The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, November 27, 1867, Image 2

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    iVcdnoRdaj', Nov. r, 'ir.
The agitation in fiimitiil waters
ennnot always continue. Tho late
troubling lias lirt J t!ie effot-t of bring
ing the si.'um to tlie trj, ami tlicru is
ivory prospect of it buing tliuhcd high
up among the drift, there- to decay or
Le washed down agstin bv tie wearing
, , " .. , , b
wes of popular feeling. The plan
of pionopolists to ruin the ewmtry and
enrich themselves is easily discerned
in the movement to flood tlx; country
with greenbacks in the hope of fund
ing our debt and freeing us from tax
ation. Nothing can be further from
the objcot named. The inflation of the
currency would give these monopolists
the opportunity of plundering the la
boring classes to an extent never be
fore realized. You have the example
of the war. For the time money mat
ters went smooth enough, the upward
motion was pleasant and the senses of
tho nation reeled with excitement
n the giddy height of their money
moiinluin. The descent which we
have since been accomplishing is even
more perilous. The base of the moun
tain specie payment we must reach
bv tortuous winding if we would do
it with safety. None would be so
il 1 hardy as to throw themselves
headlong from the top. Yet those
who would turn back are not our saf
est guides, CWseious that we con exist at u gmtt hitjht induce
ment can be offered for building still
higher ? The fabulous prices of every
thing during the war would be still
more fabulous were thisstatus of affairs
to txTst, and the poor can answer fur
themselves whether it would be ruutr
agreeable. With wages, food, doth-
iiijj snd all the necesnitic of life
liiadruplcd what advantage would uc
ri! from light tnxrft ? Who would
be the botler off, the rich or the poor?
Abrogating our sense of honor to the
kmdholdtt's would not be compensa
tion for the misery entailed ujHm the
lower tfWies. However unple.taant
it may be foe us to pay our honest
dMits we behove in paying them. To
t'us end we ouacrve thitt Mr. hdmunds,
of tin; Senate, has introduced a joint
resolution declaring the fiiith of the
'Sovcrnment pledged to the redemp
tion of all tho public debt in coin, ex
cept where otherwise stipulated in the
loan. This resolution, tabled for the
present, will doubtless be called up
eoon and passed with entire unanimity
in Iwth Houses. Our ability to do
this is uivijootionabk and the
straightforward announcement of de
termination will settle the uneasiness
of our finances. Democracy will make
it political capital by misrepresentation,
but the steady decrease of our debt
and wise action on the part our legis
lators will meet there mere than half
way. The people have only to wait
and watch to be convinced of the truth
of our assertions.
The rebel Democratic organs arc
not at nil pleased with Sherman's
speech before the "Army of the Ten
nessee." In fact they ca.n find no
words stroug enough to express their
indignation at that part of General
. Sherman's speech wherein he wonders
.' how "a'ny Soufhcrn man can speak of
the" 'lost cause' in language other than
that of shame and sorrow." They in
sist that it is as' impossble to connect
infamy with the 'lost cause,' its it is to
' associate vico with holy religion.
. There is not a man in the South, "but
glories in, and k proud of, the part ho
. took in tho war." A few days since
they were forSliormnn as the Copper-
' head candidate for the Presidency on
the occurrence of a certain emergency.
-.They evidently arc not now.
We publish elsewhere a schedule of
. tho mail routes in ourct unty, to becon
; trusted for by the 4th of March next.
We advise our disabled soldiers, who
can obtain the required bail to put in
' for the job. Indeed, It would be no
- more than just if the Department
- -would turn this pant of tho service
tivcr to our maimed and crippled vet
gratis.' It 'would be part recognition
for value received.
LivixosTqx, the famous Afri
can explorer, Is qriuauueud "by th,p ca
ble dispatches to liavo fumed tip
again. . He is pursuing his iovostlga
' tions in the unknown wilds of thut
country. . When he returns to civili-
ffition hi can have tho pleasure of
perusing his numcrousobituary notices.
as ...
. JFiib body of Maximilian, in a. bad
ly decomposed state Has at last been,
delivered to . Admiral , Tcgothorff.
Mciioo lias contributed d : lesson the
world might profit by', in the summa
ry nnd just disposal of Her National
'urinijnals, ' : - '. , .
'' Col.. Jambs- Armstrong, Las dU-
pawJ'of his interest in the Washing
lou, ra.,. Reporter, a staunch. Rppubli
njwpi t J. W JMVillianis, Esq,
The reconstruction of Southern
State gwerniuents-is-sapidly going for
ward notwithstaudiug the obstructions
placed ia the way by the rebels and
their co-workers of the North. In a
number convention have-been called
and constitutions are in process of for
mation. Thus far tlte sptntof lenien
cy has prevailed and earnest effort is
manifested to secure impartial justice
to every dast. That theso conven-
L,. . i:.,'.i:...,
States wo have no reason to disbelieve.
Those prevented by Act of Congress
from exercising the right of franchise
have no choice in the matter, and are
less blamable than those who exercise
that right persistently against their
personal and national welfare. Yet
the nation was saved in the face of such
opposition, and though the war shall
be to fight over again the loyal men in
the South will not shrink nor take
one stepjiackward. .
' In my prison cell I sit,'
i T'liokinii mother dear of yon!"
J II. Ohei.l, of the I'cnver Local
a bemocnitic sheet, and a beloved dc
ciplo of "Briek" Pomeroy having been
conviVtodof libelling Cant. Barters, a
one armed noldicr and Treasurer- of
Beaver Co., finds himself inditeing
his windy articles from a "prisoaeelU"
The county will board him two months
for two hundred dollars, and allow
him to fee the lawyers generosity
"worthy of the great mind from which
it cmenated." Two charges yet against
him may prolong his stay at Hie county
"boarding-house." We thftvk he will
bo convinced, if not already, that 1m
has paid dear for his cheap notoriety.
The (qvernment has been defraud
ed by President Johnson's revcuuc
collectors of $ 100,000,0X) ou whiskey ,
mid -25,000,000 on tobacco in. the
past twelve months. Tho public debt
will be likely to bo rapidly paid off if
this class of politians get entire control
of tho (lovcrnnipiit.
(Jux. V. S. Hancock, in connec
tion with Thernmu, of Ohio, is named
for the IXailocjiirtio Presidential ticket.
Think of Ctypcrheadri running Han-
cock for President. Whv, he was a
soldier in the Union artuy, and a good
TliK Old Theatre, in Pittsburgh,
resounds alternately with tho ribald
jest of tlic player and the sonorous
prayer of the preacher. Divine service
was held there last wotsV, and one of
our city exchanges says there was not
standing room so great was. tlie press.
N I X k of the 7-iy bond conntM-feit-ers
have been arrested. The counter
feiting was done in Paul.slwro, Glou
cester Co., N. J. The establishment
has been in operation since July 18(J.V
and has netted the parties 4 over one
million dollars. Thev were living in
litfcrent parts of tho Union in grand
style, . .
1 1 . Ll . 1 1 !
ClIAlil.Ki Dmckns, tlw fuiunt
English - enthor will give a scries of
readings in this country. He is now
reading in Boston,
Xt.itt RKMS.
CoyuRixfl . couvciuhI on tho 21st
and proceeded immediately to busi
ness. A dispatch from Washington
says :
There ; was a large nttcryLtnce of
visitors ac( ioetatars, wu the galleries
were filled long before tho hour of
meeting. The cxcctation of many
that the impeachment report would be
trescuted in tho House gave that
)ranch the secno of the greatest inter
est. The Senate met at 12 o'clock. Near-,
ly all the Senators were present. ,
Immediately after the reading of
the journal, Mr. aunnier took tho floor.
Ho presented a petition setting forth
that the petitioners, a hundred and fif
ty in numtar-, were colored men 'who
had been , discharged . from their em
ployment in the district because they
voted the liwlical ticket , at the last
municipal Titection-. "They asked for
relief,' and ' the subject was referred to
the Committee on the district.
After a pession of half an hour the
Senate adjourned. t : ' .
The moment tho journal was read in
the House, , the Democrats through Mr.
Brooks,' of New York, and Mr. Eld-
ridge, of Wisconsin, objected to the
newly ; elected Tennessee delegation
being sworn in, on the ground tlint
someot them were disloyal. Hie Jat
ter oddresecd the House for an hour
giving specific details of his reasons
and tacts as applied to eacn member.
A running debute followed for three
hours, when the House finally voted
to admit all tho delegation but Butler
of the 1 irst Tennessee District, whose
credentials were refercd to the commit
tec on elections for investigation into
the charge of disloyalty prefered against
him. - The rest of the uelegatioo were
swarn in. t . , . . : -
Both Houses adjourned until Mon
day, . ..,;. ', . , .
i Dowx. South -people, profane ones,
say. that the don't care a Confederate
"- where they tised to say Contiucn-
The- St. jLoula Lrmocrat says dead
crows are reprcauttatives of th kt
'he llSrtmiesburg Republican, 1&ebncsl1c.i, Ittovembev 180T:
' A corespondent of the Cincinnati
Commercial, writiug from Montgom
ery under date of the 8th, remarks:
Tfie- Mobile and other papers
have for weeks been describing or
rather denouncing, this convention as
exclusively composed of unprincipled
scoundrels. Yankeeadventiirers, scal
awags, renegades, niggers, &e., (I spare
you somo other epithets as too strong
for your type.) and I have just read in
a- pei-fcctlv reliable Northern paper
(tho New. York IIW,) that "the
Radical delegates are of such utterly
unknown antecedents, and so wntirely
unrecognizable, even by mine,' that in
nublishins General Pope's order which
contains n full list of their names and
pseudo constituencies, the Montgomery
Mail omits that section, with the fol-
low intr remark :
"The delegates are wholly unknown
to the iteople of AlaiMimn, and as the
publication of a list of their- names
would be of no interest to our readers
at this time, we omit them."
"Alnlmnia." continues tho World.
"is tho heaviest -otto rrmlueing State
intlie Simtls and weshall wntcli witn
interest the process of its restoration to
pence and prosperity by three seore
and ten nonnentitWM iyid a anna
half of blacks."
Under the ininrcsstons such articles.
are raleukited to produce. I have at
tended two sessions .(yestenlny and to-
dnv.) of theso "tluto score and ten
nowutitin.ttnd ndozen inula nair oi
blacks," with the following Jesuits
in the way of impressions and infer-'
The convention is held in tho hall
usually occupied by tho Ijowcr House
of the Legislature of Alabama.
The Mcgntes are one hundred in
numW, and sixteen are freednicn,
The seats having been been drawn by
lots, the members are, of course,seated
irrespective of color. As I looked nt
them I could not but reflect flint I be
held a magnificent exhibition of poetic
and retributive justice, for these men
now occupy the place where at but
seven years ogo the promt, defiant
Confederate Congress that made slave
ry the key-stone of their nrcb. of gov
ernment. .
As to the general select and bearing
of these men my first impression was
also- my last. A more- earnest, serious
and orderly deliberative body I have
never seen, and this, improsion is con
firmed by the general admission in
Montgomery, that they are a much
lietter-Iooking set of men than the Ala
bama Legislature.
Of the eighty-four whites, twenty
two arc Northern, men who have taken
up their rcsiikuK-c in tlie State siivce
the war. The remainder avo nil Jd
I made special inquiry as to their
various callings, and social positions,
and found ttvtt among them were :
Nine members of former Alabama
Eight present or fbrnierjudgps of va
rious courts of the State.
Twelve lawyers.
Snrn officer awl siut'ern iol-coi-mitmioned
ojieers anil private of the reb
el amy.
Six physicians a,il a ii'imV'r of
planters, merchants,' &a.
The president of the Convention is
the Hon. K W. Peck, for forty years
resident of, formerly
Chancellor of the State, recognized as
possessing ono oi the first legal minds
in tlie country, and a man of unblem
ished purity of character.
Anions' the rebel officers is Major
Scmplo a lawyer by profession, and a
graduate ot Cambridge J jaw rviiooi,
..-tin ,e KTunr. tinui minniMiiili'd t te
artillerj- in Clchurue's divisions und
listingUishctl llimselt Ut Uliekailiail-
I matle tncaequaintsnce ot ami con
versed with some twenty mouthers,
Judge , Peck, Major Semple, Judge
Martin, Mayor Horton, Messrs. rient-
ford. Griffin. Koffer, Miller, nnd oth-
err, and frund them far from being
On yesterday General Pops arrived
from Atlanta, "and ivited ton seat in
the convention. lie made a short ad
dress, strongly marked by good sense,
and indicating a high order of ability
I hear on all sides praise from the
loval and admission lroni the rebels
as to the produce, energy, and moder
ation of his adtninistratian in Georgia
ami Alalwmn. '
Although only at their secon 1 and
third day's session, with very few
members familiar with parliamentary
usages, the Convention dispatched
business rapidly, and appeared to un
derstand that their real work was to be
done in committees.
Ifthisconvontion is a fair index nnd
exponent of tho conventions to lc held
in the nino other Southern States, it is
risking but little to say that their in
telligence, honesty ami ability will
soon! silence - misrepresentation and
abnsc.! :i :T
Mr. Sofh Wilbcr Payne stnrtcp
from New York on the morning of
the 11th ihst., to wtlk to San Fran
cisco, Oil., in one hundred nnd fifty
dayo. By way of the Central Pacific
Railroad the distance is precisely three
thousand three hundred miles between
the two points, so that an average of
tcnty-two miles per day will have to
be miidc, M. Seth Wilbcr Payne, the
pedestrian, in well known to the pub
lic as an author. He walked over
pretty much nil of Europe some years
ago, ana upqij His return wruiu a
liook of all lie saw, heard and did.
The oljeet of the present trip is the
same as was his JMiropjitn tour, ono.
his limiting kinwolr'to acertaiu length
of time was doubtless cnusod purely
from a desire la perform a feat of dis
tinction. He will take eopiona notes
on hi way, which will be published in
book form aftcn hi rottlrn frum. Sun
Francisco.-". -. .. ,'. -
AilUrmsr Orii. Ntanriua hrfarw the o-
eletjr rih Army r the T"-
At the last annual meeting of the
Society of the Armv of the Tennessee,
whicbi was held at St. Ixmis on Wed
nesdiry last, Lieutenant General Sher
man 'delivered an address before the
same, froiu which we extract the fol
lowing passages : .
I have often been asked by my fel-
troubled bv the re
ports of the dlsturbel condition of
things at tho South, whether, after all,
our labors had not been in vain ?
Whether we might uot be culled on to
wnait the ienes of 1803 and 1861 ?
Or, wH? the rebels. ; defeated in.
Uittle, might not, in tne nuriy ouny
of time and iiolitics, regaiu their "lost
caoso" and their lost pride ?
How anv Southern eenilenmn. wan
these facts "plain and palpable, every
where staring him it tho face, and re
corded forever in the book of history,
can still boast of his "Lost Causey" or
speak of it in language other than ol
siiamo and sorrow pass my umler
atiindunr, and instead of being revi veil I
know that their Lost Cause will sink
deeper and deeper into infamy as the
time mora keenly nrobw its hidden
mvsferics and reveals them to the light
of daw. . . s - .
On these points I. feel ho great so-
h'eitiule ? biit whether I can convey to
your mindsthesame conviction, I will
not say. History rarely goes back
ward, ami events in the past arc usual
ly as real as the crranite nx-k on which
we stand; Surely no men ever had
a more gleriMi cause than we ; and
never, in my judgment, did war so
completely- fulfill its natural, fifliec.
Slavery . was the cause of the war,
and slavery would surely have been
extinguished in th's country by a
gradual and natural process, and we
might have been spared our civil war,
had not other causes come into play. It
was found that the soil and climate of
the Soutlurn -States were admirably
adapted to the growth of cotton. The
power of steam was discovered and
applied to machinery of all kinds, es
pecially in Old and New England, nnd
Hli Whitney, of Massachusetts, in
vented his cotton gin. These- seat
ed an immense demand for tho staple,
and seemed to hj',ve changed tho whole
current of public opinion, The in
vention ( the cotton gin did more to
fix slavery upon us than any amount
of prohibitiM-y legislation, or any
amount of anti-slavery agitation, so
that I have always felt that both Old
Kiigland an 1 New England had much
to do in fastening slavery upon us ns a
people, and should have a just share
in the responsibility for its baneful re
sult. Under tlwse iiilliu'iicis. Cotton
bec-anw a poner in - the land. It was
nrwved arrogant and clniniMl to b?
king. It ilictatated its terms, and
threatened war unless its imperious
demands were granted. It claimed
the right to go were it pleased, nnd
to extend itself over lands, such us
Ianas. and California, not adapted to
it or to slave labor at all ; and at last
it rebelled 'and set up a government of
its own, whose very cornerstones wei;c
cotton and slavery. Nothingon earth
could justify such a rebellion, and I
onlv mention thes.; facts in the past to
show that others than the people of
the ?oitl were partially responsible
and should share the natural eonsc-
ipicnces of their own act. '
nw that slavery is gone, and gone
forever, with its unhappy wrecks left
behind, and nil diuigcr is past, if any
set of men again appeal to war when
thev have courts to secure their rights
ami redress their wrongs, I would trust
our national destiny ngnil.1 to those
grand old 'national laws which raised
iour countrv tiiroiio-ii tne ioiij:, tedious
vassalage ot'eohvtixat ion ; which car-
neo ill sueiv itinm-ii its; unrati ui
tllll IVCVUIllllUllill V Hill , lllllliv I'lll
flag famous on the hi'li seas in 1812 ;
le:l our eonquerino- armies to tho gates
of Mexico in 1847 ; and has borne us
gloriously through four years of as
hard war as ever tested the manhood ot
any people,.'.'. ." ' '
l.tll'KAt II.nKAT.
Ureal Kxeltenient In Political Circles
A Mn.orllv Keport lit f sior nf Impeael s
ItiVtiie lreslilcnl Member leelnres
the President mil be out ofOlllee In
Forty Keys..
A dispjiteh from. Washington, I). C,
of Novcnibor 23, says : There has been
a great deal of excitement it) jioliticnl
circles on the subject of .impeachment.
The injunction of secrecy voted by the
Judiciary Committee at a recent meet
ing has given rise to tho impression
that at. last one of the Republican
members. (Mr. Churchill, of New
York,) has changed liis V'fowa on the
subject of injjicachmcnt, so as to give a
majority report lor 'ho measure on
Monday next.
Mr. Lawrence of Ohio, says the
President will bo outot ofhee within
forty (lavs, believing it will tuke leas
than thirty days to owy the articles
through tho Senate and secure convic
tion. ':'
The Committee o:iim;)3achment had
a meeting to-day, but of the result
nothing positively is known. The
most that lias transpired is that there
has been. a very, stormy time in the
Committee. . ' .
The State Deoartment is informed
tlint $3,000,000 worth of projierty was
destroyed by the tornado on the Rio
Grande of October 8. Six hundred
houses were destroyed ,and all ranches
for thirty miles around Matanioros
were throw down, . At (tho mouth of
a1. t rt
me river scarcely a House was leu.
All tho fiver steamers were wrecked
or disabled, except dne, Twenty per
sons wpro killed au forty or titty
wouiuieu, ( .
Thukh candidates for llfayorin
New York City; -John T. 'Hoffman,
Rammany, Fernando Wood, by the
Mort, and William A. Darling, by
the Republicans. The election occurs
on 1 ueliiy IXtJcmber the 3rd,
CvllUlan Between; Exprea mi
rrl(bt Train-Foax Wmea awl Man
BarneU ti Deatku
Cixcixsatt, November 21. A ter
riblenecidentoccured on theCincinnati,
and Dayton It. It. this morning.
The broad caue express arrived here
at six o'clock A. M., was detained tit
Loeklandby an extra freight coinine
south, and while waiting for the
freight train to take the side track, a
freight train tlint was following run
into tho rear of the express train bo-
fore a man could get out to flas it,
Four women and one mau were bunt
ed to death. Nearly all the train was
burned to ashes. '1 he rear cars was. a
train from Toledo that the express
takes on at Dayton, tho fast ear being-
a sleeping car from Toledo. The
names or residences ot tuoso killed
have not yet been ascertained.
,Ax Irish priest wishing to explain
tlie naturo pf a miracle to a skeptical
parishioner, gave him n tremendous
kick. "Did it hurt ye?" asked the
reverend father. "Hurt?" exclaimed
the victom, tenderly solacing tho ag
grieved region with his hand. "Well,
then, smd the clergyman, compla
cently, "it would have been a miracle
if it Imdn t hurt ye! JLhis is a good
definition, but no better than one just
given in Massachusetts of the ill Iter-
enec between nn "accident" and a"mis-
fortune." "If Andrew Johnson should
fall into the river," says tho definition,
"it would be nil accident. If he
should ever got out again, that would
ba n misfortune."
A Dkmocuatic SrttoxoiioLU.
Fernando Wood said in his Cooper In
stitutc speech, the other day : "I charge
that at the late election the Tammany
Hall organization iniMirted thieves
from Philadelphia to vote their tick
et ; that theso thieves were organized
in different wards of the city,, and
that IxiniUkof them voted in more than
sixteen wards and in more tlum one
hundred and twenty-five eleetorial
districts. Cheers. Morotlvuithat;
it is known that several of the insii!c
tors of election, after receiving the bal
lot from thje voter, substituted an
other bullet and deposited, it, in the
Tiierr is a very general disposition
in Congress to relieve all the confeder
ates who cordially assist in the recon
struction of the South, Such men ns
extGovernw lii-own, of Georgia; ex
Senator A. G. Brown,' and Judge Al
corn, of Mississippi; General Barrin
ger, of North Carolina, and Generals
Iiongstrcet, Jeff. Thompson, and
Ikirksdule, will probablv be among the
I ist. Mr. Stevens openly expresses t he
hope that all may be restored to citizen
ship who help in the good work.
Dax Uice, tho showman, has rotir
A'.l permanently from the business.
At his, farewell performance in Pitts
burg 10-made a speech, in . which he
boasted of having made more money
than any six circus managers in the
country, and said that he had given
nwav, during twenty-six years, more
than n inilliiu'. and a half of dollars to
various charitable enterprises.
The overcoat of ex-(Jovcnior Cur
tin was stolen Friday morning while
he was at breakfast at, the Moiiongn
hehi House, in Pittsburgh The eo;it
was in his room, and some impudent
individual woitft hitler and gobbled it..
Mas. Jki-kkiwdx Davis was ser
enaded in -Rutland, Yt., with Dixie,
and saluted by tho firing fit' two brass
cannon ns an ovation, by her husband's
menus, the Democracy. .
Ilv Virtue of an order, lo nn. frotatheOrnhnna-
f'onrtof Ori-ene County, we will expose to Sale
by public Vundno or out-cry, on the premises,
The following ril estate, ate the property of
tViiieri .minis iiruniMni,
I. That certain well known S'limre of I.ot
mttiilwrcH Ki the nlnit nf Ihii Inwtl nf Wnvnes-
bura W 17 nnd 4S hounded on tho h'jiat by lorrls
Sinst, on the West by lltnckhery Alley, on the
North by Franklin Htri'et nnd on the South by
stmwbi'rry Allev, contnlnliucOne llundred-nml
Klltuiy ieet siiuirn more or less, oeimr inc uoine
ntiid nropi'rtv of tlie lute Holiert Adams, dee'd.
On thin there is erected a lame and commodious
two Vwlp high ; brick kitchen, one story; also
ndJoliiTnKlla brick house ono story With with
tw j rooms. There la also attached to tills prop
erty an
with lame nnd powerful STF.4H EUI3f F and
fixtures nttached. The aiiiare Ih-Iiik act in fruit
tra makes It a most beautiful situation, with
every convenience necessary for town property
and residence. It baa always been rexanfeil as
aniong the most desirable properties in the town.
' A LSO-.
A i tliM snm limn nml tilnrp. no much of Iht
HiaiirenrUM ImmwIlutHy North of tho above
4l4HcrHfrl, aM lRoontuiiuKl In one hundred nnrl
twenty feet on 'Morrt ntxm und running Imrk
onehuntlrerl nndelK-ity ftetto niwklirrry ullev,
mom or u-rH.-iuijoiniuK mat pun ion oi haw aqunni
nold by Itilen Adnina In hi UMIme to Jumeii
(ioldin, hnvfnK on the portion to be nold a kmI
ntnlile. These- lott ImIii In very llKtle posi
tion, would make mont Mcelluut lot tfl build
private rmldetice upon, ,
A L S Q-rr
At the same time and place, so much nf that
Honare of lota numliered 4U. s0 and Al. na remAlns
afur taking off what waa sold to Dawson Adams
by theanid Robert Adams, in his lifetime, to
wit ! l!Klnnln on theoorner of lraiklln street
thenee alonit Morris atreet aliont one bundrcil
and twenty Ieet to Una of said Ilawsoji Adams,
thence along said lino a boot one hundred and
eighty feet to Fruit alley, thence ly some about
one hundred and twenty Vet to Franklin atreet.
thenee alonn same aliuat qna hundred and
eluhty feet tobenlnnlng.
Ona-thlrdof the pnrchaae money nn confirma
tion of sale, one-third In sla rpontha theroaftrr,
and the Imlaner In twelve months from oondr
uiutlon, with IntATHt from confirmation.
.'... , . kiJmah adamh, 1
ll;-.T-ta . Kieculon,
pcctt Notice.
Ae-AddrcM to the Nerrou end Deblll.
tirted whose auOerlngs hive been protected from
hidden cauaeMnd whoso cues require prompt
treatment to rundcr existence dMlruble. It you
ro uir,irlng or huve lutrcred from Involuntary
dlaclinrKus, wlutt effect doc It produce upon
your gunerul health t Do you fuel nrouk, delilll
tuted.uully tired t Uoca sllttle extra exertion
pmluee pnlpltaUon of the heart T Poes your
llvor, or urinary ornan, or your kldnoya, fre
quently net out of order ? Is your urine aome
times thick, milky, or flccky, or la It ropy on
M'HIIngr Or doca a thick scum rise to the top ?
Or Is a seilluiont at the bottom after It hus stood
HWlillet Ooyou have spcjlls of abort breathing
or dyspepsia t Are your bowels constipated?
Du you have spells of fainting or rushes or blood
to the hciid t Is your memory Impaired t . Is
your mind constantly dwelling upon this sub
JentT Do yo feel dull, listless, moping, tlreil
or company, of life? Do you wish to be Ion
alone, to get away from everybody? Does any
little thing iq ike you start or Jump? U your
slwp broken or reslli-ss ? Is the lustre of your
eyes as brllllwu The bloom on your cheek as
bright ? Do you enjoy yourself In society as
wJlt Daytni pursue your business with the
same energy ? Do you fuol as much confidence
In yourself? Are your spirits dull nnd flagulng,
given to (Its of melniioholy If so, do not lay It
to yonr liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless
nights? Yorir Isiok weak, your knees weitk,
and lutve Imt Uttlo nppcllte, and you attribute
this to Ayspcpslu orlver-complalnt ?
Now, render, solf-ubuse, venereal dismsei
be.illy cured, nnd sexual exorcises, are alt enpn.
blcofprodm-ing a wenkuess of the generative
orgnns. The' 'organs of generation, which In
perfect health,' mnka the man. ' Did you ever
think that those Imld, ileHant, t nerut'tle, per-
Keverlng, sueuessful business men Are always
those whole gnnerutlvo oritnns are In perfisit
health? You never hear such men cnmplnlniof
being melancholy, of u-rvotisncas, of palpitation
of the heart. .They nre iiever.nfruld they cannot
amroeil lit husltus ; lliey dont liecoinc sail and
dlsconnigoil; theyuro always polite and plens--
nnt In the company of ladles, nnd look you and
them right In the face none of your downcast
looks or any other mean noss about them. I tlbi
not nirain those who keep the orgnns Inllamed
by running to excoss. These will uot only ruin
their constitutions, but also those they do busl
ucss with or for.
ltow many men from badly cure'd diseases,
from the effects of self-abuse and excesses, have
brought alKiut that state of weakness In those
organs that has reduced the general system so
much ns to Induce nlmost every- other disease
Idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal eireotlon, silt
clde, und alnijftt every other form of disease
which humanity Is heir to, and the ril cause of
the trouble scarcely ever ns(iectcd, and live
diH'tered fir all but the right cue.
Diseases of tho organs require the use of a dtii-
I'HU Is yi great Diuretic, and Is n certain cure
for diseases of tho lllndiler, Kidneys, Gravel
Dropsy, Org.mlc Weakness, Female Complnlnts,
(k noral Debility, and all diseases of the Urlnnry
Oigaus, whcther exlstlng In male or female
fio:n whnU-rer cause orlgliiatlng :Mtil uomntte
of how long atnuiliug,
If no trstiuent rssubukltted-to, t'onsumptlon
or Insanity uiny ensue. Our llesh and bjood arjf.
supported from these sources, and the h.-ta)
and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends
UfMin prompt use of n reliable remedy.
Ilclinlmlds Kxtrnet Ruchu, establishrsl up
war. Is of IS years, prepared by
- II. T. IIKI.Mnni.n, Druggist,
: all Broadayy, New York, nnd
miSontb I'lthHtrnet, Phllailelphla, I'n.
ruti'B U.'i'i per bottle, or II lmttti for Si'liV), de
livereil to nny address. Hold by all Druggists
.. - . !
To I'oiisiimpllvcK The lU-.v. KDWAKD
AWII.SII.N will send (free of eliarg..) to all who
desire It, the pri-. 'rliitliin with Iheillreetions for
milking and using the simple remedy by which
he triiscinvil of a lun iifl.'eliou and that dread
dlsensc Consumption. Ills only iilijert Is to bell
ellt the iitllli-ti il anil he hopes every sufferer will
try this prescription, as It will cost tiiein noth
ing, tllld lllfrt prove n Messing. Please lliidl-ess
i.ikv. KiiwAiti) a. wn.n.v,
No. liMMou'niSeeoiiilsl. Williamsburg New;Vor.
l..'.,-U7.lj':h,J-l'i i.
Inruriiiatloii. Infornuitlon guaranteed to
produce a luMirlanl growth of hint- upon a bntd
I......I t. f..n.. .luil.u...., ,1... v.i-
! ni'ival of j'iiiiplisi, Itlotehes, Kruptiotis, etc., on
tliesklu.leiivim: Hie sniiie srii'l, elea, end beau
tiful, cull be iilitahlisl without Uurue Viy ut-
iln ssliDt TlltiH. K.citAl-MAN, CnKvtsrr.
li;.i.-iiT-b-ehtt;ls S2;l ltroiulway, New Yorlf.
fi.f'oltriite A- t'n's.
O t It A K
Is manufactured from H'rtr?
conslilered the STA X I IA III) OF r'.Xl 'KI.f.K.Vl '-..
For Huh: by all Groceries. O-.-'i-ly.
4 Jr-Tlie Kenlliix Pool, nnd House of Iter-ej-.
Hownril "Assoclntloii Deports for Yoiinn
Men, on the erluie of snlltudn, nrkil the errors.
H ITI.'II (IU ...... U..
abuses and disease which destroy the mimly
powers, nnd ercnte linpcillniciits to miirrine,
with sure minus of roller. Kent In 11 letter
envelopi'S free of clmruCfc Address DH. J. SK II.
I.IXIItiruiITON, Ilownnl Association, riilln
delphla, I'n. t-r-Jy-
4-F.rrr at oulli. A (reiitleman nlio
ii irered for .rears from Nervous Debility, J'rc
mature Decay,' nnd nil the effects of youthful In
discretion, will, for tlie snknuf sull'erltiR liuinniil
ty, send free to nil who neiil It, and reis-lpt and
directions for limkinu tile sluiple remedy by
which he wiis'eiinsl. Kufferers u-lslilnu to profit
by the advertiser's experience, can do so by ad
dressing, In perfect confidence,
HS-ly 42 Cedar HI., New York.
civ gulvcvtiocmcntii.
W. IJlMitUM. Jit., At l-'ilh Street, 'lltl
hunjh, in the (tutfOr'izut ntjmt for fte HKHi:al.iCAiv,
i ihutdt'j. ,
TUIAl(AT D'iC. TEKM, lttt7.
Hook vn Hook, No. m Nov. Term, Issn.
Ilmnk v Kent.Tfii bin, March Term, IsdO.
Morris vs l.iii-as. No 71 . 1 line Term, lsni
Wilson v.-i fiowney, No..'iii,Is,omlH-.rTerm, 1W1.
sliiiriiius-k vs curie. Nif. llll. June Term. l-5.'
Kniidera vs Morels ti.. No. tiHept. Term, listfi.
l'etttt vs rnrne, No. 41, Mi'pt. Term, lsili,
Coleiiinn vs'l'ayior, No. s;(,Hepl. Term; isftn
Maple vs Prior,, ct al, No. :I7, ln-c. Term, Isftl.
F. S D. Hank Vs'Melllen, No. IK), Dee. Term. 115.
j'eltlt vs Itlrhhlll ll. No. I 111, Iac. Term. ISIVi.
Messenui-r vssiime. No. III. IHs. Term. IM'Sk
Mi-strexutte vs Mnn. Jt Ken Oil Com., No. In,
Iuiley vs Taylor, Xn. M Mari-b Term, WIS.
Jayue.ra Kent, 'So. mi. March Term, 1MI.
Hoas vs, No. I'.7. Muroh Term, IKK.
Foster's' Admr a,1 v Anderson, No. 13, Jul
Term. IHWt. -- -
Jllacklcifc Ouarij.'vt Vale, Jio.M, Juno Terra,
Cr.iln et nl v Peterson & Downey. J(o. &5, Hept.
Term. MIS. ' ...
Ifiirnlnike va Ilule, ct nl, No. 08, Heptcmbcr
Term, li-ai.
Ri nulds vs Waters, No. ll, Hi-nt. Term, lsBfl.
IJnilsey Ex'ra.a Hni'i'tM, l. 111. Kept. Term.
lsmi. '
Oorsl va Itlchlilll tp So, 171, Msrch Term, MM.
KransvHHith etnl, Xo.'7. Dec, Term, lsiia. .
Jones vi Morris ID.. No. 1:11. Dee. Term. laWL
I'orter'a Adm'ra. va lllnehart. No. Itx), June
Term. IHH7.
First Nat. Bank vaAntell, No. M, fent.Tnrm,
j. r . rr.jiri.r-,
me tnthe oremlnen of the MiiWrltK'r. on the
3lHtor Uwt month, IH'N COW I wide, nil in
nornn no eiir nuirKM, seven yeiirn mn. mr
owner will pleaau come forward at once, jxiv
.....s. .ai.l Km uu'nu ntlia.ivlau.alhn
Dttom a mn eat ray. jwm.i mi..irj.
- Dent P. U, Oreene Con Va,
ll;373tr .
licit selling honks ever published. One entitled
"MysUirles of the Neapolitan Convents," by an
Ex-Benedictine Nltn, hi rue account of the In
ner life of the oouventa the most thrilling and
Interesting work hefove the public. The other
antltled "The Cottage Cyclopedia," a rem, of
Intellectual wealth, and wanted In every family;
complete In one large volume of over 1OJ0 pages,
Illustrated. Mend for circulars nf terms, which
are very liberal. - HA 1,10 A Co.,
ll:17-it Hartford, ('onn.
Q M-8AYER9, .
In addition tn other Inislness will attend toII
eaaea tp Bankruptcy that may be entrusted to hi-
ea re. umis'.opponlte Drug Btortof o. w. Hob
Notice Is hereby given lo'all creditors, lnso
toes, wards and other persons Interested, fii
the undersigned Kxis-utors, AdnilnlstiMcsand
lluardluna have lllcd their aeeoanta In MstNra
Ister's Ulllou, and that the ssnw will fta kre
Minted to the Orphans' Court lobe hrhswMTiln.
nnd for the County of Um nr, on WediiMilsy.
ifis-uiiAT i-, ino., inr eonnrmaoon anaaiiow
anco. I'KlFJUIKtrwS.
. , UiKlais.ndrueorder.
Account of Jim Onidnrtr, gturdlnn of
i.'i.e.., ii,iiiir eniiu oi isormuoii forayce
Account of J, H. ltrlstcr.. Athlitmlo apoa
...uiTinnni, nnicn jiismr, wee u.
iir.1, Adinlnlslnitoot sirai Oi estate of A
Martin. Ir.. .1m.'.I .
Aecount of J. am NiGlomshr. Admlnlitmbsr-
niwn therstatu of iiuUliuiol Luupson, ds
Final ucsount of MASTinmitLTMi Onardlsm
... nnK, minur, .cnini missus
Kill, dee il- 7 '
Final ucount of Dsn lei Knller, sorrlvlM snsr-
Aocount of Aiuim Vnll.m,.OnrHjsfti, A.
Julili Hm. .I.h.'iI
t. I.....IM. HHIlOKIUllimig. jimnuiM wnstou.
disnsised. r
Aocount of Amos T!ilti.n, filtnnlmn of J. If..
nuiion, uiuiun cliUill of Juiiiitliun Walton,,
disi d.
AtssHint of Vhli:, SSsrah, Ooardlun ol Mnrr
lmrblii,,a inhior
A.-uHt ot Jainta. I sir, VtniOilstmlnr nnon tboi
i-stlllu of llelllulllllvllrlliiiu.; tl.M.'.l
Account of Wlllutiu Uwyn anil Marsliatl tlwyn,,
; jim ura ms tH 4SUItSi
Owyn, iluerd..
Aecimiil nf F.llnv Wraver, Administratrix aniU
tlevntt- Wisiir, AdmlnlslmUsr upon ths s
lltl.. t.t lk,.J. U'.M..-.. .l.u..l
Account of KJl Jim.oIw, V'.x.vutor of the IsstJ
Will and ti'Kliiiiu nt nfCiiTilli r4'i.lnil, dee'd.
Aceoiiiit of .lnseli I'.. Kis-ner, Admlnlstrstiir of
Misirue lilcller,. tiw u
Final aeeiiiim il .lust pli. n. Issitey, Kxeeutor
of tin- hist Mill ami teslnmrnt of liar
net lteliner, deu'd-..
lnrtlnl iieeiniiit nf ...i.ili Itecvee, anil I. L.
l.-mn, Kxisiilors of tin. lust will sud Irsla-
llletlt nf Julili It. Iisves, dee'd.
Aipniuiil of DilrM It. J'-.nix, AdnitnUtrsM na
on -I be estate of Avorhlu Jones, dts-'d
Account of lien. II. Illiyumm aiut t "..J.,l.llider,
Ailiiilnlstratorof Isune la.nVliniknjjlNi .
Account ol Klhells rl Low, one of ttir r.seculnrsi
ofthe luti Will' and Testament ot Htepheu,
Htone,. dwr d.
Tin luntiKl dully piipitr In flW-JMp at tTio
My I vim t, cut. T the Wml war of iuv wnjnu-ii'!
with InurfiiMMl fiu'lllltr for ilUi'iiiiniitluctlio.
curri'iit new of tin tiny, nii'l fir iiniibri;ijjjv
Kkm( piiUtltMil Ht-rvicc In 111, linportHJit. irrwJ-
tlfiillnl CMiivm-M nf mw. Tlif fnrllt(Miinu'kw
Nton oi t'oiiKrWi iimiiilwH ti nnn.n mr Ui
imwt ImiMiri.uit li'M hIuw tw ttmunlUn,tt tUm
(luviTiinit ul, unit tin i.riH'i'iiilf nut. wtJJ Wkiii
tytyly ttolutii iy tUn iiiii'lIJitrid. mmwuim., Ia
vlfvtoC M.t UfU'itti4 n.'itt'r.iiit Lm Dm m.
cwnupt, hf prsyrlt'tnf &r-"-4tJ!t'tt"
iim'iU tirniiits'rinri.lH lor trMt iWrMttelMM ml
lt-t torn fliit liibt I lit- kokIom, Iron nr rslMy lnirl-
llu;fnt rorrfS)Miiiiltnt, whomJoyM lHM-JtMtl-Mrr
mid frU'iul-Hhlii of tin IiiiiIIiii( iwnitifn 4 thm
S.-nnlr nml House, (It)' IicikIn of tli vurftinn ti
imrtntftitM, nml tin lenlhiK iiolMIHniiM wlio fr
Ufiit WuHlihiiflon, m thut n'otliTM-itin ilrtH-ml
on tve.'lvtim ltu Hint, fullt'Hl Htnl iihmI rrlubln
Inli lliKi'i.t'o irotu I he unit of 41tiviTuniitit,
Til ) W K K KL Y G A Z KTfE.
TheWKKKI.V OAZKfTK has li'n enlarged
to Hie stinie Mi.e of the Dally, und. Is now t lis
every farmer, ineehiiiik- i'ml business num. It
gives cv-n H'ci'K, rorly koiiii coijgims ot r'srrcni
mwm l leli'txriiph mid nitill Hit letidli, fdltn.
rmls ot thfdiilU'. i)il ii 1-lMiicfJu-lrTtlfHL i liter
ry tind Heli'iilllh Itrmx, tivtlier wltii every
Uilnjf lni)oi'iiitil iH-rluiidriittotliV wtiffiSof M)l
11 leu. it iiKrlcullurrtl i-oliihim will lie sfitn In
rtucli ti tuniviu-r iv to ilml fnvnr with thi' lHruir
mid uiirdriier., 'I'ltr ninrkK irpnrtrt of tint
WKHK t, ...KrL'Kt nre, ly iimiuioti eonwul,
fickfimvledut'd fo In th fttiuidtml thorl!y Inr
Imtli ImyiTHnnd xr-tli'm, tind In roniinriaUl fit
vUm In WeKittm IVniMyhninly, Ktitern Httw
titi'l WfHtern Vlrulnln tire wlthmit tHiuil, Tho
nii'H"! i tit' . i', i 1 1 lire used excjitrtiveiy oy
tht'Clvll Court of AlhvlM'iiy eminty. n r-fer-
euri'lit hitiri i iiml Ihhucm, lo detepiuin' the rill
ImtprierH in the mmkWM nt Ihf Time of til
biiKineKrttranHiti'tloii hi IUiiit'i V.
Our uui'iilH will favor ih bv uettluc tintlielr
eliiliri nt once, mid tint nllnwliuf their prewnt
ones to iidri', let w mc iiiiIixim Hint imneof
mr rcitden diuild he ih-prlved of n wwldt newa.
iMitluiirt in rluhn enii tit made nl Hny lime, m
yeiirly rnti's. riMnnitiaiH nml ifV'ri'miiiU r
lU.H(d lilrt( ( n A iijCt'iilN,
tkum -n1 rm: v..K.vtv tf.yJ-rrK-,
S'mjc mtiHcrilirr' i .....
cinliHof live...; ;
ciuiisi f.r ten .,
iihil mn tn th uettrr nn of t lt- flnli.
1 1?
A.-Kur Mp:Timeii tiph' of eHiier wiy or.
. it'ui , iiiiMrri i in- iiiKiirit-K'in.
es the proprietors,
I'KXMM N. ItKHll A ('(!..
llA.l ITK lll'ILIMXIl,
Nos. l and sti 1 Kill ftre.., 1'ltt.
Have Jua arrived from the Kast with a lar
nssitmeul offorclgn andiUnui'stle
Which tliej- mopose to st-U at tllrlrnject ( ASH
prices ! sNh-iTim Dress fissls,Drcs(liu-y "
Inline, Dress Muttons, Ijidlea
sjbnwls, Ituots and Hliiva, . ' '
llatsaml t'nps; also.a
Itnsd variety of
nlcearlicjcs, at, '
VffV low.' '
' '
Wares of n II k Inds, and a complete variety of thai
lie.t (lltlM'r'.IUKM. A II of Which thev nronste tn
sell at the very lowest na-ures, depending on the,
ouaiity mill cheapness of their grssla to gala
tlieiu cusivui.
Clue tl..i it m.M hntn nil oil Ma I wm atlaraha-a
nnd thi'V will nmve thut lli atlMrVt In mttWU
we la eotreey
f opposite (hat
luiom in AiiiKon m niiuonip runny c
viun umitw, vv ityneromrK.
'W.VftlllX.'JjTOS AT MOUNT -VriWCOX.'i
Tnit I.APV S FKtr;Nn annnnneea fin MM, the,
followliiK novelties: Tur. flr.iiABBT foart'!a,
liv Aniandn M. Doinlas, autluar of "In Trot,'l
"Hlephen Isilie," c- A DkaO Mu'f Kl'LK, by.
Kllnils'th I'remntt, anthorof "How a Woman
Had Her Way," c. ; KcKLlsia Vnn Fats, hy
Ixililsa f'liaiwiler wiulton, anther of ejnBa Cllf-
It will give a splendid Dni-Hui Pam framr.
fouiiiKD Kahiiiom rLATiccutfravcd oa steel .
In every numlier.
It will give a boaqtlfally' xemta4 Fajarr
Trrx 1-NiiaA Yiiro in every nbmber. 1
It will give a large aasortmentpf Wood fcra.
llltistruting tlw Fashiona. Kane Work,eln
evcrv numb
It will ulve a noDnlar..nleea i( UmiA warth
the cost of the Magazine Id iUeUlo every"
It will give ft copy of tlie new and splendid
Premlnm Hteel Kngrn'
AT .MOUNT VKKNON "-thirty In.
mg WAKiiTaj:
ncliea leukbr
tweiitv-one wide toeverv fnlttM ali
la-r, and to every person avnillui Auyb,"
it oirera as preminma a large variety of nooas,
Wliis-ler Wilson's Hewing Machine, Silver
I'lutislTea H'U, Bpoons, lMU hers, Gold anil
Hllver Watcbea, clothes W fingers, .Croquet,
Appleton's Cyclopedias, de. .
-A Hi-i.Kni u l 'rrr.a. New snlsaw IBaia srlio
auliscribe for lr by thenrat of Nuewner,aliall
rcisdve the NovemWr and December number
or this year In addition,- snaking rwrteen
'months In all t Those who aubserlba by tha
first nf December shall receive Uaa Preamaer
numlwr, thirteen montlia In all I . , ' ' -,
THUMB, f'i.r. (:.'
1 copy 'large Premium Kngraving,)...;.. M
teoplca Mf
3 " ..... iand one gratis), .,,,.,,,. s
R " (and one rat .MM
One copy each of LuY' rmun D and oavi
The getter no of the club alwan leortvt a
copy of the PKKMitm Ritonansn. Mcmberaaf
a Club wishing the-premium KlMTaVflM, set
remit own doi.lab kxtha. '
--Thoe dealrrau Of f.ttlng aa Clata I
minm l.ista. should enclose fifteen cent Mr
sample Macaatne, eontalnlng th aartawtla.
Address, DEACOX VKtrvAOr: - -
iwvthm, aiw t ainnu. isirrei, I
200 FAnicnai
To engage In a light and tlooyraWe Dtulaeat i fcr
the wTummtua, In tha 3ft!C
n-l,K which IU net ttei f)0 eV tM 0
MEI.EK nttOr' at Vawaav lre?t, nilfaM.
.kla Kkaaall. ' ' .
Kor nnrrieniara snniv sa. or si.m. rss-
s "' -