The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, December 18, 1867, Image 2

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VdnoK1n.v, lief. 1H, 'y, ai..
We pftblishcil on our outside tlie rc
suft fif the munict(mt election iu l'itts
ofityh, hold n week ago last Tuesday.
Various comment have been elicited
by the election of Black more, who is
n well, that' mora than we know
t Democrat at times. The JW, the
city Democratic daily, labors to effect
the impression that it is a victory for
iU party exclusive of the Labor Re
form or any other organization, and as
such parades the falsehood before its ad
miring readers. Of course) the brood
ever ready for acackle will catch up the
refrain and ring it through the rural
districts as evidence of the reaction
working in opposition to Republican
ism. AVe have plain statements and
we tru3t common sense enough to draw
plain conclusions relative to this. It
is tho rebuke of their leaders that
Pittsburg Republicans aimed at, tho
dchonncingof thecliqucthat heretofore
pulled wires and drew checks to suit
themselves, the regular nominations
in the ea3c of the Mayor and Treasur
cr worcdistastful to the bulk of Re
publican voters ami their purpose was
to annul the nomination by defeating
them. , lo do this retmireil force from
each party opposing, and securing n
favorable candidate and happy co-oper
ation they succeeded, and so iitr as
we ore concerned we arc glad of it. The
Republicans do not claim a victory,
but they claim the salutary effect of a
ueiearea "ring," una more proper
observance hereafter of popular feel
ing. The Republic, Johnsonian, has
it that "so far as Mr. Blaekmore's elec
tion could bo claimed as having any
bearing outside of issues originating in
tho Radical Convention, it is certainly
an indorsement of the President. Mr.
Blackmore was Secretary of the first
Johnson Club which ever met iu this
city, and it is well known that ho ful
ly indorses the President and deprecates
thcassaultsuponhini, either by Repub
licans or D:noerats."
And the 'or':hign-i Jdrornte, the
Labor R'foiv.i org!, declares "the as
sertion that the result of our munici
pil election lost Tuesday wasa"D2m-o-ntic
victory," is a irilf aland flagrant
falsehood I If tho successful candi
dates for Mayor and Treasurer had
run as "Denmsratie" car.-Hdates, they
would have boon .lcfoato'l bv an
overwhelm in majority ! Tho success
ful camiid.uiM w.;:;: r.oniiiatcl mil
elected by the Labor Reform party,
assisted by Democrats, and Republic
ans alike , and could not have been
elected otherwise. Tho attempt '.to
construe the result achieved into a
"Democratic" partisan triumph is as
disgusting as it is villianous, and we
say this in behalf of the Labor Re
form party, and all who, without re
gard to old party tics, co-operated with
it in the elections."
To all of which the Pout replies by
avmring thorn that neither party wvigh
e l aught against the Democratic ba'-j
lot. Tho question then is, w;is it a
Democratic, tabor Reform, or John
son victory? Or a success of the peo
ple over Do! itical "rings ?"
The National Republican Executive
Committee mat at Washington on the
Uth inst., and fixed the time of
Wednesday, May 20, 18G8, pi ace
v,nicago, ior tne ftouiing ot the Con
vention fon the purpose of nominating
candidates for tho-ofllecs of President
and Vice President cf the United
States. The call requests that "each
State in the United States be repre
sented iu said convention by a number
of delegates equal to twice the number
of Senators and Representatives to
which each State is entitled in the
National Congress. Wo invite the
co-operation of all citizens who rejoice
that our great civil war litis happily
terminated in the discomfiture of the
rebellion; who would hold fast to the
unity and integrity of tho Republic,
and maintain its paramount right to
defend to the utmost its own existence
whether imperiled by secret conspiracy
or armed force, of an economical ad
ministration of tho public expenditures,
of the complete cxtiqation of the prin
ciples and policy of slavery and of the
speedy reorganization of those States
whose Governments were destroyed by
the rcbcllion-iai tho pcrmanont res
toration to thoir-profwr pratical rela
tions -with the United States, in aecor.
dauea whu thetruc principles of repub
lican government."
Wo now liavo the call, time nnd
place. Next we want good material
. nnd sensible' action with due regard
for the wishes of the people.
DiqKEsrrwrcmd 1520,000 from
his fiiur readings in Boston; mid it is
estimated that during his stay in this
country his entire profits will reach
1200,000. He devotes himself closely
to his work. . . V
. J'A Citizen," in last week's 3Iestn
gert objects to our proposition of sell
ing the town commons to pay the bor
ough debt,
1st. Because it is the only privi
lege the poor people have to reap any
Instead of a benefit to tho poor it Is
an annoyance. The rich use it most,
disfigure tho ground for brick-making
purposes, or miking it a stock field,
place what property the poor have
at tlie mercy of their swine, cattle, etc.
Even thosoof the poor who might
make such use of it are liable any time
to have it stopped on them by enforce
ment of the Borough Ordinance pro
hibiting stock from running nt large.
An I this must be sooner or later as
the spirit of improvement grows. The
writer of the abovo knows no benefit
is reaped by any person from this idle
2d. I object to lising poor men'f
privcleges to iav rich men's debts,
They own more laud now than thev
will improve.
According to the apportionment of
taxes in our borough it is patent to ev
ery tax-payer that approximately the
poor man pays the most. By the dis
posal ol these lands this constant drain
upon the purees of the poor will be
checked, whereas if tho debt remains
it will continue to absorb the poor
man s property without serious detri
ment to tho rich. Besides, this will
help the spirit of improvement.
old. If the town don't suit them they
can buy a piece of land and build "n
town to suit their own fancy.
This means that the community
would get along much letter without
the rich men, which we very much
4th. The testator was an honest man
and intended the commons to benefit
the poor instead of the rich 20 per ct.
men of the present age.
Mr. Slater may have been an hon
est man, lie certainly was imbued with
a generous spirit, but how ho could
determine which would bo benefited
most, the rich or the poor, by leaving
thee grounds open, is a mystery to us.
nd it "20-per-cent." don't get as
inueii gooii ot it to-dav as anvono we
hould like to know it.
The foregoing are mere whims the
prejudices of some "petty, township
politician," and not argument to show
why tho debt should not be liquidated
in the way proposed by us. There
arc yet other reasons why our proposi
tion holds good, but we forbear for the
ax i:ir!t it M en.
At the recent llonl'vopathie Fair,
held in the city of Pittsburgh, in the
contest on tho dressing gown, smoking
cap, meerschaum pip?, and a pair of
slippers, for tho editor receiving tho
highest number of votes, the ballot
stood as follows :
C. D. Brigham - - - - 152
James P. B irr - - - 1 17
- Ill
Mr. IVighain, of tho Ommrrcial,
i.s, the;-.'fore, tha lucky 111:1:1. We
congratulate smokiug cap, dressing
cjowii, ft''-; they have fallen into goo-.l
The Pittsburgh CommerciultU'iuVa
it seems to be understood that the selec
tion of Chicago and May as the place
and time for holding the Republican
National Convention, means Grant for
President. It is said that the friends
of Mr. Chase wanted St. Louis or Cin
cinnati! and July. Several members
of tho committee who are fur Grant
voted for one or other of those places
on local grounds. Wo imagine that
the people will have thou- own way
had tho Convention resolved to meet
at New Archangel. The nnminuHoi:
of Grant has alreadv been made.
Further legislation upon bounties
is deprecated by nicinbcrs.of Congress
and it is not likely any can pass which
makes further appropriations for that
purpose. Alrca.Iy thirty-five million
dollars have bc::i paid out under the
extra bounty lawaud the Paymaster
General estimates fortv-fivc millions as
the amount required to pay the bal
ance under that act. Over one-half
of this goes to claim agents and attor
neys' Tue bill to repeal the cotton tax
called up in the Scnato yesterday will
pass, and be sent to the President
immediately. The proiiosition to
make it retrospective in its operation,
will bo defeated on the ground tliat
this year's crop has already passed put
of tho producer' hands, and is now
held to a great wtent by brokers and
speculators.' ,
A Whiskey Convention of the
heavy distillers met in Washington
recently. They petition. Congress for
a reduction of the tax to 25 cento per
proof gallon.' Something must be
doncto prevent the great frauds in this
business and it is tt' question if this
reduction would not uppef effectually
to the honesty of manufacturers.'
tTHHi: r sfort.
Eistori was playing to slim audi
ences at Pittsburgh, hist week.
SEWARDliasbecu negotiating for the
Island of Cuba at $150,1X10,000 in gold I
Congress will clap a stopper on it.
Tue President will veto tho law
granting negroes equal rights in the
District of Columbia, to-day.
A. M. Gmso.v, Esq., has associated
himself with F. S. Rock, Esq., in the
management .of the Untuntown Genim
of Liberty.
Mil. Lawuevce's voto was against
the measure of stopping contraction
which will, of course, meet the views
of some of his constituent-', others not.
The recent heavy snow storms seem
to have extended over a wide reach of
country, impeding travel by rail and
water, and putting a general quietus
on business.
Tin: Convention of Manufacturers,
to be held at Cleveland on the 18th
inst., promises to bo one of the largest
and most important meetings of the
kind ever held in this country.
Recent rises in the rivers have not
been sufli .lcnt to allow tho coal boats
to run out, and as a consequence, coal
is still quoted at fabulous prices at
Cincinnati and below.
The General Conference on the
Roman question has been abandoned,
tho leading European Governments
having finally declined to take part in
Ox the l.,th inst., tiio Senate passed
a bill securing to the families of de
ceased soldiers the bounties to which
tho soldiers if living would bo enti
tled. A iiatti.k of some magnitude was
fought recently in South America be
tween Pnrjrunvans and Brazilians.
The-latter were defeated with tho loss
of 5,500 in killed, wounded and pris
oners. Quito a temn'st in a teauot.
They have earthquakes at St. Thom
as at the rate of -17 in 21 hours; or
about n:ic every .'50 minutes -mid in St.
John, recently, they had 111 in 8 days.
For these desirable residences wo be
lieve Mr. Seward wants us to pay $7,-
500,000 iu gold.
The Republicans of Armstrong and
Juniata counties, Pa., in convention
assembled declared their preference for
Grant for President and Andrew G.
Curtin, for Vice-President. So it
Au.EJHi:v Cirv has a skating
"rink." It differs from a park in be
ing covered. The building covers a
space o1 two hundred by one hundred
and ten feet, with a skating surfiico of
seventeen thousand .square feet
A Wbstkrx paper says a party of
adventurers in Montana, not long since,
stumbled upon an Indian catacomb
and abstracted therefrom treasure to
the amount of $100,000 iu gold orna
ments. This will not prevent search
for 'ore.
The fiist line w?st, on tho P. C. R.
R., was thrown from tho track near
Ilarrisburg, 0:1 Siturday last. The
mail car was fired and a large amint
of postal matter burned. Hat a few
lijht injuries were sustained by pas-
A max 11:11110 1 Owen McGovern
was murdered at Pittsburg, some
nights ago, by James Monteith. Mc
Govern had been drinking hard, and
struck M,ontcith,sevcral times. Mon
teith then stablnnl McGovern in 'the
neck, killing him almost instantly.
Monteith did not ntttcmpt to eseaps.
Democracy is provoked that Con
gress sent impeachment by tho board,
and like juveniles wlua they want to
get a tyro into mischief, singout "Ah !
you were afraid to !" It won't do,
lentleinen, it would have made a good
electioneering hobby ,hut you must find
someti.' ing else to blow about in 58.
The Kj'.isc refuses to make the ne
cessary appropriation fur tho purcnase
of Alaska. The Senate and President
by the Constitution, arc tho treaty
making powers, but th6 "joke comas
in" in tho paying part. It will go
hard with Billy if he has to "trade
Fexiaxish runs high in the old
country. Clerkcnwell prison was re
cently blown up, in the attempt to
liberate prisoners held by the Govern
ment. Processions in honor of the
executed Fenians have becu prohibit,
ed. London, Liverpool and other
cities are terribly excited at these
rebellious demonstrations.
Apropos of the wnlkingmania now
so prevalent throughout the country,
Mr. John Quill makes the following
offer : "I will walk with any good
looking girl, who has a fortune in her
own right, upon any given moolight
night, both parties to go as slow as
they please, and neither hurry back to
the starting-point. I will'then,on the
word, walk into lisr affections, aud
walk off with her fortune"
Tue sale of the National Police
Gasetteani Illustrated Police AcvwIiob
been prohibited on tlie cars of the Penn
sylvania railroad company.
December 18, I8CT,
SEVEN days more J-ill briug the
fumed Christmas day, the era of egg
uoooi P'u"i pudding aud good cheer.
lift TNIM PHUburffh to Until l'p Sfl.OlO
llnll Wllltmn Arntilil Krruara luJuln
II On In Jail HrcH!tlng-llw It Occur
. reil.
We have to announce the escape
from the Washington county jail of
I nomas Yt hittaker charged with rob
ing Miss Nancy Sproiill nt the time
her brother, David Sproull, was mur
dered, iu Cecil township, and Benjamin
F. Clawson, who was tried last week
for stealing cows, but about whoso ease
tho jury failed to agree. Tho Wash-,
iugton Jiejorter says: They were oc
cupying separate cells iu tho female
department, nnd Whittaker, by means
of a saw which ho somehow got posses
sion of, succeeded in cutting off one of
the iron bars constituting part of .his
cell, and having got out, by aid of one
slats of his bends lead a stout piceo of
oak broke tiie lock ot the door ot the
cell in which Clawson, was confined and
let him out also. From the area out
side of the cells they gained easy access
to the skylight, by means ot the scat
folding used for plastering, which had
not yet been taken down. Knocking
out one of the lights of glass they got
out upon the rout", whence they made
their desont to the ground by a milder
which had been left standing outside.
The following is a verbatim copy of
a note addressed by Whittaker to his
Honor, the President Judge, and leu
in his cell.
To the Hon Judge Aehesont
Dear Sir 1 have gone to Pitts
burgh to hunt up six thousand bail ;if
1 do not fi iicl it 1 will bo back in tunc
for next court. Respectfully yours,
There was also picked up in the
same cell the following note addressed
to Whittaker by Arnold, who had
evidently been solicited by the former
to make his escape at the same time:
December 3.
No, Tom, I will not go. I know
it is as easy as you say it is. I can get
out of here anytime I want to in two
hours. If you are going to go, I don't
want you to break my lock, there will
be no use iu taking mv lock off, for
by I won't go, nnd there is no use
asking me any inure. If I was afraid
of n trial I would go, but I am inno
cent, and I will bo discharged honor
ably when 1 11111 tried. I would ad
vise you to stay, for tho people will
think that you are guilty if you go.
Of course if I am awaked at tho time
you leave. I will not interfere with
your operations. . 1 am not a man of
that kind; I will pimp tor no man
As nl rcadv stated, it is evident that
this was written to hittaker 111 re
snonce to his solicitations that Arnold
should join him in his escape.
Since the above we learn that Whit
taker re-captured in Pittsburg and
returned to his old quarters.
t'RIUIITI'I'I. RAli.nOAll A('4'IDET.
A Trnin Hnel4Ml Into n Rtvro Fiflvrn
.11 liiilimlly Etnietl.
Monti-emeu, December 11. One
of the most fearful accidents known in
the annals of Vermont transpired to
day nt Harlow Bridge, near Xorthfiehl,
on the Vermont Central Railroad.
The bridge was burned Sunday morn
ing, and during tho week about one
hundred men were engaged in rearing
trestle work for temporary use. Most
of tho employers having dined to-day
at Northfield, were returning to work,
about one and a liall miles from that
town, in a passenger car, which was
being backed up to tho works. By
some inconceivable forget fulness, the
engineer proceeded with them at a
rapid rale, and did not cheek his speed
until too late, and the whole car, with
its freight of from sevoniv to one hun
dred men, was backed off the abutment
into tha river below, a distance of sixty
feet, the tender to the engine following.
Fifteen men were killed instantly, three
or four have since died, and more than
a many others injured, many seriously,
some it is feared fatally.
Anirlrnn Print Work Bitr-lr1--fiiMi
M.fti.oin-3 .Hen Tiirown Out of Em.
Fai.i. River, Mas;., December
15. The American Print Works at
Fall River, was destroyed by fire this
morning, with all tho printing ma
chines nnd a large stock of calicos.
Five hundred hands are thrown out
of employment. The loss willamount
to a million and a half of dollars. It
was the finest structure of the kind in
the country. Its loss Will probably
occasion the stoppage of many cotton
mills, and is a great blow to the indus
try of Fall River. Insurance not as
certained. The President's comunication giv
ing his reasons for Secretary Stanton's
removal has been sent to the Govern
ment printing oilicc. Mr. Stanton's
friends are fearful of the result, and are
willing to promise that ho will immedi
ately resign if the Senate will reinstate
him. As matters stand the Senate
cannot reinstato Mr. Stnuton without
making an issue with General Grant,
as the former says the latter took the
place against his (Stanton's) wish.
Congress will adjourn on the 20th
of December to the 8th of January, in
order to give members a chance to go
home for the holidays.
, Scott Weaver, aged nineteen
years, ' of Huston township, Blair
connty Pa., a fow days ago husked
one hundred and four bushels of corn
in one day.
Mr. Jouxsos has provided for a
dignified retirement from public life by
purchasing a large farm in Green
county, Tennessee.
Wayxesbcro, Pa., 1w. 11 1807.
To the Office ra aod Member of Hosliluik
lodge. Ma 558, 1. 0. of O. F., (In and brat hen t
Tliouuilerlgn-il,romniltl appointed Indraft
reaulutloiu expressive of the feelings of Oils
Lodgo on Uie death of our esteemed brother,
heath Johns, mtilte tue following report :
WliKRKAq. It 1ms pleased nn All-wlsenwlOver-rilllnii
rrovldenea, In the illxp -nsnlion of Ills
power, tost-iiil HlHliiessencerot dentil HKitlll to
iiivnoe. onr l.ooue,aul remove from ittiionu usoti
esteemed friend nnd brother of the".- yntle tie.'
And tt iikkkah, Thedeuth of onr worthy brother,
Hfiltlt Johns, who hits been summoned hellee. is
cnlciiluted to remind us Hint "In the inl'ltofllfe
weRrell!denth,"tllldthitt wushiill Ihiw with meek
submission to theumndittesof theWreitt Hitler of
the I ulverge, "who doetti ull things well.
Therefore Resolved Mint In the. lentil of Ilrot'ier
Johns, this Lodge tins lost n worth v brother, one
wnosHiieimrimeniait'i rnnmui iiisennriieoi tue
il ut les of ll fe, us n mem her of our l,odue, ami ns a
eltlgen.seenred theconndencoiind resiwtof the
oroinersot tne oriier, una ins lU'iiunlnlimces iu
me L-ouilij generally.
Resolved. That Iu tilts dispensation of nn All-
wise I'rnvldenee, we reetscufse tlllntller lesson of
wimioni, teaelilngus of the mortality of thing!
nrre ueiuw.
Ki-solved, That wedMiit.vsymmthlsewlthllie
w w nun iiuiiiiy ii our ueeeuseii orolller, anil
enu sheil the tear of grief with tlieni In this their
sure iiiuieiioil.
Resolved, That a eopy oft lie foreirohiK iirenmble
and resolutions Iteslirnedhv tlieollleers.nnd at
tested by the Heal of the liilue, be presented to
wiv dkiiiw iiuu iiuiiiiy 01 iiiuiieeeiiseu.
Resolved. That In neenrilnnee witb tlienneleiil
usages and eustoms of our lieloved i inter, and in
token nfrt'Spret we have fur our ill used friend
anil brother, the emblems of the iinler in the
I,imIri. riHim lie elothivl in muiirulnir, iiml that
the members wear the usual badge tor tiie spuee
I llllllj .111 K,
Allnf which nrerespnetriilly submitted In F.
j. r. i i.mi-i,i-;.
11. K.l'A.MI'ltKI.I.,
TlliW. 1. IIIHTKIl,
J-.4ildress lo llle Wrrvotl anil llehlll.
lateil whosesutlerlnss have been proteete 1 from
hidden cnuses.nwl whoso eases require prompt
treatment to render existence desirable. If you
nrosutrerlngor lmvesuilred from Involuntary
llsclinrgos, what etfeet docs It produce npou
your general henlth t Do yon feel weak, deblll
tnted, easily tired Does a little extra exertion
product) palpitation of the heart ? Hoi's vour
liver, or urinary nrgnnx, or your kldnevs. fre
quently gut out of order r Is your urine some.
times thick, milky, or needy, oris it ropy on
settling? Or does n thick scum rise to I lie top?
ur is ase-timcnt at the b-jtlout ufler it Ims stood
awhile? Divoti have sp.'lls of short hreathliiK
or uyspepia ? Aro your luwels eonstlpated ?
Uo you have spells of falntlnsor rushes of blood
to the head? Is your memory Impaired? Is
your mind constantly dwelllna upon this sub
ject ? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired
of company, of life? Do you wish to he ion
ulono, lo get away from everybody ? Docs any
little thing make yon start or Jump? Is your
sleep broken or restless ? Is tho lustre of your
eyes ns brllllnut ? The bloom on your eheelt as
bright? Do yotr enjoy yourself In society us
well? Do you pursue your business with the
same energy? Do you feel ns luiicli eonlldenee
In yourself? Areyoursplrlts dull nnd Ihigglng,
given lo Ills of melancholy ? Ifso,do not lay It
toyour liver or dyspepsia. Have you retUess
nights? lour hack weak, your knees weak
and have bill little appetite, and you attribute
this to dyspepsia or llvcr-cnmpluint ?
Now, reader, self-abuse,' venereal itlsenscs
hailty cured, and sexual excrelsos, nre nil enpn
hie of producing n weakness of the generative
organs. Tim organs of generation, which In
perfect health, make the. man. Did you ever
think that those bold, di-Hnnt. energetic, per
severing, successful business men are always
those whose generative organs nro In perfect
health? You never hear such men complain of
being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation
of the heart. They are never afraid they ennnot
succeed In business ; they dont become stul and
illscouraged ; they are always p illte ami pleas
ant In thn company ofladlcs, and look you and
them right In the face none of your downcast
lisiks or any other mealiness about them. I do
not mean those who keep the organs inflamed
by running to excess. These will not only ruin
their constitutions, but also those they do bus.
ness with or for.
How many men from Imdly cured diseases
from the elleets of sclf-uhiwc and excesses, have
brought nb nit that state of weakness In those
organs that has reduced the general svslciuso
much us to Indued almost every other disease
Id losy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal cHectlou, sui
cide, is nil almost every othor form of disease
which humanity Is heir to, nnd the real cause ol
the trouble s-iucely ever suspected, olid hnve
diH'tered for nil but the right one.
Diseases of the organs reipiiie the use of a diu
retic. 1 1 KI.JI nitidis I-'Id'II) KXTI1AI.T 111-.
I'HIT Is the great IHnretle, and Is a certain cure
for dlsensts of the Madder, Kidneys, Onivel,
Dropsy, organic Weakness, Female Complaints,
(leneriil Debility, and all diseases of the rrlimry
Organs, whether existing in ninle or female,
from whatever cause originating nnd no matter
of how long standing,
If no treatment Is submitted to, Consumption
or Insanity limy ensue. Our flesh und bliswl are
supporled from these sources, and the health
and happiness, nnd that of posterity, depends
Uhiii prompt use of n reliable remedy.
Jii'luilHiId a Extract Iluchu, establlshe
wards of IM years, prepared by
u p-
II. T. I!l:XMIini,D, Druggist,
601 llroadway, Now York, and
lOISouth intlistrcet, Philadelphia, Pa.
I'lttCB-Sl.S'i per botlle, or II liottles for 8.V) de
livered to any address. Hold by nil Druggists
To l onsnmptlTcs. The. Rev. KDWARD
A.' WH.SOX will send (free of charge) to nil who
desire It, the pre.tcrlptlon-wlth thodlreclloiu for
making and using the simple remedy by which
ho wus cured of a lung affection and that ilread
disease Consumption. Ills on I v object Istoben
ellt the nllllcted and lie hopes evurv suirercr will
try this proscription, as It will cost them noth
ing, and may prove alricsslug. I'lcase mMrcss
Rev. KliWAItli A. WIl.soN,
Xo. liSoiitliHis'iindMt. Williamsburg NcW.York.
Infhrmnf Ion. Information guaranteed to
produce a luxuriant growth of lour upon n bnld
liend or hcnnllcss face, nlsoa ri-clpc for tiie re
moval of I'lnijilc, III, itches, Kruptions, etc., ii
the skin, leaving the same soft, clear, mid beau
tiful, can be obtnlned without charge bv ad
dressing TIIOH. F.iil.VIWIAN, criKWisr,
tl;.j. i7-lycli!t;ls ICI llrondway, Xew Yurk.
f .foljtnte A 4'o'a.
o K n it a n
Is manufactured from Pl'RK
M VTI--II I A f 4 ttii.l t.iv Im.
considered the STANDARD OF F.XCF.M.KNCE.
For sale by all tlroccnes. t);--ly.
44-The Healing Pool, and llonsenr Mer
y Howard Association Reports for Young
Men, on the crime of solltnde, and the errors,
abuses and diseases which destroy the manly
powers, nnd create linpecllnfr-nts to-mnrrlage,
with sure means of relief. Kent lit sealed letter
envelopi-s free of ehnrge. Address DH. J.HKII
UN HorfHITO.V, Howard Association, Phila
delphia, Pit. 8;.VIy
WF.rrora of Yontb. A gentleman who
suffered for years from Nervoua Debility, Pre
mature Decay, nnd all the effects of youthful In
discretion, will, for thesnkcof s'.ifn-rliighuiunnl-
tv und rrm tn nit who need It. nnd reeelnt unit
directions for making the simple remedy by
which he was cured, nunercrs winning to prom
by the advertiser's experience, can do so by ad
drying, In perfect conflilencc
(j.Vly 42 Cedar 8t New York.
$w tlvrvtijirmcntsi.
W. nion, Jr., 5t AYrtA Strttt, nut,
ouroA, it tht authorized ajattfor tht Rkpublicas.
in that ciy.
" WATSnnncno, Pa., J. 16, WW.
Tha annual Eltlon for New Dim-ton. to nerre
diirlng tlie einulim year, will Iw helilat tjie
llank on TfEMDAY, January 7, lmW, between the
honofU,n..naip.j.n. fi.ENNIKEV,
' Ii-,l-t(l, . j CaiBlar,
Tlie ye nr I81H will I mm lm rnitieiubrml for lis
set t hu 1 41 tt of t Jit; boundary i,U'ltoii Itetwfcu
AriaUM-racy nl Color uiul luiuirttl Human Lib
erty. Jiu Wurof theHtlH)ilumlHinfl(iKeJ we
hitvt) now to ilts-tde wiiHiu-r the titinliitiirmul
ltlitiwhicli hiiH'lk'ii und JuslltUtl tho KitkvlMoii
ghull iloml mile over o;tr whole rmmiry, molding
hor Institutions and diiiiliit hrr dentiny, Jf It
1h true that liotl has not ri rated ull men, but
only all W'bito tmiit hi UIh own Inuiiff. nnd
iiiudetlu'iu uqiial In politic; und civil riht.
then It is a woHil-wttlc calamity that ((rant did
not mirronder Iti Iii'tMtt Apiouiiittox j mid TIip
litMt t'aiiHc," trHldcii Into mire uudi-r tht hoofti
ol Hlicrldan'ii roiiylt-rhllntf cavalry, ntt onh
fihoiilil but will be rt'Kiinlftl In t'oiixtitutloual
ConvciitioiiM and ut tiie Imllot-lNixt?. If tire
lIlittkriuM lu-uiuist' they A.k Hlack, tthouhl be
excluded from the Jury-lHix and repelli-il fiom
the hallot-box, then stoiiewnll .lack .son nunht to
liend the roll of Aimu'lcaii marly m, emhlazoiittl
liluhaltove tlm ii'imeMor Warren and Merer
and. Pulaski ; of Kflswortli, I .you, ltakert;iteyn
ohU, Wad.-iWurtti, Kuurncy, Scilywlek, un.l Mo
It ladiillruU toiirtte with n blind, blotted
prejudice, lertmiidcd in iKiiorance und fort Hied
by wlf-eoneelt. Ik'vohlof reason, It l hardly
aiuriiiibU to reiiHon. Hut inlliioitH who would
listen uumoveil to a p tea Is biiuil on .lunttee and
lltimatiity can beHttrred by fact a which utlti-t
their own Inlerexl and safely. The naked truth
that every Southern Htate reeouslructed on the
White basis i tt-d.iy a It.'hel State shaped and
ruled by men who execrated Lincoln's reluctant
and tardy resistance to the Ib-hellloiiasa cause
less and criminal imirre.-fs On. and urofottndlv re
joiced over Hull Itun as their vletory will provo
luviucimo, u we can iuii tirmij 11 imme n the
apprelietiston of every loyal voter. There Ik no
paramount ipirNttou o oo'i ratth orunititude to
the Blacks. Tindr voles are as necessary to th
preponderance of While loyalty as lo their own
protection and security. Reconstruct the South
oil the While basis, and everv mi of the fifteen
states which held slaves hi lsilUwlll be intense
ly, overwhelmingly Copiierhend thenceforth
and evermore. Allow lo-iay the plea that the
Hlaeks are Ignorant und deuraded, nnd those
whom you thereby clothe with power will tnkit
uood cure that the plea shttll be as valid und well
urounded u century hNiMarttt how is. J'ublle
Kducution and Civil Itiulils fnr the Freed nn-n
can only be achieved and maintained through
ine naiun. "vc nrv mr eKro Ntmrmfe tiik
the tnvriptlon mi h banner borne In a late
t'oiiiervativeor I)einoeniticjiriMcssloii In Haiti-
more; and the spirit which dictated Hint avowal I
Is still rampant futheSnuth. lint for what U I
stigmatized us Military iH'Hpotlsm, It would
daily uveime by outrne and liilllctton what It I
deems neuro Ireiiehery to thcsSotitheru cause. I
TllKTit i ill's H bastlecllned tobe hired or lit in-
cd asiile troiu the Main Question. It has per
sistently refused to swell tin; clamor for ven
Kt nice mi the defeated Kehels. whether bv exe
cution or by confiscation ; and one of Its stronx
reasons for this eourse is a conviction (hat no
drop of rebel hlixtd could lieeoollv, dellherutt-lv
shed without essentially elottdin-j the pnspee't
olsei'Uilnu the Klht ofSuttiai;t to tin- llhtrks.
Driving i iic madness ol p;mlon mid the blind-,
liessol hliort-siiilcd in iseoncent Ion, If ha-i de
luanneit Iteconst ruction on the iiasls of lnlv.i-.
sal Amuesfy with Impartial Sutliae In peufis-t
consciousness , the il(.t thai It thereby iiljeriut-
ci tuousaiids who h-.xd been its zealous suppor
ters and lite-loiiK patrons. The hour fir Us com
plete vindication cannot he far distant.
As for tlu- man who is to hi the ettoscn stand-nrd-hearerof
the Uepublleun bos iu the lm
peuditm conte.t, while we uvowour ctelilu'rate
prelerence of t hlif .lusttce um the ablest
nnd most eminent of our llvm statesmen, Tiif.
Tkihl'nk will render a ' eartv, cheerful, de
termined support on a platform which niHrms
and upholds the eiual p ilitleal as well as civil
rights of all citizens ot tlie Uepulille. Wedo not
coutumplate tts iiosslbletlie supp irt by H -puli-i-cans
st any candif late who dm not sta'ntl on this
platform, And we do not apprehend that the
candidates who, in our approaching stnmiflc,
shall represent Keuuiue Jt liKM-racy in oppisl
lion lo tlie meanest phase of Aristocracy can he
beaten If proper mean hi systematically taken,
as they must and wilt lie, to enlighten and
arouse the American party.
We will thank such friends ns believe that
TliK Tinnr Nl-; will prove nn eflliilent ami Pinup
wliy to influence the undecided, to aid us In ex
teiMlliia IU ciretilallon. Though ours Is eml
nentlv a Dolitieal lounial. but a small inrtlon
of its space Is devoted top: ill tics, while an outlay
of more than SJtHi.iKMl pei unnuin is incurreil In
collect lni and t rnusmittbiK news from hII parts
oi me worm. e nav reyuiar eormspoinieiitN
to nil points where Important events imiv ut
any time be transpiring or iir miueiit, The
progress ol the war iu t'rele. which Is the ure-
etirsfirofa Mi II urc;ner v;r, lias been watched
hy one of these special correspondents, while
another tclcLxrnjihs from Constantinople each
novel phase of the critical diplomatic si I nation.
Kvery step of (iarlhuldi'N recent heroic tho-iyii
utit'oiMuuate eiitenirise. V'im lis iii.-eii !i,u toils
close, was noted by onr ('nresp indents, uMouie
also Ills m dm t trusted advisers ; while an e.Hteund
memh"r if our editorial stad' has just accom
panied the Kmhussador ot .htarez to Mexico to
scan the iMexIcan problem elosely and undt r
auspices more favorable to I In ltcpiiblicnn chief I
than those which have colored the ndvleeH of I
onr regular correspondents ut Vera Cril, and
theCapltal. Another correspondent uccopanletl
inu jhi .National expetUCoti to.MasKii, Vn(
russia.or whatever out spllnterof the North
on may ne calM'o. ami ih how reported on the
aspects and eapabilit ies of that chilly region.
liayant layior ts wrmim us in nisown vein
from ( 'cnl ral I'm ipe ; H'hlK able correspond-
nts rep:u-l to us from Colorado. Idaho, Monta
na. Ac,, more eonio'.isiv than we can find room
I publish. Our Itevlews of Hooks and Library
liepariment are in charge of oueoi tlie rip'-st
American sciioi-iis j.wniii' Agriculture, undera
com net cut editor, claims a lead Inu nlace in our
Semi-Weekly and Weekly Issues. In siiort, we
have for years siient a la rue portion of the In
come of our business In efforts to render Tiik
Tjmtr.NKn betteraud better newspaper; and if
we uavit hot sueceeiei, ine in m it is not explain
ed byn tack of means or of effort', whefher on
our own pari or on that of atfeiteroiis and tlltt-
'ernuiK purdie,
TifK TittiiNK Ih smt by malt daily (Sundays
excepted.) lor 510. Heml-Weekly for $l, ami
Weekly for iht iiiiliiim, payaole-inftexlbly In
ndvah'e. To clubs tor the Mem'. -Weekly we send
twoeoilos one year for $7: five coplcn, or over,
Tor each copy :t. nn receipt of sj.i for fifteen
conies we will send an extra eonv one year : for
41'XMve will semi thirty-four copies and Tiik
lAtl.V TltlllfNK. We srlid the eeklv to Clubs
of five f ir Sil; ti n etples or over, ndflnmsed to
names of subscriber, each, 41 70; twenty copies,
addressed to names of subscribers, 11 ; ten
copies, to fne add less, $ Hi; twenty copies, to one
address, WK An ex tin copy wiil lm sent for
inch chili of t ii.
A I a rife and tine si net enirraved nortrnlt of the
Editor is sent freo of ehurife to any one who. In
sendlnu ?Ma for a Pnllv, t for n Semi-Week I v. or
?2 ffra Weekly, shall Indicate u desire lo re-
iveit. one will likewise be sent to any per
son who forwards n dul of ten r more Semi-
Weeklies or twenty or more Weeklies, at our
(dull rates, und asks for portarlt at tho time of
remitting. Address tiik Tititit'NK, .mi. ii
Nassuu-sl., ;.ew i ork.
w;i.;.iam uF.nHYini.L'H,
MKCHAXit' now, WAYtiianrnn, rexx'A.
HiiviliK Just Dur-hni'ilrt henvv Ktoek of ftootH
an l Hln. of the FINrXTaml -ItHST ((irAI.ITY
to he fouiiil In the Kuat, he now linn the llmt He-
leeleil Mini liliiNl eompiere nvoriiueni 01 inese
(liM!ever hrounht lolhoTown. Anil hoollors
F ore A S II
Men' het, whole ti k, Home-mailp Tloot, 17
Ineh leir. nt fll.UO. "l.-ii i.ii'I ".'III: Men u FlUeCulf
nt S7..VI. with a iiniforiil'Mi'ilnetion in rates, on
nil UlnilKof s! !. .Mr, ;lerryhlll liiivin j an ex-
lierleuee of l.i yearn in tlie iniinuriiciurinu uf
f thornntrlily npnn.tlntwt with thobimtnewt. nnd
hai Tuken groat cure to make this h
Kiciifrlpncel hnnds are constnntlv emnlnved
In ma k Inn n order und we enu wifely nay Unit nt
no place else in these "digtflinpi" euri the liiute
rlnl und workinauahlp be MurpuaaeU.
TTenowniknliln frlemla anil the puhlletoeall
anil examine hlaatoektaahefeeln eon tlrlent that
liecan pleime them. WM. IIKflltYMIU,.
l'4IH-tf Mcehanlea' Row, Waynexhuru, Pn.
ruins ia xo ojve notice :
That nn the 5th ilayof December, A. D 1W. a
Wnrrant In Hnnkruptey wan liwufHliurtiliwt tlia
(Utatcia-NATllAN.IMMrJItMA.N, of Cunitar.
land township. In the County of Greene and
Nlate ofrVnnnylvanla, who liaa bean adjudicerl a
llnuknipton hla own petition: that the pay
ment ol any delita and thedellvery of any prop
erty belonging tn niieh Itaiikrupt, to hlin. or for
bin urn., and tha transfer of any property by lilin
are forbidden by law ; that a iiieetlnu of the
I'reilltoni of the said Bankrupt, to prove their
IMitif, and to fhooae one or more AMianeea of
hla Kutate, will be held at a Court of llonkrupt
oy, to be hidden at the Court Hoiim, In Waynea
bunc, Orretie countv, l'ennavlvnnla, liefore
Joneph 11. Diailey, Ketiinter, on the nut h day of
January, A, L ltMt, at 1 o'eloek, 1'. M.
l-lt f V. H. Marnbal,
jp 0 R T II Vr BOP LKiT"
A n i.i. STOC K OK
t'Mt. aso wisma iry goods i
Xfn ,1.I-A ... r... - . . ...
ii, LI. i , , our cruuoraera ana ail
llimai who wish kvlmy
good qoo'ds at low phices
IlJa v?f.".ro "r 'V11" " "inilile afock of Fall
ami Inter (h, whleli we an- ileterliilnM to
iu, it you will come ami at them, our stork uf
n.'.'.'-'o".'" "rio!"" ",nl,,p. ln heavy brown .
... ii. V r """"a naiiiieia, lileaeUiHl
miwllii, Klnxlinni, a KKliiiMortiiiriil of
aim,' (feiienil nofroim, limlery, 1orr;. trlra-
, 7' ""V'i", e., i.. jinn, aii or
vxliu lhiunelH, white, ml, gray, fluureU nd.
IS A D 15 X D A N C El
It'Kitannil Shoon.axlra. lienTv.lm 11.1 mail Iwila
for men timl lioyn nnd an nxKoriiueut uf nne ami
heavy almeH for Woiiirn, MIwm-h an. I chililren
limie to in to liny j our fioou ami huon for the
for men nnd boyi, a trrenl varlelr arid at arleni:
In mill oil. Kill I Ktyleof liullra bata;. wrratha,
fentherH, lliiworx, Ureaa trlmmiiiKu, e.
'inieeuolee ariMferleM. ten. e,,ir,... anivar , m
wvlii, pepiier, apleu, g.Kl lndl0, c. t'oino anJl
nee our HltH-k,
A. WIInoii Jr.'s hiillillint.
ft'W-tf . Wayiieaburit, Pa.
lUl.f A UN All, AT
OKocHitr iMn co.rntTioM.Br !
Mr. Iloitper would mill Imve din friend, nnd pot-
""' " '' " tiinuniH.. in llle wro-
eeryaiiiU'onfeetlonery Irndeat hla umml place of
....... ..-,, neiiiinjiiMi revel vou
Of tho quality of all arllolei Iu hla Una.
TIlV VllTluva ....I n - a..
arilnlu.iulwiiyM on linnd.
R E F R E 8 II M E N T 8.
In eon mint Ion with thn above, Mr, Hoopar
keniMu Hestiiurtiut, where a
With nil III,. ".I .,.uri, " rn .,.,.1 ....
able niti-n.
Tho mint attractive and liiont runnlnr nwnrt
In town, ikli.ns-lv.
;i"t";'''Mirni.,o& ounsmithino! '
'(P ill i lliriintintl... ..t U- ....I. II. J l-
'"I "i mi- ('mini- wiin iirnirn
work done iu tins iniHr tarit hraneli of Merbun-
MR. .1 A CO 15 II OO V E R ,.
Anninneeii lilin.elf competent and willing to
.i..4.iij i ii ink in uie line, iftiiooniK iiorneN except
ed.) He in nn exporl anil will w.irruut atlfnc- .
lion. Hhop near tlie Planum Mill. 12-,11-tf
E 1) I C A L ,
1)11. milTTLESY.
Ml. r. WtllTTI.FJtY, lliylalan for Chronla
IMmwieii, hnna periniiiient olflce In Washington.
Pennivivnuiii, wliore he Iiim lieen rnKaged lur
the iiiiHt It-elve yc-iim In the nuccvufal treatment
of all
The Doctor might present a volume of cert 11- .
eiiti-Mof eiiren, eompllnientiirv noticca, Ae., hut
the most HiitlHfaetiiry tentlmoiiiiil will be given
the public in n trial of bin nklll. Dr. V. devote .
exi'limlvn nlleiitloii to I'bronle Allmenta, In
wiiii-li tiix pi-ni-tlee him Ihm-u tinlfornily nuecemi
fill, etr.'etlng eiiren in ninny ennen tbat have
liallliil all other HyulouiM of treatment.
Parnlyvln, Ithenmntiiim, llronchltla, Oitarrah, .'
llenfums, lllHniiHi'Mrif theHulne,Ntoliiaclj,
Heart, l.lvr, llowelii, Kldneyii l.unga,
Felllule DiAciixcil, lleneral IXlbll
Ity, 4e.,c,
Aro all promptly and permanently cured hy the
IhMitor'n Nynteiu of treatment. During the pant
few yenm, the DiHdor ban reglnleml bundrenfi af
ciireH to w hich he will la. pleinied to glvo thoaa
referi'iieen u-lio may cnll iitou hlin. He Invltea
nil nfllieteil with any form of Chronio diaeaae
and having fniled loolitalii relief, lo
ITIm principal ajrent nr! nrlrtl entirely from
tlm 1
vetfeiuoie Kingdom, nii'i inraare no enm-
hlned un to equalize the vital fonren of th body
nml tlierehy rex torn It to tHrfeet health. Tb
fhietor Iuih leen eNpmdiilly nucceiMfiil in Ilia
treutmcntof all
F E M ALE D I S E A 8 E S .
Women by the neoro full vlntlina tomaladle pe
culiar to their Hex, many of whom might lm
auverl from llveaof wreteheilneaMnnd prematura
graven by applying In time to Dr. W. The rem
eillea eiiiployiil In the practice of Dr. W. are
inuiiiifaetureil exi-iuiilvely by Itlm from hiaown
Mcdliiil IilKinitory and aro alwnyn pure In
wunllly and Hpeeille In effect. Dr. V , riTagnoca
illneaiie by nieana of the Tiine, the only Infnlll
ble tern of diaeiiHe, never fulling todlacover ita
nature, locality and curability, thua enabling
hlin to employ a
Of the absolute eertnlnty of hla mode of dlagno
nea be can aatlnfy every patlulit who given him
atrial, from the urine alone he will tell accurate
ly all that can lie known of any disease. In the
examination of thta secretion; he employs opti
cal, chemical and microscopical testa, no case
lielug preaenteil In which oneot tbeae teats la
not suillclent to an accurate diagnoses. The
Ihn-toriliKK not claim to be a "cure all," nor yet
"the right arm of the Almlghtjr stretched forth
to save the world from premature dissolution."
but he dove profess from sclentlUn acquirement
Devoted exclusively lo the treatment of chronio
Ills, with his infallible testsor iIImuh to be able
to re eve and permanently cure ail tlioae caeca
which are not already beyond thertaehof rem
edies. OFFICE.
t-.i-tf r; wniTTLEsTf.