Wet.neauljiy, IVov. ttO, 'Of. UKMOt BACV H. MEURO. The ction of nbamloiiin" tlie negro ) I cnt'ink'S both North and Sou ii rr v seems to engage the ntten tlon of j"Tiiilo Hcjuiblicniistlirougliout the 1 :r.'.1. It ia nrj'iiwl that tiwcs.nrily tho i !' a of ;'.vii! him etjunl political rights muht hu deferred or the party that liberated him an-.l saved the Union must perish. No elaborate reasoning is required to confront siteh argument. AVe have aborted and still maintain that the cry of re-a( tion is not war ranted because of the temporary suc cess of our ndcersarii-s. There is nothing to prove it. No amount of tlgnrinpr will wipe out the f;i"t that the vvnt elections were allowed to go by . .'.iu'.t by our ftny-at-home voter., partly as a rebuke to our leaders, part ly from a divi.-ion on local i'su's and rriore especially to swum their own -t mipinuj for the, Pivsideiiey in MS. i lie. w:v:o is 'osratic stoek-in-l f" I si ' mm t- ! years. Uinvil-li-.iTiy i f , .) rc 1 into the contest !Ui't, ::' i 'a r:i's It txkly truly remarks, the l)eiiioi.ri"'y expends its force and eloquence hi defaming him. That iournal is equally true in its asser tion, that Democracy's highest strain is that this is a white man's govern ment, vhich is true as a matter of fact, since of thirty millions of people only four are colored. But it is wholly un true as an argument for the exclusion of colored men from sullrage, for there has never been a time in the history of the country when they have not voted in some of the States. I'y incessant denunciations of "nigger equality," as well as by the moit con temptible falsehoods, the Democratic party tries to inflame the hostility of Taee. "While in the city of New York and elsewhere in the North there is no degree of bestiality into which a while luv.vvi h"iti:r can sink so low that 1:3 is ,ii!i a good enough voter and an intelligent fellow-citizen, yet the colored man everywhere is of necessity of an inferior race, semi-civilized, a barbarian, ignorant and de graded. The staple of Democratic speeches is ridicule of the negro, or a B denm t lfort to prove his total inca pacity for intelligent citizenship. Now we a. ': f r n single evidence of that in capacity as n class which is not equally true of tli.i fjivign-bora voters of the city of New York as a class. And we rtk any ,:vt i who wi-hes the speedy rrtam v. j :a j and prosperity to the csaat.-v whether he trusts the states" mnn'iip of a p irty which systematic ally excites hoj;i!ity between the Irish-horn and the colored population. It is tin old ta -lies of theslavcholding o!i;;:ir.!iy wliicli always iostercl the mutual jealoay of the paor whites nod t!ie slaves. The D.-morratic parly claims to bo peculiarly conservative. Conservative of what ? Of the great principles of liberty, of (quality before the laws, of; of equal defenses of rights, of govern ments e! all the people? liy no means. It h ni'Ttly eori.'KTvative of the tradi tions of caste and slavery, which the country has outgrown ; of class su premacy, of class legislation, of un equal laws, of governments from which !u!f of the pcnol.; are arbitrarily cx e'.iuied. Of wlnt is tho Democratic part poni-v-aliii'1'.' Is it of the Con stitution ? On" of its chief candidates for the Presidency, Mr. Horatio Sey mour, attacks the Senate as unjustly constituted. Is it of the national good faith and fame ? The other of its Presidential candidates, Mr. Pendle ton, demands repudiation. It will ot be denied that the most intelligent khd highly civilized parts of the coun try arc politically Republican ; and the mostiguorant sections Democratic. In the citv of New York it can not be disputed that the parts which nrc the least enlightened give tho heaviest Democratic majorities. Now is igno rance truly conservative? Docs any body wh is competent to pronounce suppose that the political majority in the city of New York represents as real a conservatism as tho majority in the State of Iowa or Massachusetts ? AA'e repeat that the policy of the Democratic party In the present situa- ,. tion.of the country is founded upon ; bitter hostility to a part of tho popu lation, and upon disregard of the priiv j; ciples of the Constitution and of public .; honor. It conservative in no other - sense whatever than that of the old ' Tor' conservatism in England which protested that to abolish the death fi 'penalty for stealing a leg of mutton as to sweep away the bulwarks' of v"'11ib f institution. Its whole course is ' -' a B?nes of tactics for getting into power."' " There is no evidence any wlic. e ) f a serious desire to deal fairly V " ? ui expressing questions., of- the corvry. The 'only thing everywhere .ovkieat is the t. it Liu changed uoopin- ions, that it holds as ttrongly as ever the spirit of ti A'lipnia and Keo tucky resolution of '03 ; that it honors and trusts most the men who were the the most subservient to the domina tion of slavery in the government ; nnd and that it wholly and contemptuous ly denies that government should rest upon the expressed consent of the gov erned. Should it return to power we must expect every question settled by the war to be reopened. AVe must anticipate repudiation nnd a commer cial convulsion such as no country ever experienced. Wc must be prepared for a policy toward the frecdmen upon which the civilized world would cry shame. The success of the Democrat ic party would be the restoration of the rebellion to power. The Democratic- President makers are scrionly looking about them for some one who is willing to endure the martyrdom of a nomination. MeClel lan, Seymour, Pendleton, Yallandig bam, Sherman, and yet others, are spoken of, with the chances in f: or of Pendleton. Thev will have a hard time in making a decision. All with the exception of Sherman are eligible so far as record goes. lie, having beeij engaged in the war on the Union side, and having warred so effectually, too, would be nauseating to the radi cal and rebel wing of the party. They cannotconsisteutlychoo.se him nor any man that hits a corresponding war re cord. Pendleton is undoubtedly the man. lie who in his political career "never voted a manor a dollar to sus tain the war." That is the idea exactly and should be incorporated in their next platform. Either of the others would do for the Vice-Presidency, but a thoroughly Democratic ticket cannot bo made out without Ohio Val., the prince of Copperheads, unless the ( liio Legislature appea-e him with the Senatorship. Shape it as they may, it is easy to tbrsee that defeat only awaits them if they fight the battle on cardi nal principles. AEti: TIM' IKIIMl ITT Republicans are you laboring for the success of our manciples? AVith the sting of defeat yet rankling in your bosoms do you still consecrate your selves to the demon Apathy? Pe- member the tortoise wins the race if hi: antagonist sleeps. S rc than one half of the Pepubli cans in our county are not subscribers to their local organ, nnd but few of the opposite parly have the advantages of reading sound political doctrine. Show them we are not afraid toVoulcst our views in the light of truth and reason, by placing the Ui:rrni-ii 'A.v or .L.,.,u,u, r.u.,Bu.u ,w., . ... other genuine reading in the hands ol every voter. Do it now, let them have time for thought. Republican ism li!Iows Intelligence and Reflection as certain as ell'cct follows cause. in.'; i in.ic !i;ni'. It appears that during October tho Treasury Department has issued 3 111,000 of Five Per Cent. Roads, called Ton-Pomes. Since tho publi cation of thn Debt, Secretary MeCul- ! loch has announced that there will bo no further sale of this class of securi ties by the Ciovcrnmcnt tor the pres ent. The contraction of Legal Tenders has been up to the full annum; allow ed by law four millions of dollars and fourteen million of Compound Legal Tenders, also, have been can celled. Tho most important feature of the report, however, is the amount of Floating Debt which has been turned into long obligations. Of all this class of securities there nrc but two kinds now afloat the last two series of Seven-thirties. Of these issues, which amounted to five hundred and thirty millions of dollars, about two hundred millions have been converted into 20s, and the remaining ones arc be ing redeemed at the rate of one mil lion per day. Tho amount of debt bearing coin interest was Nov. 1st, $1,778,110,091; bearing currency interest, $ 12G,7G8, 640 ; bearing no interest, $103,918, 399 ; matured debt not presented for payment, $18,237,538. Amount of debt, less cash in treasury, $2,191,501, 450. Reduction since last statement, $3,782,996. Congress meets on the 21st of No vember; This is only the continuation of the bust session by an adjournment. The first regular session, commences on tho first Monday of December being the 2d day. Tho President's Message and the Department Reports will pro bably not lie presented till tho regular session commences. Attorney Gon'l, Stanlerry has unoffically declared that the session is unconstitutional. , It is csfimnted that one million and' a half of souls have been sacrificed ok tiiis continent to the demon of Slavery. . For Slavery substitute its synoiy. Democracy ahd.tlicn contem plate the fearful peril that overshad- ows the country iu the success of its J adrooat. thc IJSnjiiicsbicrg Hcpub(ieou, ISeiinestJoy, loocmbcr 20$ 186T. A'EW YOHK CITY EI.KtTIOX. The New York Citizen, edited by Col. Halpine, ("Miles O'Keilley") a staunch Democrat, discloses the follow ing relative to the recent election : "It is notorious that the organiza tion, utterly unscrupulous, nnd with uncontrolled access to the City treas ury, must have spent an aggreqpto of not less than 300,000 of private and public money in tho recent contest. Ml the pav-rolls ot the citv depart ments for the past two months have been lengthened and strengthened by thousands upon thousands of sincere 'inspectors' and other place-holders- assigned to nominal duty, but really with no other charge than to elec tioneer for the candidates. "It is notorious, also, that with the enormous money ower thus placed nniler its control, there was un enor mous illegal or 'repeating' vote organ ized anil registered sav not less than from 17,000 to 20,000 fraudulent votes of which not less than from 10,000 to 12,000 reached the ballot box ; the remainder being either sear ed olf by the activity nnd early arrests of the police, or being unable, from shere lack of time between sunrise and sunset, to vote in as many election dis tricts us they were registered in one case having been trustworthily report ed to us of a man who was registered in no less than 58 election districts ! Men elected by this means would ad minister and make laws to suit them selves. This accounts for tho sriimn- lering of public funds in that State. The principal Senators are of the ring ; tho Assemblymen aro from tho grog shops, and there are several prize fighters among tho elect. Put they ere all Democrats, and that covers the whole as with a cloak. An important practical question bearing on the trial of Jell'erson Davis will be whether the jurors shall be drawn from the wliite population only, or from the entire population of the county, irrespective of color. In tho former case, a jury of ex-rebels may safely be expected In the latter case, the jury would be likely to cn- tain Union men. The trial of Jell'er son Davis, for leading the rebellion in behaif of Slavery, should bo before a jury made up in part of frecdmen, if only for the historic justice not to say thn dramatic beauty and harmony, of sueh a denouement. Horace Urechy. There has been too much "dramatic beauty and harmony'' depicted in this travesty already. The "dramatic beau ty" has been tho fire, smoke and carn age tiiat lit our bundredsof battlefields. "Harmony" to the tune of 2,500,000, 000 expended by the nation, mingled with the waitings of the bereaved. It is time the certains should Hill upon the scene. The Republican party has had no - , ' , , j control over the executive department of the Government since the murder of Lincoln. It is the easiest matter in the world for its enemies to attri bute tho shortcomings of the Admin istration to the party in power. It is capital to magnify and dwell upon the wrongs and burdens endured, and all the more ngreablo because it can be done over our shoulders. The prudent man w ill at once detect the purpose of these scheming plunderers and whilst ho will hold Congress iu sonic measure responsible, he will not fail to charge the real greivances to their proper authors the Democ racy. '.H A II V I. A M it i : n i: K M I o ! Among the telegraphic dispatch es ot tlie l luiail. JMiini a cirs ot the 5th, (a Johnson paper) we find the following : "Baltimohe, Nov. 4. Mayor Ranks is to be inaugurated at noon to day, when Mayor Chapman retires, handing over to him the books, great seal etc. Large crowds will attend the inauguration. Captain William Robinson, of the Confederate army, will be his private secretary, and Hon. John L Thomas having resigned the oltiice ol City Sol icitor under Chapman, AVilliain II. Harris, who was judge advocate of the military courts under Jefferson Davis, is to have the important position. Sueh are the fruits of the "Demo crat ic" victories, over which the papers of that party in this State arc now shouting so lustily. Gnx. McClt.u.ax did not return to this country in the Scotia. Private business will detain him in Paris un til spring. Public business will keep him out of tho White House longer than that. The State Gcaup, is the. name of a new pacr to bo started next month, at Ilarrisburg. The eifitorial mana gers are J. Robley Dunglison and Wien Forney, publisher Levi Kauf mmn, It is to be Republican iu politics. "A. J." was serenaded last week and responded with four pages of fools-cap. The only extemporary re mark lie made was, "Good night, God bless you !" Like the old drone that doles out blessings from tho Vatican he is hated and pitied. Bradley,. the rebel bully who play- . . , , , . i j l r tnal, has b;n finally cxchided from theSupromo Court of the District of Columbia, for contempt. Thad. Stevens Im written a let ter favoring the payment of govern ment bonds in greenbacks nnd denun ciatory of National Ranks This un expected allianccof the "old Common er" with his opponents will create new apprehensions on the subject. However, it is the opinion of but one man, and displays a spirit of indepen dence wo rather like. Prentice says Prownlow may go to the Upper House in this world, but in the next he will go to the lower. To which theFo4 Wuyne ( Ind.) Gaz ette retorts : AVe presume so ; he has al ways been found in the midst of Demo crats, fighting them. Twenty deaths have resulted from the recent explosion in Pittsburgh. More than $0,700 has been subscribed for the sulferers. The Smoky City sustains the good name gained her dur ing the war. The subject of converting the com mon groundsof Allegheny into public parks is being agitated again by the citizens of the different corporations with some show of success. THE WEST STEADY. The reports from AVisconsin, says the Missouri Jfrmoerm, indicate a ive publican majority of about six thous and, against about ten thousand at the last trubernutoriaf election. In Mm ne-ota, again, the Republican majroity is larger than it was at the last Slate election ; it was then about three thous and, nnd reports now claim live thous and perhaps more. In Chicago, the election on Tuesday n suited in a Re publican majority of 3,979, against 3,933 at the city election, the Repub licans gaining also in the council. In St. Louis, the election of Radical coun ty indues shows a I 'adieal gain since the vote of last fall, and in the Third district the meagre returns received give hope of the election nfa Radical in the district carried last fall by a large majority by the conservatives. Kansas also elects Republicans, though by a reduced majority, while Iowa, Nebraska and Colorado, it will bo re membered, show Republican gains. On the whole, then, the reaction docs not prevail to any extent in the Northwest. Solid voles, steady ranks majorities undiminished or increased, are the rale with the sturdy Repub licans in tliissv't tio'.i, and if, ia any lo cality, losses have nppe.in.vl, they are due to exceptional causes, or to that over confidence w hich frequently loses elections of minor Cin;e'uei!e;'. i he reaction is mi r.a ta'n plant: it docs not thrive in the Northwest. A MNr;ri..it spectacle, remarks the liar. 'Jli'frni!i, will shortly ho before the world. Je'V. Davis, a traitor to free government, who warred for five ' vears to perpetuate t j y, ,',. ',,, ; :. slavery, will be ui) in the new world. (iaribaldi, a friend of freedom and equality, who bad just opened his lirsl battle to secure the natioiialil y of his couiilry.and who was arrested lucre, bid world. Davis shed oceans of t ill ui; lit I l I Hi I 11 H ' (' 'II 111 tllL blood in a cause whoso success would have been death to freedom. (Iari baldi was just beginning tho fight for the right. The tyrants of the world hope for Davis' release while they will plot for Garibaldi's death. Another dispatch from Europe says that Gari baldi will not be tried, but that he and his two sons will be exiled to the United States. If this be true, the heroes will receive the grandest wel come any people ever accorded to pa triotic men. fYY.3 the llarrisburj; Tdcjraph funding of tho national debt, and the extension of the time for ifs general liquidation is now being thoroughly discussed in financial circles It is proposed to consolidate the debt, bring it nil under a uniform rate of interest, and then provide, by a judicious and equal system of taxation, for its future payment. Any measure to secure this dedt will of course be popular with the people. The idea of immediate liqui dation was never feasible. The present generation made the sacrifice of limb and life tosecurc the Union nnd Fov crnment, so that it is as little as future generations can do to pay the debts in curred to save the. nation. I x form atiox W a xted. Of a boy ubout twelve years of age, rather slen der of his years, with black eyes, tlark hair, and had on a suit ol very dark trrav. homo made flannel. a low crown ed Mack hut, stiff brim, and calf-skin high shoes. He kit the home of his parents in Salem township, Westmore land county on the 21st ofOetober.and is supposed to have made his way to ward Pittsburgh. He is a smart loy a pretty good scholar for his vears. 1 1 is distressed parents will thankfully receive any information of himaddrcss cd to A. M. "Woj.f, Salem X Roads, Pa. Ox the 7th a terrible hurricane de vastated the southern' portion of the island of Porto Rico, one of the West Indies. Two hundred lives were lost and four thousand families ' rendered destitute. Provisions were to be land ed free of dutv for two months. Tor- tola a small island containing forty eight square miles was submerged by the flood, which followed tho wind storm, and ten thousand lives are re ported to have liecn lost. The loss to the steam ship company at St. Thomas also occasioned by tho hurricane will reach twelve millions ot uol lars. The cost of tho original Capitol at Uv..,.m " g ln( jhe additions ; now nearly completed, willco8t$12,000X)0. The Southerners arc delighted with! what they call the reaction. Progress and reform nredeadduckstothein now and their jubilees are long and deep. Une rvnitliern paper is so impressed with the belief not only that progress has stopped, but retrogression has begun, that it openly changes its grammar and spelling and now spells music, nmsick, bom r, honour, ami says, the editor, his leader, instead of the editor's leader. AVould it not bo well to call ths self- styled DemocraLsr etrogressors. 1'itii. Gazette. Is is projioseil to hold a nutiomd convention of manufacturers (of all kinds) at Cleveland, Ohio, on AVednes day December 18, to plan for joint ac tion for the early repeal by Congress of internal taxes on manufactures and productions, except luxuries. This step is taken to meet a wide desire ibr the relief of our productive industry from heavy burthens which arc deemed whol ly unnecessary. Mr, Edward M. M'Cook, Consul at Honolulu, writes to the Secretary of State, afliriuiiig that all that has been said in favor of the climate and re sources of Sitka is true ; that the tem perature is mild, the soil good, the fish eries abundant and remunerative, and the lumber good and inexhaustible. Sailing vessels have gone from Hon olulu and from San Francisco to Sitka iu ten days, and returned in equal time. It is nuthoritively announced, that at the termination of llie present brief tour ct tho J oin J litimb troupe, the renowned Commodore Nutt (ol twenty five pounds) will lead to the altar the sweet little Minnie AVnrren ( of twenty pounds.) Iheir united iortuncs, accu mulated by their public exhibitions within .six years, are said to amount to a quarter of a million of dollars. -..-- The Philadelphia North American well remarks that "li"ueral Grant has set an example that Congress would do well to imitate. He applied the prun ing knife boldly, and lo'ci-d off ex- eresences and done a i;r o de-d of good work. Every millio'i II. us saved isso much surplus to bo applied to the con traction of tho principle of th? interest- bearing debt, -- Tun Coppcrhcada began to crow over the late elections iu West Vir ginia: "but that was before they were out of the woods." The Republicans have ino'caml their strength in the Slate Senate, and hold their last year's vote of four to one m the House We like sv.rh Republican defeats. Wasimwion', November Kb A formal petition ibr the pardon of Dr. Samuel A Mudd, now confined at the Dry TortugaSjiis one of the conspira tors in tlie miuikr ot Mr. .Lincoln, will shortl be lire-enled to the President. It is believed that a num ber of prominent citizens of the North will sign it. J Qm Tkxas is fast filling upwith Herman emigrants whoseek that S'ate to engage in giviiig large herds of cattle, tf tho iinc pontant traitors do not molest this industrious German population, Texas will soon become one of the most lllus!)f .sections of the country IlfiiWE meat is decidedly becoming the fashion. Two new horse butcheries have been opened in Paris one in the Rue Xavarin and another iu tho Rue de Commerce. They have now eighteen shops enfircly devoted (o the sale of this now food, Chronicle. Tun Ttib'ine predicts that George II. Pendleton must inevitably be the next Democratic candidate for the Presidency. The party, elated by its success this year, iccls strong enoiiL'li to take up a man after its own heart, in stead of n cold-blooded, undecided leader like M Chilian. Thk IMiMnjiliis 7V ,:iys tiiat nl)nnl tin.1 doors of every corner grocery in tlio country tov. i)3 in that region inny he fouiiilii Imll'ii score if niiii, smok ing cob pipe, find (IcmaiKlino; vehe mently, "Where the la.-li shall ive get iiior to raise our cotton r Threk thoiKiivl biuiWnnfs arrived at Xcw York last week. Total, tin;e January kst, two hundred thou.sand. Special ilfliUM. To iniin.,llvr. I li,. I!i;v. KHWARI) A. VIIso will s.'inl . fn o of elmrii") to nil who difdro It, the pnnnriptloii with thodlrectlona for tuuklnsnnd n.sliur tho nlinpln remedy by which he n mire I of a lima nnectlon nnd that dre.vl disease Consuniitlon. IIln only olijett lstob,'n nit thn mulcted and ho hope every sufferer will try llila prinnrlptlon, an It will coat lliein noth ing, and umy prove n hleslui(. l'leiuan addrcaa llEV. ntlWAIIII A. WILSON, No.li-,ontli.s..eondRI.VllllnmsburiNow;York. C;-,,'U7-lyeliO-H ' IiifiiriJlttlion. Inform dir. n Rtlarnnteed to prodiiee ii bixiirinnt iowiii ol liiur upon a bald lien 1 or iMMnlU'.! fat-e, niou reeip,' for the re moval of I'lmple. Hlot-'h-", Krujitionn, ele., nil the skin, leuvui:. tile fume sofl, elear, nnd lienti lifut, enn be obtutnetl wifhou' ehrirne bv ad drelna; TlluS. ..CIIAI'.'IAN', ClIXSttHT. b;."i.'ii7-lyeli:i;i?i nil ilrnndway, New York. ).'olK"e A Co'a. ItASIVE SOAP i mannfaotnrt j from rt'HE MAl'KKIAI. and m.v 1 eonm ii're.1 nm -1 a.ma uu ur t,.i;tIjI.KM;E, For anle by all (irocenea, l;.Vly. C VThp Ilcnllnic Panl, nnd llouae of Mer cy. Howard Aasoctntliw Report for Young Men, on the crime of e-.llltt.le, and the errora, abuwa and dlarnaea which (lcalroy the irmnly powers, anil erente Ispedlmenta to mnrrlaiie. with auro mciiDK of relief. Rent In arnled letter envelope free of elmnre. Addrean DR. J. HKIL I.rxifurflliroN, Howurd Asaoclatlon, Hhlla- .leliiliiii tin ii.-- ,.. . J. -F.prora of Von III. A centleman who noVr.-il for ynnra from Nervona Debility, Pre. mature I)eeny, nnd all the effeeta of youthful In. diserettnn, will, for theaalteofsu ringhmannl- ty, end fiwto all who need it, rfhd receipt and dlr-ciiont for making tho aiuiple remedy by wh'oli Ue was enrrd. RunV-rera winning to profit by the advertiser' experience, run do ao by ad- ue-'wiiK, u uciw uwuiuenep, johvonnEf, tfi-lV t2 Cedar New Xork.- W. Hi.xoium, J., 617(4 Stmt, nut Imriih, it the autliorizid ajtnt Jar th lUri BUC4S, is that city. J EGISTER'S NOTICE. Xotlec Is hereby given to nil ereilltors, lega tee, vnrtW nii.l other person Interested, that the mid'-rslmicd Executors, Administrators and llunrdianv huve tiled tlii'lr accounts in t I, l-.. bier's oiriee, nnd Unit the snm will be pre sented to the l)rhan' Cimrt to le h!i within umirorthe I'ouuty of llri':te, on Wednus.tav, auee. J'KT K It 11 lti V X, invemui'r i!, ie. , lor connruiAtien anil ulluw IIchiiUt oud lltcordcr. Account of .Icwttj Orndnrfl", gimriltfin of 1'or.ly. minor chilit of Solomon Fordyce, dvt-d. Account nf J. H. Hrlflnr, Administrator upon tlit entute of Koli.Tt Mrlmrr, thir d. Flnul account of T. W. Tuvlor uitU Siirniiel Biiy. unl, Adiulnltttrutortt upon the estate of A. Muriiu. Jr.. do'it. Account of John MfOlumphy, Administrator upon iu eiute 01 Mtintuiivi Lumpion, de- ctrjised. Fltml Hccuunt of A. A. rurmnn, Fan., (iunrtllun of Juuu-s Hup.', u minor rhllil ot buimtfl H'.iDf. dc'd. s Final ticroimt of Panic! Fuller, survlring cnar- aiun it iiunnun John He, deo'tt. dluu of sivunimli Hvhs, tt minor child of jonu jicsh, uru ti. Account of Aiihm Wnlton. (limr.liau of S. A. Walton, u minor child of Jounthuu Wulton, Account of Amos Wnlton. nnnrrllpn of .1. n Wulton, minor child of Joimthan Wulton. lire u. Accoiit of rhlllp Mursh, Guardian of Mary Account of James Cull, A'lnilhlMtrntnriipon th t'simo 01 nrnjniuin i.riututi'. ot'c u. Account of William (Iwvn nnd MiirnhnH Owvn AdiululMtrutora upon tho vntntu of Jumt-s Cv n, dec a. Account of l-;ii4 Weaver, Admlnlttmlrlx nnd wcorutt' v euver, AUiuiniMrulor upon mo un lute of Isaac Wearer, dee'd. Account of Kll Jneotp, Kxeeiitor of tho liwt will nnd ttluinvnl of Cuvtlirr Poland, dee'd. Account of Joseph l Keener, Aduiitildtrutor of Oeorxo Keener, doe'd. Final ueeount of ,foi..pli U. Tonley, Kxecutor of the laut wfti iilul teatuiueut of Lur net lletiuer, dee'd. Partial account of Joseph Reeves, nni I. T.. rruft, Kxecutors of the l;u.t will und tcMtu mentof John 11. ltecve-, dee'd. Account of David It. Jones, Administrator up on the est ale of Avorulu Jouen, dee'd. Account of il'-o. il. iluyman unit r. J. Kinder, Administrator of Ihonc 11, Klmtcr.dcu d. 18G8 WW8PECrra" 1868 THE PITTSI5URG GAZETTE, Tho lurfxi'Ht dully pn)r In thf fctnt of Ponn K'lv:uii:v, enlcrs tl- Mini year of lti I'xlftt-n.'o with mcri'ascvl fii-'llltiti fur dltMiMiiln.it inut eurrvut new or (h duv. ttrnl f ir rcitiL-rini; liO't p'i:(tlt:il wrvift In liie nnjvtrliiiit Trt'si (k'litlul riinvnv of lfn, 'he !rthrMnln hi'm kIi ill of ('oniirt'MM pnmiiMi's to pmv one (tf tfio most Irtiprtridhl lieM nIm- t!n f'trnintion of tlio (iovfrntiiiMit, find the proct't 'lii..i will huunx 1'itisly w.'tctifl liy Pin intflli-r-Mit tniy.-rs. In view (if the defp lnterist ctMiti-Pi il in tlifpro t''tinu'', tin proprit't.iT.K,f flu "(ia'Kit" huvo iiitith- nrnniii'HiriitN tor dully dipfit'hM mul It-f (cis ihiriiiif do-c ton, fn in it iiijMly tntel ItircTit i,orrt'sp ui't(Mit, who enjoy h the comMence atnl trh-iulflup of tlm lending iihihImts of tho Si'iutteati'l Koihp, the hc-ad of the various do part infills, and tlx; lending polltleiann who fre quent Washington, Kothat renders can depend on i vcelvlfiii the ttitt, fnlh'st and inftst rtflmhlo intellifi''iK'ii fruin the si ut of (lovtiumont, THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. Tho WFKKXY flAZHTTF. hns liwn pnlnrncd to the N.'lllte ti7A of (tie luiily, Htld tH Jiov tho l:uL'ent.. ehP'iri'Mi mitt be! wcokl family news- pa per in the stut t . It should h In the Iiouho of every farmer. ineehuTilc and iMislru-Ms tnnii. It j'ivtH e;tch wcelc, forty .soUd eolninnH of currrnt nt'Wi oy teip'rapt! nn-i imii, tne leaoiiitc eino ri;tln ot I he daily, nnd n chniee select Ion of lller nry nnd n'.-lentlfle iremw, oe;.-ther with every Ih'imj Import-nit pertaining to the world of pol itics. ItH ti'rrie-.iiiuntl eolininif will he edited In sueh a m-mrier i-a la find tuvnr with (lie fanner atnl gardener. "1 hrt market n purtH of the wm-;ki,y u..p;i ik( nre, oy cniiiiiiiiii mnsem, nelilHi'.vledied to h'' Ihe Ntatidard ll"thor!tv for hotli hnvers und seller, and in fomnieretitl clr ideM In Western reniisyltianiit, hu-dern t ihlo and Wester Vln:in;iiare without ennal. The. files of ! ' ' l'.KlTK are tned evehlvely hy theCK I' .t.-ts or Allegheny rrmnty, as rei'er enee In ' - ;ortatit if-su -n, to det'Tinine the ritl Iiik prieei lii the matl'.ets at the time of Iho hiiNinc'sn tre.iHa -lion in dlptite. iinra'enis will tavor in hy cf t tin up their elnhM iti dikv, and t')t ullowinn thei." prrstMit ones tfie'plre, ns wtt nrc nnxfoiH th:d ii'tneof our readers nhotitd de deprived of a weeks nt ws. Addittotis to cluo- eft?) he made nt itliv time, lit yearly rateH. PotmasteiH and ini rchaatH ure ruqiH'sted to act un uhciiIh. TKit.M or thk wi:i:ki.y (iazettk. Sinrr stih'.erihftr 81 .V C!nh or live 1 'Jjy fillip of ten 1 15 and one to the L'Mter imi of I he e uli. jHtf-For Mieehnen rnpiei of eitlier Dally or I'eKiy, iui'ire-t im" pv..pneior-( 1 1 1 ;n N I M A X , 1 1 K I-; I ) A CO. , lArrri IliriMdNO, ll:20-tf. Xos.siandsO Fifth Street, I'ltti. w ANTED! 2 0 0 FA R SI E R S ! To mm'." In n ll.ht .ind honornbli binlnpns for ImMvlnti-r inoi ihi. ni Hip vlftnllv wIith thi'V n-sidp, whlrli y ill nrt thi'in riini to $1 61 pur inniiin. Kor nnrtlfllnrs npiily to. or nddrrvs l'AH- ii'.i.i.i: i;.':us., is: Kausoiu Hircct, t'liiiuaci 11 Pi-iin. HilSMt. QiOMETIIINO KEVVi r.3. K. 8. SATEIW & IIORKINSOH Have Just arrived frnra the Ernt with a large ni-sonuicni oi foreign anuuoinuniio D R Y GOODS, FALL AND WINTER STYLES! which th? propo.f to wll nt tlir lowest CASH jjriccK r much ns iu,i,i unntiH, i iiwun rrim mlnif, JtrcH jtult'.tm, Liulios HatMinuM 'itjm ; also, h gnvvt vi'rlrty of iiti'cnrtJclcN, at very Inw for CfEXTLEMEN AXD LADIES' WEAIt, Wnr nf ntl klnrtnnft urnrnplMt vnrlrty nf th lu st OKOCKHITA AMnf wiii- h tlicy prnptm to nt Hip vry lowest ftj.uirn, rU-pciiitintc on the rii ility and chciipnrsH of Uicir goodn to gain llll'ril fOMKUM, (Mvf! them n i:n heforo nnrchnlnff rlrvwhorft. nml they will prove thnt tho hIiovp la oorrort. llitnu In Alllnon n hiillrlliiu, nearly op)KMito thp QREENE COUNTY, P. 9. In thi Orplinn Crmrt of said county, of Hptcrri' iKT'lVnn. iwiT. No. '2; In t.ic tnattiT of ti. Rrttlornt-nt of tlio norount of ihivitl It, Jom, A'lmlnliiLmLor upon the e! i ii it i luiin .tnwx, riff o. liulance duo accountant m..84,7l!8 11. Anrl now, to wit : Roptcir hor h7, prew ntM for i',nflnnatlon mwl f'iiptlonti tlh'd ty ftlltn Mtf?hf nwn. in rluht of hin wlff : tiio same In r- ft'icl to John ('. l-'lfiinlkcu. KHf Au)ltort to hearthPfVri'.'n,f on exwptloim and make re- port. ity iiiecanrr. Attest, J. K, TEMPLE, Clerk of Court. I will attrnd to tho nlHiVf nppolntmrnt nt the roiirt tioiiM in wnvnrNnorn, many, iovem btT 1'ith, Imo". nt I o'cliM-lt, p. m. 10;lfJ-w . JSO. C. FLKNItlFf KJT, Andltor. yALUAULE FARM FOlt SALE llvvlrlne nt nn onler iRHned out of the Or- piniiiV Court of (ireenn Co., and to me dlreetud. 1 will expoae to aale on tlie preiniaeis on 1110 ,12th OF DECEMBER next, all thnt eertaln trnetof land, late the prop Art.. ..r .ii til s' l.lii.'AM. deeeaned: aitunte In Je f- fnrKon towniliip. about one and s half mllea Irom Klee'a Ijiinlliifraiid Clarkvllle: ndjolnlag landa of (ieorite Mordoek, lvl lllwltlmliio, Alirnhniii Iliiraiin and other", enntnlnlnu OXK HUM'ltKD AND HIKTY-KolMl ACHMinore or lew liuvinv thereon ereeted a gord Htone UWHlliiiK lUuae, log Kara, Krame Htabletuid other out-bulldliiRa; also, a good AFPLEORCUARD and all klndaof fruit trrea, being one nf the beat Improved farina In the eounty und autoag the niont dwlroble propertlea. I tlOWilad, known on day of aale. ELIZABETH Ll'CA, ll:.ta. ElMltrll, (fJotlnnfl. AH lMMENrtK STOCK OJP WINTER CL0TU1NQ . SOW OPENING AT X. CLARK i SON'S FASHIONABLE AMD fOPtLAn CWTHIXO BTOHX Bought jiiM In Un"Pf!pkofTIm(.,"nd wtu b old only a fractluu higher thati la IU dyt of GOLD ASD SILVER! Wi) can ofTur InJucflmpuu tluit fio other Mtb IN THE PLA0H 0ANI Having mxla oar porvhM In Philadelphia In Hi luoet FA.VOUABLB TI'8 OF TUB 8EASOW. V Invite particular attnntlon to our brsinesa um Alia FINE BE AVER OVERCOATS! In the FHENCH, MOSCOW, , CHINCHILLA and AMEItlCAS Beaver Overeoata, we cannot be larpawjcd tor QUALITY, STYLE, OR PRICE. A larae selection of UKXT'Hand inrmMi,. Inv;, wo iiava nam ana en pi for Men andBoyaof LATEST AND I1EST STYLES. In our Oonlleraen'ii Furnlnhlnt Hepartment OUR SPECIAL OBJECT To kn.'n a better elana of pmyU than can be fciuiiii In any ulinllar itabliiihmM, navlna Hlwiiyn on hand nil thn iieutmt and muni novel aiyim or TIES, HUARF3. COLLARS, Sic, &c, Ac , In PArnil rOM.ARM tra have no in i.l Imvoonly told: Oh font loan mnrlfilH. wlicro ever yon bo, Uphold tiii'Mo JlticH find awe your remedy; Yd ivcnry innii Willi Cuft liml t'ollnm wrirn, llh H tix-ic i n 1 1 1 1 1 of holm and badly trn, Whosu iil ivi-M arc I hu niM.'Hs nnd tlea uilit, tvnif mid rt plai'v lliim ill little i,Nt. ivviiiii you oui in Htyi from bond lofret. joii ll look o wnll wheuoVr you wnlk I o wnll wheue er you walk tho- Klrrtit. JUST : HPPOMITE K:30-lf. liAY'H HOOK PTORK. T HIK LATEST SENSATION I TELE G It A P II I C f Tlio IVw'.dont haa not yet been Imaoaehed, bnl A . J . 8 0 W E R S Has purchased nn Immenae atoek of FALL AND WINTER CLOTUWO: ovr.iicoATM, l'ANTR VrlTH, HATS, CAP ETC., ETC.. of the latent atyle and heat workmanahtp. A choice stock of NOTIONS! Hosiery, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Neck Tlea, Suspenders, etc., also on hand, wulrh will be fold at astonish ingly LOW TRICES! Call and see hfm liefore you buy elsewhere. He InvarlnblyHtlxfles all WHO Wisn TO PURCHASE ! Room In Allison's building, Waynasbiirjira. l;!)-.1m ' ' ' TITE LADY'S FRIEND 1 'WAftniNOTON AT MOOUT VERKON. The Lady'b Frieko annonaeea foM6a), the. followinii noveltlea: Thb IirHAKur Koktuwh. byAmandaM. Doutrlaa, author of "In Trust,'1 "Htvpben liuiie," A I)raj Maw's Hum, by Kllntbeth Hrescott, author of "How a Woman, Hail Her Way," e. ; KiltiMO. KnoM Kara, by lAuise ('handler Moulton, autherof "JunoCllK ford," "This, That and ttia Other," Ae. It will give a splemlld louni.a Paoe FiitkLT, CoT.onKD KAsnio.t J'i.ATB4nKraved on steel In every number. Hwiltklve a beautifully executed FANCY Stkki. Knukavikq in every nnmber. It will give a targe uasortment of woon Ctrm, llluatratlng the t'aslilona, 'aney Work, Ac., In every nunioer. It will live a'popnlar pleea of Mrrato. worth. toe coetoi tne jutgiwii aine In. ibtelf-ia every' nnmrier. it will give a oogy of th aew and splendid Premium Hteel h.ngmvlng "WaMHINOTON AT MUL'irr VKBMON" thirty rnelies long by twenty-one wide to every full (M M) aubaerfi. ty metiei 11 (MM llngaClu a vulety il d Der, ano to every person aenning a ;iu. of Books, hi. Hllvar' Wheeler ii oners aapraiuiumaa large vi i variety of llaon'a Hewing Maehines, HI Ivor Plated Tea Heta, Hpoona, PI Pltehara, Uold and Wrlngura. Croquet. Hllver Watehea. i lollies Appleton'a Cyelopodlaa, Ae. -A Rplkndtd Orraa, New rahaerlben who. aulverlbe for law by Ihe rfrst of November, shall of thla year In aildltlork making fourteen receive inenovemnar and IMeemoar nnmnera months livnll f tint of Ieeeniher shall reoelve the December, nnmber, thirteen months In all I- Tnoae wno aunaerlb by the TERMS, t enpr (large FrarUQro. Engravlnf,)...t Mi 4 couiea. ..,,... .,.r.r.i i ' - .ianl one gratlaC.... ft , i " - .(and one gratia) M One copy each of LADY't Fbuuu and poatl Mi The letter np of the elnb alwayi receive a, eopy of Uie Paimu K Ehobaviho. MeanJrers ol a tub wishing the Premium Engraving, moai remit os bom.a. tiTa. ' AeThoae deairona of gutting up Cluba or Pre mium Llata, should eneloae fifteen oenta tat sample Magaaln. containing the sanionUn. Address DEACOX A PETKIUsON, WO-e. tl Walnoat 9troe, niladerbl,