The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, January 15, 1868, Image 2

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agu&Wg cpubiicait, cfrucsjtoj;, omwrg 15, 1868.
"VAYNtaUfKU. i'EN.N A.
Vlnoiiday, .Tnu. 1. w'
nv or hmiiui mriut
Tue following are a few of the arj;
lucnU upon which tho X. Y.
bases itd ileumml of Kqnal Rights for
AH. ' However dogmtrtweliy cxpress
for the life of s we don't sec how
tliey can be sensibly contradicted. AVe
wrumi-nd them to tho reflection of
niM voters : '
If suffrage could tornado dependent
on virtue, morality, intelligence, educa
tion, creed, or race, whom of us would
our neighbors allow to vote? Virtues
become vices when the vicious arc
indues. Morality is a moral stench in
the nostrils of thedepraved ; and which
are the depraved depends on who are
the mond critics. Mast men's morality
Compounds fur ins tlicy aro lnr lined to
By damning those they havo no miud to.
W'c nil have ooiwienees keenly alive
to the dinscotnmitted by others. A nd,
m to intelligence, a fool always looks
upon a philosopher as an ass. A knave
instinctively holds a man of piety to
1, livnoorite. A thief, whether in
or out of our legislatures, winks at hon
esty as the last pretence of a scoundrel.
And ft drunkard laceups in his
maudlin etupor that the only cliffi'i-oncc
between a saint and him is, that one
fjrts drunk on rum and the other on
religion. The slaveholders, whose
property in the slave was a daily thelt
of his wages, honestly scorned tho hero
who gave the slave his freedom ns on
a moral par with the thief who steals
a horse. Nouc are so conceited in esti
mating their wisdom as tho intensely
ignorant; none so appreciative of the
intelligence of the humblest iu their
sphere as the very wise. A sailor
would despise a Newton who would find
everything to admire in the skill with
which the sailor fulfilled the functions
of his narrow but useful sphere of life.
Contempt for men of any kind, class,
or race, is never felt by the best men
nor the highest races for the lower, but
always by the lower tor the higher.
Tt is not" the Christs who crucify the
rabble, nor Socrates who administers
hemlock to the dunces, nor Galileo
who imprisons the bigots, nor the re
formers who burn the sensualists at the
stake. So it is not the. higher ehisses
of the American or English nation
who object to universal suffrage, but
they whose right to the suffrage is as
doubtful as that of those to whom it is
proposed to extend it. Ask the first
man vou meet who eannit read,
whether the right to vote ought to be
tion of UWvte. Suffrage, bear in
miud that Voters only require to know
which prty most sincerely favors the
class It which they belong. They do
yiot vote on questions of policy or
statesmanship, but only for one or the
other of two, icldoui three, political
par-ties. The general principles to
which parties are pledged always em
anate from the most exiwricnccd minds
in the country. The particular steps
in legislation by which those princi
ples are to be carried out are discussed
bv the ablest minds in both political
parties. The two parties tone their
platforms and policies suthciently to
ward each other that the general dif
ference between them is more one of
time than of principle. The Demo
cratic party favors to-day what the Re
publican party advocated a year ago,
and the extreme Radicals were advo-
a sew mix.
On Monday morning of last week,
after muoh discussion, the Reconstruc
tion Committee reported a new bill,
with the following provisions : 1st. I
To abolish civil governments in the
Southern States. 2nd. That Oen'l.
Grant be empowered to enforce upon
his subordinates tho performance of all
aets authorized by former reconstruc
tion bills, and that he may remove and
appoint at will commanders for the
several districts, to tho "end that the
people of the several States may speedi
ly re-orgauizo civil governments, re
publican in form, in said States, and
be restored to political power in the
Union." 3rd. Calls for the removal
of civil oflicers in the provisional gov
ernments and cuts off the power of the
President to appoint commanders for
districts. 4th. The President must in
eating two years ago. no w,y interfere to assert the authori-
Tlms in Finance, the position of the j tv 0f pr0visIoti:tl governments. 5th.
Democratic party was originally lr Xorrihnll any party obstruct the orders
hard money, and against State banks ; j Oftho General, under penalty of a fine
and heartily approving of its theory
and plnu for tho reconstruction of the
disloyal States as the only means of se
curing the rights of tho loyal citizens
thereof, and fully recognizing tho p:i-
A ...I ... . .. 1 ! ..I'fl....
triousni, integrity unu scvuw u. jwh.
U. S. Grant, and' accepting his actions
and utterance as proof of full accord
with the nrine'iDles and measures
which under his lead, triumphed over
treason and rebellion, and upheld the
iust and loval powers of the Govcrn-
. . . 1 ... IV -
ment, do hereby nominate mm ior
President of these Unite I States.
fGreat cheerliiDr.l
IMved, That Andrew G. Curtin,
hy Ins (listinguislie;l puuiie services,
his eminent canacitv and fitness, ami
devoted attachment to the soldiers of
Pennsylvania, challenges our best re
sneet and coniidence.nudappronriatelv
indicates him as our nominee for the
position of Vice President of the Uni
ted States.
The delegates from each Congress
ional District were appointed to rep
resent the Roys in Mucin the Nation
al Convention, to be held in Chicago,
and represent the voice oftho conven-
lion, arier w hich it iiojuuriuni u,
then for State banks and opposed to
greenbacks ; and now it is for green
backs and against the National banks,
and, should any improvement be sug
gested in the National Banking Sys
tem, it would io for the National
Banks and against improvement. Thus
on the most intricate qutntions of fi
nancial policy, tho voter can at best
mil v lag a year or two behind, and by
voting the Conservative ticket ho will
in the course of it lifetime vote for all
of the principles which ho would have
voted for had he voted the Radical
ticket, except that he votes for them a
vear or two litter. Voting, therefore
though a very important, is a very
simple right, and one which requires
neither learning nor ability to exercise
without harm, and with real advan
tage to the country.
But the principal use of the ballot is
to secure for the humblest citizen the
respect of otlieials, and kind and just
treatment at the hands of courts. De
prive a race of the ballot, and every
agency of Government winch ought to
to protect will combine to oppress them.
Deprive the Southern Freedmen of
the ballot, and oppression, resistance,
and a war of races, are inevitable.
Leave them the ballot, and peace
and ultimately prosperity are as
lir II ma W v. . That from ami
after this date no distilled spirits shall
he withdrawn or removed from any
warehouse for purposes of transporta
tion, rectification, change of package,
exportation, or for any other purpose
whatever, until the full tax on such
t. !,,.,, Imnii iimIiI :inil nil
of the United States if nil men ought j ' j u ()fa(;ts i,.(msistent with
not exceeding $5,000 and imprison
ment not exceeding two years. 6th.
All previous Acts that conflict with
the above are hereby repealed.
This bill has not been acted upon
and it is uncertain what favor will be
shown it. The vote of the Committee
was :
Ykas Messrs. Boutwell, Bingham,
Famsworth, Hubbard, Brennan and
N.vvs Messrs. Stevens,! Pa.) Brooks
and Brcck.
Whether it passes or not it is not
calculated to heighten the opinion of
rebels for our law-making powers.;
Perhaps, it was imlv introduced to in
timidate them into propriety of con
duct. The non-combatants in war and
shriekers in peace, on both sides of
the line, need bayonets for a rule of
conduct. They have such a holy hor
ror of glittering steel.
CitiMK of nil kinds, especially in
cendiarism and robbery, has never been
more prevalant than now. Our State
exchanges are of opinion that well-organized
bands of experienced thieves
ire leaving Philadelphia, Baltimore,
and the other principal cities, at stated
periods, who move under concerted
plans, in order to rob dwelling houses,
dcfenoelfifw villages, and carry on
depredations generally.
i J r is rumored that General Meade
The following bill passed both j validated several orders of the Georgia
Houses and was sent, to the President 1 Convention, assembled at Atlanta and
on Thursdav last. It is said he will j instructed civil ollreials to see they are
approve it
.4 Republican meeting broken up by i
mob Uore of Uen. Hancock- I'nllcy.
G a i.viiV)S, January 0. A meet
ing of Republicans held in' Marshall,
Tex;i, on the 31st tilt., was broken up
by a mob. Judge Caldwell, the Spea
ker, was fired at several times, and
sought protection at the post head
quarters. 1 lie disturbers ot tne peace
were arrested by the military, but af
terwards, by order of Gen. Hancock,
were turned over to the civil authori
ties, who released them on bail.
IElLonAlll.r. FACTS.
limited, and he will answer-Yes! Not
of course expecting the limitation will
exclude him, who cannot read, but that
it will exclude some foreigner or negro
who can. But ask the Chief-Justice
obeyed. That he has removed Gov
ernor Jenkins and appointed Brig.
Gen. Dunn, of Pope's staff, in his stead
and is otherwise "raising the lint" on
the won't-be-rcconstriicted. Wc are
not afraid to trust 4ho South in the
hands of such as Meade.
IIokackGkeklky lectured in Read-
to vote without limitation, cither as to ., provisions thereof are hereby re-j inji the other evening. Among the
education or property, and he answers, pealed.
"Certainly: voting is the simplest of j This will have the effect of stopping
nil matters j men do not vote for mea- a great many distilleriesand, of course,
surcs, nor even for principles, but only i there will be the corresponding de
fer one of two political parties, and , crease of other evils ; besides collect
tbe most itrnorant man knows with Ling, in a great measure, revenue upon
citizens who called on him was Hon.
Iliester Clymer, who subsequently
placed bis sleigh at his disposal, and
accompanied lrinr on a ride.
The Philadelphia Eveninrj HUtr dis-
couses thus mournfully on tho extrav
agance of the day : Let the times be
as hard as they may the votaries of
lasliion will liavetlieir eniovment. o
aro now in the midst of the ball and
party season, and notwithstanding the
fact that tens ot thousands aro out ol
employment, and as many more are
crying for bread lor themselves tne
car of pleasure moves on, and its occu
pants seemingly as hilarious ami jubi
lant as though we were in the midst
of season of prosperity and plenty.
Immense sums of money are being ex
pended by those who have it, and, it is
to be apprehended, by some who have
it not. Remonstrance, of course, is
useless. Fashion rules the hour. Nero
fiddled while Rome was burning, and
men and woman flock to places of fash
ionable amusement attired jn costly
raiment, whoso butcher, baker, and
grower's bill have not been settled for a
six mouths, and who are indebted to
the dry goods merchant for th"! mate
rial and to the mantua-maker for the
making oftho silks, satins and velvets
with which they aro bedecked. Gaily
attired wives and dauchters sallv out
on fine days from their homes and
pronrenadcour fashionable thoroughfare
the wonder and admiration of the pas
ser by, leaving behind them at home
empty larders and a host of unpaid
bills.' Of course, all arc not of this
class, but, unfortunately, too many be
long to it. Oh! the scornful heart of
the toiling, wearied huslxuids. J ay by
, i ,i .. .i. i
day, year ny year iney worn aim wor
ry to'provide'the means wherewith to
sustain this unpardonable extavagance,
only to find themselves in the end worn
out, broke down mentally and physi
cally, ami hopelessly bankrupt.
On Tuesday, of lust week the Senate
convened at three o'clock, Speaker
Graham, presiding. The new Sena
tors answered and were sworn rn. iu -Candless,
Democrat, of Philadelphia,
nrotrated against tho old opeaKer
swearing in the new Senators. Ruled
out. For speaker Jas. L. Uralmm,
l)eniilili5in. received 19 votes: A.
Wallace, Democrat, 14. Mr. Wal
lace administered the oath of office to
Mr. Giuliani, after which bo made
some very appropriate remarks for the
Geo. W. I lammorsley of Philadel
phia was elected Clerk. F. M. Hutch
inson, of Pittsburg, was the Demo
cratic candidate. All the candidates
of yesterday's Republican caucus were
At 12 o'clock, the House was called
to order by J. R. M'Afee, Assistant
clerk. The Secretary of the Common
wealth Frank. Jordan was announced
and presented tho credentials of the
members elected, which were read.
The roll was railed, all the members
being present but one.
On motion, the House went into an
election for Speaker. R. L. Jones, E.
W. Davis, S. M'Camaut and John
Ewing were nominated as candidates
for the much coveted position. Six
ballots were had without clleeting any
oriranization.the vote standing: Davis,
43 ; Jones, lo', M'Camaut, i ; Ewing
'2. Armstrong, of Lancaster, Bcekert
and Riddle, of Allegheny ; Espy, of
Crawford : Richards, of Fulton; Rob-
uison, ot .Mercer; ami narton, u
lltintinirton : vote I for M'Camaut;
M'Cnnmnt, of Blair, and Smith of
Allegheny, voted for Davis. lhc
Democrats .went solid for Jones.
This dead lock continued until Fri
day last, when the bolters gave way
and voted for Davis for Speaker, which
secured his election. The vote stood
fifty-one for Davis and forty-three
for Jones, tho Democrat candidate.
It seems that tho State Treasurer-ship
was at the bottom of the bolt, and it is
said that tho bolters made a proposition
to the Democrats to support their can
didate for that office if in payment
therefor they would vote tor iiWing
or some other Republican other than
Davis for Speaker. This proposition
is said to have been entertained, but
shortly alter the bolters yielded and
went for Davis as already stated.
The business of the session will now
proceed. It is understood that the
lion. Geo. Wilson, of Allegheny, will
bo Chairman of the House Railroad
The conduct of these men is repre
hensible in the extreme and will give
them a very unfavorable reputation
throughout the State.
tug what tney tuemseives win not, anu
chargo tho governnieut with the re
sponsibility of their own mismanage
ment. They are mad with everything
and can be trusted and believed in
nothing. They made at one time a
great ; hue ami cry about their planta
tions being sold at great sacrifices to
pay taxes or mortgages and no sooner
was n law passed against that, than
they Bay that since the passage by the
Convention of the temporary ordinance
prohibiting the levy of executions and
sale of property they are not able to
collect anything and that all business
except a little retail trade is practical
ly dead. Another says :
If affairs goon as they arc for ninety
days longer there must ba many fail-
nres. it is (pure tiiipossuuu m www
collections. The money is not to be
had. I heard one nierchat say that
of f 19,000 duo him bv different par-
ties, chiefly planters, lie coum realize
almost nothing. He had his business
and wastrvimr to srain a bare support
for his family until the return ot lienor
A New Orleans correspondent takes
a more correct view and says : The
South is passing through a terrible yet
necessary ordcalas themeansofthe ad
justment of society on a basis of a sound
political economy and of just relations
between man ami man. I never saw
such a stagnation and utter want of
contidenee. ircuu isuwi a
That is the whole thing in a nut
shell, want of confidence, but the
South has not touched bottom yet, a
new order of things is inevitable. The
nmetiee. of industry, economy and
honesty will soon relievo them of their
inconveniences of poverty. Cireulat-
Notlco Ik hnreby (jlvon lo the Taz-payrr of
(Iri'vntf county Hint tlu Court ol Apix-uU fur tho
vcrnl townililpn of nalrt county will b held t
the Mlnwliix limn kiuI place, to hear appeala
irom the aostfmttiU luudu by Ota Tuwunhlp
tn Marlon township, on Tu.-nilny, Vobniarjr Ithi
ut thu CoiuMlHiili.iui'iV UUlcx, lu Wuyuuaburg,
til WoHhluxUm township. Wtstutwday. Keb. Atli,
ut the houik) of Davta Claytou.
tn M.irtmn township, Thursday, Fob. 9th, at tha
llollMi. of Mnrimu lit:!!.
Ill .k'll'THon Urn nil 1 1 p. Frl.lny, Kobruary Tth, at
tho house of Win. Ki'lley.
CuiiilMrltiiitl township and l'armW'lia)lri Rorouxh,
February 8th. at tho Houiuof ll.inry Juiiiilngi,
In Curiuletui'la Iter.
Greene township, February loth, at the housoof
Jeremiah HLewurt.
Mimonuuhela township, February 11th, at tha
house, of WltUnm Muatruttitt.
uuukiiKt township February nth, at the houaa
oft'. A. (larmr.t.
ri-rry township February 13th, at the houso of
William Uiirrla.
Wayne township, February Hill, at tho houaa
of Jesse l'hlllliw.
OIlmciiM township. February 15th, at the houia
of hli'M'h Ilelineli.
Sprlnuhlll township, Fehruury 17th at the hoiua
Ntepllell White.
Aleppo township, February IHth, ut tho homo
of Auinutua Miller.
Hlehhlll township, February Kith at the bouto
of Marjary llryun Jacksonville.
Morrla township, fehruury SOtli, nt the home of
JillueH Atlumson, Nlllevuh. -Jucltsou
township, February 21st, nt tho houio
of I. M. (.Iriums.
Centre township, February 22nU, at tho house of
Franklin township'. February 21th. at the houto
of M. S.llreelie,
Whlteley township, February r,th, nt the hoiua
Ol ttumtwi , ii null. ii.
Isaac. i. nurV,
inconveniences ot povcrry
injr falsehoods like those, now going
(he roundsof the press never will.
the rrnuc ih:it.
i....i.,. tar Keeember. Total Itvbt
Washington, January 7,-Thn followlnR Ik
the statement of the nubile debt on .Inniiiiry 1st.
Iiebt benrlmr coin Interest "SK;-!EL,1 2
Petit bearinn currency iiut i. -., -
Matured debt not presented ior
Debt heurlun llu interest
l.r,S7l,flt0 Kt
i)7,ki,i,jh on
Total i,il-.W2M M
Amount In Treasury, coin "S'j." f.V, S!
Currency gi,7,u,.tH) 71
en -shihjl'1 :is
Am't ofcid'ir'i'osa'cliiilVi'iiTrW 1
itciv (Ivcttisscmcnts.
xasiiy KKVifi' -ran Ht ittrri KiiM.
Wst. ntsoilAM. .In., . AfM .Srmf,
himih, iithe authorized mjmt far the HKri'iiUCAN,
la thittritif.
' u'Mi I.,, tiineiins of the Trustcea nnd
Stockholder of ald Collene, oil KltlHAV, tho
Mth ilnv of Jiillliur.v. lust., Ill .leiierson, in i
oclnck, !'. M. A. A. I't'lt.M AN,
!1 ) 6H-'jt. i niiirmaii
OfUin First Xallonnl Hank of Waynculiiirg,
January H, IWI,
niXfifncKM :
Imnsand IHscounts
Fiirnltiire and Fixtures
Current Kxpenscs
Cash Hems
hue from Hunks
ime from Hankers
V. H. llomls
l'aeltlcatld Atl c Ti'lenrapll Ht'K'k
Notes of National Hanks
Currency, &c
I.etfiil 'lenders
Compound Interest Notes
Capital Stock
Deposltisl for Increase
Surplus fund
circulation outstanding..
Individual Heposils
line Hanks
I'rollt and I,oss
Hlvldcltds unpaid
u i vfiirun IV im vi.roitmiv
Tlieumlerslitni'd hereby ulvcs notice of his a o.
polulment as Assignee of Weniuiin Wailo. of
Cerrv township, (ireetie county. Pa., wltliln
said District, who has been adjudged a Dank
nipt upon bis own atitlon, by tho District
Court of said District.
1). H. r. IICSS, Att' law,
l;I,'iS-lt Aaalgtuw.
To Whom it mav Convkiim :
The undersigned hereby gives notice nf bin
appointment us Assignee of I itho Wade, of l'er
ry lowusnip, iireciie couniy, rn., wiinin nam
District, woo lias hceu adjudged a Hankrupt
noon his own petition, by tho District Court of
said District, D, H.I1. HUMS, Alt'y. ut Ijiw,
l;l., tlH-Mt Assignee.
Special Jlotirfjs.
.91.Vl.Wf1 III
I ill (10
Hi l
KM 01
. Viiio ui
12! -f
. m.iivi do
Jim (m
. a.iKji i
sit io
.. 2vV ll
. 2,400 (10
JlflO.OIlO 00
. 11,710 00
. 1,7li7 (
. 7l,:tl.r Kl
. fc!,li W
.. .-I.-V.7 :
. '.'.ITII HII
.. l.(K7 Si
SivATiNd. The creek has been in
The lvopular vote is not iiesigneo in rai mm ma t ......... ... .
.V1. ,.. :i.;.L,i,,,m l,lii(.inv...n his friends or to'.lvcmles
fai'h statOStmtnsniP, nut :wamv imi. - I , ,
; r J: lri.1 fi,r r brintr about such rrret.tgo.Kl for the 1 he l-ospcct, now, however, is
OKC ntirniiuim " " " " 1 ni.,w aloiirliinir
never gubmitted dirwtly to the man of I country. j mmc ""fcj"
It is designed to tie statesmen
A Prisoner Shoots nt a SlierlfT Woiiml"
llllll- I lie Hlicrltrs Son kills tile I'rlso.
rr- l lie Prisoner Son lillla the Slier.
IfraSon-riieSherltrtlieii Kills Hie Prla
oner'a Noti.
nd ioliticns to the peoples' interests
not to supply them with the knowlege
how those interests can best be served,
for that is in all cases better understood
by those who make a special life-study
of it than by those who give their time
to a thousand other kinds of business,
and are prevented thereby from
becoming expert in statesmanship.
Bat all men know what their per
sonal interests demand. All poor
men want freedom to labor, and the
powr to recover their wages, protect
fnmiliw, educate their children, sue in
the courts, sit on juries, and enjoy the
benefits of the Government which taxes
them. Whotcver party most liberally
ami sincerely offers these benefits, not
to others, but to their own class, work'
inrrmcn vill vote for. In the belter
D ,
days of the Democratic party, it oflcr
. ed tlwsc to foreigners, and thereby se
- cured their vote. The Republican
niirtv now oft'er the same to the
Frwlmen, and thereby secures their
yoto. The Democratic party is most
...Mnast in securing the same to the
ez-BcbelS) and thereby is more assured
than it should have been of securing
their vote. It does not require much
" iitclligcncc io any mauto know which
f the two political parties is most de-
voted tb 'the intorwts of tho claw to
- which be belong The Freedmen
' of the South have distinguished be-
, tween tho pwty that would complete
, their emancipation and trwvfc which
would restore their' serfdom. They
have seen clearly and voted solidly in
' the' direction in which their llrrgcftt
liberty lies. This demonstrates that
they havo sufficient intelligence to vote
. nd leaves the problem no longer an
i open question.
Ict all men in diseasing thin tyics
nils to
have enioved it liutrelv
,m'; Memphis, January 9. Last night
I a notorious thief, Jim Hums was ar
rested while effecting an entrance into
Wk lve a "all A l.n.I. U lo l lnlmhn.1 In ll It. DunH A Co. dry E . l"ro ml
1 ., ''-",fissiat?3.ts
its palace strucutre. We have no idea punishable with imprisonment, (o take Ntl.(jarthv, lvig cV, and assaulted
,.l,v Me sont it. over-', a newspaper without paying for it. , t :m nra;... Htraiiirlinir him. McCar-
-' . ' . . .. 1 1 i i .....
nowcr s with a sense of our littleness, nVMIV Bl l v tt.ort. thy, trenae. win, pan,, assau tea n, u
Nasbv says that immediately after
tho election in Ohio, a happy idea
struck him, which was no h;ss than a
revision of the Scriptures, suited to the
needs of the. Democracy. He hasten
ed back to the Corners from Ohm,
where he had been stumping, and
called a meeting oftho Faculty oftho
Institute, of which he is President,
with the following result :
"Tho Fakulty uv the Institoot met
next murniu for the purpus uv revisin
the Scripters. It wnzdesided that the
word white shood be ituertid wherever
necessary, to soot the Dimocracy and
('onscrvative Ucnublikins. We made
progress, the follerin bein a few uv
the changes :
"So (tod created a white man in his
i-iti'M i fn-wro 1
"Whosop.ver. therefore, shall con
fess me before white men." &c. L.rt,.r IC! -,., TiMi7 TH PT'V
"Sillier little white children to come i NOW I NIL Jl.MI, IV Jb 1
unto me, for of such is tho kingdom
r,2H oil
I ccrtlfv that the above is correct.
I ilii-It
which he can't do, for ( rreeno County i
farmers read the lvKiriti,lN all the
time in prccrenco to the Lcthrr. Ain't
that so George? P. S. M e duln t see
our letter of apology ilr non-presence
:tt the Continental banquet, among the
Thk statistics of 18ij7, show that
in the Methodist F,piseopal Church
four new conferences havo been added
during the year; 41.'? itinerant, and
3IW local preachers; lOOXlOmembers;
671) churches ; 25(5 parsonages. The
Centenary contributions will amount
to $7,000,000. Tho present member
ship is 1,032,184, an increase during
the last ten years of 2.'1 1,837.
I k, suvs the Pittsburg Gazette, there
remains any doubting Thomas of a
Republican who still questions whether
General Grant is heartily on our side,
let bint look and see with what unan
imity the Democrats have dropped him.
With one consent they soon began to
fall oft', and now not ft man of them is
left. By a speciet of inevitable repul
sion they were driven away. Xo tetter
proof of Grant's poliUeal soundness
can be desircdi-
The next Maryland Legislature is
to electa Senator in Revcrdy Johnson's
place. The candidates are now said to
be.llon. Benj. U.'Harris, -ex-Governor
Thos. G. Pratt and Hont Wm, llnck
ney White. ' ,
turn and before the guards could
interfere, gouged Hums' eyes out of
their sockets.
A terrible atiair occurred at Svers-
burv, in West Tennessee, on Tuesday
thk novf ix ni.t t: is toiwc.u
This organization which embraces
an army of soldiers who went irom
this State to take active part against
.i ..... ...,t.n:.,.. n,, U 9 ill
llli; liruilij n.ui. iiliii, iinri. .mi iuu jiii . . , , , ,. , t . .
inst. nt llorticultural I lull, in tlic city ; - r V. 1 .i
of Philadelphia. The. object of its an old man named Dun-.ui on the
convening Ld long been lorahled-1 J P l'
that of selecting candidates for the , ' ,J'"" 1 - -- '
next Presitlential election. And since on's ""n, standing near, fired a
that approaching event is creating pistol killing Dun
. ... " .. .. i . nn nt. tlio ninmnnt. Iin-il. killimr volinir
such great interest, and is ot sucn great
moment, the choice of this Convention
the first as yet held in our city or
State is looked to by many as show
ing the general wish of tho soldiers.
The hall is described as being beau
tifully decorated. All around the
galleries, the "stare and stripes" hung
in graceful festoons, and they in turn
wero ornamented .with 'corn badges,
regimental banners nnd portraits of
Lincoln and other prominent comman
up at the moment, fired, killing young
Parkinton Instantly. Seeing his son
slain, the sheriff drew a pistol and shot
young Duncan through the heart.
"The most intense excitement followed
but at last accounts nothing further had
been done, though owing to the exten
sive relations of both parties trouble is
! apprehended.
The Patent Office has isjitcd three
times as many patents this year as on'
any previous year.
Iiouisi.vs.v Convention. Many
articles of the new Constitution have
lers. Over the stage two large banners been recently adopted by this body. The
were dung while tlic stage irscll was
matlc to look like a mi nature encamp
ment. In the centre, an army tent was
pitched, Hanked on lioth ends by n
stack of muskets, beneath drooping
guidons, while nt either end ot the
stage stood a mountain howitzer, look
as if it had just completed a journey"
through tlic "Wilderness. Tho dele
gates were called together by tho stir
ring martial airs pcrlorined by Haxter s
Zouave band.
. The proceedings were conducted har
moniously. Gen. Heavens, of Centre
county occupied the chair.
The Chairman ol the Committee on
resolution, Gen. Todd, presented tho
following, which were unanimously
adopted, viz :
litpolecd, That we, the representa
tives of the Soldiers and Sailors of tho
State of Pennsylvania, in Convention
assembled, having fall
second article declares that citizens of
the State shall owe an allegiance to
the United States paramount to that
which they owe to the State. Art. i
abolishes slavery and involuntary ser
vitude. Arts. 4 and n declares tire
liberty otithe press and the right of
assembly. Arts, b and 7 rehearse the
the common law for the punishment of
crime, and forbids the suspension of
the writ of liabccu cormt. Art. 11
forbids the regulation by law of labor
and its price. Art. 12 declares relig
ious liberty, and Art. 13 provides that
all persons shall enjoy equal rights and
priveleges in travelling,
In the West Virginia Democratic
Convention on Wednesday .'resolutions
favoring a bond tux and Pendleton's
nlan of redemption were adopted. . The
resolutions of the Ohio Convention
confidence in i indorsing Pendleton, were received
the wisdom and loyalty of Congrcs,! with enthusiasm.
of heaven."
Wieh last is comforting, cz it shows
that the distinction is kept up through
all eternity. I give those merely as
examples. Wesliel hev it finisht in a
few days, and cf funds kin be raised,
shel publish it. Sich a vershun uv
the Skripters is needid."
I r is said to bo known, positively,
in Washington City, that the Demo
cratic National Committee arc "foot
ing" the expenses of a corps of writers
in the Southern States, whose business
it is to furnish "negro outrages,"
"negro murder," "negro insurrections,"
&c.,"for the northern tax payers. Of
course four-fifths of these are manu
factured from whole cloth, nnd arc in
tended to operate upon weak nerves
between now and the Presidential
election. Respectable business, indeed !
Among the patents granted last year
were several to negroes, all of which
are for machinery.
The disappointed leaders of the late
rebellion must think that the Northern
people are the most gullible people in
existence, if they cxicct them to be
lieve any ot tlic thousand reports that
they are putting in circulation througn
the press and otherwise, concerning
the condition of aflairs in the South-
cm Military Districts. The Baltimore
fWsays: We know the condition
of affairs lwttcr than they can tell us,
and we know too that their reports are
for the most part tho bases
fabrications. Fo tho last two months
we have heard one continual cry of
starvation when nothing could be far
ther from the truth. The lack ore,
that tho South has not raised so much
cotton and sugar this year as usual, for
the reason that the lands have been de
voted to a larger extent than ever to
tire rising of corn and wheat. Good
crops and an abundance rewards the
laborer for his toilall through thcSouth,
so that none but the indolent can com
plain for want of food. Their great
trouble is that they are so dishonest
with one another that all confidence
between man and man is gone. They
won't trust each other, nnd they com
plain of Northern people for not do-
Notion', Hosiery, Hoots and Shoes, nnd Rats at
ine areai
We are determined. tocloc out our entire utock,
and will kcII all itoortu at cost and I'M, even at price Hernareprlceaof noniu
staple inoda, and others at mill greater reduc
tion!) will tic found amonit our stock :
Itcst Hrown Muslin I"
licit prints . Jin
lllenchcd Muslin -
fieli.ines IK'fJIe.
Canton flannels and Prllllnus ilfje
Farmers' and Jiecnanics- casninier. en-
j,.HnH 20c
Water-prooff'lotli SI W1 '
NOTIONS, r., Ac.
A large lot of
all new stock and custom mtda work at redue.
Hon of 2n to t per cent, from present sflllnit
price. Homo extra fancy Caaslmerea at tho
same reduction. Just nought last month. Con
sult your Intoreat hy calling at oner and se
that wc mean Just what wiisay, and will sail
anything yon want as low u you can ask It.
A. Wilson Jr.'s building.
9;W,'7-tr Waynesburg, Pa.
e-Aililrcss to tha Xervom and Debili
tated whose suncrlngs have been protected from
hidden causcs.iiinl whose cases requlra prompt
trout mint lo render cxlstenco deslrahla. tfyou
nre stitrerliiif or havo sufTcreil from Involuntary
discharges, what ctTiicl ilnoa It product) upon
your general health ? Do you fi-cl weak, dublll
tatod, easily tired ? Does a little extra exertion
produce pulpltatlon of tho lioarl? Does your
liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, fra
qiiently get out of order t Is your urine some
times thick, milky, or flacky, oris It ropy om
settling? Or does a thick scum rise to the top f
Or Is a sediment at the bottom nfter It has stood
awhile? Do you have spells of short breathing
or dyspepsia ? Are your bowels constipated ?
Do you have spells of falntlngor rushes of blood
to the head ? Is your memory Impaired r Is
your mind constantly dwelling upon lilts sub
ject? yon feel dull, listless, moping, tired
of company, of life? Iio you wish to bo loft
alone, to get away from everyliody ? lioes any
little thing make you start or Jump? Is your
sleep broken or restless ? Is the lustre of your
eyes us brilliant ? Tho bloom on your check as
bright? !o you'enjoy yourself In socletyiw
well? Do you pursue your business with tho
same energy ? Do you feel as much confldonco
in yourself? Aroyoursplrlta dull and Hugging,
given to fits of melancholy ? not lay It
toynur liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless
nights? Your back weak, your Itncos weak,
and have but little appetite, anil you nttrlbuto
this to dyspepsia or llvcr-coinplalnt ?
Now, render, self.almse.i venereal diseases
badly cured, ami sexual exercises, are all capa
ble of producing a w mknesa of tho gencrntlvn
organs. 1 he organs of generation, which In
perfect health, make the man. Did you ever
think that those bold, dctlnnr., energetic, per
severing, slice essful.busincsM men aro always
those whose generative organs are in perfect
health ? You never hoar such nmn complain of
helng melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation
of Ihe heart. They are never afraid they ennnot
succeed In business ; they dont become sad and
discouraged; they are always polite and pleas
ant In the company of ladies, and look you and
them right in the face none of your downcast
looks or any other meanness alsiut them. I do
not mean thoso who keep the organs Inflamed
by running to excess. These will not only ruin
their constitutions, but also those they do busi
ness with or for.
How many men from luully cured diseases,
from the effects of self-abuse and excesses, havo
brought aliout that state of wimkness In thoso
organs that has reduced the general system so.
mneh as to induce almost every other disease
Idiocy, lunacy, paruiysls, spinal effectlon, sui
cide, and almost every other form of diseaso
which humanity is heir to, and tho real causa of
the, trouble scarcely ever suspactiMl, and havo
doctercd for nil but the right one.
Diseases of the organs ron,ulro the uso of a diu
retic IIF.I.MHor.D'S Kr.tTID EXTKAfrr BU
CHU Is the great Diuretic, nnd is a certain cum
for diseases of the llladder, Kidneys, Oravol,
Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female Oniplalnt,
Ceneral Debility, anil nil discuses of tho Urinary
Organs, whether existing in malo or female,
from whatever cause originating and no matter
of how long standing,
If no treatment Is submitted to, Consumption
or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood aro
supported from thesn sources, nnd the health
nnd happiness, and that of Posterity, depends
upon prompt use of a reliable remedy.
Holiobolil s Kxtract Huehii, established up
wards of U years, prepared I hy
H. T. HF.I.Mnor.n, Druggist,
flOl Broadway, New York, and
till South loth Htreet, Philadelphia, Pa.
Pittc K per bottle, or 6 bottles for M.Sn, da
llvered to any .address. Sold by all Druggist
every where.
3;i:l, Si-eowly.
To 'onaiimplea.-TheJ Rkv. KDWARU
A.IWriXON will send (free of chnrgeito all who'
desire It, tho prescription with thedlroctlons for
making anil using the simple remedy by which
ha waa cured of a lung affection and that dread
.tisease Consumption. His only object isiorwn--elit
the afflicted and he hopes every siifrercr.wlll
try this prescription, as u win com in
Tho undersigned, F.xocutom of Peter A Myers,
dec d., will sell at public sale on the premises, on
the followln" described Real EaUte, sttnsUi In
Greene township, Oreon county, m,,
. a a -a .a uim nt lurid ftd-
joining, .t uarrarn . rorv. . -
rtied arlMTiVSharri I and .mail fruit
This properly I wcu caicuia . -
Good mills, stores, hop nd churches In the
ln. and may prove a blessing. Flense annresa
No. UK Ponth Second Ht. Williamsburg NowIYork.-
r,o, 'oi-iycnu-is
Inrormntlon.-Inrormatlon guaranteed to
iroduco a luxuriant growth of hair upon Mid
0...1 ,.r inrHieiM face, also recipe tor ine re
moval of Pimples, Ulotchns, Eruptions, etcj on
the skin, leaving the same soft, dear, and beau
tiful can he obtained without chargo by ad
dress In a TH08.K. CHAPMAN, CHKMIST,
ftT-lychls Broadway, New YoA. -
O T. R K A
-A L8 0
One farm containing !TT AriMts! adjoining
lands of Corhly Harrard, A. Jemlson an.lothers,
flftyof which ire cleared, all onder gon.1 fence
and well watered. This I excellent grazing
'"TERMS : mado known ""j1,,
l;tV'-t Kxecutors.
Is mnnnfaiiired from PURK
U ITVlfllld n .1 m -., ha
considered the STAN DARD OK F.XCEI.I.F.NCF..
For sale by all Groceries ;'i-ly.
r-The Healing; Pool, nnd Hmm sfr.
ey. Howard Association Report far Young
Hen, on tho crime of solitude, and the errors, -abuse
nnd diseases which destroy the manly
nnwer. and create lmncdlment to marriage.
with sure means of relief. Sent In sealed letter
envelopesfree of charge. Address DR. J. HKIL-
r.rN HOCOHTON, Howard Association, Phlla-
delphla, Pa. s6ly
irtmn ml Y))tk A iisttean wk
suffered for year from Nervous Debility, Pre-;
mature Decay, and all the effect of youthful In-'
discretion, will, for the sakeof suffering homanl-
lv aenil free 10 all who need lu and pecelot anrl
directions for making the simple remil br
which ha wns cnre,l. Knlferer wishing to protlr
br the advertiser's experience, can do so by d-
dressing, in perfect contidenee
, JOHN nflDF.Nv
ft.VI ti Cedar Hi.. Nw Yofk..