t l&he 1gwbur0 epttbiican, l&ebncgbag,. (IMober 0, 1807 (5WfttU5 tit. Clothing. Swjjiyt; W. ROSS, i- . j i: ' 'f In Jewell building, Vest end of Main St sTiesbnrg. sib'es-tr. ULATKK ODE-NBAUGU, peaiir is drcoi ard MKDicnra, liquors ana everything pertaining to a firat elans Drug mora. Prescription carefully eoni nounded. "t'rulgb'i Old Stand," Waynes burg QEO. S. JEFFERY, T ; ' NOTARY ruBtta All business pertaining to the office attended to promptly, orllca Willi P. A A. Telogreph Co, Ki,t uf the Court Houso. t;l-tf. IRST NATIONAL BANK, or wATSRtco. DISCOUNT DAY... 1. Borer, Pnn'U May IH 'oll-ly. TUESDAYS, J. O. Fuumigg, Cashier. .1 A. HALL, Dealer In Dry OotmU, OtaMrie, Hardware, 4lc, otu. , AT McCOY'S OLD STAND, Orocnsonro, Pa. I EWLS DAY, I DEAL11S nf BOOKt A-1D tTATfORRRT, Wall Paper. Window Paper. looks of till kinds constantly Mrs. Rusirshullillng, former! per. Window Paper. o. Sunday Rahool r on nana, room in occupied by Cot- terell A Taylor, W uyoeaburg, May II. tHi-ly. w M. BAILEY, WATOIE8 ASD JEWELRY, Biw strie-, ori-osrra cntmi noma. A" nor on hands always a choice and select as- tirtincnt or Wablies' and Jewelry. Repairing dono at the lowest rules. tW-ly. rilUE MONONGAUELA HOUSE T men's lardiso, oar.t.iE colsitt, pa., OLIVER BATAIJD, PROPRIETORS, The beat ncrnmmodntloru frtinlshM Hie traral llntipulilti.'. House and appurumancee complete. Tuide always spread IwuntlfUlly with the delica cies or th season. Horsoa for hire; (eed and atuhllng at reasonable rates. 4'26-tt. fit T.V"EU!i,"jR.. S.timi.K AMD niRXEat HAKIB, (13 WILSON'S BUILDING, MAIN ST.) Saddles, Ttrlrtlcs, Ttarncss kept on hand and marie to order, work done In ill" beat style, and at reasonable rates. A-ltcpnlrlng a speciality on short notice. Parmer friends go hade at hl slock. jENTIBTHY. 1 have located In Wnyneslnrg, and am oocu pylng the late resident or Dr. S. 8, Patton. Hav ing taken great pains to become thoroughly ao imiilntcrt with lioihtho theory and practice of Dentist ry.and having Bad an experience of seven years In the profusion, 1 fool warranted In say ing that my patients shall uave no uause locum plain id Inferior operations. Ettractlon will be rendered painless, when desired, by the admin istration of "Laughing gai" orothcranestheltcs. Charges moReriite.aurl all operations warranted ns represented. I will he at home without frr AhVKNTi'UK from luu flfli'iulli lo the thirtieth of every month. .'. JOS. 8. UKUTIO. ,lMf . M1 AUlSi.RWOUKS, SraMERSGILL- BRO. (.rr.wr.Lt'a ot n ta!it, irpr. sd or iow!t.) Tti i.nlilionrereftiieetfullr Informed that flaw nerclll i Tiro, have just received alnrfteatockof su Kiuos oi MARBLE WORK) a Ornre Stonea, fonnmetita, Mantle e. We ore prepared to furnish work at ii'M'iMo rerma on toiori nnuoi. iau ana iii:".:irsloek, tyrca,and prleea, betore par tn iKewherc. ftja-C -'ET; MAN HOUSE, ' WIT OfENTD Rt THOMAS BRADLEY. rnsltlvoh Ihc most complete Hotel In onr town. KvrytlUnK combined t furnish the best aceora Bimli tlnn ever yet ollercd to the public. Sleai'i furulsli-il at all houta, table provided with tlie hcKtof tlmaeanon. ... Travel'era find those desirous of refreshment will do well to call. "Tom "still rvtnlns his; old reputation of nn sieemnniodnttnt" gentleman, and hnapiinblu budlord. House, the one lormeriy or. 'ijncd ny Hie "jiessengi t" Office, eilfSWy. 1 OHN H. HOFFMAN, MOnOASTOWN. WEST VlROIIflA, ATTORNEY FOR COLLECTING rKSSlOXS, DoritTIKS, ARREARS Of PAY, AND ALL MILITARY CLAIMS. lravlnu had 17 years expert" In irroawesttlna; such claims, I have become familiar with the various Laws and the lanre amount of record evidence in inv possession enables me to he very stieeinafnl In prosecuting suspended claims, and in nianv Instances have proved successful when t'leelalmant had long given them np In despair. ?(o matter how illtllcult the claim ao It la Jnsfc 8;2-ly. ' T10BERT DOUGHERTY, It CAimiAos MAXuvAcrmr.n, watwfjrcr!, pa. sportfully gives nollce that he has located In a nosuurg, 1 ., Wliriu niw-im. ......... aeturo - CARRIAGES Of every descTlpllnn. From his experience In t:ic business he feels confident Hint Ills work, In a'vle.tlnlsh and durability, will give entire at i.rfwtion. it Is Ids determination to vssrehaae the beet material In market, and omploy worie buteomni'tent workmen. l-All work warranted fnroncyear.-W tai:'tio-tr. TAYNESBURG MARBLE AND STONE WORKS. SAYERS nr i i - liTKEHART. Still contlnne to carry nn the Marble and Stone cutting business at their long esiaousneo siano immediate east of the Public Square, between High and Greene atreota, Wayneahorg, Pa. ti,ib MiAhiishment has been In constant .Rtlon since 1K, and the long mcperlenee and en ergy of the proprietors, linked with .the exer cise nf sound judgment and good taste, hare won tn ihnm wiiii.nnrMul and enviable renutatlon. An extensive slock of the vsrlooa varieties of the best marble kept eonatantly on hand. Spo elal attention paid to poUahlug, prseslng, carr- ing ann engraving. AU orders promptly filled. VK ttvat. Oroaon. C. BTTnoiaa, . Attorney at Low. Jong C WAOwni, rioiary fnona TCROISS WAGNER, ITNITED STATE.3! CLAIM A!W OCKERKT. . COLLECTINO AGE To. -y-For thantdhistment of (Tt, ATMS, of all kind against tne uniwa TENSIONS. INCRE ASE OF PENSIONS, BOtrjf. nfl thMf of nnv rhtrem twllna or write Walnnf St, I Soor below Hanna' oorner, !! Blanlrl ;n,'tff-m KOROAyTfiW., W. VA- E. A.'TtJfKER....!;..-,...-- -H. 1 lirEU TpiNKBil MAPEL, i. : i " COMMISSION MERCHANTS . - v '. ', ' rOBTTlS BALE fJf - ' ' . v . . -r. , ' HOOa, CATTLE AND CXSEP, . t-M TtTS OWS TAB.OS, , ! W3ST.3U.TI10BE, MABlLAa. T. AiaaflttXfl MB. Ufa STOCK arallT? ' 'Tarn'. eTa.aeaa...l. di.an a tsak asiskl ll.e.SrtZWL Ci aafcasy . : ' .jaaaeaWiry Ljal. figR 1W IXCITSMEHTI tug rmorein tariACitkurt IL RINfiHART! FOR SELLING CHEAP GR0CIRIt3! Rartna last ratvried from th ally, ha kaaopen- d Uw Urgaat tn town. He fleatn to Inform tn WHtetis M BEKC , POTATO Eft, FWH, DRIED I PEACniW, Ac, cn ac, mo. Qall and aw him ititkai ban (atUag A NEW 8UPPL Yll Yoa will And him aacommadaUnc. and ean sail lower than any one In Ut place. M aura to go to tha right place. In LEDWmrS OLD BUILDING, Opposlb? the Pottrt House and formerly by the Poet Office, oeetl i'W-i RECONSTRUCTION I 0T 01 TBI csioa, ISAAC HOOPER'S OROfERT AND COXrRCTIOXKRT t Mr. Hooner wonld still hare his friends and pat rons bear In mind, tluit he oontlnuee In tlie Gro cery and Confectionery trade at his aanitl place of doing business, and that hehati Junt received a niEsn suprLt nf the best quality of all articles In his line, TOYS NOTIONS, and a treat varloty of useful articles alwuya on hand. REFRESHMENTS. Tn ennaeetlon with the abova. Mr. llooper keeps a Tleatnurant, whera ICE CUE AM, BERRIED And all thelnsarlsa of the season can be ob tained. . , . . The most attranire ana most pnpmar resort ntown. o;14:5-ly. w ILLUM WALLACE, GROCiERI E8 AND PROVISIONS! oa cooa ran o nrrwa aao-w'a rroaav We hare Inst received a wall selected stock of phsaH far nan anil are confident that we can npply our eustomera ana all who may ravor tia rl haca .as chean. If not oneaner, loan any other house In the county. COPrEKH. HCOAKS, MOLASSES, SVKIPS, TBAS. RICF., BOD A, TOBACTOS tlOAOS. BrrrsrA xdi.m, soaps, r.xrn act, cor- tWmt Mil fo Hsmlns onr stock and aee far TO aelvea, for we are determined to aell as cheap as ine ontaipOTH. "i ' " Jonw HroHRs. .TnoA Lctas, T. LUCAS CO. , rmWARDTM ARB COMnltglOW MRtCniHTt. And dealers tn Oroeerlee, Hardware, leather, Shoe Findings, Iron, Walls, Salt, Fteh. . Also, .nmta tnr Antim fVomloer A fCISI I WlndOW Saah. A supply kept constantly on handa. Rice's uanarng, rB.,aoov ine si's. L nmn BROTHERS, wBotriAT.a aaocr.at ARB eoiotiMioR CHARTS. No. T7, EXCHANGE TLACE, BALTIMORE Jar. B. I.arrar, Wm. L. Lairar. ajlS-lr. nUBUC NOTICE. Aa the firm of Hl'OHES A LKCAS la dissolved hv mutnal consent, the Commission bnslncss will nil he enrrlfvl on at the old stand. In good order, and on the most reasonshle terma. In tlie asn sad style of l HimHEM Co., (senior Twrrwe.! Ytecy rrwr Ihemseivea, hy naving the Honse and me oeei moaxinn in ine pineo ror thatbuslneaa, that they will Raxxrv'R a iioerai share of the public patronage, They will also keep a good su slao keen a coon Hum plyofHROTER I KM on hand to accommodate all wbo may favor them with a call. L.1TIXHFTV tlo-tf. RJee'a Landing, ig, rn. S OMITHING NEW III WATME8BUR0, PT.T A THOS. BRADEN & CO. hi tw. rsom Snreaerlv oeermled by Andrew Wtteoo, 8r.,;ne ooor lo nraom aj unig mmj Reapeclfnllr Informs the rood people nf Greene eounty, that they have opened a HARDWARE STORE! iBjhtviiMt can Sola thjdr fMemde and the amtw Hegeaerally. ThHrstnrelsfllled wllheverythlng caeirliM needed by the Ikmereaid nwehanle. Itetng practMnl Bwntera, they know exactly the wanieonnnirrarmrTirirnu. nniwin '""' - letyofgooda will be rbnnd rron. Nulla, of kinds, Planea of ell vartetlen. Angers, nrar an. fickle neevtw oaeaa mtjmf (aiU am' win ne aannn iron, nails, or all and saws ana hmmb oi sii aisaiiiinissa, AGRICTLTCRAL IMFLEXENT9. Mowing MaeMnea, CatMnc Boies, Oarn Meltera, Flows, CulUvatnra, Shovels, Forka, ana every' wing in uteir uas, , . ! SADDLERY HARDWARE. A gaaiiat aaasKsnent of aaddlery rrraea, to itakHSi'taev aawaetie eatlon at poronaaera. woxji wiits or all xiaoi Tans, BncwftK, "Wo Iter Brnrtl and alt klnaja f a Hen en wennwn eixro-a. sums rTrSiTiiiii'aT' 'rijin Al per akun arOctes wtU N ,' ,i i .-eaaiiim'tMMLM-vipr.T' mStwm RY 00008 AT )riI0LE8A LEs BrELROY, DICKSON & CO. HO. II WOOD STRECT, PtTTSBUROH, PA, r to daalara tbetr ' Yew i FALL STOCK , AT low prices ron cash. DRY OOODS AND 2T0TI0NS, IN GREAT VARIETY. fitl-tra. Q10METMNQ hEWI vi rav a. a. sursna a atoaKimoa nav just arrived from th Rant with larie ! D It Y OOODS, SPRING AND SUMMER STTLES I which they propose to sell at the lowest CASH nrloee I such as ureas uooaa, ureae JTirja mirur, Dress Buttona, Ladles Shawls, DooU and Shoea, Hat and Cane great variety aloe articles, at vary low prleea a GENTLEMEN AND LADIES' WEAR, Wares of all kinds, and a complete rarlety of the Beat uiuJCBUir.n. aiioj wnicn wibj pi A II of which they propose to tell at the vei auallty and rv lowest nan res. aepenmng o and cheapnees of their goods to them cnatom. Olre them a eU before ntrrohaslng elsewhere, I and they will prove that tha above Is oorreet. Itoom In Allison's hnlldlnc. nearly opposite the court uouse, rt ayneaourg. hi, i-u lEACTTFUL DISPLAY I DRY GOODfl, CLOTHS, CAS3IMKRS, to.. A EVANS' ESTABLISHMENT. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT EVERYTHING 15 THE LINE I wishini to etnae evt ft rhe Pan trad, be of-1 rs his roods st astonishing low rta for seen, l The atock to at lata aa tha latest and tha best in market., Minor-a BniMing, oppoatTe me weene nouee. i V"'. " " - N EW STORE t FRANK. M'GURGAN, Haa Just opened a flrl el see STOCK OF DRY GOODS clothiso, TWMRtiwaa, soTMim.aa.'ac. im she use smm of fliHsi ss C VI aee. and ly opposite tho rarasers a unmra nainaR- IBank, W, A Y N E S B U RO, P A. This stock la ALL NEW AND FRESH I HesreaM nepaetrally Invite the raietle to sail I anv examine aia large wmb bsipiw Hia taal aad axaeiieaee la eeteetisM goods ; his energy aad dXermlaaUaai to rteaaa ine i pobllal naa reaaierea nien FIRST CLASS STORE! HI stock ssabraeaa larg aaanrtasasrl ml GENTLEMEN3' CLOTHINO I of tha moat atthtonaM aad daraMa aaallUea. aana,use nawaa wasiv aa LAOIXir DMDM OOODS, HXAYT . aiUM WITH WHITS EDO, and a fun D aortnaeat sllktcyltaiai ttlka r W RBacaeu a. u. w " Vfa'iZttZ&ZSSZ sSalheakhef Davis, Johnson and tW all colore. Al aamMqaeav "iSygf'SiiS eahaTrtbtnaa Li all eoiorsaswd wtdlaai Haaa. wTeatheand Flownra, Lae Haadkerohleas and KaaproUlariaa, ao anua aaaonaaaaios TKiornfaa nt okwekai. Ahm, nnaater Passe, Uas QsMaii k7Tl VTHTaTk. r.oTSrilglf room dlkW, , , u. S. INTtaWULlKT. NOTICE. sSatdhsg tatf sat en , Fiaataint, wi tmM i.tsi viti 11 I e.NMMMBStlleat ttVMssa HftftACB DUaUIl KABLY UfK. la rrtw BatMimM luf Xw Trk la kis but chapter Mr. Greeley de scribes his first entrance ino New York. This part of ths chapter we quote : "It was, if I recollect right, the 7th ef August, 1831. I was 20 years old Uw preceding Febairy j tall, slender, pale ld plain, with ten dollars b my pocket, summer clothing worth per haps as much more, nearly all on my back, and a decent knowledge of so much of tho Art of Printing as a boy Will usually learn in the office of a oountry newspaper. But I knew no hntnaa being within two hundred ailles, and my unmistakably rustic manner and address did not favor that immediate command of remunerating employment which was my mostor- g""4 - However, the world was out ueiurn mm j my personal eeiuic, tivu I up in a pocket-hamlkcrchter, did not at all encumber me; and I stepped lightly off the boat and away from the I sound of the detested hiss of escaping steam, walking into and up Broad street In quest of a boarding-house. I found and entered one at or near the corner of Wall ; bat the price of board given me was (6 per week ; so I did I not need the giver's candidly kind sug- gostion that I would probably prefer one wnere me cnargq was more uiouur- ate. wandering thence, I cannot say how, to the North Riverside, I halted next at 168 West street, where tho sign of "Boarding" on an humbler edifice fixed ray attention. I entered, and was offered shelter and subsistence at $2 60 per week, which seemed more rational, and I elosed the bargan. "My host was Mr. Edward McGol- rick; his place quite as much grogshop as boarding house ; bnt it was quietly decently kept while I stayed in it, and he and his family were kind and friendly. I regret to add that liquor j u:. i yc u "o renre oiici- wam. My first day m New York was a Friday, and, the family being Roman Catholic, no meat was eaten or provided, which J understood ; but l n 1- T 11 i l wnen csunuay evening was eeieoraieu by unlimited card playing in that same house, my traditions were de cidedly jarred. I do not Imply that my observances were better or worse than my host's, bnt that they were dif ferent. "Having breakfasted, I began to ransack tho city for work, in my total ignorance, traversed many streets where none could possibly be found. In the course of that day and the next, however, I must have visited fully two-thirds of the printing offices Ion Manhattan Island, without a gleam I of success. It was midsummer, when business in New York is habitually (dull; and my youth and unquestion able air of country greenness must have told against me. When I called at the Journal of Commerce, its editor, Mr. David Hale, bluntly told me I was a ran-away apprentice from some I country office, which was a very I natural, though mistaken, presump- tion. I returned to my lodging on - lOatUrUaT evening, MOroUgQiy Weary, ,. , . . , . j ?.i vr aisncartenea ana disgusted Wlin Jew Iw . 11 i. t.-l- !i J i i otk, and resoivea to bosks its uiut from my feet next morning, while I could still leave with the money in my pocket, and before its alms-house could foreclose upon me. "But that was not to be. On Sun day afternoon and evening, several young Irishmen called at Mr. Mc Golrick s, in their holiday sauntering about town ; and, being told that I was a young printer in quest of work, interested themselves in my effort, with the spontaneous kindness of their race. One among thera happened to know place where printers Wanted, and gave the requisite direc tion, so that, on visiting the designat ed spot next morning I readily found employment ; and thus, when barely three days a resident, I had found .. ... U Vatw Vortr " Gcx. Sickles A5D Mr. Johnson, la April, 1868, Captain Bryant, of the 8ixth Infantry, proposed thehealth of Jeff. Davis and Prerident Johnson at a friendly meeting in Cragetmrg, South Carolina. A brother offioer naited Britton, declared that such toast should not be drank In his pres ence, and struck the glasses dowa. He NUa was pledged by the party. For ... n wu frie.1 kar annrt I WIS OTfencsj nrram was, inni uj oour IUH WUWW " " J ntartial for eondoot nnbeeoniing an of. leer, and was sentenced to a nubile w w oepnvanen oi nis I .word for one month. Gen. Sickle. I reviewed the case, ordered him to be iB gajf il the service and scsi his dc- elfloa to Jobnaon kt lis action. He Oen- EickW order, and Captain Bryafat was aiat dtamtaeed the Slairrice., On the cwtiarjr, be was soon SSI i.:s 1 rt . 1 o;t.l mmmmm mmmmi an.1 imotvi oiti m laatiiiaa.skal'l V A U.UONAIBE WUVATi. In a sketch of the life of the late Elins Howe, Jr., the inventor of the sewing machine, we find the following incident: "At the moment when Mr. Howe had avowed his determina tion to enlist his coachman hod entered the building to witness the proceedings. He was a warm-hearted Irishman nam ed Michael Cnhill, past the age of mil itary service as defined by law.. Upon hearing his employer's speech, he rush - forward, and clambering upon the platform, he cried out! "Put down my name, too 1 I can't bear to have the old man go alone ! ' So dowjl went the name of Michael Cahill, coach man, next to that of Elias Howe. Laughter and cheers mingled in about equal proportions. For four months after tho seven teenth Connecticut entered tho field, the Government was so pressed for money that no payments to tho troops could be made. One day a private soldier came quietly to tlie paymaster's office in Washington, and as there was several officers already there to bo at tended to, he took his seat in a corner to wait his turn. When tho officers had been disposed of, Colonel Walker turned to him and snid : "Now, my man, what can I do for you ?" "I have called," said the soldier "to see about tho payment of the Seven teenth Connecticut." Tho paymaster, a little irritated, told him bluntly, "that a paymaster could do nothing without money, and that until the Government could furnish some, it wasteless for soldiers to come bothering him about tlie pay of their regiments." "I know," sold the soldier, "the Government is in straits, and I have called to find out how much money it will take to give my regiment two months pay, and if you will tell me, I am ready to furnish the amount." The officer stared with astonishment, and asked the name of the soldier, who Mas no other than Elins Howe. On referring to his books, Col. Walker found that tho sum required was 31,000. Upon receiving tho infor mation, the private wrote a draft for the sum, and received in return a memorandum certifying the advance, and promising reimbursement when the Government could furnish the money. Two or three days after, nt Fairfax Court House, the regiment was paid. when Mr. Howe's name was called, he went up to tho paymaster's desk, re ceived $28 60. of his own money, and signed tho receipt therefor, "Private Elias Howard, Jr." After rendering all the services a man in his physical condition could render, he reluctantly asked a discharge and returned home. He used to say to the soldiers : "I have got to leave you, boys. I m of no use here; but never mind ; when your time is outcome to me at Bridge port ; I'm building a large sewing machine factory there, and I shall have plenty of work for those who want Many of his comrades took him 'at his word, and until his death were at work under him in various capacities, Mepaiatloai after Death. It is verr sinrrular how the fact of a man's death often seems to give people a true idca.of his character, whether for eood or evil, thnn they have ever ..! .. possessed while he was living anti act ing among them. Death is so genuine a fact that it excludes falsehoods, or betrays its emptiness ; it is a touchstone that proves the gold ana dishonors tne baser metal, uoiua the departed whoever he may be, return in a week after his decease, he would almost in variably find himself at a hitrhcr or a lower point than he Had tormcriy . .. m a rcupicd in thescale of public apprceir tion. If you happen to fall into company and the talk runs into party, obscenity, scandel, folly, or vice of any kind, you had better pass for morose or unsocial araonir people whoso eood opinions is not worth having, than snocic yonr own conscience by joining in conversation which you must disaprove or. A Democratic journal remarks "that ths Republican attribute tb loatot of tkelr party in Main to tamaaedkrfe o wbiskr j we rU er deem H an inernased lov of Democratic priadpir." Hers la a tUtUnctkm wttboat differenc for we all kiowthat u tks mar ket reporteri sT when whiskr b easy L- aaocracy barm, tad when rrar root i craoted ft tb voter for that faith are Ught and good demand. Aaxxxnosrua has tea killed to often that kUlrac apoaart to aTt wilk it Jtwa twic kAted at Ball Boa t once la the Sevan dart battle; a Lke polb m '63, and It It highly rxnbablt It will bo all the healthier la 'M for tareoentkUnof in 'S7. A tuber In an English tebool, teeing on ofUstbojs with a thick romp la on of bit cheek, aakad, Qnfal MniP Ti) which the lad tptrtUrmt on t btrg pieoa of cbewin tohwseo, repBed, ' af ray" tar vhka the maater brgav hit. to Raw York bomaaislti pceparini for artafWt trart. TUk weak tha mtlrifitrtk-ll mmA Bt tpetktts wlIlbataTed oa ViUaidas.; TneRapab- UatM jMvte Idea ef ttlrrenUr tb 8UU. ONDERS NEVER CEASE atvhs CLOTHING STORE N. CLARK A SON. la no longer trapoaatbla to get a fall salt for SO. of good material, that we will warrant to give entire satisfaction. Light Caaalmere Pants and Vast, for H 80, an and aloe aula: Hammer Panto aad Voat for til 90, Uta very best all wool CASS1MERS surra t from IS to IS dollar; tha asms that haa cost yoa dollars. A large ana neauunu aioea n ATS AND 0A?t The neweat and heat stylaa, the Henrietta, 8t. Cloud, Yi the mot a elegant are acht. Broadway aad PEAB0DY CAP I The cap deriving Uataame Jfroaa NGLAND AND AMERICA'S u-ia..t hiuhrini-MR. aKO. PEABODY, Every American youui woo mi a;" Henefaetor ahoulil not fall to have one of those CAPS. A full and complete asaortment oi win- ii..nAH'a nirniRiiiiisT atiitnm. wag liamvn iiisx nun York Mill and Wamsutta Muslin Slilrta: two of the best brands of musun mauuiactureu. THE CELEBRATED ENGLISH RUFFLE BUI it l. aol andPasslmera Shlrta, Fine Dorset Jeaa Drawers and Bummer vnderahlrt. Linen llandkercniers, oioves ana ijosictt. wiio hows andacarfa. Inendlesa varloty. Tha Eugene, vi.t,i mi isAhclla now. tlie very newest, the Zephyr Kcarf, 7UXI Pap.sr Oollars.of all styles. Ward's 8luikescarn, Linen imitation wa Proof, Emnroiiiereo, Keyatons, uonismn a r. Into st visa caaalmere that will be told by the 'yard. We kindly aak you to compare prloee before buying. o-.a-W-ly MPORTANT TO BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS! WAYNMTffltQ STEAM PT4ANIHO MILL. It alvea us pleaenr to announce to th puMle tha completion of thl work and the readiness or the proprietor to RECEIVE ORDERSI Aim MAKE COHTBACTBI The beat Im ,mt fnachlnarr la need. Plan Ing. 1, Ploughing and Grooving, Saeh and Door iking, Vannelllna, Ripping, rnraildlng Ae Mai rapidly nnnskiimny smctiwi, su ffvmm paid for ALL KINDS OF LUMBER 1 They ara alao nieparod to oa an kioas of oarpew- tOT WOTR, Wlin ine aimisi pivini.a- sav the moat anbstasitial manner. They reapoetfolljr IWt , hajo of jmblle Mtronaae. Cad latter taaraselraa that they wlU Inalleaaeebeaaleto OIVB ENTinH SATISFACTION J All order promptly attended to. BRADBV, WALTON SATBBa, aUt-ti WsarRaRdN-re, Pa, $3,00 TOwraBDAY- AGENTS WANTED ron thi r GOLDEN PUN. A HETTEB PEN THAN QIXL0T8 PEV Thi a pen Bell rapidly WTAJ r r tatmdneed, iMae of people. Are lb7 9,aal to the to all el gold pen for eaae an aeaajif r wniwg, mm Sexlhfeand uraola na air sa r "'" M.nn trl n rcrl. Willi end tornem- pie box. hilyaeaaaAotoeafcr No. 1 for BMas-l aee, Wo j ter LMIea. and choice penmanship. Bent free of o boxes Ibr to cent, aamooas Moaer fafnnded If they do not ft a aatlaaastlon. The Mtewtat It a aamaaeof huodred of lev tare Aaa natlee who have ordered thee pene. rtATmrowR, rA, jiuy iau, isw, w w ai mwi'V lrailj IbmL bAn'sin:-Tbe box of Mo, ,1 pan ordered by see aonse teat daya elnee ka airlred, aad I aaa 00 . i LKlv aala. ae Mr. a to order three groaa No. I aad on groae No, anm . t' Of Ra-oaucAif, Warranted I sated to kaat tv It M sang, aatdatv atlafaeUoa thaa avy iiat nan paa,na. W rJUIE RUSH IS NOW At SLATER ODENBAUGH'8 DHUa STORE! , - . s He KeMetluliy rnmrms the eltleeaa shit 'iAmi. j lana geaeral ly, Uaat ha ha reoet red the farsgt DRUGS AND MEDICINES " erer oflbred tn thai market .wuioh he will ' ' SELL CHEAPER .. '. ! . . . v than aaa b Purctiaaed an i ham ala la awa eounty. . , PAINTS OFALLaSDBi i ' v' - -i ! Dry and In oil. of tha rarv smi um. ' than the aheapeat, . - ( dts .iTTjrir'8;'?';';'.':V;:; of ths very finest aalecUeak '' ' OLDUqVORSJ ' 1 of alt kind, the Snest that can be nroearsJ tn theBlat. The , UNYIELDING LUNG SYRVP t A remedy nsarDaaaad lor the enea of btMunai ' of the lunxa. spiuing nf blood, aorenaaa of tha breast and chest. Will change the frail vol loo complexion to one of health, and will en re rt.s. pcpsla. Tlilj syrup Is one of tho moat nseful ' raullclnes of tlie day. Thl la a lato luedMn and we do not know of It rulllnr in m. ain.t. u -try It. ; " " . " . Alao. all other nrtimlnnnl mimi m .11.1.. - alwaya 011 hand. Together with the Cough Ex terminator, the I . tin uae fur Jllseaae of the Alan! a avrui thi onlv remlv s i,iiimih , cough, all tor ai S. Odenuangh'a Drug tlura. ejiiHiin. D A V ID B. FOCTE, (DCCI tlORjTO FOOT BRO. POUTZ'8 CILIIaAtIB En tin CatUa Pmte This preaarstlen, long sad Avorslilf known, will ttwe ooghly rsfavlfora aroken-dowa and lew-spirltad karara. by itreagthiatpg aad slssailag Bae audi iaua It li a snrt ar Tcatlrs of sll die. HMI IfMlAMll Mk this aalaial. such at LUMO rtVSB, OUMCQISk T BUiiUW WA TCS, B g A V ES, ccJohs, ns Turn, rs vtKS.rouimeai LOSS Or APPB TrTiANDTtTAL SMSROY.kc. It ass Inprores Ik wlad, laerssse ths sppstlts-glres imoou anas gleiiy skin and ' traaifanas the iMrsale kslstoa bts a nasJooklag and spin tad aorss. Ts ketpaai of Cows lab areaaratlca U tarsliuMa, It laenasas ths aoAuuUr sodiaierorss ths aasliw I ei las mm. 1, osti twea prorea by as. tual sxperiaicnt te la sll dlNMS af Ivlaa, ncli ss Ccnrkl, CaMn s) Sis tangs, Ursr, As., this article eots as a epeetfie. By puttlag from fl sns-hslf a aaaer to a paper In a Barrel of iwin ths abors dlsssssa willksaradlostad or rarlrsly arsv satsd. If siren In Maw, a arsrtBUre and sat R ths Hog Choisra. rrite SI Cant oer Paoer. or irtparia tl, , a mrn irannaii ma m nrBini trrer. la 118 Fraaklia St, Baltimers, ML Far Sal ay DratrlMa aad Starakssysn taieagte at tha VaHsd Shsw. , W. Robert Co., Agent, WyneboTf, Pa, iiin.-ot-ly CLIMAX! ClIMAXfl Page's aimax Sahe, a Family blessing for 15 cents. It heals without sear. - K family Should bo without It We warrant K to cure Serofaln Sores, Salt Shenm, Chilblaiat, Tetter, Pimples, and all Eruptions ofUteSkln. For Sore Breast ar Ulnlfa Cuts, Sprains Braise. Buns, Scalds Chapped Hands Ac., it nukes a perfect cure. ; It has been ased erer fifteen years, without one failire. It has no parallel having per fectly eradicated disease aad healed after all etber remedies had failed. It Is a eomponnd of Arnlc with many other Extracts and Balsams and put np In larger boxes for the same price than saw other Ointment. Said Vy DrsggUSs si saaiu. Whit m ntnata. iHsfiieieia, HI Ubaity ttiaat, Few York. SUV. arbxLKAJOK'n 1 .. MANDRAKE PILLS. A Siitittlhtt for Calomel. '' The- pun srs ss-ase at ef ear Was rata, am as lae aaw rr a Max ibs siiwsI.m ef the Rrar af ' r nUr and MIMaallr aa htas pill ar ias a, as hhma aralastas sar ef la dlsrassel. at amwiuaa effcou wwk sflaa titteat ts ass at tin) hater. ' ' '- la all MImss slssraan Ikna si aakf as asaiwak saotasaee. ss lev piaaist Iks aissbarsa f rRletaS , Wlavaad eemsrs la I amotion, fra- Ik gray aad Mlkwy eaaa, wblak as la aa ef kUJss 'i nTstVTTtaTiaAaf riua sua " nnkii. i rr -- and . aval Mle si waarrasss aad aaaNaaa, avawtaf laai res Ursa at la SlocsJs er saairaaled aws at all aaa waaa a partatti- at sIIiibiIh BMidbaae ai sseaue r.aaH aak ar -Pr. Seheaetni Kaadraka fmf aad lamis last la taw Hkaaaana sf lha Dnlir araaa Ikeaiwiaasei swp.iii wkat as las as Ms ef aasetle,adlhs elasrla kb plana toUkr an Dranraai aad Fries at sssa) , par aaa. Frlaa'aal Ootaa, Be. li Stank SUh stan. Fklsiainaia, fa, tisaaa Wtihiali Ansae" Pinal Rsran Ca, Fork Baw, Maw Varki a a Beese, an tea, : an at, BaRI-aia, Ma. i dean IA Fark, V B. aar.ef Fsank aad Walaat Sh, Claiaiaall, Oaiet . Walker Tarlar, IM aad IM Web An . Ukanao, la. i OsUHet tHts- saaakwi Ssosod sad Via art, tb Uala, Mo, . . -, (akkkkw.aa.BM. Ira, l 1 laors Vs. I m tV si anal M sh tutsr. rf " 4T qtLasri.'U in1 arte ta-af ileal slfa Sstt Bkacha and 'at proved Rna Weak tana aocretajjd leal, r order la ail Ibalr liana, a UfAa asjianaa, tula or noeoaojfa ladno Ajfou&venJapo and M exaoanrr. ft Is nleaiant la taU and odor, Una Rfodlaka it 4 action, aad rre from all rnjurtowg ' nrnartaUea, 1lae-.ly, , ' a : ; ' aaJaatgtBisi 4 OaaRBttiiMlaaM Bewtarrfl hf Bnlmbold Extract isuUu. I3,-7-oW-. ne - : -it- s ;i .'i ,''. . ' 'i.1-"' . -:-ww' -aiA ' Tsa a