j.. rTu va i x a s iTnV-PAifi'riiw l'na MAII-H TO AND FltOM WAYNKMHL'HU I From Waynesbura; to Wayneshnnr. arrival, Wixiuesdavs. 0,1114 duparmro, Wednesday, 'KroiiiAvaynesburij to 'willow Two, arrival Wednesdays, 11 a, iu.; departure, Wednesdays, LLm. ''., . ... From Washington Ia. to Waynear-nrg, Arrival" eaiiy, I'tp, ui.;icxrei r-untiayaepariuxuililJir OW"Sn;,lxtH!tKuMdays nwj. rum lUeeA Lanittng to wavncahiirj?, Rrrlvul 0, a. m., (except Sundays), From Wuvnesburit. lfi F, . ., V .ui...,.n,. From W aynwburit. Ifi. to Cameron, W.. V. arrival ' Tuenlava auS Hatunlays, 5, p. in., dopur- turn, .fnnitay uml Fridays, n,a. m. nr, .ilnnilay una f rldays, n,a. m. VrOTTl WlLVIllxcVillPV tn l..al V Lvan.L. W...I. Co., Fa arrival, V'rldaye, T, p. fo., departure! Saturday 7, a. m. From Wiy iiibiuj; .to, Monraritown,! W. Va., arrival, Wednesdays, J, it. in, departure. Thurs days, it, a. m, frpru XVaynoiibarg taMUUUboarrM, WrVa. amvut, rednesdays, 5, p. ni, departure. Im days, 4, a. m. NBV'xsnUHWSBwBWrs. Tiie attention ' of ear readers Is specially directed to the follow ing tiMrtlsnetw1ii appear for tho Hrs( time in our paper to-day. v "" Grovesteen'a tSiooa Orovautoen & Co. Bewlng Macfi'inea f niplre Co. Married Iife.Jai. 8. Butler. Fhoeks Ci:uaD.--On Moodny evening, tiia 15th last., a son of Mr. Henry Sargent, aged ten or twelve years, mail vcrtently al lowed his left hand to he caught in a cava criiiherv , - It was mangled barlh and the three first fingers were amputated by Drs. Rom and Throckmorton. Only the day before, ' the youngest child of the same family, was aarera ly Maided. WlbUrs Tiire Cod Liver Oil aail Lima cuts for Consumption for sale at U. W. Roberts Co's. Drug Store. fc '. ' . iaoa Jaw PenniKr. On Tuesday rriorriinjr, of lsstVeeks. small boy of Wrap Ingram's, of Franklin tpf, whilst driving sori horses from field was kicked on the J:iw, fracturing It In two firares and disrocltrM several teething. Dr T, W, Ross was called and fireessVltho wlund lie reports him doing well, Robertson's Liquid Dontifrko for clcnnMng anil preserving tho-toajtn rfqr aiaie el u. tv. Roberts Co's Draff; Store, -f s ' 1 OrH fwenty-feenii f nrWir4 that emapef from (hf M-Wnd'ille ;iriitentiary ion t'.'d of August, fourteen b.w been ro-paptured Qtlra 4 nn ruber of bnsinesa men In flus towrt try t6 do buslnc, without advertising, but U'i no go. Their store are empty, aoi as some of their clerks (lrajijo, not enough taoney In the di-awer to "erlfc'ff sosa; Paints and Oil of all kind's, for, sale at 0. W. noiiero a ld i irrag aioru. Thk copperheads of Reading bad n heap of trnrthln to find one of todr-iiurnVr on. tli'e nieht after tho election that undwrtorxrl tlrln a cannon. ' A good BaW d, veteran of the L'nloa' army came along . -and, peeing ;the "straight" "bey. Were In, khiilty volunteered to inBiru(;i uiem ib uiujiri. K ITc asuortnn nt tif Fancy ftonps; ITsIr )il nnfi rei tnmertca iw. tv . isoner:5 iv t o a Drug Store JiVrr.nsoM pAm.s-Last Tlnirsdny and, TrUI dy witacsscd tlio finnual Kuir fiven by the JelTcrsrm Aaiiculturhi Bocicty, at. Jefferson. In coMiany with many, Republicans of our CountjvhotMIIisUndirti no invitation wnsex- tendod by the Society, we made it convenient tobe presuut on tho lust day. .JJoth days. were rjioit Boautlful, the fairest poastble, ana we noted the largest . uuiiiber of ptOJe lit at teuihioce that we ever recollect .if Toeing at a Jcffer.win Wf, strange to say, -a grc'it jiropnr- tionweieHopublicana, como unbidden. Mom surprlsiag still, when purchasing iu cnirai.ee ticket, ho Ob).t'ioi wa offered WWkln'jOOT hall dolur! Burruisir aouielhiriEr wii v.tT.n we waited, mitil vr sawqores ofltpitliucau balf-doll.irs go ir. tlio till and tho former Jios- srBSorsfinssfiirgirtft Mvfpet withont beihslrt lerroguluu .u, to their politic. This embolden ed uh and we cntcre 1 uuBwleiitutl. Tlie display inside wM ilW K tHHatiW wKr?ft:vionf m servationf .rlth,'f 'frrtWiV "orrS 'riifaltinl flincii was cxhiuiiu.il on I lie uouiesi labia, or vegotliks,.((5raUis, frvtila, etc., tliatelicitod the admiration of the spectators and spoke of tlleTWrWWserttSTe- ana'SkitToT thTcxliT bitors nollilii1Ih?wcV, Jfai) Jatiejed as "Democratic bread," ''Dciiiocrntic butter," etc., whicji compels tliathoii!;htJba ai least? iva AAiolftiA.'' In Sieniei.nairlciri usu incro was. '1 lia, jaf , lie? lq;?e.rlug, therMingBiul,t4ottiiig matuht.wefK(tia and created oinaiJiirabhi,. iula? eii. (t Jn v J way ami pacing- an it tftrttrn' WiiLTf Un'cr Wulcsf abt The vJfblniir'rll(T s.A'Wnrtifiltiif DeiftWMTWncir51S,'rio'if1,B red trW,lwi tbo'ii?howK''th "MliifV Crook MinstnalKtt') hoy1reliil'trii solely 1 iir trssnteftjuameot of the; .vfNnn arid the crowd coraUv.i,tiniiba, ilk' 'awid ont rlvalUk ikaha.lMiJf.-.lha eMr?uag cnirsppod'oAJ-'s . Tf4 'tt,wrij( MSBiuWiuC'i Ihuriwaa very load goo iiulcmani bul,vYnoficeU only one fift'W ortVTiM: 'Vc Thing 'ft . Uvrl&A In' bloonY TliiiraW1MgTtf. '"l a'" Tho "National Brass nar1,''Kf'Wayr1c burg-tcJI:ffij'nfrfW,re5. ing music.d.iacouisciLofcV uirouuds. 1 K our remarks orcdM any pmim unoan'iMs in the .JlrTlio P?Mgrd;i)gTo3 stay u by asauijpg ticm Uicy are given gtatU. Gcilina Uwbwgesi Vtock of Oootls in the Cootttyl'1 'i.?' - - A oextlem!( of great medical knowledge saytJ mat a mow genial,; wholesome and effoctuaj tonic aliTappufizdir Uiaa DrakiV CcLbpakd rianUtiuo Uittra.wM never dlovred." He recomonds it for, Dyspcjxrta, for,t'ifrer, ,Co j piaint, rut liiliamOjD, Wuaknosa, Jon t waati or Appattter -and .fiw MwUl Depvessionr R ' is an aMbl;'8flrnulnrit, ' M'tfJ&W. adapted to young and old. Persons of.ad-l ntary rtaMs, elergymmf, lawyers, mrfrcfhtasV nd deftfaTJ'fbmales aW paYtfcularly JcpetfUivt' iii 11 mi i n feiof A. delightful toHc artijjpc MtcauLiavWai cle-strpertwleoolotrne andat half tho price ANc' of Alcoiliit fiirm!ntlnB inil Varnish, JeatG. W. Robmte MCni. ttUiu JilMU ui,MM. l Maxwol, HVcM rtwTisma.'(?'a!flinf?t(Bi county.JjrftaJHe'e daymofaing f, katwnak.,iAboHt igli clock flames were BiswrverM issuing from Hie kitchen robf."' livery eflo'rt was made by the fm!lyafld,qelbv&9ru, to extamguish tUesa, Imt min. thatH focts f the m03r were Mw M-Mkr bedsteads, ;1Sai'.4c-H, -Bff .(rfUrty oics. fjme ouiwng waa a wtroa,.- aJoa si about tl.MW,, Mo insurance. .i;n . . , ooflsthepreesnt ttru. 1,, Taa leaky roof W W ltciHil)ia.iniUyi:i6,.W ito Twrk'J.otf liio pichuiiuie aucoaWivcljv lMTiH 'Yildlfaflf m'; cfotfd.," ;OUit.rJfiu; Uiouwat RouuMTj-rtThi (Washington He- garter, of last week, tells of a daring highway robbery perpotratod on Fridny .nujlit, near Washington borough, the victim being $4 IcDonough, an old citizen of Washington. t appears that the Doctor, who has recently eruoved to a location some ten miles from the iownl was in town daring 'the day and drew rom hank (300, which he had on bis person ben be started home. A short distance out ef town ho was assaulted by two or three rif f an who fragged him rom bb, horeo, and rifled nis'pocke. The htors gU aWa timing the senffie, so that tho Doctor bad to borrow a orse to ride home. 40 kegs new White Loal just received a . W. Roberts ft Co s Drug 8.ora. For the Republic. Mr. Moans Dmoeaxno Jcbileb. "When out the hellish legion sallied." Mb. EuiToa: It may be that you, and the Ratters of your excellent paper, will not ob ject to hearing from Terry tp., occasionally, if so put me down on your list of "locals." There are a few good, honest, country lov- :L l .I.!., Al II.. lilf llieu iru iu una fllll, U4 IIIU WUUUllJF Jtl, and they try to keep their eyes open, but, notwithstanding this, soma of them were frightened considerably a few nights since, and to tell you of this is the object oi my communication. For some time previous to the lata election, there lias been a nameless organization at work in the dark what its oljcct It we know notf. but there . art) two facts connected with the thing which assure ub that thCro Is bo good In ft V They do 'all tkeir work in the dark and they belong to tho Democratic fraternity, and aro akin to tho Kulghts of the Golden Urdu. Is not that eeough to confirm any honest man In his opinion of thorn? But, to the great surprise. It was near tbit hour of the night "black alch the keystano," a time when all honest men should bo 'abcd,: Whilst fbe good pcopla of Mount Morris and vicinity wero sleeping soundly, guarded by Morpheus and his at tendants a nolso was heard as of the march of some might? army, ft) and by Hi lime we witc all awake, a procession of twenty-five mien came marching down Mechanic street, wrapped in sheets and white ulankcts. The people were utterly coniounded. Somo said "the ghosts 'ot Vrilori oldlerss'orved at Ajx dersonvil'e and Salisbury, have come to haunt sympathizers;" others said, "'tis the resurrection." They did not parado long, tiawAvcr, until aoeie one who ha l his eyes open discovered under th thert that led the gftng, the form of the ''venerable correspond ent of the Memmigcr," "liill Rite," the man thtit lives en boUi aides of the line. Next, sojiie person discovered under a blanket the man that takes pictures in our town, and so it tontiuuud until the whole proees.-ion of I uUnsts resolved itself intd a Magi parade of our neighbors. 1 muit fay that there wore soruo Democrats, who were men and did get into this aflalr. But is it reasonable to ex pect nuyihinx higher or more noble from men who, 'sympathize. With rebels!1 We live In Uotws ( a change in Terry. This 'election we reduced their majority twenty vote's In tho township does not that Vxik like changing tlibigs? Ycrv truly, '' ' ' LaCWAB. . An Khv os Man, By Alexander Tope. Willi fifteen original illustrations, mid notes by S. VTell."'. OwiYi'. lJiuo, fancy clotb, lievelcil boards, gilt, $1 ; paper, BO cents. . U hntavor may be said by theologians con cerning Ilia orthodoxy of this gicat poet'd re- rliglwts views, his VsVon Man will cohfinu to be ireaiilfd one nf the .master-pieces of liUfiliih verge, and will attract the uttcntlon of, and iuslruut -the iulelliguut . and IbougUt- M "i ('..;; ! ' ho views of Topo on the Great Creator 'anil His wondrous works, as enunciated iu this pooin, are unsurpassed for grandeur and derp-tonttbVghti;.anJ ho writer,, either) f autient or modem limes, has so infused his sentiments and spirit into tho literature of his nation by a single production, as Alexander Pdpe. The publisher of this new edition, ap. recialiag tljCslack, of. ai iustte E3y. on an, nnd willing to do the public a sunstan- tid favor, has caused the work to be carefully Migrated, annotated from the Phrenological p. ilnt of view, and ptlnted in au attractive stylo on superior pupe'r. A succinct biogra phy of the poet, and ids highly esteemed rV Universal Prayer," are published with the "tmi? making, jogclllet, very, dcalrblc olnme for the library or tho centre-table. $12,000 worth of Goods at Guihcr's, cheap. forensic; i fi (i v n'i 1 A A W indow Glass of every size, lor sa'.o at O. Vf Roberts A Go's Drug Slore ! Take Your Cmoicb. One Dollar commis sion will he allowed to auv person sending the name's "of two now subscribers witu the money for or,c year. A copy of ,Ujc (jlta-cat lor. one year, will be acnttO Bn person swidinj us four new enb i'rlUtrs siul fourtccB dolUir. i,." t-r. , A ."i5 sewing Machine, either Wheeler & Wilm, or Grnvur & Haker, will be sent to fny person. aoadiag iK tho.nuiea of cigkU'en Hew subscribers io itio New Toils Obscrrtr, f Willi the mouey ($03) forone ye w In advance pO Wbave will tcv it pnninniMir than I'Tsevcft' ruSmrft'eS of (1ickauiioliIaej'iu5d Uicy glnrjfTwrJitl MHRietirtB. ,,,!' ,',,,J 1 be new subscribers may be trotn one, or from various places. Bend by checkj draftor Pos ofacc ptder. Samplo 'copies' and circulars' sent' free Terms, f :) 50 a year, in advance. i SiDxjtr E.MoaK, Jb.,-S Co.. - 23-St 37 Park Row, New York. ciiiBB nniMafc tkeir nilvellina aaods I llK pleases all and allows none to leave a iiiensos un anu nnows none io leave i wi(hobtJkeirMaU wpplied-Guihcr doe..i A few nf our lY('1iannft nrft rn. miiiiing the ff-f5j) d?frmo'l'rMefr rftpicf live locanuua. no cxicuu a Droau inviiaiion to 'their ber&nT4purUmetfrtrf. Ami Aire. Every species of fealLet an. fur abound. Squirrels the Ctct js, they are Incoming og greesive, sateSy lny can hardfV bj kfert ut h.lMMisea-n.il ifyoif ahottt jMid-nuM lUey 'yoa with hickory nuts. Our' hunters havcjt& lk sport. " . l-tri M-a 9 .'-' H) Aprjf- iron want fan tyrm finf .jft qot-; btr?a-i'i'r( v' t ?ii'i T Acfttiiuw'Jni. good 'nim iltteiawritbr VIliV1Ke''lVmrkWfhjl'e,.' onf fbatinwriH lie ' source' of comfort t toetrr citiiens and a good UpfTor lho owner pry vided-H nvell. keiit.-..IIra o'auotliar morfor-lnaklng kli aO'ouktioiiuire hnl llta)Jt-iaMI UN I o V vfT Jrvlva aijf mli r ',a'. wt aiTt J '"Qrtmnt stotmBJemp-fWclr of DryCIWdrt i Iwi' f. m.j itf I lt li7M.1 .fill I .i-ivi aMlf XV ;'?-f ' - j yj-T aa.- . I jfff' 1 .mirMi wMitho same teachers h44Jcpartments. TtL.MiLuv iaTHWii'WJsr. lT,w" """line Of WWTJhlr 8tT . OciTilUr! dltttt rrkW pefWStor 6bwot ' "l 1 Monkt tot WosrsoJ!wB'Tik It We have long thought -of proposing to whoever has the nerve, the project, ol taostnK'.lcg a Skating Park for Waynesburg and vicinity. It only requires suitable sjiot,. (the meadow below the stous bridge, east of tow,' la tbe best, we know of at presthrA a few days of jabor and small oatltry,-to Iffalo what wodld prove a good investment. rJeasontlcketite the.. number of two' hundred" could ba soid sow for four dollars each, which would be sufficient for present use and fheiq ran, be no doubt but n rbold yield a good re ve sne dur' Ing the skating aeson. ' Vulontowa baa tried (t and succeeded, ,WUingtoa has one sd ia Beiighted. "AVbat , man,' or men, will put (irtb the hand' and take the "greenbacks." foyhrttnere."'?- ''y. ":i tTaa Eagte Foundery; waa purchased oi atordiry Eastj by Mr: CUarlet Bbweri for she hm of a,5uo.,. HViBoJrerltaan.eMigftiiB Jioroygh-.omg .pan .and. wijl , conduct (ie lusiness m an exemplary manjicr. .,!.r,-i .Fi.' mi 1 if. i- till""! IIo!i.,Geo. V. Lawrk.icb was at the Jeffer- aob' Fair, anil met with a hearty 'welcome from bis many Mends' there. ' 1 1 Tiitna'a "n.o discount" on Guiher'i doods-j ' .11 i nail '.' 1 i' t A Goon Iloiix.We Uara called the attea- tlon oi our readers before to the merits of the 'Sherman House" kept by Mr. Thomas Brad ley in our town. With pleasure we' revert to it again and speak ;' hat, we do know"' When wo say that it excels In everything pertaining to a first class houso for tho entertainment of the public. Everything Is in order, it is quiet, neat end cleanlyi - The host ia accommodat ing and tho table well, what is It that Tom's" wife can't do in tho culinary line? Monls are prepared at all honrs and an excel lent dish of oysters may be had at any time Good stabling attached to theprquilsea. When you come to town givo him a call. House formerly occupied by the "Messenger OiDcc," ojposlte Bayers' comer. Go to Guihers and buy Cheap Goods.. ( .. W'110 Did It ? Tho Cleveland JleraM ac counts for the defeat of tho BiU&age ouiend- mtnt as follows. . 1 i'There was a very heavy vote polled aifdnst tho amendment by yonng men par ticularly such a wen casting their first vote out of shoer prdjmlice against, the negro; an unreasoning impulse, that partbuk more of the elomeut of more prido of opifiion arid am bition to be thought ludopendant In political sentiment than ot any . sustled Conviotldn M dilty. PerHoaally those votors cured but . lit tles about tlio matter, and d'ut not care to use any arguments, save tint lliey '6uVl not go the nuger.' " 1 ' ''! ' ' Th next tern of V:tyuesbttrg Oillego will opjen on Monday, November ltu, 1867, ' "' ' Now Is the time to plant frnlt trees, grapes! raspberries, and bo forth. 1 ' ' Notices of Marr'utytt and Death fafrtei r but nil Tribute 6 ft'ipect ami OhitH'trhx chirked tiilit rtntt a Auk. 1 Tlte monty mail it advanad to tentrt ear insertion. IlENDEtlSOX BICKEY On Oct. 8, by Uuv. Alexander M'Carrelli t'apt. Thomas Hi IlsnileTHon ami Miss Martha J: Rickey, ttotli of Iiichliill, Greene county, Pa. '. (iltlBHIN MVKIIY On lTth Inst., at the rsm lcuce of Hi unn Hmehart, Esq., Mr. l'oter Fi litin nml Miss Oathai ine Murry, all of Rich hill township, tireeuo county, Pa. ; . ' IIOGE ADAMSON Oct 1st, By Bev. C. Tilton Mr. .1. F. llogc and MhsE. A: Adata soa both of Greene Co. - . 1 '" ' C'OWF.LL-WIIJMAN-Oct. 20tb, By tho same, Mr Klias Cowell nnd Miss Mary L, 'ililman both ef Greene Co. Pa- " ' MOHBIS COWELTf he' same date,' By the same, Mr. Joseph M.. Morris nnd Miss aatah L. Cowell both of Greene Co. Pa. . , BJBfl'. - m- MJ4J TIM ' MEIGHEN-Mr Peter JlMghm. an' aged and worthy oitiseq gfGilinore tp , tluscounty, died recently; tCifE nin'znitude of tlio contcrfuiB V-30 iionri iraud stoftiluy devijlopin! itlf. J rofn' a jiooial tlisjiatph tve l arn tlitrt : whnm thcric ' hnrbW liv l)wn traced lo the original, responsible luililev ov banker, it is naocrtniucd by uctei'tivo tluit eoine utiUiiuwn riian, ilijmi?6(l, bf course, ' ari'l ' usiho- aji a"$rtiyiod"'rjriaarl'fT, ftiild 'tlie Bftnd to Aild responsible' furson. bauR. .bankei 'or broker, tvlnlst otber parties made oil witu tue proccetU ot, the. sales. It is csthuatod that Baltituore capitalists lost alwut 925,000: Philadelphia, 8230,000: Xew York, $K)0, 000; Utluienati, ?G 1.O00: Boston. 8150,000 Louisville, $130,000; St Louis, $200, WO; ana ,.UiicajM . SIoO.WO. .This timate, reaches hearlySl.lOO.OOO, Other larce cities in the North arid South ha ye yet to be estiniatedjbirt hc figures .from Uic Spathcru, citics.it is thought will bc.Jargo lnaoTALWiJliam IT.Gcrhricl latrTd soldier' 'In the Fifteenth' ' ioira.' desires information of his father nnd Mother, Jaeol) ajuTTJIafy Gsrhrieli, forniorlv of Somerset 'and York coim-, ties, Pa. 'When 'last heard from,'' in 18'17r ' f hey were in ritfslntrjj,' I a. Anv information will le cladlv nieeiv- ed liv their son, Williatyill, (k'rbHck, Lliiciigo, III. All nniVers iu the Unit ed States are rcspecthilly rccile.ite(J to ci.jiy, IVnrrwlvarda hits -leetcd Shrrfwortl a full ...ynto, is syluUjr Ii)jiul4icua.? 2s. I'. Tribune. ; r. ThB "PctTHtDrote of " MfMl nti N i alvwj' t.,m-.; e,Aiiv.u.itw: wwniTi rvirvcrw-Tj unrv liuinillllicill 'wbeF''OrFloncr'frjT'thc ' Lrgislntrihi'. .TlitWiTtrfJlhe-' oiilv' klnrl "tif 'mAliPr wctiect. lie will, ot coufso get Hie A.ll T ...... cni uu nirj fv LUCUII 111 n'HiUi UclrL9 nia i7iiiuil by bSfeV snrn'rifmri'rr(iimnjo'firyfn a mill firmer BOO,(W0 potest' "WejJefV bel(5s6'ttvt this aijtiryttU Dtiifl-lK')--oTjopuhi'au.vt.4iven,U Hftnaa lit euUl.SHatir,JfWlr, .onuimtkoOr,W fcili! I ,n',r n,'''"f'. K" Mfn Utreetf fffOtltV-five to fifty rWr n hnalml 1 - :- ----- ' ..I 4- 'T wm'S . t . i You hafd irAt juvTtiejoiee at E' he result of the kte Election in Penn ylvabia foV 'Intelllrnt ' stitrrage" has frurupucMsnee rore.nrfaojjwr. J Ye3, 'fWWic-gent sulTrage. TIV iTvriniku market. t t.r ,, i , ' - . , ,. a l" VATsmnnarf, Oot. V, KS7. I '' Corraotad'vlroeWy : rtir tl Rirr BLrbiw. 1 .iI ,;..! fsdevotv 'ii"'''""' itwMtMisl j l.ilU5WiU J--n f'i;S V llli2 ,..,.MfM...yV., V1M. 1 ntatoen v BU9h...i.. .75i ee LaiU tti..v- ..... 10 Tailow Ku..,,,1,;, r;-n..x tTu:;3 iM " Conntry Soap V ....y... ....-... OS OriXVeatwa ti;..A .iaL.. A.Iij e ,Jr i u ,..isOTsttt onaiii)1 dnr t loir bl,....Mi...44iiwil..itLUii ill H is'heat bmh.. I 80 ....).... tni-Ti-w. I I Mil l I'tlR ,v.i!i: rns iinmni: Itoflnpd HiCOy "l , .-;yvt-l--.,.t.,i :l It fit ruBcaon MABttTsy n , ' . 1 ,i -Mohoay Dot. 11, jr , Bnrtrig' the past weak thord nns been tiuw rnaiiHH ui lmuortiuiee U'Uolu u tlia, gunaiaJ marker. tra leJs lens aetiVHi -Klonr cuinnnma t jilaiUr tain Its hllih rntfw llionli tin diTMailA evt- in i moiit di'rartmpnts of Tnmlnesa riitmi-t ik'uei. a l lijht 'alllni! oit The grain njnrket Is MtiMdy, ami prleea tendtne upwnrd, OwIdv k llKlitrui'flris. In provisions tbore la a U)oilur- ewlDw to .... r..llnM n-t.li.1, aA .Via ahnlMnl. toreprleen,unlrsattbrlsanotedf . . . OKAISANDFLOUll. I . Wheat. Pfcrin'a. anil Ohio, Winter Rod 6i80STO Ityv bpsli ...v -.. r'uv t ."! 45 Outs bash....U..ii " BSfflTiif f infer Wheat . li&UJj ''1 v pnovwiojiis.' ' " hnn!iora......... w.- sonar curat IImhh... - ... : - ihcli Ijinl r . , i tfi'HS 1'utalo.s, bush.I...,.: - ....!.' 1 .(,! W Aiipl.'S ji bW....V... ,. i i 50. I il I'baew ua.. ,;...aaa,A;XAiJ," ' 1MB Fkui V iluz... . nutier - ' I 'Hit . i :iUCA M4RHET. 1 1 ' CttcA00,"Octl'2l,, 188T. ' Floob UiiJl and unelianaeil, M'heat-IJuII and 1!4 Me luwur, at Jl W.im S1U fur Nn ..'.'. v '' i r : y l.'ons-lloiivy and t'Jii.2ci'lowcr,s,l8n';'S)l 05 fur N. I ; il 01 for 'u Kj aiding wpuH at II ainir.Mo.'iln Rt.irD. u.vn Aauiiueu posing uvi ftipioin i(VK More ortlvo nn'l Msiln hluhuri ntll.2j!i atore, 1 f-iH tor No. fc l W 11 Altl.KV rnm'tlli n. 1. ' .1 ilui if imw.i iinrSj. 4. , Moati'oHB ft lower at 8-21." Eiinl tinlat rer ac vji." Livra tiniat at muu riTU!-i-i)'u-mstM tbQt 00 far flrst dtan sliippluii. . . ... Ho(i-llria tind mi'x higher,: M T&iD is rar g OOll .1 IO CUUli:o. ,1: 'JfEWHHtK UHV UODUfi.. , ', , ' i 1; i.'i 'I l-'.f Kkw Tonir, October 21, The dry gorhtB mnrUet lHgtmurally ((iil'i-t aild mitni-wbnt dpresseit for cotton, If not for woolen fulirles, yul 00 Ininort ant cliauft' axovpt In Ala n's pifuvi, wqlth ara silling Rt IViC Tlie (jcuSinl tenrtenur of the print umrkL't, bowuvai', lwilownwilrii, lu aym puthy with clorln nnd raw nutterlnl. I , . , . .1 Trie wooi. ttiiRit, The wnot marmot rehiainli qu lei and deprapl, only a inwlernte auiuuut o wuol , bolliit iuhuoh. il of SteDrtllnnatly rpwnllhijintoii. Thereluuae or thM'oul-ii uooflfl innrkut from tho activity of a fhw months aito, himn ili-pteHslnK lnrtniMire iiinonmiiKunlaotuic, u tavy Hnil there is so Valianus to ht placed In UWoccmlunai autlvlty of thlH tnutti. riUIE WOiNDElt OF TUB AUlil , TISIE, aiOXET iND LABOR DAVEDI , Tllti tA mST&pJEST baths I Onabf the Infest Patouta. tauea 011 the llth day of (September, 1W81 to Win. It. 5l.'t;utcheon, of Washiugton, Iowa, will be on exhlbltloB In a fVtw d.i'i ul . ' 'I' , '.JO. US MUS.NELL'B, la Wsrneihurg, r. This Oirrrrtrf rnbst tnpav- cpclennythlna of Ilia kind hrrutoiore produced. Tim etinpleness of lt ennstrnotum, ' and lie two fold or rovemad motion, that producxa butter ftom three to mx .mlnntesmnitdnitiieetheaoia. m unit v to exam I no its niinhlipu. II. iinvpa tltna It SHveSNrurlt-oait projuoea an muelr bdttet ea any chum in existence. Mr. Munnell has full powartOMl rtnlita, fur, PenriwIvnU orvweir I'M n ?iaic as wen as to ruruisu tUurut to a(ti , Jier-tA -. , r.,.r..-,,,;,. -,, , ,assi( TUB WORLD HENOVTinCD, ' "' ' T'n "81rNcl'l4rf-,'", 1 IK.' ,ic. I vn nt l-llll'M I .1 l r-tSEmNG MACHINE. .vh f.ii I ..Ii.lv i.'.v!., in": ,j ti-a y.-rl 7i Has been nvefr twoVedrt lfi pirpsrnrtorl, and which has hcon brought ) pericvtjoa rogunlletia of time, labor or exuso, and la now ronrt'Tfmt ly presented tothc public on Incomparably tje beslSawlntf lTaclilnftiicxiaMiim. .' 11.,.. .1 , Tho Machine In rpicntiou Ih simple, compact, danlblii and beautiful. It IrfqiUi t. Ilahl riiinliiiiJ hum .-uii.iiinT ,,1 mi on iik a railK" nun arini.v 01 n-ork nevt lieiureattnuplua up4n' a' aiuici Machine iislnir iHtherHMk, Twlsf, l.lncn'or t'ot ten Thread, ami itwnm t-ii ct)iul btClllfy th wlsi CfU rlall no it In lira Tr betwen the tee ivctrcmik li-nhe mant nnd wihatiintlef wnOiner. Its' attachment for UVfmiiini;. liiatdlllL'. I'cnUnn. TucldllE. Unlit I114, Kel.liMi, 'rrl(nmlrli!.'Hii(ilirt(.lc..ere Nuwl and rrauilcHl, iintl hrtvo been lnvciifed and aU- ill-it 1 Mtieciallr lortftm Machlri.''i4 j ' 1 N-Mr h'bjCiiHOi tlu iuiUiie, iiHciul and popular foldrna toiaa and cabinet caanc peenllkr to tlie Mirhinp manufactured hy thla Cniiipany liave henn prvaajmlsnr ejiclminr t he new' MMttl m Tnrnuare fcoth'ti up III every vorlct of wood, s'b aa Jtlaek W'amit, Maliegatir, jtoll, aU'l thellko, and front thcllaiuct to the Uloat clul.urate'.iiauiun Bnd JUlHa-r4hv 'MacllnM theSiiAclviH beln nmro or lew htitlity ornament-cd.looofreapuh.l- wtila Me,' ofijUslmicU' forwhtcluhey are InienltiL 1 edUlitVIsa MACUl.NlulM;Uie bew or atA lly unit Ocncral I1irp.iscn. . lat, Youanai!:ailythlug dc rlilckncHii of tln. or gfrom the (loo i n-i wicKncwa or tlie I w.iTiert lluiver riiit t, uaiu any kind oralze of thn-ad 'wlth rqrlai ftcltltv, from No. 2) l.'ottoa un tVaVbisuacat patent or 21. It usee a hort,airaihtioeilla,eallyat. ll'l maltea Ihfa MOMUla J Mll.OiullUi.,irrmH l,ies. Hd.'It heorteelfra.r'ti,tlB-r(.n4ow4il)1 nijiirea no enanH r. r Hiirciiit. llih'kai'aS'ie. of nlM'Xlin.aia Miaeatl,trT ejT r! rll. It Is frcC from A lftnrtrfra urIC'S anil nflinr emilluaunitaBd it IBltVkN'Wfc-4 J fr.T Ah. No thrctt-U to hold Or wheels to Idrt Ih "'wb.rUToti.iveql, kxis tilxvlii 7i h: It has'a pefrc?fvihcrerryyhu'(Hih sew1' in- iiuenw uiuioruMa touuiui jiavituj hi lump ytmr work'alretcrie.lto'rireTcnt lfa'relrttnir;" And Jlh, 11 will, hem any wldthi.aew a. straiahtl wtlhl. a(:map mil In fbe kioar Drrectmmfcr.T '""ii man ii required KQr aainwjfUi aMiiBifaUMsmiadiltikl t t '- seantii I1A altachnuntM for Hi-nldla fnnllav .OnlU tn. BindlOK.SMeVllwr, av arnaeTandlbrat' new, ana rwiuiiv. but luiicakill tiiaetlieiu. M itilnatrtteaMnaiaivaaTat rhs haiiaina? tt&ai stnaer rfdde Jftaa BnaafltBes'art Bo? aa ' Aail-I MvHinrwl a throe years irttiiout ciianm T tilVliftiYBltH lTv,c,rA,.3tt5,:i;L2y,,,,, lb - I ,A imeA,im1 V.a k Uis.' i , vr in T- " " " .w-i- - . I J-ti li-f.en.1 li l-i .ai- iiai.l a. ! imiMntt. EDICAL. DH WVITTtESK 'Ii fry 5. vwm ,yoh itu nd P. wnrTTLRST. rhvslolaii for Dhronte piaeasca, baa a permanent oitlco lu WaahlnKton, FeniuylvanaxvSrbflre ken b'ui atiaagu. lfugeu Kir true un ont uie imat iweive years in mu saooeaami v f n 411 js'rp.itrr'i )I3EA3E3 tM .aWQWt0lCU JIATDBB. i Ttoctof rntofVitQrcJerll a.kJotnriA 3 corttfl- lites of cures, conipllmcntnry notices, Ac, but le inikst aatlalucuiry lenaipioniM wiu ue Rirvn ne nubile In a trial of his Skill, Or. W. devotes tficliiatve attention to Cliroaln Allmcnte, In ijuicii ma pneiKie, aa-e'wq ff4.I"",- ftil, cfrn:tlii em-M-ln binny cas. that have bkirleU all oilier syateuu of troatiaent. Huratysls, Rhoumatlam, rironchltla, f'ntarrah, t'amtUe Uisciuca, Ueiiertu iebll lly, Ac., Ac, . . -. . t i v c Tr T An all rreirnimhir-Befmimenffv etrred by ihe Itoctor's system of treatment. During tho past fanr years, the I)iHatnr has registered hundredo! t-fircsto lileli he will be pli'abi-U.ta Jllve ttioso reierences who may can tiuop iinu, tie juvimhi all mulcted Willi nuy form of i hrrnils Olseoaa. aiid huvUia fulled tuobUklu relief, to I GIVE 1113 MEDICINES A TRIAL. 1 an-tor luis lmi.iu usueuuUly auwtiaalui in . the Ineatinoulof aU - ..... , T., , E M A . tv't t' i; -i ir i :;',- si'i;; i: Women liv Oie score fall victims to malmllcs ne- eillar to their aex, many of whom mlKht he sir-cit from lives of ttretehednessiind premature Knives by nppiymu ill limo to iir. w. ine rem. udlee. amiSoyvd til the prattle of Dr. W. are niniiuLe?uiti 4exoliia1veiy try Itlaifrom htaawo and ai j .eUfayalpani in elltiot. - Iir. W, dlaniiosei ft Urine, the only liirnlli- vevfeUliiB Iniliscover Its nature, liH-ulliy and curability, thus enabling uuu io employ a .-. j -i t HATIONAL, SCIKNTIFit)1 AND CL'ItATiVE i . TUEATMKNT. - ,nA,it uif .( ry.A v.w.nvv O the nlisolute certainty of his motto of dlfleno Shi lia.uaii auiialy avery pallau, nho givca liliu atahit, fiuln yip uvlllOiiJunc howlU fell aocnnite ly ulUHat tun Lu known of any dlao, . In the axjmiluatlPV.of. tliUmocrotl"U, lui gmplois opti on!, cnfihlcal nntl mlcrdseoplcnl test, no wise being preiicutud.iii wlUcJi. buuel Uiocu tuuu 1 not iiulljetit to ai af-montlo dlttgiloacs. The noctordoes nut claim to ba a "cure ull," n)r yet "i ho ruhl arm of tho Alniliihty Mtrefehud forth to nave tlie orld from preinaturtf dissolution." but lie dues profess from scientific acquirements dud ' . 1 1; - j c t I - 1 1 t.( . i 1 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE, tWoted cxcluslvelg to the treatment of chronic Ills, with his Infallible tests of disease, to be able to rep qve and permanently cure all those cases u h U'U era nut el renuy boyoaa me rosea or rem edies. OFFICE cWER:tWMAd; cnEsrrxuT bt8., OIT03ITE THE MANSION IIOU8H WASniNGTON, PA. CONSULT AT10N8 f It B B AMD CONFIDENTIAL. 1 Ojl-tf. T. AVHITTI-EST. c LETTERS FROJ EUROPE. S.'M 'iltr fT HIIiT73 71 LETTERS FROM EUROPE, ' BY JOHN W. FORNEY, SJirron of tub "r-iiiLAnm.pnrA pbshs' 'TIVASIUBOTOM CnKOHK-I.E," AKU SBCRKTAHT or lutt ean Ala ur jiiv i.-iuku aiAiiai. . fince theeomineiicsmentof lb publication of (.olollcl Forney s leilorerrom r.urope in j na ajtiLAnEi.i'MiA Daily and Wbkki.t 1'bkm, the ubllshcr of those paiiera has been in tho receipt if IlatUllAalatJaA4aT2aUBllitl (VA! aa UkAMMs UO aWli aw lii.ao.ui-(lihut'a wl Ui Uiorr -ret nnesis, wo will nowsiato inat mese lenei-s, otwrs fully 11V f tJVtottL Mud I-WJ.UsM. MWlMliUl4i4Ut ddillutm. ara now in urefw. mid wilt HhurtLy bt Jvt n t' flic M-'urltl, In a lnniB (luloclrnn vol H. Ivti8iin A UriMlH'rn, IMilluthHrbiH, w hpni ipilrlnK nooxpt'iiMo to mukoof ltilTwrtf iU(i1 niiitl I ctiinliiiin every frutnr) of typn(rjihifiil 'Xflli'iicorhiiriicltTUtlcor tho best publlctitioiiK of hi Jinn. It will contain an uxcetlent uttfl pftriilt of Hi iiuthor, vtifrraved in the fluent hi yfleof tliw art, by meof tlio best nrttNtn lu the 'oountrv. tuni U wilLUeiu evfjrv reniHicta work a'ytuvilai to IWti naottftoit irteivlsof v'nksiitl rnriiey. Inn correspoiiueneeKlvejt tbeunthor tinkireKfilonN of various countriet wlileli he visit otl tlurliiKau Kuropeim Uir of several month wlllioliHarvatlon upon HtH-lty, polities, iimuso- rillioli IKftltrt. mnnut(u:ttirefi, etlueHtoiial fttul relihioii lu'rinnnv ItUriiiiit iiinl Ilfilliitiit 1 hit vxrlctv ttf lliew.' iftterM may hejMleil from the fuet that thy were written irom ixmiion, lavun"". -mil, Wiii-N-UuiVat.aSJrxUul-WiHj ChfM(er, I'nn.1 Perne, Hko-IjeirtftH, lMiUn Hiiden, ilelileloern, WlAshnbm, Uti th Ktilue. t'oblenU, lirusHt;l.H( Antwerp, the Ilnune, and various other nlaet" on theCmitlnentot Kurone. ttroinio voluintiof over paves, prlnhl on I he nnit nnper, unit tianuMuintjly bouua in cloth, Vi Itp. tvvo lwllarH. lVukielWni,9'Wi uoiOf. wrwwojvrfltuid U olhM jm, 4,eiUUl il (tfUtf viA(AiH'p.Wssua lhj Trttiv want oi ttiw Above boi.;ig tlmt theiroMtTn Mil e (tlleil outforthB nrnt ettltion. Aildrmt rtiiUna'irj, wiioi'.uiu alia reiuiL io ine puyUau- a'-a ,0 ji u a gf a rt a T. D. TETERSON A BnOTnEIta, SI "a ,hT treat, l'bll.nlelp'.ila, Pa. , Ami they airaM! ItMAIIiHaHbadtldii. f.eliiitle eopiee nf "Colonel Forney's letters fropi F.nrcipe1' srllt lie sent tonnvonej to any Ma'Li-MattAawA'ir 'OtMrdiir mamlritUani' V efl aAa aa id, ua reselpt 9t U lareUut- pries of tke Worlern ' ai- - a i i-eii t.ae T AtjlHla-Aoiui ejand UANVAMiaTnwatt (vi in every ctiunty, town, ami aiilajifila site L nlteii states anil t.aniula. Io encase In gutting -r 4 1 NEW DISCOVERY SOMETHING KAi IWHFBTITTm l"r. I ri TTft Jl rTj'l : " tlir s txeelsior. Mqilid Cement, will post 'iJU :7JTOIffi''eT?e33. ataB'lswann water anil ull ordinary nse; and win ort,'u& Illivv 111 Wt! tMtlle for theMim.v-pntK(st Seep frre ingre- Uk-nte: nmy two arllelea mlxetl. AKenta do weu aHUeuexiBO-ejitj (at-ijan u,i aohium, "flk "a rtHtrHrhnTito'wnV w v. aT'-n .n . iwr,. i jw. tt imirsii.rwr ymn-tywii,fise rlUMtawtrat'lia), a7j tr mtiihsl eorieeiu.' 4aprMMto settle i Metneminf he leteffrruT awlwu Hosaiupiieineimarneia rn nv owe. name. l..jfii'ii,-s. A: WwrfV, . i t a nt vsi. . VI VW.TVirffl'i"- mvih B iroirw will eontlnne In the ll imi.Bll.r nnir, in 1 lUiBvai.attas.aaeMUr i M UiX.JHeWYWJ' fracas ArafBMalvMl al bmii 'Wf lWM' WaynWbTirg. Kl.t 1 rrraii saw r in lu win i avviLitfu u 11 v inn unriAar! rMfMSBBBxaJxBat.BHBBBMafa V'liUKV LllU-IiriU Will lll'-rieni iBttlTi 1 . 11 C. atri I '1 .T T'. " , . w -Sits wiej jiiijiawrf .amriaai 'I asaav raJlaaA--l vr A. J V'-l'cHfr0!'! wayajaBtasra), ra TlBMs Toeadtay mm 7, T7 1 H S T ARRIVAL ? j-'k a :v a,i-.- "r OF A FULL BTOCK Otf FALL AUD WiyTkR V'RT GOODS I ! t it . . i n. .11 fell IRK A SUTTON 'S. wl'XllJ to SssO anrViitomeUi:aBrd' ill those Who wish to buy GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES aW 1 tm (ait. M. A KMar'- ttjl tt That we ore rooeWlug onmpleto otaekel Fall T 1 ll'l & 1 I J - . . 1. . aaatav itaturlnttllirl In and Winter Ooods, which we are determined to toll, U nm m oiiiead aa tiin. patok of DRY dOODSi toraoe'iW.'WViH i'fewwrb Biutltlis, drillliijt. canton flanitPlg, lijuwhed rBJiJPlat- ftBswB. roaaisaaaj qf , 1,1-1 r. I rt 'AH ,!' I, Mt Vol, 1 falrJeaak aaaBaVlAasVkal l laNMiktei! MJLMl TWtVn. ffiinf, rlbbonn, but tons', Ao,, Ac Also, i lot of dxtra tlrinuola, fliite, red, gray. Ctjurod and LfMI 1 KA, : : 7 .1 'i ;i p ' i y i IN ABVKDANCEI I . Hoots and Phoee, extra, heavy, ham! rnae boots for men end boys, and aa aaaorsuutrt jittm and lieawyBRoes for Wnuuiii, aiiaees aod irtilhlren. iliiue to us to buy your boots aud atieaa ar sjie winter. "'andOT""'" i i - a.- - . ', f - Wl - 1 tar mm and dots, a areat variety and at tniees to suit alii FH style of Indies hale, wrualhs, feathers, flowers, Drosa trimmings, Aa . - i Homoeh'ilee imwerlea. tea colfno, suirar, rlea aeda, pepper, aplciigoou luillgo, do. Come ana seouur stock, j DONT MISS THE' PLACHi, A. Wilson Jr.'s buliaiiiu. ..... . elUHK A snTTQN. fcl8,'s7-f f ' 1 -' WayneJbnri, Pa. ""'ffttw;" Gt'ARDIAK 3 SALE, ADJOURNED.. , , ' . . ..... .-..II..- , ily tlrtne of an order of the Orphans' Court nf flreene county, I Will sell at publto outcry, ou tlC prvmUies, on .!! .''ri ." : '.a "a I . v,le.p I...I ; V SATURDAY, OCTOBER IDtii, 1867, Hint Taluahte real estate In wayneshnnr na-nor of Ureone and Morgau slrouts. ki th . . it .I r. , -. ii vr. Hint raluahle real estate In Wayneshrinr, at the uown as ii I "EAG LE FOD NDE BY I " into tlio propi-ftf if PAIEt, OWENS, dee'd., with the ffiwftsi patterns and appnrteniiuees. Tills foumlery Isuuw lu operation and doing a awcoasful aud .,, ., IM. .,..., ii,i I '", , H " rrtOFITABtti BUSINESS !""'; '' There is a FRAME nf-TUSFetaelM tf the ld VDlunTLU on s'jiu wilu luo louuuery, TERMS) Ctne-tlilrd of the pufehftso rrlo'ney In hand at oolillrmation of sale, the balnnco In two eipial animal payments with Interest front conririiia tliln. I'ossusslon given linmeitlataly,. The pur chaser to souiire tl pavpioiit af th fnst Ipslultr ment upoB aolitlriuutioa of shin. I JOHM MITNSEI, ;28-U Ouerdiaa. DMINISIATOR'S SALE,.., , , .. , , BrviVtnoof an order Issued of the Ornhans' f.'isirtof the county of dreene; I will eifwisi'to Pithllc snle-, In fi'tnt of tlio Court House, Iu WHyucsuurir, i-n,, uu SATURDAY, 2nd DAY OP NOVEMBER next, the follow! the property of ! Mowing (inscribed Real Estate, lata I .. .vf ....n.,.. It ..n'.l ... t. A eertaln mteviaaeaiiil a ill lot of irronrtd atm- ate In ttiehormlffh of Wiiyrlmtrtirir, oil tho erinth shin of orer-neetreet, ddloliilne: lot No. IsSnn the ease, Hnnth street on the emittti and tho mher halfnf tliaaald lot on the wnst dt bel ne the east halfoftlie lot marked il In theortulnnl plan of the sain lowu on wiucn lucre is areciau a eom foriahla one llory . FRAME DWELLING- itOUSE Cojil lltonaa. arxl other out bulldlnca. A well of Kil waU-r, and some excellcut fruit trees ara aitej w eprumisf-i. ... , ; , , arn i . i. iT.E Ii M Bii ti.' m The above described proves!? will be sold for I'amh n oaaaraaau Itia-as -a .mir, ASTlnx, ".!.. h -i, Artm'r. Ii ka SALEv -r,T tt f wi'i 1 Knr anle. 1JVX) acres of Timber IJind. oh lbs rtultlmori' nnd Ohio Hallroad. near blttlelon Htininn. West Va..on which fliere Isa fstenm Haw MiU, tannery juiu aimiuiuu-c m ,ino uu aVf, nnflillnR- and WaveTlmbcr. Is rich nnd well adapted ti urar.iiiu. mid will cut la rairaiHs tuiimr aai.Ti Apiily t 0.' MnrslutU iMiar Uie piemia or tn Itawttiu Adaais, wayneiiurg,,.iiaiuumiity, m T.. , . 0;tt'ani)i - .- r. tt -i.r.i . L IJ-IIULIJU E LATEST SENSATION I ,r,f Jtxt Vf W 1M TE LEQRA W'j '. (-.I'rwl . . 'T 1.. I - ,. J I , ,,. 1 ,.. ..... , . .. , -o, i f.- i . - .I,,.-., . , l ; i, Tlie President hss not ysl been trtipeaebeilat TA;irJTI.NtlJlt CLOTHING!, I H T S K p 4. rr.Tt .r-H I.I'. i'iAi I if-a t KTC, ETC., of insfaWsl style an? belt Cotkihansbjpr' i I ohoioe stock of i wsnf ffA. MtimsiivtonTs.awiiesaaaa'i " -N O T' t' O TT'Sf -H n . i i Lu! TTMerV ' fwxf i';iSf J10,1el.. i-i-i.ait rvil. 'i,,.i,i, T pillars, ssrs.'tea a-iftvul isr"---vr-r .nie4 also Qtj raana, wnicn win pe aaia , t( asraaisiy Ua v .tU'Y. .a.-r"'i"r a-1 ww itiv- -4VI .tkt- .wstai l,e awialM .iaii nil IT riW. Wf-rf3 S-r" a. SvTI I ONt "ilV J n aaaa tt Call and sa Ids a last rm prtn Biiyrtsrwlyetft i fit I lufariabiyatlarles all ea I Hi .nil . -' - v ' neora in Aiiuon s outiaing, waynesnura. l-a. . .... . .... id. 4" 0'9-Sin A1- Oaf ,rta V lsaa le rsiB rrranrTrBB ilfiaBtirl f rrll on by V undersigned, aa uaual. Uie old stand m ivofay.lffataadi Wys a4taalLgi w4U b given. A nneTaL tn raastlBsaB o alUnd fn nerala. fSnthVmllcAferl foTW-r,TrTeT,t.aTtffii ISATJorUi. .wiU be eolUM WdlijIS (It'bcVSMuiM iuty .fuul m El'ORT OP THE AUDITORS OP MON ! ONGAUEl.A'TtN8UIP, IN RELA- HON TO BOUNTY TAX. Jamaa A. Btank. Couimlttceof Mononir ngatpl townsnlp.uB draft or March, Ibot, 5)H. fo borrowed monpy.!.-......,..i::.'. .....latins M loauliecrliillou money SHO t Io rearuiUuii (oaa,M."-.......:.......-. ' W 00 asstn so PBt-y r ft i!ri:"t liy aasostiM pain on aa per vouohers ap- i pmrmL.4....j.. ...a.... AMI N - : A. 'Mestrexal OommitUse uf draft of Sept. ISM. ill. i 1 'o amoont received front F A TV R.ma- am fln to amount of auusuxtptlun money pal j fhliii .C... 8197 M fTo order from School Directors Lin-ta - e' s ?ru .. . . . ..... ... a-ranr oa By aznooot paid out aa per ttn-wraap- i""""- ..e.P.a.it.vi.f......w-. T7oo to Amonnt nf above mi nllnnivt nrH ejvim fcliool Directors not anterod In pmier plaoo on jwnaniii iwtn, oui auptOSetl lo UO OUOUMU IO iiuare th acoounl, . .... ame' Ai Black. Treaaiir.j- nf Rountv Tm tar KM. T ' r ' i. amount, of ilunllmtc 1 . irui va CK. By am't paid ont as per vouchers 1 approved., 57530 jjj By am't. eredtteif oil his noto I against the townshln at M-S7S31 '.'' Amount or Siloscrtptlon trjoney received by .i , Inilrna llimlnn ...lHnl. u tuitl I -M 111 J "t UlllUUI, Ul 11IUI1 U I7M, PH. . - - fcamonntof snlwcrlptlnn ,i.. M3 iS ' to subscription monoy recolvml by hlin 1 land not now subscription papers, as I Esiiulnt Unolap admits.., ,-. J2S M '.A vat fir- .M r llfl 00 llvowl,I Uf.f 'H''x' irl...! l.o All Uy nirt t paid W. KlvCoy M UU-tUfl SS d A, Mostroxat, Oommlttes of draft of March. lttk ntt. Tiiamount of money reoelved ..; (lOnSt S9 li amount' paid out........i 106M SS Dr. Uourga P. lurch, Troaahrer of Bounty Tax for the yeur rsta IIR. 'lXi amount of duplicate .,..,,, ...IT9 S3 To auwuut f subsariptlou .... f Total...'. 11 rtt. dc Kl see -Wl SS IV receipts frum Ti A H; Fruik JJtTjO 00 1- orders from Ii K. Orny for SUtwHtut...i....;...;.;..:.; . 800 M ' I amount of Caleb Uurwell, prcdltcxl on bis onlor tor substitute.-. .. ,. 24 an 1)1- amount of W. II. McCoy, oreil- It on his order fur substitute,.,. St II By antonnt of I. T. Wcllncr: . cmitton tils ordbr fbrshbstl. lly Treasnrer's )ier centnge.-, ( Jl (j lly.lohn Iilinlium.culloctor's per tontage..,,,. 1 . 89 M , -a , '! uaiiauce oua Monotiamncia (p.... 1VI 71 1 -HKS (LI In tho matter nf the act I lament irflhi MM.Hi of Wlllium Clevctigeri collector of bounty tax for l6rt, Hit, - . . To amotfnt of diinllcatf tia sntta fll lu the Imnd ofsnla collector datod May II, 'W....iii.tt300 00 by'nmotlhl that Wni, Meetrczat, Trens- frer of the homily tax, admits that leuveiiaer paid (lo him as per vouchers Slot produced 1, liirieRVunipir'a hands 1250 M heuiidllors have reason to helleve that W. avepeer ahw paid to the F. A I), flank of VVBynesbilr, aMotit elgtit hundred nnd fifty dot Jars, but taae had Ito vottclters broducei before tlu-m.' The nnilenlRncd, andltomof MoHoriBahela tp.. certify tlieabove state rrtenlH to h mrri..! n.i.-.il uh w ynucucre: c;, piaren neiorp them. . ' ? . ' JOSEl'IIUH HAllTI.KY, MMt Ailltora. 5rccttcnt.3' OrtitatcjJ. T EOAL NbTICE. 1J Letter of administration opnn the estate of Iiiliuel Owens, latoof Wavneshura.dcc'd.. hav. Inn boon unmuxl to Uie underniaiied, notice la hereiiy ulveu lo nil persons indebted to said estate to make Immediate payment, and thiwe hmvlnti Malms aoainat the name to Prrtsbut them propi-aiy auttrauUcaled foranlUeminf. ' J.W.C'I.KNNIKE. '""t Adinlnlslrauir. JjEG AL'1 '0f ifcE". FHiahTho. ff'nWSf'"" upon th estate of Elijah unnrch, late of Center township, dee d.. Hi hilfKHSr1""!. tn ",c nndersiaey, notice is hereby jriven fonll persona Indebted to aald aemtetrf triakolmmiHflatopiiymetit, ami those hiivinir Helms sralnst the sauie to present them proiierly am hemlculeil for eeltlement. ' ttl, , JNO. C. r'l.K.V.Vf KEN, JT.'.r" 1 - Administrator, M OTICE1 " .Jollee Is hereby Riven that tho hook account. S tULi!n!,r?. '" hfvo been loft Willi Mlmou Kiaurmre, Jnsricnnrtlio Peace, In Wuvnesburn. foe ixmbmsts! collation. Ali clalma not pall byJi'H2 01 WW" next, will be colleStad wltttaosti i' . Jl. CbAY MINOR, ".,M Administrator of 1'hlUp Minor, Ueo'd. t'AL'-NOTICia ' , iAiiera rcsramcntary npon riiiier,oiillet,iiiiiu,wiihlp,,reene onuetv Pa.. liaVlna heel, umnlnl r.. i, . n .1... 1 . , T ' f Itieh I I towllllia lrM. 11- laying heeu Kranted to ttie nnderslgne noUcela' icfcby given to all persons indebted to anld ea- fte to ruake: immediate jiavmervt, and tlioae living claims avalnst the auine will Drea.nl 10 Vayneni., an the auine will einror f;l-flt. 1111 naITalfailJ' SliTf 1 n.rtS I ja. aw1 J aiA- . . . f . ' rorsett em KI.EV, Kxecutor. k DMINI3T1 WTICE. ia.M'.i'.ii itu 1 La m . m . . T . Js'tters of administration hnvinaVuiAti fmt.t Slu tla?iulenihyiifa aeon ths estata nf Susan. .an aelM. lew ot Uie h.iroua:h of Wuyueabnrg, Biiilf.iMiiloe ,1a heivbv given lo all parsons fisiowiiig tbemaelvn Inil.ibted to aald estate to 'T . '"'""sllBle payment and tnoae havlrui .liiis upon ald estate tn present them proper ly aiulteullcatod for settlement. ,,..-'"1" """ i 1". A. KNOT. r,t-w Wayneaburg, l'a. Adm'r. BUSINEHS MAN S COMMERCIAL COL- ,. LEGE,. . V'M. iif)lBT. ClJltA ,P1tHaorfb,ra. Jpibistltullon has Wn Inoperatlrm fbrattala fosrof years, and Is conducted aucceaafnlty by a aoie tmt pa or eBceerw, wuoae onjeot la to max a each THiptl ondarstana Worougbly a vary braaafl L S' .'js'-'lo-.: '' - - - " . ; i I ttei.-.i g. ' . , - :' I -a Ma "t -i 1 . ' ..... n ril:a aKi'-. sol I- .'ic1 ffi T;nlv I , . "" ' ' prsparb taaot tot " j j " i ""n'BU'SlNEeS MEN I )Vok-eepllts?, Tanmanablg and Arltkaa it 1 vir.iiiiiie iiiiiimiieiij Bja,Qf hViAie nywi-aiRifja-aoaiiiiianipaaii ArlUun- Dna) in-sti and Ornamental Pemiianshi n Dair KM nainlfMwi..N.-iv.w.v.H.'..tt...ln ,ttm 10 00 C01A011 KnullshHranches uer month 10 flg Aliiebra, I'fioirhtaraphy ana Buslnsaa Correapof. tyam? unimpunn to aaanaiixiiit. t'afl1 ouW1fqf?'fVAid with a pern. A furl course oajtbe tompteted la elghi waetw. rir cl Vilar or specimens, ' address M-ttnrat.. , k. txITArrWL - h - rrr;TCT OR lARMEIU ANDlTtflERS '' L I (fMftntMfflnral alnt riv ara . iieni.i iieniieat, and most Durable twocoatawell ntltnn mi.ui -ul wire llnaonl nil, wrUlaat or Myuw( It la of a cioiiit, lorn mantifaetBrer having seed sfmo-bbla. ine paai .rear, 1 anu ea a point lor anv Duroeaa la ..- . . 1 , , 1. , 1 1 . , .r ' ' ' T whlosi Tt aft lr llVixaaaw wm. rrux St--; -av-jf-. ' i-i.: si-. , v,v . e 'W - .