The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, November 13, 1867, Image 1

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    -' :H 'f 'fit V '. ' i 1 J.-'
Term ot" Publication.
Tun Vfkrxtanuna KarvsMrAif, YMflco In
Sajrr' baUdlag.east of the Court Hoone, u pab
Uihed avery Wednesday moraine, at ft per
annum, i pvAaam, or 1 5 If not paid with
in theyear. All subscription irmila acn
bo settled ally. No paper will be sent
eatAf the flute antes paid tor m Advaxcb, and
II ittcrt robacrlptlon will Invariably be dlacon
Mined suae explruUoa of IIM Ume tat which
thoy are pall.
Commnnlcattonaon subject of local or general
tntormt are rexpuctfully solicited. To enimre
tutntloq Aivora of thla kind mnat lnvarlnbly be
accompanied by the name of the author, not fur
publication, but at guaranty aiMintlniIMin.
All letter porlalnlug to liiialneMof the otOit
Mint he aditriwu! to the Kuitor
-T-TtS '.. -1
In place of books, or work, or play,
Boms ladies spend the lire-long day
In scanning every passer-by.
tt : And many a wonder they descry 1
They find among the motley crowd
That some are gay and some axe proud ;
That some' are short and some re tall,'
They get their Information all
. By peeping through the blinds 1
Ypa walk the street (at common pace ;)
Yon eatch the outlines of a face
The face seems strange ; again yon look
Dear airl She knows you like a book !
8he knows the color of your hair,
t. , The rory style of clothes you wear)
8he knows your business, I'll be bound,
And all your friends the country round,
i.v . By pceplug through the blinds.
r . . .. i
She knows the Smiths across the way,
(" And what they dine on every day';
And thinks that Hiss Matilda Jane
' .; Is growing very proud and vain.
". She knows, the Browns at Number Four,
Just opposite her very door t
Folks quite as poor as they can be,
For don't thoy sit and sew while she
'.. '. -"' Is peeping through the blinds f
-Dear ladles if you don't suceecd
In gaiulng knowledge that you need.
Then at your window take your seat,
f ' And gaze into tike busy street :
Full soon you'll read your neighbors well,
And can their tastes and habits tell,
And know their business to a T,
Much better than your own, you see,
"'' By peeping through the blinds.
r or tho Hki-uhucan,
J .. MB.
, There was once a man whose only
property was a wretched cabin, on the
shore of a little river. He gained a
livelihood by fishing,but as there were
bnt few fish in tho stream, ho caught
few, and had not much other food than
bread and water. At the same time
lie was content, in his poverty, because
he wished for nothing more than he
One day he took a fancy to see the
city, and he resolved to go there, on
the morrow. While ho was preparing
for the voyage, a traveller entered his
poor but, and asked him if he was fur
from village where he might find a
house to rest in till morning.
"You are twelve miles from the vil
lage," answered the fisherman'and it is
late. If you wish to pass the night in
my cabin, you are welcome."
The traveller accepted his proposi
tion, and the fisher, who desired to re
gale him, lit tho fire to cook some lit
tle fish. While he prepared the repast,
he hnghod, he sang and appeared to
be in a very jolly humor.
flTpu arc happy," said hisgucst, "in
possessing the faculty of diverting your
self J., si would givo all that I possess
in the world, to be as gay as you are."
f'Al I Indeed! What prevents you?"
said tho fishermen. . "My joy costs me
nothing, and I have never had any oc
casion for sadness. Have you any
great sorrow ;that does not permit you
to enjoy yourself 2" .
tAlas !" replied tho traveller,'"every-
body believes me to be the happiest of j
men. I was a morchant, and sueoedod
in accumulating great riches j but I
have 'not had a moment of repose. I
feared always -that I. would become
r MnkrMpt, that my. goods would spoil.
and that my" vessels, which wore upon
the sea, would bd shipwrecked. There-
lore., aoanuooea commerce, to find
treriquinty and I have bought a com
iW neat ; iheing: At first I had
the grjimij VfiifjaiM to please the prince ;
I become his favorite, and I believed
that contentment was 'near at hand ;
Ut loonM .to'knbwthat I was
nSoMXi to&e. prinoe than his
Mvery moment, to
give tfp'rtyWa toellnatidns, to Mow
his. "He lov6d the chase, I desired re
posj; Jn the tteaitime I,w)ai forced
to rTfcwugh. the wooa: ith. bim,
ill tbe-,1 At night I would return
- WigjtOfioTssirt to sleep.
Notuil aV-Wi rt 11 gave a
vithmahmMia ';m1t'$ might
m w tfr3rJ
r :
"Wtibxtmn, interrupt-
won, and oeasa loving too ?
inn ot t thimk br-.l2r
PWf swa tt vuff fwVHM
lie If
fiivorite. You can imagine how in
supportable that was. . This had made
me want to die, to be rid of my cha
grin. I retired in the evening to my
chamber, very sad, and when I was
alone, I wept. Suddenly there appear
ed to me a tall man, with a very
pleasing countenance, who said to me :
'AhbI , I pity thy misery. Dost thou
wish to become tranquil ? Renounce
the love of riches, and the, desire of
honor !' , Alas ! sir, said I, to this
man, I would wish it with aH my heart;
bnt how can I sucoeed ? 'Quit the
court, said he to me, and walk for two
days on tho first road that presents its
self to thy sight j the folly of a man
prepares for the, a speetaclo which will
cure thee forever of ambition. When
thou hast journeyed two days, retrace
thy steps and I firmly believe that
nothing will prevent thee from living
happily and in tranquility.' I have
already journeyed one entire day in
obedience to this man, and I will walk
to-morrow, but I have little hope of
the repose which he promised."
Tho fisherman, having heard this
story, could not prevent himself from
admiring the folly of this ambitious
one, who mado his happiness depend
upon the smiles, and words of a
"I will bo charmed to see you re
turn, andio hearjof your cure," said ho
to the traveller. "Finiiihyourjourney,
and in two days return to my cabin.
I too am going to travel ; I have
never been to the city, and I imagine
that I shall be much pleased with the
sights, and tho bustle that should be
"That is a bad thought, said the
traveller, since you are happy now,
why seek to make yourself miserable ?
Your cabin, appears to yon sufficient
to-day, but, when you shall have seen
the palaces of the great, it will appear
to you very small, nnd verv mean.
You are very content with your clothes,
which scarcely cover you, but it will
make you envious when you shall
have examined the superb vestments
of the rich."
"Sir said the fisherman to hisgucst,"
"you speak like a book. Keep for
yourself these beautiful reasons to learn
how not to be sorry when others are
smiled upon, or spoken to. Tho world
is full of men who counsel others,
when they cannot control themselves."
The traveller mado no reply to this
repartee, because it it not polite tb con
tradict a person in his own house.
On tho morrow he resumed his
journey, and the fisher commenced his.
At the end of two days the traveller,
Azcel, who had encountered nothing
extraordinary, returned to tho cabin.
He found its owner seated before hia
door, his head resting on his hand,
and his eyes fixed upon the ground.
"Of what do you think ?" asked
'I . think that I nm very unfortu-
nato,"rcsponded the fisherman. "What
have I done that God has made me so
poor, when so many men are rich, and
content ?"
At this moment the man who had
commanded Azasl to journey two days,
and who was an angel, appeared before
"Why hast thon not followed the'
advice given thee by Azml ? " said he
to the poor fisher.' "Tho sight of the
magnificence of the'oity has developed
in thy soul, avarice and ambition ;
they have chased from thee, joy arid
peace. Moderate , thy desires, and
thou shalt recover these precious ad'
vantages.". ' ' - .S '
"That is easy for you to say'replied
the fisherman,"but to me it is impossi
ble and I feel that t shall always be
unhappy,. unless God changes my situ
ation." 1 .-in Vr'
"That' would be for thy perdition,"
said the angel. "Bulieve me, do not
wisk for more than thou bast"
," You have spoken 'well'aaid the
flsherman,"but you 'cannot keep, me
from desiring another situation.",
'God grants, sometimes, the wishes
of (he tnibitious," replied the angel,
otitis' In his anger, and toponisb
then Since thou wish to perish, I
oontent," aaid he. "TW canst wish
tfcethW; God will (rive them to
Tke- Ishennao tnaaporied with joy,
!!LV .' It'" 1. J
wf"" un oiumi srensnH.i m
grttifled. He; then
wjsbwl t?ttt tb liUle river, which
pwed La door ahould be changed to
'fittf Mtf. and instantly hia wiah
wWMooe.'nd. Tl remained to
'taw Irish. AUtt muainff
m iam "Gat hia Uttl
... . .
As soon as he saw the ship, he ran to
her, to admire the riches of which ho
was now master. Scarcely had he
entered when there arose a great storm
The fisherman wished "to return to the
shore andlcacend tb the land," but he
had jio means to accomplish it. It
was then he cursed his ambition
Useless regrets I . The sea swallowed
him and his riches. And the angel
said to Azsel
"May this example make thee wise.
The court where thou goest present
ly, is a sea famous for shipwrecks, and
tempests. Whilst thou 'canst yet gain
the shore, do it. Thou shalt one day
wish to do it, but without avail."
Azrcl, frightened, promised obedl
ence to the spirit. He left tho court,
and went to the country, where he
married a maiden, who had more vir
tue than beauty, or fortune. Instead
of trying to augment his great riches,
he applied himself to enjoy them, with
moderation, and to help the poor. He
lives happy and content, and every
day thanks God for having cured him
of avarice, and ambition, which had.
before, poisoned all the good fortune
of his life.
. PuiXADELruiA, Oct. 20, 18G7.
Bl'XDRY ni'Jinrcs.
The American Agriculturist, for this
month "shows up" sundry humbugs
as follows : The list of huiubujrs for
the last month is quite long. 1 o
our advice, and do business, as far
as possible, with those only who are
wellknownandreliablcdealers. Wright
Bros. & Co. are filling the country with
their circulars, oilering rare chances to
obtain fino watches valued at from 15
to $100 for only a $10 greenback, and
a trifle for a case and postage. Among
other styles is n Silver Hunting Chro
nometer, valued at $100 recommended
as a splendid article. With a pocket
ful of tickets wo "dropped in" to their
place, . or rather, wc climbed up, and
found their very small rooni on the
top floor, and examined some of their
stock. It is the kind Known among
dealers in bogus, and that word means
the same all over tlio country, though
it may not be in the dictionaries tliut
is, not what it is represented to be.
We purchased the Hunting Chronom
eter, valued at $100, ns a curiosity. It
has a little silver in the case, perhaps
two dollars worth; the movement
very showy, and it will tick a few
times if shaken very hard, and kept
bottom upwards ; turn it over, and it
is dead as a hammer, and as a time
keeper it is utterly useless. . The
"American Watch," described ns re
tailing at 535 to ?15, with 2 oz. solid,
ailtsnt It ii tit it - wici-tn Yta an nr titijl
lllVLIj 11111111111 1..IOVOJ l) PUIVy MU
"the man" told us that both case and
movement were made in this city, it
was stamped "Union Watch Company,
New York." There is no such insti
tution in the city, nnd no such watches
were ever made here. An importer
in Maiden Lane examined our $100
Duplex, and offered to sell the same
article, which he had in stock and
showed us, for $0,75 gold, or $!,50
greenbacks. ITie Union atch Coin
pany's Watch in Hunting Case, pre
cisely like the one of W.B. & Co's. and
which we wero informed was vhile
metal, and not silver, was ofi'ercd for
$8.25 crccuWks. Wc warn onr
renders again that those parties who
are induced by private circulars nnd
tickets to buy watches or other articles,
represented as worth several times tho
price asked, will find their money gone
and themselves sold. C. Jj. V un Al
len, who told us a while ago that his
name was A. D. Bowman, now assures
us that their is nosuch person, lie is
advertising:, however, in the name of
A. D. Bowman & Co. Mr. Van Allen
advertises also to sell rights to make
"Eureka Oil," which is represented ns
very cheap, not explosive, can be made
by everybody, etc. We received a
letter from a chemist stating that this
article is very dangerous, so we obtain
ed a sample bottle r,f the "Eureka Oil."
It is simnlv benzine with rjcrhans.
slight additions, and explode at readi
ly at gunpottdei'. Any man who re
commends the manufacture of such
stuff by unskilled hands, deserves the
gallows or the, penitentiary for life,
Don t ' touch ' ij, or the advertiser
of it, in any' way. Kcllcy & Co's
Grand Cift Concert is again postponed.
Keep the tickefrtis a warning to make
no more such 7 Vestments, which not
only reduce tx II, but generally good
UML11113 wu, i v nave nuuivruun in
quiries abourVatincerts for soldiers'
Widows and Q . iians. Libraries, etc,
where tickets ri! sold and prizes drawn
by some means "strictly honest," and
"entirely legal," etc. We class them
all together, without any excoptio ns
as lottaiet, and&ll lotteries as humbugs.
Beware of parties who take great paint
to assure tne public that they are "li
censed .by United States authority,
All Respectable business men pat for
U. 8. license, and who are not resnect-
awe, ana iwa boermgtvti no autlumty
U dmtgard law. as has been de
! ... . .. .
cided over and over again, The med-J
pal Humbug! are mil extent;, though
we lum not ffaeiLthfen mock atten
tion of late. uZejnoat teosnt demon-
atnttoa tAftCwerkave' Jaeakthas. stf
Dr. JJ. CaBcr- wfcpigeaf
r,ar ja a cur 'xra ite'Vcr . IUb
. .lMt.
has invested $275,000 "in the United
States, to aid and assist suffering hu
manity," which is 4 very handsome
thing of them to do. ' They publish a
certificate from "the Executive depart
ment, Washington, D. C." signed G.
f Attcndon, General Surgeon." Now
we would like to know what the "Ex
ecutive department" joes with a sur
geon though if it must have one, "At
tcndon" is a good name for him. "Re
member," says the circular, "he (Dr.
Burner,) is not to be tlassed with the
Traveling Imposters of the ' land."
Very likely not, but isho "guarantees
a cure In every cose1 Indertaken," we
class him with those belonjrinirabroad
This Dr. B. is endorstd by the "Presi
dent" of the Union Combination Med
ical Association," "branch office No,
209 Broadway." The seeker after this
office on Broadway would appropriate'
ly bring up in St. Paul's Church-yard
which is where 209 would be, if there
were such a number. I be supersti
tinus might think this indicative of the
fate of those who take the "French
Remedies," or try to prove the state
ment of the circular that "the Dr. has
a balm for every wound".
Cousin Kate was a sweet widc
awako beauty of about seventeen, and
she took it into her head to go down to
Long Island to sec somo relations of
hers who had tho mislortune to live
there. Among these relations there
chanced to be a young swain who had
seen Kate on a previous occasion, and
seeincr. fell deep v in love with her.
He called at the house on' the evening
of her arrival, and she met him on the
piazza where she was enjoying the even
ing air in company with two or three
ot her friends.
The poor fellow was so bashful that
ho could not find his tongue for some
tune. At length he stammered out. '
"How's your mother 1"
"Quite well, thank you."
Another silence on the part of Josh,
during which Kate and her friends did
tho best they could to relieve th6 mon
tony. After waiting about ' fifteen
minutes for hirti to commence to make
himself acreeable he asrain broke the
silence by- ' . ,
"Hows your lather?" which was
answered much after the same fashion
as tho first one, and then followed an
other silence like the other. -"How's
your father and mother?"
again nut in the bashful lover.
"Quite well, both of them.": xhis
wasfullowed by an exchange of glances
and a suppressed smile.
I his Irtsted some ten minutes more,
dining which Josh was fidgeting in
his seat and stroking his Sunday
Mat. liut at length anotlicr question
"I low's your parents ?"
This produced an explosion that
made the woods ring. '
A Story with a 2Ioiiai,. A Connecticut
exchange tells the following story of a boy,
who was sent from Crotnn, Connecticut, to
New London one day last Bummer with
bug of ereen corn. The boy was gone all
day, and returned with the bag unopened
which he dumped on the floor saying t ;
There is your com j go nd sell It, I can't1'
"Sold any r" '."
"Not been all oyer London with It,
and nobody said anything concerning green
com. Two or three fellows asked me what
I bad in my bag, and I told them it was none
of their business what it was I"
Tho boy is not unlike hundreds of mer
chants, who will promptly rail bim a fool for
not leiungwnat lie bad to sell. Tbey are
actually (loir g the same thing on a much larger
scale than did the boy, by not adrerthdng
their business.
Cactiou to Vkteraks. Our exchanges are
cautioning toldiers all through the country,
against parties representing themselves to be
sent fura Washington, with Instruction to
soldiers and claim agents for the collection of
additional bounties, and also stating that the
soldiers of 1801 are entitled to one hundred
and sixty acres of land. Tho object of these
parties Is to obtain the dates, numbers of regi
ments and officer's signatures as they appear.
Yi ltb these dates, forged application for pay
would probably bo mad out. Several of
tucse panics liavo Deeu discovered in Ohio
and Indiana . .! .
On 'Wednesday nitrht last, loner be
fore seven o'clock, the large hall at
Cooper Institute was crowded to re
pletion .with an intelligent assemblage,
who had collected to hear the address
of Speaker Colfax. Mr. Colfax said s
When the bullet of the assassin crash
ed through the noble and cencrons
brain of Abraham Lincoln, there was
no one who clapped his hands for iov
at the unnatural murderer, that does
net now clap his hands' with toy over
the policy of the man, whom Wilkes
Booth's net elevated from the Vice
Presidency to the position of the Pres
ident of the United States. Nor is
that all. The last wish of that miser
able assassin, who sleeps in his dis
honored grave, show that when he
murdered your President was tb have
a man in the Presidential chair over
whose every act rebels should, rejoice
with exceeding joy. - Ho has passed
away ; but if he could come back from
the cerements of the grave, and look
upon this country, be would send un
his peons of joy that his dying , wish
had been fulfilled. I toM you I in
tended 4o speak to yon in regard (o the
UNrpatkns of the President of the
Uhk'- -States. ' Wko he became
PreC-t, after ths Wrtnder of the
tBbeinoni U immediately
iv. ioeu am wen- us roouMroo
RIGHT. Lincoln. -.s
tion without consultation with Con
gress. They could not meet except
k i.u .n TT 1 i- 1 L
mo uuii 1IO TCIUBCU 1J VStjUtS IE,
concluding to go on with the work
without the authority of the law. We
looked on, anxiously waiting for the
runs ui uio wora. . al was cauea at
the time "an experiment," He was
going to see what would be the result
of it; and it was finally to be submit
ted to Congress for ratification. IIis
Secretary; of State declared this ex
plicitly to (iov. Martin, of Honda,
and Gov. Sharkey, of Mississippi: and
when Congress assembled, Mr. John
son presented us with the results of
his policy. And what were they?
In every State that had been - recon
structed under1 his policy, a Governor
had been elected, who had either been
in the armies of treason or In the Coun
cils of treason hot one solitary cxeen.
tion. In every State recoastructcd by
Mr. Johnson, in the Legislative de
partment the Rebels had supremo and
unlimited power. In tho Judicial de
partment it was the same. They were
triumphant in every branch ot every
department of every one of the Rebel
States reconstructed by Mrt Johnson.
The Union men were ruled by a rod
ot iron, and the treed men wero gov
erned by laws merciless in their char
actcr, atid intended to restoro those
emancipated slaves to a condition that
that would be worse than that from
which they had by the will of the na
tion just eseaped. Mr. Johnson show
ed us his policy, and said to the
American Congress, "These are my
jewels." We looked at them. We
did not dare, before tho country and
before the onlooking world, to say,
"Yea and amen" to it., How could
we ? And because we did not, he has
warred on us ever since, and the
highest ambition of his heart now is
to destroy the party which elevated
him from the Military Governorship
of Tennessee to tho Vice-Presidency
of the Union ; and to-day, if bo could,
he would surrender the party which
elected him Vice-President into the
power of the men who elected Jefferson
Davis their President. He talks about
our usurpation 1 Usurpation! He
said we put those States under mili
tary rule! So did the President. lie
said we required Conventions to be
called. So did the President. He
said we required them to submit their
Constitutions to tho people lor rati li
cation. So did not the President
He said we established a test vote for
suffrage. So did the President He
said wo demanded tho ratification of a
Constitutional amendment. So did the
Prcsident he, doing it without law;
we doing it by Inw ho having no
power to make a law; wo having by
the Constitution the power to make
laws. Yci he call us usurpers 1 That
is not all. When he came to appoint
otliccrs in the bouthcrn bt'S, whom
did he select ? Did he take the faith
ful Union men, who dared to stand
fast against enormous odds by the
banner of their country ? Oh, no
When he came to appoint officers
revenue oljiecrs, custom-iiouso officers,
surveyors, Ac.. nearly every one of
them was, taken from the traitors of I
the South, and not from the Union
men. And those men, thus clothed
with power by your President, turned
round to these Uunion men in the
South, nnd said to them, "You
thought, when tho old flag came back
in triumph, you were going to hold
positions or trust over us. Tho Gov
ernment nt Washington know better
than that. They know you havn't
any influence. They want the men
who dared to defy tho Nation, and to
wage war that cost the blood of hun
dreds of thousands of you Yankee sol
diers. You take back scats ; and if we
allow you to remain here, you may
thank ns for the permission." That
was tho result of his policy. But
these officers could not take tho test
oath. We passed a law in 1862 that
no man could hold an appointed or
elective effice under the Government
unless he could take an oath that he
had not voluntarily Participated in
Rebellion; and we put in, furthermore
this sections That no officer shonld
draw money out of the Treasury until
he nied this oath. Bo, when these
mon had served, tbev came to the door
of the Treasury and said, "We want
our pay, but we won't take the oath."
They went to . Johnson, and through
his Cabinet official he said, "These
men held office, bnt they can't draw
their pay," and we said to him, "Not
one iarthing ot the people's money
ever shall go into the pockets of these
men." "Uoodr' Applause.! And
because we said that, he has been war
ring upon us ever since,, denouncing
us. "Torn him ontl" Sometimes
those w ho defend him say he is carry
ing out Mr, Lincoln's policy. Look
at the States Mr. Lincoln attempted
to reconstruct during the Rebellion
Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, and
West Virginia, carved out of old Vir-
nin. ' He placed them all' in the
da of loyal men. Look at the
States "reconstructed" by Mr. Johnson
every one of them into the hands of
KeJiels the difference between the
brilliant light of the ami at noonday
and the darkness of midnight Mr.
Lincoln never made Johnson Gover
nor of Tennessee until he first made
him a brigadier in the army . of the
United ; States, confirmed by ' the
Senate. ' As Commander-in-chief of
the army he hada right to detail him for
this duty. Johnson .could hare de
tailed My soldier to that doty, from a
nrivate- to General, under military
lawj bnt ho had no mora power to ap
NO. 21.
point to civil office thnri any man or
woman before me to-night They
undertook to pay theso men. : Do you
know how they got their pay? They
fot it from the .War Department
'hey could not get it out of the. treas
ury j they were civillians, but drawing
pay from tho Military Department
Yet he talks about usnpation I That
is not all. '. On the 2d day of April,
1866, when Jojmson issued his procla
mation declaring peace established.
He has a number of whereases: he put
them all in this six or eight of tlicra.
I will not read them J he recites the
various proclamations by which these
States were declared in rebellion, and
then, goes on and says . 1 1 1 i
( "And whereas, tho laws can be sus
tained nnd enforced therein by proper
civil authority, State or Federal, and
the people of said States are well and
loyally disposed."
No doubt tlrey were well and loyally
disposed. You saw it when 600 ne
groes in tho South were wantonly
killed since we made them free. You
have seen it in the outrages upon
white men because they were Union
menl You see his policy and its
results, which culminated at Memphis
and New-Orleans in the murder of
white men, whose crime was that they
sought to reconstruct on a loyal basis.
He then adds, "Whereas standing
armies, military occupation, martial
law, military tribunals, Ac, are in
time of pence dangerous," &o. Every
one knows that in time past but for
the army no Union man m the South
was safe. He then goes on and says
tlint peace is established. The Con
stitution says Congress shall have
power to declare war, Ac. The power
to declare war carries with it the
power to make peace. Your fathers
knew if there was to bo war the peo
ple who wero to lay down their lives
had the right to say when it should be
declared, and when it should be stop
pod, as well as to secure the nation
against its inconvenience. His pro
clamation was not worth the paper on
wiuon ii was written, in July, I8U2,
the Congress of the United States pass
ed a law authorizing the President to
issue an Amnesty Proclamation, on
such terms as ho might see fit, for the
purpose ot ending tho war. Mr,
Lincoln issued it, basing it on this
law, and it was spurned bv the Rebels.
In January, 1867, not having as much
faith in Mr. Johnson as we had had
in Mr. Lincoln, knowing that he was
pardoning Rebels with the very same
hand ho was striking down Republi
cans, we repealed the act we had pass-
uu. j. ucii, as n to aery tne law, he
issued this "Amnesty" proclamation
for the pardon of Rebels. A pardon
which the President has the constitu
tional power to grant is no more like
an amnesty than a marriage licenso is
like a statute. A license affects only
the parties procuring it, and they use
it if they please, as a person accepts or
reflects a proffered pardon. A statute
aflects the whole community. He
knew ho had no power to issue it ; even
Jerry Rlaek, who is so constantly at
his ear, is reported to have told him
he had no power to issue it. I sup
pose he found out last year that we
didn t want him for President, so per
haps he thought we would have him
for king.. ' 1-innghtcr. Therefore, nc
issued this amnesty proclamation, with
a number of "whereases," that the
laws are now enforced in tho States
lately in insurrection, and the people
of the said States are well and loyally
disposed : that larsre standing armies
and military governments are incom
I ... . o
patible with the rights guaranteed by
the Constitution; that a retaliatory
and vindictive policy inflictine pains
and penalties, confiscation and disfran
chisement, now na always, can only
tend to hinder reconciliation, therefore
he declared a general amnesty, excep
ting only some two or three hundred
persons, with restoration of all their
privileges, immunities, and righto of
property, except as to property with
regard to slaves. I say that that am
nesty proclamation was thrown inten
tionally by him into the very teeth of
the people and Congress by this would
be autocrat to show us how he defied
us, and how little he remembers or re
gards his official oath. ' The preamble
of the original Military hilj and the
same doctrine is embodied in the two
supplemental bills states that whereas
no legal State governments or adequate
jji uiwuun ui me vr jjrupony now exist
in the Rebel States of Virginia. Ac.
and whereas it is necessary that peace
and good order should be enforced in
said States, and loyal and Republican
State governments be legally estab
lished, therefore it is provided that
there shall be five military districts,
and that those persons who have been
perjured as officers of the State or the
General Government, as well as trai
tors, should not be voters, but should
occupy back seats. ' This bill declares
that no legal governments exist there,
and this declaration is subsequently
rcpeatea . in tne supplemental bills.
But Mr. Johnson's amnesty procla
mation declares expressly that they
have civil governments there., , Al
though, in that 'bill we demand the
disfranchisement for the present ef
certain classes of Rebels, yet in the
very teeth of that law he hurls defiance
at that- provision. 1 1 want ' to call
rouf lAtteattoa to his i oath. ' After
Congress haa passed a rawp no Presi
dfht be right to iny "ptmW erapl
to cany ri that la. I say it is
usurpation for hint to have a nolicv in
defiance of that law. His oath is
Terms of A.d-v-ertialnff -
' ! Wttl. "1
ABTWrnsttnrnnxuMrtodattl WfUMlS
(br thry liuertlons, and SS ctata per aqnar
ftr each additional Insertion i (ten II nm or lew
oountedaaquare). All tranaientadvertlaraaaaie
to be paid for In advance. .
Dpsin ma Nortvn net under ths bead of teoal
news will be charged invariably it eeataa urn
A liberal deduction made to penona adrertlej
tn bjr the quarter, half-year r year. Special
notices charged one-hall mors than regular ad
vert isemenu.
Joa urriira of every kind In Plain and Fa
ayotejan; llnnd-bllla, UUnke.lfcrua Panipnieu,
Ac. of every viulalv and atvle.
printed at tb
luat been re-fitted, and everr thing Jn tb Prrat
lng line can be executed In the roust arUatt
nuriesi notice,
xne KKPunucAH urriro naa
manner and at the lowest raid.
prescribed in the fifth section of the
second article of the Constitution. - It
gives to Congress the power to make
all laws necessary and proper to carry
Into execution all the powers vested by
the Constitution in the Government of
the United States, or any department
or officer thereof. There cannot be ft .
department or officer of the Govern
ment with any power except by au
thority of the Congress of tho United
States, and they only,
' The Constitution cives the Presi
dent power, after Congress has passed
runs, to veto them ; and then if Con
gress re-passes them by a two-thirds
vote, then his oath as President ope
rates as the' Constitution prescribes,'
What is that oath ? He "shall take
carothnt the laws bo faithfuly exe
cuted." Our fathers made that instru
ment for war as well as for peace, for
the hurricane as well as the calm so
made that instrument that I have
never thought it necessary to go outside
the Constitution for authority for all
that we have done, but believe that
the power to declare war carries with it
all the power of the laws of nations in
war. This isall I wnnt. Applause!
Our fathers, with . wiso enimeity.
thought thero might be a President
some time who would not like the laws -
which Congress had passed, and might
wish to set up a policy of his own
against them, and they required that
every President should swear that he .
would execute the laws. They did
not stop there. They said, "You shall
swear that you will faithfully execute
these laws, though they may bo con-;
trary to your policy. Your oath as
Executive requires you not only to tvr- .
eoute them, but to faithfully execute
them." , That means with teal and fi
delity, and honestly. They do not
stop there. They insert words which
are found nowhere else, peculiar words,
quaint words that do not occur any
where else in your National Constitu
tion. They said, he shall swear that
ho will "take care that the laws be
faithfully executed." It shall bo tho
object of his heart's zeal to do it with
the whole vigor of his nature, with the
whole power of the Government, en
listed in the work of "taking care that
tho laws bo faithfully executed." Who
will say that Andrew Johnson has
faithfully kept that oath r"No."l
No. He would not say so himself.
Applause. There has licen a good
deal of misrepresentation of what I
said in Ohio. I will say again exact
ly what I said there. I don't intend,
liko Mr. Johnson, to bike back my
words. I said that when Congress
assembled again, if they find that the
laws cannot bo executed, that the
President will not execute them, but
on the contrary use his Executive
power to resist the laws of Congress, .
and to keep this country in turmoil,
thon I say there is only one resort,
and our fathers put upon us tho re
sponsibility of that resort. Great
cheering. A voice "Impeach him."
What I have said has been taken
down. I am not responsible for what
others see fit to put into my mouth ; .
but am responsible for what I Baysand
will not take back one word. Ap- .
plause. Rut this is not all. I wish :
wo could close this political record
here ; but it is blacker even than this.
Let me take you down to Fort Fisher..
When the attack upon it had been re
pulsed ; when' distinguished engin
eers had reported that its suc
cessful assault was almost impracti
cable, and that it could not be
reduced, Mr Lincoln felt the necessity
of its capture to oloso up tho rebel
running port of Wilmington, the port
which by its supplies from abroad,
kept alive the spirit of the Rebellion,
and he sent for a brave officer from
Connecticut, Gen. Terry. He said to.
him i "I have a forlorn hope for yon
to lead ; I want you to go down to that
fort, hurl your men on it; capture that
fort and plant tho stars and stripes
over it, or leave your men there." Gen.
Terry felt that was exactly the duty
of a soldier. He desired no greater
glory. He infused his men with he
roism like his own; told them haw
much depended on the effort; in broad '
daylight they poured upon it over ri- '
fie pits, and catteries and bastions.
They fought man to man, and foot to
foot tore down that banner ,black with
rebellion and red with blood, and up
lifted the banner of beauty and glory
in its stead. Great cheering, - After ,
they came back reoeivincr the srreatful
plaudits of the country, and the de
serving thanks of Mr. Lincoln, Gen.
lerry was sent by him to command ;
the department of Virginia, where he
performed his duty . faithfully. The
Legislature of Virarinia. reconstructed
under the President's Policy, passed ft
vagrant law, with which you are fit-
milliar, and which I don t intend to ;
read to you. Gen. Terry, on the 4th .
of February, 1860, issued a proclama- .
tion, as military commander, recap it-
mating uiis taw wnicn nauDeen enact- -ed
by thisIiegisUture,mtowboeenftnda -Andrtw
Johnson had demanded the . :
surrender f the government of the '. ,'
State. Gen. Terry in his 'proclama-
tion stated that this law dcrpressed the
wages of the freedmen even be
low the prices prevfrmsly paid by thai
Mars lor tne wore at slaves. Thic,
r enacted the these men's form -;
Uvea should work for the masters at ;
wnatever wages the masters aimed an.
on ; and if they did not they were to it "
taken up sod sold. Geo. Tory sty '
in his order that the! ultimate result '
foold be the redwing f the
men to a condition of servitude that '
Blftvery ia. U bu tM
- r
' I