The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, February 19, 1868, Image 2

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    fchc Hajtthirj Republican.
laEhe gimefebttrg Republican, 1!Sc&nce&cy, Sfcbruarg. J9,
Wednesday, Fob. lO, 'OS.
The Allowing gentlemen, to embers ef the
County Committed, are roqucstod to moot In the
Court houSo la this place, at li) o'clock, A. on
Katardny, February 80, l8S, for the pur.
iKMOofoloctlng dolegaloa to tho Stato Conven
tionj at I'hllndclphla, on tho 11th prox.:
Marion I. II. Wells, (Chairman) A. L. Myers,
l.nrmientois nor..j. n. .nucnnr, i, n. i.incom
..S imiixi II iyar.1. John smith.
. .. 1. W. Valtn, Itobort Bristor,
.Jacob fttfart, Hamilton I'ayno,
ean'r.i:. .... j xr. . un, ur. i. ivum,
'riukltn Thomas Hill, Jacob Kinchart,
aMtinnton Harrison reiiit,
It HcoiiH.thit our "bitter looking" j
ucigmxir oi. mo itepmimn, mistook
tilts religious services in the Court
House on Sunday, the 2nd Inst, for a
Democratic meeting. This is not so
very snrprisiirg, when - reflect that
there in a striking similarity in the
teachings of t.-ut Christianity und pure
Democracy- and that our neighbor is
a very poor judytof tithtr article.
Messenger. .
The Ten Cop.imindmcnts and tho
Lord's Prayer sneak of the l'eonlo not
of red men, wliite inen, or black men.
Does our neighbor, accept cither as
"true Christianity ?'
Webster, regarded as standard Am
erican authority, gives the following
t or tua Kepcbucax,
RETItvT-DIHU1 U.ll'It,'. .Vm. HisJffe. llarnct Hlnehart.
JefTirson lfarvav Penny, H. la-ek.
Cumberland Jo, Long, rranklln Owvnn,
Whltclv . Bowcn Stephens, n. llud-on,
Aleppo A. J. Ilinertnan,U.yr. Plants, (lOllllltKillS i
bunkarl . ..0o. Miller, liowvn n..,, I .. . .
fr.yv '"irs":;-,;1.-K'n. ! DE.MOCRAC V. n
. nil i tiju mn
Djr orlor of
, -i h. iimm u, ;by the People; a form ot government
...lanX Whlto, Jacob lliec. ...i,: i .i i i i
. ' . m wlium the supreme power h lodged
A weak cause is generally shown to
he such by. the desperateness of its sup
porters; tlie dangerous nature of a
stream, by its frequent changing of
channel its shifting (mm bauk to bank,
its upheaving of roots, rocks and sand
banks, obstructing navigation. Its
tendency is to ruin commerce, impede
progress, destroy communication and
confidence. Such lias been the course of
the Democratic party. 'When the
Constitution of the United States was
adopted, it was launched upon the
stream of time for trial. It ha stood
many gales that have wafted it close
bous, gorri.llas, chimpanzees, &e., ad
infinitum of the monkey tribe. Sure-,
ly the-Democr?.tieintcllectHiufct beget
ting very low and weak when it cries
for -protection by law, to not wily pre
vent tlio li...i. .el,,.: I.... !,
,,f .. Liberty street, has been missing lor ten
interior nmmnU ft..,..,,.t;,,,. ci... ' . '. . n.
.......... .(.. ...Sill j.l. i 1 i. ouv.
The Pittsburg papers almost daily
eoutaiu notices of "A niair missing."
Within the last two weeks several old
citizens have gone no one knows
where. Mr. Fntvoglo, Clothier of
davs. When lust seen, he was in com
pany with a milk man, from the vici
nity of MeKeesport, who, also, has
not been heard of since. Mr. John
Merrick, tailor, for many years a resi
dent of Monongahela City, has been
absent from home about eight davs.
He was acting as agent fur the sale of
uiuies. Humor lias it mat lie was
"AsmxoTox, D. C, February 13, seen in Columbus, Ohio, on' Monday
18uS. General Lorenzo Thrtma. Ad-1 hr-t. A tobacco merchant of Wo.i.'l
jutant General U. S. Armv. was to- st.. who has not been in his uhiee of
day ordered by the President to re-; business for several davs. bns been
cessfully with them on the political
chess-board of life.
Ucnrrnl S'lormnn to ho llrovcl (lonrrnl.- i
I'ipariiueiil lor ttlieruiun.
Special. Notices,
J. U. WEI.W,
WBw.lVur'e upon "tho County' l,owera of h&ll""b ,Sudl
r, A, .' - ,. government of Atlitn?.
riU . ,a'? "8"" -""'! 'the duties f Adjutant General heard from, and will return, ifa cer
nave oppearo.1 at (iitlerent points, ami ot tlie armv. Gen. Tou-nscnd has ' i.n l!,.o .,(,.,.. kn-a l.i,,, l
I ! llianv SVrOllS SatlT tlll'ir ( In lum ' bteil for SOIlie whim PYi.n.Um.r tlin ! lin i,;,. !-a l.n ,1 t,. n I?
int!ie hani s ,tthe p.vpJ collective-, t0 Jestmeilo,,. ,nd lwhans at no ; '""' tionof this olfice, onuv. aevvini Maehins a-ient. of Fifth
ll' ,.. II' , 1 ....I ...I..' 1 . .l ... A.I .
J ' ' . ' . i limn in line
s number, with more brazon clTrontei
)Rinr:i! u
tnocaut-u meeting on tho Jnjhermoa gnvernmiut by the people, note a few vmui, iiiiuuirucH Vlll'.l nil" , "l m(i.i n.u iAti;iloll.l Ul IUU I llTi! I Ui I T i . t ri t
wrtant. I.srswjn b,, ,t,,l .JbuflratretoaUtWof men. But reccntl'' tnc Da'J BnoJt W8S
: ' -T . . i ...... .
the Commits fir consideration. XoL, "
.... i i , ,. , I "pure Democra-TV V
J v i . v. -.-. . .l;,:. -...ii. i,... .... 1.
. . i v.i a1; ).j.if iii v rii.H''fl ItT ;l.av s j'uiili..., uiu i..iiijmiuiiiu iiiuiu in aiiuu
revision of t'io S'jriiitur-.'s, au l lrv.v fl spirit ns only the evil genius of elav
tint s nk; na I dic:iTn;-!'c-J ' cry can beget. Foiled by- superior!
containing aueh d:iag?rou; soniiaieat j tactics witli the bayonet they return to
s!io'ild hx ai5 obs iL-te. liy all means, thifir wallowing, arid try the effect of'
. UOA !-o nd ui ter Uiom n it 'Vmi ul
ot V. Mh:ngtn and Liborly .Ui-.-u, ,,f Z tow
MallTralnr:.'.!::i::Oa m'py F,p,'.r.,;3:,), m
l!nmu No. 2 i-w a m Wall', No. iV.; S u
W al s So. 1 -ii a lu Cincinnati m X
Cincinnati l-:ipwu m W all , No S I w J
J.iiiiist.iwii ut .ijMaa mJohnatowuac.'.aiiiBin
I'lnla. Ksp l:Vip in Wall- Nu I SJ5S
Wall . No.!i 1:30 p m l-liil a. Kxt C"tv& m
Wiill'a N.).l S:-,i i, . Wall-, N... .i :. !
W alCa Nil ! .v jl . ... U.-..II.. k j .
Waif. No. D 7:'JJ p m Vast L:i-
Allmiiu c. nn.l Wall a Nu. 7.1eil0 d m
K:ni't train. IU:M p ml !'
("inclnnatl Kxprtss lenroa dallj-. AII other
traina daily Exci'iii Kumlay.
i'lrlniln'phl.i Kxprcaa ail. I (hn Altoona Ac
c.iinm .. it:u:i mi I kini!iniiit Train urrivc itallv
I'lnelii ilill :xjirp arrivia (liillvoicivpl Moil,
uav. All ntlii r trains daily ex.-. .t Suudny.
For further information, npp'v to
W. II. llccKwlth, Anotit,
Q. H E A X
li A It U A 1 N S I
To roiiKiimpHv Tho Rev, RDWARD
A. WIUSOM will son I frro of c!mi((0)to nil who
Uimlru It, thn pn -.jriptlon with the directions for
unking and ualng Ihn simple remedy by which
lie was ciire.l o.'a lung Rfl'ertlnn and that dread
dl8easot:onsumptloii. Ilin only object Is to ben.
cllt the atllietcd and hp hopes every sumircr will
Rev. KIl'VA'U) A. WII.-'OV.
No. V 'Stw'ii aennd St. Williamsburg NoWYoA
Lat (ill come.
.;. ' stvti: jiihi
V H O H E T II C H -11 H o I ID T H f: H t
j Among the nominations of the .street, left between two davs last week ,ry 11,13 Poription, nit win cost them noth.
i I'' wideiu to-d iv was that of Lieutenant j taking with him about 10,1100 of his " 1 r wwZ"
u.-m-nil Olicrniau to Ho lIVVlt I iiMIlM-- . mini nv.M. ii,iii,h- iipmioi L '.,.,. , ,.
One who ad- appeared, than at the present. We 'al of the Army of the United States. ! sales fir the hist year. It is also I
1 lie 1 resident yesterday directed Gen. chaiged that he has forged the nam. a
Grant to assign Gen. Sherman to the of tho best business men. j
command of a new Department, with I m
headquarters in this tit v. to bo called nr I
the li.i,rtm,i ,il' tli. i " il :.. .i " a" ,rcu,,.i-
Is thisolir neighlwr'd standard ofinintinn m'sl ""ioiisly at the "God
and Morality party," fir jneaching
.ill . ..; 7', w ! t.degraphe.l to .,ato,-s to-day
h ".:'"""! that he did not desire the nomination
tier has not vet been promulga e 1. "i .,l"evrt Mf i0d lm ,101!11
! imii.i. nation would be rcjcctetl. Inexecu'.iv.
Infiirmntlnn. Informatlnn Bnn-antoisl to
rr rvin-o a Inxnrlant erowth of Im'r upon n Imld
lla 1 or li-r-dlcss fan. nUnn r.s-l.i fir the re-m-ivn!
of Pimple, ntotniiea, iitp"o'iH. et"., on
fii' Hk'ii. livivin-x the s-une oft.rlenr. and hcan-
t'ftt'. e.m lie ohn n"t w t'mtl' ehnr.... I,v n,.
dn-in-r TtlUH. PM VV, t'Mi5-rs.T ,
tlAV-lyohlijH 8il Ihnadwav, New York. '
now otftrlng Uialr aplcndid Mock oif
i.ursjni'ANT D(is:n.
As certain ileiivigogues are nutking.Iet tlieieboa twrnsirueiina of reli
considerable Hoist) over the subject of an I polities to suit the " Dcumcraey" of
wtcs ft Siiort reference to tho action ofito- lav. Jt were b.-iter to eni m nn
"Dotnocrau" and Republicans may
not b; am:;;,
About thirty yetrs ag the "Democ
racy" of Pennsylvania inaugurated a
system of internal improvements,
which, under its manipulations, grew
and spread until it threatened to ab-
open tlian a concealed i'oo.
Monr. concerning the Grant-John,
arm aTair is unearthed. The Presi-
jdent reiterate? his (.barge but pivsents
'nothing new to su-tain it. Iiis Cabi
: net minicteis under their own slum-
;iure, ina..c eontwieiorv statements,
. w III Ivl vT3 v Ui l f 1 rt .
the .Stat.
imoroveiiniitJ cxopcdml 10 nnn nnn
Whiln t)lU onnrm.Mw. l.l.r ...... i.:..iUUH a to prove Hint G ran t was
A.-.rh nnd vrU,Uxv Uw. -.c l;lu "'a.:e coat WlCiorv
. iinlM.. Q ..... 1 . ..1.. . I ..
lne debt created by thews' V-"""""""UJ c-nuooiMtes
ii tit iv. li ,'vt! onni. iits
created no Demoerat raised his voice it, none propped -to lessen the
evil or to shorten it. In 1818, F. R.
Shunk, Democratic Governor of Penn
sylvania, died ; he was succeeded by
Will iam F, Johnson, Republican
Speaker of tho Senate, and at the next
annual election was. chosen to that high
office by the people. During his term,
and upon his recommendation, the
Legislature, which was alo Republi
can, established a sinking fund for the
not disposf l to haul the President's
chestnuts out nf the fire and lor this
only he was n-s;iilcd. The ".-bower ot
mud" rained upon him by connervaiive
journals fully confirms our prediction
made some time since. As remarked,
we believe if the angel Gabriel would
descend to earth and be mentioned in
connection with the Presidency, the
"Democracy" would swear he stole his
throwing ii l tit ma same over every
honest character conne-ted with the
army. And after e.hatuting the En
glish language of viloepithets, and puz
zling their own wit to itJ limited end,
call upon some one or mure of their
narrow sonled, weak brained, innocnl
rebels, to furnish them with a new
"list of word?," (with or without a
meaning,) "that will shame men,"
who labor for an idea out of every
reieeleil. 1 iipt i i
j session of the Senate it was referred to
III., s f T i t ... I ... .
I me .unitary v.onimitte,wiio it isuntler-
Wapiiisotox, Feb. 10. IutheSu-;' ! will' report against it. Gen.
prcme Court to-day, Associate, Justice ' Slserman aNo telegraphed hero to-day
Nelson announce'.! an elat
crate opm
. 1 that while he should
oiMers in
ion in tlie ca-e ot the Mate ot Cicorgia!,,s"illlll"1.i?commainl ol the new Dcpart
Bgainst Sccrelary Stanton, Ge:i. Grant ' "cnt of the Atlantic, he preferred to
mid Maj. Gen. Pope, praying for the 1 resign his commission in the army
reasons set forth in the petition that ; rather than to continue in Washington
they may be restrained from doing cer- : !lt iff hwvl. These dispatches created
tain acts contemplated by the recoil- considerable of a sensation in Congress
strnct ion laws. " ional circles, where tho object of the
The emu t tlismii. cd the bill fir the L'xc-utivc in furiiiiii'' the new exc-
reason that it presents a political ques-'01"' ve depart meiit is generally divided.
lion, itnii tlieretore not properly mulcr
rj.t'olRate A- Co'.
o r. a a M
Umr.nnrVtr.rei! from ri'HE
M IVIM 4 .. I ... . I,A
f-.i.Hl.lciv 1 . ST A N DAItO OF KXUKI.l.Kyt'E.
1 ur sale by nil Urorories. (i- Vlv.
it., jurisdietioii. This
".)Tlie Hinlln Pool. mil Iloiiwortlrr.
-. It .ivi-.rd Association It. porta for Young
Men, on tho crlmo of sulitu l. ,an l tho errors.
abuses mil diseases which destroy tho manly
po'vers, and flento Impedimenta to mnrriaire,
with sure moans of relief. Rent In sealed lettor
envelopes free of chnrtrc. Address DR. J. SKII
LIS IIOIIQIKO.V, Howard Assoclallon, I'hlla
d. lp'.ila, Pa. e-.i-Iy
o v k n coats u com;
No oiiowishinpan orercoat, shonld fail tntak.
advallllieool tills iipportliliily. Also, anvlhtliir
!so in tuilr lint, at tho '"""
uratair TiiiFt.n ahove costi
itrgumeiH i.i us auppon. as a sum- Justice sai.l, was also applicable to a ' signed the bill that all cotton crown
pie to inuirjuiaiiieivKj in ency, euo . fituitai petnieu oi me -i:ue oi m issis-1 in the Luitecl States niter the year
vil!anoii8 profanity, F nm induced to 'I'P'- . . 1 18G7 shall be exempt from internal
note some of their leadiii" slanrr. The! 1 ,lc,l,in!,)1' delivered in the Su-, revenue tax, and that cotton imported
"God and Mnnliiv i.n-te" If ibo.-,. I ; . . 1 lu",,:,- 111 '"-'"K'a '"" oni iorcign countries on nut alter
Uoil an- Moi.thu piiK I the Migsimil,j favs k M M vil.t. Xoveinber 1st of this year shall be
is ground for such an epilhet then tho Inlly settling the McArdlc case and all e.xeinnt from tint v. fl. l',,.,i,l,o
party must boon thesideof God's cause similar cases that may eomo before thej has also signed the' joint resolution to
..... .... ...... w ...-. u.u in eu lino s,iii,.reil for years from .Nervous Debility. Pro-
mature Decay, and all (he cnin-rs of youthful in.
and the morals of the country. If
there is no cause for its use, and i is
used, as no doubt is intended in de
rision, then why is it that men, pro
fessed christians at that, labor so valiant
ly ibrsikh a set of infamous scullions,
whoso blackened souls, imbecile brains
and filthy carcases, it would bo an'stnt..
Court. It is understood that the Court: provide for commissioners td nvomiim
looks upon the McArdlo case as aland renoit on melius. .ltitui
Franklin lieposUoru calk upon
reduction of the St.atc debt. By this 1 Repuolicttn not to neglect the spring ! honor to cover with tho dark siin and
measure certain revenues were pledged i elections. Remember, that tiie lh-'eiirlv wool of tho lowest Caft're.
tin Personal Propcrta
h:-!:uo! 1 iirj.mi.
An a.'t has been introiliK-ed in the
to the payment of the principal of that i moerarv have been specially instruct-j But it is decidedly refreshing, after ; House providing that the'Male tax for
it.. 1. . n . i .
nm buiu was coiiiirineci. x ins sale
one shouts in
purely icli tieal one and will sustain spirits, and tho bill authorizing the
the motion to disin!s for want of jur- J Secretary of tho Navy to sell a the
isdiction. This will prubabdy put ii : iron-clads cxeepliug those of the Die
slop to some legislation now before ; tator, Kalamazoo, Moiiadnoek and
Congress respecting tlw Supreme! Passaic- classes,
t'onrt. j mt.
"Ax old Reb,"as he styles himself,
writes as follows to the 1 ielinion'd
lU-auuna-: "The principles for which
tiio South fought, and lor w hich she
was denounced and over-run, have in
less than three short years become the
rallying cry of the white man's party
State rights that's the cry. I iike
to hear it it, makes my blood coarse
through my veins as it did in the eve
ning of the conclusion of the second
Manassas, and feel as if 1 had a yell in
mo as big as a chicken co.;p. I'.ut I
expect to let her out in a short time.
things are getting right."
tln-ivtlon, will, for tliesnlEoofsiurerlnt: human!
f, .-.I'Tid free to all who need It, and receipt and
il.r.-.-Oon tor maiitna til(. almpln remedy by
Whiel; lie wn s eared. Siill.-rers wishiiia fo prolit
l.y the a lvei tisi'i 's exiierlen -e, can do so by ad
drcsaiii't, in perfect eoiill.h nc-e.
"; -!y 12 Cedar St., New York.
nv 2ilvcvti.5rmcnt,5.
Wm. Himiiiaji. .In, fit Fitlh Ptmt, Villi,
Imnih, it the imlhorhul 'Kjc.iit for the Hi i uiii
ill lliul citg.
1808, and until otherwise provided,
levied and collected on personal pron-
icily under the Act of 2!)tli of April.
1S41, shall beielea-edand remitted to
the several counties in which it is col
lected : provided, that such county
shall pay the amount due the State for
ami previous years
debt.' Theamount received from these ' Cl'i 'J.v fheCh lirnun of the Democratic listening to a pack of wide mouthed
sources averaged nearly half a million S !,tc Centra! Committee, to secure ev-, Ccrbcrenn bounds, in the goodly city
annually. This - system operating (erJ' possible advitntage from the spring of Gotham, to bear a response from
throjigh a period of eighteen yfars pro-! elect ions, by which was of cou.'se ; some lonely whippuorwill, 113 the,
ditced upward of $$,000,000, which j meant to take (Wte of the Repub- j "Seittincl" (somewhere) "on the bor
was applied to tho principal of the i licans wherever thev are not watchful ' dor" of despair, as he p-rinds out his
Statedebt. leavinc thn balnnen of !lJ and active in belmlf rd' ihrb- r.un in.'aolomii uoll on, I 1,1 i 'Mci 1SI7
t'TT- i, ,,. r , jtei'','i- Tho very best, most in.elli- both extremei, cries out ,, GodSS,
T11 1 Q-i 1 n I.isl-.l.'.,n T I.l... ' nn.l enlinkl.i l.'i.,,l.l! o ..!.. ,A it 1 T !' Tl 1. . , . I.. .. . . . "i '
... . j' t 14 ivui'U.JUUail Jl.'iri.llillllli: . ri,v ' ri'.miuw r.injiu.i -niuil i.'lll, ill
authorized a sale of the public works,
which, by the competition of the
Central Railroad, were rapidly depre
ciating in vahp. The passago of this
law was violently opposed by tho De
mocracy, but tha cause of the people
prevailed and tho vorks were sold j
but the Democracy did not abandon
their oposition to the sale, they re
moved the casa to tho Supreme Court,
but the peoplo were again successful
In order to niaka room for their
All our goods arn now and fresh anrl'of the bent
styles. Mini ..rn taught In the most favurablo
lime hi U. t I all.
just orrosirn dvy'h book store.
tne lirsi ween in dune, lsuu, iimi
annually thereafter, to apportion the
State tax. s remitted for the previous
ne selecleil as election ollicers, ri3 the; derision, "God and Morality," the
coming election in October and No-' other in mock humility claims ".Tesns
vcmber will be the must" important J Christ as the first Democrat." Now ' yne anwnXtw s'l,1"1 .districts of the
hcl.l in Pennsvlvauia for many venr, .l,n,, it !, 5,,,.i.i .t..i 4. ily on l.csam-.t has:st!iat the State
.. J J ............ .... i. ..y n.i.ui i in- .iiiiieoni mi ion is nun. r n.i,., nn ...
Fuom the Pittsburg Commercial wo
learn that the Constitution of Alabama
failed of being ratified by about live
thousand votes. In three counties the
past. ,.r these reasoi s weshould poll nrcstice of the Republican nartv. .1 il ir wo,.,,,n,' I ' l'(:IJi w'!',M1,,t. 0J,cn nt !lll n,,(l 111
as full a Republican vote in thespring or to bring the Savior of man- thecounty in fivor of the tre'isnrer of lZTX ti
03 at the fall elections. kind into disrepute, bv assoeiatin.r ch school district for the sum so an-1 ,.,,, :r,,..i ,..i : L. ..'.
' n j . i . i i . iii.imn;:i..-(i Him Minni'ma uijt ri uji't
i,:, ...ill, . ,.iu ., portioned to said di-tncl. lhepro-i i,. ..: e tt
in... ,... c.. iic a '1,ll. ,lt.-i-i - Ci' ' . . . '. .. .ii'.. in n Ol lllt-ou llllll'r. s f C'll.
.....t T ..1. .1 . . -' ' ' nu niiiiieu muiii
......... m ...... ..V...J- .1.3 ,i I 'II I 1. . 11,1. .11... I
- . nwi .ii 'i;i . hi
.1 . 1 1 J ..
On selllement with tho School Plreelors of
j..... ii-..i,(, ,r leiumy 1Ux iiugu liarc ay,
t.'.illeetoranu Treasurer. '
To money from V. A P. Hank s W) no
l.i money f 10m Nat. Dank, li'WI 00
lo amount ol Puplicate, m.i
N. 1J.
( H.
Ilyexon s by
5 10WI 15
School nnanl...S 17 10
The disposition on the part of the
Supreme Court to conform to the pre- j
cedent cstablisho 1 bv Clili.f .Tiwii,vi
v. :-i.:. m..i.'r.i.. i. . 1 striving to
cted, from that tribunal. This decis-
laney in his lihode Island ' decision : ' , n , , . '
ihould blast any hopes cherished b j the people and tliencc
:he "Domoc-acy" of aid, so much c,.v- j lmcl0Ua m,w 01 Lnulc &,m 1
b.i mi.
i for the S nivmi Court !
ll'l . . i .l r . .
iniare siini ujai icraey tint a
ti lay its head ?
produced $7,000,000, which, applied to
the State debt, left it "about $25,000,
000. Payments mad upon the prin
cipal of the debt since the sale of the
public works, have reduced it to $23,
iVin. n.n.1 '
' ' ' jfthoul 1 have t combat thi C virt con
Tn n r.iw d . it.. .1 p .t... ! i ....
""'siiaiiiimiBiii in;i cct'niii' tne coistitatioaaUty o; its
puohc works it became apparent that
the revenues of tlie State were suffici
ent to pay current expenses pay the
interest on the State debt and reduce
the principal, without tho tax on
Real Estate. Accordingly, in 186G a
Republican Legislature and Governor
ropealed the law imposing the tax on
Real Estate. Since that date the
homes and farms, the mills and shops
have been freo from taxation for State
purposss. Further experience has
shown that the taxes on personal prop
erty for State purposes may beremitt-
A bill is before the present Legis
lature, and will no doubt become a law,
repealing all taxes on personal proper
ty for State purposes. Another fact,
disclosed by tho State Treasurer's re
port, may be stated in thisconnection,
namely : that tne taxes for local pur
poses in the Republican countiesof tho
State do not exceed ton mills, while in
the Democratic counties they rise' to
twenty milts to the dollar. Honest
tax-payers, which policy do you like
beat, the "Democratic," which created
a debt of $40,000,000, opposed its re
d notion' arid 'incrcaseM the taxes j or the
Ropiiblican" policy, which stopped the
incrcase"of the debt, paid itoffand re
lieved the people from taxes ? "
P .1 . . . I 1 I . I
oi rue same nyiirui poison, tiiat is
find its way in the minds
the ca-
s natri-
. . r ........ i i i i
.11 h. III-. W 111 lk:W II I'.'ii v i.e. ..en n
or in any way allect the , i,.,;, ' ,i. i ,'.i. i..
, - , iiiv.ii v.,v. hi. n, iii,,i. vviiviv; in.- lie. i ne
i in Oft M i A lie. : , . , i . .. 1 . '
!l 1
iii. .iii-i nn iu.tu.'.i i v i eaetoi .Ann .. . l i .i i i .
ioii. "iuc7 .-.i in. . . ' "ere denied the opportunity oi votm
' ' thevw ave it. The constitution,
crease the revenue of tho Com. non-!:.:;. 1...1: 1 .. -n ..... 1 1 '
.....1.1. I. . . e .1 1 I " 10 "cnuieo, vtiu yui lie ntLii ei .
WPlItll liv ! votiiio it I i., t 1 j .... ' J
.......... ... mi. ontiiua 11
stock of Mttionnl I'.anl.s."
A r a roe at convention of clergy-
ion establishes tho power of Con-res I5llt- hd nS ! Away toward as oh ruxrs ix BAjinii-rcv. ! ' ""7 l'.'"l,(,rl 1 miner, t.iat
j, . - nurd 111 1 11 i'n nii fifl'tm thn .rtin-
in the nvuter of reconstruction and i ttS ' l'pcct, of the JoJm g, 7,;,., km pany with some "interesting remarks."
sets asida the p -ob.tbility that it : p:'ty go clown in dar.viiess, comes a j Jolm s.(ip, , , . ,. . j Among the ret one drew upon his
st'll f.tinter "thud as a small dab of gniMhed as an "oil prince." having for 'i""T ,llu' related a dream. In his
mud from the "JScicif'-ynrd of La- j n considerable length of time enjoyed I "W-n I"" went to heaven, ami be do
Crosse falls upon the head as he terms ! the princely income of i?2,00i) per dav, I 'i-'bed the golden streets, etc. As he
of "elericil senunilrcl " VHIimiw I -uu nli'.v 1111(1 'O V lilted states 1 '""-'i ' " n."
sv!,n It!-
lie ( ol s. ft I reasiner's lees 7t.!l Oi
l-y rash paid I- . & Ii. Punk Ri.'J m
Hv cash paid lt Nat. Hank ft) 0 m
l!y dls-oiiiit to Hanks - ;i 0't
Py cash paid fn'-'i suhslltiiles.. i JTfio 00
ie cash paid Hurwell and
ll'lstoll lor two nihstitutcs... 000 0)
llv Interesl oiisriine .u oi
Dye, paid .MWIlllaius p r
siih-lltiile ,o 00
nvsimdryor.lorsanil receipts. i:jq
Py sundry ren lpts which tho
Auditors fulled ti know for
what they were p.ild
210 OO-W1S4 91
? 1 30
In f ivir of Treasurer
I hi n novo 1.; correct f.oin thclie d Information
wo cm r. a. i.f.'AS,
Tip is. I'll .i,
WM. All.MST tON'O,
s.1J-' Audilors.
All persons Icnowlntt themselves Indebted elu,
Ml lean
or liv Look in....... ..I ...... ......
ui.ll f. .... 1 "ww, win pinuni! i-ua BUIll
selllcandsavo cost. ?
j O TAX tCH.M -tTOi.s:
Tho Tax f'ol'eeiors of ihe several townships
are herein- notified Hint suit will he hrnu hi 10
eolleet all Mx n innl 11 hi- unpad afl. r Hie 1st
M at lav of .March, uoxl. Uyorl.-.-of lie Com.
ms.ioneis. rilOS. I A MS,
!'--lt L do TriM.iirer.
Ax exchange notices that the "Dem
ocrats" in the Ohio legislature have in
troduced a bill to disfranchise students
at the. academics and colleges. They
consider education detrimental to the
iniciemo. tne -imocracy," and are Such are some of the political seaven
determined to prevent "book" ! gcrg) w)0 w;th ghoul-like beaks and
from interfering with their party ma- i incestuous eves still wander like curses
jontics. If they could interdict the overfhemrtli. ubil,. t!vmn-h 0vn..i;u0
publication of newspapers and shut up ! clemency or some defect in law, jns-
the School'luUlSCS they would soon be ! tico is robliml nf her nnrl ,l,n,.
able to hand over Ohio to the com
plete control of "Democracy."
Vi 11 iu ns
1 ,1 .1. . . 1 1 .'l.ll I. 1 V.U
e liiiufeli, st.ll cheat the Hal- hn,.i ...,,.,,, yUnv ,.:. i(.nju.! its. inouired. ioeoselv
tcr. Who after stealing the livery of ' remember 'the romantic historv of hisl "Well, did you see anything of mo
District Court, a voluntary petition in I f'lnewhat noted lor bis penurious hah
heaven to serve the Devil in, crv "stop; exploits in the East, published some j 1,1 .vo,ir dream
thief, drop that plunder!" If thev tll1" "go, during which he is reported
succeed in getting it to fail, they pick I lvc sniiaiideml several hundred
,.'... -..i , ... i thousand dollars. Alter having "sow
1 up to return ,t tho owner, but like I ,d his wiIll 11!lUt" ar, ,fH;u oi,
the "spoons the owner never gets it. i;,roi) l,e foimd himself in rutin r
TnE results of "misrule" in Penn
sylvania are satisfactoy to everybody
but the "Democracy." A few years
since it had a debt of S-JO.000.000.
w;thout any revenue to offset it: Its
debt is now only $23,GI2,572 81 a re
duction of nearly one-half in spite of
tho wax.
The County Convention of Law
rence county have instructed for Grant
Curtin, Hartranft and Campbell. W.
W. Gibson was chosen Rejircsentative
and J.'AV. Blanchard Senatorial del
egates to the' State Convention.
Our friends in the eastern States are
achieving victories at.the "wlls where
the Republicans have not .had a raa-
TnE Jast'sadt of 'Andrew 'Johnson,
inspired by; Iiis hatred of Cengress,
t .1 .1 ir ADAilM ts iMM ' ftKfnMM T . A
and hpiiomV 'Uui :cUerat ul' 1
command. rrhhZ tha..t th.l.Th,.cojy f trutl' o.Z
Senate that h be cssaied Bre7et3rca-''.,,rEra't o.fiW tg spank very tsr-
nu.6.; vvugueeo nouauBrman ouin re
persist in thrusting their cloven feet
into every man's pocket, their filthy
slang into bis ears, and their virus in
to his veins. They hang like filthy
parasites on the body politic of the na
tion, or we might say, they are like
vultures only, that the one eats the
filth and otTal of tho earth and then
fliosaway in secret to digest it, while
the other taking in all the nauseating
debris, of sensuality, until every atom
is permeated with their morbid ve
nality, and then they turn their sluices
of iniquity upon society, to corrode if
possible tho very fountains of public
virtue. Their liberty of speech is un
traracled by law, and bounded only by
their inability to get lower. Thus
theirown words an 1 actions give the lie
in the strongest possible terms, tg their
assertion of oppression and tyranny.
They fear to compote with the negro
lest they suould be beaten in the race.
Hence, the animus of their .hatred 'of
pud intend doubtful wfrtblitfenf." nnonvtaous.I'..
.- -j ; t. v ...... - - n-j?.'1 ,
Chin thatiaipnrt djrt from ohind na all ''rfuiorjMaa, '., such as-cafreij tj, ,tfie Republican candidate:
str.u rhtenoil circu instances, and w as re
cently compelled to earn a living by
drivingaiioil team. His indebtedness,
as set forth in his petition, amounts to
ever 100,000. Some of the items
are quite heavy, a few of which we
note : To Henry V. Kannga, of the
Girard House, Philadelphia, lie owes
819,824 ; to - Wm. A. G.dbraith,
Attorney-at-law, Erie. 810,000 ; J. E.
Caldwell & Co., Philadelphia, for jew
elry, $5,805; John D. Jones, for har
ness, 1,2.50 j Win. Horn & Co-, for
cigars, oG2;E. H.Conklin, Phila
delphia, liquors, 2,021 ; Phelan &
Collender, Philadelphia, for billiard
tables 81, 500, to an unknown creditor,
for oil paintings,?2,200; totho account
for hats, fr'00. A considerable amount
of hisindebtnessis formoncy borrowed,
notes, judgment, etc. When "Johnny"
took a notion torrent a hotel for a few
days he would doso ;and whenever he1
saw any thing that pleased his fancy ho
was bound to have it, regardless of cost.
Perhaps no man in tho United States
ever squandered as much money in the
Same space of time. Pitts. Com.
An election has just taken place at
Braintree, a large manufacturing town
of Massachusetts, to fill a vacency , in
the House of Representatives of- that
State. -.Tim town for years has been
ODe of the few Democratic sironirholda
'Cf the Commonwealth,. but atthiaie.r
"Yes, I did."
"Indeed ! what was I doing?"
"You were on your luces."
"Praying, was 1 ?"
"JS'o scraping up gold !"
The Democratic press, when refer
ing to General Meado, call him the
hero of Gctlvsbiir'r, quoting the words
"hero of Getlinburf," in irony of
.Mealies aohievuiont on that battle
Without the inspiration of lute,
Democracy becomes no more than a
disorganized faction, a suporann
ated rider, and a sturdy beggar for office.
The President haa not yet bean Impeached, but
A . J . S O W E R S
Has purchased an lintaenso stock of
i of the latent stylo and best workmanship. A
V11U1V..7 B1.J..-H UI
Nock Ties,
Puspcndcr.i, etc.,
also on hand, which will bo sold at luitonlsu
lug'ly LOW PRICES!
onrang-ntnng3, vander!o,;RK!e',:gi-.: etKccssful by n tlncidcl mnjoritr.-'
Pexxsyi.vaxia, the first of tho
Stales to establish a sysfcm of free
schools, is about also to establish a
system of free col legiatc education.
Youso Steele, the oil millionaire
whose income three years ago was two
thousand dollars a day, is now said to
be a teamster at the oil works he once
owned. Another illustration of the
proverb, "A fool and his money," etc.
A gallon of brandy costing 812
yields ?C1,40 when' retailed by the
glass. Whisky at $5, yields $27,50.
:. Thaddrc Stkvkki Uos publicly exprps:otl
bU admiration i.f Uen. Grant's racent proceed
ings ; be aald, "lie Ii & bolder man limn I bad
thought wo will let him Into tho church now."
Thi passing ytan drink a portion nf tha
iijht from nut eyes, and loare their traces uu
our cbcets, ri birds, tUat dnsk at lakes, hare,
their footprint1! on thn marjrln: . ' ,
s 11 B
Itv virtue of n writ, of VInll. Km. .nqii.l nut
m tc r 1 1 1 (in , t (ii t oini non I lum fir a. wn tomi
ly, jur! toiim illnHMfil, ttu-iv will ) fxposi'il o
liih!lc s itp at tho prtjinist'S III Mo)ioii:;alicl.i tp..
uiuciiu v-uuiiij, tin
THURSDAY, FnnitU.rtY,27.
Inst., at I o'cl-ik, p. m.. Pie following property.
VI. : ll therlifht. tine. Inlerestan leliuin of the
Oil ftprlnn Coinp mv ol I'i tmsvlvanla an I W'et
virrlni'i.or. I' to aeertftln lot or around
si I'l lie in .. in loaii'lflll lown.llip. i;-eenel.: Mill
t,. r i.. ism. i n-n to u, in I on - ijsa'.r.i, more
O- 'e.H. -llilill II f Inn N of KlisW'leiihell. 111.
T!l ima'O ibler. Pr. u ch. andothers. on w il,-h
are o I'Ct.' I fvili.'W.'l loa: llfHl veil ; some fruit
ires 4:"iv on me j. rein is....
Ta'cen til eT 'lllt'oa is the pi-onertvo the Oil
Coaip inyof Piansvl .'ininaarl W'est VirMinia at
toe son. oi jouu ji. niiwiiint.
u. n. SILVF.ITR,
&I2-IS Hhcriir.
OroitfiB. ( Hrraoiiia,
Attorney at Law.
JoitS c. Waoxeb
.-vjotary ruDiic.
eoiiiitetiAti AOKMS.
-For the adjustment of CLAIMS, of all kind
iv,..i..v mc viiiiuu, siien its
andthosnof any other elnss call on or write! to
the Military and Naval Aneney of
... , . WAUMBIl,
walnut St., 1 door below Hasans' corner,
..... H'p xialrs.i
8-,2l,-t,7-tlm MOKOaNTOWN, W. VA.
yAYNEsnuno marble and stone
.5.1 IT7.9 & RINEIIARZ
StIUcontlnneto carry on tho Marble and Stone
rutting bnsinsssat their Ionic established stand
immediate cast of tho I'lihilc Koiiarc, hctweon
Hiah and Oreene striHita, WavncsburK, la.
This estalillshment has been In consiant nper
ntlon sln.l''n. and Uin Innaaxnnriencpand on-
erar of lha profirietoia, linked with the exer.
cise orsoiinu juiiRmeni ana sroon insro. nave won
for them a widespread and enviable reDUtation.
Art extensivo stools of this various varieties or
X-'all and see hi in before you buy elsewhere. Ho
invariant- satlslloa alt
who wihh to runniA.SE i
Hoom In Allison's bulldlrc. Waynesburi, To.
Wlshlnff to eloM nnt fbr lha Pall tYA.ia ti4 r.n'. '
.'IB Ill-U
..i.iiviunMi,iuii...i.i.,; " " " " .n. iu
Inrtsjiaentrn-Jlntr. . . Minor's
AU orucrs luompuy ailed. s 3):' r-
Mlnor'snnilillnlr. oi.nosl tha flrrwn,. rfotis".-
" im . .. , L. K. EVAis.