IT" "Bd?a"lo i t n i m r . rnrsicux akd gcgoiox. ) i Otrtco In Jewell's building, Wost ond of Main Sli Wiiynesburg, 4;l: tsj-tf. jLAi'tR ODENIIAl'UH, I BEAI.KR IS DltCOt A5D MEMCIKrS, Llqn!mffirrft-(n1Kk,,flfiftng U Unit class Drug Htoro. Inscriptions carefully com ouudtsl, "Ci'elgb's OU htund," Wuynesburg 'a. fc.f fc'SU-ly. n EO. 8. JEFFEItY, NOTARY PCItLIC. AH business pertaining to tho office attended to promptly, uuiee wun r. x a. ii elogrnph Co- east of the Court House, Of WATSESnCRO. DISCOUNT DAY.. 1). IIonkii, rres't. May HI; 'tw-ly. TUESDAYS. J. u. Kljcnxikkx, Cashier. I .1 A. BALL, I4ifter0j Dry Goods, . 0roerie, rrardwaro, ate, etc. AT McOTTt PI.U STAND, :-lT. fircenshoro, Pa. EWW'IUT, J HEALKR IN nOOKI AXO ITATIONERT, Wall r.w r. Window Taper, Ac, Sunday Hchool Jloots or nil kinds constantly on hand, roomtn )ln, Hush's building, formerly occupied by Cot. lerett & Taylor, v ayncsourg, ra. May u, ea-iy. W M. BAILEY, WATCiIKS AND JEWTURT, t MAIS BTUKKT, Ol'l'OSlTB COl'ltT UOl'SE. I .r !!'. ' f ' I 1 Kispsou hands always a choice and select as toriuicnl of Watches nnl Juwclry. ltcputrlng clonout thu lowest mti's, , it 4;l:u7-ly. jlE. MoNON G.y 1KLA HOl'SB, nil't'S LASMVO, OltKKSE COI'MTV, TA., OLIVEIIA BAYAltD, PROPRIETORS,' The l"-st accommodations furnished tlie travel linn Houc and uppuileiiuurca complete. Titbit- always spread bonnMfhtly with the ilellear ii.-. i th" season. Ilors.s luv hire; feed and Muulmg :it rciuiiubl; rates. Oyjtl-tf. Yy m. t. v Ku ij; J ; e.VDDI.K ASH IIAKSF.SI MAItr.ll, (IN WILSON SDlUDIXa, MAIN ST.) . ' ! I ) ( . I ' 1,1). : Xmlilli-, I!rMlr If irtioM k"pt on linml niid ni.ulii t'MH.l'-r. U'urkiloiiii In tin; stylo, imd UL ivwtiuiMo rn'.CM. ii t lrj.(urln' u spcelnllly OTisbort notlrn. l iiniit i1 iVI'iiil.-i uoltmk nt liis stin k, 4:i.'l-ly. KNTItjTllY. haAIncn(art1n"WnVn.nb(ir, nrt am oorti. Iivlliiillli'luti' n'lliU-nci'iil I f. M. X. I'liltnn. liny ui' takrn i:n'iit ptiius hj uv t li'r'-iij?lily a liuiliib'il Willi liutlilliii theory nml pmetleo of 1 lent I -ill. v, Hint luivliiK ha' I ;n vxu rhneool. seven years in the roI'- ssluii, I fei l wurrnntetl In wiy lii'4 that my )iat leiits shitll tjave noenite to mm. ilainot iiiieri'ro'ratlon. Kxtnietlon will I reiuleroil Valnl' vw1ntnllie'lilH the mlitiln Ist rat Ion bf "r.inqnlijifis" orntnernnestheltefl. t linl'irf.s iM-xlt r e, an. tall tuatlo:is warrnntea 1 will hunt home without l'tK as rfim'si'Uli tt. aiivi.mi kk nom tlie lil'teen'ti to the thirtieth of. vw tnuiit ti. Jus. M. IfKKTIU. ; J',;li"' . -; AUllLa )VOUM. ,, SL'MMEIHGILLJABRO. (jR"i:M.'i 01. H UTANI),,! VI'l.ll KSD or TOWS.) (Thin nn'iH.' in-efArttnillv Informeit thrtt Ptim ' Juersjilut '.ro. (mve Just rn.Vhul n Inre stiH'k ul MARBLE WOUKI Sneh ns Crnvo Pt'-t'C, Monuments, MnntU 'ri'-Tr. Ar. We tire nrenhTert t tr. Ac inren ro ninnsn worn ni riMis.inti.. t term -:t "ort notlee. Call nml ex- aitiin stM-k. styh s, ntul prices, before pur- IllrtsbliX elsewhere. ' S-tf. gUEltHAN HOUSE, " THOMAS BRADLEY. ro'l lively the mst enmptele TTotcl In our town. KverythiiiKeohihliied to furnish the best, accom modation over yet oliered to the pnhlle. ...;.. luriilslexl.tit. all Uuiin, Aiible provided Vlth I .el...tof llU'senson. Traveller nml those deslrmn of refrcsttment. Milldowell toenll. "Tom" htlll retain, his old reputtit Ion of nn neeornmiHlntliiK Rent leuiiin, mid hospitable landlord. House, the one formerly Occupied by tllK ".Messelliter'' Ollloo, SjICTiD-ly. , TOIIS It 0 - UOFKilAJS, MORCIAXTOWN, WERT VIRGINIA. ATTORNEY FOR COLLECTING i rtsstoxs, bounties, AnitEAns or pat, AND ALL MILITARY CL..IM3. iravlnuhnd 1" yenrs OTperlene In prmeenlln(( Bueh claims, I hnvo become familiar with the Tnrlous Laws nnd the lnre amount of record evidence In my possession ennhles me to Ih9 very' successful in prosecuting suspended claims, Bnd 'Mn many lnKtiines hsjre proved uncareful when theehilinnnt had InnKirtvun Miem uplndeilr. No mnt tcr how dllllcull the claim so It Is Just. , 8;2s-ly. J0BEI!T DOUGHERTY, . 4 CARRIAGE JtANLTACTUnKR, WATNK8BURO, PA. .iir Itespeclfiillv gives nollcotriatlieirins located tn Wnynesburg, I'o., whore lio intends to mnno . bcturo Of every ilescrlpt Inn. From his experience In the business he feels conthlent Hint his work. In style.flnlsh nndilnnibllltv. wlllclve entire sat Isfiietmn. It Is his deternilnntlon to purchase the best material In market, and employ none but comiietent workmen. 9-.ll work warranted foroncyenr. S;2l:'ilti-tf. - - 1 w AY.NESBURG MARBLE AND STONE WORKS. V "MYERS MNEHART Will i-onMnnetopniTT rnitlieMrM and Rton pnttliie hnsiiipfsn nt thf lr 1on entRbtlMie! nfnl ; 1mmrhrtrrNtof kh-fnliitA-HciiM-ra. etweea TUU otubitslnnont lmn boon tn constant opr fttlnn sin1 nit I the fnexprlenor nnd n rricyof tho nrnpriotnrn, llnkfvi with .the exer rl(af ru(iBtiJulHtawutiai i ftoU tHsU hnv won for (hoi n n wLlfstiriMwl nnd invIihleroilltAtlon. An extonnlvp Ktix-k of tlia vnrloun varieties of tne wnt nmrmn kipt ronstnntly on nnnn. Hpe- t wreTeW,' All orders promptly fllled. j2S:'Jl-tf. , Oeoror. P. ftTunntsa, Attorney at Law,) K Jottst c. Waoh, Ifotary Public CmT.QISS & WAGNER, UNITED STATF.I n.AIM AND GEXERAlVi t'OLMJCTINU AQEXTS. -Fnr the ndlnstment of (TI,AIMS,of all kinds against the United States, such as PEN3I0X, INORF. ASK OF rFVSTOX S, BOUS TY, S10U EXTRA BOUNTY, j and those of any other elasa call on or write io tne unitary and avnl Azcncv of I KTI'KOISH A WAOXER, 1 walnut St, 1 door below Hasans' corner! Il:p stairs,) i ,il,,7.m M0nOAroWX, W. VAi J 'CV&IIsM&tfER&lAXTS I - JORTIIE SALE OF HOGS, CATTLE AND SHEEPj'! AJjlrVlaXOaHXRDS, WEST BALTIMORE, MARTLANT). 3 J&hZ&teTZltn&k'XJ.. H i ii irgalitam, sll -ao EW KXC1TEMES1I liV. fti'..iH i. i!MW Tim fROrOSED tMraACRMRrr Hli'J' II. R N E II A R T I Y,JA f 7 -) '. , FpjJ ?ELllKa CIIEAP GROCERIIS I; 4 . . . .' 'I J ,J f 1 ' ":i -ir-fflftl I 1. ..- .11 ..II . , .4 " , , . . : , I. In town, H Oealm to (nrra tbt altlara of WajmaabarBana vicinity oi ux mra n pu w kta In sulooilus buttock, bTlinonhaiKlOod supply of '. . . LUKEl.TIOn,T1IHAUll, ITIlAlWVTAlt, UtO, 1'IUJViMlOISa, HAUUM UKIbV BEKK. roTATOKH. rWII, . An.. Ao.. Ac. do. Call and i M ul uk o bo hat bean gottlni A X E Wi 8 U P P L Yll You will And dim accommodatlmr. and tan sell lower than any one In the place, lie (ore to go to me rigiiiptuce, in LEDWITH'3 OLD BUlLDEsd, Opposite the Conrt Iloase and formerly oranpled by the pout t mice. J;ls: l-tf. JECONSTRUCTiaN I hot or Tlllt trNTOW, Bt'T Of ISAAC HOOPER'S OROCKIIT 1KD COSFtCTtONKBT I .Mr. Hooper would still have hi friends and pa hwur In mlml. that Iib continues In the Gn eery and Confectionery tradeat his ukuuI place of doing busluuHi, and that bohuajuatreoeired , , . . . A FKEStt SUPPLY..' of fno best (iriallty of All articles In his line. TOY NOTION'S, and a great variety of useful articles a ways on hand. ' RBTRE8HME NT 8 i -' In connection with t)i above, Mr. Itcepsa Restaurant, where , 1C7E CREAM, BERRIED l : i , Hooper And all theluxnrlim of the snason can be ob tained. . I iii. most attractive nml most popnlar resort in town. ;M:'lB-v. w 1LLIM WALLACE, GIUX'EUJ pi AND PROYISIOXB! or. room wmt ov rirnca naoWa- mtobh, Wn have Just received n well selected slock of Choice FAMILY (IIUXKltlKS which we puf ehnscd for i'Amii nnd on conndent that we can supplA' our amluiuers and all who may favor us Willi a sail, as cheap. If not cheaper, than any other house In thecouuty. IWI-'K.KS, i BUtlARH,- MDI.ASfKS. . . HYKrrw, .1 TnrbR. HOD A, ; ' ' " ' no Are", 1 syrFPI. rANT)T.Fl, POAP, EXTRAfT.tJOr FEK, HTRAWltKURIES, JKIJJE8, Ac., "., Ac. Don't fall toexamlnomirstock and sea for ynnr selves, for we are determined to sell as cheap aa tho cheapest. 5;H-tf '67 , JOltS H ITOHB.... ........ TuoitA8 Lucas. T. LUCA8 CO. PORWARDINO AFB COMMIMIOK VESC1IAKT8. And dealers In Oroeerlen, Hardware, leather, Wmo Findings, Iron. Nails, Salt, Fish, ftc. Also, nitenls mr Aiiorey, , Tonuow simn, onmw Haali. Asupply kept consta landing, lV.almvetheiir: pi consiamiy on nanus, ivk-s JAZEAKiBROTUEIlS, WnOI.F.SALB 0Rocr.ui! im coMMtsstos CHANTS. HER- I No. 77, EXCHANGE fLACE, BALTIMORE. Jxn. B. TiAtkah, Wm. L. Uaikak. fclVly. pCBLIC NOTICE. ' , i t.thnltmi of HUOIim A LUCAS la dissolved by mntnal eonsent, the Commission business will sllll be carried on at tne out gooa order, nml on the most reasonable terms, in the name and stylo o( L. Ht'OHFJs A a (senior partner.) Thev flatter themselves, hy having ilM, House and the beat -location In the place for that nuslneas. inai xney win kiurivb a iiitciwi shni-eof the pnblle putronnire. TltBVV , WIKMlia m Kllllll LV III ITItw r..' I V.Hon hand to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. . . , ibliuvniro kvus ' f 10-tf. Jllce'a Landing, fa. SOMETIIINQ NEW !'tV. r-- ITT WAYNESriTJTlfl, PKNNAs. tiros: Bl?A DEN A CO., (At thr'st ore room lorinsrly neerrpl ed by Andrew WUson, 8r.,.next door, to Braden s Drug Utorf .) Respecthilly Informs the good people Jf tlrlcte ' county, that they have opened all r- .ti.,.. l.'iti 11. 1.1 r 'o'.i t J Hi it D fr'A R E'-'S' TORE! . i . ... . i ! ; . . . 'i- : m ( And lnWtea'aeali from thalr Meads and the puri Uevetierallv. Tbrlortafllledwlthevrythlng In ttielr line needed by the farmer and meoharile. Belo praotloel farmera, they kaow exactly the : rrtk.irftirTner friends. Amona their var- klndj. ush ni all variollee. Auaera. I t. nraeen, e. Tattle toothed, -crone cni ana mm saws, hand sawaaad tools of ait deaoatpttona.. ca "JdRtcrriTtftAL' 'rsirtEMiSTs. ItftrwrnJ lmtenfnei, Cnttltht'rioxea flrtf felfera. i'lowa. Cllllivaion, omn"i -' r thlngnhelr line.' ' " 1 ' WMOB MWflsiTWP nr-w --y 'er'Wwh imd alf ink f n'a. I'luow Hasxeta. Bror 5m Rneketa. Braea Kettle. ot yna, Boys-agntu aad Sic. 111 nefstma delrOTof'orang any the atnvoaitArjMi and many ptneta not maataotMO,. I Triey will tax pleasure ra amverrnm M' aafrntasv avstatnleJ arnaw I a !J M' aaltlMasv rdwtetwnai Tw-,t.'"l!"iy N i-. .inisii tame yawnostwrcr . i;, i D BY QOODS .a a in 4L AT irtffo lsa:le, M'ELROY, DICKSON & CO. i"i 1 m:i,en .TH I'rih 7.1 ji I ': r.' ' c ..I' '-.i.c-. '. t s.-.' ' HO. 51 WOOD 8TREET; 'v-; PITTSDURail, PA. 'TA: Ko bsWr to dealer theto J.:H FALL STOCK, n .ai. : . a Jr.. ' . : .1 - i-T stl:e.T - .i.'.i ."i . , - - I i i 4 1 ''!' ei ATa l .''. I !.t i-i , ! "i .III i' " ' ' .l .! . : U , ' , L0V7 PRICES FOR CABII. DRY. GOODS AND NOTIONS, IN, GREAT YARIETY. Frlt-Sra. gOMETIllNQ lrEV7t MRS. B. B. 8AYEIW ft H08KIN80X Havo Jnst arrived from the East with a large assortment of foreign ami domestic DRY G 0 O D S, ., SPRINQ AND SUMMER STYLES ! I " :'d . 1 : ' ' '.' '!.'.. ,A . t 1 -' i . ... .-,1 on , .,., .! Wh ich Ihny proposo to aell It the lowest CASH prices 1 tucli H8 Press Goods, Dress Trllu- ,11, us, I'xcwrt uuiwain, lin BHan Is, Boots and Shoes, , Hate and Cupaj also, a, , , . ' , ,,i , great variety, at ,, ,, ' , . : i . niuearUcle,at . t . .. very low . , . ,: . , i prices I for i nn '.-,. I :i . v.: : i ; . OENTLEMEN ANti LADIES' WEAR, Ware of all kinds, and aenraplete variety of the best ItHOCKltlKS. Allot which thev nronose to sen at tne very lowcni ngnnsj, aepenaing on me qnmity ana eneapnesa oi ineir gooua to gain itiein custom; ' (tlve them aeall liefnre pnrchaslng elsewhere, anil they will prove thai the aliove la correct. Room In Allison's hulhllnit, nearly opposite the tauiT noose, waynesuurg. . -- . ..;i,of-ii B EAUTIFUL DISPLAY ! 'i DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIJIERS, &o.', E VANS' ESTABLISHMENT, COMPLETE ASSORTMENT EVERYTHING IN THE LINE I Wlshln to eloae nn't tor the Fatl trade, he" of- ft.r hla.w1a at. Mtnnlshlne low ratjfH for cash. The stock la u late as the latest and the nest In market. Minor's Building, opposite me ureena iionse, 4;'2l-8m. t" ,i L. K. EVANS. N EV STORK t 1. FR ANKl'M'GURGA Has Just opened a Art elasa . .-. ).-. . , i ; . STOCK OF. DRY QOODS, CLOTniXO, TltlMMISOS, XOTIONS, AO,, ;..', i In the Store Room of tleorjre F.. Minor, and nearly opposHe ltie f armers; urovers .nuon ni ixtiin, W A Y NElS BU R Or PU .-ITTT TTMoel,t i ALL NEW ANU FRESH t ji Hewoold respectfully Invito thepnbllcto rail ana examine ais larga ana laanionanie stock. His IasU and Isxtietience In selecting irooda ; Ods energy and dctermtaatlou to please tlie public aaa nssumi aia .. . i . , ' FIRST CLASS -STORE nia ttodk amhraca ' aumw assortment ot GENTiESiENS ClxOTHIXG I Of th moat hahlonable and durable q.ualltles. !' t" T'T'. 'It'- 1 LADIES'- DKBSft -OOODg, HEAVY DRESS and a fall assort event of Fancy Flgnred Silks of ail eoiora. aipo. impress t-iorn. rsjriiins. pin. sainhlqueo, wool ueiuinaiaoniMa viauis. His! Hhawls, Hltorlliswls,HIIX Hacnea latest style. Parasols. Kancv Fans. Enallsh Ribbons nd other ribbons of all odors and widths; Hata, wreaths and Flowers. J-we HandkerchAwk and KmbroMeries, ana a run assortment 01 j TRIMMINGS II GENERAL. I Cmvm. UlfriOB Covrm. Hide Tabl Vtveni. and in short tall touk oi ll poodji wiuaUy kpt la. (7h r rain iv. n v4iriiiAr; iU. a'TNTEIlJIAL KV. NOTICE. yitwir' tiifr si ,-.i-i.Tf t.vr nt I f"il1 ieraool laTila'aosvjr't' Uentaa' btf W d"utlei Wlhf ully aavlwsU, and that he was ktaTsn4o gato thaWaaeal f PtfcittettiitamTrlti 1thHhh ahmnrlLTHa- fSiCtSCOn- ortL. "U sVnia 'ZZZZZZTl mw i nm siaaeasaawesgaiissw m tmm-x n epujbucrtn, ipncSrJai;, x iopcmocr iaoj. ' -'1'ire Missisii)ians aro aroused bv tho mdl fif rojm.liatiorij ,'Thoj; 'scipif it with inJoscriljaWe pleasure. A papier down there makes tliia ilcmonstnition, as it noses '4ho schemes of the Norther Democraey: "Over titty Deraoerritio papers nt th Nerthi we jlvTicatiiri; repudiutiuti of the puhlicdebt,6rst broached by tho La C'rosso Democrat. Oh ! how we'una in ,3djsIs.sippilong to (jet roll at that ball! Just gi ye ua a 'chance t ' AVo are used to it; we know how to put it through right 1 If we don't pivo it a "winder" that writ knock email down, then there's nothing iii practice nnd inclination." "Jnst oive them ehane." and theV will teach "'tho Northern l)eifiochipy "a thing or two" in regard to repudia tion tlmt MicV ilbift knoV'now.! Mis sissippi knows all about it She's been there. ..) t It tha manuscript room of the British Mu- sertni, Id London, there kra witia iron-bound boxes containing manuscript, which, by legal provUo made by the donor,, are to bo oiencd Juntwry I, 1'JOO. Tuo story or this gift Is a littlo singular. They contain the mitnnscrlpt of Francis Douce, who dlod in 1831. IIo was thn author of tlio tllustrationa of Shlkespwra, which, by every student of tho great dromutlst, Is regarded 03 a text-book of high authority. Whon it first appeared, tho. critics (Mailed liliu With great fiorociten, and being nutiimlly of an irritable naturo, ho determined never tJ publish again. Tlio leg acy lelt to him by Nollekons, tho sculptor rendered him independent of tins emolument which ho might liavo derived from his pen, and ciccpUug an occasion. al article In some magazina, he published nothing ni ter tho re- iew appeared whicit cmltittcred lnswhold lift,.- .: ' -.1 .. SrAiimxo Arrntr at U.viontjw. Art ajftrty occurred utUiiint"wn, Fayutti fimity, on nuturuaj- nigtii mst, in which a young man named John Hunting was stabbed and danger' 'btisiy'wonnttcrl by a mart named James Ifutolilnaon; 1 It Appears that ttnoldgrndte has dxlsted between Bunting and Hutchinson, uudontho night stated, lltitcltinson, whilo soluCtvHitt inioxirated, assaulted' Bunting in front of the United States Hotel, InUulontown slabbing him in tho abdomen with "a large knife. Tlie wounded man was picked up and carried into Dr. Swing's olllce, where his in 'Juries wa altendoil.'tci He was afterwards removed to his rod leuco, where ho Unow ly ing. . The wound U a d.tugerous oo, and may;' probably provo fatal. ; Bilntiug nnd. Hutchinson are both residents ot Uuiontowu, The former is about twenty, nnd the latter about twenty tlireo years of ago. A'tfa. Com A SinvNou Sroar. On tho 20th of Sept last, a, private in the Sixth United States caval ry who went by tlie name of Charles J, Sacliow, died of yellow fever in New Oilcans. It has since been ascertained that his ftiimo was as suined and that ho was la roality tlio sou of Count Vort M.dtko, a distinguished Prussian General nnd Chief ot Sulfite the klug, Fred erick William. It arpcats that tho young man. while a student at a German University, bo- came dissipated in his habits and was disowned by his family iu consequence. He soon after wards disappeared, and it has Flnee been as. curtained that ho catno to America, In tS(i8 lie entered tho military 9ervlco nnd wa3 ap pointed sergeant itnj ir of the Flint (loyal; Louisana cavalry, serving 119 such until honor ably mustered out with bit regiment. In Sept ember, 181)0, he enlisted in tho Sixth Cavalry Iris now siven out that thi djtnctivcs the Treasurer havo satisfied themselves tha tho counterfeit seven-thirties wero not made hi Europe, as at first supposed but proba bly In Philadelphia. They aro very certain that they havo got a clue to tho parlies who. put out tho notes, and possibly to those who made then). , .Three or four arresLs have al ready been made and others aro daily expoct ed. Thero seem somo doubt yet whether tho plate was or was not electrotypod from the originals ib the Printing Bureau. .Over one thousand of (he bogus U3UC9 havo been put upon the market. ''' ' l-l-"l A Late number of the Toledo Iiladc assorts, on 'wliat it claims as goixl authority, that 1 Iou J5eu. F. Wade, lins bo Kloii ot reliriiir irom imbliu life. His friottds frill, nt'xtthll, Brosnut him as n wuulKltite lor Loiirnssio!)iii JCcp- rexfutativo from tho iS'euotijenth (Gur fieM'e) District. Tub New York Tribune snya bow that tlio cniunni;ii3 in Ohio ami Pcnn- sylvauia arc over, the Domocrals wont rccnp-nizo tlio I rosidrnt nnv more. That is alwart, the wav. ' When lnw- l)rctl people got up in tho world tho first thirty thoy do is to cut their vulgar relations. .IVI-.I "ill' I.i' m i 'II ' ' ! AcortnimoY road was rreentlv diBs covrwl fjijrht feet 1m?1ow tho mirfiieo of Htyli... fatroct iu Georgetuwii, X. ; bv goirrc'workmen who were diirerinz a 6wcu,Jltwsupiipscd,...tq hav(iJ)?en iikkio uv iimuuwa-eaiiiiy wiiiiuuuau; way to Fort Durpiesnc. I : . 'iv.'i.: i i .' . -. i Among articles exhibited at the Paris Exposition was a model in silver oJTi railway1 locomotive with tender attached , The loenraorive ; contains wlifekv. tho tender hot watior: gturar titties the place of coal upon tho tcnii r, , ,u j t t'ft i. i .,i.. - rc m 'sugar toBgs, ,,;';;';';.; 1 "At i;.ni , a i a r'TwarnB Angel, the famous relic of the trreat rvbi'llion, is. now .lying at ITieutOU (X J.) machine shop, aWaiUi.AlMlra. i'liiininipliy a4 llulaM Omepon- : U. . lu. kvl .ml 4nch- Iontd, 'Into more; 'peaceful' and useful lroplotnonH i A hitve number ot peo- pla ditily Visit Uie.' factory to 860 ' this ,6dMnoir,;':;U i.v.r,i.,i" -. - ' i ' a) . ,t M AvUhtMaciUTip caucus, la eaiteni Pennsyl' Tanlk'sVmsnled "of the aoaventloo that lit should iwi.' sidier lor 'gi' oorUla oouuty flftvJriti'po'iHoa was faTombly rccerred, but on inquiry do Democratic aoidiucooukl be found in thecounly.., yacneml Mower lesUnes thai he tswtiwieid ftfeVhMallkH."Tlklnlah .m" M".t" '"f!-1 :s etMisaaiisaaaniai ui iii i m - vxs r. jnsusu gountji uml T) EPORT OF THE AUDITORS OF MON l ONOAincLA TOWNSHIP, IN RELA. TION TO BOUNTY TAX. James A. Ulack. Committee of Monnncnhola tow ushlp, on draft of March, lHOt, , . , .... ' - , ' To borrowed monev....-...J...:...;i....l BO To sulsK-riptlon money S171I 00 11) rucruiiiug lues,...,.,,..,., yu u : 't .1 t ; . 1 oMa oa en. . , uy amrmnt paid oat as per voneners ap- 1 pmveiL.i..M.. eev isj C. A, Ucatrezat CoinmUtee of draft of Sept, 181. DR. ....J .. i ; .. -r To amount received from F. A D. Tlanlc....430O 00 To amount of aulMcrluttoa money uaitl ' 1 him 3197 M To order from Hchool Director By amount paid oat u per Touchera ap. piuiww--rs-wi . uiiii'. mi i ee Amount of above mentioned order from School Directors not entered In proper place on towusuip uuua, pul auppusea u 0 -enougn 10 square tneaceount. Jameg A. Black; Treasurer of Bounty Tag tor WH.' ..: ; UL - C : I ,, '.1 To amonnt of dupllcate.,.....,....,.tTMi TI uy nmt rtntfloTtraspcr vonehrrs By ain't, credited nn his noto ngainsi me townsnip... ............ so ts 973,1 79 Amonnt of anrwcvlptlnn money reeelreil ty rtuorew jniniap, rMj, ouiiraa 01 jiarcn ioo. Dlt. To amount of subscription $WJ3 15 Tosubaicrlptlou money recolvcst by him . una not now suoscripiioa papen, as ' Eiulro Duulap odutiw... ............., KS ii " 1 . ' ! HII7 00 PTL 1 vv amt nnld l A. 1:171)1 00 Uy ain't paid W. JI, McCoy., - il go-JUi; 00 A. McHtreztvt. Committee of draft of March WH. . . ! l.)H. t : To amonnt of money received M 10W 86 Uy amount paid out luwl 80 Hr. Oeorgo P. Birch, Treosnrer of nounty Tax for thuyeuriixM. 1 I' 1 in. To amonnt of duplicate.......... Touiuountof suliscrlpUou... . W270 35 . W :b 0IU21 1 Totnl... .... Uv recclptil frnm F. A D. llnnlc...VI7lX) 00 tiy oruers irom i. i(. uruy ior salwl ttute.. By aiuount of Caleb Burwcll, 800 00 crutiiioa on nisonior lur auo- niniiv...i h By amonntof W. H. McCoy, ertd It on his ardor for substltuto..u SI 30 31 18 , , .11 .10 ill Ot so n By amount 'of I. T. Wetlncr, credit 011 his order for substi tute By Treasurer's per centime My jonn iniiiuani, col lector s per rentuKo... .'. I ll 'JOl 01 Biillnuce due Monongalicln tp... 121 71 t?1K3 (C Tn (he matter of Iheaeftleinent of theWeeohnt of wuilmii L'lcvcugor,aolleclor of bounty tux for l-sio. lilt. ... . 1 to amount of duplicate as specified In the bond oinnid collector untca Aiuy ir, ... H skuuu uu int. , , By amount that Vm. Mestrejmt, Treas. ' urer of tho bounty tin, admits that , CleiiveiiEer rnlil Ho him ati ner vouchers (not produced), hiLleuveuKcr s hands 12W ID Tlie auditors have reason to believe tlmt V. CU'iitvinrer also paid to the F. & I). Untile of v nynesoiiru, annul cliu iiuiuireii and rt it v dol lars, but have Imd no vouchers produced before ,1111m. 1 . .... 1 ... . Tlie itnderslirned, auditors of Monnngahplnjlp. certify t.ha above stnteinenls to lie correct accord' lllK l vouuUuR), ie., placed before them. , W 1 1,1,1 AM BOU illMETt, 1 JOSKFHUtf llAKTbr'.Y, 1 ,'ftts-St Auililore. X E OA L NOTICE. Letters of ( thn estate of luiuii'iuwi'iis. laicot v iiyui sourK, itecit., iiav Iiik been mauled to the ntnlorsliriied, notice Is tioreny given, to all iki.oiik ludi bled to an hi eslale to tnnite finmedtsle payment, and those linvliix claims airaliisl.thn same to present tin m iiroperiy uuiiicuiiuuicii inrsnllii'lnciil, : JNO, 0. 1'LKNJJIKKN,. 0;is-0t Administrator, I" E G A L NOTICE. I.i tters of administration upon tho pstntn of r.iijuii, ourcn, line 01 i;enier lownsntp. ilis-'il.. hlivllltf been urittlted to tlio undersigned, ntillr.ii Is hereby ulven toall Demons Indebted lo si. 1,1 estate to ninkc Immcdiutu piiyim nt, and those bavlna: claims nealnst tlie same to present them propcilyuutliunlicaU'd lursoltlcnient, r.;lH-nt, I- .1 Admlnlstralur., 0 El Notice Is hereby Kfven that the Book aceounls. nf Minor (Jo. have lieen left with Hitnon iiiueiinn,.iusiiceonne l euee. Ill a) neMliuiy, for lMMHniATr collection. All claims not paid by tho 1st of OCJ'OUEH next, will la- collected With cost. H. CLAY MINOR, Administrator of fltlllp Minor, due'd. w;n-iw L EGAL NOTICE. i Letters testamentary npon tlie estate of John I-'isher. of Itlrhllill townflill. flreene connlv ln havlnu been grniitml to tlie nnderslirne notice Is hereby given to all persons Indebted to said es tate to innke Immediate payment, and those havlnu Halms nmilnst the same will present them properly nullienllcab'd for settlement. ( : ( juoiiuA. AUKLKr, executor. DMLNISTIUTOH S KOT1CE. Letters of administration hitvlnirheen minted to the ojidersigiieil ii)xii the csUtte of Susannah fleeler. line oi me noroincn or v avnesimrii, ileo'tt.. riothsi I hereby given lo nil persons ltnowlmr themselves inneDicfi to said cslato to make Immediate puymimt and those having claims iijiou sum estate 10 present them proper. ly authenticated for settlement. ft;iVW i T B L'SINESS MAN'S COMMERCIAL COL- liEOlS, . Nm. t Asnt . Ci.Ata HTHr.arr, Pittsburgh, Pa. - , t I . t Tills Instltnllon has been In opera! I on for a nam iM'fof yoafs.and Is conducted suoomwfully ly an atdeei-psof teachers, whose object Is to make mi' li pupU tmdcrsUind thoroughly every branch uu., . I .,.,'... , . . - BUSINESS EDUCATION, to. prepare thera .tor ' BUSINESS MEN ! ".) )) nook.lceeslhs.PenmanshlD andArlthms. I ,1 . I n in His ' mil. -.1,..... d BiMik-kispinu, Panmuuslilpand Arlthme-' ' Mf HinoniUS,..;.4.. 40 UQ Bnslnem and ornmientiil IVninanshlp per ' niontii. ....-..-. . M 00 Comnn Knitllsh Branches per month 10 0(r ueuceaccoruiiigioagrecuicni. I I , ... I 1 ! 1 ' Alt our specimens are executed with a pen t A mU coarse ean be eompteted la eight weeks. Por etrralav or specimens, address aj7kaioa....J..o. --.u K.HHAFFKft. J) AINTd FOit FAUMEHS AND OTHERS. '. The rirafton Mineral ftilnt Co. are now mann- fjtcturlug tballest, Clioapest, and niost Durable Paint la use; two coals well put on, mixed w'lh pure liiuHiod oil, wlU last Ul or 1.5 years 11 la of a Ililht brown or beautiful cIkxwuw color, ami can huohauiredto areen. lend, stone, drab. olive or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It la stat liable Houses, Barns, ti'enoes, (Jarrlaaeaad Cax-mokers, Palls ami Woodeil-ware, Agricul tural Imnlementa. Canal Boata.. Vessels aad Mblpa i Houiaas, )anva, Metal and HMnule Ttonrs, (It being fire and water proof,! Floor Oil mollis, lone luanniaciurer navuig uacuoui.i nms. tawmusm veavHsMiwaBavmni air a paint girany parpoeolA. durability, elnsflclty, aad. par bni.aussv,wlrh nnsuroaaseil for body, di adhwUeessav Ptleagtf wUl supply a farmer r y. U suis. Warto ranted la itedlaaUenaesasauove. Unl tor acln-ulsr which gdves rati paruciuara, . .ea. aenutne on. Vwibraiuled ta a trade mark Grafton Mineral pajnt, . Anurse . gAJiji, mfjwiis. , .tipaasawrnps) v o;i i eesras ! w ssssm j ,'HAATi'. IV.'lu Ji.cifi. i iVlWe'l . FORNEY'S- 0 ii ' ' . .1." I 't ! .'t'i ,;:. LETTERS ER05I EUROPE. " M ! : 1 .-'ligu-cl :;..; ; illa-h ,';:! . : i Ml !";( LfetTERS FROlt'EVROrit laitw'.gS 40HH -V, roBSBVM- ' t,;. at) rroa or tiai "I'Bii.Ano.fai'A rnEse'' ash "WAUltl.NOTUM fllKONUJ.K, AM) Mi KtrAllf ' or m sekatk or tho rurrtu r.Tts, : Since tbe'eommcneementof ftie Imbrication of Colonel romey s tettursimin KurutM 111 ihk 1'uiILPIi.riUA Dailv and Wkkklv 1'uk.s, tlio anhllshuT of those nailers has lieen In the receipt ol innumerable lnqulrtoe ftoiu thoso who wish ed IO KUOW U I lie corn'SlHiuueilce wooui no. ni- pearia boot mrm. inaccoraancowiiiiinvirro 'ully revised and re-wrltten, with Important Illt'SU. WH Will D IW IIULl' LUUl Ull'MI k'iii in. UU' adilltloiia. are now In vreas. and will shortly bo given td the world, In almve diiaUeesfua.'yiiU uiiieoiouu paes, oy ine ouousiiiiiK noov ui 4. H. I'etcraon A Brothers, Philadelphia, who are sparing no expeusestuwakeof it u bis which ball oonilituu every Avtupa o typogmpiuiiu fXCfUenoeoluiracterl itlcof (he best puoucuiioiis of this arm. It will contain an excellent steel portrait of the utithor engraved in the tiueat style of tho art, by uuuui the best artists in the country, and it will bo lu every resjiect a worl ceentnlile to the iintnernus frlenifs of Colonel rorneVrf. necojrcli;niieu'aivei, wichiuoim s iiuprese'ons of various countries whb'h hevtlt ed Surlnusn Eunipean tour ot several inoiilhK, witlLubvcrvation upon society, polities, uioum--mcnts, manufactures, edueritonal and ndlylous insUtutlous, In England, France, tswltAciiatcl, Ui rutuny, Belgium, and llolhuid. The variety of these letters may be.ndi(vd from the fact Uiat Liiev were written 110111 luoiiuou. 1-iveriKioi. ford. Windsor. Ilnllfnx, Htrullird-Unn-Avon, Chester, larts, Ueru, LaKa Leinnii, Hiuhai Itadeil, Ileldellierg, Wiesbaden, On the Ithlne. Coblenta. Brnssels, Antwerp, tho Mamie, and various other placea on tiiei oiilliicutof Kurop.1. Tho work will bopntillshcd In one liirao du deolinoTolumeofuveraiiOiNiMes, printed on the tlucst paper. Price, Two I) and handauiuclv bollili i 111 cioiu. lollars. IkKjliSMllern. news agents, canvassers, and all others, are solicited to order at once what they may want of the almvo that their orders can Imi tilled out for the Hist edition. Addrcst. all orders, wholesale and retull, to lite pulillsl era of It. T. B. I,ETKa,'ON A BBOTHERS, ' SOOChestnut Street, riilladclplila, Ta. And thev will recelvo Immediate attotitlOli, SamplH copies of "Colonel Fornuy's Letters from fiuropo" will bo sent to any one; to any place. In advance of one day of publication, postaia' paid, 011 receipt of the rctuij price 01 tlie work. WANTED-AOKNTsandCASVASSKits are wniit- ed 10 every county, town, und villtiye til tiit- United Sliiles anil rannda, to enufnre in K.'tlliij: up a list of bubscrlbcrs to tlie above work, . IHli-tf. i1' 1 ' "-I. r -1 r M P O R T A N T TO BUILDERS asd COXTR ACTORS! WATNESBURG STEAM . .if! - ': PI.ANINO MILT. It fflves ns nleasurn to announce to tho nubile the completion of this work mid thereadltie.ssol the proprietors to RECEIVE ORDERS! AND M A K E C O X T It A C T S I The best Improved machinery Is used, l'lnn tnir, Plottuliing and Grooving, Hash and Door Miiklnir. l'iimicllin-z. Hinoinir. iiiotlliliuir it".. rapidly and skilfully executed. Killing prices pn uu lor ALL KINDS OF Ll'MRER)''. Thev are also preparer! fo do nlllclndsof Ctirnen. r Work, with the utmost nromntiiess. and In the most sitlistantlnl manner. , They resiiectlully solicit a share or public jinironnite, and nailer itiemscivcs 111:11 llu-y wu in all eases lie ante to . QIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION I Alt orders promptly attepilcd to, UltADEV, WALTON SAVffUS,' 8.,11-tf. . Waynesbarg, r. $3, to fts.coPEn; Mf. ' AGENTS WANTED ' FOB THE G 0 L D E n p e n! A BETTER rEN Til AN 0ILLOTS PEN. These nens sell rnnldlv wherover lntroiluced to all classes of people. Are fully eriual to tin sold pen for ease end beauty of w-rlllntr. More nexilileanit tliirarue iiiuii any sieei pen ever manulaclured. v, in not corisic. nenrr vr snm plo Ik.x. only cents or two lioea for ,cinu nn. 1 tor general use. ino. x tor iJMiies, neiioon and choice 1'einiiaiisliip. Sent free of pnatiure Money refunded if they do not give salisfaetlou, Address M. V. II. COWfcN, Lafuyerte, lad. The followlntr Is a sample of hundreds of let tcrs from partb's who have ordered these pens, VfiTTHTOWy, PA., July Viiil, ltU17. si v ,1 fill, r-.-s i.nmvpun. 11111. Iifah Sir : The box of So. I pens ordered hy me some ten days since has arrived, and I am so much pleased with mom that I navo oonciuuen Li lake nn Awencv for their sale, so far. at least aa to order three gnaw No. 1 and one gross No. 2, for which 1 enclose your price ro Au-ma. m dress KEY. 8. MWIFItlKn, .i' as. Warwintod to last five times as lone and (rive belter satisfaction than any steel pen mnnulac tnred. Hond for circular of testimonials from Professors of Schools and Col leges, anil from swomtawnt bualaesa houses. M. V. C lfcWhn. A NEW DISCOVERY BOMKTIliria t USEFUL FOK EVEKY FAMILY. Oehr'S Kzcclslnr Llnuld Cement, will posl. lively mean msnes, itocks, itiass, sr., in MnvirrR, snd mnka them sfmng aa ever. I stands warm water and all ordinary one; and will break anywhere as easily ss at the Joint. w ii Hnn aramiiT nans to mnae it lor itje. or. bottle for the some: Drnaatsts keen the Inare d tents; onty two articles mixed. Axents do well by macingana soiling ii., J. B. KHR, ' ' Oct 2-3t Bhlremantown, Pann'a. TI3SOLUT10N OF COPArfrNERSHiP. Theflrm of ft. A. FOTJTZ A BTto Is thla da dissolved (August 1st, lT7J by mntual oensen a a Fruits retlHne r). K. FfltTTZ Is herebv au thnrlsed-lo settle the buslnewiut Aae late firm and wlllooqunue the baslneas in nisnwn name .1 I sdAir .i.i i .j i H. A. POUT- DAVID K. r'OUTZ. ''I enniiinna In the WHOT.WAt.H lintTO AND MKDK'INE HUH1NKMS MANli'r'Al'i;i.'B- iTiii roiJr. ei MKt in i?i rvs, si m oia puns-. Mo, lis Vmualtn street, under tne nsmaan ...fin l. Vtl"V'r i IV US , il. Til. r r.'i " . 2Wtt '"' . ! ' . Baltlmere, Md. CP OF O. F, rl ; Iv-.'t.i x t H08HIMKA LODQC, NO. 6n. l i': TTnll In flanear'a Riilldlnir. East Main Street Wnvnesbarg, Pa.' Time, ThnrsdayeveniMg. each VMk.l ...... . I -i ... . lib. ftVl'f I ,t i , m:i. i.- frtrfOm Of-Ot V. . ' t i:l vta uw A ,.a). i . .. ... 1 1 . . 'f STaB.ln haainar's nulldlnc. east Mala fltreef. Wnjrri8borg,,l'a, , Time, 'luesilay avening, each SERS.. itriamr mi rotntaattfig At'tAW.' ' I te:n. Jtml'i.t i j . o.'i ;'. tUyu sUI In Addition In saber baelneaa will attend to all In Sintnintrv t.list mnvtwsnlnwtr.1 to hl- fcrwre.' ee,eisfOslta Drag Store of 0. W, Rob jtiW'!,W'H'.a.'uii i.' -;iv i iiifl-.tK CJ7II ti ". i t fc. e P(il as!: riMIE ltl'Sfl IS NOW AT " I.ITIHI 11 ' i. e.t ; 7 mil 1 l -.'.'it -u !' 11 n . I'l M . 13 1 AT Ell . OBNBA ypiV jt-w.rl r U - .111 A ,9 mil Ho reoertrnli-e rnftVrtWs etn nfiNiiit, ta-fnt. nki-i. clans ceueraliy, that he uai ruoeivog UM largest uu niiKK. ,14 . A ... I ... , 1 ', BRUG5 XMfeiMt ' . t f... !.r...,i,. over oircrod In tills market .which hewlU jt '". "'"3 E L'L' C H e'aP B B' Ji'.'i'i'.v than can be purehMcd gnywhera alio' tavai county. ,,. :.:T;,J. ..' ' 1 .t ' ' - I I V .i Pry aad in oil, of tbevery best ouaUtr. Ilnrinr' than tho eticupest, . ' . ; ' ,,'1'w'f'i'rW , ,' e-l' if IIT ni IM1TrvlJIJI of tlio vcri futtsl selection: i t t. ," ;o ; .o.i 0U)LIQ,U0RSri f. ;Y. A .driru'r of all kinds, tlio ftneat that' eau be proturei It) lllCisUlUV, 1UU. ..... . . ... ' ' ' l, . I I ITHI rxYiEL ding i'i $q sfn ffij remcoV nnsuronsaeil for ttien're of'hteedlaJ of the liinus, spitting of lilixsl, soreness of thn breast and chest, V illcliunge the frail yellow complexion to one of health nnd will cure dye.' pepia. Jhls syiuii u 0110 01 Uio most usint iiii-uu-iiies 01 uu; nay, mis is a line mrairine tad w ito not know of It lulling In a suigic ease " .ii ( 1 .-..,( Also, all other nrotulnrnt nntent mimllehieB Iwuvs on hniiil. Toother with the Coiurh Kx ermiuntor, tlu liehtln bsii furjdbioue tilths iioui,i.ii;ii, ,c, , , Also, n s;, ruti tlie only remedy ror nooptng luitli, all for sate at "VHOnnhiuiji's Drug wore, jfcKm. ' . - i) i-Z'l j. ' AJ, i I .(I DA V IDE., F0.VT,Z,,!i,i,T . '. ', .,. ;.., .... v. ffrcitpsoti to rhctz 4 rad. ' l I ... i nl rs r It .It ' ' M Vi'.' a"a'a'l''!M,n'" n FO U T Zf S'i.j.jw . , . OSJ.181ATID , , .,,., ... , Eotsb and Cati Pmfe If a. This prmratrMi, Ions and io iTcrably known, wlir (ar ennlily rtlivlfonua brokenoen sat low-inlrltrd bones. , ,1. tur trsniuiealiig ibealiig ni die tto and etaaniin rf-,;HaauRh sag sues. , it its' rant pr. . nnilv aI All dlft. " essoe lnrMrnt to this snlnsl. such a LUKO FSVUt, 9UXW jstttnt wa., TKR, IIEAtF.S, C0U0IIS, Dig. TE.MPKR. IK- VERS, roi'.vimit I.O.i.S OF APl'K TITR AND VITAL KXEROy.ic. Its uso Improves the w I a d , incrcasus the ppetite.-givi.s s staootb and glnuf iltia and Inn.r.irmi tha minrslila ikeleton Inte a aae-Ttrnknig Asd splilled aume. . , Te kKn of Oewi tMi prensratlen la lavaleabla It locrisuci thi) Qiuuitity and isoprovoi Uis qsallfy . j. ofUMmiiit. ilia n i been pBQvrn by se hiai etiwrtmens is increase the aaan. tlty of milk sad eresm tWMity per ecnt. and ntkc the butter firm snd sweet, laktwalag cattle, It ! Uu era tn nnrtlt Llt, wfjr at wicir niuot ' In all dlwome of 8M, inch ss donahs, Clean t the Lnom, Mrar, . mk)arw"" Ac, this srllclo WW. sots aa a rpeelfto. ygVt V By patting from it JJL., otra-liulf a pieer sB5iC. tn a Winer In a - ,"S. - ' barrel of swill the i W.jH k shore diseases "jj will be eradicated r prerenled. If given In tine, a certain preventlre snd cure for tee ting unotera. -1. . . Priee Hi Centt gar Paner. or f FgperifK U, ' '., .,' .:) v r.;.t , rf.t AT TrrBT ' irrmiBttH! Dma and MF.mfttim tmtt . No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore 1M. For Hals by Prussian, and Storekeepers tbreugk- Wt the United Mate,; i, ; ..rjf O. W. Roberts ACjo., Agents, Wnyneabnrg.Pa. lll.'iKl-ly . - ' '. -i s..- i f. .; r't Climax i CtutAXM Page's Climax Salver , family Mossing for 25 cents. . ,' ; . It heals without ft Rear. y No family shonld be without it. We warrant It to enro Scrofula Sores, Salt Kheuni, Chilblains, Tetter, Pimples, and alt Ernptiona of tho Skin. For Sore Breast or Nipples, Cnts, Sprains,. Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Ac, it makes a perfect cure. It has been used, over fifteen years, without one failure. -, , o u. It has no parallel having per fectly eradicated disease t.iiid healed after all other remodics had failed. It Is a compound of Arnica with many other i Extracts and Balsams, and put up ,in larger boxes for tho sauio price than any other 0intment.:'. ; r ;Vf Sold by Dnnnrlsts everrwaeri.- White a Hoerland, Proprietors. 131 Liberty Street. le York. aciiziicz't; GBAWEED TONIC,' T i.. .. .. I .:. in o He I ar lf. . U. oaaMay it )'. ii .i it n e. ; c .'l.-tl 'o d'tjli'n.tlie.eKl and' isii-'i'iico 'V ir.'i p-wm.ns ,rtptoB. tlr ' e.o. eii ns ii'i rs wiiki AJietKnVa' Mao ansa, i'u Tn fl sivn rwla-ibeauiiet.tev sao looA, ' .in. i... i n .i eve.i ! a..ij i Win be cully 4-i-l. ' "' ..: 'cisea .; ea .syiooi. IA r'rr br grhraes-Sj Pal wiir,4.4il4 elwiAib ia l)va i uuvlai ' liwi'".', 'a'i-t '.' j--l'..c r. elore 1. hiiaee Hi Toole, aid'l'.ali iwtn rl lh iie-.isy eVefVeSM) ef eeeV ' v ty.siiV ta t, iieiie iwilwtiMne B)AWf(!l) ).i.(-u,i Ji:- jei-jvur Itams in tlis .AliNUBA) ' lMl.7,. r a r l,-4 ft-i." rtr-r . a -'i1 rn 91' 4 .p.-a' . 'I gay. (t-eisW n,V' feitf V .v. 'I. .mui.u. h'ffirip l .ueiarliilnlelii .' e.F..,eij. '',, Ii WWA.)'' ! Ii -( (ji.ii'.i.ii 0I1 lui-n s .a.'s i- vbt) .i iiAiii ul't. '.'I i- K'U M ,.) tllii.iele) V c r ..fcHir.-a, r. h 1.1 a-c!.,l,i g :)a'.wo!(S ., lld- 'J'' .;TteJt T i'-i to. Ibo At se ol '- f' lt.i"'-) 11 ' VV.'- . Viliw'l ili'jsidect '.) liieiTUrwAiiinaT fiis ianfretAiirs !tji:'' ,,1, S-jl v WWAe.iJi( j.n;ea.5(.as ' ' lVt-.'cr' .w. .iic . - . !f :i t. n pr iti' : .-aej,vlj.iiKrr '-ti Jeji'SbT t bauw'i a. Pst'li t . j vrA ,. " AJ. t.lf ':,VH V4 VrVi'Sft ts.' wnt tVt Wi. 'VM : :, bin .sa , t .'. .Mevi srll no j.,!., -..!! r-..Uan1r?4-.'r"i 1 arg-IIelmboW'a KafrAet BwrtifThrV tW prbvtsl (km W'nsh erseerH.liitd:4..eol dis orders In all their stage, St :UUJis'Teneaw Utile or no change In d tnwmvenlenco antl no axpnaaste.- niapleaaDntiln taataanA ode; Im-. A . - ,..,t much ftiitcr. mediate tattg ecWn, awlf frpm aJI.Udarleua, proprlatiea. -. ! 2' L ".M !u'aow"14''. " y r. ,. j .. .. ' ,. -'I ., 'I sy)bat(reI Coaslltulloaa Restored fcy, Helmbolr Extract Bnchu '' tt VWfJ-. 4-lItaaatwkl'a. Krat Jauekai, glTens, health and vigor to the frame-and. bloom to the palld cheek. ' Debility Is awcompnhlerrbjrmany alarming symptom and ff netWaatmeat M sobr Ajal to, eoiuusaptiam, lnaaaitr a?stpllptla .Aaget,.v).L I,:, .s-ilv 'Howlc. ii.',i" a i- i'-'-vi i -n Ji ! r era i .4 ,'ssi X'sl .ieisaK s