7 A itui v ViVas iWAttfrTtiiorfHB MAILS TO A-NO KltOJI WAYJiKSHl'Ill) t From Wnyuesburg to Waynesbuiv. arrival, vVlno'iH,7p. ui.; departure, Weuaeadava, ,.iu.-(vIii3on.iyrowii. I ruia wtivibum l" willow Tree, arrival, Vtliii:sUiiy..U U. .; depnrturo, Wednesdays, '"l-'roni WuKlilnjitnu IV. to Wiiynesburg, arrival dully, 7H p. m. jioxei .pi Huii'luys,) departure dully, I,).-", in.. texei-pt Humlnysi. Pr mi Itiee's Lim ll'ii? In Wnynesbnni, arrival dully, ii, p. ni lex i'l'i'' 'iuiluys,jileparturo dully, ti, u. m (i'xi-cpt .SniKluys". From Waynesburg, I'.i. to fhmr'ron, V. Vn., nrrlv:il.TuYui.vs nil (MiUnr.Uijs, .n. in., depur t ii K ;t M . A I .y (in. I-Fr I it . v , ,n. m. From .YVsvnesbunr to Wi-st Alexander, Wnsh. O.,l-of., 'arrival, (Saturday, 7, p. m., departure, Frl-hivs. 7. a. nr. From wnyni-sNtrK to Monmntown, V. Va., nrrlvul, Wednesdays, p. m., departure. Thurs day, it, a. in. From tv a arrival, We.: day, -I, a. m f rom Wuyneshiira to MI.Mleoonrne.' V. Vn.. arrival, Wednesdays, 3, p. in., departure. TuuS- Nbw t AivnTiKJiicir. Tlie attention of our readers It specially directed to the follow ltiKdVerll'rnfns, which appear for the first time in our p iierJo-iliiy. Register N'ltlrc P. Brown. Blucksmlililni; Jacob Hoover. Comtxo ii Tow All the time, ed conl from T.n Mile Work. That rale. Feb. Doc. Hon, Geo. V. Lawrence, of the Honse of Hoprescntatltres, has our thank! for numerous Uiierustiug and important public documents. . Glcrious! Tlie skating. Falsb At.Anu. 0u Sunday afternoon lust the cry of "fire!" was raised and the town turwdou'tTniliinJer'. " ftusYilug around to Me chanlc's Row W9 observed a dense smoke Is suing from the chimney of a house occupied by Mr. Wm. Bcrryhlll, which indicated a comfortable Are in tlie erato-. A young man bravely mounted the root and the crowd dls- penettn" We obsenred that two or three car ried empty buckt-ts. . , , P. 8.-Our 'MeYu- says there was fire In the garret, sure enough beg pardon. Funious! The wind. Tun Agricultural College ut Morgantnwn lias completed its first term. Its officers an nounce the Institution to bo in a flourishing condition with a flattering attendance. Diary's for 18C8,fuity styles, at Daj'i Cook FtOTC. Ho.vnsK ! Everybody VYayxksih:r Coi.i.kuk. At the late meet ing of the Pennsylvania ttynod, tlie following persons were elected trustees of Wayni sburg College: V. T. E. WcjI), J., A. J. Huchah nn, C. A. lilark, E. M. Bayers, Robert Me Conncl, John Phelau, Daniel Walton, Rev. P. AxteU, M. W. Denny, Rcv. I. N. Cury, Hon. J. Lanear, M. R. Wise, R. W. Downey, Rev. .1. (!. Moniycr, Samuel Scott, A. A. l'uiniiti, T. P. rollock. Sen., Rev. R. E. Bailey, Rev. J. Adams. Rev. A. D. Hail, Rev. A. W. While. As it is made our duty to call the first meet ing of each board, wo designate tlie office of Messrs. Black and Plul m, fa Wnynesburg, as the place, and Friday, Dec. lf.th at 2 oclock v.u., ns the time for llio first meeting ofllio present board. A. 11. Mii.i.ck. You will find a grand assortment of wulj Taiier at Day's Book Store. Cihksk ! Camt -ground Coal. Mks. r.i.TiM;Tos Insci.ti:c The White Mountains of New Hampshire are evi lently a great institution very high, heavy frosts, beautiful, view, four dollar dinners. But the practical eye of a ccrlaiu renowned Drake aw tlios smooth-faced rocks, and thereupon adorned and varii fruted tlie bridle path to the Tip-tup House with his f .miliar ?. T. !-G0 X. Plantaiiou Killers. This raised the Ire of the Mis. Parlingtons composing the Legisla ture of the Granite State, who got tliiii wise heads togcth r, outlawed Dr. Drake, and made It ft penal nffeiico to ply the artistic brush on tlitir beloved bids. Verily, the fine arts areata discount in New Hampshire. Query. Did Drake pay them for this splendid .advertisement? ' 'Maosoma Yateb; A delightful toilet artl clo supcri .r I Cologne and at half the price; Lost. A paint brush, large size, on the pike bctwem tlie toll gate and Ely's. The finder returning It to this office will bo paid for trouble iiicui red. Yon may blame Andy Johnson for our scarc ity of news and general matter tills week. PiTTs'ncBa Almanacs for 18C8,at Day's Hook .Store. ' Tub sweetest singer and tlie sweetest per fume of the day are AdelinaPatti and Pbalons "Niebt-TlloomingCcrcus." Both are Ameri can The fair singer enraptures everybody the Terfume Is in demand every where. Ceortj'town lnioa. Birr your Paper and Envelopes at Day's Book Store, Good Advick, Bo content as lor.g as your -mouth is full and your bo.ly covered ; remenv fcer the poor; kiss all the pretty girls; don't rob your neighbor's hen roost nor meddle witli bis family affairs; never try to pick an editor's pocket, for he is generally out of quads, nor ; entertain an Idea that he is going to stand a , treat we never drink ; black your boots ; and be sure to call onM. C. & II. Bell if you want 'tieood pair of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, or any thing to wear on Uio fccL " i i - ,m i i ' '," ijoti&AT Books, In great Yaiicty, at Dsy's Bool Store.' """ ' 'Wne's oot Th 311)!?" Our young mjsscs have the button mania li a fearful ex tent. Wedon'lknow how many times we Iijtb toatchad every pocket to the imperious demand of marry, blua . eyes upturned and poutlni;, cherry lips' thai tj' "Please, sir, give me a button for my charm. " All 'the' new Books, at Publishers, prices at J)y'a Book Store. , , , , 11 1 u.i "Jest is Timb!" This exclamation Is justi fhbletdthe foTOthowglit of Mr. Isaao Hooper, .having, fulls taplenished tls stock of Groceries, Cnnfactions, Toys a full assortmelit snitable for holiday gifts, Notions, fa Big. fat oysters, by the can or dish. Go and seb and stop that watering at the month, r ;., Sutianpto fc Up top! .;.'nvRT;H'Met.T'.,:-kMr.'''lIsaB Thomas, of Contwtp., Moaday last, in carrying' sack of .!. few Hie granary ,',othe', Aflams Honse baro, ftU and dislocated bis shoulder. The geoitaaan hu suffered the non-use of his right aim for some time, from paralysis. . Fall. Robert, son of Mr. Thomas Bu ifcy, -fell oat Honday. last and. hurt himself, se- - T Jaaas Aoau, lOsoneri suootetU to the Bhjaoraltarr ila. ls Rnpnbllcarl. "' 1 ' " ( A Noni.g srnatis.Too much praise can not be given to the noble reennnse with which the Washington library Company of Pink, delphin are meeting In Ih'.-lr rtatrfollc Weav ers to taisj the required funds foi the endow, inent or the Riverside Institute, a home fur the grntdtious education of soldier and sailors, orphans. 1 he plan adopte I by Hfo Company has been subject to careful deliberation, and has receive I the endorsement of eminent legal authority. Tlie Trustees selected to distribute the money thus raised, are well known citizens of Pennsylvania and New Jer sey and tiiuir na.nis sliouU be a suiudent guarantee to those who would aid la rearing one of the noblest charilk-a that ever thrust it self before tlie people. Every subscriber to the stock, which costs but one dollar per share, not only receives a flue steel-plate en gravins, worth at retail fifty per cent, mo-e than what is paid for the stock, but U also guaranteed some present In the great distri bution of the 9:100)000 worth of presents which are tJ be awarded to the stockholders. The three largest presents are worth $70,000 Evil s'i irehol Jer has an equal chance to obtain some present and a beautiful engraving Head Advertisement. OK OHASD JL'ItOItH DRAWN FOIl j PKCF.MIIKKTKllM, 17. Daniel Monluek, Jeirunion township, John Itrewer, Jackson " Arrhllial-J (IroouiH, cumtierlaad " Hobert iinnii-rrnali, Wayne " Asa MIIIit. liuiikanl, " JrKRi; Urovi, I'fiitre " JoHi-pti .Mfi'nrtnaelc, Dunkard " JoHcplitis Morris, (iret'iie ' John Moon', F'rankllll . ' Kill- (iurrlsun.IVrry M D.inli-I i;oweIl. Iiimknrd " I'arv Mti k, Morris " A bner How, Vnlro, " Jiisiustlumril.rtr. MonoiiBnliela " .i-naa Jolinwni (of Knrk.) Wash. " Win. stoy, Marlon " MoreilfieU SUvlus, Wayne " l'lillllp I.vin li, IKmkurcl " Alim-r Julius, .lucltson " lloimian Kulli r, Whitely " Ilamlll.m .Maple, Wayno ' ' Lisbon Hihii II, liunkurd " It. I'. llok. Krankllli " tienrue C'uivel, Dunkard " UHT OF I'ETTIT JCIlOltS DIlAWff FOU DE CEM!iKUTf:itM,tS(i7. A'iiit T......I. 1 Stlpcrs, .raetcinii towuslltp Illnrliuri, Frnnklia Marlm Hiee, Ji-llerson Haai IiiirHon, riiinburland Julin Mf'tt, I V;iitru Jii'iiiMiiiln Itii-e, DnuUard Alli-.-.l Sloops, Wliitfly ia-liianiili Kohm, (ii-fclie SlrpU. n Kiiluht, Itii'hlllll Kkeianl lluri'inore, IVny Jeptlia .M'xip', Shnntrhtfl Wm. T. Wfhli. Mar on Mainiifl Hri'll'onl WhIIHy Kt I i:.-tlf. 'ill M ithi'Wi Jvtteinon Jolui It. Ki ll, Munjiill Ja-oii ItrM'li'ti. ilo William i.'liivls, (illtnnrn Wllllnm John., Whitely .luting .lull ill', 'irntieliiels Horougtl .InsL'ph Coiiiht, l'i'rry t'i'li-i- II. -wit, i 'unilnrland A!ihT tl illli'I'l, Miinoiiia)ie!a, (iu.ira' iluil'lnan, Itlehhill, 'rieini ri siiurpm-ek, Jfir.'rson John M:";o;-, Moiioii'aheln A't'lli-r l'ol-. i"i'. lil-fi'lin William lionluii, Franklin Som iii-l Thompson, Itii'hhill NV'm. Kiiox,(uiitiieliiets Itoruuh, Il.-tii'v Cole, Wliviin ,1-nn is II. Fur.lyeo, J-., Wblti'ly William Curp'-M'T, Wuynii Murlin M'iniiri'r, Marlon M'm. I.ant, Jr.. U'avmi I'oluTt i iir!.', llli liliill lliriiin M. t'rre, I'mnhi'rlanit A:il'un Mlii'lliv. IMnikiird William l.nat'umn, Morris MuNW.-ll Mi-i 'iirroi. Morris llfitry Jolinsoii, Wayno Nth 1. 1 :i Motion And kept moving. Tlie choice coal at Ten Mile Works. OxTimk. Monday was a brisk day. A three hotse team, frightened by the bell at one of the hotel, Fstartt'il on the run. A timely hand saved a lively scene. Tlie latest arrival The cheapest Goods, by odds, yet offered. Enquire at Ij. K. Evans' Store Cost. Dki ivkhko. I will attend to orders for, and insure the prompt delivery of choice coal from either the Camp Ground or Ten Mile Works. Largo contiacts at reduced rates. Oko. S, Jkffkry, Telegraph Office. NoTIcrso Sfnrrinqt.tand D'rth inntrttd frt Imt nil TrilmtH of Retprrt and Obifine chirynl etqht cntu a in. he manry must be atsvancta lo tecure their innertivn. , RMyDDLPH-HUSTOX-Oct, .list W,7, by Hev. J. G. Ooglev. Mr. Thomas Randolph and MissCynth-a Huston both of Greene Co, Pa. KLIN'E-HOl'SE-Nov. loin. 18(17, By the same Mr. Jacob Kline to Miss Rachel House both of Jefferson Pa. SNIDER TnOM AS On the Sth, of Dec. 1807. Bv Corblv Orndu(TEl, Mr. Abraham Snider to Miss Marsrarct Thomas all of Frank lin tp. Greene Co., Pa. TARKINSON-On FrMny. thnfilh, inst., of general debility, Mr. Edward Parkinson, ot Jefferson this county, aged near eighty-two years. Another of our pioneers gone to rest. The deceased was buried on Sunday with ths honors nl Masonry, a large concourse present. JOHNS-On Thursdav, the Sth Inst , of Consumption, Mr. Iloth Jolins. op'Washington tp.. this county, aged about fifty years. The deceased at the time, of Ids death was Sheriff of our county, nnd ns a public officer was highly esteemed by men of all parties. His loss will ho deeply felt in the community where he resides and the County wid deplore tho tal.bg awav of a faithful servant. The disease was contracted whilst In the perfor mance of his duties. ALLtallEXT CATTLE M VHIiET. .' PrrrsntTRn, TnunsnAY, D;c. 5, rM7. Tho "Commercial" saj-s the cattle market was doll. The princlpal;inqulry was for medium utxi better qualities. There was no Eistorn bners visible and the consequenoe was that lbs city butchers were the principal operators, purchas ing merely suillelcnt to meet ,the1r present wants. The extreme rates wereos follows: fTiOO 7 50. Medium " 143 53 ; comtnra $: 3) V cwt. Hoos The market since onr Inst has under gone no particular change. The sales show a sll'tht Increase over last week; prloes. however, were about the same, as the weather become favorable for packing the sales for that purpose will stoadlljr Increase. The extreme prices were $6 00 97 SO fiewt. Sheep The market was well supplied. For prime fat sheep there was a fair, demand and were aeadlly disposed of at fall prtoas. The rate may beset down as follows: The best retailing sheep ranged from tl Mi ft) head, wliUst common sold at ti 0; Inferior n 4 00 'f beast,., ,.., ...1.1,1:... .),' " ; HEW TOR K BBT GOODS. : NBW bote, December T.Weached Muslins of hmt mikM slmulv. at 17 54 ror sew row, nnn ,21U iuc Wwsut4a. -1'riut.qiiitwi .fluU, ai 6,'i PrlnU 12 to 13) for best standard. , .1 CHICAGO AKKBT.' - ' ' CmcAoo, December 7. Beef OaUle dnll and nominal. Lit Hog active ataV37,Mwraom sen to cbaloe, .-v MoSD.vv, Dao. 4, Deulers, generally, are endeavoring to keep down storks, an t this ten Is to rctam bmluesa and resirlct opiritloiis.' (lit VIM VXD FUlUK. Wheat, P.-nn'a. ao l Ohio, Winter Red fi t-Vil 53 live W bush 1 tfn.l m O itH l husli ..,..... irn V imsii Sorliiir Whi-at Flour Winter Wheat rnovisroNs. ... ioim,iu w SliollMers , ..... .suzar Ciirml Hams ll'le SliaJj lTJill DWI ! 250.ot.' Itlw.l" ! iB 1', -.HI 7S Lanl Potato, V bush Ainili s bill (,'hi-ese V.l'AS I uok muter Dressed Hoifs - WAY.tEHBl'RU MARKET. AYMKiBDita, Dee ,, UWI. Corrected Weekly for the Kiimjbligam. . , PRODUCE. Ilntter (fresh roll,) T F.ius i ilos Potatoes V bush Lard - - Tallow TH 9 Country Soap V lb -.. Dried Apples -.. M ao .... l oo.i ti to :::: FLOUR AND QKAIN. Flour bbl Wheat 1 bush .... llye i bush Corn bush Corn lieu! f bush 13 0(1 2 tU 1 2.') 75 SO Olt'X'EUIKS. iff.'0 y n Ten t? Ii Hrown suar V l Reitnerl Sonar lb Syrup fl r;iI Molasses (N.orleans,)... SorKhum gal Salt 9 bbl Hleo V lb )4H 1 i&j uu 91 W) 1 21) 1 DO 3 75 15 Is the Snnate, on the 2'Jtli, Samitor Morrill, of Vermont, introduced a bill looking to the resumption of specie payment. The first seetion provides that the Seeretary of the Treasury be required to pay in coin legal tender notes when presented at the office of the United States Treasurer. The second soetion compels the Secretary of the Treasury to sell in open market till surplus gold left on liaml after paying: the interest ou the publiu debt, and receive therefor United States notes. The third seetion requires the .Nat ional Bunks to pay all interest receiv ed by them from United States notes into tho United States Treasury. The' fourth section provides that on ami after the 4th of July, 18fi!), the .Nat ional Banks he required to redeem their notes of the denomination "of $5 and under, in coin, wlien presented, and all over ?o in -cither coin or United States notes. ' The fifth seetion demands that all banks failing to comply with the law shall forfeit their charters. Mr. Murrill gave notice that he would call it up an early day for discussion! A Wasiiixutox dispatch says, the public debt statement for this month will it is understood, nhow a consider able increase over that of last month, in consequence of the heavy payments during tho month as interest on the o-'20s due Novcmlrer 1st, tilt., some 20,000,000 in coin in amount, The secretary of the Treasury has therefore decided, we ari authorized to state, that there shall h no contraction of legal tenders (lin ing tho month of De cember. A friend saw Senator Pomeroy, of Kansas, a few days since, haulms; lumber with a mule team. The Sena tor showed his friend with pride a 52 acre field of wheat that he h id plowed himself, lie has 1,700 acres of laud in a body. G ex. Grant bas issued nn order re ducing our army, which in now 5G,000 strong, to 45,000. This will involve a yearly reduction of $10,000,000 in the public expenditure. ' A Havana cable dispatch says that- the people of St. Thomas have voted in favor of annexation to the United States. So all that remains to be done is tojiay over the cash. What next? gfu: gidrcrtiiscmcntjj. Wm. Bisoham. Jr., S FiUi street, r.'l(, Imrfh, it the authorized ayent for the Rkfubmcax. in that citi. B LACKSMITULsO & OCNSMITllINQ ! For the tnfor-natlon of the nubile who desire work done In tills liuporlant unincnoi .mccikui ics. . . : 1 MR. JACOB HOOVER, Annonnrn hlnwlf mMntwtIlt nml wlllillif to do auvinitiK in in line, iMnooinn imrmi xt-rju. eil.i "lie iBiin oxpari nml will wnrrantsniiffup- Hon. Biiop nvnr ine i ianinn ,11111. iiiu To ('anrampUvra.-'rho IlKV. KDWAHU A.'WIIXON will send (free of chnree) to all who desire it, the pre.vrlptlon with thedlrectlons for mskliiK and using the slmplo rcmeily by which ho was eared of a lung affection nnd that dread disease Consumption. : Ills oety object i tuben cnt the utlllcted nnd he hoiien cwry siill'erer will try tills prosoi itli)B, us ll wuiensiuu-m uoiu ini, and inu j mve u bltmlng, Fle-me aildiass , Ttuv, FJiWAltK A. W1I.N, No. 165 South KvcoudMt, WiUiaaisbuiK MowIVork. V;o, 7-iyijii-ia; ...,!'.,. Inrntrmavtieiir Intirmntlnn guamntenl to pnMlniw a uixunnnr Krowni 01 nnir upon a oRia heail nr hnnrdleMsl fre, alsoa relio for the ro- mivui nf Plmiiles, iuomnH,. Kruptions, pie., on the skin, lenvlnn the same snft.eleiir, and lieau tiful. eaiuibe iJltalsieil wltlimlt Ofcitru by ad- driKsiim TIP is, F.fHAl'MAN, 1'HKMisT, tt;5. 'e,-iyoiiM;w ' ' uroeuwaj , now xura. . tS-olgae Co'e. I O E B X A V ERASIVE SOAP Is mttfnfaornred from PITRF. MAIXH1AT3. nrel may bi rnnslrtered tlieBTAN DAKD OK EX(JfcXI.KfKl!. PoraaleUyatlroieriee. . , g;-Vly. SiTThe Ilenlinv Paal,aud Ilouneer Ner ey. Howard Association Reports' for Young Men, on the crime of snll1aa, and the erroas, abuses and dlseasee which destroy the manly -ixneenr. 'andi-erente'lffrlnedlmente to marriage. with surn inmtiM nf rellRf. Kent In snlfsl lirter nTlnnsiirrw of ehsrg.' AAdrcm nil. J. RK1 lr i.i.rivi itnrurs. iiownra ASSDeiwieni niua- deljls, Pa. - ,5-ly . --rm ef onU--r enttem whe snrmra br year. sYaia .Nurvoue Debility, Pi, mature Beray. ttM an tlie eflbet'ef"routbful In. dlscetlon,wj,j(iir tpM frM snArlng hntn'anl- ty, aenn free to an woo need ll, end reealpt And dlreotlme. fur ureiRinjj tne sunple remedy by which be was cured. -HurTi rera wishing to profit by ttieelTOrtlerieepirieiiTO, cm don by ad dxeaslaic,4ilptIbeteoalldeiiep, -;n a .-A vl'iMillV OOPEN, I yVlTA ,V3ir'3ttCrUirVesr! Vork. special .guticcsJ. -Hilrrs t tlt NarvoM awl Deklll- tated whose suirerliiKs havebcen protected from hidden eausesiml whose cbson require prompt treatment to render existent desirable. If you arc suffi-rlng or have surreaed from Involuntary dlwihaines, what effect doe it produce upon your mineral health 1 1M you feel Weak, dublll tuted.easlly ttredr liors-a little extra exertion produeo palpitation of tile heart t Tkx your ltver.op urinary ontnns, on your kidneys, fre quently got out of order T Is your urine some-j timet thick, milky, or 1t-ky, or la It ropy on settlings ordooaathlcltmaai rlio to tlie top ? Or Is a snl I nient at t)ie bottom after It has stood awhllef Do you have spetls-of short breathing or dyspepsia ? Are your bowels constipated 1 Do you have spells of fulntliu; or riisbes of blood to tlie head f Is' your memory Impaired? Is your mlud eonstantly dwelling upon this sah Jeett Do ybp feel dull, listless, moplhx, tired of company, bf lifer - Do yon wish t! be left alone, to get away from everybody t Doc any little thing moke you start or Jump t is your sleep broken or resUess 1 . is tho lustre of your eyes ss brilliant f Theluoom on your cheek as bright? Do yon enjoy yourself In soclotyas well f Do you pursue your builnens with the same energy f Do you feel as much oonAdence In yourself? ArCyoursptrlts dull ani flagging, given to Htsof mi-lanelmly ? If so, da not Iny It to your liver or dyspepsia, Huveron restlrat ulglits ? Your boek weak,, your liuees weak, and have but llttlo appetite, and j ju attribute this to dyspepsia of llver-cbmplulnt ? ' Now, reader, self-ubilse,! Tenrreal diseases, bailly cured, and sexnoj exercises, art all capa ble of produelng a weakness of the genorntlve organs. The orgnns of generutfon, which In perfect lcnllh, make tho man. ibid you ever think that those boliV defiant, energetic, per- severing, successful business men nre always ; those whose generative organs are In perfect heallh ? You eit hear sui t) men complain of being melnnclmly, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. They are uevur afraid they eunnot sui?cd In business ; they dont becoino sad and discouraged ; they are always polite and pleas ant In tlie company of ladles, nnd look yon and them right In the fiu'e nono of your downcast looks or any other meanness about thorn. 1 do not mean those who keep the organs Inflamed by running to excess. Those will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do busi ness with or for. How many men from badly cured diseases, from the tV-ets of self-ulmto' and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness In thoso organs that lias reduced Dm general system so much as to Induce almost every other disease Idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal etleetlon, sui cide, und uhuoiit every other form of disease which humanity Is heir tu, ami the real cause ot the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctercd fur all but the rlijlit one. lilseasi-siif tlie organs require the use of a diu retic. iiia.Miiours KLVi iisritAcr nu- clir is the ureal Uiuretie, iud Is a certain cure for diseases of the DhubKr, Kidneys, (Jravel, Drop-y, organic Weakness, Female Complaints, (ieiieral JMiillty, and all incases of tho Urinary Oigans, whether ccistlfii; jn male or female, from whatever causu orlKluatlng and no matter of-liow longstanilluij, ' 1 l(nc treatment Is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. ()ur tleshnnd blood are supported from ttieso sources, and the hcutth and happiness, unci that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of n reliable remedy. lleliiilNilil's Extract lSwjUu, established up wards of 13 years, prepartvl by 11. T. 111:1,31101.0, Druggist, .'lOi Uroadwuy, New York, und HMSoulh lot Ii street, rhilailelphln. Pa. I'bick Sl.ii jier bottle, or I) bottles for 8H.IW, de livered lo any nddress. Sold by all Druaulsts Bveiyvvnere. ... 4; it, ,-cowiy. gUscfltaucousi. J E a" dan d k no w QUICK 8A1.E9 AND SHOUT I'UOFITS ! 1 1 IMMENSE STOCK OK I'UHrtll OKOCIiHIES ANI I'ROVIsro.NH Constantly arriving at the Store of JOHN MUKXELL, WAYNEsnuriCI, PA. Consisting, In part, of UltOrEIWH, CO.NKTiTIONARIEH, TOHA'CO, BEUAUM, ! . S.Nt'FP, C'KAfnCEKM, - ' ' - l.'HEtMlf,' . 3IOI.A8HEH, - . . : CARHON01L, , , KIBIi,.,.,. , ' HACON, ' Ac., Ac, Ac, -Cl in addition to the aboyiya full stock of NOTIONS, II ARDW ARE, SPECTACLES, POCKET KNJVES .'' and thousands of otbet- nrMfitcs, wblch arobo- , lntj sold as low atbe i . m T I M E 8 W I L L-ilP EltMITl . ,:..:' ) 1 ! M COME A N iD B U. Y. ' JtJlIN 511'NNELU Uil.ltC 1 TAI.UA1HjE KEAIi ESTATE IN THE X TOWN OK WAYJiESUUKO, FOIl SA'lE. Hv Vlrtuo of an nrilcr. to its. fmmlheOpplirins' Court of fiivctii' Connty, wo will xpfw lHulc by public Vuii'lue or out-cry, on the promwes, 1)11 WEDNESDAY TIIE IflTH DAY OF . DECEMBEH NEXT! 1 Th fnllnwlnff mnl ffstatc, lat$, the property of Hobert AliiiUHatrrnfitKl. I. That c.vUtii well known square of I-otn nnmbcri'.'l In ilie pluti (if t lie town of Waynn hnr Wl ami is b.mnlet) on tl" Krt?rt by Morris KtrtM't, on tti Wont by liimkbcry Allcy,intho North by Krniitclln Htrnct nrt on IIm Month by Htrnwbrrry Alley, I'ontalnlnu On UuiulrrtJ nnd Mirniy ronr nrjnnro morp or u' ijinn tne nonio Htwl nptporty of tho lal Kobort AiUuiih. tbte'd On this there ia erected a lai'tju and cunimodlous B 11 I V K 'll 0 US E! two Mnrloshljjb. ; brh-k k(tclion, oiichtory ; Uo nnjoininti 11 n orrr nono one hrory ntun witn 1 wo nmmia , luuroiHtKHoatiacucaiottui ils prop- crty un EXTENSIVE TANNERY t with large ami powerful HTK tlf tSTOITE and nxinn-s riuu-oou. ine wiiiara neinirxa in. trait troeHinukes It a iiirssl tienutlful sltuiitlon. with every convenience neceMvtry for townpnwwt nnd rciiilenee. - U bus Hlwava been reuardiHl a among iiiainusi uesirauiv properties in Un town. -A VS Q At the seme time and place, no much' of the uarc 01 um iramwiiaiciy niortn 01 in aoovn denerllied, as .Is contained in one hundred and twenty feet on Murrls street nnd run n Inn back onn huo lniil and lKhtr ft tn ttlackbeiry nlluy. mnrvorlixiOuljDinlnKiliai pusilonof snliliiiare sold by Robert Adams in hi lifetime lo Juincs uoiiii ii, nnvintt on me portion to no noin n oii stable. Tliese lota belug in a very eligible posi tion, would make niw.t exccl"lent lots to build private residences upon. . .. ' ' . : A L"S 6V ' "" ?r7i; At the same tlnte and plgrcsomnch ,of flint no unroof btn numlieroil 40. .VI nnil 51. nn remains nfuir tnklua off what wm oln to Iiawson Adams .iiy. incaaiu Jionert Adams, inJUs lifetime, i wit : Reuiunlng on the corner of Fmnkllrt street inence aiong Morris stn-ct nnpst one nennreu n... i nr.,,. in-, ,u iiiii; l niiu ihvwiii muMir. thene nlong said line nbnnt one hundred add eighty fret to Fruit allev, thence by sums aWout one n 11 nil ml and twentv fi to Franklin street. mmee aimig name about one hundred :mO' eurniy icei wuegmning, ,r!" i ,- - - TERMS OF - SALE"': , ,i - i i . i One-third of the nurehMn monnv nn eonflrma' lion of sttle, one-tlilrd In six muni lis thereafter, ann me nninnee in twpive months from connr- mauon, witn interest from eonnrmntlon. I- I- n. I I.-,,-. , tAWMX ADAM8; - , , KLIJAH ADAMH. .illrr-te Jtaeentorsi. HANK JIuOUHGAN ANNOUNCES HIMSELF AS A CANDIDATE FOR THR PATRONAUK OP THE PEOPLE IN TUB MU8INEHS OF SELLING DRY UOODS. ROOM OPTOSITE TI1E OHEEXK U0U3E, WAYNESBURO, P.V. Ho has just received and Is nosr oTerlna tin sale i viiu jow imi prmes, inu nuasi stock of . . FALL AND WINTER GOODS . . . ii' i. f" Ever before offered In this market, consisting In r.. , run i"i hiuwiviuiuidi FOR M Eft AND BOA"S! vary large stork that cannot he excelled : alio, a very superior assortment ot LADIES' GOODS Of all kinds, consisting In part, pf New Dress '"' iniuii inninungH, vivai liiooons every mm uuu auauu ; qui inn anu siiks, latest styles; BUGLE TRIMMINGS AND BUTTONS ! flash, llonnet, Neck and Trimming Ribbons; "i' uouii, Appique ami Valencia. Ilatidkerchlefs Lace. Kmbtvililernl tlm. stitched and Plain. Hamburg work a fluo as sortment. JET AND 110GWOOD JEWELIlV. A large assortment of Kid Woven first quality iur which uuu suntltiiiiuii. i g bTRAW, VELVET AND PLU3U HATS linn nets anl !lniimt Frnmem; Bonnet orna- ntcniH nnu nwm, tmtn rrvuvii hihi Amoricun; tKotlir with anr nnd all nrtlrfm In uo bv Iti- ili). Auk for uiiTtltiiiK yu wunt mul we cnu supply you. Also u tine aiwortnunt of CAIM'ETS AND WALL TAPER f vnrlotm kinds nml pnttrnn. all of which wilt be ftohl cheap us the cheiipent. gOMETIIINQ NEW I Mlt.4. K. H. HAY KItS & IIOSK1NSOS Hrtve Junt arrived from tho Kast with a largo UHSOiinieni oi loriMKit auuuomenuu I) R Y GOODS, FALL AND WINTER STYLES! hlchthey propone to nell at the lowest C'AHIl prici't! HtiefiaK llress Uhhh, Vtvhh Trim nihm, lrs-t ItuttoiiH, I,udk'fi HIiuwIm, HootH und Nhoes, JIatHand Cups; also, u fjrent variety of nleurtlelentat very low t ' price for ' GENTLEMEN AND LADIES' WEAK, Warea of nil kinds, nnd n eoniplet? variety of Ihe hfst OUOCKK1KS. Allofwhleh thev uronoHU io Hllnt theverv lowest lUuren. denndtnie on tin ouality und chL-np-iess uf their ttoodn to gain iieiu eiisioni. Oive them u eall beforo nurnhnHlim emnwhrre, n nil t hy will prove that the hIhivo Ih corn et. iioom in Allison n uuiiiitug, nuanyupiHisue in tuuvt House, vayn(?Hi)urg. ilt W'll nKEAT BARGAINS! ur BOOTS AND S II O.E S! NKW 8TOCK I , NEW BTOKB I i CUSTOM-MADE WORK! CKEAI'P.R THAN EVBR, AT M. C. & Ii. BELL'S, (St'CCSSSORS TOlAtOTED,) . S A Y E II S' C 6 'it '.'It'll It, WAY.NRHHUmi, PA. L'oll and examine, and save 6vkt 11 OOTO M. C. 4 II. BELL'S FOK DAR0AIN3 12;4-ly. V) R D E R I ' ' i I I'i- i ilii "ovaRTuBtcrr.' i i in i- Miitorliy of those Who sead mnMpipCT; nrvfT uvea give a hanty giuncr at a wisincw aawnis9- , nifDiaaau . ...... Aetnnllv hM a clmlro var lot.v of soede which h. i. ..niiw.it thi.VKItV LOWEST Drloeatlukt con l all'onlud, 11 unrdly pnye blia lo MiilUh lllll-lilcl. auuriuure wv uu.a MB i n :iiit tl lwMt'innlninlv invite reryhoriy td rill and v,immM niiriiiiirk and rlhrf-s lernremircliailne a n . . .1 a..' I,,.. 1 1 1 1 1 M In mrniit in nnr ahllltr ana aeirrrninnw'm w nwia uwitiqup gcons to those whp are not ;,,.,'.. .- DEAD-. i""'':"" ,'' ToitUelrown Intarufti tolmy their (Wllm.uU, ... , i i i' i t 'ii t . -i . i .. ... I , :.' ! ... .1 TheOrxwHneo. It. A.WtwhMl .liWjHIil old nullillnf, oppoarwjnopuDiMiwiniri.,' : wAYN'E3tiiiEG:i:;''i ' i. .' ij i. ntUI u:' .-.( n. t'-ir-n," n- x), . ' . n' ' 'iJ'y .ii- 1:' 'jiirtfo'u. i; u f-n ,"' ii. f" ' o -ii iv : j:u. - -i - ,eitO ''' ',- n . 5o I, ai'i ! t.t ltJM..- j, In -.Inn! nt i;,. . - 1ai i r. tlt 1 J .' -"A" ttr k's tt'.xtfit rzxx: til ..!!. Hl'T'li.i-Kll.-li JlJST R E C E I YEP. A JJ..D , t . wn ii- n " - .,, FOB 4E'AT fW". .1 'i i I - n ixi O mflE WASHINQTOJi ilBlUUV COM-, J. 1'ANV- v ' ' . V IIILADEL P II I A, ISCHAIlTERF.n I1Y TIIE STATE OF ?KNX iSYIA'ANIA, ANUORUASIZEDIN AID OF Til E RIYEU3IDE INSTITUTE, FOR EDUCAT1XO OUATUiroUSLT soI.lIEIll' And BAiLons- orphans, liK-oi-pomted by the State of New Jersey, . APRIL 8th,l87- .. . SUUSCRli'TlON ONE DOLLAR. 'i.i i'i v.. ; a The Washington Library Cnmpnny, by vlrtne of Uielr charter, nnd tn nccorihtuee with 1U pro visions, will distribute t THHEE HUNDRED TH0U8AND DOLL ARB ' ih riiRSEK-m ' '. i :f TO THE SHAREIIOLDE11S, On WEDNM1SPAY, Sth of JAXCARV, next, AT PHILADELPHIA. PA., Or at the Institute, Riverside, Ar. , One Prpsnnt, worth.... Due rennt, wortli lne I'reiwnt, worth ..... One rrewnt, worth Two l'rcv eiitf, worlh 9-VMOuuol. One I'lvneiit. viilueil at no.oao 'J0.IW0 10,IW &,im 6,imu 1S.IHK) .HI.IHMI ni.iiiiii ai,M now .i,ii 10,1M 3,Ullll 7.V) i.m Two Present, valued at jl.l.UOO etieh One Prrnent, valued at our rrweutM. valued at Sr.i(Ut) eaeh Two PrcueiitM, tnUted atODtipael There preiwnti valued at il.uiNieneh wenty PrPHt-ntH, valued nt each Vn PreHentH. valued ut eaeh i'hreo PreNentH valued at liVt etu-li wenty PrewntH, vutued ut r-Jo eu'!l 'idy-rive l'reHntH, vulutMt ut K'.uuu oiu-h lfty Present?, valued ut $tf. eaeh 10 preKentn. valued at 9UMI etich li.imii 8. Twentv Present, valued ut s7aeueli Ten PretU'iitM, valued at etch 1,VI M) he reinaliilnit presentH eonststs 01 ant eleHof tiKOund value, appertaining to the dllliiHlou ot Mteruturu atul tlie tliio Arts Total, $;uw,wu Kaeh Certificate of Stock Is Accompanied with a BEAUTIFUL STEEL-PLATE ENGHAVING WORTH MOUK AT IlETAlL THAN THE COST Ob" rKHTIFICATE. ' And also Insure to holder ft PimSENT IN TIIE C1UEAT KI8TUIHUTION'. SUKSCRirriON one dollar. K Anv n.'i'um MMiitlntr llliOXF. IKlLLAlt. nr pay lug th.-Hnmu lo our loi'iil AKitiitH, will rerrlve liiiinoilliiti'lv u Fln Hlwl-rfnlii FiibhivIiic, nt rhok-e Iriim Ihe fiillowinn lint, und inwOiilll-c-iili' of Sloi li, Insiirlim 0110 jirtwut In the UlIKAT 1.I1.-.TIUI11 1 iu.. OJtE DOLLAR EXQRAV1SQ3. Sn. l-"Mv Child I My Child!" "Xd. 2- Tlii-v'ru Knvodl 1'hi y'ri) Havi-d I" No. :t-"lilil Sin i nly-slx ; or, tho Early 1'nys of tho Ilevolu- 11011, AnviM'Tson nnrlna "two dolhirs" will rrt-clve either. or IIih fnlliilliK Kino Bliml-rintr.s, lit rlmlii', nml i'wii OrtlllciilfH of Slock, tluu bo cinnl nv; in! 1 1 li.l to Two 1'ixiHtnta. TWO DOLLAR BHHAyN0S. ; No. 1 "WasliliiKtnn's Courtship." No. 2 Waslilngtou'a hint lnti rviu with his Mothrrr." TUREE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Anv norsnn iKivInu "Tlireo Tiollars" will rc. ct.lvo the Utautlful 8l'l i'lutu of . "HOME PnOM TIIE WAB." nnd Threo Ci-rlirinitMi of Stock, beconUng en titled to Three- present. FOUR DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS). Anvnr-rsfin nnylnw "Four Dollars" shall re- tieivu the largo mid Kptendid Htoel flnto of "TIIE PEUIIilOF OUU FOREF ATII EMS," and Four Cort inoatea ot Stock, entitling them to n our rn'souui. ' FIVE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. 'AnV hoi-sons who nnv "F'lvo Dollars." stiall receive the lurito mid aplrndid wn-el 1'lnlu of rm: stAitRi.toE of pocaiiontah," tuulFivo CcrUfluatcs of tock, entitling them to Flvo rresenU. A The Fntrruvlricqnnd CortlflrtofOH wll Tiedefie. ere.l to to eiieh .ubserllier at our loeal AfteneleS, or sent by mall, post paid, or ex press, as may be ordered. HOW TO OBTAIN SHAKES AND- EN GRAVINGS. Mend orders tons bv malt, enelonlna fromtl to S-JO, lthm- hy'oet orftee orders, or In a rois tered letter, at our risk. Lnrger ninounts should be sent by draft or exprow. Ill shares with EnitrSvlnKs SO nit IB shares with Fnnruvlncs Ttl 1 58 shares with Knaraviiis...,..,......-i s ) 7.1 shares with Fniir.ivlniis m 00 lot shares with Knumvlnnw . W 00 ; I Dncal Agents Wanted throughout Hie United States, , . TUB RIVEIHIDE INSTITUTE, Hltuate at Riverside, Durllngton County, New Jersuyjls fonndett for Mm uriowi of gratuit ously educating the sims nf diisised Hrtidlors anil Heanieu 01 the united Glares, The tiiiuru of Trustees consists of the follow es in s 1 ing Well-known citisens of reiinsytvunla ami rcw jersey Hon. WM. B.MANN, District Attorney. Phllailelphla, Pa. Hon. LEWIS ll. BKWiMAI.U Ex- liief Collier l;. 8. Mini, nhd lteeortler of Iweds, Phlla. Pa. Hon. JAM. M. HI -OVF.I,, New Jersey. Him. w. W; WAllh,, Aawiersey. . HENuMftiOKMAN.Es. Aiient Adams' Express, Phlla. Pa. i. E. t'OE, Esq,, Of Joy, Coe & Co., Phlliulclphia. TuriHi'K I)rrAKTr.rT. WaJIINOT0S. D. C. Airil Iti.lW-omiieof internal llovonue: Hav ing recnivod uin. lory evidence tUutthc prit ciHliiof the enterprise conducted by the Wash ington Library Uuupsny will liedevotcdlochnr Itoblnusea, poriulh.slou Is hereby grunted to said f '..niiHiiiv to conduct such nnlerlirfsc. cxcuiot from nll'chargc whether from spei'lol tux or other duty. E. A. lloI.I.INS, (.'ouunliwloiifr. Tli Amoelatlon have onnolntc1 ss Receivers, M-ssrs. Geo. A. Cooke it Co.. nn Huuth Third MLi-Mt. luUbidalnhbl. whoee well known integ- rltyah'1 hustne.sM experience will be a suflt'ilent guaraniee ma', ini. money eiiiru.u.u .1 viikiii PuiLAKFT.pHrA.Miiy Jl, IW7T "To the on tih4 laiiOnl nf ss ( asuiiig Juni.llimry .-oiupuny." VM-yonrR, Inst., notifying ns of our apfcflMnteiii ss Re vivers for your CoDiDany. wS fisik the Tiriirry M'C.'i''rii'. WfKrtfff ySfULtbHSt yiuaij it mil mill 1 i'it.isj.iiMjjiiiiiJ &fcTKxVlt?IABClr:uq IflA 'WrAiWA. -T OtBtaJMf !fcW Tor, .i-- Broadway New York, Are unrivalled for DraABlLrrr. Powr.afcjvl EvKtiasas. 01 Toae. ,TUey .are fast beeonttng tbi BivOIlte oyer all oOiera1. with Muslejans, ADiafiusarul ail lovers of ODOD Mcslrj! They ar Warmtiteit In eveWrespee. Prlr one-tnirn lower wan oiner imenswinsKwi, Bend frw Clnular., ,.?aBOVETEEN CO.. UieiiMU er.J.iir,t'l'T'u,if t ?" of your entrprTsli mlniit uial aqyiority, oWlstfinlsWftilitu taMurtu.i;iiion Ai EOISrElt'S NOITCE. ;.!! .7 Notice ts hereby given to all erolltore. lets tees, wunls and other persons Interested, thai , the unilereluned Kxeculore, Aililltnlstrnloraand (inurdluns have HU-d liislr accounts In the ftug-, lMter's Olllee, anil llial tho miujo iii senteil to I lie on.linns' Court Ui bo held wlllllnf undfnr Ilia Cumuy- nf (lr'li oil-Alr'1, ."Viieiiibcr W, Iwii lor c-oimriii:iiiuii lltlL' I r.1 i'U iiivu-i i'. Itt-gialfr aiKl ileeordcr. Account o Ito'wrt Dlnsmoro and Jol'". I'lns-. mure, "fc"lll-"-ll"r3 or Uio estaje of rlipiuas . I'lnmnnre. '.,, , .' .CC-OUIlt of Hull , 'Willi i nn ii villi niiUjAttiiiiii..." tiirof Jacul) 1,1,'iUi.iKl.ilWd, . poimnt or ji-hso oru,,1"r,,V8,,?,,),",Sfi'rr3rk Furilvci- minor clw'4 T soloinbu iordyy ceoiuit of J. II. BrlMiir, A.'"',Mtor uPn thi) esliitv or nobi-rt HrUter, "'''u.,., .m, .- i, ...7..,. .tntAtf am. Autninistruiurs.uDun uie " 1 Mitrtliijr., dee'd. ' 1 ... '. " . , Aci'iiunt of John MiOlninphy, Admliak.,r"J2 upon me rouble ot uiuaoicij VftUJl'vMfirj I'PllMl.ll '9 Final uiTount of A. A. rnrman, Esii., Onnrdlsij or jitiiii-s ttirpe, rumor 01111a 01 euiuuui kujic, iuv u. Fluid iiciouiitnf Pnnlfl Fuller, mirvlvlnir gnnr- uiun 01 unauutiu Hints, a miuur i-uuuui John Hi'M, diiu'd. Aceount of Amos Walton, Gutirdliin off.' A. u iilion, u uunor vhlia uf Jons tun V ul'.'. deeeased. ' 1 Acrount of Amos W.illnn, (iv.iirdhm or.T..rti Wulton, minor child or JimaUui-j v flee'il. : ' ' Acrount of Philip Marsh, Guardian; of Mury- -. luiroin, a minor. , . Account or JiinuwCiill, Admlnlstmtnrapon the Account of Wllllnm Owyn arid Miirsh'atl Owyn AUminiMriitora upon uio uoiuiu wjaun . Gwvu. dee'd. ' i I Acrouuiof Ellsn Wouver, Administratrix aftdr Uimik weaver, Aiuntnlslriitor upon inaee liite of Imiuh! Weaver, dee'd. ' : Account of Kll JhCi. txwutor of the will nnd tslHtiii.ntiil' f'uvlller l-olund. dec'u. Aoconut of .liweph f. KmiiT, Administrator vi. lieorne Keener, dec 11. '--. Final account of Joseph It. Donley, Executor or the lint will mid testament of uar net ItentHT. dee'd. .f S '.'t Parttul nccount of Joseph fleeves, and I. -Tf L'rnn, Kxi'culors nt Ui. I111I. will, apd testa-. nienl of .Inhii H. Iteeve, iliv'd. Account of Diivlil 11. Jones, Administrator up- ' ou thecstihieof Avorulu Jones, iluu'd. -Account nl tlco. i. (biyiiian and C. .1. fCltldor, Atlinliilstriitnr of l.-umc II. Klndor.dec'd. Account of Ktlielliert Lmr, one uf the t'.xveulora- or the lust Will uial icsluuient ol bleplieu Klone, dee'd. I 1ST lil'"CAl!SES SET DOWN. FOR' Jj TRIAL AT DSC. TEHM, 1807. 1 1 1 Hook vs II. mk, Nn. on, Jfny. Term, 1S.A llrunlc vs Kent, No. hill, March Term, 1MI0. Morris vs Lucas, No 71, JillleTerln, JhTJ. WilKim vs linwney, No.r!i, Dceuniber Term, IM3. Hhurpiuvk vs ('iirle, Nn. 101 June Term, inu. Sunders vs Morris tp No. T-'.Hept. Term, 1S05, f I'etlll vs sunie, No. l4, rtept. 'i'crni, lilo, . Coli iiiMn vsTnylor, No. seiil. Tenn, IR85. Mnple vs rrior, ci nl, jNO.:r7, iw. Term, iwi. F. t I). Itllllk vs Meluhen, No. Wl, Dee. Term, 1SM l-cttll vs llli liliill lp. mi. 1111, llec. term, li Mi'ssenifer vssiitne. Nn. M I. Deo. Term, 1(W. Mesiiez.iltii vs.Mnng. & Ken Oil Com., No March Term, 1SKI. I.euilcy vs 'l ayliir, No. 75, Mnri h Term, lnoi, .luvlie vs Kent, No. IKl. March Term, WW. H.iss vs Itlehhill lp No. .ri7. MspdrCenn, WS. Foster's Admr's. vs Anderson, No, lo, Juno Term, Isni. IJIiu-'j li tre Uiinril.-j Vale, No. 203, Jtmo Terov DUjri. ...... .., Cralu et nl vs Peterson A Downey, No. 8ft, Sept Term, lust. . ll'irnliitki. vs Hedge, et at. Ko. GO. September Term, iKim. lteynnlils vs Waters, Nn. 1 If). Rent Tefrrf, H I Llmlsey Ex'rs. vs Huyers, No, 1511, Sept. TehiL ooui ... fliKMl vs Rlehhlll lp.. No. 17J, March Term. jiiM., F.vans vsSoulh etnl. No. 7, Dee. Term, lou. . 1 Jones vs Murrls lp,. No. ml, Dee. Term, 1NM. Porter's Adurrs. vs lllnvhiut,' Ka W3, Jon. Term. Isii7. '',('' Flrit Nut. Dunk vsAntcll, No. 8-1, pt. Terra inr?. J, F. TKMI'DK.j ... Ih'.T-te ClerSy Il ls is fo a I V E N 0 f I CE " T Tbnt on! the tllrd lny of Koyehiher, A. ., mar. a Warmnt In llankruntey was Issued nviilnsl tlm Estate of OT llo WADE, of Perry township, In the county of Ureeur, f : lul rlbire of Pennsylv intn, who has been u-ttiktist'il rt fltdiK ruiil oil hls'iwn petition ; Hint the pnymeul of anv di bis und delivery nf any prolsiDy bnlong ln tn such liankrupt, tn him, or for his use, nnd ttic Irausreroi'any properly by him nre forbid den by law; that a mooting of thnCtrdltors of th sold Itniikritpl, to prove their D tils, tun! to eliooseoneor Inoro Assignee of his Estate, will bo held ul 11 Court of Bankruptcy, to hi holden at tho Coiiit Mouse, In Wayniwbnra;, (Intone county, Pensvivanln, before Joseph It. Donley, ItCKlnter, on tho 8TII DAY OF JANUARY, A. D. 18ijt. ut 1 o'clouk, p. in; '. - . TU0.MA3 A. TtoWIiEY, 12:1-11 V. s. Marshal. ' ?j?lTl8 19 TO uivs NdT"i Fal That on the S3rl day of Jlovemher, A. It.. ISU7, a Wnrrnut in liunliriiiitey was IssueeS nunlnst the Estate of WKNMAN WADE, of Per ry tp., In the county of Greene, and Hlate jA . Peiinsylvantn, who lias been adjudged a Ilnukrtipt on his iwn petition: that the 1 pa.vuient of any debts und delivery of any properly hcliu.ng lo such liankrupt, to him, or fur his hsi), and the transfer of nny property I hat. niiioctinjj; of tlm (Irnlilors of tho mtld Himkrnirt. tn p'rrrrt their Dcbti. nml tn ohooflA one or mont Asnlittiri' oDiin KMtatn will b held at 11 (V)in-t, of llnkrfrf)ti-yf to bv holdon sfi the t'otlrt Houwrt. In Wrtyiifwlitirn. .firtvno coii i'y, FfiniMvlvniiin, lKfon.loMopli H. lHDkyy. llngJ ' trr, on th Ti'H iiat or .f a nuarTs A. ih itm. ut 1 o'rlopk, p, m. THUMA8 A- ROWI.KY, 0 ;.J.frtt v . i... UH.MarhL t flMIBWOHLD RENOWNED ' T '' ' SINCJEIJ w 7 If- , 6UH KEW FAUfLY MACliOJai ' Una born over twoypart Irr pififirftttmi," Arrit which ham btn brought to ntTii otion reurdlpRH of timi), labor or ejujiiio, ami Is nov confldejilr I.V prt'Mcntcfl totlMirb)rs m Ihoujerably bt'HtHewlnK MnchlriH In exImcncA. j Maliino iu (uutttmi U hiiuplo, compact, cliinitjleanl biMiiuiluI. It tn qnlt't, IlKbt running nnl i.'upHbb of prtornilnK a ranuu und variety m work ntfYr iM,frtuiupul upon uokJi Ua..l.lnoiii.llwi AillionUlllf Tiulsst 1 1 ..on I . ten llirtwI.aiiJ KfuiriK with ei& tYu.i,y Uie very tlnfHt nil Qndrst'Hl ma(criit,ano! anything bf tWMPii the two cXtrcmH. 1l llifl inont beuiitlfiil awl KiibMtnntlal inaniiT. H attaohmentH for ll'-mmlrm. ifnUtllnc inUnK, .Iiwkijtg, iyurU tiitf. Kotlinte. i rlininuHK, lbu(itn, Lc, r Nuvul and FnifT'irnl.HtiU have bn invent,! and aL JUKUvtHipwially forth l Mtu;litie. ,. iirwiiMfftioi itm uiiwitm.iHtuaiaiMi popiuv foblhiic topH anil cHbiiita nem pevutinr IfV'Uns Mifililnna mnnutaorttrfid hrf Utt LwnW have b.'n pn-purt 'l lor en;lr,in tlio nt w. Miu UlnfM, Tbscarf (fotten np. irr pvpry vnrtPty of wxw)( mti'Oi f ftlurfk. WulndL, Mahogany; Ititow. and the llko, and from the plnlnf-Ht to th 4e elaborate pal ttr n and tin tub tbiy Macrrttle the mnfivoH nrintf rnorc 01 ieM niKiwy ornameni fd.tororn'Mpottd with tlm Table or CubioftUr for whicU UKV.arQlafBidtyl, A frw rffttons whv hTXOKR'H Intmt Improx oU HfcWUVO MAi'lilNKhtUTQ iiiO bct fur Km(' l.nfc. You uun (wwanytiilrig from life fixftHt& r! tliiTkujHH orswii or NaDopic - uj, torvjsrifl Lkilr.lt ntHMtMut Lhu lti:iAVil.'tt BcftVCT MrHht DAlntf. aiiykiim yriiizo,oL (utuui w.wi, iioji fruin X. -M ( otto- up ty th UfttViot p " MM. ifc US BOO. 151.1111. uiwtt'jj ajid maketUuopvr1l.oiik8Ursltittg .ad. It nas anevonseu-auaawuiKnni wajBA reiiiilriiioi-lmngH f r .llif. iut UiMCiiiatt uf . , nmterilfrilitr. rentlaof OyalffT rjT ' 4ili. It is free from all spring i, wires lUiJ tSsff coniptieatlons, nqii Is nlmost fx- Jsejeas. ;h. No tliri-ails to bolii orsetipVls. tow ip Hi arartlnar. ' - - -w:A nth. u itoes not have to be taken apart to oil 7ih! lit has a perfeHlWW VfrerVitleifHffls thenuit muterlnlswiihout having to keep yflfW . work srretiherl ) prevant ltn "eiverlttgi, AaS ' you never have to asiiaV'UV w?orl tiirouih S9 nk . all other rn' iehlnes. r '' , gtlt, It wkU aera an wldtli, sew i, stnUti t " ' seam, or make a fell In toe most porfect rhafljrr. with less sklllthan Is rei al rtsd e. & itwlfSTi . seiMsion u(oOr rriBOhlnet. - vt- , 1J. m iissirnj-uinenieiociwiivivig,. coming,- Tfirt, ln. nin.llnir. Tucking, 4!.,"re rfi.I and nrae. Ueal, nail ro,ui hut UtUe akiU to ase thaai. C 'areful insuuetlona given, sH yif fjj .- Mouuy refuaiLiif Qi niachlaaa jamot as -representeiL . . .. , .. . . fcwry maebln watmnted and kent la lenalr ' '' ' . ! f" ' ..! Ji tnr HiA S-.t-'.lt E: 'jf.'iiA:tBhsC..viivv.v.cy' ATTOBmrr ma sonmui at txw, -."5 tfeatditirita(ttAf hnstnasf vusimm iaMl eases tn 6ankrapU7 that may oeenruMeH to fiu care. Office, opposite Drug Store of a. W. Hob. eru Co. ,t r m . n;iiy ta . ' , WAjsESBtjpa wpciB, jrn v iiLijj. iCl--JZi& nail In IJaneas-'s BalMIng, east Main Street, eCounAr? ayasbaJHf? - I-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers