hc USaynezbuvai Republican, "SSebnesbag; obemlbeie 0t0f. &be Wnpwlmrg gfpublifiitt. A RRIVAI-l AND DK.PARTITRKH OK THE A. MAIM TO AMU FROM WA YNKHIIUIKJ lUWJ i arrival. From Warnesbura to Wavneshnrv. Wednesdays, TU p. m.; departure, Wednesdays, a, a. m. via JoOeytown. eytown, ilmrw tn rrom wayneaourg to winow Tree, arrival. Wednesdays, 11 a, 104 departure, Wi nesuays, !. ID. rrom Washington Pa. to Wavnosbunt, arrival lally,7!4 p. m.: (except Sundays,) departure dally, 'A a, in., (except bundnys). From Rice's Lane Mm to Wayneebarg, arrival dally, , p. m., Ipl .SundoysJ departure dally, , a, .. (except Sundays). From Wayiieaburg. IM. to Cameron, W. Va., w.rrlvuI,Tuesdays end Saturdays, $, p. ni., depar ture, Monday and Fridays, ,a. m. From Waynesburg to West Alexander, Wash. JX, Pa., arrival, Fridays, 7. p. in., departure, tialurdays. 7, a. nt. - From Wayneshurg to Morgantown, W. Va., arrival, Wednesdays, 5, p. tn., depurture. Thurs days, , a. tn. From Waynesburg to Mlddlchonrne, TV. Va., arrival, Wednesdays, J, p. m., departure, Tufs ttaya, t, a. a. lu mm-.. . 1 1 j Maw AovKaTiscMBifTa.- The attention of "Mr render It specially directed to the follow ing advertisements, which appear for the Unit lime tn onr paper to-day. Farm for Solo Kllzabeth Locos, ."remiurus awarded Rlcbhlll Ag., Society. A New supply of Alcohol, Turpentine and Varnish, fur sale at 0. W. Roberts & Go's. 1 Jos PaniTixo. We desire to call tlia atten tion of the citizens of the borough and county to the fact that the Job office connected with this paper is largo and complete, and that we are prepared to do all kinds of Job work in the neatest and most workmanlike manner, nt the shortest notice. Handbills for tha sale of Ileal Estate and Personal Property printed as "low as thoy can be done elsewhere, aud in a Tery short t'me, Pnpor Books printed In firs1 class style, 12,000 worth of Good? at Ouihet'i, cheap; Ifor Cash ! Window Glass of every size, for sale at 0. W Roberts & Co s Drug Store,. Tin ladies, In their sovereign capacity as Judges of emotional enjoyment, have decided that no perfume In existence produces the same delicious sensations as experienced while inhaling the cxqtiltlte fragrance of Pin ion's "Night-Blooming Certus.' .: Getting his the largest stock of Goods in the County I A Now assortment of Fancy Snaps. Hair Oil and Perfumeries atG. W. Roberts & Co's Drug Store. ,Wnrf Why don't some of the young men t)f Waynesbnrg organize Debating Society, or meetings, discussions and mental Improv ment during the long evenings of winter ? A Literary Association, that would meet once or twice a week, for debato, for the reading of ssays, or for interchange of Ideas upon Im portant topics of the day, could not fail to be of greater advantage than lonflog In groceries or on street corners. 40 ken iirw White TVI nt reed ve J a 0. W. Roberts A Co s Dm? 81 ore. Tnnai's "no discount" on Guihcr's Goods. Attemptkt Oirriion. On Wednesday last nomadic darkey, giving tha name of Isaac Devat, attempted a nameless outrage upon the person of a little white girl named Sprat. aged about twelve years, and living In Wayne tp., tills county. The particulars so fur as we can ascertain are that In company with two other girls smaller than herself the girl was conveying a bunch of patterns to a neighbors, when they wore overtaken and accosted by tlie negro. At a favorahle momcut he seized the eldest and conveyed her into the woods. Her companions fled and communicated the news to a man near by who immediately pro ceeded to the rescue in time to prevent the Consummation of the fiend's hellish purpose, lie was brought here and confined in Jul I on Thursday last to await trial, Ills facial ap pearance Is described as repulsive in the ex treme, is of muscular build, about S feet 10 Inches high. There is no extenuation for this pedes of diabolism and It Is hoped that the law will be meted out In full. Robertson's Liquid Dentifrice for cleansing . and preserving the teeth for sale at U. V. Roberts fe Co's Drug Storo. Look Our ton Kirks Now is the time to fix It deeply In yonr mind that a little spark Will kindle a large fire, and a litt'e car. leAS ;ns may result In the l is of all your"! an I , -jour neighbors' property. , Clean out your Chimneys,' re-arrange your stove pipes, and be rare to keep your ashes out of wooden ves sels. ; j.t Mao.ioi.ia Watbs. A delightful toilot arti clesuperior to Cotogno and at half the price f'" - ww ! Two hundred head of entile passed through 'itlil place one day last week, bound East. . Gou w West Va. Tho Harrison County tJsi-Wsays: The Gold and Silver Mining !ompany have had five assays of tho metal "taken from the mines which they are working, each producing gold, varying from three to -thirty-six dollars per ton. Gold can certainly I b produced In paying quantities. The cora ! tieny will be ck wterod in a few days, and will j A prepared to sell shares. It will afford an Jiopportanity for a profitable investment. 1 Jta.nE can beat them all selling Goods I . .''' ' : ' Paints and Oil or all kinds, for sale at G. W. ..' IUrU & Co s Drug Store. WAsnntoTOH Cor t Items. From our "Washington exchange of the 80th, alt., we glean the following : nr. i;u .bong's store.lhe old Dunnmgsvlllo and on the WUUamsport pike, was robbed . on the night of the 22nd, njl Loss 400, no cine 10 tue roDDers. Henry Horn, or Amwell tp., had his leg fractured, caused by a mis step whilst driving . ub uunaptiwer 01 a inreMimg machine. - The saw mill belonging to Mr. Wm. Coulter, and under lease to Messrs P. Lcezer & Co., in UonoBgahela city, was burned on the 19th Bit. Loss to both parties ftOOo. A young man named David McFarland. ef Smith tp., was killed on the 16th alt, by sacc rrom none. The Amtricax Standard says, on the 20th oh., Char le Higgles and Tho. Dire, of Coal Bon, Washington county, got Into a political discussion, and from words resorted to blow. Biggin made the attack upon Dire with a batcher knife, the other being armed with a Date ball bat, with which he (truck Biggin on the head. Biggin fell senseless to the ground, and in a abort lime died from the ef -. feotof the blpf. Dire ha but one arm, hav . log lost the other one In the army. He was ' am Med and held to baiL : Tim Aitmc Mokthlt. For November -' Contents: Fart eleven of The Guardian Angel," by J)r. O, W. olme. Opinion of the lata President Nott of Union College, re ipeptuig Book, Studies and Orator. By Prof; Sanborn, of Dart mouth College. Cretan ""Vfh m rtof asertea of article, W v ,, fltBlman, U. & Copra at Qretft doactthlog ..(.the bland, and the chatanotat and Incident 1 wggw wweta im UMan and Tnrka, W ete. Review and Literary H otlce. Tfekoor Fields, PaWkhera, PoMoq. IxTHtsniia Law 8m An engrossing suit occupied the attention of the gentlemen of the legal profession and absorbed considerable public Interest here, last week. The suit Is the contested validity or a note for woo, said to have been given by David Enochs, of Rich hill tp,, this county, before bis, death, to Margaret Ann Enochs, of Washington Co., a half-sister of the deceased, by the heir of the estate. The proceeding before the arbitrators, with Maura, Black, Wyly and Buchanan lor plantiffand Messrs. A. A. Purman and Geo, Inghram for defendauta, has developed the fact, unless more favorable evidence Is deduc ed for the plaintiff, that the note It a forgery. The case has been rTostponed for further hear ing, and we understand if decided unfavorably to the plaintiff an appeal will be taken. ArrraiLio yon want you will find at Gat her. . ' A ' ir Wilburs Pure Cod Liver Oil and T .rme core for Consumption for sale atG. W, Roberts Co'. Drug Store. Hcsa.isus, Lov roua Wives," and give them Plantation Bitters when thoy are softer- tag from Nervousness, General Debility, Fulntncsa, Spasms, or any of the thousand and one diseases to which the weaker sex Is liable. Having jwnhu experienced the benefit of their use, extend the blessing to others. This invaiuablo tonic will chase H pochondrla or "the Blues" give tone to the damaged nervous system gently stimulate languid secrellon dispel vapor and ami, and generally build up the worn constitution. For each sex and all ages it Is a gentle stimu lant and a refreshing coriliaL Millions of bot tles arc sold daily all over the world. IIk pleases all and allows nono to leave without their wants supplied Gulher docs. Hallow Evg. Last Thursday night was celebrated by "Voting Amctlca" with the usual throwing of corn and cabbsire. We have heard of no malicious mischief dona. Guinea his an Immense stock of Dry Goods on hand. Tub recent rains, we learn, have not raised the river to any great extent, although the boats are yet making regular trips. Gt iiiER favors Repudiation of high pricot PiinExoi.ooicAL Jot'niiAi.. We have receiv ed tho November number of this Incomparable monthly, It Is fully equal to former ones, and contains a largo number of interesting and Instructive articles, from the best writers of the day Fowler & Wells, Publishers, 808 Broad way, New York, Disi'iTu Srtti.kd. The strike some days since by the coal diggers for three cents a bushel, resulted In accession on the part of the owners. Drowsed A. B. Brown, Esq., writes us from Jacksonville, that on Thursday, tho 81st ult., a little son oC Mr. Richard Sargents, aged about fifteen yoars, had a fit and falling into the creek near by was drowned, before his condition was known to the family. Go to Guihers and buy Cheap Goods. Notices of Marrinnn mui )mthn inserted free btU nit Tribute 0 Ji'ipcrt and Ohitmrie chirtjed etijhl ctnU a in". J he money must be adrancttl to secure their insertion. BOGG M ASTERS By Rev. F. Downey, Mr. Benjamin Bog! and MiBsC'larinda Masters, all of Greene county, Pa. Jjj3ii 8TANDLEY At the Residence of lils grandfather Samuel Srnmlloj', in Hillsboro W ashington Co. Pa. Oct. 4ih, Samuel, Son of Mahlon and Phcbe Siamlley in the 10th year 01 ms age, LOVE On October 11th, of Dlpthena, Millard Fillmore, irif int son of Martin J. and Harriet love, of Jefferson township, Greene county, Pa., aged to months. U;u'hcts. WAYXHiBl'IIU HABKI. AVay.nksbcro, Xov. t, 1JT. Correeted Weekly for the Iiri-BLIUA5. rKoiiutE. nnttertfresliroll,) V Bv K Y do, , .......... riiU04n fi hwsh Lard V lb ........-.. .,, Tullow V ( t'mintrv Sop )i Ih Dried Applua V fc FLOUH AXU ORAIX, BO an 750100 . . 10 15 OK 6c Flnnr H Mil Wheats hnsh Kve bush 11 60 1 lu ia.1 to to Corn T bush , Corn tywl V bush GUOC'EItlES. CnfTc ii .... Tea f 6 . Hrown HuKnr Ih KeiinwIMuKar f lb syrup vkhI Molnwin (.V.ilrleans,).... Horahnmit salt 4li.......... Rice ... SAW 1 K) . IS ai ni 1 ai 1 ou I i IS PITTHBI KUII XtHKCT.k wIXT.AT, Nov. 4, 117. Th nrkita (nsemtly o-ntinu tonmlrt n.l qniKdepmumtennniih. The rixmand Air u pm la very llirht, -ttli no bmtertnl Iminlry tor any of the leiutin artielm, xreptln ti mi mil y the ImmnllnM want or the IneHl trade, Tnl ! Wm quoin a tollowH. wliioli are tha wholienlo store prices, nnlein otherwise noted: on.rv a vii vrnirn Wheat, ronn'a. and Ohio, W'lotur Bed $2 SW2 On ltye bush ... $i AVi l SO wu-fruotin ,. .. , M7(k' v ... m vi tiiinii fl 31 1075Ul en U 5U I-75 $lXn ?;heat Flour.. Wliitw Wheat Hbonilri... Bow Cured llama.-, 14c 9L.o.e lJir,i. isiu Apple y tbl... ......... Z t frh SO i.neeae ...... i.w bnado ..... t Butter.. , .......w.:.-.. 'IJsSO AIXXOHEXT CATTLE HAkK ET. ' : : The Pittsburgh Guttu of Thursday, Oct. 31, says, the market has again been very dol1 since the date of onr last report, the tub last., and with every fair supply and a diminished demand, prices, compared with last week, especially for commonlsh stock, ha atlU further declined. Good flu cattle were scarce, and such a are usually taken for retailing in the eastern markets soil without much diffi culty at 6J to 7, and extta, if there bad been any in market, would donbtiea hare brotgU 7J, or even 7., The transactions, were tee trtuted mainly to common cattle, for which price ranged from 8J to 4,0, and auSM aie diunt butchers cattle brought from S to . The Impression seems to be gaining strength among those engaged In the business, that price fur U kind of stock most goatl IT lower, a the supply of cattle t .roughout the country Is large than was generally aoppoaad, and beaMee, fed is scre, and likely la be high, which will force a larger number o'Vket thu there would otherwise aar btn. Ifa k.AJ'.."i CHIt'AUO MAKHBT. CHICAOd, Kov. 4, Utl. F00B Drill and unohaniied. ,1 ' I . 1 1 .1 .... la II MA " BUi t.i.it caiiii ,uw., h.h m. w. 1 MU for No. 1-11 79i41 83 for No, 3; elonlng at 11 mror no, 1; 91 77ior no. i Ooas-lulf at II 06 tor No. Ii U 0 1 M for Mo. nim-r"l,ml rlnll nt kVir In more. Hra-uulet at tl 8)1 d for No. 1; II V for No. I tn U)re. Hi ui.-v-.ITn.HlMl mi 1 Vial s for No. 1 M-H ru-Hrm at 14 l for new; tut 9 for 01a. i.akti Plrm hnt nnlct at 13r for new and old, 11EKF CArr-a-Pull at W 7is7 00 for flnt-elaas nippiiitr. lIoutiDuU at M Mta 73 for ehalee to extra. HEW TOESl HIT GOODS. Nfw York. November -.There la a limited demand for ntttpte rabrm and desirable lyleeof nne coons at tow prices, Due me nutriu gener ally u di'prwotej. . . , , P AlL .DELPItlA MABKBT. .' PwitADBiiprirA, November 1 OolTee Rto W Vo. Flour di'i-llulnn. Wheat dull at W 163 for re.1. Com dull at f 1 38i1 W. Oats 6ui fix, rroviaions iiavy. DEI.AWABE. : . incatlan of Adinlttlny Hecr Tcallm ny-Civll lllrhu Bill UreUroa Incpyer--tl ve and old. Wilmixgtos, Del.. Novemtier 1. In the Court of General Sessions, of Delaware, nt Dover yesterday, in the case of the State against Moses liash, it being proposed by the prosecuting offi cer to present tho evidence of complain ant, Samuel Dewey.a colored man. ob jection was made by Coincgys' counsel lor ueiense, tnat the Jawa ot Delaware do not permit colored testimony when there arc cometent white witnesses. Chief Justice Oilpine ruled that the testimony be ndmittcd because he said it had been customary in his court to permit prosecuting witnesses to testify, even though they were colored, but he gave ns hh opiuion from the bench, upon a point which could ns well be settled now ns any other time, that the Civil Iiights bill of Congress, so far ns it assumes to regulate contracts or the admission and rejection of testimony in this State, which the laws of this State regulate, w;ts in-operative and void. Judge Woolen concurred in the decisi on, and Judge Wales dissented. In case of a decision to this effect by the Court, an appeal to the Court above would doubtless be sustained. Onr Crops. The report of the Department of Agriculture shows that the expectations of larro crops have been realized over tho whole country. The report is for August and September. It gives the following per centitgeof increase for the current year over the last in the wheat growing States ; Ohio, 1 30 per cent. ; Indiana, 50; Miehinn. 23: Wisconsin. 17; Monncsota, 125; Illinois, 11, Iowa, 20; Missouri, 40; Kentucky, 34; West Virginia, 60; Virginia, 45; .New York. 1 4, and Pennsylvania 40. Kansas and Texas alone show a falling off from the unusually heavy crop of last year. The corn crop promises better tilings daily. The southern States in particu lar show a better prospect. Georgia will double last year's crop. Alabama increases to per cent.; Mississippi, 80, Tennessee, 21, Louisiana, 40, South Carolina 54, and Arkansas 100. Ohio will fall off 30 percent, from last year, Indiana 17, Illinois 14, Kentucky 28, West Virginia 15, and Virginia 10. 1 lie crop ot rye, barley, oats and buck wheat will exceed that of 1860. Hay shows nn innmisc of 25 to 30 per cent. Pennsylvania increases her crop of this kiwi ou per cent. icv York, 24, Michigan, Wisconsin nnd Illinois 25, and Indiana 20. The apple crop will fall short. Potatoes arcrotting badly in sunn: ouues. Thegoneral drift of the returns: com paring them with those which were earlier, nnd the west with the east, are tavoraDio to an admirable harvest. Should the wholo country turnout such crops and we know that the Pacific will, and have flatterinor reports from tho south there can be no doubt of a superabundance for home con sumption and nn excess equal to any foreign demnnd. Covering the coun try as a unit, tho reports have been and are cxeccdinely favorable, and every one has reason to expect a better condition of things in the future. ilio Cotton crop of the present year, now Harvesting, is estimated nt 2 250. 000 bales. Tho Sea Island variotv. owing to various causes: will amount to nn almost insignificant fraction of tins amount, thus materially diminish' ing the aggregate value. jF.i,LE 150yd gave a raiding at Lexington last Tuusday. As but for ty persons attended, Belle looked un liappy, nnd said she thought the peo ple of Lexington had treated her very unkindly. She expected "a heartier re ception from tho homo of John Mor gan nnd other heroes who fought for Southern independence." Richmond papers of the 2Gth imt: say that the oflicial returns of the late election indicate the election of thirty Conservatives nnd sixty Radicals. sixty hve counties gave 70,799, for and 44,850 against tho Convention, Thellunnicut Ticket had four hundred and six majority in Ricmond. Eigh teen colored delegates are elected. QREME COUNTY, S. S. In the Orphans' Court of said eounty, of Seatm her Term ltn.Sn.2L In tln'raair-rof theeettlementof the aeeoont f PavM B. Jones, Administrator open the esuue 01 joiid jooes, aee a. ltelanoa due hmumih:. ' , . .. fiTf n. r oenflrmetlon and exceptions filed by Ellis Jlephenstm, In right of his wife: the same tire- heMF the vtl n m -..!.- -.i --' por.:"By theortT "" " V m & .. . . . . . . -Tl.. -to inan appomrmeni atme l;l-w ,'lo. C. PL'ENlf'lKCf, Auditor. AS T EAT Sk AaTRAYED FROM TUB ' " .... i ..... ... . tail, lw Alleypotewn "T. r. abonl Un sti slnee, abom ibrnirear old. white tome t oeT , Alea, i black ship, twmeony. anmiS Un dsrf - nn 'w, imsn inTeeMreare ol nee, and Mid of horn eat esTf Ala. hi ,Hw fsie. uh - t " ..... - .f.w h ,! v, m. Jtn,'yneerv 'ZTW&X will bl Clothing. AN IMMENSE BTOCJC OF WINTEH CLOTBINQ- KOW OPENING AT N. CLARK A SON'S FASHIONABLE AND POPULAR CLOTUIltO STORE. Bought just In toi "Nlek VTlrse,"and -rill be) old ouly a frs-Uou higher Uuu la the days of : GOLD AND SILVEIU We can ofrur Inducements that no other eatob llshment IN THB FL AOS CAN! Having mada onr parens tn Philadelphia hi the most FAVORABLE TIME . OP THE BEASON, W invito particular attention to our business Snts aud FINE BEAVER OVERCOATS! In tha FRENCH, MOSCOW, CHINCHILLA and AMERICAN Beaver Overoonts, we cannot be snrpassscd for QUALITY, STYLE, OR TRICE. A targe soloetlon of GENT'S and BOT'S Cloth Inn. We have Hats and Caps tut Men and Boys of all the LATEST AND BEST STYLES. In our Qontlemen'B Furnishing Department ve make 11 OUR SPECIAL OBJECT To keep a better elans of goods than can be found In any HlmlUir Establishment. Having always on hand all the neatest and most novel styles of TIES, SCARFS, COLLARS, &c., Ac, 4o., In PAPER COLLARS we have no equal, We have only to add: Oh ! Coatleas mortal', where ever yon be, Behold tliene lines and ue your remedy; Ye weary men with Cuirand Collar worn, With Blocking full of holes and badly torn. Whose gloves are thnmblpss and ties are lost, Come and replace them at little cost. We'll flt you out In itvle from head to fret, You'll look so well whene'er yon walk the street. JUST OPPOSITE 10:SO-tf. DAY'S BOOK STORE. T HE LATEST SENSATION I TELEGRAPH I C! The rroflldent htus not yet been Impwwhwt, but A . J . 8 O W E R 8 Has purchased an Immense stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING! OVERCOATS, PANTS, VESTS, HATS, ETC., ETC., i . of the latest style and best workmanship. ' ill choice stock of NOTIONS! noslery, Collars, Handkordilefil, Neck Tics, Suspenders, etc, also on hand, which will be sold at astonish. lngly LOW TRICES I Call and see him befora you buy elsewhere. He Invarlablyjulls-es an WHO WISH TO PURCHASE I Room in Allison's building, Waynosbnr Pa. 10;t-8m i ' . , . rjlUE LADTfl FRIEND " WASHINGTON AT MOCNT VERNON." Thk Last's Fatrcn announces for 1M, the by Amanda U. Doug las, author of "In Trust,'1 "Stephen Kane," Acj A Diad Mar' Rflb, by Ellzaheth Preecott, author of "How a Woman niw ner wbv," c ; r aRuifo i ros rATa, y Louise Chandler Moulton, anther of "Juno Clif ford." "ThlN. That and thwllllier " - It will give a splendid DoDBl.a Pieje PrwBLT t'oLOKED Kahiiium Platb engraved oastael ill ccrr uumuer. It Will alve a beantlfnllv ezeentad Fasot 8tkki. F..-(ira vixo in every nnmlier. wm k i . iKrs Msoniseei wonntiro, niiutrating the rasalons. Fancy Work, Ac, In every number. It will give a popular piece of Xcare. worth the oast of the llagas-ae In ltaeU-la every uunumr. It will rivm imMfirthi nw bm snlenitln Premium Steel Kngravlng "WASHINOTDN AT MOUNT VERNON" thirty Inches long by twenty -one wide to every full ( ) rabacri. ber, and to every person sending a Club. or, ana u every person sending a uiuo. It Ofleta MM nrMnlnfna Im nrUI. mi IbvOa urns a lam varteiv ai iivmier m wiison s newii n'a H win- M-ehinM. Hllver 1-lateaTea Heu. H noons. Pitchers. OoliI anil Silver Watobaa, Clotbea Wring era. Croquet, Appleton's Cyclopedias, te. 4WA Sranmrs Orrm. New snbeerlbers who a-Knoe tnr ism oy ine nrat or NoveaatMr, aautu receive the Novamer and Ikfwm nnmhf of this year la addition, maklna fonrteen months hi all ftw wua .ubKrlbe by the fi rat of December shall receive the Deeember nyaabar, UUiteea months in all I TERMS. ' " fand ooe sratlst M " Jaad wave gratis 1S One copy sash of Iu( iFuusua Bost.4 The ntter ap of the elub always receive aJ Fsutsiini BHw-atim. Maaajeeaof aCiah wishing t remit ms nuu reen It own Mti-s nru. ' Z in l i i in i .-! . tu SnrTbasa wwMreaaof MUmm npCtwhsnr Pv mlrrm Llasa, slwaU so clou -fteen ernls tnt 'n ur M EPICAL. DO.. WHITTLESTM DR. r. WHITTLBiT, Phyitdan tor Chroiild oh a pormaoeni omce in w asningion, Pennsylvania. WImki hahuibeeir enri-rml fni the past twelve years In the sucoesaral treatmenl oi au .I .mm 'j.-iitt;! DISEASB8 OF lAb CiiRfKilO: ' N 1TUR El , "A ') OTP tl J 'J The Doctor might present volume of cert 111 cates of cures, complimentary notices, Ac, bul tnemnstsaturactoryuatlmonlal win be given the politic in a trial of his skill. Dr. W. devoM excfiuilve attention to Clironlo Ailments, hi which ht practieo k beuapBlBrmtly iuowkhJ fill, elhivtlug cures in many cases that have uameu au otner systems oi treatment. Paralysis, Rhcnmntlsm, Bronchitis, Cntarrahl , ' iwra-H. uisvof-ioi nerpius, itfmfla Heart, uver: Bowels; KIKm-yiill. female Diseases, Uenen ivy,ac.,o,, llty a'n7pe?nAn"n'tly eufby v Are all Drom Iioctor's system of treatment. During the past few years, the Dortor has rrglstcred huudembi o oures to which he wiU be pleased, to give thuee references who may sail upon iilra. He IpWIrS all atnicled with any form of Chronic disease anu Having tuueu toootuin relief, to GIVE HIS MEDICINES A TRIAL. His principal asonts are selected entirely front the Vegetable Kingdom, and these are so com blncd ns to equalize the vital forces of the body and thoreby restore It to perfect health. The Doctor has beon especially successful In the treatment of alt FEMALE DISEASES, Women by the score rail victims to maladies pe culiar to their sex, many of whom might be saved from lives of wretchedness and premature graves by applying tu time to Dr. W. Tho rem edies employed in the practice of Dr. W. are manufactured exclusively by blm from his own Medical Laboratory 'and nre always Tpure in 3uallty and specific In elTect. Dr. W, diagnoses Isoase by menns of the Urine, the only Infalli ble test of disease, never falling to discover Its nature, locality and eumblllty, thus enabling him to employ a RATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CURATIVE , ,, tiuswijaix., . . ' or the ahsotule certainty of his mode of nlagt ses he can sntisfv everv natisnt who elves h mo. Ira atrial, from the nrlnealonebewlll tell accurate- ly all mat can be known nf any disease. In the examination of this secretion, he employs opti cal, chemical and microscopical tests, no case being presented In which one of these tests Is not sufflolent to an accurate diagnoses. The Doctor doe not elalm to be a "cure all," nor yitt "the right arm of the Almighty stretched forth to save the world from premature dissolution." hut he does orofsst from scientific acuulrcmeuia and . .. , YEARS OF EXPERIENCE, Devoted exclusively to the treatment of chronic Ills, with his Infallible tests of disease, to bo able to rebeve and permanently cure all those oases which are notalreadv bevond the reach of rem edies. OFFICE CORNER OF MAIN CHESTNtT STS., OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE WASHINGTON, PA. CONSULTATIONS FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL. f-Mt r. WHITTI.ESY.. M U HD.'R TTT rrr "OTinTrjiLarr.' 1;;.: Majority of those who read newspapers, never even give a hasty glarweat a business advertise ment anil If a MAN I Actually has a choice vsrletv nf ofls which be Is sell iig at the ne is selling at me YKitr luwest priors that can be alliinlcrt, it hardly pays blm to publish the fact. Therefore we have 1 . FOUND .... It best to stmnlv invite rviwvbodv let esll and examine our stock and prices before phrcltaRlng elsewhero, and say hut little In regard Ui our ability and determination to make It advanta geous to tuose who aro not ;)DEAp To their own Interest tobny their Candles, Nuts, liaisons, Groceries and everything i in i TheOrocerylineo. H. A.RInehaii,lnMwlth's oiu Dniiuing, opposite the publlosquara, W'AYNESBURG.' AFRESH 8UPPLT JUST RECETVED A Nt) i ron sale At the L 6 W E I ' P R I C E 8 lft.tC , .... ... , . . .... . ' nROVESTEENS PtANqV'.; '. ,: ' GROVESTEEN-S PIANO-,';. -..', GROVESTEEN'3 TPJAJtOS, .. . -499 Broadwo", , New .York,: t ;)M4iywT,;SwVofk,'f;) I ' T Broadway New York, . ArftnnrlvaUei for DriABitrrrT Powith and Evxkr-hi or Tmw. The- ara it hM..,-l thehvorlte over all otbera, with Musicians. A-iateaas, and all lowers ist norm iirri7 They ara warranta la every reapeot. Priors one-third lower than other nfst-clase makers. Send or Circular. OROVEMTKEN a CO.. ; gtanmoa.1 ; - ," '-lrww-y,N.. Y. rnHE WONDER OF THE AtSI I tli iL.'.-j,.! 't.i v.ii-4 . TTUS, 0XtT AltAB0-i.MVKfl; THfi LATESf ZE$fjyi;Rh - ---- - -- - - JB. of Septomber, lg, tofm. R. Mct.wtcheoa.of Tl r In Wsynosburg. Pa. This dTfJRN auwf Mrpari id ot n mMltTSlZ arna Wfcr sos of tms aaaaty. lwNtwUS,TJUOM(T., fIHE WORLD RENOWNED SINGER SEWIXO MACHINE. !T ji i. it :i 7. i ;i .ii OUR NEW FAMILY MACHINE, Has been over two years In pnparalloa, and writ turn beea bmugni to partaenea twjarwles of time, labor or expense, and Is Bow confident ly presented to the public as Incomparably toe bestsewlng Machine In existence. The Machine In question la simple, eompaot, durable anil beautllul. It is quiet, light running anearslBorBwTforaiigara-ge and variety ol work never before attempted npoa a single Maenine using eiineraua, t wist, Linen or uov. ten (hraasaJeewlna srUh equal facility tha very nnest and raaimasi aiatcrlala, and earthing between the two extremes, lu the most beautiful I la attachments ml HtsntallHr.' ntMtn (sirninw. raeklnsr. -nillt. th IC. Ketrthgi YVtfiurilne Blading, ete- are Novel and Practical, and have baea Invented and ad. Justed esperittily for this Machine. i " New designs of the uulqne, uneful and popular folding lops and cabinet caaea aeouUar to the Machines msnnlhctured by I bis Company have hen prcpurnf lor enclosing the new Machines, These are gotten up In every variety of wood, such as Block Walnus, Mahogany, Roaowood. and the like, and from theplnlnest to th most elaborate pattern and ffnlahthe Machines themselves being more ot less highly ornainont n,oeorrespwit iwkh the Tables or. Cabinets fur wMcH Nicy are Intended, i . . . A few masons why SINUER'S latost Impmv. ed HF.WINU M AC Jl IN til are the but for ram. Uy aud C-tfinrnl Purnosos. ... , . , . V)t. Yuu on sow anything from I he finest sin ftlu IhlckiK ss of Svriss or NnnsiNiU to several IhlckneascHof the houvlcNt Heaver cloth, nslng any kind orslse of thread with equul facility, from Na Jl Cottoh up to the heaviest patent or Linen thread. 2d. It uses a short, straight 'needto. easllv set, and makes tkn popular Lock Htltch alike oa both side. Sd. It has an even self-adlnstlng tension which requires no change fbr different thlcknesSoN 'of materialordtrTcrentsl-rsof thread. . ' . 4th. It Is free horn all springs, win and othor complications, and Is almost noiseless, IS'.li. No threads to bold or wheel to turn In starting. tf i St. It does not have to be taken apart to oil aiiilclrun II. . , -i 71 h. It has a perfect feed whereby yon can sew tho finest materials without having to keep your work stretched to prevent lt "poch'Tlng, 1 uni you never have to assist the work through as In ull other machines. 8th. It will hem any width, sew a straight senm. or make a Icll I u the most perfect manner , with lesa skill than Is required to sew a straight seam on any other machine. Its attachments for Hraldlng, Cording, Quilt Ing, Binding, Tucking, Ac, are novel and prac tical, and minim but little skill to use them. Careful instructions given at the house of the purchaser. ... Money ri fended If the machines are not at represented. Every machine warranted and kept In repair three years without charge. H. P. ITNOAPHER. Agent for Greene County. 9;4-tr. . . Wuynesburg, Pa. EMPIRE - 8EYYINO MACHINE COM PANY. ' SALESROOM, (It Broadway, N. Y. ' No. 1 Faxii.v Machiw. Tills machine has a straight needle, perpendicular action, miikes the Lock orHhiittle Htlteh, which will neither rtpnorravel, and Is alike on both sides; per forms porrrrt sewing on every description of mnteriiil.witb cotton, linen or silk thread. It Hems, Fells, Hinds, Druids, Tucks, quills. Plaits aud Outliers. As a Family Machine, It has no superior. Price, with Hemmer and Bnilder, riri. Particular attention Is called to our Now Im- riroved Manufacturing Machines; They run Ightand are comparatively noiseless, slmplo, durable and cITU'ient. For cloth or Leather work they have an competitors, No. 3 Machine, with Hemmer and Braider, 175. No. 8 Machine, t)HS. -Avenls wanted, to whom a liberal dis count will be glvuu, 8T--8mos, ' jjl I RH T ARRIVAL Of A FULL STOCK OF FAIL A SO WJSTER VRT GOODS 1 SII IRK fe 8 UTT ON'S. We desire In Inform our enatomere and all those who wish to buy .". . GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES That we are receiving a com pi eta stock of Fall and Winter floods, which we are determined to sell, Jf you will oome and eoe them. Our stock of ','.., ' DK1 GOODS, emtirace the beat staples, extra heavy brown muslin, drilling, cnnlon flannels bleaohod iinalln. -Inutinm a eofMlassartmant of FINE DRESS GOODs! T', .. -rf f- ..... ... also, general notions, hosiery, gloves, trim nilng,.rlbloTui, buttons, Ac.t Ac. Also, a lot Of extra flannels, white, red, gray, figured and hotrod, , , , , ,,,,.,',', ' IN ABUNDANCE! , Boots and Shoes, extra, Iteo-vy.hand mada boots, for men and boys, and an assortment of tine and heavy shoes for women. Misses and Children. Cume lo us to buy your boot aud shoes for the winter. -- ,! . I , HATS AND CAPS ; v :-.: -; , for men and boys, a great variety nnd at prices Insult all. Full style of Indies hats,, wreaths, fnnthars, dowers, Dress trtniinlugs, Ac. twana choice gruccrlos, tcii, comw, sugar, rice, soda, papper, splcegixxl indigo, Au, , Come and sue our stuck, , , -,. ' I DON' r MISS , TOE PLACE, A' Wilson Jr.'s building. V , . MniitK a SrrroN. Jtiit- mmmm -Vvnu2J pUBLIO SALE. Trrerewtllrotret at wahlta aala, at theOll Well in Centre Wwnship, en the 1-tk 'OF NOVEMBER, f- the entire Interest of the Centre Oil Company eanwlstlagwf a. good angina, boring Inula and laaae. rials to comment at one o cfrxas, r, a. By order of the Coupaay. . , J. B. JOHNSON, Pres. ' . THWynfOTrfON, Bea'T. LANDSAU5.. , v , , , t .,,.. i , . .. . , For sale, 1,yM acres of Timber land, on the ItaUlmors and tMdo Kail road, near Llttleten Statiiai Wiwt Va-on whleh thora is a Steam Haw Mill, Tannery and abnndanceof the beat kind of Wave. Building and Slave Timber. Is rich and wen adapted tn rastag.and will be errt hi parcels tosais parebaaprs. Applv to ('. Marshall near the premises, or to 1 la arson Adams, Wayaeaiiarg, ureeae copney, Pa. ENERGETIC MEN AND LADIES WANT ED TO CANY ASS FOR TiU. oaiaa AKD HISTORV or TIIK BOOKS OF, THEJ5IBLE. 'at raor. caltiji a. aroa-g, Bkw how to use I ap to Itaorlgln with toe ine pi red authors, aud tiaaiilewft aaawailiai all larfMetaavlls aastob- leetluna la Um aeriaturee. it la an ordinary li brary of Biblical History la a single volume. or 1st, leaf , MrarjOe. eo-claalva ana highly In tarastiwA A master pteee of enwlaen aener. It Is aceded la every family where the Bible Is read. as well as br even Sabbat bSehoul learner. student and oUrgyaieu,and taring tha onhr book oa the anhieet ever anbllahed or eald In this niry. agenia eaa easuy aee ine aavaaaaga nr vasshia for this work. HmnA fnr eiaealan eaiiiainiug notieea aaa lnooravmcuta rroaa lend- yM--L MARaiKDLlFE :JJ lataaill Mtsmi -Mm at Htal isaanrtanas " i s la i nwaaBssa.Ba aaai z- r ' R Pli T I N 0 1 1 TKH WATlas..ltS lrarVURAK" JOB PRINTING ESTABUSn MEXT, Sityert' Bttildmff, Ead of U lMi WA YNHBB UR O, PA. PAMPHLETS, PROGRAMJIES, BILL HEADS, BUSINBtS CARDS, POSTERS, BLANKS, LABELS, ac, Aa., NEATLY EXECUTED. WE HAVE NOW A R8AT YARIsTTY OF MATERIAL I And a mora complete sleek ef PATER, CARDS, Than any establishment wttaln tha HatlM of oar bus loses el rale. AND WE ARE PREPARED Ta ew acute every aesertpMea ef JOB PRINTING! IN A STYLE OF NEATNESS AND BEAUTYIl CANNOT BS SURPASSED ANTWEOJRA Wa employ the ateat eoasp stent rUitere, and wo MEET EV SB Y ORDER! With wnleh wears fevered, la tha SHORTEST TIME POSSIBLE I AND IN Till MOST SATISFACTORY MANN BR I Psrtlnilar stleaMs-i -trmt 'to FINE RULE WORK t CERTIFICATES, : - - n. ; ' CHECKS, Ac, T E RMS , B EA 80N ABL E f sal - J as. Ajim,y eW-tt- iA n. BTTXFR, kS-atea. McMW(ty, f,