The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, December 18, 1867, Image 4
he'l3anG&hivgi epwbticrtii, Scbncsbaji, December 18, I80T.' .MtMTtNOt TW WATHBUVM WVUM' JOB PinmiTQ I8Ti.BLIJ6U- Saytrt' Jkildmf, Salt Sfian, ' WA TVMSM UX Q, PA, nnoiuiua& HXBIADA tCSIXBU CARDS, fMTOA wuta, NEATLY EXECUTED. wn ati voir a ammAT yajucty OF JUTERULI Aal i Man complete (took at PAPER, CARDS, & e., Thta any Mttbliihment within tb llmiu of var vuannrna ciroia AND WE ARE PREPARED T MU every latter! pU a ef JOB PRINTING! nr a STYLE OF NEATNESS BEAUTY!! AND cannot be surpaskd anywueric. We enplay the meet competent rtnters, and propoae to MEET EVERY ORDER! With which .we ere tavored, In the SHORTEST TIME POSSIBLE ! AX tK THE HOST aUTISFACTORY MAITNER ! rertleular attentloirglTee to FIN'S RULE WCRK! CERTIFICATES, CHECKS, Ac.,. TERMS REASONABLE!' ii ifhwre a eall before (oiiif cluwhere. u$intt (tanks. T. 1 W. ROSS, rBTSlCIJUf AND SCIOION. Offlee In Jewell's building, West end of Main fit. Wayoeaburg. W-tr. EO. 8. JEFFEKV, NOTARY PUBLIC. All bull milness pertalnlntr to the office attended to nptly. Odl"e with P. A. Telegraph Co., of the Court Huum. 4,1-tf. prom CfMt F inST NATIONAL DANK, of wiT!tr.incna discount pay Tuesdays. 1). Bonkr, rrra't. J. C. KI.E.NN1KKN, Cashier. May It; '&-ly. F. k' BALL, Dealer la Dry Onodf, Groceries, Hardware, eta., etc . AT McCOY'S OLD STAND, 8-ly. Oreensboro, Ts. EWI8 DAY, J DEittn IV BOOKS Attn STATIOXKBT, Wall Paper. Window Paper. Ac. Sunday School Rooks or all kinds constantly on hand, room In Mrs. Rush's building, formerly occupied by Cot terell A Taylor, Wayncsburg, Pa. May , W-ly. w M. BAILEY, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, AIK ITRBKT, OrPOSITB COl'ET riOCSB. ireena on hands slwav a choice and select as- aortment if Watrlust and Jewelry. Repairing done at the lowest rates. ,i: tn-iy, w M. T. WEUB, JR. ilODLK ADD ITARilKSS IIAKKt, (IN WILSON'S BUILDING, MAIN ST.) Baddies, Bridles, Harness kept on hand and made to order. Work done In the best style, and at reasimaiue rates, 4 He pairing k speciality on short notice. Farmer friends go look nt his slock. ijU-if. D ENTI3TUY. I Imve lornted In Wnynfuhnrir. nnd urn oecu D7lnf the latt rrnldeiu'eol Ir. H. 8. Pulton. Hay Iiia taken -treat nnliis to hecoine thormivrlilv no qtminted with both tho theory und practice of iwiuiitTry.nnii imviiin nufiniicxperJcucL'oiHcven roar in me proamnion, i iee, wurranieu m nay us that my uatlcntn Hhnll nave tmcaiixoto com piitiu 'M tiiiiTUPr iifi-iiti ninn, r..u uemm win nu ivnilerva nalnlPHii, when desired, by I no ndmm Html lou of "l.aii'mnu ana" or otlieriincntlicticti'. L'tntwfi mmli'mtr.miiTtill operation wh minted on n-prpflcntw!. I wlUb nt hom vrniorT kh AiVF.NTiBK from.tho ilftwnth totlw thtrtli-th of 4vory month. JOS.B. HEUTIO. M 6UMMERSGILI4 BRO. ( JEWELL'S OLD STAND. CITER END OF TOWN.) The nubile nrorMwetfiillr InfnrmM thnt Sum m -Tfftll A Rro. hjivt' hist received alnrueBtockor JIARBLE WORK! flnrh fis Ornve Ptonrn, Mnmimrntu, Mnntlo Work, are. We nro prepared to umilKli work nt re(inaiir lerms on snori noiire. tan mm ox amiiH'our eit(Mlit Mylcs, and prices, hefore pur- Jl'BT OrtNVD DT THOMAS T.RADLICY. Poiltlvds the most pomplctf ITntt-l in our town, fcVoryihiiiKconimnfM io inrnii incoi'st accom nifMlutlon ever vt't ollerwl to tho nuhttc. Meaiw furninhfd nt till hours, table provhlotl wiiti tne ih'hi iti incKcuMon. Trnvt'lhTH ntid those dcslrouM or refri'ShiiH'nt will do well totMiH."Tom 'still retnlim his ol reputation of an aecomnio'liithiKKftittemnn, nni nnflpiianie lanoioni. jionse, me onn lormerly oeeupien oy uw ".in'sseiiKer wince, ;y,r, m-l JOUN If. HOFFMAN, A TTOliXE V FOR COLLECTING r-Hxsioss, nor.TiK, arukahs or I'Av, AND ALL MILITARY CLAIMS. Itnvlnu htifl 17 vonrs experience In protepnlln Mich claims, I have become familiar wltJi the vnrtous Laws and the larut amount of record evidence In niv iiwfeslftn enuoles mi'tolw very micctsfiil In proKecntlii!s'i.iMndtvl claims, and In many Instances have proved micpefnl when theclalinant bad hm jrlvcn them up In despair. no matter now aimcmi inu emiin no h isjuhi n;i!s-iy. JOUERT DOUGHERTY, 01RKIA0R, WAYNKS1IURG, TA. Respeclfiilly given notice that he hnn located In wuynciiuurg, ra., wiicre no lmrnutt io muuu faoture CARRIAGES Of every description, From bin exiwrlenee. In inn onsinens ne it In confident thnt his work. In ntyle.flnih nnd durability, wilt tcive entln'snV lafactlon. His bin deturinluutioii to purchase the beet innterIM In market, nnd employ none but competent workmen. AU work wnrrnnuti mr one yenr."v w AYNESDUItQ MRBLE AND BTONE WORKS. SAYERS & niXEHART. Still contlniietoentTy onthoMnrble and Stone cuttlna bUHinesKtit their Intitr eHtiiblHhed s(jih1 Immediate east of the riiblin Hitiare, rsttwecn tiiao ana nne streets, w nyneHimiv. m. This establishment has been In constant ojier atlon since lKii). ami the long exihrltiicc nnd en emy of the proprietors, linked with the exer cise oi soun.i judgment ami gtnM tusie, nave won for them a widespread and enviable remitntlon An exti'nslve sloi'lt of the various vurit41es of the best marote kept constantly on hnnd. Spe cial attention paid toiHitlshliitf, prcBslng, carv. Ihk and cnirrnvtnir. All onliT. promptly filled. 42fe'00-tf, Ornnur- C. STtrmttsa, Attorney at Iiw, Jons C. Waoseh, Notary l'ubllc, gTUHSISS & WAGNER, UNITED 8T.VTF.S CLAIM AND (1ENERAL COI.I.FrriNO AOKNTS. -Fortheadlnstment of CT..MMH.ofiill kinds against the United states, such as PF.N3I0NS, INCItKASKOK PENSIONS, BOUN TY,.lcio KXTKA HoL'NTY, and those of any other class call on or write' to the Military and Nnvul Aaency nt XlliKtilMMA WAIiNKK, Walnnt Bt., 1 dorr below Haffans' corner. I Up Ntiilrs.l l;5l,'f-Sm MOROaNTO WN, W. VA. K. A. TINKER II. L. MAPEI rJIINKER MAPKL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OP HOGS, CATTLE AND SHEEP, AT THEIR OWN YARDS, 'WEST BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. ADJOINING MD. IJVE STOCK SCALES. Consignments respectfully solicited. All com- miinicnimiis prnnipuy answered. j"ost ntllce Address Box IfMI. 7;M-b'. J 0. OF 0. F. WAlJOBllIU ESUAMPMENT, NO. TIall In Onnear's Pnlldlna, east Mnln Street, Wayneskurg, Pu. Unit and aownd Frldav'a ol each montlu dh. 00K OUTI All persons knowing themselves Indebted to the late firm of Dill, Roberta A Co. either by nnts or book an ount. will do wall Ian imi settle their accounts. All that are not paid im mediately will he plaord In the hands of a prop er o in our fop collection. i Ai-ii met ur.u.AKD. Oak ForreeVKoT. 11, 'tT Burrtrlug larUiors. A D AND KNOW QUICK SALES AND GIIOIIT r0FIT3 ! IMMENSE BTQCK OF FRESH OROCERIE3 AND PROVISIONS Constantly arriving at the Store of JOHN MUNNELL, WAYNESBl'RO, PA. Consisting, In part, of GROCERIES. CON FI CTION AUI ES, TOBACCO, SEUARS, BNL FF, CRACKERS. CHEESE, MOLASSES, CARBON OIL, HHH, BACON, Ac, Ac, to., In addition to the above, a full stock of NOTIONS, HARDWARE, SPECTACLES, rOCKET KNIVE9 andthottsnnds of other articles, which are be ing sold as low as the TIMES WILL PERMIT! C O M E AND B U Y. JOHN MUNNEI.U U:13tf. MURD E HI "oven tm itrr.' Majority of those who read newspapers, never eveu give a nasiy Rianceai a ousincsa auvcriise ment and if MAN Actually hfw a choice variety of (roods which heissellliiKut theVKHY LOWKsf prices that can bu uU'orded, It hnrilly pa. v hi in to publish FOUND It Itest to slmnly Invite evervbodv In enll nnd examine ourtock mid prlcea before piiruhatliiK eUcwhere. niiilHiiv but little In reimr.i tn our nhlltty anil determination to make itaUvuutu- Keou.t to i nose who urc not DEAD Tothelrown Intercut to buy their CnnrtlCr., Nuts, iMtisuui), Jiiu-r-in-ri uuii every uung IN TheOroceryllnco. II. A.Itlnehart,lnI,edwlth'.s om uuuuins, opposite me pontic square, WAYNESBURO. A FRESH SUPPLY JUST 11 E C E I V E D A N D FOIl BALE AT THE LOWEST PRICES lftSO'-tf. TILLIi.M WALLACE, GUOCEKI ES A XI) PJiO VISIONS! Olt POOR VTKST or PFTEll DltOW'S STOI1E. Ve have Just received a well selected stock of ' in nn VAUII V f II I- III I. U 1.1- I ..I, ..... chased for CAHit and nre cru11ifeut thnt we cun supply our customers nnd all who may fnvor us wltli a call, as cheup, if not ehcuier, than nnv other house In thei-ountv, COKFEEX, HUOAHH, MOLAH.1F.S, MVltCPH, TEAS, HICK. rKiKA, TOBAI'COH. ' I'lfllll.a SNl'FFH, CANPI.EH. SOAPS, EXTnAcr, COF FEE, HTHAWllEUKII-X, .TELLIES, Oil ., CVI ., ,Y-. Don't fall to examine our stolt mul see fur vmir. selves, fur we nre determined to sell as chenp ns the cheaiH'st. ft;S-tf "U7 John Ilnmts. Tno.M.vs I.vvm. T. LUCAS & CO. rORWARDISn AItt) COMMISSION MEnctlANTS. And dealers In flrnceries.'r0 Tnii,M Shoe Flndlnirs, Inm, Nails, Salt, Fish, Ac. Aln' anonts for Aubrey, Cmmlow f'oiin s Window' Sash. A supply kept constantly on hamls. HIcp' ding, l'a., alrave tho ne. 0; Vtf, JAZEAR BROTHERS, WHOLESALE CnOCIRS AND CHANTS. COMMISSION situ- N. 77. EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE. Js. H.'I.AzrAn, '. L.. Lazeah. &;15-ly. r 1CBUC NOTICE. As the firm of HtruUKfl 4 MTCAH Is dissolved by mutual consent, the Commission business wl 1 still Imenrrloil on nt tho nlil utmul (1, order, and on the most reasonable terms. In the iiniutT mm Hi-VltJ ui j.. iinjiir.n iv lit., (selilur partner.) They Halter themselves, by havinif the House and the best location In the place for thnthustnesa. that thev will iikl-iuve n uiwrat hare of tllepublle piltronni;e. 1 ney win also Keep a aoou supply or OROCEK IKS on hand to aceomnu)dat.uli who mnv OLvm- tlicm with a call. .,.. L. IIl OIlES A CO., 4;10-tf. lllce s LnndiiiK, Fa. gfffdcntjj (6'istatfs. E G A L NOTICE. J Letters of administration nmn th ..1.1. nr (ieorgo Lifthtner, lateol Morris (p., dee d., hav ing been xranted to the undersigned, notice Is hereby siven to all persons indebteil tn sni.i estate to make Immediate payment, and those im.iiiK uiMinm HKiimii iiiv Mm, 10 present tnciu properly auUientlcati-d forst-ttlement. MIC A.I AH LKiHTNriR, . hAMUKk LIUIITNKlt, lhll-Bt. Kxccutors, t ' EGAL NOTICE. . J - . letters testnmentnrv nnon tlia esfntii nt .Ta Rtewart, of IVnter Tp(lreene county Pa.,dc'd having been uranted to the underatirued notice Is hereby Riven to all persons Indebted to said es tate to make Immediate payment, and those having ctalma against the seme will present Uiem propvrly MiUieiitlcnted forsettlaincnt. JAMFX CALI ..... JOBTHROCKMOtlTOW. 10lWw ,,- Eiecutor. R poetry. HONU OF THE UBA.NT t LI B. OT PXIVATK MlLtS 0'HKILLT. Alrt Woin Ihteiu. Oh I Come fill your glasses, fellows, And stand up la & row, On n Presidential drinking We are going for Io j Let us trample down all party ties Beneath uur lovoof right, And proudly claim Ulyjsus Qrant As captain of uur fight t So, for Prcsi.lent Ulvssvs Let every glass bo bright Hay he rule lbs country he bis saved, And God defend tbe light ! In the world to-day no pronder name Is homo on any breeze, And wilh Ornnt to steer the ship of Slate, Our flag shall ruin tlio S3s No "Dominion" sb tll ho north of us. And south of us no foe Our S'srs nndSirlpcs In Hie Cumdas, And likewise Mexico ! For Willi President L'lysses Will bo fe who ctre to fljit May he rule the ennntry lie has saved, And Uod defend the r!a'Ut I Ills band 13 soft to meet a friend And rmtilcd In meet a foe He's the Mississippi river horse. Resistless as it flow 1 And our brethren of the beaten States Tbcso "aliens" of to day Will find n generous baud bcld out When Oram his c tnn to sway ! For generous is Ulysses To tlio men who felt Ms might May ba rule Ih'J country lieHiai saved, And G-nl defend tlio rllit t So bojs! a final bumper, While wo all in chorus clnnt ''For next President we noaiinate Our own Ulysses Grunt ! " And if n iked what St Uj In halls front, This our sole reply shall he, "From near Appomattox Court-House, Willi lis famous applo tree!" For 'twas tlieni to our Ulysses, That Lecgnve up tlio tlijlit Now, boys, ' To Grant for Patient, And God defend the riL'ht I " SttteccUaiwiw. Tile Pitfsbrp;:i Klcctlou. At the cliai'ter clwtion liclil in that citv on tlio lUtli iiist., Biililull, tlio Uc- imbliran caiiiliilitto, was baaly b?atuii bv Bliiulviiion', tho cnnilidato of the orkmgiiien. hliK'kmoro receivct vcrv nearlv tlio entire Dunicrntio sup port, ami tho vote of multitudes of tlid rpiinblie.uw 111 luUihun. Indeed Mr. Kidtlell earricil but one nrceinet in (he whole city, mid that by a majority of. onlv lour votrs. Allinder, inikiicimlent KiMiublienn was cleetc.l C'itv '1'ivasiirer, over Mc- Caitliv, rou'iihu1 K.ptiblicaii. Al linger was adopted bv t;io Workiiiinen, mid was supiioi'ted l;y the Deinoerats generally, as well a.s by many litpub lir;ui:i. olaarle, lwultif l-Ieimulican. was t'loctL'd City Atiinncv, over liurgwill orkinemaii. MeCargo, regular H.pnlilicnn, was eieelca t. onlroller.over Vritriit. i oris- ingn!:in. 'J'he select council simids twenty three KeiMiblican-s to three Democrats, and one Labor dorm. 1 lie Common Council,' thirtv-cisrht Bcimbliounf) to live J-'emociiils. Ak exehaace m'ves the folio winir explanation ol tliatpeeuliarstatcoi tlie atmosphere railed Indian summer; as the sun moves South so to speak, in his approach to his winter solstice, his iys tail more obliouely upon the earth's disc than in midsummer, and ot course with less lidcnstv of heat. dd to this the fact that the3s rays arc softened and. mellowed by eliining tliroiiEfi an atmosphere Idled with tlio peculiar dust mid gossamer from ripen ed ana tiucaviner voire tat 1011. as welt as from real smoke, and wo have tho rich Mosaicntnnsphera called by tho suu- gestive inline of Indian summer. PiiHji-iucK. rn jiullce may bo compared to a ink ty muri-ing in October s a m m goes forth t an, and at the summit of a neigh boring hill 11 fl-pin-, appttently of gigantic stuturc for such tlie imperfect medium tlirotuli wliicli he is viewed wo ild rr.ak ) him nppei r ; ho goes for.vatd a few steps, and Ihe figure advances towards !d .1 1 Ilia iiss lessens 11s Ibey i;)pronch : they draw still nearer, nnd I he oximordinary appearance is gradually but SJtb-itily ilimiuislied ; at last, lli-.y meet and, perhaps, Ilia person Irj had t iken for a monster proves to bo his own brotiicr. fimnivS An impudent write r treating nn the "natural history of bildi s,. " clnssiries tliem thus Si'ntiim ntnl In Idea, who marry for love ; speculative brides, who marry fur money ; rnxious luidts, who niarrv for the sake of being mhriled ; accommodating blides, who many because their lovers a.-k them ; unresisting brides, who marry because their trieiids ths'ue llu-ni to marry ; .inquisilive brides, who marry lor curi-ttiiv; and invalid bddes, whnnuiny Intestine thrir health. . The following letter, rtrlxilim it IttinUim, as pi luted, was sent to tho office of a Leaven woitli paper, and "speaks for ilself :' Kikaido, nov. 2. I8K7 Deue Zen; Will you plczi Inform me wcilhernigger suphnige I Vt as (arris 1 ut The late lection If seel, ig rant peepul is Io vont I wont to Icav this God futsaking State, and no back to Salhera llllnoti Teurs Trooly. CosvErATiON. Conversation is the dnusrhter of reasonins, the mother of know ledge, the breath of the soulid the commerce ot hearts, the bond of friendship, the nourishment of con tent, ami the occupation of men of wit. An IiTeve cnt rascal publishes tbe following, atrocious conundrum : What is the dltTi-rence between a tnilden of tixtcen nnd a maiden of sixty t Ono U careless and happy and the other hairless and cappy. A lady condemlng the wearing of mustaches declared "It is ono of the fashions I set my face against." Tiie Union League of Pliiladeldhia has nom inated General Grant Air President. . , Clothing. TN "iMMKNSli STOCK' ii. CLOTHING OF IN NOW OPEKISO AT N. CLARK & SON'S FASHIONABLE AND POPULAR CLOTHING aiuuL. nought Just In the "Vlek of Time," and will lie soiu ouiy a iraciion nigner tnaa in the days or GOLD AND SILVER! We can offer Inducements that no other estab lishment IN T II E PLACE CAN! Having made our purchase In Philadelphia in tho most FAVORABLE TIJIE OF THE 8EAS0N. We Invite particular attention to our business suits and FINE BEAVER OVERCOATS! In the FRENCH, MOSCOW, CHINCHILLA and AMERICAN Bearer Overcoats, we cannot lie surpasssed for QUALITY, STYLE, OR PKICE. A large selection of CENT'S and HOY'S cloth ing. We have lints and Caps for Men and Hoys of all tho LATEST AND BEST STYLES. In our Gentlemen's Furnlshini Denartment we make it OUR SPECIAL OI5JECT To keep a better cla"S of eoods than can he round In any similar Establishment, llavlnii always 011 hand all the neatest nnd most novel styles of TIES, SCARFS, COLLARS, Ac, A'c, &e.p In PA PI' I! mf.r.-MW wn h.v,.n,,..l uuve only 10 ami : Oh ! Contless mortals, whero ever yon be, Iti-hold tlii'se lines ulid see vour reniedv; J e weary men with Cull and t'ullnrs worn, w ItllSIis'ltlliRs roll or hules nn i hndly turn, Whose itloves iirethumliless mul I li-.-i urulost. Come nnd replace Ihem at Utile cost. We II III you out Io style from hemi tofei-t. ion 11 loolt au well whene'er you wall; Ihe Bit Ul-l, JUHT OPPOSITE I0;W-ir. DAY'S HOOK STORE. T UE LATEST SENSATION ! T E L E G R A V II I C! The resident htm not yet been I nipeached. but A . J, SO W E It S Has purchased an Immense, stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING! OVERCOAT, . l'ANTS, VEST, IIAT3, CAPS, rfc., ETC., of the latest style and hest workmanship. A choieo stock of N 0 J I O N S ! Hosiery, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Suspenders, etc., also on hand, which will bo Bold nt astonish ingly LOW PRICES! all and sec him before yon buy elsewhere, iiivurlatily satlslles all WHO WISH TO PURCHASE! He Room In Allison's Imlldlnir, Waynesburr;, Pa. inr-im A J' H"W- jRV GOODS AT WHOLESALE. M'ELROY, DICKSON & CO. NO. Si WOOD STREET, riTT3BUROH, P.V. Now offer to dtalcrs their FALL STOCK, AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, IN GREAT VARIETY. ;ll-3m. AND SALE. For male. 1 JVM norvu of Timu. ZlWI ""."."Sv " 1 LlttleKr! S?W;i',TJ,nn, fr", "hundaneeof ihe best 3?2iS Ta B'jUdln and Stave Timber. Is cut In r reels to suls purchasers, Apulv to O. Marshall near the premises, or to Uwson Adams, Waynssburg, Oroene County, p. OOK AUENT3 WANTED TO SOLICIT ORDERS FOR A KRW ILLUSTRATED 1 BIBLE DICTIONARY. (COMPLETE is ONE VOI.VLE.) This nir-rioxARTemhodtcs Ihe result of the mot rix-cnt stmly, research anil luvestiKatiou. of alMiut sixty-ltvu 01 the mint eminent ami ad vanced HH1II01I H-linlnrH now llvllnr. Cleray men of all dciioiiiinutiona upprove It, and ro Kard it a-i the hest work of it Kind In tlie Knir hsh lnnauaKC, nn.l on, which ouiilit to be )u ihe lic.nds ol t v.-ry lin.le render In the laud, In rtrciilnttmr this work. am-nlH will find a pleasant and protttulile emptuyiiieut. The nu merous olijt'i'ti'ins vvliich arc usually eue.iutiter 01I In selling ordinary works will not exist with this. Hut on the contrary, cneouraaement nn,l friendly aid will attend the Agent, making his labors aicii-i-nlile. useful, and lumitlvc. Ildies, retired Clergymen, Kclusd Teachers, Farmers, stiiilt tits, and nil otliers who possess energy, nro wauled to nssist In I'aiivaKsinir every town nnd county in the country, to whom tne most iincrai luiiiii-eincnis win heoiiereil, t or particulars, emilv to, or addn'ss ppl v to, oraddn'ss, i?ti..r L-l 11 It L'lIU T-3fansom Street, 'Philadelphia, l'a, 10:9 'e7-t, E ?NEROETIC MEN AND LADIES WANT- D TO CANVASS FOR THE OR1UIN AND HISTOIIY OF TIIE BOOKS OF TIIE BIBLE. UY ntOF. CALVIN K. ROWS, I. . ShowliiK whntthoKihle In nut; what it f.nntl how Id list) It; trnciiiu th' lilMmy ol t'lU'lilxMik up lu itfuirltflii with tlio inspired mithorM, nnl foinplftt'ly iitihwoiii.nll Itilldcl ruvllH nnd nh !c titnis to the ttrriMiirvH. Jl Ihiiii nriiiiiuryJI nmry of lUbllcnl JitMory In n Kinitle volmnu, lirit f, fU-nr, iiciiirutf, etnu-lnlvo mikI highly ln Urtst tiiir. A inntiT-ph-s-t' of rotninun ttciiM?. It Ik n.i'U'l in cvory l.imily wlHr tin HlhlcN rt4itl,iiHvullu hy cvory suIHuiUiSHkmiI ttiU'ln'r, stihti-nt anil rlfijfviiu n.Hinl lt'iiiiiiiMiilv iKH.k on Din mihj.M. eviT (Mihlishci, (1r tnhl inthlH country, nm'titn imii nott ttu inlvaiitnuc of nmva.sMitm nr thin wurk. Homl for clrciilurn C(iiitalnliij notlcrs and iiidtirMi'iiioutN from ltud lim mltilstirs of nil th-noiniimtlttiH. A'Mu'km. ZKKil.Klt, Mcl'lIthYAt O., Ko. 01 1 ArUi Wivta, 1'hUaili'liiliia, I'n. EMPIRK PANV. SEWIN'O MACHINE COM- HALEHltOOM, 1)16 Broadway, N. Y. No. 1 Family Maciiiv::. This machine has a straight m-cille, pel pen.llcular acllnn, makes the Lock or Nhutlle SIHch, which will neither rip nor ravel, and Isallko 011 hoth sld(-s;H:r-f-irms-p'-rft-ct si-wltiji mi evcrv li-scrlptlon of material, with cotton, linen orsilk thread. II Hems, Fell -, Hinds, ISialils, Tucks, tlullls, 1'laltsnnil 1 lathers. As a Famllv Machine, it lias nn siiperiur. l'rlce, with ilcmiiicr und HlMlcli-r, f m. l'lirtli ular allcntlon Is called to our New Im proved Maniilai-turlni; Mai-hliics; Tiny run lihl aiiil are i-oinpanttivi-lv noiseless, siinnle, durahle liMd eltl'-ielll. For cloth or Leather worl: tlii'.v have uocomp'-tltors. No. 1 Mni'tiin.i, with ilcinuicr and Braider, $7.",. No. 'A .M,i,'liinp. Sxv t!i)-AiO'iils wliom n liherat dis count will ho KiVI'U. pAINTd FOR FARMERS AND OTHERS The Ornfton Mineral Paint Co. are now manu- facturitiit the H'St, Cheapest, nnd most litiralde Fn hit in use : two coaTs well nut on. mlX'-il w-th pure tlnsee'l oil, will last hlor hi yea:s ; It is of a Unlit brown or hi-ailtihi! cho''olat(;co!or,unilcau cuiui':i"t to ai-ecn, l.-aii, stone, iirno, olive or eri'MUl, to suit the taste of the consumer, it Is vafjiitile lor Houses, li.-u-ns, Kent'i-s, 1 arrl:o:ciind ' ar-makers. l'.iils mul vofi-h-'l-wai'e. Ar cu Inrrtl liniileueiils, fj.nul Itfiats, essels and Ins Itoltoms. Cuiiviim. Metal nnd Nhln-'lH uoot.. in oeiii'llre mul water rrool.i loor ot! I loths. foue iiiauii'-H-uiif-r hav n j U'icl -vftil IiIiIm. the past year,) a'1,1 lisa p:i!nt ior any tuirpfise Is u i-nassi'-t ior, iiui-aoi;iy, i-iasi leu v. awl idhi-slveiilvB. I'rl"e''l la-r hill, of JUM ll-n.. wlilell v.-lll ;mi ply it lavm.-r l u-yetus to come. War ranted in all c-i-ies us above. Sen-I for a elrculiu '.vhieli lves t'u It pari b ulars. None iii'iiu'ne un- I'-s-i nrniKto'l in a trade nro lr i ,t-.-itt-ii Mlm-ml Paint. Adilll.'S liASlDl. HMlWl'.l.I,, fl;ls,-!7-lrn I'd l'e.irl Street. New York. a :i t i: D ! 2 0 0 FARMERS! T' fM:i.T (n n 1 i : i j t nnd lionornlih ImirIucks for tlio vintiM iiiotitlis, Intlio vicinity where thoy n tiUh; which will net them from KU to 8i 50 :r iiiMMh. J-nr t:ir1icnliir.4 apply to, nr nddres'H PAH .MiMj'.i. lui'is,, t.j KiiiHoni Htrt-'ct, I'h: ItmU'l- ihin. rmn. A OKNTS WANTED 1-OH TWO OF THE tie-it Helling tifio'- pv?r p'TblSsliod, Onf mtith-d ".Mysl. rl' s ol' th,- V'iip'jlit;,.. i'nnvciit.-'," l.y mi Kx-lU'iirdltlne Nun, a true nooonnt of the- in ner lile of iheeniivi-ms the m.-i llirlll.n.( nnd interetinir work licforu tho miMi". 'J he other entitled "The I'ottauo Cy(!!ori.'diat" a t;nn of wriiiin, him witniHti in every uonuy; (complete tn one hirnv volutno. of fvor JifN. pnues, ilhiMtVated. Send lor cireiilurt of tenon, which are very lihernl. A. M. IIALK A ( ((., IU2T-2L Jlartford, Cnnii. g O M E T II I N 0 N E W IN WAYNiMIIUUB, n-'NN'A. Til OS. BRA DEN & CO. ("At the store rKm formerly oconpied bv Andrew WUnontHr., noxtdoorto Itraden's Dtn; Mt'?p. Kespeotfiilly Infon.iH tlio (rod people of CJrecnc county, that tlicy have, opened u A R D W A R E S T 0 R E! And Invites a e.di from their friends nnd the pub lic Koiicmlly. Their store Is tilled Willi everything Intlielr line ueeilerlbv the farmer anil iiiechiinlc. Helnie nraf'tie.-it fa-.-mers. ttiev know ex-netlv ttiii wauls oit heir fanner frienils. Amnio tiielr var iety of iio-vls will be found Iron, Nails, of all kinds, Piiines of nil varieties, Auicrs, Braces, ,-n. Tattle t'i'iMie-1. cross cut nnd mill w,u-m h k id saws und tf.ols of all descriptions. AORlJTLTL'RAL IMPLEMENTS. Mowing Mnehhu s, Cuttlnc Poxes, Corn ShHlers Plows. Cultivators. Sllfivi.-l.s. Forks, nnrl is-.n-. thliiK in their line. SADDLERY HARDWARE. A ccnernl assortments saddlery hardware, to whleli they liivitethentteiilionof purchasers. WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDS. Tubs, Buckets, Butter P,owls end all kinds of kitchen WofMlfti Fixin s. Willow Baskets IJriK.nis llrushes Ooal Kncketa. llrass Kettles! ItUCL'V HlllOS. SilOt Ktins. llova U',..,. unA SJIeils. .-..- All persons desirous of piirehnslna; anv of tlio above artleles and manv others not uientloned, will consult their interest by CALLING BOON. They will take pleasure In ahowinir their stock NaV!onlilBn'k',,lb0rtl'e ,ltt0e'"llo!,ltetl''lrst T. BRADEN4C0, 'HIE WONDER OF TIIE AGEI TIME, MONEY AND LABOR SAVED! THE LATEST A' BEST CHURN! One of the latest Patents, Issued on tbe llth day or September, W W, In Win. R. Mct'uteheon, of Washington, Iowu, will be on exhibition lu a few days ut JOHN M UN NELL'S, in Wavnesbnnt, Pn. Tills CHCRN must super cede anything of the kind heretofore produ.'Cd. Thesimplenessof Itaeonstntetlon, andltstwo- aiiu or reverseii inoiion, inai nni'im-rs iiui:i from three to six minutes must Induce the com munltv to examine Its iiimlitles. II saves time It saves work and neiiduccs as much butter n anv churn In existence. Mr. Munnell hus mil power to sell rlKhts ror Pennsylvania nr iew York State as well as to furnish Churn to cltl- SOnSOf thlSCOUtlly. m.nmm JjW-tf. - '' Aipin at I. O. OF 0. F. IIOSHIMKA LODGE, NO. Wl. , Trail 'In Onnear'a rtulldltiff, l!nat Mnln Street, wayncaourii, i s, nine, &uuraujraveiiins,encn B rpiIE WASII1NQTON llBRARY COM X rANl . TTTTT 4 Tl t t 11 IT T S IB CHARTERED BT THE HTATK OF FENN BY LVAXI A, AND ORGANIZED IN AID OF , 1 Trrr nivriuini? t batit rTff. ' 1 FOB rtlUCATISU ORATTITOVStT . SOLIUElttT AND SAIUIRS' OKPHANS, l.w lh. UI.I..I t.- -.- . Al'KIL 8 til, IS I) T. . SUBSCRIPTION ONE1X1LLAH-1 fT,f w'lSh,.ng,on HDn"F Company, by vlrto of their charter, and lu accordance with Its pro visions, t ill distribute. THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAIBJ is rRfHRirnt , TO TIIE SHAREHOLDERS, On AVEUNIvSDAY, Itli of JANUARY, idt, AT PHILADELPHIA, PA., Or ill 1! Timllliilr Virmwil V T Ono Present, worth.... 110,009 1 I' worth Siilirw l(l,0o 111... On. ...I One i'lvseut! worth '. ".'.'...!'.!'.!!!!!!! 5!tUM Two Presents, worth f-'ioueach S0i1 One Present, valued al lK.ouo Two Presents, valued at tlUK each SDWO One Present, valucil at lo.oui Knur Presents, vulinsl at i-VWleach Jti.uiO Two Presents, valunl at m.oaii each 6,000 Tiicre ereseiils, valued nt ?l,i"Jeacli H,oou Twenty I'rest-uls, vahtfsl nt 'ai each lo.iso Ten Presents, valued att-HXIeach J,(l Three Presents valued at tfciVlcaeh 7SU Twenty Presents, valued at SiB each 4,-VO Filty-tlve Presents, valued at fcLMM each ll.Oun I-my t'resents, viilueu nt Sd-i each S.750 Mil nresents. valued at Slll each... ll.UiO Tweuly Presents, valued at 175 each Ten Presents, valued at $."i0 eoeh The reiuaiiiiuu presents consists of arti cles of use and value, appcrtululntr to thedltrusiuu of Literature and the flno Arts . l,i SOU KfiM Total, SJuO.ollO Each Certificate of Slock Is AcconiiMnled with BEAUTIFUL STEEL-PLATE ENGRAVING WORTH MORE AT RETAIL THAN THR COST OF CERTIFICATE. And also Insures tn holder a PRESENT IN TIIE GREAT DISTRIBUTION SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR. Any person sendlunus ONE DOLL A R, or pay Inn toe hanie to uur local Audits, will reeeivo immediately a Fine steel-lTale Enurnvinir, at choice Ironi the hillowliiK list, und ImvCertin cate of stock, Insmliiu one present In tho UllEA'f MSTlllRl TION. ' ONE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. No. I-"My "They're Kuvi Child! My Child!" "No. - re haveil !'' .No. S-"f)ltl larly Hays of Ihe IteVoln. Seventy-six; or, the lion." Any person paylnn "two dollars" will reeelva elihc-r of the followlni; Fine Steel-Plates, at clioiee, and Two Ceiiltleates of SUs-k, thus be-comiueutith-fl to Two Prcscia i. TWO DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. No. l-"Wn.ihlm;ton's Courtship." No. 2 "Washington's last Interview with his Mother." THREK DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Any person payltnr ' ct-ivc the tlcautllui Steel Three Hollars" will w I'laleof "HOME FROM TilE WAR." nnd Three CerHflcnles of Stock, becoming en. titled to Three presents. FOUR DOLLAR EXGRAVINGS. Any nersnn navlnu Four TlolliirK" sbnll ceive inc tareaiMi plelidid Steel Plate of "THE PERILS OF Oi l! FOREFATHERS, rind Four Certificate or Stuck, entitling; them to Four Presents, FIVE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS- Any persons who pay "Plye Hollars," shall receive the larne and -splendid tfteel Plate of "THE MARRIAGE OF POCAHONTAS," and Five (Vrtlflcatf of Slock, ontltllnrr them to Five Fresco's, The Eiutrnvlnr-sand Certificates will he deliv ered to to each subscriber nt ourlfM'nJ Agenclefi, or sent by mall, rost paid, may lie urdcied. HOW TO OBTAIN SHAKES AND EN GRAVINGS. Send orders to us by mull, enclosing from 11 to Mi, either by Post Oillce orders, or in a regis tered letter, at our risk. Larger amounts should be sent by draft or express. 10 shares with EmrrnvliiKS.... '.ii shares wilh F.iuircvlutf,... "in shares with KnuravlUKs... 7,ri shares with KinirnviiiKs... 1'Jushurcs with EiiifravliiKs... .Ism . 21 n0 . 40 m . as u Local Agents Wauled throughout the Called -ntutes. TIIE RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE, Situate at niverslde, Bnrlliigton County, New Jersey, Is founded for the purpose of gratuit ously cducutlnic the sons of deceased Soldiers ami .-seamen ol tlie l nlteil sistes. The Hfiaril fif Trustees consists of tba follow ln well-known citizens of Pennsylvania and New Jersey : Hon. WM. 11. MANN, District Atlorney, Philadelphia, Pa. Hon. LEWIS R. IIKOOM ALL, Ex-chlef Collier V. S. Mint, and Recorder of Deeds, phlla. Pa. Hon. JAH. M. HI'OVF.L, New Jersey. Hon. W. W. WARE, New Jersey. HENRY OIJR.Yl AN, Esi., Airent. Aflanis' F.xnress IMilln. Ps. J. E. COE, E., Of Joy, Coo A Co., Philadelphia. TUKAHCRY DEPAnTWFNT. WASniSOTOM. P. C Aprllls,ls7.-oiliceof Internal Revenue :-Hnv-line received satisfactory evidence that the uro cedes of tho enterprise conducted by the Wush- imiion i.iornry i ompany will oeilevoteil locaar llable uses, nermlsslon Is hen-hv aranted to said I 'ompany to conduct such enterprise, exempt from all charge, whether from sHctal tax or other duty. E. A. ROLLINS, Commissioner. The Axinc.latlon have nnnnlntAd as rtAMdvam. Messrs. I ieo. A. Cooke St Co.. XI South Third Street, Philadelphia, whrsai well known Integ rity ami ousiness experience will ne m sumcicnb uuaraiitee tha tho money entrusted to them win uc promptly appueu to tne purpose tuueo. Puir.AFKr.pIIiA, May ), lfW7. "To the Officers and Memlwrs of the Washing ton Library t'omiiany." N. S. READ, Secretary t lentleinen: tin reireltit of vour favor of the PL Inst., iiotltvinir us of our annolntinent as Re celvers lor your i.cinipany, we iook hib iioeny tosulnnit it copy of your Charter, with a plan, of your enterprlso to eminent leiral authority,, ami havimt riselved his favorable opinion In-n-giinl to its li-Kiility, and sympathlslnR with the benevolent oMect of your Association, vlx; the education and maintenance of the orphan children of our soldiers nnd sailors of tbe Rlr ersidc Institute, we have concluded to accept thetrust, and tonseourbost efforts to promote so worthy an object. ncspeerTnlly yonrs, 4e OEO, A. COOKE A CO.. Addresss all letters and orders to OEO. A. COOKE A CO., BANKERS, m South Third Street, Phil. Pa. , Ilerelvers for the Washington Library Com, IH'Mnio. QHOVE3TEEN3 PIANOS, OROVESTEEN'S PIANOS, GROVESTEEN'S PIANOS; 499 Broaihyny, Nejr York, OOBrohdway, NswYork, MO Broadway Nw York, Are unrivalled for Di-RABir.rrr, PowcbsiwJ Evknnksh orT'o-NE. They are fast bncomlBst the favorite over all others, with Mtiatdana, Amateurs, and all lover of GOOD MUSIC They are warranted In every respis-t. Pries one-third lower tliau other II rst-clau makers. Send for Circular, UltOV'ESTEEN A CO.. ftSWmo. is Broeslwajr, N. V. dh.