiuea, a good community. Convenient to Schools, Churoh, Post Cfflca, Hl i-'mlth, "to., etc. Mv entire stock waa tougl t this Suramer and Fall. JOHN O. FORDYCE. E ? XECTJTOR3' SALE! Thannderfllaned F.xemforaiifw-n tha aetata At .Tame Stewart, deo'd., of Center townehlp, Gr"oneoounty, Pa., will, toy power contained In tha Will, offorat public eale on the promise, on SATURDAY, 14TH DAY OF MARCH, ISM, The Ilomostead of aald daceajed, containing 00 ftnti, inure ur .eaa i erma man KDOWa on day of eale. . . JAMEHCALL, JOB TUlWcKMORTOV, S-aa-SV Executor. Oeokoc. C. STraonw, Jos C. Waowas A t -orney at Law. Notary rubllc s TUHGIS3 A WAGNER, UNrT"Tj) STATES CLAIM AND GENERAL COLLECTINU ACIEN'TS. ., , -For the adjuatisafit of CLAIMS, of all kind sgalnst th United, (State, such a . , PENSIONS, INCREASE rF PENSIONS, BOUN Tt, 1100 EXTRA BOUNT Y, and those of any olhor class call on or wrtte tn th Military and Naval Agency of BTUKGIHS A WAONER, Walnut Bt, 1 door below llAKaiis' corner, I up nuiiin.i r,:i,'T-m MOROaNTOWJ VA. CLIjIAXJ CLIMAX!! Page's Climax Salre, Family blessing for 25 cento. . It heab without a atari No famllj ahonld bo withovt It, We warrant it to care rkrofol Sore Halt Bhemn Chtnialnsa Tetter, Pimples aad all Brnptlona of the Sklri. For Sore Breast or Nipples, Cuts, Sprains, Brol8e Hums, Scalds, Cliapped Hand, Ac, It makes a perfect cure. It has been used orer Hfteea years, without one failure. . . ,. It has no paraller haYlng per fecUy eradicated disease sad bealed after all other renedles had failed. It Is a comprand of Armies with many, other Extracts sad Palsaiav, sqd . pat w -t in, larger boxes, for. Co same trice than any Mhor Ototnset' -" - , f aVttggl4a wssnVa. Wait ttsvusA rt rtstors. 151 Lihettv IlrM, Kr Y'tk.