'he 'jSajincsbwrg dpubHcciiV, ?&ebne&beii ebt'uav ri?,' : 180&. 8wtf rkjs f. 1. iUisffUanfoui -St wn Hill I I r.WY PhriLalan for chronic tMseasee, has permanent offlec In Washington, Pennsylvania, whore ha baa been euvsKcd lor me peal twelve years in me sugoomiui iiv:uhi-iii ex-sui BIASES OF A CHROMC NATURE. Thi Doctor might present ' t olome of Mrtld cates af wres, leompllmontary notlcea.iio., but snesaaniaausiaciory lenuiuuuitu m vv ,..-. .he rihllc In trial of his "kill. Dr. W . dovotrs craelve attention to Chronic Ailments, In -which hi practice hat been uniformly success ful, effecting cures In many cases that have baffled all other systems of treatment. Paralysis, Rbewmatlsm, Bronchitis. Crtirrrah, lMufnese, Diseases ef the Huioo. stomach, Heart, Liver. Bowels, Kidneys. Minos, Ferula Diseases, General uebil. lly, Ac, Ac, .re all promptly d permanently cured by the Doctor -epstrtn of treatment, lmrinu the past few years, tho Doctor has registered hundreds of curea to which he will be pleased to give Ihw referenooa who may callupou lilin, . flo Invites all afflicted with any form of Chronic disease nd baring failed to obtain relief, u DIVE 1113 MEDICINES A TRIAL. Mia principal agents are selected entirely ar&m the vegetablo Kingdom, and these are ae com bined na to ounullie thu vital forces of tho body aid thereby restore it to perfect health. The Dooter 'has been especially successful In the treatment of all . ; c T :r. FEMALE DISEASES. Vonrtnby the score fall victims tomalndlra pc enllar to their sox, many ot whom might bo saved from lives of wreteliediiossandprouiatuio graves try applying In tlroe tu Dr. VV' The rem edies employed In tho practice of nr. V, arc manufactured exclusively by him from his own Medical Laboratory and are nlwnys puro In auallty and spocWo In effiirt. Dr. w, diagnoses lseaae by means of tlie L'rlne. the only Infalli ble eit of disease, never fulling to discover Its feature, locality and curability, thus enabling him to employ a ... V .) n j - -i -. RATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CURATIVE TREATMENT. W the absolute certainty of his mode of diagno ses he can satisfy every pntlont who elves him atrial, from the urtnnnlnnchewill tell accurate ly all that can be known of any dloosi. In the examination of this secretion, he employs opti cal, chemical and niicrusepLlcal lost, no case being presented i which one ol these tests Is hot sufficient to nn accurate diagnoses. Tho Doctor does not claim to bo a "enr atl,"ne yt "the right arm of the Almighty stretched forth to save the world from premature dissolution," but ha does profess from scientific acquirements nd .. YEARS OF jINPERTENCE, Tevotd exclusively to the treatment of chronic Ills, with his infallible tostsot dia.-nso tobenhlo to relieve and permanently euro all those cases which are not already beyond the reach of rem (dies. OiTICE CORNER OF MAIN & CHESTNUT ST3., VPr09ITKTHF. MANSION HOI.'SK WASHINGTON", T. CONSULT ATION'rt ': REE AND CONFIDF. NT I A I. . i. ;4.tt - ' F WIIITTI.E3Y. G IFT3 TOR THE MILLIONI A JI U G E S T O C K ,' DOrOHT EXPHF.SSLY FOR THE!; FESTIVE DAYS AHEAD, AT 1 6 A A C HOOTER'S ocrRY ho eotr.moMKt! Mr. Hooper would still have his friends nnd pat roos bear in mind, that he continue In th" "iro rery and Confectionery trades! hi umial pl.iea of doles business,, utlii that he lint. Just received A Er'Ef-H BHTLY . r - i . ef the best quality of all articles In his line TOY'S NOTIONS, and a grrat variety of useful nicies always ou bond. , : . R K F R E 8 n 31 E K T P. In eooneetloa with the obove, Mr. noopef keepaaBoataurant, whofe IDEIICIOUB OTBTE RS! ' ' i ' WHh all the "t ceteTrus," am acrrcd at reason able rates. The most attractive and most popular resort lntosrmv . S;lf6-ly, OlOBOE. 0. BTCROtlW, Attorney at Law. Joriwf . 'WfAiNift 'otary I'ublic. QTURGISS A WASNEn; .a-, vrfici.it Bnited STATES CLAIM ANT) OENEKAL COLLECTING AGENTS. .. . . ' "W-For trieartlwatmeht of CI, AIMS, of all kinds against the I'ttltee. svtates. such as PENSIONS. INCRF.ABl". OF rENPirvys, TJOCrl. -TY, I00 'EXTRA HOC N fV, . and those of any other class call on or wrtto) to toe Mmry ana pavsi vpeney oi - . STUKOIHS WAONER. TalnntSt., 1 door below Haasns' corner, Jlilff-Jm - M0rtOATOWN.W.VA. IKPt WONDER tt tn 4.0E I ' TIME. MOifWllASoft SAVtaJl, THE LATESIJc EST CHURiti i9northUtMtrAtnt&luucdfinthf llth rfnr . - of Sepeember, im, W U Waahlngtoo, Iowa, -will law days at XOffN ILU KNELL'S, tti teiaynosbnrg. Pa. This Cni'SN mnst tiinar eede anything of the kind heretofore produced. Toe almpleaeas of ltaeonatmetluii, and its two RiM or wvaned.-moUon, that produces butter from three to six minutes must Induce the com munity to examine its qualities. It saves time It-saves work and produces as much butter as ay churn In existence. Mr. Munnell has full pewer to sell rights for Pennsylvania or Now W flute as well as to furnish Chnrns tb clti. of this county. MORRIS, t'LLOM CO., - Agen'st . aVMi. TTATN'ESBUIi Q MARBLE ANDtfTONE WORKS. t- T-Tt'v-;- f ' ' i.ti'n-) p' SA YERS & IilNEHART, 3 man ceatintMto oarry on mc .-uarnie and Ktone esrtUng business at thelrlong etiihiMied Miuid ttMMIsts east of the Public Hnuare. hetvi-..n tflgn ana una airi-vi-i, Byoesoiirx, rs. , - Til as nitahlliihmrnl luut bwu in etant 6ier fjHosl slnewinn, and the long pxperlebec and rn ergr oi the pronrtrtors. linked with- Hie exeo etee of sound ludsment and uotm! teste, have we them a wide.prwl and in viable repuntiou.rf, tit u.uiU hem any wli5(h."eew' i stralirhl An extensive stock of the various varleti, or eS orBiaEeaMll.ai the roost prf.S)t mimner the beat marble kept eonstantly on hand. rJwttuWakill ihitn is renuired tosew ailtraurbt "lit and enarravinc. sflft'CJ-tti1'' wroera promptly miea, sW p a of o. r. wf 1U.. mi s-.. t rts ,'ewi eeL au.'4a4 i.HaU fti Oaneart ftoHdfng, onsf UtrlrfStnart ,, . wayneeasirg, Pa, ; Flrat tni at pridayTof awowMath.. , tdoj. HUT NATIONAL BANK. or SMtNrsnrr..) or- ...:..vioeit u: Tn'rlock r M. .Ti:RUAy8. J. (.'. Ft rxsiur.x, U DLCoUN T DAY . It. Boser, I're't. QEO. H. JMTEKV, . NOTAEY l'tUI.IC. All business inrtiilhlnBn the nrtlrf slt.-e'i! to promptly. Oin -e Willi f A A. Tclegrtph Co., .last rT the Cr.uvt llourn. May 16; te-ly. JJ,'.-M. SAYEIW. jattormv xsd corsr.ioB it liW. rr.a'Mltlonto other buslnei will attend to all cases In Uanknipter that may IwentrusUM to his care, umco, opposite Drug 8'otn ol U. U . Kob ertsACo. gl UERMAN noCSE. jrsTorrsiDHr TII0MA3 BRADI.KT. rosltlvclvthemnsteomplfleTIotel (hour town. Kvervthihaconibincd to furnish the best accotn- Hio.lntion ever yet offered to the publte. uterus rtimuiieu at au hours, taoia provinea with the be.Ht of the season. TrAvellors and thoMt desirous of refreshment will do well tocall. "Tom '.mil retains his old rAputntiouoiuu ocenniinoilatlnggeiitleuiAn, aad hosDltitbla lamliord. IIuum). the quo forinnr.T occupied by tlie "Messenger" Olllce, ftft'l-ly. w M. UA1I.KY, TFATCIIia ANDKEtmilT, KM5 STItEET, OITOalTS COOIIT BOCIS, Kesps on hnnds always a choice and isleet as- sorunnnt ol Watches and Jowelry. Itnpalrlng done at the lowest rates. 4,l:fB7-ly, EWIS DAY, J . ' rrxtrn hieookh and mtlosisT, 'all Paricr. Window Paper, 4e. Rtmday Behool Mooks of all kinds constantly on hand, room in Mrs. Rush's building, formerly occupied by Cot torell ft Taylor, Waynesburg, 1'a. .iny w, uo-iy. w M. T. V. EBB, JR.. B.ICDIK AXPIIARKt.SS MAKES, (IN WILSON'S BLTLOIXO, MAIN ST.) Sartdtr, TtrlcllcK, Harness kept on hand and made to order. Work dono lu tho bort stylo, and at reosonnblo ratos. -Kepnlring a spnelality on short notice. Filmier friends go look nt his stock. 4;!il-ly. 1 0I1N 11. llOl'l'MAN MOHOASTUWH, w ET VIKOIMA. A TWRXE I" FOR COLLECTING rxvsioss, noWTtrs, aureari oi tat, AND ALL MILITARY CLAIMS. ' i . - Hnvifitt ind 17 wMii exnerli Tnv In nrospcutlne iuoh c'lnlmA; 1 have becom? OtmiUur with tlu car! ru a Iaws nnd the lM"c -amount of record vldnc In fny pnwtoturoi. cruiblcw mn to be very in many tnftiunwi itv pnvi mifesiui wpn theelaimnnt huil long elvrn thorn np hiipspnlr. .no matutrnuwuunnuu ine mum so a ihjuhu R' OHKHTl)dT;oTirTi'n'r CARitiAoi HASCFACTtrnsn, watncwcuo, r., J i y. . ; Respectfully give not iee (hat lie has located In Wttynesliarg, Pa., whern he Intends ;to manu facture . C AURIAOES iv-- ; , ...... Of avarv fleserlptlon. Frntn bis exiieriencA In tlie business he fwlsenmldent lhaihls work. In st.vle.fmldh anil durnhlllty, will cive entire stit iiii.ictlon, It is his 'IrterniiTiMtlon to purchase the best material In niurket, and employ none mil C'jllil'em nomrnvn s-AII work warranted for one year."M S-.Jlr'tfVtr. n E- llhTUY. t have located In fl nrncsburg, and am nccu i nylUKthe lute lesldetieeof Dr. H. f. l'atton. Hnv J ing taken arcnt pains to heeomo thurmmhly ae nuaintt'd with lioih tin theory and praetlen of IVntlfiry, anil havhurhad an experience of seven ! I ..Mr In III.. lirnfiWHi..,, T ,...,1 .. n., ..ul In anv. lna tliat my patients iill iave noenueto cnrii plitiuof InfertoroiH'rnTlnns. Kxtractlon will lie rendered piiinlif s. when deiilred. by the admin istration of 'Tjniyhinu Kfi"nrnthernnesthetles. flinrges nioileriite.nnrt nil oporutinns warm tiled an ripreseuted, I will be at home wmtorT rr.n AiiVLNTi iir from the fifteenth to the thirtieth 01 every month. SOU. H, IIEUTIO. fclS-tf iJAHuLE WORKS, ' EUMMntSGILIiJA BRO. (jrwmt.'s oi.o btanp, cvrnn rsn or tow!.) The public nmrepetfuiiy Informnd that Pam uierKiU Hro, lioveJii!i received a large stock of alt kinds of MARBLE WORE! Such as OrnTO filonea, Monttmenta, Mantle Woik, Ae. U e are prepured m tnrnish Work at refti-onabie terms on short notice, rail nnd ex amineoiirsloek, styles, and prices, before pur eiuuong eiHewnere. ;i;i-ti. T. W. ROri.i, J ritYsicl at) intsuoK. Offlee In Tew ell's building, Wcet end of Msin St. v aynesbtirg. t;l: iw-tr. (T A. BALL, Dealer lu Dry Goods, Oroeerles, Hardware, OtOu vie. AT McOOT'S OLD STAND, -ly. (IreenHboro, r.n. getting Uucltmfss. fJUIE WOKLD RENOWNED SINGER '"''f&WtXO MACHINE. -OUR NEW EAM1LT MACIUNE, ; Has been over two years In preparation, and which hns been brought to pertectfon regardless ot time, lalxir or expense, and Is now confidents ly presented tothepuiilie us incomparably the best Sewing Msohlnotn existence. The Machine in question Is sinnilo. compact, durable and beautiful. It is quiet, light running and csrsble of nertormine a rauRi- and variety oi work rwrer before atteniuted upon a single Machine n.lntt either Silk. Twist. Linen or Cot ten Thread, ami sewing with equal facility the very finest and co!irel muterlals.and anvthlng bntweuu luelwo extrnmea, lu the most beautiful and subkUintlal manner. IU attachments for Hemming, Braiding, Oordlnc;, Ttieklng. Oullt lng. rViiug, TrlmmlnK, Binding, etc., nre Novel and Practical. and have been luveutvd aud ad justed especially for this Machine. New designs of the unlnuo, ithtful and popular Mu' hincs manufactured by this f'orurmnv have been prepared for enclosing the new Machine. Theso are gotten np In every varletv of wood such as lllnek AYalnut. Mabocnnv 'HnMri and Unlike and from the plainest to the moei elaboralo pattern autl finish tho Mochluea themselves being more or less highly ornament ed, to correspond with the Tables or Cabinets wrsuiui iiw) arw laieuucu. fl. omc ""t oestiorram lly ntio .enenii liiniis.a. V I V',,. Vm ., ,.-.V.VwiTi,.-, e. . Lii.".TeT ,2? 5S uti LU;'W.22 't0 5?'. em tnieKii. or wwias or Nunsouk to several iineKiiesses ot tne iicavi.ui Heaver cloth Using anyklnd orsl of Ihrtad-with oo,ual fucllltv Irom No. SOO Uottoa up to Uis heaviest patent or I.rnen uirend. - . Sd.-It usee 8'brt,strateht "needle, casllv t and luaki'S Uiopnpnlarl.ockt)tiiehallkvoti'botb atdis. 3d, It baa an avaa "lf-aiHutlngt.Tlon whlcK requires no change frdillerwot iblekuussns ot material or dlireretitslwwof thread. 4th. It Is free from all springe; wires and other complications, nnd i almost noiseless. at ii. ru, iianaiuA jpaoia orwnaeia to turn In t;;rtlnc. dth. fl desnot bats to be token apart to oil L-inil o..un it. , .von 7lb.it hoaa mreset t"wti.r,tKv.- . ... the finest materials ;lthf)ut havlngto Veep your u. n. nHmuiie iu prevent us pnckerinf, nnl j-pu never liavc to assist lUo work through as In all other mtH-b I neat . itraight L,,Vf."i','1"I1Iit.for BrfUdlnK, .ConHrfg, QtJllt-1 ftig hMinKiMkmc. Ae.. art iaavel ana lirae- Uojond requtrw birt lUllvsklll 10 u UwiK airwniriuiieskllllpuUim. -.. snetAoaa (Ivan aj the hotiae ot the tarchaa-ri - ,.VTs " . V-M' Money rru4e4 Wiiieasaoalaes are not as represented..-! . - . .i ! verymanirwwnTTasire ana kept 4n repair nenwu aafrsa;.. , ; i ILrWCAPIl'ER; nt for rlreenc. Cmmtr, .V WS tM H . rmitilv . r v;t-ti.. Warneebttrg, l a.- V H D E Rl osri mtxtrt." Malorlty of ihe Who read newspapers, never even give a hasty ttUu.ce at a btiaMiewadvartlse nient and II a MAN Actual; has a choice vartaty of gnruls which he Is selling at theVKKY 1.0W1XT price that can bo all'orded. It hardly ays him to publish the fact. Therefore we have FOUND It best to limply Invite everybody .o crill and examine ourstockand price bcforctmrcbaalhg aix'Where.nndsay but little In reward to our ability auc determination to make ltadvanta- feotu to tkoee who are not DEAD To their own Interest to buy their Candles, Nats, liaisons, Groceries and everytaJr-t IN ThcliroccTj-lirieo. 11. A. Itlnehart, InLedwltli's old rmlidlfig, opposite the public squaro, VAYNE9BURG, ' A F It fi It BCPPLT JUST RECEIVED AND FOB BALE AT THE LOWESt PRICES. NMO-tf. . ' ' R EADAUD KNOW QUICK 8ALES AND SHORT rHOFITS IMMENSE STOCK OF FRESn GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS . Constantly arriving at the Store of JOHN MUNNELL, WAYNESBt'RG, TA. Consisting, In part, of HKOCF.RIES, CON KTCnf N A HI E3, TOIlAt.t'O, K E.?APA : MNl-'FF. , t - cilACKEn.', ... . . CI1EWK, MOLASSICH, CAItlWNOIL, FISH, . PACO!, 4c, ., Ac,, . .-: In addition to tho above, a full stock of " NOTION'S, HARDWAitE, 9PECTACI,E9, TOCKET KNIVES andthonsands of other artlelen, which are be ing sold as low as thu TIMES Will, PERMIT! COME AND B U Y. JOHN MUNNELL. IhlHtf. rol'LI) YOU KNOW WUERI TO Bl'V 0 HEAP GROCERIES? JOHN II TENN, IN inn WEST XND or nn.VPES'l! BtnLPlSO, Has opened mi'l will keep constantly on hand the choicest qualitres of ... TOYS, C10AIIS, NOTIONS, TOBACCOS, CONFECTIONEIIY, ! FAMILY OROCEKIUS,. tie., stc. Ills late stock purchased for the HOLIDAYS! challenge admiration as well as competition I FLOUR KE1T AN D SOLD AT RULING RATES ! Ilisprlces arc inducements to buyers. Be euro to drop In on yonr "grand round" for family necessities. Remember the place. MAIN STREET, WAYNE8BURO, TA. 2r,12 tm JNO. IT. TENN, Jolly llruiiEs. , TnoxAs Lcc.ui. Tr LUCA8 A CO! 0RWARPIS3 AXD COMUIUIO tttlCllAKTs. And dealers lb Oraeerlee. Hardware. iWther. Mlioe Findings. 1rm. Nails, Salt. Fish, Ac. Also, agents for Aubrey, Cmnilnw A Coon s Window Hash. A supply kept constantly on hands. Illec'a Landing, J's., aiwve the kvk. Ki-tt. JAZEAR UROTHERS, WROLKSAtB OOCtSl AMI COMMISSION Vrh CHANTS. No. rr. EXcn anoe pIjAce, balitmore. Jas. B.'t.ArrAn, YVm. L- LArxAR. ftl-Vly. 1 CELIC KOTICE. As the firm of TIUOIlEft i LUCAS Is dissolved bv limtiinl conseui, the Commission business will sllll lie carried on at tho old stand, In good order, and on the most reasonable tmns, In the name and stylo of L. Hl'HH fc' A Cp. (senior partbcr.v They Sntter themselves: rr having the House and the beet location In the place for thntbutnce, that they will RsxervE a liberal snare oi tne puoue paironagr. Thev will also keeu a eood nunv.lv of OROfTER. IE-son hand to avconimodate all who may favor iuerawiwi"Cau. , . .... - t.nL"fHE8 AC0 4:10-tr. , Rloe'a Landing, Pa. Tvumsr-w m o 1 1 c ti unt.r.!"! iwwTT.ea,- j - . ' In the muiler of the scftlerUentof the nr-wlM of U K. Evans, ndnilnlstmhir on the estate of crttimim v. Aiexanaiw, rrcc a. -' And now te wit: Peer ruber 18, 1W, the Cotfrt appointed 1). K. P. Unas; Kan., auditor, to dls trllmte the funds In the bands of the aeeountartt eno mill report, n..nr we vourti . , , , AtTTST. - ' . . ! sex , J. r, KJrpLaV CTerWr : t!l ; - AllrjeTemrjeTessee hereby notlfieil Utat I will attend to the duties of UUM;o-re appoint, ment, at my oftlen, In Waynesburg, oa Mu.ndat, iiw wwf v. r .ruriMtrr, A, 1'. , AruQ, , v. h, P. itrwt, W : Andltof M ; asiiio.h . iuE BR ti.v. : ' It ?crti tti mctho woman now j Drcti np tnoit awful queer, . narrow skirts and llltlc hoopa Row fanny they appear I The Ir hair lhar friz la fancy shapci, I'M laughed, and laughed again, ' To sea how queer tha woman look ' With chignon on the brain. last night I met a littlotn! 1'ljrged up in wondrousstyle, She had a little bonnot on That really made me smllo, Twaa amallet than a cabbage leaf Dried up for want of mini ' tlow very quocr tho women loolf With bonnets on the brain. i They say they wear their drome short To tliow "heir prelty feul, ntirthelrelioegareXo.?'e, Eitiremoa will neyer moet 4 And when they wear tUalr drcaacs ong. And dragging in a train, I always think of bean-poles with ored drMct on the bialn. Oh, well, this Is a cnrla world, : i ' Fttlso teeth, false culyea. and ob ! ' Thef speak or palpltators, but ' The truth I do not know But let them wear what e'er they will, Remonstrance la in vain, And they are redly charming with The tasbion on the brain. Wait, mother, bsfore yon. speak harshly to tlu little chubby rogue who has torn his apron and soiled bis white Marseilles jacket. He 1b only a chlldnd 'mother" is the sweetest and most sacred word In all tho world to him. ifoeUlc and thread and soap suds will repair all damage now, but if you teach him to shrink from his mother, and hide away his childish faults, that damnge cannot bo rcprircd ! WTtK!t Intoxicated, Frenchman want to dance, a German to sing, a Spaniard to gamble, an Englishman to eat, an Italian to bunst, a Russian to be affectionate, an Irishman to fight, and an Americano make a speech. ' Tiik man who"couldn't stand It any longer" has taken a seat rfnlcs. E XBOUTOR'S 3a!E! S of valuable rkal estate . S - - t In nursuancs of the direeti ons cntnlMAfl In tlieluM will and testament of the ftevi Ilarnet . iniiiuen, nun oi rntuKiin township, (ireene f. . t. T..,V" ' ""nersigueo, r.Xecntor, will Sell nt Public Ont-cty, oh the promises, OS THE SOTH BAY OF FEBRUARY, 1863 "T i'"", .iiiinir in fiun iown- ship, ndloliilng lands of James RhodM, William Scott, John lingo nnd others, containing about O.NK HUNDRED AND EIOHTKEN ACRES. lOOofwlllCh arc elenred nml In n nnntt klnlnnf '"""""" iiieini iii ii in an oxfeiicui neluli borhood, convenient to roads, mills Ac., and has an ttbuiidunco of limber nnd coal of the best quality. Tnere union the premises ncomfor tnbleHtone DwellinB Miiik. krmu (tinhi. ..nj other hnlldtiigs. There nro also a variety of r . ui (i,:i-ii,i nit- iiauiy oi ll'ltll: TERMS OF SALE: The land to be mild bv tlm ftnfi fitifl nn n.tli I i-fl of the purchase money to reman lu the hands of in.- r""'-oiueriiiiring ine nie of tho widow orihe deceased, the IntereKt lolHinaiH in I... ally, the principal at her death to the heirs or I V V. ' ui3k.ii s one-i iiim upon Hie 1st of April nest, when posKwsinu is lo heglvtn and thurnmaliilng third In one vear thereiifu r with Interest from the first of April ISiW The unpaid piirehnse money and Interest to the idow to ho secured bv jutlgnirnt or mortgage at the option of tlie Executor. WILLIAM (1O11D0N. ESertilTirof the Will ofHarnrt Wliltlnteh dee'd il;n-ts. s HERIKi'-S SALE. HV Virtue of a wrltrrf Venditlnnl i sncd out ol theCoiirtiil'Common l'leasof ijrtene ivuiiiy, nnu mme (iirreien, tnere will be expos ed to piiblicsnle at the Court Houso, lu W ay ncsburg, ou flalurday THE 23sn DAY OF FEBRUART, 18B9,' at 1 o'clock, r. m.. the following properly, viz: All the riir it. tit e. Intere! mul iui Ar ,i. South Western Oil tdmnanv, of, In and to a cvrlain tract of land iu Monongahcla lownshin. iir...-iiii coiimy, m. containing at a AIKEN, more or less, about lm nerns cleared, adjoining lands of Edward ('leavenCer. John Dutiham. Heirs of E. Evans and on the East by Hie Mo ni'iixHlielH river, mid lias ereeled thereon, one llrlek liwellina House, three tenant houses r rnme Hum. Frimie Hiuiiit, H,,i n.i ,..,i.....i Taken In exee'ltliMi as the Us. II III U'fufl. llili'A .i'.' . V u va.isjuuij' Ml till) HUlt fU.IO Hlmrirr. XECCT0R8'a SALE! tlnc'd., w 111 noil at jmblic mU on tho )f nmis-w, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, '08, i. ' ' Cirwmfl towusliip, Oroone connly, I'ft.. ono TWO ST011Y BRICK HOUSE! The homestead and. and ten acres of land nd- s. "i- 'iiri n rori. mere is on tne nmml.ua m nnrut .... 1. 1 .. ... .. i . - u " fl""" ",,, , ni,i,7i,t,-iiiillr, 1VOOI1- use, shed and cribs, orelinnl and small fruits. 1 his proHrty Is well calouluted for a runuc house, torf ou a!tt runLic HCMlNlSfi. f,ood mills, stores, shops ond churches In the IILIUI15, ' A L I O One farm containing SIXTY AcnHi! adjoining . . ui '-""""', .ieinii"ii nun oiners, , u, niiii-.iiHr,, uimreo, an unoer goon fence and well watered. Tills Is excellent groirlng TERMS i made known on dav of sale, hv JA COR HAM EH, l;15,'68-ts a. I ei i r, tos, Executors. ;jl 0 K SALE! Asths Arm of iolin' O. ICnrAv rl i. i... mutual oonsent dissolved, tin business will be enrrl.1 nn hv .1 i. 1. .,u . X Roads, until April 1st. lsss: I offer rnv entlro stock at first eosl, and the rent of t lie property for one ynnr with the privilege of renting for n longer period. This Is a desirable Inent ion for in Lierrnnino iiiineita, a gixnl eoiniiiiinitv, convenient to Schools. I'hnreh. Post iimc'e Ulnck-milh, etc., etc. My entlro atock was bought this Hummer und Fall, i;i.tf JuiiN ft. rrmriYcr;. p,"T!,,,?, l? W?, '"rll' purpowi of Inning and drilling for oil, Ofth.,lt r nther minerals, will be wild without fesefve.nttliel'lillailelphia Exchange, Philadelphia, ortTIMWDAY, Mnreh 51th, Isw Hl l2oelut'k. nhoil. Terms ensh, !:i tobe ifl ,J at time nfsle, bnlSi.eeon delivery ol '.'".T.d- l-1U'i5 !A.H. S."Nf' Auctioneers, lliB-Jl 1.13 4 Hi onlh Fourl h Ml., Phll'n. I )UBMC 8 A LEI run i-. n i . . ... ' j n-LLV . ''"so-aaiion or iiimmixr land Presbylerlan Church linvlng concluded to build a new house of worhlp In different loca tion from the bnent building, will oner at public sale, nn the premises, lu thu Borough ol Wnynushurg, on ; BATCRDAf , tE JIB DAY Or Fane AT JTElT, the- Real Estate ' belonging tosahl Congregation, oonslstlngofTWi) I.OTX of ground i ald Iwrl migh, ImIiib los Nos. fill Am i ihe plan of ,l,l Ikiriiugh. with the chilrcu bulhllng erected oa snld lots. Tr.RfsorSt.E:-One.thlrd in lnd. balance In scml-aubual pnynieula, with lnt.jr.wt. C.JCorumlttee. JU BUtntT. M. D, , : 1 I. t. -i s' .. r I T ) lo I A N A K.D ft ti It ( K 0 17, ffflc at till residence, opposlto'tho 'Wright House," Waynesburg, l'a. . . - e Pis vl Females matte a speciality. ' ' liii93m. - 'i.,.. - . . j)UBIiIC SALE! The mrm mntnlnlnif 72.V mnehlnerr; ,CKilo '!n, S 1 1 K K 1 FAI1M OIL COM PA N V of l'hlladelpliia. ou "liunkard Creok." (Ireene CfMinlv. l'a..subreet tos i.,u.u,.r i-. n.nH.i RCAT fAXIU IN THE PRICES OF BOOTS. AND STlOtSI - . WIUJAH DLRRYUILL'S, ireCRAMtm' HOW, WATMESBCBO, ftMM'A. Havln; Jhst purchased a heavy StoeV of Roots and Hfbes ot tha FINEST and 1IEMT VIL'ALITV to be found In the East, he now has the Beet se lected and most complete assortment of theso floods over brought to Hue Town. And he offars to sell FOR CASH Men's best, whole stock, Honie-rrfaun Boots, 17 inch lea. at .W.uO. .1.28 and 5.IJU-. Men s Fine Call at 37.30, With a uniform deduction In rates, on all kinds of stock. Mr. llerryhltl having au ex porienco of 15 years in the manufacturing of BOOTS AND SHOES 1 Is tliorouchlr nMualnttMXth thebttklTiMa. and has taken groat cre to niak this a . RUPEUIOR 80CK TO XNY KEfT HERE lot out. CxporlnctMl hnmU copstantly eirVbloywJ lniiiKklnft to oriitir ahil wfc Can safety say that at no pla' lu Iht'MQ "di(?glnf(ei" nan tho muto rial and workmanship be surpass!. ALL WORK WARRANTED, Iler.ow asks his friends and the public to eall and examine his stock, as lie feels confident that he can please them. WM. llKKKYltlLL. lls-tf Mechanics' Row, Waynesburg, ra. G HEAT BAK0A1NSI BOOT S AND SHOES! NEW 9T0CK1 NCW STOlilv I CUSTOM-MADfi WORK! CIIEAl'ER THAN F.VEIl, AT 31. C. & H. IiELVS, (St'CCMIORS TOlHAlSTET),) S A Y K U C O R X K R WAY N KRHUllG, PA. nnd fi.xumiiio, and iai monoyt C. A it. F.i.VH FOH BARGAINS flOTO M iiwdcnts' (States. A IXMINiS'fltAtOH'S KOTICE. Lottrrs of administration, com, test., upon tho nvnfWDiu((, den a., havins nncn Rrantrd to thfi nnni'r.slncd, nil ri-otH Iti'tohtfl to snld putitto uii' iiniiu, iiniini ii nr iiumti imiiiitmilii yi$ niHiit, nnd tliotin Imvinii claims nsulnnt thesmnn tf nrHcnt thitm properly auth.'tilloiiti'd fttr t- ll.......nl Iflll V f iiiMiiriu. uuim .i. nr..M 1;H-Uw Adin i nlrttmtor. T KQAL JiOTlCK. Lttfrflof n1niiftlfitrnti(m upon Hia iwtat of Inn hean grunted tu thu undernlKiiM, uolieo H hiTrljv ctvrn tu all iti'rmons IrxttiMed to Hitld 'Htnt to rnak ImmfltHtfi puymont, nnd thxe nnvinR rinimw nptiTim im mum? io prtt'iit tiiem pruuui ly authi'ntlcatt-d rnrscttlpmont. MKNKY LKiHTNKR, MirA.TAII MflHTNRK, MA.MUISL UOHTIVKI !l:10-8t, F.SOcutOrt. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FAMILY MAOAZIN10. IIOUKS AtHOMRv A rOFCLAH MONTlfLY OF INrtTRUCTION ANDRKCRKATION. With thenumbcr for November, noURS AT HUM K enterM upon the Mlxth Volume. Imrini the two years nnd a half of its publication It has grown sieauuy m panne isvor, drawing srotina It, n constantly Increasing circle of readers. Avoiding; everything sensational, It has aimed to furnish HEAltHFI'L. INSTRUCTIVE, AND fixtEft TAIMNO KEADINO FOR TIIR FAMILY and the romurltable degree of nwCnm whlh It ItHH rnclifd in tho intml Mttufactyry proof tlmt ortnm ftngivrn of (he iropiilHr n'd f uf h n m riodlcnL Tim same urn era! nrinrrlnlPH whi rn hfiv.' cunlrollcfl It hmetofore will eontlnu? to gtihl It j nnd, hn prnol Unit its rotidtirloi mwn tnAp.tro no effort to (inciiro the prnductlnnn of urn ninfc mini, nmive nnu roniKn. ror tne amiiKoniPnt nnd profit of lu rnM.-r, thoy nn nounrr the following special uttrucllona for the I N TUE CUCEMOEW NOfBKB annoar the otumlng elmrtcm of a new orlol, en titled "Tho Chaplte of Fcnrls," by MISS YOXGE, Tho Popnlar Author of 'ttif. nnin of reict.yffe." Thlsstory, which (a one of the. time of the imgiienots.is, as mtroductorv chapters show, wrliutii In .vilss Yongo's most attractive and pleasing style and it promisee to he of great Illicreei. II win appear inillllKHAT ltMK siiiiiiiiiiiieousiy wnnns puMieiiiion In Iomlon, from advance sheets .reruni! for ttini purpoee. Theeoinliieton of lim its AT iloMK lme also engaged a series of original iai.ers from ' MR. JAMES GREEXWO0D, ; A ui her of "The Mnibctti Cnsunl,"and of nume rousothcrsketehes, port raving n-lth remarkable gruphlc imwer the condition of tlie lower classes in Kiiglnnd. Mr, trri.nwrKNl will prejiare tUeee pni'ers eiwleiiy f(,r IIOI'Kh AT llome, and their pnbllciitlou will bv commenced In an early DR. HORACE BUSHXELL, Whose rliscnsslons of 'The Moral Itses of Park Things" have been received with so much favor by the more thoughtful readers of the magajlne, will continue to contribute regularly to lis pag v. but upon a different runge of subjects. Kasuys. altotches, short stories, poems, Ac., Ac, may boantlelpated from the numerous popular writers who are already favorites with the read ers of HOL K.1 AT 110 JlK. fspKCIAL PREMIfMS : "Prayers from Plymouth Pulpit" by Henry Vard hc.vlior For one new subscriber W, aud 35eouts additional when the booku seat at our expense. "Kiitnrlna" Timothy Tltcomb's New Poein For one new subscriber and SS. "flucens of Anierlmii Hoclety" PY Mrs. E. F. Ellet-ttYntalning U HU'ut Knararlugs,) for two L' Mtor1n-Clllr By Miss 8. J. PrltcliaM-For ono sniiseriuor j-h arm oenta auuiuoiuu when the book Is senf af our expense. ' RanPLAHPnrwinN: For two subscribers or one subscriber for two years, Carpenters sprendld imrlrfilt et Lincoln, For twenty sob serilie r.,inM V heeler tk Wilson's best ti miw In maelilne.- - 1 Tsrmh : f I a rr.' Clnbfrtr for si it eTnVire, 12 Ml. To.Cleriryinen and Tencners, M.- - IluLSD'Vol.rJfiai Tlirt woric MmnlnU Ia thi present rime la elegantly bound In Ova vols., and will be sent free for J1P? Single Toramos, t-2 m. ror 9i, eiiuer voinmq anil a yenr.sstin. sertptlon. l:A.'t-f' V. V. IlIllSKB i;r,, . . , No. AM D roadway,- G .n.AJi'K McOUIWASI ANN'OVNCES illMBELF AM A fcANDIDATE foh Tnn Patronage op tiie I'EOl'I.E IN THE IICBINrSiS OK 81T.I.INU DRY dOOOH. ROOM OTTOSITE THE GHEENE HCfUSE, WAYNiaifuna, pa. IIo has Inf. received and Is now offering, for ss'.e at tlio loweit prices, the flm-at stock Of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Ever before offered in this mark, crists'ting In pari, oi rau ana v inter .io.njug FOR MEN AND BOY SI A Vetf largo flock thftt otnnot b nx4VM ; aUe LADIES' GOODS Of all klhds, cVrfMs.rng In part,,f New Dresa and lloak Trimmings, Velvet Ribbons every wli7fi aud Shade ; Hatlns and silks, latent styles IrUQLE TRIMXWQ3 AND BH.TT0N3 1 Rash, Bonnet, Neck and Trimming Ribbrtris ; ijiccs real point, Appiquo ana .vaiencia. Hnn.ll...K,l.A..,J .M C..KMI.I...aJ stltchcUaad I'Alli, Hamburg work a fitle as sortment. Jet atj boqwood JEVEi.nt. A laVfce asaortmerr! of Kid oioVea first troallty for mill's and gentleman. t straw, Velvet and plcss hats Ron'rieta and Bonnet Frnrnes; Bonnet orfca ments and flowers, both French and American ; together with any and all articles In use by la dles. Ask for anything yoa want and we can supply you. Also a "no assortment of CARPETS And wall pAfer of various kinds a patterns, all of whten will be sold cheap as IhccheMiVr. ll:ia-tf. FR.VNK McOURO.VN, gOMETHINQ NEW I . MK. ft. , AYEJW A HOflKINSW! Have Just arrived from the East with a largo assortment oi torfign anauomeniu D tt Y G O O 1) 8 FALti AND WINTER STYLES I hlch they projrtfti to sell at 'h loSvost CAHII prices i urnflB tmxn unoui, iinH Trim mtUK, Drew Jluttons, Indira tilinwlH, I toot h Arid fchm.; llfitnand Clips; lo, a gnvit variety oi nlronrtlcl.', at vory low tot OENTLEltEN AND LADIES' WfiAft, , Wnrr-it of nil klflds. AriflhrofnTilntft varlrtv ffThV bwt OHOC'KHIK-S. AUof hfoh thy prnpotw to wit nt iitii iiiwrni iitiit'n, .ti-pciif ii on iiiw ortnlitv nnd rh(!UpiutSH of their goods to gnln lllt'lll Ctltttulll. lvo tlii'in n frill hfffnrn pnrchnnlnpr lrwhPrtj, nnd (Cry will provn that tin trrvo In correct. I loom inAI)Ufnrt hiitltting, nhrly oppofiito lh LOiiri i i nunc, uyntmnurR. o-u N . 1$. NOW IS TIIE TIME TO litJY DRY GOODS J Notions, Hosiery, Hoots and Shoes, and Uata at tne great CLOSING OUT SALES Or SHIRK A SUTTON. We are determined to close out our en tire sck, and will sell nil goods atcijst and less, evefi at present wnoiesuie prices iiereareprlcesof soffie sinpio gooas, ana oinereai sun greater jeauc. Hons will bo found among our stock r Rest Brown Muslin .,......'.., ...v...i ISe Rest prltits ,.. , lie IlleiiCherl Musllrl i!l'jnc lielaines iwaiaie t snton flannels and Iirillings ane Farmers' aud Mechanics' caaslnior. i' Jeans , 2f)e Watcr-proofCloth f nvI SO NEW FLAN.VFT.fl, irjSIEKY, . OLOVF, KuTRTNa, Ac, Ac. A large lot of WOW AND SHOES! all new irtork and ''nutmn mado woVtr at rdne I Ion of QTt to .13 ptr rt'iit. from prtf?f.'it sAlllnpr prlron. Hrrne extra fn'y C'aMhuritf ut (he wimp reduction, Juki boucht lnat month, (on unltvmir lntnt hr mlltn at onr and that wo mean Jtit what weaay, and will sell anything you want nn low as yvu can as It It. A. Wl.sott m-.'abtiiWlftJf. M'aT-tf , WftyiiPrtbuiK, Pa. D iry ooaDs At "' ' " W II 0 L ES A I E e M'ELUOY, DICKSON & CO. - i- 'i " 1 ' NO. M WOOD STREET, . riTTSBtTiait, f A. Now onV'j to dealers tholr FAII STOCK, " '.'at low rmcEa ros cAsn. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, . : IN GREAT VAnfKTY, - '.. i ' : ' ttU-tm, , . . , ., ,. BLAcits3ilTuLN0 ocuaiiituCfa" Forth InfMrmatlAn'Af thcDahltr whn dtmtir worn done in this lmt41taut t ranch of Mochau- MS., j a ctob i" "h o b V e e , Anrtobneee himself eoenpetont and wfllrng to doaiiVtlilng In the line, (shoeing horses en-ept-ed.) He Is an exr)ert and will warrant aatlafao 1; ton - unop near idc t'laainf mil - . mi-if Energetic men ad jjicraS'WiiiT KD TO CANVASS FORTHE ORtOlrT AND;niSTORY0F TUB BOOKS OFTHE BfLE. ritoi'. calViii;. arowaT, d.,d. rshowhig what ths'Blble Is not j wbat'lt la, anil how to use It ; tracing the history of eacbbook to It origin with the Inspired authors, anil , completelv anawerlniv all Ir.H.Il mvII. nn oh. lections iio the Herjnture, it Is an ordinary Up Wary of lllblleal 'ifistory hi a single volume, i? ' ccurtft. eoucfusive and highly in- It ISneiYilll In vri iSn, 1 1 . 'Sh'SA.'S taiui, tts well as by every Bubbath School Wacher, 7, .i . ""ej"ru',lu uwaiuivniu' dvo ., on the, siTjJeot ever published or soldi tbla coanrry agnnu ran easily see the advantage of ' canvassing for this work. Head for circulars containing notices and indorsements from lead ing ministers of all denominations. Address. iZEIOLER, McCURDYACO ' WMO-a? Arch,ftr8ctt fblla4elpula,t. DAINT3 FOR FARMERS AND OTHERS life (Srfi ft(m STIfrBral Paint Co. are now marm aeturlng tha Rest, Cheapest,. andthoat Curable ' i'nlnt In isn ; two coats well f (11 on, mixed w'tli Jureliuseed oil, will last 10 c 18 years ; It Is of a vight brown or beautiful chocolate color, andca4 be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It la valuable for Housed, llama, Fences, Carriage and Car-makers, rails and Wooded-ware, Agricul tural Implements, Canal lloats, Vessels and ghlps' llottoms, canvas, Metal and Hlilngl Ttoofs, (It being fife and water proof,) Floor Oil 'Cloths, (ono manufacturer having used Sou) bbls. lire past yenr.i ana as a.pauu ror any purioae is u!!tiriMiieu iut uuay. aaruuiiuy, eiasucujr, aiirt ailhoslveness. -Price K per Ubl. of 300 ., Mch wui supply a rarmer loryearaio come, war ranted In all coses as above. Send for a circular which gives full particulars. None genuine un- ess nranueu in airaue mark u mil on .Mineral faint. Address DANIEL BIDWF.LL. jl8,'87-m kit Pearl Street. New York. . JEVO&TION In TRADE I Ijidins: von can reelve for the sum of ONH Dill, I.Alt I Hllk, Merino and Alpacca Dresses. Biinwis, iinimornis, i,inen uuoas, cmDosseoi TaMo Covers, W'alcbes, Jewelry, Hllver Plated Ware, Hewing Maohlnes, ec. 8epd clubs of ten or fnore, with ten cepTS fr each '(leserlptlva cnacK, ana tne geiur un oi ins ciuo win reoerve a present wortb IJto WO. according to number sort. Agents wanted everywhere. Circulars seit free, PARKER A CO., W AM Felnral Street. HosWn. WjaMio. T 10 AKMEItSAfib OTHERS. A troori A a.it wanted In ever townshln of thl county to still Wrateott's Adlnsbabt Hash C'hnrn I the best butter maker now manufaeturi'd. We do not promise fabulous salaries to our agents, but do guarantee good wages to -good meti. we are anxious to hare this l 'hum Introduced, end to tills end will make favorable arrangements with early applicants, Address . THOB. 11. IIIS01IA.M t CO.. IjH-ly Mi Pimn St., Pnuburgb, Pa. I MPOitTAST TO" 1BUI LI)Ei(S and CONTK A CTORSl WaVNEMDCRO STEAM K.ANIXU' MILL, . H gl vf its pleastlrt tb snnaunce to the publiS the cOmpleilori of this work and tha readiness ol the proprietors to RECEIVE- ORDERS! MAKE COSTRA'Ofl) i . . Thelrest fmprnved machinery Is need. Flani. ing, Plonghlng and Grooving, Hush and boor Milking, Funnelling, Hipping, moulding :: rapidly and sKllfully executed. Kuling prices paid for AL. KEfo9 OP LUMBER I They are ufro prepared to di all kinds of Carpen ter Work, with the utmost promptness, anil id Die m)tit siibsiniitlal manner. They respectfully solicit a sharo of piiblla fialronnge, and llailer themselves that they will u all cases be able to GIVE fcNTirtK SATISFACTION I Ail orders promptly attended to. BftADF.N, WALTON A BAYKKB, VMf w-aynesbllrt, Pa . gOMETHINS HEW JN WAYSEWHt flrt, PENrf A.' Tit dS. BRADENA! CO.,' (At Ihe stl"V roobi fhrmerlv occupied by Andrew Wilson, Mr., next door to llrudun's Drug more.) Respbetrully Informs thr good people of Greene county, that tbey have opened a HARD WARE 8 TORtt And Invites K cull from their friends nnd the pub lic generally. Theirstore in filled with everything Inthelr line needed by the farmernnd mechanic. Being practical Airmers, they know exactly tho witnlx ol tht lr ftirtnvr friends. Among their var iety of goods will be found Iron, Nails, of all Kinas, i-ianee oi an vnrieue, Augers. I pi nil vnrletlex, Augers, Braces, Ac. Tuttle tHithw, cross cut nmr mill nana saws ana tools of ail descriptions. AGRICTLTtRAL 11IPLEMENT3. Mowing Machines, Cutting Boxes, Corn Rhellerst Plows, Cultivators, Hhovels, Forks, and every, tbiug In their line; , , , - 8ADDLEUT nARDWAWi " A general assort men! of ssddlery hardware, trf which they invite the utu-utlou of purchasers. WOODEN WAUE Or ALL KINDS. Tubs, Buckets, Butter BowU and all kinds of Kitchen Wooden Flxln's. Willow Baskets, Brooms, Brushes, Coal Buckets, ltrtus Kettles, Biutry WBIps, Hnot guna, Boys WatfOha and Mela. All persons desirous of purchasing any r)f ?M above articles and many others not mentioned, will osusnlt their Interest by CAXLtS'a soos. Tlis will take pleasure In showing I heir slnek. i an i iini.il. iso give tuem a call wnen you come, o town. ItwiernTjcrUic place, opposltcthe First National Bank. isr.'-tr T. BltADEN A CO. E. A. TINKER miNKER & MAPEL, - II. Tj. MAPEL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS . FOR TIIE SALE OP HOGS, CATTLE AND . SHEEP . . AT TlIEIR OWN TARDA, WEST BALTIMORE, MARTLAND. ADJOININO MD. UVX STOCK SCALES. Consignments iVapeefnillj' ahtlcltssl. All com-, munlcations proniptly answered. Peat Offloa AdUresa Box 7;34-l. o. or a' r.f , . fibainMKA L6tal, ltx su, , Ffntl In ftsnear's Bnlldhig, Fast Main MbwV Wayneabnrgi Par TuwiSatordky evening, eacS imk. . ., dn. o. op a r.f -v . . "WAYNEfiBrita LOikTE, NO. . tfall In Asncnr'a fliiildlhr esst Main BlreeV Waynesburg, Pa. Time, Tuesday evening, each cek. 2f