, .. .--7.i - - v- v ' .i ' gustou Canto. T. w. noss, roTiiciijr avd tcaoiosr. Ornea In JeweU't building. West end of Main St. Wsynesburg. .-li'im-lf. s LATER ODENBACUH, PBALBB U DBCOt AMU HEDICIXKi, f Innnrt Anil evsrvthlne nertelnlne tn first sums Drug Store. Prescriptions CMJjjfully com- uadL MUraigh't Old Bland.'' Wynmbum G BO. a JEFFERY, NOTARY rUDLIC. All business pertaining to the ofnea attended to promptly, office with P. A A. Telegraph l.'o.. MIIOI HWlfUvniuHia. ;i-ll. jpIRST NATIONAL BANK, or wAfXEHBuia DISCOUNT DAT - - TUESDAY. I. BoSSB. Prea't. J. C. FLKN.IlKg, Cuslllcr, May Ispes-ly. F. A. BALL, Dealer In Dry Good., Groceries, Hardwaro, etc., etc. AT MCCOY'S 01. 1) STAND, tlnssnslmrn. Fa. JEWIS DAY, DIALtB 111 BOOBI ADD STATIOM.RY, Well Pwper. Window Paper, Ae. Hundsy School Rooks of ell kinds constantly on hand, room In Mr. Rush's building, formerly occupied hy Col terell A Taylor, Waynesliurg, Fa. M.y t, 8H-I.V. WM. BAILEY, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, MAIS STREET, Ort-OSIYB COt'BT BOl'll, Km on hands nlwnvn ft choice anil select as sortment of Watches anil Jewelry. Repairing douoal tne lowmt rates, s;i: oi-iy. rJUIK MONONGAHKLA HOUSE, rick's lammko, odkkxe cot mi, m., OLIVER t BAYARD, PROPRIETORS, The best accommodation furnished the travel ltugpuiillc. House unit appurtenances com pleto. Tiif!i' iilkfuyit sprtsul bountifully with the delica cies 01 the si-asmi. Horses for hlro; feed anil sldbllngal reasonable rates. tl;2il-tf. y"fl.TrwEun," ia; ' ADDLE AMD IIABXCI MAKKIt, (IN WILSON'S BUILDING, MAIN ST.) Saddles, Bridles. Harness kept on hnml anil made loonier. Work dime in the la-st style, and at reasonnhlo rati. Bs-ltopnirlng a speciality on short notice. Farmer friends go look ui his stis-k. tyil-ly. D KNTIBTHY. I have looiitfld In Wavnchiirtr. and am ncru- Fivlnx th lute nmiiltMH-t-or lr. H. H. I'utton, lluv ii K taken Rrtnt pulnt to b-roinr thmuii?h1y w yutilntml with Imth thfl tlit'orynnit prurtlc of Htntlttry. nnd hvtng hm t Hxiwrlt'iin'orm-vcn f-fan In the imitcHHlmi, I rl wtirnuitt'il hi tny nc tlmtmy pntlvntn Nhnll t(nvia noimiHtio com jilulnof Inferior pTutlimti. Kxtrtii'tltMi nil) Im rndnrnd pntrihA. wtifii ttcHlrnl, lv ihv tutinin InUAtton of "LhukiiIhk Kim" r otlit-i uti lhd Ich. f!hKntff nnMlonU,iinM nil oMmtimm warrunttMl 4M rvnritient4(l. I wtllhc nt Uuuv. wmi'irr ikii AOVKNTUHM tYom .th AfttWIlth tutllH DllHIi'tll of Avery month. , J OK. M. 1IKUTIG. fl;l2-tf JAUULE W0HK3, 8UMMER3GILI4 BRO. (JEWKLL'I OLD 6THn,slTrK END Of TOW!f.) Th Dtiblle rrrtwtf.lT InfnmiMl tlmt Rum mcrhalll A Bro. hnvn Just received a lnrgr itork of mi kuuib 01 MARBLE WORK! Biirh nn Ornv Rloni", Momimontii, Mnntlo vTVrk, e. W ftrf ir'rHl to fnni1nh work nt TnnonahletprmHon Khort notlc. ('nil uml cx- ABilnwour dUM-k, tttyK'x,aitd prices, before pur bMlnc elHPwhcrt. fr,S-tf. s HERMAN MOUSE, JCKT Ol tMD ii r THOMAS BRADLEY. Pneltlvoly the most enmnletn Hotel In our town. KverythliiHeonitlneil to nirnWh the lMet aceom xaodatlon ever yet olfereil to the puhlle. Mral. furnleheil at all lmur, table provided with the beat of theaenaon. Traveller, and thiwe ilealrone of refnuhment will iln well tieall."Tom"etlll ri'tiiln. hlx old reputation of an accommodating gentlemen, nml bopllhle landlord. House, the one formerly oeeupleil by 111. "Meeaenger" Otllee, WiB-ly. . JOHN II. IIOFTmAnT MOHOANTOWN, WtT VIRfHMA. ATTORNEY FOR COLLFX'TISG rExsioxs, noiNtiEi, AniiEAnn or pat, AND ALL MILITARY CLAIMS. Having had IT yearn experience In prmeentlng noh claim., I have hecomo familiar with the varlona Lnwa and the large amount of record vlileuce In my pue.eelon enable, me to be very eucocHHrul In pmecciitlng .u.pended clnlm., and In many Instance, have proved .uceeMfnl when theelalmant hart long given them np ln(lenalr. fin mutter how dlfllcull the claim to It I. JuU el. . JOBERT DOUGHERTY, CABKIAOE KAXCrACTCBEE, WAYKKftDUKO, TA. nntpectfully give notice that he ha located In Waynmuurg, Pa., where he Intenda to manu facture CARRIAGES Of every deacrrptlon. From hla eierlenc In Uiebuelneu he reel, eonndent that hi. work. In atyle, dnlah. and dnrahlllty, will give entire eat txfitetloik It la hi. determination to rmrehaw Mm beat material In market, and employ none bait competent workmen. aVAIl work warranted for one year." ftlhW-U. W AYNE-JUUHQ MARBLE AND STONE WORKS. SATERS d- RIXEIIART. Still eentlnue to carry on the Marble and Stone entUncbuaineea at their long established stmul ImnMstlate east of the Public Honare, lietwwn High and Greene .t recta, wavneenorg, ra. ' Ala eatAMl.hment haa been In constant opei tloa at arc 1KB), and the long experience and en ergy of aha. proprietor-, linked with the exer etaeofananalndgnientandgood taste, have won ihMn widKnrMfl and enrlable reoutntlon. An extensive stork ef the varlon. rarletlea of toe oci maroa. aep cooiiin.,y vu h"" eiai attention paia to poiianing, pressing, mr lng and engraving. ill grdera prompUy filled. ;S:'(M-tt ttanejaa. C. RnrnamK tioroey at Law. ions C. WanKER, riutary 1 uuue. OTCROISS A WAGNER, VIITID STATES Ct.A!M AND UENKItAL UUUUXTIMU AUENTH. w-rorthe adjtiatment onjvrMS,of aU kind. faunas aoei uiuh. Diatea, sucn a PSNSIONS, INCTIKASK OF PKNSIONS, BOCNr ti TT, I1M EXTRA BOUN I V, , and those of any other eJaaa call on or write" to til kUhtary and Haval Agency of ... 8TUHOISS WAONKR, WalBBt t, 1 door below Hacana' corner, n,fr-m MonoAVrowfi, w. va. C A, T1NKEK " U IIAPEI. ijraiaa mapeu - COMMISSION MERCHANTS i . . '.: FOR THE SALS OF . HO08, CATTLE AND 8HEH '. AT THXW OWN YARDS, ' -' WEST BAVTTMORE, MARTLASTA MBtoiltvxa un. u ve btocb: scales n i i I, ai nniri III aolMta. Aja V-7 awawetwu, itmt Tram ky. RECONSTRUCTION! or or tue wnox, vt or ISAAC HOOPER'S OEOCERT AKO CONrECTIOKtgf ! Mr. Hooper would .till hare hi. friend, and pat tiui, heur in mind, that ha oolltlnue. In the Om eery and Omfectlonery tnulu at hi. niual place of doing buslni-M, and that he ha. Ju.t received A FRESH SUPPLY of the best quality of all article. In 111. Una. TOYS NOTIONS, and a great variety of iiaeful article, alwuy. on imnu. REFRESHMENTS. In connection with the above, Mr. Hooper kwp Rcsiiiuniiit, wni re ICE CREAM, HEUHIES, And all theluxurlc. of the mwn eon be ob tained. ... The inot attrai 'lve and mual popular reaort lutown. ;'") ILLIAM WALLACE, GIUK'KKl KS AM) PROVISIONS! or boor wrjiT"or rirrgg nnow'a aTogg. We have Jut recelveil a well .elected .lock of choice FAMILY Oltot.KItlKH, which wa pur dinned for twsH and are confident that we can supply our ru.toincra und all who may favor u. with a call, n. cneap, u not enenper, man any nitier house 111 the county. COFFKKH. 81(1 A Its. MKI.ASKKK. HYIHTH, TK.f. Hiri:. HODA, TOllAIYIW. I 'It A IIS, SNtFrH,rANI)I.I?M, SOAPM, F.XTUAl T, I'OF FKK, Hl ItAWIlFHHIF-H, JKM.1FM, r., Ac, Ac. tlnn'f Ait I tn eciimliic our .lock and.ee for vour- .elves, for we are determined to .ell a. cheap a. tno clieaiH.!. u-,-w vi Joiix HrilllKK... ...THOMAS Lt'CAS. V LUCAS 4 CO. rORWARDINO A5D C0MMIS31IW MCRCIIARTI. And denier. In Orocerlee, Hardware, leather, Minn- Flmllnex, Iron, Nll,Halt, Flh. Ac. Ainu, uuentM fur Aulirev. Cromlow A Coon'. Window Hnah. Anupply kept constantly on hand., lllce'. Uimling, l'a., above the grit. ;Vtf. JAZEAR BROTHERS, WIIOI.KSAI.lt uRiKKna amd fllAHT.. COMMIBMOX MKR- No. 77. EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE. Ja. ll.'I.Arr.Ait, Wlf. U, I.A7.KAII. IStlMy. r PUBLIC NOTICE. An the firm of III'llIIRfl A I.ITI'AH I. ill..olveil bv mutual consent, the 1'oinml.Hlon Inislnes. will .till be carried on at the old .land, In good order, anil on the iniwt rensonable term., In the name and style of I,. IM'liHKH m, (senior purlner.l Thev naltcr llieinseive. oy nnving the House anil the best liM'iitlon In the place for thai businesa, that they will un-KiVE a iim nu They will al Ih,Hm imild lort(TOimuouiUiiiu who nmy mvur them with n rail. ' I..?irOHFi X.. 4;!0-tf. Illw'i UitHlinn, iSi. s OMETIUNG NEY IN WAYNKSIU KO, I'KNN'.V. Til OS. nil ADKN it CO. (At the store room formerly nccuple.1 hy Andrew Wilson, Hr., next door to llrail.n Drug Hture.) Hespectfully Informs thegotwl people of Oreene county, tii.it inry navu nivncu a HA R D WA R E S TOR El a n.t invites it cull from their friends ami the nub ile generally. Their ston-Is tilled with rverj'lnlng In tlietrllnenwdedhy the fanner and michanlc. Ih-lng practical former., they know exactly the WaniS OI llieir laruier irieimi.. unions uirir nr- lety of gooils will lie found Iron, Null., of all kinds, l'lunea of all varieties, Augers, Unices, Ae. Tntlle toothed, cross cut and mill auw.. hand saw. and tools of un ticxcriimu.. AGRICTLTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Mowing Machine., flitting Boxes, Corn Slieller., Plows, Cultivators, Kbovcls, Fork., and every thing In their line. SADDLERY HARDWARE. A eeneral assortment of saddlery hardware, to which II icy Invito Uie attention of purchaser. WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDS. Tubs, llucket., Dntter ltowl. and all kind, of Kltciien woi.icn rixins. w mow Husarts, Itrooms, Itrushce, Coal Itncketa, 11 r ass Ketthsi. Iluvay WhiiM, Hhot guns, Uns-g Wngon. anil HIh.K Ail person, di'elroii. of purchasing any of the above arllel nml mnny oihera not mentioned, will consult their Interval by CALLING SOON. They will lake pleasure In showing their stork tattl time.. Hoglvc them a cull when you come o town, 'lteniciuberthe pluc,oppoeltcthe Flret National Bank. T. DaAPEXglV, Moffat's Life Pills AID PHtEKII BITTEB8. The lost Saeeesatal Kedldnes In th World. Established la 1835 by om of onr Most Emiient PkYtlcUiis, tnd now nsed throughofit Norta and South America, with more pleasing results than any other ledlelne In cases of diseased liver, Blood or Skin, . .Indigestion, Costlteness, Bilious ftxarplalnta, Bhenmatlui and Fever and Agne.' Tkoasandnof oerttfleats are in oar possession, giving detailed aeeonnis of perfect Cubes effecUd by these Invalnable, Ktidklnes. They ngnlato the System and pnt all the fanctioos of the body In a healthy condition. - a M4 kyaltnraggana. Krelaai. Pt.pt. ataaa, tun a. Dr. Jaka XogM gag Or. M. sasM,SewTark. ar3ied life tJfmHSf Bdk of vital lnporta nee to Uw manlnt of both aegas. In a scaUad ra mlope, aaa ba obtained fsrT at Uuwga kl aX a lUapeetrarly ' ' -.o tu Broadway, N. Y. "Kc '3Sagucbuir0 lIcpiibticaH, '2Sci)ncbaj, December II, I80T. D HY GOODS AT W H 0 L E S A L E . M'KLIIOY, DICKSON & CO. NO. ti WOOD STREET, riTTSrlUIMlH, PA. Now offer to dealer, their FALL STOCK, AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. , DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, IN GREAT YARIETY (,11-lm. B EAUTIFUL DISPLAY! DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, CAS3IMERS, ie., EVANS ESTA HLIS1 1 M KNT. COM PL ET E ASSORTM ENT EVERYTHING IN THE LINE! Wishing to close out for the Fall trade, he of fer. Iilsgissls at astonishing low rate, for cash. The stock 1. as lute aa the latest and the best In market. .Minor's Ilulldlng, opposite the Greene House. s;-ii-;fm. Li. ia. r.v Aim, Jj! I R B '1 T ARRIVAL OF A FUI.Ii STOCK OF tU. AXD WIXTKR DRY GOODS SIIIK K fi S UTT ON'S Wn ittMirr to Inform our cimtoninni nml n 1 1 lone who with to Imy GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES Hint wmm r-wlvlnff a oomhltt ntnrk of Fnll flihl Wltitrr 4toiMlfi. whloh wcnn-.tHrriiilin' If you will romrnml Kfothrm. Our Htockof DRY GOODS, rmhrn th Nt ntnptori, rxtm ln'ftvv brown iiiunlinfl, Urlllliic, canton rluintrlH, filiwht-tl IltUlll. glllSllAIll, RtMHt HMortlUPllt Of V FINE DRESS GOODS! !no. fffnernl nntlonri. Iinftlrrv. n1nvtR. trim in I tut, rlhlNiim. button, A, A. Also, lot of pxtrw nuimp, wbl to, ml, piuy, nurt(l mid imrrcu, I N A II V S 0 A N C K ! ftontKnml Hltorfi, fxtrn, hMivy.hnnd mml IkxiIji. pr men nt hoy, nun nil ftwtortmrnt of tlnr rii heavy mIiin-ii for woiim-ii. MlMNfN nml ChlMron Com to un to buy your Iwotn nml fihocnfor the won or, HATS AND CAPS fir men nnd hoyi, n (rrmt vorloty nnil nt prlrrn lonini an, pun etiyifoi mciirn nn(H. wretiutu, fi-nthirti, flowrm, liniw trlnunliiKt Ac, HomnrholctT an-N-rlM, Un. roil.t', mi;ir, rlei HMin, peppr, npicptxxi inoigo. c, i.un.e nun iMHour ntot'k( DONT MISS THE PL.VrE, A. WIIhoii Jrftlmlldlnff. MIIIUK A Hl'TTON. fhlflbW-tf Wnvncrthurir, In, 1868 PROSPECTUS ! 1868 Til E PITTSBURG GAZETTE, Thn UrvpHt rlnlly irarerln thoHtntn nf IVnn- ivlvnnlfi. ent;ni the KJud v.nr of it pslsttiuf with liurntMAtl fnrllltlwi for llninlnut ln the curnTiii iipwi 01 nm nny, niii lor rrnneriiur Hrif.i nriiM-ni iwrviiT in mot impir-iaiU ITt'IUa ilrntlnl innvniui of ltf. I hv forthci inhiK w slon of ('onyrfrtfl prcmilmn to provu one of the inont iinKtrt.nt hi'lit nlnvo the formutlon of the trovemmeui, nnu mi priM-niuiiK.t will heatix louxlv wiitclil bv the Intehlin nt (nnsNiHt. In view of the d,i' Interest cciitcnil lu th pro cveillugs, the proprletomof the "dniu-tte" hove maoe arrangetucnia lor inilly dlsimtelie. and eiu-r. ourina ine tKiMion. mm a iiurh v 101..1. Itgcnt eorrespimdeut,whncliJoVH theeontlilence and friendship nf the leading nicmlicr. of the Heuale and House, the head, of the various de. imnmeni., anal tne loading politician, wlio fn quent Washington, aothaf nwdera ran depend on receiving the drat, fullest and most reliable Intelligence from the aeat of Uovernnieut. THE WEEKLYGAZETTE. Tha WEEKLY GAZETTE lias been enlarged tothraamealiu of the Dully, and la now the larg.'.t, ehrapi-t and beat wcukly family news paper in IhcMiule. It slinuld Is) In the house of every farmer, mechanic and hu.incss man. It gives each week, forty solid columns of current news by telegraph and mall, the lending cdlto rials of thedally, and a choice select Ion of llter ary and acicntirio Items, together with every thing important pertaining to the world of pol Ilka. Ita aerlcnltural column, will hnnliiMi in such a nianuer aa to rind favor with tho fanner ?.nd...?.n!!'"er- I.he market reports of the MM I A OAZFTTK, are, by common consent, ncknowh'dgetl to lie the .tandard iiuthorltv fur both buyers and sllers, and In commcrclul cir cles In Weaiern Penusyluania, Juislera Ohio and W ostein Virginia are wltlimit eviuiU. The flleaof IheUAZETrK are used exclusively by the Civil Osiru of Allegueny eonntv, aa refer ence In Important usiuca, to determine the rul ing ilrieea In Urn markets at the time of tho busfnesa transaction In dispute. Our aa-enls will favor us bv vcttlnv nn their elnlsi at once, and not allowing their present ones to expire, as we are anxious tluit none of oar reader should be dcprlveil of a weeks news. Additions t4, clubs can h made at any time, at yearly mtea. Postmasters and lnerchauta are restuestod to act aa agvuta. TERMH OF THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. sot subscriber..:,,,,,-, f 1 10 1 luisfcot nvaH,HmHmM.,H-,,M,w.,HM,H. Clubs ar ten 1 35 one to Che geteer up of the eiutx For specimen copies of either Dally or Wrlsgy,axtdresaihe priairletorsw 'rvn.xijtAis, itr.r,ii tvH v " Oaxstts. BriLDtirn, lldMf. Nos.MBBdiFinh Street, PI tls. I rlcr( ; Reading. H.tkU ON THEU. T. S01110 fulloir writing from someplace, but not in this region, says, "tne pen pie seem to be growing worse every day in intolerance. Tliey won't allow a circus to have a 'horizontal bar' or a baud of 'tumblers,' 'Trance mediums' are forbidden to practice, because they call in the aid of spirits. Opticans are watched because it is said people ?et their glasses there. The London 'unch and Witkei' Spirit are forbidden to be sold by the periodical dealers. Apothecaries are forbidden to sell liquor-ice ! People are not allowed to cat souer apples, and are liable to be arrested lor beiuz in Iiil'Ii spirits. Children who complain of stomach ache are looked upon for fear it might be sham-pain. Men are arrested on suspicion of being distil lei's who are caught 'rectifying Mistakes.' Hotels have had to take 'rum omelets ami 'wine sauce off their bills of fair. All bookstores selling histories containing an account of the 'Battle of Brandy- . v., , wine are closed at once, ueau people cannot be buried on a bier. Vessels arc not allowed to come into the har bor, because they have to pass S bar in doing so ; and sea captains are not allowed to take 'any port in a storm' if thev do, they must tell where they got it. Enterprising men dure not show any public spirit j anil even flic poor poor washerwoman can only dry two sheets at a time, as any one is li able to arrest who has 'three sheets in the wind.'" llnril on the Otilcers. The lying down anecdote below, conies to us from a re-(i-ablo friend Trees, stumps and rocks, were some times in demand during the progress of a fight. A good lying place (not a lawyers otiice) might olten be turned into cash. As lor instance a mcmlxr of com puny F, Fourteenth N. C I. by the way, the company with which Gov ernor Vance entered the war as cap tain was giving his friends at home an account ot the very fierce fight on the Peninsula. He said : "We were marching through a thick wood to flank a portion of the enemy, and just as we entered the edge ot nn old held, three or four i ankeo batteries opened on us at short range, with grape and canister. rucli a storm 1 never saw since I was born ! The colonel shout ed out, 'lie down,' and down we fell quick, but the dirt and gravel flew all over us, and there was not a thing in the world to shield us from the terrible storm, ami wc had to just lie still and take it." "Why didn't you get behind a tree?" suggested a deeplv interested listener, "Tree, the devil," said company F., "there wasn't enough trees fur the offi cers r A Place fop. Tools. Farmers should take good care of theirfarming tools and implements, and not leave them out to get wet, and to the influ ence of a hot son, to crack tho wood. Wagons and plows will last a life-time it well housed : but when left out, exposed to nil kinds of weather, a lew vears sullicc to use them up. A tool room is as important to a farmer as any building on Ins farm. A work liench with a vise at one end, is' very important. Here a hundred things can bo "fixed," too numerous to men tion. Try it, farmers, and see how quickly you and your sons can learn on rainv days to put vour tools in or der, anil also do many other things for the "women folks, that will save you hundreds of dollars in the end. JYrlQI irTTE OF OTAIIM. 1 Here is n right and a wrong way of doing every thing. In going up stairs, gentlemen go before the ladies : in coming down, the lady goes first. In Mr. Stewart's great IS'cw York store, a clerk who violates this rule is subject to a fine. A COI'XTEUFEIT greenback was re turned to a person the other day with the following inscription : " 'Tts surely a bittur and nauseous pill, Tills h ivinjj to swallow a countmfett bill ; But 'lis of all things 11 niosl terrible cm m To want money bad and got It worie." The dramatization of Hi n y Ward B-'tich- er'i Norwood, "by permission of tlio reverend nnrelist," hut proved a failure. People prefer g-'ing to Plymouth Church wLoa they want to henr pnntrhiii. A Democratic piper h iviug asserted that Geucrul Sherman is the coming rutin," a Georgia paper replies: "We vh.,11 bo gurry If ho comes tliU way again ; wc don't want to ice him." Tiii bk b n lady's base ball club in Cold- water, Mich. One of tho members, Miss Iloward, recently died from the effects of over exertion la ft macli game. Thk upper portion of East Tennessco Is re presented' to be full of grain, wheat and corn, wailing purchasers and aiise la tho rivers. A Hoesiom, Texas, newsboy died of yellow fever on the 2d lost, and It is relatod that his Inst delirious utterance was, "Here's your oi.'y Telegraph." A old toper was hoard the other day to ad vise g young man' to gel married, "because then my boy, yon llhave somebody in null off your boots when you go home drunk." v German wnmeu of Phlladelntib makc l.fiO per day by goinir into the country and huskinir com and luking the husks fur pay. ARBAnAV LiKcout's debts when ha wis killed mounted to thirty-eight dollars Bud thiny-one cents. a op o. f. WAYSESIIURO ENCAMPMENT, NO. 119. ' TTnll In flnnMip. RnlMin- u. u. . WsvniHshurg, liu First smi second Friday's ol each month. dh. I. a of a f. HOHIIIMKA LODGE, NO. 555.. Hall In fJauear's Hullding, East Main Street, Wavneabura. Pa. Tlme.Thunynr.vnin week. . dh. Clothing. AN IMMENSE STOCK Of WlNTEIt CLOTHING NOW orEXINO AT JT. CLARK & SON'S FASIIIO.NADLF. AND rorULAIt LXOTRINU BTOltE. Bought just In the "Nick nf Time," and will be sold only a fraction higher than lu Uie days of GOLD AND SILVER ! We can oner Inducements that no other estab lishment IN THE PLACE CAN! Having made our purchase In Philadelphia In the most FAVOHADLE TIME OF THE SEASON, We Invite parllcutur attention to our business suits and FINE BEAVER OVERCOATS! In the FUENt'H, MOSCOW, 'chinchilla nnd AMERICAN Heaver Ovorcoats, we cannot bo surpasiscd for QUALITY, STYLE, OR PRICE, A large selection of CENT'Matid llOY'SCloth Inu. We liavo Hals and Caps for Men and Hoy. of an mi, LATEST AND DEBT STYLES. In our Oenllomen's Furnishing Department OUR SPECIAL OBJECT To keep n better elnss of goods llinu can be iiiuiiii innny similar bstnlillsliiiient. Having always on hand all the neatest and most novel styles of TIES, BUAKFS, COLLAHS, Ac, Sec, Ae., In TAVEIl COLLARS ivo have nn count. W have only to add s Oh ! foul less mortals, where ever von be, Heboid these lines and see vour remeilv; Yd wenry men with Cutrand (,'ollurs worn, With Mtnckingg full ot holes and badly fn, hose gloves are thumhlcHs and ties are lost. Come and replace them at Utile oust. We'll III you out In style from head to feet, Viu'll look so well whene'er you walk tho street, JCST OPPOSITE DAY'S HOOK MORE. 10:30-tf. T 'HE LATEST SENSATION! T ELEG R A P II I C! The President has not yet been Impeached, but A . J . SOWERS Hns purchased an Immense stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING! OVEHCOATH, PANTM, VESTS, HATS, CAPS. ETC., ETC., of the latest style and best workmanship. A NOTIONS! Hosiery, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Neck Tics, Suspenders, etc., also on hand, which will lie sold at astonish- "S'J LOW PRICES! Cull nuilfioo I I in More Jim buy nlnewhnr. He uvKriuiiiyjiniianui all WHO WISH TO PURCHASE t Room in Allison's building. Wnyneshurg, Pa ,,. , A. a. HOWE1W, l'-1in lALC ABLE FAHM FOll SALE Hy virtue of an order Issued nut of the Or m!i. l""rl of tlreeiie('o.,nud to IneillreeteJ i win czpMe to sale on the premises, on the 12th OF DECEMBER next, alt flint certain tract of land, late the prop erly of JOHN LUCAS, deceased; situate In .lef ferson township, almut one and a half miles from Uievs Landing nnd Clnrksvllli- adjoining lands of (twirge Monlock, Levi Hlackledgn, Annihnm Ilnrson and others, containing ONE HCNimEl) AMI FORTY-FOUH ACKErTmore or less; haying thereon erected a good Stone Dwelling House. Log Ham. Frame stable and other out-buiidlngs; also, a good A P P L E ORCHARD and all kinds of fruit trees, being one of the nest Improved farms In the county and among the most dcdmbln properties. i i.ii.ii.i ;nuie known on day or sale. EI.IZABET LTII MX-AM. ll:!Ms. Ksecutri'l. - JAND SALE. j ; For sole, l,Srt) seres of Tlmbar land, on the llaltlmore and Ohio Rnllrnad. ae f.itti..tn Htnt Ion West Vs., on which Iherv la a Kienjn Haw Mill, Tannery and abumlaneenf the bast Kinn oi f-uive. nuuiiing ana HtavwTrmher. Is rich and well adapted tn grasing, and will he cut In parcels to suis purchasers. Apply to O. Marshall near the premises, or to Isawaon Adams, Wayncahurg. Oreene County. Pa. ti;Hlm .... ... QREENE COUNTy, P. & In the Orphans' Court of said oouuty, of Septem ber Term, leH7, No. 12, . In the matter of the settlement of the account of David B. Jones, Administrator upon the estnte of John Jones, dee'd. lialauce due aooounlant.....H173j n. And now, to wltt B.Tteniber Is, isgr, presented for eanflrmatlon and egeeptlnos died by Kills Mtepheoapn, in right of h la wlfc ; Uwsanelsra. fered to John C. Flennlken, Esq., A ad I tor. to hear the evidence on exoeptlona and make re port. Hy the court, " rw- Atteas, J. F. TEMPU, Clark of Court. I will attead- to the above aapolrrtment at the Court House, In Waynes bare, FrMajr- Kowsm ber Wth. UW, at I o'clock, a. nt . MM-lw . JNO.C riXNNirEjr, Aodltor. art Wanted. $3 00 T0 J,0 PEn DAY AGENTS WANTED . , FOR Till. GOLDEN V K X . k DETTU PEN THAN UiLLOTS PEN. Tlicne iwim Hell rnnltllr whprpvnr ltitrntin.i to nil c.iiwtjHnf pfi.i Aru fully injuu! lu the xol.1 pen fur enso nml bounty of wrllhiv. Mure iifsmiu hihi uuruuitt iimu any il,')I pvt. vr mn uu fact uri'U. Will nol tiriMlt. Ht'tut rnriuua- fn 1 fnf cBoiiornl I inn Kin 4fn. I ..,11... ti..t 2 oiul choice I'tMunftnHhlp. Ht-nt frit of puHtut4 m i hi t-y ruiiintiuu ii mrv mi noi kivo Ntimim'lluIL. AUaniw M. V. II.OoWIOaV, lAttfuyctte. lmi. Tht-fottowliiff N n Hnrtiolnor hundrt'fli of let. tur from pttrtUn who have ortlfn-a thrae ouna. F0rrTWN, PA., July i.jth, iKj7. M. V. B. fXWKN. Isofayott. Iml. DkakMik: Thu box of Na I p'-ns onJfrd by nuiKnnie ten rinys hIiico Iihh orrlvwl, uml I mn ho mui'h plcuhnU with lliom Unit I Imvo eoiiflmlc! to iHKtuiii .'Mv 1'irim-ir n;ne, ho nir, hi hiwi, hh to orilor r'ir r vrbns No. I uiul one uniu No. '2. (r which I fiii'loho ymir price to Av -iit.. Ad uri'HM iikv. w. Pirwrmr-p, Of lt;:i'CiiLU.N, Wnrnintoil to lust II vo tliuos hk hnyx, nnd lvc bi'tronuitlrtfiu'tlon Hum itnyHlrt'l iii timmiluc tiired. Hctnl for rlmihtr of toNtltnonlnU from Proft'HNorH of He h mis nnd L'oU.'uvh. unit from prominent business houHtw, bl. V, C H;a-:im, rPIIE LADY'S FHIEND 'WA8IUNOTON AT MOV NT VERNON.' Tlir. TiADYrt Prif.nd nn lum nee, for tho fotlowlliK novelt : I II K Dkhakhy roUTI NK, hvAmundiiM. Doivilus. nuthor of MIn TniHt.'1 "Htepheii lmne," Ao.j A Iikaii Man's ltt'LK, by Kllxitbcth TreMtMitt, uuthorof "ll'iw n Woiiinii Uml Her Way," Afr. ; KtKLiso Kitov Katr, by InilKt? Chmuller Mou I ton, utither cif "Juno I'lii- lorn. ri 1 1 Timt nnd ipii iiit" Ac. It will Klven Kpleii'lld INii iilk 1'aiik KlNFl.r coLoitKii r ahiiimn I'latk t' n k raved on uteri In everv nimiber. It will rIvc a boantlfnlly pxemted Fancy MTKKL KNIJUAYINU 111 everv lIUIUh' T. It will lve a hum uMHorinii'iit of Woon Ci'Tst, iiniNiraunu me riusnioiu, i-uney oru, ate., in every ntuitbrr. It will ul veu popular pUw of Mrsir, worth tho cost of tho MuH.hiu la ltMfli in overy mitnber. It will rIvo n copy of tho new nnd Nph ndld rremliim Hteel Lmtmvlni, "W'aSIII NdTON AT .MOUNT VKRNON" thirty Inches lonu by Iwenty-ono wide to every full (ft'J 50) sulwrl lnr( and to every pert-on r.enilliie a i "lub. It otter iih nreiuiioiiM a .rat vnrletv nf Ilfmlm Wheeler Wilson' Kewlni Mnchtnes, Hllver riinpti .en nfix, rpffniH, 1'Mcner.t, tiiuti nnu Hllver WatcheM, riuthea Wrlngcin, Cromii.t Appleton'H CvcloneiliaH. &v. rA Hi'i.FNin it Offkh. New KiibKerlbrrft who HUimorltH- lor 1WW by the llrnt of November k hail roeelvo the Novemtier nnd iJeeemlier number oi iniH year In n mtlon. makintr fourtien monttiK In nil ! TIioko who Hiibserlbn by the 11 rat of Heeemher nlmll receivi the December uuinorr, iiiinin n monitiN in all ! T E It M K. 1 copy (lurgn Premium llnu'ravlny.) H 2 AO IcopiM a on y " (nml one tfintlKt h 00 " (and one uml is r U no one copy each of I.AOY a KuiKNiinnd Diist. i no Theifetter till of tint eltib nlwrifM rpmlvr. n copy of the FiiKMirj! Knukavino. ' McmberNof a i luh wlshliiK the rn-mliim hiiKravinn, murtt n-IIIII Mint. HIM,.H HATHA, ATIiiii. ili.it 1 r-... u 1 1 tin .... !,. mlitm iJstH, Nhotiiil eiielofc tlftecn cents fur oiiiri'iw ir.iiljliv.illl', i-orifiiiiiinK I in pilrl ICUIUl U Address, IfKACfiN I'lTKHKdN, J0:'t0-:it. Sift Walnutil Street, I'hilailelphla. B 00K AGENTS WANTED ToaOMl'ITOIIURK.1! FOR A NEW tLLI'HTIt ATKO B 1 13 L K D I C T I O X A R Y. (COMPLETE IN ONE VOLI'LR.) This PitTiosAiivemlKMlles the result of the most ni'ent study, research anil Investluatlon, Wif about sixty-live of the incut eminent uml ad vanced llililfeal SeliriliirM now livlmt. Clergy men of nil denominations approve It, nnd re- fanl it as the best work of lis kind in Hie Kng Ish language, and one which otutlit to ho hi the hi'.uds ot every Itiblu render In the liiud. In circulating this work, micnls will fliul s pletuinnt and ni'ollliihle eiiiiilnyinenl. The nu merous ol.Jeet lilts Wlllell lire u'un lly encounter eil III selling aulliirfry works will lint exist with this. Hut on the contrary, i'ncourngeni"nt nnd friendly aid wlllatleud tlii-Aiicnl, making his labors agreeable, uselitl, and lueriillve. Unties, retired t'leiixynii li, Mhool Teachers, Kariuers, SluilentM, and all nlliers whoiHiesess energy, are wauled to assist In Canvassing every town anil county In the country, to whom the most lllieml inducements will lie oflcrcd. For iurl!cu!nrs, nnplr to, or nd'lress, PAIlMKLEE Uliiri'lIERs, 72J Soiihiiiii Slleet, Plllliuli'lnlitn, Pa. 10:9 'CT-flt. nNERCiETIC MEN AND LA DIES WANT JJi ED TO CANVASS FOR THE ORIfilN AND HISTORY OF THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE. by rnor. t Ai.vtM r. stowt, a d. Showing wluit the Ililde Is nol ; what II Is nnd how to use It J tracing the history of each book up to Itsoriglu with the inspired iiuthors, and completely miswi riiiK nil Inllilel cavils im.l ob leetlons to ibe Scriptures. It is an ordinary li brnry ot Hil, Ileal lllstorv In a simile volume, brief, clear, accurate, conclusive nnd highly In teresting. A mnster-pieee of common sense. It Is needed ill every lallllly when, the llll.l.-Is read, as wel I iis by every Sahliatli school teacher, student and elergymen.nnd iielng the only Ixsik on the subject ever published or sold lnilils country, nucniscnii eusilywe thrndviiutiignof canvassinK tor mis worK. r'enn tor circulars containing notices and Indorsements from lead ing ministers of nil denominations. Address. KHiLEK, Me. THDY A CO., No. Ill Arch ntrcct, Philadelphia, Pa. TJM PI RE BEWIN0 MACHINE C0M i PA NY. . . SALESROOM, Din Rroudway, N. Y. No. I Family Maciiixk. This mnebinc has stmlght nwdle, perpendlenlar action, makes the Lock or Shuttle stllell, which will neither rip nor ravel und is alike on both shies; per forms perfect sewing on everv description of material, with cotton, linen or silk thread. It Hems, Fells, Hinds, Hrillds, Tucks, Ollllls, Plaits and Outlier. As a Knmllv Machine, It hns no superior. Price, Willi ilemmur and nriiiucr, Particular attention Is willed to onr New Im- riroved .Maiiufjieturlng Maelilnes; They run Ightnnd arc eoiiiparatlvely noiseless, simple, durable and cllleient. For clotli or leather work they have no competitors. No. 2 MaehliM, with Hemmer and Drnlder, J7.V, No. .Machine, 8i. Bi-Agenis wanted, to whom a liberal dis count will be given. tl:l-3mos. JjAINTS FOR FARMERS AND OTHERS The Ornfton Minernl Paint Co.nre now manu facturing the Hest, Chenpi'sr, and nusit Duniblo Paint In use; twoconts well put on, mixed wMii Finre Unseed oil, will In-st luor I", years ; It Is of a ight brown or beautiful chocolate color, nnd can lie changed to green, lend, stone, drr.li, olive or cream, to sun ine lasic oi tne consumer. It is valuable for Houses, burns. Fences, I'arriazennd Car-makers. Palls and Wooded-ware. Avrieul. tnral Implements Canal Honts, Vessels nnd Ships' Hottnms, ( anvas, Metal and Hhlnxle Rsifs, (it Iielng (Ire and water proof,) Floor Oil Cloths, (one manufacturer having used Sum bbls. the past yenr.i and as s pnlnt for ane purpose Is nnsurpnsMsl for body, durability, e Inst lei I v. and adhesiveness. Prlwlnpcr bid. of anon., which -,, ininH-i mi jBur. io come, wnr- rsntcl in nil cases as above. Send for n circular which gives full particulars. None genuine nn Icsshmnded In strain mark limfi ,n finan,i l"ulnt. Adilrcist DANIEL RIIiWELL. Ir.ls,'n7-lm Sil Penrl Street. Now York. w ANTED! 2 00 FARMERS! To engage In a light nnd honorable hnslness for the winter months. In the vicinity where they m.mv wnicu wiu uba uicm irom sou to si au per month. For partlenlnrs apply to, or address FAR MELEK IllUJti., 72! Sansom street, Philadel phia, Penu. U;i0-lt. A GENTS WANTED FOR TWO OF THE best selling books ever published. One entitled -jnysicne oi wie .-s ea poll inn t.onvriit, wy Ks.rtftnMii.iiiu. Nnn m in, account of the In ner 1Kb of the convents the most thrilling nnd Interesting work before the public. The other entitled "The Cottage Cyclopedia." a gem of intellectual weulth, and wiuiUsi In every Biin lly; complete In one large volume of over li peg'. Illustrated. Send for circular, of temi.whlcll are verv Uberal. A. . HALE CO., ll;37-3t liariioi, win. I. O. OF 0. F. WAYNKSnCRll LODGE, NO. . Hall In Oanearw Building, east Main Btreet, Wsyneaborg, Pa. Time, iuaaday aveoiu. reh week. - - f EG A L NOTICE, Li letters or administration upon the estate of Elijah Church, late of Center township, dee d,, having been granted to the undersigned, notice Is hereby give n tosll persons Indebted In said estate to make Immediate payment, and thoaa having claims against the Mine to present them properly uutliciiilcatt-d for netilciuciit. J.NO.C.FI.ENNIKFN, ;I-W Admliil.trator. N OTICB! NothN, Im fwsrehv .ltfi.nH,.l ,I.M llb -- u.-l. 4o., of Minor A Co. neve lieen left with Simon Itiiiehsrt, Justice nf the Peace. In Waynesburg. lor lMMKUiATgcollmlon. All claims not paid by the 1st of OLTOUElt next, will be collected wW-lw Aaml"utn,'OT 01 ,'1'"'P Minor, deed. 11. t l-AT JWIISIII&. DMINISTlLvTOH'8 KOT1CE. a a. "'administration having been granted iJL. i f, T'V"'","'. u'1 '"'ate of Susannah ueeior, lain of the Uirough of Wayuesliurg. i.iir.iTivgTBj iiiiitiiira .0 ttmid (Mtiilti to Ulllllelitlcal.,1 fo, ""m ProP"" 1 A Wev (h'jvtiw Waynchiirg; pn. Adin'r. E 0 A L NOTICE. letters nf administration npim In esl.te of (luiirte Llghtner, lulrof Morris tp d.-e'd.. hav ing been granted lo the undersigned, notice Is hereby given In all persons Iml.btcd to said stale t make liuinisllute payment, and thosa having claims ngulnst the sioue to preaent these ir.'rly authciitlcaUd for settlement. II EN 11 Y I.lllll TVFI1 MK' VIAII LHIIITNriR. KAMI? EL LMIITNEK. Vlxerutors. ll:i:i-l. JEOAL NOTICE. loiters totiiuicntiiry upon the estate ef Jas Stewart, of l'enlerTi.,lrielieconntv Pa., dee'd having bi-en granted to I lie underslgiml notice Is hereby given lo all persons indebted to said es tate to make liumisllate nymcnt, and thoaa having claims against the sumo will present theiii properly authenticated for settlement JAMES CALL, JOII Til HOCK MORTON, 11;11-w Executor, M P O R T A N T TO BUILDERS ash CO.NTHACTORSJ WAYNEMH'Rli STEAM PI.ANINO MILU II gives us pleasure to announce lo tns nubile (he completion of this work and thereadlneaa of the proprietors lo R E C E I V E O R I) K R H ! A NI M A K E CONTRACTU! The best improved machinery I. used. Plan In,';, Pluuuliliis ai d Oroovlug, Hnsh nnd lNsr Mal.-lng, I'niiiif IIIiik, Ripping, moulding .V., riipldlv and skilfully rxn utisV. Ruling prleM paid for ALL KINDS OF LUMBER t Thev nre also prepared to do nit kinds nf f 'nrnrn- tcr ork, with the utiuoei iroiiiprncss, and In the most sntmtimtiul iiianner. They risMi-trnllv solicit a share of puhlle pafronnxe, anil 11 iil. r themselves that they will In ull cases lie able tu fllVK FSTIRB SATISFAtTION I All onlers promptly attended to. RRAliEN, WALTON A 0AYEIUI. ;ll-tf. Wsynesharg, Pa. B VSINES3 MAN'S COMMERCIAL C0L- Ll'.UIv, Nos. S anoS Sr. Ci.air Srar.rr, rittlshurgh, Pa, 'litis institution has lieen Inojierstion fors nam ler of years, and Is conducted successfully hvsn able corps of teachers, whose object Is lom.se each pupil iiiiderslaiul thoroughly every IsraacU of a nCSINESH ED V CATION, to prepare them lor BUSINESS MEN ! Ilonk-keeplug, Penmanship and Arlthme- tlc.mme iinllmlled,) tlM Book-keeping, Penmnnshlpand Arlthme- l ie n ni.iiiio ........ 4 ST 001 Business nnd Ornanienlal Penmanship per month .... 19 Couion English Branches per month IS no Algebra, phonography iml Business Correspon dence uccordlng agreement. A1! our specimens are executed with a pB. A full course can be completed In eight weeks, Forclrcularor.peelmena, address ;7-3inm. N.WHAFFEII, T HE WONDER Or THE AQE1 TIME, MONEY AND LABOR SAVED f THE LA TEST & BEST CHURN! One of the latest Patents leaned on the l"hdsy of McDteHile r. law, to wiiv R. Mct.utcheon, oC WaTlflnirin, Iowa, wlU b. on exhibition la a fewdayaat a JOHN MUS JtKtl'S, In Wnvnesbiirg, Pa. Tbla chubY mnst astper ceile anything of Ibe klasl heretofore prndacrd. The .uiipleneea of lu eisutmetloa, audits two fold or reversed motion, that prodaera batter from three to .lx mlnntea mnst lndoea the enen. mnnity to examine ItaqaallUea. It am time . it saves workssnd produces aa much batter as any churn In existence. Mr. Monn.U baa) fall power toaeU rlghia lor Pennsylvania or New York state aa well a lo mrnlsCbjarasv to eltl gensof thlacoxuUy. - jsvmivirs. uiuvstar ivjH t;j7-tr. ' OOK ooir. All person, knowing themselves Indebted tn the late firm of Call, Roberta A Co., either by note or hook account, will da well to call anil settle their accounts. Alt that are ant Mid Im mediately will be plats u Uw Bangs al a fs.e er officer lor collection. CALL MeJTLKXLArrfX Oak Forreat,Ner.ll,f BairnvlDg Partners,