8tt Wagtwisburg .fpublican. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTITEKS OP THB MAILS TO AND r ROM WAYNKSBURQ : Prom Wayne bun to Wayncsbnrg. arrival, Wednesdays, p. ru.; departure, Wednesdays, I, a. in. I via Jon.iy town.J Vrom Wayncsbura; to Willow Tree, arrival, Wednesdays, U a. in.; departure, Wednesdays, ULm. rrom Washington Pa. to Waynesbnra;, arrival tally, li p. m.; (except Sundays,) departure dully, a. iu.t (except Bundays). Front Rico's Landing to Waynesburs;, arrival dally, U, p. in., (except Sundays,) departure dally, , a. m., (except HandayH), From Waynoaburg. Pa. to Cameron, w. Va., arrival, Tuesdays audHuturdayg, s, p. m., depar ture, Mondays and Fridays, 8, a. m. From Wuynesburgto Weil Alexander, Wash. Co., Fa., arrival, Saturdays, 7, p. ni., departure, Fridays, 7, a. m. From Wuyinwbnrg to Morgantown, W. Va., rrlval, Wednesdays, 5, p. ra., dopurturo. Thurs days. 6, a. m. From Wiiynoshurg to MMdlobourne, W. Va., rrii, ncuuuwui3.g, p. ui., aeuarture, xuus days, 4, a. m. Naw ADVKRTISKMRHT9. Tho attention of our readers 's specially directed to the follow lni advertisements, which appear I'or tho first lime in our paper to-uay. Administrator's Nolle -Jim. M. Kent. Auditor's Notice I). R P. Huts To Farmers and Others T. J. Bingham & Co- Mon. Nsv. Co VV Bakswell, 188 Rttahunf Commercial Notice in Bankruptcy L. WJoncs. LtirYniB. The first day of January, rhlch, It is probable, all well-informed folks re aware, begun leap Tear. During that year the ladies claim the privilege, of "pop pinR the question" to bashful swains, who, though they are generally dying to do it, al Ways get a fit of what is commonly called the "Buck Ague" about that time. We don't peak from experience in this matter, for we have never ' 'been there," but get our knowl dge dliect from those who have. Waynet- burg, like a l other cities aud towns of its size nd pretensions, contains its share ofumbi tlons and well to do youths, win are anxious to pay the board and buy the clothes fur soma young lady "as long as they both shall live;" nxi ius to feed a gal iu order that she may tit at the bead of his ta' le and sew his shirt buttons on, and it is to be expected that there fere young ladies in .his place who arejust as anxious to fill such situations. We ho, these irentic damsels will not neglect the np portunlty thus afforded them. Remember It only comes like a 'residential election, once In four years. Tni way tc avoid many of the thousand ills the human family is heir to, is to drop into M C 4 II. Bell's, Sayen' corner, and get your tell a pair if their nice, cheap and durable. water-proof Boots or fhoca, and keep your fleet dry this sloppy weather. It you think you can't afford a new pair, get pair of gums and put over tho the old ones. Pitai. Jol-b. The number of this excel lent Journal for January contains much of Interest to everyone. Fuwlcr A Wells, Pubs., Hew York. XiioflT at Last. Frank, Ncuurgan, can apply bis many customers with the best Dry Goods, etc., not having permitted bis stock to ton down. Tins Ihstituth. The first Annual Teacher'.? Institute held in this Couoty under the re quirements of the law, convened here on th Sistult., and continued in. session days and evenings until Saturday noon last. A large number of teachers were present from all part of the county, and not a few from ad joiulng counties. Among theso wero 8. 8. Jack.State locturor.Prof. J. C.Gllchrist, Super intendent of Washington County, C. W. Wanec, Superintendent ot Fayette County, nd others who contributed Immeasurably to the interest and enjoyment ot the occasion. OfDefl duties prohibited the pleasure we should have experienced ta being piescnt throughout the entire proceedings, merely being granted the ptlvclege ofsttendlng two nights. And if tho exercises of these two evenings may be cited as ciiterions lite Institute could be justly characterized a "feast of nason and Bow of soul." Tho College Chapel was full to reple tion, notwithstanding the inclement weather and the muddy condition of streets and side walks. Exercises in uU9lc, reailing, recitation. practical remarks aud a lecture made up the programme. A happy spirit prevailed and everything passed off with marked good hornor and relish. A feature not the least enjoyable was the toiree gives tho guests of the Institute in the Literary Societies' bills, on Thursday evening after the regular proceed logs In the chapel With promenade and chit chat two or three hours whiled pleasantly way. But an inadequate idea of the'-doings - of the Institute is all wo can give, the full re port, we trust, will be handed us In time for next week's issue. We have a word to say in commendation of tho worthy efforts of our county Superintendent, Sir. T. J. Teal. Al thongb several able men whom he assured the public would be present, failed to appear, yet the array of talent presented was creditable in the extreme and the gentleman whose ser- - vices were so kindly proffered, and rendered. won hosts of friends among tho citizens of our place and county. Mr. Teal has a heart in the work and will return principal and interest for every cent expended. Fiac at Cubksvillk. We loam from the Washington Review, that about halt past three on the morning of the 25th ultimo, the wagon maker shop of Michael Arnold, in Clarksville, tbls county, was discovered to be on fire. The fire had made such headway, that not even his books, or a new wagon in the build ing could be saved. The flames spread to the dwelling of Mr. A., and there was barely time to remove furniture, Ac, before it was also burned. Mr. Arnold'slosslsnotlcsstban 1,800, upon which there is no insurance Tbls is a severe low upon an industrious and deserving mechanic, and we are glad to be ble to state that Mr. Arnold is already pre pared to carry on his business in all its de- ' partments. Tbls manly energy should secure liberal patronage. Mod is the staple product of our streets. It is a fine, heterogenous conglomeration, cul tivated by the Town Council and not restrict ed by side walks from attaining luxurious growth. We have none for export, the home demand exhausting tb supply. Ajrorma Girrn Gaxair. Esquire Mayes, ot West Alexander, Washington Co., Pa., . ateae his -alecuon to office in May, 1863, has married 840 couples. .The father of the worthy Justice, during a period of 56 yean as Justice or the rcace in the same Tillage, married 930 couple. The Washington St. frier asks, is not West Alexander our Gretna Greenf And Esquire Mayes a ecorM Pal. kyl v ... , ArroiNTBD. Mr. Ayert I Myers, of this place' has received, the appointment of Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, for this county, uses Dr. Z. A. White dae'd. The gentleman has entered upon the duties of the office. Puis swing the ability, we doubtjiot, he will B it attWactorny f all port lav. List or Lkttiibs Kemaining in the Post Office at Waynesburg, January 8, 1868. A JoephAdanison,Thna Adams, (colored ) B J. Baldwin, Nancy Bell, Matnew Brant, A. P. Bender, Wm. Booler, Wo. Brown, Sarah Beltner. 0 John Church, Wm, Cummins, Maria Cummins, Call & Pens, D Sallle Dampman t (I Registered,) D. H. Donald, James W. Dunn. Calvin Dewit F Wesley Freeland. G Sofia Green, Henry Gregg, Rev. B. W. Gorman, Annie Gordon, Sude E. Gordon. H Hlnes 4 Co., J. Hagerdon 4 Co., 011- mor Hickman, Samuel Ililler, John J. Hook. I-J. Wcsly lines. J-J. M. Judd. K John J. Kearney, D. 8, Kurta. L James E. Lenord, Hannah Loughman, John M. Lewis. M Robert Mcllveny, Llndiey 8. Morris, Thomas Micman, Joseph M.Millegan. P-R. C. Parker, Joseph W. Potts, Joshua Porter, G. W. Paimer, Nancy Parrincs It Samuel Richards. Catherine Roberts George Rush, Amos P. Ryan. B-Miss Lib Smith, A. J. Hhrlver, George W. Sharp, John H. Smith, Rhoda Stllwcll, Charles B. Smith, Joseph Bcott, Jonn T. Shane. Mary V. Stevenson, Samuel Strawn, John Sook. W-Arg Whttcblatcb, John F. White, Wm P. White, A.J. Wllyard, Daniel Weaver, Samuel Walton, F. J. White, Samuel Woods, Mairgle Wood, 3Irt. Jamts A. Woods, Wji. White. Joscrn Coos, P. 31. Trumts. Mr Editor Permit us to say through your paper, that some frienc's mr.t at the M. E. Parsonage oo the evening of the IDth, inn., presenting the inmates thereot with a very nice donation, consisting of dry goods, groceries and greenbacks. For which wa are truly gtatctul to God, and to the donors, praying the Divine blesalog upon the givers. J. MoIsTise. M J. McIxtim. WATHttocao Dee. 24th, 1JG7. AmcnoxATa. The inclination ofthe boxes around the 6bade trees, on the bquare, to re. cline upon the bosom of Mother Earth. The Plan of the Wusnlniiton Library Com pany of Philadelphia, fur t'm eu jowment of the Riverside Institute for Soldiers and Sailors' Orphans, is one that has been laid out iu strict accordance with the terms of tho charter as as granted for this purpose by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. This charter of the V ash- ingtou Library Company legalizes the very acts that its members aro performing fur this noble object. The plan, as most of our readers are aware, consists in selling stock ut$l per share, each share or shares being accompauiud by a handsome fine eteel-plate engraving, worth fifty per cent mora than is actually paid for the stock. Besides this, every Eharu of stock secures one present In the great distribution of presents to shareholders. Of these pres enu the aggregate value is t30o,O0O, one of hem beinir worth the enormous sum of $40,000. nd suothw S'20,000, another $10,1)00, and one worth $5,000, and two worth $2,600 each, several worth $1,0(10 eich, and so on. This is simply tho plan to Uriel as adopted and pr esented to tho public. Every salireholder will obtain some present lu tlo great distribution, besides the beautiful en graving at the time of purchnso, and each one has an equal chance of gelling a small fortune. Atlshtic Mmrniir. For January tbls Jour- nul is unusually Interesting. It contains use ful knowledge on many subjects. Letters of Travel in Europe by Bayard Taylor. Par- ton's "Pittsburg," apicturesquo delineation in words of the wonders and sights in and around the Iron city. The last article is worth ten times the price ofthe Magazine. Ticknor ci Fields, Pubs., Boston. Nbw Post Oitick. A new Post office has been created la G.lra.jre Tp., this county,' called "Tom's Run," and Jacob Lough, Esq., appointed Post Master. Tub Jury Commissioners met on Monday last to select Jurymen for the coming year. Why can wo not have the street lamps ilirhted these dark nights 1 Why ? Six Ps. P o e t s Painters Preachers Players frinters and Politicians all suffor from Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Loss of Ap petite. Liver Complaints, and all diseases which they may curt or prevent by the use of Plantation Bitters If those sufferers took these Bitters, the Poetry would be purer, the Paintings grander, tho Sermons livelier, the Acting truer, tho Printing neater, and the Politics honestcr. Tins splendid tonic invle- oratea (he system, and enables the brain to work healthily. Perhaps no article was ever so well endors ed by all who have used it. MiOK0i.u Watkb. A delightful toilet arti clesuperior to Cologne and at half the price Fatal Accidekt. On the 10th ult, Mr. Hugh Hamilton, of Sprlnghill tp., this county, was killed on the road nenr Coon's school- house, Wayne tp, Mr. Hamilton, as we are informed, in company with hisson,both deep ly Intoxicated, were driving a two-horse wagon and at the place mentioned, run off the road, the fall fatally Injuring the father and severely wounding the son. Ho leaves a large family. The circumstance is a deplorable one and sad commentary upon the evil of Intemper ance. luce That New Years gift of a half bushel of apples. "All hands" at tho Ra uoucas return tiimh. The pike (so-called) is in a horrible condi tion in places East of town. Toll should cease to be collected until repair are made. Notices of Marrianea emd Death inaertul fin btit ali Tribute oRetptct and Obitmri chirped agiu ceu a fine, l lie moneg aul be adeemced to rots umr uhthm, JORDAN-STOT-On the 2S. ulL. bv Rev. Dr. Sloan, Mr. Jno. J. Jordan, of Washing- ion, ra., ana suss date a. Htoy, of this place. All & e are extended the happy pair in acknowledgment ofthe splendid cake sent us. McDONALD R08EBERBT Deo. IS, by Jas. Call, Esq., Mr. Ilenry McDonald and miss earan iioscocrry, doiq of Jackson tp., of this county. 8TEWABT 8HAW Dec 82nd, inst. by the same, Mr. Andrew Stewart, and Miae JUuabcth Hhaw, both of Centre tp., this eo. MOREDOCK RANDOLPH Bv Rev. J. & Gibson, Dec 17th, 1867, Mr. Georee More- dock, to Miss Emily A. Kandolpn, both of UreeM County, - . MOS3 December J 8th., 1867, of Tvphoid rever, sirs, jusaoor noes, wire of Jennings J. Moat, of Aleppo tp.. Greene co., Pa,, io the flftf -eigbth year of her f he K3anehuv$ 3lcpuMtcan, gfrnesbag, 3cmnairg 8, )808. WATJTMBCBO HABBKT. . WAYMraiicao. Jan. 7 ,1809. Corrected Weekly for the RzruBueA. PRODUCE. Butter (fresh roll J V K .10091 .10 :: UH r.Kg v Potatoes 9 bush....... Lard S Tallow Si Country Soap f Bt...H. Dried Apples II FLOUR AMD GRAIN, riourybbl Wheat f buah..... Rye V buau H.M Corn husb Corn Meal bush... IS 00 J 40 180 7S 10 GROCERIES. CoffiM B). Tea St .llfr2 -.18 30 SO 1 90 .. 100 too u Ilrowa Hutur 1 & Refined riugar s B) ... Hrrupfaw. - Molaaaee IN. Orleans,).... Sorxtiumil rat Salt abl' IUcea B riTTSBLBQII HABIiSTa. Monday, January 4, 1868. The general markets are without material ctianire in prices or Improvement, although some articles or produce are a little more active. During the week there has been no change In the flour market and buslnea rather light. There Is soma Improvement to note In Corn. OaU aro dull and lower than one week ago. Rye Is quiet and unchanged. we e quote a follows, which are the wholesale prices : " ORATM AVD FLOUR. Wheat, Penn'o. and Oblo, Winter lied ft 5.V92 Kye buili 1 Sil 40 OuUfl bimb 80o Pnrna nnih 96c Kprlnc Wheat Flour 10 .Waw 75 Winter Wheat IltjlktfMiB I'ltuvt-iioro. Shoulders sugar Lured llaim lArd Potntoen, V bush Apples bbl (,'heetie Finn f doz Butler I U'anaed llogs 11 l oo.a io S 50 iS 00 IS oil" ALtEtillCX Y CATTLE MABKET. PiTTsnunn, Thursday, Jan., 1B08. Cattlb The market was a dull one, with very IMht offerings. One choice lot sold at 13 ewt. The other sales mads ranged from ft 009 17 00 in ewt. Sheep The market was a pretty dull one. The sale fell ot to DUO head, the smallest lot we have n porled for a long time. The extreme rates were 81 OKI Hi iom. Hogs The galea this week were at an advance ot ia to 60 cents pur hundred. CHICAGO MABKET. Chicaoo, January 4, 186). PiTm-Steady at S8 aio 56 tor spring extra, Wiieat- ih active ai vs vow w lor i. Cokn Steady at !t7igutllo tot No. 1, VMT rieauy at o wyooe. IiEEr Cattle Firm and 10.siro higher 15 3ot&t 60 for Unlit to good shipping. Organization of (be Lcgillatar. at The great atruggle, says th Slate Guard, will be for the oUicers of the House. The Senate is considered or ganized, at least so far as Speaker and C'liiet-Clcrk are concerned. Hon. JiiniDS L. Graham, of AlWlicnv. was elected Speaker at the end of the last session, and (.xeorire W. Hamersly will Do re-elected tuiet Ulerlc at the open- ini; ot the coming session, lor Ass is tunt Clerk, Sei-i;eaiit-at-arru9, Door keeper, MesscnKcrs.&c, Senators will probably each Have tneir candidates, and in the caucus fix on their fate: though wc hear no opposition to the trentlcmcn now incumbents of these positions. The contest for the organization of the House commenced immediately after the OctoW election. Two prom inent candidates for Speaker at once appeared, E. V.Davis,ofPhiladelphia, and Samuel McCaniant, of Blair coun ty. Mr. Davis was Speaker of the House in 1861, he then being a Kep rescntative from 'Venango county, There is no question about his ability nor is there any doubt ot his steadi HC53 as a Republican. Mr. McCa- mant, of Blair county, was a member of the last House, and is also a man of strength, ability, and experience, Ths opposing candidates for Speaker are both hononibto men, and ot tliem selves have conducted the contest thus far with manly fairness. The same may be said of the supporters of those gentlemen who will have votes at the election. There are three candidates for Clerk ofthe House i Gen. A. L. Russell, of Allegheny, Gen. Seifridgc, of Lehigh, and lien. Stumbauch.ot Iranklin co. Gen. Ruswell was at one time Assistant Clerk of the House, Secretary of the Commonwealth when Johnson was Governor, and during five of Curtiscs' six years as Governor, was Adjutant General, lie is a man ot decided ability and worth. Gen. Selfridge served in the war with distinction. His record as a soldier is as fair as that of any man who won a like grade in the volunteer Union armyjand as a gentle man of ability and integrity, stands second to no citizen of this common wealth. General Stumbaugh also served a snort perod in the armv. and was a member of the House during the seasons of 1866-67. It is of course useless to conjecture which of these gentlemen will be the successful candi date. King caucus will decide that. Eraptlon of Vesuvius. Dispatches from Naples, of Dec. 24th state that the eruption of Mount Vesu vius was continually increasing in power and splendor. Immense sheets of white, yellow and crimson flames arise hundreds of feet above the crater and at night the Bay of Naples was lighted up for miles. Lava was pour ing down the mountain side in im mense quantities, and Large stones were occasionally thrown from out of the mouth of the volcano. A deep rumble like reverberating thunder was heard from time to time, as in the bow els of the earth, and many of the peo ple in the vicinity have left their homes, fearing an earthquake, or oth er calamity. No such eruption has probably occured in Vesuvius for cen turies, and the spectacle is regarded as one of the most magnificent and sub lime ever witnessed in nature. 4 -T S S Hesev Ward Beecher has given 1,000 to General Lee's College in Virginia, and the Tribune commends the act and advises others to follow the example-tr ; It would seem from the above that we have no. soldiers widows and or phans in the North.' The lion. Cornelius Hamilton, Representative In Congress from the Delaware District, Ohio, was killed at hia home in Marysville, Union county, on Sunday morning week, by an insane son. Mr. Hamilton was elected to the Fortieth Coneress as tho successor of Hon. James R. Hubbell. He was one of the moat wealthy and Influential men in the county in wlucn ne lived, for hia deeD interest in all benevolent enterprises, and his kindness toward the Eoor of his neigtjDornooa. roiuicany e was a very thorotigh Radical a man of strong convictions, and firm in his adherence thereto. The insurectionsin Irelandand Eng land still continue and are the occasion of great uneasiness, public and private. The London Timet says that no less titan 30,000 special constables have Deen sworn in ana are now serving in London, Extensive azitation prevails in Italy and threatens the existing government. 1HI3 13 TO GIVE NOTICE i That on the Sth day of December. A. D 1S0T, a Warrant In llunkri'.pti y was Issued against the Kataleof NATHAN ZIMMEKHAN, 01 lumuor- land township, in the County of Greene and Htute of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a llankrupt on his own petition ; tuat the pay. mont of any debts and the delivery or any prop erty belunirlng to such Bankrupt, to him, or for hie ueo, and the transfer of any properly 6y Blm are forbidden by Law ; that a miwtlni of the I'rMlltnra nt thnifllrl Rankruct. to Drove their Debts, and to choose one or more Assignee! or hia Partite will he tinld at a Court or tiailKruuc- cy, to be holdenat the Court Houie, In Wavnus hnrir Orennn r.mintv. Pennsylvania, before Joseph 11. Donley, lleglster, on the SOtb day of January, a. v., isos, ai i o riots, r. 12fl8-4t U. & Uarahal. pijwlktctuw. f1 B U 8 T E E ' B SALS 1 -0F- REAL ESTATE! I will expose to sale by publla vendue or out cry, on the premises, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 25th, 1861, The following valuable real estate, the property of the iieirsorjuriN Linie.x,oec u. That certain well known tract of land adjoin tng the borough of Jefferson, containing about 17 aorea, more or lose, having erected thereon one two story stone oweiuug uouse, m iriune uarn ana oinorout-Duuumgs. Terrusmade known on day of sale.. 12;2S- Trustee. I. O. Or" o. r. WAYNESBURG LODGE, NO. 4N, Flail In Oanear's Building, east Main Street, waynesoorg, ra. lune, lueaaay evening, week. c w OULD YOU KNOW wnsna to set CHEAP GROCERIES? JOHX H. PENJJ. rs Tsn won iad or bbasiw's Bortsiito, Raa opened and will keep constantly ea hand the oliomat qualities of TOYS, CIGARS, NOTIONS, TOBACCOS, CONFECTIONERY, FAMILY GROCERIES, etc., etc. Ills late stock purchased for ths HOLIDAYS! challenges admiration as well as oom petition I FLOURKEPTANDSOLDATRULTNO RATES! lllsprlcesarelndueementsto buyers. Be sure to drop In on your "grand round" ,for family necessities. Ilomcmber the place, MAIN STREET, WAYNESBURG, PA. i5;12-3m JNO. H. PENN, REVOLUTION IN TRADE 1 Ladles, you can receive for the anm of ONE DOLLAR I 811k, Merino and Alpacca Drome, Shawls, Balmorals. Linen Goods, Embraced. Table Covers, Watches, Jewelry, Hllver PlaUtd Ware, (tawing Machine, Ao. Hend cluba of ton or more, with tencenu for each riraorlptlve oheck, and the getter np of the club will receive a present worth S3 to S'fciO, according to number Asmtii freePAi ARK Ell A CO., 61 A 6H Federal Street, Boston. N J O T 1 0 E 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAYNESBURG, Wathbbubo, Ta., Dm. 14, 1867. The annual Election fur nine Directors, to serve during the ensuing year, will be heldat the Bank on TUESDAY, January 7, IBM, between the hours of 13 m. and 1 p. m. JNO. C PLENNIKEN. lM-td. Cashier. READ AND KNO W QUICK SALES AND SHORT PROFITS ! IMMENSE STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Constantly arriving at the Store of JOHN MUNNELL, WAYNESBURQ, PA. Consisting, In part, of JROCEtlB. CONFTCTI0NARIE8, TOBAOOO, SEGAM. BNUFF, CRACKER, C'HEEHE, MOLASSES, CARBON OIL, FISH, BACON, 4t, Ac, Ac., In addition to the above, a fall stock of NOTIONS, HARDWARE, SPECTACLES, POCKET KNIVES and thousands of other articles, which are be ing sold as low as the TIMES WILL P E R M I T 1 COME AND B U Y. MVKNEXIj. U:lttt 'Rank mcqurqan ANNOUNCES HIMSELF AS A CANDIDATE FOR THE PATRONAGE OP THB PEOPLE IN THE BUSINESS OF HELLING DRY GOODS. ROOM OPPOSITE TOE GREENE QOU3K, WAYNESBURG, PA, II has Inst received and la now onVrlne tor sale at u lowest prices, u finest stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Brr twfbrt oflferod in thin market, eonslittnf ta pauttui rou tun if tutor iviObiuLic FOR MEN AND BOY SI A Ttry Urf ioek that cannot be xellftd ; ttlto, wry superior waonmon ot LADIES' OOOD8 Or aU kinds, consisting In part, pf New Dress and Cloak Trimmings, Velvet Ribbonsevery wtma ana saaae ; sauna ana mu, latest aiyiea; BUGLE TfUMMINQS AND BUTTONS I Rash, Bonnet, Neck arid Trimming Ribbons; iacrs rear point, Appiqne ana Valencia. Uandk:erohteisLiice, Embroidered, Hem stitched and Plain. Hamburg work a flat as- JET AND BOG WOOD JEWXLRT. A large assortment of Kid Olovea first quality lor waiua uau gentlemen. bTRAW, VELVET AND PLU3!I II ATS Bonnets and Bonnet Frames; Bonnet orna ments and flowers, both French and American ; together with any and all articles In use by la dles. Ask for anything you want and we can supply you. Also a nne assortment oi CARPETS AND WALL PAPER of various kinds and patterns, all ox which will oe sola coeap ae uie cueaposi. Uil8-tf. FllANK McOlTTiaAS. gOMETHINQ NEW! MRS. & B. BUYERS ROSKINS0R Hav Just arrived from the East with a large Bwsoriment oi foreign ana uomeetis DRY GOODS, FALL AND WINTER STYLES ! which thsy propose t sell at the lowest CASH prices I such aa Dress Goods, Dress Trim mint, Dross Buttons, Ladles fjhnwls, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps ; also, a great variety of ulce articles, at very low prices for GENTLEMEN AND LADIES' WEAR, Wares of all kinds, and a complete variety ofthe best OROCEIIIEH. Allot which they propose to sell at the vary lowest flgures, depending on the quality and cheapness of their goods to gain them custom. Give them a call before purchnalng elsewhere, and they will prove that the above Is correct. Room In Allison's bnlldlng, nearly opposite the vourtnouee, waynesuurg. t;i,oi-tl gEAUTIFUL DISPLAY I DRV GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIX2RS, As., EVAN6' ESTABLISHMENT. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT or BVERTTHLNO IN TITE LIE ! Wishing to eloss out for ths Fall trade, h of fers his goods at astonishing low ratoa for own. The stock Is aa late as the latest and the nest In market. Minor'sBulldlng, opposite the Greene House, HM-Sra L. K. EVANS. I MPORTANT TO BUILDERS akd CONTRACTORS! WAYNISBURO STEAM PLANrNO MILL It elves ns nl earn re ta announce to ttia nubile the completion of this work and the readlneaa of toe proprietors ra RECEIVE ORDERS! AND MAKE CONTRACTS) The best Improved machinery la need. Plan ing, Pleaching and Grooving, flash and Door Making, Pannelllng, Ripping, moulding Ac., rapidly and skilfully executed. Holing prices ALL KINDS OF LUMBER ! They are also prepared to do all kinds of Carpen ter work, with the utmost promptness, and In the moat substantial manner. They respectfully solicit a share of public patronage, and flatter themselves that tbey will In all cases be able to GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION I AU orders promptly attended to. i BRADEN, WALTO.W ' BAYERS, wsat1mai , Ym. (JJIIE WORLD REXOWNED SINGER BE WING MACHINE. OUR NEW FaIuUV MACHINE, Has been over two years in preparation, and which has been brought to periecUon rugardleaa of time, labor or expense, and la now oonildsnt ly presented to the public as Incomparably the bestrewing Machlno In existence. The Machine In question la simple, compact, durable and benutllul. It la qulot, light ruunlng and capablo of porlormiug a rnnge aud variety K 1 nevor Itel'ore attempted upou a a ngle Machine using either Silk, Twist, Linen or Cot' jr Cot- ten Thread, and sewiug with equal facility the very nntst and coarsest materiuls, and anything between the two extremes. 1 1 tho most boautlful and substantial mnun-r. IU attachments for Hemming, Braiding, Cording, Tacking, limit ing, Felling, Trimming, Binding, etc., are Novel and Pracilcal. and have been lnvonted and ad justed especially for tills Machine. folding tops and cabinet 'ass peculiar to the Ma'hlnes manufactured by this Vonipany have been prepared for enclosing tho now Machines. These are gotten up In every variety of wood, such aa Block Walnut, Mahoeuuy, Roeawood, and the like, and from the plainest to the moet elaborate rattern and finish the Machines themsolves being more oi less highly ornament ed, to correspond with tha Tables or Cabinets for which they are Intended. A few reasons why SINGER'S latest lmprov. sd HEWING MACHINES are the best for Fam ily and Genoral Purposes. 1st. You can sew anything from 'he finest sin gle thickness of tiwiss or Nansook to several thlcknefisus of tho linnvlest leaver cloth, using anv kind or site of thread with equal laclilty, from No. 200 Cottou up to Ilia heaviest patent or Linen thread. Sd. It uses a short, straight 'needle, easily set, and makes tho popular Look Stitch alike ou both sides. 8d. It has an even aelf-adlnstlng tension which requires no change f rdlnorent thicknesses of material or different slz.'e of throiul. 4th. It is free from all springs, wires and other complications, and is almost uUeltras, 6!h. No threads to bold or whoels to turn In starting. Sth. It does not have to be taken apart to oil and clean It. 7ih. It has a norfect fred wherobv you can sow the finest materials without having Co keep your work stretchwl to prevent its "puckering." ano you never have to assist tho work through as In all other machine. Sth. It will hem any width, sow a straight seam, or innitn n U11 III Itiv mum hji ;, mauuvr. with less skill tlmn 1" required tosew a straight seam on anyother machine. Its attachments for Braiding, Cording, Quilt ing, Binding, Tucking, &c, are novel ana prac tical, and rnaulra but little skill to use them. Careful Instructions given at the house of the purchaser. Dimie.Y rmuuucu 11 uid laaciiiuce rv nut n reDresented. Every machine warranted and koot in rcnair tnree years wuuout cimrge. 11. i . i ritni nr,n, Agent for Orecnc County. 4-tf. Wvneburg, Ta. Moffat's Life Pills AND PnETK BITTERS. The Most Successful Medicines in tho World. Established In 1835 by one ol onr Host Eminent Thyslclans, and now used throughout North and South America, with more pleasing results than any other Medlcino in cases of diseased Liver, Blood or Skin, . Indigestion, r Costitcness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism and FeVer and Ague.' Thousands of certificates are In onr possession,' giving detailed accounts of perfect Cubes effected by these invaluaulo Medicines. They regulate the System and put all tho functions of tho body In healthy condition. Sold by all Druggists. White A Rowland, Propri etors, Successors to Dr. Joha Ajbt sad Dr. W. B, Moffat, Xs York. QIFT8 FOR THE MILLION! A HUGE STOCK, BOUGHT EXPRES3LY FOR TflEj; FESTIVE DAYS AUEAU, AT ISAAC HOOPER'S aOCERf ADO 00rECTIOHBRr'l , Mr. Trooper would still have hia friends and pat rons bear In mind, that he continues In the Gro cery and Confectionery trarln at his usual place of doing business, and that be baa Just rocelved A FRESH SUPPLY of ths best quality of all articles In his Una. TOYS-NOTIONS, and a great variety of useful articles always ou hand. REFRESHMENTS. , In connection with the above, Mr. Hooper keeps a Restaurant, where DELICIOUS OYSTERS! With all the "et eoteras," are served st reason- ft 111) r A 1,434. The moat attractive and most popular resort In town. . :14: (l6-ly7 F OB T II E PEOPLE! A FULL STOCK OF FALL AXD WISTER DRY GOODS 1 SHIRK & SUTT ONi'S We desire to Inform our customers and all those who wish to buy GOOD GOOD3 AT LOW PRICES That we am reeelvlnr a eomnlete atocliof Fall and Wlntor Goods, which wo are dctermlaed to sell. If you will come and see them. Our stock of DRY GOODS, . embrace tha best staples, extra heavy brown muslins, drilling, canton flannels, blcnencd muslin, gingham, a good assortment of FINE DRESS GOODS! also, ar-nernl notions, hosiery, cloves, trim ming, ribbons, buttons, eta A". Also, a lot of extra naunela, white, red, gray, ugured and barred, IN ABUNDANCE! ' Boots and Shoes, extra, hoavy, hand made boots, for men and boys, and an assortment of fine and heavy ahoce for Women, Misses and Children. Come to us to buy your boots and shoes for the winter, HATS AND CAPS for men and boys, a great variety and at prices to suit alt. Full style of ladles hats, wreaths. feathers, flowers. Dress trimmings, Ac. nomecnoiee groeeriea. tea, oouet,, sugar, nee. and a, pepper, spies, good Indigo, Ac. Come and see our stuck, , DONT MISS THE PLACE, A. Wilson Jr.'s building ;lS,'67-tf iHIRK A SUTTON. W.vnr.hur". Pei I. O. OF O. F. v- I WAYNESBURG ENCAMPMENT, NO. lit. Hall In Oanear's Building, east Msln Street, Wavneaburg,Pa. First and second Friday's ol each month. . - . dh. OOK OUT! All persons knowing themselves Indebted to thl late Arm of Call, Roberts A Co Slthcr hv note or book account, will do well f 9 call and settle tholr account. - All that are not paid lm medlatelyyvlll be placed tains bands or a prop er officer for collection. CALL A MeCLELLAND. nakForres.Na.ll,'f7 Surviving Partners. QRKAT PANIC IN Till PRIGS, or "'""'1 BOOTS AND 8 SO III vfTXtiAM HjtSIUSXfla) staaustos' sow, WAtwasora-), Ttavtni lurehased a hnaw ntn ir Rbbisb and Shoes of t in FINBr and BEST QUALiTT to Se found In the East, be now ha tha BtsTss lected and moat complete assortment of tbes Goods ever brought to tasTowa. AMtMotes) toseU FOR CASH Men's best, whole stock, Home-made Boots. Sf Inch leg, at M.00, 5.M and 6.00; Men's FlnsCaH at 17.50, with a uniform deduotlon In rates, oat all kinds of stock. Mr. Berryhlll having an saw pertenco of It years In ths manutacturlat of BOOTS AND SHOES t Is thoroughly acqnalnted'wlth thebuilusssys has taken great care to make this S) SUPERIOR STOCK TO ANY TOFORB. mrt.Htasv Experienced hands sra constantly employed in making to order and we can safely say last a no place else In these "diggings" can tha rasls rial and workmanship be surpassed. ALL WORK WARRANTED I Ho now asks bis friends and tha poblle to sail and examine his stock, aa he feels confident thai he can please them. WM. BERRYHILL. 12;1S-U Mechanics' Row, Waynesburg, Pa, a RBAt BARGAINS! BOOTS AND 8DOIH saw ucocs-t rtvr stow i CUSTOM-MADE WORK1 CHEAPER THAN EVER, At U. C. is II. BELL (sooonaoM tostAurm S A Y E R 8 1 CORNER WAYNESBURQ, PA 3.C&U and axsmlns, and save money t GOTO M. o. n. 12;4-ly. BELL'S FOR BARGAINS M EDICAL. ,: it. WHITTLESY. T. WHITTLESY, Physician for Crnl's see, has a pormauout office in Washington, lylvania, where he haa been engaged for DR. fiisoaaes. Pennsylvania, where he haa been enaaa the naat twelve years la the suooessfml treatment ol an DISEASES OF Ai CHRONIC NATURat The Doctor might present a volume of certifi cates of cures, complimentary notices, Aa, boi the most satisfactory testimonial will be glvea the pnblio in a trial of bis skill. Dr. W. devote exclusive attention to Chronlo Ailments, la which his practice has bce,n uniformly success ful, ctfeetina; cures in rnaay caana Itaaf feava batnod all other systems of treatment. rarslysls, TtfieumaHsm, Brmtcbltls, Catarrsh, rjc:ifnoM!. Diseases of the Spine, Stomach, Ilnart, I.Ivor, Bowels, Kidneys, Lungs, Fmnale Disnnsca, General Debil ity, c, Ac, Arc all promptly and permanently oured by the Doctor's systrfm of Ueatmonv Daring tbarpaas fw years, tho Doctor has registered hundreds of corns to which he will lie ploaaed to give those references who may can upon mm. ne inviiea all afflicted with any form of Chronlo disease and having failod toobtaln relief, to OIVE niS MEDICINES A TRIAL. If Is principal agents are selected entirely from the VeKHtahle Klnalom, and these are so com bined aa to equalize the vital forces of the body and thereby restore It to perfect health. Tha Doctor has been especially successful In the treatment of all F EM A h E D I S E Xs f. 8 . Wofnen bv the scrre Ml vlotltna-tosnaladlsb pa cullar to their sex, many of whom might m anved from lives of wretchedness and prematura graves by applying In time to Dr. W. The rent, ivllit employed In tk practise ! Sr. W. am manufactured exclusively by him from his own Medio) Laboratory 'and ars always Tpnra 1st qualltv and specific In effect. Dr. W, diagnose dtaenao by avansof thwUrtna, honly in(allt. Me teat of disease, never falling lodlseavar Its nature, locality and eurabtUty, thus enabling him to employ a RATIONAL, HCrtfNTIFIO AND CURATIVE TREATMENT. Of the abaoiul eerWarty of hi snosWof dsasrno- am he can satisfy'evriry patient who gives 'bins a trial, from the urine alone be will tall accurate ly all that can be known of any dlaeaae. In the examinatlonof this socretlon, ha employs opti cal, chemical and microscopical tests, neoaea being presented In which ouenl these teats la not surHclent to an accurate diagnoses. Tha Doetordnea not claim to be a "our all,"norya "the right arm of the Almighty stretched finrtq td.save the world from promature dissolution," hut he does profess fromsclanUno sxiqulmiMBla and YEARS dF EXPERIENCE, . Devoted exelnslvelv to the treatment of chronlo Ills, with bis Infallible testa of dlavase, to be able. Io rel'eve and permanently oura all thoaa eases) which ar not already beyond tha reach ot rem edtesi ' A - A 1 . . OFFICE CORNER OF MAIN &, CHESTNUT 6TS-. OPPOSITE THE MANSION BOTJBS 0? '. IWASBTNGTOM, FA. -., ..CONSULTATIONtV , REE AJTD CONFIDIlTTIAt. - " . 'wsvruMrr. 1