The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, November 13, 1867, Image 2

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attempt to aniilv -tile provisions of the
eUWHita4'ii'y xWea ewoii in hi$
CfarJjitn,.' r Yoi know whot was the
relt. UtiWs went tip to Washing;
toq to the J'reeulcnt-tlmt wns about
Ve time lie male his 22J of February
Speech and they iaM. "N'e.dnii't
!te Geni-ml Terry, and lie don't like
4 .many better than he did in the' field,
4 te won't let uS carry' but vour policy
Into, npj. wc want his political head."
Andrew Johnson 'said : ' "I dou't like
him either j- he don't -indorse my -poli-
ey i by tinterfeiinr all the rime with
ye-uf Legislature.''' And he removed
mra.i Hint is notnii. - louimil as
SrfMY(:irv nf Wnr nno nil whnon atrnrtir
. .... i i- i i i i -jy
urni nine mi ican ;u in every notir or
triidrt. t- Tremendous cheering. 1 Yon
don't linow how mnch' mu owed to
tliat Secretary of aVari Imliiorsed In'
yenr business your daily duties, yjiii
tukeuti vonr imiw in tho- morning
triiil read thnt one Uniufi Gelicral with
bis brave liillowcrs has dcleatel an
prmy'bf the Itelwllioti, mid in ' your
!hnriiitiiriwin-i von thank God' thnt
tliehftiir of our (leiivrram draws nih.
Yon little know how much labor, ibrti
si(rht, and vigilant is required to keep
the commissary and tho1 Qiinrtprnias
ter's Dcjiartmiint nirtply supplied, per
haps by asinglo lino- of railroad; to
lwvc a vast ncVMimulation in' Mora for
reverses as well as for victories ; and
the Hecretury had to provide for theni
to furiiLsli tho ammunition, theeanhnfi,'
thermos and commissary stores, and a
1:1 rRc sui-plus of all these, Irtrge quan
tities were rpqiiircu to do stomi, ami
libit only these, but large medical flip
plir iniiHt In forthcoming nftera bnt
tlo lor the thousands lying on tho Iwt
tLvfiold,bnd to pour oil, if possible irt-,
td the rxjiii'inirlnmjVof life. Everyone'
fir fU.-Mj Auxiliaries to your n'rmy ivere
keys undrt' the hand or the fillers of
the tt-erctitry of War. ' Iiy and night
IV weeks bofitri a Imttlebe was engag
ed In 't network, nnd the Hebcls hated
bi;n because of Iris stem, imllinching 'nnd iiceaitse" ''Abraham Lilicoln
loved lilin that x, ''enough. But
1 here was a man enuW after Lincoln,
Andrew Johnson; and ' because ' Mr.
Stanton would not follow him in his
vii-kM'npo.jtacy ;' bemuse he stood by
t!ro"lAw and was bated by the Ueliotj
and iu thi-v had tho car of Jnhrtsoii,
brJ tnrncd him out,' and the hope of
the Iti-hels was fnllijled for a time nt 'O.n the 2 lift da v of November
only 2!) days more 1 count the days
day In- -lay checi-sj-t-on the 2Ut "of
XrtvenrSpr the Congress of tho United
Hiiiteswill again assemble; it will again
ivU!i its legislative authority and
power iir those hulls applause, and
when - 20 tlnva expire, " from that
tiinty Edwin M. Ht:itjtn, will go' back
njrini mtt t'lb " ar ' JVpnrt; nomont..
Tiyfttc'ri hviis an 1 prhlon -d choc-ri,1
nd- T'c'tii stv, in tho lanmiwo of
M'tilt's hviuns: ' ' . '
j 'Tly swiftly round ye wheels of (line,
And speed the welcome day."
si'iin ot'TiiK ruxss.
Thf Imon of Tnmdnjr-Oplnlont of the
Krw Tork UntltPK.
NkW YobK, November 0. The
Ti liunt says: With three-fourths .of
t'..'. Reaublican iournal utiUlUhml 5
. . i j - i -
o'tr ciiv either neutral in tho contest or I
virtnall v tcainc; tho:r readers it would '
bc b'Ttcr for the Republican cause to
h.ive tho RcpitWicnn ticket beaten this
f:;ll, wc could hnrdly expect to hold
oiii' own in the vStnte or city, but the
deflation in both is llir 'greater tfmt
cmdd wiih reason hftvo been fnjtielpat
ed.'.: .To let tlif? election by rlcfnult)'
it was held and artrued by the frimmors
and erttirp JiHIowcrs, would crush out
. what they nrc pleased to Stiemntic as
Radicalism, and render incrifctblc fho:
nomination ot vicn, Urent tor "res
'idont.'' Such consultations and cal
culations have kept 50,000 voters fmm
the'polls, and insured the .overwhel
ming defeat of our State ticket.
Tho Times says: , On the State
ticket ' for Secretary of State of New
York' yesterday went Democratic by
an -aggregate majority ranging froni
present figures and estimated, from 18,
000 to 2.000.
Tho ITcraht says : New York, with
hcr larjjo financial interest, declares
against tlio party of debt and taxation,
and' rebukes tho attempt' to place the
Southern States of the Union under the
heerof African barbarism.
The'- World says: ', By yesterday's
Tvork'rlie Empire. State placed bejel?
at tlio head of the noble army of ComV
nion'wealtlis -whoso mission has 'bech
bore and no(v to stay : the lunula 6f the
architects of, ruin, and whose mission
will be. in tho year and the contests that
are to come to , redeem anil restore tho
TJuton i)nd establish .'peace and ropro
scntative self-government throughout
all ife.bofdors. ' ''.''' '' ''
The: Pos thinks this''raanIiestation
f the people was a mori b'assing .chas
tiscnjfnt intended tordbuke their laults.
and 'bring them back to nioderationi
comaiojj sense and policy;!'
TS6 'Commercial AdvcdUer accuses,
the uiayjdgers of the. Republican' arty
of iufjiWiVidotitly and thrifl lessty scat
teringl,wli'at Cost so milch core and toil
to save, but with tins .defeat 'our win
ter of 3fli8?onfent ertds,' ahd' under bet
ter auspices tlie, approaching canvas
will made glorioiu '. next nmipcr.
Shakinltlf frpiu' tfnciiiiibrahcw, tbe
llepiiblTean jparty reorganized, reforpa
ed au?l purined, will assert"it devo
tion frt the Union, , unfurl tpe Grant
bannfffJWd flht bui' tiiVfrcsid'ohtiiv!
UIII111UI-II1 Oil HIS 11UU. I,
-OT 9V1 -.!;'.1Ml! iatl .0
ifj '(' '!: Md "" i" ids
Styijopi bread bt bhvtoourred
Exetr(- Englnnd. W Tuesday;' ffife
5 th ofvwjbttf, llQ.T W
brcak?igput H eyery' paqtf fT.t
Ther7)fiaWKii exekonjetit, mai dierl
local utkntw htoV erttlrtjrtj tft
ormiMttt '-qu Srdr.
ttU tf-wiivw n-':i't.t.
K -1
Gpv Geary has issued the usual
election proclamation, in whfdi Iks says
Judge Sharswood is elected by 927
hie toiiimuiB t.MirS.i index says
that Ad mi ml Semmes is going to lec
ture there on tlio "Alabama."
' "Must bo a mistake. Tho Kearsage
mmie it impossible, off thd French
eonst, ih 1864. Might lecture on an
"English yacht." . ' '
''We hope that our readers will give
the excellent speech-of Hon. Schuyler
Colfpx, jirirtted this week, a enreful
pfcirnsftl. ."It is n -terse and truthful
rt(m?cf tbo past find cannot fail to
.impress the intelligent mind of the
consistency and justice of tho policy
pcrsued and adhered to by tho Repub
lican party of to-day.
p.itixu with rnowMiEn to pat.
Tho recent' utterances on financial
matters by several prominent leading
politicians in both the Republican and
Pemocratio parties, have been discuss
ed,' advocated and condumned by the
bress,' irrespective of party influences'.
The following article, which we copy
front tho Mihrauheq Sentinel, is one
o" tho most jx-rtinent and forcible yet
written, exposing the absurd position
taken by those who would ruin the
credit of tho country by repudiation ;
"Goneral Bailer's scheme is
simply this; To ay earta Uiiitod BUtci
Bumls called S-8i)g(tlut Is, maita piynblo at
any time nftor flvo ycara auil within twenty
years, at tho option of thu goyornmcnt,) In
irroenlneU ' Tlil-v ho aws. Uio covernmoBt
'has ii right to d, because It did not specify
in tn.o bond that it wss to be paid in coin, and
liecwiso It hAd mnd8 greenbacks a legal ton
der bptwocn ludlvidnal citizens.
' Now let usnnalyzo tills le?al tender act
It provides that If A owes B $100 he thallho
discharged from that obligitlon by paying B
ildO In groentmcks or legal tender notes.
Very well) what Is a greenback? It Is simply
n promlsoof the government to pay the bearer
so many dollar. : The legal tender nc there-
foro, does not dnsldcr 11 paid, for It provides
that ha shall receive from tha g iTornmont a
promise to pay him and let A go free. A is
discharged from his obligation to B, but the
government is not. It 1ms simply taken the
place of A and assumed his responsibility to B.
If B were paid by the transaction tlio govcrn-
ment would owo him nnthiug, and the green-
m would bo cancelled,' l9c B would gr.t
Ids pay twlco. But thi legal' tender act does
not pnee hnit tint the greenbacks aro canccl-
Vd H tb operation, or that tho government is
not Mill bound to pay tho promised dollars
On the contrary, It Is nn the assumption that
the government will pay tlrem that B is com
pulled to take tiro notes In Hen of his c'aim
pon A. It is understood all around that the
government cannot pay the dollars and tnko up
tho erctnbacka nt pres"nt. But it Is equally
well Understood UvUth-J government Is bourn)
todoloi, and that tbo fulth of tho nation is
ii revocablv nlpih'nd Hint. It will tin It nq mnn
as it cans othetwisi, Treasury notes would
i.not be worth tba paper they are printed on,
legal tender act would to merely an
arbitrary enactment that all existing creditors
should go without their pay. The greenbacks
might be worth soinRtluni until nil pro-cxUt-
Mng debts were nibbed out by them; thonce-
pirward all creilit upon their taith would ccaso,
and they would be on a par with Confederate
nt payable lx mmithj after never.
'B may procure a dlsehargn from a like obll.
giitlon to C by tendering him tho same notes,
but C is not paid, for tlio same reason that B
was not when he received tbcm from A. The
gnvurnraont lint asuimod B's debt to C, just
nt It did A s debt to B. B is now paid, be
cause C has advanced the tangible ' talila for
tbo government and taken its obligation to
pay. Thus tlio greonbacks may go on through
tlio whole alphabet, no one boing paid when
he receives them, but only when he parts with
them for value whioh tho next man advances
fur Hie government. Tlio legal tender act,
then, only enforces a constant sliifliujof obli
gations against individuals for obligations
Cjairist the United States.
;'''tw let us rrll'rn and Inquire whU fs the
nature' of a flvo-twenty bani? It it simply a
prbmlso on tha part of tlio United S'cs to
pay (be holder so many dollars. What is the
meaning of the word '"dollar," as nscd in the
bomk? Gen. Butler says that It means
"greenbacks -a legal tender." Bnt what is a
greenback a legal tender? - We will take
one trots out wallet and rend. Here it is
-Tbo United Statet will pay the bearer one
dollar at lho treasury in New York."' That is
the, dollar which Gen, Butler tayt is promised
hi the bond not the dollar lu the tretsury la
New York, but the bk of papor which promisee
tlio. dollar. A dollir, says Gun. Butler, is the
promise of a dollar! And-be calls on this
great naihn to stand up before tho nations of
the earth and any to its creditors: "That
dollar I promised jr. u was only the proml-so of
a floll ir ccrtululy a dollar is nothing but
-the1 promHo of a dollar; takt it and be gone !"
Ah inflWldual who should attempt such a trick
Would be called by every one, a contemptible
sneak ftnd scoundrel.''
Ml might be expected tlt the creditor
woddakwho Is to pay Ihis last promise f
Aoeordlng to General Buder't scheme this it
never to be paid; it docs lot seed to be paid ;
ii i lta.own payment. The government hm
the riht to fulfil oa promise with another of
the sume kind which is not to be fulfilled 1 If
the second promiae is to be fulfilled, bow is it
to be done? . ITU is by a third promise of die
saine kiud, what better it that than the Aiat
or iV-cood promise ? If it ft to be paid la the
thlbg promised, which means a certain quan
tity of gold pr ailyer, why is it not at wullto
pay I on the fij-st promlte as on the third one,
provided the crelitor will wait eauallv loue
fofltf 1 Tha tpu'e'lon Involved In tlw Butler
lattheibe' isnot at to 'the time, but at to the
Matt - t payrnenr not whether k- tb all be
trie MtlW'HMoffife year or twenty,, bnt
wtwth it' thall tM made uf the thing protnls-eltfrbi(taaotbt-promise
tfth tame thing,
iauppoeeanm ww'Generti BatleV a dollar
ysd-tbo gweml atbt biro 'to par It- Haay
Vl .i tVml; t pay lt."i. Ue atlas Jtlm
atiitt.: Again, fce taewer iptotaawkvi
pit.T4Jf f WW U
fchi WrllatV'0f ana)rtft,hat tbird tieae,
'Yetv J prpntft to pay you that doUaJV",-, The
gueral replies with sonis warmth, ''lioa pay
i,ow.n The creditor repliip, J'JIy dear
generaJ,"l,iTe paid .too. I bars three
Uaieti proialstd tn pay yon, and Is not a promise
of payment tnffldent payment f: Pray, sir,
bow many promises do. you think It takes to
make a dollar?" Probably the general would
boot the fellow fuimhU presence, and' never
ask him for the dollar agiin, and take good
care that be never owed him another. And
yet General But'.er calls upon the government
of the United States to do this very thing with
Its creditors.
"But General Butler's Kherae not only pro
pose' to redeem one promisa with another
which U never to be redeemed, but to redeem
promise which draws Interest by one which
does not draw hilerest, To Illustrate this we
will suppose that 'General Butler holds note
against Charles Sumner for one thousand dol
lars, payable In two to five years, at the option
of the maker, wttli Interest payable semi-annually.
The two years are expired and Mr.
Sumner goes to - General 'Butler, and says,
"General, I am tired of paying interest on that
note and Wish td pay It." Genera! Butler re
plies, "Very wolf, you have right to take it
up." Mr. Sumner offers him his own note,
for the amount without interest The General
sajs to Mr. Sumuer, "I have your promise to
pay already. If you wish to take up the note
pay me the money." Mr. Sumner replies,
"General, I did indeed promise to pay you so
many dollars, but you know tba) one promise
may always be redeemed by another of the
same kind, unless it Is otherwise expressly
provided In tiie promise." General Butler re
plies, "But this is not even a promise of the
same kind; It promises no- interest." Mr.
Bumner, with his accustomed good nature,
replies, "Very true ; but. General, youshould
understand that as the second promise always
cancels the debt, I am no longer bound to pay
Interest." ' .' '
Suflieient returns have lieen received
to make the following svnonsis of the
r.xASSACHUSEro. This State has
given n llepublicnn majority of about
25, 000, There have been consider
able Democrat to gains all over the
State; The Legislature is largely Rep
ublican, but the members chosen are
generally opposed to prohibition. The
citizens of the State will therefore be
allowed to drink liquor under certain
restrictions tor two years more. .
Wisconsin. Although there have
been considerable Democratic gains in
this State, there is no doubt that the
Republican State ticket is elected bv
.1 LU..-11. 1 .1
ui, nve inim-iiini jiiajoriry.
The Legislature is larcelvRenubli
can, as usual, which secures tho election
of a Radical U. S. Senator in place of
J. it. JJootittie, wlio oetravea his party
and became one of Andy Johnson s
Minnesota This" State has eiven
a reduced Republican majority, proba
bly not over 3, 000, electing the'Radi-
cai Otato ticket: , .
In tho Leiislaturo tlierc will b-:
decided Radical majority, which ren
ders certain the electiou of a staunch
Republican in the place of U. S.
Senator Alex. Ramsoy, whohasalso on
several occasions, betraved his party and
adhered to Johnson s polioy. The
days of these weak-kneed Republicans
are numbered,
Kansas. In this State tho Radi
cals have 'elected a majority of the
Legislature, but the Constitutional
anicndnientsjlrikingthc words "whito"
and "male but have b.-eu dufeated.
tho latter ignominimt.sly. The Repub
lican majority in tho State will bo about
Illinois. Theclcctionsin'thi.tate
lor county otlices have resulted m the
choice ot Republicans, generally, witli
small Uemocrauc trains tu somo Dlaces
on the previous vote. i
MiCliiAX. The new constitution,
which secures impartial suffrage, is
undoubtedly ratiliwl by a small ma-
aew loitK. The unprcccnUid ma
jority of over 70, 0Q0 in tho city of
ew lork ntul Jvinjrs county has se
cured the State to tho Democrats by
''. mm iii'iuti-iti-
Tbo Legislature is- Rcnubllcnn in
both branches! which renders the elec
tion of a Republican Senator iu 1 8G9 cer
tain, Xew Jeiwsky.. Thcro have been
large Democratic gains, and , the State
has goue against the Republicans by
somo 4.000 majority. The Senato wi(l
remain' RepuL'Hcan possibly, but tho
Assembly will be large;;' Democratic
The members to the Legislature 2?e
elected annually, and there is no elec
tion of a U. . Senator until next year,
hence the election ot next year will de
cide that question. . . , .. .
. M.liiYLAXD. This State is rebel all
over. Tho Republicans made scarcely
any resistance. ., Tho new .robol State
Constitution has been ratified fully,
and goes into lorcc next January..'
- RECAPiTLXT;oK-Tho Deiiiocrats
carry Jew York, New Jorscy and Ma
ryland iJ. : . ; r
The Republicans carry. Massachu
setts, Minnesota, Micbignn,, Kansas,
lsconsin, Illinois and -Nevada 7.
,.."Wo must go back on the nigger,
or up goes the Union party.'f "Those
bonds must be taxed, or over coos the
Canada vote to tho rcpudiators.".
.. say men wno a ; iortnigni ..ago
were, howling for manhood suffrage,
andbcttinz hidt at "forty thousand"
for Hayes and. the State ticket..:. Now,
iu candor, if manhood sutlrago and a
determination to ) redeem the national
obligations ; were stricken from. the
platform of the .Union, Republican
party, what is there left, ta ;t Jjj . Not
so mucb as "souruiin.r brass or tiult-
iinsr cymbatV. ; ,i ,'. ,' '.', i. .
BocauseIahotnet bmorallowers
than Jesus, shall vre give up our faith,
in tbe ' efficacy . of tho , atonement, our
Iwliefin tlio. resurrection of the. dead ?
Iiccauso Yirgiuia and , South Carolina
deny.,inU!lIigeueo , to thej , chihlren,
shall Ohio itive np . ber system, of free
scwols2.f .pecaiie,1t?)Timi ;Iinooiq
despotism, and treason, shall yns give
up our choicest ' weapons, fall back
front "the bastions 'of 'our'iBtrongost
fort,'taud ' Bltike the colors from tbe
pinnaclcfof puloftiest towers? Never,
never, uerer ' . i ; :
"We are going back to those canlps"
and if we have to throw away our
baggage, our offices, yea, and our
political pre-eminence i for the next
decade, in the name of God and hu
manity, away with them. Deserters
there have been, and camp followers
there have been in every army in
history,-,, ;. ... , ... . ..
The great Republican Union party
of Ohio wa3 cursed with , these cormo
rants from the day it came into power
until the evening ofOotober 8th, 18G7.
If history chronicles the fact that it
was clear of them from thence forward,
thank God for history. , ,. .
. Is it because we have been so tiuac
custopied to defeat tbat wo cannot en
dure the pangs of one slight reverse ?
Do we forget that Tappan was dragged
through the streets of radical Boston
less than forty years ago ? Has it
passed into oblivjfui that Hiiiley very
nearly followed his press, a Free Press,
into tlio dark bosom of the Ohio river,
scarce of years gone by? AViw- not
Ijovcjoy munlered in a "free" State
for -during to exercise the right of free
speech within the memory of some of
our middle aged inhabitants? .
Thoso were the days which tried
men's souls, and shall wo, their chil
dren, now slink back from tho work
which they began, and left for us to
consummate? Shall we continue to
tear the laurels from tho brow of tho
Illustrious dead? No, no no 1
" Wc are going back to camps,"
and if, to-day there bo any in our
midst, who would fain link thcsorcs
view of tho remote possibility of even
tually . seeing the "trail of tlio serpent
over us nil," let him co to his kennel,
for we want no hungry jackals howl
ing around those glorious camp-fires.
Thq Nation's credit must, bo pres
erved tho National honor must not
bo compromised. Tho "Rights of
Man" must bo asserted, maintained
and allowed.
With these mottoes, sido by side,
encircled by the naino of Stanton, or
1 nomas, or Chase, or Sheridan, or
any other man who will "fight it out
on that lino, tho Union Republican
party will go into tho next Presiden
tial contest, snatch victory from., the
jaws ot deleat, and rear a temple
wherein all mankind may worship, on
tho ruins of the temple of American
Democratic olnvery.
We began with a quotation from
demoralized authority. We conclude
with an axiom: "God's errands never
fail." - :,.
Constitutional Amendment Yes.
Oii'e- Side Journal.
pi rr.tBUJiuii.
,i . . , .
Appnlltpir CiitiMtroplir-Fvnrriil Exnln
Nlonnfllie fori 1'ill Iron Worli I lilr.
Iwit JIpii HllltMl ntul Twftiiiy-KlKht
tVniindMl-PnrllMlitr4irt)i t'.xiilojiloil
last 1 UiuHUlL-U ami tVunn.lril.
Ono of the most appalling cataslro-
plucs that lias occurred m tlusvtciiunity
for years, and which is only excecdeil in
fatality by tho terrific explosion nt Al
legheny Arsenal some five years since
took place nt noon, Friday, at Reese
Graff & Dull s rolling mills, in the
Ninth ward, by which fourteen' men
were hurried into eternity, and a largo
number of others severely iniurcd.
The particulars of tho fatal calamity,
are given as follows by one of our city
exchanges of Saturday: Yesterday
moruing about halt-past cloven o clock
tho residents of the Ninth ward, lower
part of Pitt township and Lawrcnce
ville, were startled by a trcmenduous
report as of an explosion, which shook
tlio foundations ot tho houses tor halt
a mile around. Crowds of pcoplelias
tened to tho place from whence the re-
Iwrt proceeded to ascertain tho cause,
t was soon ascertained tbat an explo
sion had taken place in the Forge De
partment of the iortPitt Iron Works
owned by Messrs. Hees, Graff & Dull,
and located on the bank of the Alle
gheny river, between Wilson and
Rouudary streets, in Pitt township, an 1
fronting tho track of the Allegheny
Valley Railroad. Tho builii;.ng had
been blown to atoms, and the report
that quite a largo number of hands ,
employed in the building had been
killed and Injured spread Itko wild-
Ui'OV !
To add to tlio mora horrible nature
of the catastrooliy, tho ruins of the
building had taKeo, fire and were in
flames. Notwitlistanding tlio exertions
of the firemen, nearly all of tho frame
work of tlie building was -destroyed
before the flames could bo siibd'utfd.
We arrived at the scene of the disas
ter half an. jiour ' after thd explosion
took place, and found tho,. building to
bo a mass of ruins. , The ruins wore in
such a confused mass it is almost im
possible to describe them. , The explo
sion had made such a complete - wreck
that not one board on tho building had
been left standing. A portion of the
structure used in rolling iron, and lo
cated oil. tliecast side, and about twen
ty, feet from the forgo .department,
was torn j.down . by - the i explosion.
Two largo smoke stacks in thin, build
ing were thrown down :by the .flying
timber, and falling on a shed near by
were bent very ,id!v. ', In tlio forge
department, the ruins some places had
massed very high.,., ..None ot the tim
ber . belonging -to,,' the building was
blown any great distance,, but princi
pally full in confused; maps together.
Singular to say,., all the chimueys in
in this . buildinir iwere left Rfciiulinc.
. . . - -. ra, . 1 . . n '
attho:igh,eycrythmg else belonging' to
U19 ; building was. a complete, wreck.
A number of pjeces of .the boilers, qnil,
tiiubor were thrown a considuruUo dis
tance fropi bp, ground. r .
" As soon as lha flinios had been sub
dued guJHojeijtly to admit of tjae remov
al of. the charred tkaber and iron, fV
forta wara jnade, w take out iue, bodies
IWftiii VW PcUi
tors present assisted in the wvjrlc,'and
sueceeJedin recover'mg about' h:df a
dozen of the bodiessome of which
were bo terribly burned as td bd almost
unrecognizable. -A sad spectacle "was
nrcsented to tho eye of the spectator as
lie reached tho scene of tho disaster
shortly after the explosion. As a body
was extricated from tho ruins, women,
little girls .and boys would crowd
arouud it to get a ghuiso of the corpse
fearing to discern in tho features
some husband, father or brother, - who
hail been employed in tho null, and
who was missing. The agonizing
tears ofthe women andchildrcuas they
recognized in some mangled corpse the
well known features ot thoso nearest
and dearest to them, was heart-rendi n
iu the extreme, and by-stamlurs could
but look on ami pity tliem, , As . the
bodies were extricated from tho f iihis,
they were' laid on the ground near by,
or taken Into the adjosning 'houses.'
Tho injured were removed into the
houses, where everything possible was
done for them. As soon as the nature
of the disaster had been ascertained,., a
number of physicians from this qity
and vicinity repaired lit once to the
scono and administered relief to tho In
jured. . . '
Sixty tnen were employed in the
forgo dcmrtmcnt but it is believed that
ull nave been accounted for. ......
The bpilers (three in number) were
parallel with the river and Allegheny
Valley Railroad track, and about sev
en iuchos apart. They were built in
July, 1803, by Carroll & Snyder, and
were forty-two inches in diameter . and
thirty feet in length, with two .sixteen
inch flues in ench boiler. The shells
and flues were made of full qlinrtcr
inch iron,' The iron was manufactured
by Shocnbcrgcr & Co., each ! sheet
stampedC. 11. (Chnt'coa! Jlaiumwcil)
No. 1. It is impossible to ascertain
which boiler exploded first as tho en
gineer and fireman, tho tho only per
sons capable of giving such informa
tion, were instantly killed. The prob
ability is that one of the boilers explo
ded and immediately caused the explo
sion of the other two. They all np
poar to have broken in tlio middle
and the fragments were thrown all
directions. I1 mm an examination of
all the fragments of the boilers that
wore to be seen, it appears that they
were broken in peiucs where riveted
together. . Several of tho flues were
collapsed, anil but littlo remained by
which the boiler could bo identified,
Immediately after tbo explosion the
building took firo and tho damage was
thus rendered much greater than it
otherwise would have been. The few
persons who escaped from tho building
were so intent upon gctingout that thev
paid little attention to what took place
in tho brief interval that occurod be
tween tho explosion and tho fire.-
Coroner Clawson arrived on the
ground shortly after the explosion, and
took immediate measures towards hold
ing inquests on the bodies of unfortu
nate victims.
A peico of timber four feet long and
several inches thick, was thrown
through the nir a distance of a quar
ter of a mile, and struck near the track
of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Compa
ny. -,
A little son of Mr. Hutchinson, the
engineer, was pist in net of bandin
his father his dinner bucket, when the
boiler exploded, blowing off a portion
r-r irlai i yi.h. .r
oi .iur. ji. srneiiu ana Kilting nun ins
tantly. The boiler passed over the lit
tle boy's head, and be was not seri
ously injured, only sustaining a few
cuts on the head from falling timbers.
His escape from death was most mirac
ulous. John Weaver, one of tho employees
in the mill, was standing noar ono of
the pits when tho explosion occurred.
Tho forco of tho steam Wew him ; up
through the building (tho timber hav
ing fallen) and over a shed, lighting on
the bank of the river, a distance of two
hundred feet. Ho only sustained a
fracture ofthe shoulder blade, besides
having his face scalded, and was able
to walk back. ' '
The firm estimate their total loss at
$12,000. Their establishment was ful
ly insured against fire. Tlio building
was a frame structure and was entirely
lostroyed, but the principal part of the
machinery was not materially dam
, Many plans were proposed in order
to aflbrd relief to the families of the
suilcrci'3, but no definite action was
taken until tbe Young Men's. Chris
tian Association, with their charac
teristie bcncVidcuce, took the master in
hand. ' . ,,.
. It is' also proposed that the manufac
turers of the city, and thbVr employees,
extend a helping hand to the sufferers.
Treatloa fonelnded Prnball Early Urt
t , tleincnl of Iho tneiloii.
i Washington, November .2. TIc
followins: (lisnatclies from Commis
sioner Taylor nivT Secretary Wliite,;ofj
tho InJian Commission, Miro rcceiveu
to-tlav: J ','
St. Lora, Novomtf V, 1867. '
htox O. Ih Browning '.SccyTj LUtrior:
i Please conpratnlato " tlie President
and conntry upon the entire suoocsa of
tho Indian 1'eace Uommtston thus Ihr.
It concluded a treaty of peace with
the CheyenncB of the South on" the
28th, this boino; the only tribe 'that
has been at war in that qunrter. More
than two thousand 1 Chcyennes 'were
present. Tho Arapahocs and Chey
enncs treated together.' 1 We also made
distinct treaties with the Kiowa and
Coinanches confederated, of- which'
tribes there were present four or five
thousand souls. Everything passed
off satisfactorily, --ni t .. I t..t i
!. Tho Committee' expects to reach
Laramie by the 9th inst where Cow
missiouer J5aauvas telograjilis .w-'we
will meet the Crows, trionx Northsrn
Arhtiahoes, and all thw orlwestiwU ,i:v i'i vi-i-ir. n hi t.
SienedJ ! N.'O. TAYji0ii
i I'ltuntl n-r:i 1o n ''ii -f'ri us?'
udian Affairs WdPresTK
iiittee, ,U MV
'." Comn
V. U. brownwff, ec'p 0$ 'Inhior:
The Indian Peace Ooikmission this
day arrived, in seventy-live hours
from Medicino Lodge Creek. Trenti
of peace have been effected with five
tribes south of the Arkansas, ahd-I
congratulate you npon the results
thus far accomplished;' The Com
mission will . leave on the 30th inst,
for North Piutto aud Fort Laramie.
Itsigiicdi , A. J. 11. White, , ,
' Sectary Indjan Peace Commission.
. Wh; T!r(l!X, J.j Sl fVA Strtet, !-
(mrrfif i tftt mtkoniHl aytnl far tnt HerdBLlotti,
"J T'a'-. .--J,,: , . !!'! !IIL'".-)l:l. I' '
iiD' AND KNOW-1.' ' ' '?J.
Conttanttr Rrrivfni at the Store of ' 1 ' '
..' JOHN MuisTNELI..,!,,1 ,,
., ,,' V, WAYNEHBURO.PA. .i
"i Coimlatlngl In part, of.
' uenocRniwi, ' 1 ' ":
. . CO.NFI'lTIONAniES, .
- TUDACt O, ' '
, , , BKUAttS. ,
! 1 1 ,- BMtl-T, ' ''
, . MOLASSES, '.
!; i .. ' CARBON OIL, . .'
' W'tld .
.,- (!., ftc,
;!: ,: 0 .... nd ; :i'
t In n'UtUlontotlieBbove, urull tockor
.; ' POCKET KNIVES ' " , '
! ' ,
auil tlioiistviiili or oilier nfllrtai. whleh arebp-
IllH MjIU Uit loMT lilt Ul0
TIMES WILL P E it 31 1 Tt
ll:18tf. i - . ..i.i '
-M ;
n-ioi'LE in tub mwiNEsa : ',
OF BELLIXli nnv uoops.
' ." ' '
noon orrosiTE tue gueene house,
Jle lin jntl rwplvod itnil In now olTorliipt for nale
ul tue Hmml prit-eH. I no nnest fitoolc or .
fcver hoforo nir. roil Inthlomnrket, ponslxlliiK In
piu-t, u( l-'ull and WlnMr Cliitliing
very lurRf stork thntennnot beflxllcd ; also,
u very HU)orlir H-ssoitnu'iit o(
(if nil klnili, crttwl1ln!r In pnr'. rf Ni-w TTi'Sii
Rlnl I'louk '1 rlminlliu, 'olvct UUtK)HH every
wlillli mill Hhiulc ; Siitlnii ami itllk.i, liiloul ly lm;
' , f . -
Hn-!li, Iloiinot, Nnrk and Trlinmlna IIIh1on4-,
' LnfM roiil P'llnt, Appl'iup iiiul ulennit.
llfinilUrhk;l' Luce. f:inlirililerol, ltnt
stUched ami Plain. Hnmiiiirn worlt a fluuas
,. aoiliuent, ,.
A lnrgo assortment of KM rilovmi flrit qnallty
for liKlic and ( at lemeit.
Bonnntt and TVmnpt Frnmrs; IIinnet orn
inonl and tVrworn, IkiIIi KriMinh And-Amerloaii
lituetlu-r with unv and nil artlc-lru In. unq bv In
dium Aslc for unythinK you "wiint arid can
supply you. Amo a uno asuol'imeni oi.
of vnrlona kind and pattern, nil of wlilob will
u miiii rnnapaa win cn-.'ipri. 1
, ll:i:i-tf. FltANK' MtOUTtOAN'.
t .',.-- ; 'it -:-r'l '-: "
1NUA, . .
fAUia UU tilt. HUKU1A
More titan eleven yours li.iva ehipaed it nee
Hie iinilersiutied nlidert'iok tint liaziirdous tn-slc
of e.Htubllaltiui(adiilly puparat lltai'apltolof tha
hint', in l-., on ma m ny oi nvioiier, me
iiaii.V Tai.r.iiitAi'11 waa nrat ptrijeciiia ny tn
p:-yint proprietor, and wh need hot tell our
1-ei.dora toi.L dreikL doobta e.xlsled lu Ihaailnda
of niuny of our frlenU of our ability to aiiMtitln
1 1 Hatiia, Willi uio numifi uieaiiaia ewiiniuitu.
butanxe.1 detenu nuiton. encrav una iniiiiMirv
have frowned- our etlort with auoeuMH.auit tlva
Tfci.BdRAPM to-ly lienra ulinndant ntlmoiv
Unit It la "permiiucui Instllultou ' of
tul city.
It shall bo our aim during the next winter to
nouliih complete and hill reportaof tliproredV
iiiK.,'f l" atlonal anil mate Iii-itialiiturea, to-
Ketharwi tn inn teiegrapnw aiapaivnaa iron ail
The polltleni complexion ofthe paper la ao
wen kiiown iiiai. wt uww '"vr'J 1 . ...
eim aaaare oor Republican frlentla that notwltb
.t.n,lmu th. Htlirlit revpreadurina the paalyvur.
we do nut Intend to take ail? tP bwikward.
Much la not thadeatluyot the Republican par'y.
and weahnll eutar Into the. next IToaldeutlai
coutcst wltiircnvvcd vigor. , ' '(
- . ' .- . -i r.i."
Will be printed, aa heretofore, on a lunte aheet.
and notonlywHitaiaall Mw linportaul jnaltari
puldiahed In the Dailv. hut auio aililltional re-
parla of lha marketa, Ac., and extended nolloaa
ornnlltle&l matteni Of the HLite Rt btrae.
, The anaulng Priwldaatiai cnmualiia Wilt be of
the ureateat Importance, and we hope that every
ItapuhllcMii In IheehAie wUtnaalal ua In 0lnai
Mitlnir auch doeumentana will bring tha troth
to ev-y ttrealde lu the country. . Ii n ,
1 Tlie Weekly will be pnblllihed iwcularly erary
Wadneaday morning at the followlug ratea, via :
One copy, weelclyf for ona yeat.fcj..i..-lli
Hva ooplea. weekly, foe ono year, hi one ,.
nai-lc - a w
Ten eoptea,, weekly, for one year, In una
ujw W. ....... ..i,... ....-.... .-.l-.iw.i.. ii--i..'"
ffn.nt mullah weeklv. for oite year, in on.
for ona year. In one
I.i..::.-..i-.....- "
itaeed tlie price of out paper to clnna
al the very Weet "TlttfiliS''
..r.iera fmi oar friend promptly. ATllrT"
EOALHOTiOE. 'h! IdotJi vi till l
'TtfWlj'n,0" WieataA'of tif.
imm tr"r "i''ij, fc
i -n f flTWjnMiAi niROCKtlblffl'W,
T 'pi ht-SE :.wwmw : op,
P II I I A p E t, n J vi
tue ntVEnsiftB iMSTiTyVig
Mlniupinfuj Iff llivfltsttr uf Jerwjr,'
vliiioMit, will dlMrlbwMi. .. f
On WEONESDAT.' 8th of jAmAR,'' iTtii;
Or ai ' iA wMutej Rivtrwtt, ty J,
tr ;. . : ; - ,",- i-..,l -tT
'l i :' V. '!, ..I ri' .. ' -Jh A i
OncPrMent, worth..'..; 2.J..'.......'...!!,'L IM 404
n I'rr-wnt, wnrlli.,..,........ ;,' , -ja'aia
one IWoni, wirli.. w.ixw
On HrcKMil, wortll Z....2, 6, Qua
Twiil'niMinta, worlli j,.juuach... jj: luoo
One Preai-nt, vnliii'd al. Mum
Twu l'n)tnt, valnrd at flvMC a-li ti,im
On PreHelil, vatiml at. u,0(J0
Tnurn I'ti'Mina, valuwl ut ll,oiii).ehi...fM
d td S(L eAelL. JI l.Vl.,, hi ffi'v rwn... w. -,uw
lweiity I'rt-wntK. valued at 7J oaon.,,.., ' JW
Ten I'ri aentii, valued nt if-h . Ml).
Tli remaining prmatitatonalata af aril, to !
rli-Jt of ne
( uinl vimie, appertmnlnii tu
Ion ol Llterittiiraanal the Ana
i t :'ft I lilt,! " i ' '
Each Cii tincute of Slock if Accompaa-U wtta ft
Aud alaa InaiiriK tuhoUlar i tr
PREjENT 1 TUB ORtIAT distribution.
Any person aendlng uxONE lM.I.AB,arpajrT
lint tin Mttma to onrloeal Affenti, will raeetv
linineilliitely a Flue Mrel-rfutfl Vnitravtac, at
ohok-a Irom the following llxt, and fMiaOrlin
cnie of Htoek. liiKiuini) ana pritent In ttaa
i r
N4. l-"My Child I My Child I1
They'rn f-nvedl Tliey're Mnvixl ! '
Mevnity-KUiW, llieurl) liaya uf UiaHvvln,
Anvnomnn mvHnir "two dollarn" win rancl
eltlier ofthe loiiowlinr Kliw HUHd-Plato.'at. :f
clioicfa and Two iVrtillte of Siork, tllua !- '
t'Otnlugaulltlad to Two I'riweitla. (j : .f ,;
V. 1U',,l,l,itn,r r'..irlnhln , Vfl.
" V'njliln:,'Um .1 laal Inlurvlew with his Miilliw."
A nv n..ra,ni i.nvlni. Thrra Ikilleri" will VMll
ceivo tlie ilcuutiln'l Sleel Plata of
.! " r : ,(J
and Tlirep rvrtlllmtea of Stock, hpcninlng an-.
litli' tu iui pK-wjiitm ; . . : . ... ,
Any mrson tuyliig "Four Pnllara" aliall
ccive tlie large and urdeurtld ial Plato of
"TIIK PEItlT.HliF OlMt FtiRErAtllKR,'1''!
and I'rairf'artineatea of Stock, autllllng
ui i-our i-ieHt-uia.
iv portions who p;i,v "Five lollara,H ataall
vo tlio liirne and aplandld Ktaal riatu of , ', '
nirl Klvo ( oriin.itUn ttf HtorU, oaUUing limn t "f
i ive rnwniH.
Tho FtivrnvltittunrKl OrlifWtfrf wlrf ljwrfHT-
or nent hy mall, pnftt pUl, or xprvHs,At may h
oru"eu- , .: : .:: i;! vL M
ORAVlSqa. , , u ni f!
Rend orders to-tia hj- mall, enclosing friA
hi aai. either rr Pit I ifflee utile r. or In a regla-
teri-l letter, at our rlili. Lurgor aiuoouU ahouM n
jwrmy I -ifflirn. Vlliueoai eiwp. ID owl
Ten I'rotanla, rained at Inn) aili.,..i,I7J -9 ouO
Tlinti PreHi-iii valued at iii) teh. , , Vio
Twenty I'renentH, valued ai Wileaeh I.4 4m
l ifly-llva PrenantH, vuliwd atttJaueacb 11.000
1 1 1 1 V I'ri'Men j. value
: be aent by draft or expreiw.
10 anal with Enajravimta..:...1...'.;;.'..?' '"
SI nluireM with Knuravltillii. .....W M :
60 Hharea wllh Kiiaravli......i..,..;.......' Kl W
t.lslmroH witli KiiKmvlnip....VM ria
1UU Kluuaa with Engravlnt(i,...........i... W oo
' r ' ' Mm
Local Agenta Wanted throughout the Cnlted
Jitatea. J -., ;i a-. ul I J.f.r ,;fliiurf
, i tiie nrnmsiDE tNinTTtrTEi " '
Xltniitc nt Itlvemlde, nnrllngioTi rminry.XWfw' '
Jersey, la founded for the -parpaae of gntunlUt
mmly oilneatiiiK tho moum iY dteaaed Holdlara
and seaman ot the United stntea. r .f.r
The llonrdof Triiateea cunaMM of llw (nfrow-"'
lug weU-knoivn citlzvna uf Pcnnaylvaal and
NHW.Ieraeyi . . ' ' ',v ' .r-.fn
Hun. WM.I1.MAMV, . .
! Imtrlet Attorney. Phllaffalphla-Waj! nl
Hon. LEW1HR. I'.IIOD.M ALL, Ea-fjhlef Colnar ,
t;.H. Mint, and Iteoorderof lwd,Phlla.Pk, .'f.fl
JIm, JAS. M.KfOVKINewJeraejr. , .
Hon. W. W. WARE, ewlaraay. - l-llfl
Uli.N'RY GORMAN, Eaq., , ,
Auent Ailama' Expreaa, Phlla. Pi':iKf
i. E. COB, E.ic., Of Joy, Cot Co., Philadelphia
- . :i -., . ' ..' - . -rm ji:i! I-na
it 'i
Tre rnr DFPARnrnirf, WAnroTo, IkC,,.
April IK,lW-Oflleei Internal Revenue JlJav-
luu received an u.nnet wry eviitanae tnai ina pro .
w-deaof thechtcrprlae enndauted by Ule Wmk-CTI
lukton i.iorary uoinpiiny wui neuavoiea locnar- ,
net on I.iJr
liable uaea, pannlaslon lahemayi
able uaea, pannl
rininnov lo com!
lahewiy granted ViaaldI 1
fn. ill all clutrua, whether from. apeeMl tul
otticrduty E, A. ROLLIiltC'onimtaaloner,
J i
7 i
n:rr ?"'-Tf?trr-?rf TrjfJ
1 lie .-WHjiuuoii iiiivv uwwru o..w
Meura. Oeo. A. Tonka A Oft.. IB Muth ThlM '
Btreet, Philadelphia, whnaa.well known "Tag;!.,..,
rityaud bualiu-aexparlenoa will bo a aafflolen 11 1
iruiiniiite tha' the money entruat4 to thanx -
will be pconptly applied lotha purpuaa
PBitAtm.Mra,iitTt 9-PJ
"TotheOffleeiUBnil Memhera ofthe Waahlag- '
t ton Library Comnsnr.
rt.ri. nr,li,rwTrexi
rieatletnen. Oo leneli
eeivera Hiryauv Lmapaii, T.. v 3 I I
IxMhmll ennv of rour I.Tlarter. with g pun
. ' . ' ., J.I . . L. . 1. . tttmmt
rmlat al your favor of the bVrHt
of trap apvnfntmenC aa Re
mpany, weloak tha UbeclJ, 4
of voir enterprise to eminent kjal authorlt, l.
our '
kla t
KTl'l nHVlOK reeoivew ana mvmwmv vnami
regard to ita legality, and aymiung fwiiaj.
tha lienevolent obtae of your Aaaoelarflowi '
: . ' . .inn aiaJntenanfa ot the amhaai -M
children of our aoldlem aU akflamol V By'-if'
eralde inatliuie, we ..... "'IL-njT !?fZ r
., .nt tftoaaonr beat aAfeata. to giaainewa1 ; ' 1
M " - , , ' ..
etfiiv vagary .au na Hit w
Roeelvera tortboWaaMugton Library Caai. n
lldTrao. , i,. j.-;iWJi!ir in:i"iin
, B O AX S OTIC "'' nw,a
J.-,,;... . .:..-i5f ort .tn'i a
iwtera of admlntatratlon noon tha) aetata ar
Oeorga Ufhtner. lalawf aUwrla ami 4a bar Llttt
mlvm .ftA 1L Inaehled to
tUWJB aaw
estate v) make Immediate payment, and Owjoa
hmviorn aladana
in aaoia to aaaaanl
nerljf nuthentloaiM mraetuement.
i'-i.'i yd
"? urr rjiti ;rl Kao fn ,V
naa or bawkteaa-H, wttl do -irafcV jbMHLfSlU't
aWteHbell acwHtnta7 AU that are not oata laa-
buiU atalx will ba ntaraa) a, toonewaa p ".Irv-TtJT
er wnrar for coUccitoo., . ,
i:''.. a !!.'.! l.llfrw Ml a,d, )gfl
i.l 1
.hi J
tn'riv & -:H .nl lid: '! nn-.lri' 'i "