AHHIVM.S AN DHPAUTLMtUS UK THK MAILS TO ASH KiloM WAVNKHIll'Hilt Prom Waynesiiiun to Wnyneahuin, urrlviil, Wedufsduya.T'ip. m.; depurture, Wt'tinmiluyn, t, a. iu.-(vl Jofle) town,) Kmm Waviiesliuru t lllow Tree, nrrlvnl, Wednesdays, 11 a. m.; departure, Wednesdays, 12, ui. t rim Washington IM. to Waynesburu, arrival dally.'X p. m.; (except Huii'luys,jdcpurluru dully, W k: m..-iexcent hhiuIhvmi. From ltlii'n 1,'indtiiK lo Wuyiieshiirn, arrival dally, S, p. in., (except Hunduya, departure dully, a, . m., (except Nundiiysi, from Wuynesburis. Pu. to Cameron, W. Va., arrival, Tuesday uini Saturdays, .1, p. m., depar ture, Mtmduyaand Kridu.vs, a", a. 111. Knun Wuyiiesbuncto West Alexander, Wash. Co., Pa., arrival, Haturdaya, 7, p. 111., departure, Fridays, 7. a. in. Krotn Wuvneshur to Morgantown, W. Vu., arrival, Wednesdays, 3, p. 111., departure. Tlum day, , n. 111. From Wiiyueahnrg ti Mlddleboiirno, W. Vn., arrival, Wediiuaduya, J, p. 111., departure, Tues days, I. a. 111 NKW AlVKHTISKl!!ITS.!-TllO attention Of oar remlcri is specially directed to the follow lnf advertisements, which appear Tor the first time in our paper to-day. Rcgisler'a Notice P. Brown. For tliu People Shirk and Sutton. flitt lor the Million I. Hooper. 'Notice Kirst National Bank. (Ireat Panic Win. Hcrryhlll. Notice in Bankruptcy Nathan Zlmmer Wnn. Prospectus N. Y. Tribune. CitunTim Is coming and with it the season ofgivinggifts and merrymaking. Now, every body expects a gift, from tlie "muling infant" toihe tire with "piping voice, " and we cun give 110 belter advice tlnn for you to buy ynnrgifls wlicra invited and of (hose who will deal fairly buy them of tho patrons of the Hi.Ti-ni.icAx. Evans will sell you almost anything from a shoe-string to a silk dress. Hooper has Ilulid y presents in abundance. McOurgun deal.i principally In ladles finery nt bus plenty that suits' the g"ntlcm"n. ttoberts & Co., are resplcndant with nice toVet and fancy articles. SI. C. & II. Bell ru "A, 1."ou tho Hoot A Shoe question. Bayers ft Hoskinson step front when the best Is called Tor. Sowers Is meet w lion it comes to buying Clothing, llinuhart has a smile and a present for everybodythat pays for it. Unifier is prepared ti do tho agreeable to all who drop in. Bradley does the hospitality or tlis "Sherman IIousu" full Justice. Hurj. ft A. Campbell know fu'.l well how to please customers Jin.T. Hughes sells the best of 8l(Jd!cs and Harness. N. Clark ft Son will take pleasure in selling you a suit, or any article of wearing apparel. Dinks, Maga Jtincs and Stationery, of the b."st kind and varieties, at Day's. Shirk ft Sutton would lika to gee tho genial faecs of their friends. 3IunneH's Variety Store contains a thousand things th it would please yoursdf or your friend. Uood bargains and articles can b j lid at Wallace's. ' Tom" Bmden & Co., will sell you a handsome pair of skates, pocket knife, or a cross-cut sw. W. T Webb, Jr., would be pleated to s?e you if you want to bay a saddle or n s.'i ol'hamess. Dr. lfcrtlg will administer pleasure and extract pain Dr. Braden will perfume, oil, or renovate you by consigning vo ir Ills to perpetual banish ment W. O. S .(! ft Co., attend cheerfully to Jho distribtili -.a i i'i' i lr nice candies, toys, tc. Fora "rigat down," good dis'iofOystera top Into Jno. P irk"r's You'll cheat yonr self lfyou i"' 1 V, in. Berryliill a call, ,'llob." Doughtily ins noihing else to do, nil Winter but luti'd e-trrl.iirrs your order, lfyou please! The nvirhinery Ins been re-adjusted atthe Eigle Fimmlury and matters progress finely there. Piyers ft Hhiehart have no tptrialilg for the Iloliibiys. Anything in !!ie Furniture, line is found nt A. Mildred's. Bai ley's different styles of Jewelry, rich and durable, make tho prettiest of proscnts. Murg. Hlncbart builds a good Bot, or Shoe and will do your mending in slyle. Hiekcy.or Ferrell, attends to the tonsoriul and if there is anything In the way of printing you need, re member, that to have It donj well you must call nt the Rkmibmcax Oificr; moreover If any of the abovj parties wish to immortalise themselves, by making a purchaser of n g tod bill of goods of Mm, a present of year's sub scription to the K.-.fi.'iiucAx, thereby securing an cscellent advertisement fir you and a "good thing" for us, let him "come forward" and have bis name enrolled among the "few who wo re not born to die!" Tna sweetest singer and the sweetest per fume of the day are Adcllna Patti and l'leilm s ''Night-Blooming Cerciw." Both are Ameri can ! The fair singer enraptures everybody the perfume is in demand everywhere. Georgetown Union, But your Paper and Envelopes at Day's Book Store, Wixrnn. A girl belwjtn sixteen and twenty to do generat housework In a family of threo persons. A permanent home for any trus ty.capable girljwith good reference, who shall apply atonco. For information oil at this office. Hoi.uiat Books, In great vaiiety, at Day's Book Store. Pkopi.h's Lixk. This Company has reorgan ized and added twenty -five thousand dollars tithe capital stock. They hive elected a jic.v set of directors and appointed Capt ain II. 11. Abrami, Superintendent This line Is composed of tho steamers Chieftain and Ifiloctor. These boats were built expressly f)r the trade and hive great speed an 1 sdp3 riir accomidatiins. We congratulate, the .Comptiy on tho ap;iolnt'na;it of Ciptaiu Ab.timi a Supjriiitendant. Halian activo lAndenergetla business mm. Tli3 intsrsls of 'the Company will nit sulT unler his ad ministration The river closed on Saturday last vlkieuiUoirtes as nntil a thaw. Au. the new Books, at Publishsrs, prices at Day's Book Stare. "Just im .Timje.!" This exclamation Is justi fiable to ibttforctaougat of Mr. Isaac Hooper, having fully replenished Lis stock of Groceries, Confections, Toys a full assortment suitable for '.holiday gifts, Kotinna, . Big, fat oysters, by the eta or dish. Ga and see and stop that vwatering at the mouth. JScaooLBooks,all kinds, at Day's Book Store Old Wixret has inaugurated a grand mas querade. Jack Frost has sent in his card and .demands entertain men t Whether we are so .disposed or not. Furs, overcoats, shoes of buffalo, and all the different articles of cos tume find ready wearers. Happy hearts keep 4lme to iim merry jiagkag of the bell and Mddylcheek and springing step indicates that t least, the many accord hint Joyful wel ome. But there are those who dread hit oM touch as the finger of Death. Ton who look fcrsranl with so much pleasure to glad days of festivity, remember the poor. Brighten Uw cheerless fire and fill np the empty board. Tia the least you cifn do, ' and 'Inasmuch as as yon do it to oas of these ye do it also to Mo." ' ' sissss Ma Romxkki, exHrlor of hit Rercnne lor this District was In town last week. No one bat hern appointed collector tin Mr. White deo'i).r to pqr knowledge, ' Losr. On Saturday last on Jlaln Street or in the Court House, a gentleman's kid glove, tipped at the wrist with lur. The finder will confer a favor and be paid for trouble by leaving It at this ofHce. Bnn 11 Motio.x And kept moving. The choice coal at.Ten Mile Works. Fo Acts of Charity and Benevolence Phila delphia stands prominent among her sister cities. During the war she had our refiesh ment saloons whoro III msonils wore fed while on their way to the 'front," and now, in order that the good work may be continued, it is proposed to provide for the Orphans of many of these brave hemes who fell in defence of the stars and stripes. For thi 1 purpose the Washington Library Company of Philadelphia was organized In aid of the Biverside Institute of New J:irs'jy. Here the Orphans of Soldiers and Sailors in all parts of tho country will be gratuitously educated and made useful mem bers of society. Tin Just and honorable plan adopted for raisins the necessary funds for this charitable object lias received the endorse ment of ivery one. Read Advertisement. Rronu It snowed tho past week almost daily and at present we have the best of sleigh in and as it is court a host of people In town. Tho girls say it is "perfectly lovely ! ' tho boys dub it ''bui'y!" and tho oil folks' grunt it "old fashloaed!" Sleighing parties are the "rage." LurrTowx, Thi man that don't owa the printer. Djwx S.icrn. We are in receipt of copies 2, and 3, of tho Alabama Republican, just Itart cil'at Decatur, Alabama, tluough the courtesy of our oi l friend and hoy-companion, "Frank." I.indsey. The paper Is a sprightly sheet and evidences the dawning of a new era of light In that land of darkness. We wish its editor abundant success. We see by an advertise ment tliat "Frank." proposes to sell his mill and will probably bo home soon. Wo shall heartily welcome him back to "God's coun try." Count. Court convened M mday afternoon Judges Oilinore, Craft and IIo3kins ia on the bench In lic.vt.lor.s are f ir a busy time this term. The slo.hllng Is good and the town crowded with country people. "Bkakcs D.iwx!" Too sound of a steam whisllj In this remote region suggests queer reflections. We were launched at onco Into the world of activity ono day recently, hy a shrill scream tint cvne directly from the Planing .Mill. Huge spectral steamers loomed up before us, depots ringing with Hie clank of trains, th i rattle of coaches and the bustle of travel. Visions of what mlg'jt have been and wh it may yet he i:i W.iyn 'sbur4. Since the C.)iiiu:issloncrs are not dispose.! to entertain our proposal for a town clock the whistle might ha nf s.-rvlcetu many It sounded for regul ir working I1..11 -s, morning, noon and night. Toe proprietors of the Mill have an other boiler of larger ilimentions in lieu of the former one. This was required by considera tions of safely nnd the want of machinery capable of executing tlie immense amount of work they are called upon to do. Not so Had. Tdi hurt of Mrs. Hev J. S. Uogle;-, we are h ippy to state,! no. so bad as lirit reported. Slie will not be lame from tho effect ot the fracture. Pi.astkrk!i. Tho lecture room or the new C. P. Church, at Carniichnls, Is plastered and wi 1 soon lie ready for uso. This Is the finest church in the County. ', Error. Compositors, perhaps, nc more than others, are ever ready to g.'t things wrong if Ihere is a wrong way for them. Tin letting of the Baptist College buillliig contract will he disposed of to the lowest bidder at Jeffer son on the !1rd of January nex nnd not on the Mh, .Swi.7iy, ns our types would have It Lko Bul'iskii. Saturday morning last Mr. "Charlie" Bradley, by ml-s step or miss-Imp, fell through the platform In frott of Dnugher ly's carriage factory, bruising Ids right leg nnd otherwise injuring him Bad times tbess lor getting ab .ut. The quicker ono gets his Wio ter legs on tho better. For tho KKrunucAH. UuttsE Cocxtt Tkachkiis' Ixstitctis. Mr. fatitor: I desire to announc to the public that 'the tl;sl Annud Teacher's Institute for Greene County, will convene at Wayncsburg Tuesdaj, Dee. Slat, nt t o'clock r. m. and continue in session five days. Ample nrrangu m . -nls are being mJle for the success of tin. moe'lug. Tho services of men of cmlnen, ability have been Invited, and nro expected to be present Among tho number, are II m. J. P. Wickershain, State Superintendent, Hev. J. S. Ermentrout, Principal of Stale Normal School, Berks Co., 8. 8. Jack. Icstitute L -c- tu:er, J. C Gilchrist, Superintendent of Wn; ingtonC.i., C, W. Waned, Superintendent of rayctteCo., n:.d other prominent gentlemen are expected to be in attendance. On Tucsi'ny nfternnon, the election 'of five Professional Teachers for the granting of I'crmairnt Certificates, will bo held. All teachers In common schools nnd in other In stitutions of learning, as well s those who are preparing lor teachers, are regarded as members of the Institute. Tho friends of edu cation of every class will he considered as honorary members aud ars invite 1 to partici pate in tho proceedings. The law requires nil teachers in public schools to attend the Institute, and it further provides that the board of directors may grant the time to the teachers ia their employ, while attending the county Ius'itute without making any deduction Irom their salaries. Every teacher is recommended to attend the Institute. They are eminently successful In other counties, can we not follow in their wake? Directors aw requested to act with an eye single to the go.., I of the common sch M.s, upon their actiou la a great measure, depends the success of our popular system of instruction. Wo ask thj hearty coopera tion of all professional characters from every department of business. Lit this annual gathering, first under the requirements of law, bo long remembered for the numlwr atten ding, for its moral, social, and intellectual advantages. The fire at tho Hotels for teachers is ;V0 fr the sossion.and ladies are entertained free in private families, Tours Very Respectfully, T. J. Teau The latest arrival The cheapest Goods, by odds, yet offered. Enquire at L. K. Evans' Store. M. C, ft IL BjII hu V0 worth of No. 1, Boots ft Shoes. They will sjII cheaper than can be boaght from any other store in Greene Co. If yon don't believe it call at Bayer's corner, Waynesburg, and sea. tm K ihawlixo, razor-p iwder m in, and mer-ry-andrew with a fiddle, entertains the same crowd on the comer that has met there evjry ' court for years. He's a now one, old "k.iee breeches" didnt come to time. IShe l&ajjuesburg Mas. Pautinotox Isslltkd. The White Mountslns of New Hampshire are evlJcntly a great Institution very high, heavy frosts, beautiful view, four dollar dinners. But the practical eye of a certain renowned Drake saw those smooth-faced rocks, and thereupon adorned and variegated the bridle path to the Tip-top House with his familiar S. T. 1800 X Plantation Bitters. This raised the ire of the Mrs. -Partingtons composing thi Legisla ture of the Granite State, who got theii wise heads togeth r. outlawed Dr. Drake, and made it a penal offence to ply the artistic brush on their beloved bills Verily, the fine arts are at a discount in New Hampshire. Query. Did Drake pay them for this splendid advertisement ? Maoxoua Watks A delightful toilet arti clesuperior to Cologne and at half the price; Pittsbubo Almanacs for 18C8, at Day's Book Btore. Coai Deutkkkd. I will attend tn orders tor, and Insure the prompt delivery of choice coal from eithe,' the Camp Oround or Ten Mile noma mrge contracts at reduced rates. Oi:o. 8, JrrrtHT, Telegraph Oltlce. "I'u S.it!" Tea, any one would say if thev siiouiil go and see, that VVm. Berryliill has a complete 11 Hit ami Shoe Store. See adver tisement elsewhere. Pkbsoxal. Last week our sanctum was gladdened by tho presence of Mr. Andrew MeConnick, formerly of our county and whilom editor of tho Jlnrrletta (O. ) teyhte r. He is a brother Had. and as such may always command a welcome. Tub Litti.k Corporal for December I capital number A new volume begins with the next number. Tho publisher has deter mined to continue ins otlsrol thu November and December numbers free lo nil newjsub- scrmers received during December. Terms $1, III) a year. Sample copy free if sent for lieloro January 1. Address Allred h. sewell, Publisher of The Little Corporal, Chicago, III. Wkmtox when he nnived at Chicago, was surrounded by an inimtnse crowd, but not greater than would every day suirouud the Dry G.iods establishment of 8!ibk ft Sutton, did every body but know, and knowing dare assert their Intelligence, by trading with this popular firm. A new stock, 820 advertise ment. Wb shall begin nseri -soarticles on"Pilsnii Life, by a Prisoner." n nu: ii 'Xt Issuo, which will bo very Interesting IVy nro written f t the Uki'iiimcax by cue of our own Greene County boys. A ri:w day! since, whilo passing through Iho Arlingtlon National Cemetery. I noticed thenimo of II White, Co, O. 1 8th, Pennsyl vania Cavalry. Ornvo No. 1037. Thinking pcrha)S his friends might not know of his whereabouts, 1 take Ibis method of inform lug them. B. Frank. Flkxxikkx. wirxism no .maimikt. Wavnk.siil'110. liee 17.IS67. t'orrootod Weekly fiir the ItKPl'lll.lo'AX. l'ltODt'UK. Dullnrrfrenliroll,) ? fr 35 Kinpr, Uoz ii) Potatoes y bush 1 WW1 is Lard l It, hi Tallow t. 121. Country Simp i II us ineu .apples y it w FLOCK AND OHAIX. Flour? M1 Wheal v luisli Ityii ti Ims'i 13 IX! i III l.'urii w Iiii.hIi '11 Meal bUHh t!lt'CF.ItIK.-. CorTen Ik Tea t Id ..I Si-i en iri if) 1 '.11 Ilrown Hunar ? I iii'iiueii siwar i m Hvrnpy Kill lolasses (N. "rleaiis,) Sorghum V ffal fsau f run Illeu i n i-i 1 risin nun ma it ii r. rs. MoXliAV, Hee. H, ISCT. lurtni( lh(!at wm-k lliere has lieen vory llt tle anliiiot Iimi in aliyjirani'li nl'lrti'le. IIK.VI.N' AMI Kl.ill'lt. Wheat, IVnn'a. nml ulilo, W Inter Iteil $J so J live V lulsli 1 l.",.il ,10 Oalsylaish mi.i.'Ce I'll l hlisll HlIHe sprue W heal Flour 10 Yi'n in 7; Wlnler Wlieal.. 11 :t&iVt ai'.ii'. W'a;.ll I IKI..I.I 111 aai'o.t .') Wl.tls A'l.eiu IMtltVl.SIIINS. Wliouhli'lK siimnr I'ureil Huiiin Uo.l IVitatiM's, hush Appll1!! l htil I'lleese F.!re V tloa Ilaltnr lll-OHSI'll IIok-s AI.I.F.OIlf: W CATTLF. .It AHKKT. PlTTSllfnll, TllCRSDAV, Di'C. 12, 1S.I7. Tho"Oaielte" says, Ilia c.'altle Market was a little mori! active ilurlnij the past week, the sales in tho nuLgrriratv liein floiiiewluit larirer, hut there is still plenty of room rorlniirovetneiit. l'rliue fat rattle were in ko I demand nml limit ed supply, mid ns a eonseiiionee, lirouiflit tin ndvanee, while tlie eoiiiiiiouer grades w.ri1 1111 clianireil, tlioiiKh morunetivp than last weelt. One drove of fancy Southern Ohio liroiu'.it Ke. tiood lopi-imyluiteliers cuttle m.iy lioiio'.e-t at 7c lo7!, me. Hum ditto at loil' j1. The Ho niarkot lias heemiuiitt n-tive thiM we'k, our p.iekers S.mht pret'.y freely, as did ulo the eastern sIilppT. I'riees a.lvaoeed, an t wltil IIih ndvitneti tliero appeared to Ih- a i;kkI demand. The Nhoepm irket Iioj lieen mi Ur.iti ly aetlve dnrliix llm past wivk, wilh prices ran ilnx from Sisutol 1') per rwt., gross, fir Inferior I prims fat mutton Wlieep. d t iTiTn iHE"ii ab kkt. I)ai.tioiik, Piv. II. Corn Hrm j nw mixed western tfli. Hats fl mi nt 70 rt,7V. Hnrvicil NoTICKS of iftrr'. f) nn l -tth inntrted fret btii all Trihmtet o",'.r( ttt'l Olntwirit ehtrfjed right eentn a in. T:t i m tvij must be ajcanct j to Mxurelheir innertion SOITH-SIICLTZ-On Thurslay Dec. 12th, insi.. by Hev W. 0. Morris, Mr. Eioch Soutli, of Monroe Wisconsin, and Miss Eliza A. Hhultz, of Ureene Co., Pa. Enoch expected to return t the west im mediately but liis wifo is now South which may delay bis going. WUITE-On Tuesday, of last woe', T)r. Z. A. White, of llichhill tp., this county died suddenly ol appoplexy. Dr. White, was Deputy collector of lot Be v. fortius county and was an effl:iont public officer. He had been on a visit to relatives in tlie Wes". and returned as fur as Hocklick, W. Va. Stepping from a honse into the coach, for this plsce, he was seised with the fit and expired in a few moments. He is said to have been subject to nervous derangement Ge.v. Ccster who was reccntlj tried by courtmartial, has been sentenced to be suspended from rank and pay for one year. Gen. Custer was tried for absence without leave, he having left his command to visit his wifo near Fort Harker, at the time the cholera was raging there so furiously. epiibUcan, 12Scbncsibay, December. 18, I88T. 1 THE VALLEY RAILROAD. . The subjoined supplement to the Monongaliela Valley .Railroad charter will bo presented to the next Legisla ture to be enacted info a law. The Mononguhelit Itenublican speaking of this says, this bill lias been preired by a gentleman who has been intimate ly identified with the project from its beginning, and whose experience in ef forts to organize the compnny as de veloped fully the necessity of such a change; and who feels confident that with such a change the road will be soon oti a fair way to bo constructed. Its publication is requested thus early so that any amendments may be sug gested by its friends, if any, so that when it goes to the legislature it may pas into a law speedily. We will readily publish any articles on the sub ject and we hope to hear from our friends on the question, whether in the form of objections or amendments. A Supplement to An Act to incorpor ate tlie Monongahela Valley Rail road Company approved April 8. A. 1). 1807. Sec. 1. Be it enacted &e.t that the said Monongaliulit Valley Railroad Company is hereby authorized to con struct a llnilroad with single or double track from a point at or near the city of Pittsburgh by such route as the Hoard of Directors may determine toa point at or near Monongahela City, in the County of Washington, and thence along either bunk of the Monononlieln River to tho West Virginia State line; there to connect thesamu with any rail road or railroads; authorized by tlie State of West Virginia, with power to construct such branches as the J)i rectors may deem necessary, and to connect all or either of them with rail road or railroads now constructed, or that inav be hereafter constructed, and that the said company shall have au thority to cross anv railroad or railroads at grado with its main railroad or its branches and exteu- tions. Skc. 2. That tho capital Stock of said company may be increased to any amount necessary to construct and equip said Uailroad, and its brano'lies, ly a majority ot the Stockholders pres cut at a meeting called for that pur pose, and tho time for completing said Railroad, is hereby extended five years and that all parts ot the act to which this is a supplement inconsistent with the provisions of th's act are here by repealed. (JI M work ii:sritovK.i. On Friday last, in Pittsburg, a fir? hrokc out in tlie (ireat Western Uuu works, situated on tho corner of Wayne nnd lYnn streets, in the I mirth ward, resulting in the entire destruction of tlie Uuu orks, tho flour store of 1). Wallace, fronting on Pcnn street, and the marble works of 11. A. Coiville, fronting on Wavtia street. Iinmcdiatly in the rear of tho office of the gun works was stored a large amount ot Uoveniiueiit ammunition This storehouse ran parallel to Ponn street. It is stated that u largo num- r of loaded guns were stored in the worlis anil tins uovernmeiit uepot. Tho lire soon reached these and a terrific explosion followed. The loaded guns were discharged m every direction, en dangering the lives of the firemen nnd largo numbers ot spectators, who flocked to the scene. The buildings in the vicinity of the Gun Works were riddled with bullets; a large number of the windows in the Ft. Wavne building were broken, sonic ot the bullets entering the Iclegraph ollicc taking the operator by surprise. 1 lie outside ot the building was covered with bullet marks,the balls principally passing over the heads of the crowtl below, antl whistling in a manner not at till agreeable. J he rear windows of tho adjoining stores on Liberty stceet were also riddled by bullets. One man was killed by tha flying missiles, and several injured, two or three niortilly. Tile 'ii!iliit ii .11 uritcrrrs. Sheriff IJoyd.nf Faycttcconntyon the 11 th iust, sifoly consigned to the Western Penitentiary, in Allegheny City, Wm. .1. Fleming nnu John Jlrit ton, convicted last week iu the Crimi nal Court of that comity of manslaugh ter, in tho killing of Mr. Evans, at Cookstown. The former was sentenc ed to three years aud thrca months im prisonment in thu Pceitentiary, and the latter to two-years and three months, llotli are mere youths Fleming beiifg nineteen and Uritton seventeen years of age. Tub Men er iV! nf Saturday fays i Win. Pnrdoc, of Finley township, on Tuesday last met with a terrible- acci (L'lit no less than the killing of his ovn son, a lad of from twelve to four teen years of age. As our informant states, he was shooting lings, when the liny, along with others, was standing fifteen or twenty feet at his left side. The cap exploded without a discharge from the gun following; a second cap with the same result, when ho laid the gun in the hollow of his left aim, to put on a third cap, and in this jiosi tion it wiis discharged, the ball from which passed through the head of his son. "My God, I have killed my son," was the exclamation of the unfortunate father, as soon as he saw him fall, when he, too, fell to the earth. ' Leratlv Hollrr StiplnUa KeTcral Peraona KIIM. Wheeling, December 10. A loco motive boiler exploded this morning, causing the instant death of the con ductor, engineer and another employee of the road. A foreman in the engine shop ,in this city, named Shafec, died from injuries received, to day. As editor became martial, and was created captain. On parade, instead of "two paces front advance," ho Un consciously bawled but. "Cashtwo j dollars ft year in adyanoa!" RANK McQUKQAM ANNOUNCES HIMHELK AH A CANDIDATE FOR THE PATRONAGE OF THE rEOPLE IN THE HUM. NEBS or HELLING DRY GOODS. ROOM OPPOSITE THE GREENE H0U3E, 4 WATNEBIIURU, PA. Ho hiu Inst rnnlTed anil Is now offurlni for wis at lha lowsnt price, th Hnol took of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Ever before offered In thli market eotulitlnx In part, of Fall and Wlotur Clothing FOR MEN AND BOYS! A Trjr lnrte stock that cannot belTcelled ; also, a very superior Maortment ot LADIES' GOODS Of all kind. fooJlitlng In part, pf New Drm and Cloak Trimming, Velvet RlblKii every width and shade ; Hatlns aud sllka, latoat style; BUGLE TRIMMINGS AND BUTTONS ! Saali, Ilonnet, Neck and Trimming Ribbon ; Ijicc reul point, Appliiue and Vslenela. HunitkorohlrN Ijuw Embroidered, Hem stitched and Plain. Hamburg work a flua orttueut. JET AND BOG WOOD JEWEI.RT. A large assortment of Kid Gloves flmt quality for ladies and gantleman, bTRAW, VELVET AND PLUSH HATS Bonnet and Ronnet Frames; Bonnet orna ment nnd flower, both French and Aluarlrall; together with any nnd till article In me by In dies. Auk lor auythliiK you wuntaiidwe. cun supply you. Also u luu auortiueut of CARPETS AND WALL PAPER of Tarlou kind and patterns, all of which will be Hold cheap a the chenpoKt. Il:l3-tf. FRANK McOUROAN. gOMETHINQ NEW I MRS. E. 8. 8AYER3 IIOSKINSON Have Jiut arrived from tha Kat with a large assortment of foreign anddomeatlo DRY OOODS, FALL AND WINTER STYLES! rblehttier propone to ncll at the Ion-cut prices ! iucii h Drew. OcmhU, Dreit Tr CABII Trim- mi tig, nrvim Mimonai, ijfitiietj blmwlft, ItootH nnd Alioes, Hntnnnil CnpH; alvu, a great vnrioty or ulceartleloe.at very low price fur GENTLEMEN AND LADIES' WEAK, Worm of nil kind, (inda complete vnrioty of the bent (iitOCKItlKS. Alluf which IIm-v pr.iKsrMo urn m in very iowchi iigurcn, ncprntiinK on uic quitlity nntl rlumpneiw of their k(xk!h to gain tlit'iii ruNtitm. lvi tlii'in ni'nll bi'foro pnrnhnitliift elxewhorn, nnd they will pmvo thnt th ntMjve Im correct. KtHmi In AlliHnn'H huiHlnn, uunrly opitonita thu Court Hon ,(, Wnyui'hhurg. 4;lb7-tf B EAUT1FUL DISPLAY ! DRV GOODfl, CLOTHS, CAS3IMER3, Ao,, EVANS' ESTABLISHMENT. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT EVERYTHING IK TIIR LINE! Vrishlns to rlmnout for tho Fall trade, henf fers lilHUfKHl at ntoiilliiittf low rote foriiMh. Tlie nil K-k 1m n Into u the Intent and tha het In limrKet. Minor'alliilMliiff, opixmlte the riri'ene Hotmr. 4;-'l-.'lm l K. KVA SS. MPORTAKT TO BUI LDERS an d CONTRACTORS! W A Y V Eflllt'RO RTRAM rt.ANtNO MIU. II ilrn ns nleaaure tonnnmince to tin nnhlle Iheeoinplctlon oftbis work and tho readincM of tue proprieior 10 RECEIVE ORDERS! AND MAKE CONTRACTU! The bet linprored machlnenr la nml. ltan- Iioor E An.. in, i louauina anil iroovin. rkinh and Iloor Maklnc. Pannellliiv. Hlppinx, inooMlns; An., rapidly and skilfully aeuni paid for .lev. Haling prices ALL KISDS OF LUMBER I ior arf alo prep rod to do all klndanf Cnrpen r Work, with tlie utmost prom ptnea., aud In o moat aabotantlal manner. I'hey reauectnilly aullrtt a sham of onhlle pot thumbs ami Halter thcntaelvcs that they will lit all auim bo able to 01 VE EXTIRR SATISFACTION I AU order promptly attended to. braden, Walton a BAfnta, Sjinr. WsTiiesbwT, ra. F IHterftbwfiitus. (j H AT UAHOAIN81 BOOTS AND SHOES! NEW TOCK I NHW 8TORB t . : .'!-! CUSTOM-MADE WORK! CF1KAPER THAN EVER, AT .V. C. & II. BELL'S, If (Sl'CCCSSORS TO U1L1TSD,) S A Y E R S. Q O R N.E R, WAYNKtWURO, fA.i : 4tft.Call nd sxamlne, and av money GOTO M. C. A n. BfiIX'8 FOR RAItOAINS IWy. 7ALUAIILB REAL ESTATE I.N THK TOWN OF WAYNESBURG, FOR S A L E . lir VlrtUA of an order. tr ua. from thpfirnlin Court of (Ircnnn County, wo will ex pone foHnlu by puuue enuno or out-cry, on tUo prcmiacv, OU I WEDNESDAY THE 1BTIT DAY OF DECEMBER NEXT! Th following renl estnte, lutr, tlio property of llobcrt AdumH dcct'iiMoil. 1. Tlmt certtilti wtill known mumro of I its nuiiilwrt! In the plmi of tho town of Wuviwh hurg W 17 ami IM luiimdvil on the Kant b lorrl Stmt, on the Wet hy illackln-ry Alley, on the North hy Franklin Htreet nnd on tho South hy Htniwhtrry Alley, rontalnlnK (hie Hundred nmt nighty feet Nquare more or lAn, beliiR the hnn)(' tend property nf the lute Hohert Adninn, 1ec'J. On this theru isoret'teJ Ini-go and couiuuxllmis B 11 I C'K II 0 US El two ntnrfefl high ; brick kitchen, one: tory nlso ndjoluliiff It A hrlck Iioiikp one Htory liiKh with two roomi. There in aUoiittuched to this prop erty an , .EXTENSIVE TANNERY ! with Inrne nnd powcrftil MTR.m FIP and flxlurcH iitlauhcd. The rt(unrn beliiK scl liijfrult tree make. It n in oh I bountiful nituatlon, with every convenience neccHwiry for town properly and renhlence. It Iuih olwayH been reuurded us a in on u tho moHt desirable propcrtleH tu the town. A L S O- At the unmti time and place, no much of th Hqunro of Iittt iniinedlntely North nfthe ahnvo !eeribel, iih 1 contained In one hundred nnd twenty feet on MorrlM Htreet ami runniut buck cnu huiiilred nnd eluhtv fwt to Itlaclcherrv nllev. more or teHx.'udjotuiiiK thnt port ion of wnidsqimre Hold by Itobert AdaniN In his Hrettine to .lamps (Idldcii, havlnu on the portion to ho Hold a uood h table. TheselotH helna iu n verv clhcible nosl- tlon, would mako most excellent lots to Guild private residences un)iit r- L s.;o- At thesnmo time ftn.l plnco, so much of thnt fiunre ol lois llllllllHTell m, ,vi nim .it, us remains nrter ml: inu oil wlmt wns sold to Hiiwsou Adams ny iiiosnifi itoiH'rt Ailnins, til Ills hretllim to w ii ; iM-KiiiiniiE mi iiieiiruiT oi r rnilKllti si reel thence uloiur .lorrls strn't nliout one luiiKlri'd and twenty tei-t to Htm of Mild liawson Aihiius, Ilionee nlnnu sulci line nliout one hnmlri'd mill elixlity feet to Fruit alley, thence bv snmn iihout one hundred nnd twenty feet to 'franklin street, thence nloiiii sumo iilsmt ono hundred and clK'Hy feet tolioKliinlnn. T E B M S O F S A L E : fne-lhlrdof the pnndinse monev on contlrinn tloll of Mile, om-tlilrd ill six mouths tlierearter, and the hnlnnee ill twelve months from conlir matlon, with Intereat fn.rn eontlriuittloii. li.WVSilN AHAMS, ELIJAH AllA.MH, ll;W-ts Kxmitor. Moffat's Life Pills A5D PH0E5IX BITTEBS. The lost Successful Medicines in the World. Established In 1835 by one ot our Most Eminent Physicians, and now used throughout North and South America, with more pleasing results than any other Medicine in cases of diseased Liver, Blood or Skin, . Indigestion, Costheness, Bilious Complaints, Bhenmatism and Fever and Ague. Thousands of certificates are in our possession, giving detailed accounts of perfect Ccres effected by these invaluablo Medicines. They regulate the System and put all' the functions' ' of tho body in a healthy condition. Sold by all Druggists. Whit It Bom-land, Propri stars, Successor to Sr. Joan Moffat and Or. W. & Mo.t,NTort. I 1ST OF GRAND Jtntilim URAWM KOH J IlKl'KMHKIt TKH.M. Ifttt. Imniel Mordock, Jetrvrson. township, , John lirewer, .luekson .. . ' Arehilsild flrooms, Ciiuiherlnnil " Koliert.lmnieriiiHUy.lViuytw,.. ,. . Asa .Miller: Unnkiifl; , " Jesse Grove, feiilre " Josepli Jli'i 'ormnek', Pnnkard Joaeplms Morris, firii:no - - John .Moore, Franklin . " Kills Garrison, IVrrv ' " Ihinli'l I'owell, I mnkard Cury Meek, Morris ; " Aimer Hone, centre, " JustusGoniril, Hr.. Mouoniiilela " euiia Johnson (or Zuck.) Wath. " Win. Ktny, Marlon " Miirml.s k Hilvius, Waynq " Phillip Lynch. Dunknrd " Ahner Jonnn, Joek.Hon " Ibiwnian Knller, Whitely " Ilnmlllon Mnple, Wnvne ' I.lshon Itnsaell, Inink'ard " B. V. Ilrsik, Franklin George Cowel, Dunkord . " . 1.1st ok I'ETtit ji'iiom phawn you de- CKMnF:itTKRM,ll7. Ahner Btlirers, Jackson Ujwnfhlp Jaeoh nimniari. Franklin Martin Itlee, Jerrersun ' ' Issue lluraon, I 'unilierlaud " John Me,.k, Centro " llenjainlii Illce, Imnknrd " Alfred Mtoops, Whitely " H.ijnniln Ifoss. Oreenn . " Htephen Knixht, Kirlihiil Itielianl lliireniore, I'errv ' Jeptha Moore, Hhrluahlll " Wm.T. Wehh, Marlon " Kamuel lliwironl, Whitely " F.ll Katie, (of Mathew) Jefferson ", John It. Ilell, Moriran " Jaeoh llniilen, do " ' " ''i WIUIinClovl,Gllmor " William Johns, Whitely ' j," ' James Jolllir, l urmlrliiets Dorough JisH-ph t'oiiucr, Ferry . ' Peter Ifewlt, Cnmherlnnd " Ahner Hiittli'td, Mononnnheln, ' George Huffman, llichhill, . ' Thomas Hiiarpneck, JetrerHOa ' M John McCoy, Monomraholsv Ahner Fordyce, Greene " William Oosdon, Franklin ftamuel Thompson, Illchhilt v . Wm. Knos, Carmlehaila Borough, Henry Cole, Wayne v ' Jnmea IL Fonlyca, Jr., Whltaly William Carpenter, Wayne . Martin Monljer, Marlon Wm. Lanta, Jr., A'aynaj - ' h Kooert Carls, RlchhUI Hiram H. Cree, Cn m oertand ' - Aaron HlMlhy,DHikarI ' William iLnafiuan. Morrla -,-.- Henry Johnson, Wayns ' . v JE(1ISTEH'8 NOTICft 1; Notice I hereby Riven to all creditors, ten tee, wurdH and othor pomoua lnUircated, Ahat the undersigned Executors, Administrators anil Uuurdinna have tiled their accovots In tha Reg- SHiitod to the Orphans' Court tu be held within and for the Comity of Greene, on Wednesday. Decembvr 18, lwf7, for contlrmatton f a allow ance. JETKK BltOWN, itegUler and Kecofd'efr AoMtfnC of ttorjett fcrrrtrrfCTre RtTdTjWfrblftr- inoret tx ecu tors ot tU ottute, of Thoru blnsinore, dee'd. Account of Hon. Jonathan Garrart), AdmtcUatra-. tor of Jacob Llveugood, dee'd, Account of Jeiutt) Omdortf, guardian of Kordyce. minor child of Solomon Fordyce, dect'iwea. , Account of J. II. ITrlster, Administrator upon the estate of Koberi Urlsler. dee'd. final account of T. W. Taylor and Samuel Bar Account of John SfcflloitiphT, Administrator, npon the cstuts of itatlmnlel Cuiupsou, da censed. .. Final acconnt of A. A. Purman, Esq., Guardian of Jaini' Rupe, a niinor child ot tiamuai nupe, uee u. r niKi arcoiint or uaniei rniiar, snrrirlnr m linn of siuMiniiHli Ics, a minor clill utr- Idof joun nt?s, uec it. Aiwount ofAino Walton, Onnrdlnn of ft. A. Walton, a minor child of Jonathan Walton, dwensad. . - , Aoeowiit of Awi. Walton, Guartljin . B. Walton, infaur c UI Id of Jonotliaa Walton, dee'd. ",. Account of riilllp Marsh, Guardian of Mary lMrbln, a minor.4 Account of Jiunea (.'all, Administrator npon thai entuio of llt'iijiimln UriiuiKC, dee'd. Account of Willtuin Owyn mid Murslmll Owyn ' AdiMlurlrlir-i uapiivthf eatura ofjamc tlvfyn.'ftc'-t. - - - Account of KlliAWrtiver, Admlnlatratrl-t and liorte Weaver, Ailminiutrator upon tho es tate of Isnac Weaver, dee'd. j Account of Kll Jucubs, Kxecutrtr of the but will and testai'ient of Caviller Poland, dee'd. Account of Jimeph I. Keener, Administrator of George Ki'ener, dee'd. rinnl iiccount of Joseph R. Honlov, Executor of tlm lnt will nnd teatameiit of Bar net Rentier, dee'd. rar'inl araoiiiit of Joseph noeves, snd I. L. C 'aft, Kxei'iitor of tho lns! flit and to ta rn, nt of John II. Hooves, Joo'il. Account of Unvlil It. Jonea, Aifrriliilstrator up on the estate of Aeomle J.-Drsxieo cl. Account of Geo. o. Gaymftrf nnff P.S. Kinder. Adiiiiiilsi'iitorof tame H. Klnder.dec'd. Account of KtLHiert Liii-, one of the Executors 'count 01 of the I ortneliwt , ill Slid Tr-stsincnt ot Stephen HtoliOj dee'd. LIST OF CAUSES SET POWN FOR TRIALJVT bW. TfiKM, ISS-rsj. Hook vs ITonlc, No. (1(1, Nov. Term, 18M.'-. . - llnthk vh Kent, No. itlfi, MnreliTerm, MOV.' ' k Mor:m v:. Imcas, No 71, Juno TesssiaMI i Wilson v.- liownoy, No. fib l)ecmfilr feftii, MM, Hlifiritiiei.lf v, I 'iirlo V., HI. Innu'PAM. i.m: Sniiders vs .Morris tji., Joi k (!, Term. IjUS. ivttlt va same, No. ll.SoprVWTO, im Coleinan vsTaylor, No. tfl, Hfpl. Tenn, ISftl. Miiiilo vs I'rlor, aSttl, Nt. 37, iiec. Term, WHS V.& I). ItnnlC Vsfolirlinn Vn 110 Hoi. Tprm. , WHS. I'ettlt vs HichhllHa. NutllB. Dec. Term, lMa .Messi'lluer VHSnme, No. 1 M, lc. Term, 18H5. Slestrcaittn va .Mong. A Ken 011 Com., No. (H, T.emlfv vsTi,'l,ip Nn rn-l. Tn- ,om Jnyim vs Kent, No. no' "tiarcli Term, file. ' lllu m 111, .1,1,111 . ,M 1. n ' . I-er's Aiimr;s. vs A-iderson. 'Wo," if,: jani Bliu-klege Ounnl.;vs Vali, No. 205, June Tarim, Cmln et nl vs Peterson A Downey, No. 8o. Sept. Ilornlinke vs Hedge, ct nl, No. 60, September Term, ItsOfl. rteynolds va Waters, No. HO. Sept. Terra, ISM. ' i'slwoy Ex'r- ' yr"' ,7s0 P4 Venc Oooil vs Itlehhilt tp No. 171 March Term. 18M, Jones ys .Morris tp., No, 131, Hee. Term, 18W). t"'":i "ui" ib, va iwiicnuri. pto, iuf, juna Term. IHII7. First Nnt. Bank vs Antoll, No. m. Root. Term 1SI,7. lli'JMa Clerk. rjiHi 8 19 TO ?IY,E NOTICE: Tlint on; the Mrd dny of 5rerremher, A. ., IH07, n Warrant In Bankruptcy wiu Issued aualnst the Fitiilo of OTIIo WADE, of Perry township, In tlie coiintv of Greene, nudHtflteof Pennsylvania, who ha been adjadiref a Bank rupt on hisown pi'lltlun ; thnt lie pnvinent of any dehts ahirilflflvefy of any property noioug inir to such Ilnnkriipt, lo him. or for his ubo unit tlie transfer of any property hy him nro forbid, den hyljiw; that a meeting of lue Creditors at'" me sitio naiiKriiii, to prove tiH:r lieius, and to ch'Miseoneor moro Assignees of Irs Esuito. will ho held at a Court of llankniptsy, to ho lioldeii at the Court House, In WayiioshniK, Greenosv county, Pciisylvanin, before Joseph II. Uonftv. f neaister, on tlie 8rn bay op January, a. r, IWis, at J 0 clock, p. in. THOMAS A, ROWtEY, Jl- ' V. a. Marshal. . 'ril 13 TO UlVlf NtTtOE?X Tlmt on the 2:irA Any of November, A. D., IH07. a Warrant in nankruiitey wits Issued iiKjilinft the Estate of WK.VMAN VADK, of Por- . rv tp., In the county of Greene, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adludiiod . Bankrupt on his own etitliurt Hint, the i payment of any debt and delivery of say .......... ..v ... n,.j Miruii, vnq ui'iivery or S property helnuiglns; to audi Bankrupt, mm, or for his use, and the transferors to .. anr that n meeting or the Creditors of th salii Hilllltrupt, to prove their Debt I. and to nl,vn. .... r ..... . minor more Assignees of his Fjdnte, will be held at a ( onrt of Jtankruptcy to Us.tu.lden.at tha Court IlunV, in Wn-ncstmrq, rtrTefio County. Peiinsv ivninn, iieiorejoseph n, Donley, Ileals. the 7th day of Januauy, A. D. lous.atl ter, on oclfs-k, p. m, THOMAS A. n'oWLF.V. ;i'AI-lt U. 8. Murslial. fJIHE WORLD HKNOWNED SINGER SEWING Si ACHING 0UR2ffeW FAMILY MA.CHIXB. L i. fci m linn hfn ovor twftvfira In nronamtlnn. aort which hiiH hoon hnniKiit to pfrhi'tiun regard lwi f thu,', luhuror expi-iiHi', uml In now contldent IV nresiTitt'd to the unlitic hh liwoiiinuriihlv th bent Sewinu: Maclilno In rxlsience. T(M .MtWlilIH' ill fUH'HtHlll lH NllliplO, COIHpACt, diirtiltlf iiuLlM;iitlitul,- It ih (iiht, JlKttt runuinK . null ntpMH' rtf pvi'iTrtmif a miiM mid vnrk'tv oi wHK rit-viT ln'iuiv iittfMnnUil iiikiii n !nul MimhliM uMn (itlnsriSHk, f wint, Li lienor t't 't'ltmnl,iinl hcvv'tnj; with OfjUtil fuel 1 1 ty tho very tlncst imt courscr.t niaterialN,iut(inyll!irj2 brlwi'n tin two exii'diK1. It tin inoHl bountiful tunl KuliMtantlitl innnntT. ItH fUtu;limiitx lor flt'ininltiif. l.ial'llntf. torilhiit-. Turkinu. Oullt- hitr. Kt'liiii-r, '1 rimiuiiiLf, Hindnia, etc., ai-u uol anil I'rafMii-al. ami have TTmi Invented uml ad Justwl oHpoidally for thU Muohhi'.'. isi'v ik'miiisoi nn ntii'iuo, iiHcitu nnu popular folding tupH and niblnot (iih, peculiar to tho Ma-hlntK liiaiinractund by tills Coin puny Imvtj been prepared lor eiielwHhm thu new Miudilum. I new are iroiteiiup in eery variety of wood, siicli l.ltit k Walnut, Mutuiuiy. llojwwuod, U"ll ItH MiK K JliHll, .WltMJ! nd thf like, hiuI frfrtu ttnplnn nn i inf mkc. bum irom ine Dinnirst to rno in one elaborate pattern nrttl ffiiish'-lho MachlneiK. KlieniHelveN)Hlni mora or lens highly ornaniHnt- ri, to corrcNiMmo wim ino jarwr jur. uimnPUi f.ru1tl..li Mini- nr.. I I , .n.l.,.4 n.a, w.w ...w .. , Afi'ff iVfl:ortx MivSINUKU S lawt lmTDv M s;VINt M.f H1N ! are ttto bout for mn- tlv iiii'l General l'uruofeH. 1st. You can new anything from the flnoetflu trio tliicldt.-Hn of KwImh r .V.iU-'oOrt to wjvnrnl thieknessen of the lieuvient Id aver olotli, UKlnt; any kind orslr of thread Willi equal tneiilty, from No. iSW f ot Um uptotUo heuvitlptotor Linen threml. . . . . - 2d. It u nhort. traixht nedln, PABlly it, mid mukeft tliepopulur lxek Htlteli Hlikeou txtb slde. 8d. It hn on evon elf-ndjustlnir tnnlon which re(iitrcH nochnnt) t rd1lrt'iit I hicliiiiMwvit of ninterlnl or dilierentRlzPM of thrend. 4th. It In free from nil Mnriniw. wlrew aud other reoinpllentfonin, and Ih almost ndmtiHti. a ii. ro fftPQuusi lonowj m wumvgt vKiarn ui Inriina'. nt h. f t dom not lmvo to be tnkon ajmrt to oil and clean ft. 7lh. It liana perfect ferd whereby you enu ew tliellni't iiiaterfuiHU'lllinut havlns to keeuyowr work nt retched lo orevent ItH 'niiekerhii7 , uu.t fou never have to iihhIkI the work thlxituU M la all othiT iiiin-liliicx. Ath. It will hem nnv wuutw now ft imlhk npjini. fir mako n tell In the miwl porfftct inannor with low Hklll than Ih reoulr4Ml inAuw a utmiuht iienm n unyollier machine. irjtKttfieinnetiiH ior urn m Pitt. Ciratnn;, Quilt Iiik. Binding, Tueklntr,4e.t nro norol ami prnn tlcal, nnd requlrj but lit;o mkiti lo iut thom. (nreful instructions '4iven ul tho hounu of thft ptirchiiMcr. Money refandi-d ijbo xnachUict tup-not m relmfionted. - - - .... ... .n ti nriiiiu-ii uiio nuuv in iTijnir ThrijoyffaMwPaiioiilcharco: 'T n s ' ii. p. ryr.pnKH, - . , AxentforOreeneCouuky !-f. y Waynetiburg,, l,. E. M. SATEIiS,' ATTORStr AXD C0CN3J U,Q4,Vt LAW. Inaddltlon ti other nnslness will nttond to ali euaea In llnnkruptcy tliolnuiy boentruaied tohia earn, Otllce.oppojlte Ijmn Htore of O. W. Rots. riaaco. : e , T O. (F 0. T. . WATfNESnCRO LODOI, 50, W.. nallln, Jnear'a Bimdtnii, ensr Main Wrept WarasbillffH.Tlm, I'uesiUy womnn,