The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, November 06, 1867, Image 1

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    'XVi'iiiH ot l'liWllc-iitiou.
-Tim Watxkhiicro llKruiiLirAX, Office
Bayers' Imilillnij, ciwt of tlm Court House, In pub
llshcil every Wedncs liy morning, at 8 pt-r
nnnutn, is advance, or A3 BO if not paid with
in tilt year. AIItilurlitlon aecounUMi-sT
, bearltle.1 aumiMlly. .No paper wilt be sent
-out u( (lie Sluts unluiu pnlil for is advance, and
aUnuHi ubsuriptiniK will invurlalily bedim-on-
,Uuurlalthsexplrutluiiof the time fur wlilcli
I t'iunmunli-.Htionon siibjnrtanf loeuloritrnernl
lnlcr-t are respectfully tMlt-tU'l. Tn en.suri
attention fhvors of thin Kind mint Invariably bo
neeuuipunted by the niimnnf tliennthor, not for
imbtieuiion, bntAHKnarHntyniralriHt impotlf Ion.
All b'ttrra porlalnlnu to buMm of the olUce
tinil be nililrpwed to the KJItor.
I 1 I
.V , - MO sltXT IS HEAVEN.
Talking of sects tilt late ono eve.
Of the various doctrines tlie saints bcliuvo,
That night I stood lu a troubled dream,
By the side of darkly flowing stream. .
'And a "Churchman" down to the river came,
When I heard a strange voice call his name,
"'flood father, stop when you cross Ihis title,
You mustloave your robes on tho other side."
Vint the aged father till not mind,
And his long gowu fljatud out behind,
As down the st eam Ids w ty ho took,
'His palo hand clashing a gilt-edged hook.
Vl'm hounj for licwaii, and when I'm tburc;
1 shall want my book of common prayer;
And tlionsh I put ob n starry crown,
should feel quite lost without my gown."
Then he fixed liU oyu en the shining track,
But his gown was heavy and held him back,
Attd tho poor old father tried In vain,
A tingle step hi the flood to g.iln.
I saw him again on tho other side,
But his silk gown floated upon the tile;
And no ono asked, in that liliuful spot,
If he belonged I) "the Church" or not.
Tii ;n down to tho river a (J taker strayel,
His dresjof a silver hue was mad'-;
"My coat aud hat must all be gray,
I cannot go any other way."
Tiien ho bntton'd liU oat straight up to his
And slraightly, solemnly waded In,
Ami hU bronl-briiuni'i', hat hi pulled down
Over his forehead, so cold and w hite.
But a strong wind carried away his hat,
A moment In silently sighed over that,
Aud thuu as ho g tze-.t to tho firtlu-r shore,
Tho coatslipp'd olT, aud w.13 sjcu no m no.
As ha cutor'd heaven his .-wit of gray
' 'Went quietly sailing .away away,
And nono of tho angola 'pistione I him,
About tlio width of hii b: tvjr's brim.
JNextcanioDi-. Watts with a bundle of psalms,
Tied nicely up, in his n;;- .1 mm.-t,
Ana hvmiH as nia'iv a wrv uiue tliiu '.
Tint tho pjjj.le in he.nvn all round might
lint I thought that he heaved an anxious pijh,
As he wv that tlie river ran broad and high,
And look'd rather surprised as one tiy nu
Tlie psalms hyimis hi the wave went down .
And after him, with his MSS,
Came Wesley, the jnttcrn ofjr-imW,
But he cried, " in a, whit s i ill I do 1
Tho water has soaked them through and
And then oo the river, far and wldti,
Away they went down tho swollen tide,
And the suint .wtonished pass'd through alono,
Without manuscripts up to the throne.
Then gravely walking two saints by nam"),
Down to the stream together camo,
But as they stopp'd at tlio rivjr's brink,
I sawonasilat IVjin tin other slrrink,
"Sprinkled or plunged, imy I ask you friend,
How you attain'd to life's great end ?"
i'Thu, with a few drops on my brow,,'
"Hut I have been dlpp'd as you'll see mc now.
"And 1 really think It will hardly do,
As I'm 'close commnnlon' to cross with you;
Yon' re b mud, I know, to tho realms of bliss,
Bat you mast go tint way, and 1 11 go this."
Then strnlgl tway plunging with nil his might,
Away to the left, his friend to the right,
Apart they went from this world of s'n
But at last together tl ey cnter'd iu.
And now when the river was rolbnj ou,
A Presbyterian church went down;
. Of women there scem'd a wondrous throng,
But the men I could count as they pass'd along.
And concerning the road, they could never
Tlie old or the new way, which it should bo,
Nor ever a moment paused to think
That both would load to tho river's brink.
And a sound of murmuring, long and loud,
Came ever up from the moving crowd,
"You're in the old way, and I'm i:i the new,
Tkit is the false, and that Is tho true."
But the Imthtn only scem'd to speak,
H6det the slstfirj walk'd, and meek,
And if ever one chanced to say,
"What troubles she met with on tlio way,
Hew the longd to pass lo the other side,
'.' JiM feaiil to cross over thu swelling tide.
. i .
t ' t !'.'. '
A Yotce aro from the brethren then,
' ''Let no one spoak but the 'holy men,'
; JV have jre not heard the words of Paul,
Ota, let tbe women keep silence all,' "
I wateb'd them long in my c'mlous dream, 1
Tffl they stood by the bordors of the stream,
Then, Just as I thought, the two ways mtr
But all Jjio brethren were talking yet,
And would talk on. till the heavy tide,
peioofUflbf side, j v" :
Bide by side, for the way was one, "
The riSsoma Journey of life was dona
-w4 nd all who died, !
' iClMJikoa the other sidu.
lfcpw 'w crosB., or books had they,'
. Kur gowns 4 silk, aortniU of gray, .,,
Ho creadiio guij, them nor M33, . ' V
IwillWtU mCUrlsl'i rlgUteonsncss. . '
il.uw ) a ,. , .
, Tna fonowing story Is Illustrative of tlie
, .lannaf of SouUand, and affords an example
of the prominence aaM to be five to vowels
J In Scotch diseoarae. Tbe dudogno Is between
abopaaa and a customer, and the convena
m4(oa raawea ta pUid banging at tbe shop
jhiri-CWiT (nxrohin the nMkirhl)i
fwoolf) "Af.oo" fres.-
mmk-i Oubiii i t : " A of"" "(all woolf)
gitommin Ay. a'oo. fves. all wool).
w:AUeoor(aamwrjbl7) Ssep-,,,
'Ay, r aeoo ivea, iiiw same Wool), j
; BHEtt Ju'stirlM "Xorwood" hr
Mmme that the New TcaUnaetit par-
JyLS'. JJ. 8 A YEHS,
Select gmdinfl.
Acri) the whole length of New Jer
sey, extends a plain of broken yet par
tially connected mountains, culled the
"Jiluo Kidge," a branch of tho Alle-
chcuies. Tlirottffh tho cotttity of
Somerset runs a lateral fpur of rocky
and i.sohitetl hills, covered liar, the
most part with a sparse Kwth 0f thes
nnt, oak, and stunted cedars.
( )n the very top of one of the larg
est ol'tlicsp, called "Slmnnock Moun
tain," is a largo space covering nearly
three an'cs, barren of'a tree, or shrub,
tho surface of which appears to lie
formed of a single rough stone. 'Tis
called the "iJevil's Half-Acre." Near
the centre is a ragged opening or pit,
about 20 feet in djnmctcr, which up
pi'ars to penetrate into tlie very bowels
of the earth. It has been sounded to
the depth of a thousand feet, and no
indication of bottom found. A stone
thown into "tlie well," as it is called,
can be heard raiding for a long time
against the rugged sides, until, with a
terrible and unearthly reverberation,
it liluiiircs in the water. A noiso like
that of a seething' cauldron is heard,
and soon there issues from tho mouth
of the pit a column of damp vapor,
povvsiiig an uncommon foetid smell.
The v.ij'or is somewhat inflammable,
and that fitft proves the presence of
carourcfteil livurogen gas, or what is
called by minors "fire dump." Al
ihough at a disi'tnec of three hundred
feet from the surface, it has been prov
ed by experiments with quadrupeds
that life can be sustained.
The incident 1 am about to relate,
oeeiired some time afler the passage of
( .ieneral Washington, with his urmv,
across AeV
m the
The !i)f.iinous cruelties of tho ma
ramlii parlies of J'ritisli soldiers had il every fielieg of resentment
an.l aroused innvory bosom an impiaea
Ide haired, which only the cxtenniim
licn of tlie inhuman monster could
Taking the advantage of the ab
sence oftheir n itiiial protectors, a rar-
' ty of tleini-bnites, tiiuh t iho command
of (.'apt. Smith, liad coinmitted out
rages upon (lis iinproteelcd females
which would shame the vers1 name of
Ilvciy able bodied man, and many
who were scarcely able, had flocked to
the stMidai-1 of Washington, and had
gone lo accompany Km in bis victori
ous expedition, leaving their wives and
daughters, their homes and property,
to the protection of aged men anil
At length a cowardly assault upon a
family, composed of an aired widow,
and her three lovely daughters, who
after being cruelly outraged by the
brutal soldiers, were beaten nearly to
death and tho old woman thrown in
to tho "Well" of the "Devil's Half
Acre," so exasperated the young
men, that they resolved ttpou ven
geance. A secret meeting was held, and they
resolved to meet the next evening nt
the foot of the ridge, to punish the
cowards, who were encamped, in fan
cied security, about a quarter of a mile
from the scene of outrage, The great
ter part of the day was spent in moul
ding bullets, and preparing their
weapons, which being accomplished,
they waited with feverish anxiety the
appointed hour.
Twas a lovely eve, such a one as we
rarely see in our toochangeableclimate,
Thesiin, bathed in a halo of golden
light, slowly decended behind the
towering teep of Slmnnoek, The
bright stars looked down from the
pure ether with a seemingly encour
aging smile upon tho band of youthful
heroes, who had silently gathered in a
corps at the base of the mount. Each
moment some bravo boy noiselessly
approached, with his rille upon his
shoulder, and, with a simple nod of
recognition, take his ulaec and quietly
await the order of the person who was
to be their leader.
The one chosen to command them,
was a sturdy youth of about 18 years
of age, strongly built, and very athlet
ic; he carried a long rifle, and was clad
in a plain rustic su't of homespun.
His quick movements and hurriedly
whispered instructions, showed that he
felt the importance and understood the
danger of the attempt they were about
to make ; and the fire that flashed from
his dark eye, proved that ho was equal
to the einergancy. .
At lentrth the nartv. numbering fif
teen, were all assembled ; tho ages of
none exceeded eighteen, while tlie ma
jority were still younger. The order
to march was- given, and the young
band followed their leadar in profound
silence. ' . " ' '
'Twas a noble siehtl those brave
young spirits setting out to avengo the
wrongs ot tneir mowers ana sisters, at.
tho risk of their own lives, and against
fearful odds of numbers and experience
but stern resolve sat tipon every breast
and firmly beat each heart. Soon they
appronohed tlie spotwhero lay encarap-
cd the oujoets ot their hatred; tnc
British number twenty, and were all
wrapt in profound slumber. Slowly
and stealthily tbey noared" the enemy,
their hearts beat violently as Uaey saw
them in their power but not a word
escaped then" lips thoir calculations
had been-well made and they continu
ed to advance cautiously . until they
were within about, thirty feet of the
red coats, when a gestan from their
leader brought them to stand, Each
boy singled out his man tho command
was given in a low tone and tlie sliarp
report of fiAeen rifles broke upon tho
stillness of the night, and re-eehoed
along the hills and crags of Shannock.
Instantly, under cover of the smoke,
they rushed in upon the survivors, and
pinioned them ere they could recover
from the sudden surprise. The aim of
the boys had been full true fifteen
soldiers (among them Cnpt. Smith) lay
weltering iu their blood, groaning and
mingling curses and execrations with
their departing breath.
Tho five prisoners, securely bound
were marched at once to the copse from
which the youthful band had set out;
there a constitation was held to deter
mine their fate.
Sonic who had individual wrongs to
avenge, desired to hang them at once
upon the nearest tree. Others, more
lenient, wish to allow them a soldier's
death. Many and various were the
opinions and methods proposed but
they all agreed to be guided by the de
cision of their leader, Dan Lount.
During tho whole all'air Dan had
scarcely spoken, except to give tho nec
essary commands and now, when ap
pealed to to decide the fate of the pris
oners, he merely said "To the Dccil's
llnlj-Am." '
A responsive "aye," burst simultan
eously from all, and in a few minutes
they stood near the mouth of "the
"In with them," cried tho excited
boys, "here they buried the .Widow
(ialo and old I'omp! In with them,"
and in spite of the desperate struggles
of the captives, they were already upon
the very edge of the vanning pit, when
their leader exclaimed "hold !''
"Not yet boys," said Dan. "I wish
to say a few words before you throw
them;" and when tho prisoners had
been led back he continued in a voice
trembling with emotion:
You knew the Widow Gale you
knew her lovely daughters; blithesome
amiable, light-hearted, happy girls.
You know tiiem, but not as I do ; you
love them but not as well as I. The el
dest isniy alllanced brido 1 lleforoyou,
you see the guilty perpetrators. Ixiok
it llioui are they lit to liveY
"No ! No !" exclaimed each nnd ev
ery one.
"Then, my friends, (hey are not ft to
cwe have already spilled blood
enough for ono night, and the death of
these men will not repair tho wrongs
aireaily commuted. liat say you V
V ill it not be nobler lar to spare tlicir
lives? Jjet us leave turtlier vengeance
to tho laws, or to Him who hath said,
' engcancc is Mine ! I llleen have al
ready forfeited their lives; may wo not
span) the live I
Though every heart was still burn
ing for revenge, tho example shown by
poor Dan, who had suffered more than
any present, softened their hearts, and
they allowed themselves to bo persua
Tho prisoners were led down the
mountain side, and tho next morning
taken to Sommervillo, and delivered to
a company of Continentals who were
stationed there.
The actors in thissccne have all long
since passed to that "that Ixiurne Iron)
whence no traveler returns," but the
recollections of Daniel IOiint and
his matronly wife are still fresh in the
memory of tlio writer,
(onurrti nnd Miiirritxc
"Veteran Ubscrvcr is discussing
this question, starting out with the
broad deuial that Congress has every
ri'dit to treat sull'rago within the
States. Ho says:
"There is not in the Constitution a
particle of power, direct, or indirect,
which gives Congress tho least right
over the question of suflrago, except in
thj Territories. What then has in
duced any ono to imagine such a thing.
I cannot conx-ive, except it may be
this: During tho war Congress, nnd
tho I're-ident also, were obliged to
and did exercise various extraordinary
powers but, with perhaps a very little
exception and legitimate nowem.
rThey were clearly granted under the
power ol Congress to declare war, and
take all necessary means to prosecute
it; anl of the President to command
the army and navy, nnd use them to
prosecute war and enforce tho laws.
This power ha3 no limits but that of
necessity, and although some extra
Constitutional acts were done, the
were acts necessary to those whie
were constitutional. It is not Etrangc
that those not familiar with the Con
stitution should not sec clearly the
distinction between the power of Gov
ernment granted for war aud those
granted only for peace."
Plot to AaMftMnata th Pope.
A Naples letter to the London Timat,
dated -October 10th-, says: Two or
three days since, something like an at
tempt j was meditated against the life
of tlio Pope. A man was arrested un
der tho oolonnade of St. Peter's, at the
moment the Pope was about to go out
for a drive. He had a pistol concealed
under his clothes, but what bis inten
tions were is not as yet precisely
i - - ' '
Calico dress parties are now the
rage In the rnral districts. Tho idea
is to correct tho extravagance in ward
robes, which has been carried to such
extremes by the ladies of Ameri
ca. It is excellent and abould suc
ceed., , ' ' ' -w . Ml'". V
Sows of JoskBUIints'lidasa ara trat mm!.
csl, fcriosUooe. "TheSoa was a goto' to bed,
and alt iba Iforta was a blushin1 at ilia
ptrfanaaauVM . . 4 .
' rot the Ui'OBLiCAir.
The annual meet tngs, greetings, or
re-nnions of our citizens at their Ag
ricultural Fairs, aw now past, and
the time for retrospection, for discuss
ion, for suggestions, for investigating
ideas, has come; and for improving on
the Fairs and 1 aftairs of tho past.
Those yearly harvest-homes, where
the eyes of the gay ftiid festive throng,
are feasted on the tnterprise, the in
genuity and uutiriiig energy of those
scions of improvement, who have im
bibed and still believe in the spirit of
creative genius nS one of the distin
guishing features oCchristian civiliza
tion. Tlicro are those, however, who
object to these annual gatherings, as
of no practical laeticfit saying they
tire only used ns n" means of private
speculation, and not (is they profess, for
the improvement of agriculture. These
charges may, or im(y not bo true, as
applied to tho different gatherings un
der the spacious mime of Agricultu
ral Societies. I caii speak for but one
tho G. C. A. Sojiety, held at Car
niichaels, which, according to the
certified accounts, Imvo paid out in
premiums within ttte lust two years,
over three hundred dollars more thai!
their receipts, so there can be no room
for such charges here. Hut that their
cdieieney has been, largely curtailed,
by the stolidity of iito ideas, I shall
not attempt to doiry for whenever a
community becomes so attached to one
set of ideas ns to njjeet all others, they
at once set bounds to tlicir efficiency
and destroy at once, their power to do
good. Never having been an advo
cate of obsolete, I cannot now
do homage to the fossilized remains of
any pet notions, lujwever antiquated,
unless they mean Improvement. For
ward, onward, investigate, improvo
Radical, if you pledse, is the word.
"Why cannot tlm world bo said to
move in Greene county, ns well as
elsewhere. I am siow and hope ever
shall be, an advoeiko of liberal ideas
to all the world. ; But a man, or a
community cannot 'support great and
long' continued improvements at their
own expense. IIe'.co tho great error
of this society in ntfe remunerating its
managers, and officers for properly at
tending to its business, another great
lever of usefulness is loft entirely un
noticed, because no 'ono cares to devote
tho necessary time nnd money to this
means ot publia improvement j (i. e.)
the procuring of ncjv, rare, useful and
ornamental, plant1 shrubs flowers,
herlisruits, etc, forilistribution among
the farmers, gardncrs, fbrista and
others. Why not hjive communication
with the, great Agricultural and
Horticultural ccntrts, of our country,
j1 . - V 1
procure inose sects and nave some
tangible form or system of distribut
ing them, requiring those who get
them, to place tho; products on oxhi
bition, nnd coiitribrltc their experience
lor publication so that by the attri
tion of mind with mind or matter
either, tho Agricultural community
may no made alive to their real inter
ests. When this s the case then will
our farmers bo eit loose from their
old time moorinci. nnd directed by
the compass of cxpirieneo the lamp of
science with iter inml-maid of art.
will bless tho tiller of tho soil, cheer
the artisan in his toil, and comfort the
philanthropist in his labor of love.
, i ,' O. W. D.
Had thk Symptoms, but not the
Disease. The Zouesville Gazette tells
the following good one of Lute Taylor,
of tho Prescott Journals
Last vriuter, Lute was travelling in
the stage with a arty of gentlemen,
among whom was noted Democratic
politician from Minnesota, now a
candidate for a Sti to office. The- day
was intensely coltL and the company
were obliged to Mop occasionally to
warm cp. llaltir.-i ot a little inn l,v
the roadside the d.'oiocrnt invited Lute
up to take a drbik-of whisky, to which
ho readity assenfdl, and as Lute was
both dry and cold, he turned out a
pretty stiff "honji swallowed, it in-
stantcr and repnutid at once to the
stove to thaw oat. Lute's free and
easy style suited thndemnemt tsi a Ant
nnd after freely imbibing himself, he
walked up to Jbuti and said : "I'll
bet any man ten d Jlars that you are a
good democrat." '.
As Lute is an y awful radical, this
touched his pride, and he replied in
his usual stammering style j "I a-ad-vise
you n-not to bet more m-m-money
than you wish fa lose. I acknowl
edge I h-h-have aU tbe symptoms, but
not the d-diseasrv' t. : i-,
Two men in Vermont wont to law
about a sheep wort i five dollars. The
one who recovered damacra to tbe a-
mount of USv4S bad tQfNty lawyers' I
fees amounting to 1250. , , '. 'i., . I
RIGHT. Lincoln.
In conformity with A recent enstom,
that may now be regarded as establish
ed by national consent and approval
I, Andrew Johnson, President of the
United States, do hereby recommend
to my fellow-citizens that Thursday,
tho 28th day of .November next, be
set apart and observed throughout the
republic as a day of national thanks
giving ami praise to tho Almighty
Kulcr of Nations, with whotri are do
minion and power, nnd who maketh
peace in His high places. Itestins
and refraining from secular labors on
that day, let us reverently nnd de
voutly give thanks to our Heavenly
Father for tho mercies and blessings
with which Ho has crowned the now
closing year. Especially let us re
member that lie has tavored our land
with greatly, needed and very abun
dant lmrvests, that lie has caused in
dustry to prosper not only in our fields,
but also in our workshops, in our
mines and in our forests. IIo has per
mitted us to multiply ships upon our
hikes and rivers, and upon tho high
seas, nnd at tho same time to extend
our iron roads so far into tho secluded
places of tho continent, aud to guaranty
speedy" overland intercourse between
tlio two oceans, lie has inclined our
hearts to turn away from domestic
contentions and commotions conse
quent upon a distracting and desola
ting civil war, and to walk moro and
more in tho ancient ways 6T loyalty,
conciliation and brotherly love, lie
has blessed the peaceful efforts with
which we havo established new nnd
important commercial treaties with
foreign nations, while we have at the
same time strengthened our national
defences and greatly enlarged our na
tional borders.
While thus rendering tho unani
mous nnd heartfelt tribute ot national
praise and thanksgiving, which is so
justly duo to Almighty Ood, let us not
iau 10 impioro mm mat mo same tn
vino protection and care which we
have hitherto so undeservedly and yet
so constantly enjoyed, may be continu
ed to our country and our people
throughout all their generations for
ever. In witness whereof I havo here
unto set my hand and caused tho seal
ot the United btatcs to ho atuxed.
Done at the city ot Washington
this 2Gth day of October, in the year of
our Lord 1867, and of tho indepen
dence of tho United Slates the ninety-
I'v tho President A. Joitxsox.
II. SKWAttn, See'y of State.
KIM.Clt AT THE 1'Of.I.S.
The Virginia papers have much to
say in regard to the reported disorder
ot tho colored people at the polls, but
the only affray having serious conse
quence was between whites, and com
menced by a Democrat. The follow
ing account of it is given by tho Kich-
monu JJutpatcli:
Mr. Fletcher, of Fauquier was a
Confederate conscript, who deserted
nnd joined tho Federal army. Eefore
the war closed ho returned to Fauquier
with the cavalry company to whiho he
was attached, and acted for some time
ns a scout and guide to the Union
troops. In this capacity he became
very obnoxious to the people of the
county, and has even been threatened
witn lyncning. un luesday last he
went armed to the polls to deposit his
ballot, aud was met by several Con
servative citizens, who were also arm
ed, Ono of them, named Ernest Ilun
ton, who was a soldier in Mosby's
command, innnired "what right" he
"a renegade, had to vote." Fletcher
replied that if they wanted a fight out
of Imu they could havo it. Jsoth par
ties prepared for a fight; Fletcher fired
first, and Hutiton was killed instantly
by the shot.
Fletcher was arrested by the regis
tering olliecrs, nnd is now in prison
awaiting trial. It is understood that
he desires tho matter to be investiga
ted before a military commission.
The Xew York Commercial comes
to the defence of this word, which has
lately been attacked as an affected
synomy for "milk." It remarks :
" V hen one renects how broadcast
has been tha sowing of Webster's
Dictionaries throughout tho newspa
per othecs' ot tlio land in exchange tor
utifii therefor, it is melancholy to con
sider how little real service has been
rendered by that distribution, in alle
viating the chronic ignorance of country
contcniporarieai. "Milk" is a noun,
and signifies a fluid. "Milch" is an
adjective, and means tho milk-giving
quality. A "milch cow" is a cow in
milk giving trim, as opposed to a dry
cow one not yielding milk, lbe
word is not in as common use as for
merly, but it is a necessary and proper
term. , It is obsolrtc. tn tfie sense that
Sbakspeare used it, of , "soft" and
"tender," but is still generally used in
its agricultural sense in our rural dis
tricts. .
Overcoats to the knees; very tight
pants, like those worn thirty years ago.
and silk - hats with low crowns and
brood brims ; each are men's fashions
for the.eoming season ;,: , ',,. .;; ,
-.-. ! m 1 1 I .
Ghx. J. Ik GohixjS. who comman
ded a division in tho rebel- army dur
ing the law war, ha written letter to
tlie people of Georgia, advising them
to accept; the, terju, of
tion offered by Congress. '
NO. 21.
fttraara Vloiaati nile In tsi Ufoaft Ko-
A paper published in Dacatur, Illi
noise tells the following.
' "Most, if not nearly all, of onr citi
zens have noticed a dissipated vehicle
somewhat resembling a circus wagon,
located on a vacant lot on North Main
street, in 'which resided an old and
pdverty stricken man. Some (ime In
tho Spring the wagon, propelled by a
couple of attenuated horses, arrived in
this city, and the bid man pitched his
tent in the place mentioned, where,
through tho charity of the owners, he
has since been permitted to' dwell.
Hero he litis lived ever since, eking out
an existence by tho donations of our
benevolent citizens, he having disposed
of the horses for a small sum. Yester
day Mr. F. S. Murphey, one of our
prominent lawyers, received a call
from a Scotch . gentleman named
M'Oregor, who, after a long ami weary
search, had found the individual whom
we havo. thus dceribed and whom he
identifies as the youngest sou of the late
Enrl of Clanriotit'de, one of the wealth
iest and mast influential noblemen in
Scotland. Tho story related by Mr,
M'Gregor is almost marvellous in its
details, and would furnish tho materi
als for a first-class three-volume novel.
Some forty years since, the poor old
ninn Who has attracted tho eompasion
ot our citizens was a dashing and styl
ish officer intheLifeGiiardssbeeomi'n!
enamored of a beautiful girl of humble
origin, ho married her in opposition
to the commands of his proud father
and remonstrances of his dually
proud euier urotner. JJeing disin
herited and thrown upon the world,
i n i . . . . . i i .
uc soiu ins commission, nnu witn Ins
wife came to this country. After five
yearsof vicissitudes upon arogged farm
m the western wilds, his wite died, and
broken in spirit and sore in heart, he
relinquished his claim nnd roitmei
wuuour, aim or. purpose over tne
country. During tho Mexican war he
enlisted as a private soldier, and serv
ed until the closo of hostilities. Since
then ho has been tho companion of
roving Indians; a deck hand on steam
boats ; a pedler, eve., until his arrival
in this city. Jy the death of his el
der brother, which oeeured about four
months sineo, he has becomo tho pos
sessor of tho estates to tho valuo of
3,000 per annum. His cood fortune,
alas! has has come to late: prostrate in
mind and feeble in body, ho cannot
realize, nor can no long enjoy, tlie
princely fortune to which ho has fal
len heir. Yesterdnv evening, in care
of Mr. M'Gregor, he embarked on the
eastern train, on the way to his lordly
mansion in Inverness, ocotiaiid. i" or-
ttino smiled too late! his early love
sleeps by Im, Belle Riviere, nnd ho
lives a poor wreck of his former self-
i , ,. 1 ... n
too imoecne to need tne iiowns or
smiles offortune."
Sarcastic people arc wont to snv that
poets dwell in garrets, nnd simple
people believe it. And others, neither
sarcastic nor simple, send them aloft
among the rubbish, just becnuso they
do not know what to do with them
down stairs nnd "nmonrr people." and
so they class them tinder the head of
rubbish and consign them to that grand
receptacle of dilapidated "has beens"
and despised "used to bo's" tho old
garret. -
1 ho garret is to the other npart-
ments of the homestead what tho ad
verb is to the pedagogue in parsing;:
everything thoy do not know how to
dispose of is consigned to tho list of
adverbs. And it is lor this precise
renson that I love garrets; because
they do contain tho relics of tho old
nnd past souvenirs ot other and hap
pier and simpler times.
1 hoy have come to build houses
now-a-days without garrets. Impious
innovation I
You man of bronze, ami "bearded
like the pard," who would make peo-
11,. -A . 1
pie neiiove, nyou could, tbat you
never were a "toddling wee thing;
that you never wore a "rufle dress," or
jingled a rattle with infinite delight;
that yon never had a mother, and that
she never became a woman, and wore
caps and spectacles and may bo took
snuff go home once more and after
all these years of absence, all booted
and whiskered, and six feet high as
you arc, and let ua go np the stairs
together into that old-fashioned spa
cious garret , that extends from gable
to gable, with its , narrow windows
with the spider wob of a sash, through
which steals "a dim religious light"
upon a museum of thinp-g unnamcable,
that once figured - below stairs, but
were long since crowded out by the
Vandal hand of these modern times.
The looso boards of tho floor rattle
somewhat as they used to don't they ?
wnen Deneatn your little pattering feet
they clattered aforetime, when of a
rainy day, "mother," wearied with
many-tongued importunity granted
the "let us go up into the garret and
play." And play I Precious Uttlc
"play" have you had since, I'll war
raut, with your looks of dienitv and
your dreaiuings of ambition.
Here we are now in tho 'midst of
the garret. The old box hall we
rummage it? Old file of newspapers.
dustt yellow, and a little . tattered.
"I is ; tua Evening Courier, llow fa
miliar tira type looks t re
minds ! you of ,,old : times, when you
looked over the edge of the table with
the letter or papers for father I. I
, Uive deeper into lh Thorol
Ubuiklla-upitaafluMr, is)(t cloud of
Terms of Advertlatlusjr '
jonwoksi.. ,
Anvr.STisFMFN is Imu-rtrd at l B pr square
for three lnsertlonx, mid no rcnta p r square
fcir nu-li RiMitlonul insertion; (ten I no n orlcaa
nitmU-rt n squiire'. All traiuicut ailvertiwmouta
In lie pakl it In mlvnnce. ,
ItrsiNKM Nm-ii-Es act under the head of loenl
news will h cmirgcil Invariably IS eeutsa llu
fureni-h tii!trttoii.
A libornt dtxliirilon marie to pontons adVertM
liii ly Ilia cimrt-r, hnir-yeiir r yean Rrecial
iimii-t-K cunrucu ouc'miii more iimu resaiur an
Joh rttis-riKanf everrli
rkl'nrl lh ftalnaiut Fn
f-y colors; 1 lun.l-t.lll, llinnks, Cards Fumphleln
c., of every variety nml ityle, printed at the
stmrteHt notice. Tlie ltKl'l-ui.icAH Orru-c hiw
JujI been rc-tlltfltl, and every thing In ths Prlbr
Iiir Hue enn lie cxwnted In the must vtlatia
dust. Old alnianaces, by all that is
memorable! Almanacs, thin-leaved
ledgers of time going back to let ns
see how fan 104, 183 ) 182,-bs
forcour timc-180--)whcn our fathers
and mothers were children.
, There, . you have hit your heatl
against that beam. Time was Whfcn
you ran to and fro beneath it, but you
are nearer to it now by more than
"tho altitudo of a copine.". That bean!
is strewn with forgotten papers of seeds
for next year's sowing ; a distaff, with
some few shreds of flax remaining-, h
thrust into a crevice of tho rafter over
head ; nnd tucked nway closo under
tho caves is "tho little wheel," that
used to stand by the firo in times long
gone. I ts sweet, low song has ceased;
and perhaps she drew those flaxen
threads but never mind; you re1
member tho line don't you?
"tier wheel at rest, the niutroo charms on
. Well, let that pass. Do you sea
that prettv little craft careening in that
dark corner? It was the only casket
in tho hotiso once, and contained n
mother's jewels. The old cradle for
all the world? And you occupied it
once ; aye, great as you are, it was
your world oriee; nnd over it, tho only,
horizon you beheld, bent tho heaven of
a mother's eyes, as yon rocked in that
little bark of love, on the higher side
of time fast by a mother's love to a
mother's heart.
It was Colonel Thomas Colt, of
Fittsficld, Mass., who, as aid, took
Sheridan tho news of tho fight, which
led to his famous ride. Colonel Colt
told how General Wright came breath
less and said, "I have piU the Army in
order for retreat," and Sheridan an
swered in wrath, "Ketreat ! by G d
we'll whip 'em yet 1" and he told what
a grand sight it was when, looking
across Middletown meadows, they saw
tho instantaneously reorganized Union
army rush in upon tho rebel flanks
and scatter them like mist, till, hasten1
ing to the scene, they rodo over half a
milestrewn thickly with dead and dy
ing men, who, twenty minutes before-,
had shouted " Victory ;" and how still
it was when at night they rodo back
over tho field which had been the
sceno of such mad strife and tumult,
now, only tho low groans of tho dying,
and tho thousands of whito dead faces
upturned to the stars ; and how, afte
the victory, tho Generals one after an
other came up to tho little hero, and
hugged him, mid wept over him, and
lifted him off from the ground, till he
gasped, "Hold, enough r
Ron era, tho poet, ono of the most
hospitable men that ever lived, once
asked an Irish gentleman to conio and
stay with him. Ho camo fast enough,
but would not go, We?ks nnd months
passed, nnd still, in spite of innum
erable delicate hints, ho remained a
fixture. At last Horrors, in desnnifi
was obliged to fill his house with in
vited company, appropriating the
Irishman's room ; nnd then he said to
him, "My dear , in spite of your
arrangements for leaving sooner, I
positively cannot part with you before
next Saturday. Beyond that date I
cannot ask you to remain, as mv house
will be quite lull, which is tho most
courteous waf In which ono man ever"
ejected another on record.
A Southern Jenkins writes of
Raphael Semmes: His habits are
faultless. lie has none of tho vices of
a sailor, save nn aversion to boots.
His nose and face have all the ruddy
marks that distinguish an "old salt.
Ho uses no stimulant. His eyes aro
blue, clear and winning in expression,
lie always smiles when he greets you
His apparel is plain, and gait erect and
(graceful cnoii''h. He It slender arid
straight, weighing not more than orrtf
hundred and twenty-five pounds. His
iciglit is hvo feet iiino or ton inches,
and Jus age htty-hvc,
I low to Jcdge. Judge a man by
his-netipns, a pocf'by his eye, an idler
by his finger, a lawyer by his leer, a
player by his strut, a boxer by his
sinews, an Irishman by his swagger,
an J'jiiglishman by his . rotundity, a
Scotchman by his shrug, a justice by
his frown, a Jew by his nose, a great
man by his modesty, an editor by his
coat, a tailor by his agility, a fielder
by lus elbow, a lady by her ureas, and
a woman by her neatness.
The price of wheat in England has
loubled sineo 1864, and is now higher
than it has been since the clone of tho
Crimean war. In the first fortnight
of the present month it roso on tho
averago fifteen per centi The crop is
said to turnout, on threshing, ' a far
lighter yield than was anticipated, and
French buyers arc still active in their
operations in the English market.
Ix Chicago there is a youth who,
every time he wishes to get a glimpse
of his sweetheart, cries "fire 1" directly
under her window. In the alarm of
the moment she plunges her head out
of the window aud inquires, "where 1"
Yv hen ho poetically slaps himself on
the bosom, and exclaims t "Ere, my
Augelina."" ' '
It is really a very stupid thincr to
suppose that you can correct people'g
faults or follies by throwing out hinta
befora them,- or talking at them.1 If
they are stupid and don't take, vour
labor 1 lost ; if they '' von draft.
the will be mora offeadulhaa if you
had spoken out openly. ti